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List of eparchies of the Serbian Orthodox Church

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Eparchies of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Former Yugoslavia
Eparchies of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Europe
Eparchies of the Serbian Orthodox Church in North America
Eparchy of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Latin America
Eparchy of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Oceania

This is the list of eparchies (dioceses) of the Serbian Orthodox Church, based on the Article No. 14 of Church constitution and subsequent decisions of the Holy Assembly of Bishops.[1]



The territory of the Serbian Orthodox Church is divided into:[2]

Archdiocese See Cathedral Founded Head Link
Belgrade and Karlovci[a] Belgrade St. Michael's Cathedral, Belgrade 1931[3] Porfirije (Perić) [b]
Metropolitanate (honorary) See Cathedral Founded Metropolitan[4] Link
Dabar and Bosnia Sarajevo Nativity of the Theotokos Cathedral, Sarajevo 1219[5] Hrizostom (Jević) [1]
Montenegro and the Littoral Cetinje Monastery, Cetinje Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ, Podgorica 1219 Joanikije (Mićović) [2]
Zagreb and Ljubljana Zagreb Cathedral of Holy Transfiguration, Zagreb 1931[6] Vacant (administered by the bishop of Buenos Aires, South and Central America) [3]
Australia and New Zealand Sydney, NSW[7] St Lazarus Cathedral, Alexandria[8] 1973[9] Siluan (Mrakić) [4]
Eparchy See Cathedral Founded Bishop[4] Link
Austria and Switzerland Vienna Cathedral of Saint Sava, Vienna 2011 Andrej (Ćilerdžić) [5]
Bačka Novi Sad Saint George's Cathedral, Novi Sad 16th century Irinej (Bulović) [6]
Banat Vršac Cathedral of Saint Nicholas, Vršac 1932 Nikanor (Bogunović) [7]
Banja Luka Banja Luka Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, Banja Luka 1900 Jefrem (Milutinović) [8]
Bihać and Petrovac Bosanski Petrovac Cathedral of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, Bosanski Petrovac[10] 1925 (Diocese of Bihać); 1990 (reestablished)[11] Sergije (Karanović) [9]
Braničevo Požarevac Cathedral of Saint Archangels Michael and Gabriel, Požarevac[12] before 1018, reestablished in 1921[13] Ignatije (Midić)
Britain and Scandinavia Stockholm[14] Church of St Sava, Stockholm 1990[15] Dositej (Motika)
Buda Sentandreja Virgin's Cathedral ("Belgrade Cathedral"), Sentandreja 1740s [16] Lukijan (Pantelić) [10]
Budimlja-Nikšić Đurđevi stupovi, Berane Cathedral of St Basil of Ostrog, Nikšić 1219, reestablished in 2001[17] Metodije (Ostojić)[18] [11]
Buenos Aires, South and Central America Buenos Aires Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin, Buenos Aires[19] 2011 Kirilo (Bojović) [12]
