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Christmas controversies

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Christmas controversy refers to publicized controversy surrounding public acknowledgment or celebration of the Christmas holiday in media, advertising, government, and various secular environments. Modern-day controversy usually occurs due to the holiday's large annual role in Western economy in conjunction with its applied connotations with a specific religion, Christianity. The term "War on Christmas" is often used to address recent controversy.[1][2]

In present-day Western society, some suggest that during the months leading up to December 25, public, corporate, and government mention of the actual term "Christmas" is strenuously avoided and replaced with a generic term — usually "holiday" or "winter" — and that popular non-religious aspects of Christmas, secular Christmas carols, and decorated pine trees are still prominently showcased and recognized, but associated with non-specified "holidays", rather than with Christmas.[3]

Some supporters of this effort say that their goal is recognize religious diversity; some non-Christians and secularists welcome the inclusion of their holidays within the celebrations of the season.[4] However, since 96 percent of Americans celebrate Christmas and 14 percent of these are non-Christian,[5] opponents feel that this presentation is actually a politically correct and concerted effort to cleanse any connotations with Christianity or Jesus (by avoiding the term "Christmas"), while simultaneously attempting to relate to celebrants of Christmas to secure the huge monetary profit associated with Christmas gift purchasing (by showcasing secular Christmas traditions).[citation needed]

In past centuries, Christmas-related controversy was mainly restricted to concerns of a public focus on secular Christmas themes such as Santa Claus and gift giving rather than what was glorified as the "reason for the season"—the birth of Jesus. A symbolic issue from these past controversies was usage of the term "Xmas", which many allege is a conscious attempt at removing the term "Christ" from Christmas. The abbreviation originated from the use of the Greek letter chi, Χ, as an abbreviation of Christ (Χριστός).[6]

Present-day controversy

Since 1999, various people of different backgrounds and positions have claimed that there is an active ongoing censorship campaign against the use of the term "Christmas" and on the celebration of the holiday itself in public Western society, particularly in the United States. Contrary to popular belief, those campaigning against the "censorship" of Christmas include not only Christians, but atheists[3], Muslims,[7] and Jews, as well.[8][9] Many of these people claim that there is a concerted effort to remove any mention of Christmas in public advertising, government, public schools, as well as in general conversation with strangers at Christmastime. Some also claim that this perceived censorship also extends to Easter and Good Friday, where euphemisms are sometimes used to avoid mentioning these holidays by name.

The United States Government recognizes Christmas Day as the only federal holiday held in December[10]. In 2001, the US Supreme Court declined to hear arguments in Ganulin v. United States, thus upholding a lower-court ruling that observing a day off on that day serves a legitimate secular interest[11].

Supreme Court rulings starting with Lynch v. Donnelly (1984) have permitted religious themes in government-funded winter holiday displays in their interpretation of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. Since these rulings have been splintered and have left governments uncertain of their limits, many such displays have included secular elements such as reindeer, snowmen and elves along with the religious elements (creche, Hanukkah menorah).[12] The battle over whether such displays should be permitted within public schools, courthouses and other government buildings, has become very heated in recent years. Other recent court cases have brought up additional issues such as the inclusion of Christmas carols in public school performances, but none of these cases have reached the US Supreme Court.

A heated controversy regarding this issue arose in 2002, when the New York City public school system banned the display of nativity scenes, but allowed religious symbols of Hanukkah and Ramadan to be displayed.[13] Defenders of the policy justified it in claiming that the symbols in question, the Hanukkah menorah and Muslim Star and crescent, were cultural, but that the nativity scene was religious, thus not allowed. Such a policy angered many, including commentator Bill O'Reilly, who in 2006 said such a policy was "anti-Christian".[14]

In Canada in December 2007, a nation-wide controversy arose when a public school in Ottawa, Ontario planned to have the children in its primary choir sing a version of the song Silver Bells with the word "Christmas" removed, in addition to the explicitly religious Christmas and Hanukkah songs on the programme.

