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Regions with significant populations
Andhra Pradesh • Karnataka • Tamil Nadu • Orissa
Related ethnic groups
Kshatriya, Rajput

Raju is a Telugu variation of the Sanskrit word Raj and Raja,[1] meaning King, Prince, Lord, Sovereign, or of a Regal, Military nature.[2] In modern times it is a commonly used given name and surname. In Andhra Pradesh it is used to refer to a prominent Telugu Kshatriyas[3] which enjoys a high socio-economic[4] status[5] that competes with the other landowning castes of the state for political power.[6]

During the British Raj they were known as Ratsas[7] and Rajavars, which means of or belonging to the caste of Ratsawars or Rechavars[8] (Raja Caste),[9] using the title of Raju (pronounced Razu or Razoo). Some sections have centuries old history[10] of being nobility[11] while the bulk of the community has a history of being large landholding agriculturalist-warriors.[12] Many were hereditary Barons known as Mandaleshwars in the pre-Islamic era and as Zamindars or Jagirdars during the Nizams and British era, the most prominent being the Gajapathi Kings of Vizianagaram,[13] Karvetinagar,[14][15] Peddapuram and Anegundi, [16]the direct descendents of the Vijayanagar Aravidu Dynasty and Krishna Deva Raya[17].

They make up around 2 percent of the state population,[18]concentrated mainly in the Coastal Andhra region with pockets in the Rayalaseema as well as the North Arcot, Bellary and Ganjam regions of the states of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Orissa. Despite their small population they command political influence[19] due to the wealth they obtained from taking advantage of the advances in agricultural techniques during the green revolution[20] [21]and the importance placed on educational after the land ceiling act.[22] This placed a significant portion of their community in an advantagious position to take advantage of the economic opportunities brought about by the economic liberalization of the P.V. Narasimha Rao Government.[23] The most prominent of these new age Rajas is B. Ramalinga Raju of Satyam Computer Services. However there are still sections of the community that were slow to adapt to these socio-economic changes in India and are suffering, especially in Karnataka.[24]

Rajus use Raju or Varma in the Andhra regions and Deo in the Orissa regions as an agnomen for their last name. Varma is Sanskrit for Armor, Protection[25][26] and Deo is Sanskrit for God or Lord. In Telugu tradition the family name is written first followed by the given name and then the caste title. For example A. Sita Rama Raju or P. Ram Gopal Varma would be Alluri Sita Rama Raju and Penmatsa Ram Gopal Varma. It would be interpreted as Sita Ram of the Alluri family and Raju caste and Ram Gopal of the Penmatsa family and again, Raju caste. The former was a prominent freedom fighter in the mid 19th century and the later is a prominent Bollywood and Tollywood movie director-producer.


There have been varying accounts about the origins of the Raju community. Some include them among the military tribes of Rajput descent, in which marriages still takes place with those of Northern India, although this is more common among the Zamindar families.[27]

Regarding this community Edgar Thurston in his seven volume Castes and Tribes of Southern India writes...The Maharajas of Vizianagaram claim to be Kshatriyas from the Rajputana and the leaders of the people of gotrams said to have come to the Northern Circars centuries ago. It is noted in connection with the battle of Padmanabham in the Visakhapatnam district (1794 AD) that Rajputs formed a rampart round the corpse of Vijay Rama Raju. Padmanabham will long be remembered as the Flodden of the Rajputs of Vizianagaram...[28]as a class they are the handsomest and best developed men in the country and differ so much in feature and build from other Hindus that they may usually be distinguished at a glance...they are mostly Vaishnavites, and their priests are Brahmans...Rajus of course assume the sacred thread, and are very proud and particular in their conduct, though meat eating is allowed...In all the more well-to-do families the females are kept in strict seclusion...Brahmanical rites of Punya Havachanam (Purification), Jata Karma (Birth ceremony), Nama Karanam (Naming ceremony), Chaulam (Tonsure), and Upanayanam (Thread ceremony) are performed...at weddings the Kasi Yatra (Mock flight to Benares) or Snatha Kavritham is performed...the custom of sending a sword to represent an unavoidably absent bridegroom at a wedding is not uncommon...at their wedding they worship a sword, which is a ceremony usually denoting a soldier caste...they use a wrist string made of cotton and wool, the combination peculiar to Kshatriyas, to tie the wrists of the happy couple...[29]in some villages, Rajus seem to object to the construction of a pial, or raised platform, in front of their houses. The pial is the lounging place where visitors are received by day. The Rajus claim to be Kshatriyas so other castes should not sit in their presence...[30]

Kshatriyas (Rajus) is One of the upper castes of the Telugu population. Historically South Indian royal families of Kshatriyas (Rajus) had marital relationship with Central and East Indian royal families, like Rajas of Vizianagaram had marital relationships with Rajputana royal families. .[31]


Rama (center) Suryavanshi lineage.
Krishna Chandravanshi lineage.

The history of South India and the Puranas reveal that the Andhra Kshatriyas or Kshatriyas from Andhra Pradesh descended from the Aryavartham (North India) to the South due to internal conflicts, foreign invasions, famine etc. They travelled from Rajasthan and other places and arrived at the shores of the Krishna and Godavari rivers in the South, where they finally settled citation requested to establish migratory pattern . According to legends, the Kshatriya sage Agastya was instrumental in spreading the Aryan culture from North India to the South role of Rajus in this? .

