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One of the earliest records of the name ''Kurd'' is to be found in a [[Pahlavi]] [[Sassanid]] text in which the battle between [[Sassanid]] King [[Ardashir I]] and ''Madig'' King of the Kurds in the early 3rd century CE is mentioned.<ref>[http://www.avesta.org/pahlavi/karname.htm Book of the Deeds of Ardashir son of Babag], Darab Dastur Peshotan Sanjana, Chapter 5, 1896.</ref> The name of the Kurds proper can be dated with certainty to the Kurdish tribes' conversion to [[Islam]] in the 7th century AD.<ref><cite>Encyclopedia Britannica Online</cite>, s.v. ''[http://www.britannica.com/ebc/article-9046466 Kurd],'' (accessed 4 August 2006).</ref>
One of the earliest records of the name ''Kurd'' is to be found in a [[Pahlavi]] [[Sassanid]] text in which the battle between [[Sassanid]] King [[Ardashir I]] and ''Madig'' King of the Kurds in the early 3rd century CE is mentioned.<ref>[http://www.avesta.org/pahlavi/karname.htm Book of the Deeds of Ardashir son of Babag], Darab Dastur Peshotan Sanjana, Chapter 5, 1896.</ref> The name of the Kurds proper can be dated with certainty to the Kurdish tribes' conversion to [[Islam]] in the 7th century AD.<ref><cite>Encyclopedia Britannica Online</cite>, s.v. ''[http://www.britannica.com/ebc/article-9046466 Kurd],'' (accessed 4 August 2006).</ref>

===Indo-European period=== <ref>http://www.geocities.com/indo_european_geography/</ref>
== Indo-European period ==

By about 2,000 BC, the first vanguard of the [[Indo-European languages|Indo-European]]-speaking peoples showed up in the present-day Kurdish areas in limited numbers. It is uncertain if they migrated to it or if they originated there <ref>http://www.geocities.com/indo_european_geography/</ref>
By about 2,000 BC, the first vanguard of the [[Indo-European languages|Indo-European]]-speaking peoples showed up in the present-day Kurdish areas in limited numbers. It is uncertain if they migrated to it or if they originated there <ref>http://www.geocities.com/indo_european_geography/</ref>

Revision as of 13:59, 31 March 2008

The history of the Kurdish people stretches from ancient times to the present day. The Kurds are an Indo-Iranian-speaking ethnolinguistic group who have historically inhabited the mountainous areas to the south of Caucasus (Zagros and Taurus mountain ranges), a geographical area collectively referred to as Kurdistan. This area covers northern Iraq, northwestern Iran, northeastern Syria and southeastern Turkey. Kurds are also found in southwestern Armenia and an enclave in Azerbaijan (Kalbajar and Lachin, to the west of Nagorno Karabakh). They are also found in northeastern Iran in Khorasan. The Kurds speak in the Kurdish language of the Iranian branch.

Origins and ancient period

Early cultures included the Halaf and Ubaid. The Hurrian period in the mid third millennium BC is the earliest well-documented period. The 3rd millennium was the time of the Guti (Kurti) and Hattians. The 2nd and 1st millennium BC were the time of the Kassites, Mitanni, Mannai (Mannaeans), Urartu, and Mushku. All of these peoples shared a common identity and spoke one language or closely related languages or dialects. These groups are thought to have been non-Indo-Europeans, apart from the original Mitanni leadership.[citation needed] The Median Empire was dominant from the 630sBC to 550BC, and by 400BC the Carduchi had established a culture independent from the Persian Empire.

Kurds are also linked as the descendants of the Carduchi (Gordyaei), who opposed the retreat of the Ten Thousand through the mountains in the 4th century BC. [1]

Other ancient groups included the Mard, Adiabene, Zila and Khaldi.

Genetic evidence

According to a population study in 2001, the ancestors of the "Kurds, Armenians, Iranians, Jews, and other (Eastern and Western) Mediterranean groups seem to share a common ancestry" and were from an old Mediterranean substratum, i.e. Hurrian and Hittite groups and that these peoples have no connection with an Aryan invasion which was supposed to have happened about 1200 BCE. The study authors wrote:

It is concluded that this invasion, if occurred, had a relatively few invaders in comparison to the already settled populations, i.e. Anatolian Hittite and Hurrian groups (older than 2000 BCE). These may have given rise to present-day Kurdish, Armenian and Turkish populations."[2]

In 2001, a team of Israeli, German, and Indian scientists discovered that among the various Jewish communities, the Ashkenazi Jews showed a closer relationship to the Muslim Kurds than to the Semitic-speaking population further south in the Arabian peninsula, while the Jewish Kurds and Sephardic Jews seemed to be closely related to each other. Most of the ninety-five Kurdish Muslim test subjects came from northern Iraq. Moreover, according to another study, the CMH ("Cohen Modal Haplotype") is a genetic marker from the northern Middle East which is not unique to Jews.[3]

In another study, Jewish Kurds were found to be close to Muslim Kurds, but so were Ashkenazim and Sephardim, suggesting that much if not most of the genetic similarity between Jewish and Muslim Kurds descends from ancient times.[4] Genetic distance comparisons in another study have revealed that the Turkic and Turkmen speaking peoples in the Caspian area cluster with the Kurds, Greeks and Iranis (Ossetians). In this study, the Persian speakers are genetically remote from these populations; they are, however, close to the Parsis who migrated from Iran to India at the end of the seventh century CE.[5]

