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User:Mathbot/Changes to mathlists: Difference between revisions

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Mbeychok (talk | contribs)
mNo edit summary
Daily update
Line 1: Line 1:
:''See also [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Mathematics/Current activity]] for more info on recent changes''
:''See also [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Mathematics/Current activity]] for more info on recent changes''

== Feb 13 ==

:Removed [[Converting units by using dimensional analysis]]
:Removed [[Gauss-Seidel]]
:Added [[Aryabhata cipher]]
:Added [[Aryabhata equation]]
:Added [[By inspection]]
:Added [[Exterior bundle]]
:Added [[Fermat cubic]]
:Added [[Gauss-Seidel method]]
:Added [[Grand antiprism]]
:Added [[Hong Kong Mathematical High Achievers Selection Contest]]
:Added [[Mixture (probability)]]
:Added [[N-dimensional]]
:Added [[Structure (mathematical logic)]]
:Added [[Tensor bundle]]
:Added [[Units conversion by factor-label]]

== Feb 12 ==
== Feb 12 ==
Line 11: Line 29:
:Added [[Cartan-Dieudonné theorem]]
:Added [[Cartan-Dieudonné theorem]]
:Added [[Chakravala method]]
:Added [[Chakravala method]]
:Added [[Converting units by using dimensional analysis]]
:Added [[Elliptic curve primality proving]]
:Added [[Elliptic curve primality proving]]
:Added [[Gauss-Seidel]]
:Added [[Gauss-Seidel]]

Revision as of 22:47, 13 February 2006

See also Wikipedia:WikiProject Mathematics/Current activity for more info on recent changes

Feb 13

Removed Converting units by using dimensional analysis
Removed Gauss-Seidel
Added Aryabhata cipher
Added Aryabhata equation
Added By inspection
Added Exterior bundle
Added Fermat cubic
Added Gauss-Seidel method
Added Grand antiprism
Added Hong Kong Mathematical High Achievers Selection Contest
Added Mixture (probability)
Added N-dimensional
Added Structure (mathematical logic)
Added Tensor bundle
Added Units conversion by factor-label

Feb 12

Removed Aryabhata Algorithm
Removed Method Ringing
Removed Quadric (Projective Geometry)
Removed Seemingly Unrelated Regression
Added Aryabhata algorithm
Added Cartan-Dieudonné theorem
Added Chakravala method
Added Converting units by using dimensional analysis
Added Elliptic curve primality proving
Added Gauss-Seidel
Added Jacobi method
Added Kramers-Kronig relation
Added Li's criterion
Added Magic Cube 5x5x5
Added Method ringing
Added Peaceful correlation
Added Polite number
Added Quadric (projective geometry)
Added Seemingly unrelated regression
Added Truncated 5-cell

Feb 11

Removed AB Calculus
Removed AP AB Calculus
Removed Basic Calculus Equations and Formulas
Removed Jensen-Shannon Divergence
Removed Jones's period proxy algorithm
Added AP Calculus AB
Added Aryabhata Algorithm
Added Basic calculus equations and formulas
Added Carathéodory's theorem
Added Differential structure
Added Ehrenfeucht–Fraïssé game
Added Generalized n-gon
Added Guttman scale
Added Jensen-Shannon divergence
Added Klein quadric
Added Latin square property
Added Method Ringing
Added Near-field (mathematics)
Added Newton v. Leibniz calculus controversy
Added Ordered graph
Added Planar ternary ring
Added Pui Ching Invitational Mathematics Competition
Added Quadric (Projective Geometry)
Added Quasifield
Added Superstructure
Added The Music of the Primes
Added Truncated 16-cell

Feb 10

Removed ArcLen
Removed Erdos–Szekeres theorem
Removed Seemingly unrelated regression
Added Block (mathematics)
Added Boolean domain
Added Boolean grammar
Added Carathéodory's extension theorem
Added Centrosymmetry
Added Elasticity of substitution
Added Erdős–Szekeres theorem
Added Expected number
Added Generalized n-gons
Added Heterogeneous
Added History of computer science
Added Homotopy extension property
Added International Mathematics Competition for University Students
Added Jensen-Shannon Divergence
Added Krasovskii-LaSalle principle
Added Logarithmic units
Added One and only one
Added Perfect power
Added Rectified tesseract
Added Reflection formula
Added Runcitruncated tesseract
Added Seemingly Unrelated Regression
Added Truncated tesseract

