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Face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States

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CDC poster recommending the use of non-medical face masks to slow transmission of COVID-19.

The wearing of non-medical face masks in public to lessen transmission of COVID-19 in the United States was first recommended by the CDC on April 3, 2020 as supplemental to hygiene and appropriate physical distancing. Over the course of the pandemic, various states, counties, and municipalities have issued health orders requiring the wearing of non-medical face coverings — such as cloth masks — in spaces and/or businesses accessible to the public, especially when physical distancing is not possible. Some areas only mandated their use by public-facing employees of businesses, although these narrower orders have since been superseded in multiple states by a general mandate.

Federal officials had initially discouraged the wearing of masks by the general public to protect the wearer from COVID-19, showing concern that doing so would lead to a shortage of medical-grade personal protective equipment (PPE) for health professionals, and stating they would be ineffective for this purpose.[1] In late-March, federal officials had begun to acknowledge that wearing masks could lessen the transmission of respiratory droplets that spread the disease, especially when asymptomatic.

Despite recommendations by state and federal health officials, the wearing of face masks has been divisive among Americans. Some have considered them to be a sign of vulnerability, while attitudes have also varied along the political spectrum; those on the left have been more receptive to the practice, seeing it as a sign of respect towards others, while those on the right have largely considered mask mandates to be an infringement of their personal liberties,[2][3] and a symbol of fear, control, and opposition towards President Donald Trump. Likewise, it was observed that Republican-led states were, initially, less likely to impose health orders requiring the wearing of masks than Democratic-led states. Several states, including Georgia, and in the past, Arizona and Texas, have taken actions to block localized health orders requiring masks.

President Trump largely resisted wearing masks in public media appearances,[4][5][6] has remarked upon their use by Joe Biden — his Democratic opponent in the 2020 presidential election,[7] and has not mandated their use at his public campaign events since their resumption in June 2020.[8][9] Biden, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, and other critics have argued that Trump was not being a good role model for his supporters.[10][11][12][13] Amidst a nationwide spike in cases — especially in the conservative South — support for the usage of masks among Republican leaders began to steadily grow.[14] By mid-July, Trump had begun to reverse his early stances towards masks, including wearing one in a public appearance for the first time, and urging their use by Americans when social distancing is not possible. However, Trump has declined calls for a mask mandate to be issued at the federal level, preferring that such decisions be deferred to state officials.[15][16]


Early recommendations against masks to protect the wearer

Initially, the U.S. government did not recommend the use of face masks by the general public outside of medical settings to protect themselves from COVID-19, as to prevent shortages of medical-grade personal protective equipment (PPE) for doctors treating COVID-19 patients.[17][1] In February 2020, Surgeon General Jerome M. Adams stated that proper hygiene and getting a flu vaccine were appropriate preventive actions to be taken by the public, and stated on Twitter that masks should be saved for healthcare professionals, and that they were "NOT effective in preventing [the] general public from catching Coronavirus".[18] In a March 8 interview with 60 Minutes, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Anthony Fauci similarly argued that "when you’re in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better and it might even block a droplet, but it's not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is." Fauci again cited the need to conserve supplies of PPE for medical workers and those who were sick.[19]

In late-March 2020, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published a recommendation that masks be used by those who are sick, or are caring for someone who is sick and not able to wear a mask themselves, and discouraged their use by healthy members of the general public.[17][20] This guidance was consistent with that of the World Health Organization (WHO) at the time.[20]

Recommendations towards using masks to protect others

In late-March 2020, some government officials began to focus on the wearing of masks to help prevent transmission of COVID-19 as opposed to protecting the wearer; Commissioner of Food and Drugs Scott Gottlieb stated in a report that face masks would be "most effective" at slowing its spread if widely used (citing Hong Kong and South Korea as examples), as "they may help prevent people who are asymptomatically infected from transmitting the disease unknowingly".[17]

On March 30, Director of the CDC Robert R. Redfield stated that the organization was evaluating data regarding use of masks by the general public. The next day, President Donald Trump suggested in a White House Coronavirus Task Force briefing that scarves or "something else" could be worn as face coverings. COVID-19 response coordinator Deborah Birx stated that the task force was discussing the addition of face masks to its guidance.[17]

On April 3, 2020, the CDC issued guidance recommending that non-medical face coverings be worn in public when social distancing is difficult to maintain, such as at grocery stores and pharmacies, and especially in areas with significant amounts of community transmission.[21][22] The CDC published tutorials on making non-medical face masks, including a design only requiring a t-shirt and rubber bands, and no sewing.[20][17]

