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Criticisms: Cut lengthy and largely unsourced discussion of American empire. Will move stats on Iraqi opinions elsewhere as appropriate
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{{see|Views on the 2003 invasion of Iraq|2003 invasion of Iraq#Criticisms|Protests against the Iraq War|American popular opinion on invasion of Iraq|Governments' positions pre-2003 invasion of Iraq|2003 invasion of Iraq media coverage}}
{{see|Views on the 2003 invasion of Iraq|2003 invasion of Iraq#Criticisms|Protests against the Iraq War|American popular opinion on invasion of Iraq|Governments' positions pre-2003 invasion of Iraq|2003 invasion of Iraq media coverage}}

The [[Rationale for the Iraq War|decision of the U.S. and its allies to launch the Iraq War]] has faced heavy criticism from an array of popular and official sources both inside and outside the United States. Putting this controversy aside, both [[American government position on invasion of Iraq|proponents]] and [[Opposition to the Iraq War|opponents]] of the invasion have also criticized the prosecution of the war effort along a number of lines. Most significantly, critics have assailed the U.S. and its allies for not devoting enough troops to the mission, not adequately planning for [[Post-invasion Iraq, 2003–present|post-invasion Iraq]], and for permitting and perpetrating widespread human rights abuses. As the war has progressed, critics have also railed against the high human and financial costs. Some academics see such costs as inevitable until US foreign policy turns away from expanding U.S. hegemony. Professor [[Chip Pitts]] accepts that an [[American empire]] exists, but argues that it is profoundly at odds with better instincts of U.S. citizens and policymakers, and that rejecting neo-colonialism by military means such as those employed during the Iraq War, is a prerequisite to restoring domestic [[civil liberties]] and [[human rights]] that have been infringed upon by the [[imperial presidency]] -- while simultaneously being crucial to promoting peace and stability in the [[Middle East]] and beyond.<ref>{{cite news | author=Pitts, Chip | title=The Election on Empire | url=http://www.nationalinterest.org/Article.aspx?id=12930 |publisher=The National Interest | date =[[November 8]], [[2006]]}}</ref> For Iraqi citizens, it seems that can't happen soon enough. When asked directly, 82–87% of the Iraqi populace is opposed to US occupation and want US troops to leave. 47% of Iraqis support attacking US troops.<ref>[http://www.worldpublicopinion.org/pipa/pdf/jan06/Iraq_Jan06_rpt.pdf US commissioned opinion poll, Jan.'06]</ref> More Americans understand this now, as shown in the documetary film "[[Ground_Truth_%28film%29|The Ground Truth]]" which interviews American soldiers returning from Iraq and their families, a copy of which is [[Ground_Truth_%28film%29#External_sites|viewable]].
The [[Rationale for the Iraq War|decision of the U.S. and its allies to launch the Iraq War]] has faced heavy criticism from an array of popular and official sources both inside and outside the United States. Putting this controversy aside, both [[American government position on invasion of Iraq|proponents]] and [[Opposition to the Iraq War|opponents]] of the invasion have also criticized the prosecution of the war effort along a number of lines. Most significantly, critics have assailed the U.S. and its allies for not devoting enough troops to the mission, not adequately planning for [[Post-invasion Iraq, 2003–present|post-invasion Iraq]], and for permitting and perpetrating widespread human rights abuses. As the war has progressed, critics have also railed against the high human and financial costs.

=== Inadequate troop levels ===
=== Inadequate troop levels ===

Revision as of 23:07, 10 May 2007

This article is about the war beginning in 2003. For other uses, please see Iraq war (disambiguation).
Iraq War

Clockwise from top left: US tanks under the Swords of Qādisiyyah; A wounded US troop being evacuated near Fallujah; a 2005 car bombing in Baghdad; Iraqi troops deploy for a counterinsurgency mission near Baghdad.
DateMarch 20, 2003 to Present


Ba’athist Iraq
Post-Ba'athist government. Multi-sided conflict:
Ba’ath Loyalists
Mahdi Army
Al-Qaeda in Iraq
Ansar al-Sunna
Other Insurgent groups
Iraq New Iraqi Army
Kurdish Peshmerga
United States United States
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Other Coalition forces
Commanders and leaders
Saddam Hussein
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi
Abu Ayyub al-Masri
Iraq Muqtada al-Sadr
Izzat Ibrahim ad-Douri
Iraq Nouri al-Maliki
Massoud Barzani
United States George W. Bush
United States Tommy Franks
United States George Casey
United States David Petraeus
United Kingdom Tony Blair
United Kingdom Brian Burridge
United Kingdom Peter Wall
375,000+ regular forces [citation needed]
Sunni Insurgents
60,000 [citation needed]
Mahdi Army

al Qaeda/others
~300,000 invasion
~160,000 current
50,000 invasion
175,000 current
New Iraqi Army
Iraqi Police
Casualties and losses
Iraqi combatant dead

7,600 to 10,800[9][10]
Insurgents dead
(post-Ba'athist government):

from an incomplete list of reports

Iraqi Security Forces casualties (post-Saddam era):
5,000+ killed (police)[11][12]
2,800+ killed (military);[13]
Total killed: 7,800+
Total wounded: 41,300+[14]

Coalition dead: (3,381 US, 148 UK, 125 other) 3,653[15]

Coalition Missing or Captured (US 2): 2

Coalition Wounded, severely injured**
United States:
25,245 wounded,[16]
26,188 severely injured[15]
United Kingdom:
~310 wounded,
2,436 severely injured[17][18]
Other Coalition: 282 wounded & severely injured

Total: 54,461

Contractors dead: 916[19]

Contractors Missing or Captured (US 9): 9

Contractors wounded & severely injured: 7,761[20]

***Total deaths (all excess deaths) Johns Hopkins-As of June 2006:
654,965 (range of 392,979-942,636)[21][22]

War-related & criminal violence deaths (all Iraqis) Iraq Health Minister:

War-related & criminal violence deaths (civilians) Iraq Body Count-English language media only:
*Contractors (U.S. government) perform "highly dangerous duties almost identical to those performed by many U.S. troops."[8]
**"severely injured" refers to those casualties reported as injured, diseased, or requiring medical air transport.
***Total deaths include all additional deaths due to increased lawlessness, degraded infrastructure, poorer healthcare, etc.
For explanations of the wide variation in casualty estimates, see: Casualties of the conflict in Iraq since 2003

The Iraq War (March 20, 2003 to present), sometimes known as the Second Gulf War,[26] is an ongoing war and occupation that began with the United States-led invasion of Iraq in 2003. Part of the rationale for the war offered by the George W. Bush administration and many Republican and Democratic members of Congress at the time of invasion was that Iraq possessed an arsenal of weapons of mass destruction which posed an "urgent threat" [27] to the United States and the world community. The claim that Iraq was in possession of weapons of mass destruction has since been found to be false based on the work of the Iraq Survey Group. Other U.S. officials have cited claims of Saddam Hussein's alleged connection to Al-Qaeda, the spread of democracy, and human rights in Saddam Hussein's Iraq as reasons for the war. They have also claimed that the economic importance of Iraq's oil supply limited nonmilitary options, while many critical comentators have alleged that this factor was a primary reason.

The war started in March 2003 when a largely United Kingdom and United States force, supported by relatively small contingents from Australia, Denmark, and Poland, overthrew Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein and occupied Iraq in an attempt to establish a new governmental regime. However, the coalition was unsuccessful at restoring order to the entire country, leading to asymmetric warfare with the Iraqi insurgency, civil warfare between Sunni and Shia Iraqis, and al-Qaeda operations in Iraq.[28][29] Despite this failure to restore order, a growing number of coalition nations have decided to withdraw troops from Iraq.[30] The causes and consequences of the war remain controversial.[31][24][21]

Timeline of the war

1991-2003: The no-fly zones

Main: Iraqi no-fly zones
See also: United Nations Security Council Resolution 688, Operation Provide Comfort, Operation Southern Focus, Operation Northern Watch, Operation Southern Watch, Iraqi Kurdistan, Oil-for-Food Programme

Following the 1991 Gulf War, the United Nations mandated that Iraqi chemical, biological, nuclear, and long range missile programs be verifiably halted and all such weapons verifiably destroyed. (Res. 687) U.N. weapons inspectors inside Iraq were able to verify the destruction of a large amount of WMD-material, but substantial issues remained unresolved after they left Iraq in 1998 due to the lack of cooperation by the Iraqi government.

Prior to the invasion, the United States and the United Kingdom (accompanied by France until 1998) had been engaged in a low-level conflict with Iraq, by enforcing the two Iraqi no-fly zones in the north and the south of the country. These zones were created following the Persian Gulf War. Iraqi air-defense installations repeatedly targeted American and British air patrols and were often engaged by the coalition aircraft shortly afterwards.

Approximately nine months after the 9/11 attacks, the United States initiated Operation Southern Focus as a change to its response strategy, by increasing the overall number of missions and selecting targets throughout the no-fly zones in order to disrupt the military command structure in Iraq. The weight of bombs dropped increased from none in March 2002 and 0.3 in April 2002 to between 8 and 14 tons per month in May-August, reaching a pre-war peak of 54.6 tons in September 2002.

2001-2003: Iraq disarmament crisis

Main: Iraq disarmament crisis (Timeline), 2002 in Iraq
See also: Governments' pre-war positions on invasion of Iraq, Public relations preparations for 2003 invasion of Iraq, The UN Security Council and the Iraq war, American government position on invasion of Iraq, Legitimacy of the invasion, Iraq and weapons of mass destruction,

The issue of Iraq's disarmament reached a crisis in 2002-2003, when U.S. President George W. Bush demanded a complete end to alleged Iraqi production and use of weapons of mass destruction and that Iraq comply with UN Resolutions requiring UN inspectors unfettered access to areas those inspectors thought might have weapons production facilities. Iraq had been banned by the United Nations from developing or possessing such weapons since the 1991 Gulf War. It was also required to permit inspections to confirm Iraqi compliance. Bush repeatedly backed demands for unfettered inspection and disarmament with threats of invasion.

Iraq reluctantly agreed to new inspections in late 2002. The inspectors didn't find any WMD stockpiles, but they did not view Iraqi declarations as credible either.

In early 2003, the United States, United Kingdom, and Spain proposed another resolution on Iraq, which they called the "eighteenth resolution" to give Iraq a deadline to comply with previous resolutions before a possible military intervention. This proposed resolution was subsequently withdrawn because not enough countries would have supported it. In particular, NATO members France and Germany, together with Russia, were opposed to a military intervention in Iraq, on the ground that it would be very risky, in terms of security, for the international community, and defended a diplomatic process of disarmament. On January 20, 2003, French Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin declared "...we believe that military intervention would be the worst solution".[32]

In March 2003 the U.S. government announced that "diplomacy has failed" and that it would proceed with a coalition of allied countries, named "coalition of the willing", to rid Iraq of its alleged weapons of mass destruction. In the same month the U.S. government also advised U.N. weapons inspectors to begin pulling out of Baghdad. Iraq's disarmament was supported by a majority of Congress, who passed the Joint Resolution to Authorize the Use of United States Armed Forces Against Iraq on the 11 October 2002. This authorization was used by the Bush Administration as the legal basis for the United States to invade Iraq.