Feb 9

Removed Exponentialist
Removed Hahn–Banach theorem
Added Ancient Egyptian multiplication
Added ArcLen
Added Big Omega function
Added Cheeger bound
Added Dempster's rule of combination
Added Erdos–Szekeres theorem
Added F1 Score
Added Fransén-Robinson constant
Added Hahn-Banach theorem
Added Hölder condition
Added MECE principle
Added Partial evaluation
Added Piecewise syndetic set
Added Reciprocal Gamma function
Added Schwartz-Zippel lemma and testing polynomial identities
Added Syndetic set
Added Taylor expansions for the moments of functions of random variables
Added Thick set

Feb 8

Removed Alexander's Trick
Removed Chernoff's faces
Added 365 (number)
Added Actuarial Outpost
Added Al-Kitāb al-mukhtaṣar fī hīsāb al-ğabr wa’l-muqābala
Added Alexander's trick
Added Condorcet's jury theorem
Added Decomposable continuum
Added Delta method
Added Fundamental unit (number theory)
Added IP set
Added Karmarkar's algorithm
Added Latent variable
Added LLL-reduced
Added Local property
Added Logarithmic growth
Added Mercator series
Added Ordinal scale
Added Partition regular
Added Piecewise syndetic
Added Polycyclic group
Added Quotient category
Added Spatial variability
Added Subcompact cardinal
Added Syndetic
Added Thick
Added Truncated 24-cell
Added Uniformizable space

Feb 7

Removed Berkson's Fallacy
Removed List of songs with numbers in the title
Removed Seemingly Unrelated Regression
Added 161 (number)
Added Algoritmi de numero Indorum
Added AP AB Calculus
Added Axiom of Archimedes
Added Berkson's fallacy
Added Bochner's formula
Added Book embedding
Added Chernoff's faces
Added Chiral Potts curve
Added Constant coefficients
Added Degrees of freedom (physics and chemistry)
Added Frobenius endomorphism
Added Game complexity
Added Global square
Added Hyper-exponential distribution
Added Lattice of subgroups
Added Lyapunov theory
Added MacTutor History of Mathematics archive
Added Matrix group
Added Mediator variable
Added Non-homogeneous Poisson process
Added Phase-type distribution
Added Second-order arithmetic
Added Seemingly unrelated regression
Added Siegel's theorem on integral points
Added Variational perturbation theory

Feb 6

Removed List of places with numbers in their name
Removed MaplePrimes
Removed Simple (algebra)
Added Al-Kitāb al-mukhtaṣar fī hīsāb al-jabr wa’l-muqābala
Added Baire set
Added Berkson's Fallacy
Added Compact quantum group
Added Correlation sum
Added Epsilon nought
Added Explorative data analysis
Added Knaster-Kuratowski-Mazurkiewicz lemma
Added Line of best fit
Added List of computer algebra systems
Added List of songs with numbers in the title
Added List of statistical packages
Added Moments of a function of a random variable
Added N-monoid
Added Pointwise product
Added Quasitriangular Hopf algebra
Added Simple (abstract algebra)
Added Simple algebra
Added *-autonomous category

Feb 5

Removed *-autonomous category
Removed Gram-Schmidt process
Removed Lindenbaum-Tarski algebra
Removed List of personal names that contain numbers
Removed Peixoto's Theorem
Removed Pepin's test
Removed Simple algebra
Removed Stiefel-Whitney class
Added Allais paradox
Added Autonomous category
Added Cauchy theorem
Added Charles Peirce (Bibliography)
Added Frobenius theorem (real division algebras)
Added Gram–Schmidt process
Added Hong Kong Mathematics Olympiad
Added Lindenbaum–Tarski algebra
Added List of places with numbers in their name
Added Logic of Relatives (1883)
Added MaplePrimes
Added Peixoto's theorem
Added Pépin's test
Added Prime numbers in nature
Added Reflective subcategory
Added Simple (algebra)
Added Stiefel–Whitney class
Added String diagram
Added Syllogism
Added Uniform polychoron