When asked by National Public Radio about the April 3 reversal, the CDC cited studies from February and March showing presymptomatic and asymptomatic transmission, and reports from Asian countries regarding the effectiveness of face coverings in this manner.[23] Professor of public health Larry Gostin said that the CDC could have revised its recommendation sooner; by maintaining its initial recommendation throughout March, it had given the public the impression that widespread mask usage was ineffective even though scientific evidence to the contrary was already available.[23] The earlier recommendation damaged the agency's credibility.[24][25][26]

In a May 27 interview with CNN, Fauci urged Americans to wear face masks in public as a sign of "respect" for others, and stated that he had been doing so himself "[because] I want to protect myself and protect others, and also because I want to make it be a symbol for people to see that that's the kind of thing you should be doing."[27][28] On June 5, amid the George Floyd protests, Fauci warned that people not wearing face masks in crowds may "propagate the further spread of infection".[29]

On July 12, Surgeon General Adams stated that health officials were trying to "correct" their previous messaging, explaining that it was based on an earlier presumption that those who were asymptomatic were less likely to transmit COVID-19. He explained that Americans needed "to understand we follow the science and when we learn more our recommendations change, but it is hard when people are continuing to talk about things from three, four months ago";[30] a clip of the aforementioned 60 Minutes interview with Fauci (where he was quoted as saying "There's no reason to be walking around with a mask") has often been presented on social media by opponents of face masks as misinformation in support of their arguments. Fauci's statements were consistent with the CDC's guidance at the time, but do not align with current guidance.[19]

On July 14, the CDC published a study indicating that the use of masks by two employees of a Missouri hair salon who showed COVID-19 symptoms and later tested positive, as well as the 139 clients they served before their positive tests, "was likely a contributing factor" in preventing their clients from contracting COVID-19 from the employees.[31][32] The same day, the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) published an interview with CDC Director Redfield, where he estimated that the epidemic in the U.S. could be brought under control within four to eight weeks "if we could get everybody to wear a mask right now".[33]


A member of the Rhode Island National Guard sewing handmade face masks.

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the public wearing of face masks to protect others from oneself was not a widely-accepted phenomenon in the Western world, and had historically been more prevalent in East Asian countries. The wearing of masks had historically been considered a symbol of protecting oneself from others.[34][35][36] The issue of whether or not to wear a mask in public became, for some, a dividing line in the culture war between the supporters and opponents of President Trump.[37][38] There have been instances of confrontations and violence among retail patrons refused service for not wearing masks,[39][40] while a Key Largo bus driver was arrested for swinging a metal rod at a passenger who lowered his mask to make a call on his cell phone.[41]

Opposition to the practice of wearing face masks, and to orders mandating face mask use, has led to historical comparisons with the Anti-Mask League of San Francisco from the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918-19.[42][43]

Political views

Politico described progressives as considering masks "a sign that you take the pandemic seriously and are willing to make a personal sacrifice to save lives".[2] Supporters of the CDC's recommendations derided what they described as their opponents' ignorance, selfishness, antiscience stance, and lack of respect for fellow citizens.[44] Masks have also been cited as a means of controlling COVID-19 without the need to reimpose stay-at-home orders or business closures (which would cause further economic strain).[45][46] Opponents have invoked conspiracy theories to discredit proponents, and accused them of violating their freedoms, and inhibiting development of herd immunity.[47][48] The wearing of face masks has been also been seen by opponents as virtue signaling for liberal values,[49][50][51] and as a symbol of intimidation, social control, and opposition towards President Trump.[52]

While these health orders usually have exceptions for those with medical conditions (such as breathing problems) or disabilities that would make it difficult to wear a mask, false flyers distributed via social media encouraged people to claim to businesses requiring masks that they have a medical condition protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act, but that under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), they are not required to disclose the medical condition. The HIPAA is a data protection law for the health care industry, and does not actually apply in this manner.[53][54]

Opposing views against masks have also been promoted by conservative media outlets such as Fox News, and radio host Rush Limbaugh — who argued that masks were a "required symbol on the left to promote fear, to promote indecision, to promote the notion that we’re nowhere near out of this".[55][56] Initially in March, Fox News pundits Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham endorsed the wearing of masks, with Carlson stating that "masks work", citing that they were "key" to controlling COVID-19 in East Asian countries, and criticizing the CDC for discouraging their purchase by the general public. After the practice became politicized, however, both pundits began to display opposition to masks on-air: in May, Carlson criticized Fauci for his fluctuating guidance on masks, and claimed that there was no scientific basis for a mask mandate issued in Los Angeles (referring to its residents as being "hostages" of Mayor Eric Garcetti).[57][52][58] Some Fox News pundits however, including Sean Hannity and Fox & Friends host Steve Doocy, have been more receptive to masks on-air.[55]

