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List of people associated with the London School of Economics

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This is a list of noted alumni or faculty of the London School of Economics.

Heads of State or Heads of Government

President John F. Kennedy
Queen Margrethe II of Denmark

Nobel Laureates

Founders and Professors




Economic Historians

Employment Relations/Management

Human geography

International Relations


  • Janice R. Bellace, Samuel A. Blank Professor of Legal Studies and Business Ethics, University of Pennsylvania, founding president of the Singapore Management University
  • Paul Davies, Cassel Professor of Commercial Law at the London School of Economics, Honorary QC
  • Sandy D'Alemberte, former president of the American Bar Association, and former president of the Florida State University
  • Albert Venn Dicey, English jurist
  • Sir Morris Finer, Barrister, Judge, Chairman of the Finer Report on One Parent Families & the Royal Commission on the Press, Vice Chairman of Governors of LSE
  • Christopher Greenwood QC, esteemed international lawyer; advised Tony Blair and the Bush Administration on the legality of the 2003 Iraq war
  • Osagie Imasogie, Grant Irey Adjunct Professor of Law, University of Pennsylvania
  • Makhdoom Ali Khan, Barrister-at-Law from Lincolns Inn and Attorney General of Pakistan
  • Joseph Grundfest, W. A. Franke Professor of Law and Business, Stanford Law School
  • Philip Noel-Baker, professor of international law, politician, diplomat, Nobel Peace Prize winner
  • Michael Zander QC, Professor Emeritus. A distinguished professor of law at LSE between 1977 and 1998, member of the Runciman Royal Commission on Criminal Justice (1991-1993) and the Legal Correspondent of The Guardian newspaper between 1963 and 1988
  • David van Zandt, Dean and Professor, Northwestern University Law School


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Paul Feyerabend

Political scientists


Social anthropology

Social psychology

Social Workers


Government and politics

United Kingdom

Prime Minister Clement Attlee
Lord William Beveridge, the father of the welfare state and former Director of LSE