On September 16, 2004 Kofi Annan, the Secretary General of the United Nations, speaking on the invasion, said, "I have indicated it was not in conformity with the UN charter. From our point of view, from the charter point of view, it was illegal."[33]

2003: Invasion

See also: Coalition military operations of the Iraq War, Iraq War order of battle

The 2003 invasion of Iraq began on March 20, under the U.S. codename "Operation Iraqi Freedom." The British military's codename for their participation in the invasion was called Operation Telic. The coalition forces cooperated with Kurdish peshmerga forces in the north. Approximately forty other nations, dubbed "coalition of the willing," also participated by providing equipment, services and security as well as special forces. The initial coalition military forces were roughly 300,000, of which 98% were U.S. and British troops.[24] The invasion, on March 20, 2003, marked the beginning of the war.

April 2003: Coalition Provisional Authority and the Iraq Survey Group

See also: Iraqi Governing Council, International Advisory and Monitoring Board, CPA Program Review Board, Development Fund for Iraq, Reconstruction of Iraq

Shortly after the invasion, the multinational coalition created the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) سلطة الائتلاف الموحدة, based in the Green Zone, as a transitional government of Iraq until the establishment of a democratic government. Citing UN Security Council Resolution 1483 (2003), and the laws of war, the CPA vested itself with executive, legislative, and judicial authority over the Iraqi government from the period of the CPA's inception on April 21, 2003, until its dissolution on June 28, 2004.

The CPA was originally headed by Jay Garner, a former U.S. military officer, but his appointment lasted for only a brief time. After Garner resigned, President Bush appointed L. Paul Bremer as the head the CPA and he served until the CPA's dissolution in July 2004. Another group created in the spring of 2003 was the Iraq Survey Group (ISG). This was a fact-finding mission sent by the multinational force in Iraq after the 2003 Invasion of Iraq to find weapons of mass destruction (WMD) programs developed by Iraq under the regime of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. Its final report is commonly called the Duelfer Report. It consisted of a 1,400-member international team organized by The Pentagon and CIA to hunt for suspected stockpiles of WMD, such as chemical and biological agents, and any supporting research programs and infrastructure that could be used to develop WMD. The ISG has been unable to find these.

May 2003: "End of major combat"

Map of the Sunni Triangle

On May 1, 2003, President Bush staged a dramatic visit to the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln while the ship was a few miles west of San Diego. The Lincoln was on its way home to Everett, Washington from a long deployment which had included service in the Persian Gulf. The visit climaxed at sunset with his now well-known "Mission Accomplished" speech. In this nationally-televised speech, delivered before the sailors and airmen on the flight deck, Bush effectively declared victory due to the defeat of Iraq's conventional forces. However, Saddam Hussein remained at large and significant pockets of resistance remained.

After Bush's speech, the coalition military noticed a gradually increasing flurry of attacks on its troops in various regions, especially in the "Sunni Triangle". In the initial chaos after the fall of the Iraqi government, there was massive looting of infrastructure, including government buildings, official residences, museums, banks, and military depots. According to The Pentagon, 250,000 tons (of 650,000 tons total) of ordnance was looted, providing a significant source of ammunition for Iraqi insurgents. The insurgents were further helped by hundreds of weapons caches created by the conventional Iraqi army and Republican Guard beforehand.

Initially, the resistance largely stemmed from fedayeen and loyalists of Saddam Hussein or the Ba'ath Party,[citation needed] but soon religious radicals and Iraqis angered by the occupation contributed to the insurgency. The insurgents are generally known to the Coalition forces as "Anti-Iraqi Forces."

Most initial insurgency was concentrated in the Sunni Triangle, which includes Baghdad.[34] The three provinces that had the highest number of attacks were Baghdad, Anbar, and Salah Ad Din. -Those 3 provinces account for 35% of the population, but are responsible for 73% of U.S. military deaths (as of December 5, 2006), and an even higher percentage of recent U.S. military deaths (about 80%).[35] This resistance has been described as a type of guerrilla warfare. Insurgent tactics include mortars, missiles, suicide bombers, snipers (cf. Juba, the Baghdad Sniper), improvised explosive devices (IEDs), roadside bombs, car bombs, small arms fire (usually with assault rifles), and RPGs (rocket-propelled grenades), as well as sabotage against the oil, water, and electrical infrastructure.

American soldier and an Iraqi child

Post-invasion Iraq coalition efforts commenced after the fall of the Hussein regime. The coalition nations, together with the United Nations, began to work to establish a stable democratic state capable of defending itself,[36] holding itself together[37] as well as overcoming insurgent attacks and internal divisions.

Meanwhile, coalition military forces launched several operations around the Tigris River peninsula and in the Sunni Triangle. A series of similar operations were launched throughout the summer in the Sunni Triangle. Toward the end of 2003, the intensity and pace of insurgent attacks began to increase. A sharp surge in guerrilla attacks ushered in an insurgent effort that was termed the "Ramadan Offensive", as it coincided with the beginning of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. Coalition forces brought to bear the use of air power for the first time since the end of the invasion. Suspected ambush sites and mortar launching positions were struck from the air and with artillery fire. Surveillance of major routes, patrols, and raids on suspected insurgents were stepped up. In addition, two villages, including Saddam’s birthplace of al-Auja and the small town of Abu Hishma were wrapped in barbed wire and carefully monitored.

However, the failure to restore basic services to above pre-war levels, where over a decade of sanctions, bombing, corruption, and decaying infrastructure had left major cities functioning at much-reduced levels, also contributed to local anger at the IPA government headed by an executive council. On July 2 2003, President Bush declared that American troops would remain in Iraq in spite of the attacks, challenging the insurgents with "My answer is, bring 'em on", a line the President later expressed misgivings about having used.[38] In the summer of 2003, the multinational forces also focused on hunting down the remaining leaders of the former regime. On July 22, 2003, during a raid by the U.S. 101st Airborne Division and soldiers from Task Force 20, Saddam Hussein's sons (Uday and Qusay) and one of his grandsons were killed. In all, over 300 top leaders of the former regime were killed or captured, as well as numerous lesser functionaries and military personnel.

December 2003: Saddam captured

In the wave of intelligence information fueling the raids on remaining Ba'ath Party members connected to insurgency, Saddam Hussein himself was captured on December 13 2003 on a farm near Tikrit in Operation Red Dawn. The operation was conducted by the U.S. Army's 4th Infantry Division and members of Task Force 121.

With the capture of Saddam and a drop in the number of insurgent attacks, some concluded the multinational forces were prevailing in the fight against the insurgency. With the weather growing cooler, Coalition forces were able to operate in full armor which reduced their casualty rate.[citation needed] The provisional government began training the New Iraqi Security forces intended to defend the country, and the United States promised over $20 billion in reconstruction money in the form of credit against Iraq's future oil revenues. Of this, less than half a billion dollars had been spent in 10 months after it had been promised.[citation needed] Oil revenues were also used for rebuilding schools and for work on the electrical and refining infrastructure.

Shortly after the capture of Saddam, elements left out of the Coalition Provisional Authority began to agitate for elections and the formation of an Iraqi Interim Government. Most prominent among these was the Shia cleric Ali al-Sistani. The Coalition Provisional Authority opposed allowing democratic elections at this time, preferring instead to eventually hand-over power to the Interim Iraqi Government.[39] Due to the internal fight for power in the new Iraqi government more insurgents stepped up their activities. The two most turbulent centers were the area around Fallujah and the poor Shia sections of cities from Baghdad (Sadr City) to Basra in the south.

2004: The insurgency expands

See also: Military operations of the Iraq War for a list of all Coalition operations for this period, 2004 in Iraq, Iraqi coalition counter-insurgency operations, History of Iraqi insurgency, United States occupation of Fallujah, Iraq Spring Fighting of 2004

The start of 2004 was marked by a relative lull in violence. Insurgent forces reorganized during this time, studying the multinational forces' tactics and planning a renewed offensive. Guerrilla attacks were less intense. However, in late 2004 foreign fighters from around the Middle East as well as al-Qaeda in Iraq (an affiliated al-Qaeda group), led by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi would help to drive the insurgency.

As the insurgent activity increased, there was a distinct change in targeting from the coalition forces towards the new Iraqi Security Forces, as hundreds of Iraqi civilians and police were killed over the next few months in a series of massive bombings. One hypothesis for these increased bombings is that the relevance of Saddam Hussein and his followers was diminishing in direct proportion to the influence of radical Islamists, both foreign and Iraqi. An organized Sunni insurgency, with deep roots and both nationalist and Islamist motivations, was becoming more powerful throughout Iraq. The Mahdi Army also began launching attacks on coalition targets in an attempt to seize control from Iraqi security forces. The southern and central portions of Iraq were beginning to erupt in urban guerrilla combat as multinational forces attempted to keep control and prepared for a counteroffensive.

The coalition and the Coalition Provisional Authority decided to face the growing insurgency with a pair of assaults: one on Fallujah, the center of the "Mohammed's Army of Al-Ansar", and another on Najaf, home of an important mosque that had become the focal point for the Mahdi Army and its activities.

File:Fallujah bridge.jpg
Citizens of Fallujah near a bridge on which two corpses are hanged.

On March 31, 2004 - Iraqi insurgents in Fallujah ambushed a convoy containing four American private military contractors from Blackwater USA who were conducting delivery for food caterers ESS.[40] The four armed contractors, Scott Helvenston, Jerko Zovko, Wesley Batalona and Michael Teague, were killed with grenades and small arms fire, their bodies dragged from their vehicles, beaten and set ablaze. Their burned corpses were then dragged through the streets before being hung over a bridge crossing the Euphrates.[41]

Photos of the event were released to news agencies worldwide, causing a great deal of indignation and moral outrage in the United States, and prompting the announcement of a upcoming "pacification" of the city.

April 2004: The First Battle of Fallujah

Main: First Battle of Fallujah
See also: White phosphorus use in Iraq

After this incident, the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force began plans to re-establish a coalition presence in Fallujah. On April 4, the multinational forces began assaults to clear Fallujah of insurgents. On April 9, the multinational force allowed more than 70,000 women, children and elderly residents to leave the besieged city, reportedly also allowing males of military age to leave. Meanwhile, insurgents were taking advantage of the lull in combat to prepare defenses for a second assault. On April 10, the military declared a unilateral truce to allow for humanitarian supplies to enter Fallujah. Troops pulled back to the outskirts of the city; local leaders reciprocated the ceasefire, although lower-level intense fighting on both sides continued. During the assault, U.S. forces used white phosphorus as one of the weapons on the insurgents. This use of an incendiary weapon attracted controversy.

