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International reactions to the annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation

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International reaction to the 2014 Crimean crisis according to official governmental statements.[nb 1]
  for peaceful resolution of the conflict and...
  - support of the Ukraine territorial integrity
  - condemnation of the Russian actions
  - interpretation of the Russian actions as a military intervention
  support of the Russian actions (Syria only)


International reactions to the 2014 Crimean crisis (and to the 2014 Russian military intervention in Ukraine) has almost always been condemnatory of Russia's decision to intervene, supportive of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity, while also supportive of finding a quick end to the crisis.[1] The United States and the European Union have threatened sanctions against Russia for its role in the crisis, and are urging Russia to withdraw.[2] The sole exception so far against condemning Russia or staying neutral is Syria, who support Russia.

Supranational organizations

  •  European Union – On March 1, Foreign Affairs Chief Catherine Ashton stated that the EU "deplores" Russia's decision to use military action in Ukraine, describing it as an "unwarranted escalation of tensions." She called on "all sides to decrease the tensions immediately through dialogue, in full respect of Ukrainian and international law." And added that "The unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine must be respected at all times and by all sides. Any violation of these principles is unacceptable. More than ever, restraint and sense of responsibility are needed."[3]

Joint State reactions

Intergovernmental organizations

  • OSCE – A diplomatic group was dispatched by the OSCE consisting of official representative and a head of the OSCE Commissar on affairs of national minorities.[4]
  •  United Nations – On March 1, while members of the UN Security Council were meeting in an emergency closed-door session, a spokesman for the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon delivered a statement saying that the Secretary General was "gravely concerned about the deterioration of the situation" in Ukraine and planned to speak shortly with the Russian President Vladimir Putin. Ban's statement called for "full respect for and preservation of the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine" and demanded "immediate restoration of calm and direct dialogue between all concerned."[5] The Security Council itself expressed support for the unity, territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine. The Council agreed that it was important that all political actors in Ukraine exercise maximum restraint and called for an inclusive dialogue recognizing the diversity of the Ukrainian society.[6]
  •  NATO – On March 2, 2014, NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen convened the North Atlantic Council due to both Russia’s military action and President Putin’s threats against Ukraine.[7] The North Atlantic Council condemned Russia's military escalation in Crimea and stated that it was breach of international law. It called on Russia to respect its obligations under the UN Charter, the Budapest Memorandum of 1994, the Treaty on Friendship and Cooperation between Russia and Ukraine of 1997, and the legal framework regulating the presence of the Russian Black Sea Fleet.[8]
  • Visegrád Group – On March 4, 2014, V4 issued a joint statement urging Russia to respect Ukraine's territorial integrity and for Ukraine to take into account it's minority groups to not further break fragile relations. It urged for Russia to act in full respect of Ukrainian and international law and in line with the provisions of the 1994 Budapest Memorandum. "The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia are appalled to witness a military intervention in 21st century Europe akin to their own experiences in 1956, 1968 and 1981."[9]


  •  Australia – On March 2, the Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott said that Russia's actions in Ukraine were "not the kind ... of a friend and neighbour and I think Russia should back off".[10] The Australian Prime Minister told the Australian House of Representatives on March 3 that "Russia should back off, it should withdraw its forces from the Ukraine and people of the Ukraine ought to be able to determine their future themselves" with the Australian Government cancelling a planned visit to Russia by the Trade Minister Andrew Robb.[11]
  •  Azerbaijan – Azerbaijan has no official stance on the matter, though the ambassador to Ukraine, Eynulla Madatli, expressed public support on March 3 for Ukraine’s territorial integrity.[12]
  •  Belarus – On February 28, 2014, the Foreign Ministry expressed its concerns about events in Ukraine.[13]
