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Ufology (from UFO, acronym for Unidentified Flying Object, and Greek -λογία, -logiā, "-logy") (Template:Pron-en) is a neologism coined to describe the collective efforts of those who study unidentified flying object reports and associated evidence. While ufology does not represent an academic field of research and is widely described as a pseudoscience, UFOs have been subject to various investigations over the years by governments and independent groups and scientists.


According to the Oxford English Dictionary, one of the first documented uses of the word ufology can be found in the Times Literary Supplement from January 23, 1959 in which it says, "The articles, reports, and bureaucratic studies which have been written about this perplexing visitant constitute 'ufology.'" This article was printed eight years after Edward J. Ruppelt of the United States Air Force (USAF) created the word UFO in 1951.

Historical background

Swedish Air Force officer searches for a "ghost rocket" in Lake Kölmjärv, Norrland, Sweden. July/August 1946

The modern UFO mythology has three traceable roots: the late 19th century "mystery airships" reported in the newspapers of western United States, "foo fighters" reported by Allied airmen during World War II and the Kenneth Arnold "flying saucer" sighting near Mt. Rainier, Washington state on June 24, 1947.[1]. UFO reports between the 'The Great Airship Wave' and the Arnold sighting were limited in number compared to the post-war period: notable cases include reports of "ghost fliers" in Europe and North America during the 1930s and the numerous reports of "ghost rockets" in Scandinavia (mostly Sweden) from May to December 1946.[2]. Media hype of the late 1940s and early 1950s following the Arnold sighting brought the concept of flying saucers to the wider audience.[3]

As the public's preoccupation in UFOs grew, along with the number of reported sightings, the United States military began to take notice of phenomenon. The UFO explosion of the early post-war era coincides with the escalation of the Cold War and the conflict in Korea.[1] The U.S. military feared that secret aircraft of the Soviet Union, possibly developed from captured German technology, were behind the sightings.[4] If real, the craft causing the sightings were thus of importance to national security.[5] and of need for systematic investigation. By 1952, however, the official US government interest in UFOs started to fade as the USAF projects "Sign" and "Grudge" concluded, along with the CIA's Robertson Panel that UFO reports indicated no direct threat to national security.[6] Official US government research into UFOs ended with the publication of the Condon Committee report in 1969.[6] The report concluded that the study of UFOs in the past 21 years had achieved little if anything and that further extensive study of UFO sightings was unwarranted.[6] It also recommended the termination of the USAF special unit Project Blue Book.[6]

As the US government ceased officially studying UFO sightings, the same is true today for most governments of the world. The notable exception is France, which still maintains the GEIPAN [7], formerly known as GEPAN (1977–1988) and SEPRA (1988–2004), unit under the French Space Agency CNES. During the Cold War, the several governments, including those of Britain[8], Canada[9], Denmark [10] Italy[11] and Sweden [12] collected UFO sightings. Britain's Ministry of Defence ceased accepting any new reports in 2010.[13]

Current notable ufological research is mainly done by various private groups and individuals.

Status as a field

Ufology has not been embraced by academia as a scientific field of study[14][15] even though UFOs were during the late 1940s and early 1950s the subject of large-scale scientific studies. It has been characterized as being partly [16] or totally [17] a pseudoscience, a characterization rejected by ufologists [18]

The lack of acceptance of ufology by academia as a field of study means that people can claim to be "UFO researchers", without the sorts of scientific consensus building and, in many cases peer review, that otherwise shape and influence scientific paradigms. Even among scientifically inclined UFO research efforts, data collecting was often done by amateur investigators.[14]

Famous mainstream scientists who have shown interest to the UFO phenomena include Stanford physicist Peter A. Sturrock[19], astronomer J. Allen Hynek [20], computer scientist and astronomer Jacques Fabrice Vallee[21] and University of Arizona meteorologist James E. McDonald.[22]

Methodological problems

Scientific UFO research suffers from the fact that the phenomena under observation do not usually make predictable appearances at a time and place convenient for the researcher.[23] Ufologist Diana Palmer Hoyt argues that[24]

The UFO problem seems to bear a closer resemblance to problems in meteorology than in physics. The phenomena are observed, occur episodically, are not reproducible, and in large part, are identified by statistical gathering of data for possible organization into patterns. They are not experiments that can be replicated at will at the laboratory bench under controlled conditions.

Skeptics, on the other hand, have argued that UFOs are not a scientific problem at all, as there is no tangle physical evidence to study.[23][15] Skeptic Barry Markovsky argues that under scrutiny by qualified investigators, the vast majority of UFO sightings turn out to have mundane explanations.[25]. Astronomer Carl Sagan stated on UFO sightings that "The reliable cases are uninteresting and the interesting cases are unreliable. Unfortunately there are no cases that are both reliable and interesting." [26]

Peter A. Sturrock states that UFO studies should be compartmentalized into at least "the following distinct activities:"[27]

  1. Field investigations leading to case documentation and the measurement or retrieval of physical evidence;
  2. Laboratory analysis of physical evidence;
  3. The systematic compilation of data (descriptive and physical) to look for patterns and so extract significant facts;
  4. The analysis of compilations of data (descriptive and physical) to look for patterns and so extract significant facts;
  5. The development of theories and the evaluation of those theories on the basis of facts.

Denzler[28] states that ufology as a field of study has branched into two different mindsets: the first group of investigators wants to convince the unbelievers and earn intellectual legitimacy through systematic study using the scientific method. The second group sees the follow-up questions concerning the origin and "mission" of the UFOs as more important than a potential academic standing.

UFO categorization

J. Allen Hynek (left) and Jacques Vallée

Different systems for the classification of UFO cases have been coined by ufologists.

Hynek system

Developed in the 1970s, J. Allen Hynek original system of description divides sightings into six categories.[29] It first separates sightings into distant- and close-encounter categories, arbitrarily setting 500 feet as the cutoff point. It then subdivides these close and distant categories based on appearance or special features. The three distant-encounter categories are:

  • Nocturnal Lights (NL): Anomalous lights seen in the night sky.
  • Daylight Discs (DD): Any anomalous object, generally but not necessarily “discoidal”, seen in the distant daytime sky.
  • Radar/Visual cases (RV). Objects seen simultaneously by eye and on radar.

Hynek also defined three “close encounter” (CE) subcategories:

Later Hynek introduced a fourth category, CE4, which is used to describe cases where the witness feels he was abducted by a UFO.[30] Some ufologists have adopted a fifth category, CE5, which involved conscious human-initiated contact with extraterrestrial intelligence.[30]

Vallée system

Jacques Vallée has devised a UFO classification system, where the UFO sightings of four different categories are divided into five subcategories. [31]

  • Close Encounter (CE): As per Hynek.
  • Manouver (MA): Trajectory discontinuity in flight.
  • Fly-by (FB): No observed discontinuity in flight.
  • Anomaly (AN): Unusual lights or unexplained entities.