Feb 4

Removed Autonomous category
Removed List of localities with numerals in their names
Removed Manifold/old2
Removed Simple (algebra)
Removed William of Sherwood
Added *-autonomous category
Added Baillie-PSW primality test
Added Balanced prime
Added Book (graph theory)
Added Center manifold
Added Dirac delta measure
Added Dynkin's lemma
Added Heteroclinic path
Added Homoclinic path
Added Hyperbolic equilibrium point
Added Lasalle's invariance principle
Added List of personal names that contain numbers
Added List of uniform polyhedra by spherical triangle
Added Logic of Relatives (1870)
Added Lucas chain
Added Monoid (category theory)
Added Non-wandering point
Added Peixoto's Theorem
Added Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor
Added Simple algebra
Added Sterling Fractal
Added Sucker bet
Added Two-point tensor
Added Unusual number combination
Added Vertex configuration

Feb 3

Removed Seemingly unrelated regression
Removed Simple algebra
Added Binomial proportion confidence interval
Added Delay differential equation
Added Fundamental vector field
Added Generalized quadrangle
Added Hundredth
Added Inverse relation
Added Lebesgue-measurable function
Added List of localities with numerals in their names
Added Manifold/old2
Added Nonnegative matrix
Added Polar space
Added Post-Turing machine
Added Pumping lemma for regular languages
Added Regular number
Added Seemingly Unrelated Regression
Added Simple (algebra)
Added Statements true in L
Added Vector-valued function

Feb 2

Removed Serialism
Added Base (group theory)
Added Cantitruncated tesseract
Added Decagonal antiprism
Added Decagonal prism
Added Dodecagonal antiprism
Added Dodecagonal prism
Added Face configuration
Added Game of logic
Added Law of cosines (spherical)
Added Min-entropy
Added Omnitruncated tesseract
Added Ramanujan's continued fractions
Added Rotation number
Added Schreier vector
Added Small subgroup confinement attack
Added Special right triangles
Added Subquadratic time
Added Sudan function
Added Tacit extension

Feb 1

Removed MEF-condition
Removed MFF-condition
Removed Simple (algebra)
Added Additional logarithm topics
Added Fibonacci number program
Added Fluent calculus
Added Gosper curve
Added Integer lattice
Added Multiple (mathematics)
Added Newton fractal
Added Permanent is sharp-P-complete
Added Permutation automaton
Added Permutation cipher
Added Permutation (music)
Added Q-analog
Added Q-derivative
Added Serialism
Added Simple algebra
Added Small Latin squares and quasigroups
Added Substitution-permutation network
Added Transposition cipher
Added Transposition (mathematics)
Added Zero suppression

Jan 31

Removed Seemingly Unrelated Regression
Removed Sets of sets
Removed Simple algebra
Added Connector
Added Generalised logistic curve
Added Hidden subgroup problem
Added Jackson's theorem
Added MEF-condition
Added MFF-condition
Added Pattern formation
Added Quadratic variation
Added Riemannian connection
Added Seemingly unrelated regression
Added Set-theoretic topology
Added Simple (algebra)
Added Using logarithms

Jan 30

Removed Max flow min cut theorem
Removed Seemingly unrelated regression
Added Cut (graph theory)
Added Difference hierarchy
Added Hybrid logic
Added Hysteresivity
Added Max-flow min-cut theorem
Added Probabilistic metric space
Added Schur-convex function
Added Seemingly Unrelated Regression
Added Tutte polynomial

Jan 29

Removed Exponential assembly
Removed List of well known mathematical formulas
Removed Living systems theory
Removed Paris-Harrington theorem
Removed Stokes theorem
Removed String (computer science)
Added Binomial transform
Added Block walking
Added Central simple algebra
Added Derivations of conic sections
Added Evaluating sums
Added Finding the centroid
Added List of rotational symmetry polyhedral sets
Added Near-miss Johnson solid
Added Numerical methods
Added Paris–Harrington theorem
Added Second partial derivative test
Added Smooth infinitesimal analysis
Added Stokes' theorem
Added Supermanifold
Added Superspace
Added Transforming polynomials