The origin of Rajus according to historians:

  1. Vishnukundina: A folktale claims Madhav Varma of the Vishnukundina dynasty led the original members of their gotras to Andhra.
  2. Chalukyas: Chandravanshi Rajus are said to be descendents of Eastern Chalukyas.
  3. Parichedis: The forefathers of the Pusapatis.
  4. Kota Vamsa: Dhananjay Gotra
  5. Chagi: Forefathers of the Sagis and Vatsavais
  6. Chedi (Haiheya-Kalachuri-Kona Chodas): Chodarajus
  7. Nandimandalam: Named after a region of Andhra and refers to Vijayanagar, Karvetinagar, Owk and Matli.
  8. Matsya of Oddadi (Orissa), puportedly linked to the ancient kingdom that lay to the south of the Kurus and were a part of the Chedi Kingdom of Madhya Pradesh, Bundelkhand region. The zamindars of Madgole claim descent from them.
  9. The Konda Rajus of Orissa and Andhra are linked to the Mathara, Vashistha, Eastern Ganga and Gajapati Dynasties of Orissa.
  • They are divided into Two sects (as per ancient Kshatriya tradition) called: [32]
  1. Suryavanshi (Sun Dynasty) include Vishnukundina, Paricheda, Chagi, Chola-Chalukyas (Cholas claimed Suryavanshi and Chalukyas were Chandravanshi, the two families merged) Eastern Ganga and Gajapati.
  2. Chandravanshi (Lunar Dynasty) includes Eastern Chalukyas, Kota Vamsa, Kalachuris (Chedi-Haihaya), Saluva, Aravidu dyanasties of Vijayanagar and Matsya.
    • Matsyavanshi: Only the Madgole zamindars are affiliated with this.[33]
    • Yaduvanshi: The Saluva and Aravidu dyansties of the Atreya gotra. Both Matsya and Yadu are a part of Chandravanshi.


  • Suryavanshis and Chandravanshis are further subdivided into Four Gothrams.
  1. Vasishta
  2. Dhananjaya
  3. Kashyapa
  4. Kaundinya
  5. Sri Vathsa

A poem called Sri Krishna-vijayam dated 1540 A.D. tells of a migration of these four clans to Telingana led by Madhav Varma.[34]. While Rajus of Coastal Andhra and Rajapalayam have above four gotras, the Rajus of Karnataka also have three additional gothras:

  1. Pasupati
  2. Vishwamitra
  3. Atreya[35]
  • Each Gothram is again sub-divided into hundreds of endogamous sects based on surnames that are named after villages of origin, a famous member of the clan, personality etc.
  • Sage Kaundinya (Kundin) was the son of Vasishtha and nephew of Agastya.[36]
  • Dhananjaya is a branch of Vishwamitra.
  • Pasupati is a branch of Kashyapa.

To see a list of towns that were the source of the surnames see towns and to see the list of common names with Gothra see gotras.


Vishnukundinas, one of the ancient clans found in Andhra Pradesh in the 5th and 7th century. It is believed that a Madhava Varma of the Koundinya gotra[37] along with members of the other three gotras conquered the Salankayanas and established there rule. Some of the feudal kingoms of this time were the Kotas, Chagis, and Paricchedis.

The Paricchedi Kings were ancestors of the Pusapati royal family who built Bezawada (Modern Vijayawada) off the river Krishna by 626 AD and another capital in Kollipaka establishing themselves for nine centuries there.[38] They were staunch patrons of Hindu Dharma in contrast to the Chalukyas, who initially were patrons of Jainism.[39] The family name was changed to Pusapati after moving to the coastal region. The name is derived from the Sanskrit Pushavat (Pushan), meaning of the sun, to highlight their Suryavanshi lineage. They founded the city of Vizianagaram, named after Vijay Rama Raju, spelled with a Z to differentiate it from the Vijayanagar Dynasty in Hampi. They obtained the title of Gajapathi, after the battle of Nandapur, in the northern circars in the 16th century.

The Raju families of Raja-palayam are descendents of families led by the brother of the Vizianagaram Maharaja, Chinna Raju, who initially settled at Kila-raja-kula-raman and then moved their settlements to Rajapalayam. The original emigrants served under Chokkanath Nayak, king of Madurai. They purchased land from Vijay Ranga Chokkanath Nayak and constructed Rajapalayam in 1885. The word palayam is frequently used in many Tamil cities as a suffix and it translates roughly to Fort. [40]

Eastern Chalukyas

Badami Chalukya Territories

Chalukyas were a royal dynasty that succeeded the Vishnukundinas and ruled large parts of southern and central India between 550 and 750, and again between 973 and 1190. As early as the first century, they were mentioned as being vassals and chieftains under the Satavahana rule. Historians generally agree that the Chalukyas originated from Karnataka, were led into Andhra by Pulakesin, who appointed his brother Vishnu Vardhana as his Viceroy, after Pulakesin’s death declared independence and referred to as the Eastern Chalukyas. The Western Chalukyas were the forfathers of the Solankis of Gujarat.

  • Eastern Chalukya

The Eastern Chalukyas, also known as Vengi Chalukyas parceled out their territory into many small principalities (estates) held by the nobility consisting of collateral branches of the ruling house of Elamanchili, Pithapuram and Mudigonda, and a few Kshatriya families closely connected by marriage ties (Kona Haihayas (Heheya, Kalachuris), Kolanu Saronathas), and other Kshatriya families (Kota Vamsas, Chagis, Parichedas etc.), who were raised to high position for their loyalty, valor and statecraft. [41]

  • Karvetinagar

The current Bommaraju family of Karvetinagar are of the Raju caste and traces their origins back to an ancestor who migrated from the Pithapuram area of the Godavari Delta about the 8th or 9th century. One ancestor obtained the favor of the Eastern Chalukya King, Vimala Aditya and Saluva Narasa was appoint the Chief (Reddi) of the country around Tirupati, where he founded a town called Narasapuram. The founder of the family Narasa was granted permission by his patron, the Chalukyas, to use the royal seal and boar-signet of the Chalukyas, a proud distinction still kept up. The family became feudatories of Vijayanagar, and had marriage alliances with the Saluva and loyalties to the Aravidu dynasties over the next two hundred years. Around the 16th century the family changed their name to the current Bommaraju, retaining Saluva as a title.[42]

  • Chedi-Kalachuri-Kona Chodas

The Matsyas, Chedis, Haihayas and Kalachuris seem to share a common mythylogical and historical background but it would be difficult to make a conclusive link with the current information. The supposed associations are that in the Puranas the Matsya (Sanskrit for fish) was the name of a tribe and state found in the Vedic civilization of India. It was founded by a fisherman who later attained kingship. Chedi kingdom was one among the many kingdoms ruled during early periods by Paurava kings and later by Yadav kings in the central and western India. It falls roughly in the Bundelkhand division of Madhya Pradesh. Mahabharata (V.74.16) refers to a King named Sahaja, as the son of a Chedi king named Uparichara Vasu who ruled over both the Chedis and the Matsyas, which implicates that Matsya once formed a part of the Chedi Kingdom. The epic refers as many as six other Matsya kingdoms. The Pandya Kingdom in the extreme south also bears the icon of a fish on its official banner showing some connection with the Matsya kings and a branch of Matsya is also found in later days in Visakhapatnam region which the Madgole Zamindars claim to descend from. They officially sign their seal with the symbol of a fish and have a fish emblem in their flag.

