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List of vetos exercised by the US government in the UN Security Council: Difference between revisions

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|Proposal to include in the list of terrorist groups internationally despised in cooperation with [[Al Qaeda]] the [[Ahrar al-Sham]] and [[Jaysh al-Islam]].<ref name="Jerusalem" /><ref>[https://www.rt.com/news/342983-syria-zara-carnage-alsham/?utm_source=browser&utm_medium=aplication_chrome&utm_campaign=chrome Syrian villagers describe massacre by militant group spared from UN terror blacklist (EXCLUSIVE)]</ref>
|Proposal to include in the list of terrorist groups internationally despised in cooperation with [[Al Qaeda]] the [[Ahrar al-Sham]] and [[Jaysh al-Islam]].<ref name="Jerusalem" /><ref>[https://www.rt.com/news/342983-syria-zara-carnage-alsham/?utm_source=browser&utm_medium=aplication_chrome&utm_campaign=chrome Syrian villagers describe massacre by militant group spared from UN terror blacklist (EXCLUSIVE)]</ref>
| 2016
| ?-?
| ?-?
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|Condemns [[American-led intervention in Syria|North American bombing in Syria]].<ref name="Jerusalem" /><ref>[https://www.rt.com/op-edge/354022-western-media-political-syrian/ ‘Western media part of political elite, will never report Syrian massacre by US-led forces' ]</ref>
|Condemns [[American-led intervention in Syria|North American bombing in Syria]].<ref name="Jerusalem" /><ref>[https://www.rt.com/op-edge/354022-western-media-political-syrian/ ‘Western media part of political elite, will never report Syrian massacre by US-led forces' ]</ref>
| 2016
| ?-2 ([[US]] and [[UK]])
| ?-2 ([[US]] and [[UK]])

Revision as of 14:59, 1 October 2016

General Assembly of the United Nations.
General Assembly of the United Nations.

This is a list of the vetoes exercised by the US government in the United Nations Security Council, from earlier to current. The United States are from 1966 to 2011 the second state with more vetoes in the Security Council, with 82 of these, behind USSR with 121 vetoes between 1946 and 1989.[1]

The abuse of the veto in the Security Council is versed in Chapter 2 of the United Nations Charter and fits it.[2] According to the political scientist Phyllis Bennis, "The US is the reason why the UN is not able to play the role your letter requires, which is to stop the scourge of war" and "The United States vetoed and threaten to veto in the Council Security and meetings such as the General Assembly or the Human rights Council, where there is no veto, they threaten other countries."[3] Although the term "veto" does not appear in the UN charter,[2] according to historian Geoffrey Roberts, the vetoes system was a requirement of the Soviet Union, to avoid wars like World War II.[4]

Year Resolution vetoed[5][6][7] Number of times the resolution was repeated[5] Score in the vote of the UN General Assembly, excluding abstentions
1972 Condemning Israel for the death of hundreds of people in Syria and Lebanon in air raids.[8]
1973 Affirming the rights of the Palestinians and calling on Israel to withdraw from the occupied territories.[8]
1976 Condemning Israel for attacking Lebanese civilians.[8]
1976 Condemning Israel for building settlements in the occupied territories.[8]
1976 Calling for self-determination for the Palestinians.[8]
1976 Affirming the rights of the Palestinians.[8]
1976 Condemning the attempts by South Africa to impose apartheid in Namibia.[9]
1976 For Vietnam's admission to the United Nations.[10][11]
5 (since 1975)
1977 Condemning the situation of apartheid in South Africa.[9]
1978 Urging the permanent members (USA, USSR, UK, France, China) to implement the United Nations decisions in the maintenance of international peace and security.
1978 Criticizing the living conditions of the Palestinians.[8] 110–2
1978 Condemning the Israeli human rights record in the occupied territories.[8]
1978 Calling for the developed countries to increase the quantity and quality of development aid to underdeveloped countries.
