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Barroso Commission

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The Barroso Commission is the European Commission that has been in office since 22 November 2004 and was due to serve until 31 October 2009. Its president is José Manuel Barroso, who presides over 26 other commissioners (one from each state).[1] on 16 September 2009 Barroso was re-elected by the European Parliament for a further five years.

Barroso was at first seen as the lowest common denominator by outside commentators, but his proposed team of Commissioners earned him some respect[2] before triggering a crisis when the European Parliament objected to some of his team, forcing a reshuffle.[3] In 2007 the Commission gained two new members when Romania and Bulgaria joined the European Union.[4]

Barroso's handling of his office has been markedly more Presidential than his predecessors.[5] During his term the Commission has passed major legislation including the REACH[6] and 'Bolkestein' Directives.[7] Commissioners have also become more political[8] and the civil service in the Commission more economically liberal.[9]


Barroso was nominated as President and approved by Parliament in July 2004.[10] However his proposed Commission met with opposition from the Parliament, notably concerning Rocco Buttiglione and his conservative comments which were seen as incompatible with his role as European Commissioner for Justice, Freedom and Security. The opposition plunged the EU into a minor crisis before Barroso conceded to the Parliament and reshuffled his team, removing Buttiglione, and his Commission took office on 22 November 2004.[3] The Commission was joined in 2007 by two further Commissioners when Bulgaria and Romania joined the EU.[4]

Presidential candidates

The Prodi Commission was due to end its mandate at the end of October 2004, so following the 2004 elections to the Sixth European Parliament, candidates for Commission President began to be considered. There was strong backing for Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt (EDLR) from Ireland, France and Germany who saw him as a "convinced European and also a fighter".[11] However the federalist was opposed by Spain[11] the United Kingdom, Italy and Poland due to his vocal opposition to the Iraq War and the inclusion of God in the European Constitution.[12] Irish Taoiseach Bertie Ahern (AEN) was also a popular candidate but did not wish to take up the job.[13]

Due to the victory of the European People's Party in the previous election, EPP parties were keen to get one of their members into the post, including Luxembourgian Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker (EPP), who refused, and Austrian Chancellor Wolfgang Schüssel (EPP), who was in a coalition with a right wing party which discredited him as a candidate to some governments.[11]

A number of Commissioners were also touted, notably Franz Fischler, Commissioner for Agriculture (Austria, EPP), Antonio Vitorino, Commissioner for JHA (Portugal, PES), Chris Patten, Commissioner for External Relations (UK, ED), Michel Barnier, and Commissioner for Regional Policy (France, EPP).[11]

Other candidates were High Representative Javier Solana (Spain, PES) and President of the Parliament Pat Cox (Ireland, ELDR) however both were light candidates. However Barroso emerged as a leading candidate despite his support for the Iraq War[13] and being seen as the lowest common denominator following objections to other candidates. The Parliament approved Barroso as President on 22 July 2004 by 413 votes to 215 (44 abstentions) with most of his support coming from the EPP-ED group. He did however earn praise for his later choice of candidates.[10][2]

Commissioner hearings

File:Barroso Commission first meeting.jpg
First meeting of the Commissioners

Barroso rejected the idea of a "supercommissioner" and desired 1/3 of the Commission to be women and that the most powerful portfolios should be handed to those most capable, not those from larger states.[10][14] His sharing out of jobs between the larger and smaller states equally earned him some early praise.[2] Candidates were proposed by national governments for each of the Commissioners and Parliament held hearings for them, to determine their suitability, between 27 September and 11 October of that year.[15]

During the hearings, members found fault in a number of Commissioners. Committees questioned the suitability of Ingrida Udre (Taxation and Customs Union), László Kovács (Energy), Neelie Kroes (Competition) and Mariann Fischer-Boel (Agriculture). However the most controversial was Rocco Buttiglione as European Commissioner for Justice, Freedom and Security due to his conservative comments (on women's position in marriage and that homosexuality was a sin) which, in the eyes of some MEPs, made him unsuitable for a job securing civil rights in the EU[16] leading to the civil rights committee to be the first committee to vote down an incoming Commissioner.[17]

The Socialists were the most vocal critics of Barroso and his proposed Commission, while the People's Party backed the Commission with the liberals split. Barroso attempted to offer small concessions to Parliament but they were not accepted as the Socialists made clear they would vote down the Commission as it stood, leaving the divided liberals holding the balance of whether the Barroso Commission would be the first Commission in EU history to rejected by Parliament. The People's Party demanded that if Buttiglione were to go, then a Socialist commissioner must also be sacrificed for balance.[18]

