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→‎Quantum mechanics: New results make Hardy's paradox a sought-after article
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* [[Abderhalden-Fauser reaction]]
* [[Abderhalden-Fauser reaction]]
See the medical entry here [http://diccionario.babylon.com/Reacci%C3%B3n_de_Abderhalden-Fauser#Medicina]
See the medical entry here [http://diccionario.babylon.com/Reacci%C3%B3n_de_Abderhalden-Fauser#Medicina]

* [[Cerebellar Stimulation]]
A specific exercise routine that is supposed to help with dyslexia.

* [[NO/ONOO disease cycle]]
* [[NO/ONOO disease cycle]]

Revision as of 17:17, 23 January 2009


Ahad's constant[1] - ARACADE (Absolute Radiometer for Cosmology, Astrophysics, and Diffuse Emission) - Boson Star - Capricornus Void - Captured rotation - Cassini States - Core collapse (globular) - Dark comet - Doppler beaming - Donut theory of universe - Dredge-up (of heavy elements from cores of massive stars) - Evolutionary tracks - Galactic ridge - Gordon Dachborden ? - Gravitational Damping - Heim-Dröscher space - Intermediate stars - Interplanetary scintillation - Interstellar ice - Jupiter's radio emissions - k-essence - κ-mechanism (Kappa) - Kyoto DST & PFSS - Marklund convection - Natural broadening - Phase Curve - Realitive star - Rectified image - Religion and astronomy/astronomy and religion - Safe Slot - Small Bang Theory - Soapbubble Superstructure of Galactic Walls - Solar Gardening - Soliton star - Solunar and Feeding Time Calculations - Spatial singularity - Spite plateau - Stellar density - Stellar Envelope - Stellar fog/Cosmic fog - Stellar pulsations - Strahl (astronomy) - Supernova imposter[2] - Triple quasar - Twin star explosion - Twin star galaxy - Z Andromedae variable - z branch, banana branch - Stars with multiple planets - List of Terrestrial Planets - HD 190090 -


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Individual objects

Beta Pyxidis - C/1992 J1 (fr)- CRL 618 / Westbrook Nebula - GRB 051221A(possible candidate for millisecond magnetar)- Local Sheet ][3][4] - Local Velocity Anomaly [5][6][7] - Quintuplet Cluster - Super-Pluton (fr)- VV Corvi- Zeta Herculis Moving Group -


WHIM (astrophysics) (Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium) - Zeldovich pancake [8] -

Observatories, telescopes, and surveys

(See also: List of observatories)

Balloon-bourne telescope (BLAST, HERO, FIRS, &c.) - Brussels Observatory - Gamma Pyxidis - Gotha Observatory - Johannesburg Observatory - N2K Consortium - Rim Star System - Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope - Tasco (company) here -


Boson peak - cavity reactor - Phonon bottleneck - Instituto Tecnologico e Nuclear (Portugal) - Sommerfeld parameter quadratic gravity - ultrananocrystalline diamond (UNCD) - Stellar energy - stretching frequency - bending frequency - Quantum Jitter - Back-reaction - Bare particle - Dressed particle - Plane on a treadmill - proton conduction


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Solid state physics

Greninger chart - Piezospectroscopic tensor - Anistropy energy - Slip model - Semiconductor equilibrium - Optical transition - Acoustic transition - Spin liquid - Racetrack memory - vortex matter - reduced chemical potential - storage time - semiconductor diffusion currents


Linear acoustic equations - Near-field acoustic holography (NAH) - Normal hearing level - Spacial resolution - Sabine's formula - Sound isolation - Sound reproducer lamp - Statistically optimal near-field acoustic holography (SONAH)


Anelasticity - Bhaskara's wheel - Concertina top - coupled maps - Discrete mechanics - Dueling top - Gasing leper - Gasing jantung - Gyro-ring ([9]) Lock step (astronomy) - minimal coupling (explain both the procedure/technique/principle/whatever and the reason for the name) - Mohr diagram - pferdestärkenstunde (a unit of energy) - pure shear - shock response spectra - Variable-mass systems - velocity ratio - Whistling top - love number - Cup of Tantalus

