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16:59, 25 November 2010 (UTC)~~ Ownage
16:59, 25 November 2010 (UTC)~~ Ownage

==Religious traditions==
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<!-- Deleted image removed: [[File:Aghori1.jpg|right|190px|thumb|Gauri Shankar Mishra, Aghori [[Sadhu|Baba]] drinking from a human skull. The [[Aghori]]s of [[India]] consume human flesh in pursuit of immortality and supernatural powers.<ref>[http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/9842124/from/RL.4/ Indian doc focuses on Hindu cannibal sect], [[MSNBC]]</ref><ref>[http://www.channel4.com/life/microsites/K/kumbhmela/plgrm_agoris.html The Aghoris], [[Channel 4]]</ref>|{{deletable image-caption|1=Sunday, 14 December 2008}}]] -->

Until the late 20th century, there were no creditable scientific [[forecast]]s that physical immortality was obtainable. As late as 1952, the editorial staff of the ''[[Syntopicon]]'' found in their compilation of the [[Great Books of the Western World]], that "The philosophical issue concerning immortality cannot be separated from issues concerning the existence and nature of man's soul."<ref name="Syntopicon I 788">{{cite book | title=[[Syntopicon|The Great Ideas: A Syntopicon of Great Books of the Western World]]| last=Adler| first=Mortimer J., ed., et al.| authorlink=Mortimer Adler| year=1952| page=788| publisher=Encyclopaedia Britannica| location=Chicago}}</ref> Thus, the vast majority of speculation regarding immortality before the 21st century was regarding the nature of the [[afterlife]].

Spiritual immortality is the unending existence of a person from a nonphysical source, or in a nonphysical state, such as a soul. Specifically 'soul immortality' is a belief that is expressed in nearly every [[religious]] tradition. However any doctrine in this area misleads without a prior definition of 'soul'. Another problem is that 'soul' is often confused and used synonymously or interchangeably with 'spirit'.

In both Western and Eastern religions, the spirit is an energy or force that transcends the mortal body, and returns to: (1) the spirit realm whether to enjoy heavenly bliss or suffer eternal torment in hell, or; (2) the cycle of life, directly or indirectly depending on the tradition.

The world's major religions hold a number of perspectives on spiritual immortality.

[[Buddhism]] teaches that there is a cycle of birth, death, and [[Rebirth (Buddhism)|rebirth]] and that the process is according to the qualities of a person's actions. This constant process of becoming ceases at the fruition of [[Bodhi]] ([[Enlightenment (spiritual)|enlightenment]]) at which a being is no longer subject to causation ([[karma]]) but enters into a state that the [[Gautama Buddha|Buddha]] called amata (deathlessness).

According to the philosophical premise of the Buddha, the initiate to Buddhism who is to be "shown the way to Immortality (amata)",<ref>''[[Majjhima Nikaya]]'' 2.265, ''[[Samyutta Nikaya]]'' 5.9 (PTS)</ref> wherein liberation of the mind (cittavimutta) is effectuated through the expansion of wisdom and the meditative practices of [[Mindfulness|sati]] and [[samādhi]], must first be educated away from his former ignorance-based ([[Avidyā (Buddhism)|avijja]]) materialistic proclivities in that he "saw any of these forms, feelings, or this body, to be my Self, to be that which I am by nature".

Thus, desiring a soul or ego ([[ātman]]) to be permanent is a prime consequence of ignorance, itself the cause of all misery and the foundation of the cycle of reincarnation ({{IAST|[[saṃsāra]]}}). Form and consciousness being two of the five [[skandhas]], or aggregates of ignorance, Buddhism teaches that physical immortality is neither a path to enlightenment, nor an attainable goal: even the gods which can live for eons eventually die. Upon enlightenment, the "karmic seeds" ({{IAST|[[saṅkhāra]]s}} or [[sanskara]]s) for all future becoming and rebirth are exhausted. After biological death an [[arhat]], or buddha, enters into [[parinirvana]], an everlasting state of transcendental happiness.