Barroso eventually gave in and withdrew his proposed college of Commissioners and, following three weeks which left Prodi continuing as a caretaker, proposed a new line up. There were three changes to help his dented authority and win the support of Parliament: Buttiglione had been withdrawn by Italy and replaced by foreign minister Franco Frattini, László Kovács was moved from Energy to Taxation and Ingrida Udre was withdrawn and replaced by Andris Piebalgs who took over the now vacant post of Energy.[19]

However a further issue concerning Jacques Barrot was raised by Independence/Democracy co-leader Nigel Farage MEP. Barrot, a returning Commissioner nominated as a Vice President with the Transport portfolio, had received a suspended prison sentence in 2000 in relation to a funding scandal involving his political party. He subsequently received a Presidential amnesty from then-French President Jacques Chirac and Barroso was unaware of the conviction till it was raised by Parliament. Despite this, Barroso stood by Barrot stating he was fit for office.[20] Farage had also made allegations against Vice President Siim Kallas, stating he had a criminal record in fraud. However this proved false, based on an inaccurate newspaper article, and an apology was published.[20]

Despite this, the Commission was approved on 18 November 2004, 449 votes in favour, 149 against and 82 abstentions, after Barroso gained the support of all three major parties and they took office on 22 November, three weeks after they were due to.[3]

2007 enlargement

Romania and Bulgaria joined the EU on 1 January 2007 with each being granted a single Commissioner, increasing the college of Commissioners to 27 members. Both new Commissioners were approved by the Parliament on 12 December 2006.[4] Meglena Kuneva was proposed by Bulgaria and was assigned the Consumer Protection portfolio, previously part of the joint Health & Consumer Protection portfolio. She was welcomed by Parliament with the People's Party and Socialists being impressed by her aims and attitude.[21] Kuneva with 583 votes "in favour", 21 votes "against" and 28 votes "abstentions".[4]

Romania originally proposed Senator Varujan Vosganian, however he quickly met with opposition from Socialists and the Commission itself due to his far right views and having no experience of the EU or profile outside Romania. That nomination was replaced by Leonard Orban who was given the portfolio of Multilingualism, previously part of Education, Training & Culture.[22] This however was met a cool reception for being such a slim portfolio. Socialist leader Martin Schulz MEP suggested it should instead focus on ethnic minorities but this was rejected by Barroso.[23] Orban was approved by Parliament with 595 votes in favour, 16 against and 29 abstentions.[4]

End of term resignations

In March 2008, Commissioner Kyprianou left the Commission following presidential elections in Cyprus to become his home country's new foreign minister. He was replaced by Androula Vassiliou who was approved by Parliament on 9 April.[24] Commissioners leaving early towards the end of their mandate is common, as they seek to secure their next job, but can undermine the Commission as a whole.[25]

Kyprianou was followed by Franco Frattini on 23 April 2008 following elections in Italy when he was recalled to serve as foreign minister of Italy. Frattini's responsibilities were handed to Barrot (who held them in addition to his existing transport duties) until a replacement for Frattini could be found.[26] In light of Parliament's opposition in 2004 when Buttiglione was deemed inappropriate for the justice portfolio, when Antonio Tajani MEP (another right wing candidate) was put forward to replace Frattini, President Barroso handed him Barrot's transport portfolio, leaving Barrot to continue with the justice portfolio for continuity and to ensure Parliament would back Tajani in such as non-sensitive position as Transport (but one still of interest to Italy due to problems with Alitalia).[27] Parliament approved Tajani on 18 June 2008 with a vote of 507 to 53 (64 abstentions).[28] Peter Mandelson then left in October 2008 to return to national politics as Secretary of State for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform, being replaced by Baroness Ashton.[29] Following the 2009 election two commissioners stood down to accept seats in the European Parliament: Danuta Hübner (Poland) and Louis Michel (Belgium) who were replaced by Paweł Samecki (4 July) and Karel De Gucht (17 July) respectively. Dalia Grybauskaitė (Lithuania) was replaced by Algirdas Šemeta on 1 July 2009) after becoming President of Lithuania[30]