1979 Calling for an end to all military and nuclear collaboration with the apartheid South Africa.[9]
1979 For strengthening the arms embargo against South Africa[9]
1979 Offering assistance to all the oppressed peoples of South Africa and their liberation movement.[9] 134–3
1979 Negotiations for disarmament and the cessation of the nuclear arms race. 120–3
1979 Calling for the return of all inhabitants expelled by Israel.[8] 121–3
1979 Demanding that Israel desists from human rights violations.[8] 112–2
1979 Requesting a report on the living conditions of Palestinians in the occupied Arab countries.[8] 120–2
1979 Providing assistance to the Palestinian people.[8] 112–3
1979 Discussing sovereignty over national resources in the occupied Arab territories.[8] 118–2
1979 Asking protection for the money deposited by the governments of the Third World countries.
1979 Calling for alternative approaches within the United Nations system to enhance the experiences of human rights and fundamental freedoms. 136–1
1979 Opposing intervention in the internal or external affairs of states. 104–2
1979 For a United Nations Conference on Women. 121–2
1979 For the inclusion of Palestinian women in the United Nations Conference on Women.
1979 To safeguard the rights of developing countries in multinational trade negotiations. 112–1
1980 Urging Israel to return displaced persons.[8] 96–3
1980 Condemning the Israeli policy on the living conditions of the Palestinian people.[8] 118–2
1980 Condemning Israeli human rights practices in the occupied territories.[8] 3 118–2, 119–2 and 117–2
1980 Affirming the right to self-determination for the Palestinians.[8] 120–3
1980 Offering assistance to the oppressed people of South Africa and their national liberation movement.[9]
1980 Attempting to establish a new international economic order to promote the growth of underdeveloped and international economic cooperation countries. 134–1
1980 Approving the Programme of Action for the second half of the UN Decade for Women. 132–3
1980 Declaration of the non-use of nuclear weapons against non-nuclear states. 110–2
1980 Stressing that the development of nations and individuals is a human right. 120–1
1980 Requesting the cessation of all nuclear test explosions.
1980 Calling for the implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples.
1981 Condemning the activities of foreign economic interests in colonial territories.
1981 Calling for an end to all nuclear weapons tests explosions. 118–2
1981 Calling for action to support the prevention of nuclear war measures, to contain the arms race and promote disarmament. 78–3
1981 Urging negotiations on the prohibition of chemical and biological weapons.[12] 109–1
1981 Declaring that education, work, health, adequate nutrition, national development, etc. are human rights. 135–1
1981 For changes in the United Nations accounting methods. 127–1
1981 Condemning South Africa for its attacks on neighboring states, condemning apartheid and for attempting to strengthen sanctions[9]
7 145–1, 124–1, 136–1, 129–2, 126–2, 139–1, 138–1
1981 Condemning an attempted South Africa Coup d'état in the Seychelles[9]
1981 Demanding that Israel cease excavations in areas of East Jerusalem considered by the United Nations to be part of the occupied territories.[8] 114–2
1981 Condemning Israel for bombing Iran's nuclear facilities.[8] 108–2
1981 Condemning the Israeli policy on the living conditions of the Palestinian people.[8] 2 109–2, 111–2
1981 In favour of establishing a nuclear weapons-free zone in the Middle East.[8] 107–2
1981 For establishing rights for the Palestinian people.[8] 2 121–2, 119–3
1981 To clarify the status of Jerusalem.[8] 139–2
1981 To discuss the issue of Palestinian refugees in the Gaza Strip.[8] 141–2
1981 To grant the rights of displaced Palestinians to return home.[8] 121–3
1981 Regarding the revenues from the property of Palestinian refugees.[8] 117–2
1981 Creating the University of Jerusalem for Palestinian refugees.[8] 119–2
1981 Regarding Israeli human rights violations in the occupied territories.[8] 111–2
1981 Condemning the closure of Palestinian universities in the occupied territory.[8] 114–2
1981 Opposing the Israeli decision to build a canal linking the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean Sea.[8][13]
1981 Discussing sovereignty over national resources in the occupied Palestinian and other Arab territories.[8]
1981 Affirming the non-applicability of Israeli law on the Golan Heights.[8]
1982 Condemning the Israeli invasion of Lebanon.[8] 6 (1982–1983)
1982 Condemning the shooting of 11 Muslims at a shrine in Jerusalem by an Israeli soldier.[8]
1982 Calling on Israel to withdraw from the Golan Heights occupied in 1967.[8]
1982 For the ratification of the convention on the suppression and punishment of apartheid. 124–1
1982 To promote international action against apartheid. 141–1
1982 To condemn apartheid in sport.[8] 138–1
1982 To seek the cessation of new foreign investments and loans to South Africa[9]
1982 Calling for a world charter for the protection of ecology. 111–1
1982 To set up a United Nations Conference on the Succession of States in respect of State property, archives and debts. 136–1
1982 For a Nuclear Test Ban and negotiations for a nuclear-weapons free space. 3 111–1, 114–1, 138–1
1982 To supports a new world information and communication order 131–1
1982 For prohibition of chemical and bacteriological weapons. 95–1
1982 For a better development of international law. 113-1
1982 To prevent the exclusion of certain UN officials. 129–1
1982 To protect against products harmful to health and the environment. 146–1
1982 Declare that education, work, health, adequate nutrition, national development are human rights. 131–1
1982 For the application of the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States. 141–1
1982 Concerning the adequacy of the Economic Commission for Africa facilities in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 132–1
1982 Development of energy resources in developing countries. 146–1
1982 Restructuring international economic relations in order to establish a new international economic order. 124–1
1983 Affirming the right of each state to choose its economic and social system in accordance with the will of its people, without outside interference, in whatever form it takes. 131–1