The five subcategories can apply to all of four previous categories of sightings.

  • 1 Sighting
  • 2 Physical effects: for example, radar sighting
  • 3 Life form or living entity
  • 4 Reality transformation: witnesses experienced a transformation of their sense of reality (often corresponding to the popular characterization of the incident as an a abduction)
  • 5 Physiological impact: Such as death or serious injury

Thus, the Vallée categorization speaks of cases as MA-2, AN-1, CE-4 etc.

Alleged academic ridicule

Stanton Friedman[32] considers the general attitude of mainstream academics as arrogant and dismissive, or bound to a rigid world view that disallows any evidence contrary to previously held notions. Denzler [33] states that the fear of ridicule and a loss of status has prevented scientists of pursuing a public interest in UFOs. J. Allen Hynek's famous comment regarding this subject is, "Ridicule is not part of the scientific method and people should not be taught that it is."[34] Hynek said of the frequent dismissal of UFO reports by astronomers that the critics knew little about the sightings and should thus not be taken seriously.[35] Peter A. Sturrock suggests that a lack of funding is a major factor in the institutional disinterest in UFOs. [36]

Ufology and fringe theories

In addition to UFO sightings, certain supposedly related phenomena are of interest to some in the field of ufology, including crop circles (Colin Andrews[37]), cattle mutilations (Linda Moulton Howe [38]) and alien abductions and implants (well-known abduction researchers include John E. Mack, David M. Jacobs, Budd Hopkins, Richard Boylan and Raymond Fowler[39]). Some ufologists have also promoted UFO conspiracy theories, including the alleged Roswell UFO Incident of 1947 (Stanton Friedman[40], Kevin D. Randle [41]), the Majestic 12 documents (Stanton Friedman [42]) and UFO disclosure advocation (Michael Salla[43], Steven M. Greer [44]).

Skeptic Robert Sheaffer has accused ufology of having a "credulity explosion."[45] He claims a trend of increasingly sensational ideas steadily gaining popularity within ufology.[45] Sheaffer remarked "the kind of stories generating excitement and attention in any given year would have been rejected by mainstream ufologists a few years earlier for being too outlandish."[45]

Likewise, James McDonald has expressed the view that extreme groups undermined serious scientific investigation, stating that a "bizarre "literature" of pseudo-scientific discussion" on "spaceships bringing messengers of terrestrial salvation and occult truth" had been "one of the prime factors in discouraging serious scientists from looking into the UFO matter to the extent that might have led them to recognize quickly enough that cultism and wishful thinking have nothing to do with the core of the UFO problem."[46] In the same statement, McDonald said that: "Again, one must here criticize a good deal of armchair-researching (done chiefly via the daily newspapers that enjoy feature-writing the antics of the more extreme of such subgroups). A disturbing number of prominent scientists have jumped all too easily to the conclusion that only the nuts see UFOs".[46]

Surveys of scientists and amateur astronomers concerning UFOs

In 1973, Peter A. Sturrock conducted a surveys among members of the San Francisco chapter of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (1175 questionnaires mailed, 423 returned) and found no consensus concerning the nature and scientific importance of the UFO phenomenon, with views equally ranging from "impossible" to "certain" in reply to the question, "Do UFOs represent a scientifically significant phenomenon?" [47] In a later larger survey conducted among the members of the American Astronomical Society (2611 questionnaires mailed, 1356 replies), Sturrock found out that opinions were equally diverse, with 23% replying "certainly", 30% "probably", 27% "possibly", 17% "probably not", and 3% "certainly not" to the question if the UFO problem deserves scientific study.[48] Sturrock also asked in the same survey if the surveyee had witnessed any event which they could not have identified and which could have been related to the UFO phenomenon, with around 5% replying affirmatively.[48]

In 1980, a survey of 1800 members of various amateur astronomer associations by Gert Herb and J. Allen Hynek of the Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) found that 24% responded "yes" to the question "Have you ever observed an object which resisted your most exhaustive efforts at identification?"[49]

Notable studies, panels and conferences in ufology

Project Sign, Project Grudge (USA, 1947-1949)

Nathan F. Twining

The first official USAF investigations of UFOs were Project Sign (1947–1949) an its successor Project Grudge (1949). Several hundred sightings were examined, a majority them of having a mundane explanation.[50] Some sightings were classified as credible but inexplicable, and in these cases the possibility of an advanced unknown aircraft could not be ruled out.[51]

The initial memos of the project took the UFO question seriously. After surveying 16 early reports, Lt. Col. George D. Garrett estimated that the sightings were not imaginary or exaggerations of natural phenomena.[52] Lt. General Nathan F. Twining expressed the same estimate in a letter to Brig. General Schulgen.[53]

'Flying Saucer' Working Party (UK, 1950–1951)

The United Kingdom's Ministry of Defence, alarmed of reports of seemingly advanced unidentified aircraft, followed the example of the US military by conducting its own study on UFOs in 1950.[54]. A research group was formed based on the recommendation of the eminent chemist Henry Tizard, and was involved in similar work as Project Sign.[54] After less than a year the directorate, named the 'Flying Saucer' Working Party (FSWP) concluded that most observations were either cases of mistaken identity, optical illusions, psychological delusions or hoaxes, and recommended that no further investigation on the phenomena should be undertaken.[55] In 1952, the directorate informed Prime Minister Winston Churchill, after his inquiry about UFOs, that they had found no evidence of extraterrestrial spacecraft.[54] The FSWP files were classified for fifty years and were released to the British public in 2001.[54]

Project Magnet, Project Second Story (Canada, 1950-1954)

Project Magnet, led by senior senior radio engineer Wilbert B. Smith from the Department of Transport had the goal of studying magnetic phenomena, specifically geomagnetism as a potential propulsion method for vehicles.[56][57] Smith believed the UFOs were using this method to achieve flight.[57] The final report of the project, however, contains no mention of geomagnetism.[58] It discusses twenty-five UFO sightings reported during 1952, and concludes with the notion that "extraterrestrial space vehicles" are probable.[58]

Along with the Smith group, a parallel committee dedicated solely to dealing with "flying saucer" reports was formed.[59] This committee, called Project Second Story, was sponsored by the Defence Research Board and its main purpose was to collect, catalogue and correlate data from UFO sighting reports.[59] The committee appears to have dissolved after five meetings, as the group deemed the collected material unsuitable for scientific analysis.[60]

Project Blue Book (USA, 1951-1969)

