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December 1901

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December 10, 1901: The first Nobel Prizes are awarded
December 12, 1901: Wireless radio received from 1,700 miles away
December 3, 1901: Gillette patents disposable razor blade system

The following events occurred in December 1901:

December 1, 1901 (Sunday)

  • French Roman Catholic priest Charles de Foucauld began his North African desert ministry, offering his first mass to French Foreign Legion soldiers at the Algerian oasis of Béni Abbès. At the time, "He was the only priest, and often the only Christian, for 250 miles," and, until his murder in 1916, would minister to both French Christians and North African Muslims, as well as purchasing the freedom of slaves.[1]
  • A crowd of 100,000 people turned out at Hyde Park, London to demonstrate in sympathy for recently fired British Army General Redvers Buller.[2]
  • Died: George Lohmann, 36, English cricketer regarded as one of the greatest bowlers of the 19th century, of tuberculosis (b. 1865)

December 2, 1901 (Monday)

  • The United States Supreme Court rendered two 5–4 decisions in the newest Insular Cases before it, holding specifically that Puerto Rico and the Philippines had become American territories as soon as the treaty ending the Spanish–American War had been ratified. Regarding the Philippines, duties on imports from those islands under the Dingley tariff were illegal and had to be refunded because that tariff only applied to foreign imports, and the Philippine Islands "have never been foreign since the treaty of peace." On the other hand, duties collected on imports from Puerto Rico under the Foraker Act were legal, according to the Court, because they had been imposed under a law passed by Congress after the treaty was signed, to create a civil government in Puerto Rico.[3][4][5][6]
  • More than a year after its members were elected, the 57th United States Congress held its first legislative session. The Congress had assembled earlier in 1901 in order to swear in members elected in 1900, but had adjourned without introducing new legislation. Three new U.S. Senators were sworn in before business began, and Speaker of the House David B. Henderson of Iowa was re-elected.[7]
  • At Charleston, South Carolina, the South Carolina and Interstate West Indian Exposition was opened for tourists.[8]
  • The British warship HMS Condor departed from the port of Esquimalt, British Columbia, en route to Honolulu, Hawaii, and none of the crew of 130 officers and men were ever seen again.[9] The vessel had apparently gone down in a heavy storm that struck Vancouver Island on December 3, and its fate was confirmed by wreckage that was discovered on the Canadian and American coastlines.[10]
  • The American steamship Matteawan departed from Nanaimo, British Columbia with a crew of 33 people and a load of 4,800 tons of coal bound for San Francisco and disappeared.[11]
  • American welterweight boxing champion Kid McCoy put on an exhibition and fought three different opponents in one night, not only winning all three, but knocking out all three men.[12]
  • Born: George Owen, Canadian-American hockey player, defenseman for the Boston Bruins and member of the College Football Hall of Fame and the United States Hockey Hall of Fame, in Hamilton, Ontario (d. 1986)

December 3, 1901 (Tuesday)

  • The Immigration Restriction Act 1901 was passed by the Parliament of Australia, primarily to restrict non-Europeans from permanently entering the country. Under the new law, which was given royal assent on December 23, a person seeking to legally immigrate was required "to write a passage of 50 words in a European language chosen at the examiner's discretion"[13] as dictated by the examiner.
  • During a celebration at the Portuguese Indian city of Goa for the feast day of Saint Francis Xavier, an overcrowded launch capsized and sank 50 yards (46 m) from shore, drowning 140 Roman Catholic celebrants.[14]
  • The weekly Romanian magazine Sămănătorul was published for the first time, and would endure until 1910.[15]
  • The Aero Club of Great Britain (now called the Royal Aero Club) was founded by Frank Hedges Butler, his daughter Vera Butler, and Charles Rolls for "the encouragement of aero auto-mobilism and ballooning as a sport".[16]
  • King C. Gillette applied for the patent for the first safety razor that would use disposable razor blades. U.S. Patent 775,134 would be granted on November 15, 1904.[17] Gillette, whose American Safety Razor Company would become the multibillion-dollar Gillette Company, is said to have been given the idea by his employer, inventor William Painter, who suggested that Gillette's success would come from something which could be used and eventually thrown away.[18]
  • U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt gave his first message to the United States Congress, but in the manner that was customary for that time, with the text being read aloud by persons other than the President.[19] Roosevelt's speech was more than 20,000 words. With antitrust measures as his first item, Roosevelt asked Congress to create what would become the United States Department of Commerce and Labor with a Bureau of Corporations, as well as an expansion of the United States Navy.[20] He also placed conservation high on the list of national goals, asking Congress to develop irrigation and forestry in the U.S.[21] and, in light of the September assassination of President William McKinley by an anarchist, called for a tightening of immigration laws to bar "all persons who are of a low moral tendency or unsavory reputation".[22]

