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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
rank title journal author(s) dob-dod count
1 The Elements of Style William Strunk 1869-1946 3,934
2 Republic Plato 3,573
3 The Communist Manifesto Karl Marx 1818-1883 3,189
4 Biology Neil A. Campbell 1946 3,057
5 Frankenstein Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley 1797-1851 2,710
6 Ethics Aristotle 2,709
7 Leviathan Thomas Hobbes 1588-1679 2,671
8 The Prince Niccolò Machiavelli 1469-1527 2,652
9 Oedipus Sophocles 2,572
10 Hamlet William Shakespeare 1564-1616 2,395
11 The Odyssey Homer 2,364
12 Orientalism Edward W. Said 2,302
13 A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations Kate L. Turabian 2,239
14 The Iliad Homer 2,180
15 Heart of Darkness Joseph Conrad 1857-1924 2,147
16 Canterbury Tales Geoffrey Chaucer -1400 2,023
17 Antigone Sophocles 2,021
18 Letter From the Birmingham Jail Martin Luther King jr 1929-1968 1,985
19 On Liberty John Stuart Mill 1806-1873 1,969
20 The Structure of Scientific Revolutions Thomas S. Kuhn 1,958
21 Paradise Lost John Milton 1608-1674 1,918
22 Utilitarianism John Stuart Mill 1806-1873 1,885
23 The Clash of Civilizations Samuel P. Huntington 1,884
24 Things Fall Apart Chinua Achebe 1,834
25 Apology Plato 1,834
26 Power Michel Foucault 1926-1984 1,774
27 Origin of Species Charles Darwin 1809-1882 1,701
28 Confessions Augustine 1,694
29 The Politics Aristotle 1,683
30 A Manual for Writers of Dissertations Kate L. Turabian 1,673
31 Walden Henry David Thoreau 1817-1862 1,651
32 Democracy in America Alexis De Tocqueville 1805-1859 1,650
33 C : How to Program Harvey M. Deitel 1945 1,629
34 MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers Joseph Gibaldi 1942 1,626
35 A Pocket Style Manual Diana Hacker 1942-2004 1,610
36 The Great Gatsby F. Scott (Francis Scott) Fitzgerald 1896-1940 1,589
37 Wealth of Nations Adam Smith 1723-1790 1,587
38 Dialogues Plato 1,521
39 Nicomachean Ethics Aristotle 1,502
40 The History of Sexuality Michel Foucault 1926-1984 1,476
41 Autobiography Benjamin Franklin 1706-1790 1,474
42 The Poetics Aristotle 1,464
43 Beloved Toni Morrison 1,454
44 Capital Karl Marx 1818-1883 1,447
45 The Tempest William Shakespeare 1564-1616 1,440
46 Methods in Behavioral Research Paul C. Cozby 1,432
47 Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain 1835-1910 1,428
48 The Social Contract Jean-Jacques Rousseau 1712-1778 1,427
49 The Bedford Handbook Diana Hacker 1942-2004 1,384
50 The Yellow Wallpaper Charlotte Perkins Gilman 1860-1935 1,377
51 Utopia Thomas More 1478-1535 1,376
52 The Aeneid Virgil 1,371
53 Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl Harriet A. (Harriet Ann) Jacobs 1813-1897 1,350
54 The Tragedy of the Commons Garrett James Hardin 1915-2003 1,293
55 The Awakening Kate Chopin 1850-1904 1,293
56 The Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson 1743-1826 1,291
57 Candide Voltaire 1694-1778 1,288
58 The Peloponnesian War Thucydides 1,282
59 Democracy in America Alexis De Tocqueville 1,262
60 A Theory of Justice John Rawls 1921-2002 1,248
61 Henry V William Shakespeare 1564-1616 1,229
62 Oedipus the King Sophocles 1,225
63 Existentialism Jean Paul Sartre 1905-1980 1,224
64 Project Evaluation African Studies Review Jean M. Due 1,210
65 Metamorphoses Ovid 43 B.C.-17 A.D. / 18 A.D 1,207
66 Ways of Seeing John Berger 1,202
67 Invisible Man Ralph Ellison 1,199
68 Meditations on First Philosophy René Descartes 1596-1650 1,194
69 The White House History News Barbara Bush 1,182
70 Pride & Prejudice Jane Austen 1775-1817 1,181
71 Their Eyes Were Watching God Zora Neale Hurston 1,171
72 Medea Euripides 1,170
73 Human Anatomy & Physiology Elaine Nicpon Marieb 1936 1,167
74 Crito Plato 1,165
75 Macbeth William Shakespeare 1564-1616 1,162
76 Brave New World Aldous Huxley 1894-1963 1,152
77 Othello William Shakespeare 1564-1616 1,141
78 Physics David Halliday 1916 1,140
79 Common Sense Thomas Paine 1,128
80 The Analects Confucius 1,117
81 Physics James S. Walker 1950 1,114
82 The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock T. S. (Thomas Stearns) Eliot 1888-1965 1,105
83 The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism Max Weber 1864-1920 1,102
84 Calculus : Early Transcendentals James Stewart 1941 1,099
85 Human Anatomy Elaine Nicpon Marieb 1936 1,089
86 Economics Paul R. Krugman 1,081
87 Mrs. Dalloway Virginia Woolf 1882-1941 1,064
88 Computer Networks Andrew S. Tanenbaum 1944 1,064
89 Discourse on Method René Descartes 1596-1650 1,052
90 The Sociological Imagination C. Wright (Charles Wright) Mills 1916-1962 1,048
91 The Metamorphosis Franz Kafka 1883-1924 1,048
92 Second Treatise of Government John Locke 1632-1704 1,045
93 Marketing Management Philip Kotler 1,039
94 The Metaphysics of Morals Immanuel Kant 1724-1804 1,038
95 Doing Your Research Project : A Guide for First-Time Researchers in Education and Social Science Judith Bell 1930 1,033
96 Silent Spring Rachel Carson 1907-1964 1,032
97 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain 1835-1910 1,031
98 The Scarlet Letter Nathaniel Hawthorne 1804-1864 1,031
99 Pedagogy of the Oppressed Paulo Freire 1921-1997 1,021
100 King Lear William Shakespeare 1564-1616 1,016
101 Artificial Intelligence : A Modern Approach Stuart J. (Stuart Jonathan) Russell 1,015
102 Moby Dick Herman Melville 1819-1891 996
103 I Have a Dream Martin Luther King jr 1929-1968 990
104 Macroeconomics N. Gregory Mankiw 989
105 The Waste Land T. S. (Thomas Stearns) Eliot 1888-1965 979
106 Corporate Finance Stephen A. Ross 979
107 To the Lighthouse Virginia Woolf 1882-1941 974
108 Euthyphro Plato 971
109 Lysistrata Aristophanes 969
110 Civil Disobedience Henry David Thoreau 1817-1862 965
111 Rhetoric Aristotle 960
112 Great Expectations Charles Dickens 1812-1870 958
113 The Jungle Upton Sinclair 1878-1968 951
114 Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology Frederic Martini 950
115 The Wretched of the Earth Frantz Fanon 1925-1961 947
116 Fundamentals of Physics David Halliday 1916 943
117 Ulysses James Joyce 1882-1941 942
118 A Modest Proposal Jonathan Swift 1667-1745 939
119 Understanding Comics Scott McCloud 1960 935
120 Dracula Bram Stoker 1847-1912 934
121 Young Goodman Brown Nathaniel Hawthorne 1804-1864 932
122 Symposium Plato 930
123 Bartleby Herman Melville 1819-1891 925
124 Death of a Salesman Arthur Miller 1915-2005 921
125 Neuromancer William Gibson 1948 902
126 The Oresteia Aeschylus 900
127 Night Elie Wiesel 1928 896
128 The Second Sex Simone De Beauvoir 1908-1986 888
129 Oedipus Rex Sophocles 885
130 Getting to Yes Roger Fisher 1922-2012 877
131 Leaves of Grass Walt Whitman 1819-1892 875
132 Maus Art Spiegelman 874
133 Globalization and Its Discontents Joseph E. Stiglitz 868
134 Civilization and Its Discontents Sigmund Freud 1856-1939 866
135 Discipline and Punish : The Birth of the Prison Michel Foucault 1926-1984 862
136 My Last Duchess Robert Browning 1812-1889 858
137 Psychology Roger Brown 1925-1997 857
138 Midsummer N. Dream William Shakespeare 1564-1616 857
