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Federations: Dropped "the" from "the Ukraine".
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In an IPF bench press, the barbell can go as low as the [[xiphoid process]] and no further in the lift, whereas in other federations, the barbell can touch the [[abdomen]]. (This shortens the distance in which the barbell is moved and is an advantage to the lifter.)
In an IPF bench press, the barbell can go as low as the [[xiphoid process]] and no further in the lift, whereas in other federations, the barbell can touch the [[abdomen]]. (This shortens the distance in which the barbell is moved and is an advantage to the lifter.)

The IPF has suspended entire member nations' federations, including the Russian Federation and the Ukrainian Federation, for repeated violations of the IPF's anti-doping policies.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://powerlifting-ipf.com/fileadmin/data/Media_Newsletter/Press_Release_Russian_and_Ukranian_Suspension.pdf|title=Suspension of the Russian and Ukrainian Federation|format=PDF|publisher=IPF.com|accessdate= 2009-07-04}}</ref> However Russia and the Ukraine never served the full 2 year suspension.
The IPF has suspended entire member nations' federations, including the Russian Federation and the Ukrainian Federation, for repeated violations of the IPF's anti-doping policies.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://powerlifting-ipf.com/fileadmin/data/Media_Newsletter/Press_Release_Russian_and_Ukranian_Suspension.pdf|title=Suspension of the Russian and Ukrainian Federation|format=PDF|publisher=IPF.com|accessdate= 2009-07-04}}</ref> However Russia and Ukraine never served the full 2 year suspension.

== Gyms ==
== Gyms ==

Revision as of 12:57, 10 November 2011

Squat Movement
Highest governing bodyIPF
First played20th century or earlier, United States
TypeWomen: 47 kg, 52 kg, 57 kg, 63 kg, 72 kg, 84 kg, 84 kg+ Men: 59 kg, 66 kg, 74 kg, 83 kg, 93 kg, 105 kg, 120 kg, 120 kg+
Olympicinclusion in process (currently only participates as a Paralympic sport)

Powerlifting is a strength sport. It resembles the sport of Olympic weightlifting, as both disciplines involve lifting weights in three attempts. Powerlifting evolved from a sport known as 'odd lifts' which followed the same three attempt format but used a wide variety of events akin to Strongman events. Eventually odd lifts became standardized to the three events squat, bench press, and deadlift. They can compete raw or equipped (that is, with or without certain supportive equipment).

Competitions take place across the world but mostly in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Russia and Ukraine. It has been a Paralympic sport since 1984 and under the IPF, is also a World Games sport.


Originated in the USA and the UK in the 1950s. Previously, the weightlifting governing bodies in both countries had recognized various ‘odd lifts’ for competition and record purposes. During the 1950s, Olympic weightlifting declined in the United States, while strength sports gained many new followers. In 1958, the AAU's National Weightlifting Committee decided to begin recognizing records for ‘odd lifts’. A national championship was tentatively scheduled for 1959, but it never happened. The first genuine national ‘meet’ was held in September 1964 under the auspices of the York Barbell Company, Ironically, Bob Hoffman, the owner of York Barbell, had been a long-time adversary of the sport. But his company was now making weightlifting equipment to make up for the sales it had lost on Olympic-style equipment.

During the late 1950s, Hoffman’s York Barbell Company, his influence in Olympic lifting and his predominately Olympic-lifting based magazine Health and Strength were beginning to come under ever-increasing pressure from Joe Weider’s organization. As America’s (and Bob Hoffman’s) influence in the world of weightlifting was declining and in order to combat the growing influence of Weider, Hoffman started another magazine (Muscular Development) which would be focused more on bodybuilding and the fast-growing interest in ‘odd-lift’ competitions. The magazine’s first Editor was the world-renowned John Grimek.

During the late 1950s and early 1960s various ‘odd lift’ events gradually developed into the specific lifts – the bench press, the squat, and the deadlift (and lifted in that order). Bob Hoffman became more and more influential in the development of this new lifting sport and organized ‘The Weightlifting Tournament of America’ in 1964 - effectively the first US National championships. In 1965 the first named USA National Championships were held. During the same period, lifting in Britain also had factions. In the late 1950s, and because the ruling body (BAWLtyA) were only interested in the development of Olympic lifting, a breakaway organization called the Society of Amateur Weightlifters had been formed to cater for the interests of lifters who were not particularly interested in doing Olympic lifting.

Although at that time there were 42 recognized lifts, the “Strength Set” (Curl, Bench Press, and Squat) soon became the standard competition lifts, and both organizations held Championships on these lifts (as well as on the Olympic lifts) until 1965. In 1966, the Society of Amateur Weightlifters re-joined BAWLA and, in order to fall into line with the American lifts, the Curl was dropped and replaced with the Deadlift. The first British Championship was held in 1966. During the late 60’s and at the beginning of the 70’s, various friendly international contests were held. At the same time, in early November of each year and to commemorate Bob Hoffman’s birthday, a prestige lifting contest was always held as part of “Bob Hoffman’s Birthday Party.” In 1971, it was decided to make this event the “World Weightlifting Championships.” There was no such thing as ‘teams’ and thus was predominantly a whole bunch of American lifters, plus four from Great Britain and one from the West Indies. All the Referees were American. This event got off the mark in York, Pennsylvania, at 10.05 am on Saturday, 1971.

Weights were in pounds. Lifting order was ‘rising bar’ (this was long before the Rounds system). The first lift was the Bench Press. There was no such thing as bench shirts or squat suits, and various interpretations were held regarding the use of and length of knee wraps and weightlifting belts. The IPF rules system did not exist yet, nor had world records been established.

Because of the lack of formalized rules some disputes occurred. For example Great Britain’s 67½lg lifter, Mike Shaw, purportedly wore knee wraps which were eighteen feet long, and were objected to by American lifters whose rules allowed for 6 feet. There was no 52 kg class, no 100 kg class, and no 125 kg class. One of the American Super heavyweights, Jim Williams (nicknamed ‘Chimes’) benched 660 lbs on a second attempt (no shirt), and almost locked-out 680 lbs on a third. Some other notable lifts – Larry Pacifico benched the equivalent of 235 kg in the 90 kg class; John Kuc deadlifted 397½ kg; and Vince Anello attempted 362½ kg (800 lbs) at 90.