  •  Bulgaria – On March 1, Bulgaria's President Rosen Plevneliev said in a statement that "Bulgaria is for preserving the sovereignty, the territorial integrity and the democratic future of Ukraine". The President further said that the presence of foreign forces and their unauthorized activity within the territory of a sovereign state "raises serious concern" and called for an end to any provocative actions that could lead to "irreparable consequences not only for the region, but also for the international order".[14] In a later statement that day, following the Russia's Parliament decree allowing the usage of Russian armed forces in Crimea, President Plevneliev reiterated that "the only lasting solution may be achieved by peaceful means and if the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine is guaranteed" and that "[t]he usage of military force to occupy foreign territories is violation of the rules of international law". The President also called on the UN Security Council and the countries-guarantors to the Budapest Memorandum to ensure a peaceful solution to the problem and to avoid a further escalation of the tension. In conclusion, President Plevneliev stated that "[t]he people of Ukraine should alone decide what their future should be in a democratic way".[15]
  •  Canada – On Feb. 28 Foreign Minister Baird "congratulated the new government and emphasized the need to honour the 1994 Budapest Declaration's commitment to Ukraine's territorial sovereignty and national unity at this critical time."[16] On a March 1 phone call President Obama and Prime Minister Harper "affirmed the importance of unity within the international community in support of international law, and the future of Ukraine and its democracy.'[17] On the same day, Harper condemned Russia's military intervention in Ukraine; he announced that Canada had both recalled its ambassador to Russia and withdrew from preparations for the 40th G8 summit, which is to be chaired by Russia.[18] On March 3, the Canadian House of Commons passed unanamous motion condeming Russia's intervention in Crimea.[19] This was followed by Prime Minister Harper calling Russia's actions an "invasion and occupation" and Foreign Minister Baird comparing them to Nazi Germany's occupation of the Sudetenland in 1938.[20] Canada then suspended all military cooperation with Russia and the flag of Ukraine was flown on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on March 4.[21][22]
  •  China – On March 2, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Qin Gang stated that China condemned the recent extremist violence in the country and urged all parties to resolve their internal disputes peacefully. China has always followed the principle of non-interference in internal affairs, and respected Ukraine's independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity. He urged all sides to find a solution through dialogue on the basis of international law and the norms governing international relations.[23]
On March 4, China's president Xi Jinping, in a telephone conversation with Vladimir Putin, expressed his confidence in Putin's ability to reach a political solution through negotiations with all involved parties. He stated that China supports the propositions and mediation efforts of the international community towards easing the situation.[24]
  •  Colombia — Foreign Ministry ,on behalf of the Government, released a press release stating "deep concern about the situation in Ukraine" while also deploring the "acts of violence that have taken place in the last couple of days. In the same press statement, Colombia urged the Government of Ukraine to "guarantee security, human rights, and the fundamental liberties of its citizens".[25]
  •  Czech Republic – Foreign Minister Lubomír Zaorálek said on March 1, "I unambiguously reject and condemn the steps taken by the Russian Federation over the recent days. ... Russia has committed, not only to respect Ukraine´s territorial integrity and sovereignty, but also to guarantee them." He also said it reminded him of the 1968 Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia.[26]
  •  Denmark – Foreign Minister Martin Lidegaard stated on March 2nd that, "This is a partial invasion of Ukraine by Russia". He made it clear that Denmark is working closely with the rest of EU and is preparing a condemning statement. He also called for Russia to respect international law.[27]
  •  Estonia – Foreign Minister Urmas Paet stated on March 1 that, "The Russian parliament's decision to authorise the use of troops in Ukraine is a clear threat to Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity," and that Russia's "... military threats and actions against Ukraine must stop." He called for the Ukrainian leadership to pursue all actions to reduce tensions and restore societal unity.[28]
  •  Finland – Foreign Minister Erkki Tuomioja stated on March 1, that Russia is implementing a military takeover of Crimean territory and by doing so Russia is violating several international treaties and laws.[29]
  •  France – The representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Romen Nadal, expressed his concerns on events in Crimea and reminded the foreign minister Laurent Fabius repeatedly called upon to preserve the unity and integrity of Ukraine.[30]
  •  Georgia – President Giorgi Margvelashvili called on the international community "not to allow new conflict in Europe and to use all the available means in order to avert possible aggression and to preserve sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine."[31]