Whatever their ancient relationships are, the Chedis (A.K.A. Haihaya, Kalachuri) eventually became the Chodarajus of Kona. Historians such as Dr. P.B. Desai are emphatic about the central Indian origin of the Karnataka Kalachuris who are also referred to as Katachuris (shape of a sharp knife), Kalanjara-pura-vara-dhis-vara (Lord of Kalanjara) and Haihaya (Heheya). Mount Kalanjara is in north central India, east of the Indus Valley floodplain.

Historians have also pointed out that several Kalachuri kings were related to Chalukyas and Rashtrakutas by matrimonial alliances and had ruled from places like Tripuri, Gorakhpur, Ratnapur, Rajpur. By the time they are mentioned in the Telugu epic Battle of Palnadu, they are referred to as the Haihaya family of the Kona region (Amalapuram and Razole taluqs of the present East Godavari District), and the Haihaya family of Palanadu, feudatories of the Chalukyas. The Kona Chiefs later took the title of Chodas, loyal governors for the newly formed Chola-Chalukya empire. Their gotra is Kasyapa. The Jaiswals of North India and the Somavamshiya Sahasrarjun Kshatriyas also claim to be descended from the Haihayas.

  • Kota Vamsa (Fort Dynasty) [43]

The Kota kings ruled from Dharanikota during the 11th and 12th century AD. The Jampana, Dantuluri, Uppalapati, Pakalapati and Nallaparaju royal families of Dhananjaya Gotra, who were Zamindars of Rama-Chandra-Puram,[44] Mogalthur, Kotapalli, Ghandavaram, Kuppili, Moida and Mutta Talaga Chirala, of which the current direct descendent is actor turned politician Krishnam Raju Uppalapathi, uncle of popular Telugu actor Prabas Uppalapathi, all claim descent from this ancient dynasty. [45][46]

  • Chagi (Zodiac sign of Cancer/Moon)[47]

The Chagis have been around since the Chalukyas at least and possible the 6th or 7th century. They were mentioned as subordinate Chiefs of the Chalukyas and Kakatiyas. In Yanama-lakud-uru, south of Bezawada and inscription is left in honor of Tulukam Velnadu Sagi Doraya Raju dated 1215 A.D. In 1246 inscriptions describe the reign of Chagi Manma Raju and in 1230 grants by Chagi Pota Raju. An inscription in Gudimetla on a fort dated around 1268 A.D. during the reign of Kakatiya Rudrama Devi Maharaju states that Sagi Pota Raju was her commander in chief. Sagi Gannama was a governor under Vira Pratapa Purushottama Gajapati (AD 1462-1496). He built a hill fort in Vinukonda. This fort was captured by Krishna Deva Raya. Munagalapalle south of Nandigama. [48]

The royals of Kota Uratla and Thangedu royal families claim to be descendents of the Chagis, with their name changing over time to Sagi.[49] The founder of Peddapuram line of kings was Sagi Potha Raju who participated in the battle of Palnadu in 1178-1182. The family attained the title of Jagapati in the 16th century and changed their surname to Vatsavai in honor of a fort during the times of Vatsavayi Timma Raju 1555-1607.[50]

All these clans were important participants in the battle of Palnadu which turned out to be a battle over social changes. In it a Brahma Naidu sought the cooperation of all the royal families to bring about social change to do away with caste distinctions and bring about a more egalitarian society. He was opposed by the Chalukyas and especially the Haihayas as well as their loyal supports who wanted to keep the current rigid social system that was being practiced. It was supposedly a very bloody battle in which Brahma Naidu's faction lost but in the long run it brought about the demise of the caste system as it was practiced amongst Telugu royals. The Chalukyas merged into the Cholas and lost control to the Kakatiyas. [51]


The Kakatiyas were from the Sudra clan but near the later stages of their reign started to claim Kshatriya status as evidenced by an inscription found on the huge Nandi pillar lying near the ruined temple in Malkapuram, Guntur Taluk, Guntur District which gives a detailed account of the Kakatiya family and are described as belonging to the Solar race of Kshatriyas. This is the common practice of long established royals in general,[52][53][54] but especially with families that married into existing Kshatriya clans as occurred with the Kakatiyas and Kota kings (Kota Betaraja married Ganapamba, daughter of Kakatiya king Ganapati Deva)[55][56] and when a daughter was married of to a Chalukyan prince.[57]

Even though the Kakatiyas became synonymous with Andhra, no current Andhra community or family has made any conclusive claims to them. The royal family of Bastar[58] however believes that Kakatiya King Pratap Rudra's brother, Annam Deo, left Warangal and established his kingdom at Bastar, [59] Chhattisgarh around the late 14th century. A daughter of a later descendant named Raja Rudra Pratap Deo, Praphul Kumari Devi ascended the throne in 1922. Later in 1927, she was married to Praphul Kumar Bhanj Deo, who belonged to the royal family[60] of Mayurbhanj. [61] Praphul Kumari Devi died in 1936 in London and her elder son Maharaja Pravir Chandra Bhanj Deo Kakatiya ascended the throne in 1936 at a minor age. Praphul Kumari Devi is believed to be the last link to the Kakatiyas. The current descendant of this dynasty is Praveen Chandra Bhanj Deo.

The Chagis and Kotas and Paricchedis continued to hold onto their regions albeit as subordinate rulers. There are inscriptions during Kakatiya rule mentioning Pericheda Bhimaraju splitting lordship of the Guntur region with Kota kings,[62] the Chodarajus were ruling in Narasaraopeta, the Sagis were described as Kshatriyas ruling with Gudimetal as their capital and a Rudraraju was the General of Nathavadi region allied to the Kakatiyas.[63][64][65][66][67][68] See Inscriptions to see some of the many archived inscriptions and to browse through all the documents click this link.[74]


Kalinga in 265 B.C.E.