Towards a second term

In 2008, Barroso steadily won support from leaders for a second term as President, Nicolas Sarkozy and Silvio Berlusconi both declared their support for Barroso, though Barroso himself stated it is up to the political parties in Parliament.[31][32] On 19 July 2008 Barroso stated for the first time that he was seeking a second term[33] (See "President" section below for details) and was backed by the EPP for re-election. In the 2009 elections, the EPP maintained their position as largest party, though without an absolute majority even with the support of other parties to their right. Yet the second and third largest groups, the Socialists and the Liberals, failed to put forward an alternative candidate to challenge Barroso even if they had won.[34][35] Despite this, a loose red-green-yellow coalition (the Socialists and Liberals with the Greens–European Free Alliance) formed against him in an attempt to gain concessions from Barroso. They demanded Barroso set out clearly his policy guidelines for his next term and offer key posts in the Commission to their group members.[36] They also attempted to push the vote back beyond the ratification date for the Treaty of Lisbon in order to have more power over his appointment.[37]

In a meeting with the political groups on 10 September 2009, Barroso argued his new policies to a packed room with an unusually lively debate as Barroso defended his record against the Greens, his most ardent opponents. Despite holding his own in the debate he did not win support from the Greens.[38] however the Socialist and Liberal leaders softened their opposition, the latter approving of the idea of a Commissioner for Human Rights.[39] Following the plenary debate on 15 September the People's Party and anti-federalist Conservatives and Reformists declared support, with conditional support from the Liberals. The Socialists, Greens and eurosceptic Freedom and Democracy group all declared opposition, criticising the liberals for switching camps.[40] However the groups struggled to enforce a party line as MEPs will vote via a secret ballot.[39] The vote will take place on 16 September 2009.[41] On 16 September 2009, Barroso was re-elected by Parliament by 382 to 219 (out of 718, with 117 abstentions). The Commission as a whole still needs to be approved and finally appointed by the Council.

Legislation and actions

The Bolkestein Directive faced strong opposition

There have been a number of high profile pieces of legislation, inherited from Prodi and initiated by the President Commission. In most cases Barroso has been keep to connect himself to them rather than leave it to individual commissioners.[42] The Commission's work includes the opening up of the EU's services sector with the 'Bolkestein' Directive[7] and the largest piece of legislation thus far, the REACH directive.[6] Through its work in getting agreement on such legislation, it has regained some respect as a neutral player previously lost in fighting with member states.[43]


One legislative package inherited from the Prodi Commission was the Directive on services in the internal market, commonly known as the 'Bolkestein Directive', which sought to liberalise the EU's services sector which accounts for two thirds of the EU's economy. Barroso's Market Commissioner, Charlie McCreevy, put forward a text following far reaching amendments proposed by Parliament and protests from trade unions.[7]

An agreement was finally reached in May 2007 which excluded sectors such as social care, healthcare, gambling, port services, television media and security services among others. McCreevy also dropped the proposed country of origin principle where a company could operate in another EU country under their home state's labour rules.[7]


One piece of legislation notably managed to win wide-spread public support, the Regulation on roaming charges within the European Union from Information Society & Media Commissioner Viviane Reding. The legislation capped roaming charges for calls made from a mobile phone being used in an EU member state other than its own, which were seen as disproportionally high by the Commission. It was approved despite opposition from mobile phone operators, however the Socialists in Parliament had wanted more concessions from industry.[44]

Reding has seen the legislation as a success and stated that, despite initial fears, there have not been price rises on domestic calls as a result of the caps. However she noted that operators had instead tried to "trick" users to switching to more expensive tariffs or using more expensive options such as texting which was not covered by the legislation.[45]

Other policy

The REACH directive was another major piece of legislation agreed in 2006 after three years of negotiations. The directive aims to regulate the use of over 30,000 chemicals used in the EU (which produces 28% of the worlds chemicals) for risks to the environmental or human health. The Commission's proposals were watered down by Parliament who were seen by some environmental groups as watering down the proposals.[46] The directive was the largest single piece of legislation ever produced by the Commission and is expected to set the standards for the rest of the world.[6]

10 January 2007 marked the publication of the Commission's first venture into an EU energy policy, which had an emphasis on fighting climate change with a binding target of a 20% cut in greenhouse gases by 2020. The policy also aimed for a true common energy market, more low-carbon energy and through this, greater energy independence from oil exporters such as Russia.[47]