Canada Campbellville, Ontario All Serbian Saints Serbian Orthodox Church, Mississauga, Ontario[20] 1983[21] Mitrofan (Kodić) [13]
Dalmatia Šibenik Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin, Šibenik[22] 1809[23] Nikodim (Kosović) [14]
Düsseldorf and all of Germany Düsseldorf Cathedral of St. Sava, Düsseldorf 1990[24] (as Eparchy of Central Europe) Grigorije (Durić) [15]
Eastern America Mars, Pennsylvania Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Cathedral, Pittsburgh[25] 1963 (Serbian Orthodox Eparchy of Eastern America and Canada) Irinej (Dobrijević) [16]
Kruševac Kruševac Cathedral of the Nativity of Theotokos in Kruševac 2010 David (Perović) [17]
Mileševa Mileševa, Prijepolje Cathedral of St. Basil of Ostrog the Miracle Worker, Prijepolje 1992[26] Atanasije (Rakita)[27] [18]
New Gračanica and Midwestern America Third Lake, Illinois[28] New Gračanica Monastery 2009 Longin (Krčo) [19]
Niš Niš Holy Trinity Cathedral, Niš 13th century Arsenije (Glavčić) [20]
Osječko polje and Baranja Dalj[29] Cathedral of St. Demetrios in Dalj 1991 Heruvim (Đermanović) [21]
Ras and Prizren Prizren Cathedral of Saint George, Prizren[30] Teodosije (Šibalić) [22]
Šabac Šabac Cathedral of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, Šabac[31] 1835[32] Jerotej (Petrović)[33] [23]
Slavonia Pakrac Cathedral of Holy Trinity, Pakrac Jovan (Ćulibrk) [24]
Srem Sremski Karlovci St. Demetrius Cathedral, Sremski Karlovci 1500[34] Vasilije (Vadić) [25]
Šumadija Kragujevac Cathedral of Holy Assumption, Kragujevac [26] 1947 Jovan (Mladenović) [27]
Temišvar Timișoara Cathedral of the Ascension, Timișoara Vacant since 1932, administrated by the Bishop of Buda[35] [28]
Timok Zaječar Cathedral of the Nativity of Theotokos, Zaječar 1830s Ilarion (Golubović) [29]
Upper Karlovac Karlovac Cathedral of Saint Nicholas, Karlovac 1695[36] Gerasim (Popović) [30]
Valjevo Valjevo Cathedral of Resurrection, Valjevo 2006 (reestablished)[37] Isihije Rogić[38] [31]
Vranje Vranje Cathedral of Three Hierarchs, Vranje 1975[39] Pahomije (Gačić) [32]
Western America Alhambra, California St. Steven's Cathedral, Alhambra 1963[40] Maksim (Vasiljević) [33]
Western Europe Paris Church of St Sava, Paris 1994[41] Justin (Jeremić)[42] [34]
Zahumlje and Herzegovina Mostar[43][44] Cathedral of the Holy Trinity,[45] Mostar 1219 Dimitrije (Rađenović) [35]
Žiča Žiča Monastery Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, Kraljevo 1219 Justin (Stefanović) [36]
Zvornik and Tuzla Tuzla (temporarily relocated to Bijeljina) Cathedral of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, Tuzla 15th century Fotije (Sladojević)[46] [37]

