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RAF officer ranks

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The officer ranks of the Royal Air Force, as they are today, were introduced in 1919. Prior to that Army ranks were used.

Ranks (Highest to Lowest)

NATO code OF-10 OF-9 OF-8 OF-7 OF-6 OF-5 OF-4 OF-3 OF-2 OF-1
 Royal Air Force[1]
Marshal of the RAF Air chief marshal Air marshal Air vice-marshal Air commodore Group captain Wing commander Squadron leader Flight lieutenant Flying officer Pilot officer
/acting pilot officer
Abbreviation MRAF Air Chf Mshl Air Mshl AVM Air Cdre Gp Capt Wg Cdr Sqn Ldr Flt Lt Fg Off Plt Off Off Cdt NA [2]
  • 1 Currently honorary/wartime rank only.


Lieutenant General David Henderson originally proposed that Royal Air Force officers use a combination of British Army and Royal Navy ranks. However, the War Office argued that the RAF should have its own ranks and the Admiralty opposed any use of their rank titles.[3]

Badges of rank

On 1 April 1918, Air Force Memorandum 2 specified rank insignia for the newly established independent force. Rank was to be worn on the jacket cuff and was derived from the Royal Navy's rings, each equivalent rank having the same number of rings. However, second lieutenants (now pilot officers) displayed a crowned eagle only and the Navy's loop was not used for any rank.[4] Depending on the uniform, either gold or pale blue on grey braid was worn.

In August 1918, Air Ministry Weekly Order 617 added a single band of 14-inch (6 mm) braid below the second lieutenant's eagle and all other officer ranks also received a crowned eagle above their braid.

RAF mess dress cuff insignia for a flight lieutenant

In 1919 the colour of the rank braid was changed to black with a central pale blue stripe. However, on RAF mess dress rank continued to be displayed in gold.

Sleeve ranks

The ranks worn on the sleeve are common to all RAF uniform variants incorporating the Jacket. The centre of the rank (measured from the bottom of the lowest braid to the top of the highest) should be 3+34 inches (9.5 cm) from the cuff and each row of braiding should have a space of 18 inch (3 mm) from other rows. The thinnest braid, as found on the pilot officer's rank (and in the middle of the squadron leader's rank), is 14 inch (6 mm); the flying officer's braid common to all the ranks except air commodore and pilot officer, is 12 inch (1.3 cm), and the thickest braid, as found on all air officer ranks, is 2 inches (5.1 cm).

Shoulder boards

Air officers' ceremonial shoulder board
Shoulder board of marshal of the RAF

Shoulder boards (as shown) are worn by officers of general rank equivalent (Air Commodore and above). Officers entitled to wear aiguillettes and/or the Royal Cypher, AVMs and above, the Director of Nursing Services, and those officers assigned to certain 1-Star posts, wear plain blue shoulder boards when in No 1 Service Dress. AVMs and above and those officers assigned to the 1-Star posts of Comdt RAFC Cranwell, Air Officer Wales and Air Officer Scotland wear distinctive unranked ceremonial shoulder boards when in No 1A (ceremonial day) dress. If these officers wear a greatcoat, gold ranked shoulder straps in Crombie material are used.[5] Officers of the rank of Marshal of the Royal Air Force have a distinctive set of shoulder boards with greater decoration.

Rank titles

As mentioned above, it was originally proposed that the RAF ranks were to be derived from existing Royal Navy and Army ranks. Both services were consulted and both reacted unfavourably—the Navy unhappy about the use of its higher ranks and the Army complaining it provided the "junior ranks". This resulted in a compromise whereby the officer ranks were proposed to be: ensign, lieutenant, flight leader, squadron leader, reeve, banneret, fourth ardian, third ardian, second ardian, ardian and air marshal. A further proposal was: ensign, lieutenant, flight-leader, squadron-leader, wing-leader, leader, flight ardian, squadron ardian, wing ardian, ardian, air marshal.

