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List of socialist parties with national parliamentary representation

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The following is a list of communist and anti-capitalist parties with representation in national parliaments. This list does not contain communist and anti-capitalist parties previously represented in parliament. This list includes only those parties who officially call themselves communist or anti-capitalist (or socialist parties who are declared anti-capitalist) ideologically. 115 communist and anti-capitalist parties have been elected worldwide to parliament in 56 different countries in both recognised and non-recognised states. Of the 66 states listed here, 9 of them are republics ruled by a socialist, communist or anticapitalist party, five of them are official socialist states ruled by a communist party, of them four of them espouse Marxism–Leninism (China, Cuba, Laos, and Vietnam) while the fifth (North Korea) espouses Juche, and the ideology of the Workers' Party of Korea (its ruling party) being Kimilsungism–Kimjongilism.[1]


Country Party Electoral Coalition Election Lower house Upper house Official ideology
 Algeria Workers' Party 2012 election
24 / 462
 Argentina Workers' Party Workers' Left Front 2013 election
3 / 257
0 / 72
Socialist Workers' Party Workers' Left Front
1 / 257
0 / 72
 Bangladesh Workers Party of Bangladesh Grand Alliance 2014 election
6 / 300
National Socialist Party Grand Alliance
5 / 300
 Belarus Communist Party of Belarus 2016 election
8 / 110
17 / 64
 Belgium Workers' Party of Belgium 2014 election
6 / 313
2 / 150
 Bolivia Movement for Socialism 2014 election
84 / 130
25 / 36
Socialism of the 21st century[3][4][5]
 Brazil Communist Party of Brazil With the strength of the people 2014 election
13 / 513
1 / 81
Socialism and Liberty Party
6 / 513
0 / 81
Democratic socialism[6]
 Burma National Unity Party 2015 election
0 / 330
1 / 224
 Chile Communist Party of Chile New Majority 2013 election
6 / 120
0 / 38
Broad Social Movement New Majority
0 / 120
1 / 38
Citizen Left New Majority
1 / 120
0 / 38
Democratic Revolution
1 / 120
0 / 38
Autonomous Left
1 / 120
0 / 38
 China Communist Party of China United Front 2012–2013 election
2,157 / 2,987
Socialism with Chinese characteristics [9]
 Colombia Revolutionary Independent Labour Movement Alternative Democratic Pole 2014 election
0 / 164
1 / 102
 Democratic Republic of the Congo Unified Lumumbist Party Alliance of the Presidential Majority 2007 election
2 / 108
 Croatia Croatian Labourists – Labour Party 2015 election
3 / 151
Democratic socialism
 Cuba Communist Party of Cuba 2013 election
612 / 612
 Cyprus Progressive Party of Working People 2016 election
16 / 56
 Czech Republic Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia 20132014 elections
33 / 200
1 / 81
 Denmark Socialist People's Party 2015 elections
7 / 179
Democratic socialism
Red–Green Alliance
14 / 179
Inuit Ataqatigiit
1 / 179
Democratic socialism
 Ecuador PAIS Alliance 2013 election
100 / 132
Socialism of the 21st century
Montecristi Lives Plurinational Unity of the Lefts
1 / 132
Popular Power Plurinational Unity of the Lefts
1 / 132
Pachakutik Plurinational Unity of the Lefts
1 / 132
Party of Revolutionary Socialism Plurinational Unity of the Lefts
1 / 132
Democratic People's Movement Plurinational Unity of the Lefts
1 / 132
Participa Movement Radical Democracy Plurinational Unity of the Lefts
1 / 132
 Egypt Modern Egypt Party For the Love of Egypt 2015 election
4 / 568
 Ethiopia Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front 2015 election
500 / 547
 Finland Left Alliance 2015 election
12 / 200
Democratic socialism
 France French Communist Party Left Front 2012 election
7 / 577
20 / 348
Federation for a Social and Ecological Alternative Left Front
2 / 577
0 / 348
Left Party Left Front
