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War on drugs

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The War on Drugs refers to the controversial prohibition campaign undertaken by the United States government, with the assistance of participating countries, intended to both define and reduce the illegal drug trade. This initiative includes a set of laws and policies that are intended to discourage the production, distribution, and consumption of targeted substances. The term was first used by President Richard Nixon in 1969,[1] and its use of war as metaphor is similar to the War on Poverty announced by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964. On May 13, 2009, Gil Kerlikowske, the current Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, signaled that the Obama Administration would not use the term "War on Drugs," as he claims it is counter-productive and is contrary to the policy favoring treatment over incarceration in trying to reduce recreational drug use.[2]

Nixon administration conspiracy

Texas historical writer Gary Cartwright has alleged that G. Gordon Liddy and other Nixon aides such as John Ehrlichman, Charles Colson, and Egil Krough created the "war on drugs" as a manufactured crisis, based upon Liddy's interpretation of the Nazi propaganda film Triumph of the Will which he admired greatly,[3] in order to gather support in the 1970s congressional elections.[4] After their meeting, Liddy "personally flew to El Paso to direct 'Operation Intercept' ... virtually closing 1,200 miles of border."[5]

United States domestic policy

Operation Mallorca, US Drug Enforcement Administration, 2005 (US Department of Justice press release)

For US public policy purposes, drug abuse is any personal use of a drug contrary to law. The definition includes cannabis, cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, and otherwise-legal pharmaceuticals if they are obtained by illegal means or used for non-medicinal purposes. This differs from what mental health professionals classify as substance abuse per the DSM-IV, which is defined as more problematic drug misuse, both of which are different from drug use.

In 1994, it was reported that the "War on Drugs" results in the incarceration of one million Americans each year.[6] Of the related drug arrests, about 225,000 are for possession of cannabis, the fourth most common cause of arrest in the United States.[7] In the 1980s, while the number of arrests for all crimes was rising 28%, the number of arrests for drug offenses rose 126%.[8] The United States has a higher proportion of its population incarcerated than any other country in the world for which reliable statistics are available, reaching a total of 2.2 million inmates in the U.S. in 2005. The US Department of Justice, reporting on the effects of state initiatives, has stated that, from 1990 through 2000, "the increasing number of drug offenses accounted for 27% of the total growth among black inmates, 7% of the total growth among Hispanic inmates, and 15% of the growth among white inmates." In addition, the United States provides for the deportation of many non-citizens convicted of drug offenses.[9] Federal and state policies also impose collateral consequences on those convicted of drug offenses, such as denial of public benefits or licenses, that are not applicable to those convicted of other types of crime.[10]

Television advertising efforts

The War On Drugs is supported by a substantial, tax-payer funded television awareness effort, including anti-drug advertising spots from such organizations as the Partnership for a Drug-Free America, and the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign, among others. Writers and producers of popular, prime-time television shows are also paid with American tax dollars directly to write-in government-approved anti-drug messages, themes, and occasionally entire episodes.[11][12]

United States foreign policy

Operation Intercept

One of the first anti-drug efforts in the realm of foreign policy was President Nixon's Operation Intercept, announced in September 1969, targeted at reducing the amount of marijuana entering the United States from Mexico. The effort began with an intense inspection crackdown that resulted in an almost shutdown of cross-border traffic.[13] Because the burden on border crossings was controversial in border states, the effort only lasted twenty days.[14]

Operation Just Cause

Operation Just Cause involved 25,000 American troops. The U.S. Government alleged that Gen. Manuel Noriega, head of government of Panama, was involved in drug trafficking in Panama.

Plan Colombia

As part of Plan Colombia, the U.S. Government funded coca eradication through private contractors such as DynCorp and helped train the Colombian armed forces to eradicate coca and fight left-wing guerrillas such as the FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) and right-wing paramilitaries such as the AUC (United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia), both of which have been accused of participating in the illegal drug trade in their areas of influence. Private U.S. enterprises have signed contracts to carry out anti-drug activities as part of Plan Colombia. DynCorp, the largest private company involved, was among those contracted by the State Department, while others signed contracts with the Defense Department.[15]

