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Anthem of Transnistria

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My slavim tebja, Pridnestrovje
English: 'We Sing the Praises of Transnistria'
Мы славим тебя, Приднестровье

National anthem of Transnistria
Also known as«Слэвитэ сэ фий, Нистрения»
Slăvită să fii, Nistrenia
«Ми славимо тебе, Придністров'я»
My slavymo tebe, Prydnistrovja
Boris Parmenov
MusicBoris Alexandrovich Alexandrov, 1943 (1943)
Adopted18 July 2000
Audio sample
Official orchestral instrumental recording in F major (one verse and chorus twice)

The State Anthem of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic,[1][a] known by its incipit "We Sing the Praises of Transnistria"[2][b] and also simply known as the Anthem of Transnistria, was written by Boris Parmenov, Nicholas Bozhko and Vitaly Pishchenko, and composed by Boris Alexandrovich Alexandrov.[3] The anthem has lyrics in all three official languages of Transnistria: Russian, Romanian, and Ukrainian. They are, however, not all literal translations of one another. The origin of the anthem was from the Russian patriotic song "Long Live Our State", a 1943 composition that was one of the proposed songs to be the State Anthem of the Soviet Union. Boris Alexandrov's composition was, however, rejected in favor of the one submitted by his father, Alexander Alexandrov.[4]



The Transnistrian anthem was created with the music of Boris Alexandrovich Alexandrov, and the words of Boris Parmenov, Nicholas Bozhko and Vitaly Pishchenko.

According to law, it must be performed in accordance with the approved musical version and text; other musical editions and translations of it are not considered to be the national anthem of Transnistria.[3]

According to law, the national anthem must be played:

  • after the President of the Transnistria takes the oath of office;
  • at the opening of the first meeting after the recess and the closing of the last meeting of each session of the Supreme Council;
  • during the official flag lifting ceremony;
  • every day at the beginning and at the end of the broadcast of television and radio programs on state television and radio;
  • during the meeting and sending-off ceremony of persons (delegations) of foreign states visiting the state authorities of Transnistria on an official visit. The national anthem of the Transnistria is performed after the anthem of the corresponding state is performed.[5]

The national anthem may be performed:

  • during the opening and closing of solemn meetings dedicated to holidays and significant dates of the republic;
  • during the opening of monuments and memorials of national significance;
  • during other solemn and protocol events held by state and administrative bodies, local self-government, enterprises, institutions, organizations and individuals.[5]

The national anthem may be sung during state sports competitions.

During the public performance of the anthem, those present listen to it standing up, and men take off their hats, and if the flag of Transnistria is rising as the same time, then anybody present has to turn to face the flag.[5]

It is allowed to use variants of the musical presentation of the anthem in different instrumentation and arrangements.

The national anthem is broadcast by the state audio and audiovisual mass media, the founders of which are the president of the republic and the Supreme Council:

  • daily – before the start and after the end of broadcasting, and with round–the-clock broadcasting – at 6 o'clock and at 24 o'clock;
  • on New Year's Eve – after the broadcast of the battle of the clock at 24 o'clock.[5]

The anthem can be sung in Romanian, Russian or Ukrainian.



Romanian version

Moldovan Cyrillic script[6][7][8] Romanian Latin script[8] IPA transcription[c]

Трэяскэ Нистрения-мамэ,
О царэ де фраць ши сурорь,
Че драгосте фэрэ де сямэ
Ць-о дэруе фийче, фечорь.

Кынта-вом ливезь ши узине,
Ораше, кэтуне, кымпий,
Ку еле – ши'н зиуа де мыне
О, царэ, просперэ не фий!

Прин време пурта-вом
Нумеле мындрей цэрь.
Ту, Република либертэций,
Ешть крезул ын пашниче зэрь.

Кынта-вом ши вэй, ши колине,
Лучеферь дин Ниструл кэрунт,
Баладе'нцелепте, бэтрыне,
Че'н вякурь дестойничь не-ау врут.

Слэви-вом ероикул нуме,
'Н ачя бэтэлие кэзут
Ши'н фаца меморией сфинте
Ной цэрий журэм сэ-й фим скут!

𝄆 Рефрен 𝄇

Trăiască Nistrenia-mamă,
O țară de frați și surori,
Ce dragoste fără de seamă
Ți-o dăruie fiice, feciori.

Cînta-vom livezi și uzine,
Orașe, cătune, câmpii,
Cu ele – și-n ziua de mîne
O, țară, prosperă ne fii!