{{Expert-subject|Hinduism|section|date=August 2009}}
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[[File:Reincarnation AS.jpg|thumb|Representation of a soul undergoing [[punarjanma]]. Illustration from ''Hinduism Today'', 2004]]
[[Hinduism|Hindus]] believe in an immortal soul which is [[reincarnation|reincarnated]] after death. According to Hinduism, people repeat a process of life, death, and rebirth in a cycle called [[samsara]]. If they live their life well, their [[karma]] improves and their station in the next life will be higher, and conversely lower if they live their life poorly. Eventually after many life times of perfecting its karma, the soul is freed from the cycle and lives in perpetual bliss. There is no eternal torment in Hinduism, temporal existence being harsh enough, although if a soul consistently lives very evil lives, it could work its way down to the very bottom of the cycle. [[Punarjanma]] means the birth of a person that pays for all the [[karma]] of previous lives in this birth.{{Citation needed|date=August 2009}}

[[Sri Aurobindo]] states that the Vedic and the post-Vedic rishis (such as [[Markandeya]]) attained physical immortality, which includes the ability to change one's shape at will, and create multiple bodies simultaneously in different locations.{{Citation needed|date=August 2009}}

The [[Aghori]]s of India consume human flesh in pursuit of immortality and supernatural powers,they call themselves gods and according to them they punish the sinners by rewarding them death on their way to immortality. .<ref>[http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/9842124/from/RL.4/ Indian doc focuses on Hindu cannibal sect], [[MSNBC]]</ref> They distinguish themselves from other Hindu sects and priests by their alcoholic and [[cannibal]]istic rituals.<ref>[http://www.channel4.com/life/microsites/K/kumbhmela/plgrm_agoris.html The Aghoris], [[Channel 4]]</ref>

Another view of immortality is traced to the Vedic tradition by the interpretation of [[Maharishi Mahesh Yogi]]:

''That man indeed whom these (contacts)<br />do not disturb, who is even-minded in <br />pleasure and pain, steadfast, he is fit<br />for immortality, O best of men''.<ref name="Maharishi-Mahesh-Yogi">Maharishi Mahesh Yogi on the Bhagavad-Gita, a New Translation and Commentary, Chapter 1-6. Penguin Books, 1969, pp 94-95 (v 15)</ref>

To Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the verse means, "Once a man has become established in the understanding of the permanent reality of life, his mind rises above the influence of pleasure and pain. Such an unshakable man passes beyond the influence of death and in the permanent phase of life: he attains eternal life… A man established in the understanding of the unlimited abundance of absolute existence is naturally free from existence of the relative order. This is what gives him the status of immortal life."<ref name="Maharishi-Mahesh-Yogi" />

[[Taoism|Taoist]] beliefs by [[Xiu Xing]] and [[Lian Dan]],{{Citation needed|date=August 2009}} include that one can achieve immortality to become an enlightened person, or [[Xian (Taoism)|Xian]].

[[Henri Maspero]] noted that many scholarly works frame Taoism as a school of thought focused on the quest for immortality.<ref>Maspero, Henri. Translated by Frank A. Kierman, Jr. Taoism and Chinese Religion (University of Massachusetts Press, 1981), p. 211.</ref> Isabelle Robinet asserts that Taoism is better understood as a ''way of life'' than as a religion, and that its adherents do not approach or view Taoism the way non-Taoist historians have done.<ref>Robinet, Isabelle. Taoism: Growth of a Religion (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1997 [original French 1992]), p. 3–4.</ref>

[[Shinto]]ists claim that except for those who choose or are dispatched to the underground world of [[Yomi]], every living and non-living being may lose its body, but not its soul (tamashii), and that they live together with mortal souls as an immortal being called [[Kami]]. Shinto allows anything to attain Kami status regardless of its existence before becoming Kami. Therefore, even those that do not believe in Shinto may choose to become Kami, as well as things like a rock, or a tree. Some may be reincarnated for various reasons.

[[Zoroastrianism|Zoroastrians]] believe that on the fourth day after death, the human soul leaves the body and the body remains as an empty shell. Souls would go to either heaven or hell; these concepts of the afterlife in Zoroastrianism may have influenced Abrahamic religions.
Word "Immortal" is driven from The month in [[Iranian calendar]] "Amurdad" (Near end of July)in Persian meaning "Deathless"
Month of Amurdad or Amertata is celebrated in Persian Culture as their Ancestors believed in this month Angel of Immortality win over Angel of death.


