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Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya or Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University is considered a new religious movement[1]according to John Wallis, Ph.D who refers to it as "a millenarian NRM (New Religious Movement)of Indian origin."[2]However, other scholars refer to this movement as a religion[3] or as stated by Professor R. Kranenborg “Brahma Kumaris is in fact a new religion, originating within Hinduism but going its own way.” The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (BKWSU) teaches a form of meditation denominated Raja Yoga. According to Kranenborg: “The entire way of the Brahma Kumaris can be characterized as raja yoga. One should not think here in the first place of classical yoga, as described by Patanjali. Central to raja yoga is that one becomes connected with the Highest Soul and with the highest in oneself. It is a way to the true self, which is to be expressed in everyday life."


The movement was founded in 1936 in Karachi by Lekh Raj Kripalani who was born in 1876. "When he wanted to withdraw from this life in 1936 so that he could devote himself to the spiritual life, he had a radical religious experience. He had the feeling that he had come into contact with the Supreme Soul or God; at the same time he experienced himself in this encounter as an eternal soul and the connectedness of that soul with the Supreme Soul.'[4]


The story of the Brahma Kumaris begins with its founder Dada Lekhraj, a retired diamond merchant, who had frequent visions "most importantly the destruction of the world and its population through war, strife and natural calamities and the emergence of a post-apocalyptic paradise to be populated by the chosen few. Understandably disoriented by these visions Lekhraj decided to sell his business to his partner and retire."[5] The movement led by Lekhraj moved from Hyderabad to Karachi and then to their current location in Mt.Abu.

"it is unquestionably [the case]that from the very beginning of the life of the organization its male founder, Dada Lekhraj, gave special encouragement to women to develop their spiritual lives and take leadership positions. Not only did he devolve his fortune and the responsibilities of administering it upon a trust of nine women as the very act of foundation of the Brahma Kumaris, but when, some few years after his life transforming visions, he came to believe that celibacy was necessary to achieve salvation, he rejected the Hindu practice of restricting the elevated status of celibate seeker to men. Indeed much was made in the early life of the organization of the failure of so many Hindu men to live up to their traditional roles as "gurus" to their wives; correspondingly women enjoyed much appreciation as the ones who so often demonstrated their capacity for virtue as required by traditional family life (Chander 1981: 23). Anyone, regardless of sex, who was prepared to adopt chastity and follow purity rules concerning diet and alcohol was eligible to join Lekhraj and be a full member (a brahmin) of the organization. As it happened, a high proportion of early members were women and their children.

In the 1950s when Dada Lekhraj (or "Brahma Baba") judged the time right to send people out from the home community (by then in Mt. Abu, India) to open teaching centers elsewhere in India, it was young women he chose to spread the Brahma Kumaris teachings (cf. Chander 1981: 156). Today the leadership of the BK movement in India remains heavily female."''[6]

Global Expansion

Brahma Kumaris World Outreach As expressed by researchers Nesbitt and Henderson: "Whaling (1995) and Walliss (1999, 2002) summarise the historical development and content of BK outreach at a local and national level in terms of the development of meditation, stress reduction and self-esteem classes, and associated work in prisons, homes for the elderly, drug clinics and hospitals; and they show the Brahma Kumaris increasing internationalisation and links with the United Nations and UNICEF, through their central role in such international projects as ‘The Million Minutes for Peace’, ‘Global Co-Operation for a better World’ and ‘Living Values: An Educational Initiative’ (Walliss,1999). The meditation practice, of verbalised reflection with one’s eyes open, is supported by a disciplined way of life (Howell, 1997, p. 151) and in the West this practice is linked with opportunities for empowerment and success in life." (Skultans,1993, p. 58; Walliss, 1999.")[7]

Beliefs and Practices

It is important to recogize that Brahma Kumaris as a Spiritual University has a variety of membership patterns thus, there is a different type of "identity negotiation" (term coined by Wallis) beliefs and practices engaged in by individuals in relationship with the University. Wallis in his article "Reflexive Traditions New Religious Movements and the 'Negotiation' of Identity"[8] recognizes four different types of members in Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University:
1) Instrumental users: Individuals drawn to the University through what they perceive as tangible benefits through their life in the "here and now" usually emotionally or physically related issues.

2) Eclectic users:individuals looking for "self development" or "self-spirituality", there is a spiritual quest behind their association.

