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List of alcoholic drinks

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A fully supplied bar with various types of drinks

This is a list of alcoholic drinks. An alcoholic drink is a drink that contains ethanol, commonly known as alcohol. Alcoholic drinks are divided into three general classes: beers, wines, and distilled beverages. They are legally consumed in most countries, and over one hundred countries have laws regulating their production, sale, and consumption.[1] In particular, such laws specify the minimum age at which a person may legally buy or drink them. This minimum age varies between 15 and 21 years, depending upon the country and the type of drink. Most nations set it at 18 years of age.[1]

Drinks by raw material


The names of some alcoholic drinks are determined by their raw material.

Grains Name of fermented beverage Name of distilled beverage
Barley beer, barley wine gin, Scotch whisky, Irish whiskey, jenever (Central Europe), ginebra (Spain, Argentina, Philippines), shōchū (mugijōchū) (Japan), soju (Korea), baijiu (China)
Buckwheat buckwheat whisky (Brittany), shōchū (sobajōchū) (Japan)
Corn chicha, corn beer, tesguino bourbon whiskey, moonshine, also vodka (rare)
Millet millet beer (Sub-Saharan Africa), tongba (Nepal), boza (the Balkans, Turkey)
Rice beer, brem (Indonesia), ruou gao (Vietnam), tuak (Borneo Island), sato (Thailand), huangjiu and choujiu (China), sake (Japan), makgeolli and cheongju (Korea), sonti, handia, and chuak (India), thwon (Nepal) aila (Nepal), rice baijiu (China), shōchū (komejōchū) and awamori (Japan), soju (Korea), hkaung rai (Myanmar), arrack (Indonesia), lao khao (Thailand)
Rye rye beer, kvass rye whiskey, vodka (Russia), korn (Germany)
Sorghum burukutu (Nigeria), pito (Ghana), merisa (southern Sudan), bilibili (Chad, Central African Republic, Cameroon) Maotai, Kaoliang liquor, certain other types of baijiu (China).
Wheat wheat beer horilka (Ukraine), vodka, wheat whiskey, weizenkorn (Germany), soju (Korea)
Fruit juice Name of fermented beverage Name of distilled beverage
Apples cider (U.S.: "hard cider"), apfelwein jabukovača (Serbia), applejack (or apple brandy), calvados, cider
Apricots kajsijevača (Serbia), kaisieva rakia (Bulgaria), pálinka (Hungary)
Bananas or plantains chuoi hot (Vietnam), cauim (Kuna Indians of Panama), urgwagwa (Uganda, Rwanda), mbege (with millet malt; Tanzania), kasikisi (with sorghum malt; Democratic Republic of the Congo) majmunovača (Balkans)
Blueberries borovnica (Croatia)
Cashews feni (India)
Cherries cherry wine (Denmark) Kirsch (Germany, Switzerland)
Coconuts or palm palm wine arrack, lambanog (Sri Lanka, India, Philippines)
Gouqi gouqi jiu (China) gouqi jiu (China)
Ginger with sugar, ginger with raisins ginger ale, ginger beer, ginger wine
Grapes wine, Cachina (Perú) brandy, cognac (France), vermouth, armagnac (France), branntwein (Germany), pisco (Peru), rakija (The Balkans, Turkey), singani (Bolivia), arak (Syria, Lebanon, Jordan), törkölypálinka (Hungary), zivania (Cyprus)
Juniper berries gin, jenever (Netherlands/Belgium), borovička (Slovakia)
Mulberries oghi (Armenia)
Myrica rubra yangmei jiu (China) yangmei jiu (China)
Pears perry, or pear cider; poiré (France) kruškovac (Croatia), viljamovka (Serbia), Poire Williams, pear brandy, eau-de-vie (France), pálinka (Hungary), krushova rakia / krushevitsa (Bulgaria)
Pineapples tepache (Mexico), Pineapple Wine (Hawaii)
Plums plum wine, plum jerkum šljivovica (Balkans and Central Europe), slivovitz, țuică, umeshu (Japan), pálinka, slivova rakia / slivovitsa (Bulgaria)
Pomace pomace wine raki/ouzo/pastis/sambuca (Turkey/Greece/France/Italy), tsipouro/tsikoudia (Greece), grappa (Italy/Argentina/Uruguay), trester (Germany), marc (France), orujo (Spain), zivania (Cyprus), bagaço (Portugal), tescovină (Romania), arak (Iran)
Pomegranates pomegranate wine (Armenia)
Quinces dunjevača (Serbia)
Raspberries raspberry wine[2] (US, Canada) Himbeergeist (Germany, Switzerland)
Sausage tree fruit muratina wine[3] (Kenya)
Flowers Name of fermented beverage Name of distilled beverage
Madhuca longifolia mahudo and mahuda no daru (Gujarat), mahuva ki sharaab, madhvi, and tharra (Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh)
Vegetables Name of fermented beverage Name of distilled beverage
Agave juice tequila, mezcal, raicilla, bacanora
Agave sap pulque