  •  Germany – Chancellor Angela Merkel called Russia's actions "unacceptable" and their doings would break international law. Merkel reminded that Russia accepted the independence of the Ukraine in 1994 and is now not honoring the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances.[32][33] She was overheard saying that Putin "lives in a different world" while talking with Barack Obama via phone.[34]
  •  Holy SeePope Francis appealed to the international community "to support any initiative for dialogue and harmony."[35]
  •  Hungary – In a statement issued 1 March, Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed concern about the situation on the Crimean Peninsula. The Ministry noted that the Visegrád Four Foreign Ministers had asked both the Kiev government leaders and the Donetsk region's political leaders to abstain from provocative steps that may heighten tension and lead to violence.[36] Hungary's government's reaction was criticized at home for being soft on Russia because of a recent deal President Orban had made wiht Russia to expand a nuclear plant. Additionally, Foreign Minister Janos Martonyi reassured ethnic Hungarians in Ukraine that Hungary would protect their interests.[37]
  •  Indonesia – The Indonesian Foreign Minister, Marty M. Natalegawa, issued a statement expressing Indonesia's deep concern to the situation in Ukraine. Natalegawa described the situation in Ukraine as "an international crisis which threatens not only the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, but also risks raising tensions in the relations between the affected countries." Indonesia respects the sovereignty of Ukraine and has called for all parties to resolve the issue through peaceful means. Indonesia also calls the UN Security Council, including Permanent Members "to shoulder its responsibility in accordance to the Charter of the United Nations in maintaining international peace and security in responding to the crisis in Ukraine." The statement also suggests that the United Nations to send a special envoy to the Secratary General to the affected areas.[38]
  •  IrelandTánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs Eamon Gilmore expressed concern regarding the developments in Ukraine. He called on the Russian Federation to abide by international law and to respect Ukraine's territorial integrity and independence, called on all parties "to work to ensure that, through dialogue, all legitimate concerns can be addressed", and stressed the need for all sides to "avoid any provocation",[39] the latter expression echoing language used by both Russia Today and the European Parliament in relation to Kiev's abolition of the regional status of minority languages, including Russian,[40][41] as well as a recent attack on the headquarters of the Communist Party of Ukraine.[41]
  •  ItalyPrime Minister Matteo Renzi defined the military occupation as an unacceptable violation. Renzi also stated that he hoped for a peaceful conclusion.[42]
  •  Japan – The Foreign Ministry issued a statement in which it said that the authorisation on Saturday "for use of the armed forces of the Russian Federation in Ukraine heightens the tension in the region and would harm the peace and stability of the international community," as well that "In this regard, Japan expresses grave anxiety and concern over the decision. ... Japan strongly expects that the situation in Ukraine will be settled in a peaceful manner and strongly urges all the parties concerned to behave with maximum self-restraint and responsibility, to fully observe the relevant international laws," it concluded.[43]
  •  Kazakhstan – On March 3rd, Kazakhstan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that Kazakhstan is deeply concerned with the current situation in Ukraine. The statement urged all sides to renounce the use of power and to resolve the crisis through negotiations, "based on respect towards the fundamental principles of international law."[44]
  •  LatviaPresident of Latvia, Speaker of the parliament, Prime Minister and Foreign Minister issued a joint statement stating that "Latvia strongly stands for the territorial integrity of Ukraine and is of the opinion that any measures aimed at splitting Ukrainian society and questioning the territorial integrity of the country must be condemned in the strongest terms possible."[45]
  •  Lithuania – The Foreign Ministry announced that it had called the Russian Ambassador to Lithuania to discuss the situation in Ukraine.[46]
  •  Malta – The Maltese government has condemned recent developments in Crimea, and is insisting that Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity should be fully respected. Foreign Affairs Minister George Vella called on all parties involved to exercise maximum restraint, avoid any further provocative actions and immediately diffuse the situation.[47]
  •  Moldova – On March 2, 2014, President Nicolae Timofti stated "Moldova underlines the importance to observe Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and not to allow violation of the international law principles.[48]