139 Romeo and Juliet William Shakespeare 1564-1616 856
140 The Bluest Eye Toni Morrison 852
141 The House on Mango Street Sandra Cisneros 846
142 Imagined Communities : Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism Benedict R. O'G. (Benedict Richard O'Gorman) Anderson 1936 844
143 Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte 1816-1855 841
144 The Complete Works William Shakespeare 1564-1616 837
145 The Importance of Being Earnest Oscar Wilde 1854-1900 836
146 Writing and Reading The Reading Teacher Michael P. French Danielson Kathy Everts Conn Maureen Gale Willa Lueck Charlene Manley Mona 834
147 Nature Ralph Waldo Emerson 1803-1882 833
148 The Bacchae Euripides 831
149 Social Research Methods Alan Bryman 830
150 Principles of Corporate Finance Richard A. Brealey 829
151 Lyrical Ballads 1805 William Wordsworth 1770-1850 827
152 The End of History The National Interest Francis Fukuyama 827
153 Film Art : An Introduction David Bordwell 825
154 The Metaphysics Aristotle 824
155 A Vindication of the Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 1759-1797 823
156 The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life Erving Goffman 822
157 A Rose for Emily William Faulkner 1897-1962 822
158 The German Ideology Karl Marx 1818-1883 817
159 The Feminine Mystique Betty Friedan 817
160 The Art of Public Speaking Stephen Lucas 812
161 The Grapes of Wrath John Steinbeck 1902-1968 812
162 Case Study Research : Design and Methods Robert K. Yin 809
163 Coming of Age in Mississippi Anne Moody 1940-2015 804
164 Faust Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe 1749-1832 803
165 The New University The British Medical Journal F. T. Paul 803
166 Molecular Biology of the Cell Bruce Alberts 801
167 Self Reliance Ralph Waldo Emerson 1803-1882 801
168 Songs of Innocence William Blake 1757-1827 796
169 An Essay Concerning Human Understanding John Locke 1632-1704 791
170 Robinson Daniel Defoe 1661?-1731 790
171 Art History Marilyn Stokstad 1929 787
172 A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man James Joyce 1882-1941 786
173 Introduction to Algorithms Thomas H. Cormen 785
174 Hard Times Charles Dickens 1812-1870 783
175 Ceremony Leslie Silko 1948 779
176 Robinson Crusoe Daniel Defoe 1661?-1731 779
177 Physical Chemistry P. W. (Peter William) Atkins 1940 772
178 Waiting for Godot Samuel Beckett 1906-1989 771
179 The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 1759-1797 770
180 Chemistry Raymond Chang 767
181 Mythologies Roland Barthes 766
182 Research Design : Qualitative & Quantitative Approaches John W. Creswell 766
183 The Practice of Social Research Earl R. Babbie 765
184 The Decameron Giovanni Boccaccio 1313-1375 756
185 Reflections on the Revolution in France Edmund Burke 1729-1797 755
186 Phaedo Plato 755
187 Economics John B. Taylor 749
188 Dubliners James Joyce 1882-1941 748
189 Agamemnon Aeschylus 748
190 Contemporary Literature South Atlantic Bulletin Thomas H. English 747
191 Nietzsche Martin Heidegger 1889-1976 737
192 America : A Narrative History George Brown Tindall 737
193 Management and Organisational Behaviour Laurie J. Mullins 737
194 The Lexus and the Olive Tree Thomas L. Friedman 733
195 The Genealogy of Morals Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche 1844-1900 729
196 The Design of Everyday Things Donald A. Norman 727
197 Rules for Writers Diana Hacker 1942-2004 725
198 American History James Alton James 1864-1962 724
199 Jihad vs. McWorld Benjamin R. Barber 1939 723
200 Madame Bovary Gustave Flaubert 1821-1880 723
201 Theogony Hesiod 720
202 Phaedrus Plato 715
203 The Catcher in the Rye J. D. (Jerome David) Salinger 1919-2010 714
204 The Interpretation of Dreams Sigmund Freud 1856-1939 708
205 Advanced Engineering Mathematics Erwin Kreyszig 705
206 The Picture of Dorian Gray Oscar Wilde 1854-1900 705
207 The Culture Industry Cinéaste T. W. Adorno 704
208 The Souls of Black Folk W. E. B. (William Edward Burghardt) Du Bois 1868-1963 702
209 All Quiet on the Western Front Erich Maria Remarque 1898-1970 701
210 Critical Thinking Skills : Developing Effective Analysis and Argument Stella Cottrell 700
211 Investments Zvi Bodie 699
212 Critique of Pure Reason Immanuel Kant 1724-1804 698
213 Mein Kampf Adolf Hitler 1889-1945 697
214 Everyday Use Alice Walker 1944 696
215 A Raisin in the Sun Lorraine Hansberry 1930-1965 691
216 The Lottery Shirley Jackson 1916-1965 691
217 Twelfth Night William Shakespeare 1564-1616 690
218 Gorgias Plato 688
219 A Pocket Guide to Writing in History Mary Lynn Rampolla 688
220 Fundamentals of Database Systems Ramez Elmasri 688
221 The Turn of the Screw Henry James 1843-1916 686
222 A Streetcar Named Desire Tennessee Williams 1911-1983 686
223 The Rape of the Lock Alexander Pope 1688-1744 684
224 Organizational Behavior Stephen P. Robbins 1943 682
225 The Histories Herodotus 676
226 Understanding Media Marshall McLuhan 1911-1980 676
227 Oroonoko Aphra Behn 1640-1689 676
228 Intermediate Accounting Donald E. Kieso 674
229 Emotional Intelligence Daniel Goleman 673
230 To His Coy Mistress Andrew Marvell 1621-1678 672
231 History Herodotus 671
232 The Great Transformation Karl Polanyi 1886-1964 670
233 Manifesto of the Communist Party Karl Marx 1818-1883 667
234 An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding David Hume 1711-1776 666
235 The Gettysburg Address Abraham Lincoln 1809-1865 663
236 World War II Inc. Library Time 660
237 Nationalism Ernest Gellner 658
238 The Art of War New England Review (1990-) Sun Tzu Minford John 657
239 Emma Jane Austen 1775-1817 656
240 The Color Purple Alice Walker 1944 656
241 History of the Peloponnesian War Thucydides 655
242 Hypertext 2.0 George P. Landow 651
243 Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives John Hull 1946 649
244 The Craft of Research Wayne C. Booth 647
245 Management Peter F. (Peter Ferdinand) Drucker 1909-2005 646
246 Sociology Anthony Giddens 646
247 Black and White The American Poetry Review Stephanie Brown 645
248 Wide Sargasso Sea Jean Rhys 644
249 Chemistry, the Central Science Theodore L. (Theodore Lawrence) Brown 1928 643
250 Bartleby, the Scrivener Herman Melville 1819-1891 642
251 On the Road Jack Kerouac 1922-1969 639
252 Notes on the State of Virginia Thomas Jefferson 1743-1826 638
253 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Robert Louis Stevenson 1850-1894 636
254 Operating System Concepts Abraham Silberschatz 634
255 To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee 633
256 The Language of New Media Lev Manovich 633
257 White Noise Don DeLillo 632
258 The Death and Life of Great American Cities Jane Jacobs 1916-2006 627
259 The Merchant of Venice William Shakespeare 1564-1616 626
260 The Clouds Aristophanes 625
261 The Good Research Guide : For Small-Scale Social Research Projects Martyn Denscombe 624
262 The General Prologue Geoffrey Chaucer -1400 623
263 Pragmatism William James 1842-1910 622
264 The Apology and Crito Plato 621
265 The Subjection of Women John Stuart Mill 1806-1873 619
266 Physics John D. Cutnell 618