3) Spiritual searchers: Individuals who feel belong to the spiritual path, however; their involvement with the University grew out of sense of disillusionment with conventional religiosity.

4) Interpretative drifters: Individuals originally involved due to instrumental reasons, however; "gradually discovered that the ideas [behind the belief] are true." (Luhrmann, 1994:124 as quoted by Wallis.)

For this topic, the outline given by Professor Kranenborg[9] will be closely followed: In his article "Brahma Kumaris: A new Religion?,"1999 (reproduced with author's permission) Kranenborg points out 6 different areas:

1) Ideas about God: "The ideas concerning God deviate considerably from what we encounter within Hinduism as a whole. Not only is God eternal, the eternal power or energy but matter is also eternal—it is not created by God. But the souls that we encounter in human beings are also eternal. They do not emerge from God and are not created by him. God is seen as one of the souls, even though he is the ‘supreme soul' or the ‘all-highest soul'. He therefore has all knowledge and is in that sense omniscient, although he is not omnipresent. Traditionally, Hinduism speaks of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, and these three are seen as a unity. In Brahma Kumaris, however, Shiva stands above the trimurti and the third aspect is termed Shankar. On the one hand, this notion of trimurti is understood in line with the traditional Hindu view, namely as creator, preserver, and destroyer. But on the other hand the movement gives a more specific content to these terms. The meaning of the ‘creator aspect' means that God, whenever humanity is at a low point, will come into the world, awaken humanity and thus restore primal harmony; such an act of creation will preferably occur via a messenger, whereby one can think of someone like Lekh Raj. Shiva's ‘preserver aspect' becomes visible in the energy that he gives through, for example, the power of the raja yoga and through the knowledge that is derived from him in this last period, through which one can develop a balanced personality. The ‘destroyer aspect' is expressed in the fact that evil and negativity will be eliminated, particularly by the meditative activities of those who walk along the way."''

2) Ideas about Human Beings: "The human being is essentially an eternal soul. In the beginning all souls lived together, with the All-Highest Soul in an non-material world, but because of the law of karma the souls left this world for the material world and entered into human bodies. All souls play their own roles in the material world and therefore assume a body in order to give expression to their original positive qualities. Only in the body is the soul able to experience life. Apart from the connection to the physical, the soul has three aspects: intellect, conscious mind, and subconscious mind. The intellect is the guiding and determining part of the soul; it determines the thoughts and the condition of the human being, with the intention that it become independent of the human being and does not allow itself to be influenced by external factors. The mind is that part of the soul that produces thoughts and ideas; emotions, feelings and experiences are also located in this part of the soul. It is of great importance to discover how and why thoughts are created, for if they are determined or created by external negative influences, the individual becomes spiritually darkened. It is very important to understand the origin of thoughts. The unconscious mind contains the so-called sanskars, i.e. the impressions or consequences of everything that one undergoes or has undergone in this life or has undergone in previous lives. It is in particular this unconscious mind that primarily bears on the origin of the thoughts. It is the intention of Brahma Kumaris that the origin of thoughts and thinking itself become increasingly determined by the orientation to the All- Highest Soul. If this contact exists, people will become freer and the sanskars will be purified."

3) Ideas about the World Cycle: "In accordance with classical Hinduism, there is within Brahma Kumaris the doctrine of the four or five world ages: the golden age (sat yuga), the silver age (treta yuga), the copper age (dvapar yuga) and the iron age (kali yuga). Within this last age, however, as a kind of preparation for the new golden age, there is the diamond age (samgam yuga). The content of the ages is about the same as in Hinduism; the most striking difference is that for Brahma Kumaris the whole cycle lasts 5000 years in total. At the moment the world is now in the kali yuga, although this age is near its end. After the kali yuga the world will be completely different and transformed into a new golden age."

4) The Practice of Raja Yoga: "Above all, raja yoga has to do with meditation, whose content consists in that one is occupied with the understanding that the soul is on the way to God. The meditation strengthens this understanding, increases one's knowledge and strengthens the connectedness. The meditation and the knowledge leads to the formation of character and to service. Meditation makes a person internally and personally stronger and leads others to be inspired to follow the way and to become purified as well. Raja yoga also entails a ‘spiritual lifestyle', which includes that one be a vegetarian, seek good company, be regularly occupied with study and have as many fixed moments as possible during the day for meditation and live a life oriented towards celibacy. The meditation practice of the raja yoga consists of sitting properly, eyes open but directed internally, possibly listening to a text or music, preferably under the supervision of a (female) guide. There are different stages in the meditation: first, the preparation within which visualization plays a role, followed by the initial meditation in which one is conscious of one's soul and of God, next is concentration in which one experiences the purity and directness of the One and finally, realization, in which the unique connectedness of the soul with the Supreme Soul is attained."

