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An ASUS Eee PC 700, the first mass-produced netbook
Eee PC 900 with a 9 inch screen (right), 22 inch LCD screen and a standard keyboard (left)

Netbooks (sometimes also called mini notebooks or ultraportable) are a branch of subnotebooks, a rapidly evolving[1] category of small, light and inexpensive laptop computers suited for general computing and accessing web-based applications; they are often marketed as "companion devices," that is, to augment a user's other computer access.[1] Walt Mossberg called them a "relatively new category of small, light, minimalist and cheap laptops." [2] By August 2009, CNET called netbooks "nothing more than smaller, cheaper notebooks."[1]

At their inception in late 2007 — as smaller notebooks optimized for low weight and low cost[3] — netbooks omitted key features (e.g., the optical drive), featured smaller screens and keyboards, and offered reduced specification and computing power. Over the course of their evolution, netbooks have ranged in size from below 5"[4] to over 13",[5] and from ~1 kg (2-3 pounds). Often significantly less expensive than other laptops,[6] by mid-2009, netbooks had been offered to users "free of charge", with an extended service contract purchase.[7]

In the short period since their appearance, netbooks have grown in size and features, now converging with new smaller, lighter notebooks. By mid 2009, CNET noted "the specs are so similar that the average shopper would likely be confused as to why one is better than the other," noting "the only conclusion is that there really is no distinction between the devices."[1]


Netbook market popularity within laptops in second half of 2008 based on the number of product clicks in the Laptop Subcategory per month by PriceGrabber[6]

The origins of the netbook can be traced to the Network Computer (NC) concept of the mid-1990s. In March 1997 Apple Computer introduced the eMate 300 as a subcompact laptop that was a cross between the Apple Newton PDA and a conventional laptop computer. The eMate was discontinued, along with all other Newton devices, in 1998 with the return of Steve Jobs. More recently, Psion's now-discontinued netBook line, the OLPC XO-1 (initially called 100 US$ laptop) and the Palm Foleo were all small, portable, network-enabled computers.[8][9][10] The generic use of the term "netbook", however, began in 2007 when Asus unveiled the ASUS Eee PC. Originally designed for emerging markets, the 23 x 17 cm (8.9" × 6.5") device weighed about 0.9 kg (2 pounds) and featured a 7" display, a keyboard approximately 85% the size of a normal keyboard, a solid-state drive and a custom version of Linux with a simplified user interface geared towards netbook use.[9] Following the Eee PC, Everex launched its Linux-based CloudBook, Windows XP and Windows Vista models were also introduced; MSI released the Wind, Dell and HP both released a "Mini" series (the Inspiron Mini and HP Mini), and others soon followed suit.

The OLPC project, known for its innovation in producing a durable, cost- and power-efficient netbook for developing countries, is regarded as one of the major factors that led top computer hardware manufacturers to begin creating low-cost netbooks for the consumer market. When the first ASUS Eee PC sold over 300,000 units in four months, companies such as Dell and Acer took note and began producing their own inexpensive netbooks. And while the OLPC XO-1 targets a different audience than do the other manufacturers' netbooks, it appears that OLPC is now facing the competition it itself catalyzed. Developing countries now have a large choice of vendors, from which they can choose which low-cost netbook they prefer.[11]

By late 2008, netbooks had begun to take market share away from laptops.[12] In contrast to earlier, largely failed attempts to establish mini computers as a new class of mainstream personal computing devices built around comparatively expensive platforms requiring proprietary software applications or imposing severe usability limitations, the recent success of netbooks can also be attributed to the fact that PC technology has now matured enough to allow truly cost optimized implementations with enough performance to suit the needs of a majority of PC users. This is illustrated by the fact that typical system performance of a netbook is on the level of a mainstream PC in 2001, at around one quarter of the cost. While this performance level suffices for most of the user needs, it caused an increased interest in resource-efficient applications such as Google's Chrome, and forced Microsoft to extend availability of Windows XP in order to secure market share. It is estimated that almost thirty times more netbooks were sold in 2008 (11.4 million, 70% of which were in Europe[13]) than in 2007 (400,000).[14] For 2009, sales are expected to jump to 35 million, rising to an estimated 139 million in 2013.[15] This trend is reinforced by the rise of web-based applications as well as mobile networking and, according to Wired Magazine, netbooks are evolving into "super-portable laptops for professionals".[16]