During the time of the Vishnukundinas there were a few clans called the Matharas and Vasishthas. The Matharas called themselves the descendents of the Vashisthas, which got its name from its gotra.

The region between Cuttack and Vijayawada was known as Kalinga (ancient Orissa), and was controlled often by the Oriya rulers the Eastern Gangas of the Vashistha gotra. The early Eastern Gangas ruled from Kalinga-nagara (Mukhalingam near Srikakulam Andhra Pradesh). They shifted their capital to Cuttack in the 12th century. Religious leader Ramanujacharya had a great influence on the Raja Choda Ganga Deva, who re-built the temple at Puri. Narasimha Deva built the Sun Temple at Konark. The Gangas were succeeded by the Suryavanshi Gajapati rulers. Two copper plates of the early Pallava dynasty have been found in the Kolleru Lake, traced to Gajapati Langula Narasimha Deva, an Oriya ruler. According to legend, the Gajapathi fort was located at Kolleti Kota on one of the eastern islands of the lake, which protected the Oriya forces. The enemy general encamped at Chiguru Kota located on the shores and tried to excavate a channel in the modern-day Upputeru, so that the water of the lake would empty into the sea and allow an attack on the Gajapathi fort. The Orissa army general sacrificed his own daughter (Perantala Kanama) to propitiate Gods and ensure his success against his enemies.

The Bhoi and Surya Vansi Gajapatis of Orissa, on the height of their power in the 15th century, ruled over a kingdom extending from the Ganga river in the north to the Kaveri in the south under Gajapati Kapilendra Deva. But by the early 16th century, the Gajapatis lost great portions of their southern dominion to Vijayanagar and Golconda. This period was marked by the influence of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and by the construction of Jaganatha temples across the length and breadth of the empire. The last independent Oriya emperor was Gajapati Mukunda Deva. During the Gajapathi reign an inscription mentions a Bhupathiraju Vallabha Raju Mahapatra in Chodavaram. [69]

It was common for the Zamindari families of the border region of Orissa and Andhra to have alliances. Early on they actually sided with the Gajapathis against the Vijayanagar Empire. There was a notable exception with inscriptional confirmation of two Kshatriya generals fighting on the side of Krishna Deva Raya. Of the modern clans, the Virycharla royals of Kurupam [70] and the Satrucharla clan of Salur have more in common with the Orissa royals, who claim descent from the Gajapathi and Ganga Dynasties, then they do with the Godavari clans.[71]

The Rajas of Kurupam are related through marriage to:

  1. The Jeypore Royal family, who’s founder was a descendant of Raja Kanaka Sena, of Jammu
  2. The Bhanj dynasty of Daspalla princely state in Orissa founded in the 15th century by a younger son of Raja Narayan Bhanj Deo of Baudh. The 19th Raja Sahib of Daspalla married daughter of Raja of Balrampur (Talcher)
  3. Baudh princely state of Orissa. The Bhanj dynasty is also the ancestors of the Rajas of Daspalla.
    1. Eldest daughter married into the Chauhan dynasty of Patna in Orissa, founded by Raja Rama Deo in the 13th century.
    2. Second daughter married the Raja of Khariar.
  4. The Parmar dynasty of Gangpur princely state of Orissa.
  5. The Kacchawa dynasty of Talcher princely state of Orissa founded in the 12th century. 25th Raja of Talcher married the daughter of Raja of Bastar and the daughter of the Thakur of Sayla. The Gajapati king was pleased with his valor and bestowed on him the title of Birabara Harichandan.
  6. The Bhuyavamsha dynasty of Dhenkanal princely state (Orissa). Founded about 1530 by a scion of the Khurda family. The current raja is married to daughter of Maharaja of Kalahandi who’s children:
    1. Rajkumar Yuvaraj Amar Jyoti Singh Deo, married the elder daughter of Maharajkumar of Wankaner, which is an offshoot of the Jala dynasty of Dhrangadhra.
    2. Raj Kumari Anuradha Devi, married Kunwar Chandraveer Singh, son of Maharaj Amarendra Singh Ji of Salumber

Vijayanagar Empire

Vijayanagara Empire, 1446-1520 CE

This empire was founded by the Sangama brothers Hakka and Bukka who most reliable historians believed were from the Golla, Kuruba, Yadava-Shepard caste. The Vijayanagara Empire was founded as the last bastion of Hinduism against Islamic oppression from Tughlaq rule in the Deccan, lasting for more than two centuries as the dominant power in South India.

In all, four clans ruled the empire, of which two claimed to be of the Kshatriya Varna. The Saluva Dynasty was of the Kasyapa gotra and Suryavanshi. Their family name is Katari, which means dagger. They used Saluva as their dynastic name, meaning hawk, as the founder was thought of as a hawk among men. In later years they assumed royal titles. They first came into the picture in 1318 when a Katari Saluva Raseya Nayak was a subordinate chief for the Yadavas who defeated the Muslim forces while King Ballala was away from his capital in Dwarasamudra.[72] By 1456 they were ruling over a part of Chola territory.[73] In 1463 Pusapati Tamma Bhupati Raju conquered Udyagiri and Chandragiri, ruled by Katari Saluva Rama Chandra Raju,[74] but from 1471-1484, Katari Saluva Narsimha was ruling in Musilpatnam and Vijanagar.[75]

The other clan was the Aravidu Dynasty.[76] Raja Achutya Deva Raya was extensively interviewed by Robert Sewell in order to help him in research for his book,[77] and is acknowledged by the Government of Karnataka as the direct descendant of this line. In his royal biography he takes on the title of Zamindar of Anegundi, Senior Representative of the Royal House of Vijayanagar, born 4th August 1936, adoptive son of Rani Lal Kumari, Guru (Religious Head) of the Hindu Kshatriya Community, enjoys the customary privileges and honors at Hampi Temple and at Anegondi Temple, during all religious functions as well as Muslim festivals.[78] His family states they are of the Raju caste and marry amongst Telugu speakng Rajus settled in this area.