December 4, 1901 (Wednesday)

  • The Hawaiian Pineapple Company was founded by James Dole, in order to carry out his idea of canning pineapples for year-round sale in the United States. The cannery itself would not be completed until late 1903, but Hapco would have half of the American canned pineapple market by 1907, marketing its product under the Dole pineapple brand name. The Castle & Cooke company would acquire full ownership of Hapco in the late 1960s and rename itself Dole Food Company.[23]
  • Even while she and the Guangxu Emperor were still on their journey from Xi'an back to Beijing, they issued an Imperial Decree rescheduling civil service examinations that had been postponed because of the foreign intervention in China in the aftermath of the Boxer Rebellion.[24]
  • The last Broadway production to be staged in New York City's Lyceum Theatre, Clyde Fitch's play The Girl and the Judge, began a 125 performance run. The Lyceum would close in 1902 after the completion of the Fitch play.[25]
  • A spokesman for Stanford University in California announced that the Stanford Cardinal football team would play a postseason game against the unbeaten University of Michigan team on New Year's Day in Pasadena, California. Michigan coach Fielding H. Yost had coached Stanford in the 1900 season, before being hired at Michigan, but had sent a letter to the Stanford administration urging a holiday date for a game between the two universities. At the same time, the organizers of Pasadena's inaugural "Fiesta of Flowers and Beauty" had been anxious to include an east vs. west college football match as part of the festival, and had negotiated with Michigan and with the University of California, which finished the 1901 season at 9–0–1, but "was not enthusiastic on the subject" of a New Year's Day match up. Thus, the 3–2–2 Stanford Cardinals were invited as the western representative.[26] On January 1, 1902, Michigan would win the very first Rose Bowl Game.

December 5, 1901 (Thursday)


December 6, 1901 (Friday)

  • The secret Turkish organization Committee of Union and Progress, composed of members of the Young Turks movement, approved a plan to carry out the assassination of Abdul Hamid II, the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. One of the people at the meeting, however, was a spy for the Sultan, and informed security forces, who shut down the CUP's center in Istanbul.[29]
  • The French Parliament passed a law allowing the French government to borrow against the Chinese indemnity payments that it expected would be made over the next 39 years, and directed the immediate payment of the French military for the expedition costs and the reimbursement for French missionaries, industrialists and private individuals who suffered damages during the Boxer Rebellion.[30]
  • Austria's Reichsrath, the lower house of the Austrian side of the Austria-Hungary empire, rejected a bill to establish a university for its Slav minority.[7]
  • The London Society for Promoting Christianity Amongst Jews received a transfer of land holdings in Haifa, then a part of Palestine, from David Christian Joseph, a former Jew who had converted to Christianity and founded a Christian mission in Haifa.[31]
  • The first five people to venture to the new Finnish colony on British Columbia's Malcolm Island, Sointula, departed Nanaimo on a 175-mile journey by sailboat. One of the men, Johan Mikkelson, was injured when his shotgun misfired, and had to be dropped off at Alert Bay for treatment, but the other four (Teodor Tanner, Kalle Hendrikson, Otto Ross and Malakias Kytomma) arrived at the island on December 15.[32]
  • A mishandled execution at Danville, Arkansas, left the victim alive even after he had been removed from the scaffold. Bud Wilson, a prisoner who had killed a guard at the Yell County jail, was hanged at 9:45 in the morning, and, 20 minutes later, lowered into a coffin. "Before the lid was placed upon the coffin," a report the next day noted, "the body began moving about. Wilson opened his eyes and his whole frame shook with tremors." Rather than rendering him medical treatment, the county deputies saw to it that he was "carried up the steps to the scaffold for the purpose of hanging him again", but he died from his injuries before he could be executed.[33]
  • Born: Carl Langbehn, German lawyer and resistance leader who was hanged for treason after making a secret trip to Switzerland to meet with the American OSS, in Padang, Dutch East Indies (d. 1943)