1983 Resolutions against apartheid in South Africa[9]
4 110–1, 149–1, 140–1, 145–1
1983 Prevention of an arms race in space. 147–1
1983 Declare that education, work, health, adequate nutrition, national development are human rights. 132–1
1983 Regarding international law. 110-1
1983 Regarding the Decade of Transport and Communications in Africa. 137–1
1983 Prohibition of the manufacturing of new weapons of mass destruction. 116–1
1983 A review of the arms race of the Cold War. 133–1
1983 For the prohibition of chemical and bacteriological weapons. 98–1
1983 Seeking a study on the naval arms race. 113–1
1983 Regarding disarmament and safety. 132–1
1983 Strengthening the United Nations to respond to natural and other disaster 126–1
1984 Condemning South Africa over its Namibian and other policies[9]
1984 International action to eliminate apartheid. 146–2
1984 Condemning the Israeli occupation and attack of the south of Lebanon.[8]
1984 Cooperation between the United Nations and the Arab League.[8] 134–2
1984 Condemning the Israeli attack on Iraq's nuclear facilities.[8] 106–2
1984 On the elimination of racial discrimination. 145–1
1984 Affirming the rights of the Palestinian people.[8] 127–2
1984 For convening a peace conference in the Middle East.[8] 121–3
1984 Prohibition of new types of weapons of mass destruction. 125–1
1984 For the prohibition of chemical and bacteriological weapons. 84–1
1984 With regards to the law of the sea. 138–2
1984 With regards to the Israeli human rights violations in the occupied territories. 120–2
1984 Condemning the assassination attempts against Palestinian mayors.[8] 143–2
1984 Condemning Israel for not putting its nuclear facilities under international safeguards.[8] 94–2
1984 On the prohibition of nuclear tests. 123–1
1984 To study military research and development. 141–1
1984 Celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples. 143–1
1984 Offering economic assistance to the Palestinian people.[8] 146–1
1984 Support for industrial development by the UN. 118–2
1984 Regarding the Industrial Development Decade for Africa. 120–1
1984 Issues related to the Economic Commission for Western Asia. 123–2
1985 Condemning the Israeli occupation of and attack on the south of Lebanon.[8]
1985 Condemning Israel for using excessive force in the occupied territories.[8]
1985 Resolutions on cooperation, human rights, trade and development. 3 134–1, 130–1, 133–1
1985 The measures to be taken against Nazi-Fascist and Neo-Fascist activities. 121–2
1986 Inviting all governments (including the US) to observe international law.
1986 Condemning Israel for its actions against Lebanese civilians.[8]
1986 Calling on Israel to respect Muslim holy places.[8]
1986 Condemning Israel for bringing down a Libyan airplane.[8]
1986 To set up a zone of peace and cooperation in the South Atlantic. 124–1
1986 To eliminate the existing imbalances in the areas of access and information and media.[14] 148–1
1986 For strengthening international security. 126–1
1986 Dialogue to improve the international situation. 117–1
1986 For the establishment of a global system of peace and international security. 102–2
1986 Declaration on the Right to Development. 146–1
1986 Measures to improve the situation and ensure the human rights and dignity of all migrant workers. 148–1
1986 Protection against products harmful to health and the environment. 146–1
1987 Calling on Israel to respect the Geneva Conventions in its treatment of the Palestinians.[8]
1987 Urging Israel to stop deporting Palestinians.[8] 145–2
1987 Condemning Israel for its actions in Lebanon.[8] 2
1987 Calling on Israel to withdraw its forces from Lebanon.[8]
1987 Cooperation between the United Nations and the Arab League.[8] 153–2
1987 Called to fulfill the [ruling of the] International Court of Justice on the paramilitary and military activities against Nicaragua and a call to end the trade embargo against Nicaragua.
2 94–2, 94–2
1987 Measures to prevent international terrorism, study the underlying political and economic causes of terrorism, a conference to define terrorism and to differentiate it from the struggle of the national liberation struggles of the people.[15] 153–2
