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Taxonomy of Protista

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A modern non-hierarchical interpretation of the phylogeny of protists

A protist (/ˈprtɪst/) is any eukaryotic organism (one with cells containing a nucleus) that is not an animal, plant, or fungus. The protists do not form a natural group, or clade, since they exclude certain eukaryotes with whom they share a common ancestor;[a] but, like algae or invertebrates, the grouping is used for convenience. In some systems of biological classification, such as the popular five-kingdom scheme proposed by Robert Whittaker in 1969, the protists make up a kingdom called Protista, composed of "organisms which are unicellular or unicellular-colonial and which form no tissues".[1][b] In the 21st century, the classification shifted toward a two-kingdom system of protists: Chromista (containing the chromalveolate, rhizarian and hacrobian groups) and Protozoa (containing excavates and all protists more closely related to animals and fungi).[2]

The following groups contain protists. The clade Opisthokonta also contains the animals and the fungi, and the kingdom Archaeplastida also contains algae and plants.

Key to symbols used:

(P) = Paraphyletic group.
† = Extinct group.
? = Group of uncertain taxonomic position.
* = Group lacking molecular data.


This article follows the efforts of the scientific community and the International Society of Protistologists to revise the taxonomy of protists in a manner that reflects their phylogeny and evolution, striving away from the use of historical paraphyletic taxa and relying exclusively on clades as the basis of the classification. The reference used for the general arrangement of groups is the publication Revisions to the Classification, Nomenclature and Diversity of Eukaryotes by Adl et al. (2019).[3] Other studies are used for some specific groups of protists that have been revised after 2018, such as slime moulds,[4] glaucophyte algae,[5] arcellinid testate amoebae[6] and planktonic foraminifera.[7]

The following cladogram shows the relationships between the major groups of protists, as well as the kingdoms of animals, plants and fungi, according to the most recent phylogenetic analyses.[8][9][10][11][12]

Choanozoa (P)
sensu Cavalier-Smith

Amorphea Adl et al. 2012

Obazoa Brown et al. 2013

Incertae sedis Obazoa:

Opisthokonta Cavalier-Smith 1987, emend. Adl et al. 2005

Amoebozoa Lühe 1913, sensu Cavalier-Smith 1998

Phylogeny of Amoebozoa[18]

Incertae sedis Amoebozoa: Belonocystis, Boveella, Biomyxa, Corallomyxa, Gibbodiscus, Hartmannia, Malamoeba, Malpighamoeba, Microcorycia, Microglomus, Oscillosignum, Parmulina, Penardochlamys, Pseudothecamoeba, Rhabdamoeba, Schoutedamoeba, Stereomyxa, Subulamoeba, Thecochaos, Triaenamoeba, Unda, Zonomyxa.[3]

Tubulinea Smirnov et al. 2005

Evosea Kang et al. 2017

Discosea Cavalier-Smith et al. 2004 sensu Smirnov et al. 2011

Diaphoretickes Adl et al. 2012

Incertae sedis Diaphoretickes:

Archaeplastida Adl et al. 2005

SAR Burki et al. 2008, emend. Adl et al. 2012

Stramenopiles Patterson 1989, emend. Adl et al. 2005

Alveolata Cavalier-Smith 1991

Rhizaria Cavalier-Smith 2002

Haptista Cavalier-Smith 2003

Cryptista Cavalier-Smith 1989, 2018, emend. Adl et al. 2019

Incertae sedis Eukarya

Hemimastigophora Foissner et al. 1988

Malawimonadida Cavalier-Smith 2003

Metamonada Grassé 1952, emend. Cavalier-Smith 1987

Discoba Simpson in Hampl et al. 2009

Clades basal to Amorphea

Genera of uncertain affiliation

Acinetactis, Actinastrum, Actinocoma, Actinolophus, Adinomonas, Aletium, Amphimonas, Amylophagus, Anaeramoeba, Aphelidiopsis, Asterocaelum, Asthmatos, Aurospora, Barbetia, Berkeleyaesol,[75] Belaria, Belonocystis, Bertarellia, Bertramia, Bodopsis, Boekelovia, Branchipocola, Camptoptyche, Chalarodora, Cibdelia, Cichkovia, Cinetidomyxa, Cingula, Cladomonas, Clathrella, Codonoeca, Coelosporidium[t], Copromonas, Cyanomastix, Cyclomonas, Cytamoeba, Dallingeria, Dictyomyxa, Dimastigamoeba, Dinemula, Dinoasteromonas, Diplocalium, Diplomita, Diplophysalis, Diploselmis, Dobellina, Ducelleria, Ectobiella, Elaeorhanis, Embryocola, Endamoeba, Endemosarca, Endobiella, Endomonas, Endospora, Enteromyxa, Eperythrocytozoon, Errera, Fromentella, Gweamonas,[76] Gymnococcus, Gymnophrydium, Haematotractidium, Hartmannina, Heliobodo, Heliomonas, Hermisenella, Heterogromia, Hillea, Hyalodaktylethra, Immanoplasma, Isoselmis, Janickina, Kamera, Lagenidiopsis, Liegeosia, Luffisphaera[u], Lymphocytozoon, Lymphosporidium, Macappella, Magosphaera, Malpighiella, Martineziella, Megamoebomyxa, Meringosphaera, Microcometes, Monochrysis, Monodus, Mononema, Myrmicisporidium, Naupliicola, Nephrodinium, Neurosporidium, Orbulinella, Ovicola, Palisporomonas, Pansporella, Paradinemula, Parakaryon[v], Paraluffisphaera, Paramonas, Paraplasma, Parastasia, Parastasiella, Peliainia, Peltomonas, Petasaria, Phagodinium, Phanerobia, Phloxamoeba, Phyllomitus, Phyllomonas, Physcosporidium, Piridium, Pleuophrys, Pleuromastix, Protenterospora, Protomonas, Pseudoactiniscus, Pseudosporopsis, Rhizomonas, Rhynchodinium, Rigidomastix, Schewiakoffia, Sergentella, Serpentoplasma, Sphaerasuctans, Spongastericus, Spongocyclia, Stephanomonas, Strobilomonas, Tetradimorpha, Tetragonidium, Thaulirens, Topsentella, Toshiba, Trichonema, Urbanella.[3]

See also


  1. ^ The first eukaryotes were “neither plants, animals, nor fungi”, hence as defined, the Protista would include the earliest common ancestor of all eukaryotes.
  2. ^ In the original 4-kingdom model proposed in 1959, Protista included all unicellular microorganisms such as bacteria.
  3. ^ a b c There are two competing phylogenetic hypotheses: Teretosporea (Corallochytrium + Ichthyosporea) and Pluriformea (Corallochytrium + Syssomonas).[3] This article follows the latter hypothesis, because it is strongly supported by the most recent phylogenetic studies.[11]
  4. ^ The term "Choanozoa" has been used since 1991 by Cavalier-Smith as a paraphyletic assemblage of opisthokont protists, and the terms "Apoikozoa" and "choanimal" were proposed as names for the clade Metazoa+Choanoflagellata. However, these terms have not been formally described or adopted, and were rejected in favour of a renamed Choanozoa to fit the clade Metazoa+Choanoflagellata.[3]
  5. ^ The position of the genera Microcorycia, Parmulina, Penardochlamys and Zonomyxa, which were listed in 2002 under family Microcoryciidae, is not clear. They are placed here by morphological characters but this needs to be supported by molecular data.[3]
  6. ^ The latest revision by Adl et al. (2019) ignores the grouping of some variosean genera into higher rank clades that was made in older studies because of the weakly supported SSU phylogenetic analyses, except for Fractovitellida, which is fully supported by phylogenomic analyses from 2017.[3]
  7. ^ a b c d e f g This order was initially divided into families, but phylogenetic analyses haven't supported the monophyly of each family. For this reason, in recent classifications there is no family rank division within it.[19][3]
  8. ^ This genus groups with Dermamoebidae in a phylogenetic anaysis that uses a limited number of taxa.[24] In the recent taxonomy it is listed as a separate clade until its position is better resolved.[3]
  9. ^ This genus could be a synonym of Vannella.[3]
  10. ^ Both genera group together in some phylogenetic analyses, but usually appear separated. They are considered a potential branch of Discosea, unless proven otherwise in the future with better taxon sampling.[3]
  11. ^ Latest analyses show that Microheliella is the sister group to Cryptista.[12]
  12. ^ Telonemia is the sister group to the SAR clade.[9]
  13. ^ The picobiliphytes are phylogenetically closer to Rhodophyta and Rhodelphis than to other groups, and are therefore considered part of Archaeplastida.[29]
  14. ^ Cavalier-Smith and Scoble (2013) show a sister relationship between raphidophytes and Actinophryida.[39]
  15. ^ Highly divergent 18S rRNA.[3]
  16. ^ This taxon is artificial; many of the families listed in it are not monophyletic and have little support from phylogenetic analyses.[3]
  17. ^ a b Initially, Cercozoa contained the clades Filosa and Endomyxa; however it has recently been synonymized with Filosa after a study found Endomyxa more closely related to Retaria.[45] The current classification places Endomyxa either as the sister clade of Retaria or as part of Retaria, even though more recent studies support the monophyly of Cercozoa as Filosa+Endomyxa again.[46]
  18. ^ There is only one molecular sequence from this genus, which causes long branches in gene phylogenies, and the node is unresolved.[3]
  19. ^ There is no phylogenetic taxonomy for phagotrophic euglenids. Some possibly monophyletic taxa have been proposed that cover restricted subgroups of the phagotrophic euglenids, such as Ploeotiida (Ploeotia, Entosiphon, Lentomonas, and presumably Keelungia) and Petalomonadida (Petalomonas, Notosolenus and Calycimonas, and presumably also taxa such as Sphenomonas). There is a limited taxon sampling for molecular data, and many traditional genera are probably paraphyletic.[3]
  20. ^ Probably a synonym of the zygomycete fungus Nephridiophaga.[3]
  21. ^ May be the same genus as Belonocystis.[3]
  22. ^ It is not yet known whether this organism is an eukaryote or a prokaryote.[77]