Halaf and Ubaid

The earliest known evidence of a unified and distinct culture (and possibly, ethnicity) by people inhabiting the Kurdish mountains dates back to the Halaf culture of 6,000 BC to 5,400 BC. This was followed by the spread of the Ubaidian culture, which was a foreign introduction from Mesopotamia. In 1927, Ephraim Speiser discovered remains of ancient Halaf and Ubaid settlements in Tepe Gewre (Great Mound) 24 km northeast of Mosul. These settlements date back to between the 5th and 2nd millennium B.C., and include 24 levels of civilizations including Halaf and Ubaid. This site includes an acropolis with monumental remains and fine architecture.[6]

Hurrian period

Ancient Orient and Kurdistan

The Hurrian period lasted from possibly as long ago as 4,300 BC, until about 600 BC. The Hurrian language was similar to later Urartean. The Hurrians spread far and wide, dominating much territory outside their Zagros-Taurus mountain base. Like their Kurdish descendants, they did not expand very far from the mountains. Their intrusions into the neighboring plains of Mesopotamia and the Iranian Plateau were primarily military annexations with little population settlement. The Hurrians (whose name may be seen today in the dialect and district of Hawraman in Kurdistan) were divided into many clans and subgroups, who set up city-states, kingdoms, and empires known today after their respective clan names. The major peoples in the mountain region during this era (some of whom spoke languages known to be unrelated to Hurrian) included the Gutis, Kurti, Khaldi, Mards, Mushku, Manna (Mannaeans), Hatti, Mittanni, Urartu, and the Kassites, to name just a few.[7] Hurrian cultural influence was strong among the inhabitants of Corduene centuries later, to the extent that they worshipped the Hurrian sky God Teshub[8].

Sumerian records and origin of the name

According to the British scholar G. R. Driver, the earliest account of the Kurds comes from a Sumerian cuneiform clay tablet in 3rd millennium BC, on which the name of a land called Karda or Qarda is inscribed. This land south of Lake Van, was inhabited by the people of Su or Subaru who were connected with the Qurtie, a group of mountain dwellers. It is with this name Qurtie that Driver makes his first etymological connection.[9][10][11][12][13]

There are various ethnonyms reminiscent of Kurd in ancient sources, such as Karda in the 3rd millennium BCE,[14] or the Kardouchoi of Xenophon, Persian Gord or Kord, Syriac (Aramaic) Qardu or Qadu and Hebrew Kurdaye.[15]

One of the earliest records of the name Kurd is to be found in a Pahlavi Sassanid text in which the battle between Sassanid King Ardashir I and Madig King of the Kurds in the early 3rd century CE is mentioned.[16] The name of the Kurds proper can be dated with certainty to the Kurdish tribes' conversion to Islam in the 7th century AD.[17]

Indo-European period


By about 2,000 BC, the first vanguard of the Indo-European-speaking peoples showed up in the present-day Kurdish areas in limited numbers. It is uncertain if they migrated to it or if they originated there [19]

They formed the aristocracy of the Mittani and Hittite kingdoms, while the common peoples there remained solidly Hurrian and Hattian (This theory with the aristocracy thing is too old, it may more likely have been so that the hurrians had some culutral influence of the indians cause the only proof to it is that the hurrians hade kings with vedic names... even today kurds have for example arabic names, turkish names etc.), respectively.[20] By about 1,000 BC, the trickle had turned into a flood, and Indo-Europeans quickly outnumbered the Hurrians. Medes, Scythians and Sagarthians are the better-known clans of the Indo-European-speaking Aryans who settled in the area. By 1200 BCE, Medes conquered Hurrian cities and by 850 BCE, the old language of the Kurds (probably from a Dene-Caucasian family) had changed to Indo-European.[21] By about 600 BC, the Medes had set up an empire that included all of the present-day Kurdish areas and vast territories far beyond.

Assyrian records

In the earliest recorded history, the mountains overhanging Assyria were held by a people named Gutii, a title which signified "a warrior", and which was rendered in Assyrian by the synonym of Gardu or Kardu, the precise term quoted by Strabo to explain the name of the Cardaces [22]. These Gutii were a tribe of such power as to be placed in the early Cuneiform records on an equality with the other nations of western Asia, including Syrians and Hittites, the Susians, Elamites, and Akkadians of Babylonia; and during the entire period of the Assyrian Empire, the Gutii seem to have preserved a more-or-less independent political position.

The first records of the name Kurd appeared in Assyrian documents around 1000 BCE. Assyrians called the people living in Mt. Azu or Hizan (near Lake Van) by the name Kurti or Kurkhi. The country of the Kurkhi included regions of Mount Judi and districts that were later called by the names Sophene, Anzanene and Gordyene. The Kurkhi fought numerous battles with Tiglath-Pileser I who eventually defeated them and burnt down 25 of their towns.[23]


Median Empire, ca. 600 BC

After the fall of Nineveh, the Gutii coalesced with the Medes and, along with all the nations inhabiting the high plateaus of Asia Minor, Armenia and Persia, became gradually Aryanised, owing to the immigration of tribes in overwhelming numbers who, from whatever quarter they may have sprung, belonged certainly to the Aryan family.[24] Herodotus (I, 101) had recalled a Mede tribe to be called "Magoi", better known as "Magis", a tribe known to have included many priests, who served both Medes and Persians. By the time of the Median empire (est. 612 BC), Zoroastrianism is known to have been well established in both Pars region (later capital of Persia) as well as in the Western regions.[25]

