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* [[Alan Colmes]], US liberal commentator for [[Fox News]]' [[Hannity & Comes]].
* [[Alan Colmes]], US liberal commentator for [[Fox News]]' [[Hannity & Comes]].
* [[Amira Hass]], Israeli journalist
* [[Amira Hass]], Israeli journalist
* [[Larry King]], US TV and radio talk show host
* [[Tony Kornheiser]], US columnist for the Washington Post, radio host, and televsion host
* [[Tony Kornheiser]], US columnist for the Washington Post, radio host, and televsion host
* [[Ted Koppel]], US news anchor, ABC TV [[Nightline]]
* [[Ted Koppel]], US news anchor, ABC TV [[Nightline]]

Revision as of 01:16, 7 March 2005

This page is a list of people identified as Jews, either by themselves or by others. "Jewishness" has the meanings both of "adherence to the religion of Judaism" and "membership in the ethnic group 'Jews.'" People of both groups are listed here. By other criteria, these people may be listed under other nationalities as well.

This page does not differentiate between Orthodox, Conservative, Reform and Reconstructionist Jews. It also does not take into account whether those listed acknowledge their Jewish identity or origins. Jewish tradition defines a Jew as a person with a Jewish mother. Most Jews would not agree with listing someone who was not brought up Jewish, or who does not adhere to Jewish beliefs as "Jewish."

Many listed here may have spent their lives disguising their Jewish origins, and married gentile (non-Jewish) spouses. In many cases the individuals listed may have only one Jewish parent. They may have never practiced Judaism, and may even have adopted another faith, or may be secular or atheist.

Arts, Performing

This page is a list of people identified as Jews, either by themselves or by others. "Jewishness" has the meanings both of "adherence to the religion of Judaism" and "membership in the ethnic group 'Jews.'" People of both groups are listed here. By other criteria, these people may be listed under other nationalities as well.

This page does not differentiate between Orthodox, Conservative, Reform and Reconstructionist Jews. It also does not take into account whether those listed acknowledge their Jewish identity or origins. Jewish tradition defines a Jew as a person with a Jewish mother. Most Jews would not agree with listing someone who was not brought up Jewish, or who does not adhere to Jewish beliefs as "Jewish."

Many listed here may have spent their lives disguising their Jewish origins, and married gentile (non-Jewish) spouses. In many cases the individuals listed may have only one Jewish parent. They may have never practiced Judaism, and may even have adopted another faith, or may be secular or atheist.

Arts, Performing

Actors / Actresses






Arts, Visual


Cartoons & Comics

  • Al Capp, US cartoonist; creator of Li'l Abner
  • Will Eisner, US cartoonist; (The Spirit)
  • Mark Evanier, US comics and animated cartoons writer for Disney and Hanna-Barbera
  • Max Fleischer, US animated cartoonist; (Popeye, Superman)
  • Bob Kane, US cartoonist; creator of Batman
  • Gil Kane, Latvian-born US comics artist. First to draw Silver Age Green Lantern and the Atom.
  • Jack Kirby, US comics and animated cartoons creator; co-creator of Captain America, (Fantastic Four, Hulk)
  • Stan Lee, US cartoon writer and creator of Marvel Comics and its heroes
  • Harvey Pekar, US comic book writer; (American Splendor)
  • Julius Schwartz, US comic book and magazine editor; (The Flash; Green Lantern).
  • Joe Shuster, Canadian-US comics artist; co-creator of Superman
  • Jerome Siegel, US comics artist; co-creator of Superman
  • Joe Simon, US cartoonist; co-creator of Captain America
  • Art Spiegelman, Swedish-US comic-book artist; creator of Maus
  • Matt Stone, Co-creator of South Park (Jewish father)
  • Mort Weisinger, US comic book and magazine editor; (Superman, Supergirl)







