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:Video sam sta si sve uradio, stvarno fantastican posao radis. Onaj lik sa srbijafudbal.net je stvarno jako koristan jer jedino kod njega mozemo da nadjemo sve podatke kod igraca svih sezona od 2001. do sada. Steta samo sto izbrise sve igrace koji odu, ranije je ostavljao sve stare profile igraca, ali sad ih brise, pa bi bilo dobro da kad dodajemo njegov sajt kao izvor stavimo i "retrieved" jer ako igrac ode vani, posle ce biti mrtav link. Jedino mu zameran sto mesta rodjenja ubacuje bezveze, recimo za tog Vujnovica stoji Obrenovac jer mu je obrenovacki Radnicki prvi klub kod njega u bazi podataka a decko je dosao iz CG cak je tamo grao za neke klubove kao junior secam se da sam negde bas o njemu citao pre godinu dana. To mu bas zameram, ne znam sta ga kosta da ostavi prazno polje za mesto rodjenja kod igraca za koje ne zna. Za Colovica nisam jos nasao njegove nastupe za Svajcarsku U17, imao sam negde taj link sacuvan naci cu ga. Bonsu je igrao za Ganu na tom CHAN-u kako ga zovu a to su kao B reprezentacije, odnosno prvenstvo africkih reprezentacija sastavljenih samo od igraca iz domacih liga. [[User:FkpCascais|FkpCascais]] ([[User talk:FkpCascais#top|talk]]) 10:08, 3 November 2014 (UTC)
:Video sam sta si sve uradio, stvarno fantastican posao radis. Onaj lik sa srbijafudbal.net je stvarno jako koristan jer jedino kod njega mozemo da nadjemo sve podatke kod igraca svih sezona od 2001. do sada. Steta samo sto izbrise sve igrace koji odu, ranije je ostavljao sve stare profile igraca, ali sad ih brise, pa bi bilo dobro da kad dodajemo njegov sajt kao izvor stavimo i "retrieved" jer ako igrac ode vani, posle ce biti mrtav link. Jedino mu zameran sto mesta rodjenja ubacuje bezveze, recimo za tog Vujnovica stoji Obrenovac jer mu je obrenovacki Radnicki prvi klub kod njega u bazi podataka a decko je dosao iz CG cak je tamo grao za neke klubove kao junior secam se da sam negde bas o njemu citao pre godinu dana. To mu bas zameram, ne znam sta ga kosta da ostavi prazno polje za mesto rodjenja kod igraca za koje ne zna. Za Colovica nisam jos nasao njegove nastupe za Svajcarsku U17, imao sam negde taj link sacuvan naci cu ga. Bonsu je igrao za Ganu na tom CHAN-u kako ga zovu a to su kao B reprezentacije, odnosno prvenstvo africkih reprezentacija sastavljenih samo od igraca iz domacih liga. [[User:FkpCascais|FkpCascais]] ([[User talk:FkpCascais#top|talk]]) 10:08, 3 November 2014 (UTC)
:Pratim tvoju Slogu, bas ste pukli skroz ove sezone :( [[User:FkpCascais|FkpCascais]] ([[User talk:FkpCascais#top|talk]]) 10:09, 3 November 2014 (UTC)
:Pratim tvoju Slogu, bas ste pukli skroz ove sezone :( [[User:FkpCascais|FkpCascais]] ([[User talk:FkpCascais#top|talk]]) 10:09, 3 November 2014 (UTC)

Ne bih da se mešam puno. Zapazio sam slučajno, naravno da srbijafudbal taj sajt nema sve pod jedan i pod dva nije sigurno validan za sve. Postoje godišnjaci. Ja imam do 2008/09 sezone ovih par novijih nemam jbg. Javite se, ako vam treba neki info za domaću ligu, to se barem lako može srediti.
[[User:mctoxic88|Mors]] ([[User talk:mctoxic88|talk]]) 23:35, 5 November 2014 (UTC)


Revision as of 22:34, 5 November 2014

Nemanja Nikolić (footballer born 1988)

Na osnovu cinjenice da ima srpsko drzavljanstvo (i rodjen u bg) i igrao za zvezdu (1998-2006, 2008-2010) - "MOSBIO: "Similarly, previous nationalities or the country of birth should not be mentioned in the opening sentence unless they are relevant to the subject's notability.", dodao sam te kategorije, vidi npr. Thiago Motta gde pise "Brazilian-Italian footballer", al uredu je ako ste postigli dogovor. Pozdrav brate.--Zoupan 11:36, 2 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Bakic & ostali novi igraci

Zdravo. Znam da je potrebno da igrac odigra mec u profesionalnoj ligi da bi "ispunio" notability. Al nisam imao pojma da se Crnogorska liga smatra poluprofesionalno. Mada, sto se Bakica tice. Ima jos jedno pravilo za notability koje se na njemu moze primeniti:

On je igrao kvalifikacije za LS kolko sam ja video. E sad, ako su neki klubovi iz Crne Gore poluprofesionalni, predpostavljam da to nije slucaj sa najjacim klubovima kao sto su Mogren i Buducnost. U svakom slucaju, decko je osvojio titulu sa Mogrenom pre dve sezone, a prosle igrao u LS protiv nekih Bugara valjda koji su svakako profesionalni klub. Ako ga neko bude oznacio za brisanje iznecu ovo kao argument pa ce da vidimo sta ce da bude.
Takodje, mislim da bi se to da li je Crnogorska liga poluprofesionalna moglo diskutovati. Clanak koji su ubacili kao reliable source je od pre sest goodina, neposredno nakon raspada SCG. Tad im liga jos uvek nije bila ni formirana, a vecina klubova im je igrala u drugoj ligi SCG. A i ne vidim po kom osnovu bi se lige kao sto su Tirindada i Tobaga, Tajlandska, Sirijska, Mijanmarska ili Jordanska smatrale more notable u odnosu na 99% evropskih liga. Po onom spisku one su "more notable" u odnosu na Estonsku, Litvansku, Crnogorsku, Islandsku, Irsku, Velsku, Bosansku... Nightfall87 (talk) 09:35, 5 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Apenas a unidade salva

Trudim se kolko mogu, ucim jos, trudicu se jos vise, naucicu jos vise. Hvala i urpavu si i onaj drugi takdoje. Podzrav...e da , id a zans. Krivo mi je za FKJ, mislim prodaju sve sto valja nekoliko dana pre utakmice i misle da mogu u Evropu. Tuzno, nadam se da ce biti bolje sa nasom velikom trojkom. Podzrav. --Nado158 (talk) 20:45, 5 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Znam, i mene boli mnogo, ali bas ta govna mi daju snage da se borim protiv njih. Veruj mi, i verujem da znas, kad bi se sve kod nas radilo kao treba, ajde lupam, da imamo mi moc u savezu idt, sigruan sam, da bi nas liga bila za nekoliko godina najmanje kao holandska liga idt. Mi imamo ogroman potencijal, ali ti ljdu unistavaju nas fudbal, ali i krivo mi sto se narod ne brani. kako kod nas da skoro u sbvakom klubu ima jedanmajmun kao Palmica? Takodje mi je krivo sto, kao u drugim zemlajma, se bivse zvezde ne potrude da vrate nesto nasem fubalu, ili da pomognu itd. Vidi kako je u nemackoj, skoro sve bivse zvezde im rade u klubovima i savezu. Sad ce i Oliver Kan.Ali tako i u manjim, mnogo manjim zemljama. Pa jel smo tolko nezahvalni. Veruj mi, da sam ja naprimer Stankovic, zavrsio bi karijeru u CZ, napravio nesto idt...ali nsita. Problem je i u mentalitetu, ne hrabrosti i kompleks neki nasih ako me razumes.Sigruan sam kad bi se iskrenoi radilo, sportski od a do sh, bili bi dosta jaki. A regionalna liga bi na sskroz upropastil, nikad necu biti za nju. --Nado158 (talk) 21:39, 5 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]


Ne znam zasto ti pratis sa kime ja govorim privatno na wikipedia i sta te ja toliko interesujem. Ocigledno nisi procitao nasu celu raspravu oko zastava i ako za Crvenu Zvezdu i Partizan ima Jugoslovenska zastava zasto nema Zapadna Nemacka za Hamburg, Frankfurt itd. i zasto nema socialisticka Rumunija za Staeua. To sto me vredjas vise govori o tvojoj kulturi nego o meni. I jos nesto, seljaci su stvorili Srpsku drzavu i svaku drvazu na svetu. Bez seljaka nema hrana pa to sto me zoves seljak ne ljuti me. Molim da ljepo vrati se iz koje god rupe si izisao i nemoj vise pljuvati po ljudima. Pozdrav iz Amerike. --Branis1av77 (talk) 17:55, 6 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Znas bre ti stvarno nisi normalan. Vidim danas da ti pricas neke gluposti o meni kao "report him" te "People need to be more calm" hahahaha Pa ti si onaj koji je o meni govorio da sam sramota srpskog naroda, seljak, glup itd. Mozda bi ti trebao da se smiris? Ja sam samo rekao da onaj covek je anti-srpski zato sto svaki dan menja srpske zastave u jugoslovenske. Tu nema nista sporno. Nauci nesto o kulturi brate. --Branis1av77 (talk) 19:22, 22 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Upravu si. Ono za Crvenu Zvezdu je bilo glupo. Izvini. Konacno si se pokazao kao normalan covek. Nadam se da ce mo u buducnost biti prijatelji. O i hvala sto si mi onaj link pokazao, nisam imao pojma za to. --Branis1av77 (talk) 22:57, 22 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Alban Dragusha

Yes sorry about this[1]. I've done it a few times these past weeks but as I encounter these, I'll amend them one by one. I thought this is how some people prefer it but we'll keep the infobox simple. Evlekis (Евлекис) (argue) 21:07, 6 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]

No problem. Many editors have been moving all related to birthplace into the first paragraph after the lede, and seems as a good solution. There, everything can be extensivelly explained, city, privince, republic and "now X-land" if necessary. FkpCascais (talk) 21:16, 6 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]
True but just so you know, X-land is presented with the template so the observer will get the full picture, no hints from me at any suggestion of outright sovereignty! Evlekis (Евлекис) (argue) 21:25, 6 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, you´re right, that is the most neutral way found until now to present it, I remember that discussion about the template, I myself have been adding it as agreed into some Kosovar club articles. FkpCascais (talk) 22:08, 6 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Go easy with it though. Opportunist IPs still try to abuse editing privileges by removing the item, look here[2]. And I have this past day discovered that admins don't give a monkey whether that is disruptive or not, they don't class it as "blatant vandalism" and you are still subject to revert restriction if trying to restore it. They dismiss such edits as "content disupte" but you and I both know that the edit you saw was a pure case of blanking. The template - which not only was used appropriately but was created precisely to maintain a neutral position and therefore could offend nobody - was taken out without explanation. If such edits are "constructive" then perhaps it should be removed everywhere, because if it doesn't belong here then where does it belong? And of course, if the template doesn't fit anywhere then why have it? Just nominate it for deletion, right? But if you look closer at that edit, you see that the IP added nothing to it. There was no replacement, just deletion of all phenomena concerning birthplace with the exception of X-land which was already in the text. Now if this is not blanking then what is! That is what I have been having to defend for one whole day until a short time ago. Evlekis (Евлекис) (argue) 22:37, 6 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]

I have seen some of the reports they made against you, however due to my topic ban I supose my intervention there would not perhaps be appropriate. You have been editing in the right way and as agreed by consensus, however other users and admins are sometimes unaware of the history of the dispute, so it may need time and several explanations before everyone sees the things correctly. You have been much more participative and "immediate" than me when facing those edits, and you also certainly have much more related articles on your watchlist than me. I usually only react immediatelly when I see some edit of that kind in my watchlist, otherwise I just limit myself to make from time to time a general round-up at the most important Kosovar clubs, and just restore the template and the related edits in the ones where they were removed.
I wish I could have been more helpfull to you, and please feel free to tell me everything you want and need from me. You know I allways like to help good veteran editors like you are :) FkpCascais (talk) 21:07, 7 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Help me

i saw [3]. please help me. (Maret Ani, Kaia Kanepi) — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 11:29, 7 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Hello. Yes, I see, some users in that article insist in not respecting the historical accuracy. You are right. I beleave that if those editors continue changing the place of birth to "Estonia" that they should be reported. Unfortunately I am not an administrator so all I can do is to assist you and help you reporting them to some proper venue like ANI where it could be brought into attention of some adminstrators who could solve the situation and take proper action if necessary. I added the articles to my watchlist and I will follow what happends there (by now the historically accurate version is in place, so lets see if they stop changing it). FkpCascais (talk) 20:56, 7 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]
I suggest before supporting an edit war for what you consider historically correct you read up on the history. Your examples show you are far from the essence of the question at hand. None of your example territories (Austria under the Austro-Hungarian Empire, English colonies in America) were occupied by a foreign country but were under the sovereign power of the respective empires (Austro-Hungaria and U.K., respectively). What you are totally missing are the Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907, starting from which military aggression cannot be considered as a means of acquiring sovereignity over a territory. So what I am trying to apply here is not an exception but a widely applied rule that states military occupation does not anull the sovereignity of a country over its territory. For actually appliccable examples, just pick your occupation from the List of military occupations and see whether people born during the occupation are marked as born in the occupier or the occupied country. For instance, people born in the occupied Tokyo, 1945-52, are they born in Tokyo, U.S occupation zone or Tokyo, Japan? Did Andrzej Romocki and other people perished in the Warsaw Uprising die in Warsaw, General Government, Germany or Warsaw, Poland? I can go on but I am sure you have the capacity to understand that it is not me trying to apply an exception but you and your unidentified pal who are presenting the Occupation of the Baltic states as exceptional from other occupations. --Jaan Pärn (talk) 08:54, 8 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]
We already had this discussion about these issues, see for exmple the link "my pal" gave in his first comment. The thing is that I am aware of the occupation situation, however that occupation lasted too long to be ignored. People were born within USSR, they were registered as USSR citizens for generations, I mean, it was not a "short-term situation". I also understand the personal feelings you mostly have towards the USSR, but ignoring the situation and pretending it didn´t existed just because you dislike to see the name of that country is not encyclopedical in my view. I would suggest to have a broad discussion on this somewhere where everyone interested could participate and try to find some neutral solution to this, but this doesn+t mean that I support you all edit-warring every single user that comes and opposes to your edits. I understand the conflict here, but I am not being unreasonable at all. FkpCascais (talk) 08:00, 9 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Re:We already had this discussion about these issues - I was unaware of the discussion at the time and it is inactive now. Apparently either no-one forwarded these arguments or you dismissed them.
Re:that occupation lasted too long to be ignored - This is your basic mistake - no matter how long or how severe, an occupation does not grant sovereignity over a territory.
Re:People were born within USSR, they were registered as USSR citizens for generations - People born in Warsaw, 1939-1945 were not registered by the Polish authorities but the German authorities as well, but are still considered as born in Poland, so this is an invalid argument. People born in Estonia were Estonian citizens at and from their birth (just like people born in Warsaw were Polish citizens), and their Soviet passports were null and void.
Re:I also understand the personal feelings you mostly have towards the USSR - I am sure Wikipedia editors would appreciate if you discussed the topic not the editors. As much as I can see the main difference between you and I in regard to this topic is that I have read up on it and you are just giving your uneducated opinion. I would be glad to continue this discussion after you read Lauri Mälksoo's Illegal annexation and state continuity: the case of the incorporation of the Baltic States by the USSR: a study of the tension between normativity and power in international law. Leiden/Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2003, and the Reports of the Estonian International Commission for the Investigation of Crimes Against Humanity. Until that I do not think you have much to add to any 'broad discussion' on this issue.
The proper place for this discussion is Wikipedia talk:Manual of Style/Baltic states-related articles. It already has two proposals. One of these explicitly suggests to use 'Estonia' as the country throughout the occupations. The other one suggests to use the 'sovereign state' at that given time. Now the question is simple - did the USSR and Germany acquire sovereignity over Estonia?
Re:this doesn+t mean that I support you all edit-warring every single user that comes and opposes to your edits - I guess this means you choose to support your unidentified friend's edit warring instead. Good luck indeed! --Jaan Pärn (talk) 12:27, 9 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Serbian flag

Yeah man, I totally see what you mean. I'm sick of people using bad arguments to justify things. Like you, I'd be happy just to have some stability. Unfortunately, no solution is likely to please everyone. – PeeJay 22:10, 8 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you

Thank you for all your help. what shall i do?-- (talk) 10:00, 9 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]

No problem, thank you for being kind. :) About the problem, well, continuing to revert doesn´t seem at all as a good solution, so its maybe better to ask some administrator for help and advice. As administrator User:Future Perfect at Sunrise already involved himself, I will ask him on his talk page about what he thinks it´s best to do. Lets see what he has to say. FkpCascais (talk) 10:15, 9 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]
You should advise your IP friend to discuss his proposed change on the article talk page first. --Nug (talk) 11:21, 9 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Well, I did advised him not to edit-war and to wait to see what FPS can advise us all to do. What also seems a bit illogical to me is to have a separate discussion on each Estonian biography talk page over this same issue. There should be some centralised discussion where all editors who are interested could discuss, and we should see some consensus solution for this. FkpCascais (talk) 11:34, 9 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Hi. When you recently edited FK Radnički Pirot, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page Ivan Jovanović (check to confirm | fix with Dab solver). Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. Read the FAQ • Join us at the DPL WikiProject.

It's OK to remove this message. Also, to stop receiving these messages, follow these opt-out instructions. Thanks, DPL bot (talk) 11:48, 13 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Jerry Sitoe

Hi FkpCascais,

I noticed you recently edited the page for Mozambican footballer Jerry Sitoe. Thanks for your assistance, as, living in England, I find it quite hard to keep up with a player who seems to be at a new club every month in a different country!

I was just wondering about Sitoe's time at Trofense - I see you removed his stats for the club from Sitoe's infobox. He may not have made any appearances for the club, but, if he did sign for them, shouldn't Trofense still be in the infobox (even if it says Trofense: (0) (0))?

The links below suggest Trofense did sign Sitoe, so I think it is necessary to restore the club to the infobox, as otherwise it sounds like he never went there: http://clubedesportivotrofense.blogspot.co.uk/2012/02/jerry-sitoe-ja-nao-e-jogador-do.html, http://www.verdade.co.mz/desporto/24905-erro-na-inscricao-afasta-jerry-do-futebol-portugues

However, the second link suggests he was not legally allowed to play for Trofense (I think that's what you meant?). You probably know more about this than me, though.

Also, I noticed that after your edits the infobox now says he is on loan at UTA Arad, rather than playing for them permanently. I thought Sitoe had gone on loan to Trofense, and then left to join Arad on a free transfer. Is this the case?

I would appreciate any help with this,


Drawley (talk) 11:58, 14 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Hi FkpCascais, thanks for your quick and detailed reply - your help is very much appreciated in trying to correct the article.

Haha, classic Sitoe - moving to yet another club when we're still trying to work out the rest of his career! I think you're right with what happened, and thanks for taking the time to look at different sources.

The Academica situation is annoying as several usually reliable sources, including http://www.national-football-teams.com/v2/player.php?id=35553, state that he played one league game for the club, although many other sites - including those you outlined above - say he never played for them. It's hard to decide which source to trust.

If many Portuguese sites dismissed Sitoe's loan spell with Trofense, then, as you say, he must have agreed terms but then left for whatever reason without making any appearances. Not sure where Atletico CP come in, though, as I'd never come across any sources claiming Sitoe played for them! I think Sitoe must have joined Academica permanently, as for him to be "released" suggests the club terminated his contract - if he had only been on loan, wouldn't they have just sent him back to Muculmana?

So, if he moved back to Muculmana after being released by Academica, did he play any games there? Both National-Football-Teams and Soccerway say he went straight from Academica to UTA Arad, which only confuses matters. After all this, here's what I think his career looks like:

  • 2007-10: Ferroviário de Maputo (We can agree on that one, at least!)
  • 2011: Liga Muçulmana de Maputo
  • 2011-12: Académica
  • 2012: Liga Muçulmana de Maputo
  • 2012: CD Trofense (loan) - (LATER CANCELLED)
  • 2012: UTA Arad (loan)
  • 2012: Sloboda Uzice (PENDING)

That's definitely closer to being correct than what I had before, so we're getting there! Please let me know if you agree with my career outline or not.

Thanks for all your help,

Drawley (talk) 09:30, 16 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Hi FkpCascais,

Thanks for your help again. I think Sitoe has signed for Sloboda now (transfermarkt and other sites say so) so hopefully there will be an interview with him about his career on the Sloboda website soon. Do you think we should leave Trofense and Atletico out of the infobox, and mention in the article that he went there but there were irregularities with the transfer and it was later cancelled?


Drawley (talk) 19:34, 23 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks - Warning

Thanks for your help at Ivica Dragutinović. I forgot to contact you because i honestly thought it was vandalism, his profile at the external link#2, which is Serbian, speaks nothing of it. Thanks again!

Also, thought you would like to know the Football Association of Serbia page continues to be vandalized by an "engraçadinho", have already reverted him in the infobox. Abraços, see you --AL (talk) 22:22, 18 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Boas, I didn´t knew it was you Vasco, then I understood (hey, why you changed your name? You are the legendary Vasco!)... Just remember, sometimes even local Serbian websotes "forget" to mention shorter spells in minor clubs, and often supporters of those minor clubs have to fight to get their club being mentioned. FK Bor is something like a Serbian CUF, and historical club which disapeared (although Bor was disestablished much more recently), and there is a group of football passionates which are trying to keep on the spiryth of the team, in a town which is known to be passionate by football. Regarding Serbian FA, there is much disapointment with the FA president (o totó é um mafioso velho do piorio, tipo Madail mas 10 vezes pior, e mal começou o futebol lá a melhorar, e os clubes a importarem melhores estrangeiros, o homem fez tudo para os expulsar e impor o limite 3 por clube (!!!) ainda que só conseguiu chegar a 4. Por isso, não faço muito por "limpar" os artigos que tenham a ver com a federação e com ele). Acho que nem os tenho na minha watchlist. FkpCascais (talk) 22:48, 18 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]
  • Pode ser mafioso, não vou falar do que não sei e acredito em ti amigo, mas três estrangeiros por clube (também acho demasiado ditatorial)? É melhor do que a pouca vergonha do futebol em Portugal (Benfica 1 português, Porto 2 ou 3, Sporting para lá caminha - ah e não falo no 11 inicial, falo no PLANTEL! - Nacional, Marítimo, etc), e agora com as equipas B's - directamente na Liga de Honra e o Portimonense que se foda! - siga a festa.

Abraços de novo, keep it up! --AL (talk) 22:53, 18 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Eu sei, o interessante é ver o total oposto que ha entre as duas ligas. Mas ambos os casos são demais. O pior no caso da Sérvia é que os clubes lá sempre tiveram numeroso jogadores de outros paises da ex-Jugoslavia (Montenegro, Macedonia, Bosnia, etc.) e agora esses tambem contam no tal limite 4. Imagina se baixa para 3? O limite conta para a ficha de jogo, actualmente o máximo é 4 na ficha de jogo (11 inicial e reservas). Mata completamente o "scouting"... Ele faz isso para proteger os empresarios de jogadores locais da concurerencia externa. Nos 4 primeiros anos do seu mandato, consegiu fazer a Servia descer mais de 10 lugares tanto no ranking FIFA de selecoes, como no ranking UEFA de clubes! Para além de ter riscado o contrato do Radomir Antic e assim ter posto uma divida de 2.5 milhoes de Euros para a Federacao que vai ter que ser paga ao ex-treinador... O homem so faz asneiras. Ah, e isto do limite tem a ver com uma coisa que cá tb se fazia, que é "vender-se" depois a naturalização por X dinheiro e ganharem algum por aí tb.
Olha, preciso da tua ajuda aquí no caso de Jerry Sitoe mesmo por cima desta "section". Podes ver a minha resposta na talk page dele, e ajudar-nos a decidir se é melhor deixar, ou nao, na infobox o Trofense pelo qual nem chegou a jogar e em lugar disso foi emprestado a outro clube. FkpCascais (talk) 23:06, 18 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Espero ter ajudado. Em relação à mudança de nome, já havia stress a mais com uns imbecis, especialmente um tal de User:Xxxx693, um cabranote da Colômbia (vê o "talk" dele, até te passas com a história), e também ouvi falar dos perigos de editar com o nome verdadeiro...enfim já está, mas cada vez ando com menos paciência para isto. - --AL (talk) 23:43, 18 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Eu sei, a foto do Pedro Emmanuel é desconcertante, ainda para mais tendo em conta que ele nem sequer o usou na Académica... más quero ir com calma, o editor fez o artigo de Sitoe com muita boa fé e tentando dar o seu melhor e provavelmente pos lá a foto pensando estar a fazer bem, por isso deixa ver se resolvo isto da carreira do jogador primeiro.
Ajudaste, obrigado, más o primeiro link traz ainda mais dúvidas do que certezas, já que menciona que é o Atlético CP que o empresta ao Trofense!!! E o Atlético entra na historia sem se saber bem porque... O pior é que ele em vez disso acabou por jogar na Romenia, no UTA Arad por emprestimo alegadamente do Liga Muçulmana de Maputo, o seu clube anterior a Académica... Que confusão!
Será que depois da Académica ele terá assinado com o Atlético CP que o mandou para o Trofense por empréstimo, más por alguma razão o contrato com o Atlético não foi validado e dai ele nem jogou no Atlético nem no Trofense, mas acabou por voltar a Liga Muçilmana de Maputo que o mandou por emréstimo para a Roménia ao UTA Arad? É que ele rescinde com a Académica no inverno dessa época, e logo a seguir, joga a segunda parte da época no UTA Arad, daí ele nem ter tido tempo para jogar nem com o Atlético nem Trofense, porque acontece todo por essa mesma altura. A única coisa que sabemos é que ele jogou efectivamente na Romenia, 8 jogos.
Em relação ao nome, eu percebo-te bem, mas pensava que estavas a vontade. Más fizeste bem, é que ha muitos malucos por aí e é bom resguardar-se um pouco. Eu escrevo regularmente comentarios nos media sérvios como FkpCascais e mesmo assim já recebí ameaças, por isso tento dar o menos possivel de infomação privada pra andar por aí disponivel para todos... Fizeste bem. FkpCascais (talk) 06:57, 19 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Cirilica, Latinica

Hvala na savetima i zvezdi :D, ja sam nova ovde pa vecinu ovih stvari nisam ni znala :), kao na primer za cirilicu da treba da stavim ;)

jel mozes molim te da mi da primer odakle da kopiram talk page? hvala

i treba mi pomoc, sta nije u redu sa ovim clancima Davor Štefanek, Dragana Cvijić? vidim da su predlozeni za brisanje :/ --Backij (talk) 09:50, 19 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Hvala, puno :) Nadam se da cu se snaci kad budem pravila novu stranicu ;) --Backij (talk) 18:26, 20 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]

valjda nece, hvala u svakom slucaju ;)--Backij (talk) 17:49, 23 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Klaudio hoxha K.A.H

You've met our new friend. He's been told enough times now about the historical accracy factor, by you, me and by User:Jaellee in a summary. If he flouts this again, we'll have no choice but to report him on grounds of WP:DE. Just so you know from now. Evlekis (Евлекис) (argue) 13:05, 21 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Yes, the guy is really young and he is terrible. Really disruptive. I didn´t had much time today, but if he continues he should really get reported. FkpCascais (talk) 05:58, 22 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]

By the way, is this edit correct for Miloš Krasić? The page has had more vandalism this past 24 hours than any aticle in WP history, or close to. Evlekis (Евлекис) (argue) 14:03, 23 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Update: he is back, I have had to report him here. Feel free to contribute since you made the first civilised attempt at communication with the user. Evlekis (Евлекис) (argue) 18:57, 29 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]

ANI notification

Hello. This message is being sent to inform you that there is currently a discussion at Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/Incidents regarding an issue with which you may have been involved. Thank you. GiantSnowman 10:53, 23 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]


No i don't agree "amigo", because F.C. Porto is the fullname already (the WP name), so i would not write "Futebol Clube do Porto". In relation, the WP fullname for the country is Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, so that is what should appear in the body of article, in the box, compressed, SFR YUGOSLAVIA or only YUGOSLAVIA. As you see, i am being coherent: full name in storyline (whatever the full name might be, short, long or very long), compression in box (if needed, for example Tacuary is already the WP name for the Paraguayan club).

