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List of Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy launches

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Template:Launching/Falcon (Canaveral) Template:Launching/Falcon (Vandenberg) This is a list of missions, historic and planned, for the SpaceX Falcon 9 family of launch vehicles. The four versions of the rocket are the Falcon 9 v1.0, Falcon 9 v1.1 (both retired), the currently-operational Falcon 9 full thrust, and the in-development Falcon Heavy.

Falcon 9 flight 16 night launch from Cape Canaveral on March 2, 2015

Notable missions

Maiden launch

Launch of Falcon 9 Flight 1 with a boilerplate Dragon

The Falcon 9 maiden launch occurred on June 4, 2010 and was deemed a success, placing the test payload within 1 percent of the intended orbit. The second stage engine performed a short second burn to demonstrate its multiple firing capability.[1]

The rocket experienced, “a little bit of roll at liftoff” as Ken Bowersox from SpaceX put it.[2] This roll had stopped prior to the craft reaching the top of the tower. The second stage began to slowly roll near the end of its burn, which was not expected.[1]

The halo from the venting of propellant from the Falcon 9 second stage as it rolled in space could be seen from all of Eastern Australia and some believed it to be a UFO.[3][4]

COTS demo missions

The second launch of Falcon 9 was called COTS Demo Flight 1, aiming to test an operational Dragon capsule. The launch took place on December 8, 2010.[5] The booster placed the Dragon spacecraft in a roughly 300-kilometer (190 mi) orbit. After two orbits, the capsule re-entered the atmosphere to be recovered off the coast of Mexico.[6] This flight tested the pressure vessel integrity, attitude control using the Draco thrusters, telemetry, guidance, navigation, control systems, the PICA-X heat shield, and parachutes at speed. The "secret" test payload on this mission was a wheel of cheese.

The NASA COTS qualification program included two more test flights Demo 2 and Demo 3 whose objectives were combined into a single Dragon C2+ mission, on condition that all Demo 2 milestones would be validated in space before proceeding with the ultimate demonstration goal: berthing Dragon to the International Space Station and delivering its cargo. After clearing a few readiness delays and a launch abort, the Dragon capsule was propelled to orbit on May 22 and tested its positioning system, solar panels, grapple fixture and proximity navigation sensors. Over the next two days, the spacecraft performed a series of maneuvers to catch up to the ISS orbit and prove its rendezvous capabilities at safe distances. On May 24, all the Demo 2 milestones had been successfully cleared and NASA approved the extended mission. On May 25, Dragon performed a series of close approach maneuvers until reaching its final hold position a mere 9 meters away from the Harmony nadir docking port.[7] Astronaut Don Pettit subsequently grabbed the spacecraft with the station's robotic arm. On the next day, May 26 at 09:53 UTC, Pettit opened the hatch and remarked that Dragon "smells like a brand new car."[8] Over the next few days, ISS crew unloaded the incoming cargo and filled Dragon with Earth-bound items such as experiment samples and unneeded hardware. The spacecraft was released on May 31 at 09:49 UTC and successfully completed all the return procedures: unberthing, maneuvering away from the ISS, deorbit burn, trunk jettison, atmospheric reentry, parachute deployment and ocean splashdown.[9]

With successful completion of these demo missions, Falcon 9 became the first fully commercially developed launcher to deliver a payload to the International Space Station, paving the way for SpaceX and NASA to sign the first Commercial Resupply Services agreement[10] for 12 cargo deliveries starting in October 2012. The historic Dragon C2+ capsule is now on display hanging from the ceiling at SpaceX headquarters.


Dragon CRS-1 berthed to the ISS on 14 October 2012, photographed from the Cupola

The first operational cargo resupply mission to ISS was launched on October 7, 2012 at 8:35 PM EST. At 76 seconds after liftoff, engine 1 of the first stage suffered a loss of pressure which caused an automatic shutdown of that engine. The remaining eight first-stage engines continued to burn and the Dragon capsule reached orbit successfully. Due to safety regulations required by NASA, the secondary Orbcomm-2 satellite payload was released into a lower-than-intended orbit, and subsequently declared a total loss.[11]