267 Nickel and Dimed : On (Not) Getting by in America Barbara Ehrenreich 618
268 Trifles Susan Glaspell 1876-1948 617
269 Lais De France Marie Active 12th Century 617
270 Culture and Imperialism Edward W. Said 615
271 Auschwitz European Judaism: A Journal for the New Europe Steven C. Levi 613
272 Animal Farm George Orwell 1903-1950 613
273 The Glass Menagerie Tennessee Williams 1911-1983 612
274 Rajiv Sonia Gandhi 1946 611
275 The Stranger Albert Camus 1913-1960 611
276 Globalization Global Governance David Held McGrew Anthony Goldblatt David Perraton Jonathan 610
277 Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Kenneth H. Rosen 609
278 Principles of Anatomy and Physiology Gerard J. Tortora 608
279 War and the World, 1450-2000 The Journal of Military History Jeremy Black 605
280 Native Son Richard Wright 1908-1960 605
281 The C Programming Language Brian W. Kernighan 605
282 The Crying of Lot 49 Thomas Pynchon 603
283 Macroeconomics Olivier (Olivier J.) Blanchard 601
284 The Crucible Arthur Miller 1915-2005 601
285 Songs of Experience William Blake 1757-1827 600
286 The Sun Also Rises Ernest Hemingway 1899-1961 599
287 Organic Chemistry John McMurry 598
288 The Faerie Queene, 1596 Edmund Spenser 1552?-1599 598
289 Conceptual Physics Paul G. Hewitt 598
290 The Fugue Johann Sebastian Bach 1685-1750 596
291 Summa Theologica Aquinas Thomas 1225?-1274 595
292 Music : An Appreciation Roger Kamien 594
293 Dover Beach The English Journal Matthew Arnold 594
294 The Federalist Papers Alexander Hamilton 1757-1804 590
295 The Evolution of Cooperation Robert M. Axelrod 589
296 Leading Change John P. Kotter 1947 589
297 Suicide Émile Durkheim 1858-1917 586
298 The Unconscious Sigmund Freud 1856-1939 585
299 The Language Instinct Steven Pinker 1954 585
300 Fundamentals of Physics Jearl Walker 1945 585
301 Fall of the House of Usher Edgar Allan Poe 1809-1849 582
302 Econometric Analysis William H. Greene 1951 580
303 Principles of Marketing Philip Kotler 580
304 Ezra Pound T. S. (Thomas Stearns) Eliot 1888-1965 575
305 Works & Days Hesiod 573
306 Republic, Book X Plato 572
307 Diary Samuel Pepys 1633-1703 571
308 Of Plymouth Plantation, 1620-1647 William Bradford 1588-1657 570
309 Passing Nella Larsen 570
310 Empire Michael Hardt 569
311 How to Research Loraine Blaxter 1945 569
312 On the Origin of Species Charles Darwin 1809-1882 568
313 The Descent of Man Charles Darwin 1809-1882 568
314 Data and Computer Communications William Stallings 564
315 Song of Solomon Toni Morrison 564
316 The Sound and the Fury William Faulkner 1897-1962 563
317 Java : How to Program Paul J. Deitel 560
318 Capitalism and Freedom Milton Friedman 1912-2006 556
319 Modern Operating Systems Andrew S. Tanenbaum 1944 556
320 On War Carl Von Clausewitz 1780-1831 555
321 Billy Budd Herman Melville 1819-1891 555
322 The Rime of the Ancient Mariner Samuel Taylor Coleridge 1772-1834 555
323 The Elementary Forms of Religious Life Émile Durkheim 1858-1917 553
324 Iliad Odyssey Homer 552
325 The Physics Aristotle 551
326 Daisy Miller Henry James 1843-1916 549
327 The Ancient Mariner Samuel Taylor Coleridge 1772-1834 549
328 Songs of Innocence and Experience William Blake 1757-1827 548
329 The Selfish Gene Richard Dawkins 1941 547
330 A Passage to India E. M. (Edward Morgan) Forster 1879-1970 546
331 The Sixteenth Century The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies Sylvia Lennie England 545
332 Middlemarch George Eliot 1819-1880 545
333 The Norton Anthology of English Literature M. H. (Meyer Howard) Abrams 1912- Ed 545
334 Lolita Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov 1899-1977 544
335 The Frontier in American History Frederick Jackson Turner 1861-1932 544
336 On Marx Friedrich Engels 1820-1895 543
337 Postmodernism, Or, the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism Fredric Jameson 543
338 Five Dialogues Plato 542
339 A Glossary of Literary Terms M. H. (Meyer Howard) Abrams 1912 541
340 Sula Toni Morrison 540
341 Metaphors We Live By George Lakoff 538
342 Nations and Nationalism Ernest Gellner 537
343 On Photography Susan Sontag 1933-2004 536
344 Bowling Alone : The Collapse and Revival of American Community Robert D. Putnam 536
345 Symphony No. 2 Ludwig Van Beethoven 1770-1827 535
346 Ode on a Grecian Urn John Keats 1795-1821 535
347 International Economics : Theory and Policy Paul R. Krugman 535
348 A Discourse on Inequality Jean-Jacques Rousseau 1712-1778 533
349 As I Lay Dying William Faulkner 1897-1962 533
350 The Problem of Social Cost Journal of Law and Economics R. H. Coase 531
351 Sherlock Holmes Arthur Conan Doyle 1859-1930 530
352 The Everyday Writer Andrea A. Lunsford 1942 529
353 Archaeology in the U.S.S.R Henry Field 1902-1986 528
354 Economics Joseph E. Stiglitz 528
355 Research Design : Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches John W. Creswell 527
356 Psychology : Themes and Variations Wayne Weiten 1950 527
357 Theory of International Politics Kenneth Neal Waltz 1924 523
358 The Power Elite C. Wright (Charles Wright) Mills 1916-1962 523
359 Philosophical Investigations Ludwig Wittgenstein 1889-1951 521
360 Perpetual Peace Immanuel Kant 1724-1804 520
361 Looking Backward, 2000-1887 Edward Bellamy 1850-1898 519
362 The Lord of the Rings J. R. R. (John Ronald Reuel) Tolkien 1892-1973 519
363 The Visual Display of Quantitative Information Edward R. Tufte 1942 518
364 The Discourses Niccolò Machiavelli 1469-1527 518
365 Basic Econometrics Damodar N. Gujarati 518
366 Lord of the Flies William Golding 1911-1993 517
367 The Time Machine H. G. (Herbert George) Wells 1866-1946 516
368 Principles of Microeconomics N. Gregory Mankiw 516
369 Beyond Good and Evil Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche 1844-1900 515
370 A Christmas Carol Charles Dickens 1812-1870 514
371 Gender Trouble : Feminism and the Subversion of Identity Judith Butler 1956 511
372 Java Paul J. Deitel 509
373 World War I Susanne Keegan 507
374 Benito Cereno Herman Melville 1819-1891 506
375 Rights of Man Thomas Paine 1737-1809 506
376 The Mismeasure of Man Stephen Jay Gould 505
377 Digital Image Processing Rafael C. Gonzalez 504
378 Leadership : Theory and Practice Peter Guy Northouse 503
379 Principles of Biochemistry Albert L. Lehninger 502
380 The House of Mirth Edith Wharton 1862-1937 502
381 Oliver Twist Charles Dickens 1812-1870 501
382 Social Psychology David G. Myers 501
383 Good to Great James C. (James Charles) Collins 1958 501
384 The Rise of the Network Society Manuel Castells 1942 501
385 Julius Caesar William Shakespeare 1564-1616 500
386 Principles of Economics N. Gregory Mankiw 500
387 Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy Joseph Alois Schumpeter 1883-1950 499
388 Physics for Scientists and Engineers Raymond A. Serway 498
389 The Elements of Moral Philosophy James Rachels 1941-2003 498
390 The Prelude, 1798-1799 William Wordsworth 1770-1850 498
391 Real Estate Frederick E. Case 497
392 The Canterbury Tales: Prologue Geoffrey Chaucer -1400 497
393 Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance Douglass Cecil North 495