Prin vreme purta-vom
Numele mândrei țări.
Tu, Republica libertății,
Ești crezul în pașnice zări.

Cânta-vom și văi, și coline,
Luceferi din Nistrul cărunt,
Balade-nțelepte, bătrâne,
Ce-n veacuri destoinici ne-au vrut.

Slăvi-vom eroicul nume,
'N acea bătălie căzut
Și-n fața memoriei sfinte
Noi țării jurăm să-i fim scut!

𝄆 Refren 𝄇

[trɨ.ˈja.skɨ nʲɪ.ˈstrʲe.nʲɪ.jə‿ˌma.mɨ |]
[o ˈt͡sa.rɨ dʲe frat͡sʲ ʂɨ sʊ.ˈrorʲ |]
[t͡ɕe ˈdra.gə.stʲe ˈfɛ.rɨ dʲe ˈsʲa.mɨ]
[t͡sʲj‿o dɨ.ˈru.je ˈfʲij.t͡ɕe fʲɪ.ˈt͡ɕorʲ ‖]

[kɨn.ˈta‿vəm lʲɪ.ˈvʲesʲ ʂɨ ʊ.ˈzʲi.nʲe |]
[ɐ.ˈra.ʂɨ kɨ.ˈtu.nʲe ˈkɨm.pʲɪj |]
[ku ˈje.lʲe ʂɨ‿n ˈzʲi.wə dʲe ˈmɨ.nʲe]
[o ˈt͡sa.rɨ prɐ.ˈspʲe.rɨ nʲe fʲij ‖]

[prʲin ˈvrʲe.mʲe pʊr.ˈta.vəm |]
[ˈnu.mʲe.lʲe mɨn.ˈdrʲej t͡sɛrʲ ‖]
[tu rʲɪ.ˈpu.blʲɪ.kə lʲɪ.bʲɪr.ˈtɛ.t͡sɨj |]
[jeʂtʲ ˈkrʲe.zʊɫ ɨn ˈpa.ʂnʲɪ.t͡ɕe zɛrʲ ‖]

[kɨn.ˈta‿vəm ʂɨ vɛj ʂɨ kɐ.ˈlʲi.nʲe |]
[ɫʊ.ˈt͡ɕe.fʲɪrʲ dʲin ˈnʲis.trʊɫ kɨ.ˈrunt |]
[bɐ.ˈɫa.dʲe‿n.t͡sɨ.ˈlʲep.tʲe bɨ.ˈtrɨ.nʲe |]
[t͡ɕe‿n ˈvʲa.kʊrʲ dʲɪ.ˈstoj.nʲɪt͡ɕ nʲ‿aʊ vrut ‖]

[ˈsɫɛ.vʲɪ‿vəm jɪ.ˈro.(j)ɪ.kʊɫ ˈnu.mʲe |]
[n‿ɐ.ˈt͡ɕa bɨ.ˈtɛ.lʲɪ.je kɨ.ˈzut |]
[ʂɨ‿n ˈfa.t͡sə mʲɪ.ˈmo.rʲɪ.jej ˈsfʲin.tʲe |]
[noj ˈt͡sɛ.rʲɪj ˈʐu.rɨm sɛ‿j fʲim skut ‖]

𝄆 [rʲɪ.ˈfrʲen] 𝄇

Russian version

Cyrillic script[6][7][9][10] Latin script IPA transcription as sung[d]

Мы славу поём Приднестровью,
Здесь дружба народов крепка,
Великой сыновней любовью
Мы спаяны с ним навека.

Восславим сады и заводы,
Посёлки, поля, города
В них долгие славные годы
На благо Отчизны труда.

Пронесём через годы
Имя гордой страны
И Республике свободы
Как правде, мы будем верны.

Мы славим родные долины,
Седого Днестра берега.
О подвигах помним былинных,
Нам слава отцов дорога.

Восславим мы всех поименно,
Погибших за наш отчий дом.
Пред памятью павших священной
Отечеству клятву даём.

𝄆 Припев 𝄇

My slavu pojom Pridnestroviu,
Zdesj družba narodov krepka,
Velikoj synovnej ljuboviu
My spajany s nim naveka.

Vosslavim sady i zavody,
Posjolki, polja, goroda
V nih dolgije slavnyje gody
Na blago Otčizny truda.