See also



  1. ^ Officially known as the Archdiocese of Belgrade and Karlovci, encompassing only the Belgrade area. The title of Karlovci is in reference to the old Serbian Metropolitanate of Karlovci. This diocese is headed by the Serbian Patriarch.
  2. ^ The Metropolitanate of Belgrade and Karlovci is always headed by the Serbian Patriarch.


  1. ^ see: Official text of the Constitution of Serbian Orthodox Church, in English language Archived 2017-12-27 at the Wayback Machine
  2. ^ Official SPC site: Eparchies Links Archived 2021-07-24 at the Wayback Machine (in Serbian)
  3. ^ SOKG Luzern: Arhiepiskopija beogradsko karlovačka Archived 2012-02-18 at the Wayback Machine (in Serbian)
  4. ^ a b Holy Assembly of Bishops[permanent dead link] at www.spc.rs (in Serbian)
  5. ^ SOKG Luzern: Mitropolija dabrobosanska (in Serbian)
  6. ^ SOKG Luzern: Mitropolija zagrebačko-ljubljanska i cele Italije (in Serbian)
  7. ^ Устав Митрополије аустралијско-новозеландске
  8. ^ Eparchy of Australia and New Zealand official site: PARISHES
  9. ^ SOKG Luzern: Аустралијско-новозеландска (in Serbian)
  10. ^ Diocese of Bihac and Petrovac official site: CHURCHES
  11. ^ SOKG Luzern: Eparhija bihaćko-petrovačka (in Serbian)
  12. ^ Tourist organization of Požarevac: Cathedral Archived 2012-02-10 at the Wayback Machine (in Serbian)
  13. ^ SOKG Luzern: Епархија браничевска (in Serbian)
  14. ^ Church of St Sava in London: Diocese of Britain and Scandinavia
  15. ^ Епархија и Епископ (in Serbian). Eparhija britansko-skandinavska. Retrieved 2010-01-07.[permanent dead link]
  16. ^ SOKG Luzern: Eparhija budimska ("Eparchy of Buda") (in Serbian)
  17. ^ SOKG Luzern: Eparhija budimljansko-nikšićka (in Serbian)
  18. ^ "Metodije na čelu Eparhije budimljansko-nikšićke". vijesti.me (in Serbian). Retrieved 2021-05-29.
  19. ^ "Diócesis de Buenos Aires, Sudamérica y Centroamérica". Serbian Orthodox Eparchy of Buenos Aires and South America. Retrieved 28 January 2018.
  20. ^ Eparchy of Canada official site: Churches
  21. ^ SOKG Luzern: Епархија канадска (in Serbian)
  22. ^ Eparchy of Dalmatio official site: PROVALjEN SABORNI HRAM U ŠIBENIKU (in Serbian)
  23. ^ DALMATINSKA EPARHIJA from the History section, site of the Eparchy of Dalmatia (in Serbian)
  24. ^ SOKG Luzern: Eparhija srednjoevropska (in Serbian)
  25. ^ Eparchy of Eastern America official site: Parishes Archived 2013-05-29 at the Wayback Machine
  26. ^ SOKG Luzern: Eparhija mileševska (in Serbian)
  27. ^ "Ustoličenje novog episkopa mileševskog". N1. 30 July 2017. Retrieved 28 January 2018.
  28. ^ Contact Info Archived 2008-12-31 at the Wayback Machine on the official Nova Gracanica site
  29. ^ Eparchy of Osječko polje and Baranja official web site Archived 2009-01-29 at the Wayback Machine (in Serbian)
  30. ^ B92: Prizren: Sve spremno za ustoličenje (Prizren: All Ready for Inauguration), 26 Dec 2010 (in Serbian)
  31. ^ Eparchy of Šabac official site: Архијерејско намесништво шабачко Archived 2016-10-12 at the Wayback Machine (in Serbian)
  32. ^ SOKG Luzern: Eparhija šabačka (in Serbian)
  33. ^ "Jerotej Petrović novi episkop šabački - Društvo - Dnevni list Danas" (in Serbian). 2022-05-22. Retrieved 2022-05-22.
  34. ^ SOKG Luzern: Eparhija sremska Archived 2012-02-18 at the Wayback Machine (in Serbian)
  35. ^ Projekat Rastko: PRAVOSLAVNA SRPSKA EPARHIJA TEMIŠVARSKA U RUMUNIJI - ARHIJEREJI (Serbian Orthodox Eparchy of Timișoara in Romania - Bishops Archived 2013-10-12 at the Wayback Machine
  36. ^ SOKG Luzern: Eparhija gornjokarlovačka (in Serbian)
  37. ^ SOKG Luzern: Eparhija valjevska (in Serbian)
  38. ^ "Vladika Joanikije izabran za mitropolita crnogorsko-primorskog". N1 (in Serbian). 2021-05-29. Retrieved 2021-05-29.
  39. ^ SOKG Luzern: Eparhija vranjska (in Serbian)
  40. ^ SOKG Luzern: Eparhija zapadnoamerička (in Serbian)
  41. ^ SOKG Luzern: Eparhija zapadnoevropska (in Serbian)
  42. ^ "Izabrani episkopi Šabačke i Zapadnoevropske eparhije, patrijarh ostaje administrator u Zagrebu". RTV. 21 May 2022. Retrieved 22 May 2022.
  43. ^ Blic online: Posle 18 godina Mostar ponovo sedište zahumske eparhije ("Mostar seat of the Diocese of Zahumlje again after 18 years"), 02 Jan 2011 (in Serbian)
  44. ^ Vesti online: Eparhija zahumsko-hercegovačka posle 20 godina u Mostaru ("Eparchy of Zahumlje and Herzegovina in Mostar after 20 years"), 31 Dec 2010 (in Serbian)
  45. ^ Eparchy of Zahumlje and Herzegovina official site: ПАРОХИЈА МОСТАРСКА ("Parish of MOSTAR") (in Serbian)
  46. ^ "Ustoličen vladika zvorničko-tuzlanski Fotije". Večernje Novosti. 17 September 2017. Retrieved 28 January 2018.