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COVID-19 pandemic in Hungary

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2020 coronavirus pandemic in Hungary
Map of counties/regions with confirmed (red) or suspected (blue) coronavirus cases (as of 7 March 2020)
Virus strainSARS-CoV-2
First outbreakIran and Italy
Index caseBudapest
Arrival date4 March 2020 (4 years, 6 months and 8 days)
Confirmed cases16[1]

First cases of the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic in Hungary was announced on 4 March 2020.[2]


At the end of January 2020 Hungarian operational staff was formed, which was led by Sándor Pintér Interior Minister and Miklós Kásler, Minister of Human Resources, and included Surgeon General Cecília Müller, Károly Papp, Director of Security Department of Interior Ministry, János Balogh, National Police Leader, and the directors of National High Directorate of Disaster Management, Anti-Terrorism Center, Central Hospital of South Pest, National Healthcare Supplying Service and National Ambulance.[3] Staff has immediately announced its plan for security against the spread of virus.[4] After detecting the virus in the country, they announced, that operational staff would held daily meetings at noon.[5]

On 1 February, the spokesperson of National Command of Penalty Execution (BVOP) announced that prisoners of Debrecen and Sátoraljaújhely[6] started the production of sanitary masks. They produce daily 20 000 masks in a 12-hour shift, which are stored in different repositories all around the country.[7]

As at the beginning epidemic was concentrated in and around Wuhan, the source of the virus, Hungarians living there and wanted to move back to Europe, were transported home through France. The affected seven persons were under quarantine for two weeks.[8] As they remained healthy during the next two weeks, they were released on 16 February.[9]

Due to the events and news connected to the outbreak of coronavirus, during February 2020 several goods -- such as antiseptic arm cleaning materials, masks and non-perishable food – were on shortage in a lot of stores in Hungary.[10] Tamás Schanda, strategical and political under-secretary of Innovation and Science Ministry said „The Government understands the concerns of the people, but experts say, it is unnecessary and pointless to hoard non-perishable food.”[11] Aggregation declined quite soon. Detection of virus in March did not cause measurable problems in shops.[12]

Government of Hungary launched its official webpage and official Facebook page about coronavirus, both on 4 March 2020.[13][14]

Infections in Hungary

First two known cases were students from Iran, who were studying in Hungary. One of them was enrolled at Pharmacy Faculty of Semmelweis University.[15] The student did not comply with the preventive measures required by the university as a precaution. He did not remain home for two weeks, and instead, he attended on courses hold in English language with 16 students.[16] The other one learned at the Szent István University in Gödöllő, who after returning from Iran, went to a self-declared quarantine, he has not visited lectures at the university, but went to Saint Ladislaus Hospital, and declared, he had arrived from an infected territory.[17]

Both of them were transported to Saint Ladislaus Hospital.[16] They had mild symptoms. They arrived back to Hungary on 26 and 28 February.[18]

A third infection was announced on 5 March. He was a 69 years old British man, who was working in Milan, and travelled frequently between Milan and Debrecen. He had fever, and visited his doctor. He was transported to Gyula Kenézy Hospital.[19][20] Not so long later the fourth infected had been announced. She was the girlfriend of one of the Iranian students, who were detected at the beginning. She was isolated when the virus was detected at the Iranians.[21]

The fifth infected has been identified on 7 March, a 70 years old man, who could have been infected by his son, previously visited some other countries, such as Italy. [22]

The sixth and seventh infected persons were announced on 8 March. They had prior connection to the earlier diagnosed five infected persons. One of them was a friend of an Iranian student, who was participating on a birthday party. The other one was the Hungarian wife of the British man in Debrecen.[23] Next day two other people have been detected as infected. Like last day, one of this day's infected ones was also in connection with the first infected Iranian student. The other one was the wife of the elder man who has been isolated.[24] On 10 March three new cases have been detected at students related to the primarily infected Iranian student, so they had been still under quarantine.[25] Next day a Hungarian women was announvced as the 13th infected. She had contact with the first person isolated in Debrecen. Due this she had been in hospital for several days.[26]


Before the first infected (from Iran) was found, György Bakondi, High Home Security Advisor of Prime Minister, announced Hungary would block the entrance of illegal immigrants to the transit zone, because many arrive there from Iran which is undergoing a notable outbreak.[27]

On the 6th of March, it was decided that no more visas would be issued for Iranian citizens..[28]

On 7 March – when the number of known infected persons was 5 – it was announced that due to security reasons central national ceremonies related to the national holiday of 15 March will not be held.[29] Due to the same reasons, Gergely Karácsony, Lord Mayor of Budapest announced that celebration at the town hall are cancelled as well.[30] the same decision was made in several other big towns, such as in Székesfehérvár, Szeged[31] or Kaposvár, [32] and a job fair planned to be held between 18 and 19 March at the University of Technology and Economics has been also postponed.[33]

National Ambulance Service has provided more ambulance cars across the country to make easier the handling of increasing patients.[34] 145 beds were made free for this cause in Saint Ladislaus Hospital, belonging to South Pest Central Hospital. They added: capacity is now 81 rooms with 189 beds. When these will be filled up, other hospitals, capable to handle this kind of situation, will also be used for quarantine locations inside the territory of the country.[29] Since 8 March visiting somebody in a hospital or in any social institution, which provide long term staying is prohibited.[35]

Operational staff suggested the suspension of air traffic between Milan and Budapest as well as between Milan and Debrecen, because the European center of the epidemic is in Northern Italy.[29] It is fully adopted since 9 March. Budapest Ferenc Liszt International Airport does not allow any plane to land coming from Northern Italy.[36]

Declaration of nation-wide state of emergency

On 11 March Gergely Gulyás, Minister of Prime Minister’s Office announced the government decision about introducing nation wide state of emergency. Teaching in universities is only allowed through virtual education,[37] entry to the country is prohibited from the four most infected countries: People’s Republic of China, Iran, Italy and South Korea, with the exception of Hungarian citizens. Secretaries and employees of the government may travel only after the prior approval of the relevant minister. There will be border check at the Austrian and Slovenian borders. Those who come home from banned countries, have to take a 14 days long quarantine. Delivering events in a closed room with at least 100 participants – including e.g. theater plays – are forbidden. Sport events which might have more then 500 spectators have to be delivered without audience. „Határtalanul” (Without Borders) program and programs helping the learning of a foreign language abroad are suspended. As they think, virus is dangerous to elder people but has no serious impact on children, teaching in elementary and secondary schools goes on. Local officials may decide, if day nurseries, pre-schools and kindergartens would operate further.[38][39]

He added, these mesurements may be in force for undefined length.[40][41] He said as well: “these measurements will be effective as long as needed, we do not know, how long it will be needed, but there is a consensus about the length of the period may be months and not only weeks.”[42]

Decree „40/2020. (issued on 11 March, about declaration of state of emergency” was published in Magyar Közlöny on 11 March 2020, in the 39th volume. Prime Minister was assigned as the responsible person for handling of state of emergency. It became effective on the same day at 3 p.m.[43]

After the announcement Ministry of Human Capacity requested principals of schools to cancel all programs, including celebration regarding 15 March, camps, open-air-schools, traveling to abroad, field trips, everything related to Határtalanul, Erasmus, Erasmus+, language courses abroad, visits to partner schools.[44]

Answering to a question regarding reimbursement of movie theater owners, Gulyás said ”based on the lex rhoda legal principal, expense caused based on common interest, has to be covered commonly.”[45]



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