Pronesjom čerez gody
Imja gordoj strany
I Respublike svobody
Kak pravde, my budem verny.

My slavim rodnyje doliny,
Sedogo Dnestra berega.
O podvigah pomnim bylinnyh,
Nam slava otcov doroga.

Vosslavim my vseh poimenno,
Pogibših za naš otčij dom.
Pred pamjatiu pavših svjaščennoj
Otečestvu kljatvu dajom.

𝄆 Pripev 𝄇

[mɨ ˈsɫa.vu pɐ.ˈjɵm prʲɪ.dʲnʲɪ.ˈstro.v⁽ʲ⁾ju |]
[zʲdʲɛzʲ‿ˈdruʐ.bɐ nɐ.ˈro.dɐf krʲɪp.ˈka |]
[vʲɛ.ˈlʲi.kɐj sɨ.ˈnov.nʲɛj lʲʊ.ˈbo.v⁽ʲ⁾ju]
[mɨ ˈspa.jɐ.nɨ s‿nʲim nɐ.vʲɪ.ˈka ǁ]

[vɐs.ˈsɫa.vʲɪm sɐ.ˈdɨ i zɐ.ˈvo.dɨ |]
[pɐ.ˈsʲɵɫ.kʲi pɐ.ˈlʲa ɡɐ.rɐ.ˈda]
[v‿nʲiɣ‿ˈdoɫ.ɡʲi.jɛ ˈsɫav.nɨ.jɛ ˈɡo.dɨ]
[nɐ‿ˈbɫa.ɡɐ ɐt.ˈt͡ɕiz.nɨ trʊ.ˈda ǁ]

[prɐ.nʲɪ.ˈsʲɵm ˈt͡ɕɛ.rʲɛz‿ˈɡo.dɨ]
[ˈi.mʲɐ ˈɡor.dɐj strɐ.ˈnɨ]
[i rʲɪs.ˈpub.lʲi.kʲɛ svɐ.ˈbo.dɨ]
[kak ˈprav.dʲɛ mɨ ˈbu.dʲɛm vʲɪr.ˈnɨ ǁ]

[mɨ ˈsɫa.vʲɪm rɐd.ˈnɨ.jɛ dɐ.ˈlʲi.nɨ |]
[sʲɛ.ˈdo.vɐ dʲnʲɪ.ˈstra bʲɛ.rʲɪ.ˈɡa ǁ]
[ɐ‿ˈpod.vʲi.ɡɐx ˈpom.nʲɪm bɨ.ˈlʲin.nɨx |]
[nam ˈsɫa.vɐ ɐt.ˈt͡sov‿dɐ.rɐ.ˈɡa ǁ]

[vɐs.ˈsɫa.vʲɪm mɨ fsʲɛx pɐ.i.ˈmʲɛn.nɐ |]
[pɐ.ˈɡʲip.ʂɨɣ‿zɐ‿naʂ ˈot.t͡ɕɪj dom ǁ]
[prʲɛt ˈpa.mʲɐ.tʲjʊ ˈpaf.ʂɨx svʲɛɕ.ˈɕɛn.nɐj]
[ɐ.ˈtʲɛ.t͡ɕɛst.vʊ ˈklʲat.vʊ dɐ.ˈjɵm ǁ]

𝄆 [prʲɪ.ˈpʲɛf] 𝄇

Ukrainian version

Cyrillic script[6][7] Latin script IPA transcription[e]

Ми славимо край Придністров'я,
Де люди пишаються тим,
Що дружбою, ладом, любов'ю
Навіки пов'язані з ним.

Прославимо наші заводи,
Широкі лани і міста,
Тут чесно працюють народи
На благо Вітчизни труда.

Через доли і води
Пронесемо ім'я
Ми Республіки свободи,
Хай живе тут народів сім'я.

Ми славимо рідні долини,
Красоти Дністра берегів,
І нам не забути билини
Про подвиги наших батьків.

Прославимо всіх поіменно
Полеглих за наш отчий дім,
Де пам'ять загиблих священна,
Вітчизні співаємо гімн.

𝄆 Приспів 𝄇

My slavymo kraj Prydnistrovja,
De liudy pyšajuťsia tym,
Ščo družboju, ladom, liubovju
Naviky povjazani z nym.

Proslavymo naši zavody,
Šyroki lany i mista,
Tut česno praciujuť narody
Na blaho Vitčyzny truda.

Čerez doly i vody
Pronesemo imja
My Respubliky svobody,
Chaj žyve tut narodiv simja.