Greece is providing all 13 year old students (middle school, or gymnasium, freshmen) and their teachers with free netbooks in 2009[17] through the "Digital Classroom Initiative". Students are given one unique coupon each, with which they redeem the netbook of their choice, up to a €450 price ceiling, in participating shops throughout the country. These netbooks come bundled with localised versions of either Windows XP (or higher) or open source (e.g. Linux) operating systems, wired and wireless networking functionality, antivirus protection, preactivated parental controls, and an educational software package.

Microsoft and Intel have tried to "cement" netbooks in the low end of the market to protect mainstream notebook PC sales, because they get lower margins on low-cost models. The companies have limited the specifications of netbooks, but despite this original equipment manufacturers have announced higher-end netbooks models as of March 2009.[18]

Ending in 2008 the report was that the typical netbook featured a 1.4 kg (3 lb) weight, a 9" (23 cm) screen, wireless Internet connectivity, Linux or Windows XP, an Intel Atom processor, and a cost of less than 400 US$.[19]. A mid 2009 newspaper article [20] said that a typical netbook is 1.2 kg (2,5 lb), 300 US$, and has a 10" screen, 1 GB of memory, a 160 GB drive, and a wireless transceiver for both home and a mobile network. Buyers drove the netbook market towards larger screens, which grew from 7" in the original Asus Eee PC 700 to 10-12" models in the summer of 2009. Netbooks turned out to be more like laptops, except with less memory and Intel Atom processors.[21]


Psion netBook

In 1996 Psion started applying for trademarks for a line of netBook products that was later released in 1999.[22] International trademarks were issued (including U.S. Trademark 75,215,401 and Template:Community trademark) but the models failed to gain popularity[23] and are now discontinued (except for providing accessories, maintenance and support to existing users).[24] Similar marks were recently rejected by the USPTO citing a "likelihood of confusion" under section 2(d).[25][26][27]

Despite expert analysis that the mark is "probably generic",[28] Psion Teklogix issued cease and desist letters on 23 December, 2008.[29][30][31] This was heavily criticised,[32][33][34] prompting the formation of the "Save the Netbooks" grassroots campaign which worked to reverse the Google AdWords ban, cancel the trademark and encourage continued generic use of the term.[23] While preparing a "Petition for Cancellation" of U.S. Trademark 75,215,401 they revealed[35] that Dell had submitted one day before[36] on the basis of abandonment, genericness and fraud.[37] They later revealed Psion's counter-suit against Intel, filed on 27 February 2009.[38]

It was also revealed around the same time that Intel had also sued Psion Teklogix (US & Canada) and Psion (UK) in the Federal Court on similar grounds.[39] In addition to seeking cancellation of the trademark, Intel sought an order enjoining Psion from asserting any trademark rights in the term "netbook", a declarative judgement regarding their use of the term, attorneys' fees, costs and disbursements and "such other and further relief as the Court deems just and proper".[40]

On June 2, 2009, Psion announced that the suit had been settled out of court. Psion's statement said that the company was withdrawing all of its trademark registrations for the term "Netbook" and that Psion agreed to "waive all its rights against third parties in respect of past, current or future use" of the term.[41]


A (MSI Wind) netbook motherboard featuring the Intel Atom processor

Netbook typically have less powerful hardware than larger laptop computers. Some netbooks do not even have a conventional hard drive.[42] Such netbooks use solid-state storage devices instead, as these require less power, are lighter and generally more shock-resistant, but with much less storage capacity (such as 8, 16, or 32GB compared to the 160GB hard drives typical of netbooks). They also can be much smaller than an average 2.5" laptop hard-disk, as they do not have to resemble a hard-disk, they can be in the form of a small chip, or several small chips, comparable to what is inside a USB memory stick. On netbooks, which generally have no optical disk drive, application software is typically transferred over a network or read from a USB device. An external hard disk drive can be used with a USB port.