Engine anomaly on one of the nine engines on the Falcon 9 first stage during the ascent after 1 min 19 sec flight resulted in automatic engine shutdown and a longer first-stage burn on the remaining eight engines to complete orbital insertion. This was the first demonstration of SpaceX Falcon 9 "engine out" capability in flight.[12][13] NASA requires a greater-than-99% estimated probability that the stage of any secondary payload on a similar orbital inclination to the Station will reach it's orbital goal above the station. Due to the original engine failure, the Falcon 9 used more fuel than intended, bringing this estimate down to around 95%. Because of this, the second stage did not attempt another burn, and Orbcomm-G2 was deployed into a rapidly decaying orbit[11] and burned up in Earth's atmosphere within 4 days after the launch.[11][14] The mission continued to rendezvous and berth the Dragon capsule with the ISS where the ISS crew unloaded its payload and reloaded it with cargo for return to Earth.

Maiden flight of Falcon 9 v1.1

SpaceX Falcon 9 v1.1 launch from Vandenberg with CASSIOPE

SpaceX launched the maiden flight of the Falcon 9 v1.1—an essentially new launch vehicle, much larger and with greater thrust than Falcon 9 v1.0—on September 29, 2013, a demonstration launch.[15] Although the rocket carried CASSIOPE as a primary payload, CASSIOPE had a payload mass that is very small relative to the rocket's capability, and it did so at a discounted rate—approximately 20% of the normal published price for SpaceX Falcon 9 LEO missions—because the flight was a technology demonstration mission for SpaceX.[16][17][18]

After the second stage separated from the booster stage, SpaceX conducted a novel high-altitude, high-velocity flight test, wherein the booster attempted to reenter the lower atmosphere in a controlled manner and decelerate to a simulated over-water landing. The test was successful, but the booster stage was not recovered.

Loss of CRS-7 mission

SpaceX CRS-7 disintegrating two minutes after liftoff, as seen from a NASA tracking camera

On 28 June 2015, Falcon 9 Flight 19 carried a Dragon capsule on the seventh Commercial Resupply Services mission to the International Space Station. The second stage disintegrated due to an internal helium tank failure while the first stage was still burning normally. This was the first mission loss for any Falcon 9 rocket.[19] In addition to ISS consumables and experiments, this mission carried the first International Docking Adapter (IDA-1), whose loss delayed preparedness of the stations's US Orbital Segment for future crewed missions.

Performance was nominal until T+140 seconds into launch when a cloud of white vapor appeared, followed by rapid loss of second-stage LOX tank pressure. The booster continued on its trajectory until complete vehicle breakup at T+150 seconds. The Dragon capsule was ejected from the disintegrating rocket and continued transmitting data until impact with the ocean. SpaceX officials stated that the capsule could have been recovered if the parachutes had deployed; however, the Dragon software did not include any provisions for parachute deployment in this situation. Subsequent investigation traced cause of the accident to the failure of a strut which secured a helium bottle inside the second-stage LOX tank. With the helium pressurization system integrity breached, excess helium quickly flooded the tank, eventually causing it to burst from overpressure.[20][21]

Full-thrust version and first booster landing

Falcon 9 Flight 20 historic first-stage landing at CCAFS Landing Zone 1, 22 December 2015

On December 22, 2015, SpaceX launched the highly anticipated return-to-flight mission after the loss of CRS-7, inaugurating a new Falcon 9 full thrust version of its flagship rocket featuring increased performance, notably thanks to subcooling of the propellants. This first mission of the upgraded vehicle launched a constellation of 11 Orbcomm-OG2 second-generation satellites.[22] Performing a Falcon 9 booster controlled-descent and landing test for the 8th time, SpaceX managed to return the first stage successfully to the Landing Zone 1 at Cape Canaveral, marking the first successful recovery of a rocket first stage that launched a payload to orbit.[23]

First landing on drone ship

On April 8, 2016, SpaceX launched its eighth commercial resupply mission to the International Space Station. After completing its part of the mission, the first stage booster slowed itself down with a boostback maneuver, re-entered the atmosphere, executed an automated controlled descent and landed vertically onto the drone ship Of Course I Still Love You, marking the first successful landing of a rocket on a ship at sea. This was the fourth attempt to land on a SpaceX drone ship, as part of the company's experimental controlled-descent and landing tests. This also marked the return-to-flight of the Dragon capsule, after the loss of CRS-7.[24]

Launch history

Overall rockets from the Falcon 9 family have been launched 23 times over 14 years, resulting in 21 full mission successes, one partial success (with main mission completed), and one failure (with total loss of spacecraft). This yields a reliability record of 96% for primary missions. Two of six landing attempts (33%) have succeeded in recovering the rocket's first stage.

