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List of inventions in the medieval Islamic world

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The following is a list of inventions made in the medieval Islamic world, especially during the Islamic Golden Age,[1][2][3][4] as well as in later Islamic Gunpowder Empires such as the Ottoman and Mughal empires.

The Islamic Golden Age was a period of cultural, economic and scientific flourishing in the history of Islam, traditionally dated from the 8th century to the 14th century, with several contemporary scholars dating the end of the era to the 15th or 16th century.[3][4][5] This period is traditionally understood to have begun during the reign of the Abbasid caliph Harun al-Rashid (786 to 809) with the inauguration of the House of Wisdom in Baghdad, where scholars from various parts of the world with different cultural backgrounds were mandated to gather and translate all of the world's classical knowledge into the Arabic language and subsequently development in various fields of sciences began. Science and technology in the Islamic world adopted and preserved knowledge and technologies from contemporary and earlier civilizations, including Persia, Egypt, India, China, and Greco-Roman antiquity, while making numerous improvements, innovations and inventions.

List of inventions

Early Caliphates

7th century
An illustrated headpiece from a mid-18th century collection of ghazals and rubāʻīyāt, from the University of Pennsylvania library's Lawrence J. Schoenberg Collection (UPenn LJS 44).
  • Ghazal: A form of Islamic poetry that originated from the Arabian Peninsula in the late 7th century.[6]
  • International humanitarian law: Early Islamic law's principles concerning military conduct and the treatment of prisoners of war under the early Caliphate are considered to be the earliest principles of international humanitarian law. The many requirements on how prisoners of war should be treated included, for example, providing shelter, food and clothing, respecting their cultures, and preventing any acts of execution, rape or revenge. Some of these principles were not codified in Western international law until modern times.[7] Islamic law under the early Caliphate institutionalised humanitarian limitations on military conduct, including attempts to limit the severity of war, guidelines for ceasing hostilities, distinguishing between civilians and combatants, preventing unnecessary destruction, and caring for the sick and wounded.[8]
  • Pension and welfare state: The concepts of welfare and pension were introduced in early Islamic law as forms of Zakat (charity), one of the Five Pillars of Islam, under the Rashidun Caliphate in the 7th century. This practice continued well into the Abbasid Caliphate. The taxes collected in the treasury of an Islamic government were used to provide income for the needy, including the poor, elderly, orphans, widows, and the disabled. According to the Islamic jurist Al-Ghazali (1058–1111), the government was also expected to stockpile food supplies in every region in case a disaster or famine occurred. The early Caliphate can thus be considered the world's first major welfare state.[9][10]
  • Trench warfare: The use of a trench in warfare was introduced by Salman the Persian at the Battle of the Trench in 627.[11]
  • Waqf and charitable trust: The waqf, or charitable trust, was developed in Islamic law during the 7th–9th centuries, and bears a resemblance to 13th-century English trust law.[12]
The Persian horizontal windmill.
  • Windmill and panemone windmill: The earliest recorded windmill design found was Persian in origin, and was invented in Islamic Persia between the 7th–9th centuries.[13][14] The windmill became widespread across the Islamic world, and later spread to India and China.[15]
8th century
Rabâb player in Southern Spain, from the Cantigas de Santa Maria.
Rebab player
A gittern and a rebec
Three-string rebabs.
two rebabs
The Cantigas de Santa Maria, c. 1260, illustrated some of the musical instruments introduced from Muslim dominated Andalusia to Southern Europe. The plucked and bowed versions of the rebab existed alongside each other.[21]
  • Bowed string instrument, fiddle, rabāb: The Arabic rabāb, also known as the spiked fiddle, is the earliest known bowed instrument and the parent of the medieval European rebec.[22]
  • Checkmate: In early Sanskrit chaturanga (c. 500–700), the king could be captured and this ended the game. In shatranj/chess, the Persians (c. 700–800) introduced the idea of warning that the king was under attack (announcing check in modern terminology). This was done to avoid the early and accidental end of a game. Later the Persians added the additional rule that a king could not be moved into check or left in check. As a result, the king could not be captured,[23] and checkmate was the only decisive way of ending a game.[24]
  • Check reading: The medieval Muslim world developed a method of reproducing reliable copies of a book in large quantities known as check reading, in contrast to the traditional method of a single scribe producing only a single copy of a single manuscript. In the check reading method, only "authors could authorize copies, and this was done in public sessions in which the copyist read the copy aloud in the presence of the author, who then certified it as accurate."[25] With this check-reading system, "an author might produce a dozen or more copies from a single reading," and with two or more readings, "more than one hundred copies of a single book could easily be produced."[26]
  • Chemical element classification: The work of Jabir ibn Hayyan gave the seeds of the modern classification of elements into metals and non-metals as could be seen in his chemical nomenclature.[27]
  • Chemical equivalents: The origins of the idea of chemical equivalents might be traced back to Jabir ibn Hayyan, in whose time it was recognized that "a certain quantity of acid is necessary in order to neutralize a given amount of base."[28]
  • Cryptology: David Kahn notes in The Codebreakers that the field of cryptology originates from the Muslim Arabs, the first people to systematically document cryptanalytic methods.[29] Al-Khalil (717–786) wrote the Book of Cryptographic Messages.[30]
  • Damascus steel: The Arabs introduced the wootz steel to Damascus, where a weapons industry thrived.[31] Damascus steel blades were first manufactured in Syria from ingots of wootz steel that were imported from India.[32]
  • Factory: The earliest factory milling installations appeared in the Islamic world from the 8th century onwards. While milling installations had previously existed in the Byzantine and Sassanid empires, the large population increase in medieval Islamic cities (such as Baghdad's 1.5 million population) led to the development of large-scale factory milling installations with higher productivity to feed and support the large growing population. Whereas the most productive ancient milling installation produced an estimated 28 tons of grain per day, a typical 10th-century grain-processing factory in the Egyptian town of Bilbays produced an estimated 300 tons of grain and flour per day. A similar expansion in milling later occurred in Europe after the 10th century, possibly influenced by Islamic Spain.[33]
  • Geared gristmill: Geared gristmills were built in the medieval Near East and North Africa, which were used for grinding grain and other seeds to produce meals.[34]
  • Hawala and agency: The Hawala, an early informal value transfer system, has its origins in classical Islamic law, and is mentioned in texts of Islamic jurisprudence as early as the 8th century. Hawala itself later influenced the development of the agency in common law and in civil laws such as the aval in French law and the avallo in Italian law. The words aval and avallo were themselves derived from Hawala. The agency was also an institution unknown to Roman law as no individual could conclude a binding contract on behalf of another as his agent. On the other hand, Islamic law and the later common law "had no difficulty in accepting agency as one of its institutions in the field of contracts and of obligations in general."[35]