Raju families such as the Chodarajus, Nandyalas, Madirajus, Tirumalarajus, Gobburis, Saluvas (Bommarajus) of Karvetinagar, the Rajas of Owk and Matla Chiefs were all at one time or other, relatives of the Aravidu dynasty. All of these families still live in and around the Hampi area.

  • The founding brothers of the Aravidu dynasty were the son-in-laws of Krishna Deva Raya of the Tuluva Dynasty and were also related previously through marriage with the Saluva Dynasty. Gobburi Narasaraju was the nephew of Aliya Ramaraju and[79] Emperor Venkatapthi Raju was married to Gobburi Kondama,[80]the sister of the Raja of Srisailam, Gobburi Giriappa.[81] After the death of Venkatapathi Raju, from 1614-1616 there was a great war of succession. Amongst the claimants to the throne was Gobburi Jaga Deva Raju, the brother-in-law of the emperor and also a relative of the Raja of Karvetinagar, Saluva Makaraju.[82][83] The Matla Chiefs fought against the Gobburis.[84]
  • The Matli-Matla chiefs were Ellamrajus who gained the territory after defeating the Tirupatirajus in battle in 1604 AD.[85]
  • The Chodaraju's gotra was given as Kasyapa and the Nandyala's gotra was given as atreya and were described as belonging to Chandravanshi, both were related through marriage and both were appointed Mahamandaleswars during the start of the 16th century.[86][87][88][89]
  • The Madiraju's gotra was given as Kasyapa and Suryavanshi and related to the Thirumalarajus, both appointed Mahamandeleswars of Guntur area and happened to be the grandchildren of Aravidu Rama Raya.[90][91][92]
  • Madhava Varma Bejawada was mentioned in 1509 AD. as of the Vasishtha gotra and Suryavansi.[93]
  • Krishna Deva Raya defeated among others Rachi Raju Pusapati, Srinatha Raju and Lakshmipati Raju on his way to defeating Pratapa Rudra Gajapati Raju of the Gajapathi Dynasty. He immediately reinstated these rulers as his vassals and married the daughter of Pratapa Rudra as a truce offering. All this occurred between 1514-1517 AD.[94][95]
  • Ganapathirajus were described as of the Suryavanshi and Kasyapa gotra and were Mahamandaleswars in 1555 AD.[96]

Nizam/Colonial Rule

Northern Circars
Madras Presidency, 1909

After Vijayanagar was destroyed in the Battle of Tallikota in 1565 AD from the combined forces of the Muslim states of Golconda, Bijapur, Ahmednagar, and Bidar, the tributary kingdoms that were under Vijayanagar fell under the control of the Sultans of Golconda and Bijapur. The Golconda Empire came under the control of the Mughal Dynasty in 1686 and became known as Deccan Subah. Mughal rule didn't last long however. Nizamul Ul Mulk Asaf Jah controlled Andhra Pradesh and parts of Tamil Nadu and Orissa as the governor of the Deccan.

The Sultans, Nizams and British all employed Rajus, Velamas, Reddys, Kapus and Kammas as the governors of estates with the responsibility of collect taxes. In 1857 the British broke up the estates and realigned the bigger brigands into Princely states and the lesser ones as Zamindars or Jagirdars. As this increased the number of estates that needed to be administered, some individuals with cash and influence were able to buy large temple estates and the title that came with them. This allowed locally prominent tax collectors to become Rajas. In the Andhra context, Raju is also a title and did not necessarily refer to the specific Raju community. This is how many Samsthanams or Zamindars came into existence. These zamindars were abolished after the formation of the Indian Union in 1947.


Zamindars and the families that controlled them in parenthesis.

Modern community

Rajus are designated a forward caste.[99] The Indian government came up with a policy of placing quotas for particular communities for hiring in government jobs, acceptance into educational institutions, dispensation of financial and developmental aid etc. to help bring up the overall financial and social well being of the vast number of poor and socially marginalized castes and communities in Indian society. In order to ensure that the most needy get these quotas framers didn't feel the traditional classification of upper and lower caste properly reflect the realities of certain regions and came up with forward caste and backward caste.