1987 Decisions on journalism, debt and international trade. 3 140–1, 154–1, 131–1
1987 Opposition to the accumulation of weapons in space. 154–1
1987 Opposition to the development of new weapons of mass destruction. 135–1
1987 Opposition to nuclear testing. 2 134-, 137–3
1987 Proposal to create the South Atlantic Peace Zone. 124–1
1988 Condemning Israeli practices against Palestinians in the occupied territories.[8] 5 (1988–1989)
1989 Condemning the US invasion of Panama.[16]
1989 Condemning US troops ransacking the residence of the ambassador of Nicaragua in Panama.
1989 Condemning the US for bringing down two Libyan aircraft.
1989 Condemning the US support for the Contras in Nicaragua.
1989 Condemning the illegal US embargo against Nicaragua.
1989 Opposing the acquisition of territory by force. 151–3
1989 Calling for a solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict based on previous UN resolutions.[8]
1990 To send three observers of the UN Security Council to the Arab occupied territories.[8]
1990 To send humanitarian aid to Iraq.[8][8][17]
1994 Condemns the genocide in Rwanda by the then governor of Zaire.[9][18]
1995 Stating that land in East Jerusalem, annexed by Israel is occupied territory.[8]
1996 Indication Boutros Boutros-Ghali to the position of Secretary General.[8][19][20]
1997 Urging Israel to halt the construction of settlements in East Jerusalem and other occupied territories.[8] 2 130–2
1999 Urging the United States to end the trade embargo against Cuba.[21]
8 59–2, 88–4, 101–2, 117–3, 138–2, 143–2, 157–2, 155–2
2001 To send unarmed monitors to the West Bank and Gaza Strip.[8]
2001 Condemning Israel for acts of terror against civilians in the occupied territories.[8]
2001 To set up an International Criminal Court.
2002 To renew the mission of peacekeeping in Bosnia.
2002 Condemning the murder of a UK worker who worked for the United Nations by Israeli forces. Condemning the destruction of the warehouse of the World Food Program.[8]
2003 Condemning the decision of the Israeli parliament to "eliminate" Palestinian President-elect Yasser Arafat.[8]
2003 Condemning the construction of a wall by Israel on Palestinian land.[8]
2003 To end 40 years of US embargo against Cuba. 179–3
2004 Condemning the assassination of Hamas leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin.[8]
2004 Condemning the Israeli incursion and assassinations in Gaza.[8]
2004 Production and processing of weapon-making material should be under international control. 2 147–1, 179–2
2006 Calls for an end to raids and Israeli military attacks on Gaza.[8][22] 2 10–1, 13–1
2006 Call for the end of the financial embargo against Cuba.
2007 Calling for the peaceful uses of outer space. 129–6
2007 Calling for a convention against machismo.
3 143–1, 132–2, 154–1
2007 Regarding the rights of children.[23] 183–1
2007 Regarding the right to food. 186–1
2007 On the applicability of the Geneva Convention for the protection of civilians in wartime. 169–6
2007 Calling for global climate protection.
2007 Requesting the establishment of a zone of peace in the Indian Ocean.[24] Calling for a zone free of nuclear weapons in Southeast Asia.[11] 2 130–3, 174–1
