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Psalm 104

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Fenster "Constituit eum dominum domus suae" (Psalm 104 (bzw. 105), 21)

Psalm 104 (Greek numbering: Psalm 103) is a poem from the Book of Psalms in the Bible. The Psalm has a remarkable similarity to Great Hymn to the Aten, with which it is frequently compared, although there is currently no established link between them.

Liturgical Uses

Eastern Orthodox

Its main liturgical usage in the Eastern Orthodox Church is at the beginning of vespers (evening prayers) and the all-night vigil. While it is technically one of the elements of the vespers service prescribed for the senior reader (that is, the elder or abbot of a monastery, or in a parish the seniormost reader at the kliros), it is customarily read or chanted by a reader after the opening prayers of the service.

The psalm is meant to be read or chanted in a plain style at services of vespers which are not part of a vigil. When vespers is served as part of a vigil, an abbreviated musical version is usually sung by the choir. Several such musical arrangements of the psalm have been composed over the years; perhaps the most familiar is that found in the Obikhod, or common setting.

In the context of its vespers/vigil setting, this psalm is understood to be a hymn of creation, in all the fulness wherein God has created it - it speaks of animals, plants, waters, skies, etc. In the scope of the liturgical act, it is often taken to be Adam's song, sung outside the closed gates of Eden from which he has been expelled (cf. Genesis 3). While the reader chants the psalm, the priest stands outside the closed Royal Doors wearing only his epitrachilion, making this symbolism more evident.


Psalm 104 is chanted at the end of Jewish services on certain occasions, such as the New Moon (Rosh Chodesh), though customs vary. "It has been declared that it is worthwhile studying the Hebrew language for ten years in order to read Psalm 104 in the original." [1]


^ Daily Prayer Book, Philip Birnbaum, 1949, p.465