My slavymo ridni dolyny,
Krasoty Dnistra berehiv,
I nam ne zabuti bylyny
Pro podvyhy našych baťkiv.

Proslavymo vsich poimenno
Polehlych za naš otčyj dim,
De pamjať zahiblych sviaščenna,
Vitčyzni spivajemo himn.

𝄆 Pryspiv 𝄇

[mɨ ˈsɫa.vɨ.mə kraj prɨ.dʲnʲɪ.ˈstro.vʲjə |]
[dʲe ˈlʲu.dɨ ˈpɨ.ʂə.jʊtʲ.t͡sʲə tɨm |]
[ɕːo ˈdru.ʐbə.jʊ ˈɫa.dəm lʲʊ.ˈbo.vʲjʊ]
[nɐ.ˈvʲi.kɨ pɐ.ˈvʲja.zə.nʲɪ‿z‿nɨm ǁ]

[prə.ˈsɫa.vɨ.mə ˈna.ʂɨ zɐ.ˈvo.dɨ |]
[ʂɨ.ˈro.kʲɪ ɫɐ.ˈnɨ i mʲɪ.ˈsta |]
[tut ˈt͡ɕe.snə prɐ.ˈt͡sʲu.jʊdʲ‿nɐ.ˈro.dɨ]
[na ˈbɫa.gə vʲɪt.ˈt͡ɕɪ.znɨ trʊ.ˈda ǁ]

[ˈt͡ɕe.rʲɪz‿ˈdo.ɫɨ i ˈvo.dɨ |]
[prə.nʲɪ.ˈsʲe.mə ɪ.ˈmʲja |]
[mɨ rʲɪ.ˈspu.bʲlʲɪ.kɨ svɐ.ˈbo.dɨ]
[xaj ʐi.ˈvʲe tud‿nɐ.ˈro.dʲɪf sʲɪ.ˈmʲja ‖]

[mɨ ˈsɫa.vɨ.mə ˈrʲi.dʲnʲɪ dɐ.ˈɫɨ.nɨ |]
[krɐ.ˈso.tɨ dʲnʲɪ.ˈstra bʲɪ.rʲɪ.ˈɡʲif |]
[i nam nʲe zɐ.ˈbu.tɪɨ bɨ.ˈɫɨ.nɨ]
[pro ˈpo.dvɨ.ɡɨ ˈna.ʂɨɣ‿bɐtʲ.ˈkʲif ǁ]

[prɐ.ˈsɫa.vɨ.mə fʲsʲix pə.(j)ɪ.ˈmʲen.nə |]
[pɐ.ˈlʲe.ɡɫɨɣ‿za naʂ ˈot.t͡ɕɪj dʲim |]
[dʲe ˈpa.mʲjɪdʲ‿zɐ.ˈɡɨ.bɫɨx sʲvʲɪ.ˈɕːɛn.nə]
[vʲɪt.ˈt͡ɕɪ.zʲnʲɪ sʲpʲɪ.ˈva.jɪ.mə ɡʲimn ǁ]

𝄆 [ˈprɨ.sʲpʲɪf] 𝄇

Translations into English


Since Transnistria has three official languages, the anthem has official lyrics in Romanian, Russian and Ukrainian; however, they are not all literal translations of one another and all have different semantic meanings. The translations are represented below:[citation needed]

Translation from Romanian Translation from Russian Translation from Ukrainian

Long live Mother Transnistria,
A country of brothers and sisters
This love without notice
Gift you daughters, sons.
We'll sing orchards and factories,
Cities, hamlets, plains,
With them also tomorrow
O country, prosperous make us be!

Through the time we shall carry
The name of our proud country
Thee, the Republic of liberty
You are the belief in peaceful horizons.

We shall sing both valleys and hills,
Morning stars from the gray old Dniester
Wise and old ballads
Which for centuries wanted us worthy.
We shall glorify the heroic name
Which fell in that battle
And in the face of the holy memory
We swear to the country to be its shield!

𝄆 Refrain

We sing glory to Transnistria,
Where the friendship of nations is strong.
We are closely connected to our land
With great love.
Let’s praise gardens and factories,
Settlements, fields and towns –
Much effort has been put in them
For the sake of the Motherland.

We’ll bear through the years
The name of the proud country,
And to the Republic of liberty,
As to justice, we’ll be faithful.