394 Microeconomics Robert S. Pindyck 491
395 Rip Van Winkle Washington Irving 1783-1859 491
396 Waiting for the Barbarians J. M. Coetzee 1940 491
397 Being Digital Nicholas Negroponte 489
398 On Population T. R. (Thomas Robert) Malthus 1766-1834 485
399 The Varieties of Religious Experience William James 1842-1910 485
400 Annals Cornelius Tacitus 485
401 Literary Theory : An Introduction Terry Eagleton 1943 484
402 Black Skin, White Masks Frantz Fanon 1925-1961 484
403 The Raven Edgar Allan Poe 1809-1849 483
404 Anarchy, State, and Utopia Robert Nozick 481
405 Preface to Lyrical Ballads William Wordsworth 1770-1850 481
406 Jane Eyre Charlotte Brontë 1816-1855 479
407 Getting to Yes : Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In Roger Fisher 1922-2012 479
408 Goblin Market Christina Georgina Rossetti 1830-1894 478
409 Doing a Literature Review : Releasing the Social Science Research Imagination Chris Hart 478
410 The Significance of the Frontier in American History Frederick Jackson Turner 1861-1932 477
411 Odes Horace 476
412 The Theban Plays Sophocles 476
413 Society of the Spectacle Guy Debord 1931 476
414 The Little, Brown Handbook H. Ramsey (Henry Ramsey) Fowler 476
415 The Open Boat Stephen Crane 1871-1900 475
416 Northanger Abbey Jane Austen 1775-1817 475
417 The McDonaldization of Society 5 George Ritzer 475
418 Managerial Accounting Ray H. Garrison 474
419 The Birth of Tragedy Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche 1844-1900 473
420 Utilitarianism Jeremy Bentham 1748-1832 472
421 The Making of the English Working Class E. P. (Edward Palmer) Thompson 1924-1993 471
422 Envisioning Information Edward R. Tufte 1942 470
423 The God of Small Things Arundhati Roy 469
424 Database Management Systems Raghu Ramakrishnan 469
425 The Consolation of Philosophy Boethius -524 469
426 The American Scholar Ralph Waldo Emerson 1803-1882 468
427 Body Ritual Among the Nacirema American Anthropologist Horace Miner 468
428 Computer Networks : A Systems Approach Larry L. Peterson 468
429 When Work Disappears Political Science Quarterly William Julius Wilson 467
430 Quantitative Chemical Analysis Daniel C. Harris 1948 467
431 Little Women Louisa May Alcott 1832-1888 466
432 Ragtime E. L. Doctorow 1931-2015 463
433 The Location of Culture Homi K. Bhabha 1949 463
434 The Practice of Everyday Life Michel De Certeau 462
435 Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God Jonathan Edwards 1703-1758 461
436 The Messiah George Frideric Handel 1685-1759 461
437 Biology of Microorganisms Thomas D. Brock 459
438 Paradise Lost : Book I John Milton 1608-1674 458
439 Research Methods in Education Louis Cohen 1928 457
440 Diffusion of Innovations Everett M. Rogers 457
441 The Art of Electronics Paul Horowitz 1942 456
442 Doctor Faustus Christopher Marlowe 1564-1593 456
443 Phenomenology of Perception Maurice Merleau-Ponty 1908-1961 455
444 Cry, the Beloved Country Alan Paton 455
445 Biochemistry Lubert Stryer 454
446 Guns, Germs, and Steel : The Fates of Human Societies Jared M. Diamond 453
447 A Short Guide to Writing About Film Timothy Corrigan 453
448 Kubla Khan Samuel Taylor Coleridge 1772-1834 453
449 Sister Carrie Theodore Dreiser 1871-1945 452
450 Illuminations Walter Benjamin 1892-1940 452
451 The Joy Luck Club Amy Tan 452
452 The Cask of Amontillado Edgar Allan Poe 1809-1849 452
453 A Treatise of Human Nature David Hume 1711-1776 451
454 UNIX Network Programming W. Richard Stevens 450
455 The Road to Serfdom Friedrich A. Von (Friedrich August) Hayek 1899-1992 450
456 Henry IV William Shakespeare 1564-1616 447
457 The C++ Programming Language Bjarne Stroustrup 447
458 Institutional and Economic Change Douglass Cecil North 445
459 A Vindication of the Rights of Women Mary Wollstonecraft 1759-1797 445
460 Teacher Education The Science Teacher Jay Young 444
461 An Essay on Man Alexander Pope 1688-1744 443
462 Selected Writings Karl Marx 1818-1883 443
463 Qualitative Evaluation Methods Michael Quinn Patton 442
464 A Short Guide to Writing About Art Sylvan Barnet 442
465 In Memoriam Alfred Tennyson Tennyson 1809-1892 441
466 I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Maya Angelou 441
467 Discourse on Method ; And, Meditations René Descartes 1596-1650 440
468 A Tale of Two Cities Charles Dickens 1812-1870 440
469 Persuasion Jane Austen 1775-1817 439
470 Two Treatises of Government John Locke 1632-1704 439
471 Discovering Statistics Using R Andy P. Field 439
472 A Dictionary of Music and Musicians (A.D. 1450-1889) George Grove 1820-1900, Ed 439
473 Style : Lessons in Clarity and Grace Joseph M. Williams 438
474 Sense and Sensibility Jane Austen 1775-1817 438
475 The Golden Ass Apuleius 437
476 Life-Span Development John W. Santrock 437
477 Computer Graphics Donald Hearn 437
478 The Spirit of the Laws Charles De Secondat Montesquieu 1689-1755 436
479 The Science of "Muddling Through Public Administration Review Charles E. Lindblom 436
480 Foucault Gilles Deleuze 1925-1995 436
481 Simulations Jean Baudrillard 1929-2007 436
482 Fahrenheit 451 Ray Bradbury 1920-2012 434
483 Computing Machinery and Intelligence Mind A. M. Turing 433
484 Health World Bank 433
485 Diplomacy Henry Kissinger 1923 433
486 Course in General Linguistics Ferdinand De Saussure 1857-1913 433
487 Being and Time Martin Heidegger 1889-1976 432
488 Advanced Macroeconomics David Romer 432
489 Tools for Teaching Barbara Gross Davis 431
490 Microeconomic Analysis Hal R. Varian 431
491 Pharmacology for Nursing Care Richard A. Lehne 1943 431
492 As You Like It William Shakespeare 1564-1616 430
493 Hippolytus Euripides 429
494 East of Eden John Steinbeck 1902-1968 429
495 Biochemistry Donald Voet 429
496 Life on the Screen : Identity in the Age of the Internet Sherry Turkle 428
497 American Pastoral Philip Roth 428
498 Understanding by Design Grant P. Wiggins 1950 426
499 F. Chopin Franz Liszt 1811-1886 426
500 Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep Philip K. Dick 424
501 Computer Architecture : A Quantitative Approach John L. Hennessy 424
502 Zen Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki 1870-1966 423
503 The Coming Anarchy World Policy Journal Robert D. Kaplan 423
504 Attachment John Bowlby 421
505 Of Mice and Men John Steinbeck 1902-1968 421
506 The Red Badge of Courage Stephen Crane 1871-1900 421
507 Bleak House Charles Dickens 1812-1870 420
508 How to Lie With Statistics Darrell Huff 420
509 Internetworking With TCP/IP Douglas Comer 419
510 An Essay on Population T. R. (Thomas Robert) Malthus 1766-1834 419
511 Angels in America Tony Kushner 418
512 The Theory of the Leisure Class Thorstein Veblen 1857-1929 418
513 How to Read a Paper : The Basics of Evidence-Based Medicine Trisha Greenhalgh 418
514 The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order Samuel P. Huntington 417
515 Nervous Conditions Tsitsi Dangarembga 417
516 The Courtier Baldassarre Castiglione 1478-1529 417
517 Doing Qualitative Research : A Practical Handbook David Silverman 416
518 Justice as Fairness The Philosophical Review John Rawls 416