In 2000, the Clinton administration initially waived all but one of the human rights conditions attached to Plan Colombia, considering such aid as crucial to national security at the time.[16] Subsequently, the U.S. government certified that the Colombian government had taken steps to improve respect for human rights and to prosecute abusers among its security forces.[17] The U.S. has later denied aid to individual Colombian military units accused of such abuses, such as the Palanquero Air Force base and the Army's XVII Brigade.[18][19] Opponents of aid given to the Colombian military as part of the War on Drugs argue that the U.S. and Colombian governments primarily focus on fighting the guerrillas, devoting less attention to the paramilitaries although these have a greater degree of participation in the illicit drug industry. Critics argue that Human Rights Watch, congressional committees and other entities have documented the existence of connections between members of the Colombian military and the AUC, and that Colombian military personnel have committed human rights abuses which would make them ineligible for U.S. aid under current laws.

Bush Administration efforts to quell Mexican drug violence

In January 2007, U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales met in Mexico with his counterpart Eduardo Medina-Mora Icaza to discuss ways to stem growing drug-related violence in Mexican border towns associated with the illegal drug trade to America. More than 2,000 Mexicans died in gangland-style killings in 2006, prompting a petition by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration to open new offices in Nuevo Laredo, Matamoros, and Nogales. The requested expansion would bring the total number of Mexican offices to 11 and increase the number of DEA agents from 81 to nearly 100.[20]

Merida Initiative

The Mérida Initiative is a security cooperation approved on June 30, 2008 between the United States and the government of Mexico and the countries of Central America, with the aim of combating the threats of drug trafficking and transnational crime. The Merida Initiative will appropriate $1.4 billion in a three year commitment to the Mexican government for military and law enforcement training and equipment, as well as technical advice and training to strengthen the national justice systems. No weapons are included in the plan.[21][22]

Heroin production and smuggling

In the 1980s, top U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officials believed that they would never be able to justify a multibillion-dollar budget from the U.S. government to fund the Afghan radicals, 'The Mujahideen', in their fight against the Soviet army, which had occupied Afghanistan. As a result, the Mujahideen decided to generate funds through the poppy-rich Afghan soil and heroin production and smuggling to finance the Afghan war.[23]



In his essay The Drug War and the Constitution,[24] Libertarian philosopher Paul Hager makes the case that the War on Drugs in the United States is an illegal form of prohibition, which violates the principles of a limited government embodied in the Constitution. Alcohol prohibition required amending the Constitution, because this was not a power granted to the federal government. Hager asserts if this is true, then marijuana prohibition should likewise require a Constitutional amendment.

Federalist argument

In her dissent in Gonzales v. Raich, Justice Sandra Day O'Connor argued that drug prohibition is an improper usurpation of the power to regulate interstate commerce, and the power to prohibit should be reserved by the states. In the same case, Justice Clarence Thomas wrote a stronger dissent expressing the similar idea. Chief Justice William Rehnquist joined O'Connor's dissent.

Substantive due process

Another argument against drug prohibition is based on the notion that its practice violates implicit rights within the substantive due process doctrine. It has been suggested that anti-drug laws do not achieve enough reasonable benefit to State interests to justify arbitrarily restricting basic individual liberties that are supposed to be guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment and the Fourteenth Amendment to the US Constitution. One proponent of this notion is attorney Warren Redlich.[25]

The substantive due process argument is sometimes used in medical marijuana cases. NORML once wrote in an amicus brief on United States v. Oakland Cannabis Buyers' Cooperative that the right to use medical marijuana to save one's life is within the rights established by the substantive due process.[26] However, the Supreme Court found against the medical marijuana dispensary and for the United States in the aforementioned case. Some apparently believe that this invalidates the substantive due process argument against the Controlled Substances Act.

However, the Supreme Court expressly declined to rule on the issue of substantive due process in the aforementioned case, ruling against the medical marijuana dispensary in question on grounds of statutory construction, as the Court found that there was no standalone medical necessity defense in the Controlled Substances Act. Justice Clarence Thomas' majority opinion clearly explains that the Court did not consider any Constitutional arguments in coming to the conclusion that it reached. As Justice Thomas expressly states in his majority opinion: "Finally, the Cooperative contends that we should construe the Controlled Substances Act to include a medical necessity defense in order to avoid what it considers to be difficult constitutional questions. In particular, the Cooperative asserts that, shorn of a medical necessity defense, the statute exceeds Congress’ Commerce Clause powers, violates the substantive due process rights of patients, and offends the fundamental liberties of the people under the Fifth, Ninth, and Tenth Amendments. As the Cooperative acknowledges, however, the canon of constitutional avoidance has no application in the absence of statutory ambiguity. Because we have no doubt that the Controlled Substances Act cannot bear a medical necessity defense to distributions of marijuana, we do not find guidance in this avoidance principle. Nor do we consider the underlying constitutional issues today. Because the Court of Appeals did not address these claims, we decline to do so in the first instance."[27] As such, the question of the constitutionality of the Controlled Substances Act under the doctrine of substantive due process remains an open one, undecided by the Supreme Court, and debated by the citizens of the United States. Even some opponents of the substantive due process argument who support the War on Drugs have noted that the doctrine could potentially lead to the invalidation of anti-drug laws.[28]