As a continuation of Project Sign and Project Grudge in 1951, the USAF launched Project Blue Book, led by Captain Edward J. Ruppelt. Under Ruppelt, the collection and investigation of UFO sightings became more systematic.[61] The project issued a series of status reports, which were initially classified, but declassified in September 1960 and made available in 1968.[62]

Project Blue Book was terminated in December 1969, following the report of the Condon Committee (see below). Until then, 12 618 incidents had been investigated, the great majority of which could be explained by conventional means. 701 cases (around 6 %) remained "unidentified".[63] Officially, the USAF concluded from the project that the phenomena investigated are of no concern to national security, and that there is no evidence the sightings categorized as "unidentified" are caused by extraterrestrial aircraft.[63]

Project Blue Book Special Report No. 14 (USA, 1952-1954)

The main entrance to Battelle Memorial Institute in Columbus, Ohio

Ruppelt contracted a team of scientists from the Battelle Memorial Institute to evaluate the early sightings gathered by the project. They conducted analysis, primarily statistical, on the subject for almost two years. The study concluded that more complete the data and better the report, the more likely it was that the report was classified as unidentified.[64][65] However, the report emphasized the subjectivity of the data, and stated that the conclusions drawn from the study were not based on facts, but on the subjective observations and estimations of the individual.[66] Furthermore, the report summary and conclusion stated that "unknowns" were not likely something beyond the era's technology, and almost certainly not "flying saucers".[61]

Robertson Panel (USA, 1953)

Before the final Battelle report was published, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) had developed an interest in UFOs as a national security (not scientific) issue, and set up a committee to examine existing UFO data.[61] The panel, headed by mathematician and physicist Howard Percy Robertson met from 14 to 17 January 1953.[6] It concluded unanimously that the UFO sightings posed no direct threat to national security, but did find that a continued emphasis on UFO reporting might threaten government functions by causing the channels of communication to clog with irrelevant reports and by inducing mass hysteria.[6] Also, the panel worried that nations hostile to the US might use the UFO phenomena to disrupt air defenses.[6] To meet these problems, the panel stated that a policy of public education on the lack of evidence behind UFOs was needed, to be done through the mass media, schools etc.[6] It also recommended monitoring private UFO groups for subversive activities.[6]

The recommendations of the Roberson Panel were partly implemented through a series of special military regulations.[67] The December 1953 Joint-Army-Navy-Air Force Publication 146 (JANAP 146) made publication of UFO sightings a crime under the Espionage Act.[67] The Air Force Regulation 200-2 (AFR 200-2) revision of 1954 made all UFO sightings reported to the USAF classified.[67] AFR 200-2 revision of February 1958 allowed the military to deliver to the FBI names of those who were "illegally or deceptively" bringing UFOs to public attention.[67]

Condon Committee (USA, 1966-1968)

Edward U. Condon

After the recommendations of the Robertson Panel, the USAF wanted to ends its involvement in UFOs and pass Project Blue Book to an another agency.[68] In October 1966 the USAF contracted the University of Colorado, under the leadership of renowned physicist Edward U. Condon for $325,000 to conduct more scientific investigations of selected UFO sightings and to make recommendations about the project's future.[68][6] The committee looked at ninety-one UFO sightings, of which it was unable to identify 30%.[64] The report concluded that there was no "direct evidence" that UFOs were extraterrestrial spacecraft,[64] that UFO research of the past 21 years had added nothing to scientific knowledge, and that further study was not justified.[69] As a direct result of the Condon report, Project Blue Book was closed in December 1969.[64]

Many ufologists, however, were not satisfied with the Condon report, and considered it a cover-up.[6]

RAND Corporation paper (USA, 1968)

The RAND Corporation produced a short internal document titled "UFOs: What to Do?", published in November 1968.[70] The paper gives a historical summary of the UFO phenomenon, talks briefly about issues concerning extraterrestrial life and interstellar travel, presents a few case studies and discusses the phenomenological content of a UFO sighting, reviews hypotheses and finally conclude by recommending organizing a central UFO report receiving agency and conducting more research on the phenomenon.[70]

Project Identification (USA, 1973-1980)

In 1973, a wave of UFO sightings in south-east Missouri prompted Harley D. Rutledge, physics professor at the University of Missouri to conduct an extensive field investigation of the phenomenon.[71] The findings were published in the book (not in any traditional scientific venue or format) Project Identification: the first scientific field study of UFO phenomena.[72] Although taking a specific interest in describing unidentified aerial phenomena and not identifying them, the book goes in later chapters to reference the presumed intelligence of the sighted objects.[73]

Studies by GEPAN, SERPA & GEIPAN (France, 1977–present)

File:Cussac (1).gif
Drawing from the GEPAN report on the Cussac case

In 1977, the French Space Agency CNES Director General set up a unit to record UFO sighting reports.[74] The unit was initially known as Groupe d’Etudes des Phénomènes Aérospatiaux Non identifiés (GEPAN), changed in 1988 to Service d'expertise de rentrée atmosphérique Phenom (SERPA) and in 2005 to Groupe d'études et d'informations sur les phénomènes aérospatiaux non identifiés (GEIPAN).[74]

GEIPAN has found a mundane explanation for the vast majority of recorded cases, but in 2007, after 30 years of investigation, 1600 cases (circa 28 % of total cases) remain unexplained "despite precise witness accounts and good-quality evidence recovered from the scene." and are categorized as "Type D" [74] In April 2010, GEIPAN statistics state that 23% of all cases are of Type D.[75] Jean-Jacques Velasco, the head of SEPRA from 1983 to 2004, wrote a book in 2004 saying that 13.5% of the 5800 cases studied by SEPRA were without any rational explanation and stated that UFOs are extraterrestrial in origin.[76]

United Nations (1977-1979)

Because of the lobbying of Eric Gairy, the Prime Minister of Grenada, the United Nations General Assembly addressed the UFO issue in the late 1970s.[77] On July 14, 1978 a panel, with Gordon Cooper, J. Allen Hynek and Jacques Vallee among its members, held a hearing to inform the UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim about the matter.[78] As a consequence of this meeting, the UN adopted decisions A/DEC/32/424 and A/DEC/33/426, which called for "establishment of an agency or a department of the United Nations for undertaking, co-ordinating and disseminating the results of research into unidentified flying objects and related phenomena".[79][80][81]

Project Hessdalen / Project EMBLA (Norway, 1983–present / Italy 1999-2004)

Since 1981, in an area near the mountain valley Hessdalen in Norway unidentified flying, glowing objects have been commonly observed. This so-called Hessdalen phenomenon has been two times the subject of scientific field studies: the "Project Hessdalen" (1983–1985 and 1995 to date) secured technical assistance from the Norwegian Defense Research Establishment, the University of Oslo and the University of Bergen, while the "Project EMBLA" (1999–2004) was an Italian team of scientists led by Massimo Teodorani (Istituto di Radioastronomia di Bologna).