In 1972 the ‘second’ World Championships were held, this time over two days – 10 and 11 November. This time there were 8 lifters from Great Britain (two of whom, Ron Collins and John Pegler, did stints as Referees), six Canadians, two Puerto Ricans, three Zambians, and one from the West Indies. With 67 lifters in all, the other 47 were Americans. Lifts were still measured in pounds, the bench press was the first lift, and there were still no suits, power belts, or fancy wraps. Britain’s Precious McKenzie won his ‘second’ world title with 550 kg at 56. Mike Shaw ‘lost’ his world title, won the previous year, to American Jack Keammerer. Ron Collins made up for his ’bomb’ on the bench in ’71 and stormed to the 75 kg title. Pacifico just won against another American, Mel Hennessey, at 110 kg, both with enormous benches of 260 kg and 255 kg. At Super (over 110 kg) John Kuc beat Jim Williams. Kuc attempting a 397½ (875 lbs) deadlift again, and Williams benching a massive 307½ (675 lbs) before just missing with 317½ (700 lbs). John Cole, the winner of the US Senior Championships with 1,075 kg, didn’t show up to take on Cole.

The IPF was formed immediately after the contest, and so none of the lifts could be yet registered as World Records. The 1973 Worlds was also held in York, Pennsylvania. This time there were only 47 entrants; 1 from Sweden, 1 from Puerto Rico Peter Fiore – still lifting for Zambia, 2 Canadians, 1 West Indian, 8 from Great Britain, and the rest Americans. The officiating became a bit more ‘international’; Tony Fitton and Terry Jordan from Britain, a Canadian, and a Zambian, assisting with the Refereeing duties. American Bob Crist was the IPF President, and another American, Clarence Johnson, was Vice-President. 1973 was the first time that the lifts were done in the order we now recognize – Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift (although still lifting in pounds). Precious Mackenzie won his ‘third’ World title, easily beating the American teenager, Lamar Gant.

1974 was the first time that teams had to be selected in advance. With 74 entrants this was the largest Worlds so far. The 52 kg class was introduced – and there were 9 lifters entered. In 1975 the World Championships was held outside America for the first time, in Birmingham, England at the Town Hall, hosted by the legendary Vic Mercer. 82 lifters this time. Unusually for a competition the Supers lifted first. This was because the Television company filming the event were only interested in filming the 'big guys'. Bob Hoffman sent over tons of equipment for this contest too – and didn’t take it back, legend says it’s all still being used in the West Midlands.

The establishment of the IPF in 1973 spurred the establishment of the EPF (European Powerlifting Federation) in 1974. Since it was closely associated with bodybuilding and women had been competing as bodybuilders for years, the new sport was opened to them very quickly. The first U. S. national championships for women were held in 1978 and the IPF added women's competition in 1979. In the USA, the Amateur Sports Act of 1978 required that each Olympic or potential Olympic sport must have its own national governing body by November 1980. As a result, the AAU lost control of virtually every amateur sport. The U.S.P.F. was founded in 1980 as the new national governing body, and USAPL subsequently became the IPF affiliate.

Classes and categories

From 2011 IPF introduced the following new weight classes (age categories remain unchanged) as follows;

Weight classes:

Men: up to 53 kg (Sub-Junior/Junior), 59 kg, 66 kg, 74 kg, 83 kg, 93 kg, 105 kg, 120 kg, 120 kg+

Women: up to 43 kg (Sub-Junior/Junior), 47 kg, 52 kg, 57 kg, 63 kg, 72 kg, 84 kg, 84 kg +

Up until the end of 2010 there were 11 male and 10 female weight classes and age categories which are as follows;

Weight classes:

Men: 52 kg, 56 kg, 60 kg, 67.5 kg, 75 kg, 82.5 kg, 90 kg, 100 kg, 110 kg, 125 kg, 125 kg +

Women: 44 kg, 48 kg, 52 kg, 56 kg, 60 kg, 67.5 kg, 75 kg, 82.5 kg, 90 kg, 90 kg +

Age categories

This depends on the federation generally but averages are as follows:

15-18, 19-23, open (any age) masters 40+

The IPF uses the following age categories: sub-junior (18 and under), junior (19-23), open (24-39), masters 1 (40-49), master 2 (50-59), masters 3 (60-69), and masters 4 (70+). Age category is dependent on the year of the participant's birth. For example, if the participant turns 18 years old in January, he or she is still considered a sub-junior until the end of that calendar year.


A competition takes place as follows:

Each competitor is allowed three to four attempts on each lift depending on their standing and the organization they are lifting in (usually smallest w-class to heaviest). The lifter’s best valid attempt on each lift counts toward his competition total. If two or more lifters achieve the same total, the lighter lifter ranks above the heavier lifter.[1]

Competitors are judged against other lifters of the same gender, weight class, and age. This helps to ensure that the accomplishments of lifters like Lamar Gant, who has deadlifted 5 times his bodyweight, are recognized alongside those of Benedikt Magnusson, the current All-time deadlift world record holder.

Comparisons of lifters and scores across different weight classes can also be made using handicapping systems such as the Wilks formula.[2]


The three Powerlifting events being performed by IPF World Champion Dean Bowring

In a Competition, there are three events: squat, bench press and deadlift. Some variations of this are found at some meets such "push-pull only" meets where lifters only compete in the bench press and deadlift, with the bench press coming first and the deadlift after. Single lift meets are often held, sometimes alongside a normal 3-lift event. This is most common in the bench press.

At a meet the events will follow in order: squat, then bench press, and the deadlift will be the final lift of the meet. If the federation also has an event for strict curls this will normally occur before the squat event.

Rules of each event


The lift starts with the lifter standing erect and the bar loaded with weights resting on the lifter's shoulders. At the referee's command the lift begins. The lifter bends their knees and drops into a squatting position with the hips slightly below parallel position. The lifter then returns to an erect position. At the referee's command the bar is returned to the rack and the lift is completed.