Many have also stressed the inequality of certain drugs remaining illegal while others that are equally harmful are completely legal. Examples of this include both tobacco and alcohol being legal in most countries and with few inter-personal restrictions despite them both being potentially harmful to a person's health.

Many countries practice heavy taxation on tobacco and alcohol products, and use these funds to pay for treatment and prevention programs. [citation needed]

Inequities in prosecution

The social consequences of the drug war have been widely criticized by such organizations as the American Civil Liberties Union as being racially biased against minorities and disproportionately responsible for the exploding United States prison population. According to a report commissioned by the Drug Policy Alliance, and released in March 2006 by the Justice Policy Institute, America's "Drug-Free Zones" are ineffective at keeping youths away from drugs, and instead create strong racial disparities in the judicial system.[29]

While both neighboring countries that supply illegal drugs to the USA have a similar prohibition policy against drugs, policy enforcement is significantly different. In Mexico a military strategy is used, Colombian style. In Canada prosecution is not carried out with military force, even when Canada is a major supplier of recreational drugs including meth, cannabis and ecstasy.

Freedom of religion and conscience

A special problem is created by government prohibition of so-called psychedelic drugs such as LSD, peyote, psilocybin mushrooms, and ayahuasca. Some people use such substances with definite spiritual or religious motives. Use of peyote and ayahuasca is currently legal in the US for members of certain recognized religions (e.g., Native American Church). However nothing in the Free Exercise clause of the First Amendment implies that sincere and responsible exercise of freedom of religion or conscience requires formal affiliation with an established religious denomination.

U.S. government involvement in cocaine trafficking

A lawsuit filed in 1986 by two journalists represented by the Christic Institute alleges that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and other parties are engaged in criminal acts, including financing the purchase of arms with the proceeds of cocaine sales.[30]

Senator John Kerry's 1988 U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations report on Contra drug links, which was released on April 20, 1989, concludes that members of the U.S. State Department "who provided support for the Contras are involved in drug trafficking...and elements of the Contras themselves knowingly receive financial and material assistance from drug traffickers."[31] The report further states that "the Contra drug links include...payments to drug traffickers by the U.S. State Department of funds authorized by the Congress for humanitarian assistance to the Contras, in some cases after the traffickers had been indicted by federal law enforcement agencies on drug charges, in others while traffickers were under active investigation by these same agencies."

In 1996, journalist Gary Webb published reports in the San Jose Mercury News,[32] and later in his book Dark Alliance,[33] detailing how Contras have distributed crack cocaine into Los Angeles to fund weapons purchases. These reports were initially attacked by various other newspapers in attempts to debunk the link by citing official reports that apparently had been cleared by the CIA.

In 1998, CIA Inspector General Frederick Hitz published a two-volume report[34] that substantiates many of Webb's claims, and describes how 50 Contras and Contra-related entities involved in the drug trade have been protected from law enforcement activity by the Reagan-Bush administration, and documents a cover-up of evidence relating to these incidents. The report also shows that the National Security Council was aware of these activities. A report later that same year by the Justice Department Inspector General also arrives at similar conclusions.


USS Rentz (FFG-46) attempts to put out a fire set by drug smugglers trying to escape and destroy evidence.