Electricity and magnetism

B: Body voltage- Body voltage 2- Bohr-van Leeuwen theorem C: Charge pumping method - CoupleFil - Cross-Coupled-Filter - cyclovoltammetry (analytical chemistry technique) - cymometer - Coaxial capacitor E: Efros-Shklovskii variable-range hopping law- Electric resonance - Evanescent wave coupler F: Faraday's Sunburst Homopolar Generator (N-Machine) - Ferrotoroidic - Foil electrec (possibly electret?) Friedel Oscillations - G: Ground Current Pollution AKA "Tingle Current" H: Hydratus M: Magnetic field power spectrum - Magnetic Gear - Magnetologic and Magnetologic gate - P: percolation-hopping conductance- Perendev magnetic motor- photo-oxidation- PowerMat- R: Railway dynamics - Rated current and Rated voltage (suggest a look at Underwriters_Laboratories) - Reynolds and Hough rule S: Screw pinch (1 2; Similar to Z-pinch and Theta pinch) - Septum magents - Shunt Choke- Static electrification - Switched Reluctance Machine T: Tesla shield - Theta pinch (1 2 3 4; similar to Z-pinch) - Thetatron (1) - V: Virtual cathode - Z: Zeeman slower -

History of physics

Bernard Bruno Kinsey - Bernhard Mecking - Davy-Faraday Laboratory - Experimental method in the Islamic world - undefineds of List of physicists Song Jin-joo - Shih-I Pai - Leo Piilonen - Silvan Schweber - Fu-Kwun Hwang - Pair Approximation - Steve Chou - (misspelling of Steven_Chu?) Robert Marcley (and Marcley apparatus)

Named effects, theories & equipment


Nuclear Physics

A: Arysio Nunes Santos a professor in nuclear physics; be nice to link to him from the page on Atlantis concerning his theories of its location  · C: Curie plot, a means to count the number of observed particles in interval ranges,as in a histogram of particle energies - Coulomb excitation  · M: Methods in nuclear physics · N: Mirror nuclei · P: pion photoproduction  · P: Principles of Nuclear Magnetism (some of Nuclear_magnetic_moment may be intimidating, but there are many links from there)  · P: pycnodeuterium, a molecular form of deuterium used in cold fusion reactors  · R: real physical nuclear models  ·

Optics and wave theory

A: anti-bunching (photon arivals from single molecules) - Airy beams - Anti-Stokes Raman Laser(ASRL) - AC-Stark effect - B: Beam expander - Beam walking - Bidwell's disc - Birefraction - C: Cross Gain Modulation (XGM) - Curve of growth (spectroscopy) - Channel waveguides (integrated optical waveguide on a substrate) - D: Deuteranomalous - Diffusor - DKL color model - E: External cavity diode laser - Equifrequency surface - F: four-quadrant phase mask (FQPM) - Fresnel's Distance (in single slit diffraction) - Fresnel Biprism - G: Gordon-Haus effect - H: hyperlens (nanostructure magnifies objects smaller than the wavelength of light) - heat retention Hank Green I: Interference imaging - L: Lasing without inversion (LWI) - Lenslet.com - Light diffusion - Lenticular Autostereoscopy - Long Wave Radiation - M: Mode competition - N: NVTherm - infrared vision prediction software O: Optical bottle beam - Optical contacting - optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification (OPCPA) - optical vortices (Sometimes the terms "phase dislocations", "phase singularity lines" and "optical vortices" are used equivalently) - P: PAID histogram Perfect lense - Phase locking in lasers - photocurrent spectroscopy- Pockels readout optical modulator - polarization tensor- Pulsed-Laser Photoacoustics - R: Radiative Power Law - Ramsey-borde interferometer - Running difference image S: Semiconductor saturable absorber mirror (SESAM) - Setterfield-Norman analysis - spectral imagery - Spectrodensitometer- (instrument, measures light) spatial hole burning - spectral hole burning - spectral intensity - spin squeezing - supercontinuum laser light T: thermonuclear transcorder - Transistor laser - Talbot Effect- Triphoton- W: Wall Plug Efficiency Z: Z-scan


photoelectric scanner(PES) - Kramers-Kronig inversion of the reflectance spectra - Cavity Dumper Piezoelectric mirror - mentioned in Piezoelectricity#Actuators for laser alignment. Yablonovite