Literature & Journalism




Israeli military

  • Ron Arad, Israeli pilot, missing in action
  • Ehud Barak, Israeli general and Prime Minister
  • Menachem Begin, Prime Minister of Israel
  • Moshe Dayan, former Israeli chief of staff, minister of defense
  • Arie Eldad, former medical officer and surgeon
  • Uziel Gal, Israeli designer of the UZI submachine gun
  • Israel Galili, Israeli designer of the Galil assault rifle
  • David (Mickey) Marcus US colonel, assisted Israel in 1948 war, first Israeli Brigadier general
  • Shaul Mofaz, Israeli general, former chief of staff, minister of defense
  • Yoni Netanyahu, Israeli commander of Operation Entebbe, killed in action
  • Yitschak Rabin, Israeli chief of staff, Prime Minister of Israel
  • Ilan Ramon, Israeli pilot attacked Iraqi reactor; Israel's first astronaut, died on Columbia space shuttle
  • Ariel Sharon, Israeli general, Prime Minister of Israel
  • Israel Tal, Israeli general, oversaw development of Israel's Merkava tank
  • Joseph Trumpeldor, Russian soldier, founded Zion Mule Corps, killed in early Palestine
  • Moshe Yaalon, Israeli general and chief of staff

US military

  • Julius O. Adler Brigadier General,(World War II) Commanded the 77th Infantry Division
  • Jeremy Michael Boorda Admiral, (Vietnam; Kosovo)
  • Louis Bush, (Revolutionary war)
  • Mathias Bush, (Revolutionary war)
  • Solomon Bush, (Revolutionary war), Lieutenant Colonel, highest-ranking Jewish officer in the Continental Army
  • Leopold Blumenberg (Civil War)
  • Wesley Kane Clark, former NATO commander during the Bosnian War (Jewish father, raised Baptist, converted to Catholicism)
  • David Camden DeLeon (Mexican War), "The Fighting Doctor", doctor under General Zachary Taylor, Congressional Citation
  • LeRoy Diamond (World War II, Pacific), Corporal, Navy Cross and Purple Heart
  • Hyman Epstein (World War II, Pacific), Army medical aide, killed in New Guinea after heroic rescues defying snipers
  • David Nunez Cardozo (American Revolution), South Carolina Grenadiers, led an assault on British-held Savannah, Georgia
  • Leon Dyer, (Civil War, Mexican War, Seminole War), Colonel, post-Alamo volunteer, escorted Gen. Santa Anna to D.C.
  • Herbert P. Grossman Private First Class {World War II) Silver Star for gallantry in action at Leyte, Philippine Islands
  • Levy Myers Harby (War of 1812), Navy Captain, began military at 14
  • Phineas Horowitz (Civil War)
  • Stanley H. Hyman (Vietnam)
  • Isadore S. Jachman Sergeant USA (World War II), Medal of Honor (posthumously) for actions saving his paratroop company during fighting in Flamierge, Belgium
  • Jack H. Jacobs Captain USA (Vietnam) Medal of Honor recipient
  • Leopold Karpeles (Civil War) Sergeant, Congressional Medal of Honor for bravery and heroism
  • Frederick Knefler (Civil War)
  • Melvin Krulewitch Major General (World War II) First person to personally captured Japanese prisoners, first to fly the American flag on Japanese territory
  • [Jean Lafitte] Buccaneer leader who aided Gen. Jackson's defeat of British in thebattle of New Orleans in 1812 War.