1 / 577
0 / 348
Democratic socialism
Communist Party of Réunion Alliance of the Overseas
0 / 577
1 / 348
 Germany The Left 2013 election
64 / 631
Democratic socialism
 Ghana Convention People's Party 2012 election
1 / 275
People's National Convention
1 / 275
 Greece Syriza September 2015 election
145 / 300
Democratic socialism
Communist Party of Greece
15 / 300
 Guatemala Guatemalan National Revolutionary Unity 2015 election
3 / 158
Revolutionary socialism[10]
 Guyana People's Progressive Party 2015 election
32 / 65
 Honduras Liberty and Refoundation 2013 election
37 / 128
Democratic socialism
Democratic Unification Party 2013 election
1 / 128
 Iceland Left-Green Movement 2016 election
10 / 63
 India Communist Party of India (Marxist) United National Progressive Alliance 2014 election
9 / 543
9 / 245
Marxism–Leninism [12]
Communist Party of India United National Progressive Alliance
1 / 543
2 / 245
Revolutionary Socialist Party United National Progressive Alliance
1 / 543
0 / 245
 Iraq Iraqi Communist Party Civil Democratic Alliance 2014 election
1 / 328
 Ireland Sinn Féin 2016 election
23 / 158
3 / 60
Democratic socialism[13][14]
People Before Profit Alliance Anti-Austerity Alliance–People Before Profit
3 / 158
0 / 60
Democratic socialism
Socialist Party Anti-Austerity Alliance–People Before Profit
3 / 158
0 / 60
Workers and Unemployed Action Group
1 / 158
0 / 60
 Israel Communist Party of Israel Democratic Front for Peace and Equality 2013 election
3 / 120
 Japan Japanese Communist Party 20142016 elections
21 / 480
14 / 242
Scientific socialism[17]
 Kazakhstan Communist People's Party of Kazakhstan 2016 elections
7 / 108
 Korea, North Workers' Party of Korea Democratic Front for the Reunification of the Fatherland 2014 elections
607 / 687
 Laos Lao People's Revolutionary Party Lao Front for National Construction 2016 elections
144 / 149
 Luxembourg The Left 2013 elections
2 / 60
Democratic socialism
 Mali African Solidarity for Democracy and Independence 2013 elections
5 / 160
 Mauritius Mauritian Militant Movement 2014 election
7 / 69
Democratic socialism
 Mexico Citizens' Movement Broad Progressive Front 2015 elections
26 / 500
2 / 128
Democratic socialism
Labor Party Broad Progressive Front
6 / 500
4 / 128
Democratic socialism
 Moldova Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova 2014 elections
21 / 101
 Morocco Party of Progress and Socialism 2011 elections
18 / 395
 Namibia Communist Party of Namibia 2014 elections
2 / 96
   Nepal Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist–Leninist) 2013 election
175 / 601
People's Multiparty Democracy[22]
Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)
80 / 601
Marxism–Leninism–Maoism–Prachanda Path
Janamorcha Nepal
8 / 601
Communist Party of Nepal (Marxist–Leninist) (2002)
5 / 601
Communist Party of Nepal (United)
5 / 601
Nepal Workers Peasants Party
4 / 601
Communist Party of Nepal (Unified)
4 / 601
Rastriya Janamorcha
3 / 601
 Nicaragua Sandinista National Liberation Front 2016 election
71 / 92
 Norway Socialist Left Party 2013 election
7 / 169
Democratic socialism
 Pakistan Pakhtunkhwa Milli Awami Party 2013 election
4 / 342
3 / 104
Democratic Socialism
Awami National Party 2013 election
2 / 342
6 / 104
Democratic Socialism
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine Palestine Liberation Organization 2006 election
3 / 132
Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine Palestine Liberation Organization 2006 election
1 / 132
Palestinian People's Party Palestine Liberation Organization 2006 election
1 / 132
Scientific socialism
 Paraguay Guasú Front 2013 election
1 / 80
5 / 45
Democratic socialism
 Peru Broad Front 2016 election
20 / 130
Democratic socialism
 Philippines New Patriotic Alliance National Democracy Movement 2013 election
7 / 292
0 / 24
Filipino communism[24]
 Portugal Portuguese Communist Party Democratic Unitarian Coalition 2015 election