Particle physics

A: Abbott Farhi - Analytic regularization - Anomalous gauge boson interaction - Anomaly inflow - Anomaly mediated supersymmetry breaking - Anti-de Sitter supersymmetry - Atiyah-Segal axioms - B: Bare vertex approximation - Belinfante-Rosenfeld stress-energy tensor - Bern-Kosower formalism - C: Catalyzed big bang nucleosynthesis- Chaotic quantization - Charge condensate - Chiral quantum electrodynamics - Closed time path formalism - Collective symmetry breaking - Conformal compensator - Connes-Lott model - Cornwall-Jackiw-Tomboulis effective action - D: Delta(I)=1/2 rule - DHR analysis - Dielectric Traveling Wave Tubes - Dispersion relations (QFT) - Double scaling limit - E: Eguchi-Kawai model - Electron positron lattice - Electron spin resonance dating - F: Fayet-Iliopoulos action - Fayet-Sohnius hypermultiplet - Froggatt-Nielsen mechanism - Four-body decay- G: Gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking - GPS implants- H: Haag-Ruelle scattering - Helicity conservation - Higher dimensional supersymmetry - Hodoscope - Holographic renormalization group - Hosotani mechanism - Howe-Stelle-Townsend hypermultiplet - I: Isotropic sphere - Inclusive decays - J: Julia-Zee dyon - K: Källén-Lehmann spectral representation - Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equation - K-shell transitions - L: Ladder approximation - Lattice string theory - Lee-Yang model - Linear dilaton model - Liouville action - Luescher term - M: Mass texture - Matsubara formalism - Minimal string theory - Multiple point principle - N: Nielsen-Ninomiya theorem - Nonequilibrium quantum field theory - Nonrenormalization theorem - O: Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements - Oxygen Deficiency Hazard - P: Paschen notation - Photon-gluon fusion creation process for hadrons - Pinch approximation - Pion superfluid - Planck matter - Potential well model - Precision tests of electroweak theory - Primakoff conversion - Projective superspace - Q: QCD sum rules - Quantum Commutative Constrained Field - Quasiprimary field - Quark-quark correlations - Quaternionic Hilbert space R: Radial quantization - Rajaram Goundar Duality Effect - S: Segal's axioms - Short supermultiplet - Skeleton diagram - Sliding VEV mechanism - Slow positrons - Spurion - Solar Weather - Status of loop quantum gravity - Status of string theory - String ball - T: 't Hooft matching condition - Thirring sine-Gordon duality - Twisted supersymmetry - Two particle irreducible - Type 0A string theory - Type 0B string theory - U: Uncertain Geometry - V: Verlinde's formula W: Wess-Zumino consistency condition - Weyl notation - Wick-Cutkosky model - Wilson-Ginsparg action

Plasma physics

B: Beam acoustic instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Bump-in-tail instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Buneman instability - C: Cherenkov instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Chute instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Coalescence instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Collapse instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Complex plasmas - Counter-streaming instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Cyclotron instabilities (Plasma instability; see Instability for list of Cyclotron instabilities to define) - D: Diocotron instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Double emission instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Drift wave instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - E: Edge-localised mode (Plasma instability; see Instability) - F: Fan instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Farley-Buneman instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Filamentation instability (Plasma instability; see Instability; may be synonymous with or a section could be added to Pinch (plasma physics)) - Flute instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Flux transfer event Free electron maser instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - G: Gyrotron instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - H: Helical instability / Helical kink instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Hose instability (Plasma instability; also called Firehose instability) - I: Interchange instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Ion beam instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - K: Kink instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - M: Magnetic buoyancy instability / Parker instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Magnetic drift instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Modulation instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - N: Non-Abelian instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Non-linear coalescence instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - P: Pair instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Peratt instabilities (Plasma instability; see Instability) - S: Sausage instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Slow drift Instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - T: Tearing mode instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - W: Weak beam instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Weibel instability (Plasma instability; see Instability)

Physical chemistry

A: Ahmad-Cohen - Alignment layers - Used to induce molecular alignment in liquid crystals allowed/forbidden electronic transitions - Andrussov process (mentioned in Hydrogen cyanide) - Anti-material bio-catalysts - B: Biophysical chemistry C: Capillary condensation - Cell Diagram - Changing color objects in a cold place - Color changing ink [10] - Conservation of orbital symmetry - D: Degussa process (mentioned in Hydrogen cyanide) - Density holes [11] - Dilatometry - Disjoining force - Double-sided feynman diagrams - F: Flame Photometer - H: History of elements- I: Isotope exchange - K: Kac potential - Kirkendall void - Kjeldhal nitrogen - L: landau expansion - Lepion - LEPS potential - Liquid color measurement indexes - Lyophylisation M: Major and minor rotamer signals (NMR Spectroscopy) - Mass absorption coefficent - Mesostructural - Meninga coccemia - MIP energy - Macromer - Millon's reagent- N: Neutron spin-echo spectroscopy - P: Parity-violating energy difference - Particulate theory - Powder of projection - Polyhide - R: rayleigh distillation- Refractive index increment - Regge behavior - Reorganization energy - Residual gas analysis - S: Sabatier reactor - Single-molecule spectroscopy - Skeletal catalyst - Spectral profile - V: Vibrational rotational energy