'Holiday tree' controversies

Since the 1980s,[15] there have been several instances in the U.S. and Canada where official public mention and reference to a Christmas tree was renamed to "holiday tree" for various reasons, mostly for enforcement of separation of church and state or a recognition of cultural and religious diversity. Many were outraged at these renamings,[16] while others supported them as being inclusive[17].

In recent years, efforts have also been made to designate official public holiday trees as Christmas trees. In 2002, a bill was introduced in the California Senate to rename the State Holiday Tree the California State Christmas Tree;[18] while this measure failed, at the official light of the tree on December 4, 2007, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger referred to the tree as a Christmas tree in his remarks and in the press release his office issued after the ceremony. [19] The Michigan Senate had a heated debate in 2005 over whether the decorated tree in front of the Michigan Capitol would continue to be called a holiday tree (as it had been since the early 1990s) or named a Christmas tree. The question was revisited in 2006, when the bipartisan Michigan Capitol Committee voted unanimously to use the term Christmas tree.[20] And in 2007, Wisconsin lawmakers considered whether to rename the tree in the Wisconsin Capitol rotunda, a holiday tree since 1985, the Wisconsin State Christmas Tree.[21]

One of the bigger holiday tree controversies came in 2005, when the city of Boston, Massachusetts, called their official decorated tree a holiday tree, and the subsequent response from the Nova Scotian tree farmer who donated the tree was that he would rather have put the tree in a wood chipper than have it named a "holiday" tree.[22] Donnie Hatt, the donor, was also quoted as saying "Ever since I was born, a tree was put up for Christmas, not for holidays, because if you're going to do that you might as well put a tree up for Easter".[23]

Another 2005 controversial instance was with American hardware giant Lowe's, and their signs that said "holiday trees" in English, but read árboles de Navidad (Christmas trees) in Spanish rather than árboles de feriados. Some claim that this proves that political correctness is solely a phenomenon of the English language. In 2007, Lowe's started using the term "family tree", sparking protest from the American Family Association, but they have since claimed that this term was only a printing mistake.[24]

Retailer controversies

Since approximately 2004, many Christian or secular non-profit organizations in the United States have petitioned for boycotts of various large secular organizations, particularly retail giants, demanding that they use the term "Christmas" rather than "holiday" in their print, TV, online, and in-store marketing. Although a great many retailers were criticized for adhering to such policies, there have been quite a few notable instances in which retailers were featured prominently in the mainstream media for their "no `Christmas`" policy.


  • After threats of boycotting, the Sears Holdings Corporation (which owns Sears and Kmart) altered their marketing policies from using the term "holiday" to using the term "Christmas." The change of policy included the distribution of "Merry Christmas" signs to stores nationwide, and the changing of all instances of the term "holiday" to "Christmas" on their website and in stores. Sears also included a "very Merry Christmas" greeting at their website from December 8 through December 26, 2005. Kmart opened the 2006 Christmas season with their slogan "Where Christmas comes together", and several commercials acknowledging Christmas, including one with the tune to "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing". As of 2007, Sears uses the terms "holiday" and "Christmas" interchangeably, while Kmart seems to have dropped the word "Christmas" altogether.[citation needed]
  • In 2005, Wal-Mart was criticized by the Catholic League for avoiding the word "Christmas" in any of their marketing efforts."[25] The company had downplayed the term "Christmas" in much of its advertising for several years.[26] This caused some backlash among the public, prompting some groups to pass around petitions and threaten boycotts against the company, as well as several other prominent retailers that practiced similar downgrading of the holiday.[25] In 2006, in response to the public outcry, Wal-Mart announced that they were amending their policy and would be using "Christmas" rather than "holiday". Among the changes, they noted that the former "Holiday Shop" would become the "Christmas Shop", and that there would be a "countin' down the days to Christmas" feature.[25]
  • In 2005, Target Corporation was criticized by the American Family Association for their decision not to use the term "Christmas" in any of their in-store, online, or print advertising.[27] The AFA initiated a nation-wide boycott of the Target Corporation,[28] resulting in over 700,000 petition signatures, all of which were individually sent to Target customer service. Within a week of initiating the boycott, the AFA received an official letter from Target which indicated that they would begin incorporating the term "Christmas" in their advertising: "Over the course of the next few weeks, our advertising, marketing and merchandising will become more specific to the holiday that is approaching – referring directly to holidays like Christmas and Hanukkah. For example, you will see reference to Christmas in select television commercials, circulars and in-store signage.".[29] In a 2007 interview with Chief Executive Magazine, the CEO of Target, Bob Ulrich, stated that Target's usage of "holiday" instead of "Christmas" was a mistake. "Frankly, we screwed up", he said.[30]