15 / 230
Ecologist Party "The Greens" Democratic Unitarian Coalition
2 / 230
Left Bloc
19 / 230
 Russia Communist Party of the Russian Federation 2011 election
92 / 450
 Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic Polisario Front 2012 election
53 / 53
Democratic socialism
 San Marino United Left Active Citizenship 2012 election
5 / 60
 Slovenia Initiative for Democratic Socialism United Left 2014 election
3 / 90
Democratic socialism
Party for Sustainable Development of Slovenia United Left
1 / 90
Democratic Labour Party United Left
1 / 90
Democratic socialism
 South Africa Economic Freedom Fighters 2014 election
25 / 400
South African Communist Party[note 1] Tripartite Alliance
0 / 400
 Spain Podemos (Spanish political party) Podemos (Spanish political party) 2015 election
69 / 350
23 / 266
Democratic socialism
Sortu Amaiur 2011 election
5 / 350
3 / 266
Revolutionary socialism
Communist Party of Spain United Left
4 / 350
2 / 266
Republican Left of Catalonia
3 / 350
1 / 266
Democratic socialism
Initiative for Catalonia Greens United Left
2 / 350
2 / 266
Galician Nationalist Bloc
2 / 350
0 / 266
Aralar Party Amaiur
1 / 350
0 / 266
Democratic socialism
Chunta Aragonesista United Left
1 / 350
0 / 266
Communist Youth Union of Spain United Left
1 / 350
0 / 266
Open Left United Left
1 / 350
0 / 266
Democratic socialism
Party of the Communists of Catalonia United Left
1 / 350
0 / 266
United and Alternative Left United Left
1 / 350
0 / 266
Euskal Herria Bildu EH Bildu
0 / 350
1 / 266
Democratic socialism
 Sri Lanka People's Liberation Front 2015 election
6 / 225
Communist Party of Sri Lanka United People's Freedom Alliance
2 / 225
Lanka Equal Society Party United People's Freedom Alliance
2 / 225
 Sweden Left Party 2014 election
21 / 349
 Syria Syrian Communist Party (Bakdash) National Progressive Front 2012 election
8 / 250
Syrian Communist Party (Unified) National Progressive Front
3 / 250
People's Will Party Popular Front for Change and Liberation
1 / 250
 Tajikistan Communist Party of Tajikistan 2015 election
2 / 63
 Tunisia Workers' Party Popular Front 2011 election
3 / 217
Democratic Patriots' Movement Popular Front
1 / 217
Progressive People's Party
1 / 217
 Turkey Peoples' Democratic Party June 2015 election
80 / 550
Democratic socialism
 United Kingdom Sinn Féin 2015 election
4 / 650
0 / 811
Democratic socialism[13][14]
Green Party of England and Wales[35] 2015 election
1 / 650
1 / 811
United Kingdom  Northern Ireland Sinn Féin 2016 election
28 / 108
Democratic socialism
United Kingdom  Northern Ireland People Before Profit Alliance 2016 election
2 / 108
Democratic socialism; Trotskyism
United Kingdom  Scotland Scottish Green Party 2016 election
6 / 129
 Uruguay Communist Party of Uruguay Broad Front 2014 election
50 / 99
15 / 30
Movement of Popular Participation Broad Front Socialism of the 21st century
Popular Assembly 2014 election
1 / 99
0 / 30
 Venezuela United Socialist Party of Venezuela Great Patriotic Pole 2015 election
52 / 167
Socialism of the 21st century[36]
Communist Party of Venezuela Great Patriotic Pole
2 / 167
 Vietnam Communist Party of Vietnam Vietnamese Fatherland Front 2011 election
458 / 500
 Yemen Yemeni Socialist Party 2003 election
8 / 301
Democratic socialism
 Zambia Patriotic Front 2016 election
80 / 156
Democratic socialism[38][39]

See also


  1. ^ Its currently unknown how many seats the South African Communist Party has in the national legislature since its MPs are elected through the African National Congress, a separate political party. In the last election "almost the entire top SACP leadership was absorbed into the government".[29]


  1. ^ Kim Jong-un, Let Us Brilliantly Accomplish the Revolutionary Cause of Juche, Holding the Great Comrade Kim Jong Il in High Esteem as the Eternal General Secretary of Our Party, 6 April 2012.