Radio propagation and solar physics

A: A index - Aa index - Active prominence - Active prominence region - Active region - Active surge region - Active dark filament - AE index - Air Force Geophysics Laboratory - Arch filament system - Air Force Space Forecast Center - Ak index - Alaskan Meteorological Data System - Am index - An index - Ap index - Arcade (solar physics) - Arch filament system - As index - Auroral electrojet - Auroral oval - B: B-angle - Background X-ray level - Bartels' rotation number - Bipolar magnetic region - Blind zone - Bright point - Bright surge on the disk - Bright surge on the limb - Burst (solar physics) - C: C index - Carrington longitude - Castelli U - Centimeter burst - Central meridian distance - Central meridian passage - Chromospheric event - Chromospheric network - Ci index - City model - COMEDS - Comprehensive flare index - Continuum storm - Coronal rain - Coronal stream - Coronal streamer - Coronal transients - Corrected geomagnetic coordinates - Crane Global Model - Crane Model for Satellite Paths - Crane Two Component Model - Crochet (solar physics) - Cusp (solar physics) - D: D component of the geomagnetic field - D-Layer - DAH Model - Disk And Limb Activity Summary - Dark surge on the disk - Differential charging - Differential particle flux - Dip equator - Disappearing solar filament - Disparition brusque - Department Of Commerce - Dose rate - Dst index - Ducting (radio propagation) - E: Eccentric dipole - Emerging flux region - Emission measure - Environmental attenuation model - Environmental Research Laboratories - Eruptive - Eruptive prominence on limb - Es-layer - Estimated hemispherical power input - F: F corona - F1-layer - F2-layer - Fibril (solar physics) - Filament (solar physics) - Filament channel - Flare (solar physics) - Fmin - FoEs - FoF2 - Follower spot - Fraunhofer spectrum - G: Gamma (unit of magnetic field intensity) - GEOALERT - Geomagnetic activity - Geomagnetic elements - Geomagnetic storm level - Geomagnetic time - Geostationary Meteorological Satellite - Gradual commencement - Gray-line - Ground level enhancement - Ground-level event - H: H component - H-component of the geomagnetic field - Hale boundary - Heliographic - Helmet streamer - Hemispherical power input - High Energy Proton and Alpha Detector - High latitude - High-speed stream - High Latitude Monitoring Station - Homologous flare - Hyder flare - I: Interplanetary Monitoring Platform - International Magnetospheric Study - Inclination of the geomagnetic field - Initial phase - Integral particle flux - International Consortium of Magnetic Observatories - Invariant magnetic latitude - Inversion line - Ion-acoustic wave - Ionospheric storm - International standard relative sunspot number - International Sun Earth Explorer-3. - International Solar-Terrestrial Program - ITU Rain Attenuation Model - ITU Rain Attenuation Model for Satellites - International Ursigram and World Days Service - K: K corona - Km index - L: Leader spot - Light bridge - Limb (solar physics) - Limb flare - Lobe (solar physics) - Long duration - Longitudinal component - Loop prominence system - M: M(3000) - Magnetic bay - Magnetic cloud - Magnetic local time - Magnetic sunspot classifications - Magnetopause current sheet - MAGSTORM - Main phase - Medium Energy Proton and Electron Detector - Micropulsation - Microwave burst - Middle latitude - Mound prominence - N: Naval Astronautics Group - National Environmental Satellite Service - Neutron monitor - National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center - Noise storm - Non-great-circle propagation - Northern Meteorological Data System - Naval Ocean Systems Center - National Solar Observatories - O: On-Line Data Systems - P: P-angle - P-spot - p.f.u. - Particle flux unit - Phantom command - Photospheric network - Plage (solar physics) - Plage corridor - Plasmasheet - Point-to-Point propagation model - Polar cap absorption - Polar crown - Polar plume - Polar rain - Pore (solar physics) - Post-flare loops - Preheating - PRESTO - Proton event - Proton flare - Q: Q index - Quiet (solar physics) - Quiet day curve - R: R-number - Radar aurora - Radio blackout - Radio burst - Radio emission - Region number - Remote Geophysical Observing Network - Rigidity (solar physics) - Riometer - Radio Solar Telescope Network - Rudimentary (solar physics) - Regional Warning Center - S: S component - s.f.u. - Satellite anomaly - Science Institute - Sector boundary - Space Environment Laboratory - Space Environment Laboratory Solar Imaging System - Space Environment Monitor - Solar Electro-Optical Network - Space Environment Services Center - Space Forecast Center - Solar Geophysical Activity Summary - Short wave fade - Solar Influences Data Analysis Center - Simultaneous flares - Smoothed sunspot number - Synchronous Meteorological Satellite - Solar coordinates - Solar flare effect - Solar flux - Solar flux unit - Solar radiation storm level - Solar radio emission - Solar rotation rate - Solar sector boundary - Solar Observing Optical Network - Spacecraft charging - Space Physics Analysis Network - Spray (solar physics) - Spread F - STRATWARM - Subflare - Substorm - Sudden commencement - Sudden impulse - Sunspot classification - Solar X-ray Imager - Sympathetic flare - T: T-index - Trans-equatorial propagation - Total Energy Detector - Tenflare - Terrain model - Television and Infrared Radiation Observation Satellite - Table Mountain Observatory - Two-ribbon flare - U: U-burst - Unipolar magnetic region - Unsettled (solar physics) - Upsets (solar physics) - United States Space Forecast Center - W: White-light flare - Wing (spectroscopy) - World Warning Agency - X: X-ray flare class - X-ray flare termination - Y: Yellow line - Z: Z component of the geomagnetic field - Zurich sunspot classification - Zurich sunspot number -