When the Iraqi Governing Council protested against the U.S. assault to retake Fallujah, the U.S. military halted its efforts. In the April battle for Fallujah, Coalition troops killed about 600 insurgents and a number of civilians, while 40 Americans died and hundreds were wounded in a fierce battle. The Marines were ordered to stand-down and cordon off the city, maintaining a perimeter around Fallujah. A compromise was reached in order to ensure security within Fallujah itself by creating the local "Fallujah Brigade". While the Marines attacking had a clear advantage in ground firepower and air support, LtGen Conway decided to accept a truce and a deal which put a former Ba'athist general in complete charge of the town's security. The Fallujah Brigade's responsibility was to secure Fallujah and put a stop to insurgent mortar attacks on the nearby U.S. Marine bases. This compromise soon fell apart and insurgent attacks returned, causing Marine commanders to begin preparations for a second attack in the coming fall. By the end of the spring uprising, the cities of Fallujah, Samarra, Baquba, and Ramadi had been left under guerrilla control with coalition patrols in the cities at a minimum.[citation needed]

Meanwhile, the fighting continued in the Shiite south, and Italian and Polish forces were having increasing difficulties retaining control over Nasiriya and Najaf. United States Marines were then shifted there to put down the overt rebellion and proceeded to rout Muqtada al-Sadr's Shiite militia. In all, April, May and early June saw more fighting. Over the next three months, the multinational forces took back the southern cities. Also, various insurgent leaders entered into negotiations with the provisional government to lay down arms and enter the political process.

June 2004: Iraqi Interim government and the Battle of Najaf

File:Iraqi Sniper.jpg
A sniper loyal to Shiite cleric Moqtada al Sadr fires a Dragunov sniper rifle at U.S. positions in the cemetery in Najaf.[23]

On June 28, 2004, the Coalition Provisional Authority transferred the "sovereignty" of Iraq to a caretaker government, whose first act was to begin the trial of Saddam Hussein. However, fighting continued in the form of the Iraqi insurgency. The new government began the process of moving towards open elections, though the insurgency and the lack of cohesion within the government itself, had led to delays.

One of the results of this weakened government was an increase in power of the sectarian militias. This was most clearly seen when the religious and militia leader Muqtada al-Sadr took control of the holy city of Najaf. After negotiations broke down between Sadr and the Interim Iraqi government, the government asked the Coalition for help in dislodging him. So in July and August, coalition forces and the Mahdi Army fought in the Battle of Najaf which culminated in the siege of the Imam Ali Mosque. Fighting ended only after a peace deal brokered by Grand Ayatollah Sistani in late August.

November 2004: The Second Battle of Fallujah

The First Battle of Fallujah in April 2004 created an area of extreme instability and a de facto insurgent safe zone. After several months of this situation, in November 2004 coalition forces attacked and successfully captured Fallujah in the Second Battle of Fallujah. This battle resulted in the reputed death of around 1,200 insurgent fighters. The U.S. Marines (the main coalition force in combat) also took substantial casualties with 95 dead and around 500 wounded in action. According to local sources, hundreds of civilians were also killed and much of the city was destroyed in the battle.

2005: Elections and sovereignty transferred to Iraqi Transitional Government

An Iraqi Army unit prepares to board a Task Force Baghdad UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter for a counterinsurgency mission in Baghdad.

On January 31, an election for a government to draft a permanent constitution took place. Although some violence and lack of widespread Sunni Arab participation marred the event, most of the eligible Kurd and Shia populace participated. On February 4, Paul Wolfowitz announced that 15,000 U.S. troops whose tours of duty had been extended in order to provide election security would be pulled out of Iraq by the next month.[42] February, March and April proved to be relatively peaceful months compared to the carnage of November and January, with insurgent attacks averaging 30 a day from the prior average of 70.

Hopes for a quick end to an insurgency and a withdrawal of U.S. troops were dashed at the advent of May, Iraq's bloodiest month since the invasion by U.S. forces in March and April of 2003. Suicide bombers, believed to be mainly disheartened Iraqi Sunni Arabs, Syrians and Saudis, tore through Iraq. Their targets were often Shia gatherings or civilian concentrations mainly of Shias. As a result, over 700 Iraqi civilians died in that month, as well as 79 U.S. soldiers.

During early and mid-May, the U.S. also launched Operation Matador, an assault by around 1,000 Marines in the ungoverned region of western Iraq. Its goal was the closing of suspected insurgent supply routes of volunteers and material from Syria, and with the fight they received their assumption proved correct. Fighters armed with flak jackets (unseen in the insurgency before this time) and using sophisticated tactics met the Marines, eventually inflicting 31 U.S. casualties by the operation's end, and suffering 125 casualties themselves. The Marines were unable to recapture the region due to their limited numbers and the continual insurgent IED attacks and ambushes. The operation continued all the way to the Syrian border, where they were forced to stop (Syrian residents living near the border heard the American bombs very clearly during the operation). The vast majority of these armed and trained insurgents quickly dispersed before the U.S. could bring the full force of its firepower on them, as it did in Fallujah.

August 2005: Increasing instability and renewed fighting

On August 14, 2005 the Washington Post[43] quoted one anonymous U.S. senior official expressing that "the United States no longer expects to see a model new democracy, a self-supporting oil industry or a society in which the majority of people are free from serious security or economic challenges... 'What we expected to achieve was never realistic given the timetable or what unfolded on the ground'". On September 22, 2005, Prince Saud al-Faisal, the Saudi foreign minister, said that he had warned the Bush administration in recent days that Iraq was hurtling toward disintegration, and that the election planned for December was unlikely to make any difference.[44] U.S. officials immediately made statements rejecting this belief.[45]

December 2005: Iraqi legislative election

Following the ratification of the Constitution of Iraq on October 15 2005, a general election was held on 15 December to elect a permanent 275-member Iraqi National Assembly.

2006: Permanent Iraqi government and possible outbreak of civil war

The beginning of 2006 was marked by government creation talks, growing sectarian violence, and continuous anti-coalition attacks. The United Nations has recently described the environment in Iraq as a "civil war-like situation."[46] A 2006 study by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health has estimated that more than 601,000 Iraqis have died in violence since the U.S. invasion and that fewer than one third of these deaths came at the hands of Coalition forces.[47] The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the Iraqi government estimate that more than 365,000 Iraqis have been displaced since the bombing of the al-Askari Mosque, bringing the total number of Iraqi refugees to more than 1.6 million.[48]

February 2006: Al-Askari shrine bombing and Sunni-Shia fighting

See: Al Askari Mosque bombing

On February 22 2006, at 6:55 a.m. local time (0355 UTC) two bombs were set off by five to seven men dressed as personnel of the Iraqi Special forces who entered the Al Askari Mosque during the morning. Explosions occurred at the mosque, effectively destroying its golden dome and severely damaging the mosque. Several men, one wearing a military uniform, had earlier entered the mosque, tied up the guards there and set explosives, resulting in the blast.

Shiites across Iraq expressed their anger by destroying Sunni mosques and killing dozens. Religious leaders of both sides called for calm amid fears this could erupt into a long-feared Sunni-Shia civil war in Iraq.

On March 2 the director of the Baghdad morgue fled Iraq explaining, "7,000 people have been killed by death squads in recent months."[49] The Boston Globe reported that around eight times the number of Iraqis killed by terrorist bombings during March 2006 were killed by sectarian death squads during the same period. A total of 1,313 were killed by sectarian militias while 173 were killed by suicide bombings.[50] The LA Times later reported that about 3,800 Iraqis were killed by sectarian violence in Baghdad alone during the first three months of 2006.[51] During April 2006, morgue numbers showed that 1,091 Baghdad residents were killed by sectarian executions.[52] Insurgencies, frequent terrorist attacks and sectarian violence led to harsh criticism of U.S. Iraq policy and fears of a failing state and civil war. The concerns were expressed by several U.S. think tanks[53][54][55][56] as well as the U.S. ambassador to Iraq, Zalmay Khalilzad.[57]

In early 2006, a handful of high-ranking retired generals began to demand United States Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld's resignation due in part to the aforementioned chaos that resulted from his management of the war.

An Iraqi mother comforts her children as Soldiers from 2nd Squadron, 9th Cav Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team search their home near Tikrit, Iraq.

May 2006: Permanent Iraqi Government takes power

The current government of Iraq took office on May 20, 2006 following approval by the members of the Iraqi National Assembly. This followed the general election in December 2005. The government succeeded the Iraqi Transitional Government which had continued in office in a caretaker capacity until the new government was agreed.

June 2006: al-Maliki proposes U.S. withdrawal plan

Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki proposed a plan for US withdrawal.[58] The plan includes US troop withdrawal "under conditions that take into account the formation of Iraqi armed forces so as to guarantee Iraq's security," amnesty for all insurgents who attacked U.S. and Iraqi military targets, the release of all security detainees from U.S. and Iraqi prisons, and compensation for victims of coalition military operations. Several US politicians objected to portions of the proposal.

Fall 2006: Increased sectarian violence

British Land Rover Wolfs on patrol around Basra

In September 2006, The Washington Post reported that the commander of the Marine forces in Iraq filed "an unusual secret report" concluding that the prospects for securing the Anbar province are dim, and that there is almost nothing the U.S. military can do to improve the political and social situation there.[59]

Iraq was listed fourth on the 2006 Failed States Index compiled by the American Foreign Policy magazine and the Fund for Peace think-tank. The list was topped by Sudan.[60][61]

As of October 20 the U.S military announced that Operation Together Forward had failed to stem the tide of violence in Baghdad, and Shiite militants under al-Sadr seized several southern Iraq cities.[62]

November 2006: Change at the Pentagon, Sadr City bombing

See: Sadr City bombings

On November 7, 2006, United States elections removed George W. Bush's Republican Party from control of both the United States House and the Senate. The failings in the Iraq war was cited as one of the main causes for these election results.