In a case inherited from the Prodi Commission, Competition Commissioner Neelie Kroes had engaged in a drawn out case against Microsoft concerning abuse of its dominant market position. Microsoft refused to comply with the Commissions demands and received a 497 million euro fine, the largest imposed by the Commission on a single company. In this case, European Union v. Microsoft, Microsoft failed to win its appeal at the European Court of Justice in 2007 and agreed to co-operate with the Commission.[48]


The Barroso Commission is led by President José Manuel Barroso and consists of 26 other Commissioners (24 between 2004 and 2007). There is one member from each European Union member state, eight are women and members are drawn primarily from the three major European political parties, Barroso himself being from the European People's Party. There are five Vice Presidents and the most senior is Margot Wallström.[1]


President Barroso
Term: 2004-2009  Party: EPP

The President is the former Prime Minister of Portugal; José Manuel Barroso. He took over from former Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi who served from 1999 (Prodi Commission). He is a member of the European People's Party and was appointed by the European Council in June 2004 in response to the victory of the EPP-ED in the 2004 European elections. Some of Barroso's stated aims are to tackle voter apathy and euroscepticism, visible during those elections, to work with the United States and to develop a "defence identity."[14]

Barroso comes from a small integrationist state and had become unpopular due to his economic policies.[13] His government had backed the United States in the Iraq war. The leader of the socialist group, Martin Schulz, criticised him for his pro- war stance, optimised by his organisation of the Azores summit.[14] Despite such opposition, the European Parliament approved him as President by 413, although there were difficulties over his choice of Commissioners (see below).

He has earned some criticism due to his leadership of the expanded Commission — with it being notably more Presidential than his predecessors.[5] Barroso had unusually been linked with all the Commission's major initiatives, for example those on energy and climate change, rather than the particular Commissioner responsible.[42] He also had a number of "pet projects" such as the Galileo positioning system and the European Institute of Innovation and Technology.[49]

He had also been accused of acting in favour of larger states in order to secure a desired second term in office.[50][51] This has gone so far as to overrule Commissioner McCreevy (internal market commissioner) from overhauling artists' levies after pressure from France, despite Barroso himself being an economic liberal.[50][52] In July 2008 he succeeded in winning the support of French President Nicolas Sarkozy, Parliament President Hans-Gert Poettering[32] and Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.[31] However he has stated it is up to the parties in Parliament to decide[31] and that despite his attempts for re-election being well known, he never publicly declared this intention[31] until an interview on 19 July 2008. He further stated he felt honoured and privileged" to serve as president.[33] In fact, he did consider resigning as President during the talks on the Treaty of Lisbon, notably due to notorious disagreements between Germany and Poland, but considered to do so would be "too theatrical".[42] In October 2008 he won the informal support of the European People's Party for re-election.[53]

First college

Margot Wallström, First Vice-President and Commissioner for Institutional Relations and Communication Strategy

Member states appoint one Commissioner each (including the President). It is the first Commission where larger member-states do not have two Commissioners and the first full Commission following the 2004 enlargement. From 2004 there were 25 members, raising to 27 from 2007. There are 9 women in the college as of 3 March 2008 and no ethnic minorities,[1] Barroso had stated he wished for more women in his Commission, than in previous Commissions, and he would use his influence over national capitals to gain this.[14] Most Commissioners (20) were born in the 1940s and 1950s with the youngest member being Olli Rehn (b. 1962) and the oldest being Jacques Barrot (b. 1937).[1]

Most members are former ministers with links to the Union, for example being Foreign Minister, Minister for European Affairs or represented their country in accession talks or at the European Convention. In addition to Barroso both Siim Kallas and Vladimír Špidla are former Prime Ministers. Viviane Reding is the only Commissioner with a background in the European Parliament.[1]

Politically they come from each of the major political parties; the European Liberal Democrat and Reform Party (8), the European People's Party (8) and the Party of European Socialists (6). In addition there are 4 Independents and one member of the Alliance for Europe of the Nations.[1] Barroso had been complimented for balancing the portfolios between countries, such as between small and large, new and old, and pro- and anti- (Iraq) war.[54] Before 2007 there were only 7 Liberals and 3 Independents[1].