Both studies confirmed the presence of the phenomenon and were able to record it with cameras and various technical equipment such as radar, laser and infrared.[82][83] The origin and nature of the lights remains unclear.[84][85]

The researchers of Project EMBLA speculated about the possibility of atmospheric plasma as the origin of the phenomenon, and also evaluated the change of extraterrestrial intelligence being the cause of the lights.[86]

Project Condign (UK, 1996-2000)

The British Ministry of Defence (MoD) published in 2006 the "Scientific & Technical Memorandum 55/2/00a" of a four-volume, 460-page report titled "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena in the UK Air Defence Region ", based on a study on behalf of the Defence Intelligence Staff, section DI55, codenamed Project Condign.[87] The report is dated December 2000 and was previously classified as top secret. It discusses the British UFO reports (the MoD used the term Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, UAP) received between 1959 and 1997.

The report affirms that UFOs are a real phenomenon,[88] but points out that they present no threat to national defencẹ.[89] The report further states that there is no evidence that UFO sightins are caused by incursions of intelligent origin, or that any UFOs are solid objects which might cause a collision hazard.[90] Allthough the study admits of being unable to explain all analyzed UFO sightings with certainty, it recommends that section DI55 ceases monitoring UFO reports, as they do not provide information useful for Defence Intelligence.[91]

Sturrock Panel Report (USA, 1997)

From Sept. 29 to Oct. 4, 1997 a workshop examining selected UFO incidents took place in Tarrytown, New York. The meeting was initiated by Peter A. Sturrock, who had reviewed the Condon report and found it dissatisfying.[92] The international review panel consisted of nine physical scientists, who responded to eight investigators of UFO reports, who were asked to present their strongest data. [93]

The final report of the workshop was published under the title "Physical Evidence Related to UFO Reports" in the Journal of Scientific Exploration in 1998. [94] The study concluded that the studied cases presented no unequivocal evidence for the presence of unknown physical phenomena or for extraterrestrial intelligence, [95] but argued that a continued study of UFO cases might be scientifically valuable. [96]

COMETA Report (France, 1999)

COMETA (COMité d'ÉTudes Approfondies, "Committee for in-depth studies") is a private French group, which is mainly composed of high-ranking individuals of the French Ministry of Defence. In 1999 the group published a 90-page report titled "Les Ovni Et La Defense: A quoi doit-on se Préparer?" ("UFOs and Defense: What Should We Prepare For?").[97] The report analyzed various UFO cases and concluded that UFOs are real, complex flying objects, and that the extraterrestrial hypothesis (see below) has a high probability of being the correct explanation for the UFO phenomenon.[98] The study recommended that the French government should adjust to the reality of the phenomenon and conduct further research. [99]

Skeptic Claude Maugé criticized COMETA for research incompetency, and claimed that the report tried to present itself as an official French document, when in fact it was published by a private group.[100]

"Disclosure Project" Press Conference (USA, 2001)

Steven M. Greer

On May 9, 2001 twenty government workers from military and civilian organizations spoke about their experiences regarding UFOs and UFO confidentiality at the National Press Club in Washington DC.[101] The press conference was initiated by Steven M. Greer, founder of the Disclosure Project, which has the goal of disclosing alleged government UFO secrecy.[102]

The purpose of the press conference was to build public pressure through the media to obtain a hearing before the United States Congress on the issue.[103] Although major American media outlets reported on the conference,[104] the interest quickly died down again, and no hearing came forth.

Fife Symington Press Conference (USA, 2007)

On November 12, 2007 a press conference, moderated by former Governor of Arizona Fife Symington, was held at the National Press Club in Washington DC.[105] Nineteen former pilots and military and civilian officials spoked about their experiences with UFOs and demanded that the U.S. government engages in a new investigation of the phenomenon.[106]

Notable cases in ufology

Below are short summaries of selected famous cases in UFO research. All of the incidents remain subject of controversy.

Kenneth Arnold UFO sighting (USA, 1947)

On June 24, 1947 pilot Kenneth Arnold reported seeing nine metallic objects flying near Mt. Rainier, Washington. [107] The term 'flying saucer' was invented by Associated Press reporter Bill Bequette, who based it on Arnold's description of the objects.[107]

Roswell UFO Incident (USA, 1947)

The Roswell Incident of 1947 ranks as one of the most publicized and controversial UFO incidents.[108] The US army allegedly recovered extra-terrestrial debris, including alien corpses, from an object which crashed near Roswell, New Mexico, in July 1947 [109] Many books on the incident have been written since the 1970s, and numerous alleged witnesses have spoken on the event.[110] The USAF maintains that the crashed object was a top-secret military spy balloon (Project Mogul).[111]

July 1952 Washington D.C. UFO incident (USA, 1952)

From 13th to 29th of July 1952 there was a major wave of UFO sightings over Washington DC. Simultaneous radar and visual sightings were reported of what appeared to be a group of UFOs flying over the city, and the Capitol Building.[112][113] Fighter jets were scrambled to intercept the objects, which allegedly disappear when the planes got close enough to engage, and reappeared again when the jets disengaged.[112] The USAF held a major press conference to respond to the media and public inquiry, and brought in Harvard astronomer Donald Menzel to explain away the sightings as being caused by temperature inversion.[112]

Tehran UFO Incident (Iran, 1976)

Page 2 of a USAF report on the Tehran incident by Captain Henry S. Shields

On the morning of September 19, 1976 an unknown, bright object was sighted and also recorded by radar over Tehran, Imperial State of Iran. Two Imperial Iranian Air Force F-4 Phantom jet fighters tried to intercept the object, but had to turn back reportedly after a instrumentation and communications failure on both planes.[114] The second plane's weapons system reportedly also went dead when it tried to fire a missile at a smaller object which emerged from the object pursued.[114] The case is confirmed both by the statements of a senior Iranian military official[115] and by a report of the U.S. Defense Department on the case.[116]

Skeptic Philip J. Klass, after examining the case, claimed the witnesses initially saw an astronomical body, probably Jupiter, and equipment malfunction and pilot incompetence accounted for the rest.[117] Klass also pointed out that although being supposedly such a spectacular UFO case, it remained unclassified, and that there was no evidence of a follow-up investigation.[118]

Rendlesham Forest Incident (UK, 1980)