December 7, 1901 (Saturday)


December 8, 1901 (Sunday)

Colonel Bell

December 9, 1901 (Monday)


December 10, 1901 (Tuesday)


December 11, 1901 (Wednesday)


December 12, 1901 (Thursday)

  • Millicent Fawcett and the "Ladies' Commission" that had been sent by the British Government to follow up on the reports by Emily Hobhouse of mistreatment of internees at concentration camps in South Africa, completed its report, confirming many of Miss Hobhouse's statements.[54]
  • Guglielmo Marconi received the first trans-Atlantic radio signal, sent 1,700 miles (2,700 km) from Poldhu in Cornwall, England to Signal Hill in St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada. It was the letter "S" ("..." in Morse code). The breakthrough would be announced to the world three days later, on December 14. Marconi said in a statement, "On arriving in Newfoundland and installing my station on Signal Hill, the entrance to St. John's, I sent up kites every day this week with the vertical aerial wire appended, by which our signals are received. I had previously cabled to Cornwall Station to begin sending the prearranged signal. Tuesday my kite broke away and nothing resulted. Wednesday, however, I had better luck. My arrangement was for Cornwall to send at five-minute intervals between 3 and 6 o'clock p.m. the Morse letter 'S', which consists of three dots. The hours named were equivalent to from noon to 3 p.m. at St. Johns, and on Wednesday, during the hours, myself and my two assistants received these signals under such conditions as assured us they were genuine... on Thursday, we tried again during the same hours and were again rewarded with audible signals, though fainter than on Wednesday."[55] "[W]hile some scientists still debate the technical detail of that experiment," an author would note later, "there was no doubt that the principle of wireless communication had arrived on a transatlantic scale... This was a utility, and would prove itself beyond argument as a vital aid to shipping and military communication."[56]

December 13, 1901 (Friday)


December 14, 1901 (Saturday)


December 15, 1901 (Sunday)

  • General Pieter H. Kritzinger, who had led the Boer attacks against Britain's Cape Colony in South Africa earlier in the year, was captured by Britain's Lieutenant General John French.[67][68]
  • The four-masted British sailing barque Sindia ran aground in the beach resort of Ocean City, New Jersey, during a raging blizzard, carrying with it a cargo of fine Chinese silks, 3,000 crates of porcelain and art works reportedly worth two million dollars; the crew had been under the impression that it was sailing into New York Harbor.[69] The 392-foot (119 m) long ship was broken up and although all 33 members of the crew escaped and salvaged as much as they could, "the wreck is now completely buried beneath the beach off Seventeenth Street in Ocean City... under as much as thirty feet of sand".[70][71]

December 16, 1901 (Monday)

Beatrix Potter

December 17, 1901 (Tuesday)


December 18, 1901 (Wednesday)