2007 Calling for the right to self-determination of the Palestinian people. Other resolutions on the Palestinians and their rights. 15 176–5, 171–6, 170–6,93–8, 165–7, 156–7, 164–1, 176–2, 109–8, 110–8, 161–8, 161–7, 160–6, 111–6
2008 Calling for progress towards a treaty on the arms trade. 3 129–1, 131–1, 130–1
2008 Prohibiting the development of new weapons of mass destruction. 175–1
2008 To assure non-nuclear states that are not affected or threatened with nuclear weapons. 2 (2007–2008) 121–1, 122–1
2008 Preventing the development of an arms race in outer space and transparency in the activities in outer space. 4 (2007–2008) 179–1, 178–1, 177–1, 180–1
2008 Calling to decrease the operational readiness of nuclear weapons systems and the prohibition of nuclear weapons. 5 141–3,165–4, 166–5, 173–4, 130–3
2008 Calling to end the use of depleted uranium in weapons.
2008 Regarding the illegal trade in small arms 3 179–1, 176–1, 181–1
2008 Calling for an area free of nuclear weapons in Central Asia and the southern hemisphere in addition to the prevention of proliferation in the Middle East. 3 141–3, 171–3, 169–5
2008 Calling for a comprehensive ban on nuclear testing by a treaty. Calling for a world free of nuclear weapons.
2 (2007–2008) 156–5, 175–1
2008 Appealing for a treaty on the rights of children. 159–1
2008 Condemning racism[25]
2008 Condemning racism[25] 109–13
2008 Affirming the sovereignty of the Palestinians in the occupied territories and their resources.[8] 173–5
2008 Affirming the right of Palestinians to self-determination.[8] 165–7
2008 Urging Israel to pay the cost of cleaning up an oil slick on the coast of Lebanon caused by its bombing.[8] 165–7
2008 Call for a new economic order.
2008 Appeal for the right to development for nations. 182–4
2008 Support for the right to food. 184–1
2008 Respect for the right for the universal freedom of travel and the vital importance of family reunification. 121–4
2008 Concerning developments in information technology and its implications to international security.
2 (2007–2008) 179–1, 175–1
2008 Resolutions on Palestine, its people, their property and Israeli practices in Palestine, including settlements.
11 173–1, 172–6, 172–6, 173–6, 94–8, 173–6, 171–6, 165–8, 179–2, 177–3, 177–3
2009 Call for an end to the 22-day Israeli attack on Gaza.[8] 142–4
2011 Call for a stop to the Israeli settlements in the West Bank.[8]
2011 Call on Israel to cease obstructing the movement and access of personnel, vehicles and assets of the Agency of the United Nations Relief and Works for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA).[8]
2011 To request the immediate and complete cessation of all Israeli settlement activities throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the occupied Syrian Golan.[8] ?-7
2014 Call for the creation of an international humanitarian corridor in southeastern Ukraine[26]
2014 Calls for economic embargo on the parties that do not accept a ceasefire in the Syrian conflict[8][27]
2014 Call for the criminalization of Nazism[25][28][29]
115–3 (Ukraine, Canada and United StatesThe former countries of Axis abstained in the vote by economic pressure from the United States and because of the movement antifascist site, see:Report on combatting glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that ... forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.)