The Washington Post reported that in an April 2020 poll, 79% of self-identified Democrats stated that they had worn a mask or other face covering in public, as opposed to 59% of Republicans. Those who knew someone who had been infected with COVID-19 were 40% more likely to wear a mask in public than those who didn't.[59] A Gallup poll the same month similarly found that Democrats were more likely to wear masks than Republicans, at 75% to 50%.[60] In a June 2020 survey by Politico and Morning Consult, 60% of those who said they supported the wearing of masks also stated that their opinion of the Trump administration was "very favorable".[61]

In late-June 2020, amidst a major surge in cases in multiple states (especially in the Sun Belt), support towards masks abruptly emerged among prominent Senate and House Republicans, in an effort to counter resistance towards the practice from President Trump.[38][62][38] A Politico survey in July 2020 found that there was now bipartisan majority support for mask mandates, with 72% of those surveyed saying that they strongly or somewhat supported state-wide mask mandates that that are punishable by fines or jail, with 53% expressing strong support. This included 86% of self-identified Democrats surveyed, 58% of self-identified Republicans surveyed, and 68% of self-identified independents surveyed.[63]

Among minorities

Protesters of the killing of George Floyd wearing masks; one is inscribed with the text "#BLACKLIVESMATTER".

Concerns surrounding the politicization of masks have been especially prominent among minority communities, such as African and Asian Americans. Concerns were raised by African Americans that the wearing of masks may encourage racial profiling due to their association with their use by criminals to conceal identity, such as an officer shown handcuffing a black doctor wearing a mask steps from his home, and a police officer in Illinois following two black men wearing surgical masks as they exited a Walmart, and falsely claiming that the city prohibited the wearing of masks.[64][65] There have also been incidents of discrimination against Asian Americans who wear masks, as part of ongoing anti-Asian sentiment tied to the pandemic due to its Chinese origin.[66][67]

The April 2020 poll found that 32% of Hispanic and Latino Americans surveyed, and 30% of African Americans surveyed, were concerned that wearing a mask would cause them to be mistaken for a criminal, as opposed to 19% each of Asian Americans and whites.[59] Despite this, larger proportions of people among minority communities said they had worn a mask in public than whites (66%), at 71% of Hispanic and Latino Americans surveyed, 74% of African Americans surveyed, and 82% of Asian Americans surveyed.[59]

In late-May and early-June 2020, masks printed with slogans related to the Black Lives Matter and police reform movements (such as "I can't breathe") attracted popularity amidst nationwide protests over the police killing of George Floyd. In June 2020, the United States Postal Inspection Service temporarily seized a shipment of face masks with the slogan "STOP KILLING BLACK PEOPLE", ordered by the Movement for Black Lives for distribution to those attending demonstrations in Minneapolis, New York City, St. Louis, and Washington D.C.. The Service stated that there "were indications that they contained non-mailable matter."[68]

Citing these concerns over racial profiling, Lincoln County, Oregon initially announced that it would provide an exemption for people of color from the county's mask mandate. However, following criticism, the county backtracked on June 24. Officials stated that "the expressions of racism regarding the exception has created a ripple of fear throughout our communities of color. The very policy meant to protect them, is now making them a target for further discrimination and harassment."[69]

Appearance of vulnerability

Refusal to wear a mask in public may be driven by a fear of being seen as vulnerable and fearful of COVID-19.[70][71] In a May 2020 survey of 2,459 Americans conducted by Valerio Capraro of Middlesex University London and Hélène Barcelo of the Mathematical Science Research Institute, it was found that men surveyed were more likely to display negative stigmas towards wearing masks in public, including being more likely to agree that it was "uncool", "shameful", and a "sign of weakness". Capraro noted that these stigmas were more prevalent among residents of areas that had mandated the wearing of face masks.[72]

Reporting on the study, Ben Boskovich of Esquire wrote that "the phrase toxic masculinity gets thrown around a lot, sometimes more than necessary, if we're being honest. But this thing, this reality, that men are too blinded by their own inherent privilege to acknowledge their vulnerabilities, to admit they're wrong, to let go of the steering wheel, is as real as the president's hats are red.".[73]

By the Trump administration

President Donald Trump touring a Honeywell mask factory in May 2020; Trump did not publicly wear a mask at this media event.[74]

Early views

During the April 3 Coronavirus Task Force briefing, President Trump emphasized that the CDC's new guidance on face coverings was merely a voluntary recommendation, and stated that he would not personally do so.[2] When asked by a reporter about this preference, he replied, "I'm feeling good. I just don't want to be doing that. I don't know. Somehow sitting in the Oval Office behind that beautiful Resolute desk, the great Resolute desk, I think, and wearing a face mask as I greet presidents, prime ministers, dictators, kings, queens, [..] I just don't see it for myself."[75][76]