5) Different Activities: "Brahma Kumaris has been active, primarily in recent years, in many different areas. A number of these activities need to be mentioned. Of course, courses are given which are connected to raja yoga. One should mention here the course ‘Positive Thinking'. Related to this is the course, ‘Stress-free Living' which is also concerned with developing a proper way of thinking and a proper tuning in to one's most profound nature. Courses such as ‘Self-Managing Leadership', ‘Secrets of Self-Esteem', ‘Self-Management for Quality of Life' have a similar orientation: the emphasis continually falls on understanding who the human being is, how the human being is connected with the All-Highest and how rest, power and balance can be brought into life. Another category of activities is more global in nature. Brahma Kumaris has been involved in the activities of UNO, UNESCO and UNICEF, it has supported human rights, the importance of a good education, and defended more equality among people. Within this framework there are a number of connected programs, such as ‘The Million Minutes for Peace' (in which the intention is that for a few minutes every day several people think positively of world peace), ‘Global Cooperation for a Better World', ‘Sharing our Values for a Better World'. The latter project has been continued in the still existent ‘Living Values'. The ‘interfaith' projects should be mentioned in this same context: the unity of all religions is sought and members are active in organizations that promote or pursue this. Finally, the attempt is made to be active in different sectors of social life. Thus there are programs dealing with art, organization of academic conferences (it is not for nothing that Brahma Kumaris is called the Spiritual University), contacts within the world of medicine, and programs for working with prisoners, etc."

6) The Murli: "Formally, the movement does not have any ‘holy book'. Nevertheless, there is the so-called ‘Murli', a work that has originated since Lekh Raj received his messages. It contains the words of the Highest Soul itself. These messages have been written down and are largely to be found in the Murli. The work is thus to be used for teaching and study. This material is therefore extremely important, for it provides the truth and true knowledge. The truth content of the book also has a continual effect in the experiences of the disciples: one does not accept the words in a purely intellectual way but learns in one's own life that the knowledge is completely true. The Murli is read and studied carefully. Nevertheless, the Murli did not close with the death of Lekh Raj. Messages continue to be received from the other world via one person, Dadi Gulzar. The messages are becoming increasingly more rare, but they still occur. The knowledge that has been passed on also appears in the Murli.

It has become an important text. Brahma Kumaris does not discuss it right away in courses and the text is not available for sale, but in later stages it plays an important role. In the course of time the book is discussed in advanced courses. It is not discussed until this point because a certain spiritual level has to be attained before one can work with it. The adherents are to take it very seriously and study it carefully. The degree of seriousness with which it is to be studied is apparent in the fact that the participants are engaged in study of this text for a long time from six o'clock in the morning.
As Dr. Howell points out to underline the uniqueness of the University: "Through the channelled messages it became clear that Shiva was not to be understood as one of many Hindu gods, but in monotheistic terms as ‘The Supreme Soul.’ In this and other respects the movement distinguished itself from Hinduism, and indeed from all religions. Its knowledge, gyan, the true knowledge, was thus identified as ‘spiritual’ rather than ‘religious,’ and the movement as a whole was cast as a ‘university.’[10]

7 Day Course

Wallis when referring to "world service" which was started in 1952, states:[11]"Lekhraj had from the very beginning published numerous pamphlets and written a huge amount of letters to important national and international figures in which he interpreted contemporary events with reference to his revealed knowledge. Rather, this marked an intensification of the process, with seven-lesson courses in the group's teachings being offered to outsiders." An overview of the seven-lesson course can be found here: [13] under "Foundation Course in Raja Yoga Meditation." Also, here: [14] under "Foundation Courses in Meditation."