Regardões, happy weekend - --AL (talk) 13:41, 26 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Pozdrav! Ne brinite, ne zameram vam nista, mora da postoji neki red. :) Sada da se predjem na stvar zbog koje se javljam. Sto se tice Zivka, ja sam iz mesta u kome je ziveo pre odlaska u Francusku. Nazalost ja njega ne poznajm, ali poznajem njegovog rodjenog brata. Tako da sam se malo raspitao o njemu iz pouzdanih izvora, a njegovu statistiku sam pravio oslanjajuci se na razne izvore sa interneta. Hvala na svim korisnom sajtovim, za ubuduce ce mi sigurno koristiti, za sajt playerhistory.com sam zano od ranije, ali nakon promene adrese ih nisam koristio. Vezano za onaj link sto si mi rekao da nece da ti se otvori, sada sam video da nece ne meni. Upravo sam otkrio u cemu je problem, tako da sam prepravio. Greska u zagradama. Molio bih ako bi mogao da mi objasnis kako da ubacim sliku u clanak. Hvala za prepravke, i dopune vezane za clanak, i jos jednom, pozdrav! :) --7even.up (talk) 19:05, 29 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]


I think it's been long established that Polarman is Hakon Winter, who owns Playerhistory. If Soccerdatabase is indeed a scam mirror site - and only time will tell - then we shouldn't use it. GiantSnowman 10:12, 4 August 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Vitomir Jelić and Ivan Stanković

Hi my friend,

I was wondering if you would be interested in collaborating with me on creating articles for Vitomir Jelić and Ivan Stanković. They are both full professionals that have recently signed for Serbian White Eagles FC.

All the best brate,

Tempo21 (talk) 02:24, 5 August 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Yes, sure! Want me to find all I can about them? FkpCascais (talk) 02:32, 5 August 2012 (UTC)[reply]
I have this on Vitomir Jelić, although it doesn´t mention any appearance in any pro league... Let me see if I can find more on him. FkpCascais (talk) 02:34, 5 August 2012 (UTC)[reply]
AHA! :) FkpCascais (talk) 02:36, 5 August 2012 (UTC)[reply]
What do you have on him? I think that with this two links we have his career covered (including sourced appearances in pro Serbian league). Do you know where he was born? Because most sites add him both SRB and BIH nationality (exemple), and srbijafudbal.net is quite reliable for league stats, but a bit terrible on place of birth, as he often puts the place of birth the place from where his first club is, in this case Polet Ljubić (near Čačak, so he puts "Born in Čačak" automatically). I already fixed many mistakes of his, and called his attention for this, but he continues making "automatic" birthplaces for players... :( Can you confirm his birthplace? FkpCascais (talk) 02:41, 5 August 2012 (UTC)[reply]
About Ivan Stanković, which one joined White Eagles? Playerhistory has 3, all still active. this one, this one or this one? FkpCascais (talk) 02:47, 5 August 2012 (UTC)[reply]
WOW, thank you so much brate! I will try and find out the birthplace of Jelić. As for Stanković, this is the Stanković that played for Partizan. He is the second link in the ones you posted.
Also, how do you find the PlayerHistory links!? I thought PlayerHistory was gone forever? WOW it has been so hard living without that site haha.
Thanks so much!!!

Tempo21 (talk) 02:59, 5 August 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Someone mentioned it at Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Football, but a couple a days ago I had this episode regarding the website. As you can see, User:Polarman (User talk:Polarman) is Mr. Håkon Winther, the owner of Playerhistory.com. He says that soccerdatabase.eu is a scheme and a copy of playerhistory, and that he will make a law-suit against them for stealing the content. He also said that he will put playerhistory.com back on tracks, and asked us not to use soccerdatabase.eu on Wikipedia... His identity seems to be confirmed by wp administrators, and administrator User:GiantSnowman asked me not to use the links (see just one section before on my talk page).
Its a bit akward sitiation, as I made a couple of articles these last days using precisely soccerdatabase.eu however doing the best to find sources for all the things I added, without using soccerdatabase. In the meantime, soccerdatabase.eu opened the info which was exclusive only for members at playerhistory.com (like seasons and goals for each player), so I have been "stealing" the info these last days to add it to all articles in which I used playerhistory but I didn´t had the access to that data before... You can find all players here. FkpCascais (talk) 03:20, 5 August 2012 (UTC)[reply]
PS: Hm, srbijafudbal doesn´t have a page for Ivan Stanković under Radnički 1928 profiles... I´ll try to see if it has it under some other club perhaps. FkpCascais (talk) 03:27, 5 August 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Aha! It has him under Bežanija files, here. FkpCascais (talk) 03:30, 5 August 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks so much for the links Cascais. Besides the links you provided, I haven't been able to gather any more. I have found a FK Partizan magazine however that states that Ivan Stanković began his career in the FK Fitnes Kragujevac youth school. How should we go about creating the articles? Would you like to start them off?
Thanks again!
Tempo21 (talk) 12:14, 5 August 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Invitation to vote for an article about a Serbian athlete

The article about former Yugoslav and Serbian marathon runner Sreten Ninković is undergoing a voting process which will determine whether it should be deleted or kept. I was hoping you could see it for yourself and vote. Hvala unapred, Zastavafan76 (talk) 07:48, 5 August 2012 (UTC)[reply]

  • Brate hvala za ljubazan odgovor, zelim Partizanu samo dobro danas protiv AEL-a iako sam zvezdas. Ocekujem da cemo ti i ja dalje dati dobar doprinos vikipediji u clankama o srpskom sportu itd :) Jos jednom fala, Zastavafan76 (talk) 18:59, 8 August 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Last message

Hi Cascais,

Just wondering if you got my last message? Would you like to begin those articles or would you like me to?

All the best,

Tempo21 (talk) 23:18, 5 August 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Sorry, I was out all day, the weather here has been excellent, and these days I have been practicing for my next golf tournament. In case of doubt, you can allways check ones contributions to see if one has been around, or not.
If you don´t mind I´d rather leave them for you, as I would like to use all my time to take all data from soccerdatabase to the articles before they close the website, because the most probable is that playerhistory will have that data exclusive for members only, so I need to hurry. :) FkpCascais (talk) 01:44, 6 August 2012 (UTC)[reply]
No problem tebra. Thanks for the tips and advice. Golf ume da bude jako relaksirajuć. Uživaj hehe :) Good idea about getting the info while we can.
Tempo21 (talk) 02:59, 6 August 2012 (UTC)[reply]
I actually started by playing tennis while I was still like 10 years old. Then my parents made me a member of one of the finest country clubs in my area. I even got to win some minor tennis tournaments (nothing pro, just local). The club included golf and horse riding (dressage) as well, so slowly I started playing golf after my tennis training. I founded golf much more relaxing, and I had a really good group of friends to play each weekend. While we played golf during day, our girlfriends were horse ridding, so it ended up being an excellent combination. We used to spend entire weekends playing. Usually you make 9 holes before lunch, and the other 9 during afternoon. And then we joined the girls and finished the afternoons in the swimming-pool before dinner :) With time, I found myself playing much more golf instead of tennis. There was a period when I started working where I had difficulties in finding time to play, but for some time now I have been able to recouver the lost time. I had a period where I had a less healthy urban life, much work, stress, heavy drinking, partying, etc. so golf, with all the contact with nature and pure air, ends up being the perfect counter-balance :) Besides, there are no words to express the feeling when you hit the ball perfectly and you see it going exactly where you want to. Not to mention that 2 weekends ago I made my second Hole in one in my life, so gives me even further enthusiasm to keep on improving my handicap.
Golf ended up being the best option for me, as there are world-wide renoun courses here near Cascais, and tennis has become a bit too agressive for me, not to mention football which I can´t play for more than 15-20 minutes as my loungs start to explode (I´m a heavy smoker since my teen days)... Surfing has been a good alternative, but beside not being much of a champ (yet :) the water here is a bit cold, 16º-18º Celsius (while air temperature is 25º-28º), so I doubt I´ll ever surf seriously... Best regards Tempo :) Ask if you need anything, I´ll be around for the next couple of hours, and probably each evening I´ll take a look of what is going on around here. FkpCascais (talk) 03:50, 6 August 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Dejan Stanković used to play for Partizan Belgrade as a goalkeeper!

OK now that my sensationalist-type headline got your attention, I'm sure you'll have a good laugh hahaha.

I was recently flipping through the pages of a FK Partizan club-issued magazine for the 2000-01 season. Naturally, the thing that interested me first was the players list from that period so I can see photos of players such as Stanoje and my personal favourite Ivica Iliev.

Something caught my attention so I scanned a photo. Check out the name of one of our backup keepers from that season!

Judging just by this photo, he knows it's not going to be easy having the same name as Dejan Stanković haha. Partizan's archives list him as having played only four matches (two international and two friendlies) so I don't know if he'd pass the Wiki article criteria but thought I'd share this kuriozitet with you.

Thanks for your previous nice message in regards to your golf game, I just saw it now :)

All the best friend,

Tempo21 (talk) 11:47, 11 August 2012 (UTC)[reply]

I actually knew he played in the youth team, although I didn´t knew he was a goalkeeper. Great kuriozitet! The problem is that the dates of birth don´t match: the one from the image says, while Deki´s one is 11 September 1978. FkpCascais (talk) 01:42, 13 August 2012 (UTC)[reply]
This isn't the Dejan Stanković that everyone knows, I was only kidding, this is a different one. Also, check your email :)
Tempo21 (talk) 12:24, 14 August 2012 (UTC)[reply]
I am really sorry, like 2-3 weeks ago I didn´t opened that mail for a number of days, and when I opened it I had over 100 unread mails. I have been postponing all this time that work of seing everything there, I really need to start taking more care about it, I am really sorry, I´ll go there right now. FkpCascais (talk) 09:08, 15 August 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Info & Smederevo

Poz. Hvala za info o kategorijama. Da znam za ubuduce. Neg za klubove to ne vazi? Dovoljno je samo da potpise ugovor za neki klub da bih mu ubacio kategoriju ili treba i da debituje? Sto se Smedereva tice informacije su vise nego nikakve. Znam samo da su ovog leta doveli pun buljuk igraca na probu. Sa nekima su valjda i potpisali, sa nekima se pricalo da su potpisani ugovori pa se sad pojavise u drugim klubovima, neki se uopste ni ne spominju. Tako da sam i prestao da pokusavam da iskopam neki info. Kako se budu igrali mecevi videcu ko je koju utakmicu igrao i ubacicu ga u listu. Na kraju krajeva i na sajtu lige ce se valjda setiti da na kraju prelaznog roka ubace spisak svih licenciranih igraca za ovu polusezonu. Nightfall87 (talk) 19:11, 12 August 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Videcemo sta ce biti sa Smederevom. Ovo je jos uvek sve na pocetku. I pitanje je kolko ce ozbiljna da bude privatizacija. Mada je to svakako nesto cemu svi klubovi trebaju teziti. :) Nightfall87 (talk) 23:57, 12 August 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Francis Durán - Reply

Hi there Filip! Pois, fui eu meu caro.

Passo a explicar: o "PC (e NT) update" não deve ser alterado a não ser que hajam jogos, para dar uma indicação precisa de como está a temporada estatísticamente, e em que ponto. Se metes 7 AGOSTO 2012, e como ele não jogou ainda pelo Jagodina, dá a entender que a temporada com o Orihuela acabou nesse dia, e foi dia 3 JUNHO. Por outras palavaras, o PC/NT update deve fazer-se com a data do último jogo, não com a data da nossa última edição ou quando o jogador mudou de clube ou o raio que o parta.

A minha edição não foi assim tão "useless" porque: 1 - mudei uma categoria de sítio (SP.YOUTH INT.FOOTBALLERS), tendo-a posto no correcto; 2 - como o parágrafo no ELCHE/ORIHUELA era muito pequeno, resolvi "colá-lo" com o do JAGODINA. Espero ter ajudado, tem um grande fim-de-semana - --AL (talk) 14:33, 18 August 2012 (UTC)[reply]

  • In English, since it's as you wish: i thought it was like i suggested, but i'm getting very confused man, i don't care anymore, everybody suggests a different thing (me included) so everybody should edit as they want. A final tip: if it's a player in the HONG KONG league we are editing, we should add the last game/goal, valid for every country in the world in my opinion. Like i said, i give up, i send a hug to you! --AL (talk) 02:28, 19 August 2012 (UTC)[reply]
  • The last game Andrés Guardado played for Mexico was on 16 August 2012, so i added that date (and it's 16 August 2012, not August 16, 2012), the last game he played for Valencia (also first) was today, 19 August, i added that, will add now a ref to storyline. The exclamation points were exaggerated yes, but not an insult.

Desculpa, só queria ajudar, podes ir á WP:FOOTY e vemos no que dá --AL (talk) 23:28, 19 August 2012 (UTC)[reply]

  • Whaat? Incredible these accusations from a friend (or i thought that)! I clicked "undo" because i wanted to get some of my sentence in, but i also left many of your writings, that's not edit-warring, i would say it's more or less teamwork.

I always treated you right and so do not understand this reaction at all. --AL (talk) 23:51, 19 August 2012 (UTC)[reply]

  • Vou passar a explicar outra vez, já te tinha dito isso numa mensagem, por isso ainda menos percebo a tua reação. Fazendo "undo" ia pôr outra vez a categoria SPAIN YOUTH INTERNATIONAL FOOTBALLERS no sítio correcto, dava muito menos trabalho. Também, com "undo", corrigi o teu "by signed" que não quer dizer nada em inglês para o correcto "signing" ("by signing" também seria boa opção). Ou seja estou a ajudar e vens-me acusar de estar a pôr-me contra ti quando é exactamente o oposto?

Para mostrar mais consideração por ti, voltei a entrar no Francisco Manuel Durán, corrigi as estatísticas no Orihuela CF e repus a tua frase sobre a transferência para o novo clube quase na sua totalidade (menos o "by signed"). Além disso, a minha acção de "undo" não teve nada a ver com os "PC/NT updates", foi mais para efeitos de linguagem. Vamos aguardar pela decisão (se houver) do WP:FOOTY.

Se depois desta "defesa" ainda continuares a pensar mal de mim, não posso fazer mais nada. Boa semana e claro que peço desculpas pelo malentendido. - --AL (talk) 00:07, 20 August 2012 (UTC)[reply]

  • Não amigo, isto foi um português "mal conseguido" da minha parte, claro que sei que há um consenso e tenho que me reger por ele, o "não me vou chatear" queria dizer isso mesmo, "vou obedecer". Mas já agora, como é que usa a técnica das 5 TILDES?

Obrigado, e sim, quando/se for a Cascais aviso, fica descansado. Abraços - --AL (talk) 22:55, 23 August 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Wikipedia appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited Nikola Perlić, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page Borovo (check to confirm | fix with Dab solver). Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. Read the FAQ • Join us at the DPL WikiProject.

It's OK to remove this message. Also, to stop receiving these messages, follow these opt-out instructions. Thanks, DPL bot (talk) 13:40, 28 August 2012 (UTC)[reply]


Hvala, upravu si. Moramo malo srediti Partizanovu i Grobarinu stranu za LE. Cestitam, zao mi je jako Zevdze i Vose. Zvezda ne srecna (po meni nije bio jedanajsterac) a o Vosi da ne pricam...koja kradja... Podzrav :).--Nado158 (talk) 14:12, 31 August 2012 (UTC)[reply]

A ko je taj Oleola? Jel on ima pravo to da radi?Sta kazes za Partizan ?--Nado158 (talk) 14:43, 31 August 2012 (UTC)[reply]

The Olive Branch: A Dispute Resolution Newsletter (Issue #1)

Welcome to the first edition of The Olive Branch. This will be a place to semi-regularly update editors active in dispute resolution (DR) about some of the most important issues, advances, and challenges in the area. You were delivered this update because you are active in DR, but if you would prefer not to receive any future mailing, just add your name to this page.

Steven Zhang's Fellowship Slideshow

In this issue:

  • Background: A brief overview of the DR ecosystem.
  • Research: The most recent DR data
  • Survey results: Highlights from Steven Zhang's April 2012 survey
  • Activity analysis: Where DR happened, broken down by the top DR forums
  • DR Noticeboard comparison: How the newest DR forum has progressed between May and August
  • Discussion update: Checking up on the Wikiquette Assistance close debate
  • Proposal: It's time to close the Geopolitical, ethnic, and religious conflicts noticeboard. Agree or disagree?
Read the entire first edition of The Olive Branch -->

--The Olive Branch 19:03, 4 September 2012 (UTC)

Kup 12/13

Moze nova stranica za kup? Bora83ns (talk) 07:28, 6 September 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Nisam ih ja pravio u zadnje vreme... malo vremena imam ovih dana, napravi je ti slobodno ako mozes. FkpCascais (talk) 19:55, 6 September 2012 (UTC)[reply]


Moram priznati da su ti argumenti tačni. Skinuo sam citat.

Ali bi zato ostavio ovo ostalo što sam dodao iz teksta pošto je to relevantno. Sad to što je Belodedić zaboravio srpski u međuvremenu a rumunski mu je savršen, to je - do njega! Hehe.

Tempo21 (talk) 19:12, 7 September 2012 (UTC)[reply]


The preference is 'U21', if I recall correctly - that's certainly what I use. As for the IP's edits, if you see one which contravenes policy, then simply revert and warm using templates from WP:WARN. Once he reaches level 4 and continues then report to AIV or to me for a block. Regards, GiantSnowman 07:59, 8 September 2012 (UTC)[reply]

re: Ivanov

Ok, jasno. Necu da uredim tu staru statistiku. Mogu da razumem to da soccerway nije najjaci izvor. Zastavafan76 (talk) 23:07, 8 September 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Ne, iskreno mislim da sam te razumeo. Stavio sam datum 8 Septembar za apdejt Omege Robertsa jer sam uredio tu statistiku bas na dan njegovog treceg nastupa (ako vidis istoriju te stranice vidices da sam uredio to na taj dan, dakle moze se predpostaviti da sam pisao taj datum jer sam na taj dan pisao a ne zato sto to je bio dan meca). Vidim da sad pise 9 Septembar, necu da diram taj datum jer shvatam da neko posle mene (valjda si ti) nesto popravio/uredio. Procitao sam ono o protokolu apdejta, bio je neki razgovor u koji si se ti prikljucio, i vidim da na kraju ste dogovorili da dozvolite da apdejti budu na bilo koji dan bez obzira na datuma poslednjeg meca. To cu da postujem ako vidis da ponovo pravim neku gresku najvise su sanse da je to nenamerno i da zaista ne razumem nesto. ali obicno stavljam takve apdejte za razne igrace samo na dane meceva a ne bilo kada, pa mozda zato izgleda da "izbrisem" datume i umesto njih stavljam datume poslednjih meceva, sto uopste nije slucaj. Obecam da necu izbrisati bilo koji datum apdejta ako vidim da je statistika za domace takmicenje prava (jer ti priznas da soccerway je dovoljno dobar izvor za domace statistike iako to nije slucaj sa medjunarodnim nastupima). Zastavafan76 (talk) 20:02, 9 September 2012 (UTC)[reply]

ej i jos nesto da te pitam, sta mislis je li uopste moguce da prebacimo neke slike na Wikimedia commons od renoviranih stadiona u Srbiji pa da se ne lomimo oko autorskog prava? Jer posebno ovih dana kad se toliko renovira tamo, pojavljaju se sve vise slike novih stadiona/renoviranih stadiona i mislim da bi bilo lepo da ih iskoristimo za clanke na wikipediju jer trenutno bukvalno 80-90 odsto clanaka stadiona iz celog regiona nema slika ni preciznog broja kapaciteta. Pokusao sam do nekog stepena da resim to, pustio sam poruku na Skyscrapercity forumu da pitam da li moze bilo ko da prebaci neku dobru njihovu sliku na Wikipedia commons (od novijih stadiona u srbiji) ali nisam dobio nijednog odgovora. Inace vidim da je neko odlicno "pobegao" tu zabludu autorskog prava jer je nekako uspeo da stavi korektan license za neku bas lepu sliku stadiona mladosti iz Krusevca. Mislio sam ako moze neko takvu slike da postavi na wikipiju, mozemo isto tako i u drugim slucajevima. Zastavafan76 (talk) 20:15, 9 September 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Ivan Stanković

Hvala brate za informacije o Ivanu Stankoviću. Baš ih ima mnogo pod tim imenom pa sam se malo zbunio. Probam da ih sve ispratim.

Veliki pozdrav,

Tempo21 (talk) 15:40, 10 September 2012 (UTC)[reply]


Because the current U21 national team of Macedonia (for players born 1990 or later) had just played the last round of the qualifiaction and failed the qualify, meaning that this was the last game for players of that generation, and from now on only players born 92 or later will be performing for the U21 national team, as thats the generations that will be eligable to perform on the next/comming U21 qualification. So, this was indeed the very last game for Spirovski, Bogdanovic etc... Msb73505 (talk) 21:59, 10 September 2012 (UTC)[reply]


Zradbo brate. Ja sam mislio, i dalje mislim, da bi naslov kluba treba biti tako kako je klub poznat i kako se svuda zove. Javor Ivanjica..vidi kako je kod Borussia Dortmund. Niko nekaze FK Javor itd. Tek u uvodu moze se sve lepo objasniti. Isto vazi za Radnicki Kragujevec, a ne FK Radnicki 1923 itd i Radnicki Nis. Mislim da nije dobro i pogresno. Uvek ce ostati Radnicki. Cemu FK?Zna se da je ovo fudbalski klub. Javor nema KK ili RK. Pa koze se objasniti u uvodu clanaka kao svuda. Na nemackom teletekstu je svaki klub iz svake lige lepo lepo i tacno napisen samo iz nase lige ne. Svuda pise bezveze FK. Sta nam to kaze? FK Jagodina, FK NP idt da, ali kad klub ima ime cemu u naslov?mogli bi promeniti --Nado158 (talk) 19:22, 12 September 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Uredu razumem, pa mislim da si upravu. Pa brate onda treba da pise FK Partizan Beograd ili Partizan Belgrade ili?--Nado158 (talk) 16:58, 13 September 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Pa brate nije bas skorz tako. Klub je FK Partizan Beograd. Mi smo krivi sto pise FK Partizan. Ja ti garantujem da se svi orijentisu na wikipediji. Posmatram to vec dugo i sv aku nasu promenu vidim po svtskim medijama, novinama. Veruj mi, vec sam imao uticaj na transfermarkt i nemacki TV. Kad mogu da izgovoroe Fenerbace Istanbul ili Nefci Baku itd onda mogu i Partizan Beograd. Moramo da pravimo reklamu za nasa prava imena. Nigde se ni ne kaze Rapid Bec nego Rapid Wien. Ja sam za to da pise Partizan Beograd. --Nado158 (talk) 19:43, 13 September 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Pa sta ako nema, mnogo klubova to nemau. Pa i Zvezda nema nista. Sto na Engleskom? Ovde u nemackoj skoro svaki grad izgovaraju na jeziku drzavea odakle je. I mnogo njih znaju da je grad Beograd. STo cudno? mi smo krivi za cudno??? Beograd brate. --Nado158 (talk) 20:01, 13 September 2012 (UTC)[reply]

eee djuro djuro koji vas unisti....--Nado158 (talk) 20:04, 13 September 2012 (UTC) onda FK Partizan Belgrade :P--Nado158 (talk) 20:14, 13 September 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Youth School

Uredu, priznajem, za dosta stvari si upravu. Sta mislis da sklonimo sve youth school articles sa nasih klubova, jel necu da pravim reklamu da sto brze i pre odu nasi igraci. Ja to ne zelim bas suprutno. Sa druge strane sam mislio, i ako i ovako i onako idu (nazalost) prerano, onda da se barem zna odakle su, da su skole dobre i da su vec pretoga dobri, poznati, skupi igraci prosli tu skolu, tako da barem ne budu prejeftini prodati i da nasi klubovi imaju nesto od toga. Sta ti mislis? Brate prodajemo sve ispod cene, vidi sta Mamic radi. Mislio sam, ako se barem zna da su jake skole, da barem vise izvucu pare nasi klubovi, a ne da sve uvek ode ispod cene. Tadic prodat za 1,5 Mio, smesno a vidi sada. Mamic prodaje sve i svsta za 4 -6 puta vise a isto je. Razumes me? Ja sigurno necu da postanemo fabrika i da pravimo reklamu za to?Da smaknemo sve? sta ti mislis? Da sotane da imamo vise korisit ili da smaknemo? stvarno ne znam sada. Vidi Ajaks skola isto ima svoj clanak, i Sporting takodje. KAd imaju glas, onda mogu i vise para da traze, razumes? tako sam mislio. Kako god, prodajemo igrace ispod cene. --Nado158 (talk) 10:22, 14 September 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Makedonska prezimena i boje Partizana


Izvini što se ranije nisam javio, baš sam swamped ovih dana. Što se tiče makedonskih prezimena, jedan moj drug Makedonac se preziva Zareski i pitao sam ga što se ne preziva Zarevski a on mi je rekao da je to tako zbog toga što je on iz Prilepa. Pitao sam ga da mi objasni malo i rekao da je u većini gradova -ovski, -evski a u nekolicini gradova - oski, -eski itd. Prezime se takođe menja kad je žena udata (ženski rod: ovska, evska...)

A što se tiče boje Partizana. Nisam još ubacio. Ali izgleda da ću obavezno morati.

Grobarski pozdrav,

Tempo21 (talk) 12:28, 14 September 2012 (UTC)[reply]


Pozdrav :) Pomazi! Samo cu toliko reci. Nado i ja radimo na tome da neki nasi sportki clanci dobiju GA status. Poceli smo od Partizana. Korekcije, smernice, izvori...sve je dobrodoslo :) (Nightwolf87 (talk) 23:25, 15 September 2012 (UTC))[reply]

Pratim sta radite, i napisao sam par stvari na Nadinom talk-page-u upravo o ovome. Ako se ne varam, fakticki smo Nado, ti i ja jedini zainteresovani za ovo. Vidim da ste dobro zasukali rukave i radite, ali mislim da bi bilo jako dobro da se dogovorimo oko strategije i nekih vaznijih stvari sto pre.