G. Driver[clarification needed] is of the opinion that:

Some Armenian writers seem to have confused the Kurds and the Medes...The Kurds must certainly be connected with the Karduchi mentioned in Xenophon and the Gordyaei mentioned in other Greek and Latin authors, with the Kordukh or Kortschaikh of the Armenians and the land of Gardu of the Aramaic and Syriac writers.[26]

But some later researchers such as Vladimir Minorsky believe that the Kurds are the descendants of the ancient Medes. Claiming There is no doubt that the term Mar (Medians) refers to Kurds. Furthermore he writes that in the curious Armenian manuscript containing samples of alphabets and languages, written some time before A.D. 1446, a prayer in Kurdish figures as specimen of the language of the Medians''.[27][28]

From about the 10th century BCE, Iranian tribes spread in the area, among them Medes, speakers of a Northwest Iranian dialect. Gradual linguistic assimilation of the various indigenous peoples to this Median language in the course of the Iron Age marks the beginning of Kurdish ethnogenesis.[29]

Contemporary linguistic evidence has challenged the theory of Median ancestry of the Kurds.[30] Furthermore, some scholars argue that modern Kurds have a very mixed ancestry, especially with Semitic peoples.[31]

Achaemenid, Greek, and Parthian periods

The Gutii or Kurdu were reduced to subjection by Cyrus before he descended upon Babylon, and, having furnished a contingent of fighting men to his successors, were mentioned under the names of "Saspirians" and "Alarodians" in the muster roll of the army of Xerxes preserved by Herodotus.

Governor of Gordyene (Gutium) was a Median general named Gobryas who had worked for the ally of the Medes - Nebuchadrezzar - earlier in his career. He was later appointed as governor of Babylonia by Cyrus. Darius I sought to limit the growing Median influence at the emperial court. Medes resented his policy and revolted under the leadership of nobles of the old Median line such as Smerdis[32].

Although the Carduchi were subjugated by Cyrus, but they frequently rebelled against the Achaemenids and by the end of the 5th century BCE, during the reign of Artaxerxes II, they were no longer under Persian control. According to Xenophon, Carduchis even defeated a large Persian army sent against them and at times concluded treaties with Persian satraps.[33]

In 401 BCE, the 10,000 Greek mercenaries of Cyrus the Younger fought their way across the Carduchi's territory.[34] The Greeks chose the path in Carduchi's territory, partly because Carduchis were known to be the enemy of the Persians and were accustomed to defend themselves against the huge armies of the Persians. Carduchis seem to have inhabited the mountains of Niphates, not far from the source of Tigris.[35]

According to Xenophon, Carduchis were very warlike, living in the mountains and did not obey the Persian king. On one occasion, a royal Persian army of 120,000 men penetrated into Carduchi country and not one of them returned. The Greeks were later forced to fight their way through the Carduchi territory for seven days.[36] Despite this, it has been argued that Carduchian mountains in effect presented a refuge to the Greeks, who were trying to escape the attacks of the Persian armies, since the Persian cavalry could not act freely in the range of Carduchian mountains.[37]

In later times they passed successively under the sway of the Macedonians, the Parthians, and Sassanids. They were befriended by the Arsacid monarchs. Gotarzes, whose name may perhaps be translated chief of the Gutii, is traditionally believed to be the founder of the Gurans, the principal tribe of southern Kurdistan. His name and titles are preserved in a Greek inscription at Behistun near Kermanshah.[38] (For a map of the region during the Parthian era see:[39])

Kurds in the Seleucid period

During the Seleucid/Macedonian period, at least one major episode of resettlement of Kurds into western and southwestern Anatolia can be historically evidenced. The episode unfold sometime before 181 BC when a large number of Cardaces are brought to settle in the strategic region of Lycia as a reservoir for military conscript and frontier guardsmen. It is likely that it was the Seleucids who settled these Kurds in Lycia for the stated military purposes (against the Romans), possibly in the last decades of the 3rd century BC. For the year 190 BC, the Roman historian Livy records the presence of several thousand Kurdish soldiers fighting in the army of Antiochus III. The name "Cardaces" or "Cardacian" appears again in the Battle of Rhaphia in Palestine in spring of 217 BC between the Seleucid King Antiochus III the Great and King Ptolemy IV Philopator of Egypt.[40][41]

Kurds in the Sassanid period

A very early record of confrontation between Kurds and Sassanid Empire appears in a historical text named Book of the Deeds of Ardashir son of Babak. In this book, the author explains the battle between Ardashir I and Madig king of the Kurds in the early 3rd century. Ardashir killed one thousand of the Kurds, while others were wounded and taken prisoners; and out of the Kurds that were imprisoned, he sent to Pars their king with his sons, brothers, children, his abundant wealth and property.[42] This battle has also been reported by the Persian poet Firdawsi in his epic Shahnama (Volume 6, Chapters 61,71,72), in which the name of the Kurdish King appears as Mádík.[43][44][45]

In the spring of 360, Shapur II captured the city of Sangara (probably modern Shingar or Sinjar north-west of Mosul). From Singara, Shapur proceeded to attack the strong fort known indifferently as Phoenica or Bezabde on the east bank of the Tigris. It may be considered the representative of the modern Jezireh (Cizre in south-eastern Turkey). It was much valued by Rome, was fortified in places with a double wall, and was guarded by three legions and a large body of Kurdish archers. After a long siege, the wall was at last breached, the city taken, and its defenders indiscriminately massacred.[46]