The Advance Party

Wallis mentions[12] the advent of a movement which may be seen as an internal response to "the University's world ambivalence;" Wallis refers to them as the Advance Party. [15]

These seven lessons are:

  • The Soul
  • The Supreme Soul
  • The Law of Karma
  • The Cycle
  • The Tree of Religions
  • The Founder Brahma Baba
  • Brahma Kumaris' Lifestyle and Principles

The Soul

Brahma Kumaris teach dualism. That is human beings are a soul or spirit living inside the physical body which is not the individual but a "costume". The soul's form is a point of light and it is situated in the forehead of the body. The soul is described as having 3 functions: Mind, Intellect and Sanskars. The sanskars, or record of experiences, are transmitted from birth to birth. Brahma Kumaris believe in human reincarnation but unlike classical Hinduism and Buddhism, they do not believe in transmigration, or re-incarnation between different species. Brahma Kumaris teach that there are only 5.5 billion human souls.

The Supreme Soul

Brahma Kumaris believe that their "God" is a soul or spirit identical to the human soul, also in the form of a point of light but that this soul cannot take birth in a human form. Their "God" remains disincarnate, eternally unchanged and so therefore is the only individual that can purify impure incarnated human being souls through its knowledge and by their mentally connecting to him through the practise of their Raja Yoga. This entity then is able to channel his psychic energy through the Raja Yoga practitioners to other human beings and into the World. The practice of this form of Raja Yoga and the allowing of their god Shiva to channeling his energy through them is said to be an intense spiritual fire burning away the practitioner's previous personality and eradicating their sins.

The Law of Karma

Similar to many Eastern religions, the Brahma Kumaris believe that Karma is a law controlling actions and reactions ; that every action creates a reaction and that individuals experience the effects of those reactions either as happiness or suffering. These reactions can be experienced in the current or a following lifetime. Thoughts being the origin of actions.

The Cycle

Using the symbolism of classical Hinduism, Brahma Kumaris believe that time is cyclical and follows a pattern of a cycle which lasts for 5000 years. This is referred to as "The Cycle" of 4 or 5 Ages or Yugas ; Satya, Thretha, Dwapara and Kali in Hindi. Each cycle is identical to the one that came before it and to the one that will come after it. They call this the 'Eternal Drama'. God, souls and the 'Eternal Drama' have no beginning or end (Anadi and Avinaashi ). The souls keep on entering the physical body (birth) and leave (death) them as per the rules of the 'Eternal Drama'.

It starts with a paradise or "Golden Age" of 900,000 human beings, all followers of their religion. This then declines to a slightly less paradisiacal "Silver Age" in which humans are also naturally spiritual minded. Then after 2,500 years, the Earth declines further to enter into a "Copper Age" where humanity experience the duality of spirit and matter. Suffering is experienced for the first time, the search for God and religions are created for the first time. 1,250 years later, a totally impure "|Iron Age" of suffering, injustice and irreligiousness begins. Brahma Kumaris believe this "|Iron Age" is our current age and that it is "Hell". The opposite of their "Golden Age" 5,000 years before - or a few years into the future. They teach that at the end of the Iron Age, the World must be completely destroyed by a nuclear war between Russia and America, natural disasters and a blood bath of civil war in India.

At the end of Kaliyuga, BKWSU teach that the moral status of humanity deteriorates to such an extent that negative tendencies dominate human relationships and their god Shiva adopts the body of Lekhraj Kripalani to teaches souls how to remove these negative tendencies and instill divine qualities in their place. Those who follow the BKs will contribute to the creation of a "heaven on earth" and will naturally end up in Golden Age or Silver Age of the next cycle. All others, and non-BKs will start taking birth from Copper Age and Iron Age.

Between the lowest entropy of the "|Iron Age" and the high spiritual state of their "Golden Age", there is a brief period of 100 years when the work to establish the Paradise must takes place. This period of time is known as the "Confluence Age" and was originally taught to be 40 years. When the World did not end, it became 100 years; 50 years for destruction of the World through "the jaws of death, the wail of horror, the rivers of blood and pus, the panic and the desperation, and then, the final death", [16] followed by another 50 years for the creation of Heaven on Earth.

However, "Destruction", as it is known, did not happen according to their timetables :

  • first in 1976, one hundred years after the death of Dada Lehkraj,
  • then some time between 1985 and 1996, 50 to 60 years after the alleged incarnation of Shiva Baba
  • Year 2000 [17]

Every soul will return to its Nirvana, also known as Shantidham or the Land of Peace.