John L. Levitow Sergeant USAF (Vietnam) Medal of Honor recipient

  • Uriah P. Levy (War of 1812) First Jewish US Admiral; ended the Practice of Flogging; bought, restored, and gave Montecello (Jefferson's home) as a gift to the American people
  • Aaron Lopez, (American Revolution), Supplied transoceanic ships and coastal vessels to Navy
  • David "Mickey" Marcus, (World War II), US Army Lieutenant Colonel, West Point graduate, Divisional Judge Advocate, Division Commander, attended the "Big Five" meetings, volunteered to join D-Day airborne assault without formal training. Distinguished Service Cross, Bronze Star, and British decorations. Volunteered to Israeli Army to defend against Transjordan Arab Legion. Became first Israeli brigadier general, and served as Commander of Jerusalem front.
  • Alfred Mordechai (Civil War)
  • Ben Moreel Admiral,(World War II) Formed the Seabees
  • Mordecai Myers, (War of 1812), Captain, New York City's first Jewish Mayor
  • Leopold Newman (Civil War)
  • Manuel M. Noah, (American Revolution), Served with General Marion, Financier
  • Hyman Rickover US Admiral, Father of the Nuclear Navy
  • Maurice Rose Major General, (World War II) Negotiated the unconditional surrender of the Germans in Tunisia, Commanded 3rd Armored Division: the first division to cross the German border and the first to breach the Siegfried line, killed in combat
  • Edward Rosewater, (Civil War), Union Army telegrapher for President Lincoln, transmitted Gettysburg Address
  • Ben L. Salomon (World War II, Pacific) Captain, USA Medical Corps, Medal of Honor (posthumously) for actions during Battle of Saipan
  • Edward S. Salomon (Civil War)
  • Haym Salomon (American Revolution), Sons of Liberty, Financier
  • Francis Salvador (American Revolution), "Paul Revere of the South"
  • Mordecai Sheftall (American Revolution), "The Great Rebel"
  • Seligman Brothers, (Civil War), Financeers
  • Frances Slanger, (World War II, France), Lieutenant, U.S. Army Nurses Corps. Killed in action.
  • Robert B. Solomon (Vietnam)
  • Judah Touro, (War of 1812), civilian volunteer in American Army, Philanthropist
  • John Ordroneaux (War of 1812), French Commodore, Continental Navy Privateersman
  • Max Warshaw, (World War II, North Africa), Staff Sergeant, Army Medic, two Silver Star medals, three Bronze Star medals, the Purple Heart, the Ex-Prisoner of War Medal, the Pre-Pearl Harbor Medal, the European Theater of Operations Medal with six campaign clusters, the Victory Medal, the New York State Conspicuous Cross Medal (for highly decorated veterans), and the Army Combat Medic Badge.
  • Raymond Zussman Second Lieutenant, (World War II) Medal of Honor, killed in action


  • Sarah Aaronsohn, British head of anti-Turkish Nili spy-ring
  • Denise Bloch, French World War II Special Operations Executive agent
  • Eli Cohen, Israeli spy, hanged by Syria
  • Avraham Marcus Klingberg, KGB spy, spent 15 years in Israeli prison for passing secrets about biological research to the Soviets.
  • Jonathan Pollard, United States Navy intelligence analyst, passed information to Israel
  • Julius Rosenberg and Ethel Rosenberg, allegedly gave United States atomic bomb secrets to the Soviet Union
  • Krystyna Skarbek, Polish-born British Special Operations Executive agent
  • Hannah Szenes, Hungarian-born British-Palestine, Special Operations Executive agent
  • Mordechai Vanunu, Moroccon-born Israeli, spied on Israel's Dimona nuclear reactor, (converted to Christianity)
  • Moshe Marzouk, Israeli spy and Karaite Jew executed by Egypt, part of the Lavon Affair


International world politicians

Israeli politicians

See: List of Israeli politicians (most are Jewish)

Political activists

US politicians

Russian revolutionaries and politicians

WW2 Ghetto politicians

World revolutionaries and politicians

Religious Figures

Biblical figures

See: List of Jewish Biblical figures


See: List of rabbis

Other religious leaders

Scientists & Philosophers

See: List of Jewish scientists and philosophers & List of Jewish Nobel Prize winners