General relativity

Achronal boundaries - Affine torsion field - Analog model of gravity - Asymptotically simple spaces - Asymptotic flatness - Bekenstein conformal black hole - Black hole remnant - Black hole stability theorem - Virbhadra-Keeton negative time delay- Bonnor-Vaidya Metric - brane bubble - Burke Theorem - Causal curves - Causality conditions - Charged tachyon - C-metric - Chowlson-Einstein ring - Dynamical triangulations - Einstein-Rosen gravitational waves - Energy-momentum complexes - Friedel-Starodubtsev action - Goldberg-Sachs Theorem - Gravitational self-energy - Gravitational wind - Higher derivative gravity - Inhomogeneous rotation group - The initial singularity in the universe- Initial value formulation - Landau energy - Lapse field - Matter field - Modified dispersion relation - Moller energy - Pauli-Fierz theory / Fierz-Pauli theory - Photon surface - Polar metric - Virbhadra-Ellis relativistic images - Rubber Sheet Model - Self dual fields - Status of general relativity - Taub-NUT space (Taub-NUT vacuum) - Torsion field (currently based on the Akimov-Shipov pseudoscientific approach) - Trapped surface theorem - Virbhadra-Ellis Lens Equation - Vaidya metric - Weakly, Marginally, and Strongly Naked Singularities

Quantum mechanics

#: 10j symbol - 15j symbol - 3 body recombination - A: Adiabatic algorithms B: Barry Setterfield C: Coulomb staircase - D: Diabatic limit - Dynamic Symmetry - E: Entanglement swapping - Exchange degeneracy - Evans Boney - F: Feynman's relativistic chessboard model - Flucidity Theory - Foldy-Wouthuysen transformation [12] G: Ground State Fluctuations - Gutzwiller trace formula - H: Hardy's paradox - Heim-Dröscher space - J: Joined density of states - L: Lower dimensional quantum field theory - O: Optical Bloch equations - P: Phase-covariant cloning machine (PQCM) - Photoassociation - Power broadening - Q: Quantum addresses - Quantum coding - Quantum communication - Quantum Hologram - Quantum geometrodynamics (QGD) - Quantum memory - Quantum repeater - Quantum Time of Arrival - quaternionic Hilbert space (see Quaternion and Hilbert_space) - S: Saturated absorption - Strong and Weak Equivalence - Super Selection Rules shadow brane - Status of quantum mechanics T: Thomas-Fermi profile

Solutions to (including transmission/reflection and diagrams)

Bubblon model - Dirac Equation in curved spacetime -

Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics

Miscibility gap Bicritical point - Convection from electrical conductors - Energy Flux Density - Entropy production - Ideal room temperature - Irreversible dynamics - Isothermal conductivity - Maxwell construction - Mollier Chart - Nonextensive thermodynamics - Partial molar entropy - Phase envelope - Replica Exchange - Response theory - scaling relation - tetracritical point - thermal transpiration the effect that drives a Crookes' radiometer - Vibrational energy - Yang-Lee zeros - XYZ model - XXZ model - XXX model

Condensed matter physics

Continous Random Network - Crowdion - Deformation Potential - Holstein-Primakoff representation (or transformation) - impenetrability of matter - magnetoroton - Matrix Potential - Onsager's solution - Plastic crystal - Phason - Pseudospin - Quantum limit - quasicontinuum - Rouse Model - resonating valence band (Perhaps resonating valence bond is meant) - Snoek relaxation (should be in metallurgy) - spin band - spin liquid - transfer matrix (physics) - Restrahlen band -

Fluid mechanics

Aerodynanics of Qualities of Food - Bodenstein number - Chaotic Advection - chinewalking - Diapycnal - Eliassen-Palm flux - Eulerian fluid dynamics - Eulerian Turbulence - Homogeneous turbulence - Lagrangian fluid dynamics - Lagrangian Turbulence - Microfluids - Palinstrophy - Prandtl equation (see Prandtl number?) - Shallow water model - Shock cocoon - Swirl chamber - Shear - Taylor Microscale -