Trump subsequently avoided being seen wearing face masks during on-camera appearances (such as, in one case, a factory producing face masks).[74][11] When visiting the Mayo Clinic on April 28, Vice President Mike Pence followed suit, despite the clinic having mandated the wearing of masks by all visitors and staff. Pence stated that he did not wear a mask because he was being regularly tested negative for COVID-19, and that "I thought it'd be a good opportunity for me to be here, to be able to speak to these researchers, these incredible health care personnel, and look them in the eye and say 'thank you'."[77] When visiting a ventilator factory on April 30, however, Pence was seen wearing a mask.[2]

When touring a Ford Motor Company plant in Ypsilanti, Michigan for a media event on May 21, Trump wore a cloth mask inscribed with the presidential seal, but took it off before making an on-camera media appearance. Trump explained that he did not want to give the press the "pleasure" of seeing him wearing a mask.[4][5][6] Following the visit, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel issued a warning to Ford for violations of state health orders requiring masks be worn in all enclosed public spaces.[78]

On Twitter, Nessel called Trump a "petulant child" who was "conveying the worst possible message" to the public, and stated that "I hope that the voters of Michigan will remember this when November comes, that he didn't care enough about their safety, he didn't care about their welfare, he didn't respect them enough just to engage in the very simple task, the painless task, the easy task of wearing a mask when he was provided one."[11][79] Trump responded by calling Nessel the "do-nothing AG of the Great State of Michigan" and accusing her of "taking her anger and stupidity out on Ford Motor". He suggested that Ford "might get upset with you and leave the state, like so many other companies have — until I came along and brought business back to Michigan. JOBS!"[79]

After former vice president and presumptive Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden wore a black mask and sunglasses during a Memorial Day ceremony (his first major out-of-home appearance in two months), Trump shared a Twitter post by Fox News commentator Brit Hume that ridiculed the outfit, captioned "This might help explain why Trump doesn’t like to wear a mask in public." In an interview the next day, Biden criticized Trump for sharing the post, and for being a bad role model for the American public. He argued that "presidents are supposed to lead, not engage in folly and be falsely masculine."[80][10][7]

During a subsequent media appearance, Trump described Biden's decision as being "very unusual", as "he was standing outside with his wife, perfect conditions, perfect weather." He added, "I thought that was fine. I wasn't criticizing him at all. Why would I do a thing like that?"[7] After a reporter refused a request by Trump to take off his mask because it had muffled his voice, Trump accused him of "want[ng] to be politically correct."[81] In a June 2020 interview with The Wall Street Journal, Trump argued that some people were wearing masks to "signal disapproval" of him,[82] and said of Biden's use of masks, "It's like he put a knapsack over his face. He probably likes it that way. He feels good that way because he does. He seems to feel good in a mask, you know, feels better than he does without the mask, which is a strange situation."[60]

Trump returned to holding public campaign events for his 2020 re-election campaign in mid-June 2020, beginning with a rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma on June 20. Masks were optional, and not worn by the majority of participants, nor was social distancing practiced.[83][84] Trump then appeared at a Students for Trump event in Phoenix, Arizona on June 23; the state of Arizona had recently become a major hotspot for new COVID-19 cases. Despite Phoenix having enacted a health ordinance requiring the wearing of masks in public, Mayor Kate Gallego stated that the city would "[not] be focused on enforcement during the rally."[85] The owners of the megachurch where the event took place announced that it had installed an ionizing air purifier system that could "kill 99.9% of the virus", a claim disputed by the media.[86] Once again, the majority of attendees did not wear masks.[8][9]

During a Coronavirus Task Force briefing on June 26 amidst major resurgences of cases in California and multiple Southern states (including, most prominently, Arizona, Florida, and Texas), most of the participants wore masks when not at the podium. However, Pence did not wear a mask, nor did he mention the wearing of masks or social distancing when recapping the government's hygiene recommendations.[87] On June 28 in an interview on This Week, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi argued that "the president should be an example. Real men wear masks."[13]

Changes in stance

In a June 28 interview on Face the Nation, Pence recommended that Americans follow the advice of local health officials in regards to wearing masks, as "every state has a unique situation."[88][89] Other prominent Republicans also began to abruptly support masks and urge Trump to be a role model for his supporters, including chair of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee Lamar Alexander and Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell. Alexander commented that "this simple lifesaving practice has become part of a political debate that says: If you're for Trump, you don't wear a mask. If you're against Trump, you do", and argued that Trump could "help end this political debate".[38][62][38]

On July 1 in an interview with Fox Business, Trump stated he was "all for masks", but questioned the implementation of a national mandate since they would apply in "places in the country where people stay very long distance." Trump stated he had "no problem" wearing a mask in public if he were "in a group of people where we're not 10 feet away — but usually I'm not in that position and everyone's tested."[75][90] On July 3, Trump participated in an Independence Day fireworks event at Mount Rushmore in South Dakota, where masks were once again optional, and social distancing was explicitly left unenforced.[91][92] On July 5, White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows stated that a national mandate was "not in order", since they are "[used] on a location basis when you can't have social distancing".[93]