Personalities with unproven and/or distant partial Jewish heritage

  • David Beckham, English Soccer (maternal grandfather is Jewish)
  • Helena Bonham Carter, actor (mother from family of Jews who converted to Catholicism)
  • Fidel Castro, Cuban leader (may be descended from Conversos)
  • Bill Clinton, His German Jewish family emigrated to Scotland (Roessel>Russell) (Also widely rumored to be a Rothschild)
  • Hilary Clinton Some say admitted to Jewish Heritage, others say that "stepfamily" was Jewish.
  • Christopher Columbus, explorer (may have been a Converso' but probably wasn't')
  • Zsa Zsa Gabor and Eva Gabor, US actresses (Vanity Fair 6/01 article says one set of grandparents died in the Holocaust and other relatives may have converted to Christianity).
  • Muriel Gray, broadcaster (Jewish maternal grandmother)
  • Christopher Hitchens, British-born journalist and contrarian (Jewish maternal grandmother)
  • Garry Kasparov, former world chess champion (Jewish father)
  • John Kerry, Senator from Massachusets (Catholic. Paternal Jewish grandparents converted to Catholicism)
  • Vladimir Lenin, leader of Russian Bolsheviks during Russian Revolution (maternal grandfather was Jewish)
  • Federico Garcia Lorca, Spanish poet, playwright (acknowledged descent from Conversos)
  • Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, US first lady (one grandparent was Jewish)
  • Colin Powell, US Secretary of State (father's side has Jewish strain through Broomfield according to his autobiography)
  • Elvis Presley, US musician, maternal grandfather was Jewish
  • Diego Rivera, Mexican painter (one grandparent was Jewish)
  • Carlos Santana, Mexican born US musician (acknowledges descent from Conversos)
  • Jack Straw, British Foreign Secretary (one grandparent was Jewish)
  • Meryl Streep, US actress (acknowledges distant Jewish heritage, great-grandparent, possibly one grandparent)
  • Raoul Wallenberg, Protector of Jews during Holocaust (one Jewish great-great grandparent)
  • Caspar Weinberger, US Secretary of Defense (Christian, paternal grandfather was Jewish)
  • Wanda Wasilewska, Polish communist leader, alleged Stalin mistress and collaborator
  • Pete Sampras, paternal grandmother was Jewish

Fictional Characters

See also: List of Jewish superheroes

See also







Arts, Visual


Cartoons & Comics

  • Al Capp, US cartoonist; creator of Li'l Abner
  • Will Eisner, US cartoonist; (The Spirit)
  • Mark Evanier, US comics and animated cartoons writer for Disney and Hanna-Barbera
  • Max Fleischer, US animated cartoonist; (Popeye, Superman)
  • Bob Kane, US cartoonist; creator of Batman
  • Gil Kane, Latvian-born US comics artist. First to draw Silver Age Green Lantern and the Atom.
  • Jack Kirby, US comics and animated cartoons creator; co-creator of Captain America, (Fantastic Four, Hulk)
  • Stan Lee, US cartoon writer and creator of Marvel Comics and its heroes
  • Harvey Pekar, US comic book writer; (American Splendor)
  • Julius Schwartz, US comic book and magazine editor; (The Flash; Green Lantern).
  • Joe Shuster, Canadian-US comics artist; co-creator of Superman
  • Jerome Siegel, US comics artist; co-creator of Superman
  • Joe Simon, US cartoonist; co-creator of Captain America
  • Art Spiegelman, Swedish-US comic-book artist; creator of Maus
  • Matt Stone, Co-creator of South Park (Jewish father)
  • Mort Weisinger, US comic book and magazine editor; (Superman, Supergirl)







Literature & Journalism




Israeli military

  • Ron Arad, Israeli pilot, missing in action
  • Ehud Barak, Israeli general and Prime Minister
  • Menachem Begin, Prime Minister of Israel
  • Moshe Dayan, former Israeli chief of staff, minister of defense
  • Arie Eldad, former medical officer and surgeon
  • Uziel Gal, Israeli designer of the UZI submachine gun
  • Israel Galili, Israeli designer of the Galil assault rifle
  • David (Mickey) Marcus US colonel, assisted Israel in 1948 war, first Israeli Brigadier general
  • Shaul Mofaz, Israeli general, former chief of staff, minister of defense
  • Yoni Netanyahu, Israeli commander of Operation Entebbe, killed in action
  • Yitschak Rabin, Israeli chief of staff, Prime Minister of Israel
  • Ilan Ramon, Israeli pilot attacked Iraqi reactor; Israel's first astronaut, died on Columbia space shuttle
  • Ariel Sharon, Israeli general, Prime Minister of Israel
  • Israel Tal, Israeli general, oversaw development of Israel's Merkava tank
  • Joseph Trumpeldor, Russian soldier, founded Zion Mule Corps, killed in early Palestine
  • Moshe Yaalon, Israeli general and chief of staff