Materials science

Borrmann effect (crystallography) - COREX (steel making process) - Plastic zone (ahead of crack tip) - Pluriball - Scanning transmission x-ray microscopy (STXM) - temperature dependent fluorescence - Thermo-Calc - vermicular graphite - wear coefficient - bismuth antimony telluride (cited in a Science article as a thermoelectric material) -Scheil reaction diagram (or Scheil reaction scheme. Possibly make a section in Phase diagram and a redirect)

Other terms to be sorted

A: acetate silk - anticyclonic tide - B: bunched field - C: chemicurrent - coherent interface - constitutive law - Corrosion in shipwrecks - D: Dirac cone - E: Energetic Particles - Ergodic problem - Escape distance - F: Formation Fluid - G: Greninger Chart - Geonium - Glassification - H: Halogen Counter - J: Jungersol - Jewel Pookrum L: Langmuir balance - M: Mach-Lorentz thruster - Mean Lower Low Tide - Currently a redirect. Motor effect - N: Nanospheres - Non-Linear Decoherence - Nosé-Hoover equations - P: Partial Oxidation - Point mass discretization - Power Scavenging - Pauli Blocking - R: Raman Cooling - T: Taylor-Couette cell - Taxonomic relict Texton - W: Waterproofing - A surface Phenomenon -

Terms Moved Elsewhere

isolation valve to Wikipedia:Requested_articles/Applied_arts_and_sciences#Engineering


Please go down

Analytical chemistry

Chemistry concepts, classes of compounds

A: Allodyne - B: Baralyme - Box-Lucas criterion or Box-Lucas design - C: Carboxylic Acid Derivatives Colors of compounds - crystallographic axis - E: Electroactive organic compounds - Electropolymerization - Energy gap variation - Exodiffusion - Exogonic and Endogonic reactions not sure if it belongs in this catagory - F: Flame spectra- Fuel catalyst - Fuel catalysts G: Galvanic displacement L: Laviron's formalism - Levich equation - Lindgren Oxidation - Liquid temperature - N: Neutralization equivalent (how to find molecular weight of unknown) - Nicholson's formalism - Nitroaromatic - P: Pseudochirality - R: Rate of combustion - Reaction pathway - Reactive powder concrete - Regenerant - S: Schroeder effect - Steric Number T: Tensio-active W: Water analysis test strips How do they work? - Weiner Index of Compounds -

Chemical compounds






















  • Varsol
  • Valepotriates chemical in valerian extract (valeriana officinalis), many instances of medical, anxiolytic value


Other, unsorted chemistry terms

Environmental science

(environmental degradation from excessive extraction of geothermal power) (more details)
(environmental degradation from excessive extraction of solar energy) (more details)
(environmental degradation from excessive extraction of tidal power) (more details)
(environmental degradation from excessive extraction of wind power) (more details)

Environmental policy



Druzy, drusy, drusie, or druzie the small crystals inside geodes often made into jewellery

Diadochy. The incidence of atomic substitution in mineral structures.

Tenacity. Mineral property - response to mechanical induced changes of shape or form.

Geologic time periods

  • Template:Req This in concept would be a geology reference showing and including a succession of best guess maps showing continental drift effects. IIRC, data more than 2.5 billion years is lacking... so from then to present, circa 33-1/3rd Millions of years apart, would be my choice. Hence one can do a third on the hundred multiples, and go back and build the intervening maps on the rest. I also believe both 50 and 100 million years are too coarse to be truly useful, whereas the three times a hundred give some resolution without too many maps in the project.
  • Template:Req Table of Major and Minor, Geologic timescale xref'd, perhaps some link to geology/geography resultant structures or features in evidence today. (more)

Geologic features & environments

0-9. A.



  • Caustobioliths - include coal, kukersite, etc.
  • Clanalpine - soil type only found on mountains
  • Contourite - sedimentary deposits from contour currents
  • Colossal Cave - Cavern in Southwestern Arizona
  • {[Channel Patterns]} - straight, meandering, braided


  • The Darrans granodioritic range of the New Zealand Southern Alps
















Other, environment and geology








  • Gravity map - see Gravimetry, though that article needs something on gravimetric mapping. See also Geodesy.
  • Guohua, Peng - Chinese miner who survived 7 days trapped following 2008 earthquake
  • Groundwater zone - A division of lands which accords to its geological, topographical, or aqueous features.