  1. ^ a b Whittaker RH (January 1969). "New concepts of kingdoms or organisms. Evolutionary relations are better represented by new classifications than by the traditional two kingdoms". Science. 163 (3863): 150–160. Bibcode:1969Sci...163..150W. CiteSeerX doi:10.1126/science.163.3863.150. PMID 5762760.
  2. ^ Ruggiero MA, Gordon DP, Orrell TM, Bailly N, Bourgoin T, Brusca RC, Cavalier-Smith T, Guiry MD, Kirk PM (2015). "A Higher Level Classification of All Living Organisms". PLOS ONE. 10 (4): e0119248. Bibcode:2015PLoSO..1019248R. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0119248. PMC 4418965. PMID 25923521.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r Adl SM, Bass D, Lane CE, Lukeš J, Schoch CL, Smirnov A, Agatha S, Berney C, Brown MW, Burki F, Cárdenas P, Čepička I, Chistyakova L, del Campo J, Dunthorn M, Edvardsen B, Eglit Y, Guillou L, Hampl V, Heiss AA, Hoppenrath M, James TY, Karnkowska A, Karpov S, Kim E, Kolisko M, Kudryavtsev A, Lahr DJG, Lara E, Le Gall L, Lynn DH, Mann DG, Massana R, Mitchell EAD, Morrow C, Park JS, Pawlowski JW, Powell MJ, Richter DJ, Rueckert S, Shadwick L, Shimano S, Spiegel FW, Torruella G, Youssef N, Zlatogursky V, Zhang Q (2019). "Revisions to the Classification, Nomenclature, and Diversity of Eukaryotes". Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology. 66 (1): 4–119. doi:10.1111/jeu.12691. PMC 6492006. PMID 30257078.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Leontyev, Dmitry V; Schnittler, Martin; Stephenson, Steven L; Novozhilov, Yuri K; Shchepin, Oleg N (March 2019). "Towards a phylogenetic classification of the Myxomycetes". Phytotaxa. 399 (3): 209. doi:10.11646/phytotaxa.399.3.5. S2CID 108783142.
  5. ^ a b Figueroa-Martinez F, Jackson C, Reyes-Prieto R (January 2019). "Plastid Genomes from Diverse Glaucophyte Genera Reveal a Largely Conserved Gene Content and Limited Architectural Diversity". Genome Biology and Evolution. 11 (1): 174–188. doi:10.1093/gbe/evy268. PMC 6330054. PMID 30534986.
  6. ^ a b c d González-Miguéns, Rubén; Todorov, Milcho; Blandenier, Quentin; Duckert, Clément; Porfirio-Sousa, Alfredo L.; Ribeiro, Giulia M.; Ramos, Diana; Lahr, Daniel J.G.; Buckley, David; Lara, Enrique (2022). "Deconstructing Difflugia: The tangled evolution of lobose testate amoebae shells (Amoebozoa: Arcellinida) illustrates the importance of convergent evolution in protist phylogeny". Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 175: 107557. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2022.107557. ISSN 1055-7903. PMID 35777650.
  7. ^ a b c d e f g Arenillas I, Arz JA, Gilabert V (2022). "An updated suprageneric classification of planktic foraminifera after growing evidence of multiple benthic-planktic transitions". Spanish Journal of Palaeontology. 37 (1). Sociedad Española de Paleontología: 1–34. doi:10.7203/sjp.22189. ISSN 2255-0550.
  8. ^ Derelle R, Torruella G, Klimeš V, Brinkmann H, Kim E, Vlček Č, Lang BF, Eliáš M (2015), "Bacterial proteins pinpoint a single eukaryotic root", Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 112 (7): E693–699, Bibcode:2015PNAS..112E.693D, doi:10.1073/pnas.1420657112, PMC 4343179, PMID 25646484
  9. ^ a b Brown MW, et al. (2018), "Phylogenomics Places Orphan Protistan Lineages in a Novel Eukaryotic Super-Group", Genome Biology and Evolution, 10 (2): 427–433, doi:10.1093/gbe/evy014, PMC 5793813, PMID 29360967