Netbooks typically do not contain premium features of fully-fledged notebooks, such as titanium cases, support for x64 operating systems, virtualisation technology, Trusted Platform Modules and Intel Active Management Technology.

All netbooks on the market today support Wi-Fi wireless networking and many can be used on mobile telephone networks with data capability (for example, 3G). Mobile data plans are supplied under contract in the same way as mobile telephones[43]. Some also include ethernet and/or modem ports, for broadband or dial-up Internet access, respectively.

Processor architectures


Most netbooks use the Intel Atom notebook processor (typically the N270 1.6 GHz but also available is the N280 at 1.66Ghz), but the x86-compatible VIA Technologies C7 processor is also powering netbooks from many different manufacturers like HP[44] and Samsung.[45] VIA has also designed the Nano, a new x86-64-compatible architecture targeting lower priced, mobile applications like netbooks. Some very low cost netbooks use a System-on-a-chip Vortex86 processor meant for embedded systems, just to be "Windows compatible", but with very low performance.


ARM Holdings designs and licenses microprocessor technology with relatively low power requirements and low cost which would constitute an ideal basis for netbooks. In particular, the recent ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore series of processor cores have been touted by ARM as an alternative platform to x86 for netbooks.[46][47] ARM up to now (as of end-2009) has had very little success in establishing a market for their chips in netbooks. Windows CE and the .NET Compact Framework are compatible with ARM processors and Microsoft are already using ARM cores in smaller devices than netbooks, such as the Zune HD. Linux is and has been fully compatible with these processors, but so far it has proven to be unattractive to mainstream consumers[48]. Nevertheless Freescale, a manufacturer of ARM chips, has projected that, by 2012, half of all netbooks will run on ARM[49]. Google has announced they will release a netbook-specific Linux-based operating system called Chrome OS in 2010 that will support both the x86 and the ARM architectures [50], and there has been speculation in the press about to a version of Windows 7 compatible with ARM. However, Windows applications for such a version of Windows then must also be rewritten for ARM.[51] In June 2009 Nvidia announced a dozen mobile Internet devices running Tegra, some of which will be netbooks.[52]


Some netbooks use MIPS architecture-compatible processors. These include the Skytone Alpha 400, based on an Ingenic system on chip, and the Gdium netbooks, which uses the 64-bit Loongson processor capable of 400 million instructions per second.[53] While these systems are relatively inexpensive, the MIPS processing power usually compares unfavorably with the x86-architecture netbooks. [citation needed]


A netbook will run any software that its operating system supports. Since the hardware architecture is similar to personal computers, it was easy to port the major, contemporary operating systems to the netbook, and thus achieve machine independence and transparency for their applications. Some vendors provide dual choices for consumers to choose from, either Linux or Windows XP

Operating Systems (OS)


As of January 2009, over 90% (96% claimed by Microsoft as of February 2009[54]) of netbooks in the United States are estimated to ship with Windows XP[55], which Microsoft was later estimated to sell ranging from US$15 to US$ 35 per netbook.[56][57] Microsoft has extended the availability of Windows XP for ultra-low cost personal computers from June 2008 until June 2010.[58] However, the discounted license costs only applies to reduced size and functionality netbooks, which effectively enables the production of low-cost PC’s while preserving the higher margins of mainstream desktops and "value" laptops[59] as well as avoiding increased use of Linux installations on netbooks.[60] Microsoft is also testing[61] and has demonstrated[62] a 'Starter' edition of Windows 7 for this class of devices, and Windows 7 is likely to replace XP on netbooks. However, unlike on regular desktops or notebooks that are sold with Vista but include a coupon for 7, users cannot get a coupon for 7 Starter if they bought a netbook.[63][64] Windows CE has also been used in netbook applications, due to its reduced feature design, that keeps with the design philosophy of netbooks.[65]

Many netbooks are by default unable to activate Windows in an enterprise environment using a Microsoft Key Management Service (KMS) as they lack System Locked Preinstallation (SLP) capability in their BIOS.[66] The missing feature artifically segments enterprise customers from the lower end Netbook market; some hardware vendors offer an optional SLP-compliant BIOS to enterprise customers at additional cost.