The Tree of Religions

The Brahma Kumaris use the symbolism of "The Tree" to represent the evolution, or rather decline, of the human family of souls. The root of the tree is made up by Brahma Kumaris followers currently practicing their Raja Yoga only. These individuals alone are to become the residents of "Heaven on Earth", symbolised by the trunk of the tree, where humanity is one and experiences Golden Age and Silver Age.

"The Tree" is then illustration to split in 5 major branches. Humanity, they teach, forgets its original nature and each branch represents one of the 5 major religious traditions or seeking for god and divinity ; Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam and renunciate tradition of India called "Sanyasism" and manifestation of this newly impure world.

The outer branches of "The Tree" are said to symbolise the "|Iron Age" of a fractured humanity where even major religions are split into many small branches, representing scientific beliefs, religious cults and political movements. Jesus Christ, Muhammad, Buddha, Shankaracharya and all other religious founders are said to incarnate at the beginning of their religion and then continue to reincarnate through out the history of their religion until coming to the "end of the world" at this time and seeking out the Brahma Kumaris for re-education in spirituality. It is specifically taught that none of the other religious founder have a direct connection with God nor are they able to escape human reincarnation many times over as is believed by Sanyasin, Buddhists, Muslims or Christians.

"The Tree" of humanity must be destroyed each "Cycle" in order that a new "Tree" repeats the pattern exactly. The "seed" for this new tree is their "God" Shiva Baba alone and they are the only true source of this knowledge.

The Founder

Under the inspiration of their god, businessman Lekhraj Kirpalani became known as "Brahma Baba" and was said to have had 84 human births. Believed to be the maximum number of births for any human soul. The Brahma Kumaris believe that Lekhraj Kirpalani was the first pure being in the world known as "Adam" or "Krishna".

Since they believe that their god needs a human body through which to communicate, and Lekraj Kirpalani was considered to be the most experienced of all human beings, their god took possession of his mental faculties and body in order to communicate with body conscious, impure humanity. Lekhraj Kirpalani is considered by the Brahma Kumaris to be number one soul, higher in divinity than Jesus Christ, Mohamed, Buddha and all other religious founders who must come to him, or his followers, for re-education in spirituality. Lekhraj Kirpalani by his actions in a previous incarnation 2,500 years ago is also taught to be the individual that led humanity to "The Fall", that is out of divinity and heaven on earth and into dualistic suffering.

Followers believe that this Supreme Soul, known to them as Shiva or "God", and Lekhraj Kirpalani continue to be channelled on a regular basis by a senior BK sister called Gulzar at their headquarters in India. Also that Lekhraj Kirpalani's soul will reincarnate as Hindu god Krishna in his next birth.

BK Principles

The final lesson traditionally taught by the Brahma Kumaris relates to the lifestyle and disciplines they follow, called Maryadas, as regards to religious practices, food, sex and relationships.

  • The Brahma Kumaris promote celibacy[18].


The organization now has 100s of branches internationally and ;

  • most level management and the majority of local management and teaching is done by women,
  • supports public healthcare provision in its sponsored hospital.
  • organizes interfaith meetings that have brought together previously opposing groups.
  • active within female emancipation in India.
  • 7 UN Peace Messenger Awards 1987 for the co-ordination of the ‘Million Minutes of Peace’ project
  • granted International Peace Messenger Initiative status by the U.N.for the Global Co-operation for a Better World campaign
  • promoting the use of renewable energy in India.
  • does not charge for its services.
  • funded by donations.


Seen by many as a cult, and sharing many attributes of cult-like behavior, the BKWSU claims that all the major religions were inspired by their teachings 5,000 years ago while maintaining that the organization itself is not religious. Based in India, and incorporating lifestyle principles also found in the orthodox Hindu practices, the group claims that they are both not Hindu and that Hinduism is actually the impure aftermath of their way of life. Likewise that the devotional practices relating to religious icons in Hinduism are actually memorials, or "Yaadgaars" in Hindi, to themsevles. This has caused severe rifts with the wider Hindu community at times, especially with those of the Hindu reform movement Arya Samaj, but many do not feel comfortable with this.

The Brahma Kumaris only eat food cooked by those within their organization and themselves and sometimes not even by less experienced BKs. This practice offends some outsiders. The BKs claim that the Hindu spiritual scripture, Bhagavad Gita, is actually the teachings of Shiva and that it is mis-interpreted by Hindus.