On November 23, 2006, the deadliest attack since the beginning of the Iraq war occurred. According to The Associated Press, suspected Sunni-Arab militants used five suicide car bombs and two mortar rounds on the capital's Shiite Sadr City slum to kill at least 215 people and wound 257. Shiite mortar teams quickly retaliated, firing 10 shells at Sunni Islam's most important shrine in Baghdad, badly damaging the Abu Hanifa mosque and killing one person. Eight more rounds slammed down near the offices of the Association of Muslim Scholars, the top Sunni Muslim organization in Iraq, setting nearby houses on fire. Two other mortar barrages on Sunni neighborhoods in west Baghdad killed nine and wounded 21, police said.[63]

On November 28, 2006, another Marine Corps intelligence report was released confirming the previous report on Anbar stating that, "U.S. and Iraqi troops 'are no longer capable of militarily defeating the insurgency in al-Anbar,' and 'nearly all government institutions from the village to provincial levels have disintegrated or have been thoroughly corrupted and infiltrated by Al Qaeda in Iraq.'"[64]

December 2006: Iraq Study Group report and Saddam's execution

See: Execution of Saddam Hussein, Iraq Study Group Report

A bipartisan report by the Iraq Study Group was released on December 6, 2006. The group was led by former secretary of state James Baker and former Democratic congressman Lee Hamilton, and concludes that "the situation in Iraq is grave and deteriorating" and "U.S. forces seem to be caught in a mission that has no foreseeable end." The report's 79 recommendations include increasing diplomatic measures with Iran and Syria and intensifying efforts to train Iraqi troops. On December 18, a Pentagon report finds that attacks on Americans and Iraqis average about 960 a week, the highest since the reports began in 2005.[65]

Coalition forces formally transferred control of a province to the Iraqi government. The shift is the first of its kind since the war began. Military prosecutors charged 8 Marines with the deaths of 24 Iraqi civilians in Haditha that allegedly occurred in November 2005. Ten of the casualties were reported to be women and children. Four officers were also charged with dereliction of duty in relation to the event.[66]

Saddam Hussein, captured in December 2003, was hanged on December 30, 2006 after being found guilty of crimes against humanity.[67]

Also, in December 2006 officials of various Shiite parties formed a coalition favoring reconciliation and met with Ayatollah Al-Sistani, spiritual head of Iraq's Shiite community, to seek his approval for this effort.[68] Moqtada Al-Sadr, leader of the Mahdi Army, did not initially join this coalition, but eventually decided to join the coalition.[69][70] This Shiite coalition asserted that their goal was to assert reconciliation, stability and the rule of law, and that private armies would not be continued once the Shiite coalition produced some stability.[71]

2007: U.S. troop surge

Following the 2006 United States midterm elections in which the Republicans lost control of the United States Congress, the Bush administration attempted to distance itself from its earlier "stay the course" rhetoric.[72]

Early 2007: Bush's "New Way Forward" confronts Iran

On January 10, 2007, Bush made a televised address to the American public in which he proposed an increase in the number of troops in Iraq. In his speech, he made references to changes to be made, including a "surge" of 21,500 more troops for Iraq, a job program for Iraqis, more reconstruction proposals, and 1.2 billion dollars for these programs.[73] Asked why he thought his plan would work this time, Bush said: "Because it has to."[74]

At the same time, Iran has taken a more active role in Iraq. Talks between the two nations (Iran and Iraq) have been successful, with Iran even going so far as to build a major Iranian Bank branch inside Iraq.[75] In reaction to Iran's increased role in Iraq, American troops raided an Iranian liaison office in northern Iraq on 11 Jan 2007 and detained five employees.[76] "Around 5.00 a.m., after disarming the guards they (U.S. troops) broke into the office, without giving any explanation and arrested five employees," the official IRNA news agency reported, adding that documents and computers were seized.[77][78] The fate of the kidnapped Iranian officials is not known.

In addition to confronting Iran, Coalition and Iraqi forces launched a new security plan for Baghdad. Under the new Surge plan, Baghdad is to be divided into ten zones, with Iraqi and American soldiers working side-by-side to "clear and hold" each sector of Shiite militias and Sunni insurgents to stabilize the city. The U.S. military commander in Iraq, David Petraeus, has gone so far as to say Iraq will be 'doomed' if this current plan fails.[79]

Chlorine bombings in Iraq began in late January 2007, when terrorists in Al Anbar province started using chlorine gas in conjunction with conventional vehicle-borne explosive devices. The inaugural chlorine attacks in Iraq were described as poorly executed, [80] however subsequent attacks resulted in hundreds of injuries, causing widespread panic, with large numbers of civilians suffering non life-threatening, but nonetheless highly traumatic, injuries.

In February, Joint Security Stations began to get set up in Baghdad neighborhoods.

On February 21, 2007 British Prime Minister Tony Blair announced that following the success of Operation Sinbad the United Kingdom will reduce its troops in Iraq as it handed off Basra Governorate to the Iraqis. He said that the 7,100 serving troops would be cut to 5,500 in the coming months, with hopes that 500 more will leave by late summer.[81] He also stated that British forces would remain into 2008 and he did not predict how many troops are likely to be there next year.[82] Cheney hailed this as proof of success in Iraq. Danish prime ministers Anders Fogh Rasmussen also announced the withdrawal of Danish troops from Iraq. The 450 Danish troops will leave the country in August and will be replaced by a unit of nine soldiers manning four observational helicopters.[83]

March 2007

U.S. soldiers take cover during a firefight with insurgents in the Al Doura section of Baghdad March 7, 2007

A March 7, 2007 survey of more than 2,000 Iraqis commissioned by the BBC and three other news organizations found that 51% of the population consider attacks on coalition forces "acceptable," up from 17% in 2004 and 35% in 2006. Also:

  • 64% described their family's economic situation as being somewhat or very bad, up from 30% in 2005.
  • 88% described the availability of electricity as being either somewhat or very bad, up from 65% in 2004.
  • 69% described the availability of clean water as somewhat or very bad, up from 48% in 2004.
  • 88% described the availability of fuel for cooking and driving as being somewhat or very bad.
  • 58% described reconstruction efforts in the area in which they live as either somewhat or very ineffective, and 9% described them as being totally nonexistent.[84]

By mid-March 2007, violence in Baghdad was reported by US sources close to the military as having been curtailed by 80%.[85] However, independent reports have raised questions about such assessments. An Iraqi military spokesman claims that civilian deaths since the start of the troop surge plan were 265 in Baghdad, down from 1,440 in the four previous weeks. The New York Times (NYT) has found more than 450 Iraqi civilians were killed during the same 28-day period, based on initial daily reports from Interior Ministry and hospital officials. Historically, the daily counts tallied by the NYT have underestimated the total death toll by 50 percent or more when compared to studies by the United Nations, which rely upon figures from the Iraqi Health Ministry and morgue figures.[86]

Moqtada al-Sadr issued a statement which urged Iraqis not to cooperate with U.S. forces, and to remain united against occupation.[87] This was followed by what appears to be a protest by thousands of residents of Sadr City,[88][89] and by the imposition of a curfew in Hilla south of Baghdad, apparently designed to prevent a similar large protest there.[90]

Late March, 2007, the US congress passed supplemental funding authorization bills to pay $122 billion for emergency war operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, including requirements that the US withdraw its troops from Iraq by August, 2008. Bush threatened to veto any bill including such a withdraw provision.[91]The United States Senate approved on March 30, 2007 the goal of getting all combat soldiers out by March 31, 2008. The Senate's shorter timetable is a goal, not a requirement on Bush and is designed to win the support of centrist Democrats.[92]

Despite a massive security crackdown in Baghdad associated with the "surge" in coalition troop strength, the monthly death toll in Iraq rose 15 percent in March. 1,869 Iraqi civilians were killed and 2,719 were wounded in March, compared to 1,646 killed and 2,701 wounded in February. In March, 165 Iraqi policemen were killed against 131 the previous month, while 44 Iraqi soldiers died compared to 29 in February. US military deaths in March were nearly double those of the Iraqi army, despite US claims that Iraqi forces led the security crackdown in Baghdad. The death toll among insurgent militants fell to 481 in March, compared to 586 killed in February. However, the number of arrests jumped to 5,664 in March against 1,921 in February.[93][94]

April 2007

In a report entitled "Civilians without Protection: The Ever-Worsening Humanitarian Crisis in Iraq," produced well after the stepped-up American-led military operations in Baghdad began February 14, the Red Cross said that millions of Iraqis are in a disastrous situation that is getting worse, with medical professionals fleeing the country after their colleagues were killed or abducted. Mothers are appealing for someone to pick up the bodies on the street so their children will be spared the horror of looking at them on their way to school. Red Cross Director of Operations Pierre Kraehenbuehl said that hospitals and other key services are desperately short of staff, with more than half the doctors said to have already left the country.[95]

Secretary of Defense Robert Gates announced that all active-duty Army soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan will serve for sixteen months, instead of the twelve month tours they expected. "Without this action, we would have had to deploy five Army active-duty brigades sooner than the 12-month at-home goal," Gates said.[96] Statistics released in April indicated that more and more soldiers have been deserting their duty, a sharp rise from the years before.[97]

After recommendations by Newt Gingrich and others, National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley planed to create a high-powered "czar" to oversee the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The new "execution manager," as the position is termed, would talk directly with Army General David Petraeus, the top U.S. military commander in Iraq, and others to help make progress on the ground. At least five retired four-star generals have declined to be considered for the post.[98]

April 10: Baghdad Wall

On April 10, 2007, the United States military began constructing a 3.5 metre tall concrete wall around the predominantly Sunni Baghdad district of Adhamiyah. (Guardian) (BBC)

April 12: Bombing Strikes the Iraqi Parliament

On April 12, 2007, a suicide bomber detonated a bomb inside the Iraq Parliament building, killing at least eight, including three members of Parliament. At least 30 people were wounded in the attack. The bomber struck at lunchtime inside a cafeteria outside of the Parliament chamber. Later reports published from NBC News said that the suicide bomber was a guard for a member of Parliament. The Parliament building was located inside the Green Zone, a heavily fortified section of Baghdad. The bombing was videotaped by Alhurra television while a member of Parliament was being interviewed during the lunch hour. Bush and the State Department quickly condemned the bombings, with Bush reiterating that "we stand with [Iraq]." [99]

The Iraqi Parliament attack followed another bombing that destroyed the Al-Sarafiya bridge, a 75-year old bridge in Baghdad spanning the Tigris River, that was constructed by the British. The bridge connected the Sunni neighborhood of Waziriyah with the Shiite area of Utafiyah and was bombed by suicide truck bombs, according to the Associated Press.[100]

Iraqi Forces took charge of security in the region of Maysan on 18 April 2007. It borders Iran and is the fourth province which came under full Iraqi security control since the 2003 U.S. invasion.[101]

April 18: Disagreement in Washington

President Bush met with House and Senate leaders in the White House for nearly an hour, for the first time since the House and Senate passed emergency Iraq spending bills to end the war. Democrats said they would send the president legislation by the end of next week, even though he said he is going to veto it. Bush was taken aback and became angry when Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid compared the war to the Vietnam War, and didn’t like to hear people in the room say that the war couldn’t be won militarily. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said the meeting was productive.[102]

April 23: Baghdad Wall

On April 23, 2007, the Prime Minister of Iraq, Nouri Maliki, called for construction to be halted on the three-mile wall being built by the United States military around the predominantly Sunni Baghdad district of Adhamiyah (Guardian) (BBC). The Prime Minister emphasized that he "oppose[s] the building of the wall, and its construction will stop." [103]