  1. ^ Baby Names World[1]
  2. ^ Geneology Family Ecducation[2]
  3. ^ Parties, Election and Mobilisation: K. Rama Chandra Murty[3]
  4. ^ Farmers of India[4]
  5. ^ Teaching Politics: Delhi University Political Science Association[5]
  6. ^ Education and Social Change in South India: Andhra, 1880-1920: Yallampalli Vaikuntham[6]
  7. ^ Telug-English Dictionary: Peter Percival[7]
  8. ^ Standing Information Regarding the Official Administration of the Madras Presidency in Each Department.:C.D. Maclean[8]
  9. ^ Sri Rebala Lakshmi Narasa ReddyEndowment Lectures, 1976: Satish Chandra, Sri Venkatesvara University[9]
  10. ^ The Epic of Palnadu: A Story and Translation of Palnati Virula Kahtah: Gene H. Roghair.[10]
  11. ^ Adaptation: Roberto de’ Nobili[11]
  12. ^ The Background of Maratha Renaissance in the 17th Century: Historical Survey: Narayan Keshav Behere[12]
  13. ^ Vizianagaram (Zamindari) 13 Gun Salute[13]
  14. ^ Nityasumangali: Devadasi Tradition in South India: Saskia C. Kersenboom-Story[14]
  15. ^ Shanmukha: Sri Shanmukh Ananda fine Arts & Sangeetha Sabha[15]
  16. ^ Anegundi (Zamindar)[16]
  17. ^ Newsind Press[17]
  18. ^ Democratic Process and Electoral Politics in Andhra Pradesh, India pg 18[18]
  19. ^ Encyclopaedia of Political Parties: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh: O.P. Ralhan[19]
  20. ^ Farmer, Rituals and Modernization: A Sociological Study: Swapan kumar Bhattacharyya[20]
  21. ^ India’s Social Problems in Twenty First Century: M.U. Qureshi[21]
  22. ^ Politics for Power: The Role of Caste and Factions in Andhra Pradesh, 1880-192-: N. Innaiah[22]
  23. ^ Global Body Shopping: An Indian Labor System in the Information Technology.. :Baio[23]
  24. ^ The Hindu[24]
  25. ^ Ancestory.com[25]
  26. ^ Sahitya Patrika: University of Dacca Dept. of Bengali[26]
  27. ^ Hindu Castes and Sects [27]
  28. ^ Edgar Thurston: Castes and Tribes of South India Vol. 6 Pg. 236, 240-241 [28]
  29. ^ Ethnographic Notes in Southern India By Edgar Thurston pg 41 [29]
  30. ^ Edgar Thurston: Castes and Tribes of Southern India Vol 6 pg. 247-256. [30]
  31. ^ Lineage of Vizianagaram Kings[31].
  32. ^ Kshatriyas:: About Kshatriyas
  33. ^ Claim descent from Matsya desa They have the figure of a fish on their flag.[32]
  34. ^ A Manual of the District of Vizagapatam, in the Presidency of Madras By David Freemantle Carmichael[33]
  35. ^ Hindu Tribes and Castes By Matthew Atmore Sherring pg 128 [34]
  36. ^ Kshatriya Seva Samiti [35]
  37. ^ Buddhist Remains in Andhra and the History of Andhra Between 225 and 610 A.D. By K. R. Subramanian[36]
  38. ^ A History of Telugu Literature. Pg. 36[37]
  39. ^ Mediaeval Jainism: With Special Reference to the Vijayanagara Empire By Bhasker Anand Saletore [38]
  40. ^ History of Rajapalayam. [39]
  41. ^ The Andhras through the Ages: Kandavalli Balendu Sekharan
  42. ^ A Sketch of the Dynasties of Southern India By Robert Sewell pg 44-45
  43. ^ Answers.com[40]
  44. ^ Orissa Gov.NIC.IN[41]
  45. ^ Studies in south India Jainism. M.S. Rama Swami Ayyangar, B. Seshagiri Rao[42]
  46. ^ V. Ramachandra Rao: Vepachedu Education Foundation[43]
  47. ^ T.R.S. Iyengar[44]
  48. ^ Lists of the Antiquarian Remains in the Presidency of Madras: Robert Sewell pg 43, 56-7[45]
  49. ^ Historical Sketches of Ancient Dekhan By Kandadai Vaidyanatha Subrahmanya Aiyer[46]
  50. ^ Andhra Between the Empires. Y. Sudershan Rao Suleka Publishers, Hanamankonda 1991 pg 7
  51. ^ The Andhras through the Ages: Kandavalli Balendu Sekharan
  52. ^ Social and Economic Conditions in Eastern Deccan from A.D. 1000 to A.D. 1250 By A. Vaidehi Krishnamoorthy[47]
  53. ^ Cynthia Talbot: Precolonial India in Practice
  54. ^ The history of India By Mountstuart Elphinstone[48]
  55. ^ Annual Report By Archaeological Survey of India, John Hubert Marshall[49]
  56. ^ Social and Cultural Life in Medieval Andhra By M. Krishna Kumari[50]
  57. ^ History of the Minor Chāḷukya Families in Medieval Āndhradēśa By Kolluru Suryanarayana[51]
  58. ^ BASTAR (Princely State)[52]
  59. ^ Welcome to Bastar[53]
  60. ^ MAYURBHANJ (Princely State)[54]
  61. ^ Mayurbhanj NIC[55]
  62. ^ No. 395. (A. R. No. 94 of 1917.) (Published in the Journal of the Andhra Historical Research Society, Vol. IV, pp. 147-64.) S. 1183. (Durmati)
  63. ^ South Indian Inscriptions - Volume 10 - Kakatiya Dynasty Inscriptions @ whatisindia.com
  64. ^ No. 257. (A. R. No. 324 of 1915.) On the Garudastambha in the temple of Venugopalasvami, Uppumaguluru, Narasaraopeta Taluk, same District. S. 1133. Damaged and partly illegible. Refers to the gift of an oil-mill and land made by Balli Chodaraju presumably to some temple.
  65. ^ (A. R. No. 138 of 1917.) On a slab lying in front of the temple of Venugopalasvami, Potturu, Guntur Taluk, Guntur District. S. 1168. Incomplete. The portion which describes the actual grant is missing. The portion available refers to what was probably a gift made to a Siva temple by Paricheda Bhimaraja, Tammu Bhimaraju, Devaraju and Ganapa Deva Raju for the merit of their father Komma Raju and mother Surala Devi. Contains the usual Parichedi titles.
  66. ^ No. 373. (A. R. No. 283 of 1924.) On a pillar lying in the temple of Chandramaulisvara, Anumanchipalli, Nandigama Taluk, Krishna District. S. 1182. (Raudri) States that a certain Brahmin Chavali Bhaskara consecrated the image of Sagi-Ganapesvara and that king Sagi Manma endowed the temple with land. Describes the Sagi family as of Kshatriya caste (bahujakula) and gives the donor’s genealogy.
  67. ^ No. 468. (A. R. No. 318 of 1924.) On a pillar lying near a dilapidated mosque among the ruins of the fort at Gudimetta, Nandigama Taluk, Krishna District. S. 1213. States that Dadi Somaya-Sahini and Peddaya-Sahini gave lands to the temple of Visvanatha-Mahadeva who were the officers of Rudraraju.
