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Xenophobia and racism related to the COVID-19 pandemic

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Map of the 2019–20 novel coronavirus outbreak:
  Region of origin (Mainland China)
  Confirmed cases reported
  Suspected cases reported

Since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), which originated in the city of Wuhan in Hubei, China, heightened prejudice, xenophobia and racism against people of Chinese and East Asian descent having been observed to have arisen as a result, with incidents of fear, suspicion and hostility being noted across various countries.[1][2][3][4]

On 30 January, the World Health Organization's Emergency Committee issued a statement advising all countries to be mindful of the "principles of Article 3 of the IHR," which the WHO says is a caution against "actions that promote stigma or discrimination," when conducting national response measures to the outbreak.[5]


Like the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), the coronavirus currently known as 2019-nCoV originated from Wuhan, Hubei, China and has a suspected origin in bat viruses.[6][7] While the overall fatality rate of novel coronavirus pneumonia is unknown, the case fatality rate estimates range from 2–3%,[8] and it has not thus far proven as deadly as SARS,[dubiousdiscuss] which had a fatality rate of about 9–10%.[9][10] Within slightly more than a month of its discovery, the Wuhan coronavirus had overtaken the total number of people infected by SARS during the eight-month epidemic.[11]

Several cases occurred in the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, that purportedly sold bushmeat that caused the first transmission of the novel coronavirus from animal to human similar to SARS.[citation needed]

The stigma and anti-Chinese sentiment arising from the novel coronavirus was exacerbated by a viral video on social media showing a Chinese influencer consuming a bowl of bat soup.[dubiousdiscuss] The video was held up as evidence of "disgusting" Chinese eating habits, though it was produced more than three years before the novel coronavirus epidemic and in Palau, a Pacific island nation where bat soup is a delicacy.[12][13]

At a Woolworths supermarket in Port Hedland, Western Australia, a person reported an incident whereby a staff member removed and refused entry to customers who appeared to be of Asian descent, claiming it was to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus. A witness to the incident made a complaint that was upheld by Woolworths who confirmed that the staff member had been in the wrong, apologised for the incident and said they were conducting a full investigation into the incident.[14][15]

Ravenswood School for Girls, a private school on Sydney's North Shore asked a South Korean student to leave her dormitory – even though she had not been to China since visiting Shanghai in October 2019 and was medically cleared when she arrived at the school.[16]

There has been a growing number of reports where members of the Chinese-Australian and Asian-Australian communities have been subjected to vitriol and racist slurs, with some amounting to physical attacks, including suggestions on social media to cull the Chinese race and "burn down" China to stop the epidemic.[17][18]


Toronto website BlogTO noted stigma attached to Chinese food similar to what happened during the 2003 SARS outbreak. Racist comments were posted on its Instagram about a new Chinese restaurant, which some posters urged diners to avoid because "it may have bat pieces in there or whatever else they eat."[12] Instagram users also commented on a photo of a Chinese restaurant in Toronto, making comments like "No eating bats please! That's how coronavirus started in China!" and "I ain't trine catch no virus."[1]

Frank Ye, a student at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy at the University of Toronto told CBC Radio his Asian Canadian friends have witnessed people moving away from them or holding their mouths. His mother, a nurse at a Toronto hospital, was asked by a man for a mask because there were "just so many Chinese people around here."[19]

Peter Akman, a reporter who was with Canada's CTV, tweeted an image of his Asian barber in mask and said, "Hopefully all I got today was a haircut."[20] He was fired after the tweet was reported.[21]

An online petition was set up, urging schools to ban Chinese students. A board that represents 208 schools in Toronto condemned the petition, saying that it is inciting racism and bias.[22]

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau condemned racism against Chinese Canadians during a Lunar New Year festival in Toronto.[23]

On 5 February 2020, the headline of the front page of The Province, a newspaper in British Columbia, read "2nd China Virus Case in B.C." Chinese consul general of China in Vancouver Tong Xiaoling demanded an apology from The Province, which she said "it is discriminatory and unprofessional". On February 8, Harold Munro, editor-in-chief of The Vancouver Sun and The Province, said referring to the novel coronavirus as the "China virus" was a way to geographically locate the origin of the virus, not to discriminate.[24]


French newspaper Le Courrier Picard featured an Asian woman wearing a mask on its front page on 26 January 2020 with a headline "Yellow Alert".[25] The paper also titled an editorial "A New Yellow Peril".[26] The publication drew condemnation from French Asians who started the hashtag #JeNeSuisPasUnVirus (which translates to "I Am Not A Virus").[27]

Many French-Vietnamese report also being subject to harassment. A French-Vietnamese student named Héloïse reported that the racist harassment toward her and East Asian people existed before and have just been more intensive since the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan. She reported that people yelled at her "sushi", "nem", "manga" and "don't be close to that Vietnamese girl if you don't want to get sick!" as they go around her and run away.[28]