Lloyd George
  • Future British Prime Minister David Lloyd George, a Liberal member of the House of Commons, spoke to a hostile crowd of thousands of people in the Town Hall in Birmingham, after being invited by the Birmingham Liberal Association to give a speech against the Second Boer War and in criticism of Birmingham's MP, Joseph Chamberlain. Despite being asked by the Chief Constable of Birmingham to cancel the address because the police could not guarantee his safety, Lloyd George refused and nearly found himself the victim of a riot. There were 30,000 pro-war protesters surrounding the Hall, which was guarded by 350 policemen,[82] and although the "peace meeting" inside was supposed to be attended only by people who had an invitation, many of the 7,000 people inside began shouting and throwing objects as soon as Lloyd George rose to speak.[83] Lloyd George was shouted down after delivering his opening line ("This is a rather lively meeting for a peace meeting"),[84] which caused the crowd outside to being breaking windows and pelting the walls with bricks and other missiles. In order to effect his escape, Lloyd George dressed in a policeman's uniform marched out of the Hall in the middle of a large group of Birmingham police.[83][85]
  • Alfred Milner, British High Commissioner for Southern Africa, and Manuel Rafael Gorjão, the Portuguese Governor-General of Mozambique, signed an agreement for Mozambican workers to labor in South Africa's mines.[86] For each worker supplied, the South African colonial government agreed to pay Portuguese authorities 13 shillings for one year's service, along with an additional sixpence for each month beyond the initial contract, as well as paying half of each worker's salary to Portugal "in gold at a favourable rate of exchange".[87]
  • "Barbados Joe" Walcott, a black native of British Guiana, won the world welterweight boxing championship, defeating white boxer James "The Kansas Rube" Ferns, with a technical knockout in the fifth round at a bout in Buffalo, New York.[88][89] Arnold Cream, an admirer of the Barbadian fighter, would win the world heavyweight boxing title while fighting as "Jersey Joe Walcott".
  • Albert Einstein resigned from his job as a high school mathematics teacher in Schaffhausen, Switzerland, to apply for an opening at the Swiss Patent Office in Bern.[90]

December 19, 1901 (Thursday)

  • Led by its Governor, Luciano Mendoza, the Venezuelan state of Aragua began an uprising against the government of President Cipriano Castro, who issued a proclamation at his office in the state capital, Villa de Cura.[91] Mendoza's act of secession, with himself as President of Aragua, would lead the next day to other uprisings in five other Venezuelan states.[92]
  • U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt issued an executive order placing the northern portion of Puerto Rico's Culebra Island island group under the jurisdiction of the United States Navy, which would establish the Culebra Naval Reservation in 1904. Roosevelt's order covered "Such public lands as may exist on Culebra Island between the parallels of 18°15' and 18°23' north latitude, and between the meridians of 65°10' and 65°25 west longitude.".[93] In 1909, the smaller islands would be designated as a wildlife preserve.[94]
  • Along with a message from President Theodore Roosevelt, the United States Department of Agriculture's Division of Forestry issued its study of the 9,600,000 acres of land that made up the proposed Appalachian Forest Reserve.[95] Another 15 years would pass before the first 513,000 acres to be preserved would be set aside as the Pisgah National Forest.[96]
  • Born:
  • Died: David Boilat, 87, French Roman Catholic priest, ethnographer, artist and educator who pioneered western education for children in the French West Africa colony of Senegal during the 19th century

December 20, 1901 (Friday)


December 21, 1901 (Saturday)


December 22, 1901 (Sunday)


December 23, 1901 (Monday)


December 24, 1901 (Tuesday)


December 25, 1901 (Wednesday)


December 26, 1901 (Thursday)


December 27, 1901 (Friday)

Sir Marcus Samuel

December 28, 1901 (Saturday)

  • Major Littleton Waller of the U.S. Marines led his men on the disastrous March across Samar in the Philippines, ostensibly to scout the route for a telegraph cable from one side of the island of Samar to the other. He started with three junior officers, 54 enlisted men, and 35 Filipino natives to serve as scouts and carriers of supplies, but had miscalculated the amount of food necessary on the march through the Samar jungle, and was unprepared for the constant rain during the three-week expedition. By march's end, 10 of Major Waller's Marine troops would die, and after a mutiny by some of the carriers, Waller would have 11 of the Filipinos executed without trial.[130][131][132]
  • The USS Missouri, second of the new Maine-class battleships, was launched from Newport News, Virginia.[133]
  • Died: Franz Xaver Kraus, 61, German priest and art historian (b. 1840)

December 29, 1901 (Sunday)