Some Middle Persian sources suggest Kurdish deportations, particularly in the later Sassanid era. In addition to the deportation of a number of the Barzanis to the province of Carmania (modern Kerman), the Baluchis were forced en masse into the far-off volcanic wastes of Makran (now Balochistan) by Chosroes I Anoshervan (Khosrau I) (r. 531-579) and Chosroes II Aparviz (Khosrau II) (r. 591-628). The Sassanids further resettled the Kirkuk region with Neo-Elamite Khuzis from Mishan/Maysan region several times during the course of the third century AD.[47]

There is evidence of sun-worship among Kurds in the late Sassanid period. Sun-worshipping Kurds lived in the mountains of present-day northern Iraq in the fifth century CE. Also early 7th century references describe the rituals of sun worship and sacrifice of an ox in the region around Adiabene and sacrifice for demons in Beth Nuhadra among Kurds.[48]


According to Vladimir Minorsky, Hadhbani Kurds have been named after Adiabene.[49]

Kurdish vassals of the Roman Empire

Kurdish Kingdoms of Corduene-Sophene (Kurdistan)

Classical histories of Polybios(133 BCE) and Strabo(48 CE) referred to the Kurds as Kurts.[50] The Zelan Kurdish clan of Commagene (Adiyaman area), spread to establish in addition to the Zelanid dynasty of Commagene, the Zelanid kingdom of Cappadocia and the Zelanid empire of Pontus, all in Anatolia. These became Roman vassals by the end of the first century BC. Also the Kurdish Kingdom of Corduene became a province of the Roman Empire in 66 BC when Lucullus helped the Cordueni to throw off the yoke of Tigranes who had earlier killed their king Zarbienus. After defeating Tigranes, Lucullus built a memorial for Zarbienus and called him a friend and confederate of the Romans. Corduene remained under Roman control for four centuries until 384 AD. In the east the Kurdish kingdoms of Cortea, Media, Kirm, and Adiabene had, by the first century BC, become confederate members of the Parthian Federation.[51] Strabo, the Greek geographer considered Gordys son of Triptolemus, as the ancestor of Gordyaei(Cordueni). He has an article on Gordiaea(Corduene), an ancient district thought to be part of Kurdistan.[52]

Kurds under Arab rule

In 641 CE, Arab commader Utba ibn farqad conquered Kurdish forts of Adiabene. Around this time, Kurds lived a partly sedentary life and raised sheep and cattle in the regions of Beth Begash and Beth Kartewaye above Irbil in Adiabene. In 696, Kurds joined the Khariji revolt near Hulwan.[53]

Under the caliphs of Baghdad the Kurds were always giving trouble in one quarter or another. In 838, and again in 905, formidable insurrections occurred in northern Kurdistan; the amir, Aqpd-addaula, was obliged to lead the forces of the caliphate against the southern Kurds, capturing the famous fortress of Sermaj, whose ruins are to be seen at the present day near Behistun, and reducing the province of Shahrizor with its capital city now marked by the great mound of Yassin Teppeh. One of the very well known Kurdish scholars, Al-Dinawari (828 - 889), from Dinawar near Kermanshah, lived in this period. He has written a book about the ancestry of the Kurds.

A Kurd named Nasr or Narseh converted to Christianity, and changed his name to Theophobos during the reign of Emperor Theophilus and was emperor's intimate friend and commander for many years.[54] Narseh joined Babak's rebellion in southern Kurdistan, but Abbassid armies defeated his forces in 833 and according to the Muslim historian Tabari around 60,000 of his followers were killed. Narseh himself fled to the Byzantine territories and helped form the Kurdish contingent of Theophilus. This Kurdish force invaded the domain of caliphate in 838 to help Babak's rebellion. After the defeat of Babak, Narseh and his followers settled in Pontus (north-central Anatolia).[55]

The eclipse of the Sasanian and Byzantine power by the Muslim caliphate, and its own subsequent weakening, let the Kurdish principalities and "mountain administrators" set up new independent states. The Shaddadids of the Caucasus and Armenia, the Rawadids of Azerbaijan, the Marwandis of eastern Anatolia, the Hasanwayhids, Fadhilwayhids, and Ayyarids of the central Zagros are some of the these Kurdish dynasties.

Medieval Kurdish states

In 837, the Kurdish lord Rozeguite, founded the town of Akhlat on the banks of Lake Van and made it the capital of his principality, theoretically vassal of the caliph, but in actual fact virtually independent. In the second half of the 10th century, Kurdistan was shared amongst five big Kurdish principalities. In the North the Shaddadid (951-1174) (in parts of Armenia and Arran) and Rawadid (955-1221) in Tabriz and Maragheh, in the East the Hasanwayhids (959-1015) and the Annazid (990-1117) (in Kermanshah, Dinawar and Khanaqin) and in the West the Marwanid (990-1096) of Diyarbakır. Remnants of the Shaddadid Kurds are found nowadays in the Kalbajar and Lachin regions of Azarbaijan, between Nagorno Karabakh and Armenia.