  • When it was revealed in November 2006 that Wal-Mart would be using the term "Christmas" in their advertising campaign, an article about the issue initiated by USA Today pointed out that Best Buy Corporation would be among the retailers that would not be using "Christmas" at all in their advertising that year. Dawn Bryant, a Best Buy spokeswoman, stated: "We are going to continue to use the term holiday because there are several holidays throughout that time period, and we certainly need to be respectful of all of them."[31] The American Family Association launched a campaign against Best Buy's policy.[32] In reaction to the same policy, the Catholic League placed Best Buy on its 2006 Christmas Watch List.[33]
  • Around the same time that Best Buy Corporation was noted for having avoided using "Christmas" in their 2006 advertising, Gap, Incorporated (which owns Gap, Old Navy, and Banana Republic) was also criticized for avoiding use of the term.[34] An unnamed Old Navy manager was quoted as saying: "We have a lot of Christmas gifts in our stores, but the word Christmas is not used here. Everything is holiday."[34] After mounting criticism about the issue, Gap, Inc. set up an option within their corporate telephone answering line that was specific to "holiday advertising questions".[citation needed] As of 2007, it has been determined that Gap will continue to avoid use of the term "Christmas".[citation needed]


  • In November 2007, the pet product retailer PetSmart was criticized by the AFA for not using the term "Christmas" in any of their promotions.[35] PetSmart quickly altered their website to include mentions of the term "Christmas",[36] rather than solely "holiday".
  • Also in November 2007, the Best Buy Corporation began using the term "Christmas" as well as "holiday" in their stores and in their advertising[37].

Historical controversy

Puritan era

The first documented Christmas controversy was Christian-led, and began during the English Interregnum, when England was ruled by a Puritan Parliament. [38] Puritans (including those who fled to America) sought to remove the remaining pagan elements of Christmas (see Christmas#Pre-Christian_origins). During this period, the English Parliament banned the celebration of Christmas entirely, considering it a popish festival with no biblical justification, and a time of wasteful and immoral behavior. It is important to note that this ban was not directed at Christianity, but on the pagan traditions that came to be associated with Christianity through the creation of the Christmas holiday. These ancient traditions have no true relation to Christianity, but they were so established in the cultures of northern Europe that they were not abandoned after the introduction of Christianity. Many early Christian leaders were faced with congregations of Christians who were still celebrating these "pagan" traditions. It would not have been possible to ban such celebrations due to their popularity, so early church leaders established this time of year to celebrate the birth of Christ. This marked the true beginning of the conflict over the Christmas holiday.[39]


Prior to the Victorian era, Christmas in the United States was primarily a religious holiday observed by Episcopalians, Roman Catholics, and Lutherans. Its importance was often considered secondary to Epiphany and Easter.

As was the case with other Christian holidays, Christmas borrowed elements from pagan peoples, including yule logs, decorations such as candles, holly, and mistletoe. Christmas trees were sometimes seen as pagan in origin. Cited as proof is Jeremiah, 10:3-4, which states, "For the customs of the peoples are false: a tree from the forest is cut down, and worked with an ax by the hands of an artisan people deck it with silver and gold they fasten it with hammer and nails so that it cannot move." The Advent period (originally a fasting period meant to point to the Second coming of Christ), and gift giving (invented by Martin Luther to counter St. Nicholas Day, 6th of December) were also often seen as pagan in origin.