  •  New Zealand – On March 3, 2014, Prime Minister of New Zealand John Key speaking on the morning news and talk show Breakfast, referred to the rising tensions in Ukraine as "deeply concerning". The Prime Minister further stated that while Russia has very real interests in Ukraine and Crimea specifically, he agreed with the United States condemnation of Russia's actions, stressing that it would, "...be a disaster if there was a major problem in the Ukraine," including that the use of force was in nobody's interests.[49]
  •  Norway – The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemns the Russian military escalation in the Crimea together with the NATO countries. "The Russian authorities must immediately meet the Ukrainian request for dialogue to resolve the crisis without violence," said the Norwegian Foreign Minister Børge Brende. [50]
  •  Philippines – In a statement by the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs, the Philippines expressed “deep concerns regarding developments in Ukraine.” and called all parties "to exercise restraint, not to escalate through the use of force, and follow obligations under international law.” The statement also “urges all parties to resolve the crisis through dialogue.” In a separate statement in March 4, the department also raised the alert level in Ukraine to Level 2 “in view of ongoing tensions in that country” and advised Filipinos in Ukraine "to restrict non-essential movements, avoid public places, closely monitor developments, and prepare for possible evacuation.”[51]
  •  Poland – On March 1, 2014 Poland "strongly appeal[ed] for respecting Ukraine's territorial integrity, and observing international law, including fundamental principles of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe...We urge states-signatories to the Budapest Memorandum of December 1994, which gives Ukraine security assurances, to respect and fulfil their commitments.[52]
  •  Romania – On the 2nd of March, president Traian Basescu said that any Russian Federation military presence in Ukraine, without Ukraine's approval and beyond the limits of bilateral accords, would be seen as an act of aggression.[53] On March 6th, the Romanian president took a stronger stance, declaring that 'what Russia has done in Ukraine is an agression against that country." [54]. He further stated that Romania which has the largest minority in Ukraine aside from Russia (cca. 400.000 Romanian speaking Ukrainain citizens) should play an active role and do more in supporting US and European negotiations with Russia [55].
  •  South Africa – On the 2nd of March, spokesperson Nelson Kgwete stated that "The South African government would like to express its deep concern about the unfolding political situation in Ukraine" and that "We will continue to monitor the situation and encourage international diplomatic efforts meant to produce a lasting peaceful solution".[56]
  •  Spain – The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation released a statement in support of the new Ukrainian government, saying the following: "The Spanish government is concerned about the situation in Ukraine, which remains uncertain and unstable. The current tension in Crimea is especially concerning". The government also expressed its "full support for the territorial integrity of Ukraine", and urged all actors to "cooperate in finding a solution, while dismissing any use of force".[57]
  •  Slovenia - Prime Minister Alenka Bratušek said that all has to be done to prevent a military conflict to occur in Ukraine, while ministry of foreign affairs has offered to become a mediator for the EU.[58]
  •  Sweden – Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt said March 2 in an interview on Sveriges Radio:"It's somewhat understandable that Russia is acting on concerns about the Russian minority of Crimea and eastern Ukraine, but not in the way they're doing it. There are of course methods for talking to the Ukrainian government and calm down the situation in that way."[59] Foreign Minister Carl Bildt tweeted on March 1, "Russian military intervention in Ukraine is clearly against international law and principles of European security."[60]
  •  Syria – Syria - President Bashar al Assad expressed support for Putin's efforts to “restore security and stability in the friendly country of Ukraine.” ."[61]
  •  Turkey – Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu stated on 28 February that "Turkey attaches importance to democracy and democracy-based political stability in Ukraine's future" and that "Crimea is important for Turkey as it is Turkey's door to Ukraine and it is also important for our Tatar compatriots."[62] Turkish President Abdullah Gül stated on 5 March that the problems must be solved within international law and with respect to Ukraine's political union and borders.[63]
  •  United Kingdom – The Foreign Secretary William Hague said he was "deeply concerned" at the escalation of tensions and the decision of the Russian parliament to authorise military action. He also said "This action is a potentially grave threat to the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine. We condemn any act of aggression against Ukraine".[64]