16:55, 25 November 2010 (UTC)~ Ownage



16:54, 25 November 2010 (UTC)~ Ownage.

{{Expert-subject|Christianity|section|date=August 2007}}
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[[File:Holbein Danse Macabre 3.jpg|thumb|Adam and Eve condemned to mortality. [[Hans Holbein the Younger]], ''Danse Macabre'', 16th century]]
[[Christianity|Christian theology]] holds that [[Adam and Eve]] lost physical immortality for themselves and all their descendants in the [[Fall of Man]], though this initial "imperishability of the bodily frame of man" was "a preternatural condition."<ref name="Syntopicon I 784">{{cite book | title=[[Syntopicon|The Great Ideas: A Syntopicon of Great Books of the Western World]]| last=Adler| first=Mortimer J., ed., et al.| authorlink=Mortimer Adler| year=1952| page=784| publisher=Encyclopaedia Britannica| location=Chicago}}</ref>

Christians believe that every person that believes in Christ will be [[Resurrection of the Dead|resurrected]]; Bible passages are interpreted as teaching that the resurrected body will, like the present body, be both physical (but a renewed and non-decaying physical body) and spiritual.

Contrary to common belief, there is no biblical support of 'soul immortality' as such in the New Testament. The theme in the Bible is 'resurrection life' which imparts immortality, not about 'soul' remaining after death. Luther and others rejected Calvin's idea of soul immortality. Specific imagery of resurrection into immortal form is found in the Pauline letters:

<blockquote>Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,<br />
In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.<br />
For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.<br />
So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.<br />
O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?<br />
The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.<br />
But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.<br />
Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. —{{bibleverse||1Corinthians|15:51-58|KJV}}</blockquote>

In Romans 2:6-7 Paul declares that God "will render to every man according to his deeds: To them who by patient continuance in well doing seek for glory and honour and immortality, eternal life", but then in Romans 3 warns that no one will ever meet this standard.

Christians believe that after the [[Last Judgment]], those who have been [[Born again Christianity|born again]] will live forever in the presence of God, and those who were never born again will be abandoned to never-ending consciousness of guilt, separation from God, and punishment for [[sin]]. Eternal death is depicted in the [[Bible]] as a realm of constant physical and spiritual anguish in a [[lake of fire]], and a realm of darkness away from God. Some see the fires of [[Hell]] as a theological metaphor, representing the inescapable presence of God endured in absence of love for God; others suggest that Hell represents complete destruction of both the physical body and of spiritual existence.

[[N. T. Wright]], a theologian and, as Bishop of Durham, the Anglican church's 4th most senior cleric, has said many people forget the physical aspect of what Jesus promised. He told Time: " Jesus' resurrection marks the beginning of a restoration that he will complete upon his return. Part of this will be the resurrection of all the dead, who will "awake", be embodied and participate in the renewal. John Polkinghorne, a physicist and a priest, has put it this way: "God will download our software onto his hardware until the time he gives us new hardware to run the software again for ourselves." That gets to two things nicely: that the period after death is a period when we are in God's presence but not active in our own bodies, and also that the more important transformation will be when we are again embodied and administering Christ's kingdom." <ref>{{cite news| url=http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1710844,00.html | work=Time | title=Christians Wrong About Heaven, Says Bishop&#13; | date=February 7, 2008 | accessdate=May 5, 2010 | first=David | last=Van Biema}}</ref> This kingdom will consist of Heaven and Earth "joined together in a new creation", he said.

====Roman Catholicism====
[[Roman Catholic Church|Catholic]] Christians teach that there is a supernatural realm called [[Purgatory]] where souls who have died in a [[Divine grace|state of grace]] but have yet to expiate venial sins or temporal punishments due to past sins are cleansed before they are admitted into [[Heaven]]. The Catholic Church also [[Apostles' Creed|professes a belief]] in the [[Resurrection of the dead|resurrection of the body]]. It is believed that, after the [[Last Judgment|Final Judgement]], the souls of all who have ever lived will be reunited with their resurrected body. In the case of the righteous, this will result in a glorified body which can reside in Heaven. The damned, too, shall reunite body and soul, but shall remain eternally in Hell.