December 29, 1901: A donation tin for the Jewish National Fund
  • At the Fifth Zionist Congress, held in Basel, Switzerland, the Jewish National Fund was created to fund the purchase and development of land in the Palestine portion of the Ottoman Empire, particularly the territory that had been occupied by the ancient Kingdom of Israel and Kingdom of Judah.[134] By 1921, the JNF would begin purchasing large sections of land.[135] By 1947, the JNF (referred to in Hebrew as the KKL, Keren Kayemeth Leisrael) accounted for half of the Jewish-owned land in Palestine, and after Israel's independence in 1948, it changed its focus to planting trees and land improvement.[136] "Within a short time the JNF, known worldwide for the little blue-and-white coin boxes that still grace Jewish homes," historians would write later, "was not only buying land but draining swamps, rehabilitating river beds, cutting new roads, planting forests, creating picnic areas and parks, and making desert soil fertile," and over the next 100 years, it would own 17% of the land in Israel (including 500,000 acres (200,000 ha) of forests) and plant 200 million trees.[137] Johann Kremenezky, an electrical engineer from Vienna, made the first donation to the JNF and would become its first administrator a month later.[138]
  • Alma Bridwell White founded the Methodist Pentecostal Union Church, originally headquartered in Denver, Colorado, and now based in Zarephath, New Jersey, and carrying the name Pillar of Fire.[139][140][141]
  • The University of Cincinnati, which would win two NCAA championships (1961 and 1962) played its first intercollegiate basketball game, defeating Yale University, 37 to 9.[142]

December 30, 1901 (Monday)


December 31, 1901 (Tuesday)