  • Documented incidents of child abuse within the organisation brushed aside by leaders as due to the bad karma of the children suffering sex abuse and outside of their responsibility, the perpetrators avoid punishment or reporting to police.
  • Social and psychological problems faced by ex-followers including two suicides within one family.
  • Rape and physical violence from families and partners of Brahma Kumaris.
  • Questionable advertisement of relationship with United Nations Organisation. [19]
  • Name changing from University to Organisation.
  • Discreet historical revision and re-writing of their "God's" spoken word to avoid controversy, to accommodate increased world population, to change speculation over the timing of destruction of the world and other matters.
  • Self-proclaimed "University" status not recognized by any external authority.
  • From a theological point of view, B.K.s claim that the Hindu spiritual scripture Bhagavad Gita is actually the teachings of Shiva and that it is misinterpreted by other Hindus and that the current version of the Bhagavad Gita has been modified and enlarged by human beings.
  • Beliefs that they are the only true and direct representatives of God.
  • Beliefs that they, and only they, are angels, or are training in order to become angels, and that their senior practitioners are already well developed as angels so as to appear in visions or traveling around the world in their angelic forms; that they are the inspiration of the form of angels throughout all of history and art.


Similar to the belief in Armageddon, core to the BKWSU teaching is that the current impure world is going to be imminently destroyed. Within their community, this is referred to as "Destruction" the timing of which is the topic of much speculation. As above, it is taught that this destruction will take place through civil war, natural disasters and, ultimately, nuclear holocaust between Russia and America.

Although the planet Earth will not be destroyed, all other continents except for Indian sub-continent, and life as it is known, will disappear below the oceans. Modern civilisation with them. Within a period of less than 30 years though, India will be rebuilt as a paradise and a Golden Age for faithful B.K.W.S.U. followers begin. Initially, it was thought that Destruction would take place 100 years after the birth of Dada and in 1976 there was a false alarm that encouraged many followers to leave. Then it was taught that this period of destruction and re-creation would take 50 years and 50 years respectively ending in the mid to late 1980s. However, the organisation is now celebrating its 70th year. Despite taking part in many peace, and even anti-nuclear campaigns, they believe that "Destruction" is unavoidable.

Quote from B.K.W.S.U. teaching poster called, "Truth about The Creator and His Creation by Most Beloved World God Father Shiva Kalpa (5,000 years) Ago."; "... the Iron Aged irreligious world destroyed through Shankar by goading Yadvas [ i.e. the scientists of Europe etc. ]". See; [20].

Virgin Birth belief

Contrary to orthodox Hinduism, of which they see themselves the originators of, the BKWSU also teach the immanent birth of Sri Krishna through non-sexual procreation in order that he can be crowned Emperor Narayan at the start of the Golden Age, in approximately 30 or 35 years time, and that non-sexual procreation through the mouth and power of Raja Yoga will be the norm for the next 2,500 years.

Use of Violence

The sight of heavy stick wielding BK “brothers” is a common sight at large BK events. Police reports exist of said BKs kidnapping PBKs in cars, removing them to a distant location and “beating them black and blue”. In one incident, PBKs were beaten so “mercilessly” that they had to be admitted in hospital. In others even elderly women were manhandled. As similar events have taken place across India from Karnatak to Haryana. Police complaints were been filled, the BKs in one incident plea-bargaining in response.[21]

Names or Front Organizations

A list of BKWSU front organizations and business that are run and staffed by BKs involved in promoting BKWSU beliefs. At events promoted by any one of these entities, one might find other BKs present under the mantle of "representing" one of the other organizations rather than the BKWSU in a self-reciprocating manner.

  • the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organisation
  • the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization
  • Inner Space
  • Visions of a Better World Foundation
  • Brahma Kumaris Spiritual Study Foundation
  • Brahma Kumaris Educational Society
  • Global Retreat Centre
  • BK Publications [BKIS Limited]
  • World Renewal Trust
  • Janki Foundation

Splinter groups


Believing himself to be a reincarnation of Lekhraj Kirpalani's business partner Sevak Ram, Virendra Dev Dikşit split away from main body of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organisation to form the Adhyatmik Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya [AIVV] or "P.B.K. movement" after being disappointed by the philosophical shortcomings of BKWSU teachers and was consequently barred from B.K. Raja Yoga centres. He continues to teach, or channel, and is considered to be the true medium of the guiding spirit or "God" they and the BKWSU call Shiva Baba. Followers of Virendra Dev Dikşit call themselves "PBKs".