From 26th to 28th December 1980, several bright UFOs were reportedly observed by military personnel in Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk, England.[119] In one case, a witness reported seeing a landed object, which he then touched and felt characters etched on its surface, before the object flew off again.[120] Later, military personnel found impressions and increased radioactivity measurements on the supposed landing site.[121] The witnesses were all military personnel, including the deputy commander of the nearby Bentwaters Royal Air Force base, Lt. Col. Charles I. Halt. An official USAF memo dated January 13, 1981 documents the incident.[122] An audio recording of the military investigation that took place on the 27th December is available.[122]

Skeptic Brian Dunning of the Skeptoid podcast suggests the UFO and strange light sightings were misidentifications of the nearby Orfordness lighthouse, the re-entry of the Russian Cosmos 749 rocket and meteors.[123]

Belgian UFO wave (Belgium, 1989-1991)

From the end of 1989 to the middle of 1991, about 3500 UFO sightings were recorded in Belgium.[124] On the night of March 30, 1990 hundreds of people reported seeing UFOs in the airspace over Belgium, and unknown targets were also confirmed by radar.[125] Two Belgian Air Force (BAF) F-16 fighters tried to intercept the objects without success.[125] The radar tapes were later analyzed by the BAF, and it was concluded that the anomalies could have been caused by processing errors on the on-board computers.[125]

Ufologist Renaud Leclet et al. state that some of the sightings can be explained by helicopters of unusual models not familiar to the public.[126]

Phoenix Lights (USA, 1997)

On March 13, 1997 from circa 8:15 p.m. to 10 p.m. hundreds of citizens of the city of Phoenix, Arizona reported seeing a formation of lights move over city and surrounding mountains, giving an impression of a gigantic V-shaped object.[127][128] Along with eyewitness testimony, video material and pictures of the lights exist.[125]

Visiting 104th Fighter Squadron of the Maryland Air National Guard dropped illumination flares as a part of an exercise near Phoenix around 8:15 to 8:30 p.m.[129][130]

Notable UFO organizations

United States

In the US, groups and affiliates interested in UFO investigation number in the hundreds, of which only a limited number have achieved prominence based on their longevity, size and the involvement of researchers with scientific credentials.[131] The first significant UFO interest group in the US was the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO), formed in 1952 by Coral and James Lorenzen.[131] The organization closed down in 1988.[131] The National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) was formed in 1957 and closed down in the 1970ṣ.[131] At a time it was the largest UFO organization in the country, with numerous chapters.[131] In 1957, Brothers W. H. and J. A. Spaulding founded the Ground Saucer Watch, which later became famous when in 1977 the group filed a suit under the Freedom of Information Act against the CIA.[131]

The two major UFO groups active today are the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), founded in 1969, and the Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS), founded in 1973 by J. Allen Hynek.[131] MUFON grew as the key members of NICAP joined the organization in the 1970s.[131] CUFOS has tried to limit its membership to established researchers, but has found little academic acceptance.[131]

United Kingdom

The British UFO Research Association (BUFORA) is the largest and oldest of the active British UFO organizations.[132] It traces its roots to the London UFO Research Association (founded in 1959) which merged with the British UFO Association (BUFOA) to form BUFORA in 1964.[132]


Australian Flying Saucer Bureau (AFSB) and the Australian Flying Saucer Research Society (AFSRS) were the earliest UFO groups established in Australia, with both being founded in the early 1950s.[133]

The Australian Centre for UFO Studies (ACUFOS) was established as in 1974 with links to the American CUFOS.[134] Other currently active Australian UFO groups include the Victorian UFO Research Society (VUFORS)[133], the Australian UFO Research Network (AUFORN)[135] and UFO Research Queensland (UFORQ).[136]

Skeptic organizations

The Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (CSI), although not an UFO organization, has investigated various UFO cases and given a skeptical review of the phenomena in its publications, often in the magazine Skeptical Inquirer.[137] Founded as the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP) in 1976 by professor of philosophy Paul Kurtz, the Committee counts as its founding members scientists and skeptics such as Carl Sagan, Isaac Asimov, Philip J. Klass, Ray Hyman, James Randi and Martin Gardner.[138]

The Skeptics Society, founded by science historian Michael Shermer in 1992, has also addressed the UFO issue skeptically in its magazine Skeptic.[139]

Further reading

Academic books about ufology as a sociological and historical phenomenon
  • Denzler, Brenda (2003). The lure of the edge: scientific passions, religious beliefs, and the pursuit of UFOs. University of California Press. ISBN 0520239059.
Skeptical opinions
Ufology studies