Hospital building ("darüşşifa") of Divriği Great Mosque, Seljuq period, 13th century, Turkey.
A giraffe from Kitāb al-Hayawān (Book of the Animals) by Al-Jāḥiẓ.
  • Proto-evolution theory and natural selection theory: The Kitab al-Hayawan is an encyclopedia of seven volume of anecdotes, poetic descriptions and proverbs describing over 350 varieties of animals. Al-Jahiz in his famous book Kitab al-Hayawan (Book of the Animals) described a proto-evolution theory on natural selection and the struggle for existence: "The rat goes out for its food, and is clever in getting it, for it eats all animals inferior to it in strength", and in turn, it "has to avoid snakes and birds and serpents of prey, who look for it in order to devour it" and are stronger than the rat. Mosquitos "know instinctively that blood is the thing which makes them live" and when they see an animal, "they know that the skin has been fashioned to serve them as food". In turn, flies hunt the mosquito "which is the food that they like best", and predators eat the flies. "All animals, in short, can not exist without food, neither can the hunting animal escape being hunted in his turn. Every weak animal devours those weaker than itself. Strong animals cannot escape being devoured by other animals stronger than they. And in this respect, men do not differ from animals, some with respect to others, although they do not arrive at the same extremes. In short, God has disposed some human beings as a cause of life for others, and likewise, he has disposed the latter as a cause of the death of the former."[54]
  • Food chain theory: First introduced by the scientist and philosopher Al-Jahiz in the 9th century, and later popularized in a book published in 1927 by Charles Elton.[55][56][57]
  • Pulp mill and water-powered papermaking: The earliest use of water power in paper production, specifically the use of water-powered pulp mills for preparing the pulp material used in papermaking, dates back to Samarkand in the 8th century.[58]
  • Retort: The alchemist Jābir ibn Hayyān developed the process of distillation into what it is today by inventing several basic laboratory equipment, one of which was the retort.
  • Rib vault: Its introduction dates back to Islamic architecture in the eight century.[59]
  • Sal ammoniac: Substance discovered by Arab chemists.[60]
An illustration of various experiments and instruments by Jabir Ibn Hayyan.
9th century
A page from Al-Khwārizmī's al-Kitāb al-muḫtaṣar fī ḥisāb al-ğabr wa-l-muqābala.
Drawing of Self trimming lamp in Ahmad ibn Mūsā ibn Shākir's treatise on mechanical devices. The manuscript was written in Arabic.
A Seljuq-era shatranj (chess) set, glazed fritware, 12th century.
  • Chess manual: The oldest known chess manual was in Arabic and dates to 840–850, written by Al-Adli ar-Rumi (800–870), a renowned Arab chess player, titled Kitab ash-shatranj (Book of Chess). During the Islamic Golden Age, many works on shatranj were written, recording for the first time the analysis of opening moves, game problems, the knight's tour, and many more subjects common in modern chess books.[97]
  • Completing the square: One of Al-Khwarizmi's principal achievements in algebra was his demonstration of how to solve quadratic equations by completing the square, for which he provided geometric justifications.[83]
  • Automatic crank: The non-manual crank appears in several of the hydraulic devices described by the Banū Mūsā brothers in their Book of Ingenious Devices.[98] These automatically operated cranks appear in several devices, two of which contain an action which approximates to that of a crankshaft, anticipating Al-Jazari's invention by several centuries and its first appearance in Europe by over five centuries. However, the automatic crank described by the Banu Musa would not have allowed a full rotation, but only a small modification was required to convert it to a crankshaft.[99]
  • Conical valve: A mechanism developed by the Banu Musa, of particular importance for future developments, was the conical valve, which was used in a variety of different applications.[96]
  • Control valve: The Banu Musa brothers are credited with the first known use of conical valves as automatic controllers.[100]
The first page of Al-Kindi's manuscript On Deciphering Cryptographic Messages, containing the oldest known description of cryptanalysis by frequency analysis.
Painting of Nasir al-Din al-Tusi and his colleagues working on the Zij-i Ilkhani at the Maragheh observatory.
Courtyard of the University of Al Quaraouiyine.
10th century
The first Arabic numerals in Europe appeared in the Codex Vigilanus in the year 976.
Arabic manuscript of The Thousand and One Nights dating back to the 14th century.
11th century
Hevelius's Selenographia (1647), showing Alhasen (Ibn al-Haytham) representing reason, and Galileo representing the senses.
The structure of the human eye according to Ibn al-Haytham. Note the depiction of the optic chiasm. —Manuscript copy of his Kitāb al-Manāẓir (MS Fatih 3212, vol. 1, fol. 81b, Süleymaniye Mosque Library, Istanbul)
Scene from Al-Maqamat, painted by al-Wasiti in 1237. The spinning wheel is believed to have been invented in the medieval Greater Middle East, and is considered an important device that contributed greatly to the Industrial Revolution.
  • Spinning wheel: The spinning wheel is believed to have been invented in the Islamic world. The earliest clear illustration of the spinning wheel comes from Baghdad, drawn in 1237. There is evidence that spinning wheels had already come into use in the Islamic world during the early eleventh century, as the earliest implicit reference to the device is dated to 1030 in the Islamic world. This predates the earliest implicit reference in China (c. 1090), the earliest clear illustrations in China (c. 1270) and Europe (1280), and the earliest unambiguous reference in India (1350).[253] The spinning wheel was a precursor to the spinning jenny, which later played a key role during the Industrial Revolution. The spinning jenny was essentially an adaptation of the spinning wheel.[254]
  • Steam distillation: Ibn Sīnā developed steam distillation to produce essential oils such as rose essence, which he used as aromatherapeutic treatments for heart conditions.[92][255]
  • Syndrome: Avicenna, in The Canon of Medicine (published 1025), pioneered the idea of a syndrome in the diagnosis of specific diseases.[256]
  • Theory of impetus and inertia theory: Ibn Sīnā published a theory of motion in The Book of Healing in 1020. He argued that an impetus is imparted to a projectile by the thrower. He viewed it as persistent, requiring external forces such as air resistance to dissipate it.[257][258][259] Ibn Sina made distinction between 'force' and 'inclination' (called "mayl"), and argued that an object gained mayl when the object is in opposition to its natural motion. So he concluded that continuation of motion is attributed to the inclination that is transferred to the object, and that object will be in motion until the mayl is spent. He also claimed that projectile in a vacuum would not stop unless it is acted upon. This conception of motion is consistent with Newton's first law of motion, inertia, which states that an object in motion will stay in motion unless it is acted on by an external force.[260] This idea which dissented from the Aristotelian view was later described as "impetus" by John Buridan, who was influenced by Ibn Sina's Book of Healing.[261]
12th century
13th century