Flight № Date and time (UTC) Type Launch Site Payload Orbit Customer Outcome
Mission Landing

2010 to 2013

1 June 4, 2010, 18:45 v1.0[25] CC LC40 Dragon Spacecraft Qualification Unit LEO SpaceX Success No attempt
1st flight of Falcon 9 v1.0[1]
2 December 8, 2010, 15:43[26] v1.0[25] CC LC40 NASA COTS – Demo 1, 2 Cubesats[27] LEO NASA Commercial Orbital Transportation Services, National Reconnaissance Office Success No attempt
Maiden flight of Dragon Capsule; 3 hours, testing of maneuvering thrusters and reentry[28]
3 May 22, 2012, 07:44[29] v1.0[25] CC LC40 NASA COTS – Demo C2+[30] LEO NASA Commercial Orbital Transportation Services Success[31] No attempt
Launch was scrubbed on first attempt,[32] second launch attempt was successful.[33]
4 October 8, 2012, 00:34[34] v1.0[25] CC LC40 Primary payload: SpaceX CRS-1[35] LEO NASA Commercial Resupply Services Success No attempt
Secondary payload: Orbcomm-OG2[36] LEO Orbcomm Failure[14][37]
CRS-1 successful, but the secondary payload was inserted into abnormally low orbit and lost due to Falcon 9 boost stage engine failure, ISS visiting vehicle safety rules, and the primary payload owner's contractual right to decline a second ignition of the second stage under some conditions.[11][14]
5 March 1, 2013, 15:10[38] v1.0[25] CC LC40 SpaceX CRS-2[39][40] LEO NASA Commercial Resupply Services Success No attempt
Final scheduled flight of Falcon 9 v1.0 vehicle.[41]
6 September 29, 2013, 16:00[18] v1.1[25] VAFB SLC-4E CASSIOPE[42] Polar orbit MDA Corp Success[18] Open water
Commercial mission and first Falcon 9 v1.1 flight, with improved 13-tonne to LEO capacity.[41] Following second-stage separation from the first stage, SpaceX attempted to perform a propulsive-return over-water test and simulated landing of the discarded booster vehicle. The exercise provided good test data on the experiment—its primary objective—but as the booster neared the ocean, aerodynamic forces caused an uncontrollable roll. The center engine, depleted of fuel by centrifugal force, shut down resulting in the impact and destruction of the vehicle.[18]
7 December 3, 2013, 22:41[43] v1.1 CC LC40 SES-8[44][45] GTO SES Success[46] No attempt
First GTO launch for Falcon 9.[44]


8 January 6, 2014, 22:06[47] v1.1 CC LC40 Thaicom 6 GTO Thaicom Success[48] No attempt
Second GTO launch for Falcon 9.
The USAF later evaluated launch data from this flight as part of a separate certification program for SpaceX to qualify to fly US military payloads and found that the Thaicom 6 launch had "unacceptable fuel reserves at engine cutoff of the stage 2 second burnoff".[49]
9 April 18, 2014, 19:25[50] v1.1 CC LC40 SpaceX CRS-3[39][40] LEO NASA Commercial Resupply Services Success Open water
Following second-stage separation, SpaceX conducted a second controlled-descent test of the discarded booster vehicle and achieved the first successful controlled ocean touchdown of a liquid-rocket-engine orbital booster.[51][52] Following touchdown the first stage tipped over as expected and was destroyed.

This was the first Falcon 9 booster to fly with extensible landing legs and the first Dragon mission with the Falcon 9 v1.1 launch vehicle.