  10. ^ a b Tikhonenkov, Denis V.; Mikhailov, Kirill V.; Gawryluk, Ryan M. R.; Belyaev, Artem O.; Mathur, Varsha; Karpov, Sergey A.; Zagumyonnyi, Dmitry G.; Borodina, Anastasia S.; Prokina, Kristina I.; Mylnikov, Alexander P.; Aleoshin, Vladimir V.; Keeling, Patrick J. (2022). "Microbial predators form a new supergroup of eukaryotes". Nature. 612 (7941): 714–719. Bibcode:2022Natur.612..714T. doi:10.1038/s41586-022-05511-5. PMID 36477531. S2CID 254436650.
  11. ^ a b c Tikhonenkov DV, Mikhailov KV, Hehenberger E, Mylnikov AP, Aleoshin VV, Keeling PJ, et al. (2020). "New Lineage of Microbial Predators Adds Complexity to Reconstructing the Evolutionary Origin of Animals". Current Biology. 30 (22): 4500–4509. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2020.08.061. PMID 32976804.
  12. ^ a b Euki, Yazaki; Akinori, Yabuki; Ayaka, Imaizumi; Keitaro, Kume; Tetsuo, Hashimoto; Yuji, Inagaki (2022). "The closest lineage of Archaeplastida is revealed by phylogenomics analyses that include Microheliella maris". Open Biol. 12 (4): 210376. doi:10.1098/rsob.210376. PMC 9006020. PMID 35414259.
  13. ^ Torruella G, Galindo LJ, Moreira D, Ciobanu M, Heiss AA, Yubuki N, et al. (2022). "Expanding the molecular and morphological diversity of Apusomonadida, a deep-branching group of gliding bacterivorous protists". Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology. 70 (2): e12956. doi:10.1111/jeu.12956. PMID 36453005. S2CID 253460648.
  14. ^ Gabaldón T, Völcker E, Torruella G (2022). "On the Biology, Diversity and Evolution of Nucleariid Amoebae (Amorphea, Obazoa, Opisthokonta". Protist. 173 (4): 125895. doi:10.1016/j.protis.2022.125895. hdl:2117/369912. PMID 35841659. S2CID 249827842.
  15. ^ Strother, Paul K.; Brasier, Martin D.; Wacey, David; Timpe, Leslie; Saunders, Martin; Wellman, Charles H. (April 2021). "A possible billion-year-old holozoan with differentiated multicellularity". Current Biology. 31 (12): 2658–2665.e2. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2021.03.051. PMID 33852871.
  16. ^ Urrutia A, Mitsi K, Foster R, Ross S, Carr M, Ward GM, et al. (2022). "Txikispora philomaios n. sp., n. g., a micro-eukaryotic pathogen of amphipods, reveals parasitism and hidden diversity in Class Filasterea". Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology. 69 (2): e12875. doi:10.1111/jeu.12875. PMID 34726818. S2CID 240422937.
  17. ^ Schiwitza, Sabine; Arndt, Hartmut; Nitsche, Frank (2019). "First description of an euryoecious acanthoecid choanoflagellate species, Enibas tolerabilis gen. et sp. nov. from a salar in the Chilean Andes based on morphological and transcriptomic data". European Journal of Protistology. 67: 106–113. doi:10.1016/j.ejop.2018.11.004. PMID 30572146. S2CID 58552347.
  18. ^ Tekle YI, Wang F, Wood FC, Anderson OR, Smirnov A (2022). "New insights on the evolutionary relationships between the major lineages of Amoebozoa". Sci Rep. 12 (11173): 11173. Bibcode:2022NatSR..1211173T. doi:10.1038/s41598-022-15372-7. PMC 9249873. PMID 35778543. S2CID 247231712.
  19. ^ a b c Kang, Seungho; Tice, Alexander K; Spiegel, Frederick W; Silberman, Jeffrey D; Pánek, Tomáš; Čepička, Ivan; Kostka, Martin; Kosakyan, Anush; Alcântara, Daniel M C; Roger, Andrew J; Shadwick, Lora L; Smirnov, Alexey; Kudryavtsev, Alexander; Lahr, Daniel J G; Brown, Matthew W (September 2017). "Between a Pod and a Hard Test: The Deep Evolution of Amoebae". Molecular Biology and Evolution. 34 (9): 2258–2270. doi:10.1093/molbev/msx162. PMC 5850466. PMID 28505375.