South Korean residents have also reported increased animosity toward them.[29][30][better source needed]

Some Japanese nationals have reported an increase in anti-Japanese incidents, such as being mocked on the street and refused taxi service.[31][failed verification][better source needed][32][33] A Japanese actress working for the French company Louis Vuitton received a number of coronavirus-related comments on the company's Instagram page, which the company later deleted.[34]


Dutch news outlet NOS has reported that in many of its own Facebook and Instagram posts about the coronavirus, there has been many "racist, discriminating or anti-Chinese comments". Residents of Asian descent have reported to be called out for carrying the coronavirus during their commute, in the supermarket, or in school. Dutch YouTuber Hanwe of Chinese descent posted on Instagram that the virus "is no excuse for being racist", which received a mixture of "positive and negative" responses, the latter of which being comments like "You should all leave, or all die" or "It's your own fault for eating rats".[35]

Dutch radio DJ Lex Gaarthuis presented a Carnaval song named Voorkomen is beter dan Chinezen (Prevention is better than eating Chinese food) on national radio channel Radio 10 under his alter ego Toon, which included the lyrics "We can't have the virus in our country, it is all caused by these stinking Chinese people" and "Don't eat Chinese food". After many complaints were issued against the radio channel and DJ Lex Gaarthuis primarily from the Chinese community in the Netherlands, both of them later made formal apologies (with Gaarthuis saying the song was meant to be satirical but had overshot its mark). A petition has been made in protest of racism against Chinese and other people of Asian descent named Wij zijn geen virussen (We are not viruses), which has been signed 12,000 times within a day.[36][37]

A group of Chinese students living in a student campus from the University of Wageningen discovered that their floor had been vandalised. The damages includes a torn Chinese flag on one of the student's door, an elevator littered with feces and urine and walls with English-language scribbles such as "DIE CHINESE" and "CHINESE CORONA".[38] The police are investigating this incident, but no suspects have been found so far.[39]

On a KLM flight from Amsterdam to Seoul, the flight attendants put up a Korean sign that passengers are not allowed to use the lavatory as the flight crew felt that the Korean passengers might infect the crew with coronavirus.[40]


The Chinese Embassy in Berlin has acknowledged a rise in hostile cases against its citizens since the outbreak.[41] On 1 February 2020, a 23-year old Chinese citizen in Berlin reportedly received racist insults and was subsequently beaten by two unknown assailants, in an incident classified by police as "xenophobic".[42] A resident in Germany of Asian descent said, "With this recent coronavirus outbreak, it [racism against people of Asian descent] has just gotten worse.... we are basically stuck between getting ridiculed and being the recipient of disgust."[43]

The weekly magazine Der Spiegel has published a controversial cover[44] which has been considered by some as blaming China for the outbreak and fueling xenophobia.[45][46]

Hong Kong

Tenno Ramen, a Japanese noodle restaurant in Hung Hom, refuses to serve mainland Chinese customers. The restaurant said on Facebook, "We want to live longer. We want to safeguard local customers. Please excuse us."[47]


A demonstration was staged outside a hotel in Bukittinggi, rejecting the visit of tourists from Southern China who stayed there amid fear of coronavirus. The demonstrators demanded that the tourists be isolated in an airport, and showed distrust over screening tools in airports. It ended after police guaranteed that the tourists would stay in the hotel up to the following day, when the tourists depart from the city.[48][49] In Ranai, Natuna Island, hundreds of residents protested against the quarantine of returning Indonesians from Wuhan at the island.[50]


Indian Islamic cleric Ilyas Sharafuddin said in an audio address that the coronavirus outbreak was a "punishment of Allah on China for mistreating Uighur Muslims". Ilyas said that "they [the Chinese] have threatened the Muslims and tried to destroy lives of 20 million Muslims. Muslims were forced to drink alcohol, their mosques were destroyed and their Holy Book was burned. They thought that no one can challenge them, but Allah the most powerful punished them." He added that "Romans, Persians, and Russians who were arrogant and stood against Islam," were all destroyed by Allah.[51]


La Repubblica reported that the director of Rome's prestigious Santa Cecilia music conservatory, Roberto Giuliani, suspended the lessons of all "Oriental students (Korean, Chinese, Japanese, with Koreans the largest group affected)" due to the epidemic, though most of the students are second-generation immigrants.[52][53]

According to the Washington Post, people especially from South Korea and China have experienced increased mockery and discrimination.[2]

Posts around the Trevi Fountain had a sign that did not allow anyone from China to enter.[54]


In Japan, the hashtag #ChineseDon'tComeToJapan has been trending on Twitter.[55][needs update]

A server at a restaurant in Ito, a Japanese city on the Izu peninsula south of Tokyo, was recorded shouting at a tourist "China! Out!" A Chinese woman, who was the target of the outburst, immediately left the restaurant.[56]