  1. ^ Thurston, Bonnie (2016). Hidden in God: Discovering the Desert Vision of Charles de Foucauld. Ave Maria Press.
  2. ^ "London People Honor Buller". Chicago Daily Tribune. December 2, 1901. p. 3.
  3. ^ "Flag Followed by Constitution to All Islands". Chicago Daily Tribune. December 3, 1901. p. 1.
  4. ^ Kim, Hyung-chan (1992). Asian Americans and the Supreme Court: A Documentary History. Greenwood Publishing. p. 30.
  5. ^ McCoy, Alfred W.; Scarano, Francisco A. (2009). Colonial Crucible: Empire in the Making of the Modern American State. Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin Press. p. 362.
  6. ^ Zhou, Xiaojing (2015). Cities of Others: Reimagining Urban Spaces in Asian American Literature. University of Washington Press. p. 176.
  7. ^ a b c d e f g "RECORD OF CURRENT EVENTS". The American Monthly Review of Reviews: 25–28. January 1902. Retrieved 3 May 2024 – via Google Books.
  8. ^ Eberle, Kevin R. (2012). A History of Charleston's Hampton Park. The History Press.
  9. ^ Dalton, Anthony (September 9, 2014). "Our History: Graveyard of the Pacific claimed many ships". The Times-Colonist. Victoria, British Columbia.
  10. ^ Brown, David K. (2010). Warrior to Dreadnought: Warship Design and Development 1860–1905. Seaforth Publishing.
  11. ^ "Annual report of the Supervising Inspector-general Steamboat-inspection Service, Year ending June 30, 1902". p. 25. Retrieved 17 July 2019.
  12. ^ Hatmaker, Mark (2016). Boxing Like the Champs: Lessons from Boxing's Greatest Fighters. Tracks Publishing.
  13. ^ Ohff, Hans-Jürgen (2015). Disastrous Ventures: German and British Enterprises in East New Guinea up to 1914. Plenum Publishing.
  14. ^ "Launch Sinks; 140 Drown — Many Lives Lost During Celebration of Feast Day of St. Francis Xavier at Goa, India". Chicago Daily Tribune. December 6, 1901. p. 4.
  15. ^ Hitchins, Keith (1994). Rumania 1866–1947. Clarendon Press. p. 67.
  16. ^ Driver, Hugh (1997). The Birth of Military Aviation: Britain, 1903–1914. Boydell & Brewer. p. 34.
  17. ^ K.C. Gillette, Razor
  18. ^ Robertson, Patrick (2011). Robertson's Book of Firsts: Who Did What for the First Time. Bloomsbury Publishing.
  19. ^ "Message Shows Hand of Master— Roosevelt's First Official Communication to Congress Makes Lasting Impression on All Hearers". Chicago Daily Tribune. December 4, 1901. p. 1.
  20. ^ Ricard, Serge (2011). A Companion to Theodore Roosevelt. John Wiley & Sons.
  21. ^ Donald, Aida (2008). Lion in the White House: A Life of Theodore Roosevelt. Basic Books.
  22. ^ Fisher, Louis (2014). The Law of the Executive Branch: Presidential Power. Oxford University Press. p. 301.
  23. ^ Richard A. Hawkins, A Pacific Industry: The History of Pineapple Canning in Hawaii (I.B.Tauris, 2011) p. 21
  24. ^ "Educational Reforms, 1903–1904", by Fan Peiwei, in China, 1895–1912: State-sponsored Reforms and China's Late-Qing Revolution, Douglas R. Reynolds, ed. (M.E. Sharpe, 1995) p. 88
  25. ^ "Girl and the Judge, The", in The A to Z of American Theater: Modernism, by James Fisher and Felicia Hardison Londré (Rowman & Littlefield, 2009) p. 195
  26. ^ "Stanford to Play Michigan— The Football Elevens to Clash at Pasadena", San Francisco Chronicle, December 9, 1901, p. 4
  27. ^ "New Treaty for Isthmian Canal— Full Text of the Hay-Pauncefote Agreement as Sent to the Senate". Chicago Daily Tribune. December 6, 1901. p. 2.
  28. ^ Berkowitz, Joel (2005). Shakespeare on the American Yiddish Stage. University of Iowa Press. pp. 176–177.
  29. ^ M. Şükrü Hanioğlu, The Young Turks in Opposition (Oxford University Press, 1995) p. 164
  30. ^ Patrick Taveirne, Han-Mongol Encounters and Missionary Endeavors: A History of Scheut in Ordos (Hetao) 1874–1911 (Leuven University Press, 2004) p. 560
  31. ^ Yaron Perry and Elizabeth Yodim, British Mission to the Jews in Nineteenth-Century Palestine (Routledge, 2004)
  32. ^ Garnet Basque, Frontier Days in British Columbia (Heritage House Publishing, 2006) p. 92