On 2 March 2014, British Prime Minister David Cameron announced that government officials were planning to boycott the 2014 Winter Paralympics in Sochi in response to the situation in Crimea, while Prince Edward cancelled plans to travel to Sochi for the Games "on the advice of government." These decisions will not affect Great Britain's participation in the Games.[65]
U.S. President Barack Obama speaks with Russian President Vladimir Putin on the telephone in the Oval Office, 1 March
  •  United States – On February 27, before it became clear that Russia had intervened, Secretary of State John Kerry said in a press conference with German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, "We all have to understand that nowhere is there a greater connection to or link to Russia in several different ways than there is in Crimea, but that as the days unfold, this should not become a tension or a struggle between the United States, Russia, East, West, et cetera. This is about the people of Ukraine being able to make their decisions." Kerry further urged Russia to respect Ukraine's borders and territorial integrity.[66]
On February 28, President Barack Obama's statement was released warning Russia not to intervene in Crimea. The statement said that President Obama is "deeply concerned by reports of military movements taken by the Russian Federation inside of Ukraine." It added that "any violation of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity would be deeply destabilizing, which is not in the interest of Ukraine, Russia, or Europe" and that it would be "a clear violation of Russia's commitment to respect the independence and sovereignty and borders of Ukraine, and of international laws."[67]
On March 1, President Obama held a phone conversation with Putin and said that the Russian invasion was a "violation of Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity ... [and a] breach of international law." He warned of "greater political and economic isolation" and threatened to withdraw the United States from the 40th G8 summit chaired by Russia.[68]
Secretary Kerry condemned the Russian invasion of Ukraine on March 2 in an interview for Face the Nation. He called it an "incredible act of aggression," and said that "you just don't in the 21st century behave in 19th century fashion by invading another country on completely trumped up pretext."[69]
On 3 March 2014, National Security Council spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden announced that the United States would not send a presidential delegation to the 2014 Winter Paralympics in Sochi (which was to be led by Tammy Duckworth), "in addition to other measures we are taking in response to the situation in Ukraine." As with the British boycott effort, it will not affect the country's participation in the Games themselves.[70]
On 4 March 2014, Hilary Clinton compared actions by Russian President Vladimir Putin in the Ukraine to those implemented by Adolf Hitler in the late 1930s in Central Europe: “Now if this sounds familiar, it’s what Hitler did back in the 30s',” she said. “All the Germans that were ... the ethnic Germans, the Germans by ancestry who were in places like Czechoslovakia and Romania and other places, Hitler kept saying they’re not being treated right. I must go and protect my people and that’s what’s gotten everybody so nervous.”[71] Senator John McCain agreed with the comparison.[72]
On 6 March 2014, President Barack Obama signed Executive Order 13660, Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Ukraine, authorizing sanctions against persons who, being determined by the Secretary of the Treasury in consultation with the Secretary of State, have violated or assisted in the violation of Ukraine's sovereignty.[73]
  •  Uzbekistan – In a statement, Uzbekistan's Foreign Ministry says that Russia's actions in Crimea "create real threats to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country" and "cannot but cause deep anxiety and concern in Uzbekistan."[74][75]
  •  Vietnam – On March 5 a Le Hai Binh, a spokesman for the Foreign Ministry of Vietnam stated "on in Ukraine.We hope that stability will soon be restored in Ukraine and that all issues will be resolved by law, for the sake of Ukrainian people, and of peace and development in the region and the world over."[76]


  1. ^ If an official position can be sorted in more than one category, the "strongest" position was marked (from the "call for a peaceful resolution" to "interpretation as a military intervention" consecutively). For the sources see the image description.


  1. ^ "Ukraine Crisis: World Leaders React to Unfolding Disaster in Crimea". International Business Times. 2014-03-02. Retrieved 2014-03-04.
  2. ^ "Sanctions threat grows as Ukraine tensions rise". Mainichi Shimbun. 2014-03-04. Retrieved 2014-03-04.
  3. ^ "Statement by EU High Representative Catherine Ashton on the developments in Ukraine's Crimea" (PDF). Brussels. EU External Action. 1 March 2014. Retrieved 1 March 2014.
  4. ^ In Crimea will go OSCE envoys. Ukrayinska Pravda. 27 February 2014.
  5. ^ "UN chief Ban Ki-moon 'gravely concerned' over Ukraine events". Times Internet Limited. Associated Press. Retrieved 2 March 2014.
  6. ^ "UN Security Council holds urgent meeting to review Situation in Crimea Ukraine". IANS. news.biharprabha.com. Retrieved 1 March 2014.