10 July 14, 2014, 15:15 v1.1 CC LC40 OG2 Mission 1
6 OG2 satellites
LEO Orbcomm Success[53] Open water
Second Falcon 9 booster with landing legs. Following second-stage separation, SpaceX conducted a controlled-descent test of the discarded booster vehicle. The first stage successfully decelerated from hypersonic velocity in the upper atmosphere, made reentry and landing burns, deployed its landing legs and touched down on the ocean surface. As with the previous mission, the first stage then tipped over as intended and was not recovered.[54]
11 August 5, 2014, 08:00 v1.1 CC LC40 AsiaSat 8[55][56][57] GTO AsiaSat Success[58] No attempt
12 September 7, 2014, 05:00 v1.1 CC LC40 AsiaSat 6[55][56][59] GTO AsiaSat Success[60] No attempt
13 September 21, 2014, 05:52[61][62] v1.1 CC LC40 SpaceX CRS-4[40] LEO NASA Commercial Resupply Services Success[63] Open water


14 January 10, 2015, 09:47[64] v1.1 CC LC40 SpaceX CRS-5[55] LEO NASA Commercial Resupply Services Success[65] Drone ship

Following second stage separation, SpaceX did a test flight and attempted to return the first stage of the Falcon 9 through the atmosphere and land it on an approximately 90-by-50-meter (300 ft × 160 ft) floating platform—called the autonomous spaceport drone ship. Many of the test objectives were achieved, including precision control of the rocket's descent to land on the platform at a specific point in the Atlantic ocean, and a large amount of test data was obtained from the first use of grid fin control surfaces used for more precise reentry positioning. The grid fin control system ran out of hydraulic fluid a minute before landing and the landing itself resulted in a crash.[66][67]

15 February 11, 2015, 23:03[68] v1.1 CC LC40 DSCOVR[69] Sun-Earth L1 U.S. Air Force / NASA / NOAA Success Open water
First launch under USAF's OSP 3 launch contract.[70] First SpaceX launch to put a satellite to an orbit with an orbital altitude many times the distance to the Moon: Sun-Earth libration point L1. The first stage made a test flight descent to an over-ocean landing within 10 m (33 ft) of its intended target.[71]
16 March 2, 2015, 03:50[72][73] v1.1 CC LC40 ABS-3A,
Eutelsat 115 West B (ex-Satmex 7)[55]
GTO Asia Broadcast Satellite,
Eutelsat Satmex)
Success No attempt
The launch was Boeing's first-ever conjoined launch of a lighter-weight dual-commsat stack that was specifically designed to take advantage of the lower-cost SpaceX Falcon 9 launch vehicle.[74][75] Per satellite, launch costs were less than $30 million.[76] The ABS satellite reached its final destination ahead of schedule and started operations on September 10.[77]
17 April 14, 2015, 20:10[72] v1.1 CC LC40 SpaceX CRS-6[55] LEO NASA Commercial Resupply Services Success Drone ship
Following the first-stage boost, SpaceX attempted a controlled-descent test of the first stage. The first stage contacted the ship, but soon tipped over due to excess lateral velocity caused by a stuck throttle valve resulting in a later-than-designed downthrottle.[78][79]
18 April 27, 2015, 23:03[80] v1.1 CC LC40 TurkmenAlem52E/MonacoSAT [81] GTO Turkmenistan National Space Agency[82] Success No attempt
19 June 28, 2015, 14:21[72][83] v1.1 CC LC40 SpaceX CRS-7[55] LEO NASA Commercial Resupply Services Failure[19] No attempt
Launch performance was nominal until an overpressure incident in the second-stage LOX tank, leading to vehicle breakup at T+150 seconds. The Dragon capsule survived the explosion but was lost upon splashdown because its software did not contain provisions for parachute deployment on launch vehicle failure. (more details above)
20 December 22, 2015, 01:29[84] F9 FT CC LC40 OG-2 Mission 2[84]
11 OG2 satellites
LEO Orbcomm Success Ground pad
First launch of the upgraded Falcon 9 v1.1 launch vehicle (now called Falcon 9 full thrust), with a 30 percent power increase.[85] Orbcomm had originally agreed to be the third flight of the enhanced-thrust rocket,[86] but the change to the maiden flight position was announced in October 2015.[85] SpaceX applied to the FAA for permission to land the booster on solid ground at Cape Canaveral;[87] this landing attempt was successful.[88]