As of November 2009, customised Linux distributions are estimated to ship on 32% of netbooks worldwide[67], making it the second most popular operating system after Windows. As Linux systems normally install software from an Internet software repository, they do not need an optical drive to install software. However, early netbooks like the Eee PC failed to use this benefit by disabling access to the full range of available Linux software.

Netbooks have sparked the development of many new Linux distributions, like Ubuntu Netbook Remix and Easy Peasy. See the full list of Netbook Distributions. An Intel-sponsored beta version of Moblin version 2.0 became available in the autumn of 2009.[68][69]


Google's Android software platform, designed for mobile telephone handsets, has been demonstrated on an ASUS Eee PC and its Linux operating system contains policies for mobile internet devices including the original Asus Eee PC 701.[70] ASUS has allocated engineers to develop an Android-based netbook.[71] Freescale have also announced plans for a low-cost ARM-based netbook design, running Android.[72] In May 2009 a contractor of Dell announced it is porting Adobe Flash Lite to Android for Dell netbooks.[73] Acer announced Android netbooks to be available in Q3/2009.[74]

On July 2009, a new project Android-x86[75] is created to provide an open source solution for Android on x86 platform, especially for netbooks.

Mac OS X

Mac OS X has been demonstrated running on various netbooks as a result of the OSx86 project,[76] although this is in violation of the operating system's End User License Agreement.[77] Apple has complained to sites hosting information on how to install OS X onto non-Apple hardware (including Wired and YouTube) who have reacted and removed content in response.[78]

In November 2009, Apple Corporation won a summary judgement against Psystar on the grounds that Apple's method of preventing MacOS X from being installed on non-Apple hardware is protected by the DMCA[79]

In 2008, Apple released the MacBook Air, marketed as an "ultraportable" laptop. Although the Air is more costly than other netbooks, it has a low weight (1.6 kg/3 pounds), a much faster Core 2 Duo processor, and a small number of included devices. Apple's marketing for the MacBook Air focuses on its 0.4-1.94 cm (0.16-0.76") thinness.[80] However it mostly does not fit the definition of netbook (9-12" LCD, 160GB HDD or SSD, no optical drive, 1GB of RAM).


Netbooks have been demonstrated running other operating systems including FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Darwin and Moblin.[citation needed]

The Cloud operating system attempts to capitalize on the minimalist aspect of netbooks. User space is limited to a browser application only, in effect making this operating system a browser. In other words there is no operating system; as far as the user is concerned there is only a browser. Remarkably, it can also function as a boot loader while its browser is running, bringing up a usable operating system in the background.


A June 2009 NPD study found that 60% of netbook buyers never take their netbooks out of the house.[81]

Another NPD study indicated that by September 2009, Netbooks accounted for 20% of all portable computer shipments.[82]


A smartbook is a concept of a mobile device that falls between smartphones and netbooks, delivering features typically found in smartphones (always on, all-day battery life, 3G connectivity, GPS)[83] in a slightly larger device with a full keyboard. Smartbooks will tend to be designed to work with online applications.[21] Smartbooks are likely to be sold initially through mobile network operators, like mobile phones are today, along with a wireless data plan.[84]