9th century
10th century
Physicians employing a surgical method. From Şerafeddin Sabuncuoğlu's Imperial Surgery (1465).
  • Kocher's method and Walter position: Al-Zahrawi's Kitab al-Tasrif described both what would later become known as "Kocher's method" for treating a dislocated shoulder and the "Walcher position" in obstetrics.[284]
  • Ligature for migraine and migraine surgery: Described in the work of Al-Zahrawi (936–1013), Kitab al-Tasrif, one of the most influential books in early modern medicine. It describes the process of performing a ligature on blood vessels. He was the first to describe a surgical procedure for ligating the temporal artery for migraine, also almost 600 years before Ambroise Paré.[285]
  • Lithotrite: In urology, al-Zahrawi wrote about taking stones out of the bladder. By inventing a new instrument, an early form of the lithotrite which he called "Michaab", he was able to crush the stone inside the bladder without the need for a surgical incision.[286]
  • Mercuric oxide: First synthesized by Abu al-Qasim al-Qurtubi al-Majriti.
  • Modern surgery: Abu al-Qasim al-Zahrawi (936–1013), better known in the west as Albucasis, is regarded as the father of modern surgery.[287] His Al-Tasrif is one of the most quoted surgical textbooks of all time.[288]
  • Dental extraction and replantation: Al-Zahrawi has been credited as the first to use extraction and replantation in the history of dentistry.[289][290]
  • Speed of sound: Was proposed by the Cordoba scholar Ibn Hazm (994–1064). Ibn Hazm argued and calculated the speed of sound by echoes in the Mosque of Cordoba. He is also credited as being the first to propose that thunder was a production of lightning.[291]
Page from a 1531 Latin translation by Peter Argellata of Al-Zahrawi's treatise on surgical and medical instruments.
11th century
A copy of Abū Ishāq Ibrāhīm al-Zarqālī's azafea (universal astrolabe) as featured in the Calahorra Tower.
12th century
13th century
  • Botany: Spanish botanists, like Ibn al-Baitar, created hundreds of works/catalogs on the various plants in not only Europe but the Middle East, Africa and Asia. In these works many processes for extracting essential oils, drugs as well as their uses can be found.
  • Caravel: The caravel has origins in earlier Portuguese fishing boats built in the 13th century based on the medieval Islamic qarib, used in Islamic Spain.[315]
  • Essential oil: The earliest recorded mention of the techniques and methods used to produce essential oils is believed to be that of Ibn al-Baitar (1188–1248), an Al-Andalusian (Muslim-controlled Spain) physician, pharmacist and chemist.[316]
  • Mercury clock: A detailed account of technology in Islamic Spain was compiled under Alfonso X of Castile between 1276 and 1279, which included a compartmented mercury clock, which was influential up until the 17th century.[317] It was described in the Libros del saber de Astronomia, a Spanish work from 1277 consisting of translations and paraphrases of Arabic works.[318]
  • Mariotte's bottle: The Libros del saber de Astronomia describes a water clock which employs the principle of Mariotte's bottle.[317]
  • Qawwali: Amir Khusrow is regarded as the "father of qawwali" (a devotional music form of the Sufis in the Indian subcontinent), and introduced the ghazal style of song into India, both of which still exist widely in India and Pakistan.[319][320]
14th century
  • Astrolabic clock: Invented by Ibn al-Shatir in the early 14th century.[321]
  • Crude brass movable type printing press: According to Robert E. Krebs, Muslim Spain had a crude movable type printing press at least a hundred years prior to Johannes Gutenburg's invention in 1454.[322]
  • Hispano-Moresque ware: This was a style of Islamic pottery created in Arab Spain, after the Moors had introduced two ceramic techniques to Europe: glazing with an opaque white tin-glaze, and painting in metallic lusters. Hispano-Moresque ware was distinguished from the pottery of Christendom by the Islamic character of its decoration.[323]
  • Polar-axis sundial: Early sundials were nodus-based with straight hour-lines, indicating unequal hours (also called temporary hours) that varied with the seasons, since every day was divided into twelve equal segments; thus, hours were shorter in winter and longer in summer. The idea of using hours of equal time length throughout the year was the innovation of Abu'l-Hasan Ibn al-Shatir in 1371, based on earlier developments in trigonometry by Muhammad ibn Jābir al-Harrānī al-Battānī (Albategni). Ibn al-Shatir was aware that "using a gnomon that is parallel to the Earth's axis will produce sundials whose hour lines indicate equal hours on any day of the year." His sundial is the oldest polar-axis sundial still in existence. The concept later appeared in Western sundials from at least 1446.[324][325]
  • Substitution cipher and transposition cipher: The work of Al-Qalqashandi (1355–1418), based on the earlier work of Ibn al-Durayhim (1312–1359), contained the first published discussion of the substitution and transposition of ciphers.[145]