====Seventh-day Adventists====
Seventh-day Adventists believe that only God has immortality, and when a person dies, death is a state of unconscious sleep until the resurrection. They base this belief on biblical texts such as Ecclesiastes 9:5 which states "the dead know nothing", and 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 which contains a description of the dead being raised from the grave at the second coming.

:"And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."(cf. {{Bibleverse||Gen|2:7|KJV}})

The text of Genesis 2:7 clearly states that God breathed into the formed man the "breath of life" and man became a living soul. He did not receive a living soul; he became one. The New King James Bible states that "man became a living being". According to the Scriptures, all living creatures received life in the same way from God, and are subject to the same fate.

:"And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field . . . wherein is the breath of life."(cf. {{Bibleverse||Genesis|2:19;|7:15|KJV}}{{Bibleverse||Genesis|7:15|KJV}})

:"Both man and beast ...have all one breath, so that a man hath no preeminence above the beast."(cf. {{Bibleverse||Ecclesiastes|3:19|KJV}})

Of the many references to soul and spirit in the Bible, never once is either the soul or the Spirit declared to be immortal, imperishable or eternal. Indeed only God has immortality (1 Timothy 1:17; 6:16). Adventists teach that the resurrection of the righteous will take place at the second coming of Jesus, at which time they will be restored to life and taken to reside in Heaven.

====Jehovah's Witnesses====
[[Jehovah's Witnesses]] believe the word soul (nephesh or psykhe) as used in the Bible is a person, an animal, or the life a person or animal enjoys. Hence, the soul is not part of man, but is the whole man — man as a living being. Hence, when a person or animal dies, the soul dies, and death is a state of non-existence, based on [[Book of Ezekiel|Ezekiel]] 18:4.<ref name="Watchtower2001">"Is There LIFE After Death?", ''The Watchtower'' July 15, 2001. Web version available at [http://www.watchtower.org/e/20010715/article_02.htm]. Retrieved January 26, 2006.</ref> [[Hell]] ([[Hades]] or [[Sheol]]) is not a place of fiery torment, but rather the common grave of humankind, a place of unconsciousness.<ref name="Watchtower1993">Hell-Eternal Torture or Common Grave? ''The Watchtower'', April 15, 1993, p. 6.</ref><ref name="Watchtower2002">[http://www.watchtower.org/e/20020715/article_02.htm What Really Is Hell?] ''The Watchtower'', July 15, 2002.</ref>

After the [[final judgment]], it is expected that the [[righteous]] will receive eternal life and live forever in an Earth turned into a [[paradise]]. Another group referenced as "the little flock" of 144,000 people will receive immortality and go to heaven to rule as Kings and Priests. Jehovah's Witnesses make the distinction that those with 'eternal life' ''can'' die though they do not succumb to disease or old age, whereas immortal ones ''cannot'' die by any cause.<ref>''The Watchtower'', 1 December 1963, 732, "The Gift of Immortality"</ref> They teach that Jesus was the first to be rewarded with heavenly immortality, but that [[Book of Revelation|Revelation]] 7:4 and Revelation 14:1, 3 refer to a literal number (144,000) of additional people who will become "self-sustaining", that is, not needing anything outside themselves (food, sunlight, etc.) to maintain their own life.<ref>''Insight on the Scriptures'' Vol. 1 p. 1196: "Incorruption"</ref>