We sing the praises of native valleys,
The banks of the old Dniester.
We remember epic heroic deeds,
The glory of our ancestors is dear to us.
Let’s sing the praises of every person
Who died for the native land.
We take an oath to the Motherland
In holy memory of the fallen.

𝄆 Refrain 𝄇

We praise the land Transnistria
Where people are proud
Friendship, harmony, love
Are forever associated with it.
Famous for our plants,
Broad fields and cities
There are honest people
Who labor for the benefit of the Motherland.

A shares and water
Our proud name
The Republic of freedom,
Long live the family of people here.

We praise native valley
Beauty of the Dniester river banks,
And we should not forget the epic
Of the deeds of our fathers.
Glorify their names
Fallen for our father's house,
Where the sacred memory of the dead,
Fatherland sing the anthem.

𝄆 Refrain 𝄇

Trilingual version


On official TV broadcasts, a trilingual version is used consisting of the first verse and chorus in Russian, the second verse and chorus in Romanian, the first verse and chorus in Ukrainian and the final repeat of the chorus in Russian.[11]

Cyrillic script Latin script IPA transcription as sung[f] English Translation

I (на русском)
Мы славу поём Приднестровью,
Здесь дружба народов крепка,
Великой сыновней любовью
Мы спаяны с ним навека.

Восславим сады и заводы,
Посёлки, поля, города
В них долгие славные годы
На благо Отчизны труда.

Пронесём через годы
Имя гордой страны
И Республике свободы
Как правде, мы будем верны.

II (ын ромынэ)
Кынта-вом ши вэй, ши колине,
Лучеферь дин Ниструл кэрунт,
Баладе'нцелепте, бэтрыне,
Че'н вякурь дестойничь не-ау врут.

Слэви-вом ероикул нуме,
'Н ачя бэтэлие кэзут
Ши'н фаца меморией сфинте
Ной цэрий журэм сэ-й фим скут!

Прин време пурта-вом
Нумеле мындрей цэрь.
Ту, Република либертэций,
Ешть крезул ын пашниче зэрь.

I (українською)
Ми славимо край Придністров'я,
Де люди пишаються тим,
Що дружбою, ладом, любов'ю
Навіки пов'язані з ним.

Прославимо наші заводи,
Широкі лани і міста,
Тут чесно працюють народи
На благо Вітчизни труда.

Через доли і води
Пронесемо ім'я
Ми Республіки свободи,
Хай живе тут народів сім'я.

𝄆 Припев (на русском): 𝄇
Пронесём через годы
Имя гордой страны
И Республике свободы
Как правде, мы будем верны.

I (na russkom)
My slavu pojom Pridnestroviu,
Zdesj družba narodov krepka,
Velikoj synovnej ljuboviu
My spayany s nim naveka.

Vosslavim sady i zavody,
Posjolki, polja, goroda
V nih dolgije slavyje gody
Na blago Otčizny truda.

Pronesjom čerez gody
Imja gordoy strany
I Respublike svobody
Kak pravde, my budem verny.

II (în română)
Cînta-vom și văi, și coline,
Luceferi din Nistrul cărunt,
Balade-nțelepte, bătrâne,
Ce-n veacuri destoinici ne-au vrut.

Slăvi-vom eroicul nume,
'N acea bătălie căzut
Și-n fața memoriei sfinte
Noi țării jurăm să-i fim scut!

Prin vreme purta-vom
Numele mîndrei țări.
Tu, Republica libertății,
Ești crezul în pașnice zări.

I (ukrainśkoju):
My slavymo kraj Prydnistrovja,
De liudy pyšajuťsia tym,
Ščo družboju, ladom, liubovju
Naviky povjazani z nym.

Proslavymo naši zavody,
Šyroki lany i mista,
Tut česno praciujuť narody
Na blaho Vitčyzny truda.

Čerez doly i vody
Pronesemo imja
My Respubliky svobody,
Chaj žyve tut narodiv simja.

𝄆 Pripev (na russkom): 𝄇
Pronesjom čerez gody
Imja gordoj strany
I Respublike svobody
Kak pravde, my budem verny.