519 The Soul of a New Machine Tracy Kidder 415
520 Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy Gerald Corey 414
521 Organic Chemistry L. G. Wade 1947 414
522 Agendas, Alternatives, and Public Policies John W. Kingdon 413
523 North America Journal of Comparative Legislation and International Law Frederick Read Mathers F. F. Morden K. G. Bentley W. E. Surveyer Fabre Runciman J. P. Summers G. B. Dunfield Brian 412
524 Qualitative Evaluation and Research Methods Michael Quinn Patton 411
525 Qualitative Research & Evaluation Methods Michael Quinn Patton 411
526 Database System Concepts Henry F. Korth 411
527 Pygmalion Bernard Shaw 1856-1950 411
528 David Copperfield Charles Dickens 1812-1870 410
529 Exploring Corporate Strategy Gerry Johnson 410
530 Existentialism and Humanism Jean Paul Sartre 1905-1980 409
531 Ozymandias Percy Bysshe Shelley 1792-1822 409
532 The McGraw-Hill Handbook Elaine P. Maimon 408
533 Moll Flanders Daniel Defoe 1661?-1731 408
534 Computer Organization and Design : The Hardware/Software Interface David A. Patterson 408
535 The Return of Martin Guerre Natalie Zemon Davis 1928 407
536 The Hero With a Thousand Faces Joseph Campbell 1904-1987 407
537 Persepolis Marjane Satrapi 1969 406
538 The Meditations Emperor of Rome Marcus Aurelius 121-180 406
539 The Wisdom of Crowds James Surowiecki 1967 405
540 Biochemistry Jeremy Mark Berg 404
541 Prison Notebooks Antonio Gramsci 1891-1937 404
542 Hair, Hair Off Our Backs Debbie Long 404
543 The Portrait of a Lady Henry James 1843-1916 404
544 Congress : The Electoral Connection David R. Mayhew 401
545 Monte Cristo Alexandre Dumas 1802-1870 401
546 Images of Organization Gareth Morgan 1943 401
547 Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics Alpha C. Chiang 1927 401
548 The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter Carson McCullers 1917-1967 401
549 The Moviegoer Walker Percy 1916-1990 400
550 Machine Learning Tom M. (Tom Michael) Mitchell 1951 400
551 Alice in Wonderland Lewis Carroll 1832-1898 399
552 The Penguin Handbook Lester Faigley 1947 398
553 The Last of the Mohicans James Fenimore Cooper 1789-1851 397
554 The Rite of Spring Igor Stravinsky 1882-1971 397
555 Statistics for Management and Economics Gerald Keller 396
556 Herland Charlotte Perkins Gilman 1860-1935 396
557 The Known World Edward P. Jones 396
558 Phenomenology of Spirit Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 1770-1831 395
559 Latin America Jack Ray Thomas 395
560 Computer Networking : A Top-Down Approach James F. Kurose 395
561 Subculture, the Meaning of Style Dick Hebdige 394
562 Cane Jean Toomer 1894-1967 394
563 Ode to a Nightingale John Keats 1795-1821 393
564 The Negro Speaks of Rivers Langston Hughes 1902-1967 393
565 Amusing Ourselves to Death ETC: A Review of General Semantics Neil Postman 392
566 Don Giovanni Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 1756-1791 391
567 The Count of Monte-Cristo Alexandre Dumas 1802-1870 391
568 Introduction to the Theory of Computation Michael Sipser 391
569 Reading and Writing ALA Bulletin Rachel Field 391
570 The Hobbit J. R. R. (John Ronald Reuel) Tolkien 1892-1973 391
571 The Praise of Folly Desiderius Erasmus -1536 391
572 Introductory Econometrics : A Modern Approach Jeffrey M. Wooldridge 1960 391
573 The Apology of Socrates Plato 389
574 Diplomacy and Domestic Politics: The Logic of Two-Level Games International Organization Robert D. Putnam 389
575 Dialectic of Enlightenment Max Horkheimer 1895-1973 388
576 Hiroshima John Hersey 1914-1993 387
577 A First Course in Probability Sheldon M. Ross 387
578 The Rite O' Spring Stravinsky 387
579 Chemistry Steven S. Zumdahl 386
580 Rite Igor Stravinsky 1882-1971 386
581 Optics Eugene Hecht 386
582 The Bell Jar Sylvia Plath 386
583 Famine, Affluence, and Morality Philosophy & Public Affairs Peter Singer 386
584 Culture and Society, 1780-1950 Raymond Williams 385
585 The First World War John Keegan 1934 385
586 Tom Jones Henry Fielding 1707-1754 385
587 Seize the Day Saul Bellow 384
588 The Trial of Socrates Plato 382
589 Image, Music, Text Roland Barthes 382
590 Fundamentals of Corporate Finance Stephen A. Ross 381
591 Eumenides Aeschylus 381
592 Confessions Jean-Jacques Rousseau 1712-1778 380
593 Distinction : A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste Pierre Bourdieu 1930-2002 379
594 The Lady of Shalott Alfred Tennyson Tennyson 1809-1892 379
595 Democracy and Education John Dewey 1859-1952 379
596 Lenin Leon Trotsky 1879-1940 379
597 World Heritage 2008-09 Unesco 379
598 Dr. Faustus Christopher Marlowe 1564-1593 378
599 My Antonia Willa Cather 1873-1947 377
600 George Washington The Journal of Education Thomas Jefferson 376
601 The Emancipation Proclamation Abraham Lincoln 1809-1865 376
602 Encounters With the Archdruid John McPhee 1931 376
603 The Plague Albert Camus 1913-1960 375
604 The Cherry Orchard Anton Pavlovich Chekhov 1860-1904 375
605 Tradition and the Individual Talent Perspecta T. S. Eliot 375
606 Don Juan George Gordon Byron Byron 1788-1824 374
607 Much Ado About Nothing William Shakespeare 1564-1616 374
608 Introduction to Electrodynamics David J. (David Jeffery) Griffiths 1942 373
609 Marx David McLellan 372
610 Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace Lawrence Lessig 371
611 Computer Architecture : A Quantitative Approach David A. Patterson 371
612 The Philosophy of History Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 1770-1831 371
613 A Farewell to Arms Ernest Hemingway 1899-1961 371
614 Richard III William Shakespeare 1564-1616 370
615 Experience and Education John Dewey 1859-1952 370
616 Timaeus Plato 368
617 The Origins of Totalitarianism Hannah Arendt 1906-1975 367
618 The Rover Aphra Behn 1640-1689 367
619 Endgame Samuel Beckett 1906-1989 367
620 Selected Writings, 1877-1930 D'Arcy Power 1855-1941 366
621 Gargantua François Rabelais ca 1490-1553 365
622 Hegel Martin Heidegger 1889-1976 365
623 Institutes of the Christian Religion Jean Calvin 1509-1564 365
624 The Developing Person Kathleen Stassen Berger 364
625 A Short Guide to Writing About History Richard Marius 363
626 Mansfield Park Jane Austen 1775-1817 363
627 On the Genealogy of Morals Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche 1844-1900 363
628 Economic Development Michael P. Todaro 363
629 Microelectronic Circuits Adel S. Sedra 361
630 What Is to Be Done Vladimir Ilʹich Lenin 1870-1924 361
631 Understanding Media : The Extensions of Man Marshall McLuhan 1911-1980 360
632 Ethics Benedictus De Spinoza 1632-1677 359
633 A Rulebook for Arguments Anthony Weston 1954 359
634 Fairy Tales Albert Ludwig Grimm 1786-1872 359
635 Social Learning Theory Albert Bandura 1925 359
636 The English Language David Crystal 1941 359
637 The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language David Crystal 1941 358
638 Gender: A Useful Category of Historical Analysis The American Historical Review Joan W. Scott 358
639 The Mill on the Floss George Eliot 1819-1880 358
640 On the Social Contract Jean-Jacques Rousseau 1712-1778 358