During the various Protestant reformations, these (real or supposed) paganizing elements were a source of controversy. Some sects, such as the Puritans, rejected Christmas as an entirely pagan holiday. Others rejected certain aspects of Christmas as paganizing, but wanted to retain the "essence" of the holiday as a celebration of the Christ's birth. This tension put in motion an ongoing debate about the proper observance of Christmas.[40]

According to Kelly Wittmann, "In ancient Babylon, the feast of the Son of Isis (Goddess of Nature) was celebrated on December 25. Raucous partying, gluttonous eating and drinking, and gift-giving were traditions of this feast." Also, "In Rome, the Winter Solstice was celebrated many years before the birth of Christ. The Romans called their winter holiday Saturnalia, honoring Saturn, the God of Agriculture...It is in ancient Rome that the tradition of the Mummers was born. The Mummers were groups of costumed singers and dancers who traveled from house to house entertaining their neighbors. From this, the Christmas tradition of caroling was born."[41]

19th century

According to historian Ronald Hutton, the current state of observance of Christmas is largely the result of a mid-Victorian revival of the holiday spearheaded by Charles Dickens. In A Christmas Carol, Hutton argues, Dickens sought to construct Christmas as a family-centered festival of generosity, in contrast to the community-based and church-centered observations, the observance of which had dwindled during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. The holiday, remade as a family-centered rather than community-centered festival, carried its own set of contradictions: the practice of gift-giving created the possibility of commercialization, and the shift from community to familial focus further eroded the traditions of communal religious observance.[42]

Modern celebrations of Christmas include more commercial activity, compared to the more religous celebrations of the past.

Historian Stephen Nissenbaum contends that the modern celebration in the United States was developed in New York State from existing Dutch traditions in order to re-focus the holiday from one where groups of young men went from house to house demanding alcohol and food into one that was focused on the happiness of children. He notes that there was deliberate effort to prevent the children from becoming greedy in response. [43]

Early 20th century

In the early twentieth century, Christian writers such as C. S. Lewis had already noted a distinct split between the religious and secular observance of Christmas. In Xmas and Christmas: A Lost Chapter from Herodotus, Lewis gives a satire of the observance of two simultaneous holidays in "Niatirb" (Britain backwards) from the supposed view of the Greek historian and traveller. One, "Exmas", is observed by a flurry of compulsory commercial activity and expensive indulgence in alcoholic beverages. The other, "Crissmas," is observed in Niatirb's temples. Lewis's narrator asks a priest why they kept Crissmas on the same day as Exmas. He receives the reply:

"It is not lawful, O Stranger, for us to change the date of Crissmas, but would that Zeus would put it into the minds of the Niatirbians to keep Exmas at some other time or not to keep it at all. For Exmas and the Rush distract the minds even of the few from sacred things. And we indeed are glad that men should make merry at Crissmas; but in Exmas there is no merriment left." And when I asked him why they endured the Rush, he replied, "It is, O Stranger, a racket. . . "[44]

The December 1957 News and Views published by the Church League of America, an organization co-founded in 1937 by George Washington Robnett[45] attacked the use of Xmas in an article titled "X=The Unknown Quantity." The claims were picked up later by Gerald L. K. Smith who in December 1966 claimed that Xmas was a "blasphemous omission of the name of Christ" and that "'X' is referred to as being symbolical of the unknown quantity." Smith further argued that Jews introduced Santa Claus to suppress the New Testament accounts of Jesus, and that the United Nations at the behest of "world Jewry" had "outlawed the name of Christ."[46] Such claims are made in the face of documented centuries-long history of use of Χ (actually a chi) as an abbreviation for "Christ" (Χριστός) and possibly also a symbol of the cross.[4]

Christmas observances (at least the overtly religious kinds) were banned in the Soviet Union and under certain other Communist regimes. Certain religions, such as the Jehovah's Witnesses and some fundamentalist churches, continued to reject the holiday as well, citing its pagan and/or Roman Catholic origins. In the Soviet Union, most customs associated with Christmas (like decorated trees, presents, and Ded Moroz) were later reinstated, but tied to New Year's Day instead; this tradition remains as of the present day.