  20. ^ a b Smirnov, Alexey; Nassonova, Elena; Geisen, Stefan; Bonkowski, Michael; Kudryavtsev, Alexander; Berney, Cedric; Glotova, Anna; Bondarenko, Natalya; Dyková, Iva; Mrva, Martin; Fahrni, Jose; Pawlowski, Jan (2017). "Phylogeny and Systematics of Leptomyxid Amoebae (Amoebozoa, Tubulinea, Leptomyxida)". Protist. 168 (2): 220–252. doi:10.1016/j.protis.2016.10.006. ISSN 1434-4610. PMID 28343121.
  21. ^ Vašíček, Miloslav; Růžička, Bohuslav (1957). "Namurian Thecamoebina from the Ostrava-Karviná Coal District". Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae. 13B (5): 333–340.
  22. ^ Bobrov, Anatoly; Mazei, Yuri (2017). "A review of testate amoeba genus Cryptodifflugia Penard, 1890 (Phryganellina: Cryptodifflugiidae) with a key to species". Zootaxa. 4282 (2): 292–308. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4282.2.4.
  23. ^ a b c Cavalier-Smith T, Chao EE, Lewis R (2016). "187-gene phylogeny of protozoan phylum Amoebozoa reveals a new class (Cutosea) of deep-branching, ultrastructurally unique, enveloped marine Lobosa and clarifies amoeba evolution". Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 99: 275–296. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2016.03.023. ISSN 1055-7903. PMID 27001604. S2CID 11704908.
  24. ^ Blandenier Q, Seppey CVW, Singer D, Vlimant M, Simon A, Duckert C, Lara E (2016). "Mycamoeba gemmipara nov. gen., nov. sp., the First Cultured Member of the Environmental Dermamoebidae Clade LKM74 and its Unusual Life Cycle" (PDF). Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology. 64 (2): 257–265. doi:10.1111/jeu.12357. PMID 27543384. S2CID 4665573.
  25. ^ Kudryavtsev, Alexander; Voytinsky, Fyodor; Volkova, Ekaterina (July 2022). "Coronamoeba villafranca gen. nov. sp. nov. (Amoebozoa, Dermamoebida) challenges the correlation of morphology and phylogeny in Amoebozoa". Scientific Reports. 12 (1): 12541. Bibcode:2022NatSR..1212541K. doi:10.1038/s41598-022-16721-2. PMC 9307759. PMID 35869259.
  26. ^ Melton JT, Wood FC, Branch J, Singla M, Tekle YI (2019). "Phylogenomics of Thecamoebida (Discosea, Amoebozoa) with the Description of Stratorugosa tubuloviscum gen. nov. sp. nov., a Freshwater Amoeba with a Perinuclear MTOC". Protist. 170 (1): 8–20. doi:10.1016/j.protis.2018.09.002. ISSN 1434-4610. PMID 30553127. S2CID 56174714.
  27. ^ Mesentsev Y, Bondarenko N, Kamyshatskaya O, Nassonova E, Glotova A, Loiko S, Istigechev G, Kulemzina A, Abakumov E, Rayko M, Lapidus A, Smirnov A (2023). "Thecochaos is not a myth: study of the genus Thecochaos (Amoebozoa, Discosea) – a rediscovered group of lobose amoeba, with short SSU gene". Organisms Diversity & Evolution. 23: 7–24. doi:10.1007/s13127-022-00581-9. S2CID 251658030.
  28. ^ Tice AK, Shadwick LL, Fiore-Donno AM, et al. (2016). "Expansion of the molecular and morphological diversity of Acanthamoebidae (Centramoebida, Amoebozoa) and identification of a novel life cycle type within the group". Biol Direct. 11 (1): 69. doi:10.1186/s13062-016-0171-0. PMC 5192571. PMID 28031045.
  29. ^ Schön ME, Zlatogursky VV, Singh RP, et al. (2021). "Single cell genomics reveals plastid-lacking Picozoa are close relatives of red algae". Nat Commun. 12 (1): 6651. Bibcode:2021NatCo..12.6651S. doi:10.1038/s41467-021-26918-0. PMC 8599508. PMID 34789758.
