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The charts below show the way in which the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) represents Standard Bulgarian and Standard Macedonian pronunciations in Wikipedia articles.

When two examples are given, the first is in Bulgarian and the second in Macedonian. When one example is given, the word has the same spelling in both languages.

English approximations are in some cases very rough, and only intended to give a general idea of the pronunciation. See Bulgarian language#Phonology and Macedonian phonology for a more thorough look at the sounds.


IPA Examples IPA Examples English equivalents
b баба бяс box
d дом дядо dust
d͡z дзифт d͡zʲ Ядзя birds
d͡ʒ джем jab
f филм фюрер fact
ɡ гарван ~ ɟ герой good
j паяк yes
k къща ~ c келнер keep, cue
l бели ~ ʎ любов list, million
m море място mocha
n нос ~ ɲ баня North, onion
p пет пясък palm
r работа рязка robot (trilled)
s стол сянка speak
ʃ шума sugar
t тайна тяло time
t͡s цар t͡sʲ цяр bats
v вода вятър very, view
x хартия ~ ç Хюстън Bach, hew
z зима зюмбюл zoo
ʒ жълт pleasure
IPA Examples English equivalent
Stressed vowels
a брат father
ɛ цена edge
i сив happy
ɔ слон more
u хубав pool
ɤ късмет turn
Unstressed vowels
ɐ щерка, гълъб sofa
o изток more
u когa pool
IPA Explanation
ˈ Denotes stress on the following syllable
ˌ Denotes secondary stress on the following syllable
ʲ Denotes palatalization of the preceding consonant


IPA Examples Nearest English equivalent
b баба box
v вода view
ɡ гавран good
d дом dust
ɟ ѓон argue
ʒ жолт pleasure
z зима zoo
d͡z ѕвезда birds
j јаболко yes
k куќа, друг keep
l лав list
монокл little
ɫ бела milk
ʎ љубов million
m море mocha
ɱ трамвај symphony
n нос North
ŋ банка Hank
ɲ бања onion
p пет, леб palm
r работа robot (trilled)
прст US: verb (trilled)
s стол, влез speak
t тајна, брод time
c ќерка, глеѓ cue
f филм, овца fact
x хартија Bach
t͡s цар bats
t͡ʃ чекан, колеџ cheese
d͡ʒ џем jab
ʃ шума, багаж sugar
IPA Examples Nearest English equivalent
a брат father
ɘ ксмет pencil
ɛ сè edge
i сив happy
ɔ слон more
u убав book


  • Жобов, Владимир (2004), Звуковете в българския език
  • Lunt, Horace G. (1952), Grammar of the Macedonian Literary Language, Skopje{{citation}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)