2015 Proposal to transform the Middle East into a zone free of nuclear weapons.[8][30][31][32]
?-3 (Canada, United Kingdom and United States)[33]
2015 Proposal to add sanctions against the ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) as a separate branch of Al Qaeda.[34]
1 (in 2013) ?-1
2015 Proposal for an alliance of all Middle Eastern governments and the Security Council for peace in the region.[8][35]
2016 Proposal for permanent military nonintervention aimed at the fall of the Syrian government.[8][36] ?-7
2016 Proposal to establish a joint peacekeeping force to protect cultural heritage from the threat of terrorism.[37] ?-2
2016 Proposal to include the Syrian Kurds in peace negotiations.[8][38] ?-3
2016 Proposal to include in the list of terrorist groups internationally despised in cooperation with Al Qaeda the Ahrar al-Sham and Jaysh al-Islam.[8][39] 2016 ?-?
2016 Condemns North American bombing in Syria.[8][40] 2016 ?-2 (US and UK)

See also


  1. ^ Changing Patterns in the Use of the Veto in the Security Council
  2. ^ a b UN Charter (full text)
  3. ^ US Stands Alone in Vote Against UN Inquiry Into Gaza Assault
  4. ^ Roosevelt eager to open 2nd front, but Churchill resisted, fearing defeat – WWII historian
  5. ^ a b USA Vetos in the United Nations Kyss Tal
  6. ^ A Quick Listing of The United States' Record of Veto Use at the United Nations (UN): 1972–2011
  7. ^ U.N. Security Council: U.S. Vetoes of Resolutions Critical to Israel
  8. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf Preceded by: United Nations Security Council Resolution 1583, United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701, United Nations Security Council Resolution 1559, United Nations Security Council Resolution 497, United Nations Security Council Resolution 452, United Nations Security Council Resolution 446, United Nations Security Council Resolution 425, United Nations Security Council Resolution 350, United Nations Security Council Resolution 339, United Nations Security Council Resolution 338, United Nations Security Council Resolution 242, United Nations General Assembly Resolution 194, United Nations Security Council Resolution 478, United Nations Security Council Resolution 42, United Nations Security Council Resolution 43, United Nations Security Council Resolution 44, United Nations Security Council Resolution 46, United Nations Security Council Resolution 48, United Nations Security Council Resolution 49, United Nations Security Council Resolution 50, United Nations Security Council Resolution 53, United Nations Security Council Resolution 54, United Nations Security Council Resolution 56, United Nations Security Council Resolution 57, United Nations Security Council Resolution 59, United Nations Security Council Resolution 60, United Nations Security Council Resolution 61, United Nations Security Council Resolution 62, United Nations Security Council Resolution 66, United Nations Security Council Resolution 69, United Nations Security Council Resolution 72, United Nations Security Council Resolution 73, United Nations Security Council Resolution 89, United Nations Security Council Resolution 92, United Nations Security Council Resolution 93, United Nations Security Council Resolution 95, United Nations Security Council Resolution 100, United Nations Security Council Resolution 101, United Nations Security Council Resolution 106, United Nations Security Council Resolution 107, United Nations Security Council Resolution 108, United Nations Security Council Resolution 111, United Nations Security Council Resolution 113, United Nations Security Council Resolution 114, United Nations Security Council Resolution 127, United Nations Security Council Resolution 138, United Nations Security Council Resolution 162 and United Nations Security Council Resolution 171. Later in 2014, tried to vote on a resolution at the UN to ask the end of the Israeli occupation in Palestine, but because of the Nigerian vote, the resolution was not for the Security Council, see:US and Israeli intervention led UN to reject Palestinian resolution
  9. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l Preceded by: United Nations Security Council Resolution 626, United Nations Security Council Resolution 628, United Nations Security Council Resolution 134, United Nations Security Council Resolution 181, United Nations Security Council Resolution 182, United Nations Security Council Resolution 282, United Nations Security Council Resolution 418, United Nations Security Council Resolution 435, United Nations Security Council Resolution 591, United Nations Security Council Resolution 190 and United Nations Security Council Resolution 191