Meteorology / weather

See also: #Fluid mechanics


















T: V:


Natural Resources


Protected areas

Esteros del Ibera

United Kingdom

Not geologic or environmental topics

  • Vaclav Smil professor, and author of a variety of texts on natural systems and humanity's interactions with them. an interview
  • Clostridium Butyricum bacteria, causes sepsis but is suposedly "non pathogenic" according to some websites.


Cognitive Neuroscience

Computational Neuroscience


subcategories listed here: http://www.apria.com/services/1,2905,31,00.html Talked to a nurse who did it. Said there was chemotherapy involved. Basically what is the gamut of it and what is studied within its realms? Might have something to to with intravenous therapy or intra-arterial therapy. Someone with medical knowledge needed.

See the medical entry here [29]

A specific exercise routine that is supposed to help with dyslexia.

Have heard it referred to re fibromyalgia and tinnitis but have no idea what it is. A Google search locates the phrase in scientific publications but could not find an explanation or definition.

Device which is claimed to prevent migraines


A a demyalinating of the spinal chord, causing various symptoms including pain, paresis, paralysis, and numbness.

Definition of Lochea ||Lo*chi"a (?), n. pl. [NL., from Gr. &?;, pl., fr. &?; belonging to childbirth, &?; a lying in, childbirth.] (Med.) The discharge from the womb and vagina which follows childbirth.


Journals and trade publications




People in science/Scientists

For help on how to write biographies, see Wikipedia:WikiProject Biography
Editors, please check in this Wikipedia:Requested_articles/Biographies for scientists.


(See: List of astronomers for more information)
A: Abdul Ahad (astronomer) - b. 12/15/1968 in sylhet, Banglades. See [30]

B: Binjacka, (zaboravljeni potok) - James Steven Bullock - D: Duvone Dale (NASA) - See [31] Bernard Dawson - Franjo Dominko - Yvan Dutil - F: Scott Forbush - G: Jean Gay - Leo Goldberg - H: Michael G. Hauser - Cyril Hazard - K: James B. Kaler/Jim Kaler - Muraoka Kenji - Kennedy and Illingworth who researched aether-theories. - Savvas Michael Koushiappas creationist cosmology - L: Francis Preserved Leavenworth - Duncan Lorimer - M: Stephen Maran - Maura McLaughlin - George Michanowsky - W. H. S. Monck - N: Gerry Neugebauer - O: Friedrich Wilhelm Opelt - P: Galianni Pasquale - Frans Pretorius - R: Pavla Ranzinger - Scott Ransom - Darren Reed computational cosmology - S: John M. Scalo - Qutb eddin Shirazi - Bruce Slee - Steinn Sigurdsson - Rachel Somerville - T: Gonzalo Tancredi - V: Heinrich Vogt (astronomer) - W: Z: Andrew Ronald Zentner

Lunar Crater Eponyms

A-H: Augustine Riccius - Christian Thomas Elvey - Ernest Debes - Ferdinand Ellerman - Friedrich Hayn - Gary Hophan - Georg Christoph Eimmart - Georg Samuel Doerfel - Georg Schomberger - Georges Furner - Georgiy Sergeevich Zhiritskiy - Giovanni Antonio Rocca - Grigory Moiseevich Kramarov - Hans Fisher - Heinrich Schlüter - Heinrich Siedentopf - Herbert Schneller - Hermann Ganswindt - Howling Wind, Chief

I-Z: Igor V. Belkovich - Imre Izsak - Jean Felix Gambart - Jeff Gropper - Joel Shamel Alexander Rogers - Julius Bart - Kiragu Wachira - Kurt Heinrich Debus - Lê Nguyên V? - Leonid Alexandrovich Voskresenskiy - Maurice Darney - Mervyn Archdall Ellison - Mikhail Anatol'evich Vil'ev - Nicholas Erasmus Golovin - Nikolai N. Artamonov - Nikolaj Ivanovich Tikhomirov - Nikolaj Yakovlevich Tsinger (Zinger) - Peter Hédervári - Tim Rawding - Theodor Friedrich von Schubert - Vitol'd Karlovic Tseraskiy (Ceraski) - Wladimir Wáclav Heinrich - Zachariah Walker -


Biologist biographies now have their own page: Wikipedia:Requested articles/Biologists. Please put them there.