See also


  1. ^ USA Today article
  2. ^ Defend Christmas — article depicting 'war on Christmas'
  3. ^ a b 'Don't say the C-word' – Spiked-life article
  4. ^ [http://www.religioustolerance.org/xmasconflict10.htm The Christmas wars: Introduction to the conflict]
  5. ^ Christmas celebration percentage poll
  6. ^ Merry Xmas- Christmas Meaning of Christos X
  7. ^ Christmas controversy article – Muslim Canadian Congress.
  8. ^ "Jews for Christmas"—NewsMax article
  9. ^ Don Feder on Christmas – Jewish World review
  10. ^ Government Federal Holiday web page
  11. ^ Ganulin v. United States
  12. ^ Is there a War on Christmas? - Church & State article
  13. ^ New York times article
  14. ^ Tis the Season
  15. ^ Wisconsin Lawmaker Seeks to Ax State's 'Holiday' Tree - Associated Press article
  16. ^ [1]
  17. ^ A Brief Overview of the "Christmas Wars"
  18. ^ RE: SB 1577, Redesignation of State Holiday Tree as a Christmas Tree – Letter from Dave Kong to the California State Assembly’s Committee on Governmental Organization
  19. ^ Governor and First Lady Celebrate 76th Annual Christmas Tree Lighting – press release
  20. ^ Mich. Capitol Conifer re-christened ‘Christmas tree’ – Associated Press article
  21. ^ ‘Holiday Tree’ or ‘Christmas Tree’ in State Capitol? Capitol Times article
  22. ^ Trimming 'Christmas' from trees stirs debate – USA Today article
  23. ^ Nova Scotian fed up with 'holiday' trees – CBC News article
  24. ^ [2]
  25. ^ a b c Bishop, Tricia. "Stores revert to 'Merry Christmas'." Chicago Tribune. November 24, 2006. Retrieved on December 5, 2006.
  26. ^ Staff Writer. "Wal-Mart opts for ‘Christmas’ marketing." MSNBC. November 15, 2006. Retrieved on December 5, 2006.
  27. ^ Merry Christmas Target, Snopes.com, December 9, 2005.
  28. ^ Target Doesn't Respond, Refuses To Include "Christmas", American Family Association Online, 2005
  29. ^ Target Includes 'Christmas,' AFA Drops Boycott, NewsMax.com, December 9, 2005.
  30. ^ Star Tribune article
  31. ^ Wal-Mart Opts for 'Christmas' Marketing. Associated Press. November 15, 2006. Retrieved on January 28, 2007.
  32. ^ Wildmon, Donald Best Buy Bans Use of Merry Christmas In Advertising . American Family Association. November 10, 2006. Retrieved on November 10, 2006.
  33. ^ "Christmas Watch." Catholic League. Retrieved on November 24, 2006.
  34. ^ a b WorldNetDaily article
  35. ^ PetSmart puts Christmas back in Christmas. Details Monday.
  36. ^ [3]
  37. ^ Best Buy Commercial - Grandma
  38. ^ Marta Patiño, The Puritan Ban on Christmas
  39. ^ "Why did Cromwell abolish Christmas?". Oliver Cromwell. The Cromwell Association. 2001. Retrieved 2006-12-28. {{cite web}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  40. ^ Nissenbaum, Stephen. (1997). The Battle for Christmas. New York: Vintage Books. ISBN 0-679-74038-4.
  41. ^ http://de.essortment.com/christmaspagan_rece.htm
  42. ^ Hutton, Ronald. (2001). Stations of the Sun: The Ritual Year in England. Oxford: Oxford Press. ISBN 0-19-285448-8.
  43. ^ Nissenbaum, Stephen. (1997). The Battle for Christmas"". Vintage. ISBN 0-679-74038-4.
  44. ^ Exmas and Christmas: A Lost Chapter from Herodotus by C. S. Lewis
  45. ^ "Subject guide to Conservative and Libertarian materials, in Manuscript collections" University of Oregon
  46. ^ Kominsky, Morris (1970). The Hoaxers: Plain Liars, Fancy Liars and Damned Liars, pages 137-138 ISBN 0-8283-1288-5