National Research Council study

In 2001, the National Research Council Committee on Data and Research for Policy on Illegal Drugs published its findings on the efficacy of the drug war. The NRC Committee found that existing studies on efforts to address drug usage and smuggling, from U.S. military operations to eradicate coca fields in Colombia, to domestic drug treatment centers, have all been inconclusive, if the programs have been evaluated at all: "The existing drug-use monitoring systems are strikingly inadequate to support the full range of policy decisions that the nation must make.... It is unconscionable for this country to continue to carry out a public policy of this magnitude and cost without any way of knowing whether and to what extent it is having the desired effect."[35] The study, though not ignored by the press, was ignored by top-level policymakers, leading Committee Chair Charles Manski to conclude, as one observer notes, that "the drug war has no interest in its own results." [36]

Barriers to scientific research

Some members of the scientific community are concerned that U.S. drug policy hinders and scares away legitimate medical and scientific research efforts.[37][38][39][40] Dr. Rick Strassman, a researcher into the particular effects of N,N-dimethyltryptamine, writes in his book DMT: The Spirit Molecule:

Many of today's most respected North American and European psychiatric researchers, in both academics and industry, now chairmen of major university departments and presidents of national psychiatric organizations, began their professional lives investigating psychedelic drugs. The most powerful members of their profession discovered that science, data, and reason were incapable of defending their research against the enactment of repressive laws fueled by opinion, emotion, and the media. Once these laws passed, government regulators and funding agencies quickly withdrew permits, drugs, and money. The same psychedelic drugs that researchers thought were unique keys to mental illness, and that had launched dozens of careers, became feared and hated.

— Rick Strassman (2001). DMT: The Spirit Molecule, pages 28-29.[41]

The U.S. government classification of marijuana as a Schedule I drug (having no accepted medical use) is contradicted by several scientific studies which suggest that it may in fact have medicinal value as a treatment for ailments such as cancer,[42] glaucoma, Fibromyalgia,[43] and neuropathic pain,[44] among others. In fact, in the abstract for patent number 6630507[45] filed Feb. 2, 2001 "Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants", held by the United States of America as represented by the Department of Health and Human Services (Washington, DC), they state "Cannabinoids have been found to have antioxidant properties, unrelated to NMDA receptor antagonism. This new found property makes cannabinoids useful in the treatment and prophylaxis of wide variety of oxidation associated diseases, such as ischemic, age-related, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. The cannabinoids are found to have particular application as neuroprotectants, for example in limiting neurological damage following ischemic insults, such as stroke and trauma, or in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and HIV dementia."

Assorted arguments against the efficacy of the War on Drugs

Critics often note that during alcohol prohibition, alcohol use initially fell but began to increase as early as 1922. It has been extrapolated that even if prohibition hadn't been repealed in 1933, alcohol consumption would have quickly surpassed pre-prohibition levels [46]. They argue that the War on Drugs uses similar measures and is no more effective. In the six years from 2000–2006, the USA spent $4.7 billion on Plan Colombia, an effort to eradicate coca production in Colombia. The main result of this effort was to shift coca production into more remote areas and force other forms of adaptation. The overall acreage cultivated for coca in Colombia at the end of the six years was found to be the same, after the U.S. Drug Czar's office announced a change in measuring methodology in 2005 and included new areas in its surveys.[47] Cultivation in the neighboring countries of Peru and Bolivia actually increased.[48]

Similar lack of efficacy is observed in some other countries pursuing similar[citation needed] policies. In 1994, 28.5% of Canadians reported having consumed illicit drugs in their life; by 2004, that figure had risen to 45%. 73% of the $368 million spent by the Canadian government on targeting illicit drugs in 2004–2005 went toward law enforcement rather than treatment, prevention or harm reduction.[49]

Richard Davenport-Hines, in his book The Pursuit of Oblivion (W.W. Norton & Company, 2001), criticized the efficacy of the War on Drugs by pointing out that

10–15% of illicit heroin and 30% of illicit cocaine is intercepted. Drug traffickers have gross profit margins of up to 300%. At least 75% of illicit drug shipments would have to be intercepted before the traffickers' profits were hurt.