  • After removing the bar from the racks while facing the front of the platform, the lifter may move forward or backward to establish the lifting position. The top of the bar not more than 3 cm below the top of the anterior deltoids. The bar shall be held horizontally across the shoulders with the hands and/or fingers gripping the bar, and the feet flat upon the platform with the knees locked.
  • The lifter shall wait in this position for the head referee’s signal. The signal will be given as soon as the lifter is set and demonstrates control with the bar properly positioned. The head referee’s signal shall consist of a downward movement of the arm and audible command “Squat”.
  • Upon receiving the head referee’s signal, the lifter must bend the knees and lower the body until the top surface of the legs at the hip joint is lower than the top of knees.
  • The lifter must recover at will, without double bouncing, to an upright position with the knees locked. The bar may stop, but there must be no downward motion during recovery. As soon as the lifter demonstrates a controlled final position, the head referee will give the signal indicating completion of the lift and to replace the bar.
  • The signal to replace the bar will consist of a backward motion of the arm and the audible command "Rack”. The lifter must then make a reasonable attempt to return the bar to the racks.
  • The lifter shall face the front of the platform, towards the head referee.
  • The lifter shall not hold the collars or discs at any time during the performance of the lift. However, the edge of the hands gripping the bar may be in contact with the inner surface of the collar.
  • Not more than five and not less than two loaders/spotters shall be on the platform at any time.
  • The lifter may enlist the help of spotters in removing the bar from the racks; however, once the bar has cleared the racks, the spotters shall not physically assist the lifter with regards to actually getting into the proper set position. The spotters may assist the lifter to maintain control should the lifter stumble or demonstrate any evident instability.
  • The lifter will be allowed only one commencement signal per attempt.
  • The lifter may be given an additional attempt at the same weight at the head referee’s discretion if failure in an attempt was due to any error by one or more of the spotters.

Causes for disqualification of a squat

  • Failure to observe the head referee’s signals at the commencement or completion of a lift.
  • Double bouncing or more than one recovery attempt at the bottom of the lift.
  • Failure to assume an upright position with knees locked at the commencement and completion of the lift.
  • Movement of the feet laterally, backward or forward that would constitute a step or stumble.
  • Failure to bend the knees and lower the body until the surface of the legs at the hip joint is lower than the tops of the knees.
  • Any resetting of the feet after the squat signal.
  • Contact with the bar by the spotters between the referee’s signals.
  • Contact of elbows or upper arms with the legs.
  • Failure to make a reasonable attempt to return the bar to the racks.
  • Any intentional dropping or dumping of the bar.

Bench press

With her or his back resting on the bench, the lifter takes the loaded bar at arm's length. The lifter lowers the bar to the chest. When the bar becomes motionless on the chest, the referee gives a press command. Then the referee will call 'Rack' and the lift is completed as the weight is returned to the rack.

  • The front of the bench must be placed on the platform facing the head referee.
  • The lifter must lie backward with shoulders and buttocks in contact with the flat bench surface. The lifter’s shoes or toes must be in solid contact with the platform or surface. The position of the head is optional.
  • To achieve firm footing, a lifter of any height may use discs or blocks to build up the surface of the platform. Whichever method is chosen, the shoes must be in a solid contact with the surface. If blocks are used, they shall not exceed 45 cm x 45 cm.
  • Not more than five and not less than two loaders/spotters shall be in attendance. The lifter may enlist the help of one or more of the designated spotters or enlist a personal spotter in removing the bar from the racks. Only designated spotters may remain on the platform during the lift. The lift off must be to arms length and not down to the chest. A designated spotter, having provided a centre lift off, must immediately clear the area in front of the head referee and move to either side of the bar. If the personal spotter does not immediately leave the platform area and/or in any way distracts or impedes the head referees’ responsibilities, the referees may determine that the lift is unacceptable, and be declared “no lift” by the referees and given three red lights.
  • The spacing of the hands shall not exceed 81 cm, measured between the forefingers. The bar shall have circumferential machine markings or tape indicating this maximum grip allowance. If the lifter should use an offset or unequal grip on the bar, whereby one hand is placed outside the marking or tape, it is the lifters responsibility to explain this to the head referee, and allow inspection of the intended grip prior to making an attempt. If this is not done until the lifter is on the platform for an official attempt, any necessary explanation and/or measurements will be done on the lifter’s time for that attempt. The reverse or underhand grip is permitted.
  • After receiving the bar at arms length, the lifter shall lower the bar to the chest and await the head referees’ signal.
  • The signal shall be an audible command “Press” and given as soon as the bar is motionless on the chest. As long as the bar is not so low that it touches the lifter’s belt, it is acceptable.
  • The lifter will be allowed only one commencement signal per attempt.
  • After the signal to commence the lift has been given, the bar is pressed upward. The bar shall not be allowed to sink into the chest or move downwards prior to the lifter’s attempt to press upward. The lifter will press the bar to straight arm’s length and hold motionless until the audible command “Rack” is given. Bar may move horizontally and may stop during the ascent, but may not move downward towards the chest.

Causes for disqualification of a bench press

  • Failure to observe the referee’s signals at the commencement or completion of the lift.
  • Any change in the elected position that results in the buttocks breaking contact with the bench or lateral movement of the hands (between the referee’s signals). Any excessive movement or change of contact of the feet during the lift proper.
  • Bouncing the bar off the chest.
  • Allowing the bar to sink into the chest after receiving the referee’s signal.
  • Pronounced uneven extension of the arms during or at the completion of the lift.
  • Any downward motion of the bar during the course of being pressed out.
  • Contact with the bar by the spotters between the referee’s signals.
  • Any contact of the lifter’s shoes with the bench or its supports.
  • Deliberate contact between the bar and the bar rest uprights during the lift to assist the completion of the press.
  • It is the responsibility of the lifter to inform any personally enlisted spotters to leave the platform as soon as the bar is secured at arms length. Such spotters shall not return to the platform upon completion or failure of the attempt. It is especially important for a spotter providing a centre lift off to leave the platform quickly so as not to impair the head referee’s view. Failure of any personal spotters to leave the platform may cause disqualification of the lift.