I jas sam za to :)--Nado158 (talk) 20:28, 16 September 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Recimo, da pocnemo prvo sa jednim clankom, mislim da radis vec dosta na FK Partizan, hocete tako da radimo? Ako hocete prvo Zvezdu ili neki drugi clanak, ja sam OK. Mislim da vec imamo kao cilj da barem FK Partizan i Red Star Belgrade dovedemo na GA status, a potom bi bilo idelno i FK Vojvodina i OFK Beograd sa tim da bih ja ovu zadnju, OFK-u, voleo da uzmem i sa vremenom povadim sve najvaznije o glavnom periodu (BSK) iz knjiga i za to ce mi trebati malo vremena, ali otom potpom dok stignemo do nje.

Nisam Grobar, ali ja sam za to da prvi clanak bude FK Partizam , jel je i jedini nas trenutni klub u Evropi i treba biti najbrze odradjen. Posle toga predlazem Vojvodinu, Radnicki Nis, Radnicki Kragujevac i OFK. Sta kazete?--Nado158 (talk) 20:28, 16 September 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Naravno. Samo polako Nado, jer treba prvo Partizan i zatim Zvezdu doterati, i to moze da potraje. FkpCascais (talk) 00:36, 17 September 201
Onda, mislim da si ti veoma vec dobro upoznat sa viki pravilima, ali Nado mislim da nazalost nije. Nado, ako ovo citas, kao Boga te molim da izdvojis barem malo vremena i umesto direktnog editovanja clanaka da pauziras satic vremena i samo procitas najvaznije od oni pravila. Znam da deluje dosadno, ali nije toliko, veruj mi, kad pocnes da citas videces da sve ima veze sa editovanjem i sve ima smisla. To ces kad tad morati da uradis jer vecina stvari sto si pisao na svim clancima morati da se prilagode tim zakonima, i sto pre se ti sam upoznas sa njima, to bolje, i tebi ce onda sve biti jasnije.

Vazi, uradicu, obecam.--Nado158 (talk) 20:28, 16 September 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Sto se clanka FK Partizan tice (´ce mo s´njim poceti?) mislim da ce biti neminovno da napisemo poseban clanak History of FK Partizan a da u glavnom clanku pokusamo da skratimo malo. Clanak ima vec preko maksimalno preporucljivih 100KB, a nama fali jos stvari da dodamo.
Koje jos predloge imate?

I dobre slike obavezno--Nado158 (talk) 20:28, 16 September 2012 (UTC)[reply]

PS: meni je licno problem sto sam ovih nedelja dosta skracen sa vremenom zbog posla. Radim za kompjuterom i zato mogu cesto da skoknem da vidim sta se desava na vestima ili ovde na viki, ali nekad mogu vise da zabusavam, a nekad manje, i sad je upravo taj period. To je tokom nedelje, a vikendom moram malo i porodici da se posvetim jer je vreme fantasticno ovde kod mene, a pored toga imam jos i golf turnir... Tako da nije mogao gori period da mi bude za neki veci poduhvat kao ovo. ALI :) pregledacu clanak i treba da zapisemo sve ideje i zadatke na jedno mesto. Dosta ste uradili i nismo toliko udaljeni od cilja koliko je delovalo. Trazicu isto savet jednom adminu oko nasih clanaka. FkpCascais (talk) 02:14, 16 September 2012 (UTC)[reply]

I ja imam slican problem od sutra--Nado158 (talk) 20:28, 16 September 2012 (UTC)[reply]

  • Mislim da treba da zaboravimo spomenuti NK Maribor. Samo sto sam ga pregledao vec sam video nekoliko gresaka. Clanak je verovatno vec dosta menjan od kada je dobio GA status i nije nam uopste najbolji primer. Umesto njega, preporucujem da se ugledamo na FC Bayern Munich koji je i po prirodi (vodeci klub u zemlji) i strukturi clanka mnogo slicniji onome sto bi trebali clanci Partizana i Zvezde da budu. I naravno, clanak je GA, samo ovaj mi izgleda bas primeran. Moze? FkpCascais (talk) 02:22, 16 September 2012 (UTC) Aha, vidim da si spomenuo Juventus FC kao primer, moze naravno, isto je bas dobar! Moze i Manchester United F.C. koji je, ono, klasika, i on je cak i stepen vise, featured article. FkpCascais (talk) 02:27, 16 September 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Clanak o Manchester Unitedu je bas dobar. Ovako, treba napraviti podclanke History of FK Partizan (mislim da treba tako a ne History of Partizan Belgrade, zbog zvanicnog imena clanka koji se spominje u svim UEFA takmicenjima), sledeci podclanak treba da bude FK Partizan colours and crest jer na glavnoj stranici treba ostaviti samo jednu repliku dresa i jedan grb i sustinski tekst o nastanku resova i grbova, a ostali grbovi i resovi sa vise teksta ubaciti u pomenuti podclanak. Sledeci podclanak treba da bude FK Partizan records and statistics - sve rekorde kluba treba prebaciti u ovaj clanak, a ostaviti samo najbitnije. Dalje, u podclanak FK Partizan in Europe treba ubaciti ove tabele sa najznacajnijim evropskim uspesima kao i UEFA ranking listu. E sad ona tabela o broju odigranih, pobeda, poraza u Evropi treba u Recors and statistics ili u FK Partizan in Europe? Jasno je meni da clanak treba da bude koncizan, bez preterivanja, jasno napisan, nepristrasan i sa odgovarajucim izvorima. Trenutno u clanku ima dosta dobrog teksta koji vec moze i treba da se iskoristi za pojedine podclanke. Ja msilim a clanak moze da dobije GA status samo sto mu treba malo oterivanja uz ove nove podclanke koji ce pomoci da se clanak skrati,a da ostane sustina :) Pa valjda je u interesu wikiprojectSerbia da dobije neki sportski clanak sa GA statusom :D (Nightwolf87 (talk) 12:11, 16 September 2012 (UTC))[reply]

Vazi braco, razumem. Da FC Bayern, znaju nemci sta rade sta se tice toga.ManU? Barca, moze i to ah?--Nado158 (talk) 20:28, 16 September 2012 (UTC) Ali cekaj, podclanak samo vredi ako ima dosta materijala a vidi Crisis kod Paritzana itd.SVe je to kratko i taman mislim. Vidi naprimer clanak Hajduk SPlita na hrvatskom. Ima samo jedan podclanak i licno mislim da je vec PArtizan ov clanak dosta blizu zvezdici. Da vadis sve i svasta iz glavnog clanaka, ne znam, ja mislim daje to previse i da je ovako kako je ok ili? citnih promena tu i tamo i to je to ili va mislite?--Nado158 (talk) 22:30, 16 September 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Bitan je WP:SIZERULE. A ima FK Partizan ima trenutno 104kB. Znaci, vec smo preko najvisljih 100kB a jos nam fali izvora...
Za sada mozda ne moramo, ali bi taj clanak History of FK Partizan svejedno trebao da se napravi. Ne mora sad odmah, ali ce biti koristan jer u njemu onda moze opsirno cela istorija kluba da se pise. Kao sto vidis, to mnogi ostali klubovi imaju, i Partizan (kao i Zvezda, pa cak i Vojvodina i OFK-a) sigurno imaju dovoljno materijala da se naprave ti posebni clanci specificni o istoriji svakog kluba i tamo onda ne mora nista da se oduzima, nego bas naprotiv, moze lepo opsirno da se sve pise. Recimo, pocetak Partizana i razne prve decenije mogu mnogo detaljnije i opsirnije da se pisu...
Clanak Hajduka na hrvatskoj vikipediji je na drugoj vikipediji, i oni tamo mogu da imaju i druga pravila... to je ne vezano potpuno za nas cilj postizanja statusa GA za ove nase clanke ovde na en.wikipedia.org. Moramo da se ugledamo na najbolje clanke sa ove engleske vikipedije. Sto se istorije tice, mislim da treba pogledati istorijsku sekciju FC Bayern Munich. Pa zamisli oni koliko bi mogli da pisu o istoriji? Istorijski deo na Partizanu je za sada dobar sto se velicine tice, i neke stvari koje je Nightwolf87 vec spomenuo ce nam isto pomoci da skratimo totalni broj KB. FkpCascais (talk) 00:34, 17 September 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Dobro. I ja sma za to da bude History of FK Partizan i da se ubaci kad bude skroz gotov. --Nado158 (talk) 08:22, 17 September 2012 (UTC)[reply]


Zdravo. Pravo da ti kazem sad prvi put cujem o Jelicevom dolasku u Smederevo. Bar u lokalnim medijima nista ne cuh. A ni nigde na netu osim na NSF se to ne spominje. Nightfall87 (talk) 23:46, 1 October 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Naletim li na nesto konkretnije u vezi sa ovim unecu ovde. Ukoliko me neko ne pretekne. :) Nightfall87 (talk) 23:58, 1 October 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Hmmmm... Sta znam. Zvanicni sajt kluba mi ipak deluje kao relativno pouzdan izvor. Nightfall87 (talk) 09:29, 2 October 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Na kraju krajeva i da ostane ovako ne bih imao nista protiv. Dodacu samo njegov profil sa sajta Smedereva u External links. Ako saznamo da je u Meksiku igrao za podmladak ili neku filijalu izmenicemo stranu, dotle ce i tranutno stanje posluziti. Edit: Nebitno, sad videh da si vec ubacio. :) Nightfall87 (talk) 18:27, 2 October 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Re: Lucas

Hi FkpCascais. I know Lucas António Silva de Oliveira has played in Mexico for years, but I cannot find any articles discussing Lucas Marques da Silva playing for Cruz Azul in 2012. He does not appear at Mediotiempo.com, so if he was with Cruz Azul, it was probably in one of their filial teams. I will try a few other sources and see if I can find something. Best regards. Jogurney (talk) 14:41, 2 October 2012 (UTC)[reply]


Yes, Im sure. FFM agreed 2 games for that period (within 2 days), so for the second game (against Iran) they used the U21 team (it was the U21 coach and players). However, since the friendly game was agreed on senior level with the football federation of Iran, they decided to play that game as "Macedonia B"... From the same reasons, this match (you can check in the database of FIFA), was NOT officially recognized by FIFA. Therefore, these caps also dont count as Macedonian A team caps either, as that was a B (U21) team we used for that game and the game/caps are not counted by FIFA (only the game against Liechtenstein, where our A team indeed played, was counted). — Preceding unsigned comment added by Msb73505 (talkcontribs) 06:20, 3 October 2012 (UTC)[reply]


Ma uredu je. Kada sam pravio članak nisam ni uložio puno trudo i volje u njega, jednostavno nisam imao vremena, a što je još više žalosnije to nisam uradio ni do sada iako imam baš puno izvora. Kada je bio incident između Manijaka i Torcide, planirao sam napisati poseban članak, a to ni do današnjeg dana nisam uradio. Ne znam, uvijek mi je bilo lakše uređivati i sređivati postojeće članke nego da moram ga sam napraviti. Ali potrudit ću se u skorije vrijeme, pa da uredim/napravim većinu članak vezanu za FK Željezničar. Tebi hvala na podršci. AnelZukic (talk) 21:04, 6 October 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Yugoslav First League

Zdravo druze. Nadam se da si dobro? Kako da prijavim nekog kad imam problem sa njim? Kako da se zalim i kod kojeg administratora? Imam porblem na strani YFL sa jednim (izgleda Splicanin ;)). Provocira ...vidi pa ces svatiti. Hvala--Nado158 (talk) 17:04, 7 October 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Pozdrav Nado, polako nemojte se nijedan ni drugi nervirati i ratovati, moze sve kroz dijalog da se resi (haha, slusaj mene demagoga :D ). Vec sam bio pricao sa Vicodinom na njegovoj strani, ovde User_talk:Dr._Vicodine#Yugoslav_First_League, ali mesto gde treba sve da se dogovorimo je sad ovde: [[4]]. Pridruzio nam se editor o Yu fudbalu, Timbouctou, sa kojim imam vec dugogodisnju odlicnu saradnju, tako da nemam uopste sumnje da ce mo naci najbolje i najkorektnije resenje za clanak. Kazi tamo sve sto mislis, svi ce mo, i bice sve u redu :) FkpCascais (talk) 02:11, 8 October 2012 (UTC)[reply]


Olá FKP, AL (ou outro nome se preferires ;)) por aqui,

gostava da tua ajuda no artigo do Vladimir Stojković se puder ser, trabalhei que me fartei para tirar o OVERLINKING (o Red Star Belgrade deve estar para aí 50 vezes!), e o palavreado era do outro mundo, quase poesia (ler aqui se é que ainda não conheces, eu acho que já mas envio à mesma - é de evitar os PEACOCKs e as WEASELs). Também arranjei mais referências e comecei a "encher" o intro.

Onde eu preciso mesmo da tua ajuda é nas referências em Sérvio. Podes traduzir os títulos por favor (já lá pus o campinho e tudo, o TRANS_TITLE)? Em relação aos incidentes com o tipo, só posso dizer uma coisa: quem faz isto que lhe fizeram (mais que UMA vez!), venha de que país vier e seja adepto de que clube for, é um autêntico ANIMAL, que não quer saber da bola para nada, ainda dizem que o futebol é festa...sei que és do Partizan pela tua página, mas de certeza que os ultras do Partizan não são nenhumas freiras, sejam desse clube, Estrela Vermelha, Sporting, Benfica, Real Madrid, Atlético Madrid (um dia há quase 20 anos, mataram um gajo da Real Sociedad, Aitor Zabaleta, que andava a passear ao pé do estádio antes do jogo, porque LHES APETECEU), etc, é tudo a mesma corja, espero que concordes comigo.

Um abraço sentido, ajuda sem pressas, só quando puderes - --AL (talk) 21:18, 17 October 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Disculpa, mas tive num total wiki-break durante estas semanas e devo continuar durante mais algumas... Abraço! FkpCascais (talk) 04:44, 24 October 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Followup RFC to WP:RFC/AAT now in community feedback phase

Hello. As a participant in Wikipedia:Requests for comment/Abortion article titles, you may wish to register an opinion on its followup RFC, Wikipedia:Requests for comment/Abortion advocacy movement coverage, which is now in its community feedback phase. Please note that WP:RFC/AAMC is not simply a repeat of WP:RFC/AAT, and is attempting to achieve better results by asking a more narrowly-focused, policy-based question of the community. Assumptions based on the previous RFC should be discarded before participation, particularly the assumption that Wikipedia has or inherently needs to have articles covering generalized perspective on each side of abortion advocacy, and that what we are trying to do is come up with labels for that. Thanks! —chaos5023 20:27, 24 October 2012 (UTC)

Footballers from Kosovo

Hi there. As there is a number of good Norwegian footballers hailing from Kosovo, I from time to time encounter Albanian editors who adds to these articles that they are of "Albanian ethnicity" even though the article already states that they are Kosovar. The most recent example is Shqipnia12 contributions to Valon Berisha and Ardian Gashi. As you are from Balkan, and a member of WikiProject Football I want to know what you think of these edits (even though I guess an Albanian wont listen to a Serb? :P)? As a Norwegian, I don't see the point of mentioning both the link to Albania and Kosovo, but I'm not very familiar with this. Mentoz86 (talk) 17:31, 13 November 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Mentoz86, I apologise, I have been on a longer wiki-break so I only now saw your message. I´m not sure what to say... by MOSBIO it says ethnicity origin should be avoided in the lede, but if a player is an ethnic Albanian from Kosovo the options basically should be either Kosovan or Kosovo Albanian... There are no many Albanian nor Kosovar editors, but the ones I had encountered with I menaged to have good colaboration with them. I´ll try to see if I can find any and let you know. Best regards, and sorry for answering only now. FkpCascais (talk) 01:00, 15 November 2012 (UTC)[reply]
No worries, it only took you 32 hours to answer so I guess the wikibreak wasn't that long :). I've removed it from the lede, so it's only mentioned in the body of the article, which I guess is ok. Mentoz86 (talk) 16:42, 15 November 2012 (UTC)[reply]


Meu caro, da outra vez não fui avante, agora vou. SEIS ANOS foi uma "boa série", mas já chega, já não consigo funcionar, ele é insultos, ele é má onda (no geral claro, nada contigo meu), e eu admito que nunca consegui (em 99,99999999% dos casos) trabalhar com o consenso devido do "site".

Como podes calcular, já não quero saber como fica o artigo do Vlada Stojkovic, se as referências ficam assim, assado ou de cabeça para baixo, não deu para ajudar não deu. Melhorei-o o melhor que pude e soube.

Um grande abraço do sul de Portugal, que tudo te corra bem dentro e fora do wiki-espaço! --AL (talk) 15:05, 20 November 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Zimska transfer lista

Mozes da otvoris stranicu ? Pozdrav Bora83ns (talk) 07:27, 4 December 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Kako moze da bude Milan Jovanovic medju slavim igracima Radnickog? Ako je bio u klubu mozda 6 meseci, koliko je utakmica odigrao za isti?

Zato sto je bio clan Radnickog i igrao je za drzavni tim (Crnu Goru)... Stavljamo u tu listu i igrace koji su igrali za reprezentacije, makar bili i kratko vreme u klubu, pa su kao takvi "notable"... FkpCascais (talk) 03:09, 17 January 2013 (UTC)[reply]

--Bohemian018 (talk) 16:28, 17 January 2013 (UTC) Hhhh, smesni su ti kriterijumi. Ti da se drzis istih stavio bi na listu jednog Vladana Kujovica koji je zapoceo karijeru u Radnickom, Aleksandra Ignjatovica, Bratislava Ristica, Miljana Mrdakovica, igraci koji su iz Nisa, a ne ove koje apsolutno ne mogu da se stave u grupu slavni igraci!! I sa transfer liste si skinuo sve igrace koji su napustili klub stvarno, zbog cega?[reply]

Nisam ja pravio kriterijume :) ali mozes da stavis sve igrace koji ispunjavaju bilo koju od gore navedenih tacaka. Jovanovic je ispunjava jer je reprezentativac pa posto je bio u klubu (makar kratko, tu polusezonu) onda je na spisku... Reprezentativci su lako uocljivi strancima pa je zato prakticno njih imati. A igrace sto si naveo, naravno treba da su na spisku.
Ono sa transfer liste sam izbrisao jer nema izvor, stavljen je bio neki slanak sa sportala od pre godinu dana... Svaki transfer treba da ima izvor gde je to navedeno... Razumem, ti mozda znas unutar kluba koji su igraci otisli a koji dosli, ali vikipedija funkcionise na principu izvora. Ali eno, ima vec vracenih nekoliko koji imaju izvor gde se navodi da su otisli iz kluba. Moras da nabavis neki clanak ili sa zvanicnog sajta ili onda iz medija gde se navode ti transferi. Inace bi svako mogao da dodaje i skida sta god hoce pa bi onda lista bila anarhicna i niko ne bi znao kome da veruje ili ne. Pozdrav! FkpCascais (talk) 20:23, 19 January 2013 (UTC)[reply]

English Wikipedia

Please note that this is the English language Wikipedia, and all contributions should be in English, so that all members of the community can understand them. It is a mistake to think that messages posted to user talk pages are private conversations, and that other editors don't need to be able to understand them. JamesBWatson (talk) 14:38, 16 January 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Hello James. I usually allways adress other users in English, however there are some occasions when I am adressed in some other language so that is why that happends. However, I allways encourage users to use English and disencourage non-English speaking users to edit en.wiki, but occasionally it is necessary to discuss things with them in order to explain some things and have articles stable. FkpCascais (talk) 03:15, 17 January 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Vladimir Stojković

Hi there FKP, AL "here",

can you please take 30 MINUTES to provide the translations for the refs in Serbian, please? I don't know anyone else that speaks the language, otherwise i would stop bothering you of course and ask someone else.

Thank you, regards - --AL (talk) 22:10, 6 February 2013 (UTC)[reply]

I´ll try, but I have been having scarse free time these last months, that is why I haven´t much around latelly. But whenever you need please bring it to me, and I´ll try to see if I can help. Just don´t find strange if you unfortunatelly don´t catch me for days around here. Best regards AL, FkpCascais (talk) 02:04, 8 February 2013 (UTC)[reply]

The article Darko Micevski has been proposed for deletion because of the following concern:

Article about a footballer who fails WP:GNG and who has not played in a fully pro league.

While all contributions to Wikipedia are appreciated, content or articles may be deleted for any of several reasons.

You may prevent the proposed deletion by removing the {{proposed deletion/dated}} notice, but please explain why in your edit summary or on the article's talk page.

Please consider improving the article to address the issues raised. Removing {{proposed deletion/dated}} will stop the proposed deletion process, but other deletion processes exist. In particular, the speedy deletion process can result in deletion without discussion, and articles for deletion allows discussion to reach consensus for deletion. Sir Sputnik (talk) 01:27, 7 February 2013 (UTC)[reply]


Hello! I notice you are a fellow pigeon fancier! Perhaps you would like to see this picture of a pigeon!


Have a lovely day today.. Lamb Ham Jam Man (talk) 19:16, 8 February 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Yes, I do. I feel much empathy for those quite mistrated birds, specially within urban areas, and I even rescue the ones I can. Thank you very much for being kind and sharing such a good spirit among Wikipedians. FkpCascais (talk) 19:49, 8 February 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Lista stranih fudbalera u Srbiji

Zdravo. Ne znam da li se slazes, al po meni ovoj strani treba mnogo sredjivanja.

  • Prvo, ogranicio bih clanak samo na igrace koji su igrali od osnivanja Super lige. Tj od sezone 2006-07 pa na ovamo. Znam da to pokriva samo poslednjih 7 sezona, ali takva je praksa i na ostalim clancima. Za Englesku Premier ligu su izlistani igraci od 92 pa na ovamo. Za Bundesligu od 1963. Za Rusku ligu od 1992. Moze nama da se ne svidja kolko god ocemo, al opet mislim da bi isti princip trebao da vazi i za nasu ligu. Samim tim bi se clanak resio i gomile igraca za koje se pouzdano ne zna ime ili period u kojem su igrali u ligi.
  • Drugo, nekako drugacije zapisivati period u kojem je igrac bio u nasem fudbalu. Sam rece da ovako nije estetski.
  • Trece, Additional information spojiti sa Notes sa pocetka clanka i drasticno smanjiti broj referenci. Jeste da bi svaki clanak trebao da bude dobro dokumentovan ali ovo je preterivanje. :) Na stranu sto ne mogu bas za sve linkove tvrditi da su dovoljno pouzdani za wikipediju.

Kazi sta ti mislis o ovome pa da sredjujemo clanak. Nightfall87 (talk) 19:15, 9 February 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Partizan FC

Hello, friend! Because of rules I will write on English :) Currently, I'm working on FK Partizan article. Please, look it and tell me what you think on a first sight. It's not done because the sub-articles needs to be finished. I have summarized and rewritten the articles about Partizan Stadium and SC Partizan-Teleoptik. Next are FK Partizan seasons and List of FK Partizan records and statistics. And do what you think about moving FK Partizan strip into History of FK Partizan? Or to stay separated? And do you have any new and free pictures of Partizan stadium and SC Teleoptik? Panorama of JNA would be really cool :) Regards my friend! PS. Nado is banned and he can't help us :( (Nightwolf87 (talk) 22:12, 18 March 2013 (UTC))[reply]

Hello Nightwolf87, I am really sorry I haven´t been able to be more present and help more lately. I hope to find moe time this weekend and I will gladly help you, but I am sure you are doing a fine job just as you allways do. Kindest regards FkpCascais (talk) 05:46, 23 March 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Bobrayner - edit wars on Republika Srpska

I need to inform you that a conversation is happening here. I have to tell you as I mentioned your name. You are not obliged to take part but are welcome to do so. Thanks. Evlekis (Евлекис) (argue) 19:00, 3 April 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks. I dropped a comment there. Kind regards Evlekis, FkpCascais (talk) 20:01, 3 April 2013 (UTC)[reply]


Hi FkpC, I have alluded to you in this latest case involving Bobrayner[5]. If you have experienced anything not included, please provide details. It is time the admins saw the full scale of this editor's disruption in the ARBMAC field. Evlekis (Евлекис) (argue) 04:54, 8 April 2013 (UTC)[reply]

AE result

Per this request at WP:AE, you are reminded that participation in edit wars over content related to WP:ARBMAC is potentially sanctionable. You are further advised that knowingly adding incorrect information to an article as you did repeatedly at [6]] is also potentially sanctionable. Thank you, Gatoclass (talk) 09:36, 29 April 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Is this a joke? I didn´t edit wared and the diff has nothing to do with me. If you don´t present anything related to me, I´ll be removing your post... FkpCascais (talk) 10:06, 29 April 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Oh, you mean the revert of a section blanking? Why I wasn´t notified about the existance of that AE thread? FkpCascais (talk) 10:23, 29 April 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I assumed you knew of the request, my apologies for the oversight. For the record, the advisement is due to you knowingly adding incorrect information to an article, here and here. Gatoclass (talk) 10:37, 29 April 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, the problem was a bit more complex than adding wrong information by itself: it was section blanking by another user which included the removal of a valid source with correct information. Thank you for the clarification, however I still find unfair to receve warnings without having been notified neither having participated in the AE discussion. Regards, FkpCascais (talk) 10:43, 29 April 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I agree it was inappropriate for you not to be informed of the discussion; this occurred because you were not an original party to the dispute and your name only came up in the latter stages of discussion; nonetheless I doubt your participation would have changed the outcome. BTW, this was not a warning, but an advisement that knowingly adding incorrect information is potentially sanctionable. You did not receive a sanction on this occasion because the incorrect info did not appear to be very misleading, if it had been you would almost certainly have been sanctioned. Gatoclass (talk) 11:04, 29 April 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you for the clarification. Kind regards, FkpCascais (talk) 11:26, 29 April 2013 (UTC)[reply]


Here's a plate full of cookies to share!
Hi FkpCascais, here are some delicious cookies to help brighten your day! However, there are too many cookies here for one person to eat all at once, so please share these cookies with at least two other editors by copying {{subst:Sharethecookies}} to their talk pages. Enjoy! WhiteWriterspeaks 14:17, 13 May 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Hello, can you tell me what you think of this revision? Are the names on display correct according to their English common forms? Thanks. (talk) 16:21, 17 May 2013 (UTC)[reply]

I think that Bobrayner should make a RfM for all those city names he insists in piping to an Albanian name version. FkpCascais (talk) 17:13, 17 May 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Is this allowed??? (talk) 15:35, 19 May 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Now you need to prove at your talk page that you are not a sockpuppet of Evlekis... I don´t have almost any experience with sockpuppet investigations, and I really don´t know much of how that works. FkpCascais (talk) 16:22, 19 May 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Serbian Latin predates Croatian in the use of characteristic Dj, Lj and Nj?

Ave Druže! take a look at Serbian Latin predates Croatian in the use of characteristic Dj, Lj and Nj? — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 01:24, 22 May 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Invitation to take a short survey about communication and efficiency of WikiProjects for my research

Hi FkpCascais, I'm working on a project to study the running of WikiProject and possible performance measures for it. I learn from WikiProject Football talk page that you are an active member of the project. I would like to invite you to take a short survey for my study. If you are available to take our survey, could you please reply an email to me? I'm new to Wikipedia, I can't send too many emails to other editors due to anti-spam measure. Thank you very much for your time. Xiangju (talk) 17:55, 22 May 2013 (UTC)[reply]

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Jovan Nikolić dab?

