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The Four Evangelists, by Jakob Jordaens
For the form of marketing, see evangelism marketing and technology evangelist

Evangelism is the practice of attempting to convert people to a religion. The term is used most often in reference to Christianity and Islam, since those two religions mandate that their followers make efforts to recruit as many people as possible into their faith. However, the term may be used for the practice of attempting to convert people to any religion, even if that religion does not specifically require that its followers engage in evangelism. For this reason, there are "evangelists" in Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and other religions, even though those religions are not "evangelical" by nature. The term is sometimes used as a metaphor in a non-religious context as well.

The intention of most Christian evangelism is to convert those who do not follow the Christian God to Christianity for the purpose of effecting eternal salvation. Evangelism is done in obedience to the Great Commission, a command from Jesus to his disciples to proselytise, according to accounts in the New Testament. Christians who specialise in evangelism are known as evangelists, whether they are in their home communities or acting as missionaries in the field. Some Christian traditions consider evangelists to be in a leadership position, and they may be found preaching to large meetings, and in governance roles. Christian groups who actively encourage evangelism are sometimes known as evangelistic or evangelist.

The communication of Christian faith to new geographical areas and cultures is often referred to as evangelization, or specifically, world evangelization.

Etymology of evangelism and evangelist

The word evangelist comes from the Koine Greek word εὐαγγέλιον (transliterated as "euangelion") via Latin "Evangelium", as used in the canonical titles of the four Gospels, authored by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John (also known as the Four Evangelists). The Greek word εὐαγγέλιον originally meant a reward for good news given to the messenger (εὔ = "good", ἀγγέλλω = "I bring a message"; the word angel is of the same root) and later "good news".

The verb form of euangelion, euangelizo (transliterated "evangelism"), was used rarely in Greek literature outside the New Testament, making its meaning more difficult to ascertain. Parallel texts of the Gospels of Luke and Mark reveal a synonymous relationship between the verb euangelizo and a Greek verb "kerusso" which means "to proclaim"[1].

Our modern word "Gospel" comes from the Old English word "Godspell." In Old English, "god" with a long "o" meant "good," and "spell" meant "word" (we carry this meaning also in our word "spelling"). So in other words, "Godspell" meant "good word," specifically the good tidings concerning Jesus Christ.

Evangelism or proselytism

While evangelism is usually regarded as converting non-Christians to Christianity, this is not always the proper usage of the word. If converting to Christianity includes services or material benefits it is called proselytism.[2]

On the other hand, converting Christians (e.g., Orthodox) who are not churchgoers to another Christian denomination is commonly seen as evangelism, not proselytism.[citation needed]

Catholic missionary work in Russia is commonly seen as evangelism, not proselytism. Archbishop Kondrusiewicz openly stated "that proselytism is absolutely unacceptable and cannot constitute a strategy for the development of our structures either in Russia or in any other country in the world."[3] Especially regarding claims by Orthodox church that spreading the faith and receiving converts amounts to proselytism[4] Catholic church CDF issued document called "Doctrinal Note on some aspects of evangelisation" [5] which states that evangelism is "an inalienable right and duty, an expression of religious liberty ...", document added that "The incorporation of new members into the Church is not the expansion of a power group, but rather entrance into the network of friendship with Christ which connects heaven and earth, different continents and age. It is entrance into the gift of communion with Christ ...."

Reasons for Evangelism

According to the Christian Bible, during his last days on earth Jesus commanded his disciples as follows:

19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

— Matthew 28:19,20 NIV

Other translations render the phrase “make disciples of all nations” in the above quotation as “teach all nations.” Jesus is also quoted in the Gospel of Mark saying

Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature"

— Mark 16:15 KJV

These are two main passages of the New Testament from God that commands everyone who believes in Christ to preach the Gospel.

Modern Methods of Evangelism

For the first many centuries, Christian evangelism consisted of preaching or tracts. Men such as many of the original apostles, traveled to distant lands proclaiming the gospel and planting churches and are often considered the first Christian Evangelists.

While both of these methods are still widely employed, modern technology and shifts in cultural values have cause radical shifts in the kinds of evangelistic ministry being performed today. Following the example of corporate advertising campaigns and popular entertainment such as concerts, sporting exhibitions and television programs, Christian evangelism is taking on many new forms in an attempt to buck old-fashioned stereotypes regarding Christians and their message.

Dramas such as Heaven’s Gates, Hell’s Flames have gained enormous popularity since the 1980’s. These drama’s typically depict fictional characters who die and learn whether they will go to Heaven or Hell. Other entertainment-based Christian evangelism events include sporting exhibitions, where-in professional athletes entertain crowds. At some point a gospel presentation is usually given.