1 [nɐ‿ˈrus.skəm]
[mɨ ˈsɫa.vu pɐ.ˈjɵm prʲɪ.dʲnʲɪ.ˈstro.v⁽ʲ⁾ju |]
[zʲdʲɛzʲ‿ˈdruʐ.bɐ nɐ.ˈro.dɐf krʲɪp.ˈka |]
[vʲɛ.ˈlʲi.kɐj sɨ.ˈnov.nʲɛj lʲʊ.ˈbo.v⁽ʲ⁾ju]
[mɨ ˈspa.jɐ.nɨ s‿nʲim nɐ.vʲɪ.ˈka ǁ]

[vɐs.ˈsɫa.vʲɪm sɐ.ˈdɨ i zɐ.ˈvo.dɨ |]
[pɐ.ˈsʲɵɫ.kʲi pɐ.ˈlʲa ɡɐ.rɐ.ˈda]
[v‿nʲiɣ‿ˈdoɫ.ɡʲi.jɛ ˈsɫav.nɨ.jɛ ˈɡo.dɨ]
[nɐ‿ˈbɫa.ɡɐ ɐt.ˈt͡ɕiz.nɨ trʊ.ˈda ǁ]

[prɐ.nʲɪ.ˈsʲɵm ˈt͡ɕɛ.rʲɛz‿ˈɡo.dɨ]
[ˈi.mʲɐ ˈɡor.dɐj strɐ.ˈnɨ]
[i rʲɪs.ˈpub.lʲi.kʲɛ svɐ.ˈbo.dɨ]
[kak ˈprav.dʲɛ mɨ ˈbu.dʲɛm vʲɪr.ˈnɨ ǁ]

2 [ɨn rɐ.ˈmɨ.nɨ]:
[kɨn.ˈta‿vəm ʂɨ vɛj ʂɨ kɐ.ˈlʲi.nʲe |]
[ɫʊ.ˈt͡ɕe.fʲɪrʲ dʲin ˈnʲis.trʊɫ kɨ.ˈrunt |]
[bɐ.ˈɫa.dʲe‿n.t͡sɨ.ˈlʲep.tʲe bɨ.ˈtrɨ.nʲe |]
[t͡ɕe‿n ˈvʲa.kʊrʲ dʲɪ.ˈstoj.nʲɪt͡ɕ nʲ‿aʊ vrut ‖]

[ˈsɫɛ.vʲɪ‿vəm jɪ.ˈro.(j)ɪ.kʊɫ ˈnu.mʲe |]
[n‿ɐ.ˈt͡ɕa bɨ.ˈtɛ.lʲɪ.je kɨ.ˈzut |]
[ʂɨ‿n ˈfa.t͡sə mʲɪ.ˈmo.rʲɪ.jej ˈsfʲin.tʲe |]
[noj ˈt͡sɛ.rʲɪj ˈʐu.rɨm sɛ‿j fʲim skut ‖]

[prʲin ˈvrʲe.mʲe pʊr.ˈta.vəm |]
[ˈnu.mʲe.lʲe mɨn.ˈdrʲej t͡sɛrʲ ‖]
[tu rʲɪ.ˈpu.blʲɪ.kə lʲɪ.bʲɪr.ˈtɛ.t͡sɨj |]
[jeʂtʲ ˈkrʲe.zʊɫ ɨn ˈpa.ʂnʲɪ.t͡ɕe zɛrʲ ‖]

1 [ʊ.krɐ.ˈ(j)inʲ.sʲkə.jʊ]:
[mɨ ˈsɫa.vɨ.mə kraj prɨ.dʲnʲɪ.ˈstro.vʲjə |]
[dʲe ˈlʲu.dɨ ˈpɨ.ʂə.jʊtʲ.t͡sʲə tɨm |]
[ɕːo ˈdru.ʐbə.jʊ ˈɫa.dəm lʲʊ.ˈbo.vʲjʊ]
[nɐ.ˈvʲi.kɨ pɐ.ˈvʲja.zə.nʲɪ‿z‿nɨm ǁ]

[prə.ˈsɫa.vɨ.mə ˈna.ʂɨ zɐ.ˈvo.dɨ |]
[ʂɨ.ˈro.kʲɪ ɫɐ.ˈnɨ i mʲɪ.ˈsta |]
[tut ˈt͡ɕe.snə prɐ.ˈt͡sʲu.jʊdʲ‿nɐ.ˈro.dɨ]
[na ˈbɫa.gə vʲɪt.ˈt͡ɕɪ.znɨ trʊ.ˈda ǁ]