  2. ^ http://psephos.adam-carr.net/countries/a/algeria/algeria2012.txt
  3. ^ Ediciones El País. "Evo Morales insta a "erradicar el capitalismo" para salvar el planeta". EL PAÍS. Retrieved 24 February 2015.
  4. ^ "Evo Morales: Ten commandments against capitalism, for life and humanity". Climate & Capitalism. Retrieved 24 February 2015.
  5. ^ "Evo Morales: "Capitalism is the worst enemy of humanity"". Climate & Capitalism. Retrieved 24 February 2015.
  6. ^ a b The first reference is for the lower house, the second for the upper house.
  7. ^ "Burmese general election, 2010". altsean.org. Retrieved 13 January 2012.
  8. ^ "South America: Chile – Government". The World Factbook. Central Intelligence Agency. Retrieved 13 January 2012.
  9. ^ "East & Southeast Asia: China – Government". The World Factbook. Central Intelligence Agency. Retrieved 13 January 2012.
  10. ^ "Acuerdo No. 1319-2011 – Resultados oficiales" (in Spanish). elecciones2011.tse.org.gt. Retrieved 13 January 2012.
  11. ^ The SolidNet Team. "13 IMCWP, Contribution of PPP of Guyana [En.]". solidnet.org.
  12. ^ The first two references are about seats in parliament.
  13. ^ a b "What Sinn Féin stands for". Retrieved 24 February 2015.
  14. ^ a b "Sinn Fein - political party, Ireland and United Kingdom :: Policy and structure". Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 24 February 2015.
  15. ^ "National Summary". Raidió Teilifís Éireann. RTÉ.ie. Retrieved 13 January 2012.
  16. ^ "Middle East: Israel – Government". The World Factbook. Central Intelligence Agency. Retrieved 13 January 2012.
  17. ^ "East & Southeast Asia: Japan – Government". The World Factbook. Central Intelligence Agency. Retrieved 13 January 2012.
  18. ^ "Two more Kazakh parties wins parliamentary seats". BBC Online. Retrieved 16 January 2012.
  19. ^ "Democratic People's Republic of Korea". Inter-Parliamentary Union. Retrieved 13 January 2012.
  20. ^ "East & Southeast Asia: Laos – Government". The World Factbook. Central Intelligence Agency. Retrieved 13 January 2012.
  21. ^ "Parliamentary Factions". Retrieved 24 February 2015.
  22. ^ The first reference is for the first two parties (and its leaders), and the second reference is for the other parties
  23. ^ "Central America and Caribbean: Nicaragua – Government". The World Factbook. Central Intelligence Agency. Retrieved 13 January 2012.
  24. ^ "Asia: Philippines – Government". The World Factbook. Central Intelligence Agency. Retrieved 5 November 2013.
  25. ^
  26. ^
  27. ^ "Europe: San Marino – Government". The World Factbook. Central Intelligence Agency. Retrieved 13 January 2012.
  28. ^ "About us".
  29. ^ Matuma Letsoalo. "Parliamentary payoff for pro-Zuma Cosatu officials". The M&G Online. Retrieved 24 February 2015.
  30. ^ a b "Europe: Spain – Government". The World Factbook. Central Intelligence Agency. Retrieved 13 January 2012.
  31. ^ Yoshie Furuhashi. "S. Saleh Waziruddin, "Communist Parties Win 11 Seats in Syrian Parliamentary Elections"". Retrieved 24 February 2015.
  32. ^ "Central Asia: Tajikistan – Government". The World Factbook. Central Intelligence Agency. Retrieved 13 January 2012.
  33. ^
  34. ^ a b "Africa: Tunisia – Government". The World Factbook. Central Intelligence Agency. Retrieved 13 January 2012.
  35. ^ https://www.greenparty.org.uk/assets/files/resources/Manifesto_web_file.pdf
  36. ^ "Communist Party of Venezuela". Communist Party of Venezuela. Retrieved 15 January 2012. {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |trans_title= ignored (|trans-title= suggested) (help)
  37. ^
  38. ^ http://www.elections.org.zm/media/28092011_2011_national_assembly_elections_results.pdf
  39. ^ "2011 Tripartite Elections: Summary of Allocation of National Assembly Seats" (pdf). Electoral Commission of Zambia. 2011. Retrieved 19 January 2016.