Saliva-fermented beverages:

  • cauim
  • chicha: Throughout the Amazon Basin, including the interiors of Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela, chicha is made most often with cassava; in Peruvian Amazonia chichia is known as masato.
  • kasiri (Sub-Saharan Africa)
  • nihamanchi (South America), also known as nijimanche (Ecuador and Peru)
  • parakari (Guyana)
  • sakurá (Brazil, Surinam)
tiquira (Brazil)
Ginger root juice ginger beer (Botswana)
Potato potato beer horilka (Ukraine), vodka (Poland), Kartoffelschnaps (Germany), akvavit (Scandinavia), poitín (poteen) (Ireland), tuzemák (Czech Republic), brennivín (Iceland)
Sugarcane juice, or molasses basi, betsa-betsa (regional) rum (Caribbean), rhum agricole (Haiti, Martinique, Guadeloupe and the rest of the French Caribbean), clairin (Haiti), cachaça (Brazil), desi daru (India), aguardiente de caña (Spain), aguardiente, guaro, lavagallo, pinga (Venezuela, Colombia, Nicaragua), mamajuana (Dominican Republic), gongo and konyagi (Tanzania), cocoroco (Bolivia), caña (Argentina, Uruguay), espinillar (Uruguay), caña blanca (Paraguay), ginebra (Philippines)
Sweet potato shōchū (imojōchū) (Japan), soju (Korea)
Ti root okolehao (Hawai'i)
Other raw materials Name of fermented beverage Name of distilled beverage
Sap of palm coyol wine (Central America), tembo (Sub-Saharan Africa), toddy (Indian subcontinent), namtanmao (Thailand)
Sap of Arenga pinnata, coconut, Borassus flabellifer palm wine, tubâ (Philippines), namtanmao (Thailand) arrack, lambanog (Philippines)
Honey mead, horilka (Ukraine), sima (Finland), tej (Ethiopia) medica (Croatia), distilled mead, honey-flavored liqueur
Milk kumis, kefir, blaand arkhi (Mongolia)
Sugar kilju (Finland) shōchū (kokutō shōchū): made from brown sugar (Japan) or rum
Walnuts orahovac (Croatia, Serbia)

Alcoholic fermented drinks

Founders Old Curmudgeon old ale
A hard cider produced in Michigan, U.S.
Palm wine is collected, fermented and stored in calabashes in Bandundu Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Desi daru from India

Distilled beverages

A reservoir glass filled with a naturally colored verte absinthe, next to an absinthe spoon
Various views of a bottle of mezcal. The "worm", which is actually the larval form of the moth Hypopta agavis that lives on the agave plant, can be seen in the middle image, at the bottom of the bottle.
Various bottles and containers of Russian vodka



A distilled beverage, spirit drink, or liquor is an alcoholic drink containing ethanol that is produced by distillation (i.e., concentrating by distillation) of ethanol produced by means of fermenting grains, fruits, botanicals, vegetables, seeds, or roots.[4] Vodka, gin, baijiu, shōchū, soju, tequila, rum, whisky, brandy, and singani are examples of distilled drinks. Beer, wine, cider, sake, and huangjiu are examples of fermented drinks.

The term hard liquor distinguishes distilled drinks from undistilled ones.

List of liquors


The following are liquors being produced around the world (by type, then alphabetically):

Cane sugar, sugar beet and honey distillations


Fruit distillations


Grain-based distillations


Herbal distillations


Plant-based distillations


Seed or botanical distillations


Where the seed or botanical is the dominant flavorant:

Tree distillations


Vegetable distillations


Complex or multiple distillations


See also



  1. ^ a b "Minimum Legal Age Limits". Iard.org. International Alliance for Responsible Drinking. Archived from the original on 4 May 2016. Retrieved 23 June 2016.
  2. ^ "winemaking: Red Raspberry Wine". Winemaking.jackkeller.net. Retrieved 5 February 2019.[permanent dead link]
  3. ^ "muratina: A Kenyan alcoholic drink made from the dried fruit of sausage tree (Kigelia africana)". Retrieved 18 April 2021.
  4. ^ "Distilled spirit - alcoholic beverage". Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 5 February 2019.