One of these dynasties would have been able, during the decades, to impose its supremacy on the others and build a state incorporating the whole Kurdish country if the course of history had not been disrupted by the massive invasions of tribes surging out of the steppes of Central Asia. Having conquered Iran and imposed their yoke on the caliph of Baghdad, the Seljuk Turks annexed the Kurdish principalities one by one. Around 1150, Ahmed Sanjar, the last of the great Seljuk monarchs, created a province out of these lands and called it Kurdistan. The province of Kurdistan, formed by Sanjar, had as its capital the village Bahar (which means "spring"), near ancient Ecbatana (Hamadan), capital of the Medes. It included the vilayets of Sinjar and Shahrazur to the west of the Zagros mountain range and those of Hamadan, Dinawar and Kermanshah to the east of this range. A brilliant autochthonous civilization developed around the town of Dinawar (today ruined), located 75km North-East of Kermanshah, whose radiance was than partially replaced by that of Senna, 90km further North[56]

Marco Polo (12541324), famous for the first “world trip”, met Kurds in Mosul on his way to China, and he wrote what he had learned about Kurdistan and the Kurds to enlighten his European contemporaries. The Italian Kurdologist Mirella Galetti, sorted these writings which were translated into Kurdish.[57]

The Ayyubid period

The Middle East, c. 1190. Saladin's empire and its vassals shown in red; territory taken from the Crusader states 1187-1189 shown in pink. Light green indicates Crusader territories surviving Saladin's death.

The most flourishing period of Kurdish power was probably during the 12th century, when the great Saladin, who belonged to the Rawendi branch of the Hadabani(or Adiabene) tribe, founded the Ayyubite (1171-1250) dynasty of Syria, and Kurdish chieftainships were established, not only to the east and west of the Kurdistan mountains, but as far as Khorasan upon one side and Egypt and Yemen on the other.

The Period of Mongols, Timur, Karakoyunlu and Akkoyunlu

The Mongols devastated the Kurdish areas in the 13th century. Hulagu's Army eliminated many Kurdish tribal chiefs. In 14th century, Timur conquered most of Kurdistan and devastated Kurdish tribes. In fifteenth century, Karakoyunlu rulers helped Kurdish chieftains to recover their lost influence. However, when the Akkoyunlu dynasty defeated the Karakoyunlu, Kurdish tribes were persecuted. The Akkoyunlu exterminated many notable ruling Kurdish families and appointed their own governors in their place.[58]

Kurdish Principalities after the Mongol period

After the Mongol period, Kurds established several states or principalities such as Ardalan, Badinan, Baban, Soran, Hakkari and Badlis. A comprehensive history of these states and their relationship with their neighbors is given in the famous textbook of "Sharafnama" written by Prince Sharaf al-Din Biltisi in 1597.[59] The most prominent among these was Ardalan which was established in early 14th century. The state of Ardalan controlled the territories of Zardiawa (Karadagh), Khanaqin, Kirkuk, Kifri, and Hawraman. The capital city of the state was first in Sharazour in Iraqi Kurdistan, but was moved to Sinne (in Iran) later on. The Ardalan Dynasty continued to rule the region until the Qajar monarch Nasser-al-Din Shah(1848-1896) ended their rule in 1867.

Safavid period

During the years 1506-1510, Yazidi Kurds revolted against Shah Ismail I. Their leader, Shir Sarim, was defeated and captured in a bloody battle wherein several important officers of Shah Ismail lost their lives. The Kurdish prisoners were put to death "with tor­ments worse than which there may not be".[60]

Forced deportation of the Kurds

Removal of the population from along their borders with the Ottomans in Kurdistan and the Caucasus was of strategic importance to the Safavids. Hundreds of thousands of Kurds, along with large groups of Armenians, Assyrians, Azeris, and Turkmens, were forcibly removed from the border regions and resettled in the interior of Persia. As the borders moved progressively eastward, as the Ottomans pushed deeper into the Persian domains, entire Kurdish regions of Anatolia were at one point or another exposed to horrific acts of despoilation and deportation. These began under the reign of the Safavid Shah Tahmasp I (ruled 1524-1576). Between 1534 and 1535, Tahmasp began the systematic destruction of the old Kurdish cities and the countryside. When retreating before the Ottoman army, Tahmasp ordered the destruction of crops and settlements of all sizes, driving the inhabitants before him into Azerbaijan, from where they were later transferred permanently, nearly 1000 miles east, into Khurasan. Some Kurdish tribes were deported even farther east, into Gharjistan in the Hindu Kush mountains of present day Afghanistan, about 1500 miles away from their homes in western Kurdistan.

The magnitude of Safavid destruction can be glimpsed through the works of the Safavid court historians. One of these, Iskandar Bayg Munshi, describing just one episode, writes in the Alam-ara ye Abbasi that Shah Abbas I, in furthering the scorched earth policy of his predecessors, set upon the country north of the Araxes and west of Urmia, and between Kars and Lake Van, which he commanded to be laid waste and the population of the countryside and the entire towns rounded up and led out of harm's way. Resistance was met "with massacres and mutilation; all immovable propertyhouses, churches, mosques, crops ... were destroyed, and the whole horde of prisoners was hurried southeast before the Ottomans should counterattack". Many of these Kurds ended up in Khurasan, but many others were scattered into the Alburz mountains, central Persia, and even Balochistan. They became the nucleus of several modern Kurdish enclaves outside Kurdistan proper, in Iran and Turkmenistan. On one occasion Abbas I is said to have intended to transplant 40,000 Kurds to northern Khorasan but to have succeeded in deporting only 15,000 before his troops were defeated.[61][62]

Following the Battle of Chalderan, Sultan Selim I (the Grim), deported several populous Kurdish tribes into central Anatolia, south of modern Ankara. In their place, he settled a few, more loyal, Turkmen tribes. While the deported Kurds became the nucleus of the modern central Anatolian Kurdish enclave, the Turkmen tribes in Kurdistan eventually assimilated.[63]