In the deadlift the athlete grasps the loaded bar which is resting on the platform floor. The lifter pulls the weights off the floor and assumes an erect position. The knees must be locked and the shoulders back, with the weight held in the lifters's grip. At the referees command the bar will be returned to the floor under the control of the lifter.

  • The bar must be laid horizontally in front of the lifter’s feet, gripped with an optional grip in both hands, and lifted until the lifter is standing erect. The bar may stop but there must be no downward motion of the bar.
  • The lifter shall face the front of the platform.
  • On completion of the lift, the knees shall be locked in a straight position and the lifter shall be standing erect.
  • The head referee’s signal shall consist of a downward movement of the arm and the audible command “Down”. The signal will not be given until the bar is held motionless and the lifter is in an apparent finished position.
  • Any raising of the bar or any deliberate attempt to do so will count as an attempt.

Causes for disqualification of a deadlift

  • Any downward motion of the bar before it reaches the final position.
  • Failure to stand erect.
  • Failure to lock the knees straight at the completion of the lift.
  • Supporting the bar on the thighs during the performance of the lift. 'Supporting’ is defined as a body position adopted by the lifter that could not be maintained without the counterbalance of the weight being lifted.
  • Movement of the feet laterally, backward or forward that would constitute a step or stumble.
  • Lowering the bar before receiving the head referee’s signal.
  • Allowing the bar to return to the platform without maintaining control with both hands.


Powerlifting requires specialized training techniques that are focused on strength and explosive power. Traditional training methods dictated low repetitions with maximal weight.[3] These practices are still true today, however, training methods have advanced to include emphasis on explosive power. This may be achieved through dynamic exercises which utilize lighter weight and alternating repetition patterns.

The squat, flat bench press and dead lift are the three main lifts in competition. In order to maximize their effectiveness at these lifts athletes typically train with a cyclical routine using some sort of weekly split. A common 5 day split consists of chest/shoulders, back, legs and two days of full body routines (light and medium), however there are many different methods. Training consists of mostly compound lifts (a compound lift being any movement across multiple joints) in the 1-5 repetition range.

Using a lower repetition range allows for the use of a higher weight and higher maximum weight development. This occurs because usage of a higher weight (80-100% of maximum) uses nearly all of the muscle fibers in the area causing maximum micro trauma which will induce further development of the muscle for strength. Higher reps in the 8-12 range are used for hypertrophy (size building/bodybuilding) and the 12-20 range is typically used more for endurance athletes. It is not necessary to train for size or endurance because neither matter in a competition.

A well known training method is known as the Westside Barbell method developed by Louie Simmons, or the high volume routines developed by Boris Sheiko. Other alternatives exist, notably the Smolov Squat Routine from Russia.


The federations the most prominent of which are the following:[4]

Of these federations, the oldest and most prominent is the IPF. It comprises federations from over 100 countries located on six continents. Underlying its status is the fact that the IPF is the federation responsible for coordinating participation in the World Games, an international event affiliated with the International Olympic Committee. In terms of longevity and age the next federation in seniority is the WPC.

Although the lifts are always the squat, bench press and deadlift as events, different federations have different rules and different interpretations of the rules, leading to a myriad of variations. Differences arise on the equipment eligible, clothing, drug testing and aspects of allowable technique. The Anti Drug Athletes United (ADAU) and 100% Raw Federation allow no supportive gear to be worn by the lifter while the IPF, AAU, NASA, U.S.A.P.L, Iron Boy and the ADFPF only allow a single-ply tight polyester squat suit, deadlift suit and bench shirt, wraps for knees and wrists, and a belt. Other federations, such as the APF, APA, IPA, SPF, WPC and WPO, allow opened or closed back bench shirts, multi-ply gear, and a wide array of gear materials such as canvas, denim, polyester etc.

In an IPF bench press, the barbell can go as low as the xiphoid process and no further in the lift, whereas in other federations, the barbell can touch the abdomen. (This shortens the distance in which the barbell is moved and is an advantage to the lifter.)

The IPF has suspended entire member nations' federations, including the Russian Federation and the Ukrainian Federation, for repeated violations of the IPF's anti-doping policies.[5] However Russia and Ukraine never served the full 2 year suspension.


Well-known power lifting gyms across the US include Westside Barbell, Big Iron Gym and SuperTraining Gym.

Global Database

The global meet results are available in search able web database. [57]

World champions

The various federations have their own championships. The IPF's recognition by the International Olympic Committee as the official governing body, as well its longevity has resulted in their championships being deemed the official world championships, and the results of these are shown below. However, other respected federations have had their own world champions also (much as boxing world champions are divided among a myriad of organizations). For world champions associated with other federations see the articles for those federations for more information.

Source for IPF results: hickoksports.com


IPF world champions

Year 52 kilograms 56 kilograms 60 kilograms 67.5 kilograms 75 kilograms 82.5 kilograms 90 kilograms 100 kilograms 110 kilograms 125 kilograms Open
1971 None United Kingdom Precious McKenzie United States McKinney United Kingdom Shaw United States Crawford United States Barnes United States Larry Pacifico None United States Snitkin None United States Hugh Cassidy
1972 None United Kingdom Precious McKenzie United States Franklin Riley United States Keammerer United Kingdom Ron Collins United States Vince Anello United States Jones None United States Larry Pacifico None United States John Kuc
1973[6] None United Kingdom Precious McKenzie United States Allen Lord United States Donald Blue United Kingdom Ron Collins United States Robert McKee United States Anthony Fratto United States William Seno United States Larry Pacifico None United States Don Reinhoudt
1974[7] Japan Hideaki Inaba United States John Bojazi United States Allen Lord United States Donald Blue United Kingdom Ron Collins United States Ernie Frantz United States Paul Woods United States Larry Pacifico United States John Kuc None United States Don Reinhoudt
1975[8] Japan Hideaki Inaba United States Lamar Gant United States Enrique Hernandez United States Jack Welch United States Walter Thomas United Kingdom Ron Collins United States Edward Ravenscroft United States Larry Pacifico United States Doug Young None United States Don Reinhoudt
1976[9] Japan Hideaki Inaba United States Lamar Gant United Kingdom Eddie Pengelly Canada Mauro Di Pasquale United Kingdom Bill West United Kingdom Ron Collins United States Larry Pacifico United States Paul Jordan United States Doug Young None United States Don Reinhoudt
1977[10] Japan Hideaki Inaba United States Lamar Gant United Kingdom Eddie Pengelly United States Rick Gaugler United States Joseph Rhodes United Kingdom Ron Collins United States Vince Anello United StatesLarry Pacifico United States Doug Young None Finland Taito Haara
1978[11] Japan Hideaki Inaba New Zealand Precious McKenzie United States Lamar Gant United States Mike Bridges United Kingdom Peter Fiore United States Walter Thomas United States Vince Anello United States Larry Pacifico United States Terry McCormick None United States Doyle Kennedy
1979[12] Japan Hideaki Inaba United States Lamar Gant United Kingdom Eddie Pengelly Canada James Moir United States Mike Bridges United Kingdom Ron Collins Canada Tom Campbell United States Larry Pacifico United States John Kuc None United States Bill Kazmaier
1980[13] Japan Hideaki Inaba New Zealand Precious McKenzie United States Lamar Gant United States Rickey Crain United States Rick Gaugler United States Mike Bridges
United StatesAnthony Carpino
Later DQ so