Legend:   [  6  Left leaning (PES) - [  9  Centre (ELDR) - [  7  Right leaning (EPP/AEN) - [  4  Independent

Portfolio(s) Commissioner State Party
President José Manuel Barroso
National: PSD
First Vice-President;
Institutional Relations and Communication Strategy
Margot Wallström
National: SDWP
Enterprise and Industry
Günter Verheugen
National: SPD
Antonio Tajani
National: PDL
Justice, Freedom and Security
Jacques Barrot
National: UMP
Administrative Affairs, Audit and Anti-Fraud
Siim Kallas
National: ERP
Economic and Financial Affairs Joaquín Almunia
National: PSOE
Internal Market and Services Charlie McCreevy
National: FF
Agriculture and Rural Development Mariann Fischer Boel
National: Venstre
Competition Neelie Kroes
National: VVD
Trade Lord Mandelson
Served until 3 October 2008
United Kingdom
National: Labour
Trade Baroness Ashton
Served from 3 October 2008
United Kingdom
National: Labour
Fisheries and Maritime Affairs Joe Borg
National: PN
Environment Stavros Dimas
Prior to 1 January 2007, portfolio included Consumer Protection
Markos Kyprianou
Served until 3 March 2008
National: ΔΚ
Health Androulla Vasiliou
Served from 3 March 2008
National: ΕΔ
Development and Humanitarian Aid Louis Michel
Served until 17 July 2009
National: MR
Development and Humanitarian Aid Karel De Gucht
Served from 17 July 2009
National: VLD
Enlargement Olli Rehn
National: Keskusta
Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities Vladimír Špidla
Czech Republic
Czech Republic
National: ČSSD
Taxation and Customs Union László Kovács
National: MSZP
Financial Programming and the Budget Dalia Grybauskaitė
Served until 1 July 2009
Financial Programming and the Budget Algirdas Šemeta
Served from 1 July 2009
External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy Benita Ferrero-Waldner
National: ÖVP
Education, Training and Culture
Prior to 1 January 2007, portfolio included Multilingualism
Ján Figeľ
National: KDH
Regional Policy Danuta Hübner
Served until 4 July 2009
Regional Policy Paweł Samecki
Served from 4 July 2009
Energy Andris Piebalgs
National: LC
Science and Research Janez Potočnik
Information Society and Media Viviane Reding
National: CSV
Consumer Protection
Prior to 1 January 2007, was part of Health
Meglena Kuneva
Served from 1 January 2007
National: НДСВ
Prior to 1 January 2007, was part of Education, Training and Culture
Leonard Orban
Served from 1 January 2007

* = Party did not belong to a European political party, but sat with the ALDE group in Parliament.

Second college

Siim Kallas, Antonio Tajani, Viviane Reding, Stavros Dimas, Olli Rehn and Androulla Vassiliou are all expected to return to the next Commission while although Jacques Barrot wishes to stay on but French President Sarkozy is expected to favour Michel Barnier. Likewise, Joe Borg is interested in a second term but could be replaced by Richard Cachin Carmana (Maltese EU ambassador). Vladimír Špidla is also interested but his party is out of government and could be replaced by Alexander Vondra (minister for Europe). Andris Piebalgs and Meglena Kuneva may both expected to also leave and although Leonard Orban desires to stay on, he is expected to be replaced by either Vasile Puscas (Romania's chief EU negotiator) or either Adrian Severin or Rovana Plumb, two highly regarded MEPs.[55] Catherine Ashton, who took over as Trade Commissioner after Peter Mandelson stood down near the end of his term, is expected to stay on. However she could be replaced by Geoff Hoon, present UK Secretary of State for Transport, but there have also been reports of Baroness Shriti Vadera, a junior UK minister of Indian origin, being tipped for the job.[56] Janez Potočnik is expected to return as he enjoys broad support, but speculators suggest former Prime Minister of Slovenia Anton Rop could take his place.[55]

Enterprise & Industry Commissioner Günter Verheugen is retiring and is to be replaced by either Peter Hintze Parliament's Socialist Group leader Martin Schulz. Ján Figel is expected to be replaced, as his party is out of government, by Maros Šefcovic (Slovak EU ambassador). Likewise, despite her good reputation, Neelie Kroes is expected to be replaced by Jaap de Hoop Scheffer (former NATO secretary general), Frans Timmermanns (minister for Europe) or Cees Veerman (minister for agriculture). Mariann Fischer Boel is to stand down and Connie Hedegaard[57] and Eva Kjer Hansen have been mentioned as possible succecors. Benita Ferrero-Waldner lacks support in Austria and is expected to be replaced by Wilhelm Molterer or Wolfgang Schüssel.[55] Communications Commissioner Margot Wallstrom is not intending to return for another third (which would be her third) and has criticised her portfolio for not having any powers. She has recommended that her successor be a "Citizen's Commissioner" with a legislative agenda, including control over Erasmus.[58] On the whole, Barroso is requesting member states nominate more women to the next Commission.[56] Barroso has also pledged to create a Commissioner for Civil Liberties and a Commissioner for Internal Affairs and Migration (who will forge a common migration policy), splitting the current Justice, Freedom and Security portfolio.