See also


  1. ^ a b Brake, Mark (2006). "On the plurality of inhabited worlds;a brief history of extraterrestrialism". International Journal of Astrobiology. 5 (2): 104. doi:10.1017/S1473550406002989. {{cite journal}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help); Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help)
  2. ^ Denzler, Brenda (2003). The lure of the edge: scientific passions, religious beliefs, and the pursuit of UFOs. University of California Press. pp. 6–7. ISBN 0520239059.
  3. ^ Denzler (2003), pp. 9
  4. ^ Schulgen, George (October 28, 1947). "Schulgen Memo". Retrieved May 3, 2010. the object sighted is being assumed to be a manned aircraft, of Russian origin, and based on the perspective thinking and actual accomplishments of the Germans.
  5. ^ "The Air Force Intelligence Report". Retrieved May 3, 2010. To implement this policy it was directed that Hq, Air Material Command set up a project with the purpose of collecting, collating, evaluating, and distributing to interested government agencies and contractors, all information concerning sightings and phenomena in the atmosphere which could be construed to be of concern to the national security.
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Haines, Gerald K. (April 14, 2007). "CIA's Role in the Study of UFOs, 1947-90". Retrieved May 3, 2010.
  7. ^ GEIPAN stands for Groupe d'Études et d'Informations sur les Phénomènes Aérospatiaux Non-identifiés ("unidentified aerospace phenomenon research and information group")
  8. ^ UK National Archives UFO files
  9. ^ Library and Archives Canada UFO files
  10. ^ The Copenhagen Post (January 29, 2009). "Secret UFO archives opened". Retrieved May 3, 2010.
  11. ^ Italian Air Force UFO site (in Italian)
  12. ^ Expressen (May 6, 2009). "För insyn: 18 000 svenska UFO-rapporter" (in Swedish). Retrieved May 3, 2010.
  13. ^ Telegraphy (February 28, 2010). "UFO reports to be destroyed in future by MoD". Retrieved May 3, 2010.
  14. ^ a b Denzler (2003), pp. 69
  15. ^ a b Why SETI Is Science and UFOlogy Is Not - A Space Science Perspective on Boundaries, Mark Moldwin, 2004
  16. ^ Tuomela, Raimo (1985). Science, action, and reality. Springer. p. 234. ISBN 9027720983.
  17. ^ Feist, Gregory J. (2006). The psychology of science and the origins of the scientific mind. Yale University Press. p. 219. ISBN 030011074X.
  18. ^ Friedman, Stanton T. (2009-05-30). "Pseudo-Science of Anti-Ufology". The UFO Chronicles. Retrieved 2010-05-3. {{cite journal}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help); Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  19. ^ Sturrock, Peter A. (2000). The UFO Enigma: A New Review of the Physical Evidence. Aspect Books. ISBN 0446677094.
  20. ^ The J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies
  21. ^ Vallee, Jacques (1965). Anatomy of a phenomenon: unidentified objects in space--a scientific appraisal. NTC/Contemporary Publishing. ISBN 0-8092-9888-0.. {{cite book}}: Check |isbn= value: invalid character (help)
  22. ^ McDonald, James. E. (1968). Statement on Unidentified Flying Objects submitted to the House Committee on Science and Astronautics at July 29, 1968, Symposium on Unidentified Flying Objects, Rayburn Bldg., Washington, D.D.
  23. ^ a b Denzler (2003), pp. 35
  24. ^ Hoyt, Diana Palmer (2000-04-20). "UFOCRITIQUE: UFO's, Social Intelligence and the Condon Committees" (PDF). Master's Thesis. Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Retrieved 2007-05-25. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help) (page 13)
  25. ^ Markovsky B., "UFOs", in The Skeptic's Encyclopedia of Pseudoscience, edited by Michael Shermer, 2002 Skeptics Society, p260
  26. ^ Sagan, Carl (1975). Other Worlds. Bantam. p. 113. ISBN 0552664391.
  27. ^ Sturrock (2000) pp. 163
  28. ^ Denzler (2003), pp. 35-36
  29. ^ Hynek, J. Allen (1974). The UFO experience: a scientific enquiry. Corgi. ISBN 0552094307.
  30. ^ a b Tumminia, Diana G. (2007). Alien worlds: social and religious dimensions of extraterrestrial contact. Syracuse University Press. ISBN 0815608586.
  31. ^ Vallée, Jacques F. (1998). "Physical Analyses in Ten Cases of Unexplained Aerial Objects with Material Samples". Journal of Scientific Exploration. 12 (3): 360–361. {{cite journal}}: Cite has empty unknown parameters: |month= and |coauthors= (help)
  32. ^ Friedman, Stanton T. (2008). Flying Saucers and Science: A Scientist Investigates the Mysteries of UFOs. Franklin Lakes, NJ: New Page Books. ISBN 978-1-60163-011-7.
  33. ^ Denzler (2003), pp. 72-73
  34. ^ Hynek, Josef Allen (1953). "Unusual Aerial Phenomena". Journal of the Optical Society of America. 43 (4): 311–314. doi:10.1364/JOSA.43.000311. {{cite journal}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help); Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help)
  35. ^ Josef Allen Hynek (1952-08-06). "Special report on conferences with astronomers on unidentified aerial objects". NARA. Retrieved 2007-05-25. Close questioning revealed they knew nothing of the actual sightings, of their frequency or anything much about them, and therefore cannot be taken seriously. This is characteristic of scientists in general when speaking about subjects which are not in their own immediate field of concern. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  36. ^ Sturrock (2000) pp. 155: "If the Air Force were to make available, say, $50 million per year for ten years for UFO research, it is quite likely that the subject would look somewhat less disreputable ... however, an agency is unlikely to initiate such a program at any level until scientists are supportive of such an initiative. We see that there is a chicken-and-egg program. It would be more sensible, and more acceptable to the scientific community, if research began at a low level."
  37. ^ Andrews, Colin; Spignesi, Stephen J. (2003). Crop circles: signs of contact. Career Press. ISBN 156414674X.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  38. ^ Howe, Linda Moulton (1989). Alien Harvest: Further Evidence Linking Animal Mutilations and Human Abductions to Alien Life Forms. Linda Moulton Howe Productions. ISBN 0-9620570-1-0.
  39. ^ Denzler (2003), pp. 239
  40. ^ Friedman, Stanton T.;Berliner, Don (1992). Crash at Corona: The U.S. Military Retrieval and Cover-up of a UFO. Paragon House. ISBN 1-55778-449-3.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  41. ^ Randle, Kevin D.;Schmitt, Donald R. (1991). UFO Crash at Roswel. Avon Books. ISBN 0-380-76196-3.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  42. ^ Friedman, Stanton T. (1997). TOP SECRET/MAJIC. Marlowe & Co. ISBN 1-56924-741-2.
  43. ^ Salla, Michael (2004). Exopolitics: Political Implications of Extraterrestrial Presence. Dandelion Books. ISBN 1893302563.
  44. ^ Greer, Steven M. (2001). Disclosure : Military and Government Witnesses Reveal the Greatest Secrets in Modern History. Crossing Point. ISBN 0967323819.
  45. ^ a b c Sheaffer, Robert. "A Skeptical Perspective on UFO Abductions." In: Pritchard, Andrea & Pritchard, David E. & Mack, John E. & Kasey, Pam & Yapp, Claudia. Alien Discussions: Proceedings of the Abduction Study Conference. Cambridge: North Cambridge Press. Pp. 382-388.