12th century
File:The earliest known depiction of a counterweight trebuchet, by Mardi ibn Ali al-Tarsusi, c. 1187.jpg
The earliest known depiction of a counterweight trebuchet, by Mardi ibn Ali al-Tarsusi, c. 1187
13th century
Al-Jazari's water-powered saqiya chain pump. It utilised a crankshaft, which is central to modern machinery such as the steam engine and internal combustion engine.
Al-Jazari's musical robot band, consisting of programmable humanoid automata.
The ellipses (green, cyan, red) are hypotrochoids of the Tusi couple.
  • Tusi couple: The couple was first proposed by Nasir al-Din al-Tusi in his 1247 Tahrir al-Majisti (Commentary on the Almagest) as a solution for the latitudinal motion of the inferior planets.[379] The Tusi couple is explicitly two circles of radii x and 2x in which the circle with the smaller radii rotates inside the Bigger circle. The oscillatory motion be produced by the combined uniform circular motions of two identical circles, one riding on the circumference of the other.
  • Water-powered sakia: Up until the 13th century, sakia water-lifting wheels had relied on animal power. Al-Jazari in 2016 invented a sakia that was driven by water power, with water falling onto the spoon-shaped pallets of a water wheel placed in a lower-level reservoir. A lightweight wooden model cow was attached to give the illusion of animal power, when in fact it was water-powered, thus serving as an attraction as well as a utilitarian device. By 1254, there was a larger version of Al-Jazari's device built along the River Yazid in Damascus, to serve the needs of a hospital, and remained in constant use up until about 1960.[304]
14th century
15th century
17th century
  • Banjo: Gerhard Kubik notes that ancestors of the banjo were brought to America by Muslim African slaves from Islamic regions of West Africa.[395]
18th century
A painting showing the Mysorean army fighting the British forces with Mysorean rockets.