In the 1970’s, The Power Team spawned an entire genre of Christian entertainment based on strong-man exploits mixed with a Christian message and usually accompanied by an opportunity to respond with a prayer for salvation.

The Christian Music industry has also played a significant role in modern evangelism. Rock concerts in which the artist exhorts non-believing attendees to pray a prayer for salvation have become common.

Several businesses have been started in the church marketing and evangelism industry. [Outreach Media Group]was founded in 1996 by Scott Evans. They are the largest provider of outreach products and services in North America. The company has six divisions under the umbrella of Outreach, Inc. offering services ranging from marketing products to evangelism training, a magazine about evangelism, evangelism-focused events and websites.

Another company, Good Catch Publishingproduces what they call “testimony books,” custom written and published books in which believers share their faith experience. These books are then distributed in the community via door-to-door distribution or other means.


Sometimes, the regular minister of a church is called a preacher in a way that other groups would typically use the term pastor. The evangelist in some churches is one that travels from town to town and from church to church, spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. Many Christians of various theological perspectives would call themselves 'evangelists' because they are spreaders of the gospel. Many churches believe one of their major functions is to function as evangelists to spread the evangelist belief that Jesus is savior of humanity.

The title of evangelist is often associated with those who lead large meetings like those of Billy Graham, possibly in tents or existing church buildings, or those who address the public in street corner preaching, which targets listeners who happen to pass nearby. It can also be done in small groups or even on a one-to-one basis, but actually it is simply one who spreads the gospel. Increasingly, the Web enables anyone to become an Internet evangelist and resources such as Internet Evangelism Day exist to equip them.

The term is also used in a non-religious sense to describe an individual who takes up a cause and convinces others to it (see technology evangelist). Guy Kawasaki, an author and venture capitalist, describes evangelists as individuals who promote a particular product. At Apple Computer, he was part of a team of Apple evangelists that convinced programmers to develop software on the Macintosh Platform.

Perspectives on evangelism

Though there is some controversy concerning missionary activity and possible implications of "cultural imperialism", Christian D. T. Niles characterised evangelism as "… one beggar telling another beggar where to find bread."

The Bible urges believers to speak the Gospel clearly, fearlessly, graciously, and respectfully whenever an opportunity presents itself (see Colossians 4:2-6, Ephesians 6:19-20, and I Peter 3:15).

Modern TV "evangelists" have been prone to scandal, such as Jimmy Swaggart who became a subject of inquiry by his own church[6] Six well-known American tele-vangelism came under investigation in 2007 by the U.S. congress for concerning their ministries' expenditures, when they received complaints from individuals and members of their congregations. Other TV evangelists are: Reverend Billy Graham, Bishop T.D James and Kirk Franklin.[7]

Evangelism and missions

Throughout most of its history, Christianity has been spread evangelistically, though the extent of evangelism has varied significantly between Christian communities and denominations. Evangelism and apostolic ministry often go hand in hand. As mentioned earlier, evangelism comes from the Ancient Greek εὐαγγέλιον (evangelion) meaning good news, often translated gospel; thus an evangelist is one who shares the "good news". An ἀπόστολος (apostolos) is literally "one who goes" and refers to the missionary calling. Since missionaries often travel to areas or people groups where Jesus is not yet known, they frequently take on an evangelistic role. But the apostolic or missionary calling is not necessarily the same (and it is a misnomer and misinterpretation to equate them), as there are many who serve in missionary, church planting, and ministry development roles who have an apostolic calling or serve in an apostolic role but whose primary duty is not evangelism.

See also


  1. ^ Bible as a Second Language, webpage, retrieved November 05, 2008
  2. ^ "Hindu extremists accuse world's largest floating book fair of Christian proselytism". asianews. 28 April 2006. Retrieved 10 January 2009.
    "Curb proselytism in Andhra Pradesh". News Today. 4 July 2006. Retrieved 10 January 2009.
  3. ^ "Russia's conversion does not require leaving Orthodox faith: Catholic prelate". Catholic World News. 14 May 2007. Retrieved 10 January 2009.
  4. ^ "Vatican defends duty to evangelize and accept converts". Reuters. 14 December 2007. Retrieved 10 January 2009.
  5. ^ [1]
  6. ^ ."Swaggart Is Subject of Investigation by His Church". Associated Press via New York Times. 1988-02-20. Retrieved 2007-12-14.
  7. ^ ""Creflo Dollar, Eddie Long Defend Big-Spending Ministries". WSTB.com. 2007-11-07. Retrieved 2007-12-14.