passed to
United Kingdom Bill West
United States Ernie Frantz
Later DQ so

passed to
United States Vince Anello
United StatesChip McCain
Later DQ so
passed to
United States Mark Dimiduk
United States John Kuc None United States Dave Waddington
Later DQ so
passed to
United States Doyle Kennedy
1981[14] Japan Hideaki Inaba Japan Hiroyuki Isagawa United States Lamar Gant United States Joe Bradley United States Steve Alexander United States Mike Bridges United States Walter Thomas United States Jim Cash Finland Reijo Kiviranta United States Ernie Hackett United States Paul Wrenn
1982[15] Japan Hideaki Inaba United States Lamar Gant Finland Kullervo Lampela Sweden Stefan Nentis United States Rickey Crain United States Mike Bridges United States Walter Thomas Sweden Kenneth Mattsson Finland Hannu Saarelainen United States John Gamble Canada Tom Magee
1983[16] Japan Hideaki Inaba United States Lamar Gant Sweden Göran Henrysson United States Bob Wahl United States Rickey Crain United States Mike Bridges Sweden Kenneth Mattsson United States Fredrick Hatfield United States Steve Wilson Sweden Lars Norén United States Bill Kazmaier
1984[17] United States Chuck Dunbar United States Lamar Gant Sweden Göran Henrysson United States Dan Austin United States Gene Bell United States Ed Coan United States Dennis Wright United Kingdom Tony Stevens United States Dave Jacoby Netherlands Ab Wolders United States Lee Moran
1985[18] Japan Hideaki Inaba Japan Hiroyuki Isagawa Sweden Göran Henrysson United Kingdom Eddie Pengelly Belgium Eric Coppin Finland Jarmo Virtanen United Kingdom David Caldwell United Kingdom Tony Stevens United States Dave Jacoby United States Tom Henderson Netherlands Cees de Vreugd
1986[19] Japan Hideaki Inaba Japan Hiroyuki Isagawa United States Lamar Gant United States Dan Austin Canada Rick Crilly Finland Jarmo Virtanen Finland Jari Tahtinen United Kingdom Tony Stevens United States Fredrick Hatfield Sweden Lars Norén United States Mike Hall
1987[20] Japan Hideaki Inaba Republic of Ireland Gerard McNamara United States Lamar Gant United States Dan Austin Finland Jarmo Virtanen United States Gene Bell Belgium Eric Coppin Sweden Connie Nilsson United States Dave Jacoby United Kingdom John Neighbour Sweden Lars Norén
1988[21] Japan Hideaki Inaba Japan Hiroyuki Isagawa United States Lamar Gant United States Dan Austin Finland Jarmo Virtanen Finland Hannu Malinen United States Gene Bell United States Ed Coan United States Dave Jacoby Finland Kyösti Vilmi United States O.D. Wilson
1989[22] Japan Hideaki Inaba Japan Hiroyuki Isagawa United States Lamar Gant United States Dan Austin United States Ausby Alexander Finland Jarmo Virtanen United States George Herring United States Ed Coan
GermanyNorbert Siodlacek
Later DQ so

