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List of ethnic groups in China

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Template:Contains Chinese text The following is a list of ethnic groups in China.

The Han Chinese are the largest ethnic group, where some 91.5% of the population was classified as Han Chinese (~1.2 billion). Besides the majority Han Chinese, China recognizes 55 other "nationalities" or ethnic groups, numbering approximately 105 million persons, mostly concentrated in the northwest, north, northeast, south, and southwest but with some in central interior areas.

The major minority ethnic groups are Zhuang (16.1 million), Manchu (10.6 million), Hui (9.8 million), Miao (8.9 million), Uyghur (8.3 million), Tujia (8 million), Yi (7.7 million), Mongol (5.8 million), Tibetan (5.4 million), Buyei (2.9 million), Dong (2.9 million), Yao (2.6 million), Korean (1.9 million), Bai (1.8 million), Hani (1.4 million), Kazakh (1.2 million), Li (1.2 million), and Dai (1.1 million).

Officially recognised ethnic groups in China

In order of population,[1] this is the list of the 56 ethnic groups in China that are officially recognised by the government of the People's Republic of China. The governments of the special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macau, however, do not distinguish between different Chinese ethnic groups.

Ethnolinguistic map of China
  1. Han (汉族: Hàn Zú)
  2. Zhuang (壮族: Zhuàng Zú)
  3. Manchu (满族: Mǎn Zú)
  4. Hui (回族: Huí Zú)
  5. Miao (苗族: Miáo Zú) (Hmong)
  6. Uyghurs (维吾尔族: Wéiwúěr Zú)
  7. Yi (彝族: Yí Zú)
  8. Tujia (土家族: Tǔjiā Zú)
  9. Mongols (蒙古族: Měnggǔ Zú)
  10. Tibetan (藏族: Zàng Zú)
  11. Buyei (布依族: Bùyī Zú)
  12. Dong (侗族: Dòng Zú)
  13. Yao (瑶族: Yáo Zú)
  14. Korean (朝鲜族: Cháoxiǎn Zú)
  15. Bai (白族: Bái Zú)
  16. Hani (哈尼族: Hāní Zú)
  17. Li (黎族: Lí Zú)
  18. Kazakh (哈萨克族: Hāsàkè Zú)
  19. Dai (傣族: Dǎi Zú, also called Dai Lue, one of the Tai ethnic groups)
  20. She (畲族: Shē Zú)
  21. Lisu (傈僳族: Lìsù Zú)
  22. Gelao (仡佬族: Gēlǎo Zú)
  23. Lahu (拉祜族: Lāhù Zú)
  24. Dongxiang (东乡族: Dōngxiāng Zú)
  25. Va (佤族: Wǎ Zú) (Va)
  26. Sui (水族: Shuǐ Zú)
  27. Nakhi (纳西族: Nàxī Zú) (includes the Mosuo (摩梭: Mósuō))
  28. Qiang (羌族: Qiāng Zú)
  29. Tu (土族: Tǔ Zú)
  30. Xibe (锡伯族: Xíbó Zú)
  31. Mulao (仫佬族: Mùlǎo Zú)
  32. Kyrgyz (柯尔克孜族: Kēěrkèzī Zú)
  33. Daur (达斡尔族: Dáwòěr Zú)
  34. Jingpo (景颇族: Jǐngpō Zú)
  35. Salar (撒拉族: Sǎlá Zú)
  36. Blang (布朗族: Bùlǎng Zú)
  37. Maonan (毛南族: Màonán Zú)
  38. Tajik (塔吉克族: Tǎjíkè Zú)
  39. Pumi (普米族: Pǔmǐ Zú)
  40. Achang (阿昌族: Āchāng Zú)
  41. Nu (怒族: Nù Zú)
  42. Ewenki (鄂温克族: Èwēnkè Zú)
  43. Jing (京族: Jīng Zú) (The same group as Vietnamese or Kinh people)
  44. Jino (基诺族: Jīnuò Zú)
  45. De'ang (德昂族: Déáng Zú)
  46. Uzbeks (乌孜别克族: Wūzībiékè Zú)
  47. Russian (俄罗斯族: Éluōsī Zú)
  48. Yugur (裕固族: Yùgù Zú)
  49. Bonan (保安族: Bǎoān Zú)
  50. Monba (门巴族: Ménbā Zú)
  51. Oroqen (鄂伦春族: Èlúnchūn Zú)
  52. Derung (独龙族: Dúlóng Zú)
  53. Tatars (塔塔尔族: Tǎtǎěr Zú)
  54. Hezhen (赫哲族: Hèzhé Zú) (the same group as Nanai on the Russian side of the border)
  55. Lhoba (珞巴族: Luòbā Zú)
  56. Gaoshan (高山族: Gāoshān Zú) (a collective name for all Taiwanese aborigine groups)

Taiwanese aborigines

This is a list of Taiwanese aborigines ethnic groups. The People's Republic of China (PRC) classifies all of these groups into a single ethnic group, Gaoshan (高山族 : Gāoshān Zú). The Republic of China (ROC) in Taiwan officially recognizes 13 of these groups. Those that are officially recognized by the ROC government are marked with an asterisk in the following list.

  1. Amis (阿美)*
  2. Atayal (Tayal, Tayan) (泰雅)*
  3. Babuza (貓霧捒)
  4. Basay (巴賽)
  5. Bunun (布農)*
  6. Hoanya (洪雅 or 洪安雅)
  7. Kavalan (噶瑪蘭)*
  8. Ketagalan (凱達格蘭)
  9. Luilang (雷朗)
  10. Paiwan (排灣)*
  11. Pazeh/Kaxabu (Pazih) (巴宰 or 巴則海)
  12. Popora (巴布拉)
  13. Puyuma (卑南)*
  14. Qauqaut (猴猴)
  15. Rukai (魯凱)*
  16. Saisiyat (Saisiat) (賽夏)*
  17. Sakizaya (撒奇萊雅)*
  18. Siraya (西拉雅)
  19. Tao (Yami) (雅美/達悟)*
  20. Taokas (道卡斯)
  21. Thao (邵)*
  22. Trobiawan (多囉美 or 多囉美遠)
  23. Truku (Taroko) (太魯閣)*
  24. Tsou (Cou) (鄒)*

"Undistinguished" ethnic minority groups

This is a list of ethnic groups in China that are not officially recognised by the government of the People's Republic of China.

Ethnic groups in Hong Kong and Macau

See also: Demographics of Hong Kong, Demographics of Macau

Hong Kong and Macau are special administrative regions of the People's Republic of China. The governments of Hong Kong and Macau do not use the official PRC ethnic classification system, nor does the PRC's official classification system take ethnic groups in Hong Kong and Macau into account. As a result, minority groups such as Filipinos, Indonesians, Europeans and South Asians in Hong Kong, as well as Portuguese and Macanese (people of mixed Chinese-Portuguese ancestry) in Macau, do not appear in the PRC's list of ethnicities in China.

See also


  1. ^ List of ethnic groups in China and their population sizes Paul and Bernice Noll's Window on the World.