  68. ^ No. 544. (A. R. No. 270 of 1924.) On a pillar set up in the temple of Anjaneyasvami at Konakanchi, same Taluk and District. Undated. States that, while Sagi Potaraja was ruling the Nathavadi country with Gudimetla as his capital, his kampu Birama’s sons Kassevu-Setti and Kurivi-Setti and the latter’s wife Surama got the temple of Narendresvara plastered, consecrated the images of Narayana Deva and Brahma Deva and also got the temples of attendant gods plastered, and gave two tanks for the naivedya and Patrapagudamu in these temples. Also states that Kurri-Setti of the Teliki thousand tribe of Bejevada presented two lamps to the temples.
  69. ^ No. 741. (A. R. No. 54 of 1912.) On a pillar in the temple of Kesavasvami at Chodavaram, Viravalli Taluk, Vizagapatam District. Saka year not given (Kalayukti) Records the consecration of the image of Garutmanta by Bondu Mallayya for the prosperity etc. of Bhupatiraju Vallabha Raju-Mahapatra.
  70. ^ KURUPAM (Zamindari)[56]
  71. ^ CHINNA MERANGI (Zamindari)[57]
  72. ^ History of South India By P.N. Chopra, T.K. Ravindran, N. Subrahmanian pg 13[58]
  73. ^ Carnatic Chronology: The Hindu and Mahomedan Methods of Reckoning pg 58-59[59]
  74. ^ The Sūryavaṁśi Gajapatis of Orissa By R. Subrahmanyam pg 47, 197[60]
  75. ^ A History of Vijayanagar: The Never to Be Forgotten Empire By Bangalore Suryanarain Row pg 335[61]
  76. ^ Journal of the Andhra Historical Society By Andhra Historical Research Society pg 61[62]
  77. ^ Robert Sewell: Vijayanagar: A forgotten Empire [63]
  78. ^ Aenegondi [64]
  79. ^ Questioning Ramayanas: A South Asian tradition by Paula Richman[65]
  80. ^ The Madras tercentenary commemoration volume. by Madras Tercentenary Celebration Committee. [66]
  81. ^ Cyclic tables of Hindu and Mahomedan chronology, regarding the history of the Telugu and Kannadi countries to which are added the genealogies of particular Hindu families, with essays on various matters of enquiry by Charles Philip Brown [67]
  82. ^ Gazetteer of the Nellore District : brought upto 1938. Pg 61[68]
  83. ^ The Nayaks of Tanjore. by V Vriddhagirisan [69]
  84. ^ Tidings of the king a translation and ethnohistorical analysis of the Rāyavācakamu by Phillip B Wagoner; NetLibrary, Inc. [70]
  85. ^ 244 Siddhavatam (Siddhavatam Taluk) On the east wall near the entrance of the old fort. Saka 1527; Visvasu The inscriptions refers itself to the reign of Venkatapati Raya and enumerates the achievements of the Matli Chiefs Ellama Raju and his son Ananta Raju. The latter is stated to have built the radiant and extensive stone wall at Siddhavatam which his father had acquired in the battle of Utukuru. In the telugu portion, which is a stsamalika, it is stated that while Vira Venkata Raya was ruling the empire from Chandragiri-sima, Anata Raju constructed the tank, Ananta Raju-cheruvu at Siddhavatam which his father had acquired at the point of his sword after defeating Konda Raju Tirupati Raju in battle and built a wall around the town so that it might protect the temple of Siddhavatesvara. His is also said to be the author of Kakutstha-vijayamu and of the Kavyas. (Published in Epigraphia Indica xxxxvii. pp. 103-112, by Dr. N. Venkata Ramanayya)
  86. ^ 97 (No. 201 of 1967) Chidipiralla (Kamalapuram Taluk) On a stone near the Anjaneya temple. S. 1501; Bhadhanya, (A.D. 1578) It records the digging of irrigation canals at Chadupurella as the old ones became out of use, by Mahamandal-eswara Katta Mama Singa Raya Deva Choda Maharaja, who is said to be holding the Nayamkara of Chadupurala n the Ghandikota sima (as a subordinate chief) under his son-in-law Mahamandal-eswara Nandyala Narashim-ayya Deva Maharaja.
  87. ^ No. 73. (A.R. No. 353 of 1915.) Kundurru, Narasarowpet Taluk, Guntur District. 1522 A.D., May 13 (Tuesday). It registers the grant of a piece of land in the village of Konudortta...by Maha Mandalesvara Sarvayya Deva Chodaraju, son of Alamandala Yarayya Deva Chodaraju of Kasyapa-gotra. Vinikondasima is said to have been given to the donor as nayankara by Maha Pradhana Saluva Timmarasayya.
  88. ^ No. 129. (A.R. No. 690 of 1917.) Kovelakuntla, Koilkuntla Taluk, Kurnool District. 1543 A.D., August 25 (Saturday). It registers the grant of income derived from svamyatas in his nayankara territory of Kovila Kuntlasima....by Maha Mandalesvara Nandyala Avubhalesvara Deva Maharaju, son of Singa Raju Deva Maharaju and the grandson of Narasingayya Deva Maharaju of the lunar race.
  89. ^ No. 139. (A.R. No. 498 of 1906.) Mopuru, Pulivendla Taluk, Cuddapah District. 1545 A.D., January 19, ’50. It records the remission of all taxes like Durga Vartana, Danayani Vartana, bedige, kanika and others in favour of the Vidvan mahajanas of the villages belonging to temples and to agraharas in Ghandikota Sakalisima obtained by the donor, Timmaya Deva Maharaju, son of Narasingaya Deva Maharaju and grandson of Maha Mandalesvara Nandyala Avubhala Deva Maharaju as Nayankara from the king. A similar remission of these taxes in the villages granted to the Bhai Ravesvara temple of Mopura is also recorded with the stipulation that the amount accrued was to be utilized for the daily worship and the rathosvava of the god.
  90. ^ No. 191. (A.R. No. 584 of 1909.) Macherla, Palnadu Taluk, Guntur District. On a slab set up in the courtyard of the Virabhadresvara temple. Sadasiva, 1554 A.D. The record is dated in Chronogram ‘rasa-saila-veda..’ and the numerals 76, Ananda, Ashadha, su. 15, Friday, lunar eclipse. The word for the numeral 1 is apparently lost. The details of the date correspond to 1554 A.D., June 15, ’51, if the month was Adhika Ashadha. The inscription which is damaged, records a grant of 14 putti and 10 tumu of land constituting it into a village by name Lingapuram, by Ling Amma, wife of Veligoti Komara Timma Nayaka to the gods Ishta Kamesvara and Viresvara of Macherla situated to the north of Macherla and west of the Chandra Bhaga river, in Nagarjuna-konda-sima which Komara Timma Nayaka is said to have obtained as nayankara from Maha Mandalesvara Rama Raju Thirumalaraju Deva Maharaju.