Jan 28

Removed String
Added 192 (number)
Added Banks-Zaks fixed point
Added Bôcher's theorem
Added Borda fixed point
Added Bundle (mathematics)
Added Claw (cryptography)
Added Common knowledge
Added Degenerate matrix
Added Hereditary set
Added Hyperbolic great cubic honeycomb
Added Hyperbolic great dodecahedral honeycomb
Added Hyperbolic icosahedral honeycomb
Added Infrared fixed point
Added Irregular matrix
Added Karp's 21 NP-complete problems
Added Living systems theory
Added Nash equilibrium
Added Paris-Harrington theorem
Added Rank of a tensor
Added Split-octonion
Added String (computer science)
Added Strong prime
Added Table of Newtonian series
Added Transversal (disambiguation)
Added UV fixed point

Jan 27

Removed Discrete Hankel transform/Temp
Removed Peter B. Kronheimer
Removed Seemingly Unrelated Regression
Added 593 (number)
Added Ars Combinatoria (journal)
Added Asperity
Added Babylonian mathematics
Added Binomial (disambiguation)
Added Composition algebra
Added Dinatural transformation
Added Ecological correlation
Added End (category theory)
Added Exponential assembly
Added French mathematical seminars
Added Nörlund-Rice integral
Added O(n)
Added Predictive modelling
Added Proof of e as a limit
Added Seemingly unrelated regression
Added Symmetric monoidal category
Added Theoretical physics
Added Three cards problem

Jan 26

Removed Controversy over Cantor's Theory
Removed Philosophical objections to Cantor's Theory
Added Accuracy paradox
Added Actuarial present value
Added Controversy over Cantor's theory
Added Discrete Hankel transform/Temp
Added Durand-Kerner method
Added Generalized Helmholtz theorem
Added Journal of Statistical Software
Added National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Added Peter B. Kronheimer
Added Philosophical objections to Cantor's theory
Added Thom conjecture
Added Word problem (mathematics education)

Jan 25

Added Coplanarity
Added Fibered manifold
Added Geodesic distance
Added Novum Organum
Added Skew lines
Added Subclass reachability
Added Torsion of connection
Added Torsion of curves
Added Type (model theory)

Jan 24

Removed Saccheri Quadrilateral
Removed Seemingly unrelated regression
Added Abhyankar's conjecture
Added Boxing the compass
Added Direction of movement
Added Epistemic logic
Added Exterior covariant derivative
Added Formal derivative
Added Four colour theorem
Added Klerer-May System
Added Modal operator
Added Orthometric height
Added Planar
Added Real projective line
Added Risk function
Added Saccheri quadrilateral
Added Seemingly Unrelated Regression
Added Sets of sets
Added Whole number

Jan 23

Removed Lattice
Removed STATA
Added Aban number
Added Abnormal number
Added Eban number
Added Iban number
Added Minimal realization
Added Oban number
Added Perturbation analysis
Added Saccheri Quadrilateral
Added Spectrum of a theory
Added Splitting
Added Square-free polynomial
Added Uban number

Jan 22

Added 155 (number)
Added 3SLS
Added Bach's algorithm
Added Hierarchical linear modeling
Added Homography
Added Immersed submanifold
Added Inclined plane
Added Johnson bound
Added Leviathan number
Added Moufang loop
Added Ordered Probit
Added Relative contact homology
Added Sparsely totient number
Added Travelling salesman problem

Jan 21

Added Core model
Added Extension (model theory)
Added Function Representation
Added Glossary of category theory
Added Goal programming
Added Inner model theory
Added Lee Hwa Chung theorem
Added Mazur-Ulam theorem
Added Mouse (set theory)
Added Trigenus

Jan 20

Added Apotome
Added Exact differential
Added Fractal dimension
Added Girsanov theorem
Added Polynomial factorization
Added St. Petersburg paradox
Added Watchman problem