  10. ^ The US governments, Chinese and Breton sought a recognition of Khmer Rouge as a representative of those people instead of Vietnam and allies (including USSR), see How Thatcher gave Pol Pot a hand
  11. ^ a b Preceded by: United Nations Security Council Resolution 1236, United Nations Security Council Resolution 1246, United Nations Security Council Resolution 1257, United Nations Security Council Resolution 1262, United Nations Security Council Resolution 1264, United Nations Security Council Resolution 1272, United Nations Security Council Resolution 1319, United Nations Security Council Resolution 1338, United Nations Security Council Resolution 1392, United Nations Security Council Resolution 413, United Nations Security Council Resolution 728, United Nations Security Council Resolution 745, United Nations Security Council Resolution 766, United Nations Security Council Resolution 783, United Nations Security Council Resolution 792, United Nations Security Council Resolution 810, United Nations Security Council Resolution 826, United Nations Security Council Resolution 835, United Nations Security Council Resolution 840, United Nations Security Council Resolution 860, United Nations Security Council Resolution 880, United Nations Security Council Resolution 109, United Nations Security Council Resolution 668, United Nations Security Council Resolution 718, United Nations Security Council Resolution 1410, United Nations Security Council Resolution 1438, United Nations Security Council Resolution 384, United Nations Security Council Resolution 389, United Nations Security Council Resolution 717, United Nations Security Council Resolution 30, United Nations Security Council Resolution 27, United Nations Security Council Resolution 31, United Nations Security Council Resolution 32, United Nations Security Council Resolution 35, United Nations Security Council Resolution 36, United Nations Security Council Resolution 40, United Nations Security Council Resolution 41, United Nations Security Council Resolution 55, United Nations Security Council Resolution 63, United Nations Security Council Resolution 64, United Nations Security Council Resolution 65, United Nations Security Council Resolution 67, United Nations Security Council Resolution 76, United Nations Security Council Resolution 86, United Nations Security Council Resolution 132 and United Nations Security Council Resolution 189
  12. ^ To learn more, see: Biological Weapons Convention and Chemical Weapons Convention
  13. ^ Later an international treaty was proposed that countries wanted to stick to it. Israel and the United States did not sign, see:U.S. Stands Alone: Not Signing U.N. Child Rights Treaty Leaves Migrant Children Vulnerable
  14. ^ Before the wave of vetoes, UNESCO was strongly influenced by ideas eugenic - Darwinists of its founder Julian Huxley whose family was very close for Charles Darwin , see: UNESCO ITS PURPOSE AND ITS PHILOSOPHY. One year before a proposal to the General Assembly that the UNESCO would lead this process, but with the massive criticism made by Francophone and Anglophone media and the end of their funding from the United States and United Kingdom, the proposal had to be postponed and modified, see: William Preston, Jr., Edward S. Herman, and Herbert I. Schiller, Hope and Folly: the United States and UNESCO, 1945-1985 (New York: Institute for Media Analysis, 1989) , p. 297, pp. 203-81.
  15. ^ The relationship of the United States with this issue is controversial. North Korea proposed the General Assembly sanctions against torture and illegal deportation made by the United States through the CIA to support dictatorships around the world, see: North Korea wants U.N. Security Council to discuss CIA torture
  16. ^ UN Security Council
  17. ^ The oil-for-food 'scandal' is a cynical smokescreen
  18. ^ The Hidden Veto
  19. ^ Who is Kofi Annan? The United Nations "Peacekeeper" Handpicked by the CIA
  20. ^ Richard Clarke, Against All Enemies, 2004
  21. ^ Preceded by: United Nations Security Council Resolution 144, United Nations Security Council Resolution 1067, United Nations Security Council Resolution 626, United Nations Security Council Resolution 628, United Nations Security Council Resolution 628
  22. ^ No Arab, Palestinian Cheers for U.S. Democrats
  23. ^ United Nations Treaty Collection. Convention on the Rights of the Child. Retrieved 2 October 2015. The non-UN member states of the Cook Islands, Niue, the State of Palestine, and the Holy See are also parties to the convention.