Ottoman Empire

14th century
15th century
A 1652 handbill advertising coffee for sale in St. Michael's Alley, London.
  • Coffee: Stories exist of coffee originating in Ethiopia, but the earliest credible evidence of either coffee drinking or knowledge of the coffee tree appears in the middle of the 15th century, in the Sufi monasteries of the Yemen in southern Arabia.[403][404] It was in Yemen that coffee beans were first roasted and brewed as they are today. From Mocha, coffee spread to Egypt and North Africa,[405] and by the 16th century, it had reached the rest of the Middle East, Persia and Turkey. From the Muslim world, coffee drinking spread to Italy, then to the rest of Europe, and coffee plants were transported by the Dutch to the East Indies and to the Americas.[406]
  • Dardanelles Gun: The Dardanelles Gun was designed and cast in bronze in 1434 by Munir Ali. The Dardanelles Gun was still present for duty more than 340 years later in 1807, when a Royal Navy force appeared and commenced the Dardanelles Operation. Turkish forces loaded the ancient relics with propellant and projectiles, then fired them at the British ships. The British squadron suffered 28 casualties from this bombardment.[407]
  • Iznik pottery: Produced in Ottoman Turkey as early as the 15th century AD.[408] It consists of a body, slip, and glaze, where the body and glaze are "quartz-frit."[409] The "frits" in both cases "are unusual in that they contain lead oxide as well as soda"; the lead oxide would help reduce the thermal expansion coefficient of the ceramic.[410] Microscopic analysis reveals that the material that has been labeled "frit" is "interstitial glass" which serves to connect the quartz particles.[411]
  • Matchlock: The matchlock arquebus was first used by the Janissary corps of the Ottoman army in the first half of the 15th century,[412] possibly as early as 1394[400] but certainly by the 1440s.[413]
Gun-wielding Ottoman Janissaries in combat against the Knights of Saint John at the Siege of Rhodes in 1522.
  • Musket: Appeared in the Ottoman Empire by 1465.[414] In 1598, Chinese writer Zhao Shizhen described Turkish muskets as being superior to European muskets.[415]
  • Standing army with firearms: The Ottoman military's regularized use of firearms proceeded ahead of the pace of their European counterparts. The Janissaries had been an infantry bodyguard using bows and arrows. During the rule of Sultan Mehmed II they were drilled with firearms and became "the first standing infantry force equipped with firearms in the world."[416]
16th century
17th century
  • Cağ kebab: In the Ottoman Empire at least as far back as the 17th century, stacks of seasoned sliced meat were cooked on a horizontal rotisserie, similar to the cağ kebab.[429]
  • Rack-and-pinion: The Chinese military book Wu Pei Chih (1621) describes a Turkish musket that, rather than using a matchlock mechanism, instead uses a rack-and-pinion mechanism. On release of the trigger, the two racks return automatically to their original positions. This was the first time a rack-and-pinion mechanism is known to have been used in a firearm, with no evidence of its use in any European or East-Asian firearms at the time.[430]
  • Rocket flight: Lagâri Hasan Çelebi is the first aviator reported to have made a successful manned rocket flight.[431][432]
19th century

Safavid dynasty

The Rothschild Small Silk Medallion Carpet, mid-16th century, Museum of Islamic Art, Doha
15th century
  • Classical Oriental carpet: By the late fifteenth century, the design of Persian carpets changed considerably. Large-format medallions appeared, ornaments began to show elaborate curvilinear designs. Large spirals and tendrils, floral ornaments, depictions of flowers and animals, were often mirrored along the long or short axis of the carpet to obtain harmony and rhythm. The earlier "kufic" border design was replaced by tendrils and arabesques. All these patterns required a more elaborate system of weaving, as compared to weaving straight, rectilinear lines. Likewise, they require artists to create the design, weavers to execute them on the loom, and an efficient way to communicate the artist's ideas to the weaver. Today this is achieved by a template, termed cartoon (Ford, 1981, p. 170[435]). How Safavid manufacturers achieved this, technically, is currently unknown. The result of their work, however, was what Kurt Erdmann termed the "carpet design revolution".[436] Apparently, the new designs were developed first by miniature painters, as they started to appear in book illuminations and on book covers as early as in the fifteenth century. This marks the first time when the "classical" design of Islamic rugs was established.[437]
16th century
  • Hookah or water pipe: According to Cyril Elgood (PP.41, 110), the physician Irfan Shaikh, at the court of the Mughal emperor Akbar I (1542–1605) invented the Hookah or water pipe used most commonly for smoking tobacco.[438][439][440][441] However, a quatrain of Ahlī Shirazi (d. 1535), a Persian poet, refers to the use of the ḡalyān (Falsafī, II, p. 277; Semsār, 1963, p. 15), thus dating its use at least as early as the time of the Shah Ṭahmāsp I. It seems, therefore, that Abu’l-Fath Gilani should be credited with the introduction of the ḡalyān, already in use in Persia, into India.[438]
17th century

Mughal Empire

A portrait of the Mughal Emperor Jahangir holding a globe probably made by Muhammad Saleh Thattvi.
16th century
17th century