May 2007

May 8: Iraqi Lawmakers Reject Occupation

More than half of the members of Iraq's parliament rejected the continuing occupation of their country for the first time. 144 of the 275 lawmakers signed onto a legislative petition that would require the Iraqi government to seek approval from parliament before it requests an extension of the U.N. mandate for foreign forces to be in Iraq expiring at the end of 2007. It also calls for a timetable for the troop withdrawal and a freeze on the size of the foreign forces. The U.N. Security Council mandate for U.S.-led forces in Iraq will terminate "if requested by the government of Iraq."[104] Under Iraqi law, the speaker must present a resolution called for by a majority of lawmakers.[105] 59% of those polled in the U.S. support a timetable for withdrawal.[106]

May 9: VP Cheney's Second Visit to Baghdad

Keeping up the Bush administration’s drumbeat of pressure on Iraqi leaders, Mr. Cheney began his tour of the Middle East with a previously unannounced visit to Baghdad, his second since the invasion. In 12 hours of meetings with Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki and other leaders, he urged the Iraqis to act decisively on issues that have divided Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds, and he told them that political progress in Baghdad is essential if American military support is to be sustained in the face of strong Congressional and popular opposition in the United States. (NY Times)

May 10: G.O.P. Moderates Warn Bush Iraq Must Show Gains

Moderate Republicans gave President Bush a blunt warning on his Iraq policy at a private White House meeting this week, telling the president that conditions needed to improve markedly by fall or more Republicans would desert him on the war. Participants in the Tuesday meeting between Mr. Bush, senior administration officials and 11 members of a moderate bloc of House Republicans said the lawmakers were unusually candid with the president, telling him that public support for the war was crumbling in their swing districts. (NY Times)

Recent history

(Note: This section is used to track various developing events incrementally, by citing materials around the web. This section is not to meant supplant the capsulizations of major events, in the "Timeline" section above. Occasionally, the two sections may overlap, but this should not be considered an error.)

  • The rate of American deaths in Baghdad over the first seven weeks of the "surge" security escalation has nearly doubled from the previous period.[107] According to the Iraq Coaltion Casualty Monitor, U.S. troop deaths since the beginning of the escalation have been "running at 3.14/day, which is the highest of any period since the end of major combat."[108]

Troop deployment 2003 to current

see also: Multinational Force in Iraq, Danish deployment, Japanese deployment, Polish deployment, Australian deployment, British deployment

Template:Iraq War Coalition troop deployment

United Nations

The United Nations has also deployed a small contingent to Iraq to protect UN staff and guard their compounds.

United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI)

Armed Iraqi groups: insurgents and militias

The Iraqi insurgency is the armed resistance by diverse groups, including private militias, within Iraq to the US occupation of Iraq and to the U.S.-supported Iraqi government. The fighting has clear sectarian overtones and significant international implications (see Iraqi Civil War). This asymmetric war is being waged by Iraqi rebels, almost certainly with assistance from both foreign governments (possibly Syria and/or Iran) and loosely termed NGO's.[citation needed] This campaign is called the Iraqi resistance by its supporters and the anti-Iraqi forces(AIF)[110][111][112] by Coalition forces.


By the fall of 2003, these insurgent groups began using typical guerrilla tactics such as ambushes, bombings, kidnappings, and IEDs. Other tactics included mortars, suicide bombers, explosively formed penetrators, small arms fire, anti-aircraft missiles (SA-7, SA-14, SA-16) and RPGs, as well as sabotage against the oil, water, and electrical infrastructure. Multi-national Force-Iraq statistics (see detailed BBC graphic) show that the insurgents primarily targeted coalition forces, Iraqi security forces and infrastructure, and lastly civilians and government officials. These irregular forces favored attacking unarmored or lightly armored Humvee vehicles, the U.S. military's primary transport vehicle, primarily through the roadside IED.[113][114] In November 2003, some of these forces successfully attacked U.S. rotary aircraft with SA-7 missiles bought on the global black market.[citation needed] Insurgent groups such as the al-Abud Network have even attempted to constitute their own chemical weapons programs, attempting to weaponize traditional mortar rounds with ricin and mustard toxin.[115]

As Coalition Forces respond to a car bombing in South Baghdad, Iraq (IRQ), a second car bomb is detonated, targeting those responding to the initial incident. Date Shot: 14 Apr 2005

There is evidence that some guerrilla groups are organized, perhaps by the fedayeen and other Saddam Hussein or Ba'ath loyalists, religious radicals, Iraqis angered by the occupation, and foreign fighters.[116] On February 23, 2005 Al-Iraqiya TV (Iraq) aired transcripts of confessions by Syrian intelligence officer Anas Ahmad Al-Issa and Iraqi insurgent Shihab Al-Sab'awi concerning their booby-trap operations, explosions, kidnappings, assassinations, and details of beheading training in Syria.[117]

In addition to internal strife, Iran may be playing a role in the insurgency. U.S. Army Brig. Gen. Michael Barbero said, "Iran is definitely a destabilizing force in Iraq." Barbero also states that, "I think it's irrefutable that Iran is responsible for training, funding and equipping some of these Shia extremist groups."[25]


Two of the most powerful current militias are the Mahdi Army and the Badr Organization, with both militias having substantial political support as well in the current Iraqi government. Initially, both organizations were involved in the Iraqi insurgency, most clearly seen with the Mahdi Army at the Battle of Najaf. However in recent months, there has been a split between the two groups.

This violent break between Muqtada al-Sadr's Mahdi Army and the rival Badr Organization of Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, was seen in the fighting in the town of Amarah on October 20, 2006, would severely complicate the efforts of Iraqi and American officials to quell the soaring violence in Iraq.[118]

More recently in late 2005 and 2006, due to increasing sectarian violence based on either tribal/ethnic distinctions or simply due to increased criminal violence, various militias have formed, with whole neighborhoods and cities sometimes being protected or attacked by ethnic or neighborhood militias.[citation needed] One such group, known as the Anbar Awakening, was formed in September 2006 to fight against Al Qaeda and other radical islamist groups in the particularly violent Anbar province. Led by Sheik and Abdul Sattar Buzaigh al-Rishawi, who heads the Sunni Anbar Salvation Council, the Anbar Awakening has more than 6,000 troops and is seen by key U.S. officials such as Condoleeza Rice as a potential ally to U.S. occupation forces. [119]

Iraq War and U.S. War on Terrorism

President Bush has consistently referred to the Iraq war as "the central front in the War on Terror," and has argued that if the U.S. pulls out of Iraq, "terrorists will follow us here." [120][121] [122] While other proponents of the war have regularly echoed this assertion, as the conflict has dragged on, members of the U.S. Congress, the American public, and even U.S. troops have begun to question the connection between Iraq and the fight against terrorism. In particular, many leading intelligence experts have begun to argue that the the war in Iraq is actually increasing terrorism.

Views of U.S. Congress, public, and troops

At the outset of the war, the U.S. Congress and public opinion supported the notion that the Iraq War was part of the global war on terrorism. The 2002 Congressional resolution authorizing military force against Iraq cited the U.S. determination to "prosecute the war on terrorism," and in April 2003, one month after the invasion, a poll found that 77% of Americans agreed that the Iraq War was part of the War on Terrorism.[123] However, after the 2006 midterm Congressional elections, Congress has pushed to begin withdrawing troops from Iraq, in part based on the argument that Iraq is a distraction, as opposed to a part of, the war on terror. Likewise, a January 2007 poll found that 57% of Americans feel that the Iraq War is not part of the War on Terror.[124][125]

Increase in terrorism

As part of the justification for the war, the Bush Administration argued that Saddam Hussein had ties to al-Qaeda, and that his overthrow would lead to democratization in the Middle East, decreasing terrorism overall.[126] However, reports from the CIA, the U.S. State Department, the FBI, and the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, as well as the investigations of foreign intelligence agencies found no evidence of an operational connection between the ties between Saddam and al-Qaeda.[127] On the contrary, a consensus has developed among intelligence experts that the Iraq war has increased terrorism. Counterterrorism expert Rohan Gunaratna frequently refers to the invasion of Iraq as a "fatal mistake."[128] London's conservative International Institute for Strategic Studies concluded in 2004 that the occupation of Iraq had become "a potent global recruitment pretext" for jihadists and that the invasion "galvanized" al-Qaeda and "perversely inspired insurgent violence" there.[129] The U.S. National Intelligence Council concluded in a January 2005 report that the war in Iraq had become a breeding ground for a new generation of terrorists; David B. Low, the national intelligence officer for transnational threats, indicated that the report concluded that the war in Iraq provided terrorists with "a training ground, a recruitment ground, the opportunity for enhancing technical skills... There is even, under the best scenario, over time, the likelihood that some of the jihadists who are not killed there will, in a sense, go home, wherever home is, and will therefore disperse to various other countries." The Council's Chairman Robert L. Hutchings said, "At the moment, Iraq is a magnet for international terrorist activity."[130] And the 2006 National Intelligence Estimate, which outlined the considered judgment of all 16 U.S. intelligence agencies, held that "The Iraq conflict has become the 'cause celebre' for jihadists, breeding a deep resentment of US involvement in the Muslim world and cultivating supporters for the global jihadist movement."[131]

Al-Qaeda leaders have seen the Iraq war as a boon to their recruiting and operational efforts, providing evidence to jihadists worldwide that America is at war with Islam, and the training ground for a new generation of jihadists to practice attacks on American forces. In October 2003, Osama bin Laden announced: "Be glad of the good news: America is mired in the swamps of the Tigris and Euphrates. Bush is, through Iraq and its oil, easy prey. Here is he now, thank God, in an embarrassing situation and here is America today being ruined before the eyes of the whole world."[132] Al-Qaeda commander Seif al-Adl gloated about the war in Iraq, indicating, "The Americans took the bait and fell into our trap."[133] A letter thought to be from al-Qaeda leader Atiyah Abd al-Rahman found in Iraq among the rubble where al-Zarqawi was killed and released by the U.S. military in October 2006, indicated that al-Qaeda perceived the war as beneficial to its goals: "The most important thing is that the jihad continues with steadfastness ... indeed, prolonging the war is in our interest."[134]


This Iraqi soldier was killed in April, 2003 by United States Marines.
Coffins of American soldiers in a C-17 Globemaster III at Dover Air Force Base.

For coalition death totals see the infobox at the top right. See also the above main article. It has casualty numbers for coalition nations, contractors, non-Iraqi civilians, journalists, media helpers, aid workers, wounded, etc.. The main article also gives explanations for the wide variation in estimates and counts, and shows many ways in which undercounting occurs. Casualty figures, especially Iraqi ones, are highly disputed. This section gives a brief overview. "There are now at least 8 independent estimates of the number or rate of deaths induced by the invasion of Iraq."[135][136]


U.S. General Tommy Franks reportedly estimated soon after the invasion that there had been 30,000 Iraqi casualties as of April 9, 2003.[137] After this initial estimate he made no further public estimates.