Hi man, how are you doing? Well I hope. I just added a hatnote to one of your footy BLPs

Up to you whether the footballer stays at WP:PRIMARYTOPIC or you think now needs dab, I would be neutral since the writer is mainly notable in Germany. In ictu oculi (talk) 01:46, 29 May 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Hi, thanks for the notice. The footballer ain´t no worldwide star, so the dab sounds as the best choice. FkpCascais (talk) 02:18, 29 May 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks I only spotted it because the unsourced soldier stub Jovan Nikolic was raised in discussion of use of the (as far as I know) unique "------ic (Serbian ----ić)" formula in 1 Serbian sports BLP. This Jovan Nikolic "Major Jovan Nikolić (1873–1917) was a Serbian officer during the First World War,... " I can find no trace of a soldier in 1917, not under Serbian Joвaн Hикoлић in Google Books. Is the Major even notable? certainly isn't WP:PRIMARY. In searching the footballer and the writer and a 3rd Jovan Nikolić (engineer) http://www.telegraf.rs/vesti/654117-intervju-jovan-nikolic-izgradite-kucu-za-500-evra-po-kvadratu-kljuc-u-ruke kept appearing, but no soldier...
PS - On a related note, I added Ivo Andrić as example to Wikipedia:Naming conventions (Cyrillic), and asked on WikiProject Serbia if there was a better example. No one has commented. In ictu oculi (talk) 03:02, 29 May 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Ivo Andric is a fine exemple, a well known Nobelist. Regarding the officer Jovan Nikolic, I also didn´t found anything. It wouldn´t be much drama if the article ends up deleted. Anyway, both Jovan as a name and Nikolic as a surname are pretty common in Serbia and the region, so dab would be a good solution. I´ll let you know if I find anything about the officer, but I haven´t had much time lately to dedicate myself to wp as I wanted. FkpCascais (talk) 03:17, 29 May 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Hi. Thanks for looking, I put in an AfD on the soldier Jovan Nikolic, couldn't find anything except the other Jovan Nikolićs.
What about Milan Dincic Dinčić / Милан Динчић? Is he notable for a singer do you think? In ictu oculi (talk) 08:41, 30 May 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I am not sure about the notability for singers and musicians, I supose an AfD was a good move. FkpCascais (talk) 13:29, 30 May 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Nomination of FK Partizan strip for deletion

A discussion is taking place as to whether the article FK Partizan strip is suitable for inclusion in Wikipedia according to Wikipedia's policies and guidelines or whether it should be deleted.

The article will be discussed at Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/FK Partizan strip until a consensus is reached, and anyone is welcome to contribute to the discussion. The nomination will explain the policies and guidelines which are of concern. The discussion focuses on high-quality evidence and our policies and guidelines.--Nado158 (talk) 11:32, 30 May 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks Cascais

Hi Cascais,

Thank you for helping me out with the Zlatan Alomerović case. As you can see I am sometimes more active and sometimes less active here depending on how busy my work/life is hehe. In regards to Alomerović, it is irrelevant what flag should be there, if he is born in Tunguzija then a Tungusian flag should be there lol. That's what the other users don't understand is that I like facts not bias.

Хвала брате што ме подржаваш у разним споровима, добар си корисник и човек.

Tempo21 (talk) 16:42, 3 June 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Walter is a fine footy editor, it´s just that he seems to have missunderstood that Priboj is in Serbia lolol. I have also been much less around here lately because of same reasons as you. I basically simply check my watchlist from time to time or just add minor fixes to same pages and so. I noteced a kind of warning you receved and knowing that you are a great editor I just looked at what happend and left an opinion. I didn´t followed how it ended, and I am not sure if Walter read it as I didn´t left him any talkback template on his talkpage, but I think you were right as Alomerovic didn´t represented any national team at any level and thus the birthplace s usually used as flag (birthplace in such case is only disregarded when someone was born accidentally somewhere, like being born somewhere because of parents working temporarily there, but that was certainly not the case of Alomerovic and Priboj). Well, you know all this, so there was not any problem, just a missunderstanding.
Ahahaha... evo je Tunguzija :D
Puno te pozdravljam :) FkpCascais (talk) 20:05, 3 June 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Uspeli ssssmo

I tebi jedno veliko hvala :). Bilo mi je cast da pomognem, da saradjujemo i da sam deo toga da je Partizanova strana dobila good article i ako nisam Partizanovac :P, barem ne u SuperLigi ;). Zao mi je sto nisam mogao da pomognem ovi zadnjih trenutaka jel mi je jos zabranjeno. Nadam se da cemo i u buducnosti saradjivati ;). Inace ja sam dosta popravio Zvezdinu, Partizanovu i Vosinu stranu na nemackoj vp sto se tice istorije. Tamo radim na tome sto smo ovde vec uspeli, ali nemci imaju dosta uslova i strogiji su, ali uspecu jel mi dobro ide, to je samo pitanje vremena. Inace, zele ovo da nam obrisu FK Partizan strip, i ja mislim da to nesme da se desi. Veliki pozdrav druze :)!--Nado158 (talk) 18:31, 4 June 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Hehe veliko tebi hvala Nado, tu smo sta god da treba. Veliki, veliki pozdrav! :) FkpCascais (talk) 04:03, 5 June 2013 (UTC)[reply]

June 2013

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Thanks, BracketBot (talk) 22:55, 12 June 2013 (UTC)[reply]


Pun mi je kurac ovih debila na trasferima...Da izvines na izrazu. Kad i ako imas vremena samo ih seci, i ne pitaj nista Bora83ns (talk) 12:32, 17 June 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Ne vredi puno da se covek nervira. Tako je ova vikipedija napravljena da moze svako kad god mu dune da edituje sta god hoce. A najsmesnije mi je kada dodaju transfere sa transfermarkt.co.uk a oni na tom sajtu dodaju transfere sto mi ubacimo, pa se onda ne zna ko je lud zbunjen. Srdacan pozdrav Boro :) FkpCascais (talk) 14:21, 17 June 2013 (UTC)[reply]

A pergunta do milénio

Boas FKP, AL "por aqui",

podes arranjar a tradução das referências em sérvio no Vladimir Stojković (artigo que continua a ser vandalizado, com os cabrões a chamarem-lhe "Mustafa" e "cigano")? Ou isso ou pedir a outro editor que perceba o idioma? Por favor? É que acho que, enquanto não me disseres "Não me chateies mais com isso" eu vou continuar a perguntar, para o bem do artigo.

Dizes-me que meteste uns quantos "wikibreaks" e eu acredito, só tenho razões para acreditar em ti, mas depois vejo que estás bastante activo...Isto só te leva uns 15 minutos para aí, e se pedires a outro editor sérvio ainda menos.

Um abraço, até outra --AL (talk) 15:04, 18 June 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Ta, vou ver. :) Mas tenho mesmo estado muuito menos activo do que antigamente, podes ver pelas minhas contribuiçoes. Basicamente faço pequenas correcçoes aqui e acolá, e tenho feito tantos edits num mes como os que fazia antigamente num dia. Abraço! FkpCascais (talk) 15:07, 18 June 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Mas Vasco, eu não estou a ver bem o que exatamente queres que verifique? É que sao meia centena de referencias e nao tenho mesmo tempo para as verificar todas :( Ha algumas em especifico que queres que veja? FkpCascais (talk) 15:11, 18 June 2013 (UTC)[reply]
  • É muito simples, meu. O artigo tem 45 referências, para aí 25-30 são em sérvio, só preciso do TRANS_TITLE nessas referências (ex. a REF#3 diz "Jovin: "Dobili smo najlakšeg protivnika"", quero que ponhas a tradução em inglês, eu até já facilitei a coisa pondo o dito campo TRANS_TITLE em todas as refs em sérvio, não te custa nada uma vez que falas o idioma fluentemente). --AL (talk) 15:18, 18 June 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Aaaaahh... OK. É que eu não tinha percebido exatamente o que querias que fizesse, e pensei que querias que confirmasse todas as referencias em servio uma por uma e verificasse se correspondem ao que esta la no artigo. Opa, sim, faço a tradução dos titulos das referencias na boa :) Que formato queres que use? Onde queres que ponha a traduçao para ingles? A seguir ao titulo em servio? FkpCascais (talk) 15:22, 18 June 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Ah, espera, vou meter onde disseste que ponha, OK, ja percebi ;) Demorei mas percebi lol FkpCascais (talk) 15:24, 18 June 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Era so essa. Pronto, acho que estao todas... vou confirmar... FkpCascais (talk) 15:49, 18 June 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Só mais esta: na última referência (em PERSONAL), o que é que quer dizer "Srpski sinovi", para traduzirmos tal como deve ser? Mais uma vez, mil obrigados. --AL (talk) 19:07, 18 June 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Quer dizer "filhos da Sérvia". FkpCascais (talk) 11:28, 19 June 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Wikipedia appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited Cadú (footballer), you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page Cadu (check to confirm | fix with Dab solver). Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. Read the FAQ • Join us at the DPL WikiProject.

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Again me

Pozdrav druze! Moracu na srpskom jer zurim. Jel imas nekog sa vikipedije da profesionalno zna engleski? Potreban je clanku o Partizanu. Izgubio je GA status zbog nekih pravopisnih i gramatickih gresaka. Da bi se opet nominovao potrebno je ispraviti te greske. Znam da smaram ali bezveze je posle toliko truda da sve propadne. (Nightwolf87 (talk) 13:00, 22 June 2013 (UTC))[reply]

Problem je sto nemam... Jedino da zamolim nekoga na WP:FOOTY. FkpCascais (talk) 13:11, 23 June 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I might be able to help User:Nightwolf87. But that isn't the reason I came to your Talk, I was wondering if you have any further edits to WP:Naming conventions (Cyrillic) if we take from current draft to RfC for adoption as a guideline? In ictu oculi (talk) 04:34, 2 July 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Wikipedia appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited FK Radnički Niš, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page Aleksandar Atanacković (check to confirm | fix with Dab solver). Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. Read the FAQ • Join us at the DPL WikiProject.

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Srpski mac

Kako si druze :)? Nadam se da si dobro? Samo jednu stvar. Najstariji klub na prostorima YU je Srpski mac (Boracko-Loptacko drustvo Srpski mac), osnovan 1897, ako to mozez ovde da popravis...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yugoslav_football_clubs. Meni jos nije dozvoljeno. Nazalost retko to neko zna da je taj klu b najstariji, bolje reci prvi klub....Hvala ti, ipak PRVI ;)--Nado158 (talk) 18:31, 16 July 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Pozdrav Nado, u pravu si, Srpski Mac treba da bude na listi, sad cu ga ubaciti. Ali na listi fale mnogi klubovi. Pozdrav! FkpCascais (talk) 20:35, 16 July 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Srpski mac jeste osnovan 1897 ali pitanje kada je fudbalska sekcija u njemu stvorena... FkpCascais (talk) 21:03, 16 July 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Hvala ti. Kako ja znam on je bio od samog pocetka loptacki klub, loptacki klub veterana. On je ugasen 1911 (ne 1941, ali njegov naslednik je BSK) i njegovi igraci itd su vrlo brzo osnovali BSK. U sustini BSK je naslednik Srpskog maca. A sta kazes o teoriji da je Partizan upravo naslednik BSKa ane mozda OFK, ili pola pola? I licno mislim da je CZ naslednik SK Velike Srbije (SK Jugoslavija). Neki nece da svate, ali nasi najveci klubovi imaju mnogo vecu i duzu tradiciju nego stosu svesni....njihov pocetak nije komunizam ili bilo sta, nego uprav sasvim nesto drugo. Po tome, Partizan preko BSK i Sprskog maca ima najduze korene. A u istom momentu i CZ, jel irgaci koji su napustili BSK su stvorili SK VS. Znaci priv koraci, koreni su SRPSKI i kako se moze reci isti. Ko to danas zna? Nasalost skoro niko. Pored toga i veciti derbi je naslednik Beogradskog derbija izmedju SK VS i BSKa koji je prvi put odigran 1913 i priv dobio naziv VECITI DERBI, niko drugi na Balkanu. Onda su ga preuzeli Hrvati, pa od Jugoslovena i Bugari idt (na ovim prostorima).--Nado158 (talk) 11:44, 17 July 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Ja sam upravo i dodao sve to malo sto ima o vecitom derbiju izmedju BSK i Jugoslavije ovde na vikiju. I stavio sam link o knjizi "Veciti derbi" bas o tome. Inace, ne moze da se smatra Partizan niti Zvezda naslednici, to mora zvanicno da bude tako, a zvanicno Jugoslavija nema naslednika, a BSK je OFK Beograd... FkpCascais (talk) 11:59, 17 July 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Ja sam se izgleda zeznuo. 1911 su ti igraci napustili klub Srpski mac, ali klub je i dalje irgao izgleda. Sad nisam sigurna jel to tacno i dokle? Pa znas kako brate, to su komunisit tada zabranili da bude zvanicno. Danas se to zaboravilo, ali ima dosta navijaca CZ koji su toga svesni. Pa skoro sve je preuzeto od SK Velike Srbije (SKJ). Naravno da to tada nisu komunjari dozvolili da bude zvanicnio, bas zato sto im je smetao SKJ zbog proslosti. Do dan danas se prica o tome i 100% reseno nije, samo to se to nazalost zaboravlja. Isto vazi za BSK. I nejmu su bili zabranili jedno vreme da igra po tom imenu idt...na kraju kad su Veciti bili na tronu BSK vise nije bio toliko bitan pa je bilo svedno da mu se vrati ime itd....svoj priv Stadion je dobio PB, svoj su dobili i prica je bila kao zavrsena. Od koga da bude zvanicno??? Od onih lopova u upravi kao Frizura, Tole idt? Pa svi oni nemaju blage veze Tole nije do juc eni znao ko je Cika Daca.--Nado158 (talk) 12:20, 17 July 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Auu brate sta nam radi ona uprava....1:1 a moglo je biti 4:0 za Jermence...bruka. Nista tu nevalja.--Nado158 (talk) 15:11, 17 July 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Ovo vise nije nas Partizan. Nas Partizan je nestao onog trenutka kada su oterani Mirnkovic, Tomic i Moreira. Ovo sto od tada gledamo je KF Ramadani koji se slepuje uz ime i istoriju naseg kluba i oteo nam je stadion. Nas Partizan je umro. FkpCascais (talk) 16:11, 17 July 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Strasno, sto uopste Tole i Fadil nemaju WP stranicu ako me razumes ;)?Drugi imaju. Ima dosta izvora, moze se dosta pisati ako me razumes.--Nado158 (talk) 17:10, 17 July 2013 (UTC)--Nado158 (talk) 17:10, 17 July 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Ima Tole, Tomislav Karadžić... Ramadani nema. FkpCascais (talk) 18:08, 17 July 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Wikipedia appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited Fitim Kasapi, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page Kosovar (check to confirm | fix with Dab solver). Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. Read the FAQ • Join us at the DPL WikiProject.

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You are one of most active members of the Wikiproject Serbia so I invite you to participate in activity proposed here.--Antidiskriminator (talk) 10:30, 21 July 2013 (UTC)[reply]

ANI discussion

Information icon Hello. There is currently a discussion at Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/Incidents regarding an issue with which you may have been involved. Thank you. --Joy [shallot] (talk) 20:15, 23 July 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Serbian help needed

Hello FkpCascais, I'm contacting you because we need some Serbian translators to help with the deployment of the new VisualEditor on sr.wikipedia. There are help pages, user guides, and description pages that need translating, as well as the interface itself. The translating work is going on over on MediaWiki: Translation Central. I also need help with a personal message for the Serbian Wikipedians. If you are able to help in any way, either reply here, or head over to TranslationCentral. Thanks for your time, PEarley (WMF) (talk) 22:43, 26 July 2013 (UTC)[reply]


Hi FkpCascais, long time no speak. I've left him a quick message. In future all you need to do is revert (but not edit war!) and warn; if he continues thn report to WP:AIV. GiantSnowman 16:22, 31 July 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Any evidence the IP and the editor are the same? GiantSnowman 22:12, 31 July 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I've reverted the IP (agree it is probably him) and left a warning. GiantSnowman 08:51, 1 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I have revrted, and blocked both the IP and the main account. GiantSnowman 08:09, 5 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]
The main account has now been indefinitely blocked, the IP for a further week. If the IP re-appears let me know, I'll increase the blocks. GiantSnowman 13:09, 8 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]

IP blocked for 1 month. GiantSnowman 20:03, 21 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Hajudk Kula

Zdravo drzuze. Burka sta se uradilo Hajduku. Neki krive BG, ali to nema veze sa njima. Jednostavno su prodali lokalni tajkuni klub, pokrali ga kao i opstinu dok narod i dalje cuti. Hajduk nije ugasen, samo ce biit vracen u 3. ligu. Takodje sve mlade selekcije ostaju...A-tim c eigrati u 3.Ligi.....verovatno po modifikovanim imenom OFK Haduk Kula...ostaje isti klub, nije ugasen ako mozes da poravis. Bice to sve zvanicno u petak izgleda. Hvala.--Nado158 (talk) 10:52, 1 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Pozdrav Nado, pogledacu to, ali ne brini se puno, izlazile su vesti kako se gasi i to pa masovno ljudi to dodaju,a kad bude zvanicna izjava iz kluba onda ce se tacno znati sve. FkpCascais (talk) 12:33, 1 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]

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Gragjanski Skopje

Can you please explain why the famous players section should stay. There is no source whatsoever for the first player yet assertions of notability and only a dead link for the second paragraph and no indication whatsoever that there are reliable sources confirming the team was strengthened. I have tagged these sections for a number of weeks and no editor has made any attempt to resolve or dispute any issue. You simply cannot pick and choose inclusion criteria or pick random players for comment. If reliable sources do not exist then an editor can't just make them up. I'm really not trying to start an edit war here but I just don't understand what bit of WP:V you think you are fulfilling by including these sections? Fenix down (talk) 14:39, 18 September 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Simonovski is by far the most notable player that club had, that is well known fact in the region. He was the best Macedonian player at the time. But I already started searching for a source for it. About the second dead link, I´ll fix it, I´m not sure why is dead, but certainly the site exists and it is one of the most reliable ones for national teams and clubs players represented at time of their nt caps. FkpCascais (talk) 14:43, 18 September 2013 (UTC)[reply]
If that is the case then please, as has been requested many times in the main notable players discussion, provide reliable sources that indicate it like you did at FK Rad. For the second one as has been discussed at the main conversation the fact they have been capped is not a valid criteria and what I am questioning here is the POV comment that their appearance stregthened the team. Again, that comment in particular requires a reliable source. If these are provided then I have no problem with them remaining. Fenix down (talk) 16:29, 18 September 2013 (UTC)[reply]
The Simonovski section is still unreferenced despite your changes, what makes him a particularly notable coach? Also, the main history part of the article says the club folded in 1941, but that the other players mentioned were selected during WWII anf then the club was merged after the war. I thnk this bit is probably better moved into the history section and the potentially confusing wording removed. Whaty do you think? Fenix down (talk) 16:47, 18 September 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I am sorry, I am a bit on and off Wiki so I am not able to reply allways promtly. There are 2 facts about that club and those players:
1- When Bulgaria annexed the region of Macedonia during WWII (previously belonged to Yugoslavia, and returned after the war), Bulgaria included the club in their national competition, and the club even got to finish second played in Bulgarian league in one season. Bulgarians also included the best players of Gragjanski in their national team.
2- One on the players which was included was Kiril Simonovski (at time player, not coach) and he got renamed by Bulgarians as "Kiril Simeonov". He was already by then considered the most importnt player (that fact was mentioned in a Macedonian Football Association article on him which is found on his article but is now a deadlink, but I edited it and remember well). After the war, the region was restored to Yugoslavia, the club disbanded, and Simonovski moved to Partizan and became the first ethnic Macedonian to play for the Yugoslav national team. The other players that played for Bulgaria never got to play for Yugoslavia later, Simonovski was the exception.
But, OK, it can be added in the text, no problem with that. I´ll see some copies of the books I have about football from that period from the region and I´ll try to source as much as I can. Regarding the peakock word "strenghtened", I already removed it, and I agree with you. FkpCascais (talk) 18:18, 18 September 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Spartak Subotica

Da li mozes da prebacis Spartak na novu stranicu, posto se klub vise ne zove Spartak Zlatibor Voda(sutnuli su ZV deo, fala bogu, konacno)

Bora83ns (talk) 12:37, 27 September 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Ne mogu jer je FK Spartak Subotica vec redirect, to moze samo amdinistrator da uradi, zamolicu na WP:FOOTY. FkpCascais (talk) 18:17, 27 September 2013 (UTC)[reply]

October 2013

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Albanian media

Hi there. I know Albanian isn't one of the several languages that used to be named "serbo-croat", but I still thought I'd ask you for help. In the recent year, more or less every Norwegian footballer of Kosovo-Albanian descent (except for those who are already cap-tied for Norway, like Ardian Gashi and Valon Berisha) has "declared to Albanian media that they want to play for Albania". Examples are in Mërgim Hereqi, Flamur Kastrati and Zymer Bytyqi's articles, but I wonder how reliable this is. Except for Herolind Shala, which has already represented Albania, there has been no mention about this in Norwegian media. Given your experience with football in the Balkans, I was hoping that you could help me to find out how reliable this is, and if you are able to translate - is it the players that wants to represent Albania, or is it Albania that wants to recruit these players? Cheers, Mentoz86 (talk) 09:27, 18 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Mentoz, I´ll take a look at this today. I don´t speak Albanian at all, so I´ll have to rely on Google translation. FkpCascais (talk) 13:03, 18 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Mërgim Hereqi said that in 2008, and Flamur Kastrati said it recently, this is the translation of one oof the links here, and Zymer Bytyqi said "Bytyqi: I give up on an invitation from Norway to Albania Team A". Those seem to be the most important Albanian sports media. Seems quite possible that those players play on both sides counting with both options, to play for Norway or for Albania, depending on the opportunities. The Albanian natinal team has been including numerous players of Albanian descent born abroad, and they seem to allways follow such players and ask them if they want to play for Albania. Those players probably say "yes" to the Albanian media, but skip mentioning it to the Norwegian one :D FkpCascais (talk) 13:35, 18 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Sorry for the belated reply. Thanks for having a look at this. I guess I'd have to leave the text in the article, even though it hurts to see Norwegians stating they want to play for another nation than Norway. ;) Mentoz86 (talk) 10:04, 3 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]

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Hvala od srca

Hvala na medalji ili sta je vec haha,nastavicu da prosirujem moj gradski klub,tj.Slobodu.Sad cu skoro da zapocnem sezonu 2009-10 i unazad dok su jos bili u srpskoj ligi zapad..Pozdrav za tebe i jos jednom hvala na medalji..

Milosgr97 (talk) 05:53, 7 November 2013 (CET)

Albania national football team squad

gello, I think the best 23 mans squad, would be more better on wikipedia pages, cause current call-ups doesn.t make sense I think. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Eni.Sukthi.Durres (talkcontribs) 16:05, 9 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]


Hvala za Barn-zvezdu! Sve najbolje, Zastavafan76 (talk) 21:16, 11 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]

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Wow. How childish. --DemirBajraktarevic (talk) 21:50, 16 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]


Olá meu caro FKP, AL "por aqui",

mais um favorzinho com as traduções em sérvio, só te leva um minuto (e já é esticar muito!). No Javier Clemente, por favor dás uma olhadela nas referências #12 e #13? É só ver se a primeira tem a tradução correcta, e traduzir a segunda. Apenas e só.

Um muito obrigado de antemão, espero que tudo esteja bem com o meu caro. Abraços! --AL (talk) 02:33, 19 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Ta tudo bem, espero que contigo também. Vou já ver isso. FkpCascais (talk) 02:38, 19 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Reference Errors on 19 November

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Still a problem

Acting as a proxy for a blocked editor is a bad. You should stop doing that. bobrayner (talk) 13:41, 22 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]


Изволи [7] (talk) 00:45, 28 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Nomination of Bobby Dragas for deletion

A discussion is taking place as to whether the article Bobby Dragas is suitable for inclusion in Wikipedia according to Wikipedia's policies and guidelines or whether it should be deleted.

The article will be discussed at Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Bobby Dragas until a consensus is reached, and anyone is welcome to contribute to the discussion. The nomination will explain the policies and guidelines which are of concern. The discussion focuses on high-quality evidence and our policies and guidelines.

Users may edit the article during the discussion, including to improve the article to address concerns raised in the discussion. However, do not remove the article-for-deletion notice from the top of the article. GiantSnowman 09:17, 29 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]



I would like your opinion on this matter. BobRayner made three reverts in last 24 hours on same page http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=NATO_bombing_of_Yugoslavia&action=history. I would like to know if this is against the rules and if it is to who can we complain? Taataa (talk) 18:35, 30 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]

I like the way Evlekis is pretending that he doesn't now if there is a WP:3RR or not. He's a funny guy! IJA (talk) 22:21, 3 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Hello again, just wanted to tell you boobrayner is using sock excuse on this article, here is the history http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=NATO_bombing_of_Yugoslavia&action=history

PS Oh and IJA, you can use IP locator to see I am not Evlekis ;) Taataa (talk) 00:07, 4 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Ok, I like the way you pretended not to know about the WP:3RR. You blatantly do know about it. Anyway, whoever's sock you are, you'll get caught eventually. Regards IJA (talk) 21:55, 4 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]
To be honest, I misread WP:33R, thinking you can only make two not three edits within 24 hours. But, hey I am still learning :). Oh, once again I am not a sock, but who cares lol.....and thank you for the kind threats, it makes me feel welcomed to this place. TaaTaa (talk) 09:03, 6 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Reported . Cognoscerapo (talk) 09:52, 5 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Reported. Goodbye to your editing. Cognoscerapo (talk) 15:46, 6 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Wow, you really like to threat people, not just me, but established Users too like FkpCascais. That is not nice, polite or constructive. TaaTaa (talk) 16:15, 6 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]

December 2013

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Removing categories

Why? You ask., well, here is the answer why[8], [9]. It is because they rightfully belong to Category:Gjakova like Đakovica([10]). The rules are simple, when an edit is done by a sockpuppet, it must be removed even if it is constructive. And as you see, the article title+Cyrillic have been taken out of the Đakovica infobox to make it nice and neutral :) . (talk) 18:55, 11 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]

A barnstar!