  7. ^ Doorstep statement. NATO website. March 2, 2014
  8. ^ "North Atlantic Council statement on the situation in Ukraine". Nato.int. Retrieved 2014-03-03.
  9. ^ http://www.kormany.hu/en/prime-minister-s-office/news/statement-of-the-prime-ministers-of-the-visegrad-countries-on-ukraine
  10. ^ "Ukraine: Tony Abbott tells Russia to 'back off'". Sydney Morning Herald. 2 March 2014. Retrieved 2 March 2014.
  11. ^ "Tony Abbott condemns Russia's 'unprovoked aggression' in Ukraine". The Australian. 3 March 2014. Retrieved 3 March 2014.
  12. ^ Russia’s Crimea Gambit Draws Various Responses in Caucasus
  13. ^ Belarus Foreign Ministry: It is important to preserve the territorial integrity of Ukraine. UNIAN 28 February 2014.
  14. ^ "Announcement of the Press Secretariat". Administration of the President of the Republic of Bulgaria. 1 March 2014. Retrieved 2 March 2014.
  15. ^ "Announcement of the Press Secretariat of the Head of State". Administration of the President of the Republic of Bulgaria. 1 March 2014. Retrieved 2 March 2014.
  16. ^ "Baird Promotes Territorial Integrity and National Unity in Ukraine". International.gc.ca. 28 February 2014. Retrieved 2014-03-02.
  17. ^ "Readout of President Obama's calls with President Hollande and Prime Minister Harper". Whitehouse.gov. 2013-04-01. Retrieved 2014-03-02.
  18. ^ "Ukraine crisis: Canada, U.S. tell Russia to withdraw forces". Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. 2014-03-01. Retrieved 2014-03-01.
  19. ^ "MPs 'strongly condemn' Russia's actions in Ukraine". CTV News. 2014-03-03. Retrieved 2014-03-06.
  20. ^ Steven Chase (2014-03-04). "Harper compares Russia's Crimea moves to Third Reich aggression". The Globe and Mail. Retrieved 2014-03-06.
  21. ^ Steven Chase (2014-03-04). "Ukraine's flag flown on Parliament Hill". The Globe and Mail. Retrieved 2014-03-06.
  22. ^ Andrea Janus (2014-03-04). "Canada suspends military activity with Russia 'effective immediately'". CTV News. Retrieved 2014-03-06.
  23. ^ "Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Qin Gang's Remarks on the Current Situation in Ukraine". Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the People's Republic of China. 2014-03-02. Retrieved 2014-03-03.
  24. ^ 相信俄方能同各方协调,推动问题得到政治解决,维护地区和世界和平稳定。中方支持国际社会有利于缓和局势的建议和斡旋努力。 "习近平同俄罗斯总统普京通电话". Xinhua. 2014-03-04. Retrieved 2014-03-04.
  25. ^ "Comunicado del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores sobre la situación en Ucrania - See more at: http://www.cancilleria.gov.co/newsroom/news/comunicado-del-ministerio-relaciones-exteriores-sobre-la-situacion-ucrania#sthash.ddyiY7pM.dpuf". Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Colombia. 20 February 2014. Retrieved 20 February 2014. {{cite news}}: External link in |title= (help)
  26. ^ "Ukraine: Minister Zaorálek´s Statement on the Russian Stance" (Press release). Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic. 1 March 2014. Retrieved 3 March 2014.
  27. ^ "Lidegaard: Russia has invaded Ukraine". Dr.dk.
  28. ^ "Foreign Minister Urmas Paet: everything must be done to achieve a political solution to the crisis in Ukraine". Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 1 March 2014. Retrieved 2014-03-02.
  29. ^ Tuomioja: Venäjä toteuttaa Krimin sotilaallista haltuunottoa, Suomenmaa.fi, 2 March 2014. Accessed on 2 March 2014.
  30. ^ France expressed its concern over the deteriorating situation in Crimea. Ukrinform. 28 February 2014.
  31. ^ "Georgia Condemns Russian Moves in Ukraine". CivlGeorgia. 1 March 2014. Retrieved 1 March 2014.