  46. ^ a b McDonald (1968)
  47. ^ Sturrock, Peter A. (May 1974). "UFO Reports from AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics) Members". UFO Evidence. Retrieved 2010-05-4. {{cite journal}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help); Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  48. ^ a b Sturrock, Peter A. (1976). "Report on a Survey of the Membership of the American Astronomical Society Concerning the UFO Phenomenon - Summary". Stanford university report No. 681R. Retrieved 2010-05-4. {{cite journal}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help); Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  49. ^ Herb, Gert & J. Allen Hynek (May 2006). "The Amateur Astronomer and the UFO Phenomena". reprint. 30 (3). International UFO Reporter: 14–16. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  50. ^ United States Air Force (April 27, 1949). "USAF Briefing Report". Retrieved May 4, 2010. The majority of reported incidents have been caused by misidentification of weather balloons, high altitude balloons with lights or electronic equipment, meteors, Boliden, and celestial bodies.
  51. ^ United States Air Force (April 27, 1949). "USAF Briefing Report". Retrieved May 4, 2010. There are numerous reports from reliable and competent observers for which a conclusive explanation has not been possible. Some of these involve descriptions which would place them in the category of new manifestations of probable natural phenomena, but others involve configurations and described performance which might conceivably represent an advanced aerodynamical development.
  52. ^ Lt. Col. George D. Garrett, USAF. (July 30, 1947). "Flying discs. Summary of 16 UFO cases". Retrieved May 4, 2010. This "flying saucer" situation is not all imaginary or seeing too much in some natural phenomenon. Something is really flying around.
  53. ^ Lt. General Nathan F. Twining, USAF. (September 23, 1947). "AMC Opinion Concerning "Flying Discs"". Retrieved May 4, 2010. The phenomenon is something real and not visionary or fictitious
  54. ^ a b c d Hodapp, Christopher & Alice Von Kannon (2008). Conspiracy Theories & Secret Societies For Dummies. For Dummies. p. 133. ISBN 0470184086.
  55. ^ Flying Saucer Working Party, Ministry of Defence (June 1951). "Unidentified Flying Objects: Report by the 'Flying Saucer' Working Party". Retrieved May 4, 2010.
  56. ^ Denzler (2003), pp. 98
  57. ^ a b >Library and Archives Canada (August 11, 2007). "Canada's UFOs: The Search for the Unknown - Project Magnet". Retrieved May 8, 2010.
  58. ^ a b Cameron, Vicki (1995). Don't tell anyone, but--: UFO experiences in Canada. General Store Publishing House. p. 10. ISBN 1896182208.
  59. ^ a b Library and Archives Canada (December 14, 2007). "Canada's UFOs: The Search for the Unknown - Project Second Story". Retrieved May 8, 2010.
  60. ^ Cameron (1995), pp. 10-11
  61. ^ a b c Denzler (2003), pp. 13
  62. ^ Lamb, David (2001). The search for extraterrestrial intelligence: a philosophical inquiry. Routledge. p. 146. ISBN 0203991745.
  63. ^ a b USAF (June 1995). "USAF Fact Sheet 95-03: Unidentified Flying Objects and Air Force Project Blue Book". Retrieved May 4, 2010.
  64. ^ a b c d Denzler (2003), pp. 16
  65. ^ Sturrock, Peter A. (1987). "An Analysis of the Condon Report on the Colorado UFO Project" (PDF). Journal of Scientific Exploration. 1 (1): 77. {{cite journal}}: Cite has empty unknown parameters: |month= and |coauthors= (help)
  66. ^ United States Air Technical Intelligence Center (May 5, 1955). "Project Blue Book Special Report NO. 14: Analysis of Reports of Unidentified Aerial Objects. Project No. 10073". Retrieved May 4, 2010. The danger lies in the possibility of forgetting the subjectivity of the data at the time that conclusions are drawn from the analysis. It must be emphasized, again and again, that the conclusions contained in this report are based NOT on facts, but on what many observers thought and estimated the true facts to be.
  67. ^ a b c d Denzler (2003), pp. 14
  68. ^ a b Denzler (2003), pp. 15
  69. ^ Edward U.Condon (1968). "Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects". Retrieved May 4, 2010. Our general conclusion is that nothing has come from the study of UFOs in the past 21 years that has added to scientific knowledge. Careful consideration of the record as it is available to us leads us to conclude that further extensive study of UFOs probably cannot be justified in the expectation that science will be advanced thereby.
  70. ^ a b Kocher, George (November 1968). "UFOs: What to Do?" (PDF). RAND Corporation. Retrieved May 8, 2010.
  71. ^ Denzler (2003), pp. 72
  72. ^ Rutledge, Harley D. (1981). Project Identification: the first scientific field study of UFO phenomena. Prentice-Hall. ISBN 0137307055.
  73. ^ Dickinson, Alexander K. (1982). "Interesting, But UFO's Still Unidentified". The Physics Teacher. 20 (2): 128–130. doi:10.1119/1.2340971. {{cite journal}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help); Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help)
  74. ^ a b c CNES (March 26, 2007). "GEIPAN UAP investigation unit opens its files". Retrieved May 4, 2010.
  75. ^ GEIPAN, CNES (April 8, 2010). "GEIPAN statistics" (in French). Retrieved May 4, 2010.
  76. ^ La Dépêche du Midi (April 18, 2004). "'Yes, UFOs exist': Position statement by SEPRA head, Jean-Jacques Velasco". Retrieved May 4, 2010.
  77. ^ Dolan, Richard M. (2008). UFOs and the National Security state - the cover-up exposed 1973-1991. Keyhole Publishing. pp. 143–144. ISBN 978-0-9677995-1-3.
  78. ^ Photograph of United Nations meeting on UFOs, July 14, 1978 ufoevidence.org (Retrieved May 4, 2010)
  79. ^ A/DEC/32/424 UNBISnet- United Nations Bibliographic Information System, Dag Hammarskjöld Library ( Retrieved May 4, 2010)
  80. ^ A/DEC/33/426, UNBISnet (Retrieved May 4, 2010)
  81. ^ UN (December 18, 1978). "Recommendation to Establish UN Agency for UFO Research - UN General Assembly decision 33/426". Retrieved May 4, 2010. the General Assembly invites interested Member States to take appropriate steps to coordinate on a national level scientific research and investigation into extraterrestrial life, including unidentified flying objects, and to inform the Secretary-General of the observations, research and evaluation of such activities.
  82. ^ Teodorani, Massimo (2004). "A Long-Term Scientific Survey of the Hessdalen Phenomenon" (PDF). Journal of Scientific Exploration. 18 (12): 222–224. {{cite journal}}: Cite has empty unknown parameters: |month= and |coauthors= (help)
  83. ^ Erling Strand. "Project Hessdalen 1984 - Final Technical Report". Retrieved May 4, 2010. Beside the light measurements, it can be "measured" by radar and laser. Perhaps the measurements we did on the magnetograph and spectrum analyser are due to this phenomenon as well. We have to do more measurements with these instruments, before we can be sure of that.