See also


  1. ^ a b c d "Time to drop the Netbook label". CNN, Erica Ogg, August 20, 2009.
  2. ^ "New Netbook Offers Long Battery Life and Room to Type". The Wall Street Journal Online, Personal Technology, Walt Mossberg, August 6, 2009.
  3. ^ "Cheap PCs Weigh on Microsoft". Business Technologies, The Wall Street Journal, December 8, 2008.
  4. ^ UMID Netbook Only 4.8″
  5. ^ CES 2009 - MSI Unveils the X320 “MacBook Air Clone” Netbook
  6. ^ a b Netbook Trends and Solid-State Technology Forecast (PDF). pricegrabber.com. p. 7. Retrieved 2009-01-28.
  7. ^ "Light and Cheap, Netbooks Are Poised to Reshape PC Industry" (The New York Times - April 1, 2009: "AT&T announced on Tuesday that customers in Atlanta could get a type of compact PC called a netbook for just 50 US$ if they signed up for an Internet service plan..." - “The era of a perfect Internet computer for 99 US$ is coming this year,” said Jen-Hsun Huang, the chief executive of Nvidia, a maker of PC graphics chips that is trying to adapt to the new technological order.
  8. ^ "Jeff Hawkins and the World's First Netbook". PCMagazine.com, Tim Bajarin, November 21, 2008.
  9. ^ a b "Netbooks vs. Notebooks". PCMagazine.com, Tim Bajarin, September 12, 2008.
  10. ^ Psion's NetBook Pro Abandons EPOC in Favor of Windows CE
  11. ^ Kraemer et al.: "One Laptop Per Child: Vision vs. Reality", Communications of the ACM, June 2009.
  12. ^ Ian Lamont (2008-10-04). ""Netbooks" Move Up In Notebook Rankings". Slashdot. Retrieved 2008-10-23.
  13. ^ 70% of Netbook sales are in Europe
  14. ^ Analysis: Did Intel underestimate netbook success?
  15. ^ ABI Research: 35 Million Netbook Shipments Expected in 2009: An Era Begins ABI Research
  16. ^ Puny, Trendy Netbooks Are Growing Up to Suit Business Users
  17. ^ [1]
  18. ^ http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?command=viewArticleBasic&articleId=9130757
  19. ^ "Tech's hope in 2009 - or curse?". Fortune Magazine, December 24, 2008, Jon Fortt.
  20. ^ http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/businesstechnology/2009579304_ptmacc01.html
  21. ^ a b http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2009/jul/29/smartbooks-netbooks
  22. ^ Psion netbook news release
  23. ^ a b Save the Netbooks: fighting a trademark on extinct hardware
  24. ^ Psion Teklogix Discontinued Products
  25. ^ U.S. Trademark 77,527,311 for 'G NETBOOK' rejected 31 October 2008
  26. ^ U.S. Trademark 77,580,272 for MSI's 'WIND NETBOOK'
  27. ^ U.S. Trademark 77,590,174 for Coby Electronics' 'COBY NETBOOK' rejected 13 January 2009
  28. ^ How To Lose A Trademark: “Netbook” Is Probably Generic Patent Hands
  29. ^ Netbook enthusiast web sites getting C & D using term “netbook”
  30. ^ http://www.prnewswire.co.uk/cgi/release?id=16302
  31. ^ Psion threatens netbook sites over trademarks
  32. ^ ‘Netbook’ trademarked already, we’re all doomed
  33. ^ Using the Word 'Netbook' Could Get You Sued
  34. ^ Cease and Desist: the netbook war of words
  35. ^ Dell accuses Psion of "fraud" over netbook claims
  36. ^ Dell fights back against Psion netBook trademark rampage
  37. ^ Dell Goes 'Nuclear' Over Netbook Trademark
  38. ^ Newsflash: Intel counter-sued by Psion in "netbook" trademark lawsuit; jury trial demanded Save the Netbooks
  39. ^ Intel Wants 'Netbook' Trademark Canceled
  40. ^ Complaint for Injunctive Relief, Declaratory Judgment & Cancellation of Federal Trademark
  41. ^ Psion, Intel settle 'Netbook' trademark dispute