  24. ^ Preceded by: United Nations Security Council Resolution 1172, United Nations Security Council Resolution 622, United Nations Security Council Resolution 38, United Nations Security Council Resolution 39, United Nations Security Council Resolution 47, United Nations Security Council Resolution 51, United Nations Security Council Resolution 98, United Nations Security Council Resolution 91, United Nations Security Council Resolution 96, United Nations Security Council Resolution 647, United Nations Security Council Resolution 122, United Nations Security Council Resolution 123, United Nations Security Council Resolution 39, United Nations Security Council Resolution 209, United Nations Security Council Resolution 210, United Nations Security Council Resolution 211, United Nations Security Council Resolution 214, United Nations Security Council Resolution 215, United Nations Security Council Resolution 303, United Nations Security Council Resolution 307, United Nations Security Council Resolution 80, and United Nations Security Council Resolution 126
  25. ^ a b c Preceded by: United Nations Security Council Resolution 21, United Nations Security Council Resolution 4, United Nations Security Council Resolution 7 and United Nations Security Council Resolution 10
  26. ^ La Cruz Roja apoya la propuesta rusa de enviar ayuda humanitaria a Ucrania vetada por EE.UU. Telesur, September 28, 2014
  27. ^ Lavrov: "EE.UU. no puede actuar siempre como fiscal, juez y ejecutor de las condenas" Telesur, September 28, 2014
  28. ^ US, Canada Vote with Ukraine against UN Anti-Nazi Resolution Telesur, November 23 de 2014
  29. ^ US, Canada & Ukraine vote against Russia's anti-Nazism resolution at UN Russia Today, November 22, 2014
  30. ^ EE.UU. bloquea la propuesta en la ONU para declarar Oriente Medio zona libre de armas nucleares Russia Today, May 24, 2015
  31. ^ The government of Brazil and Turkey proposed in FGeral Assembly and 2000 disarm Iran and cease the sanctions, which did not pass, see: Brazil and Turkey urge UN Security Council against Iran sanctions.From 1980 that Egypt was trying to make this annual resolution passed by the General Assembly, with the support of IAEA from 1991, see: WMD-Free Middle East Proposal at a Glance
  32. ^ The Syrian government has proposed to the UN General Assembly a similar resolution to that which deals with chemical weapons, but by veto threat from the US government, this order was canceled, see:The U.S. and Chemical Weapons: No Leg to Stand On Later Syria will deliver its chemical weapons in 2013, see:Eaves, Elisabeth. "Ahmet Uzumcu: Getting Rid of Chemical Weapons in Syria and Beyond". Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. SAGE. Retrieved October 14, 2014. Currently only Israel, Egypt, North Korea and South Sudan has not signed the treaty, see:"Non-Member States". Opcw.org. Retrieved October 11, 2013.
  34. ^ EE.UU. bloquea la propuesta de Rusia de sancionar al Estado Islámico de manera independiente
  35. ^ EE.UU. bloquea declaración en el Consejo de Seguridad sobre solución de conflictos
  36. ^ 'Potential dead end' – senator warns of consequences of UN SC's refusal to pass Syria resolution
  37. ^ El veto del proyecto ruso en la ONU deja perplejo a Moscú sobre los verdaderos planes de Occidente
  38. ^ Western states block Kurdish participation in Syria peace talks proposed by Russia
  39. ^ Syrian villagers describe massacre by militant group spared from UN terror blacklist (EXCLUSIVE)
  40. ^ ‘Western media part of political elite, will never report Syrian massacre by US-led forces'