Unsurprisingly, perhaps, these contrived ranks were rejected and on 1 August 1919, Air Ministry Weekly Order 973 introduced new rank titles for RAF officers. They were based on Royal Navy ranks and their titles were influenced by the usage in the Royal Naval Air Service (RNAS) during World War I. For example, the RAF rank of flight lieutenant was based on the RNAS rank of the same name. The rank of squadron leader derived its name from the RNAS rank of squadron commander. Initially the highest rank was titled marshal of the air. However, only a few days after it was promulgated, this rank title was changed to marshal of the Royal Air Force at the request of King George V, his belief being that the former sounded too much like it encroached on the attributes of God.

Composite braid

Composite braid as worn by a squadron leader

RAF officers typically wear composite braid rank slides with their working and operational uniforms. Composite braid consists of a single piece of fabric, where the "background" between the rank rings is made from blue-grey or olive green material. Composite braid rank slides are often referred to as "bar-code" in RAF slang.

Command flags


Air Chf Mshl

Air Mshl


Air Cdre

Gp Capt

Wg Cdr

Sqn Ldr

Distinction between ranks and appointments

Many RAF ranks do not imply the appointment or duties of an officer. For example, a Pilot Officer may well not be trained to pilot an aircraft. In fact, pilots skip the rank of Pilot Officer and go from Officer Cadet to Flying Officer on graduation from officer training school at RAF Cranwell. A Squadron Leader does not necessarily command a squadron, nor a Wing Commander necessarily command a wing, nor a Group Captain command a group.

RAF Air Cadets (Air Training Corps and Combined Cadet Force)

The majority of officers in the Air Cadet Organisation (ATC and CCF(RAF)) are volunteers commissioned into RAF Air Cadets and then appointed to service with the Air Training Corps or Combined Cadet Force (RAF). They are no longer Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve (Training) (RAFVRT) commissioned officers. They are identified by the gold badge stating: " RAF AIR CADETS" on the uniform lapels or centrally on shoulder rank slides to identify them as Cadet Force Adult Volunteers. Volunteer officers who are members of an Air Experience Flight (AEF) and who are pilots of aircraft providing air experience flying to Air Cadets and University Air Squadrons (UAS) continue to hold the VR(T) commission.

RAF Air Cadets Officers use the rank system identical to the regular RAF, but the highest substantive rank is Flying Officer. Higher ranks within the Air Cadet organisation are acting appointments, up to Wing Commander. Other senior ranked appointments are generally full-time staff positions (such as Regional Commandants and Commandant Air Cadets) held by regular and reserve (RAFR/FTRS) RAF officers. In certain circumstances, Honorary Appointments within the RAF Air Cadets may be made, however the rank may vary.

Other air forces

The following air forces use a similar or identical officer rank structure and rank insignia to the RAF:

Rank group General / flag officers Senior officers Junior officers
 Royal Australian Air Force[17]
Marshal of the RAAF Air chief marshal Air marshal Air vice-marshal Air commodore Group captain Wing commander Squadron leader Flight lieutenant Flying officer Pilot officer
 Bangladesh Air Force[18]
এয়ার চিফ মার্শাল
Ēẏār chiph mārśāl
এয়ার মার্শাল
Ēẏār mārśāl
এয়ার ভাইস মার্শাল
Ēẏār bhā'is mārśāl
এয়ার কমোডোর
Ēẏār kômōḍōr
গ্রুপ ক্যাপ্টেন
Grup kaepṭēn
উইং কমান্ডার
U'iṁ kômānḍār
স্কোয়াড্রন লীডার
Skōẏāḍran līḍār
ফ্লাইট লেফটেন্যান্ট
Phlā'iṭ lēphṭēnānṭ
ফ্লাইং অফিসার
Phlā'iṁ ôphisār
পাইলট অফিসার
Pā'ilôṭ Ôphisār
 Chilean Air Force[19]
Air General Aviation General Air Brigade General Commodore Aviation Colonel Group Commander Squadron Commander Flight Captain Lieutenant Sub-Lieutenant Ensign
General de aire General de aviación General de brigada aérea Comodoro Coronel de aviación Comandante de grupo Comandante de escuadrilla Capitán de bandada Teniente Subteniente Alférez
 Ghana Air Force[20]
Air chief marshal Air marshal Air vice-marshal Air commodore Group captain Wing commander Squadron leader Flight lieutenant Flying officer Pilot officer
 Hellenic Air Force[21]