passed to
Republic of Ireland Gerry O'Grady
United Kingdom John Neighbour Finland Kyösti Vilmi United States Mike Hall
1990[23] Japan Hideaki Inaba United Kingdom Gary Simes United States Lamar Gant United States Dan Austin United States Ausby Alexander Finland Jarmo Virtanen United States George Herring Finland Juha Hyttinen Finland Aarre Kappyla Finland Kyösti Vilmi France Jean-Pierre Brulois
1991[24] Japan Hideaki Inaba Japan Hiroyuki Isagawa Netherlands Gerard Tromp United States Dan Austin United States David Ricks Soviet Union Alexander Lekomstev
Later DQ so
passed to
Netherlands Piet Van Haaren
United States Sylvester Anderson United States George Herring Iceland Guðni Sigurjonsson United States Kirk Karwoski Iceland Hjalti Arnason
Later DQ so
passed to
Germany Hans Zerhoch[25]
1992[26] Russia Sergey Zhuravliev Indonesia Denis Thios Republic of Ireland Gerard McNamara United States Dan Austin United States David Ricks Finland Jarmo Virtanen United States Sly Anderson United Kingdom Brian Reynolds United States Dave Jacoby United States Kirk Karwoski Germany Hans Zerhoch
1993[27] Poland Andrzej Stanaszek Indonesia Denis Thios Indonesia Talambanua Nanda Kazakhstan Alexey Sivokon United States David Ricks Finland Jarmo Virtanen United States Gene Bell United States Ed Coan United States Philipp Farmer
Later DQ so
passed to
Russia Andrey Mustrikov
United States Kirk Karwoski Germany Hans Zerhoch
1994[28] Poland Andrzej Stanaszek Japan Hiroyuki Isagawa Belgium Wim Elyn Kazakhstan Alexey Sivokon United States David Ricks United States Walter Thomas Germany Frank Schramm United States Ed Coan United States Kirk Karwoski Ukraine Viktor Naleikin Austria Karl Saliger
1995[29] Poland Andrzej Stanaszek Russia Konstantin Pavlov Belgium Wim Elyn Poland Jan Wilczynski Ukraine Sirajoutin Bazaev Finland Jarmo Virtanen Finland Janne Toivanen United States Ed Coan New Zealand Derek Pomana United States Kirk Karwoski Ukraine Yuriy Spinov
1996[30] Poland Andrzej Stanaszek Russia Konstantin Pavlov Indonesia Darimin Bin Sutrisno United States Wade Hooper United States Dan Austin Poland Roman Szymkowiak United States Gene Bell Finland Janne Toivanen New Zealand Derek Pomana United States Kirk Karwoski Ukraine Yuriy Spinov
1997[31] Poland Andrzej Stanaszek Chinese Taipei Chun-Hsiung Hu Chinese Taipei Yung-Chang Lee Kazakhstan Alexey Sivokon Ukraine Sirajoutin Bazaev Russia Sergey Mor United States Gene Bell Ukraine Oleksiy Soloviov New Zealand Derek Pomana Russia Maxim Gurianov
Later DQ so
passed to
Norway Sturla Davidsen
Ukraine Viktor Naleikin
1998[32] Poland Andrzej Stanaszek Russia Konstantin Pavlov Belgium Wim Elyn Kazakhstan Alexey Sivokon Ukraine Sirajoutin Bazaev Russia Sergey Mor Ukraine Serhiy Romanenko Ukraine Oleksiy Soloviov Russia Alexey Gankov Russia Maxim Podtynniy Hungary Tibor Meszaros
1999[33] Poland Andrej Stanaszek Russia Konstantin Pavlov Republic of Ireland Gerard McNamara Kazakhstan Alexey Sivokon Ukraine Sirajoutin Bazaev United States David Ricks Russia Andrey Tarasenko Russia Nikolai Suslov Ukraine Volodymyr Ivanenko Russia Maxim Podtynniy Russia Maxim Gurianov
2000[34] Poland Andrej Stanaszek Russia Konstantin Pavlov Russia Mikhail Andyrukhin Kazakhstan Alexey Sivokon Russia Viktor Furashkine Russia Sergey Mor Russia Andrey Tarasenko Russia Nikolai Suslov Ukraine Volodymyr Ivanenko Japan Daisuke Midote United States Brad Gillingham
2001[35] Chinese Taipei Chun-Hsiung Hu Russia Konstantin Pavlov Indonesia Darimin Bin Sutrisno Kazakhstan Alexey Sivokon Russia Viktor Furashkine Russia Sergey Mor Russia Andrey Tarasenko Ukraine Oleksiy Vyshnytskyy Russia Valentin Dedulia Ukraine Vitaliy Papazov United States Brad Gillingham
2002[36] Russia Ravil Kasakov Russia Konstantin Pavlov Russia Mikhail Andryukhin Poland Jaroslaw Olech Russia Viktor Furashkine Ukraine Dmytro Soloviov Ukraine Ivan Freidun Ukraine Oleksiy Rokochyy Russia Valentin Dedulia Russia Andrey Malanichev Russia Vladimir Bondarenko
Later DQ so
passed to
Ukraine Vitaliy Papazov
2003[37] Russia Sergey Fedosienko Russia Konstantin Pavlov Russia Mikail Andryukhin Poland Jaroslaw Olech Russia Viktor Furashkine Poland Jan Wegiera Ukraine Ivan Freidun Ukraine Oleksiy Vyshnytskyy Russia Yuri Fedorenko Hungary Istvan Arvai United States Brian Siders
2004[38] Russia Sergey Fedosienko Russia Konstantin Pavlov Russia Ravil Kazakov Poland Jaroslaw Olech United States Wade Hooper Ukraine Oleksandr Kucher Ukraine Ivan Shliakhta Ukraine Ivan Freidun Russia Nikolai Suslov Hungary Istvan Arvai United States Brian Siders
2005[39] Russia Alexey Romanov Russia Konstantin Pavlov Indonesia Darimin Bin Sutrisno Poland Jaroslaw Olech Russia Viktor Furashkine Russia Sergey Bogdanov Russia Andrey Tarasenko Ukraine Ivan Freidun Russia Nikolai Suslov Ukraine Yevhen Yarymbash Russia Vladimir Bondarenko
2006[40] Poland Dariusz Wszola Japan Hiroyuki Isagawa Chinese Taipei Tsung-Ting Hsieh Poland Jaroslaw Olech United States Wade Hooper Poland Jan Wegiera Sweden Patrik Turesson Poland Michal Wilk
Later DQ so
passed to
NorwayAndreas Hjelmtveit
Bulgaria Ivailo Hristov Iceland Audunn Jonsson
Later DQ so
passed to
United KingdomClive Henry
Finland Ove Lehto
2007[41] None Russia Sergey Fedosienko Chinese Taipei Tsung-Ting Hsieh Russia Ravil Kazakov Poland Jaroslaw Olech Kazakhstan Davranbek Turakhanov
Later DQ so
passed to
Russia Sergey Bogdanov
Russia Andrey Belyayev Russia Andrey Tarasenko Russia Maxim Barkhatov United States Tony Cardella Russia Vladimir Bondarenko
2008[42] None Poland Dariusz Wszola Chinese Taipei Tsung-Ting Hsieh France Hassan el-Belghitti Poland Jaroslaw Olech Poland Jan Wegiera United States Daniel Williams Ukraine Serhiy Pevnev Ukraine Oleksiy Rokochyy Ukraine Oleksandr Shepil Finland Jari Martikainen
2009[43] None Russia Sergey Fedosienko Chinese Taipei Tsung-Ting Hsieh Russia Sergei Gladkikh Poland Jaroslaw Olech Russia Alexey Sorokin United KingdomChris Jenkins Russia Konstantin Lebedko Russia Maxim Barkhatov Russia Igor Gagin United Kingdom Dean Bowring
2010[44] None Russia Sergey Fedosienko Chinese Taipei Tsung-Ting Hsieh Poland Jaroslaw Olech Ecuador Jose Castillo Russia Alexey Sorokin Ukraine Mykhailo Bulanyy Ukraine Ivan Freidun Russia Maxim Barkhatov Russia Igor Gagin Poland Daniel Grabowski