[ˈt͡ɕe.rʲɪz‿ˈdo.ɫɨ i ˈvo.dɨ |]
[prə.nʲɪ.ˈsʲe.mə ɪ.ˈmʲja |]
[mɨ rʲɪ.ˈspu.bʲlʲɪ.kɨ svɐ.ˈbo.dɨ]
[xaj ʐi.ˈvʲe tud‿nɐ.ˈro.dʲɪf sʲɪ.ˈmʲja ‖]

𝄆 [prʲɪ.ˈpʲɛv‿nɐ‿ˈrus.skəm]: 𝄇
[prɐ.nʲɪ.ˈsʲɵm ˈt͡ɕɛ.rʲɛz‿ˈɡo.dɨ]
[ˈi.mʲɐ ˈɡor.dɐj strɐ.ˈnɨ]
[i rʲɪs.ˈpub.lʲi.kʲɛ svɐ.ˈbo.dɨ]
[kak ˈprav.dʲɛ mɨ ˈbu.dʲɛm vʲɪr.ˈnɨ]

I (in russian)
We sing glory to Transnistria,
Where the friendship of nations is strong.
We are closely connected to our land
With great love.

Let’s praise gardens and factories,
Settlements, fields and towns –
Much effort has been put in them
For the sake of the Motherland.

We’ll bear through the years
The name of the proud country,
And to the Republic of liberty,
As to justice, we’ll be faithful.

II (in romanian)
We shall sing both valleys and hills,
Morning stars from the gray old Dniester
Wise and old ballads
Which for centuries wanted us worthy.

We shall glorify the heroic name
Which fell in that battle
And in the face of the holy memory
We swear to the country to be its shield!

Through the time we shall carry
The name of our proud country
Thee, the Republic of liberty
You are the belief in peaceful horizons.

I (in ukrainian)
We praise the land Transnistria
Where people are proud
Friendship, harmony, love
Are forever associated with it.

Famous for our plants,
Broad fields and cities
There are honest people
Who labor for the benefit of the Motherland.

A shares and water
Our proud name
The Republic of freedom,
Long live the family of people here.

𝄆 Refrain (in russian): 𝄇
We’ll bear through the years
The name of the proud country,
And to the Republic of liberty,
As to justice, we’ll be faithful.


  1. ^ Russian: Государственный гимн Приднестровской Молдавской Республики, romanizedGosudarstvennyj gimn Pridnestrovskoj Moldavskoj Respubliki
  2. ^ Romanian: Слэвитэ сэ фий, Нистрения, romanized: Slăvită să fii, Nistrenia; Russian: Мы славим тебя, Приднестровье, romanizedMy slavim tebja, Pridnestrovje; Ukrainian: Ми славимо тебе, Придністров'я, romanizedMy slavymo tebe, Prydnistrovja
  3. ^ See Help:IPA/Romanian and Romanian phonology.
  4. ^ See Help:IPA/Russian and Russian phonology.
  5. ^ See Help:IPA/Ukrainian and Ukrainian phonology.
  6. ^ See:


  1. ^ "Закон Приднестровской Молдавской Республики: О Государственном гимне Приднестровской Молдавской Республики". Министерство юстиции Приднестровской Молдавской Республики (in Russian). 6 November 2013.
  2. ^ Smoltczyk, Alexander (24 April 2014). "Hopes Rise in Transnistria of a Russian Annexation". Der Spiegel. Retrieved 25 November 2018. The breakaway region has its own military, its own constitution, a national anthem (called "We Sing the Praises of Transnistria") and a symphony orchestra which is known abroad.
  3. ^ a b "Official website of the President of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic — The PMR Anthem". Official Website of the President of the PMR.
  4. ^ "Transnistria". nationalanthems.info. Retrieved 25 November 2018.
  5. ^ a b c d "Официальный сайт Президента Приднестровской Молдавской Республики — Закон ПМР «О ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОМ ГИМНЕ ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКОЙ МОЛДАВСКОЙ РЕСПУБЛИКИ» — Законы". Official Website of the President of the PMR.
  7. ^ a b c Государственный гимн Приднестровской Молдавской Республики
  8. ^ a b Hymny - Hymn Naddniestrza
  9. ^ Государственный гимн
  10. ^ "National Anthems & Patriotic Songs - Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic National Anthem of Transnistria - Мы славим тебя, Приднестровье!". Lyrics Translate. Retrieved 25 November 2018.
  11. ^ Slavia (2022-01-01). "2021-2022 Transnistria New Year Anthem | 트란스니스트리아 신년 국가". YouTube. Archived from the original on 2022-02-23. Retrieved 2022-02-23.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link)