PBKs believe that the BKWSU is instrumental in delivering a first level or basic knowledge. The second level or "Advance Knowledge", as it is known, is then taught by the PBKs. PBKs believe both levels of knowledge are taught by the one Spiritual Father, are complimentary, and that both they and the BKs are two halves of one Godly family. A sentiment that is not returned by the BKWSU. In general, the PBKs study the spiritual knowledge taught by their god at a deeper, more metaphorical level and apply it specifically to the Brahmin Family in the Confluence Age. The BKs tend to accept it unquestioningly, in a literal and simplistic form, externalizing it on to the world around them.

  • Individuals within the Prajapita Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, only recognise that Shiva speaks through the medium of Dada Lekhraj (Brahma Baba). They refer to themselves as Brahma Kumars or Kumaris (BKs), which means "Princes and Princesses of Brahma".
  • Individuals with the Adhyatmik Ishwariya Vishva Vidyalaya, recognize Shiva's role both channelled through the body of Dada Lekhraj and channelled through the body of Virendra Dev Dixit. They refer to themselves as "Prajapita Brahma Kumars/Kumaris", or PBKs.

Referred to disparagingly as "The Shankar Party" by the BKWSU, the PBKs are the target of considerable discrimination by the BKWSU, to the point of physical violence, and are the cause of much disconcertion for senior BK members. Although barred from BKWSU centres and events, PBKs claim to be part of the same spiritual lineage, relating back to the beginning of Om Mandali, when Dada Lekhraj experienced a series of divine visions that encouraged him to start the task of world transformation.

The AIVV headquarters are situated in Kampil. PBK followers believe that the possessing spirit Shiva was first channelled through the body of Lekhraj Kirpalani's business partner Sevak Ram in 1936-37 explaining the reasons for the divine visions to Lekhraj Kirpalani via Sevak Ram and two female followers; Geeta Mata and BK Radha. These three later left the Om Mandali due to some differences of opinion with Lekhraj Kirpalani and died between 1942 and 47 but are said to have reincarnated as per the BK credo. PBKs believe that the same spiritual entity Shiva now continues the teachings after Lekhraj Kirpalani's death in 1969. Both Sevak Ram and the above mentioned females have been entirely written out of BKWSU history.

  • The BKWSU believed and taught that the Destruction of the Earth and creation of Heaven was going to happen in 1976. The PBKs interpreted this to have been the start of the destruction of the old order within the BKWSU, and the revelation of the Advance Knowledge.
  • The BKWSU teach that Lekhraj Kirpalani reached perfect enlightenment, "equal to God", and both he and "God" continue to possess and teach through the body of a BK senior sister called Gulzar at the headquarters in Abu together. Quoting their shared scriptures, the PBKs believe that it is only the soul of Kirpalani that is now channelled through and that he has yet to reach perfection. They claim that "Shiva Baba" is now channelled through Virendra Dev Dixit alone.

Heidi Fittkau-Garthe

German psychologist, and a previously high-profile German Brahma Kumari and psychotherapist, Heidi Fittkau-Garthe was charged in the Canary Islands with a plot of murder-suicide in January 1998 in which 31 cult followers, including five children, were to ingest poison. After the suicides, they were told they would be picked up by a spaceship and taken to an unspecified destination[22].

The Vishnu Party

Other smaller splinter groups from both the BKWSU and PBKs such as "The Vishnu Party", under the leadership of Dashrath Patel, have formed mostly in South India and mostly dying out or changing allegiances. These have created a degree of rivalry, confusion and controversy over their relative claims of authenticity, at times leading to outright hostilities and unproven criminal allegations.