A Trump campaign event in New Hampshire originally scheduled on July 11, by contrast, was to be held outdoors, and the wearing of masks was now listed as "strongly encouraged" (although the event would later be postponed, with the White House citing Tropical Storm Fay as justification).[94][95] On July 11, Trump publicly wore a mask for the first time when visiting members of the military at Walter Reed Army Medical Center.[96] Prior to the event, Trump told Sean Hannity that "it's fine to wear a mask out if it makes you feel comfortable", and later commented that hospitals were a location where one is generally expected to wear a mask under these conditions.[97][98]

On July 14, First Lady Melania posted a photo of herself wearing a mask on social media, urging her followers to follow CDC guidance since "the more precaution we take now can mean a healthier & safer country in the Fall."[99] In a CBS News interview the same day, Trump stated that "if it's necessary, I would urge [Americans] to wear a mask and I would say follow the guidelines."[100] On July 20, Trump posted a photo of himself in a mask on Twitter, captioned "We are United in our effort to defeat the Invisible China Virus, and many people say that it is Patriotic to wear a face mask when you can’t socially distance. There is nobody more Patriotic than me, your favorite President!"[101] The next day during a press briefing, Trump again encouraged the wearing of masks by Americans, stating "whether you like the mask or not, they have an impact."[102]

Mask use and policies by state

By mid-July 2020, at least 28 states had some sort of health order requiring the wearing of face masks or a similar non-medical face covering when in public spaces or specific types of establishments.[103][104][105] Absent a state-level mandate, some municipalities and counties have instituted their own mandates via localized by-laws.[106][107][108]

These orders usually have exceptions for younger children, as well as those with medical conditions (such as breathing problems) or disabilities that would make it difficult to wear a mask.[53][54][109] They are also usually considered an exception to prohibitions on the wearing of masks in public for the purpose of identity concealment, such as general anti-mask laws, and restrictions on wearing masks while carrying a concealed firearm.[110][111][112][113]

Some states, such as Louisiana, Oregon, and Washington, at first only mandated the wearing of masks by the public-facing employees of businesses, but did not formally require they be worn by the general public (notwithstanding mask mandates enforced by individual businesses or companies as a corporate policy).[114][115][116] All three states have since enacted mandates for the general public.[117][118][119]


Violations of mandatory mask orders have often classified as a misdemeanor offence, with some states threatening fines for individuals who do not comply. Some states expressly require businesses to enforce mask mandates, with failure to do so also punishable by fines, and in some cases, being ordered to temporarily close, or have their business license revoked.[103][104][109][120][121]

Whether these mandates are actually enforced may vary; some sheriffs in California, Nevada, North Carolina, and Washington state have publicly stated that they would not enforce the orders; one such sheriff in Lewis County, Washington announced to a crowd outside a church, "don't be a sheep".[122][123][124] In California, Governor Gavin Newsom threatened to withhold COVID-19 relief funding from counties that do not sufficiently enforce state health orders, including its mask mandate.[125][126] Governor of South Carolina Henry McMaster cited the inability to effectively enforce such an order in his decision to not implement one, stating that "there's no power on Earth that can follow everyone in the state around to be sure that they are following the rules."[127]

Opponents of mask mandates have sometimes argued that they are unconstitutional; the American Bar Association cited that there was precedent under the Tenth Amendment (which states that any powers not granted to the federal government via the Constitution are reserved to states) that state governments "have the primary authority to control the spread of dangerous diseases within their jurisdictions."[128][129][130] Jacobson v. Massachusetts has also been cited as case law supporting mask orders; it found that the use of police power by states to enforce health orders designed to maintain the safety of their communities (such as, in this case, mandatory vaccinations for smallpox), did not violate individual liberties under the Fourteenth Amendment.[131][132]

Political stances

In June 2020, The Hill noted that Democratic-led and coastal states had been more likely to have implemented or considered such mandates over Republican-led states (especially in the conservative South)—which have cited desires to preserve individual liberties, and, in some cases, have also taken steps to overrule local health orders that are stricter than those imposed by the state (including mask mandates).[60][133] Not all Republican-led states have refused to do so, however, with noted early examples including Maryland and Massachusetts.[60] Following a major spike in mid-June attributed to the rushed lifting of mitigations around the Memorial Day weekend, Arizona and Texas began to backpedal on their outright prohibition of local orders on the wearing of masks,[60][134][135] and Governor of Texas Greg Abbott then issued a state-wide mandate on July 2.[136]

On July 15, Governor of Georgia Brian Kemp signed an executive order to prohibit any county or municipality from enacting or enforcing a health order requiring the wearing of masks in public spaces.[133] He also filed a lawsuit against Mayor of Atlanta Keisha Lance Bottoms and her city council over a local health order requiring masks and having voluntarily rolled back to "Phase 1" guidelines (discouraging dine-in restaurants), asserting that she "does not have the legal authority to modify, change or ignore Governor Kemp's executive orders."[137] [138][139]