  84. ^ Erling Strand. "Project Hessdalen 1984 - Final Technical Report". Retrieved May 4, 2010. We have not found out what this phenomenon is. That could hardly be expected either. But we know that the phenomenon, whatever it is, can be measured.
  85. ^ Teodorani, Massimo (2004). "A Long-Term Scientific Survey of the Hessdalen Phenomenon" (PDF). Journal of Scientific Exploration. 18 (12): 217–251. A self-consistent definitive theory of the phenomenon's nature and origin in all its aspects cannot be constructed yet quantitatively {{cite journal}}: Cite has empty unknown parameters: |month= and |coauthors= (help)
  86. ^ Massimo Teodorani, Gloria Nobili (2002). "EMBLA 2002 - An Optical and Ground Survey in Hessdalen" (PDF). p. 16. Retrieved May 4, 2010. Whatever these things are, if some "alien intelligence" is behind the Hessdalen phenomenon, that hypothetical intelligence has shown no interest in searching a direct, continuative and structurally evolved communication with mankind and went on behaving in such a way that the light-phenomenon itself appears to be totally elusive. {{cite web}}: line feed character in |quote= at position 9 (help)
  87. ^ Wired (5-10-2006). "It's Official: UFOs Are Just UAPs". Retrieved May 4, 2010. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  88. ^ Ministry of Defense (December 2000). "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena in the UK Air Defence Region: Executive Summary" (PDF). p. 4. Retrieved May 5, 2010. „That UAP exist is indisputable …[they] clearly can exhibit aerodynamic characteristics well beyond those of any known aircraft or missile – either manned or unmanned."
  89. ^ Telegraph (September 20, 2009). "Britain's X Files: RAF suspected aliens of "tourist" visits to Earth". Retrieved May 4, 2010.
  90. ^ Ministry of Defense (December 2000). "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena in the UK Air Defence Region: Executive Summary" (PDF). p. 10. Retrieved May 5, 2010.
  91. ^ Ministry of Defense (December 2000). "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena in the UK Air Defence Region: Executive Summary" (PDF). p. 11. Retrieved May 5, 2010.
  92. ^ David F. Salisbury (July 1, 1998). "No evidence of ET: Panel calls for more scientific UFO research". Stanford Online Report. Retrieved May 5, 2010. The upshot of this was that, far from supporting Condon's conclusions, I thought the evidence presented in the report suggested that something was going on that needed study.
  93. ^ Salisbury (1998)
  94. ^ Sturrock, Peter A. (1998). "Physical Evidence Related to UFO Reports: The Proceedings of a Workshop Held at the Pocantico Conference Center, Tarrytown, New York, September 29 - October 4,1997" (PDF). Journal of Scientific Exploration. 12 (2): 179–229. {{cite journal}}: Cite has empty unknown parameters: |month= and |coauthors= (help)
  95. ^ Sturrock et al (1998) pp. 180: "…but there was no convincing evidence pointing to unknown physical processes or to the involvement of extraterrestrial intelligence.“, „…it would be valuable to carefully evaluate UFO reports since, whenever there are unexplained observations…"
  96. ^ Sturrock et al (1998) pp. 180: "…it would be valuable to carefully evaluate UFO reports since, whenever there are unexplained observations, there is the possibility that scientists will learn something new by studying these observations."
  97. ^ COMETA Report, part 1 (July 1999). "UFOs and Defense: What Should We Prepare For?" (PDF). ufoevidence.org. Retrieved May 5, 2010.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  98. ^ COMETA Report, part 2 (July 1999). "UFOs and Defense: What Should We Prepare For?" (PDF). ufoevidence.org. p. 38. Retrieved May 5, 2010. […] almost certain physical reality of completely unknown flying objects […], apparently operated by intelligent [beings].", „A single hypothesis sufficiently takes into account the facts […] . It is the hypothesis of extraterrestrial visitors.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  99. ^ COMETA Report, part 2 (199) pp. 72
  100. ^ Maugé, Claude. "Commentary on COMETA". Inforespace (No.100, June 2000, pp.78). {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  101. ^ Katelynn Raymer (May 10, 2001). "Group Calls for Disclosure of UFO Info". ABC News. Retrieved May 5, 2010.
  102. ^ Rob Watson (May 10, 2001). "UFO spotters slam 'US cover-up'". BBC News. Retrieved May 5, 2010.
  103. ^ Watson (2001)
  104. ^ Sharon Kehnemui (May 10, 2001). "Men in Suits See Aliens as Part of Solution, Not Problem". Fox News. Retrieved May 5, 2010. {{cite web}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |1= (help)
  105. ^ Bonnie Malkin (November 14, 2007). "Pilots call for new UFO investigation". Telegraph. Retrieved May 5, 2010.
  106. ^ "I touched a UFO: ex-air force pilot". The Sydney Morning Herald. November 13, 2007. Retrieved May 5, 2010.
  107. ^ a b Denzler (2003): pp. 4
  108. ^ B.D. Gildenberg. "A Roswell Requiem". Skeptic 10-1 (2003).
  109. ^ Hodapp & Von Kannon (2008): pp. 119-120
  110. ^ Hodapp & Von Kannon (2008): pp.121-122
  111. ^ James McAndrews (1997). "The Roswell Report: Case Closed". Headquarters United States Air Force. Retrieved May 5, 2010.
  112. ^ a b c Denzler (2003): pp. 11
  113. ^ Rutledge, Jack (Jul 22, 1952). "Air Force Spots 'Flying Saucers' In Its Own Back Yard". Tri City Herald.
  114. ^ a b Boyd, Ronald (May 8, 1982). "A close encounter with a UFO believer". St. Petersburg Times.
  115. ^ Rowland, Michael (November 13, 2007). "Ex-pilots, military officers call for new UFO probe". ABC News (Australia). Retired Iranian Air Force general, Parviz Jafari, says he attempted to shoot down a strange object hovering over Tehran in 1976.
  116. ^ "F-4 Jet Chase over Iran 1976". ufoevidence.org. Retrieved May 5, 2010.
  117. ^ Klass, Philip J. (1983). UFOs: the public deceived. Prometheus Books. ISBN 0879753226.
  118. ^ Rutkowski, Chris A. (2008). A World of UFO. Dundurn Press. p. 35. ISBN 1550028332.
  119. ^ Rutkowski (2008): pp. 27-31
  120. ^ Rutkowski (2008): pp. 28
  121. ^ Rutkowski (2008): pp. 30
  122. ^ a b Rutkowski (2008): pp. 31
  123. ^ Brian Dunning (January 06, 2009). "The Rendlesham Forest UFO". Skeptoid. Retrieved May 5, 2010. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  124. ^ Rutkowski (2008): pp. 68
  125. ^ a b c d Rutkowski (2008): pp. 70 Cite error: The named reference "rutkowski70" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  126. ^ Renaud Leclet; et al. "The Belgian UFO Wave of 1989-1992 - A Neglected Hypothesis" (pdf). Retrieved May 5, 2010. {{cite web}}: Explicit use of et al. in: |author= (help)
  127. ^ Rutkowski (2008): pp. 37
  128. ^ Richard Price (June 18, 1997). "Arizona say the truth about UFO is out there" (PDF). USA Today. Retrieved May 6, 2010.
  129. ^ Rutkowski (2008): pp. 40
  130. ^ Brian Dunning (April 26, 2007). "The Alien Invasion of Phoenix, Arizona". Skeptoid. Retrieved May 5, 2010.
  131. ^ a b c d e f g h i Markovsky (2002) pp. 270
  132. ^ a b "About BUFORA". BUFORA. Retrieved May 6, 2010.
  133. ^ a b "The History of VUFORS". VUFORS. Retrieved May 6, 2010.
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