In December 2005 President Bush said there were 30,000 Iraqi dead. White House spokesman Scott McClellan later said it was "not an official government estimate," and was based on media reports.[138]

There have been several attempts by the media, coalition governments and others to estimate the Iraqi casualties:

  • A national survey of mortality in The Lancet estimates 654,965 Iraqi deaths (range of 392,979-942,636) from March 2003 to July 2006.[21][22] That total number of deaths (all Iraqis) includes all excess deaths due to increased lawlessness, degraded infrastructure, poorer healthcare, etc, and includes civilians, military deaths and insurgent deaths. Although the British Government initially tried to dispute the accuracy of this report, the UK Ministry of Defence's chief scientific adviser later said the survey's methods were "close to best practice" and the study design was "robust".[139] This is the only figure presented here which is intended to show the total excess deaths (rather than lower limits, provided by surveys of only those deaths reported to authorities or media agencies). An article in British newspaper, "The Times", challenged this number in their March 5, 2007 issue[140]. Professor Michael Spagat, an economist from Royal Holloway College, University of London, says the Lancet paper contains misrepresentations of mortality figures suggested by other organisations, an inaccurate graph, the use of the word “casualties” to mean deaths rather than deaths plus injuries, and the perplexing finding that child deaths have fallen.
  • The UN found that 34,452 violent civilian deaths were reported by morgues, hospitals, and municipal authorities across Iraq in 2006.[141][142]
  • A January 2, 2007 AP article[143] reports: "the Iraqi ministries of Health, Defence and Interior, showed that 14,298 civilians, 1,348 police and 627 soldiers had been killed...last year." Another Jan. 2, 2007 article[144] reports that the Iraqi government does not count deaths classed as "criminal", nor those from kidnappings, nor wounded persons who die later as the result of attacks.
  • On January 2, 2007 The Australian reported: "A figure of 3700 civilian deaths in October [2006], the latest tally given by the UN based on data from the Health Ministry and the Baghdad morgue, was branded exaggerated by the Iraqi Government."[144]
  • The Iraq Body Count project states for the week ending Dec. 31, 2006:[145] "It was a truly violent year, as around 24,000 civilians lost their lives in Iraq. This was a massive rise in violence: 14,000 had been killed in 2005, 10,500 in 2004 and just under 12,000 in 2003 (7,000 of them killed during the actual war, while only 5,000 killed during the ‘peace’ that followed in May 2003). In December 2006 alone around 2,800 civilians were reported killed. This week there were over 560 civilian deaths reported." Only deaths reported by respected media agencies are included in these figures.

Iraqi healthcare deterioration

A November 11, 2006 Los Angeles Times article reports:[146]

The [Iraq] nation's health has deteriorated to a level not seen since the 1950s, said Joseph Chamie, former director of the U.N. Population Division and an Iraq specialist. "They were at the forefront", he said, referring to healthcare just before the 1991 Persian Gulf War. "Now they're looking more and more like a country in sub-Saharan Africa."

Iraqi refugees

Please see Refugees of Iraq for further details.

As of November 4, 2006, the U.N. High Commissioner on Refugees estimated that 1.8 million Iraqis had been displaced to neighboring countries, and 1.6 million were displaced internally, with nearly 100,000 Iraqis fleeing to Syria and Jordan each month.[147]


The decision of the U.S. and its allies to launch the Iraq War has faced heavy criticism from an array of popular and official sources both inside and outside the United States. Putting this controversy aside, both proponents and opponents of the invasion have also criticized the prosecution of the war effort along a number of lines. Most significantly, critics have assailed the U.S. and its allies for not devoting enough troops to the mission, not adequately planning for post-invasion Iraq, and for permitting and perpetrating widespread human rights abuses. As the war has progressed, critics have also railed against the high human and financial costs.

Inadequate troop levels

The troop level for the initial invasion of Iraq was controversial throughout the run-up to the war, particularly among U.S. military personnel. In 1999, then head of United States Central Command Marine General Anthony Zinni (ret.) organized a series of war games known as Desert Crossing in order to assess an invasion aimed at unseating Saddam Hussein. His plan, which predicted much of the violence and instability that followed the actual invasion, called for a force of 400,000 troops.[148] Consistent with the Desert Crossing scenarios, the original U.S. army plan for the invasion of Iraq contemplated troop levels of up to 500,000, but Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld declared this plan "the product of old thinking and the embodiment of everything that was wrong with the military," and decided on an invasion force of approximately 130,000, bolstered by some 45,000 troops from the U.K. and a handful of troops from other nations. [149] The plan to invade with a smaller force was publicly questioned by then Army Chief of Staff General Eric Shinseki, who, during a February 25, 2003 Senate Armed Services Committee hearing, suggested that an invasion force would be "on the order of several hundred thousand soldiers."[26] [150] In a November 15, 2006 hearing of the same committee, General John Abizaid, then head of U.S. Central Command, confirmed that "General Shinseki was right that a greater international force contribution, U.S. force contribution and Iraqi force contribution should have been available immediately after major combat operations."[151]

Insufficient post-invasion plans

In addition to raising questions about troop levels, critics of the Iraq War have argued that the U.S. planning for the post-invasion period was "woefully inadequate."[152] In particular, critics have argued that the U.S. was unprepared for the widespread looting and the violent insurgency that immediately followed the invasion. Soon after the invasion, former U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, a leading architect of the war, acknowledged that the U.S. made assumptions related to the insurgency that "turned out to underestimate the problem."[153]

The U.S. plans for reconstructing Iraq have also come under heavy fire. In a February 2006 report, Stuart W. Bowen Jr., the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, wrote that: "There was insufficient systematic planning for human capital management in Iraq before and during the U.S.-directed stabilization and reconstruction operations."[154] Critics have particularly chastised the Pentagon, which was charged with preparing for the post-invasion period, for largely ignoring a $5 million study entitled the Future of Iraq Project, which the U.S. State Department compiled in the year preceding the invasion. [155]

Human and financial costs

As the Iraq War has progressed from the relatively short invasion period to the considerably longer and more costly occupation, many critics have argued that the war is no longer worth the growing number of casualties among both U.S. soldiers and Iraqi civilians. For example, the U.S. organization Gold Star Families for Peace, launched by anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan and other parents of soldiers killed in Iraq and other wars, advocates "bringing an end to the occupation of Iraq" by raising "awareness in the United States about the true human costs of the invasion/occupation of Iraq."[27]

Just as the human costs have mounted, the total financial costs have also risen from the initial Bush Administration estimates of $50 billion to more than $400 billion total, most of it coming from the United States, but at least £8 billion from the United Kingdom.[156][157][158] As the war bill has grown, many U.S. politicians, including some who supported the invasion, have begun to argue that its cost outweighs its benefits, and that it is jeopardizing the preparedness of the U.S. Military. For example, on March 29, 2007, Nebraska Senators and longtime rivals Chuck Hagel (R-NB) and Ben Nelson (D-NB) released a joint statement saying that "there is now a 'significant' risk that the United States military will not be able to respond to an emerging crisis." [159] [160]

Calls for withdrawal from Iraq

As the military and civilian death toll has mounted, the insurgency has shifted to what many observers have labeled a civil war, and the Iraqi political landscape has remained unstable, many politicians and citizens from the United States and across the world have begun pushing for the U.S. to withdraw from Iraq. In addition to their concerns over the human and financial costs of the war, supporters of withdrawal argue that the U.S. presence fosters ongoing violence by providing a target for al-Qaeda and by allowing Iraqi political leaders to avoid reaching a power-sharing agreement. Supporters of withdrawal also argue that it will induce Iraq's neighbors to become more involved in quelling violence in the country and will relive the strain on the U.S. military.[citation needed] The withdrawal debate has caused some observers to compare Iraq to the Vietnam war.[161][162] As of spring 2007, surveys showed majorities of Americans in support of a timetable for withdrawal. [163] While up to 70 percent of Americans in one survey favored withdrawal, most prefer to leave gradually over 12 months, and 60 percent say the U.S. has a moral obligation to the Iraqi people.[164]

Human rights abuses

Spc. Charles Graner poses over Manadel al-Jamadi's corpse.

Throughout the entire Iraq war there have been numerous human rights abuses on all sides of the conflict.

Allegations of serious human right abuses by Coalition forces include:

There have also been reported human rights abuses by some of the thousands of private military contractors working in Iraq. The most notorious case involving contractors took place at the Abu Ghraib prison.

Insurgent and militia forces have also committed numerous human rights violations including:

  • Killing over 12,000 Iraqis from January 2005 - June 2006, according to Iraqi Interior Minister Bayan Jabr, giving the first official count for the victims of bombings, ambushes and other deadly attacks.[166] The insurgents have also conducted numerous suicide attacks on the Iraqi civilian population, mostly targeting the majority Shia community.[167][168] An October 2005 report from Human Rights Watch examines the range of civilian attacks and their purported justification.[169]
  • Attacks on diplomats and diplomatic facilities including; the bombing of the U.N. headquarters in Baghdad in August 2003 killing the top U.N. representative in Iraq and 21 other UN staff members;[170]beheading several diplomats: two Algerian diplomatic envoys Ali Belaroussi and Azzedine Belkadi,[171] Egyptian diplomatic envoy al-Sherif,[172] and four Russian diplomats.[173]
  • The February 2006 bombing of the al-Askari Mosque, destroying one of the holiest Shiite shrines, killing over 165 worshipers and igniting sectarian strife and reprisal killings.[174]
  • The publicized murders of several non-military personnell including; contractor Eugene Armstrong, contractor Jack Hensley, translator Kim Sun-il, contractor Kenneth Bigley, Bulgarian truck drivers Ivaylo Kepov and Georgi Lazov,[175] Shosei Koda, Italian Fabrizio Quattrocchi, charity worker Margaret Hassan, reconstruction engineer Nick Berg, Italian photographer, 52 year old Salvatore Santoro[176] and Iraqi supply worker Seif Adnan Kanaan. Most of these civilians were subjected to brutal torture and/or beheading.
  • Torture or murder of members of the New Iraqi Army,[177] and assassination of civilians associated with the Coalition Provisional Authority, such as Fern Holland, or the Iraqi Governing Council, such as Aqila al-Hashimi and Ezzedine Salim, or other foreign civilians, such as those from Kenya.[178]

Other abuses have been blamed on the new Iraqi government, including:

  • The use of torture by Iraqi security forces.[179]
  • Shiite-run death squads run out of the Interior Ministry that are accused of committing numerous massacres of Sunni Arabs[180] and the police collusion with militias in Iraq have compounded the problems.