21 January 17, 2016, 18:42[72] v1.1 VAFB SLC-4E Jason-3[89] LEO NASA, NOAA,
Success Drone ship
First launch of NASA and NOAA joint science mission under the NLS II launch contract (not related to NASA CRS or USAF OSP3 contracts). Last launch of the original Falcon 9 v1.1 rocket. The Jason-3 satellite was successfully deployed to target orbit.[90] SpaceX again attempted a recovery of the first stage booster by landing on an autonomous drone ship; this time located in the Pacific Ocean. The first stage did achieve a soft-landing on the ship, but a lockout on one of the landing legs failed to latch and it fell over and exploded.[91][92]
22 March 4, 2016, 23:35[93] F9 FT CC LC40 SES-9[94][95] GTO SES Success Drone ship
Second launch of the enhanced Falcon 9 full thrust launch vehicle.[85] Following the launch, SpaceX attempted an experimental landing test to a droneship,[96] although a successful landing was not expected[97] because launch mass exceeded previously indicated limit for a GTO there was little fuel left. As predicted, booster recovery failed: the spent first stage “landed hard”,[98] but the controlled-descent, atmospheric re-entry and navigation to the drone ship were successful and returned significant test data on bringing back high-energy Falcon 9's.[99]
23[100] April 8, 2016, 20:43[72] F9 FT CC LC40 SpaceX CRS-8[95] LEO NASA Commercial Resupply Services Success[101] Drone ship
Dragon carried over 1500 kg of supplies and delivered (stowed in its trunk) the inflatable Bigelow Expandable Activity Module (BEAM) to the ISS for two years of in-orbit tests.[102] The rocket's first stage landed smoothly on SpaceX's autonomous spaceport drone ship 9 minutes after liftoff.[103]
24[100] May 6, 2016, 05:21–07:21[104] [105][106] F9 FT CC LC40 JCSAT-14[107] GTO JSAT Corporation Pending Drone ship
A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket will launch the JCSAT 14 communications satellite for Tokyo-based SKY Perfect JSAT Corp. JCSAT 14 will support data networks, television broadcasters and mobile communications users in Japan, East Asia, Russia, Oceania, Hawaii and other Pacific islands. Will attempt landing on drone ship (OCISLY) but successful landing considered unlikely due to GTO destination.[108]

Future launches

Future missions are listed in order of launch when firm launch planning dates are in place, and reliably sourced. The order of the later launches is much less certain, as the official SpaceX manifest does not include a schedule. Tentative launch dates are picked from a compilation not derived from Wikipedia[105] or from individual sources for each launch. Launches are expected to take place "no earlier than" (NET) the listed date.


SpaceX indicated in January that it had "well over a dozen" launches planned for 2016,[109] and expected to sustain a faster launch cadence. On February 3, company president and COO Gwynne Shotwell said “You should see us fly every two to three weeks.”[110] At a satellite industry panel on March 9, she forecast a total of 18 launches for 2016 including two already flown, and a 30-50% yearly growth.[111][112]

Flight № Date and time (UTC) Type Launch Complex Payload Orbit Customer
25 Late May 2016[105][106] F9 FT CC LC40 Thaicom 8[113][114] GTO Thaicom
June 2016[105][106] F9 FT CC LC40 ABS-2A,
Eutelsat 117 West B (ex-Satmex 9)
GTO Asia Broadcast Satellite,
Eutelsat (Satmex)
One year after pioneering this technique on flight 16, Falcon will again launch two Boeing 702SP all-electric propulsion satellites in a dual-stack configuration,[77] with the same customers sharing the rocket and mission costs.
June 2016[105] F9 FT VAFB SLC-4E FormoSat-5[115][116][117]
Spaceflight Industries
Late June 2016[105][106] F9 FT CC LC40 SpaceX CRS-9[118] LEO NASA Commercial Resupply Services
Among other cargo, an International Docking Adapter (IDA-2) will be carried to the ISS, IDA-1 was lost with CRS-7 and will be replaced by IDA-3.
July 2016[105] F9 FT CC LC40 Amos-6[119] GTO Spacecom
30[120] Late July 2016[120] F9 FT VAFB SLC-4E Iridium NEXT flight 1[121][122] LEO Iridium Communications
Each Falcon mission will carry 10 Iridium NEXT satellites, with a goal to complete deployment of the 72-satellite constellation by the end of 2017.[123] The first two Iridium qualification units were supposed to ride a Dnepr rocket in April but got delayed, so Iridium will qualify this first batch of 10 satellites instead.[124]
September 2016[105] F9 FT CC LC40 or LC39A[111] SES-10[94][125] GTO SES
2016 F9 FT CC LC40 BulgariaSat-1[126] GTO Bulsatcom
2016 F9 FT CC LC40 JCSAT-16[127] GTO JSAT Corporation
October 2016[105][123] F9 FT VAFB SLC-4E Iridium NEXT flight 2[121][122] LEO Iridium Communications
October 2016[105] F9 FT CC LC40 or LC39A[111] SES-11[125][128] / EchoStar 105 GTO SES /
November 21, 2016 [105] F9 FT CC LC40 SpaceX CRS-10[118] LEO NASA Commercial Resupply Services
This mission will deliver the SAGE III and Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS) Earth-observation instruments to the ISS.
November 2016[129] Heavy KSC LC39A Falcon Heavy Demo[130] TBD SpaceX
Maiden flight of Falcon Heavy. No payload announced yet.
Q4, 2016[131] F9 FT[132] CC LC40 EuropaSat / Hellas Sat 3[133][134] GTO Inmarsat / Hellas Sat
Q4, 2016[135] F9 FT CC LC40 Es’hail 2[135] GTO Es’hailSat
Late 2016[136] F9 FT KSC LC39A[137] Crew Dragon in-flight abort test[137][138] Suborbital SpaceX
A special Falcon first stage with just 3 engines will propel the Dragon V2 test capsule in a sub-orbital flight to conduct a separation and abort scenario in the transonic regime at Max Q, i.e. under the worst structural stress conditions of a real flight.[138] The spacecraft will then splash down in the ocean with traditional parachutes, possibly with assistance of its integrated thrusters.
Late 2016[123] F9 FT VAFB SLC-4E Iridium NEXT flight 3[121][122] LEO Iridium Communications
December 2016[139] F9 FT VAFB SLC-4E SAOCOM 1A[140] SSO CONAE