Civil Service

The Secretary-General for this term was Catherine Day, appointed in 2005. She was the first woman to hold the post and took over from David O'Sullivan. Early favorite François Lamoureux, previously in charge of Transport, had health problems and his being infirm was seen as a political blow to France and a final break from the Delors era, instead giving the Commission a more liberal outlook. Commissioner Kallas stressed the appointments were on merit, resisting pressure from national capitals.[59]

Ms. Day was part of a vast reshuffle of Commission officials by the President after he came to power. The reshuffle was welcomed by the right-wing as the new director-generals, including Ms. Day, were liberal reformers, many British and German. A move which did not go down well with France, symbolic of their loss of influence, who were opposed to Ms. Day due to her liberal economic reforms. Indeed, Ms. Day became very notable in the Commission for her opposition to French state aid policies.[9]

Concern has been expressed by Commissioners such as Günter Verheugen in regards to overlap of mandates and fractionalisation of the Commission's Directorates-General, leading to "turf-wars" and a lack of coordination.[60] A great deal of the Commission's effort is expended in this in-fighting and weaker Commissioners, such as Verheugen, have not been able to gain sufficient control over their department.[61]


During Barroso's tenure, the Commission has seen a general increase in the politicisation of its members. Although members are supposed to remain above national politics, members have been involved in national elections or backed national candidates. For example Commissioner Michel participated in the 2007 Belgian elections[62] while Commissioner Kroes backed Angela Merkel in the 2005 German elections and Vice President Wallstrom backed Ségolène Royal in the 2007 French elections..[63]

Michel claimed that politicisation of this manner is part of reconnecting the Union with its citizens and Wallström defended it claiming that the EU has to get more political and controversial as being a vital role in communicating the Commission.[64] Wallström presented plans to give greater prominence to European political parties ahead of the 2009 elections and give the parties the ability to run with candidates for Commission President. If he gains backing, Barroso may run as the People's Party candidate in 2009.[8]