IPF world champions

Year 44 kilograms 48 kilograms 52 kilograms 56 kilograms 60 kilograms 67.5 kilograms 75 kilograms 82.5 kilograms Over 82.5 kilograms 90 kilograms Over 90 kilograms
1980[45] United States Joan Fruth Australia Sue Roberts United States Terry Dillard United States Sue Elwyn United States Karen Gajda United States Jennifer Reid Australia Beverley Francis United States Vicky Gagne United States Ann Turbyne None None
1981[46] United States Donna Wicker United States Terry Dillard United States Sue Roberts United States Gaula Crain United States Eileen Todaro United States Jennifer Weyland United Kingdom Judith Oakes Australia Beverley Francis United States Wanda Sanders None None
1982[47] United States Ginger Lord United States Terry Dillard Australia Sue Jordan United States Julie Thomas United States Ruth Shafer United States Angie Ross Australia Beverley Francis United Kingdom Judith Oakes None Germany Rebecca Waibler United States Annie McElroy
1983[48] United States Cheryl Jones United States Diana Rowell Canada Kali Bogias United States Julie Thomas United States Ruth Shafer Australia Linda Miller Australia Pamela Matthews Australia Beverley Francis None Australia Gail Mulhall United States Wanda Sanders
1984[49] United States Cheryl Jones United States Majik Jones Canada Kali Bogias United States Vicky Steenrod United States Diane Frantz United States Ruth Shafer United States Deborah McElroy-Patton Australia Beverley Francis None United States Annette Bohach United States Annie McElroy
1985[50] United States Cheryl Jones Belgium Bernadette Plouviez Netherlands Sisi Dolman Netherlands Tina van Duyn-Woodley United States Vicky Steenrod United States Ruth Shafer Australia Heidi Wittesch Australia Beverley Francis None Norway Tore Eriksen United States Annie McElroy
1986[51] United States Judy Gedney Belgium Marie-France Vassart Netherlands Sisi Dolman United States Felicia Johnson United Kingdom Rita Bass Australia Heidi Wittesch United States Deborah Patton United States Juanita Truijllo None United States Lorraine Costanzo United States Annie McElroy
1987[52] Finland Anna-Liisa Prinkkala Finland Vuokko Viitasaari United States Mary Jeffrey Canada Joy Burt United States Vicky Steenrod United States Deborah McElroy United States Terry Byland United States Maggie Sandoval None United Kingdom Jacqueline Pepper United States Lorraine Costanzo
1988[53] Japan Hisako Yoshida Netherlands Irma Ruler Netherlands Sisi Dolman United States Mary Jeffrey Germany Silvana Bollmann United States Jackie Pierce Australia Heidi Wittesch United Kingdom Judith Oakes None United States Lorraine Costanzo United Kingdom Myrtle Augee
1989[54] Finland Anna-Liisa Prinkkala France Claudine Cognacq Netherlands Sisi Dolman United States Mary Jeffrey United States Judith Auerbach Germany Silvana Bollmann
Later DQ so passed to
United States Vicky Steenrod
Netherlands Liz Odendaal Australia Heidi Wittesch None Germany Heike Buch
Later DQ so passed to
United States Barbara Crocker
Germany Ulrike Herchenhein
1990[55] Finland Anna-Liisa Prinkkala France Claudine Cognacq Netherlands Sisi Dolman United States Mary Jeffrey United States Rachel Mathias United States Jackie Pierce Netherlands Liz Odendaal New Zealand Cathy Millen None Germany Ulrike Herchenhein France Sylvia Iskin
1991[56] United Kingdom Helen Wolsey Luxembourg Malou Thill Netherlands Sisi Dolman United States Carrie Graffam Norway Ingjerd Pytte Soviet Union Yekaterina Tanakova New Zealand Cathy Millen United States Shleby Corson None Sweden Susanne Tjernell-Formgren France Sylvia Iskin
1992[57] United Kingdom Helen Wolsey France Claudine Cognacq United States Mary Jeffrey Canada Joy Burt Luxembourg Marion Hammang Russia Yekaterina Tanakova United States Sara Robertson Sweden Monika Norberg None New Zealand Cathy Millen United States Juanita Trujillo
1993[58] France Natalie Janot France Claudine Cognacq Spain Gema Cristobal United States Carrie Graffam-Boudreau Norway Beate Amdahl Russia Yekaterina Tanakova United States Tammy Diande Russia Natalya Rumiantseva None New Zealand Cathy Millen Germany Ulrike Herchenhein
1994[59] Finland Anna-Liisa Prinkkala Finland Vuokko Viitasaari Belgium Ingeborg Marx Kazakhstan Nadezhda Mir Norway Beate Amdahl Russia Yekaterina Tanakova Ukraine Olena Sukhoruk Russia Natalya Rumiantseva None New Zealand Cathy Millen Germany Ulrike Herchenhein
1995[60] Finland Raija Koskinen Russia Yelena Yamskikh Kazakhstan Nadezhda Mir United States Carrie Boudreau Japan Eriko Himeno Sweden Lisa Sjöstrand Ukraine Olena Sukhoruk Russia Natalya Rumyantseva None Russia Alla Korschunova Chinese Taipei Chen-Yeh Chao
1996[61] Russia Svetlana Tesleva Russia Yelena Yamskikh Russia Oksana Belova United States Carrie Boudreau United States Bettina Altizer Sweden Lisa Sjöstrand United States Vicky Steenrod Russia Natalya Rumyantseva None Russia Alla Korshunova Chinese Taipei Chen-Yeh Chao
1997 Russia Svetlana Tesleva Russia Yelena Yamskikh Russia Oksana Belova United States Carrie Boudreau Russia Marina Kudinova Sweden Lisa Sjöstrand Russia Marina Zhgulewa Russia Natalya Rumyantseva None Russia Alla Korschunova Australia Katrina Robertson
1998 Russia Svetlana Tesleva Russia Yelena Yamskikh France Claudine Cognacq Russia Oksana Belova Russia Jelena Fomina Russia Marina Kudinova Ukraine Olena Shchukova Russia Natalya Rumyantseva None Russia Alla Korschunova Chinese Taipei Chen-Yeh Chao
1999 Russia Svetlana Tesleva Russia Yelena Yamskikh France Claudine Cognacq Russia Oksana Belova Russia Irina Abramova Russia Marina Kudinova Ukraine Olena Shchukova Russia Natalja Rumjanzewa None Russia Natalja Pajusova Chinese Taipei Lee Chia-Sui
2000 Russia Swetlana Teslewa Russia Yelena Yamskikh Ukraine Liudmyla Starova Russia Walentina Nelubova Russia Irina Abramova Russia Marina Kudinova Russia Tatjana Pusanova Russia Jelena Ignatenkova None Russia Irina Lugovaja Russia Anastasia Pawlova
2001 Finland Raija Koskinen Russia Natalja Schapovalova Russia Tatjana Eltsova Russia Walentina Nelubova Russia Jelena Fomina Russia Marina Kudinova Russia Swetlana Miklasewitsch Russia Olessia Rychkova None Russia Irina Lugovaja Chinese Taipei Chen-Yeh Chao
2002 Finland Raija Koskinen Chinese Taipei Kuan-Ting Chen Russia Swetlana Nikolenko Russia Inna Filimonova Russia Walentina Nelubova Russia Marina Kudinova Russia Swetlana Dedulia Russia Tatjana Pusanova None Russia Irina Lugovaja Russia Galina Karpova
2003 Finland Raija Koskinen Russia Olesja Lafina United States Suzanne Hartwig Russia Inna Filimonova Russia Walentina Nelubova Russia Marina Kudinova Russia Swetlana Dedulia Russia Tatjana Pusanova None Russia Irina Lugovaja Chinese Taipei Chen-Yeh Chao
2004 Finland Raija Koskinen Russia Svetlana Tesleva Russia Olesya Lafina Russia Tatyana Eltsova Russia Maria Revva United States Priscilla Ribic Russia Yulia Zaugolova Kazakhstan Tatyana Kudryavtseva None Ukraine Iryna Yavorska Russia Galina Karpova
2005 Finland Raija Koskinen Russia Svetlana Tesleva Russia Olesya Lafina Russia Tatyana Eltsova Finland Päivi Haapoja Ukraine Tetiana Skrypka Russia Marina Kudinova Ukraine Kateryna Borodai None Ukraine Inna Orobets Russia Galina Karpova
2006 Finland Raija Koskinen Japan Yukako Fukushima Chinese Taipei Yi Ju Chou Sweden Anna Olsson Uzbekistan Nadejda Malyugina United States Priscilla Ribic Norway Inger Blikra United States Liane Blyn None Netherlands Ielja Strik Norway Hildeborg Hugdal
2007 None Chinese Taipei Chen Weiling Ukraine Kateryna Klymenko Russia Inna Filimonova Russia Irina Poletayeva Russia Galina Potseluyeva Russia Yulia Zaugolova Russia Svetlana Dedyula None Netherlands Ielja Strik Russia Irina Lugovaya
2008 None Japan Yukako Fukushima Chinese Taipei Chen Weiling Ukraine Tetiana Prymenchuk Germany Gundula-Fiona von Bachhaus United States Priscilla Ribic Norway Inger Blikra Ukraine Iryna Karpova-Yavorska None Netherlands Ielja Strik United States Jessica O'Donnell
2009[62] None Chinese Taipei Yi Ju Chou Russia Natalia Salnikova Russia Inna Filimonova Russia Irina Poletaeva Russia Galina Potselueva UkraineOlena Kozlova Russia Svetlana Dedyulya None Russia Valeria Shcheglova Russia Galina Karpova
2010[63] None Japan Yukako Fukushima Indonesia Sri Hartati Ukraine Tetiana Prymenchuk Russia Irina Poletaeva Russia Yulia Medvedeva UkraineYelyzaveta Byruk Ukraine Olena Kozlova None Russia Valeria Shcheglova Russia Galina Karpova