February 1, 2017[105] F9 FT CC LC40 SpaceX CRS-11[118] LEO NASA Commercial Resupply Services
This mission will deliver the Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER) to the ISS, along with two other unspecified payloads.[141]
Early 2017[123] F9 FT VAFB SLC-4E Iridium NEXT flight 4[121][122] LEO Iridium Communications
Early 2017[123] F9 FT VAFB SLC-4E Iridium NEXT flight 5[121][122] LEO Iridium Communications
March 2017[142] Heavy KSC LC39A DSX, FormoSat-7 A/B/C/D/E/F, LightSail 2,[143] GPIM,[144] DSAC[145] LEO / MEO U.S. Air Force
USAF Space Test Program Flight 2 (STP-2)[70]
April 8, 2017[105] F9 FT CC LC40 SpaceX CRS-12[118] LEO NASA Commercial Resupply Services
Among other cargo, a second International Docking Adapter (IDA-3) will be carried to the ISS, replacing the lost one from CRS-7.
May 2017[105][136] F9 FT KSC LC39A SpX-DM1[146] LEO NASA Commercial Crew Development
Demonstration mission to ISS for NASA with an uncrewed Dragon V2 capsule.
Q2, 2017[125] F9 FT ? SES-16 / GovSat-1[147] GTO SES
Mid 2017[136] F9 FT KSC LC39A SpX-DM2[146] LEO NASA Commercial Crew Development
Dragon V2 will carry its first crew of NASA astronauts on a 14-day mission to the ISS. Unless Boeing's CST-100 Starliner flies first, they will be the first people to ride an American spacecraft since the last Shuttle flight in 2011.
H1, 2017[148] Heavy KSC LC39A Inmarsat 5-F4[134] GTO Inmarsat
H1, 2017[148] Heavy KSC LC39A TBD GTO Intelsat
2017 F9 FT ? Koreasat 5A[149] GTO KT Corporation
2017 F9 FT ? PSN-6[150] / co-payload TBA GTO PSN / TBA
2017 F9 FT ? ABS-8[151] GTO Asia Broadcast Satellite
Q4, 2017[125] F9 FT ? SES-14[147] with GOLD[152] GTO SES
The SES-14 communications satellite will carry the GOLD Earth-observation instrument as a guest payload under contract with University of Central Florida and NASA.[153]
Late 2017[118] F9 FT ? SpaceX CRS-13[118] LEO NASA Commercial Resupply Services
Late 2017[123] F9 FT VAFB SLC-4E Iridium NEXT flight 6[121][122] LEO Iridium Communications
Late 2017[123] F9 FT VAFB SLC-4E Iridium NEXT flight 7[121][122] LEO Iridium Communications
Late 2017 F9 FT ? Hispasat 1F[154] or Amazonas 5[155] GTO Hispasat[156]
Late 2017 F9 FT ? Google Lunar X Prize / SpaceIL lander[157] and a dozen small satellites to be announced[158] SSO[159] + TLI Spaceflight Industries[159]
A Falcon 9 booked by Spaceflight Industries will deliver a 500-kg Moon lander built by Israeli project SpaceIL. This is the first launch contract officially verified by Google Lunar X Prize, allowing the competition to continue until the end of 2017.[157] The launch customer plans to share the mission with a dozen other payloads from 50 to 575 kg.[158]
December 2017[160] F9 FT VAFB SLC-4E SAOCOM 1B[140] SSO CONAE