See also


  1. ^ p. 45, Islamic & European expansion: the forging of a global order, Michael Adas, ed., Temple University Press, 1993, ISBN 1-56639-068-0.
  2. ^ Max Weber & Islam, Toby E. Huff and Wolfgang Schluchter, eds., Transaction Publishers, 1999, ISBN 1-56000-400-2, p. 53
  3. ^ a b George Saliba (1994), A History of Arabic Astronomy: Planetary Theories During the Golden Age of Islam, pp. 245, 250, 256–57. New York University Press, ISBN 0-8147-8023-7.
  4. ^ a b King, David A. (1983). "The Astronomy of the Mamluks". Isis. 74 (4): 531–55. doi:10.1086/353360. {{cite journal}}: Invalid |ref=harv (help)
  5. ^ Hassan, Ahmad Y (1996). "Factors Behind the Decline of Islamic Science After the Sixteenth Century". In Sharifah Shifa Al-Attas (ed.). Islam and the Challenge of Modernity, Proceedings of the Inaugural Symposium on Islam and the Challenge of Modernity: Historical and Contemporary Contexts, Kuala Lumpur, August 1–5, 1994. International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC). pp. 351–99. Archived from the original on 2 April 2015.
  6. ^ "Ghazal | Islamic literature". Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 13 April 2019.
  7. ^ Malekian, Farhad (2011). Principles of Islamic International Criminal Law: A Comparative Search. BRILL. p. 335. ISBN 9789004203969.
  8. ^ Saeed, Abdullah (2018). Human Rights and Islam: An Introduction to Key Debates between Islamic Law and International Human Rights Law. Edward Elgar Publishing. p. 299. ISBN 9781784716585.
  9. ^ Crone, Patricia (2005), Medieval Islamic Political Thought, Edinburgh University Press, pp. 308–09, ISBN 978-0748621941
  10. ^ Hamid, Shadi (August 2003), "An Islamic Alternative? Equality, Redistributive Justice, and the Welfare State in the Caliphate of Umar", Renaissance: Monthly Islamic Journal, 13 (8), archived from the original on 1 September 2003)
  11. ^ Foltz, Richard (2016). Iran in World History. Oxford University Press. p. 46. ISBN 9780199335497.
  12. ^ Gaudiosi, Monica M (April 1988). "The Influence of the Islamic Law of Waqf on the Development of the Trust in England: The Case of Merton College". University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 136 (4). The University of Pennsylvania Law Review: 1231–1261. doi:10.2307/3312162. JSTOR 3312162.
  13. ^ Eldridge, Frank (1980). Wind Machines (2nd ed.). New York: Litton Educational Publishing, Inc. p. 15. ISBN 0-442-26134-9.
  14. ^ Shepherd, William (2011). Electricity Generation Using Wind Power (1 ed.). Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. p. 4. ISBN 978-981-4304-13-9.
  15. ^ a b Hill, Donald (2013). A History of Engineering in Classical and Medieval Times. Routledge. p. 173. ISBN 9781317761570.
  16. ^ Tabbaa, Yasser, The transformation of Islamic art during the Sunni revival, I.B.Tauris, 2002, ISBN 1-85043-392-5, ISBN 978-1-85043-392-7, pp. 75–88
  17. ^ Canby, Sheila, [Islamic art in detail, US edn., Harvard University Press, 2005, ISBN 0-674-02390-0, ISBN 978-0-674-02390-1, p. 26
  18. ^ See p. 289 of Martin, L. C. (1923), "Surveying and navigational instruments from the historical standpoint", Transactions of the Optical Society, 24 (5): 289–303, Bibcode:1923TrOS...24..289M, doi:10.1088/1475-4878/24/5/302, ISSN 1475-4878.
  19. ^ Berggren, J. Lennart (2007), "Mathematics in Medieval Islam", in Katz, Victor J. (ed.), The Mathematics of Egypt, Mesopotamia, China, India, and Islam: a Sourcebook, Princeton University Press, p. 519, ISBN 0-691-11485-4
  20. ^ Richard Nelson Frye: Golden Age of Persia. p. 163
  21. ^ a b c Sachs, Curt (1940). The History of Musical Instruments. New York: W. W. Norton & Company. pp. 151–153.
  22. ^ "rabab (musical instrument) – Encyclopædia Britannica". Britannica.com. Retrieved 17 August 2013.
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  24. ^ Davidson, Henry (1949), A Short History of Chess, McKay, ISBN 0-679-14550-8 (1981 paperback)*Emms, John (2004), Starting Out: Minor Piece Endgames, Everyman Chess, p. 63–64, ISBN 1-85744-359-4
  25. ^ Edmund Burke (June 2009). "Islam at the Center: Technological Complexes and the Roots of Modernity". Journal of World History. 20 (2): 165–86 [43]. doi:10.1353/jwh.0.0045.
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  28. ^ Schufle, J.A.; Thomas, George (Winter 1971). "Equivalent Weights from Bergman's Data on Phlogiston Content of Metals". Isis. 62 (4): 500. doi:10.1086/350792.
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  31. ^ Sharada Srinivasan; Srinivasa Ranganathan (2004). India's Legendary Wootz Steel: An Advanced Material of the Ancient World. National Institute of Advanced Studies. OCLC 82439861.
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  33. ^ Hill, Donald (2013). A History of Engineering in Classical and Medieval Times. Routledge. pp. 163–166. ISBN 9781317761570.