  1. ^ "Sectarian divisions change Baghdad's image". MSNBC. 2006-07-03. Retrieved 2007-02-18. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  2. ^ Reid, Robert H. (2006-08-19). "America confronts reality in Iraq". MSNBC. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  3. ^ "Annan: Life for Iraqis worse than with Saddam". MSNBC. 2006-12-04. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  4. ^ U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates, 2 Feb 2007, see "four wars" remark
  5. ^ Nasrawi, Salah (2006-12-08). "Saudis reportedly funding insurgents". Seattle Times. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help); Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)
  6. ^ Ricks, Thomas E. (2007-01-11). "Intensified Combat on Streets Likely". Washington Post. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help); Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)
  7. ^ Pincus, Walter. "Violence in Iraq Called Increasingly Complex". Washington Post, Nov. 17, 2006.
  8. ^ a b "Iraq Contractor Deaths Go Little Noticed". By Michelle Roberts. The Guardian. Feb. 23, 2007.
  9. ^ "The Wages of War: Iraqi Combatant and Noncombatant Fatalities in the 2003 Conflict". Project on Defense Alternatives Research Monograph #8. Carl Conetta. October 20, 2003.
  10. ^ "New Study Finds: 11,000 to 15,000 Killed in Iraq War; 30 Percent are Non-combatants". Project on Defense Alternatives. Press release Oct. 20, 2003.
  11. ^ [1]
  12. ^ "iCasualties: OIF Iraqi Deaths".
  13. ^ "iCasualties: OIF Iraqi Deaths".
  14. ^ http://www.defensetech.org/archives/Iraq%20After%20action.pdf
  15. ^ a b iCasualties.org (was lunaville.org). Benicia, California. Patricia Kneisler, et al., "Iraq Coalition Casualties".
  16. ^ Cite error: The named reference http://antiwar.com/casualties/ was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  17. ^ "Toll of British wounded in Iraq war reaches 800". Times Online. Jan. 18, 2006.
  18. ^ "Defence Internet | Fact Sheets |Operations in Iraq: British Casualties". UK Ministry of Defense.
  19. ^ [http://blogs.usatoday.com/ondeadline/2007/04/reconstruction_.html "Reconstruction report: 916 death claims for civilian contractors in Iraq "]. April 30, 2007.
  20. ^ "Contractor deaths in Iraq nearing 800". By David Ivanovich and Brett Clanton. Houston Chronicle. Jan. 28, 2007.
  21. ^ a b c Template:PDFlink. By Gilbert Burnham, Riyadh Lafta, Shannon Doocy, and Les Roberts. The Lancet, October 11, 2006
  22. ^ a b Template:PDFlink. By Gilbert Burnham, Shannon Doocy, Elizabeth Dzeng, Riyadh Lafta, and Les Roberts. A supplement to the second Lancet study.
  23. ^ "Iraqi death toll estimates go as high as 150,000". Taipei Times, Nov. 11, 2006.
  24. ^ a b Iraq Body Count project. Civilian deaths due to insurgent/military action and increased criminal violence. As reported by English-language media. Compiled by various antiwar activists.
  25. ^ "Iraq Body Count: War dead figures". BBC. 2006-09-24. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  26. ^ "Rescue Operations in the Second Gulf War". Air & Space Power Journal. Spring 2005.
  27. ^ http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/kfiles/b24970.html
  28. ^ U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates, 2 Feb 2007, see "four wars" remark
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  34. ^ "Operation Iraqi Freedom Maps". GlobalSecurity.Org. Unavailable. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  35. ^ http://icasualties.org/oif/Province.aspx
  36. ^ "Poll: Iraqis out of patience". USA Today. 2004-04-30. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  37. ^ "Gloom descends on Iraqi leaders as civil war looms".
  38. ^ "President Regrets 'Bring 'Em On'". NewsMax.com Wires. 2005-01-14. Retrieved 2006-09-01. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  39. ^ (The Guardian, January 19, 2004, free archived version at: http://www.commondreams.org/views04/0119-08.htm, last visited Nov. 21, 2006)
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  41. ^ 'Residents hang slain Americans' bodies from bridge' - CNN.com
  42. ^ "U.S. to pull out 15,000 from Iraq". BBC News. 2005-02-04. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  43. ^ Wright, Robin, and Ellen Knickmeyer, "U.S. Lowers Sights On What Can Be Achieved in Iraq; Administration Is Shedding 'Unreality' That Dominated Invasion, Official Says". Washington Post, August 14 2005.
  44. ^ MacAskill, Ewen, Country is hurtling towards disintegration, Saudis warn". Guardian, September 24 2005.
  45. ^ Pleming, Sue, "U.S. rejects Saudi view Iraq near disintegration". Reuters, 23 September 2005.
  46. ^ "Decrying violence in Iraq, UN envoy urges national dialogue, international support". UN News Centre. 2006-11-25. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  47. ^ "Updated Iraq Survey Affirms Earlier Mortality Estimates". Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. 2006-10-11. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help); Text "accessdate 2006-12-25" ignored (help)
  48. ^ "UNHCR worried about effect of dire security situation on Iraq's displaced". Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. 2006-10-13. Retrieved 2006-12-25. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  49. ^ Steele, Jonathan (2006-03-02). "Baghdad official who exposed executions flees". Guardian. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  50. ^ Stockman, Farah and Bryan Bender (2006-04-02). "Iraq militias' wave of death". Boston Globe. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  51. ^ [4], Link dead Dec. 25, 2006
  52. ^ "Iraq head urges end to bloodshed". BBC News. 2006-05-10. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  53. ^ Pollack, Kenneth M. (2006-02-15). "A Switch in Time: A New Strategy for America in Iraq". Saban Center Analysis (7). Brookings Institution. {{cite journal}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  54. ^ Ottaway, Marina S. (November 2005). "Back from the Brink: A Strategy for Iraq". Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
  55. ^ "The Next Iraqi War: Sectarianism and Civil Conflict" (PDF). Middle East Report No 52. International Crisis Group. 2006-02-27. {{cite journal}}: Check date values in: |date= (help); Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  56. ^ Dobbins, James F. (2003). "America's Role in Nation-Building from Germany to Iraq" (PDF). Heinrich-Böll Foundation. {{cite journal}}: Check date values in: |date= (help); Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  57. ^ "Khalilzad Admits US Unlocked Pandora's Box in Iraq". Zaman Daily Newspaper. 2006-03-09. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  58. ^ MSNBC (June 25, 2006) Iraq Plan for U.S. Withdrawl: Maliki's Master Plan
  59. ^ Ricks, Thomas E. (2006-09-11). "Situation Called Dire in West Iraq". Washington Post. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  60. ^ "Sudan tops 'failed states index'". BBC News. 2006-05-02. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  61. ^ "The Failed States Index Rankings". Foreign Policy. July/August 2005. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  62. ^ "Shiite militia briefly seizes Iraqi city". MSNBC. 2006-10-20. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  63. ^ "Bombs, mortars in Shiite slum kill at least 161". MSNBC. 2006-11-23. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  64. ^ "Anbar Picture Grows Clearer, and Bleaker". Washington Post. 2006-11-28. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  65. ^ "Attacks in Iraq at All-Time High, Pentagon Report Says". PBS. 2006-12-19. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  66. ^ "8 Marines Charged With 24 Iraqi Slayings". FOX. 2006-12-22. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  67. ^ "Saddam Hussein executed in Iraq". BBC. 2006-12-30. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  68. ^ Shiites seek cease-fire from cleric by By QASSIM ABDUL-ZAHRA, Associated Press, 12/21/06
  69. ^ Cleric weighs 1-month cease-fire in Iraq, by QASSIM ABDUL-ZAHRA, Associated Press, 12/20/06
  70. ^ Iraqi politicians try to forge coalition, Qassim Abdul-Zahra, Associated Press, 12/21/06
  71. ^ Sadr in talks to return to Iraqi govt in blow to US, Mona Salem, Associated Press, 12/22/06
  72. ^ Peter Baker (10-24-2006). "Bush's New Tack Steers Clear of 'Stay the Course'". The Washington Post. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help); Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  73. ^ speech "President's Address to the Nation". The White House. 01-10-2007. {{cite web}}: Check |url= value (help); Check date values in: |date= (help)
  74. ^ David E. Sanger (January 11, 2007). "The Struggle for Iraq; Bush Adding 20,000 U.S. Troops; Sets Goal of Securing Baghdad". New York Times. “He put it far more bluntly when leaders of Congress visited the White House earlier on Wednesday. ‘I said to Maliki this has to work or you’re out,’ the president told the Congressional leaders, according to two officials who were in the room. Pressed on why he thought this strategy would succeed where previous efforts had failed, Mr. Bush shot back: ‘Because it has to.’”
  75. ^ "THE REACH OF WAR; IRANIAN REVEALS PLAN TO EXPAND ROLE INSIDE IRAQ". New York Times. 1-29-2007. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help); Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  76. ^ "Growing tension over Iran". January 15, 2007. Retrieved 2007-02-18.
  77. ^ [5]
  78. ^ [6]
  79. ^ http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17079786/
  80. ^ [7]
  81. ^ BBC NEWS, Blair announces Iraq troops cut, 21 February 2007, [8]
  82. ^ BBC NEWS, Beginning of the end for Brits in Iraq?, 21 February 2007, [9]
  83. ^ AL-JAZEERA ENGLISH, Blair announces Iraq troop pullout, February 21 2007, [10]
  84. ^ Iraq Poll conducted by D3 Systems for the BBC, ABC News, ARD German TV and USA Today. More than 2,000 people were questioned in more than 450 neighbourhoods and villages across all 18 provinces of Iraq between 25 February and 5 March 2007. The margin of error is + or – 2.5%.
  85. ^ http://strategypage.com/militaryforums/35-45583.aspx
  86. ^ [11]
  87. ^ [12]
  88. ^ [13]
  89. ^ [14]
  90. ^ [15]
  91. ^ Associated Press (Mar. 29, 2007) "Senate OKs Iraq Troop Withdrawal Bill"
  92. ^ Reuters (Mar. 30, 2007) "Senate approves '08 goal to bring troops home"
  93. ^ Faraj, S. (April 1, 2007) "Iraq toll up 15 percent despite crackdown," (Baghdad: Agence France-Presse)
  94. ^ Agence France-Presse (April 1, 2007) "Iraq death toll jumps 15 percent in March," (Baghdad)
  95. ^ Higgins, A.G. (April 11, 2007) "Red Cross: Iraqi Situation Getting Worse" Associated Press