 Indian Air Force[22]
Marshal of the Indian Air Force
मार्शल ऑफ द इंडियन एयरफोर्स
Air chief marshal
एयर चीफ मार्शल
Air marshal
एयर मार्शल
Air vice marshal
एयर वाइस मार्शल
Air commodore
एयर कमोडोर
Group captain
ग्रुप कैप्टन
Wing commander
विंग कमांडर
Squadron leader
स्क्वाड्रन लीडर
Flight lieutenant
फ्लाइट लैफ्टिनेंट
Flying officer
फ्लाइंग अफसर
 Namibian Air Force[23]
Chief air marshal Air marshal Air vice marshal Air commodore Group captain Wing commander Squadron leader Flight lieutenant Flying officer Pilot officer
 Royal New Zealand Air Force[24]
Marshal of the RNZAF Air marshal Air vice-marshal Air commodore Group captain Wing commander Squadron leader Flight lieutenant Flying officer Pilot officer
Marshal of the RNZAF Air marshal Air vice-marshal Air commodore Group captain Wing commander Squadron leader Flight lieutenant Flying officer Pilot officer
 Nigerian Air Force[25]
Marshal of the air force Air chief marshal Air marshal Air vice-marshal Air commodore Group captain Wing commander Squadron leader Flight lieutenant Flying officer Pilot officer
 Sri Lanka Air Force[26]
Marshal of the Air Force Air chief marshal Air marshal Air vice-marshal Air commodore Group captain Wing commander Squadron leader Flight lieutenant Flying officer Pilot officer
 Royal Thai Air Force[27]
Marshal of the Royal Thai Air Force Air Chief Marshal Air Marshal Air Vice Marshal Group Captain Wing Commander Squadron Leader Flight Lieutenant Flying Officer Pilot Officer
Chom phon akat
Phon akat ek
Phon akat tho
Phon akat tri
Nawa akat ek
Nawa akat tho
Nawa akat tri
Ruea akat ek
Ruea akat tho
Ruea akat tri
 Air Force of Zimbabwe[28]
Air chief marshal Air marshal Air vice-marshal Air commodore Group captain Wing commander Squadron leader Flight lieutenant Air lieutenant Air sub-lieutenant
Rank group General / flag officers Senior officers Junior officers

The following air forces use a similar or identical officer rank structure to the RAF, but use army-style rank insignia:

Rank group General / flag officers Senior officers Junior officers
 Egyptian Air Force
فريق أول‎‎
Fariq 'awal
ملازم أول
Mulazim awwal
 Pakistan Air Force
Marshal of the Pakistan Air Force Air chief marshal Air marshal Air vice marshal Air commodore Group captain Wing commander Squadron leader Flight lieutenant Flying officer Pilot officer
سالار فضائیہ امیرسالار فضائیہ سالار فضائیہ سالار فضائیہ مقابل عَمِيد الفضاء سردار جماعت شارف الجناح قائدِ دستہ نقیبِ پرواز منصبِ طیار
Rank group General / flag officers Senior officers Junior officers

The following air forces use rank insignia for their officers which are similar or identical to that of the RAF, but employ army rank titles:

Rank group General / flag officers Senior officers Junior officers
 Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan No rank structure

 Argentine Air Force[48]
Brigadier general Brigadier mayor Brigadier Comodoro mayor Comodoro Vicecomodoro Mayor Capitán Primer teniente Teniente Alférez
 Belgian Air Component[49]
Generaal Luitenant-generaal Generaal-majoor Brigadegeneraal Kolonel Luitenant-kolonel Majoor Kapitein-commandant Kapitein Luitenant Onderluitenant
Général Lieutenant général Général-major Général de Brigade Colonel Lieutenant-colonel Major Capitaine-commandant Capitaine Lieutenant Sous-lieutenant
General Generalleutnant Generalmajor Brigadegeneral Oberst Oberstleutnant Major Stabshauptmann Hauptmann Leutnant Unterleutnant
 Royal Canadian Air Force[50][51]
General Lieutenant-general Major-general Brigadier-general Colonel Lieutenant-colonel Major Captain Lieutenant Second lieutenant
Général(e) Lieutenant(e)-général(e) Major(e)-général(e) Brigadier(ère)-général(e) Colonel(le) Lieutenant(e)-colonel(le) Major(e) Capitaine Lieutenant(e) Sous-lieutenant(e)
 Royal Danish Air Force[52]
General Generalløjtnant Generalmajor Brigadegeneral Oberst Oberstløjtnant Major Kaptajn Premierløjtnant Løjtnant Sekondløjtnant
Eritrea Eritrean Air Force
Major general Brigadier general Colonel Lieutenant colonel Major Captain First lieutenant Second lieutenant