The Barnstar of Good Humor
Gjakova refers to itself as Gjakova, not Đakovica, in English. Serbian is not English. English is English. It's quite simple. bobrayner (talk) 10:27, 23 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]
The city speaks and refers to itself? FkpCascais (talk) 17:27, 23 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]

23 editor (talk) 17:37, 23 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Many thanks :) FkpCascais (talk) 04:59, 24 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you

for moderating a highly tedious discussion. Praxis Icosahedron ϡ (TALK) 21:36, 24 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]

I want also to thank you Praxis Icosahedron for the same reason. I was a bit hard on you at the begining of that discussion, and I appreciate a lot that we focused only on the content itself and that way we were able to conclude the discussion. I have to admit that the reason of the initial reaction of mine were your edit-summaries. I was left with the impression that you considered that the events from the Bosnian War should have influence over the edits, and I disagreed with that. I don´t want to leave the impression of being unfair, or that I ignore the suffering of the victims of Serb forces during the war. However, it´s hard to quantify the suffering. What I mean is that in my view, we all suffered (and still suffer), regardless of the ethnicity. There was tremendous manipulation and propaganda from all sides, and the people from all sides became victims. Beside a bunch of people that profited from the war (and there are few in all suides), I think that everyone else in bigger or lesser extent suffered greatly. For instance, part of my family are Serbs from Sarajevo. They didn´t participated in the war and they didn´t even supported no one. They were real Yugoslavs in spiryth. However they suffered greatly in a Bosnian dominated part of Sarajevo where they lived for generations and used to have quite a comfortable life. Because they were Serbs, they had terrible experiences and witnessed horrible events. After much pressure, their homes were occupied and still today they didn´t recovered all their property, some of which is inhabited by some former BiH Army commander... By telling you this oppenly here I really don´t pretend anything else but simple peace and, if possible, progress. I condemn all bad things done by all sides, and I don´t pretend at all to make comparisons neither to quantify something which is impossible to quantify, lifes and the suffering. I just mean that one can´t do things by charging some debt because of past events. One could eventually say that what that part of my family suffered/suffers is fair because other Serbs in other places did worste to Bosnian families. Neither I should now act in a way of revenge for what that part of my family suffered. That war was so dirty. I know this may look that my intention is to equalize all and that way spare the ones you consider guilties, but beleave me, it is not my pretention. But I do find that nationalists and extremists from all sides were kind of almost equally bad. And the rest, well, besides few, the rest of ordinary people were just manipulated sheeps listening to their ethnic group propaganda which existed from all sides. At least we, the already established editors more familiarised with the wiki principles, can try to leave nationalism aside, and when confronted with it, we can try at least not to add fuel to it.
Now, returning to the subject itself, it was great to see that with good will consensus can be archived. I think everyone at any point can challenge it and open the discussion again, but at least now we have a centralised place with a discussion to point out whenever some user or IP bothers with this. Not sure if you celebrate Christmass tonigh, if you do I wish you marry Christmass, and anyway I send you kind regards, FkpCascais (talk) 22:54, 24 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]
What you say is completely true. A Serb victim is no less important or a tragedy than a non-Serb one simply because there were more of the latter. Qualitative and quantitative differences are only subject to judicial and political contexts whereas human suffering is always human suffering. My initial objection was never meant to be a collective incrimination of Serbs, but were specifically directed towards that specific user who made the edits. These edits in my opinion were part of dishonest intentions. The same kind of intentions I would object to if a Bosniak or Croat advanced them. The essential feature about Bosnia and Herzegovina is its sharing by three native peoples; Bosnia and Herzegovina was and is Bosniak, Serb and Croat. It can never be the state of one nation, but only the collective and equal home of all three communities which must respect their co-existence and not try to subdue and dominate each other. Whether reading an article about Croat-dominated Tomislavgrad, Bosniak-dominated Zenica or Serb-dominated Trebinje, one must not receive the impression of those towns as being either Serb, Bosniak or Croat, but equally much Serb, Bosniak and Croat. Such is the constitution, and any attempt to establish any kind of exclusive nation state in Bosnia and Herzegovina will only lead down a path of destruction and death, as it already did. All sides suffered and no one needed this war, it was the brain child of sick minds that forged hatred and fears among people. However, with regard to my edits, I do not consider myself as having responded with nationalism, but rather to nationalism. I deeply apologize if my actions suggest else. Thank you so much and I wish you a merry Christmas as well (though you guys celebrate it in January if I am not mistaken)! P.S. If anyone should claim the discussion re-opened they better have novel perspectives to add; spinning the same old arguments would be pointless. Praxis Icosahedron ϡ (TALK) 05:05, 25 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I see perfectly what you mean and I agree with your concerns about the impression one can give by editing in a certain way. That is also what lead me to incentivate a centralized discussion where we could all express our concerns and hear each other. We found a, at least temporary but hopefully permanent, solution without much pain. It would be great to see eventual future challenges being solved as this one was. Poke me at any time :) FkpCascais (talk) 07:48, 25 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Merry Christmas

Makedonski kup

Jel možeš da mi nađeš rezultate Makedonskog kupa u sezonama od 93 do 97. Jolicnikola (talk) 19:26, 27 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Hm, na rsssf nema... Pogledaću večeras sve što imam da vidim da nema negde. FkpCascais (talk) 21:49, 27 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Nisam nigde našao. :( FkpCascais (talk) 04:00, 28 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Makedonski igrači koji nemaju stranicu na vikipediji

Jel možeš da napraviš članke makedonskih igrača koji nemaju stranicu a da imaju uslova za to. Unapred zahvalan. Jolicnikola (talk) 17:18, 28 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]


Ti poseti http://eu-football.info pronađi bazu igrača iz Makedonije i postavi ih na vikipediju. Jolicnikola (talk) 21:58, 28 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Baš zbog toga jer sam hteo da vidim koji igrači fale sam i napravio bio pre jedno godinu dana ovu listu: List of Macedonia international footballers i upotrebio EU-Football kao jedan od izvora. Ali Nikola, do negde oko 3-4 januara neću baš imati mnogo slobodnog vremena :/ FkpCascais (talk) 22:28, 28 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Biću strpljiv, imam i drugih stvari. Jolicnikola (talk) 22:39, 28 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Pa nisam mislio listu nego igrače. Jolicnikola (talk) 22:54, 28 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Nikola, ja stvarno neću uskoro imati vremena. Em što ove nedelje zbog nove godine i ostalog nemam stvarno mnogo slobodnog vremena da editujem, em što sam potpuno bačen na drugi deo, na editovanje našeg fudbala, igrača i trenera od pre 1945. Isto imam na stand-by da napravim članke poput "Velika četvorka", da proširim članke "Football in Serbia, Yugoslavia, i druge" u kojima fali mnogo stvari iz istorije. Imam i nekoliko sezona druge lige FR Yugoslavia još ne napravljene koje me čekaju već godinu dana da ih uradim (od 1994 do 1999). Imam i gomilu drugih članaka koji me čekaju poput "X Football Subassociation" (napravio sam od Belgrade, Skopje, Kragujevac, Novi Sad, Niš i Veliki Bečkerek, a fale Sarajevo, Cetinje, Zagreb, Ljubljana...), imam Belgrade Subassociation sezone da napravim (napravio sam neke kao 1939–40 Serbian League ali fale sve od 1923 do 1939 kao i 1943-44)...
Od makedonskih igrača sam uradio već dosta onih koji su falili (možeš na mojoj strani da vidiš koje sam napravio). Znam da fali još nekliko njih. Napravio sam bazu za tebe da im praviš članke, evo ovde: User:FkpCascais/Sandbox41 . Klikni na "edit" i copy/paste tamo šta imam, i onda samo popunjavaj polja. Svaki igrač koji ima barem 1 reprezentativni nastup može da ima člnak, kao i da nema reprezentativni nastup ali da barem ima 1 nastup u jednoj profesionalnoj ligi sa ove liste: WP:FPL. Na ovoj strani User:FkpCascais/Sandbox17 imaš sve izvore koje koristim. Za makedonske igrače, ako su reprezentativci najbolje EU-Football.info za reprezentativne nastupe, National-Football-Teams.com za klubove i nastupe u ligi do 2006-07, za nastupe iz lige iz skorašnjih sezona najbolji Soccerway.com, za reprezentacije U-21, U-19, U-17 najbolji uefa.com, i pogledaj da li ima na macedonianfootball.com nešto o tom igraču. FkpCascais (talk) 18:11, 29 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Hvala. Jolicnikola (talk) 18:15, 29 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Hajdukovi i makedonski igrači

Eto mene opet, a sad jedno pitanje možeš li da napraviš stranice igrača splitskog Hajduka i makedonske fudbalere (izvini što te opet o tome pitam), a da nemaju stranicu, ako imaš vremena. Jolicnikola (talk) 23:28, 7 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Ali Nikola, samo jedno pitanje, zasto hoces ja da ih napravim? Video sam neke igrace kojima si napravio stranu, odlicno si ih uradio. FkpCascais (talk) 00:52, 8 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Pa imam druga posla oko pravljenja stranica o sezonama Hajduka, pa sam ti hteo u tome prepustiti. U međuvremenu sam napravio članak o Zlatomiru Obradovu. Jolicnikola (talk) 01:10, 8 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Nemoj nista da mi prepustas, jer ja ne znam sta cu pre. Jos nisam nista uradio ni od onih hitnih stvari sto sam ti bio nabrajao da imam da uradim. Ja sam predhodnih godina mnogo vise editovao, ali sad ove zadnje godine nemam vise toliko vremena. Vecinom nocu kad ne mogu da zaspim (kao veceras) pregledam moj watchlist, malo editujem i to vecinom neke sitne stvari, ili ucestvujem u ovoj ili onoj debati. Uvrh glave napravim ponekad neku novu stranu nekom starom treneru, igracu ili predratnom klubu, ali otprilike 2-3 strane mesecno. Sadasnje igrace skoro uopste ne editujem. Sad vec zadnjih jedno mesec dana zvrndam po online knjigama i arhivima starih novina da bi popunio nesto sto nema nigde na internatu, a to je ovo: User:FkpCascais/Sandbox39. Ne vredi da mi trazis da pravim tebi strane, jer to je kao kad bih ja tebi trazio da mi napravis red-linkove sa te liste :/ ... Radi polako, nema zurbe, ja radim stvari godinama, nema problema. Sve sto mozes sam da uradis, uradi (tako i ja radim), a tu sam da ti pomognem sta god treba sto ne mozes sam (informacije da ti nabavim, i to). FkpCascais (talk) 02:23, 8 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]


Saying "bla bla bla" when you're trying to make a point makes it difficult for the person you're arguing with to take your argument seriously. FYI - and you've done that 3 times with me --DemirBajraktarevic (talk) 12:32, 11 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

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Fudbalsko ludilo

Bogami, baš si se zdao...

Probaj na forumu fk vojvodina, pod delom downloads da vidis. Ima nesto knjiga vezanih za istoriju FK Vojvodine koje bi ti mogle biti od koristi.

Samo napred, voleo bih da vidim krajnji rezultat :)

Bora83ns (talk) 08:40, 16 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

2013 census

Can you take a look at [11] - lots of number changes mentioning a 2013 census but no source. Seems a bit early for the results of a census last year, but maybe there is such a source. Dougweller (talk) 10:01, 25 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Last time I saw a discussion about this, the results were not released yet, but I honestly don´t know if they are available now or not. I´ll drop him a message at his talk page asking him if he can provide a source with the results. FkpCascais (talk) 10:05, 25 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]
You already dropped him a message :) I wrote him in Serbo-Croatian as well in case he is not fluent in English. I´ll try to see in the meantime if the results were released. FkpCascais (talk) 10:12, 25 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Here it is: preeliminary results. They correspond to the ones the user has been adding. I´m not sure how we deal here on wiki regarding preeliminary results. FkpCascais (talk) 10:29, 25 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]
I don't either but perhaps you could ask the editor to provide that link at least? Then hopefully someone will update it. Right now it almost looks like the number vandalism that is far too frequent. Thanks a lot for your response. Dougweller (talk) 10:38, 25 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]
The user has been inactive for some 5-6 hours by now, and we both dropped him a message asking him for a source. However, it does seem that he has been adding the numbers found on the official preeliminary results, so it doesn´t seem to be vandalism. At least the numbers I checked he added do correspond to the ones found there. Also, I was looking more carefully to the issue, and it does seem that those results are definite regarding the numbers, the thing that was still not released is the ethnic composition, which will be released later in July this year. So it seems quite safe for now to add those numbers from this table. The best I can do is to check them one-by-one and add the source next it? I´ll do that today. FkpCascais (talk) 11:10, 25 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Kup SR Jugoslavije

Jel možeš da mi napraviš stranice o sezonama Kupa SR Jugoslavije? Ja sam radio sezone Kupa Srbije i Crne Gore pa da mi dovršiš taj posao okupiran sam drugim stvarima na wikipediji (Hajdukove sezone, igrači itd.). Ja govorim o fudbalu da ne bi ti bilo zabune. Jolicnikola (talk) 20:42, 3 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]

P.S. Imaš ti godišnjaka na http://en.calameo.com/subscriptions/2955541 pa tamo možes da zakopaš šta ti nađeš i šta misliš da treba prepišeš u wikipediju (od njih napraviti stranice, od njih proširivati i itd.). Jolicnikola (talk) 01:27, 9 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Puno hvala Nikola za link, vidim da ima tamo godisnjake nekih sezona koje nisam nikad video. Bas ti hvala! FkpCascais (talk) 02:37, 11 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Wikipedia appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited List of foreign footballers in top leagues of former Yugoslavia, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page Triglav Kranj (check to confirm | fix with Dab solver). Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. Read the FAQ • Join us at the DPL WikiProject.

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Kosovo place names

Hi. A while ago I set out a proposal for Kosovo place names at Talk:Srbica. You said that you supported such a solution and commented that you had an "agreement" with Albanian editors "regarding that issue about birthplaces for football related artcles". That agreement seems to have been scrapped with User:IJA changing the names of birthplaces of people born before 2008 into Albanian names instead of the then-official and historically accurate ones. I suggest you have a look at this. 23 editor (talk) 19:09, 9 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]

There hasn't been any name changes, both names are acceptable and both have been used historically in the English language. Nothing exists about using the Serbian name pre-2008. You have just invented that. This hasn't been agreed to. IJA (talk) 19:12, 9 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Please try inserting St. Petersburg in an article concerning Leningrad in 1955 and see what happens. It won't work. Your little pseudohistorical renaming spree will stop and I will take this to Wikipedia:Dispute resolution. 23 editor (talk) 19:26, 9 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]
With St Petersburg, there was an official name change during Soviet times. There hasn't been a name change with Gjakova/ Đakovica. Both are used and both have historically been used in Yugoslavia. Please feel free to take it to a dispute resolution where you will be shot down in flames with your myth about the historical name. Not to mention your comparison to cities which have had an official name change. IJA (talk) 19:43, 9 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Really? There wasn't an official name change after 1912? Prove it. 23 editor (talk) 19:47, 9 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]
It is impossible to prove a negative as it didn't happen. IJA (talk) 19:50, 9 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]
How is it proving a negative? You're the one who brought it up. 23 editor (talk) 19:55, 9 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]
One cannot prove something didn't happen because the fact it didn't happen means there is no evidence. Read Russell's teapot, he is better at explaining 'proving a negative'. IJA (talk) 20:17, 9 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Really, you can't prove something that (allegedly) didn't happen. Bobrayner certainly seems to think so . Of course fallacies in logic can be manipulated when they suit the other side, isn't that right? 23 editor (talk) 20:24, 9 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Please don't go off topic. IJA (talk) 22:38, 9 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Sorry, I wasn´t much active this weekend... For the Yugoslav period, certainly until at least 1999, I do support the use of Serbo-Croatian names. The agreement I had was about it, and also about club names, for instance to use FK Priština until 1999 and FC Prishtina only after. FkpCascais (talk) 13:17, 10 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]

And on it continues. 23 editor (talk) 23:09, 12 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Hi, could I trouble you for a full citation for the information that you added to Ivo Pavelić's article? The current format does not provide enough information for me to produce a proper citation that could be used to verify the material (for example, there's no title or author information that I can use to identify the book on Worldcat). Thanks. Canadian Paul 22:38, 19 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]

OK, I see, no problem. The book title is "Beogradski sokolovi" from 2003, the author is Petar M. Prokić, the page is 36, and the full quotation is (its the fourth paragraph), translated from Serbian:
Trouth be said, before him there were other players that played for the (Yugoslav) national team and were Soko players, Ivan Pavelić debuted (for the national team) just a few days after leaving to Zagreb´s Concordia; and Milutin Ivković and Stojan Popović (played for national team) before they came to Soko.
I beleave here you can find all pages of the book (is it opening to you?). FkpCascais (talk) 01:17, 20 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Bulgarian barnstar

Thank you, much appreciated. And you reminded me to put the stats back in the article, from which they'd been removed. cheers, Struway2 (talk) 10:10, 1 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Slovački klubovi u Vojvodini

Ja sam napravio članak o Tatri iz Kisača i planiram da napravim još nekoliko o klubovima iz mesta u kojima su većinom Slovaci. Pa sam te zamolio da ako imaš malo vremena (znam ja da ustvari nemaš vremena) da mi pomogneš u pravljenju člankova tako da dopuniš podacima iz istorije klubova. Ako ja nemam vremena ili sam okupiran obavezama oko vikipedije i drugih obavezama a i ti imaš vremena da napraviš poneki članak o tim klubovima iz tih mesta. Unapred zahvalan. Jolicnikola (talk) 02:54, 23 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Problem tih klubova moze da bude "notability". Recimo stalno brisu cak i vece klubove kao FK Šumadija Aranđelovac ili FK Vujić Voda Valjevo jer kao neprolaze "notabilty". Nisam tacno siguran oko tog "notability". Mislim da sem profesionalnih liga, moraju da imaju barem jedan nastup u 16tini finala kupa ili tako nesto... A moram da ti priznam da bas nista o tim klubovima ne znam. Sto se slovaka iz Vojvodine tice sve sto sam napravio je clanak o Ján Podhradský. Ne znam je li mogu puno da pomognem a ne znam ni da li ti klubovi prolaze "notability" da im ne bi izbrisali clanak u slucaju da im napravimo. FkpCascais (talk) 03:55, 23 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Ja ću ako zaprete brisanjem te članke ću prebaciti pod prefiksom User:Jolicnikola/. Jolicnikola (talk) 04:00, 23 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]
A ima i nekoliko usera iz tog kraja (npr. IvanKlinko i Klačko) pa mogli bi mi oni da mi pomognu. Jolicnikola (talk) 04:08, 23 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Bolje njih pitaj jer ja moram da ti priznam da bas nista o tim klubovima ne znam, cak nisam ni cuo za njih. Jedino sto me interesuje vezano za to je da nisu mozda u tim klubovima ponikli ili igrali neki slovacki reprezentativci, kao na primer Podhradsky. Ako nadjes nekog javi mi. FkpCascais (talk) 04:31, 23 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Moja greška nemaju talk stranice pa ne mogu, ja odustajem od tvoje pomoći. Ali ako pronađem neke stranice sa istorijom klubova i neke usere ja ću ti se javiti. Izvini što sam te ja napunio tim postovima. Jolicnikola (talk) 04:35, 23 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Nema problema, pozdrav Nikola! FkpCascais (talk) 05:23, 23 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Slovački klubovi u Vojvodini 2

E ćao, evo me pišem, izvini što ti remetim mir i pišem u prazno ako nisi tu (nemaš vremena, znam da su Uskršnji praznici). Nego ja opet pišem o tim klubovima gde je slovačka većina. A da te ja pitam jel možeš da gugluješ onu istoriju tih klubova, igrače (znam da imaš Pohradskog) i igrališta na kojima igraju. Unapred hvala. Jolicnikola (talk) 22:16, 17 April 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Ispravka: mislio sam da napišem o klubovima iz mesta gde je slovačka veličina, izvinjavam se ja zbog toga, greška u pisanju. Jolicnikola (talk) 22:18, 17 April 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Evo vodi cu se po ovom clanku Slovaks in Vojvodina i mesta koja su tu spomenuta, pa cu videti sta mogu da nadjem. FkpCascais (talk) 02:05, 19 April 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Nasao sam grb SŠK Petrovec, vidi JUGOSLAWIEN&cat2=WOJWODINA&cat3=BACKI PETROVAC - Slovacki Sportski Klub&show ovde . FkpCascais (talk) 03:21, 30 April 2014 (UTC)[reply]

WWII infobox

As you have edited that page, you are welcome to participate in a discussion that is taking place at Template_talk:WW2InfoBox#Allies. Thank you. walk victor falk talk 03:22, 29 April 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks. FkpCascais (talk) 04:01, 29 April 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Wikipedia appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited FK Bežanija, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page Nikola Simić (check to confirm | fix with Dab solver). Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. Read the FAQ • Join us at the DPL WikiProject.

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Hi, i would like to have your opinion about a discussion which i started here, thank.Kingroyos (talk) 23:10, 27 May 2014 (UTC)[reply]


Da li bi mi mogao pomoći da prijavis ip korisnika koji vandalizuje clanke. Ima ga na clanku o Meši Selimoviću gde uporno negira izvore i pise kako je Selimovic bosanski pisac, takodje i stari problemi sa ćirilicom gde na mesta iz Republike Srpske :Novi Grad, Bileću i Bilećko jezero stavlja nekakvu bosansku ćirilicu a znamo da se u Republici Srpskoj govori srpski jezik i srpska cirilica. To je korisnik DemirBajraktarevic kome je zbog vandalizovanja već blokiran nalog i vec nekoliko puta je sa ip adresom takodje blokiran. Ja sam sad vratio kako treba ali će on verovatno doći i poništiti moje izmene. Ako ga možeš prijaviti bio bih ti zahvalan. pozdrav-- (talk) 14:33, 31 May 2014 (UTC)[reply]


Hoceli to jarane ;)?--Nado158 (talk) 15:54, 2 June 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Dogovor na WP:Bosnia je postignut da stoji [ [Serbian Cyrillic alphabet|Cyrillic] ]: posledaj na talk page od njihovog WikiProject. ... Nemam puno slobodnog vremena ovih dana, malo editujem. FkpCascais (talk) 21:36, 2 June 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Hey, no problem, I also have not so much time. Ja nisam onaj lik gore, ja sam pitao samo ovako, sta radis, kako si itd. Thats all. So, do you like the article of FK Jagodina? I improved it.--Nado158 (talk) 11:23, 5 June 2014 (UTC)[reply]
see this [[12]]
?--Nado158 (talk) 16:49, 11 June 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Janko Simović

Yes, it needs sourcing directly please - and as soon as possible - per WP:V and WP:BLP. GiantSnowman 18:52, 3 June 2014 (UTC)[reply]

OK, I know they do, and I know why. Also, I didn´t noteced his soccerway page was missing, which indicates his cup title of this season. FkpCascais (talk) 19:40, 3 June 2014 (UTC)[reply]
That's great, thanks! GiantSnowman 19:46, 3 June 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Cukaricki Belgrade

I think this is the better Name for englisch Wikipedia, as well as at Red Star Belgrade. I think Rad Belgrade, Cukaricki Belgrade, Vozdovac Belgrade, Partizan Belgrade, OFK Belgrade, Radnicki Kragujevac, Obilic Belgrade (it also refer to English-speaking people, see Google) ect. It is for the English WP the correct lemma, better designation, also looks better, instead of FK FK FK FK FK FK. For example, we have Borussia Dortmund, but after the treatmant similar to the clubs who i mentioned, its must written, BvB Dortmund, but is terrible rigth? I think also. So what you think bro? This FK is not good belive me. Better Partizan Belgrade (Footballclub), Partizan Belgrade (Basketballclub), only at FK Jagodina and FK Novi Pazar its ok, because they dont have a name infront of the cityname.

What is better?

1. Partizan Belgrade
2. Spartak Subotica
3. Vojvodina Novi Sad
4. Sloboda Uzice
5. Cukaricki Belgrade


1. FK Partizan
2. FK Spartak Subotica
3. FK Vojvodina Novi Sad
4. FK Sloboda Uzice
5. FK Cukaricki

I think the first example for the forgein player or readers if you understand ;)?. The company Facebook delate also the first name "The Facebook", you know why ;)?Nado158 (talk) 12:01, 5 June 2014 (UTC)[reply]

It is not a good move because, for instance, Vojvodina has many clubs in many different sports, so, its better to have the official name as article title. I know what you wanted, even I said that long time ago regarding "Partizan Belgrade" and I used it in a piped way (Partizan Belgrade) in may articles and player infoboxes, but moving the article title is a major issue and needs discussion. Red Star Belgrade is named that way because of the "Red Star" part of the name: translated from the original Crvena zvezda and clearly used much more than CZ in English language sources. FkpCascais (talk) 02:27, 6 June 2014 (UTC)[reply]

I do not fully share your opinion. Yes, Vojvodina has many clubs in many different sports, like many other clubs in Serbia also, also Cukaricki, but we can write Vojvodina Novi Sad (Footballclub), Vojvodina Novi Sad (Basketballclub) ect. In Austria, Switzerland ect. nobody say FK Partizan, FK Cukaricki, FK FK FK ect, they say, Partizan Belgrade, Cukaricki Belgrade, Sporting Lissabon, Real Madrid (not Real Madrid CF), Roter Stern Belgrad ect, and they clearly used much more this versions. This FK, VK, HK, BK, RK ect. interfere totaly. We can explain this in the introduction. And also in England clearly used much more Red Star Belgrade, Partizan Belgrade, Cukaricki Belgrade, Radnicki Kragujevac ect than FK Radnicki 1923. Ovo je lose, jel unistavamo imena sa FK, BK itd. i takodje sa ubacivanjem godinsa osnivanja u imena, veruj mi. Mi smo navikli na ta imena pa nam svuce ok ili dobro, ali kad neko cuje prvi put FK Radnicki 1923, brate nezvuci ni malo dobro. Naravno posle nekog vremena svako ime zvuci ok ili dobro, tako je bilo i kod dosta Ruskih klubova. Secam se kad ni jedan svabo nije znao da izgovori Ruska imen itd, sada ga bolje izgovaraju nego Rusi sami i zvuci dobro. Naravno sve je to navika, ali sta fali Rad Belgrade, Hajduk Kula, Partizan Belgrade, Radnicki Kragujevac, Sloboda Uzice, Spartak Subotica, Radnicki Nis itd....sto samo mi unistavamo svoja imena?...FK, VK, RK itd. To se moze sve lepo objasniti u tekstu. To je i marketinski bolje, mnogo bolje. Nekazem ja da prodajemo nasa imena za tudji jezik, sigunrno ne, ali ovde mi imamo korist, samo zato, a i nemenjamo imena. Isto vazi za Sloboda Uzice, ja nisam za to da pise oLiberty Uzice, ni u zivotu, ali samo Sloboda Uzice (football) ili (footballclub), znaci bez FK. Linking we can do of course. Sto se tice beogradskih klubova, u inostranstvu dodaju svim klubovima i ime grada, cak ako ga i nema.--Nado158 (talk) 09:52, 6 June 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Ma razumem te Nado, i nije da ja uopste forsiram "nasa" imena, nego ne verujem da ce ovo proci na WP:FOOTY. Prvo zato sto vecina (ako ne svi) klubovi imaju druge sportove (RK, OK, itd.), i drugo zato sto na wiki ako klub nema jasan commonname (kao primer Zvezde je Red Star Belgrade) onda kao naslov koristi zvanicno ime kluba. Vidi recimo Category:Football clubs in Portugal i od drugih drzava... Vidis recimo Sporting Clube de Portugal? To je SPorting Lisbon. Ali naslov je ipak zvanican. Category:Association football clubs by country tu su sve zemlje, znas verovatno. To sto ti zelis sam ja fakticki uradio na List of foreign footballers in top leagues of former Yugoslavia za klube cele bivse Juge i napravio redirect za te strane. Mozemo da koristimo takva imena kakva hoces na tabelama lige da se vidi grad, itd. Ali kao naslov nece proci. I najvise se ti gradovi koriste kad ima klubova sa istim imenon iz vise gradova, reciimo Mladost Apatin, Lucani, itd. FkpCascais (talk) 13:51, 6 June 2014 (UTC)[reply]