  34. ^ Donald Routledge Hill (1996), "Engineering", p. 781, in (Rashed & Morelon 1996, pp. 751–95)
  35. ^ Badr, Gamal Moursi (Spring 1978), "Islamic Law: Its Relation to Other Legal Systems", The American Journal of Comparative Law, 26 (2 – Proceedings of an International Conference on Comparative Law, Salt Lake City, Utah, February 24–25, 1977), The American Journal of Comparative Law, Vol. 26, No. 2: 187–198, doi:10.2307/839667, JSTOR 839667
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  41. ^ Rodini, Mohammad Amin (7 July 2012). "Medical Care In Islamic Tradition During The Middle Ages". Medical Education. 3 (7). doi:10.9754/journal.wmc.2012.003549.
  42. ^ Gupta, Ram B.; Demirbas, Ayhan (2010). Gasoline, Diesel, and Ethanol Biofuels from Grasses and Plants. Cambridge University Press. pp. 4–5. ISBN 9781139489065.
  43. ^ "ʿūd | musical instrument". Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 6 April 2019.
  44. ^ Burns, Robert I. (1996), "Paper comes to the West, 800–1400", in Lindgren, Uta (ed.), Europäische Technik im Mittelalter. 800 bis 1400. Tradition und Innovation (4th ed.), Berlin: Gebr. Mann Verlag, pp. 413–422 (414), ISBN 3-7861-1748-9
  45. ^ Al-Hassani, Woodcock and Saoud, "1001 Inventions, Muslim heritage in Our World", FSTC Publishing, 2006, reprinted 2007, pp.218–219.
  46. ^ Alrifai, Tariq (2015). Islamic Finance and the New Financial System: An Ethical Approach to Preventing Future Financial Crises. John Wiley & Sons. p. 11. ISBN 9781118990698.
  47. ^ Dard Hunter (1978), Papermaking: the history and technique of an ancient craft, Courier Dover Publications, ISBN 0-486-23619-6
  48. ^ Bloom, Jonathan M. (15 May 2017). Early Islamic Art and Architecture. Routledge. p. 69. ISBN 9781351942584.
  49. ^ Kalın, İbrahim (2014). The Oxford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Science, and Technology in Islam. Oxford University Press. p. 292. ISBN 9780199812578.
  50. ^ Singh, Simon (2000). The code book : the science of secrecy from ancient Egypt to quantum cryptography (1st Anchor Books ed.). New York: Anchor Books. ISBN 978-0-385-49532-5.
  51. ^ Ibrahim A. Al-Kadi "The origins of cryptology: The Arab contributions", Cryptologia, 16(2) (April 1992) pp. 97–126.
  52. ^ The Cambridge economic history of Europe, p. 437. Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-08709-0.
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  56. ^ Allesina, S.; Alonso, D.; Pascal, M. "A general model for food web structure" (PDF). Science. 320 (5876): 658–661. doi:10.1126/science.1156269. Archived from the original (PDF) on 15 May 2016. {{cite journal}}: Unknown parameter |deadurl= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (help)
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  58. ^ Lucas, Adam (2006), Wind, Water, Work: Ancient and Medieval Milling Technology, Brill Publishers, pp. 65 & 84, ISBN 90-04-14649-0
  59. ^ Giese-Vögeli, Francine (2007). Das islamische Rippengewölbe : Ursprung, Form, Verbreitung [Islamic rib vaults: Origins, form, spread]. Berlin: Gebr. Mann. ISBN 978-3-7861-2550-1.
  60. ^ Forbes, Robert J. (1970). A Short History of the Art of Distillation: From the Beginnings Up to the Death of Cellier Blumenthal. BRILL. p. 31. ISBN 9789004006171.
  61. ^ David C. Lindberg (1980), Science in the Middle Ages, University of Chicago Press, p. 21, ISBN 0-226-48233-2
  62. ^ Holmyard, E. J. (1931), Makers of Chemistry, Oxford: Clarendon Press, p. 56
  63. ^ Plinio Prioreschi, "Al-Kindi, A Precursor Of The Scientific Revolution", Journal of the International Society for the History of Islamic Medicine, 2002 (2): 17–19 [17].
  64. ^ Jim Al-Khalili (4 January 2009). "The 'first true scientist'". BBC News.
  65. ^ Tracey Tokuhama-Espinosa (2010). Mind, Brain, and Education Science: A Comprehensive Guide to the New Brain-Based Teaching. W.W. Norton & Company. p. 39. ISBN 978-0-393-70607-9. Alhazen (or Al-Haytham; 965–1039) was perhaps one of the greatest physicists of all times and a product of the Islamic Golden Age or Islamic Renaissance (7th–13th centuries). He made significant contributions to anatomy, astronomy, engineering, mathematics, medicine, ophthalmology, philosophy, physics, psychology, and visual perception and is primarily attributed as the inventor of the scientific method, for which author Bradley Steffens (2006) describes him as the "first scientist".
  66. ^ El-Bizri, Nader (2005). "A Philosophical Perspective on Alhazen's Optics". Arabic Sciences and Philosophy (Cambridge University Press). 15 (2): 189–218.
  67. ^ Sardar, Ziauddin (1998), "Science in Islamic philosophy", Islamic Philosophy, Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, retrieved 3 February 2008
  68. ^ Mariam Rozhanskaya and I. S. Levinova (1996), "Statics", p. 642, in (Morelon & Rashed 1996, pp. 614–642):