  91. ^ No. 201. (A.R. No. 161 of 1905.) Markapur, Markapur Taluk, Kurnool District. On the east wall, left of entrance, of the antarala-mandapa in the Chenna-kesava-svamin temple. Sadasiva, 1555 A.D. This is dated Saka 1476, Ananda, Magha su. 7, corresponding to 1555 A.D., January 29. It records a gift of the various toll incomes due from the 18 villages, viz., Marakarapuram, Channavaram, Konddapuram, Yachavaram, Rayavaram, Gonguladinna, Tarnumbadu, Surepalli, Vanalapuram, Chanareddipalle, Gangireddipalle, Korevanipalle, Medisettipalle, Gollapalle, Jammuladinna, Tellambadu, Kamalpuram and Kondapalli to god Chennakesava by Maha Mandalesvara Madiraju Narappadeva Maharaju, son of Aubhalayya Deva Maharaju, grandson of Maha Mandalesvara Madiraju Singa Raju Deva Maharaju, of Kasyapa-gotra and Surya-vamsa, and nephew of Maha Mandalesvara Rama Raju Thirumalaraju. The gift villages are said to be situated in Kochcherla Kotasima which was held by the donor as Nayankara from the king. Records in addition that the lanjasunkham (levy on prostitutes) collected during the festivals at Marakapuram was also made over to the temple and that fie out of every six dishes of offerings to the deity, were to be made over to the satra (feeding house) for feeding paradesi Brahmanas of the smartha sect, the sixth dish being the share of the sthanikas, the adhikaris and the karanas.
  92. ^ No. 228. (A.R. No. 411 of 1911.) Vontimitta, Sidhavatam Taluk, Cuddapah District. On a slab set up near the eastern gopura of the Kodanda Rama Swamy temple. Sadasiva, 1558 A.D. This is dated Saka 1480, Kalayukt, and Ashadha su. 12, Monday, corresponding to 1558 A.D. June 27. The inscription records a gift of the village Vontimetta with its hamlets in Sidhavatam-sima of Udayagiri Rajya to god Raghu Nayaka of the same village said to have been consecrated by Jambavanta, by Naga Raja Deva Maharaju of Kasyapa-gotra, and Surya-Vamsa and the son-in-law of Rama Raju and Gutti Yara Thirumalaraju Deva Maharaju of Kasyapa-gotra, and Surya-Vamsa and the sons of Sri Ranga Raju and the grandsons of Aravidu Rama Raju of Atreya-gotra and Soma-Vamsa. The gift village was situated in Siddhavatamsima which the donor appears to have held as his nayankara
  93. ^ No. 45. (A.R. No. 491 of 1906.) Pulivendla, Pulivendla Taluk, Cuddapah District. 1509 A.D., October 24. It records a gift of the village Kunddal Kundu...by Narasayya Deva Maharaju, brother of Basava Raju, son of Tamma Raju, grandson of Valla Bharaya and great-grandson of Bejawada Madhava Varma of Vasishtha-gotra and Surya-vamsa.
  94. ^ No. 52. (A.R. No. 18 of 1915.) Srisailam, Nandikotkur Taluk, Kurnool District. 1515 A.D., July 25. The record is important for the historical information contained in it. The king, it is stated, started out from Vijayanagara on a campaign of conquest towards the east, conquered at a stretch Udayagiri, Addanki, Vinukonda, Bellamkonda, Nagarjunikonda, Tangedu, Ketavaram and other hill-forts and land-forts and captured Tirumala Kataraya Mahapatra. Having taken Kondavidu, he captured alive Virabhadra Raya, Nara Hari Deva, Rachuri Mallukhanu, Uddandakhanu, Jannala Kasavapatra, Pusapati Rachiraju, Srinatha Raju, Lakshmipati Raju, Paschima Balachandra Mahapatra and others. Later he reinstated the captives in their places, visited Amaresvara at Dharanikota and performed the Tulapurusha ceremony in the presence of the god on the banks of the river Krishnaveni.
  95. ^ No. 57. (A.R. No. 474 of 1919.) Little Kanchipuram, Kanchipuram Taluk, Chingleput District. 1517 A.D., January 14. States that the king, having conquered Udayagiri, captured Ravutaraya-mahapatra, and having taken the hill fortresses of Addanki, Vinikonda, Bellamkonda, Tangeda, Ketavaram, etc., captured alive Vira Bhadra Raya, son of Pratapa Rudra Gajapati Raju. Narahari Deva, son of Kumara Hamvira and others, performed Tulapurusha at Amaresvara in Dharanikota, returned to Vijayanagara and started out again on a campaign of conquest towards Kalinga, reached Bejawada, conquered Kondapalli, captured Praha Raju Siras Chandra Mahapatra, Bodajana Mahapatra, Bujilikhanu and others, took at a stretch all the fortresses of Telangana such as Anantagiri, Udrakonda, Urlugonda, Aruvapalli, Jallipalli, Kandikonda, Kappaluvayi, Nalgonda, Kambhammettu, Kanakagiri, Samkkaragiri, etc., installed the jayastambha at Simhadri Potnuru and performed the mahadana there, returned to Rajamahendra and desiring to have the mahadanas performed by his queens Chinna Devi and Tirumala Devi, returned to Vijayanagara...
  96. ^ No. 205. (A.R. No. 59 of 1915.) Chinna Ahobalam, Sirvel Taluk, Kurnool District. On the west wall of the Narasimha-svamin shrine in the Narasimha-svamin temple. Sadasiva, 1555 A.D. This is dated Saka 1478 (current), Rakshasa, Sravana ba. 7 corresponding to 1555 A.D., August 9 (Friday). The record is damaged and fragmentary. It seems to register a gift (of land) to god Ahobala Narasimha by Ganapatiraju who belonged to the Kasyapa-gotra Apastamba-sutra and Yajus-sakha and was the son of Nandi Raju and the grandson of Maha Mandalesvara Krishna Raju of the solar race.
  97. ^ History in Modern Indian Literature By Siba Pada Sen pg 188[71]
  98. ^ A Manual of the District of Vizagapatam, in the Presidency of Madras By David Freemantle Carmichael pg 309[72]
  99. ^ Caste, Class and Social Articulation In Andhra Pradesh. Mapping Differential Regional Tragectories. K. Srinivasulu Pg 6, 11, 51 [73]


Other Sources