Early 2018 F9 FT ? TelStar 18V[161] GTO Telesat
Early 2018 F9 FT ? TelStar 19V[161] GTO Telesat
May 2018 F9 FT ? GPS III[162] MEO USAF
SpaceX's first launch of a EELV-class payload.[162]
Spring 2018[163] Heavy KSC LC39A Red Dragon[163] Mars SpaceX
2018[118] F9 FT CC LC40 Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS)[164] HEO NASA
2018[118] F9 FT ? SpaceX CRS-14[118] LEO NASA Commercial Resupply Services
2018[118] F9 FT ? SpaceX CRS-15[118] LEO NASA Commercial Resupply Services
2018[118] F9 FT ? SpaceX CRS-16[118] LEO NASA Commercial Resupply Services
2018 F9 FT VAFB SLC-4E RADARSAT Constellation[165] SSO Canadian Space Agency
2018 Heavy KSC LC39A ArabSat 6A[166] GTO ArabSat

2019 and beyond

2019[118] F9 FT ? SpaceX CRS-17[118] LEO NASA Commercial Resupply Services
2019[118] F9 FT ? SpaceX CRS-18[118] LEO NASA Commercial Resupply Services
2019[118] F9 FT ? SpaceX CRS-19[118] LEO NASA Commercial Resupply Services
2019[118] F9 FT ? SpaceX CRS-20[118] LEO NASA Commercial Resupply Services
2019 F9 FT VAFB SLC-4E SARah 1[167] SSO Bundeswehr
2019 F9 FT VAFB SLC-4E SARah 2/3[167] SSO Bundeswehr
2020[168] Heavy KSC LC39A[132] ViaSat-3[168][169][170] GTO ViaSat