See also


  1. ^ IPF Template:PDFlink (PDF), p. 2. Retrieved August 12th, 2007.
  2. ^ "More on the Wilks Formula". isu.edu. Retrieved 4 July 2009.
  3. ^ "Big Iron Crew Squat Training". Powerliftingwatch.com. 24 July 2010. Retrieved 26 July 2010.
  4. ^ Powerlifting
  5. ^ "Suspension of the Russian and Ukrainian Federation" (PDF). IPF.com. Retrieved 4 July 2009.
  6. ^ [1]
  7. ^ [2]
  8. ^ [3]
  9. ^ [4]
  10. ^ [5]
  11. ^ [6]
  12. ^ [7]
  13. ^ [8]
  14. ^ [9]
  15. ^ [10]
  16. ^ [11]
  17. ^ [12]
  18. ^ [13]
  19. ^ [14]
  20. ^ [15]
  21. ^ [16]
  22. ^ [17]
  23. ^ [18]
  24. ^ [19]
  25. ^ Results breakdown of IPF Men's World Powerlifting Championships 1991 at allpowerlifting.com
  26. ^ [20]
  27. ^ [21]
  28. ^ [22]
  29. ^ [23]
  30. ^ [24]
  31. ^ [25]
  32. ^ [26]
  33. ^ [27]
  34. ^ [28]
  35. ^ [29]
  36. ^ [30]
  37. ^ [31]
  38. ^ [32]
  39. ^ [33]
  40. ^ [34]
  41. ^ [35]
  42. ^ [36]
  43. ^ 2009 results at allpowerlifting.com
  44. ^ [37]
  45. ^ [38]
  46. ^ [39]
  47. ^ [40]
  48. ^ [41]
  49. ^ [42]
  50. ^ [43]
  51. ^ [44]
  52. ^ [45]
  53. ^ [46]
  54. ^ [47]
  55. ^ [48]
  56. ^ [49]
  57. ^ [50]
  58. ^ [51]
  59. ^ [52]
  60. ^ [53]
  61. ^ [54]
  62. ^ [55]
  63. ^ [56]