US military

  • Julius O. Adler Brigadier General,(World War II) Commanded the 77th Infantry Division
  • Jeremy Michael Boorda Admiral, (Vietnam; Kosovo)
  • Louis Bush, (Revolutionary war)
  • Mathias Bush, (Revolutionary war)
  • Solomon Bush, (Revolutionary war), Lieutenant Colonel, highest-ranking Jewish officer in the Continental Army
  • Leopold Blumenberg (Civil War)
  • Wesley Kane Clark, former NATO commander during the Bosnian War (Jewish father, raised Baptist, converted to Catholicism)
  • David Camden DeLeon (Mexican War), "The Fighting Doctor", doctor under General Zachary Taylor, Congressional Citation
  • LeRoy Diamond (World War II, Pacific), Corporal, Navy Cross and Purple Heart
  • Hyman Epstein (World War II, Pacific), Army medical aide, killed in New Guinea after heroic rescues defying snipers
  • David Nunez Cardozo (American Revolution), South Carolina Grenadiers, led an assault on British-held Savannah, Georgia
  • Leon Dyer, (Civil War, Mexican War, Seminole War), Colonel, post-Alamo volunteer, escorted Gen. Santa Anna to D.C.
  • Herbert P. Grossman Private First Class {World War II) Silver Star for gallantry in action at Leyte, Philippine Islands
  • Levy Myers Harby (War of 1812), Navy Captain, began military at 14
  • Phineas Horowitz (Civil War)
  • Stanley H. Hyman (Vietnam)
  • Isadore S. Jachman Sergeant USA (World War II), Medal of Honor (posthumously) for actions saving his paratroop company during fighting in Flamierge, Belgium
  • Jack H. Jacobs Captain USA (Vietnam) Medal of Honor recipient
  • Leopold Karpeles (Civil War) Sergeant, Congressional Medal of Honor for bravery and heroism
  • Frederick Knefler (Civil War)
  • Melvin Krulewitch Major General (World War II) First person to personally captured Japanese prisoners, first to fly the American flag on Japanese territory
  • John L. Levitow Sergeant USAF (Vietnam) Medal of Honor recipient
  • Uriah P. Levy (War of 1812) First Jewish US Admiral; ended the Practice of Flogging; bought, restored, and gave Montecello (Jefferson's home) as a gift to the American people
  • Aaron Lopez, (American Revolution), Supplied transoceanic ships and coastal vessels to Navy
  • David "Mickey" Marcus, (World War II), US Army Lieutenant Colonel, West Point graduate, Divisional Judge Advocate, Division Commander, attended the "Big Five" meetings, volunteered to join D-Day airborne assault without formal training. Distinguished Service Cross, Bronze Star, and British decorations. Volunteered to Israeli Army to defend against Transjordan Arab Legion. Became first Israeli brigadier general, and served as Commander of Jerusalem front.
  • Alfred Mordechai (Civil War)
  • Ben Moreel Admiral,(World War II) Formed the Seabees
  • Mordecai Myers, (War of 1812), Captain, New York City's first Jewish Mayor
  • Leopold Newman (Civil War)
  • Manuel M. Noah, (American Revolution), Served with General Marion, Financier
  • Hyman Rickover US Admiral, Father of the Nuclear Navy
  • Maurice Rose Major General, (World War II) Negotiated the unconditional surrender of the Germans in Tunisia, Commanded 3rd Armored Division: the first division to cross the German border and the first to breach the Siegfried line, killed in combat
  • Edward Rosewater, (Civil War), Union Army telegrapher for President Lincoln, transmitted Gettysburg Address
  • Ben L. Salomon (World War II, Pacific) Captain, USA Medical Corps, Medal of Honor (posthumously) for actions during Battle of Saipan
  • Edward S. Salomon (Civil War)
  • Haym Salomon (American Revolution), Sons of Liberty, Financier
  • Francis Salvador (American Revolution), "Paul Revere of the South"
  • Mordecai Sheftall (American Revolution), "The Great Rebel"
  • Seligman Brothers, (Civil War), Financeers
  • Frances Slanger, (World War II, France), Lieutenant, U.S. Army Nurses Corps. Killed in action.
  • Robert B. Solomon (Vietnam)
  • Judah Touro, (War of 1812), civilian volunteer in American Army, Philanthropist
  • John Ordroneaux (War of 1812), French Commodore, Continental Navy Privateersman
  • Max Warshaw, (World War II, North Africa), Staff Sergeant, Army Medic, two Silver Star medals, three Bronze Star medals, the Purple Heart, the Ex-Prisoner of War Medal, the Pre-Pearl Harbor Medal, the European Theater of Operations Medal with six campaign clusters, the Victory Medal, the New York State Conspicuous Cross Medal (for highly decorated veterans), and the Army Combat Medic Badge.
  • Raymond Zussman Second Lieutenant, (World War II) Medal of Honor, killed in action