I can't find any sources. -FlubecaTalk 19:41, 6 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Earth Scientists


(See: List of physicists for more information)
A: Faye Ajzenberg-Selove (1926 - ) [33] -- Betsy Ancker-Johnson (1929 - ) [34] -- Anton F. Andreev - B: Milla Baldo-Ceolin [35] -- Andrew Beckwith - Wilson Bently ("Snowflake" Bently) - Elihu Boldt - Christiane Bonnelle [36] -- Jenny Bramley (1909 - 1997) [37] -- Marc H. Brodsky - C: Yvette Cauchois (1908 - 1999) [38] -- Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat (1923 - ) [39] -- Patricia Cladis (1937 - ) [40] -- Janine Connes [41] -- Esther Conwell (1922 - ) [42] -- Massimo Corbucci (1954 - ) [43][44] -- D: Alvaro De Rujula (17-09-08)- theoritical Phisicist who works for CERN. Auguste De La Rive - Cecile DeWitt-Morette (1922 - ) [45] -- Conrad Dieterici (1858 - 1929)[46][47] Louise Dolan [48] -- Nancy M. Dowdy (1938 - ) [49] -- H. Frederick Dylla - E: Titania Ehrenfest-Afanaseva (1876 - 1964) [50] -- Magda Ericson (1929 - ) [51] -- Robley D. Evans (1907-1996) [52] -- F: Scott E Forbush - Judy Franz (1938 - ) [53] -- R. R. Freeman (Freeman resonances) - Phyllis S. Freier (1921 - 1992) [54] -- Christopher Fuchs - G: Mary K. Gaillard (1939 - ) [55] -- Dionigi Galletto -- Fanny Gates (1872 - 1931) [56] -- Ellen Gleditsch (1879 - 1968) [57] -- Gertrude Scharff Goldhaber (1911 - 1998) [58] -- H: Gail Hanson (1947 - ) [59] -- George Russell Harrison (physicist) (1898-1979) (famous MIT professor) - Evans Hayward (1922 - ) [60] -- Thomas Hertog - Caroline Herzenberg (1932 - ) [61] -- David Hochberg - Frederic de Hoffmann (1924-1989) [62] -- I: J: Bertha Swirles Jeffreys (1903 - 1999) [63] -- Claus Jonsson - K: Renata Kallosh (1943 - ) [64] -- Berta Karlik (1904 - 1990) [65] -- Marcia Keith (1859 - 1950) [66] -- Thomas Kephart - Margaret Kivelson (1928 - ) [67] -- Martha Krebs - Doris Kuhlmann-Wilsdorf (1922 - ) [68] -- Kazuo Kuroda - L: Rolf Landua - Juliet Lee-Franzini (1933 - ) [69] -- Louis Leprince-Ringuet (1901-2000) Thomas Rankin Lyle - David D. Lynch - M: Bogdan Maglić -- Margaret Maltby (1860 - 1944) [70] -- Bernd Matthias -- Alexander Franklin Mayer -- Helen Megaw (1907 - ) [71] -- N: Marcia Neugebauer [72] -- Gertrude Neumark (1927 - ) [73] -- Ida Tacke Noddack (1896 - 1979) [74] -- Jorge C. Novarini-- O: Keith Olive -- P: John M. Palms -- Sandu Popescu -- Emerson Pugh (1896 - 1981) [75] -- Q: Edith Quimby (1891 - 1982) [76] -- R: L. David Roper -- Ramasubramanian.T.K - (req. prior 2008-02-16) - physics professor, TIME chennai, graduate in structural mechanics and civil engineering, National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, famous writer who is well known for his articles in physics as well as literature [77] S: Myriam Sarachik (1933 - ) [78] -- Bice Sechi-Zorn (1928 - 1984) [79] -- Johanna Levelt Sengers [80] --

George A. Snow (?-2000) -- Isabelle Stone (1868 - 1944) [81] -- Tuomo Suntola -- Richard Manliffe Sutton -- T: Team Physicks (Physics Team) -- Marie-Antoinette Tonnelat -- U: V: W: Katharine Way (1903 - 1995) [82] -- David Wallace (philosopher of physics) [83] -- David A. Weitz [84] [85] [86] -- Julius Erich Wess -- -- Sau Lan Wu [87] -- X: Y: Asher Yahalom Z: Valentina Zhelyazkova --

Multi-Category & Other Scientists

Please check Wikipedia:Requested_articles/Biographies if you're not sure your scientist is a natural scientist

  • André Berger - (req. prior 2008-02-16) - meteorologist
  • Pantó György - (req. prior 2008-02-16) - Geochemical scientist
  • Roger Chao (req.2008-5-16), 2006 Young Adventurer of the Year, Elected Member of the of Explorers Club, Fellow of the Royal Geographic Society, Youngest unassisted crossing of Greenland, East to West, First unsupported winter traverse of the eastern and western arthurs and ascent of Federation Peak, led 3 australian geographic society sponsored expeditions, australia
  • Bernard Wood (paleoanthropologist) -

Currently unsorted

(Please try to place items in the appropriate category)



