External links


B.K. teaching posters



Vishnu Party





  1. ^ [1]According to wikipedia policies
  2. ^ [2]Reflexive Traditions: New Religious Movements and the 'Negotiation' of Identity.-John Wallis, Ph.D University of Warwick, UK.
  3. ^ [3]As suggested by Professor Richard Barz, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Asian Studies. The Australian National University.
  4. ^ [4]Professor Reender Kranenborgh from Free University of Amsterdam. All citations originate from this web article unless noted differently.
  5. ^ [5]From World Rejection to Ambivalence: The Development of Millenarianism in the Brahma Kumaris. Wallis, John; Journal of Contemporary Religion; Oct99, Vol. 14 Issue 3, p375, 11p
  6. ^ [6] Gender Role Experimentation in New Religious Movements: Clarification of the Brahma Kumari Case, Howell, Julia. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion; Sep98, Vol. 37 Issue 3, p453-461, 9p. Julia Day Howell is Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Asian and International Studies, Griffith Universtiy, Australia
  7. ^ [7]Journal of Beliefs and Values, Vol.24, No.1, 2003 Religious Organisations in the UK and Values Education Programmes for Schools by Eleanor Nesbitt, Senior lecturer in Religions and Education, University of Warwick, UK and Ann Henderson, Research Fellow from The Univeristy of Warwick, UK.
  8. ^ [8]Reflective Traditions: New Religious Movements and the 'Negotiation' of Identity. Wallis, John; University of Warwick, UK.
  9. ^ [9]Reender Kranenborg, Free University of Amsterdam. "Brahma Kumaris: A New Religion?", 1999
  10. ^ [10]Dr. Julia D. Howell. Changing Meanings of Religious Pluralism, 2003
  11. ^ [11]From World Rejection to Ambivalence:The development in Millenarianism in the Brahma Kumaris." by John Wallis. Journal of Contemporary Religion, Vol.14,N 3, 1999
  12. ^ [12]From World Rejection to Ambivalence:The development in Millenarianism in the Brahma Kumaris." by John Wallis. Journal of Contemporary Religion, Vol.14,N 3, 1999


  • Dr Julia D. Howell, Asian and International Studies, Griffith University, Australia & Dr Peter L. Nelson, Nelson Center for Humanities and Human Sciences, Southern Cross University, Australia. "Surviving Transplantation: The Brahma Kumaris in the Western World".
  • Dr. Julia D. Howel. Changing Meanings of Religious Pluralism, [23], 2003.
  • John Walliss, Ashgate New Critical Thinking in Religion, Theology and Biblical Studies, Aldershot. "The Brahma Kumaris as a ‘reflexive Tradition’: Responding to late modernity ", 2002 ISBN 0-7546-0951-0 [24]
  • Reender Kranenborg, Free University of Amsterdam. "Brahma Kumaris: A New Religion? "[25], 1999.
  • Peter Clarke, "Dada Lekhraj" & "Brahma Kumaris." Encyclopedia of New Religious Movements. Routledge 2005.
  • William Shaw , "Spying in Guruland: Inside Britain’s Cults", Fourth Estate, London, England 1994. [26]
  • Lawrence A. Babb, "Amnesia and Remembrance in a Hindu Theory of History", Asian Folklore Studies, Vol. 41, No. 1 (1982), pp. 49-66.
  • Lawrence A. Babb "Indigenous Feminism in a Modern Hindu Sect", Signs, Vol. 9, No. 3 (Spring, 1984), pp. 399-416.
  • Mayer, Jean-François et Reender Kranenborg, Geneve, Suisse. "La Naissance des Nouvelles Religions". 2004 ISBN 2-8257-0877-1
  • Frank Whaling, Emeritus Professor of the Study of Religion, University of Edinburgh. "Understanding the Brahma Kumaris", 2006. ISBN 1-903765-51-X.
  • Suma Varughese. "Satyug is as Sure as Death". 1998 [27]
  • BK Jayanti. "Valuing the Future : Education for Spiritual Development", 1999 [28]
  • Interreligious Insight. "Brahma Kumaris, World Spiritual University", [29]
  • Ken O'Donnell. "Raja Yoga for beginners", 1987.
  • Jagdish Chander, Translated from original Hinu by Shanta Trivedi, PhD , Edited by Robert Shubow, J.D. "Adi Dev: The First Man", 1981.
  • Dadi Janki, "Companion of God", 2003 ISBN 0-340-82915-X
  • BKWSU. "World Drama", unknown date.
  • BKWSU. "Easy RajYoga", unknown date.
  • BKWSU. "The Seven Day Course" Pamphlet series, unknown date.
  • Near-Death Experience/Heide Fittkau-Garthe, 1998. [30]
  • A Critique of the BK Philosophy as presented in the 7 Day Course,By Andy Harangozo [31]
  • Report on Child Abuse,Beliefs and Lifestyle[32]
  • Pamphlets Take a Closer Look,The Successful Subtle Soft-sell of Raja Yoga By CCG Training Insititue, Australia March 1989

See also