In Kansas, a July 2020 mask mandate by Democratic governor Laura Kelly included the ability for counties to opt out if they (per consultation with health officials) assert that it is not medically necessary; the provision was described as a "bipartisan compromise" to gain support from the state's Republican-majority government.[140] By July 9, 90 of Kansas's 105 counties had opted out,[141][142] while several cities in counties that did opt out, such as Manhattan, Wichita, and Winfield, would enact municipal mandates.[143][140] Out of a sample of counties, 15 counties that chose to enforce the order were shown to have a reduced rate of new cases than those which opted out.[144]

Summary of orders and recommendations issued by states

  No state-wide mandate. Local mandates and recommendations may still exist.
  No state-wide mandate, and the state enforces prohibitions on mask mandates implemented at the county or municipal level.
  State mandates the wearing of face coverings by employees of public-facing businesses.
  State generally mandates the wearing of face coverings by the public.
State State mandates or recommendations Notes
Alabama Required in public spaces when social distancing is not possible, since July 16.[145] The cities of Birmingham (as of April 28)[108][146][147] and Montgomery (as of June 17, public gatherings of 25 people or more)[148] have ordinances mandating wearing of masks in public spaces.
Alaska Recommended, no state-wide mandate.[149]
Arizona Recommended, no state-wide mandate.[150] Until June 17, individual counties and municipalities were prohibited from imposing health orders stricter than those of the state itself, effectively blocking local mandates. On June 17, amidst a major spike in new cases, Governor Doug Ducey announced that he would allow them to enact mandatory masking orders.[134][135]
Arkansas Required in public spaces when social distancing is not possible, beginning July 20.[151] On July 19, Governor Asa Hutchinson called for national leaders to set an example by wearing masks.[152]
California Required in any enclosed public space, and outdoors when social distancing is not possible, since June 18.[153]
  • Required for employees of essential businesses.[159]
  • Required in enclosed public spaces, beginning July 17.[160]
Various municipalities have health orders requiring masks to be worn in public, including Denver and Boulder.[161][162]
Connecticut Required in public.[163]
Delaware Required in public when social distancing is not possible, since May 1.[164]
Florida Recommended, no state-wide mandate.[165] Broward County, Miami-Dade County, Orange County, and Jacksonville have mandated masks.[166][167][168] Miami-Dade announced on July 16 that there will be a $100 fine for people who doesn’t wear masks.[169][170]
Georgia Recommended, no state-wide mandate.[171] Local mandates prohibited. On July 15, Governor Brian Kemp prohibited and voided all mask mandates issued by cities and counties via executive order.[133]
Hawaii Required for patrons of essential businesses, since April 17.[172] Mayor of Honolulu Kirk Caldwell says it would be "incumbent on the public to comply" with requests from businesses regarding mask wearing.[172]
Idaho Recommended, no state-wide mandate.[173]
Illinois Required in public, since May 1.[174]
Indiana Required in enclosed public spaces and when social distancing is not possible, beginning July 27.[175]
Iowa Recommended, no state-wide mandate.[176]
Kansas Officially required in enclosed public spaces, and outdoors when social distancing is not possible, since July 3. However, the sheer majority of counties have invoked an opt-out provision.[177][118][140] Douglas County, Wyandotte County, and Kansas City announced their own mask mandates prior to the state order.[178] On July 20, Kelly announced that teachers and students will be required to wear masks when schools reopen.[179]
Kentucky Required in enclosed public spaces and when social distancing is not possible, for at least 30 days from July 10.[180] Initially applied to public-facing employees.[110]

Required in enclosed public spaces and when social distancing is not possible, since July 13. This order may be lifted in parishes with less than 100 cases per-100,000 residents over a 14-day period.[119][181]