  30. ^ Gawryluk, Ryan M. R.; Tikhonenkov, Denis V.; Hehenberger, Elisabeth; Husnik, Filip; Mylnikov, Alexander P.; Keeling, Patrick J. (August 2019). "Non-photosynthetic predators are sister to red algae". Nature. 572 (7768): 240–243. doi:10.1038/s41586-019-1398-6. ISSN 1476-4687. PMID 31316212. S2CID 197542583.
  31. ^ Rybarski AE, Nitsche F, Park JS, Filz P, Schmidt P, Kondo R, Simpson AGB, Arndt H (2021). "Revision of the phylogeny of Placididea (Stramenopiles): Molecular and morphological diversity of novel placidid protists from extreme aquatic environments". European Journal of Protistology. 81: 125809. doi:10.1016/j.ejop.2021.125809. ISSN 0932-4739. PMID 34673437. S2CID 236377023.
  32. ^ Jirsová D, Füssy Z, Richtová J, Gruber A, Oborník M (2019). "Morphology, Ultrastructure, and Mitochondrial Genome of the Marine Non-Photosynthetic Bicosoecid Cafileria marina Gen. et sp. nov". Microorganisms. 7 (8): 240. doi:10.3390/microorganisms7080240. PMC 6723347. PMID 31387253.
  33. ^ Harder, Christoffer Bugge; Ekelund, Flemming; Karpov, Sergey A. (March 2014). "Ultrastructure and phylogenetic position of Regin rotiferus and Otto terricolus genera et species novae (Bicosoecida, Heterokonta/Stramenopiles)". Protist. 165 (2): 144–160. doi:10.1016/j.protis.2014.01.004. PMID 24637333.
  34. ^ Hassett, Brandon T. (2020). "A Widely Distributed Thraustochytrid Parasite of Diatoms Isolated from the Arctic Represents a gen. and sp. nov". Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology. 67 (4). International Society of Protistologists: 480–490. doi:10.1111/jeu.12796. PMID 32249965.
  35. ^ Shiratori, Takashi; Thakur, Rabindra; Ishida, Ken-ichiro (2017). "Pseudophyllomitus vesiculosus (Larsen and Patterson 1990) Lee, 2002, a Poorly Studied Phagotrophic Biflagellate is the First Characterized Member of Stramenopile Environmental Clade MAST-6". Protist. 168 (4): 439–451. doi:10.1016/j.protis.2017.06.004. ISSN 1434-4610. PMID 28822908.
  36. ^ Dovilė Barcytė; Wenche Eikrem; Anette Engesmo; Sergio Seoane; Jens Wohlmann; Aleš Horák; Tatiana Yurchenko; Marek Eliáš (2 March 2021). "Olisthodiscus represents a new class of Ochrophyta". Journal of Phycology. 57 (4): 1094–1118. doi:10.1111/jpy.13155. hdl:10852/86515. PMID 33655496.
  37. ^ Amaral R, Fawley KP, Němcová Y, Ševčíková T, Lukešová A, Fawley MW, Santos LMA, Eliáš M (2020). "Toward Modern Classification of Eustigmatophytes, Including the Description of Neomonodaceae Fam. Nov. and Three New Genera". Journal of Phycology. 56 (3): 630–648. doi:10.1111/jpy.12980. PMC 7987219. PMID 32068883.
  38. ^ Cavalier-Smith, Thomas (2017). "Kingdom Chromista and its eight phyla: a new synthesis emphasising periplastid protein targeting, cytoskeletal and periplastid evolution, and ancient divergences". Protoplasma. 255 (1): 297–357. doi:10.1007/s00709-017-1147-3. PMC 5756292. PMID 28875267.
  39. ^ Cavalier-Smith, Thomas; Scoble, Josephine Margaret (2013). "Phylogeny of Heterokonta: Incisomonas marina, a uniciliate gliding opalozoan related to Solenicola (Nanomonadea), and evidence that Actinophryida evolved from raphidophytes". European Journal of Protistology. 49 (3): 328–353. doi:10.1016/j.ejop.2012.09.002. PMID 23219323.
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