  33. ^ "Man Hanged in Arkanasas Comes to Life in Coffin", Chicago Daily Tribune, December 7, 1901, p. 2
  34. ^ Michael Tomz, Reputation and International Cooperation: Sovereign Debt across Three Centuries (Princeton University Press, 2012) p. 134
  35. ^ R. W. Seton-Watson, Britain in Europe, 1789–1914: A Survey of Foreign Policy (Cambridge University Press, 1955) p. 592
  36. ^ John Welfield, An Empire in Eclipse: Japan in the Post-war American Alliance System (A&C Black, 2013) p. 12
  37. ^ Geoffrey A. Pocock, Outrider of Empire: The Life and Adventures of Roger Pocock (University of Alberta, 2008) p. 167
  38. ^ Brian McAllister Linn, The U.S. Army and Counterinsurgency in the Philippine War, 1899–1902 (University of North Carolina Press, 2000) p. 154
  39. ^ James R. Arnold, Jungle of Snakes: A Century of Counterinsurgency Warfare from the Philippines to Iraq (Bloomsbury Publishing USA, 2010) pp. 56-57
  40. ^ "Battle Costs 400 Lives— Details of Fight at Honda, Colombia, Received", Chicago Daily Tribune, December 28, 1901, p. 4
  41. ^ "D'Annunzio's Theatre", by John Woodhouse, in A History of Italian Theatre (Cambridge University Press, 2006) p. 330
  42. ^ David E. Martin, Images of America: Around Oswegatchie (Arcadia Publishing, 2005) p. 31
  43. ^ Alan Palmer, The East End: Four Centuries of London Life (Faber & Faber, 2014)
  44. ^ U.S. Patent No. 701,839
  45. ^ Agneta Wallin Levinovitz and Nils Ringertz, The Nobel Prize: The First 100 Years (World Scientific, 2001)
  46. ^ "Nobel Prizes All Awarded— Crown Prince Gustavus of Sweden Announces Four of Them in Stockholm; Other Given in Norway", Chicago Daily Tribune, December 11, 1901, p. 5
  47. ^ "Carnegie Changes Gift", Chicago Sunday Tribune, December 29, 1901, p. 2
  48. ^ Hatten S. Yoder, Jr., Centennial History of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, Volume 3, The Geophysical Laboratory (Cambridge University Press, 2004) p. 3
  49. ^ Peter Tschmuck, Creativity and Innovation in the Music Industry (Springer, 2006) p. 14
  50. ^ "Boston Vote a Surprise", Chicago Daily Tribune, December 12, 1901, p. 3
  51. ^ "King Names Day for Coronation— Issues Proclamation Calling Subjects to Attend on June 26, 1902", Chicago Daily Tribune, December 11, 1901, p. 5
  52. ^ Kästner, Ursula (1996). "Excavation and Assembly of the Telephos Frieze". Pergamon: The Telephos Frieze from the Great Altar. University of Texas Press. pp. 28–29.
  53. ^ "Catholics Unite Their Societies". Chicago Daily Tribune. December 12, 1901. p. 4.
  54. ^ Seibold, Birgit (2011). Emily Hobhouse and the Reports on the Concentration Camps during the Boer War, 1899–1902: Two Different Perspectives. Columbia University Press. p. 152.
  55. ^ "Marconi Telegraphs Across the Atlantic Ocean Without Wires— Signals Come over the Sea through Air". Chicago Sunday Tribune. December 12, 1901. p. 1. [dead link]
  56. ^ Street, Seán (2014). The Memory of Sound: Preserving the Sonic Past. Routledge. p. 32.
  57. ^ Selleck, R. J. W. (2003). The Shop: The University of Melbourne, 1850–1939. Melbourne University Publishing. p. 451.
  58. ^ Leake, Bernard E. (2011). The Life and Work of Professor J.W. Gregory FRS (1864–1932), Geologist, Writer and Explorer. Geological Society of London. p. 88.
  59. ^ "Roosevelt Now Wealthier Man". Chicago Daily Tribune. December 14, 1901. p. 5.
  60. ^ "President Roosevelt Inherits a Fortune". The New York Times. December 14, 1901. p. 1.
  61. ^ Goldstein, Robert Justin (1989). Censorship of Political Caricature in Nineteenth-Century France. Kent State University Press. p. 78.
  62. ^ Antunes, Fatima Martin Rodrigues Ferreira (2014). "The Early Days of Football in Brazil: British Influence and Factory Clubs in São Paulo". The Country of Football: Politics, Popular Culture and the Beautiful Game in Brazil. C. Hurst & Co. p. 20.
  63. ^ "A. G. Spaulding Is Made President— Faction Supporting Him Declares Him Elected After Other Magnates Bolt". Chicago Daily Tribune. December 14, 1901. p. 6.