  42. ^ What is a Netbook computer?
  43. ^ Ganapati, Priya (2008-12-15). "The Next Netbook Trend: Cellphone-Like Contract Deals". Wired (magazine). Retrieved 2009-05-20.
  44. ^ Crothers, Brooke (2009-04-09). "Why HP chose Via chip over Intel for Mini-Note". CNET News. Retrieved 2009-04-09.
  45. ^ "Samsung's VIA-powered NC20 netbook now available". Electronista. 2009-04-03. Retrieved 2009-04-09.
  46. ^ ARM against Atom processors
  47. ^ http://www.infoworld.com/d/hardware/arm-vs-atom-battle-next-digital-frontier-762 ARM vs Atom battle
  48. ^ http://blog.laptopmag.com/msi-wind-coming-to-major-retailer-new-models-coming-soon
  49. ^ Tofel, Kevin C. (2009-02-18). jkOnTheRun http://jkontherun.com/2009/02/18/freescale-says-arm-will-power-half-the-netbook-market/. Retrieved 2009-04-09. {{cite news}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)
  50. ^ introducing google Chrome OS
  51. ^ Vance, Ashlee (2009-04-06). "Microsoft's Netbook Conundrum". New York Times. Retrieved 2009-04-09.
  52. ^ http://news.prnewswire.com/ViewContent.aspx?ACCT=109&STORY=/www/story/06-02-2009/0005036371&EDATE=
  53. ^ osnews lemote netbook with MIPS processor
  54. ^ http://www.informationweek.com/news/windows/operatingsystems/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=216402927
  55. ^ Think Linux Rules on Netbooks? Think Again
  56. ^ Microsoft shares hit 11-year low
  57. ^ http://online.wsj.com/article/SB124018108488732939.html
  58. ^ Microsoft Announces Extended Availability of Windows XP Home for ULCPCs, April 3, 2008 Press release
  59. ^ Microsoft to limit capabilities of cheap laptops, IT World May 12, 2008
  60. ^ Microsoft U-turn to stop Linux dominating ultra low cost PC
  61. ^ Microsoft seeking Win 7 testers for netbooks?
  62. ^ Ars@PDC: Steven Sinofsky on Windows 7 and netbooks
  63. ^ Windows 7 to Ship In Six Different Versions
  64. ^ Confirmed: Windows 7 'netbook edition'
  65. ^ Windows CE takes on Linux in low-end netbooks
  66. ^ "You receive an error message when you try to activate Windows Vista on a computer that was obtained from an OEM". Microsoft. 2009-03-20. {{cite web}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help); Missing or empty |url= (help); Text "http://support.microsoft.com/kb/942962" ignored (help)
  67. ^ [2]
  68. ^ Hands-On With The Netbook Linux Anyone Can Master Gizmodo Australia
  69. ^ Here a beta, there a beta Information Week
  70. ^ Android netbooks on their way, likely by 2010
  71. ^ Google Android May Run Asus Netbook, Rival Microsoft (Update1)
  72. ^ Freescale to use Android, ARM for US$ 100 Netbook
  73. ^ http://www.fiercewireless.com/press-releases/bsquare-port-adobe-flash-lite-new-google-android-netbook-del?utm_medium=nl&utm_source=internal
  74. ^ http://www.reuters.com/article/marketsNews/idUSTP18980620090602
  75. ^ Android-x86 project
  76. ^ Mac OS X Netbook Compatibility Chart (Updated)
  77. ^ It Lives! Gadget Lab's Netbook Running OS X Leopard
  78. ^ Gadget Lab Video: Running OS X on a Netbook
  79. ^ Keizer, Greg (2009-11-15). "Apple Wins Court Victory Over Mac Clone Maker Psystar". Pc World. Retrieved November 15, 2009.
  80. ^ http://www.apple.com/macbookair/
  81. ^ http://www.npd.com/press/releases/press_090622b.html
  82. ^ http://www.techcrunch.com/2009/08/31/report-netbooks-now-a-fifth-of-all-portable-computer-shipments/
  83. ^ http://www.eetimes.eu/design/217700855
  84. ^ Ganapat, Priya (2008-12-15). “The Next Netbook Trend: Cellphone-Like Contract Deals” – Wired News.