At least five cities and parishes as of July 8 (including New Orleans) had mandates for wearing masks in public.[182]
Maine Required in public when social distancing is not possible, since April 30.[183]
Maryland Required for patrons and employees of grocery stores, restaurants, pharmacies, stores that sell cleaning and sanitation supplies, laundromats, liquor stores, public transport, and ride sharing services, since April 15.[184] On July 22, Baltimore announces that masks will be made mandatory in public spaces where social distancing is not possible.[185]
Massachusetts Required in public when social distancing is not possible, since May 6.[186]
  • Required in enclosed public spaces, since April 24.[187]
  • On July 10, the order was expanded — effective July 13 — to require that masks be worn outdoors when social distancing is not possible. In addition, refusal to wear a mask when required becomes punishable as a misdemeanor with fines of up to $500. The order also legally requires businesses to post signage referencing the mandate, and to deny service to any patron who does not wear a mask, with failure to do so punishable by revocation of business license.[109]
Following anti-lockdown protests in April 2020, Governor Gretchen Whitmer criticized the participants' lack of masking and social distancing.[188]
Minnesota Required in enclosed public spaces, at businesses (indoor or outdoor), when using transport services, or when working outdoors and social distancing is not possible, beginning July 25.[189][190] Minneapolis and Saint Paul both implemented ordinances requiring the wearing of face coverings by patrons of public spaces and businesses.[191]
  • Required in public settings and businesses in specific counties with high amounts of transmission.[192][193] Initially applied in Attala, Leake, Scott, Jasper, Neshoba, Newton and Lauderdale counties from May 12.[193] On May 28, the order was extended through June 18, but with four counties dropped due to reduced transmission, and Wayne County added.[194][195]
  • A new order covering Claiborne, De Soto, Grenada, Harrison, Hinds, Jackson, Jefferson, Madison, Quitman, Rankin, Sunflower, Washington, and Wayne counties took effect on July 13.[196]
Missouri Recommended, no state-wide mandate.[197]
Montana Required in enclosed public spaces since July 15, in any county with more than three active cases.[198]
Nebraska Recommended, no state-wide mandate.[199] In June 2020, Governor Pete Ricketts warned that the state would withhold CARES Act funding from counties that mandate the wearing of masks at government facilities.[199][60]
Nevada Required in public, since June 26.[200][201]
  • Prior to state-wide mandates, the Nevada Gaming Control Board required the wearing of face coverings by casino employees,[202] and later for players of table games if barriers are not installed.[203]
  • Before eventually mandating them across all properties nationwide shortly before Nevada announced its state-wide order, Caesars Entertainment attempted a promotion where rewards members could win $20 credits if spotted wearing a mask on the casino floor.[202][203]
New Hampshire Recommended, no state-wide mandate. The city of Nashua passed a local ordinance requiring the wearing of face coverings in public settings.[204]
New Jersey
  • Required when using essential services (stores, restaurant pickup) and public transport, since April 10.[205]
  • Required in public when social distancing is not possible, since July 8.[206]
New Mexico Required in public when social distancing is not possible, since May 16.[207]
New York Required in public on public transport and when social distancing is not possible, since April 15. On May 15, Mayor of New York City Bill de Blasio stated that the NYPD would no longer enforce the order except in cases that pose "serious danger."[208]
North Carolina Required in public spaces when social distancing is not possible, since June 26.[209]
North Dakota Recommended, no state-wide mandate.[210] On May 23, Governor Doug Burgum urged residents to stop shaming people who do wear masks, nor consider it an ideological or political issue. He explained that people may need to wear a mask "because they’ve got a 5-year-old child who’s been going through cancer treatments. They might have vulnerable adults in their life who currently have COVID, and they’re fighting.”[211][210]
Ohio Required state-wide in enclosed public spaces and when social distancing is not possible, or when using public transport, taxis, or ride sharing services, since July 23.[212] The order was expanded from an earlier order that began July 8, applying to any county at level 3 on the state's advisory system.[213] On April 27, Governor Mike DeWine announced an order to require face masks be worn in retail stores, only to repeal the order the next day due to public resistance.[214] On July 19, DeWine said that he wouldn’t rule out making a statewide mandate and hinted that more orders are coming.[215]
Oklahoma Recommended, no state-wide mandate.[216] On May 1, the mayor of Stillwater repealed a local ordinance announced the previous day, citing that "store employees have been threatened with physical violence and showered with verbal abuse".[216][217]
Oregon Required in all enclosed public spaces state-wide, since July 1.[118] Expanded to public spaces where social distancing is not possible, since July 13.[218]
Pennsylvania Required in public spaces, since July 1.[118]
Rhode Island Required in public spaces, since May 8.[219]
South Carolina Recommended, no state-wide mandate.[220] On June 26, Governor Henry McMaster strongly encouraged the wearing of masks in public places, but ruled out a state-wide mandate since it would be too difficult to enforce.[127]
South Dakota Recommended, no state-wide mandate.[221]
Tennessee Recommended, no state-wide mandate.[222] Governor Bill Lee has ruled out a state-wide mandate, but has allowed individual cities and counties to implement mask mandates, provided that they do not restrict their use at places of worship or outdoors when social distancing is possible. A number of counties, including the city of Nashville, have enacted mandates.[223][224][225][226]
Texas Required in enclosed public spaces and when social distancing is not possible, since July 3. This applies in any county with at least 20 confirmed cases.[136] Governor Greg Abbott issued pronouncements and orders to prevent counties from instituting orders to fine individuals for not wearing masks in public.[227][60]

However, by mid-June 2020, Abbott had begun easing his stance, and began to allow by-laws requiring the wearing of masks by patrons and employees of businesses (considering it no different to stores requiring customers to wear shirts and shoes).[60][228][229]