United States

  • Elliott Abrams, Assistant Secretary of State in Reagan Administration; Senior Director of the National Security Council in Bush Administration
  • Eric Alterman, Professor at Brooklyn College; political columnist for The Nation; Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress and the World Policy Institute
  • Donald Baer, White House Director of Communications and Strategic Planning in Clinton Administration
  • Valerie Lynn Baldwin, Assistant Secretary of Defence, Bush Administration
  • Thomas O. Barnett, Assistant Attorney General, United States Department of Justice
  • Lisa Belzberg, Founder and Director, PENCIL
  • Ben Bernanke, Chairman of the Federal Reserve
  • Walter Berns, Scholar, American Enterprise Institute
  • Karan Bhatia, Deputy United States Trade Representative; Assistant Secretary of Transportation, Bush Administration
  • Anne Bingaman, Assistant Attorney General, Department of Justice; Former associate professor of law at University of New Mexico
  • Alan Blinder, Chief Economist of the Council of Economic Advisors under Bill Clinton; economic advisor to John Kerry; vice-chairman of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors; Professor of Economics, Princeton University
  • John A. Bohn, President and Chairman at the Export-Import Bank of the United States
  • Clifford Bond, US Ambassador to Bosnia Herzegovina, Bush Administration
  • Rebecca Birget Certa, Democratic Member of US House of Representatives
  • Michael Chertoff, United States Secretary for Homeland Security, Bush Administration; US Attorney, Bush Sr. and Clinton Administrations
  • Colm Connolly, United States Attorney, Bush Administration
  • Lauchlin Currie, White House Economic Adviser to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt
  • Rosa DeLauro, high-ranking Democratic Member of the US House of Representatives
  • Edwin Feulner, President of the Heritage Foundation Think Tank
  • George T. Frampton Jr., Assistant Secretary of the Interior, Clinton Administration; Chairman of the Council of Environmental Quality, Clinton Administration
  • William Gale, Council of Economic Advisers, Bush Administration
  • Eric Garcetti, President, Los Angeles City Council
  • Marc Grossman, US Under-Secretary of State, Bush Administration; US Ambassador to Turkey, Clinton Administration; Special Advisor to the President on Near East Affairs, Carter Administration
  • Orval H. Hansen, Republican Member of the US House of Representatives
  • Stuart Holliday, US Representative to the United Nations; Assistant Secretary of State
  • Frank S. Holleman, Deputy Secretary of Education, Clinton Administration
  • Genta H. Holmes, US Ambassador to Australia, Clinton Administration; US Ambassador to Namibia; Chief of Mission to Haiti and Malawi
  • Alice Stone Ilchman, Assistant Secretary of Education and Cultural Affairs under US President Jimmy Carter
  • Dr Bruce Jentleson, International Affairs Fellow, Council of Foreign Relations; Senior Foreign Policy Advisor to Vice President Al Gore
  • Anthony Kennedy, United States Supreme Court, Associate Justice
  • John F. Kennedy, President of the United States 1961-1963
  • Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr., first son of Joseph Kennedy and elder brother of John F. Kennedy
  • Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., environmental activist, son of slain Senator Robert Kennedy
  • Vanessa Kerry, Democratic activist and daughter of Senator John Kerry (D-MA)
  • Ron Kind, Democratic Member of US House of Representatives
  • Mark Kirk, Republican Member of the US House of Representatives
  • Deborah Lehr, lead negotiator for China's WTO Accession; former partner at Mayer Brown
  • Susan Lindauer, ex-Congressional aide accused of assisting Iraqi intelligence prior to the 2003 invasion
  • Clay Lowery, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, Bush Administration
  • Edward Luttwak, Consultant to the US National Security Council, State Department and Defence Department; Economist; Historian; Senior Fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies
  • John W. McCarter, President and CEO of The Field Museum; White House Fellow during Lyndon B. Johnson Administration
  • James McGreevey, former Governor of New Jersey
  • Elisabeth Millard, Senior Director of the National Security Council, Bush Administration; Deputy Chief of US Mission to Nepal
  • Brad Miller, Member of the US House of Representatives
  • Chris Moore, Assistant Secretary of State, Bush Administration
  • Richard H. Moore, North Carolina State Treasurer
  • Daniel Patrick Moynihan, US Senator
  • Ethan Nadelmann, founder and executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance
  • Peter R. Orszag, Special Assistant to the President for Economic Policy, Senior Economist, Council of Economics Advisors, Clinton Administration; Fellow of the Brookings Institution; Professor, Georgetown University
  • Max Pappas, Director of Policy at FreedomWorks
  • Alice Paul, American suffragist
  • Richard Perle, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Reagan Administration; Chairman of Defense Department Advsory Committee, Bush Administration; fellow, American Enterprise Institute
  • F. Whitten Peters, Secretary of the Air Force, Washington, D.C.
  • Victoria Radd, White House Deputy Director of Communications, Clinton Administration; senior policy advisor to Bentsen, Dukakis and Mondale campaigns
  • David Rockefeller, former Chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank; Chairman/Honorary Chairman, the Council on Foreign Relations; Chairman/Honorary Chairman, the Trilateral Commission
  • James Rubin, Assistant Secretary of State, Clinton Administration; lead foreign policy adviser to John Kerry campaign
  • Robert Rubin, US Treasury Secretary and Director, National Economic Council, Clinton Administration; Director of Goldman Sachs
  • August Schumacher Jr., Under-Secretary of Agriculture, Clinton Administration
  • Dr Robert Shapiro, Under-Secretary of Commerce, Clinton Administration; Fellow of Harvard University; Fellow of National Bureau of Economic Research
  • John Tower, US Senator
  • Paul Volcker, Chairman of Federal Reserve, Carter and Reagan Administrations; US Treasury Under-Secretary, Nixon Administration; President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
  • David Welch, Assistant Secretary of State, Clinton Administration; US Ambassador to Egypt, Bush Administration
  • Maureen White, US Democratic Party National Finance Chair; US Representative to UNICEF; Human Rights Watch, board-member
  • Kimba Wood, United States Federal Judge; Attorney General Nominee
  • Janet Yellen, Council of Economic Advisers, Clinton Administration; Vice-President, American Economic Association; President and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
  • Dr Dov Zakheim, Under-Secretary of Defense, Bush and Reagan administrations


Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau

Latin America


Crown Prince Haakon of Norway
Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi


  • Saif al-Islam al-Gaddafi, political activist and elder son of Libyan President Muammar al-Gaddafi
  • Augustus Akinloye, Nigerian lawyer and politician.Chairman of defunct National Party of Nigeria
  • Kader Asmal, South African politician and member of the African National Congress' Executive Committee
Mwai Kibaki, President of Kenya


Lee Kuan Yew, First Prime Minister of Singapore, 1959-90
  • B. R. Ambedkar, Buddhist revivalist, Indian jurist, scholar and Bahujan political leader who was the chief architect of the Indian Constitution
  • Piyasvasti Amranand, Thailand's Energy Minister
  • Taro Aso, Minister for Foreign Affairs in the Government of Japan
  • Choowong Chayabutra, former Thailand's Secretary of Ministry of Interior, Senator and a member of parliament
  • Tam Yiu Chung, current councillor from 1998 in the Legislative Council of Hong Kong and a member of the Democratic Alliance for Betterment of Hong Kong (DAB)
  • Audrey Eu, member of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong and currently the party leader of the Civic Party
  • Abul Fateh, Bangladesh diplomat
  • Vivienne Goonewardena, Sri Lankan Trotskyist freedom agitator, parliamentarian, trade unionist and women's activist
  • Wang Guangya, permanent representative of the People's Republic of China to the United Nations
  • Tsai Ing-wen, former Vice Premier of the Republic of China (Taiwan)
  • Amarananda Somasiri Jayawardene, Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka
  • Yang Jiechi, current Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China
  • Emily Lau, Hong Kong politician
  • Dr. Maliha Lodhi, Pakistan's High Commissioner to United Kingdom and former Ambassador to USA
  • Kashmala Tariq, Member of the National Assembly of Pakistan
  • Makhdoom Ali Khan, Ex-Attorney General of Pakistan and chief lawyer of President Pervez Musharraf
  • Makhdoom Khusro Bakhtiyar, Former Dy. Foreign Minister of Pakistan
  • Krishna Menon, former Indian Permanent Representative to the UN, Minister of Defence, and leading proponent of India's emancipation
  • Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Singapore's Minister of Education, and the Deputy Chairman of the Monetary Authority of Singapore
  • Goh Keng Swee, former Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore
  • Juwono Sudarsono, Indonesian Minister of Defence
  • Puey Ungpakorn, Governor of the (Central) Bank of Thailand
  • Lee Kuan Yew, former Prime Minister of Singapore
  • Nani Lal Barua, Banker, Central Bank of India, Calcutta, India


Middle East

  • Princess Badiya bint Al Hassan, member of royal family of Jordan
  • Shlomo Argov, prominent Israeli diplomat, former Israeli ambassador to the United Kingdom
  • Yishai Be'er, General in the Israel Defense Forces and currently the President of the Israeli Military Court of Appeals
  • Kemal Derviş, UNDP Administrator (Head) and former Minister of Finance of Turkey
  • Rafi Eitan, leader of the Gil Party in Israeli Politics, law maker, former security
  • Stanley Fischer, Governor of the Bank of Israel; World Bank Chief Economist
  • Emre Gönensay, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey in 1996
  • Amnon Rubinstein, Israeli law scholar, politician, and columnist, Education Minister of Israel, 1993-1996

International organisations and ambassadors

Arts and media

Film and music

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Sir Mick Jagger

Television and radio

Authors and journalists

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Edith Abbott

Business and finance

George Soros, billionaire
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David Rockefeller, billionaire

Lawyers and judges

Cherie Booth QC, wife of Prime Minister Tony Blair



Founders of LSE

George Bernard Shaw, one of the founders of the LSE and Nobel laureate

(Some are depicted in the Fabian Window)

The School's Directors


  1. ^ Elsey, B. (1987) "R. H. Tawney – Patron saint of adult education", in P. Jarvis (ed.) “Twentieth Century Thinkers in Adult Education”, Beckenham: Croom Helm