OK :/, razumem. E, malo sam popravio stranu Jagodine i Cukarickog, neznam jel si video. Auuu sta urade sa CZ, brate mili, koji mi potencijal imamo a naprave od nas najgore. Unistili Vosu, Partizan propada uskoro, niko u zatvoru, Tole Terzic i dalje tu, strasno. Bicemo mi najgori na Balkanu, blizu smo. Malo sam i sredio stranu na WP o Toletu ;). Pozz.--Nado158 (talk) 17:27, 6 June 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Voleo bi uzivo da pricam, sa tobom o fudbalu.--Nado158 (talk) 17:57, 6 June 2014 (UTC)[reply]
p...--Nado158 (talk) 16:50, 11 June 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Can you please help, the other users understand nooothingggg and try to put they POV there.--Nado158 (talk) 14:36, 13 June 2014 (UTC)[reply]

I´ll try but I wan´t have much time today to be here... Just be cool. There needs to be found a solution for all articles: FK Trepča and KF Trepça where all positions will be represented. FkpCascais (talk) 15:55, 13 June 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Kasno i gotovo je. Ovde vlada takva diskriminizacija protiv sve sto je Srpsko to je uzas. Jednosatavno nemam i nisam imao vise zivaca, toliko lazi i toliko patimo pod diskriminizacijom na Wikipeidji, to je strasno. See, becaue i improved the FK Trepca side they want to bann me for 1 year, but the other users can do what they want with Serbian articles and history. Pazi, ima samo jedna FK Trepca, i to je nasa iz 1932. Nemogu on da se osnivaju svoj club 1999 i da ukradu i stadion, i prostorij i pehare i jos reci da su oni prava Trepca i ukrasit istoriju. No, nemoze tako, nit je to priznala FIFA nit oni to mogum jel to nije priznato i nikakvu formalsnot nije sve to proslo i to je one side decision. Koliko klubova su tako nestali, stadioni dobili nova imena i grbovi promenili na KiM? Od Crvene Zvezde Gn. do FK Kosovo Polje itd. A de je kosarka i rukomet itd? Sto popravim stranu FK Trepce i objansjavam da to nije FK Partizan Kosovska Mitrovica, da je taj klub nestao itd, zato sam dobijo ....Wikipedia:Arbitration/Requests/Enforcement#Nado158...--Nado158 (talk) 19:38, 14 June 2014 (UTC)[reply]

A Funny

Just wanted to let you know, this comment amused me greatly:

"most readers of this article here on en.wiki simply want to read about what Tesla was notable for, a scientist, and not about Tesla the Great Serb, or Tesla Croatia's homeland hero. "

Cheers, FkpCascais!--Atlantictire (talk) 16:39, 18 June 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Eheh thank you Atlantictire but despite sounding funny, I think it is trouth. Best regards :) FkpCascais (talk) 13:44, 19 June 2014 (UTC)[reply]
The saddest thing is that the obsession with his ethnicity has caused everyone to miss the anti-Tesla editing that caused the article to read as if Tesla didn't deserve credit for inventing the first practical AC induction motor (you know, the one that changed the world).--Atlantictire (talk) 16:02, 20 June 2014 (UTC)[reply]


...for resolving the flag issue. Some users just like to delete others work and then justify it by some dubious interpretation of guidelines. Thanks for pointing out how to contradict these users. They are detrimental to wikipedia. Have a great day! Stephreef (talk) 12:36, 19 June 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you Stephreef. Ohconfucius is a good editor that makes a lot of very good mantainance work. However I agree he has been too strict with the interpretation of the use of flags, which in turn, is a bit vague and confusing. I defend the flags for teams in the squad templates because as a sports enthusiast I know how much they are helpfull for immediatelly recognising the players that play in the best leagues. Heva a great day too, best regards! FkpCascais (talk) 13:53, 19 June 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Uvek omašim

Uvek omašim kad su u pitanju ovi strani igrači, izgleda da mi je smanjena moć percepcije kad je to u pitanju.:) Zato si tu da ispraviš, jedino što mi je glupo što ti pravim dupli posao, ali sam fokusiran na to da sredim postave za klubove JSL(već sređeno) i PLS(još uvek u fazi sređivanja i piskaram za one igrače koji nemaju stranu, a imaju nastup u profesionalnoj ligi). Još kada bismo mogli da sredimo malo strane o klubovima, bilo bi dobro, ali otom-potom. Ja imam volju da sredim ovo što sam započeo, ali imam sve manje vremena zbog pokušaja pripreme za faks.:) Mada je, plašim se, badava ovo što mi na neki način utičemo na popularizaciju ovog domaćeg fudbala, kad rukovodeći slepci rade malo toga korisnog, uz dužno poštovanje prema izuzecima, naravno. U svakom slučaju, hvala na podršci i pomoći! Lotom (talk) 19:30, 21 June 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Ahahaha ma apsolutno nista ne brini :) nije to nikakav problem. To kod tih stranih imena nekad ih i oni imaju po 2-3 imena i prezimena... Kod ovog mi je bilo laske jer je Andul Rashid bas tipicno ime, pa zato, inace i meni se desava da promasim. Primetio sam vec kako radis odlican posao. A ovi rukovodeci slepci ne samo da ne pomazu, nego jos odmazu. Ja sam dosta zauzet ovih zadnjih nedelja pa zato nisam toliko prisutan, ali sam miran kad znam da ti i par ostalih nasih editora vodi brigu o nasim clancima. Veliki veliki pozdrav! FkpCascais (talk) 18:33, 21 June 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Važi, a što se Rašida tiče, kad debituje u JSL, trebalo bi da mu napišemo biografiju, znam da ti uglavnom iskopaš podatke i informacije, ja mogu da napišem ponešto, jer sam ga gledao uživo i zaista je veoma perspektivan igrač. Od Sloge je verovatno dobio čiste papire, jer Sloga više nema finansijera, pošto je Milašinović napustio klub, tako da će sada igrati uglavnom igrači iz KV i okoline. Za igrača koji je '94, sasvim je solidan, tehnika mu nije loša, mada je, čini mi se, malo slabiji u realizaciji. U Slogi je igrao po levoj strani, krilo, mada je ponekad u toku utakmice bio vraćan na beka. Visok je, brz i mislim da izrasta u prilično dobrog igrača. Pozdrav! Lotom (talk) 21:15, 21 June 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Sezone Druge Lige SR Jugoslavije

Nedavno si obecao napraviti sve sezone Druge lige SR Jugoslavije, a napravio si samo prve dve. Hoces li ih napraviti ili ako ne mozes da napises razloge zasto ne mozes? Jolicnikola (talk) 20:28, 21 June 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Ako su ti hitne slobodno ih napravi. Jedini razlog sto ih nisam napravio je taj sto nemam bas vremena, ali ovih dana cu ih napraviti.
Jolicnikola jesi primetio onog dosadnog lika iz Australije sto se sa vremena na vreme pojavljuje pod raznim imenima i vandalizuje clanke o makedonskom fudbalu? FkpCascais (talk) 13:28, 24 June 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Re: Mention federal republic

I'm acting upon loooong-established consensus compromise for all Croatian and ex-Yugoslav biographies, not just football ones - it's the only one that has anything of a chance to deter these common episodes of people fiddling it with because they want to mention not just Austria-Hungary or Yugoslavia, but also Croatia. Besides, the republics were in fact countries even if they weren't states at the time, so even on that semantic front, there's no reason to omit them. The football biographies are generally overrepresented in the sample of all biographies because football is popular, but that's hardly a real reason for them to deviate from the general standard. Note the limits of WP:LOCALCONSENSUS. Indeed, it would be especially weird to enforce such shortening in the case of recent footballer biographies, where the birthplace record is egregiously inconsequential to most of them - Ivan Strinić for example was four years old when Yugoslavia broke up. His relation to Yugoslavia is a curiously detailed factoid at best, and a flamebait for silly edit wars at worst. In the WP:ARBMAC topic area, everyone prefers fewer edit wars. The issue of the length of the name widening the infobox is easily fixed by adding a line break (br tag). --Joy [shallot] (talk) 07:13, 25 June 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Opet ja, sad sam video diskusiju oko njegovog imena. Naime, pisale su novine o tome kako je u našoj crkvi uzeo ime Đorđe. Otuda je najverovatnije usledilo ono uporno menjanje strane. Npr, Žurnal je objavio ovo: ЂОРЂЕ ИЗ ЧАДА: Бетолигар прешао у православље. Eto, to na primer ne bi bilo loše ubaciti u biografiju, ali svakako uz izvor, inače ovako se zapita čovek odakle to. Lotom (talk) 18:47, 25 June 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Ahahaha video sam vest na zurnalu (to moze da bude izvor) kako je primio Pravosljavlje i ksrtili ga kao Djordje. Kad sam revertovao nisam imao pojma o tome i pogresio sam. Info treba da bude u clanku, ali ne u zvanicnom imenu i infoboxu. FkpCascais (talk) 17:06, 25 June 2014 (UTC)[reply]

June 2014

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National team players

Hello FkpCascais, hope you're also fine, thanks for being good with me in the talk. As for edits I'm saying that as for my opinion those football players in wikipedia should have called citizen in where they were born and not where they were grow up or what national team represents, for example Atdhe Nuhiu since he was born in Kosovo should called Kosovan-Albanian descent, but I readed the WP:FOOTY and I agree now. And if you have seen my User Page I take care about my national team Albania and everything linked with that, such are member football players (such as you see at my Watchlist), and as you say I've done too much work to expand and correct their pages here on wikipedia and such I must thank you for your rate to me. And also I must thank you for not being racist and violent with an Albanian like me despite you're Serbian and our countrys are most hated enemies of times. Now I must ask a question; if you are serbian and as you told you saw at your watchlist my edits, how can you watch the albanian pages despite you're serb. Thank you. Eni.Sukthi.Durres (talk) 10:03, 2 July 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Ok pal, I respect you for what you are and what you think. Our story is too long and too sad. We were a great country but with the years passing, we shkrinked too much, our terrirtores passed to your country, Macedonia, Montenegro and Greece, this is the reason for hating Serbia and Greece, but also even Macedonia. We want just the justice, we want to take our terrirtores and to form great state of the Ethnic Albania as we deserve, and this starts with the Republic of Kosovo, wich serbia doesn't accept their independence. Our plan it's to accept kosovo as a independent state and then to unite with our Albania republic. This is the first reason why we hate your country, also and for the genocid that Slobodan Milošević, your former dictator made to kosovan peoples in 1999 year. As for your opinion, what you think: it's fair for kosovo to be accepted from your country Serbia, did they deserve, it's called this justice then?Eni.Sukthi.Durres (talk) 20:33, 2 July 2014 (UTC)[reply]

I though you were a good man, but you are unfair. Who are you to report me for a offence to your compatriot, it's me not someone who you doesn't know him. It wasn't any fair what UEFA did us yesterday and you know perfectly, as Branislav Ivanović declared.

As for Shrink of my country it's a long story, Kosovo is ours, Novi Pazar and Preševo Valley also, and west of Macedonia, East of Montenegro and north-west Greece.Eni.Sukthi.Durres (talk) 12:18, 25 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]

The Serbian Empire by 1350.
Eni, you and I are wiki editors, and as such, we need to be prepared to deal with provocations without falling into insults. I hae no ideia who the editor was, but once I see you calling a Serbian editor "South-Russian", it becomes racism to me. Your ideias of Greater Albania are also not cool at all, but that is your personal view and I have nothing to do with it.
Regarding the game, I cant see how can your side complain at all. You provoked the incident, your players stared running to grab the flag and were pushing Serbian players. You all knew that was a huge provocation. I suppose you never qualify for major tournaments so the hole issue was just to make a battlefield in the field and get Serbia to be punished and not go to the EURO. Serbia should have been awarded with the 3 points, or at least the match should have been repeated (we wanted to play, your players were just too afraid to play and you counted that UEFA would punish Serbia :P ). Yes, the decition of UeFA was very unfair, but for Serbia!
I really have a question. I saw in tv celebrations in Albania after the game... What were you celebrating? That you didn't lost and got the match to be interrompted? I really don't understand what were the reasons for celebration in Albania.
And regarding the "shrinking" issue Eni.Sukthi.Durres. I love history and I know quite well all periods in our region, so I was, and I still am, very curious to know at what historical period was Albania big and now shrinked? You can only be referring to the WWII when Italians gave you some parts of Yugoslavia and it lasted just until Nazis and fascist were kicked out. If you see Great Albania youll see that besides that period, Albania never had any control over Serbian and Montenegrin territories. You just dream a Great Albania and you imagine it existed, but it didn't :)
And if I were thinking same way as you do, how should Serbs feel when they see Serbian Empire? Or ... oh you are from Durres!... look: Drač County. FkpCascais (talk) 05:01, 27 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Poor you and your people for what kind of fool things have you in your head !!!!!! First of many, you call it racism to say for you that you came from south Russia?! Then what do we can call what you did to us in start of the match when players came on the pitch, where you as the fans singed 'kill albanians, death for them" etc.? Yes this is what you have to bann from the competition, for racism, which it's forbidden by UEFA himself, but guess what? Platini is corrupted and favorised you.

Let's continue: How do you know that the flag was put in by us at the stadium, how do u know that it wasn't puted by your people to blamed us? Yuo still call it right the decision that the match was awarded for you 3-0? So you made racism, physique violence at opponent which came to play football, and then you want the a win as a award? The security was to not allow conflict between peoples not to become violents with us. The security also it's responsible for the flag who came on the stadium, but not remained behind and the federation for organisation of the match.

We celebrated for our "300 spartans" which didn't had afraid of your huligans, your animals which can't called people humans. You are such of cowards that you talking bullshit to media because you're afraid of the revenge.

it's writted that you came to the Europe in the years 1200: Serbs established several states in the early Middle Ages following the Slavic migrations. The Serbian Kingdom obtained recognition by Rome and Constantinople in 1217; the state was elevated to the Serbian Empire, in 1346. so don't ask to have territores here and don';t be a fool because at Greater Albania you can see at images what I said previously above that Novi Pazar and Preševo Valley also, and west of Macedonia, East of Montenegro and north-west Greece are completely ours, before 1913.

So you serb, don't trust so much at media and the history of what at your country it's said because everybody speaks well for them selves. Eni.Sukthi.Durres (talk) 20:41, 28 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Territorial expansion of the Kingdom of Serbia in 1913.
All images at Greater Albania are just imagination and projects that never happened along with maps showing ethnic composition which by no means mean that the territory was yours. Please show me a year when Albania was independent and big. Please. I showed you when Serbia was independent and big, now it is your turn. You are the one here trusting media and propaganda, while I am showing you historical facts. FkpCascais (talk) 21:00, 28 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]
And if you call Serbs - South Russians (we are just as Russians as Bulgarians, Poles or Czechs are, we are all Slavic people) I can call you Littoral Serb as your city was the capital of Littoral Serbia (Drač county)... You are not Eni Sukhti but Ilija Sukić from Drač lol its just that Turks brainwashed your past and made you a separate ethnic group. FkpCascais (talk) 21:05, 28 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]
We didn't come in 12 century, we came in 6 century, read History of Serbia and imediatelly build an independent state. What you were reading about 12 century was referring just to the Serbian Empire only, but Serbs had numerous kingdoms and states before that. FkpCascais (talk) 21:15, 28 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]

I have no idea what bullshit you are talking about. Oh please don't be a fool, it's predicted that in 2035 map of europe and the world even, will change and my country Albania will take everuthing that they deserve. If maps at Greater Albania are imagination that never happenned then why wikipedia allow those kind of things? Comon now. If you don't believe anything we must wait what will happened but it's not necessary to spend time here mading debates here, we will see actions in the future. Eni.Sukthi.Durres (talk) 21:28, 28 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]

You were never even fully independent in the history, only now in 20 century you became independent... Now go and search me maps and facts that back up your claims how Albania was once big nd now shrinked and blabla. I want facts, not dreams pal.ˇFkpCascais (talk) 21:34, 28 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]
I brought you 2 maps showing how Serbia was big and now shrinked. I want you to show me the same but for Albania. Show me a map or an article of how Albania was once big and now shrinked. And the maps at Greater Albania are just showing ethnic structure and the PROPOSED Albanian vilayet, which NEVER existed, and even if it was allowed by Turks, it would just have been an Otoman province, not an independent country. See the difference between Serbian kingdoms and empire which were independent, and Albanian dreams and projects? FkpCascais (talk) 21:39, 28 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]
my time it's Gold, I don't have to spend to convice you for that, but as i said, we will see what happen in the future to prove what's true and what is lie, a big lie even. You agree? Eni.Sukthi.Durres (talk) 21:40, 28 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, escape... You don't have any maps or articles because Albania was never big or shrinked or blabla... You just talk bullshit, go to school pal and learn some history. Good bye you nationalist dreamer and keep on hating Serbs, good for you, do whatever. If something shrinked it was not Albania for sure, but your brain... FkpCascais (talk) 21:43, 28 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]
And I don't know what will happened in the future, but all I know is that we Serb at least we had independent kingdoms and even an Empire, and you had nothing but Italian/Soviet/Turk dependencies. Even now you need Americans to fight us, shame on you. And you come to me talking some bullshit about how Albania was big? How dare you? I like Albania and I like Albanian and European history, but I hate nationalists ignorants like you who talk bullshit without knowing shit. FkpCascais (talk) 21:50, 28 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]
People like you are the dishonor of educated Albanians, and the reason why Albania is at the bottom of Europe. ... You deserve Novi Pazar (lol?)... I will not even say here what you deserve... FkpCascais (talk) 21:57, 28 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Say it if you can, but you're coward like all of you. You are simple some suckers who stand united like sheeps, instead us that we stand alone like lions or Chuck Norris, lolololololol. Eni.Sukthi.Durres (talk) 12:52, 29 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]

You must be joking, because if Serbs are known for anything is our bravery, sometimes even fulish and almost suicidal. Ever since we allways fought against everyone wanting to fight us, often much stronger then us. We fought Byzantine Empire, Bulgarian Empire, Republic of Venice, Hungaria, etc. and then we built our medieval kingdom that grew so strong that it became an Empire. Serbian Empire was at the doors of Constantinople (Istambul) when our Emperor Dusan Silni died and then our nobles started fighting eachother for power (civil war) and Ottomans (Turks) took advantage of that situation and started their conquests in Europe. If Emperor Dusan didn't died, Turks would not have invaded the Balkans and made all the mess they made in the entire region for 500 years and there would not have been Muslim Albanians neither Bosnians and we would all have been advanced just as the rest of Europe. However despite Dusans death we fought the Ottomans. Then after kicking Turks out of Central and Western Balkans (again, Serbs were the first ones to liberate ourself from Turks, with Greeks as second ones), we stood up braves against a much much stronger Austro-Hungarian Empire and the entire world knows that we fighting Autro-Hungary was the tart of the First World War. While 99% of countries would just curve to Austrians, we didn't, and we were not afraid to fight against a 10 times bigger opponent and we were even more weaker at that time because we had just been loosing lives in the Balkan Wars which, by the way, we won both. At the end we won and Yugoslavia was created (the creation of Yugoslavia instead of a Greater Serbia is a long story). Then Second World War started and again, Serbs were fighting a much stronger opponent, and at the end we won! Serbs along with other Yugoslavs, were among the best ones in kicking Nazis ass. And you Albanians immediately joined the Axis and attacked us. We were attacked by all sides, by Nazi Germany, Mussolini Italy, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and, of course, you Albania :) And we won in the end :P ... Then after the war, when all countries in Eastern Europe were subjugated by Stalins USSR, we bravely said "No!" to Russians and we created the Non-Aligned Movement. Then when the rulers of the world decided in the late 1980s that Yugoslavia was to be dismembered so no leftist movement (Titoism) will be recorded as positive and successfull in the history books, we, Serbs, along with Montenegrins, were the ones defending Yugoslavia. And we fought entire NATO, the United States army, and their puppets Croatian, Bosnian and KLA armies. We were so brave that we went to fight United States. So you are telling me that we are not brave? We are probably the craziest nation in the world which fought allways for our freedom against much bigger and stronger adversaries and we usually win! And you know very well that if it wasn't for the Americans, your KLA would just have been aniquilated in just a few days. So, resuming, we fought the Bizantine Empire, Hungary, Bulgarian Empire, Ottoman Empire, Autria, Austro-Hungarian Empire, Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, Italian Albania, Nazi Croatia, then we challenged Soviet Union and we showed them our power (see Tito-Stalin split) and more recently in the 1990s we fought Croatia, Bosnia and all Mujahedeens, KLA terrorists, then the United States army plus entire NATO... Millions and millions of Serbs died in all this wars, but at least no one can say we were not brave. Who did you, Albania, fought? The one Albanian you can be proud of is Skenderbeg, he was a great leader and a friend and ally of Serbs. FkpCascais (talk) 16:59, 29 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]

You don't have nothing what to do that writtes so long bullshit. You showed who you really are at the 'football' match on 14th october. Ah I forget, what you can say to me about Srebrenica massacre. Stop talking shit cause we know you. You don't belong here on europe cause you came from russia. Eni.Sukthi.Durres (talk) 20:52, 29 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]

What you call "so long bullshit" is called history, something you don't have any knolledge about :) You can only dream pal being what I am. Now get a fuck out of my talk-page and do your little shit somewhere else if you don't have anything intelligent to say. It is not my fault we had an Empire and were big and brave in the past. You came here talking lies and you got ridiculised, and now I hope you know that you were never big neither you shrinked. Be happy and proud with what you have, don't lie or pretend you had bigger history than the one you had. Read some history first and educate yourself. I feel sorry for frustrated nationalists like you, I hope one day you learn the good things in life. FkpCascais (talk) 22:04, 29 October 2014 (UTC) And just for you: Drač County. Serbian troops were welcomed in Durres. Also another thing, we Serbs have little to do with Russians beside historical friendship and sharing Slavic blood and Orthodox fate. But we almost had war with Russia only 60 years ago. We don't need nobody to defend us, while you opened your legs to Americans "Oh, please help us! Please!!!" FkpCascais (talk) 22:21, 29 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Hope we're alive to see whar will happen in the future and you suckers will remain like shit . Eni.Sukthi.Durres (talk) 13:00, 30 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Yes, I am so afraid ... I am pissing myself in the pants... :P ... Im still waiting for you to tell me what year was Albania big. You should read your own history for your own good so you don't embarace yourself in the future anymore by saying stupid things like those. FkpCascais (talk) 14:30, 30 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Keep talking too much shit.....

Viva Albania, Grande Albania Eni.Sukthi.Durres (talk) 20:46, 30 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]

So, no year? Ahahaha ... Eni from Drač County :P FkpCascais (talk) 21:05, 30 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]


I invite you to the discussion Here. Your help in this discussion would be much appreciated, since you already suggested the same formulation in the previous discussions. Best regards. Asdisis (talk) 14:10, 10 July 2014 (UTC)[reply]

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Air Serbia

You can comment about my contribution here: [13]. Thanks for a support.-- AirWolf talk 03:06, 6 August 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Update: The whole merge discussion was opened again and you can give your opinion here (if you are willing to): [14]. Thanks.--AirWolf talk 21:25, 7 August 2014 (UTC)[reply]

August 2014

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Air Serbia merge discussion

For persistent fight against stupidity, unwritten rules and rejection of reality! AirWolf talk 01:02, 15 August 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Many thanks AirWolf! I understand you completely, the previous merge discussion was already quite clear, but as you noteced, many unfounded oppose´s were counted as valid. I insisted that Air Serbia article, in case of not being merged, at least has some History section where the history of Aeroput and JAT would be written. I am a bit sorry I haven´t got more time this last month to help you more, I´ll try, but you have done a great work in the merged page you made (perhaps merging Aeroput as well would be even a greater solution) and also you have done well in the discussions. Срдачан поздрав! FkpCascais (talk) 02:00, 15 August 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Rezultati kupa SR Jugoslavije od 1994 do 1997

Ja sam napravio stranice svih sezona kupa SR Jugoslavije/Srbije i Crne Gore u fudbalu, ali imam jednu zamerku: na rsssf.com nema rezultata sesnaestine i osmine finala od 1994 do 1996 i samo sesnaestine finala 1997. Pa ako mozes pronadji ih negde pa mi objavi. Unapred hvala, a pohvale su mi dobrodosle. Jolicnikola (talk) 15:42, 24 August 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Bas si ih dobro napravio. Vidim da im fale rezultati, bacio sam oko na neke sajtove ali isto nemaju te sezone. Znas da sve sto imam je ovde (slobodno i ti dodaj neki sajt/link ako mi fali). Pogledacu vise pa cu ti javiti ako nadjem. Te devedesete kod nas su bas zapustene, znas da ni ja ne mogu da nadjem nigde igrace klubova za vecinu tih godina devedesetih :( . PS: Ako hoces napravi one sezone druge lige koje sam hteo da napravim. Stvarno si uradio veoma puno vaznih clanaka, svaka ti cast! FkpCascais (talk) 02:00, 25 August 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Evo imas neke rezultate iz 96-97 ovde. Jolicnikola (talk) 02:51, 25 August 2014 (UTC)[reply]
E bas ti hvala, nisam nikad video taj sajt. Ali meni ne trebaju rezultati, nego mi trebaju igraci klubova. FkpCascais (talk) 03:12, 25 August 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Nisam ja mislio na igrace klubova. Nego jesi li video one rezultate kupa iz te sezone. Ima i rezultate sesnaestine finala ali su neki neispravni. Jolicnikola (talk) 03:19, 25 August 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Znam sta ti fali, ali nisam nigde nasao. Ako ih ne nadjem ni na jednom sajtu pogledacu i na forumima B92 i parapsihopatologija da slucajno nema. FkpCascais (talk) 03:26, 25 August 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Evo napravio sam i sezone druge lige. Jolicnikola (talk) 05:40, 27 August 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Odlicno! Super su. FkpCascais (talk) 11:38, 27 August 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Eeee ako sad Fofana ne dobije sancu onda nece nikad ;). Napred Crno-beli ;) 4C--Nado158 (talk) 22:14, 28 August 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Mislis da ce nikolic da mu da sansu? Cisto sumnjam :D Ode Drincic, a ima jos samo par dana da se dovede neko pojacanje... ajde bas da vidimo. FkpCascais (talk) 23:24, 28 August 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Pa onda ga treba izbaciti, kome onda da da???? Vidi se iz aviona da ga nevoli. Ma gotovo brate, uprav je ubedljivo najgora u Evropi a i navijaci cute. Ovo nebi nigde proslo, nigde, u Austriji naprimer bi se vec digla pola drzava, ma svi navijaci zbog takvih kao sto nam vode FKP itd. Ali ne, mi nista. Evo Totenhem i Besiktas ima da nam daju 5 komada, vec mi je muka, ozbiljno. Ko da igra? Odbrana katastrofa, Brasanac slab, Ilic star, Stankovic, Petrovic nazad slabi? Drincic odlazi itd. A mi i dalje se svadjamo, Delije, Grobari bla bla, dok drugi rade i ruse lopovske uprave. Srbi, patrijoti samo na jeziku (ne svi). Vidi Azerbajdzanci kako se su se ponasali prema nama? A mi jos njima se uvlacimo u guzicu. Necenis sebe, nece te niko ceniti, tako je to. A niko nevoli ulizice. Gledam ja ovde, Turci na primer su toliko slozni i teraju svoje to je strasno, ma nebi pokrali sebe i Tursko nema sance. Ma kakvi, oni da se svdjaju i dele zbog Srba? tesko. A mi, mi dozvoljavamo da nas asimiliraju po svetu, nestajemo i samo se svadjamo bilo gde u bilo cemu? 3 dana se pise o Stamenkovicu i Zvezdinih pesama u Baku. EJ de to ima??? Jos padamo na te fore. Ajde to su medije ali navijaci? Koliko imaju godina? 5? Ako nedobijemo min. 3 pojacanja na nivou bicemo zadnji bez gola. Ali Djuric je to i lazni "Grobari". Bice katastrofa.--Nado158 (talk) 12:14, 29 August 2014 (UTC)[reply]

..or maybe you don't?