See also


  1. ^ a b c "Falcon 9 booster rockets into orbit on dramatic first launch". Spaceflight Now. June 4, 2010. Retrieved June 4, 2010.
  2. ^ O'Brien, Miles (June 26, 2010). Interview with Ken Bowersox from SpaceX. Spaceflight Now. Retrieved May 25, 2012.
  3. ^ "UFO spotted over eastern Australia". ABC Online. June 5, 2010. Retrieved June 5, 2010.
  4. ^ "'UFO' Spotted Over Australia Likely a Private Rocket". Space.com. June 7, 2010.
  5. ^ "Private space capsule's maiden voyage ends with a splash". BBC News. December 8, 2010. Retrieved December 8, 2010.
  6. ^ "COTS Demo Flight 1 status". Spaceflight Now.
  7. ^ Klotz, Irene (May 25, 2012). "First privately owned capsule docks at International Space Station". The Globe and Mail. Toronto. Reuters. Archived from the original on May 25, 2012. Retrieved May 25, 2012.
  8. ^ Canadian Press (May 26, 2012). "Astronauts enter world's 1st private supply ship: Dragon capsule to remain docked at space station until mid-week". CBC News. Toronto. Archived from the original on May 26, 2012. Retrieved May 26, 2012.
  9. ^ Klingler, Dave (May 31, 2012). "Dragon spacecraft makes perfect splashdown". Ars Technica. Retrieved August 19, 2012. {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |deadurl= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (help)
  10. ^ Clark, Stephen (August 24, 2012). "NASA ready for operational cargo flights by SpaceX". Spaceflight Now. Tonbridge, Kent, United Kingdom: Spaceflight Now Inc. Archived from the original on August 29, 2012. Retrieved August 29, 2012. SpaceX has completed all milestones under a development and demonstration partnership with NASA, clearing the way for the firm to begin regular operational cargo deliveries to the International Space Station in October, NASA Administrator Charles Bolden announced Thursday. {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |deadurl= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (help)
  11. ^ a b c d Clark, Stephen (October 11, 2012). "Orbcomm craft falls to Earth, company claims total loss". Spaceflight Now. Retrieved October 11, 2012.
  12. ^ Lindsey, Clark (October 8, 2012). "SpaceX CRS-1: Post conference press conference". NewSpace Watch. Archived from the original on December 17, 2013.
  13. ^ Atkinson, Nancy (October 8, 2012). "Falcon 9 Experienced Engine Anomaly But Kept Going to Orbit". Universe Today. Retrieved October 8, 2012.
  14. ^ a b c de Selding, Peter B. (October 11, 2012). "Orbcomm Craft Launched by Falcon 9 Falls out of Orbit". SpaceNews. Retrieved October 12, 2012. Orbcomm requested that SpaceX carry one of their small satellites (weighing a few hundred pounds, vs. Dragon at over 12,000 pounds)... The higher the orbit, the more test data [Orbcomm] can gather, so they requested that we attempt to restart and raise altitude. NASA agreed to allow that, but only on condition that there be substantial propellant reserves, since the orbit would be close to the space station. It is important to appreciate that Orbcomm understood from the beginning that the orbit-raising maneuver was tentative. They accepted that there was a high risk of their satellite remaining at the Dragon insertion orbit. SpaceX would not have agreed to fly their satellite otherwise, since this was not part of the core mission and there was a known, material risk of no altitude raise.
  15. ^ Clark, Stephen (September 29, 2013). "SpaceX to put Falcon 9 upgrades to the test Sunday". Spaceflight Now. Retrieved September 28, 2013.
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    SES-9 - Asia-Pacific - Video, Enterprise, Mobility - Q2/Q3 2015
    SES-10 - Latin America - Video, Enterprise - Q4 2016
    SES-11 - North America - Video - Q4 2016
    SES-12 - Asia-Pacific - Video, Enterprise, Mobility - Q4 2017
    SES-14 - Latin America - Video, Enterprise, Mobility - Q4 2017
    SES-15 - North America - Enterprise, Mobility, Government - Q2 2017
    SES-16/GovSat1 - Europe/MENA - Government - Q2 2017
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  167. ^ a b de Selding, Peter B. (September 23, 2013). "OHB Taps Astrium To Build a German Radar Satellite and Launch it on a SpaceX Falcon 9". SpaceNews. Retrieved August 6, 2014.
  168. ^ a b Peter B. de Selding (February 10, 2016). "ViaSat details $1.4-billion global Ka-band satellite broadband strategy to oust incumbent players". SpaceNews. Retrieved February 13, 2016. The ViaSat-2 satellite, now in construction at Boeing Space and Intelligence Systems of El Segundo, California, will be launched in the first three months of 2017 aboard a European Ariane 5 rocket, and not the SpaceX Falcon Heavy vehicle as previously contracted. […] ViaSat is maintaining its Falcon Heavy launch contract, which will now be used to launch one of the ViaSat-3 satellites around 2020, and has booked a reservation for a future Falcon Heavy, also for ViaSat-3, which is not yet a contract.
  169. ^ de Selding, Peter B. (November 14, 2014). "ViaSat-2 Launch Contract Goes to SpaceX as Arianespace Sits out Competition". SpaceNews. Retrieved November 28, 2014. Evry, France-based Arianespace declined to submit a bid for ViaSat-2 because Carlsbad, California-based ViaSat Inc. had stipulated a mid-2016 launch date, industry officials said. Arianespace has said for months that its heavy-lift Ariane 5 rocket is fully booked into 2017, with a couple of possible spots late in 2016.
  170. ^ "Third Quarter Fiscal Year 2016 Results". ViaSat. February 9, 2016. Retrieved February 13, 2016. ViaSat secured two launches with Arianespace - one for ViaSat-2 and one for a ViaSat-3 class satellite. The transition of the ViaSat-2 launch to Arianespace builds confidence in the launch schedule to meet ViaSat's goals of bringing new high-speed service plans across North and Central America, the Caribbean and the North Atlantic Ocean by the middle of calendar year 2017. ViaSat has also designated a ViaSat-3 class satellite launch to long-term partner SpaceX, using its Falcon Heavy.