[[File:PlanofSalvationedit.svg|thumb|right|300px|A non-doctrinal illustration of the Mormon [[Plan of salvation]].]]
In [[Mormon]] theology, there are three [[degrees of glory]] which are the ultimate, eternal dwelling place for nearly all who lived on earth. Prior to mortal birth individuals existed as men and women in a spirit state. That period of life is also referred to as the first estate or [[Pre-existence]]. Mormon theologians cite a Biblical scripture, Jeremiah 1:5, as an allusion to the concept that mankind had a preparation period prior to mortal birth: ''"Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations"''.<ref name="Jeremiah 1:5">{{cite web|url=http://bible.cc/jeremiah/1-5.htm |title=Jeremiah 1:5 |publisher=Bible.cc |date= |accessdate=2010-11-04}}</ref> [[Joseph Smith, Jr.]], the founder of the [[Latter Day Saint movement]], provided a description of the [[afterlife]] based upon a vision he reportedly received, recorded within the Mormon canonical writings entitled [[Doctrine and Covenants]].<ref name="Degrees of glory">{{cite web|url=http://scriptures.lds.org/en/dc/76 |title=Section 76 lds.org |publisher=Scriptures.lds.org |date= |accessdate=2010-11-04}}</ref> According to this section of [[Standard Works|LDS scripture]], the afterlife consists of three degrees or kingdoms of glory, called the [[Celestial Kingdom]], the [[Terrestrial Kingdom]], and the [[Telestial Kingdom]]. The few who do not inherit any degree of glory (though they are resurrected) reside in a state called [[outer darkness]], which, though not a degree of glory, is often discussed in this context. The only ones who go there are known as "[[Son of Perdition|Sons of Perdition]]".

====Other Christian beliefs====
The doctrine of [[conditional immortality]] states the human soul is naturally mortal, and that immortality is granted by God as a gift. The doctrine is a "significant minority [[evangelicalism|evangelical]] view" that has "grown within evangelicalism in recent years".
<ref>[http://www.eauk.org/theology/acute/loader.cfm?csModule=security/getfile&pageid=9164 The Nature of Hell. Conclusions and Recommendations] by [[Evangelical Alliance]]</ref>

Some sects who hold to the doctrine of [[baptismal regeneration]] also believe in a third realm called [[Limbo]], which is the final destination of [[soul]]s who have not been [[baptised]], but who have been innocent of mortal sin. Souls in Limbo include unbaptised [[infant]]s and those who lived virtuously but were never exposed to Christianity in their lifetimes.
[[Christian Science|Christian Scientists]] believe that sin brought death, and that death will be overcome with the overcoming of sin.
[[File:Jerusalem Goldenes Tor um 1900.jpg|thumb|right|The [[Golden Gate (Jerusalem)|Golden Gate]] in Jerusalem, known as "The Gate of Eternal Life" in Arabic, as it stood in 1900]]

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And they say [non-believers in Allah], "There is not but our worldly life; we die and live <br /> (i.e., some people die and others live, replacing them) and nothing destroys us except time."
And when Our verses are recited to them as clear evidences, their argument is only that they say, <br />"Bring [back] our forefathers, if you should be truthful."<br /> Say, "Allah causes you to live, then causes you to die; then He will assemble you for the Day of Resurrection,<br /> about which there is no doubt," but most of the people do not know.(Quran, 45:24-26)

{{Expert-subject|Islam|section|date=May 2008}}
[[Islam|Muslims]] believe that everyone will be resurrected after death. Those who believed in Islam and led an evil life will undergo correction in [[Jahannam]] ([[Hell#Islam|Hell]]) but once this correction is over, they are admitted to [[Jannat]] (Paradise) and attain immortality.{{Citation needed|date=May 2008}} Infidels on the other hand and those who commited unforgivable evil will never leave hell. Some individuals will therefore never taste Heaven.

"How can ye reject the faith in Allah?- seeing that ye were without life, and He gave you life; then will He cause you to die, and will again bring you to life; and again to Him will ye return."

Muslims believe that the present life is a trial in preparation for the next realm of existence.
He says[man says], "Who will give life to bones while they are disintegrated?" Say, "He will give them life who produced them the first time; and He is, of all creation, Knowing." [It is Allah] He who made for you from the green tree, fire, and then from it you ignite. Is not He who created the heavens and the earth Able to create the likes of them? Yes, [it is so]; and He is the Knowing Creator. (Quran, 36:78-81)

But those who disbelieve say, "The Hour (i.e., the Day of Judgment) will not come to us." Say, "Yes, by my Lord, it will surely come to you. [Allah is] the Knower of the unseen." Not absent from Him is an atom's weight within the heavens or within the earth or [what is] smaller than that or greater, except that it is in a clear register - That He may reward those who believe and do righteous deeds. Those will have forgiveness and noble provision. But those who strive against Our verses [seeking] to cause failure (i.e., to undermine their credibility) - for them will be a painful punishment of foul nature. (Quran, 34:3-5)