  • Sarah Aaronsohn, British head of anti-Turkish Nili spy-ring
  • Denise Bloch, French World War II Special Operations Executive agent
  • Eli Cohen, Israeli spy, hanged by Syria
  • Avraham Marcus Klingberg, KGB spy, spent 15 years in Israeli prison for passing secrets about biological research to the Soviets.
  • Jonathan Pollard, United States Navy intelligence analyst, passed information to Israel
  • Julius Rosenberg and Ethel Rosenberg, allegedly gave United States atomic bomb secrets to the Soviet Union
  • Krystyna Skarbek, Polish-born British Special Operations Executive agent
  • Hannah Szenes, Hungarian-born British-Palestine, Special Operations Executive agent
  • Mordechai Vanunu, Moroccon-born Israeli, spied on Israel's Dimona nuclear reactor, (converted to Christianity)
  • Moshe Marzouk, Israeli spy and Karaite Jew executed by Egypt, part of the Lavon Affair


International world politicians

Israeli politicians

See: List of Israeli politicians (most are Jewish)

Political activists

US politicians

Russian revolutionaries and politicians

WW2 Ghetto politicians

World revolutionaries and politicians

Religious Figures

Biblical figures

See: List of Jewish Biblical figures


See: List of rabbis

Other religious leaders

Scientists & Philosophers

See: List of Jewish scientists and philosophers & List of Jewish Nobel Prize winners



Personalities with unproven and/or distant partial Jewish heritage

  • David Beckham, English Soccer (maternal grandfather is Jewish)
  • Helena Bonham Carter, actor (mother from family of Jews who converted to Catholicism)
  • Fidel Castro, Cuban leader (may be descended from Conversos)
  • Bill Clinton, His German Jewish family emigrated to Scotland (Roessel>Russell) (Also widely rumored to be a Rothschild)
  • Hilary Clinton Some say admitted to Jewish Heritage, others say that "stepfamily" was Jewish.
  • Christopher Columbus, explorer (may have been a Converso' but probably wasn't')
  • Zsa Zsa Gabor and Eva Gabor, US actresses (Vanity Fair 6/01 article says one set of grandparents died in the Holocaust and other relatives may have converted to Christianity).
  • Muriel Gray, broadcaster (Jewish maternal grandmother)
  • Christopher Hitchens, British-born journalist and contrarian (Jewish maternal grandmother)
  • Garry Kasparov, former world chess champion (Jewish father)
  • John Kerry, Senator from Massachusets (Catholic. Paternal Jewish grandparents converted to Catholicism)
  • Vladimir Lenin, leader of Russian Bolsheviks during Russian Revolution (maternal grandfather was Jewish)
  • Federico Garcia Lorca, Spanish poet, playwright (acknowledged descent from Conversos)
  • Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, US first lady (one grandparent was Jewish)
  • Colin Powell, US Secretary of State (father's side has Jewish strain through Broomfield according to his autobiography)
  • Elvis Presley, US musician, maternal grandfather was Jewish
  • Diego Rivera, Mexican painter (one grandparent was Jewish)
  • Carlos Santana, Mexican born US musician (acknowledges descent from Conversos)
  • Jack Straw, British Foreign Secretary (one grandparent was Jewish)
  • Meryl Streep, US actress (acknowledges distant Jewish heritage, great-grandparent, possibly one grandparent)
  • Raoul Wallenberg, Protector of Jews during Holocaust (one Jewish great-great grandparent)
  • Caspar Weinberger, US Secretary of Defense (Christian, paternal grandfather was Jewish)
  • Wanda Wasilewska, Polish communist leader, alleged Stalin mistress and collaborator
  • Pete Sampras, paternal grandmother was Jewish

Fictional Characters

See also: List of Jewish superheroes

See also