Utah Required for public-facing employees, since May 2,[230] and will be required at K-12 schools during the next semester. Otherwise recommended but no state-wide mandate.[231] On July 10, 2020, the Utah Area Presidency of the LDS Church issued a statement endorsing the wearing of masks in public spaces, asking its members to "join with us now in common purpose for the blessing and benefit of all."[232]
Vermont Required in public spaces when social distancing is not possible, beginning August 1.[233] On April 27, Governor Phil Scott stated that there were no plans to introduce a formal mandate, citing voluntary compliance with CDC recommendations by residents.[230] Scott would later announce a mandate on July 24 as a precautionary measure, citing concerns about rising cases in other parts of the country (as the state has the lowest number of cases per-capita nationwide).[233]
Virginia Required in public spaces, retail establishments, restaurants (except when eating), personal care establishments, government services facilities, and public transport, since May 30.[234]
  • Required for public-facing employees since June 8.[114]
  • Since June 26, masks are required in public spaces state-wide when social distancing is not possible.[117]
  • Since July 7, businesses are legally required to deny service to any patron who does not wear a mask, punishable by fines and business closure. This order has applied in Yakima County since June 26.[117][121]
  • On May 11, King County (which includes the Seattle metropolitan area) enacted a directive recommending that residents wear face coverings in public settings when appropriate social distancing is not possible. This directive is "strongly required" but is not being enforced as law.[235]
  • In July 2020, Freedom Foundation filed a lawsuit challenging the state's mask requirement.[236]
West Virginia Required in enclosed public spaces, since July 6.[237]
Wisconsin Required in enclosed spaces, effective August 1, 2020[238]
  • On July 30, 2020 Governor Tony Evers issued Executive Order #82, declaring a public health emergency to combat the uncontrolled spread of COVID-19 throughout the State of Wisconsin
Wyoming Recommended, no state-wide mandate.[239]

Federal policies

There have been calls for a mask mandate to be implemented nationwide at the federal level: the Retail Industry Leaders Association criticized the patchwork of differing regulations (or lack there of) between regions, and argued that "despite compliance from the majority of Americans, retailers are alarmed with the instances of hostility and violence front-line employees are experiencing by a vocal minority of customers who are under the misguided impression that wearing a mask is a violation of their civil liberties."[240] Goldman Sachs projected that such a mandate "could potentially substitute for lockdowns that would otherwise subtract nearly 5% from GDP."[241]

On June 28, House Speaker Pelosi stated that such a mandate was "long overdue", but that the CDC did not issue one as to not "offend the president."[13] On July 1, Trump questioned the appropriateness of a national mandate, since they would apply in "places in the country where people stay very long distance."[75][90] On July 5, White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows stated that a national mandate was "not in order", arguing that masks were "[used] on a location basis when you can't have social distancing".[93] On July 12, Surgeon General Adams similarly argued that "if we are going to have a mask mandate we need to understand that works best at the local and state level along with education", and questioned if a national order could be reasonably enforced without "having a situation where you're giving people one more reason to arrest a black man."[30]

On July 14, the House Committee on Appropriations adopted an amendment to its Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies funding bill for fiscal year 2021, which would include a mandate for passengers and employees of air travel, Amtrak, and "large transit agencies" to wear masks. The bill is scheduled to be voted on by the House of Representatives later in the month.[242][243] On July 15, Senator Dianne Feinstein proposed that economic stimulus funding be withheld from states that do not adopt a health order requiring the wearing of masks in public.[244]

In an interview with Fox News Sunday aired July 19, Trump told Chris Wallace that he was a "believer" in masks, but that he did not intend to enact a federal mandate (leaving it to state governors) because "I want people to have a certain freedom". He also disagreed with CDC Director Redfield's suggestion that the use of masks nationwide could bring the U.S. epidemic under control within weeks, and accused federal health officials of having been inconsistent with their guidance on masks over the course of the pandemic.[15][16]

On July 30, Senator Bernie Sanders and Representative of California Ro Khanna introduced the Masks for All Act, a proposed bill that would invoke the Defense Production Act to produce "high-quality", reusable face masks for nationwide distribution at no charge (via mail distribution and public pickup locations), with a goal to give three masks each to every individual in the country, and a particular focus on serving the homeless and people who live in communal environments. The total cost of the bill was estimated to be $5 billion, with Khanna noting that "If we can afford a $740 billion defense budget, we can afford to send every American a face mask. And if we’re asking folks to wear a mask, which is absolutely essential, it’s on us to provide one."[245] On July 31, Peter DeFazio and Rick Larsen introduced the Healthy Flights Act, which would authorize the FAA to mandate the wearing of face masks at airports and while on flights.[246]

See also


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