Battle of Dimdim

There is a well documented historical account of a long battle in 1609-1610 between Kurds and the Safavid Empire. The battle took place around a fortress called "Dimdim" (DimDim) in Beradost region around Lake Urmia in northwestern Iran. In 1609, the ruined structure was rebuilt by "Emîr Xan Lepzêrîn" (Golden Hand Khan), ruler of Beradost, who sought to maintain the independence of his expanding principality in the face of both Ottoman and Safavid penetration into the region. Rebuilding Dimdim was considered a move toward independence that could threaten Safavid power in the northwest. Many Kurds, including the rulers of Mukriyan (Mahabad), rallied around Amir Khan. After a long and bloody siege led by the Safavid grand vizier Hatem Beg, which lasted from November 1609 to the summer of 1610, Dimdim was captured. All the defenders were massacred. Shah Abbas ordered a general massacre in Beradost and Mukriyan (reported by Eskandar Beg Turkoman, Safavid Historian in the Book Alam Aray-e Abbasi) and resettled the Turkish Afshar tribe in the region while deporting many Kurdish tribes to Khorasan. Although Persian historians (like Eskandar Beg ) depicted the first battle of Dimdim as a result of Kurdish mutiny or treason, in Kurdish oral traditions (Beytî dimdim), literary works (Dzhalilov, pp. 67-72), and histories, it was treated as a struggle of the Kurdish people against foreign domination. In fact, Beytî dimdim is considered a national epic second only to Mem û Zîn by Ehmedê Xanî (Ahmad Khani). The first literary account of this battle is written by Faqi Tayran.[64][65][66]

Ottoman Period, 1514-1918

When Sultan Selim I, after defeating Shah Ismail I in 1514, annexed Armenia and Kurdistan, he entrusted the organisation of the conquered territories to Idris, the historian, who was a Kurd of Bitlis. He divided the territory into sanjaks or districts, and, making no attempt to interfere with the principle of heredity, installed the local chiefs as governors. He also resettled the rich pastoral country between Erzerum and Erivan, which had lain waste since the passage of Timur, with Kurds from the Hakkari and Bohtan districts.

Rozhiki Revolt

In 1655, Abdal Khan the Kurdish Rozhiki ruler of Bidlis, formed a private army and fought a full scale war against the Ottoman troops. Evliya Çelebi noted the presence of many Yazidis in his army.[67]. The main reason for this armed insurrection was the discord between Abdal Khan and Melek Ahmad Pasha the Ottoman governor of Van and Abdal Khan. The Ottoman troops marched onto Bidlis and committed atrocities against civilians as they passed through Rozhiki territory. Abdal Khan had built great stone redoubts around Bitlis, and also old city walls were defended by a large army of Kurdish infantry armed with muskets. Ottomans attacked the outer defensive perimeter and defeated Rozhiki soldiers, then they rushed to loot Bidlis and attacked the civilians. Once the Ottoman force established its camp in Bidlis, in an act of revenge, Abdal Khan made a failed attempt to assassinate Melek Ahmad Pasha. A unit of 20 Kurdish soldiers rode into the tent of Yusuf Kethuda, the second-in-command and fought a ferocious battle with his guards. After the fall of Bidlis, 1400 Kurds continued to resist from the city's old citadel. While most of these surrendered and were given amnesty, 300 of them were massacred by Melek Ahmad with 70 of them dismembered by sword and cut into pieces[68].

The system of administration introduced by Idris remained unchanged until the close of the Russo-Turkish War of 1828-29. But the Kurds, owing to the remoteness of their country from the capital and the decline of Turkey, had greatly increased in influence and power, and had spread westwards over the country as far as Angora.

After the war the Kurds tried to free themselves from Turkish control, and in 1834, after the Bedirkhan clan uprising, it became necessary to reduce them to subjection. This was done by Reshid Pasha. The principal towns were strongly garrisoned, and many of the Kurd beys were replaced by Turkish governors. A rising under Bedr Khan Bey in 1843 was firmly repressed, and after the Crimean War the Turks strengthened their hold on the country.

Kurdistan as an administrative entity had a brief and shaky existence of 17 years between 13 December 1847 (following Bedirhan Bey's revolt) and 1864, under the initiative of Koca Mustafa Reşit Pasha during the Tanzimat period (1839-1876) of the Ottoman Empire. The capital of the province was, at first, Ahlat, and covered Diyarbekir, Muş, Van, Hakkari, Cizre, Botan and Mardin. In the following years, the capital was transferred several times, first from Ahlat to Van, then to Muş and finally to Diyarbakır. Its area was reduced in 1856 and the province of Kurdistan within the Ottoman Empire was abolished in 1864. Instead, the former provinces of Diyarbekir and Van have been re-constituted [69] Around 1880, Shaikh Ubaidullah led a revolt aiming at bringing the areas between Lakes Van and Urmia under his own rule, however Ottoman and Qajar forces succeeded in defeating the revolt [70].