Sorry Fkp, just realized you weren't there for the RfC, here's the thread. The FRJ/SiCG was rejected as part of the scope essentially on grounds of it being a successor state of Yugoslavia, and generally being only one of the fragments of the previous state. Don't know who brought in that three-part picture, but they shouldn't have done it without seeking consensus. -- Director (talk) 04:38, 29 August 2014 (UTC)[reply]

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Transferi - leto 2014

Sada prečešljavam šta još mogu da pronađem, ali evo onih najbitnijih odlazaka koji nam fale na listi, a nemanju relevantan izvor za potkrepljenje.

Borac: 22 Dejan Stamenković, 25 Ivica Milutinović (Ne znam gde su otišli, brojevi iz prošle sezone u prvoj ligi.)

Rad: 18 Uroš Damnjanović (?), 31 Anto Vasović (Brodarac), 34 Vuk Ranđić (Žarkovo)

Jagodina: 50 Nikola Jakimovski (Trebalo bi da raskine ugovor, ako već nije ovih dana. Ne mogu stalno da vraćam neke stvari, ali nekima ne vredi pisati da on nije bio na pozajmici u Jagodini. Ili možda oni znaju nešto što mi ne znamo). 95 Dean Tišma (?) Po onom dodatku iz Žurnala moglo bi se zaključiti da su 3. golman Jokić, kao i još nekolicina igrača na dvojnim i pozajmicama u Trgovačkom. Tu pre svega mislim na Slađana Mijatovića, Stoičeva, Lazara Cvetkovica, Marinkovića i Ivana Miladinovića, jer su oni počeli sezonu sa Jagodinom. Ne znam šta se dešava sa sertifikatima za Aleksića i Mićunovića, Dodić je pred utakmicu sa Vojvodinom rekao da se čeka da stignu.

Radnički 1923: Oni više ni sami ne mogu da pohvataju ni ko je došao, ni otišao. Ali izgleda da Marko Đorđević, iako je došao ovog leta neće igrati za njih, Krivokapić je, izgleda otišao, ne znam šta se dešava sa Cudjoem, nije igrao posle 1. kola. Mada, poznato je koliko Bekvalac voli strance. Ni za ostale ne znam ko je otišao, sem ovih što su sada pozajmljeni. Ne znam šta je sa Čonkom, on ni u Inđiji nije često igrao. Oni koji su prošle sezone bili u Pobedi, većina je tamo i ostala, ubaciću to, samo da pohvatam ko je sve još tamo.

Donji Srem: 12 Matija Šegavac (?) Ivan Gmizić (bio na pozajmici u Jakovu prošle sezone)

Čukarički: 7 Radislav Sekulić (?), 32 Mihailo Miljković (čini mi se da je u Rakovici, ali nisam siguran). Takođe ne znam šta je sa Aleksandrom Stojiljkovićem, Guerrerom, Čedomirom Radićem i Milošem Pitulićem koji su bili u Sinđeliću prošle sezone. Nisam siguran za Filipa Matovića koji je sada na pozjamici u Sinđeliću, jer on je bio igrač OFK-a, prošle sezone na pozajmici u Dinamu iz Pančeva, ako je to on. http://www.srbijafudbal.net/ofkbgd/matovic_f.htm

Voždovac: 12 Milan Opačić (golman, '96.), Filip Erić (golman, '94, bio na pozajmici u Šumadiji Jagnjilo), Miloš Smiljanić (kao i Erić, bio u Šumadiji), Vladimir Trifunović(bio pozajmljen Železniku, mislim da je tamo i ostao)

Novi Pazar: Demir Kadrić, Edin Mujković, Anes Hot (Jošanica), neki su verovatno i na dvojnoj, verovatno je i Sead Župić vraćen u Jošanicu, pošto nije licenciran za Pazar, koliko vidim.

Zvezda: Miloš Vukić(bio na pozajmici u Hajduku Beograd), Novak Martinović(mislim da je pod ugovorom sa Zvezdom, ali je valjda još uvek povređen), Nenad Cvetković i Željko Žerađanin('96 trebalo bi da su obojica na pozajmici u Rakovici), Miloš Zukanović('96, ne znam da li je ostao, ili je otišao)

OFK: 9 Miljan Škrbić, 32 Milan Sekulić(obojica su '95, čini mi se, ali ne znam šta je s njima.) Imao je OFK još dosta igrača na pozajmicama prošle sezone, a sigurno je da će ih slati i ove, ali teško da ćemo uspeti sve to da pohvatamo.

Napredak: 25 Danijel Smiljković (igrao je pretprošle sezone u prvoj ligi, ne znam gde je proveo prošlu, na srbijafudbal-u piše da je u PPT-u drugi igrač sa istim imenom i prezimenom.)

Radnički Niš: 19 Marko Mrkić(Igrao u omladincima Radničkog, godinu dana proveo u omladincima Jagodine, bio licenciran i za prvi tim, ali nije igrao. Debitovao je za Radnički sa brojem 19, ali se Marjanović vratio u Radnički i izgleda ponovo uzeo 19, tako da ne znam šta će biti s Mrkićem.)

Milsim, kod nas je vrlo teško iskopati relevantne izvore, a same informacije su vrlo često neproverene i netačne, pa vrlo često moraš da pretreseš sve moguće objave po netu ne bi li išta iskopao. Pozdrav! Lotom (talk) 15:41, 7 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Ma imajuci u vidu koliko su nasi sajtovi slabi dobro smo uspeli i sve ovo do sada da skupimo. Danas me nije bilo a evo kasno cu da legnem, videcu jos malo veceras a vise sutra sta sve mogu da ti dodam. Od onoga sto vidim, Marko Mrkić nam je vec upisan u listu. Potpisao je za Jagodinu ponovo.
Onaj Filip Matovic izgleda da zaista jeste isti igrac, isti im je dattum rodjenja, mora da ga je Cuka kupila OFK-i, a admin sajta Srbijafudbal nije primetio. Onda, Cudjoe i Osei Bonsu su na pozajmici u Radnickom, verovatno su i dalje tamo samo Bekvalac ih ne jebe... U Radnickom bi isto trebao da bude i Luka Tiodorović, ima ga na zvanicnom sajtu ali nije jos igrao, ne znam ni dal je i dalje u klubu. Gro onih iz Jagodine je verovatno na pozajmci u Trgovackom Tabane.
Kad na Srbijafudbal bude admin postavio srpsku ligu, bice sve verovarno jasnije za mnoge igrace, do tada pokusacu da saznam sto vise podataka. FkpCascais (talk) 02:43, 8 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
A Stefan Čolović koji je na spisku igraca na OFKinom zvanicnom sajtu a uveliko igra za Drinu iz Zvornika? Verovatno ga je OFK-a dovela iz Rada ali posto je imala zabranu registracije poslali su ga Drini, ili ga bas pozajmili... ali sve je predpostavka... FkpCascais (talk) 02:51, 8 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Da, ali mi se čini da postoje bar dva Stefana Čolovića o kojima se priča. Ovaj o kome je reč i još jedan koji je takođe '94. godište i koji je igrao za Tottenham. Čini mi se da on stvarno igra levog beka i da je rođen u julu i ima švajcarsko državljanstvo, bio i u omladincima Bazela.
E sada, vidim da je na spisku igrača na prijateljskoj, igranoj pre neki dan. http://fudbalsrbija.net/romanticari-porazeni-u-krajovi/
Staviću da je ovaj iz Rada prešao u Drinu, a vidim da je tamo i Erić, bivši golman Voždovca. Zaboravio sam da napomenem Sašu Jovanovića iz Voždovca, takođe ne znam šta je s njim.
Što se Radničkog KG tiče, vidim da je Tiodorović igrao sada protiv Jagodine na prijateljskoj, ali isto vidim da neki lik redovno sređuje postavu na wiki stranici, sigurno je upoznat sa prilikama. Lotom (talk) 06:52, 8 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Aha, znaci ima verovatno 2 Stefana Colovica... Pa koji je gde onda? Jedan, taj sto je bio u Bazelu i Totenhemu, je igrao za Svajcarsku U16 reprezentaciju, e sad koji?
Mladost Lucana je ovog leta angazovala 2 Sasa Jovanovica, ali jedan od te dvojice je posle samo nedelju/dve otisao na Maltu i porpisao tamo za neki klub, tako da je pitanje uopste i da li je potpisao za Mladost ili kao slobodan igrac samo sa njima trenirao dok nije nasao inostrani agazman, u Malti... uau... E sad koji od ta sva Sasa Jovanovica isto ne znam sigurno. FkpCascais (talk) 05:12, 8 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Napravio sam stranu onom brazilcu iz Pazara, Bruno Oliveira de Matos. U Brazilu imaju 2 prezimena, prvo majcino drugo ocevo, pa vecina kad skrati ime koristi zadnje prezime, ali ako cak googlujes videces da njega mnogo cesce nazivaju Bruno Oliveirom... jebiga, ne znam sto, mozda je odrastao sa majkom. Cak na zerozero sajtu ima slicicu gde bas pise Bruno Oliveira, a na youtubu ima jedan video i pise Bruno Matos. Ovi u Pazaru su izgleda skontali taj zakon pa koriste vise Matos, ali izgleda da je on licno odabrao vise da koristi Oliveira... a u PM, stavio sam mu "Bruno" skraceno ime pa a u kurac. ... A inace spanci i sve zemlje gde se govori spanski imaju obrnuto, prvo ocevo prezime pa onda majcino. Pa onda Augusto Alexi Quintero Batioja bi trebao da bude Augusto Quintero, ali jebiga, i njega nesto cesce cak i u medijma u Ekvadoru zovu po majcinom prezimenu, Batioja. Kod nas kad je dosao odmah ga prozvase Batioja i od tada je ostalo... ali inace retkost za ekvadorce da koriste majcino a ne ocevo prezime.
A sto se prezimena tice, pazi Javier Cohene-a! Ne kapiram uopste kako su ga ovi iz Cacka potpisali kad je on sa reprezentacijom Palestine cak u dalekim Filipinima na Kupu Mira. Debiovao je za Palesinu upravo juce i dao gol. Ovde kod mene u Portugalu ga svi normalno zovu Javier Cohene, po ocevom prezimenu, ali posto je Cohene u stvari jevrejsko Cohen, sad ga u reprezentaciji Palestine zovu Javier Mereles, po majcinom prezimenu, da bi izbegli jevrjsko Cohene, ahahahahaha jebe lud zbunjenog... Inace, kad zavrsi Kup Mira sa Palestinom i ako zaista dodje u Cacak, dizem kapu ljudima sto su ga doveli! Decko je ovde kod mene u Portugalu bogami vec relativno poznat kao solidan stoper za srednje i manje klubove. FkpCascais (talk) 05:28, 8 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
A ovi iz Pazara kad su predstavljali Bruna i Tintora rekli da su pri kraju pregovori sa nekim ekstra strancem napadacem... i izgleda da nema nista od toga... FkpCascais (talk) 05:33, 8 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Baš zbog ovakvih nedoumuica se i trudim da napišem kakvu-takvu biografiju o svakom igraču koji ispunjava uslove. Saša Jovanović igra za Lučane, ovaj drugi iz Voždovca nije ostao. A taj na malti je mislim '8x godište. Što se Čolovića tiče, ovaj je igrao za Rad: http://sr.fkrad.rs/stefan-colovic, ovaj za OFK http://www.ofkbeograd.co.rs/?tip=players&show=163, a gledaj sad, na koga ti ovaj više liči: http://propaganda.photoshelter.com/image/I0000Hwe0EoKxEGU Meni se mnogo dopada Borac ove sezone. Pokriveni su bukvalno na svakoj poziciji sa 2-3 igrača i dobro su skockani. Samo ne znam šta će im ovoliki odbrambeni, ali iskreno verujem da ovaj donosi još bolji kvalitet. Pretpostavljam da će on i Ćola Miletić da igraju u tandemu, mada imaju 5-6 štopera sada. Nisu hteli da puste nekog u Slogu KV, a ona će da ispadne iz prve lige ove sezone. Nema igru uopšte, otišao je skoro ceo tim od prošle sezone. A, da ne zaboravim, jesi li gledao za onog Nigerijca iz Oriona da li ima neko skraćeno ime? Lotom (talk) 07:43, 8 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Da dodam ovom spisku prvotimaca koji fale i nekolicinu iz subotičkog Spartaka: 3 Bojan Čiča, 23 Milan Vojvodić, 28 Aleksa Matić, koji je kao i mnogi igrao za Palić prošle polusezone, ali sada, kako Palić igra ko zna koji rang takmičenja, ne znam kuda se sada igrači ići na pozajmice. Uglavnom, bilo je sijaset igrača u Paliću. http://www.srbijafudbal.net/palic.htm Lotom (talk) 11:10, 9 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
U Borcu mi jedino nije jasno ko je Bogdan Ivanovic na dnu liste igraca... FkpCascais (talk) 14:57, 9 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
On je na spisku još od prošle sezone. Nisam siguran za njega, ali ne igra u prvom timu, koliko znam. Ima dosta ,,fantoma" u našem fudbalu, to je činjenica. Lotom (talk) 18:12, 10 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Ahahaha to za fantome si potpuno u pravu. Ovih dana sam dodao neke transfere, verovatno si video, neke koje si spominjao ovde. Na stbijafudbal.net su izbacili Srpsku Ligu Beograd.
Sto se ostaloga tice, znas sta trazim bezuspesno vec godinama? Liste igraca nasih klubova iz 90-tih. Jel znas mozda gde mogu to da nadjem? FkpCascais (talk) 16:59, 10 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Video sam za srpsku ligu, prelistao sam sve, pa ću ubaciti šta fali ovih dana. U poslednje vreme sam stalno po autobusima KV-BG i obratno, pa ne stižem da sredim mnogo toga. Videću da ažuriram što mogu do kraja septembra, jer posle sledi fax i dosta privatnih obaveza. Znam da se trudiš oko tih spiskova igrača. Ja se nisam fokusirao puno na to, ali do sada nisam nalazio neke spiskove pre 20xx-te. Iako sam u stanju da pretresem sve po netu kada nešto tražim, u ovo ne polažem baš neke nade. Tada je bilo ono ratno stanje i sve ostalo je bilo manje važno. Možda može da se iskopa ponešto, ali pitanje je i koliko je to relevantno. Lotom (talk) 18:45, 11 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Je l' možeš da pronađeš nešto o ovom Mihailu koji se pominje na kraju teksta? http://www.fkdonjisrem.com/2014/09/moro-sleteo-u-pecince/ Takođe, kako ja kapiram ovaj spisak, izgleda da su Petković i Božičić otišli. http://www.fkdonjisrem.com/2014/09/odlucno-na-gradevinu/ Jer vidim da su ubacili ovaj naš spisak, sa nekim izmenama. Video sam na njihovom sajtu da si se raspitivao za sertifikat, ko zna da li su uopšte i videli ovaj spisak pre toga. Mada sam zapazio da su recimo ovi s Napretkovog sajta bukvalno za karijere nekih igrača iskoristili ono što sam ja pisao i samo preveli. Bar znam da nekome koristi. Lotom (talk) 17:12, 12 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Aha video sam na sajtu Donjeg Srema kako su upotrebili nase liste odavde :D Ako, neka su. Ove sa Napredkovog sajta cekam da apdejtuju igracki kadar, jos im tamo stoji Regan -_- ... Za ovog Mihaila Dadadzea na guglu nista nema o.O Valjda je gruzijac, valjda bi trebao da bude Mikhail Dadadze, ali mi bas nista ne daje. Probacu negde da ga iskopam. Pazi OFK-u, doveli mladog slovenca iz NK Maribora, auuu i Aksentjevica! :D Brate Lotom, uradili smo (ti najvise) ovu listu transfera bas najbolje moguce. Vec sam na jednom forumu FMSerbia video kako su rekli da smo bas azurirani bas ono u pozitivnom. Ali jebote neverovatno da smo zemlja u Evropi koja obozava fudbal a da nemamo sajt kako treba... FkpCascais (talk) 04:51, 13 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Ahahahaha znas ko je menager Dautovicu? Lian Sports :) (Ramadani-Terza, to je veza) ... Al ajde dobro... Matej mu ima vec clanak u sandboxu: User:Matej1234/Dautovic. FkpCascais (talk) 05:06, 13 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Isti slučaj kao s Matovićem. http://www.srbijafudbal.net/napredak/petrovic_ml.htm http://www.srbijafudbal.net/radnickinis/petrovic_ml.htm Ne uspevam ništa da nađem za Vitalie Bulat-a, bio je na pozajmici... Većinu smo ubacili, ono što fali, uglavnom nema relevantan izvor, ili čak nikakav, jer bi se već nešto našlo. Za Radojevića iz Rada sam video na Javorovoj FB strani. Igrao je prijateljsku protiv Lučana. Bilo je očigledno da će Cohene nositi 6, a Radunović 3 u Borcu. Šta ti bi da stavljaš one brojeve za Slogu KV? xD Njih namerno ostavljam za kraj, pošto su moji, pa ću njih polako da sređujem. Inače, Slogina prva garnitura dresova je daCapo, a druga je Nike, koja je stara sigurno 5 godina, minimum. Još iz doba Srpske lige zapad. Zato prva garnitura ima brojeve do 24(možda čak postoji i neki dres više, jer mi se čini da sam jednom video sliku Darka Drinića u novinama dok je još igrao za Slogu sa brojem 26!), a druga samo do 18. Prvi dresovi su bele, a drugi plave boje. Ali to su više informacije za kitmaker-e na PES-u, FIFI... Inače do prošle sezone se znalo ko koji broj nosi, uglavnom, ali ako u sastav upadne neko ko inače nije među prvih 18, on onda nosi broj onog igrača koji ne igra. Međutim, kako se taj tim raspao, ovu sezonu su počeli poređani po brojevima od 1 do 18. Reč je o prvoj garnituri, naravno. E sad, videćemo šta će sezona da donese, ali se, u principu ne koristi više od 20 brojeva u sezoni. Lotom (talk) 16:03, 14 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Ahahaha ako su brojevi pogresni, izvini :D , evo odakle sam ih stavio: link. A brojevi za SUperLigu koj sam dodao, sam dodao preko live-reporta Mozzartsporta (stavio sam linkove u edit summary). Za moldavca Bulata isto ne znam nista, ne mozemos da ga stavimo medju odlaske jer ne znamo da li je raskinuo sa OFK-om, ili je negde na pozajmici, ili negde na probi... Onaj golman Cedomir Radic je u SIndjelicu. FkpCascais (talk) 14:38, 14 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Redovno proveravam te sajtove, bez brige. Garant postoji neka opcija sa Ramadanijem, čim je ovaj sada tu. Igrao je na pripremama, ali sam ipak mislio da nije tu. Samo me čudi kako nije isforsirao upravu da debituje za Partizan. Nije se naigrao gde god da je bio, ali ne mogu da ga pljujem unapred, samo zato što je Ramadanijev, jer mu oči u životu nisam video... A Osmančevića je doveo Dovedan, siguran sam. Obojica su iz tog kraja, koliko znam. Lotom (talk) 8:55, 15 September 2014 (UTC)

September 2014

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Kosovo Status note on Kosovan Football Clubs

I just wanted to pick your brain on this because you edit both articles about Kosovo and football. I'm not entirely sure the Kosovo Status note is required on the football club articles. Kosovo is a territory (regardless if it is a country or province) which has its own football league, no one disputes this and it has had its own league since 1945; it pre-dates the dispute. The football clubs and league have nothing to do with the politics or the dispute, so I'm not sure why the status note is required. Kosovo is a territory with its own league (non-UEFA affiliated). For example, one could argue that FC Prishtina is a football club of Serbia, however as it plays in Kosovo's league, we say it is in Kosovo; this is similar to saying that Bangor City F.C. is a Welsh football club and not a British football club because it plays in the Welsh Premier League. It is my understanding that the status note is used to improve NPOV however it isn't POV to say that FC Prishtina is a football in Kosovo (without the status note) because it is a football club which plays in the Kosovo Superleague. No one disputes this. No one says that it should play in the Serbian SuperLiga or a lower Serbian league. Anyway, I just wanted to see your thoughts on the matter as I don't see why the status note is required in a non-political context. IJA (talk) 17:58, 15 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Yes, I understand your point. It is a litle bit comparable to England, Wales, Northern Ireland or Scorland which compete separately in football, and you are basically saying that once one mentions that in the article, exemple, Dundee United is a Scottish club playing in Scottish League, that becomes unecessary to add United Kingdom to the context. However, there is a difference. FIFA and UEFA do recognise each of them as separate, but don´t recognise Kosovo. For FIFA and UEFA point of view, FC Prishtina is a club located on the territory of the Serbian Football Association, but doesn´t play in the Serbian league system, but in a "rebel" unrecognised one. However, I admit that it is not up to us to judge the decition of the Kosovo FA not to participate in the Serbian FA organised competitions and to create their own league. So, I am perfectly OK in saying that those are Kosovar clubs, playing in Kosovar leagues, etc. I just think the Kosovo status note is only necessary when mentioning where the club is located (for instance, in the infobox, when saying that the club is located on place X in Kosovo). FkpCascais (talk) 18:48, 15 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Fair enough, however I'm sure the Serbian FA recognises the Football Federation of Kosovo as it was established in 1946, they just deem it to be sub-national and thus ineligible for UEFA/FIFA without their consent. But yeah, the status-note is only there for the location bit in the intro so it I'm not that fussed over its use in that context. I just feel that in some cases the status note is sometimes over used and used when it isn't required. For example, I removed it today from the Mother Teresa article because it was in context to Kosovo in the 19th Century and she died ten years before the declaration of independence, there was no reason for it to be there. I wouldn't be surprised if some fool were to add it to the "Battle of Kosovo" article. I believe that this status-note should not be used on anything historical prior to 2008 because it isn't relevant before 2008; there was no dispute before 2008. Don't get me wrong, the status-note is useful and is there in the spirit of NPOV but WhiteWriter (before he disappeared) seems to have added to every article on Wikipedia which mentions Kosovo. Anyway, thanks for giving me you view on the Kosovo Football Club articles. Regards IJA (talk) 21:44, 15 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Would you object to me adding something to Wikipedia:Manual of Style/Kosovo-related articles#Kosovo note? Something along the lines of "The Kosovo note should not be used in a historical context prior to February 2008." Does that seem fair to you? IJA (talk) 21:51, 15 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Sorry, I haven´t had much time yeasterday and today, but, no, I wouldn´t object at all, I think your proposal is fine. FkpCascais (talk) 14:26, 16 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]


Nažalost, izgleda da ćemo i na Srbijafudbal morati selektivnije da se oslanjamo. Taman sam hteo da dodam sve ovo, ne stigoh juče, ali ti si bio brži.:) Neko je bio dodavao ove brojeve sa Srbijafudbala, međutim, bar 50% je pogrešno, kao što vidiš. Baš sam gledao OFK, da vidim za Čolovića, prebacili su onog iz Rada, a on igra za Drinu. Prelistao sam i forum FM-a i odatle malo pohvatao konce. Što ukupno znači da više nemamo ni jedan sajt na koji možemo da se oslonimo 100%. I da, treba da napišem strane za još 6 igrača koji su debitovali u ovom prvenstvu i da sredim statistiku za ostale. Ono što me zanima, ti sigurno znaš bolje jeste koje uslove treba da ispunjava klub da bi se napisala strana za njega. Pošto bih se, ako stignem, pozabavio malo nižerazrednim klubovima. I da li mogu da napišem stranu za sezonu kluba iz PLS? Takođe, ako bih ubacivao neku sliku ili logo, nisam baš siguran... Lotom (talk) 9:00, 26 September 2014 (UTC)