641 On Being Sane in Insane Places Science D. L. Rosenhan 358
642 Absalom, Absalom William Faulkner 1897-1962 357
643 Modern Latin America Thomas E. Skidmore 357
644 What Is History Edward Hallett Carr 1892-1982 356
645 TCP/IP Illustrated W. Richard Stevens 356
646 Music for Sight Singing Robert W. Ottman 356
647 Archaeology The Geographical Journal Colin Renfrew 356
648 The Division of Labor in Society Émile Durkheim 1858-1917 355
649 A Small Place Jamaica Kincaid 355
650 Jimmy Corrigan : The Smartest Kid on Earth Chris Ware 1967 355
651 The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution Bernard Bailyn 355
652 An Essay on the Principle of Population T. R. (Thomas Robert) Malthus 1766-1834 355
653 The Leadership Challenge James M. Kouzes 1945 354
654 The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Robert Louis Stevenson 1850-1894 354
655 Astronomy Today Eric Chaisson 354
656 Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead Tom Stoppard 354
657 Fear and Trembling Søren Kierkegaard 1813-1855 353
658 Questionnaire Design and Attitude Measurement A. N. (Abraham Naftali) Oppenheim 1924 353
659 Love Medicine Louise Erdrich 353
660 The Principles of Scientific Management Frederick Winslow Taylor 1856-1915 352
661 Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night Dylan Thomas 1914-1953 351
662 A Clockwork Orange Anthony Burgess 1917-1993 351
663 Introduction to Solid State Physics Charles Kittel 351
664 United States History Richard Nelson Current 351
665 Principles of Macroeconomics N. Gregory Mankiw 351
666 Hedda Gabler Henrik Ibsen 1828-1906 350
667 Europe and the People Without History Eric R. Wolf 1923 350
668 Saunders Q & a Review for NCLEX-RN Linda Anne Silvestri 349
669 Bless Me, Ultima Rudolfo A. Anaya 349
670 Symphonie Fantastique Hector Berlioz 1803-1869 349
671 The Taming of the Shrew William Shakespeare 1564-1616 349
672 The Basic Practice of Statistics David S. Moore 349
673 Werther Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe 1749-1832 349
674 Decline and Fall Litigation Edward Gibbon 349
675 Making Democracy Work : Civic Traditions in Modern Italy Robert D. Putnam 348
676 The General Theory of Employment The Quarterly Journal of Economics J. M. Keynes 348
677 Theogony; And, Works and Days Hesiod 347
678 Anna Karenina Leo Tolstoy 1828-1910 347
679 Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence Adrienne Rich 1929-2012 346
680 Macroeconomic Theory Thomas J. Sargent 345
681 The Frogs Aristophanes 345
682 Snow Crash Neal Stephenson 345
683 Wuthering Heights Emily Brontë 1818-1848 345
684 Orlando Virginia Woolf 1882-1941 345
685 Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion David Hume 1711-1776 344
686 Ethnography : Principles in Practice Martyn Hammersley 344
687 M. Butterfly David Henry Hwang 1957 344
688 Essential Reading Race, Poverty & the Environment Carl Anthony 344
689 Songs of Innocence and of Experience William Blake 1757-1827 344
690 How to Do Things With Words J. L. (John Langshaw) Austin 1911-1960 343
691 Operating Systems : Internals and Design Principles William Stallings 342
692 Twenty Years at Hull-House Jane Addams 1860-1935 342
693 The Strategy of Conflict Thomas C. Schelling 1921 342
694 Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry David L. (David Lee) Nelson 1942- 342
695 Germania Cornelius Tacitus 341
696 C++ : The Complete Reference Herbert Schildt 341
697 The Search for Modern China Jonathan D. Spence 341
698 Tristram Shandy Laurence Sterne 1713-1768 341
699 Education World Bank 341
700 Siddhartha Hermann Hesse 1877-1962 340
701 Academe Paul Groves 340
702 The Sheltering Sky Paul Bowles 1910-1999 339
703 Hitler Ian Kershaw 339
704 Animal Liberation Peter Singer 1946 339
705 Race Matters Cornel West 339
706 Tom Sawyer Mark Twain 1835-1910 339
707 Biochemistry R. (Reginald) Garrett 339
708 Political Liberalism John Rawls 1921-2002 338
709 Odyssey, Books 1-12 Homer 338
710 Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics Neil J. Salkind 338
711 The Way to Rainy Mountain N. Scott Momaday 1934 337
712 Activists Beyond Borders : Advocacy Networks in International Politics Margaret E. Keck 337
713 Questionnaire Design, Interviewing, and Attitude Measurement A. N. (Abraham Naftali) Oppenheim 1924 337
714 Protagoras Plato 337
715 Ecclesiastical History the Venerable Bede 673-735 337
716 Nineteen Eighty-Four George Orwell 1903-1950 336
717 The Problems of Philosophy Bertrand Russell 1872-1970 335
718 The Giver Lois Lowry 335
719 The Supreme Court William H. Rehnquist 1924 335
720 The Duchess of Malfi John Webster 1580?-1625 334
721 Mechanics L. D. (Lev Davidovich) Landau 1908-1968 334
722 Small Island Andrea Levy 1956 334
723 Operating Systems William Stallings 334
724 An Introduction to Database Systems C. J. Date 334
725 The Tell-Tale Heart Edgar Allan Poe 1809-1849 334
726 Organizational Culture and Leadership Edgar H. Schein 333
727 The War of the Worlds H. G. (Herbert George) Wells 1866-1946 333
728 Virginia Woolf T. S. (Thomas Stearns) Eliot 1888-1965 333
729 The Trial and Death of Socrates Plato 333
730 Richard II William Shakespeare 1564-1616 332
731 Earth Science Edward J. Tarbuck 332
732 The Uncanny Sigmund Freud 1856-1939 332
733 Imperialism J. A. (John Atkinson) Hobson 1858-1940 332
734 The Image of the City Kevin Lynch 1918 332
735 The Human Condition Hannah Arendt 1906-1975 331
736 Artificial Intelligence Elaine Rich 331
737 Changes in the Land : Indians, Colonists, and the Ecology of New England William Cronon 331
738 Database System Concepts Abraham Silberschatz 331
739 The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money John Maynard Keynes 1883-1946 330
740 Understanding Organizations Charles B. Handy 329
741 Crabgrass Frontier : The Suburbanization of the United States Kenneth T. Jackson 329
742 Trojan Women Euripides 329
743 Life in the Iron Mills Rebecca Harding Davis 1831-1910 329
744 Tartuffe Moliere 1622-1673 329
745 Prometheus Aeschylus 328
746 Oedipus at Colonus Sophocles 328
747 Quarterly Review Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis 328
748 The Management of a Student Research Project John A. Sharp 328
749 The Satanic Verses Salman Rushdie 328
750 Brock Biology of Microorganisms Michael T. Madigan 1949 328
751 Contemporary Strategy Analysis Robert M. Grant 1948 327
752 Chapter 17 Great Britain 327
753 Artificial Intelligence Man Hugo F. Reading 326
754 The Modern World-System Immanuel Maurice Wallerstein 1930 326
755 Selected Poems Patric Dickinson 1914-1994 325
756 Classical Mechanics Herbert Goldstein 1922 325
757 The New Negro Alain LeRoy Locke 1886-1954 325
758 Elementary Differential Equations William E. Boyce 324
759 The Castle of Otranto Horace Walpole 1717-1797 324
760 The Remains of the Day Kazuo Ishiguro 1954 324
761 Summa Theologiae Aquinas Thomas 1225?-1274 324
762 The Book of the Courtier Baldassarre Castiglione 1478-1529 324
763 Fundamentals of Financial Management Eugene F. Brigham 1930 323
764 His Excellency : George Washington Joseph J. Ellis 323
765 Short Stories Ernest Hemingway 1899-1961 323