  96. ^ Internet Broadcasting Systems, Inc. and The Associated Press (April 11, 2007) "Gates Extends Iraq, Afghanistan Duty Tours"
  97. ^ http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,265137,00.html
  98. ^ Baker, P. and Ricks, T.E. (April 13, 2007) "In White House Plan, War 'Czar' Would Cut Through Bureaucracy" Washington Post
  99. ^ MSNBC (April 12, 2007) Deadly blast rocks Iraqi parliament MSNBC Staff and Wire Service Reports
  100. ^ MSNBC (April 12, 2007) Blast collapses Baghdad bridge Associated Press
  101. ^ FoxNews (April 18, 2007) Iraqi Forces Take Charge of Security in Fourth Province FoxNews
  102. ^ Zeleny, J. and Rutenburg, J. (April 19, 2007) "No Solution in Sight as Bush and Lawmakers Discuss Iraq Spending Measure" New York Times
  103. ^ http://www.rutlandherald.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070423/NEWS04/704230341/-1/HSSPORTS
  104. ^ Abdul-Zahra, Q. (May 10, 2007) "Iraqi Bill on Troop Pullout Discussed" Washington Post accessed 10 May 2007
  105. ^ Jarrar, R. and Holland, J. (May 9, 2007) "Majority of Iraqi Lawmakers Now Reject Occupation" AlterNet.org retrieved 10 May 2007
  106. ^ Saad, L. (May 9, 2007) "Americans Favor Iraq Timetable, Don't Foresee Increased Terrorism" USA Today/Gallup poll retrieved 10 May 2007
  107. ^ nytimes.com
  108. ^ icasualties.org
  109. ^ http://www.forces.gc.ca/site/Operations/current_ops_e.asp
  110. ^ "Anti-Iraqi Forces site:.mil". Google Search.
  111. ^ ""anti-iraqi forces" site:mod.uk". Google Search.
  112. ^ Insurgent Ambush Kills 24 Iraqi Police 27 October 2006
  113. ^ Washburn, Mark (2005-06-10). "More Americans Dying from Roadside Bombs in Iraq". Commondreams.org. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  114. ^ Arun, Neil (2005-10-10). "Shaped bombs magnify Iraq attacks". BBC News. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  115. ^ "Comprehensive Report of the Special Advisor to the DCI on Iraq's WMD" (PDF). Central Intelligence Agency. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  116. ^ "Iraqi attacks could signal wide revolt". The Seattle Times. 2003-06-30. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  117. ^ "Syrian Intelligence Officer and Top Iraqi Terrorist Reveal Beheading Training in Syria (Short Version)". Al-Iraqiya TV (Iraq). 2005-02-23. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  118. ^ Semple, Kirk (2006-10-20). "Attack on Iraqi City Shows Militia's Power". New York Times. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  119. ^ In Lawless Sunni Heartland of Iraq, a Tribal Chief Opposes the Jihadists, and Prays
  120. ^ [16]
  121. ^ [17]
  122. ^ http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2006/08/20060821.html Press Conference by the President: White House Conference Center Briefing Room, August 21, 2006.
  123. ^ [18]
  124. ^ CNN/Opinion Research Corporation Poll. Jan. 19-21, 2007 [19]
  125. ^ http://www.armytimes.com/news/2007/04/military_gwot_democrats_070403w/
  126. ^ [20]
  127. ^ Weisman, Jonathan. "Iraq's Alleged Al-Qaeda Ties Were Disputed Before War". The Washington Post, September 9, 2006.
  128. ^ Rohan Gunaratna, "The Post-Madrid Face of Al Qaeda," Washington Quarterly 27:3 (Summer 2004) p. 98.
  129. ^ Sengupta, Kim (2004-05-26). "Occupation Made World Less Safe, Pro-War Institute Says". Commondreams.org. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  130. ^ Priest, Dana (2005-01-14). "Iraq New Terror Breeding Ground". Washington Post. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  131. ^ [21]
  132. ^ [22], Link dead 2006-12-26
  133. ^ Gerges, Fawaz A. (2005-10-10). "The Iraq War: Planting the Seeds of Al Qaeda's Second Generation". Toward Freedom. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  134. ^ Murphy, Dan (2006-10-06). "How Al Qaeda views a long Iraq war". Christian Science Monitor. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  135. ^ "Paved with good intentions - Iraq Body Count - Part 1". Media Lens. January 25, 2006.
  136. ^ Hamit Dardagan, John Sloboda & Josh Dougherty "Speculation is no substitute: a defence of Iraq Body Count". April 2006. A rebuttal to the critiques by Media Lens, Stephen Soldz, Dahr Jamail, etc.
  137. ^ "Secretary of Defense Interview with Bob Woodward - 23 Oct, 2003". United States Department of Defense: News Transcript. 2004-04-19. Retrieved 2006-08-09. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  138. ^ "Bush: Iraqi democracy making progress". CNN. Dec. 12, 2005. Bush quoted on 30,000 Iraqi dead.
  139. ^ Iraqi deaths survey 'was robust'. By Owen Bennett-Jones. BBC. 26 March 2007.
  140. ^ Could 650,00 Iraqis really have died because of the invasion?
  141. ^ "Iraqi Death Toll Exceeded 34,000 in '06, U.N. Says". By Sabrina Tavernise. New York Times. Jan. 17, 2007.
  142. ^ "Many organizations keep track of Iraqi casualties — but no one knows the correct number for sure". By Associated Press. International Herald Tribune. Jan. 16, 2007.
  143. ^ "Bruised and battered: Iraqi toll crosses 16000 in ’06". By the Associated Press. The Indian Express. Jan. 3, 2007.
  144. ^ a b "Iraq civilian deaths hit new record". By Alastair Macdonald. The Australian. Jan. 2, 2007.
  145. ^ "A Week in Iraq - Iraq Body Count". Week ending Dec. 31, 2006.
  146. ^ "Decrepit healthcare adds to toll in Iraq". Louise Roug, Los Angeles Times, November 11, 2006.
  147. ^ "U.N.: 100,000 Iraq refugees flee monthly". Alexander G. Higgins, Boston Globe, November 3, 2006.
  148. ^ "Post-Saddam Iraq: The War Game"
  149. ^ http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/ops/iraq_orbat.htm
  150. ^ Associated Press. "Army chief: Force to occupy Iraq massive". USA Today, February 25, 2003.
  151. ^ Congressional Transcripts."Senate Armed Services Committee Holds Hearing on Current Situation in Iraq and Afghanistan"
  152. ^ http://www.house.gov/list/press/ri02_langevin/pr032906realsecurity.html Langevin Endorses Democratic Plan for Real Security.
  153. ^ Slevin, Peter and Dana Priest. "Wolfowitz Concedes Iraq Errors". The Washington Post, July 24, 2003; Page A01. Retrieved on April 18, 2007.
  154. ^ Scarborough, Rowan. "U.S. lacked plan for rebuilding Iraq, report says". The Washington Times, Februrary 28, 2006. Retrieved April 18, 2007.
  155. ^ Fallow, James. Blind into Baghdad (The Atlantic, Jan/Feb 2004)]
  156. ^ "National Priorities Project - Cost of War".
  157. ^ "UK. Spending on War in Iraq, Afghanistan Rises to $16 Bln (December 2006)". Bloomberg. 2006-12-06. Retrieved 2007-01-22. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  158. ^ Bash, Dana. "What would war with Iraq cost?. CNN.com, January 2, 2003. Retrieved on April 18, 2007.
  159. ^ http://hagel.senate.gov/index.cfm?FuseAction=Speeches.Detail&Speech_id=34&Month=3&Year=2007
  160. ^ "The Rising Costs of the Iraq War (March 2006)". IraqAnalysis.org. 2006-03-22. Retrieved 2006-08-15. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  161. ^ http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article7166.htm
  162. ^ http://www.commondreams.org/views05/0606-25.htm
  163. ^ Pew Research Center: "Solid Majority Favors Congressional Troop Deadline", accessed 28 April 2007
  164. ^ Public Agenda: "Confidence in U.S. Foreign Policy Index" accessed 28 April 2007
  165. ^ Neil Mackay (2004-03-14). "Iraq: The Wedding Party Massacre". Sunday Herald. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  166. ^ Ellen Knickmeyer (2005-06-03). "Iraq Puts Civilian Toll at 12,000". The Washington Post. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  167. ^ Paul McGeough (2005-02-02). "Handicapped boy who was made into a bomb". The Sydney Morning Herald. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  168. ^ "Iraq bombing toll rises". The Age. July 2, 2006.
  169. ^ "A Face and a Name. Civilian Victims of Insurgent Groups in Iraq". Human Rights Watch. October 2005.
  170. ^ "Who are the Iraq Insurgents?". NewsHour with Jim Lehrer. 2006-06-12. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  171. ^ "Kidnappers Kill Algerian Diplomats". Free Internet Press. 2005-07-27. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  172. ^ "Captors kill Egypt envoy to Iraq". BBC News. 2005-07-08. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  173. ^ "Russian diplomat deaths confirmed". BBC News. 2006-06-26. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  174. ^ Alex Rodriguez. Iraqi shrine blast suspect caught. The Chicago Tribune. June 29, 2006.
  175. ^ "Insurgents kill Bulgarian hostage: Al-Jazeera". CBC News. 2004-07-14. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  176. ^ "Foreign hostages in Iraq". CBC News. 2006-06-22. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  177. ^ Sabrina Tavernise (2005-06-19). "Iraqis Found in Torture House Tell of Brutality of Insurgents". The New York Times. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  178. ^ "Iraq kidnappings stun Kenya press". BBC News. 2004-07-23. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  179. ^ "Iraq: Torture Continues at Hands of New Government". Human Rights News. 2005-01-25. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  180. ^ Dexter Filkins (2005-11-29). "Sunnis Accuse Iraqi Military of Kidnappings and Slayings". The New York Times. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)

See also

External articles

Maps of Iraq
Road to War
Iraqi sources
  • Iraq Diaries -- Iraqis writing about their experiences of war.
  • The Ground Truth Project -- A series of exclusive, in-depth interviews with Iraqis, aid workers, military personnel and others who have spent significant time on-the-ground in Iraq.
  • What Iraqis Think -- A compilation of the latest polls and blogs coming out of Iraq.
  • Iraq documents on Weapons of Mass Destruction This is a U.S. military site containing approximately 1 million files captured from the Iraqi military in the aftermath of the invasion.
Opinions and polls

(additional links not found in reference links section)

Combat operations related
  • Electronic Iraq: Daily news and analysis from Iraq with a special focus on the Iraqi experience of war.
  • News from Iraq: Aggregated news on the war, including politics and economics.
  • The Struggle for Iraq: BBC Best Link: All the latest news, analysis and images from Iraq.
  • War in Iraq: CNN Special Report: This page was archived in May 2003 when President Bush declared an end to major combat. However, the coalition casualties' list continues to be updated.
  • Iraq: Transition of Power: CNN Special Report: Three years later, debate rages.
Anti-war activists and war critics
Independent analysis
War supporters and operation proponents
Media Echo