A confectionery shop in Hakone, Kanagawa Prefecture put up an sign saying "No Chinese allowed!" prompting Chinese netizens to boycott the store.[57]


A petition in Malaysia calling for citizens from China to be banned from entering the country claimed that the "new virus is widely spread throughout the world because of [their] unhygienic lifestyle".[58] The petition was reportedly signed by almost 500,000 people within a week.[59]

New Zealand

MP Raymond Huo noted that there were racial abuse incidents in the country's Chinese community. An online petition to prevent people from China from entering the country was signed by more than 18,000 people.[60] In Canterbury, an email was sent to a Chinese-origin student's parent, which reportedly said, "our Kiwi kids don't want to be in the same class with your disgusting virus spreaders."[61]


Various Filipino-Chinese advocacy groups have warned that racism against the Chinese community has risen after the outbreak has started.[62] The Federation of Filipino Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Inc and the Trade Union of Congress of the Philippines have condemned anti-Chinese propaganda with links to the virus.[62] Adamson University, a prominent Catholic school in Manila, received online backlash for ordering all its Chinese students to quarantine themselves amid the new coronavirus outbreak.[63]

President Rodrigo Duterte has made appeals to the public to stop discriminating against anyone who has Chinese ancestry.[64]


A Singaporean started an online petition urging the government of Singapore to temporarily ban Chinese nationals and travellers from China from entering the island country. The petition was signed by 125,000 Singaporeans.[65][66]

The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has ordered an investigation against a Islamic teacher named Mr. Abdul Halim Abdul Karim, after saying on Facebook that the coronavirus outbreak was "a retribution by Allah against the Chinese for their oppressive treatment of Muslim Uighurs in Xinjiang." In a separate post, Karim claimed that Chinese people do not wash properly after defecating and were not as hygienic as Muslims, causing the virus to spread. Home Affairs and Law Minister K. Shanmugam slammed the comments as "silly", "xenophobic" and "thoroughly racist" and is "quite unacceptable from anyone, let alone someone who is supposed to be a religious teacher."[67] The Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (MUIS) said it is aware of the post, which "expresses views that do not represent the Muslim community" and was investigating on the matter.[68] In response, Mr. Abdul Halim said that his Facebook post written in Malay, was not intended to be racist and didn't target "any particular race".[69]

South Korea

An entrance to a South Korean restaurant in downtown Seoul has a sign in red Chinese characters that reads "No Chinese Allowed".[70]

More than half a million South Korean citizens have reportedly signed a petition lobbying the government to ban Chinese tourists from entering the country.[71]

United Kingdom

Chinese businesses in the United Kingdom, including the busy Chinese takeaway segment and businesses in Chinatown, London recorded significantly reduced customers in the aftermath of the coronavirus outbreak[72] compared to usual elevated sales related to Chinese New Year celebrations, due to fears of coronavirus spreading through food or unhygienic working practices.[73][74] A rise in racist abuse against people of Asian descent, directly related to the coronavirus outbreak, was recorded across the United Kingdom. In London, a student of the Royal Holloway University was verbally abused by train passengers at Clapham Junction station, while a similar incident was reported by passengers on the London Underground;[74] in general, there was a widespread rise in anti-Chinese sentiment reported in all forms of public transport.[75]

There were also several reports of xenophobic abuse in schools, with children of Asian descent becoming the victim of playground bullying and alienation as a result of the outbreak. On 30 January 2020, a postgraduate student walking alone while wearing a face mask on West Street in Sheffield city centre, towards the University of Sheffield, was verbally abused and nudged by three people.[76]

Chinese children are being excluded from schools against the advice of the medical authorities such as Public Health England[77] and the NHS.[78] Chinese children are even being excluded from their sporting and social activities such as rugby class with the excuse of protecting the children from negative comments made by other club members, in reality the Chinese children are being excluded due to the panic amongst families afraid of the "Chinese virus".[citation needed]

Tottenham Hotspur footballer Dele Alli posted a video on Snapchat where he wore a face mask and mocked an Asian man seated near him in Dubai about the coronavirus outbreak.[79]

United States

In an infographic on common reactions to the novel coronavirus epidemic posted by University Health Services at the University of California, Berkeley, the school advised that "Xenophobia: fears about interacting with those who might be from Asia and guilt about these feelings" is normal.[80]

An eight-year-old boy of mixed heritage was spotted at a Costco in Issaquah, Washington, with a mask and told by a sample-stand worker to "get away because he may be from China."[81][82]

A Vietnamese American woman saw hundreds of comments on her TikTok video about eating phở such as "where is the bat in that soup dish"; "this is clearly Coronavirus Era".[83]

A man reported that racial epithets were spread around on Twitter.[84]

A woman on New York City subway was verbally abused at by a man screaming about coronavirus. Another person in another incident was attacked on camera.[54]

China Town in Houston, TX faced a drop in customers after people falsely and maliciously spread rumors online of an outbreak of the coronavirus. [85]

See also


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