See also


  1. ^ a b c d e f g "The members of the Barroso Commission (2004-2009)". European Commission. Retrieved 2007-11-26.
  2. ^ a b c "The European Commission's new president has shown bold political judgement". The Independent. 2004-08-13. Retrieved 2007-11-26.
  3. ^ a b c Bowley, Graham (2004-11-19). "MEPs approve revamped Commission". BBC News. Retrieved 2007-11-23.
  4. ^ a b c d e "Bulgarian, Romanian EU commissioners approved". Reuters. 2006-12-12. Retrieved 2007-11-23.
  5. ^ a b "EU commission sees civil servants' power grow". EU Observer. 2007-02-22. Retrieved 2007-11-26.
  6. ^ a b c "Parliament and Council finally REACH agreement on chemicals legislation". ALDE website. 2006-11-30. Retrieved 2007-11-23.
  7. ^ a b c d "EU ministers reach deal on controversial services directive". International Herald Tribune. 2006-05-31. Retrieved 2007-11-23.
  8. ^ a b "European politics to get more political". EU Observer. 2007-06-27. Retrieved 2007-11-26.
  9. ^ a b Ruskin, Jay (2005-11-10). "Inside Brussels" Right turn ahead". Financial Times. Retrieved 2007-11-26. (subscription only, free version available here)
  10. ^ a b c "MEPs confirm new Brussels chief". BBC News. 2004-07-22. Retrieved 2007-11-26.
  11. ^ a b c d "Choosing a New EU Commission President". Deutsche Welle. 2004-06-04. Retrieved 2007-11-26.
  12. ^ "Two more candidates for Commission President". EPHA. 2004-06-18. Retrieved 2007-11-26.
  13. ^ a b c "Commission president: Key candidates". BBC News. 2004-06-27. Retrieved 2007-11-26.
  14. ^ a b c d Fuller, Thomas (2004-06-23). "Barroso insists he will control portfolios : More women sought as EU commissioners". International Herald Tribune. Retrieved 2007-11-26.
  15. ^ "Election of the European Commission". European Parliament. 2004-10-22. Retrieved 2007-11-26.
  16. ^ Bowley, Graham (2004-10-22). "EU deputies not swayed on Buttiglione : Barroso proposals fail to quell revolt". International Herald Tribune. Retrieved 2007-11-23.
  17. ^ Bowley, Graham (2004-10-18). "Buttiglione affair highlights evolving role of Parliament : Questions arise on democracy at the EU". International Herald Tribune. Retrieved 2007-11-23.
  18. ^ Bowley, Graham (2004-10-26). "Socialists vow to oppose incoming team : Barroso optimistic on commission vote". International Herald Tribune. Retrieved 2007-11-23.
  19. ^ Bowley, Graham (2004-11-17). "EU Parliament likely to accept commission : Barroso set to win with new team". International Herald Tribune. Retrieved 2007-11-23.
  20. ^ a b Bowley, Graham (2004-11-17). "Questions arise over another EU commissioner". International Herald Tribune. Retrieved 2007-11-20. Cite error: The named reference "B amnesty" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  21. ^ "Kuneva to boost consumer confidence in business". EurActiv. 2006-12-13. Retrieved 2007-11-23.
  22. ^ "EU's Barroso backs Romania's nominee for commissioner". EU Business. 2006-10-30. Retrieved 2007-11-23.
  23. ^ "Socialists criticise new commissioner's portfolio". EurActiv. 2007-05-23. Retrieved 2007-11-23.
  24. ^ Latham, Mark (2008-04-10). "Parliament backs Vassiliou as health commissioner". European Voice. Retrieved 2008-04-15.
  25. ^ Mahony, Honor (2008-03-04). "EU commission musical chairs begins in Brussels". EU Observer. Retrieved 2008-03-05.
  26. ^ Igra, Daniel (2008-04-15). "Berlusconi victory confirms Frattini's departure". European Voice. Retrieved 2008-04-15.
  27. ^ Kubosova, Lucia (2008-04-23) Barroso shifts EU commission jobs between France and Italy, EU Observer
  28. ^ Round-up of Tajani and Barrot hearings European Parliament 2008-06-18
  29. ^ Phillips, Leigh (3 October 2008) Trade commissioner Mandelson resigns, EU Observer
  30. ^ The members of the Barroso Commission (2004-2009) European Commission, accessed 4 September 2009
  31. ^ a b c d "Berlusconi backs Barroso to head EU Commission again". AFP. 2008-07-09. Retrieved 2008-07-16.
  32. ^ a b Mahony, Honor (2008-07-10). "Sarkozy backs Barroso for second go as EU commission president". EU Observer. Retrieved 2008-07-10.
  33. ^ a b Mahony, Honor (2008-07-19). "Barroso admits he wants to be EU commission president for a second time". EU Observer. Retrieved 2008-07-21.
  34. ^ Mahony, Honor (13 June 2009) Socialists warn EU leaders to respect parliament on Barroso issue, EU Observer, Accessed 3 September 2009.
  35. ^ Simon, Joan Marc (23 March 2009) Barroso: the candidate of all European parties, European Federalists (Cafe Babel), Accessed 3 September 2009.
  36. ^ Mahony, Honor (2 September 2009) Barroso to publish policy programme for next commission, EU Observer, Accessed 3 September 2009.
  37. ^ Phillips, Leigh (28 August 2009) Parliament chief wants mid-September decision on Barroso, EU Observer, Accessed 3 September 2009.
  38. ^ Phillips, Liegh (10 September 2009) Barroso holds his own in spectacular brawl with Greens, EU Observer
  39. ^ a b Mahony, Honor (10 September 2009) Next commission set for human rights post, EU Observer
  40. ^ Mahony, Honor (15 September 2009) Barroso fails to convince critics in parliament speech, EU Observer
  41. ^ Mahony, Honor (10 September 2009) Commission president vote confirmed for next week, EU Observer
  42. ^ a b c Mahony, Honor (2007-11-22). "Barroso considered resigning as commission chief". EU Observer. Retrieved 2007-11-26.
  43. ^ "Interview with European Commission Secretary-General Catherine Day". EurActiv. 2007-06-08. Retrieved 2007-11-23.
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