766 Genes Benjamin Lewin 322
767 Educational Psychology Anita Woolfolk 322
768 Jude the Obscure Thomas Hardy 1840-1928 322
769 Aurora Leigh Elizabeth Barrett Browning 1806-1861 322
770 Development Economics Debraj Ray 322
771 Works and Days ; And Theogony Hesiod 321
772 Pantagruel François Rabelais ca 1490-1553 320
773 Watchmen Alan Moore 1953 320
774 The Strength of Weak Ties American Journal of Sociology Mark S. Granovetter 320
775 Ethics and Politics Aristotle 320
776 Experiential Learning : Experience as the Source of Learning and Development David A. Kolb 1939 320
777 Piano Concerto : K. 491 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 1756-1791 320
778 National Security Science Herbert F. York 320
779 Understanding and Using English Grammar Betty Schrampfer Azar 1941 319
780 Vanity Fair William Makepeace Thackeray 1811-1863 319
781 The Logic of Scientific Discovery Karl R. (Karl Raimund) Popper 1902-1994 319
782 Poetry Reading Herbert Edward Read 1893-1968 319
783 The Battleship Potemkin Sergei Eisenstein 1898-1948 319
784 Economic Growth Robert J. Barro 319
785 Carmen Georges Bizet 1838-1875 319
786 The Yellow Wall Paper Charlotte Perkins Gilman 1860-1935 319
787 Public Finance Harvey S. Rosen 318
788 Conceptual Models and the Cuban Missile Crisis The American Political Science Review Graham T. Allison 317
789 Masculinities Raewyn Connell 1944 317
790 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics David J. (David Jeffery) Griffiths 1942 317
791 A Course in Phonetics Peter Ladefoged 316
792 Mother Tongue The Threepenny Review Amy Tan 316
793 Joseph Andrews Henry Fielding 1707-1754 316
794 Doing Gender Gender and Society Candace West Zimmerman Don H. 315
795 Consider the Lobster David Foster Wallace 315
796 Liberalism and World Politics The American Political Science Review Michael W. Doyle 315
797 Cooperation Under the Security Dilemma Robert Jervis 1940 314
798 The Birthmark Nathaniel Hawthorne 1804-1864 314
799 Troilus Geoffrey Chaucer -1400 314
800 Areopagitica John Milton 1608-1674 314
801 Karl Marx David McLellan 314
802 Time Series Analysis James D. (James Douglas) Hamilton 1954 314
803 A Rumor of War Philip Caputo 313
804 Disgrace J. M. Coetzee 1940 313
805 Wallace Stevens Poetry William Carlos Williams 313
806 Introduction to Probability Models Sheldon M. Ross 313
807 A History of Graphic Design Philip B. Meggs 313
808 Developmental Biology Scott F. Gilbert 1949 313
809 Sovereignty Foreign Policy Stephen D. Krasner 313
810 In Our Time Ernest Hemingway 1899-1961 312
811 Evelina Fanny Burney 1752-1840 312
812 Calculus : Concepts and Contexts James Stewart 1941 312
813 Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy René Descartes 1596-1650 312
814 Twentieth Century The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin Emily Martin Frelinghuysen Alice Cooney Aldin Jane Messinger Lisa M. Rewald Sabine Tinterow Gary Stein Susan Alyson Voorsanger Catherine Hoover Johnson J. Stewart LeCorbeiller Clare Eklund Douglas Muir Laura Rosenthal Nan Rippner Samantha J. Rosenheim Jeff L. Daniel Malcolm 312
815 Digital Signal Processing John G. Proakis 311
816 The False Promise of International Institutions John J. Mearsheimer 311
817 Groups, Process and Practice Gerald Corey 311
818 The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time Mark Haddon 311
819 A Brief History of Neoliberalism David Harvey 1935 311
820 Physical Examination & Health Assessment Carolyn Jarvis 311
821 The Theory of Moral Sentiments Adam Smith 1723-1790 311
822 Starting Out With C++ : From Control Structures Through Objects Tony Gaddis 311
823 The Second Shift Arlie Russell Hochschild 1940 311
824 The Poetics of Space Gaston Bachelard 1884-1962 311
825 Writing Analytically David Rosenwasser 311
826 Writing Papers in the Biological Sciences Vicky McMillan 1947 311
827 The Democratic Peace International Security Bruce Russett Layne Christopher Spiro David E. Doyle Michael W. 311
828 Style : Ten Lessons in Clarity and Grace Joseph M. Williams 310
829 The Power of Myth Joseph Campbell 1904-1987 310
830 The Competitive Advantage of Nations Michael E. Porter 1947 310
831 The Tragedy of Great Power Politics John J. Mearsheimer 310
832 A Guide to Econometrics Peter Kennedy 1943-2010 310
833 Intermediate Microeconomics : A Modern Approach Hal R. Varian 310
834 An Essay on Criticism Alexander Pope 1688-1744 310
835 Halliday & Resnick Fundamentals of Physics Jearl Walker 1945 310
836 Deep Play: Notes on the Balinese Cockfight Daedalus Clifford Geertz 310
837 Textbook of Medical Physiology Arthur C. Guyton 309
838 From the 'Prison Notebooks Daedalus Antonio Gramsci Joseph A. Buttigieg 309
839 Political Order in Changing Societies Samuel P. Huntington 309
840 The Libation Bearers Aeschylus 309
841 Introduction to Operations Research Frederick S. Hillier 309
842 Measure for Measure William Shakespeare 1564-1616 307
843 Culture and Anarchy Matthew Arnold 1822-1888 306
844 The Caesars Approximately 69-Approximately 122 Suetonius 306
845 The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism Gøsta Esping-Andersen 1947 306
846 Florida State University Eddie Woodward 306
847 The Radicalism of the American Revolution Gordon S. Wood 306
848 Electra Sophocles 305
849 Introduction to the Practice of Statistics David S. Moore 305
850 The Killer Angels Michael Shaara 305
851 The Age of Innocence Edith Wharton 1862-1937 305
852 International Business : Competing in the Global Marketplace Charles W. L. Hill 305
853 English Passengers Matthew Kneale 1960 305
854 A History of the Modern Middle East William L. Cleveland 305
855 The Nature of the Firm Economica R. H. Coase 305
856 An Introduction to Language Victoria Fromkin 304
857 The Three Worlds of Capitalism Gøsta Esping-Andersen 1947 304
858 The Great War and Modern Memory Paul Fussell 1924-2012 303
859 The Will to Believe William James 1842-1910 303
860 Principles of Biomedical Ethics Tom L. Beauchamp 303
861 Essential Cell Biology Bruce Alberts 303
862 The Woman in White Wilkie Collins 1824-1889 303
863 Discourse on the Origin of Inequality Jean-Jacques Rousseau 1712-1778 302
864 Research Methods in Health : Investigating Health and Health Services Ann Bowling 302
865 The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven Sherman Alexie 1966 302
866 In a Station of the Metro Poetry Ezra Pound 302
867 Quicksand Nella Larsen 301
868 Policy Paradox : The Art of Political Decision Making Deborah Stone 301
869 Easter, 1916 W. B. (William Butler) Yeats 1865-1939 301
870 Inferno Dante Alighieri 1265-1321 301
871 Classical Electrodynamics John David Jackson 1925 301
872 Cambridge University Press, 1584-1984 Michael H. Black 301
873 Typhoon Joseph Conrad 1857-1924 300
874 Philosophy of Right Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 1770-1831 300
875 Symphony No. 28 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 1756-1791 299
876 The Lost : A Search for Six of Six Million Daniel Adam Mendelsohn 1960 299
877 Simulacra and Simulation Jean Baudrillard 1929-2007 298
878 Essential Biology Neil A. Campbell 1946 298