  64. ^ Golenbock, Peter (2007). Wrigleyville: A Magical History Tour of the Chicago Cubs. Macmillan. p. 91.
  65. ^ Stevens, David (1998). Baseball's Radical for All Seasons: A Biography of John Montgomery Ward. Scarecrow Press. p. 190.
  66. ^ Hall, Shawn (1999). Preserving the Glory Days: Ghost Towns and Mining Camps of Nye County, Nevada. University of Nevada Press. p. 84.
  67. ^ "Boer Leader a Prisoner". Chicago Daily Tribune. December 18, 1901. p. 1.
  68. ^ Doyle, Arthur Conan (1902). The War in South Africa: Its Cause and Conduct. Smith, Elder & Co.
  69. ^ McMahon, William (1973). South Jersey Towns: History and Legend. Rutgers University Press. pp. 48–49.
  70. ^ "Rescue 33 from a Wreck". Chicago Daily Tribune. December 16, 1901. p. 3.
  71. ^ Nagiewicz, Stephen D. (2016). Hidden History of Maritime New Jersey. Arcadia Publishing.
  72. ^ Margaret Mackey, Beatrix Potter's Peter Rabbit: A Children's Classic at 100 (Scarecrow Press, 2002) p. 39
  73. ^ Margaret Speaker-Yuan, Beatrix Potter (Infobase Publishing, 2005) p. 49
  74. ^ "Senate Ratifies New Hay Treaty", Chicago Daily Tribune, December 17, 1901, p1
  75. ^ Miles P. DuVal, Jr., Cadiz to Cathay: The Story of the Long Struggle for a Waterway Across the American Isthmus (Stanford University Press, 1940) p. 121
  76. ^ Dwight Carroll Miner, The Fight for the Panama Route: The Story of the Spooner Act and the Hay-Herrán Treaty (Columbia University Press, 1940) p. 222
  77. ^ "Knox Confirmed; Attack Futile", Chicago Daily Tribune, December 17, 1901, p. 5
  78. ^ James D. Hardy, Jr., The New York Giants Base Ball Club: The Growth of a Team and a Sport, 1870 to 1900 (McFarland, 2006) p. 181
  79. ^ Andrea A. E. Geiger, Subverting Exclusion: Transpacific Encounters with Race, Caste, and Borders, 1885–1928 (Yale University Press, 2011) p. 148
  80. ^ "'I Wish to Speak': Tolkien's Voice in his Beowulf Essay", by Mary Faraci, in Tolkien the Medievalist (Routledge, 2003)
  81. ^ Konrad Dryden, Leoncavallo: Life and Works (Scarecrow Press, 2007) (p. 86)
  82. ^ Roy Hattersley, The Edwardians (St. Martin's Press, 2015) p. 102
  83. ^ a b Travis L. Crosby, The Unknown David Lloyd George: A Statesman in Conflict (I.B.Tauris, 2014) p. 51
  84. ^ Hugh Purcell, Lloyd George (Haus Publishing, 2006) p. 18
  85. ^ *"Pro-Boer Speech Provokes a Riot— Lloyd George, Leader of Welsh Radicals, Invades Chamberlain's Territory with Sad Results", Chicago Daily Tribune, December 19, 1901, p. 1
  86. ^ Simon E. Katzenellenbogen, South Africa and Southern Mozambique: Labour, Railways, and Trade in the Making of a Relationship (Manchester University Press, 1982) p. 49
  87. ^ Richard Plender, International Migration Law (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1988) p. 339
  88. ^ "Walcott Stops Ferns Easily", Chicago Daily Tribune, December 19, 1901, p. 6
  89. ^ "Walcott, Joe", in Historical Dictionary of Boxing, by John Grasso (Scarecrow Press, 2013) p. 415
  90. ^ Jagdish Mehra, The Golden Age of Theoretical Physics (World Scientific, 2001) p. 124
  91. ^ Jeffrey S. Dixon and Meredith Reid Sarkees, A Guide to Intra-state Wars: An Examination of Civil, Regional, and Intercommunal Wars, 1816–2014 (CQ Press, 2015)
  92. ^ a b c d Brian S. McBeth, Gunboats, Corruption, and Claims: Foreign Intervention in Venezuela, 1899–1908 (Greenwood Publishing, 2001) pp. 68-69
  93. ^ Executive Order, December 19, 1901, American Presidency Project, U.C. Santa Barbara
  94. ^ Culebra and Culebrita Islands Disposition: Environmental Impact Statement (U.S. Department of the Interior, 1979) p. 8
  95. ^ Gifford Pinchot, Breaking New Ground (Island Press, 1998) p. 239
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  103. ^ Ann Savours, The Voyages of the Discovery: An Illustrated History of Scott's Ship (Seaforth Publishing, 2013) p. 26
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