Alberto Fujimori, president of Peru from 1990–2000, described U.S. foreign drug policy as "failed" on grounds that "for 10 years, there has been a considerable sum invested by the Peruvian government and another sum on the part of the American government, and this has not led to a reduction in the supply of coca leaf offered for sale. Rather, in the 10 years from 1980 to 1990, it grew 10-fold."[50]

Attempts to limit production of coca by spraying crops with herbicide have proven problematic. As described in Wired Magazine, a distributed system of selective breeding propagates strains of the coca plant that have herbicide-resistant mutations:

The farmers' decentralized system of disseminating coca cuttings has been amazingly effective - more so than genetic engineering could hope to be. When one plant somewhere in the country demonstrated tolerance to glyphosate, cuttings were made and passed on to dealers and farmers, who could sell them quickly to farmers hoping to withstand the spraying. The best of the next generation was once again used for cuttings and distributed.[51]

At least 500 economists, including Nobel Laureates Milton Friedman, George Akerlof and Vernon L. Smith, have noted that reducing the supply of marijuana without reducing the demand causes the price, and hence the profits of marijuana sellers, to go up, according to the laws of supply and demand.[52] The increased profits encourage the producers to produce more drugs despite the risks, providing a theoretical explanation for why attacks on drug supply have failed to have any lasting effect. The aforementioned economists published an open letter to President George W. Bush stating "We urge...the country to commence an open and honest debate about marijuana prohibition... At a minimum, this debate will force advocates of current policy to show that prohibition has benefits sufficient to justify the cost to taxpayers, foregone tax revenues and numerous ancillary consequences that result from marijuana prohibition." A 2008 study by Harvard economist Jeffrey A. Miron has estimated that legalizing drugs would inject $76.8 billion a year into the U.S. economy — $44.1 billion from law enforcement savings, and at least $32.7 billion in tax revenue ($6.7 billion from marijuana, $22.5 billion from cocaine and heroin, remainder from other drugs).[53][54] Recent surveys help to confirm the consensus among economists to reform drug policy in the direction of decriminalization and legalization.[55]

The declaration from the World Forum Against Drugs, 2008 state that a balanced policy of drug abuse prevention, education, treatment, law enforcement, research, and supply reduction provides the most effective platform to reduce drug abuse and its associated harms and call on governments to consider demand reduction as one of their first priorities in the fight against drug abuse.[56]


"War" as a propaganda term

The phrase "War on Drugs" has been condemned as being propaganda to justify military or paramilitary operations under the guise of a noble cause.[57] Noam Chomsky points out[citation needed] that the term is an example of synecdoche referring to operations against suspected producers, traders and/or users of certain substances.

This form of language was previously used in Lyndon B. Johnson's "war on poverty", and later by George W. Bush's "War on Terrorism". The word "war" is used to invoke a state of emergency, although the target and methods of the campaign is largely unlike that of a regular war.

In their book Multitude, Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri oppose the view that the use of the term "war" is only metaphorical: they analyse the War on Drugs as part of a global war of a biopolitical nature. Like the War on Terrorism, the War on Drugs is a true war, waged by the US government against its own people.[58]

Richard Lawrence Miller's Drug Warriors and Their Prey draws detailed comparisons of the War on Drugs in the United States today with events in 1930s Germany that led to Hitler's Third Reich and the attempted destruction of the Jewish people. Miller writes that "authoritarians are manufacturing and manipulating public fears about drug use in order to create a police state where a much broader agenda of social control can be implemented, using government power to determine what movies we may watch, determine who we may love and how we may love them, determine whether we may or must pray to a deity. I believe the war on drug users masks a war on democracy." Therefore, War on Drugs is presented as a genuine form of Totalitarism. [59]

War victims

Innocent victims

Peter Guither in his Drug War Victims blog posted at Salon lists dozens of people who have been killed by law enforcement and the DEA without having been convicted of a crime. Many of them were not suspects, nor had they been using drugs. Cases include a 35-year-old Christian missionary and her seven-month-old daughter, both killed (and her husband and son seriously injured) in April 2001 when the Cessna airplane carrying them and other missionaries was shot down over Peru as a result of incorrect information being provided by the DEA. Other examples include an eleven-year-old boy who was shot by a SWAT team after following their instructions to lie on the ground, and an elderly woman suffering a fatal heart attack after law enforcement officers entered her home during the night and set off flash grenades (they were not at the correct address). Several cases involved residents who were killed while allegedly attacking officers in self-defense, not realizing who was forcefully entering their homes and believing they were in danger.