Bedr Khan of Botan, 1830

The modernizing and centralizing efforts of Sultan Mahmud II, antagonized Kurdish feudal chiefs. As a result two powerful Kurdish families rebelled against the Ottomans in 1830. Bedr Khan of Botan rose up in the west of Kurdistan, around Diyarbakır, and Muhammad Pasha of Rawanduz rebelled in the east and established his authority in Mosul and Erbil. At this time, Turkish troops were preoccupied with invading Egyptian troops in Syria and were unable to suppress the revolt. As a result, Bedr Khan extended his authority to Diyarbakır, Siverik (Siverek), Veransher (Viranşehir), Sairt (Siirt), Sulaimania and Sauj Bulaq (Mahabad). He established a Kurdish state in these regions until 1845. He struck his own coins, and his name was included in Friday sermons. In 1847, the Turkish forces turned their attention toward this area, and defeated Bedr Khan and exiled him to Crete. He was later allowed to return to Damascus, where he lived until his death in 1868. After him, there were further revolts in 1850 and 1852.[71]

Shaikh Ubaidullah's Revolt, 1880-1881

Kurdish costumes, 1873.

The Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78 was followed by the attempt of Sheikh Obaidullah in 1880 - 1881 to found an independent Kurd principality under the protection of Turkey. The attempt, at first encouraged by the Porte, as a reply to the projected creation of an Armenian state under the suzerainty of Russia, collapsed after Obaidullah's raid into Persia, when various circumstances led the central government to reassert its supreme authority. Until the Russo-Turkish War of 1828-1829 there had been little hostile feeling between the Kurds and the Armenians, and as late as 1877-1878 the mountaineers of both races had co-existed fairly well together.

In 1891 the activity of the Armenian Committees induced the Porte to strengthen the position of the Kurds by raising a body of Kurdish irregular cavalry, which was well-armed and called Hamidieh soldiers after the Sultan Abd-ul-Hamid II. Minor disturbances constantly occurred, and were soon followed by the massacre of Armenians at Sasun and other places, 1894 - 1896, in which the Kurds took an active part. Some of the separatist Kurds, aimed to establish a separate Kurdish state.

Modern history of the Kurds, 1918 - present

Ba'athist in Iraq

1992 Kurdistan

When Ba'athist administrators thwarted Kurdish nationalist ambitions in Iraq, war broke out in the 1960s. In 1970, the Kurds rejected limited territorial self-rule within Iraq, demanding larger areas including the oil-rich Kirkuk region.[citation needed]

Turkey in Iraq

On February 21, 2008 Turkey invaded Northern Iraq against the PKK. See 2008 Turkish incursion into northern Iraq.

For more recent Kurdish history see Kurdish people, Iranian Kurdistan, Turkish Kurdistan, Iraqi Kurdistan, Kurds in Turkey and Kurds in Syria.
This article uses text from 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica.