879 Symphony No. 8 Gustav Mahler 1860-1911 298
880 Fathers and Sons Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev 1818-1883 298
881 Jumpers Tom Stoppard 298
882 Critique of Judgment Immanuel Kant 1724-1804 297
883 Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems William E. Boyce 297
884 Dispatches Michael Herr 297
885 Thinking in Java Bruce Eckel 297
886 War and Peace Leo Tolstoy 1828-1910 297
887 Social Psychology Elliot Aronson 297
888 Stalin Leon Trotsky 1879-1940 296
889 Architecture : Form, Space & Order Frank Ching 1943 296
890 Merleau-Ponty Revue Internationale De Philosophie Jean-Paul SARTRE 296
891 The History of Rome Livy 296
892 Essence of Decision; Explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis Graham T. Allison 295
893 Writing for Social Scientists : How to Start and Finish Your Thesis, Book, or Article Howard Saul Becker 1928 295
894 Physiology of Behavior Neil R. Carlson 1942 295
895 The Lake Isle of Innisfree W. B. (William Butler) Yeats 1865-1939 295
896 Surviving Your Dissertation : A Comprehensive Guide to Content and Process Kjell Erik Rudestam 295
897 Gods in Alabama Joshilyn Jackson 295
898 Writing at University : A Guide for Students Phyllis Creme 1942 294
899 The Consequences of Modernity Anthony Giddens 294
900 The Condition of the Working Class in England Friedrich Engels 1820-1895 294
901 The Mystery of Capital Hernando De Soto 1941 294
902 The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Edward Gibbon 1737-1794 294
903 Practices of Looking : An Introduction to Visual Culture Marita Sturken 1957 294
904 The Black Atlantic : Modernity and Double Consciousness Paul Gilroy 293
905 The Great Fire Shirley Hazzard 1931 293
906 The Russian Revolution Vladimir Ilʹich Lenin 1870-1924 293
907 Civil War 2000 The Black Scholar Charles P. Henry 293
908 Behaviorism John B. (John Broadus) Watson 1878-1958 292
909 Human-Computer Interaction Jenny Preece 1949 292
910 The End of History and the Last Man Francis Fukuyama 292
911 Technical Communication John M. Lannon 292
912 White Teeth Zadie Smith 292
913 Language, Truth and Logic A. J. (Alfred Jules) Ayer 1910-1989 291
914 The Purloined Letter Edgar Allan Poe 1809-1849 291
915 Transgress Paragraph Bell Hooks 291
916 New Books Mind Norman Kemp Smith Acton H. B. Tennant F. R. Wisdom J. Paton H. J. Laird John Black M. Wisdom J. O. Widgery Alban G. 291
917 William James The Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods John Dewey 291
918 International Relations Joshua S. Goldstein 1952 290
919 Understanding Nutrition Eleanor Noss Whitney 290
920 We Real Cool Poetry Gwendolyn Brooks 290
921 The Postmodern Condition : A Report on Knowledge Jean François Lyotard 1924-1998 290
922 City of Quartz : Excavating the Future in Los Angeles Mike Davis 1946 290
923 In the Wake Per Petterson 1952 290
924 Java in a Nutshell David Flanagan 290
925 Thus Spoke Zarathustra Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche 1844-1900 289
926 Modern Times Charlie Chaplin 1889-1977 289
927 Interpreter of Maladies Agni Jhumpa Lahiri 289
928 The Three Theban Plays Sophocles 289
929 Inside Terrorism Bruce Hoffman 1954 289
930 Computer Networks and Internets Douglas Comer 289
931 Statistical Methods for Psychology David C. Howell 289
932 Paris Trout Pete Dexter 1943 289
933 Principles of Mathematical Analysis Walter Rudin 1921 289
934 Winesburg, Ohio Sherwood Anderson 1876-1941 289
935 Microeconomic Theory Andreu Mas-Colell 288
936 The Political Economy of International Relations Robert Gilpin 288
937 Has Globalization Gone Too Far Dani Rodrik 288
938 The Principles of Psychology William James 1842-1910 288
939 An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations Adam Smith 1723-1790 288
940 Charlotte Temple Mrs. Rowson 1762-1824 288
941 The Theory of Industrial Organization Jean Tirole 288
942 Mark Twain and I Opie Percival Read 1852-1939 288
943 Naked in Baghdad Anne Garrels 1951 288
944 Influence : Science and Practice Robert B. Cialdini 287
945 Looking for a Ship John McPhee 1931 287
946 Power and Interdependence Robert O. (Robert Owen) Keohane 1941 287
947 Power : A Radical View Steven Lukes 287
948 Biological Psychology James W. Kalat 286
949 Principles of Instrumental Analysis Douglas A. Skoog 286
950 A Guide to Physical Examination Barbara Bates 1928 286
951 Without Feathers Woody Allen 286
952 HTML 4 for the World Wide Web Elizabeth Castro 285
953 A Handbook to Literature C. Hugh (Clarence Hugh) Holman 1914 284
954 The Fall of Baghdad Jon Lee Anderson 284
955 What Is It Like to Be a Bat The Philosophical Review Thomas Nagel 284
956 Numerical Analysis Richard L. Burden 284
957 How Languages Are Learned Patsy Lightbown 284
958 The House of the Spirits Isabel Allende 284
959 Maps for Lost Lovers Nadeem Aslam 284
960 What Is This Thing Called Science A. F. Chalmers 284
961 Designing Web Usability Jakob Nielsen 1957 284
962 Linear Algebra and Its Applications David C. Lay 284
963 Alcestis Euripides 283
964 Regeneration Pat Barker 1943 283
965 Silas Marner George Eliot 1819-1880 283
966 Invisible Cities Italo Calvino 283
967 The Comedy Dante Alighieri 1265-1321 283
968 The Divine Comedy Dante Alighieri 1265-1321 283
969 Judgment Under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases Science Amos Tversky Daniel Kahneman 282
970 Maggie, a Girl of the Streets Stephen Crane 1871-1900 282
971 The Renaissance Walter Pater 1839-1894 282
972 Naming and Necessity Saul A. Kripke 1940 282
973 Shakespeare David M. Bevington 282
974 Life on Earth Teresa Audesirk 282
975 Paradise Lost. Books 1-2 John Milton 1608-1674 282
976 The Wizard of Oz L. Frank (Lyman Frank) Baum 1856-1919 282
977 A Different Mirror : A History of Multicultural America Ronald T. Takaki 1939-2009 282
978 The Laugh of the Medusa Signs Hélène Cixous Cohen Keith Cohen Paula 282
979 Negotiation Roy J. Lewicki 281
980 The American Revolution Peter David Garner Thomas 281
981 The Two Cultures C. P. (Charles Percy) Snow 1905-1980 281
982 The Big Sleep Raymond Chandler 1888-1959 281
983 Governing the Commons : The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action Elinor Ostrom 281
984 Ticknor Sheila Heti 1976 281
985 Light in August William Faulkner 1897-1962 280
986 Fables Aesop 280
987 The White Earth Andrew McGahan 280
988 The Rules of Sociological Method Émile Durkheim 1858-1917 280
989 Biographia Literaria Samuel Taylor Coleridge 1772-1834 280
990 Epistemology of the Closet Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick 280
991 A Letter Concerning Toleration John Locke 1632-1704 279
992 Mere Christianity C. S. (Clive Staples) Lewis 1898-1963 279
993 The Marriage of Heaven and Hell William Blake 1757-1827 279
994 Laws New York (State) 279
995 Politics as a Vocation Max Weber 1864-1920 278
996 Slightly Out of Focus Robert Capa 1913-1954 278
997 Brotherly Love Pete Dexter 1943 278
998 Thomas' Calculus Maurice D. Weir 278
999 The House of the Seven Gables Nathaniel Hawthorne 1804-1864 278
1000 Keywords : A Vocabulary of Culture and Society Raymond Williams 278