Some critics argue that many people in severe pain are denied proper relieving medicine because of the War on Drugs and that the phobia surrounding opiate medicines is irrational. [2]

Children involved in the illegal drug trade

The U.S. government's most recent 2005 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) reported that nationwide over 800,000 adolescents ages 12–18 sold illegal drugs during the 12 months preceding the survey.[60] The 2005 Youth Risk Behavior Survey by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that nationwide 25.4% of students had been offered, sold, or given an illegal drug by someone on school property. The prevalence of having been offered, sold, or given an illegal drug on school property ranged from 15.5% to 38.7% across state CDC surveys (median: 26.1%) and from 20.3% to 40.0% across local surveys (median: 29.4%).[61]

Despite over $7 billion spent annually towards arresting[62] and prosecuting nearly 800,000 people across the country for marijuana offenses in 2005 [citation needed](FBI Uniform Crime Reports), the federally-funded Monitoring the Future Survey reports about 85% of high school seniors find marijuana "easy to obtain." That figure has remained virtually unchanged since 1975, never dropping below 82.7% in three decades of national surveys.[63]

Environmental consequences

Environmental consequences of the drug war, resulting from US-backed aerial fumigation of drug-growing operations in third world countries, have been criticized as detrimental to some of the world's most fragile ecosystems;[64] the same aerial fumigation practices are further credited with causing health problems in local populations.[65]

Impact on growers

The US's coca eradication policy has been criticised for its negative impact on the livelihood of coca growers in South America. In many areas of South America the coca leaf has traditionally been chewed and used in tea and for religious, medicinal and nutritional purposes by locals. For this reason many insist that the illegality of traditional coca cultivation is unjust. In many areas the US government and military has forced the eradication of coca without providing for any meaningful alternate crop for farmers. The status of coca and coca growers has become an intense political issue in several countries, including Colombia and particularly Bolivia, where the president, Evo Morales, a former coca growers' union leader, has promised to legalise the traditional cultivation and use of coca.

In Afghanistan, the implementation of costly poppy eradication policies by the international community, and in particular the United States since their military intervention in 2001, have led [citation needed] to poverty and discontent on the part of the rural community, especially in the south of the country where alternative development policies have not been put in place to replace livelihoods lost through eradication. Furthermore, poppy cultivation has dramatically increased since 2003 as has support for anti-government elements. Although alternative policies such as controlled opium licensing have been suggested and are supported by many in Afghanistan and abroad, government leaders have still to move away from harmful eradication schemes.

War on drugs as cyclic creation of a permanent underclass

Since illegal drug use has been blamed for feeding the growth of the underclass, this has caused prohibitionists[citation needed] to call for further increases in certain drug-crime penalties, even though some of these disrupt opportunities for drug users to advance in society in socially acceptable ways. It has been argued by Blumenson and Nilsen that this causes a vicious cycle: since penalties for drug crimes among youth almost always involve permanent or semi-permanent removal from opportunities for education, and later involve creation of criminal records which make employment far more difficult, that the "war on drugs" has in fact resulted in the creation of a permanent underclass of people who have few educational or job opportunities, often as a result of being punished for drug offenses which in turn have resulted from attempts to earn a living in spite of having no education or job opportunities.[66]

Illegal drugs versus pharmaceuticals

In another regard, the war on drugs affects the US in the manner of its impact upon how health care providers employ psychoactive medications already extant in the United States Pharmacopeia (many of which have the potential for abuse, or for use as chemical precursors to substances proscribed by the Controlled Substances Act).

To take as one example, patients with ADHD are commonly prescribed various stimulant medications in maintenance regimens to control the symptoms of the condition. Frequently used drugs are Ritalin (Methylphenidate), Dexedrine (Dextroamphetamine), Adderall (Mixed Amphetamine Salts), and Desoxyn (Methamphetamine). All three of these products (and their congeners) are rated as Schedule II drugs which—per CDS-imposed regulations—can only be dispensed in amounts suitable for a month's medication at most, with the requirement that each month's supply can be renewed only with the authorization of yet another written prescription. Licensed prescribers are not even permitted to telephone, fax, or mail a refill authorization to the patient's pharmacy, with a few exceptions.

This obliges patients on stable regimens of therapy to visit their health care providers physically for reasons of regulatory compliance rather than medical necessity, adding substantially to the aggregate burden in financial cost accruing nationally due to the incidence of ADHD in the population, and providing no substantive benefit to either the patient or the community.

Another example is found in the 2005 Combat Methamphetamine Act, which seeks to control the volume of retail purchase of pseudoephedrine, a safe and effective over-the-counter systemic decongestant, simply because the methods by which these pseudoephedrine products can be used to extract a chemical base for the illicit manufacture of methamphetamine has become widespread knowledge in the flourishing black market for drugs of abuse.