See also


  1. ^ Origins, Encyclopaedia Kurdistanica
  2. ^ HLA alleles and haplotypes in the Turkish population: relatedness to Kurds, Armenians and other Mediterraneans.
  3. ^ barzan.com [dead link]
  4. ^ Comparing DNA Patterns of Sephardi, Ashkenazi & Kurdish Jews
  5. ^ Genes and people in the caspian littoral: A population genetic study in northern Iran
  6. ^ Tepe Gewre, The Columbia Encyclopaedia, Sixth Edition.
  7. ^ Keo - History
  8. ^ Olaf A. Toffteen, Notes on Assyrian and Babylonian Geography, The American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, pp.323-357, 1907, p.341
  9. ^ Hakan Ozoglu, Kurdish notables and the Ottoman State, 2004, SUNY Press, 186 pp., ISBN 0791459934 (See p.23)
  10. ^ Ora Scwartz-Be'eri, The Jews of Kurdistan: daily life, customs, arts and crafts, Published 2003 UPNE, 272 pp., ISBN 9652782386. (see page 25).
  11. ^ Wixman, R. , The peoples of the USSR (An ethnographic handbook), Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, Inc. 1984.
  12. ^ A. Arnaiz-Villena, E. Gomez-Casado, J. Martinez-Laso, Population genetic relationships between Mediterranean populations determined by HLA allele distribution and a historic perspective Tissue Antigens 60 (2), 2002, pp.111–121. (see pp.117-118)
  13. ^ Yona Sabar, The Folk Literature of the Kurdistani Jews: An Anthology, 1982, Yale University Press, 254 pp., ISBN 0300026986
  14. ^ Driver, G. K. The Name Kurd and its Philological Connections; JRAS, 1923.
  15. ^ Hennerbichler 2004: Die Kurden by Ferdinand Hennerbichler, ISBN 963-214-575-5, pubd by the author, Dr. Ferdinand Hennerbichler, Edition fhe, Albert es Hennerbichler Bt., H-9200 Mosonmagyarovar, Slovakia, 2004.
  16. ^ Book of the Deeds of Ardashir son of Babag, Darab Dastur Peshotan Sanjana, Chapter 5, 1896.
  17. ^ Encyclopedia Britannica Online, s.v. Kurd, (accessed 4 August 2006).
  18. ^ http://www.geocities.com/indo_european_geography/
  19. ^ http://www.geocities.com/indo_european_geography/
  20. ^ Keo - History
  21. ^ A. Arnaiz-Villena, J. Martinez-Laso and J. Alonso-Garcia, The correlation Between Languages and Genes: The Usko-Mediterranean Peoples, Human Immunology, Vol. 62, p.1057, 2001.
  22. ^ The Encyclopædia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature, Hugh Chisholm, page: 950, Published 1911[1]
  23. ^ G. Maspero, A. H. Sayce, History of Egypt, Part 6, Kessinger Publishers, 2003, ISBN 0-7661-3509-8, pp.210,213
  24. ^ K/KU/KURDISTAN COUNTRY .htm - LoveToKnow 1911
  25. ^ Mary Boyce "Zoroastrians, Their Religious Beliefs and Practices"
  26. ^ G. R. Driver, Studies in Kurdish History, Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, University of London, 1922, pp. 491-511, p. 493
  27. ^ V. Minorsky. Studies in Caucasian History. London: Taylor's Foreign Press, 1953.
  28. ^ Prof. Gernot Windfuhr in the article: Isoglosses: A Sketch on Persians and Parthians, Kurds and Medes, in Hommages et Opera Minora, Monumentum H. S. Nyberg, Vol. 2, Acta Iranica 5. Tehran-Liège: Bibliothèque Pahlavi, 457-472: "The majority of those who now speak Kurdish most likely were formerly speakers of Median dialect".
  29. ^ A. Arnaiz-Villena, J. Martiez-Lasoa and J. Alonso-Garcia, The correlation Between Languages and Genes: The Usko-Mediterranean Peoples Human Immunology 62 (2001) No. 9:1057.
  30. ^ Armenians and Kurds, Library of Congress Country Studies, 1995.
  31. ^ Philip G. Kreyenbroek (1992). The Kurds: A Contemporary Overview. Routledge. pp. pp. 11. ISBN 0415072654. OCLC 24247652. {{cite book}}: |pages= has extra text (help); Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)
  32. ^ W. F. Albright, The Date and Personality of the Chronicler, Journal of Biblical Literature, pp.104-124, 1921, p.112
  33. ^ Xenophon, Anabasis 3.5.16 [2]
  34. ^ Carduchi, Encyclopaedia Iranica
  35. ^ The Works of Sir Walter Raleigh, Book III, Chapter X, pp. 215-216, By Sir Walter Raleigh, William Oldys, Thomas Birch, Oxford University Press, 1829.
  36. ^ Xenophon, The Anabasis, Or Expedition of Cyrus, and the Memorabilia of Socrates, Translated by John Selby Watson, Maurice W. Mather and Joseph William Hewitt, 1854, 518 pp., Original from Harvard University, available in Digitized form pp.105-107, 116-117, Books III, IV.
  37. ^ James Rennell, Illustrations of the Expedition of Cyrus, 1816, p.173
  38. ^ K/KU/KURDISTAN PROV .htm - LoveToKnow 1911
  39. ^ http://www.livius.org/a/1/maps/parthia_map.jpg
  40. ^ Keo - History
  41. ^ The Seleucid Army: Organization and Tactics in the Great Campaigns, by Bezalel Bar-Kochva, Cambridge University Press, 1976, ISBN 0-521-20667-7, p.50 [3]
  42. ^ [4] (Chapter 5)
  43. ^ http://persian.packhum.org/persian/pf?file=06801286&pn=206#p206
  44. ^ http://persian.packhum.org/persian/pf?file=06801286&ct=71
  45. ^ http://persian.packhum.org/persian/pf?file=06801286&ct=72
  46. ^ The Seven Great Monarchies, by George Rawlinson, The Seventh Monarchy, Part A
  47. ^ Keo - History
  48. ^ Michael G. Morony, Iraq after the Muslim conquest, Princeton University Press, 1984.
  49. ^ V. Minrosky, Roman and Byzantine Campaigns in Atropatene, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 1944, p.244.
  50. ^ A. Arnaiz-Villena, J. Martinez-Laso and J. Alonso-Garcia, The correlation Between Languages and Genes: The Usko-Mediterranean Peoples, Human Immunology, Vol. 62, p.1057, 2001.
  51. ^ Keo - History
  52. ^ G.R. Driver, Studies in Kurdish History, pp.491-511, Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, University of London, 1922.
  53. ^ Michael G. Morony, Iraq after the Muslim conquest, Princeton University Press, 1984, p.266
  54. ^ I. Sevcenko, Review of New Cambridge History of the Byzantine Empire. Slavic Review, p.111, 1968.
  55. ^ M. Izady, The Kurds: A Concise Handbook, Taylor & Francis, 1992, p.42.
  56. ^ [5]
  57. ^ [6], p.55
  58. ^ H. Ozoglu, State-Tribe Relations: Kurdish Tribalism in the 16th and 17th Century Ottoman Empire, British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 1996, p.11
  59. ^ Sharafnama: History of the Kurish Nation
  60. ^ http://persian.packhum.org/persian/pf?file=90001014&ct=16&rqs=573&rqs=596
  61. ^ Deportations
  62. ^ John Perry, Forced Migration in Iran During the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, Iranian Studies, VIII-4, 1975.
  63. ^ Keo - History
  64. ^ DIMDIM
  65. ^ ISBN 0-89158-296-7
  66. ^ O. Dzh. Dzhalilov, Kurdski geroicheski epos "Zlatoruki Khan" (The Kurdish heroic epic "Gold-hand Khan"), Moscow, 1967, pp. 5-26, 37-39, 206.
  67. ^ James J. Reid, Rozhîkî Revolt, 1065/1655, Journal of Kurdish Studies, Vol.3, pp.13-40, 2000.
  68. ^ James J. Reid, Batak 1876: a massacre and its significance, Journal of Genocide Research, 2(3), pp.375-409, 2000.
  69. ^ [7]
  70. ^ C. Dahlman, The Political Geography of Kurdistan, Eurasian Geography and Economics, Vol. 43, No.4, 2002, p.278
  71. ^ W. G. Elphinston, The Kurdish Question, Journal of International Affairs, Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1946, p.93