  32. ^ "Merkel wirft Putin Verletzung des Völkerrechts vor (German)". Der Spiegel. 3 March 2014. Retrieved 3 March 2014.
  33. ^ "Merkel wirft Putin Verstoß gegen Völkerrecht vor (German)". Stern. 3 March 2014. Retrieved 3 March 2014.
  34. ^ http://www.bild.de/politik/ausland/krim/merkel-schimpft-im-obama-telefonat-ueber-putin-34911584.bild.html
  35. ^ "Pope Angelus: Appeal for Ukraine and Christian fraternity". 2 March 2014.
  36. ^ "Ministry of Foreign Affairs concerned about Crimean situation". Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary. 1 March 2014. Retrieved 2 March 2014.
  37. ^ Feher, Margit (3 March 2014). "Hungary Not Part of Russia-Ukraine Conflict, Premier Orban Says". Retrieved 6 March 2014.
  38. ^ "Indonesia Calls For Maximum Restraint and Peaceful Settlement in Ukraine". Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  39. ^ "Statement by the Tánaiste on the situation in Ukraine". DFA.ie.
  40. ^ "Crimea parliament announces referendum on Ukrainian region's future". RT. 17 February 2014. Retrieved 17 February 2014. Kiev's abolition of the regional status of minority languages has sparked criticism even from its European supporters. The European Parliament has called on the new Ukrainian government to respect the rights of minorities, particularly when it comes to the use of languages. Ukraine's new leaders should distance themselves from extremists and avoid any provocation that might fuel "separatist moves," MEPs said.
  41. ^ a b "Ukraine: MEPs urge EU to help financial rescue, but enact targeted sanctions too". European Parliament. 27 February 2014. Retrieved 3 March 2014. PLENARY SESSION Press release – External relations ... Ukraine's new leaders should distance themselves from extremists and avoid provocation that might fuel "separatist moves", MEPs warn, adding that they should respect the rights of minorities in the country, including the right to use Russian and other minority languages. MEPs also condemn a recent attack on the headquarters of the Communist Party of Ukraine.
  42. ^ "Ucraina, 15mila soldati russi in Crimea. Kiev: "Sull'orlo del disastro". Merkel a Putin: "Hai violato trattati internazionali" (italian)". Repubblica.it.
  43. ^ "Japan expresses concern over Russia's Ukraine move". Japan Today.
  44. ^ "Statement of the Foreign Ministry of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the situation in Ukraine". Foreign Ministry of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  45. ^ "Statement by President of Latvia, Speaker of Saeima, Prime Minister and Foreign Minister on Russia's interference in Ukraine" (Press release). Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia. 1 March 2014. Retrieved 2014-03-02.
  46. ^ Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania called the Russia's ambassador to talk about Crimea. UNIAN. 28 February 2014.
  47. ^ "Malta condemns recent developments in Crimea". The Malta Independent. 03 March 2014. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  48. ^ Moldova’s position towards critical situation in Ukraine
  49. ^ "Rt Hon John Key Prime Minister on Ukraine Crisis". TVNZ.
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  58. ^ http://www.sta.si/vest.php?id=1985289&s=s
  59. ^ Swedish PM: Russian worries 'understandable' – The Local
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  61. ^ http://www.euronews.com/2014/03/06/bashar-al-assad-letter-of-support-to-putin/
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  71. ^ "Hillary Clinton compares Vladimir Putin's actions in Ukraine to Adolf Hitler's in Nazi Germany". Press Telegram. 03/04/14. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  72. ^ http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/mccain_rubio_back_hillary_clinton_nazi_germany_putin_comparison?utm_content=bufferfcc30&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer
  73. ^ "Executive Order 13660 -- Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Ukraine" (Press release). White House Office of the Press Secretary. 6 March 2014. Retrieved 6 March 2014.
  74. ^ "Russia's Actions In Crimea Stir Bad Memories In Former East Bloc". Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. 2014-03-06. Retrieved 2014-03-06.
  75. ^ Statement of the Information Agency «Jahon» on the Events in Ukraine
  76. ^ Remarks by FM Spokesman Le Hai Binh on 5 March 2014 regarding the situation in Ukraine.