This latter government grope in the War on Drugs serves to impose a major financial burden on the pharmaceuticals industry (forcing the reformulation of well-established products with the substitution of the demonstrably less effective decongestant phenylephrine) as well as substantially increased costs upon pharmacies and inconveniences upon patients on the dubious grounds that it poses a minor inconvenience to the criminals running meth labs.

The Citizen's Briefing Book and drug prohibition

Following President Barack Obama's win of the 2008 presidential election, Change.gov hosted a service on their website named the Citizen's Briefing Book allowing United States citizens to give their opinion on the most important issues in America, and allow others to vote up or down on those ideas. The top ten ideas are to be given to Obama on the day of his inauguration, January 20, 2009. The most popular idea according to the American people was "Ending Marijuana Prohibition", earning 92,970 points and obtaining a total of 3,550 comments.[67] The argument, written by 'Matt', states as follows:

Most popular vote on citizensbriefingbook.change.gov

I suggest that we step back and take a non-biased "Science Based" approach to decide what should be done about the "Utter Failure" that we call the War on (some) Drugs.

The fact is that Marijuana is much less harmful to our bodies than other Legal Drugs such as Tobacco and Alcohol. And for the Government to recognize Marijuana as having Medicinal Properties AND as a Schedule I drug (Has NO medicinal Properties) is an obvious flaw in the system.

We must stop imprisoning responsible adult citizens choosing to use a drug that has been mis-labeled for over 70 years.

The second most popular argument, by contrast, was "Commit to becoming the “Greenest” country in the world." with 70,470 points.[68]

It is unknown at this time how President Barack Obama plans to work with the American people on this issue, however Obama has stated that while he is an advocate for medical marijuana use, he does not believe in the legalization of recreational use of marijuana.

Prohibition of hemp industry

The War on Drugs has been criticized for outlawing the hemp industry in the United States. Hemp is the variety of Cannabis sativa, the plant that marijuana comes from, that does not have significant amounts of psychoactive substances in it. Without even realizing the plant had been outlawed several months prior, Popular Mechanics magazine published an article in 1938 entitled The New Billion-Dollar Crop anticipating the explosion of the hemp industry with the invention of machines to help process it. Recently, governmental refusal to take advantage of taxing hemp has been a point of criticism. Hemp has a large list of potential industrial uses including textiles, paper, rope, construction materials, and biocomposites (for use in cars for example).

The seed of the hemp plant is highly nutritious. Rare for a plant, it contains all essential amino acids. Rare for any food, it is a good source of alpha linoleic acid, an omega 3 fatty acid which is deficient in most diets.

Hemp is easy to grow and environmentally friendly. It grows quickly and in almost any climate. Few pesticides and no herbicides are used for growing the plant, in contrast to cotton (for textiles). Compared to processing trees to make paper, hemp requires fewer environmentally damaging chemicals.

Arguments for the War on Drugs

The War on Drugs is part of a long[quantify] history of human groups regulating the consumption of substances perceived to be either toxic to the body or threatening to the functioning of a peaceful or productive society.[citation needed] Proponents of the War on Drugs assert that illegal drug use is dangerous, that the War on Drugs is working, and that conditions will worsen if the War on Drugs is stopped.

Drugs and drug use are harmful

Since the War on Drugs targets the use of substances perceived as harmful, proponents of the War on Drugs may focus less on the "War" itself than on the "Drugs". Proponents for the War on Drugs therefore argue the following points:

  • Substances which can do significant harm to an individual, particularly from only a single use, should not be legal[69][70][71][72][73]
  • Drugs are especially harmful to the physical and mental development of children[74][75]
  • Addiction is a brutal disease which can destroy individuals, families, communities, economies, and potentially an entire society[76][77]
  • The treatment of addiction is expensive and unreliable compared to either the ideal of no drug use or the costs of prevention[78]
  • Drugs are heavily associated with crime, including organized crime and gangs[79][80][81][82][83][84][85]
  • Drugs have the potential to undermine social order[86][87]
  • Drugs are not "productive" in that they do not improve an individual's well-being or society's capacity to do so[88]
  • Legalization may reduce the profits to organized crime, but it will also increase the damage done to the health of individuals and society. [85]
  • Governments do not have to choose between either protecting health, through drug control, or ensuring law-and-order, by liberalizing drugs. [85]
  • Democratic governments can and must protect health and safety. [85]
  • Just because something is hard to control doesn't mean that its legalization will solve the problem. [85]

Note: when arguing in favor of the Drug war, the term "drug" implies a harmful substance, although that assumption is subjective and often controversial.