    "Using a whole body of mathematical methods (not only those inherited from the antique theory of ratios and infinitesimal techniques, but also the methods of the contemporary algebra and fine calculation techniques), Arabic scientists raised statics to a new, higher level. The classical results of Archimedes in the theory of the centre of gravity were generalized and applied to three-dimensional bodies, the theory of ponderable lever was founded and the 'science of gravity' was created and later further developed in medieval Europe. The phenomena of statics were studied by using the dynamic approach so that two trends – statics and dynamics – turned out to be inter-related within a single science, mechanics. The combination of the dynamic approach with Archimedean hydrostatics gave birth to a direction in science which may be called medieval hydrodynamics. [...] Numerous fine experimental methods were developed for determining the specific weight, which were based, in particular, on the theory of balances and weighing. The classical works of al-Biruni and al-Khazini can by right be considered as the beginning of the application of experimental methods in medieval science."

  69. ^ Glick, Thomas F.; Livesey, Steven John; Wallis, Faith (2005), Medieval Science, Technology, and Medicine: An Encyclopedia, Routledge, pp. 89–90, ISBN 0-415-96930-1
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  73. ^ Gupta, Ram B.; Demirbas, Ayhan (2010). Gasoline, Diesel, and Ethanol Biofuels from Grasses and Plants. Cambridge University Press. p. 4. ISBN 9781139489065.
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  76. ^ Caiger-Smith, 1973, p.23
  77. ^ Meri, Josef W. (2005), Medieval Islamic Civilization: An Encyclopedia, vol. 2, Routledge, p. 711, ISBN 0-415-96690-6
  78. ^ Ahmad Y. al-Hassan (2001), Science and Technology in Islam: Technology and applied sciences, pages 65–69, UNESCO
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  80. ^ The Economist: "Liquid fire – The Arabs discovered how to distil alcohol. They still do it best, say some" December 18, 2003
  81. ^ Gandz, S. (1936), "The Sources of Al-Khowārizmī's Algebra", Osiris, 1: 263–277, page 263–277: "In a sense, al-Khwarizmi is more entitled to be called "the father of algebra" than Diophantus because al-Khwarizmi is the first to teach algebra in an elementary form and for its own sake, Diophantus is primarily concerned with the theory of numbers".
  82. ^ Oaks, J. (2009). Polynomials and equations in Arabic algebra. Archive for History of Exact Sciences, 63(2), 169–203.
  83. ^ a b Maher, P. (1998). From Al-Jabr to Algebra. Mathematics in School, 27(4), 14–15.
  84. ^ a b Katz, Victor J.; Barton, Bill (October 2007), "Stages in the History of Algebra with Implications for Teaching", Educational Studies in Mathematics, 66 (2): 185–201, doi:10.1007/s10649-006-9023-7
  85. ^ Boyer, Carl B. (1991), A History of Mathematics (2nd ed.), John Wiley & Sons, Inc., ISBN 978-0-471-54397-8, The Arabic Hegemony, p. 229: "It is not certain just what the terms al-jabr and muqabalah mean, but the usual interpretation is similar to that implied in the translation above. The word al-jabr presumably meant something like "restoration" or "completion" and seems to refer to the transposition of subtracted terms to the other side of an equation; the word muqabalah is said to refer to "reduction" or "balancing" – that is, the cancellation of like terms on opposite sides of the equation".
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  106. ^ Hitti, Philip K. (1977). History of the Arabs from the earliest times to the present (10th ed.). London: Macmillan Publishers. p. 365. ISBN 978-0-333-09871-4. The most notable medical authors who followed the epoch of the great translators were Persian in nationality but Arab in language: 'Ali al-Tabari, al-Razi, 'Ali ibn-al-'Abbas al-Majusi and ibn-Sina.
  107. ^ a b Modanlou, Houchang D. (November 2008). "A tribute to Zakariya Razi (865 – 925 AD), an Iranian pioneer scholar" (PDF). Archives of Iranian Medicine. 11 (6): 673–677. PMID 18976043. Retrieved 17 May 2018. Abu Bakr Mohammad Ibn Zakariya al-Razi, known in the West as Rhazes, was born in 865 AD in the ancient city of Rey, Near Tehran. A musician during his youth he became an alchemist. He discovered alcohol and sulfuric acid. He classified substances as plants, organic, and inorganic.
  108. ^ a b c Schlosser, Stefan (May 2011). "Distillation – from Bronze Age till today". Retrieved 17 May 2018. Al-Razi (865–925) was the preeminent Pharmacist and physician of his time [5]. The discovery of alcohol, first to produce acids such as sulfuric acid, writing up extensive notes on diseases such as smallpox and chickenpox, a pioneer in ophthalmology, author of first book on pediatrics, making leading contributions in inorganic and organic chemistry, also the author of several philosophical works. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
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  110. ^ Mason and Tite 1994, 77.
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    "Three scientists, Ibn al-Haytham, Khayyam and al-Tūsī, had made the most considerable contribution to this branch of geometry whose importance came to be completely recognized only in the 19th century. In essence their propositions concerning the properties of quadrangles which they considered assuming that some of the angles of these figures were acute of obtuse, embodied the first few theorems of the hyperbolic and the elliptic geometries. Their other proposals showed that various geometric statements were equivalent to the Euclidean postulate V. It is extremely important that these scholars established the mutual connection between this postulate and the sum of the angles of a triangle and a quadrangle. By their works on the theory of parallel lines Arab mathematicians directly influenced the relevant investigations of their European counterparts. The first European attempt to prove the postulate on parallel lines – made by Witelo, the Polish scientists of the 13th century, while revising Ibn al-Haytham's Book of Optics (Kitab al-Manazir) – was undoubtedly prompted by Arabic sources. The proofs put forward in the 14th century by the Jewish scholar Levi ben Gerson, who lived in southern France, and by the above-mentioned Alfonso from Spain directly border on Ibn al-Haytham's demonstration. Above, we have demonstrated that Pseudo-Tusi's Exposition of Euclid had stimulated both J. Wallis's and G. Saccheri's studies of the theory of parallel lines."

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