Hehe, video sam to za brojeve, ja sam ubacio samo neke koje nismo imali i ne poklapaju njednog drugog igraca sa istim brojem, a nisam dodao recimo Mazalicu u Donjem Sremu jer ima neki drugi igrac koji ima isti broj a nije otisao tako da sam skontao da ti brojevi iz srbijafudbal.net mogu da imaju greske. Ja sam razgovarao nekoliko puta sa administratorom srbijafudbal.net i jako je fin i sve to dobrovoljno radi tako sto mu klubovi i savez dostupe podatke. E sad, ima naravno gresaka. Prva je recimo ta da kad ne zna mesto rodjenja igracima, stavi im mesto prvog kluba u kojem je igrao. Vec sam ga molio da to ne radi nego da ostavi prazno, ali nije vredelo, rekao je da je u vecini slucajeva ispadne tacno... Tako je recimo onom Marceti iz Donjeg Srema stavio bio Novi Sad jer mu je prvi klub bio iz Novog Sada, pa su ostali sajtovi to prekopirali, i tek skoro je popravio na BiH. Drugo, nacionalnost. Molio sam ga da li moze da se drzi istog principa kao mi ovde na Vikipediji, ono da stavljamo pod jedan reprezentaciju za koju igrac igra ili je igrao, pa pod dva, zemlja mesta rodjenja. Naravno, u toj drugoj tacci koristimo malo logike, recimo, onaj Curko iz Vojvodine ima SRB zastavicu iako je rodjen u Nemackoj i verovatno poseduje oba drzavljanstva, ali posto nije vezan za Nemacku korenom porodicnim niti je tako uopste igrao, nego je samo rodjen tamo jer je tata privremeno tamo igrao fudbal, onda naravno, OK, stavljamo ga pod Srbija. A srbijafudbal.net mi je rekao da im stavlja nacionalnost po nacionalnsoti koju sami igraci se deklarisu (hum, cudno) i zato na primer Alivodica stavlja pod Bosnu, jer se definise kao Bosnjak (mada ne znam kako ima pristup tim podatcima niti da li to ima igde, to gde se igraci deklarisu po nacionalnosti. U statistickom zavodu? lol).
Tako da sajt Srbijafudbal je dosta pouzdan, ali nije definitivno 100% pouzdan. Brojeve treba proveriti. Mesta rodjena su vecimom tacna, jedini koji su pod upitnikom su oni kojima stoji isto mesto rodjena od prvog njihovog kluba. Recimo, ako igracu koji je poceo karijeru u FK Vršac sttoji mesto rodjenja "Vršac", moze da bude tacno ali moze i da ne bude. A ako je poceo karijeru u Vešcu a stoji mu Zaječar, onda je sigurno tacno.
Onda, statistiku za predhodne klubove ubacuje iz njegove baze podataka od svih sezona koje ima (ima sve od 2001. pa do sada). Sto se tice stranaca i nasih sa karijerama po inostranstvu cini mi se da nalazi preko interneta, ali nisam siguran, to ga nisam pitao. Takodje video sam da ima neke igrace pobrkane, recimo Colovica kao sto su spomenuo, pa imao je onog Edin Rustemovića koji je dosao iz Nemacke u Drinu Zvornik i iz Drine u omladince Vojvodine, pa OFK-u i pozajmice, i sad je opet sa Drinom, pomesao mu je karijeru sa crnogorcem Edi Rustemovićem, nesto starijim koji je igrao u Borcu iz Cacka, Kolubari i lucanskoj Mladosti. One Nikola Vasiljević isto ima karijere od obojice zajedno pobrkane.
Za klubove, probacu da nadjem kriterijum pa cu ga postaviti. A i o tome za sezonske klubovske clanke. FkpCascais (talk) 13:56, 26 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Hvala ti za ovo. Znači, ovo kod nas je još veći bedak nego što sam milio. Sve je na dobrovoljnoj bazi. Dobro je što imamo i ovoliko koliko imamo sada. U svakom slučaju, ja sam zahvalan za svaku informaciju koju dobijem. Ja ću da pišem te sezone za sebe, pa ću da ih čuvam u nekom dokumentu. Ili ću da sačuvam na Wiki, pa ako obrišu... I da, vidi onda za Bežaniju, ja sam stavio zastevice Portugala i Poljske za dvojicu igrača, pošto su tamo rođeni. Ti popravi, ako ne valja, pošto ja nikako da pohvatam sve kriterijume. Lotom (talk) 16:35, 26 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Napravi slobodno sezone u Sandboxu,ja imam preko 40 sandboxova sa svim i svacim. Jos nisam siguran koji klubovi mogu da imaju sezonske clanke, ako treba pitacu na WikiProject Football, pa ako moze samo se sandbox pretvori u clanak tako sto mu se promeni ime i stavi pravi naslov. Video sam na squad od Bezanije, super si sve dodao, ja sam im bio video tu istu stranu na sajtu pre par nedelja i nisam bio znao da su napravili apdejt i dodali jos te igrace. Poljaka Cisica sam vec imao u User:FkpCascais/Sandbox31 gde imam sve strance iz nizih liga, verovatno je pravi poljak koji je dosao jos mlad kod nas sa roditeljima sigurno. A Marko Šoć je najverovatnije sin od nekog naseg igraca koji je igrao u Viseu. To je jedan gradic u unutrasnjosti Portugala daleko od mesta gde ja zivim, bio sam tamo samo jedanput jos pre 15 godina i znam da je tamo bila mala kolonija nasih sportista. Šoć je nase prezime (iz Vojvodine jel?), i Marko nase ime (u Portugalu ima ali se pise "Marco"), tako da i da ostane portugalska zastavica nije problem jer decko vrlo moguce ima duplo drzavljanstvo ali je vise nas covek tamo slucajno rodjen. A Cisic jos i zbog imena "Aleksander" sa "e" a i zucko je pravi (jesi mu video sliku?) izgleda da je pravi poljak. FkpCascais (talk) 16:04, 26 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Bio je jedan fudbaler Šoć u OFK Beogradu 90-tih, ruku dajem da je verovatno on presao u Académico de Viseu FC i dok je tamo igrao dobio sina Marka. Ali posto Marko nije ni igrao u Portugalu, vise logike ima da mu stoji nasa zastava. A recimo sin od trenera Muslina, Marko Muslin, rodio se u Francuskoj 1985. dok mu je tata tamo trenirao, ali je tamo poceo da igra i svugde gde je igrao, igrao je kao francuz (kao domaci igrac u Nici i Monaku, pa posle kao francika u Belgiji, Bugarskoj i Svici) pa njemu je logicnije da stoji francuska zastavica gde god da igra. Bila je diskusija oko ovih slucajeva jos pre nekoliko godine na fudbalskom projektu, pa se odlucilo da za igrace koji nemaju reprezentativne nastupe koristi ovakva neka logika : zastavice zemlje mesta rodjenja, sem ako se igrac bas ono slucajno samo tamo rodio i nema nikakve veze u karijeri sa tom zemljom. Posle sam ja primenio to za nase slucajeve iz Bosne jer skoro svi imaju srpsku zastavu i onda i kad se vrate u Bosnu i igraju u, recimo Rudaru iz Prijedora, stoji im SRB zastavica kao da su igraci iz Srbije koji su dosli u Bosnu da igraju. I na transfermarktu su poceli to da menjaju i stavljaju BIH pod jedan (mada ima jos puno da se popravlja), jer je do pre godinu dve nazad ispadalo da u Bosni igra 200 stranaca na 350 igraca, a ono od tih 200 100 su bili srbi od kojih recimo 70 su bili srbi iz Bosne koji su igrali samo u Srbiji, a 100 hrvati sa istim slucajem. Nema logike da recimo jedan Nebojša Šodić igra kao stranac (srbin) u svom rodnom gradu Prijedoru samo zato sto ima verovatno dvojno drzavljanstvo i sto je igrao par sezona u Srbiji u Kuli i Apatinu. Niti ima logike da mu se menja zastavica zaviseci od toga gde igra, da mu stoji SRB zastavica kad u Srbiji i BIH zastavica kad u Bosni. Nema reprezentativne nastupe, rodjen je i igrao u Bosni, nacionalnost 1 mu je BIH i ta treba svigde da mu stoji, jer je on igrac iz Bosne koji je igrao u Srbiji, a ne igrac iz Srbije koji je dosao u Bosnu da igra. Ako Republika Srpska trazi i dobije nezavisnost jednog dana onda ce mo videti, ali do tada... :D ... FkpCascais (talk) 16:38, 26 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Uf, ugnjavih te sada sa ovim, izvini, nisam ni trebao jer si ti bas super editor i sve bs super radis. Samo sam iskoristio ovo nekako da objasnim cak i za nekog drugog u buducnosti ako pita. A nemoj slucajno da shvatis da imam nesto protiv srba iz Bosne ili da zelim namerno BIH zastavicu da im stavljam, ja sam iz BG ali su mi pola porodice srbi iz Sarajeva i bas sam ono vezan za njih. Samo je poenta cisto fudbalska, da su to nisu igraci iz Srbije koji idu u potragu za lebom u BiH, nego su igraci iz Bosne koji su kod nas igrali ili igraju. FkpCascais (talk) 16:56, 26 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Napravi slobodno sezone u Sandboxu,ja imam preko 40 sandboxova sa svim i svacim. Jos nisam siguran koji klubovi mogu da imaju sezonske clanke, ako treba pitacu na WikiProject Football, pa ako moze samo se sandbox pretvori u clanak tako sto mu se promeni ime i stavi pravi naslov. Video sam na squad od Bezanije, super si sve dodao, ja sam im bio video tu istu stranu na sajtu pre par nedelja i nisam bio znao da su napravili apdejt i dodali jos te igrace. Poljaka Cisica sam vec imao u User:FkpCascais/Sandbox31 gde imam sve strance iz nizih liga, verovatno je pravi poljak koji je dosao jos mlad kod nas sa roditeljima sigurno. A Marko Šoć je najverovatnije sin od nekog naseg igraca koji je igrao u Viseu. To je jedan gradic u unutrasnjosti Portugala daleko od mesta gde ja zivim, bio sam tamo samo jedanput jos pre 15 godina i znam da je tamo bila mala kolonija nasih sportista. Šoć je nase prezime (iz Vojvodine jel?), i Marko nase ime (u Portugalu ima ali se pise "Marco"), tako da i da ostane portugalska zastavica nije problem jer decko vrlo moguce ima duplo drzavljanstvo ali je vise nas covek tamo slucajno rodjen. A Cisic jos i zbog imena "Aleksander" sa "e" a i zucko je pravi (jesi mu video sliku?) izgleda da je pravi poljak. FkpCascais (talk) 16:04, 26 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Bio je jedan fudbaler Šoć u OFK Beogradu 90-tih, ruku dajem da je verovatno on presao u Académico de Viseu FC i dok je tamo igrao dobio sina Marka. Ali posto Marko nije ni igrao u Portugalu, vise logike ima da mu stoji nasa zastava. A recimo sin od trenera Muslina, Marko Muslin, rodio se u Francuskoj 1985. dok mu je tata tamo trenirao, ali je tamo poceo da igra i svugde gde je igrao, igrao je kao francuz (kao domaci igrac u Nici i Monaku, pa posle kao francika u Belgiji, Bugarskoj i Svici) pa njemu je logicnije da stoji francuska zastavica gde god da igra. Bila je diskusija oko ovih slucajeva jos pre nekoliko godine na fudbalskom projektu, pa se odlucilo da za igrace koji nemaju reprezentativne nastupe koristi ovakva neka logika : zastavice zemlje mesta rodjenja, sem ako se igrac bas ono slucajno samo tamo rodio i nema nikakve veze u karijeri sa tom zemljom. Posle sam ja primenio to za nase slucajeve iz Bosne jer skoro svi imaju srpsku zastavu i onda i kad se vrate u Bosnu i igraju u, recimo Rudaru iz Prijedora, stoji im SRB zastavica kao da su igraci iz Srbije koji su dosli u Bosnu da igraju. I na transfermarktu su poceli to da menjaju i stavljaju BIH pod jedan (mada ima jos puno da se popravlja), jer je do pre godinu dve nazad ispadalo da u Bosni igra 200 stranaca na 350 igraca, a ono od tih 200 100 su bili srbi od kojih recimo 70 su bili srbi iz Bosne koji su igrali samo u Srbiji, a 100 hrvati sa istim slucajem. Nema logike da recimo jedan Nebojša Šodić igra kao stranac (srbin) u svom rodnom gradu Prijedoru samo zato sto ima verovatno dvojno drzavljanstvo i sto je igrao par sezona u Srbiji u Kuli i Apatinu. Niti ima logike da mu se menja zastavica zaviseci od toga gde igra, da mu stoji SRB zastavica kad u Srbiji i BIH zastavica kad u Bosni. Nema reprezentativne nastupe, rodjen je i igrao u Bosni, nacionalnost 1 mu je BIH i ta treba svigde da mu stoji, jer je on igrac iz Bosne koji je igrao u Srbiji, a ne igrac iz Srbije koji je dosao u Bosnu da igra. Ako Republika Srpska trazi i dobije nezavisnost jednog dana onda ce mo videti, ali do tada... :D ... FkpCascais (talk) 16:38, 26 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Taman posla, ionako me je zanimalo kojom se logikom vodiš prilikom ovoga. Za Poljaka sam i ja siguran, jedino za Šoća, upravo zbog svega što si naveo. Jer naših ima svuda po svetu i onda... Recimo Kanada, Australija, Švajcarska, Austrija i još neke, gde je to baš izraženo. Ja, doduše, zemlje bivše SFRJ i dalje ne smatram potpuno stranim, jer nam se jezici ne razlikuju previše. Još nisam koristio Sandbox, ne stižem ni ovako sve što isplaniram. Zabaviću se malo time ovih dana, ako stignem. Krećem na fax od ponedeljka, pa koliko mi vreme i eventualno wi-fi bude dozvoljavao... Lotom (talk) 10:05, 27 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Ma da, to "stranci" za igrace iz veceg dela bivse Juge je smesno. Pa eto moj rodjak Bojan Regoje da dodje u Srbiju da igra bi bio kao "stranac" hahaha. Da mu mozda ne bi trebao prevodilac :D a ne znam na planeti vecih srbenda od tih mojih Regoja. Ali eto, i Tole i savez su sami napravili zakon da se svi racunaju kao stranci (ok, ako imaju dvojno drzavljansvo nisu, ali mnogi klinci sad od po 18-20 i nove generacije iz RS i CG vise nemaju), tako da su ove liste "foreign players" u nasem slucaju u svari liste igraca kojima srpsko nije prvo drzavljanstvo. Jos mi nije odgovorio jedan admin za ove sezone, mozda je vikend a vidim da ga nema na viki ovih dana, sacekacu do sutra pa cu pitati drugoga. Sandbox ne znam da li znas, pravis ga tako sto samo napravis link User:Lotom/Sandbox1 i pises tamo sta hoces. Posle sledecu stavis Sandbox2, 3,4,itd. U principu bi trebali sandboxi biti samo potencijalni clanci, ali mislim ti niko nece gledati sandbox i mozes sta hoces u njemu da stavljas, ja ih imam puno i u njima pisem svasta od statistika, do tekstova i gluposti, i niko me nikad nije nista pitao za njih. FkpCascais (talk) 03:36, 28 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]


The Tireless Contributor Barnstar
I have noticed your edits and appreciated them greatly. Thank you for your contributions to Wikipedia. Cheers! Antidiskriminator (talk) 07:31, 3 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Many many thanks Antidiskriminator! I am very flattered by your recognition. I hope you are fine and poke me whenever you feel to. Best regards! FkpCascais (talk) 12:15, 3 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Aleksandar Duric

I went through numerous sources on the Serbian division two club he played for but they are conflicting each other on the exact club, and I could find no definitive answer. NFT states Sloga Skopje, a Macedonian club while other sources list Sloga Požega as the club. If you could find the actual club he played for using Bosnian or Serbian sources, please drop me a message. I would love to know too. Much appreciated. LRD 15:01, 4 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Yes, I saw those clubs mentioned but I suspected they could be a result of a mistake as his first club was named Sloga (FK Sloga Doboj). He certainly played in the Doboj one. Of the others mentioned, the Macedonian one is FK Sloga Jugomagnat from Skopje, and the Serbian one is FK Sloga Požega. I doubt that he had played in the Macedonian one, it is probable that knowing that he had played in a club named FK Sloga that someone tought it was the one from Skopje as it was the only Sloga one playing in a top-level back then in the entire region, so it was like the most well known one. The other mentioned, the Požega one, FK Sloga Požega by that time was playing in a lower level than the second one. The only Sloga playing in the second level by then was FK Sloga Kraljevo who got promoted to the second level of FR Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) in 1992, 1992–93 Second League of FR Yugoslavia (source). But, we don´t know for sure if the club he played in the second level in Serbia, as he is telling us, was even called Sloga (or is it just those websites making confusion with Sloga Doboj), and, we don´t know the exact season either. I´ll try to search more but it is hard because despite the good quality of the seecond level back then, the sources available nowadays are scarse. Even if I find match-reports, they often mention only the surnames, and Đurić (also written as Djurić) is quit a common surname in the region, a litle bit like Smith or Johnson in UK. Playerhistory.com, which is still not working, says he played in FK Sloga Kraljevo in the season 1992/93. You can see a copy of his page at soccerdatabase . eu (I can´t post the link because is blacklisted here at Wikipedia). I´ll try to see if I can find more info and will let you know LRD, best regards! FkpCascais (talk) 02:05, 5 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]
We have a fellow wikipedian who is FK Sloga Kraljevo fan, User:Lotom, I will ask him if he knows something and if he can confirm if he played in Kraljevo. FkpCascais (talk) 02:10, 5 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Cheers for the help. It would be nice to fill in a missing part of his history. Out of curiosity, why is soccerdatabase.eu blacklisted? LRD 02:15, 5 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Just had a look at that website. Seems I got confused with footballdatabase.eu, of which many articles have as an external link, hence the curiosity. I could sort of get a feel why soccerdatabase is blacklisted. Cheers and have a nice day. LRD 02:26, 5 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]
(ec) From what I heard it´s because there was a missunderstanding among administrators of Playerhistory.com and one of them went out and created soccerdatabase.eu where he created an exact copy of playerhistory without consent. Håkon André Winther made efforts here on en.wiki claiming rights of the content and got soccerdatabase to be blacklisted. I remember him personally asking for it at WP:FOOTY, it´s in the archives of the discussions. Or, exemple, see this from the time it was still not blacklisted :D FkpCascais (talk) 02:39, 5 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Just went through the archives regarding playerhistory.com to get a better view of the dispute. It seems that while the 'legit' site (www.playerhistory.com) has been and continues to be down, the mirror site has outlived any 'legal action' the owner of PH had taken. I have never used PH before so I am unaware of any merits the site may have. Thankfully we have good alternatives in soccerway and the likes. LRD 03:35, 5 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Oh, but I have been dealing with many players that soccerway doesn´t have cause they only cover the last 7-8 seasons, and for players from the past playerhistory.com has been often the only source with stats from the 1970s, 80s, 90s. I used it a lot and I miss it very much. Their search engine has been one of the most helpfull tools for me for finding careers of retired players. Footballdatabase.eu is also helpfull, but includes much less statistical data of appearances and goals. FkpCascais (talk) 06:26, 5 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Which other sources do you use for career statistics? I use soccerway in general - good overview layout that's easy for updates - but as you said, the data is limited to more recent years. Soccerbase is good for English league players but they too suffer from the same problem as soccerway. Ligue1.com is my to-go-to for French league players. For international stats, there's NFT but their data is sometimes inaccurate or incomplete. What do you use for players from the Balkans as presumably you are from the region, and are there any good sources for older generation or retired players? cheers. LRD 06:46, 5 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]
I can't confirm, but I think that he didn't play for FK Sloga Kraljevo, I give less than 1% that he played for. See his interview. There are too fake sources, maybe I can ask some older people, but I don't believe thay remember players from that time. Lotom (talk) 9:03, 5 October 2014 (UTC)

Igraci klubova iz devedesetih godina

Ne znam zasto si se zaustavio sa trazenjem podataka o igracima klubova u sezonama devedesetih godina. Ako imas vremena nastavi sa trazenjem podataka o tim igracima, a ja sam te pitao zasto si se zaustavio sa trazenjem tih podataka. Jolicnikola (talk) 20:12, 7 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Nisam se zaustavio, bas naprotiv, prosle nedelje sam poceo da popunjavam u sandboxu timove iz 90-tih. Jel na to mislis? FkpCascais (talk) 21:11, 7 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Invitation for discussion: Serbia national basketball team

Hey, one more invitation for a discussion here: Final disscussion: Results/medals history. Please, participate.--AirWolf talk 13:28, 13 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]

October 2014

Hello, I'm BracketBot. I have automatically detected that your edit to List of foreign football players in Serbia may have broken the syntax by modifying 1 "()"s. If you have, don't worry: just edit the page again to fix it. If I misunderstood what happened, or if you have any questions, you can leave a message on my operator's talk page.

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Proposed deletion of Goran Bogdanović (footballer born 1990)

The article Goran Bogdanović (footballer born 1990) has been proposed for deletion because of the following concern:

Article about a footballer who fails WP:GNG and who has not played in a fully pro league.

While all constructive contributions to Wikipedia are appreciated, content or articles may be deleted for any of several reasons.

You may prevent the proposed deletion by removing the {{proposed deletion/dated}} notice, but please explain why in your edit summary or on the article's talk page.

Please consider improving the article to address the issues raised. Removing {{proposed deletion/dated}} will stop the proposed deletion process, but other deletion processes exist. In particular, the speedy deletion process can result in deletion without discussion, and articles for deletion allows discussion to reach consensus for deletion. Sir Sputnik (talk) 20:18, 21 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]


G'day Fkp. I suggest asking User:XrysD on Commons to make what is needed. Excellent map maker, uses good quality source maps. Cheers, Peacemaker67 (crack... thump) 22:20, 29 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you very much for the suggestion. I think we may need at least two better maps than the ones we have on commons, one for the Serbian Empire, and another one for the territories ruled by Louis the Great. FkpCascais (talk) 14:15, 30 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]

I'm trying to find some sources, but there aren't any as far as I can see. If I find any I'll send them to you. Good day! PeppermintSA (talk) 17:34, 1 November 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Bulgarian vassalage

Hi, I noticed you added some info to the articles on a couple of articles about a vassal relationship between Bulgaria and Serbia. You've used a single source and I failed to find the statement from it that backs up such an extraordinary claim. I am really unsure if sources agree on long-lasting vassalage as you suggest. While there is no question of Ivan Stefan being a puppet of Serbia, he was quickly dethroned. I fail to see any sources backing up claims of Ivan Alexander being a vassal. A royal marriage is hardly a proof of vassalage. And where did the year 1365 come from? I see you have specifically searched for the words "Bulgaria, vassal, Dushan" in order to come up with the source. My own search produced a dozen of books non of which supported the claim of a 34-year-long vassalage. --Laveol T 03:55, 2 November 2014 (UTC)[reply]

I actually started searching those wordsd because they are the translation of a schoolbook I have in Croatian so I went out seing what it has about it on English. I am not sure why you are not seing this source opening to a page (8 lines from the bottom) where you can read: "But in 1330, the Serbs... ...stretching from the Danube to the gulf of Arta, and including Bulgaria as a vassal state, 1331-1365." I suppose that fact is not much insisted by neither Serbs nor Bulgarians because it ruins our friendly relations and it doesn't mean much neither for the Serbs as it all ended badly with Dushans death and Ottoman invasion, but there are plenty of indications Bulgaria was vassal of Serbia after the Battle of Velbazhd: it didn't lost territory not because Dushan didn't wanted Bulgaria, but because it became vassal, and Bulgarian patriarch didn't crowned him because he fancied Dushan but because he was his suzeraign. Its quite late in the place I am, Lisbon (4:27 in the morning), and I haven't slep yet, but tomorrow I plan to dig more into this. The search I made using Dushan is not good because there are different spellings, however, anyway, I found that there is too little written about Serbia - Bulgaria relationship in that period in both Serbian and Bulgarian articles. Regards, FkpCascais (talk) 04:28, 2 November 2014 (UTC)[reply]
I beleave I also used this source which says (pag. 35 by the middle): "Bulgarias tsar, whose sister Dushan had married, became his vassal." but this one doesn't mention the years as the previous one does. FkpCascais (talk) 04:38, 2 November 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Good relations have never stopped Bulgaria and Serbia from whitewashing their history or claiming superiority one over the other :) However, the whole vassal thing does look rather unlikely. Especially with Bulgaria waging its separate wars during the period. And even more so with Ivan Aleksandar keeping the title of Tsar. The book's preview does not include the page with the text you mention. The years are sometimes listed as the period in which Ivan Alexander reigned. This is the only possible explanation I can find. From what I see of the page, it reads, "it boundaries stretched from the Danube on the North to the gulf of Arda and the channel of Euboea on the South;" There is nothing about "..., including Bulgaria".
I will remove the statement for now. It looks like a fringe view and it is not even backed up by any sources. The situation with Serbia and Bulgaria is already mentioned in the articles, too. --Laveol T 04:58, 2 November 2014 (UTC)[reply]

SL East

Ma mogao si meni da ostaviš ubacio bih ja to sve ovih dana, nego se trudim da vodim neku evidenciju koliko-toliko, gde, ko, šta, kako... Ima i onih koji nisu više pod ugovorom sa klubom, a vode se da su na pozajmici, pa dok to isproveravam i iščeprkam... Opet ponavljam, vodim neku evidenciju za sebe, jer drugačije ne bih mogao da se snađem. Ima još nekoliko starih transfera + SL istok. Pitanje da li bi Bonsu debitovao da Neško nije došao, jer ga je Bekvalac držao u nemilosti, a Čapljić skoro da i nije bio na klupi. Neško ga je trenirao u Radniku i već ga poznaje. Za Vujnovića me je prešao komentator na Areni, pa nisam ni obraćao pažnju, a jedva sam i gledao na oči... Za Čolovića iz OFK-a koliko sam mogao da nađem razdvojeno, to sam i ubacio. Njih trojica su debitovali u JSL sad za vikend, sve do sada je sređeno. Treba da ubacim još ove nove igrače koji fale po klubovima i da sredim statistiku posle ovog kola. JSL i PLS održavamo koliko-toliko redovno, ja pokušavam pomalo i srpske like, ali sporo to ide, nema se vremena, a nije baš preterano zanimljivo. Uglavnom moja Sloga već ispada iz lige, nažalost. Lotom (talk) 6:38, 3 November 2014 (UTC)

Video sam sta si sve uradio, stvarno fantastican posao radis. Onaj lik sa srbijafudbal.net je stvarno jako koristan jer jedino kod njega mozemo da nadjemo sve podatke kod igraca svih sezona od 2001. do sada. Steta samo sto izbrise sve igrace koji odu, ranije je ostavljao sve stare profile igraca, ali sad ih brise, pa bi bilo dobro da kad dodajemo njegov sajt kao izvor stavimo i "retrieved" jer ako igrac ode vani, posle ce biti mrtav link. Jedino mu zameran sto mesta rodjenja ubacuje bezveze, recimo za tog Vujnovica stoji Obrenovac jer mu je obrenovacki Radnicki prvi klub kod njega u bazi podataka a decko je dosao iz CG cak je tamo grao za neke klubove kao junior secam se da sam negde bas o njemu citao pre godinu dana. To mu bas zameram, ne znam sta ga kosta da ostavi prazno polje za mesto rodjenja kod igraca za koje ne zna. Za Colovica nisam jos nasao njegove nastupe za Svajcarsku U17, imao sam negde taj link sacuvan naci cu ga. Bonsu je igrao za Ganu na tom CHAN-u kako ga zovu a to su kao B reprezentacije, odnosno prvenstvo africkih reprezentacija sastavljenih samo od igraca iz domacih liga. FkpCascais (talk) 10:08, 3 November 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Pratim tvoju Slogu, bas ste pukli skroz ove sezone :( FkpCascais (talk) 10:09, 3 November 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Ne bih da se mešam puno. Zapazio sam slučajno, naravno da srbijafudbal taj sajt nema sve pod jedan i pod dva nije sigurno validan za sve. Postoje godišnjaci. Ja imam do 2008/09 sezone ovih par novijih nemam jbg. Javite se, ako vam treba neki info za domaću ligu, to se barem lako može srediti. Mors (talk) 23:35, 5 November 2014 (UTC)[reply]


Pozdrav svaka čast za ovo https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:FkpCascais/Sandbox39. Dobar posao ali ima grešaka, jer naravno ko vredno radi mora da pogreši. Ovo sam ja pokrenuo sajt, uradio sam za sad prvu sezonu biće i ostale: http://www.exyufudbal.in.rs/statistika/prva-liga/24-prva-liga-kraljevina/344-1922-1923 (a inače sam i ja uploader one knjige Bačke što si koristio kao izvor ;) ) Zanima me odakle ti postava S.A.Š.K., tj igrači, i drugo što htedoh da pitam, čini mi se da nije sve sa sajta povijestdinama ili grešim? Kasnije za Iliriju pominješ V. Župančič, E. Župančič, odakle ti to? Ja imam info sledeći, bilo je 5 Župančiča (obično su označeni I, II, III, IV i V). Četiri su bila braća M.,L.,J. i G. Župančič i peti je D. Župančič što je i kod tebe. Zato te pitam za ovo V i E mi nije jasno. :) Ima tu još greškica (prvo ovo za Građanski što uključuje nastupe u ZNP) pa do imena i prezimena još ali otom potom. Svaka čast inače za ostatak. Javi se, pa ono. Imam dosta toga. Mors (talk) 23:30, 5 November 2014 (UTC)[reply]