The War on Drugs is working

A frequent point of contention between proponents and critics of the War on Drugs involves the pragmatism of the War on Drugs rather than the principle or idea of reducing drug use. Therefore, proponents of the War on Drugs may emphasize that the process is working, arguing that since the inception of the War on Drugs:

  • drug use has declined, particularly among minors;[89][90][91][92][93][94][95]
  • producers of illegal drugs have been forced to adapt more expensive or difficult methods for producing drugs;[citation needed]
  • transporters of illegal drugs have been forced to adopt more expensive or difficult methods for transporting drugs;[96][97]
  • crime rates have declined nationally, particularly in cities and low-income areas;[citation needed]
  • organized crime and gang groups which engage in the drug trade have struggled to retain their dominance.[citation needed]

Stopping the War on Drugs would revert progress and worsen conditions

Lastly, proponents of the War on Drugs predict that its end would mean a reversal of any positive trends and a worsening of negative trends. They may argue that if the War on Drugs stops:

  • drug use will increase, particularly among minors;[98]
  • the availability of drugs will increase and the price of drugs will decrease;
  • crime rates will increase, particularly in cities and low-income areas;[99]
  • complacency with drug use and the problems related to drug use will rise;
  • billions of dollars will have been wasted, a possible example of Escalation of commitment;
  • the condition of the country will worsen;
  • inaction is unconscionable.[98][100]

Specific claims

Drug use has declined

The US Drug Enforcement Administration claims to have made significant progress in fighting drug use and drug trafficking in America. In a document entitled "Speaking Out Against Drug Legalization" published in May 2003 the DEA said:

Now is not the time to abandon our efforts. The Legalization Lobby claims that the fight against drugs cannot be won. However, overall drug use is down by more than a third in the last twenty years, while cocaine use has dropped by an astounding 70 percent. Ninety-five percent of Americans do not use drugs. This is success by any standards.

— US Drug Enforcement Administration (2003).Speaking Out Against Drug Legalization[101]

Protection of communities

President Bill Clinton asserted that it is necessary to combat drug abuse and trafficking in order to improve the quality of life in neighborhoods.[102]

See also


  1. ^ Payan, Tony, The Three U.S.-Mexico Border WarsWestport, Conn. : Praeger Security International, 2006. p. 23
  2. ^ "White House Czar Calls for End to 'War on Drugs'". The Wall Street Journal. May 14, 2009. Retrieved May 14, 2009.
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  4. ^ Gary Cartwright (1984, 1998) Dirty Dealing..., Atheneum (New York), p.37, ISBN:0689112432
  5. ^ Ibid, p.38
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  10. ^ Gabriel J. Chin, Race, The War on Drugs, and the Collateral Consequences of Criminal Conviction, 6 Journal of Gender, Race & Justice 253 (2002)
  11. ^ Salon Magazine "Prime-time Propaganda"
  12. ^ Television's Risky Relationship
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  27. ^ United States v. Oakland Cannabis Buyer's Cooperative, Majority Opinion of Justice Thomas United States v. Oakland Cannabis Buyer's Cooperative
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  70. ^ http://www.drugabuse.gov/infofacts/hospital.html
  71. ^ http://www.justthinktwice.com/drugfacts/
  72. ^ https://dawninfo.samhsa.gov/pubs/mepubs/default.asp
  73. ^ http://www.drugfree.org/Portal/Stories/
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  80. ^ http://www.whitehousedrugpolicy.gov/enforce/index.html
  81. ^ http://www.usdoj.gov/ndic/pubs31/31379/gangs.htm#Top
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  84. ^ http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/dcf/duc.htm
  85. ^ a b c d e Free Drugs or Drug Free? UNODC Executive Director Antonio Maria Costa (December 2007, New Orleans.
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  87. ^ http://www.usdoj.gov/ndic/pubs31/31379/summary.htm#Top
  88. ^ http://www.whitehousedrugpolicy.gov/publications/pdf/economic_costs98.pdf
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  99. ^ http://www.justthinktwice.com/factfiction/LegalizationWorks.cfm
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