 Finnish Air Force[53]
Kenraali Kenraaliluutnantti Kenraalimajuri Prikaatikenraali Eversti Everstiluutnantti Majuri Kapteeni Yliluutnantti Luutnantti Vänrikki
General Generallöjtnant Generalmajor Brigadgeneral Överste Överstelöjtnant Major Kapten Premiärlöjtnant Löjtnant Fänrik
 Italian Air Force[54]
Generale Generale di squadra aerea con incarichi speciali Generale di squadra aerea Generale di divisione aerea Generale di brigata aerea Colonnello Tenente colonnello Maggiore Primo capitano Capitano Tenente Sottotenente
 Irish Air Corps[55]
Lieutenant-general Major-general Brigadier-general Colonel Lieutenant-colonel Commandant Captain Lieutenant Second-lieutenant
Lefteanant-ghinearál Maor-ghinearál Briogáidire-ghinearál Cornal Lefteanant-chornal Ceannfort Captaen Lefteanant Dara-lefteanant
 Royal Malaysian Air Force[56]
Marsyal tentera udara Jeneral TUDM Leftenan jeneral TUDM Mejar jeneral TUDM Brigedier jeneral TUDM Kolonel TUDM Leftenan kolonel TUDM Mejar TUDM Kapten TUDM Leftenan TUDM Leftenan muda TUDM
 Royal Netherlands Air Force[57]
Generaal Luitenant-generaal Generaal-majoor Commodore Kolonel Luitenant-kolonel Majoor Kapitein Eerste luitenant Tweede luitenant
 Peruvian Air Force[58]
General del aire Teniente general Mayor general Coronel Comandante Mayor Capitán Teniente Alférez
 Romanian Air Force[59]
Mareșal General General-locotenent General-maior General de flotilă aeriană Comandor Căpitan-comandor Locotenent-comandor Căpitan Locotenent Sublocotenent
 South African Air Force[60]
General Lieutenant general Major general Brigadier general Colonel Lieutenant colonel Major Captain Lieutenant Second lieutenant
 Swedish Air Force[61]
General Generallöjtnant Generalmajor Brigadgeneral Överste Överstelöjtnant Major Kapten Löjtnant Fänrik
 Uruguayan Air Force[62]
General del Aire Brigadier general Coronel Teniente coronel Mayor Capitán Teniente primero Teniente segundo Alférez
Rank group General / flag officers Senior officers Junior officers

The following air forces formerly used a similar or identical officer rank structure to the RAF:

The following air forces formerly used similar rank insignia to the RAF:

General Charles Horner, USAF, wearing the short-lived USAF silver sleeve braid rank insignia, similar in concept but not colour to the RAF officer ranks

See also


  1. ^ "RAF Ranks". raf.mod.uk/. Royal Air Force. Retrieved 21 September 2021.
  2. ^ Armitage, Michael (1998). The Royal Air Force : an illustrated history (2 ed.). London: Brockhampton Press. p. 280. ISBN 1-86019-851-1.
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  67. ^ Although the USAF discontinued the RAF-pattern rank insignia introduced by General Merrill McPeak in 1994, U.S. Air Force Academy, college & university Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps, and Air Force Officer Training School officer cadets use identical insignia today.
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  • Hobart, Malcolm. Badges and Uniforms of the Royal Air Force. London/Barnsley, England: Leo Cooper/Pen & Sword Books Ltd., 2000. ISBN 0-85052-739-2.