Revision as of 17:01, 25 November 2010

Fountain of Eternal Life in Cleveland, Ohio. It symbolizes "Man rising above death, reaching upward to his God and toward Peace."[1]

Immortality (or eternal life) is the concept of living in a physical or spiritual form for an infinite length of time.[2]

As immortality is the negation of mortality—not dying or not being subject to death—it has been a subject of fascination to humanity since at least the beginning of known history. The Epic of Gilgamesh, one of the first literary works, dating back at least to the 22nd century BC, is primarily a quest of a hero seeking to become immortal.[3] What form an unending human life would take (as well as whether it is subject to incapacitation), or whether the soul exists and possesses immortality, has been a major point of focus of religion, as well as the subject of speculation, fantasy, and debate.

It is not known whether human physical immortality is an achievable condition. Biological forms have inherent limitations which may or may not be able to be overcome through medical interventions or engineering. As of 2009, natural selection has developed potential biological immortality in at least one species, the jellyfish Turritopsis nutricula.[4]

Certain scientists, futurists, and philosophers, such as Ray Kurzweil, advocate that human immortality is achievable in the first few decades of the 21st century, while other advocates believe that life extension is a more achievable goal in the short term, with immortality awaiting further research breakthroughs into an indefinite future. Aubrey de Grey, a researcher who has developed a series of biomedical rejuvenation strategies to reverse human aging (called SENS), believes that his proposed plan for ending aging may be implementable in two or three decades.[5] The absence of aging would provide humans with biological immortality, but not invulnerability to death by physical trauma.

Eternal life can also be defined as a timeless existence, which is also not known for certain to be achievable, or even definable, despite millennia of arguments for eternity. Wittgenstein, in a notably non-theological interpretation of eternal life, writes in the Tractatus that, "If we take eternity to mean not infinite temporal duration but timelessness, then eternal life belongs to those who live in the present."[6]

This is fun, you should try it. :P


16:54, 25 November 2010 (UTC)~ Ownage



16:59, 25 November 2010 (UTC)~ Ownage



16:59, 25 November 2010 (UTC)~ Ownage



16:59, 25 November 2010 (UTC)~ Ownage

All involuntary movement of this page goes to Ownage


16:59, 25 November 2010 (UTC)~ Ownage

Have fun changing it :D


16:59, 25 November 2010 (UTC)~ Ownage



16:59, 25 November 2010 (UTC)~ Ownage

Change it up

Why I am doing this? It's fun :D RAWR

16:59, 25 November 2010 (UTC)~ Ownage


All rights of this page and the contents of this page go to me, Ownage

16:59, 25 November 2010 (UTC)~~ Ownage


Trefoil knot

There are numerous symbols representing immortality. Pictured here is an Egyptian symbol of life that holds connotations of immortality when depicted in the hands of the gods and pharaohs who were seen as having control over the journey of life, the ankh (left). The Möbius strip in the shape of a trefoil knot is another symbol of immortality. Most symbolic representations of infinity or the life cycle are often used to represent immortality depending on the context they are placed in. Other examples include the Ouroboros, the Chinese fungus of longevity, the ten kanji, the phoenix, and the colors amaranth (in Western culture) and peach (in Chinese culture).


Immortal beings and species abound in fiction, especially fantasy fiction.

See also



  1. ^ Marshall Fredericks (2003). "GCVM History and Mission". Greater Cleveland Veteran's Memorial, Inc. Retrieved 2009-01-14.
  2. ^ Concise Oxford Dictionary
  3. ^ Joel Garreau (October 31, 2007). "The Invincible Man". Washington Post: C01. {{cite journal}}: More than one of |work= and |journal= specified (help)
  4. ^ Gilbert, Scott F. (2006). "Cheating Death: The Immortal Life Cycle of Turritopsis". Retrieved 2009-06-14.
  5. ^ Cite error: The named reference Ending Aging was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  6. ^ Wittgenstein, Ludwig (1921). Hypertext [[Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus]]. p. 6.4311. {{cite book}}: Check |url= value (help); URL–wikilink conflict (help)
  7. ^ Raymond Kurzweil - Humans Can Become Immortal by 2029, YSpace.

Further reading

Religious and spiritual prospects for immortality

In literature