Jan 19

Removed Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients
Removed Savitzky-Golay Smoothing Filter
Added 168 (number)
Added Bracket polynomial
Added Cartesian grid
Added Chebyshev equation
Added Cocurvature
Added Cointegration
Added Eisenstein ideal
Added Idempotence
Added Kirillov character formula
Added Lie derivation
Added Martingale representation theorem
Added Mel frequency cepstral coefficient
Added Ordered Logit
Added Rate function
Added Savitzky–Golay smoothing filter
Added Unidirectional
Added Vector-valued form

Jan 18

Removed Mike Neville (anchorman)
Added Bitruncated alternated cubic honeycomb
Added Boole's syllogistic
Added Disphenoid tetrahedral honeycomb
Added Dome (mathematics)
Added Edge contraction
Added Elongated cubic honeycomb
Added Equation art
Added Gyrated tetrahedral-octahedral honeycomb
Added Gyrated triangular prismatic honeycomb
Added Gyroelongated cubic honeycomb
Added History of logic
Added Hyperbolic small dodecahedral honeycomb
Added Increasing process
Added Indian logic
Added Integrator
Added Interest (finance)
Added Kronecker's lemma
Added Lemniscatic elliptic function
Added List of uniform polyhedra by Wythoff symbol
Added Logic in China
Added Logic in Islamic philosophy
Added Lwów-Warsaw School of Logic
Added Mathie
Added MISER algorithm
Added Mohism
Added Musical isomorphism
Added Narcissistic number
Added Organon
Added Port-Royal Logic
Added Prior Analytics
Added Relative term
Added Resampling (statistics)
Added Savitzky-Golay Smoothing Filter
Added Supervisory control theory
Added Term logic
Added Time dependent vector field
Added Transitive reduction
Added Trapezo-rhombic dodecahedral honeycomb

Jan 17

Removed Inquiry
Removed Relative term
Added Dissociated press
Added List of uniform polyhedra by vertex figure
Added Mike Neville (anchorman)
Added Multiple-conclusion logic
Added Neusis construction
Added Self-dual polyhedron
Added Snub polyhedron
Added Super vector space
Added Table of Clebsch-Gordan coefficients
Added Time-variant system
Added Typographical Number Theory
Added Variation ratio

Jan 16

Added −0 (number)
Added 501 (number)
Added Asymmetry
Added Bitruncated cubic honeycomb
Added Cauchy's convergence test
Added Circle map
Added Cubic honeycomb
Added Empirical process
Added Entitative graph
Added Fredholm alternative
Added Injective function
Added Inquiry
Added Matrix congruence
Added Non-negative matrix factorization
Added Relative term
Added Research subject
Added Rhombic dodecahedral honeycomb
Added Surjection
Added Ternary numeral system
Added Tetrahedral-octahedral honeycomb

Jan 15

Removed 8888-8888
Removed Banach–Tarski paradox
Removed Eric Van
Added Ampheck
Added Banach-Tarski paradox
Added Boolean-valued function
Added Congruent matrices
Added Continuous predicate
Added Feynman slash notation
Added Finitary boolean function
Added Formal calculation
Added Hypostatic object
Added Logic of relatives
Added Logical graph
Added Max cut
Added Mutation (knot theory)
Added Peirce's law
Added Prescisive abstraction
Added Quasitriangular
Added Sole sufficient operator
Added Theory of relations
Added Trapezo-rhombic dodecahedron
Added Unit measure
Added Yang-Baxter equation
Added Zeroth order logic

Jan 14

Removed Direct Simulation Monte Carlo
Removed Markov Chain Monte Carlo
Removed Transformation
Added 8888-8888
Added Berezinian
Added Biquadratic field
Added Cantellated tesseract
Added Classical scaling dimension
Added Direct simulation Monte Carlo
Added Markov chain Monte Carlo
Added Metagrobology
Added Pontiki
Added Proof of impossibility
Added Rotational-vibrational coupling
Added Runcitruncated 16-cell
Added Schoof-Elkies-Atkin algorithm
Added Schoof's algorithm
Added Subvariety
Added Wald-Wolfowitz runs test
Added Z-test
Added Zero ideal
Added Zero module

Jan 13

Removed List of first order theories
Removed List of formulas taught in standard mathematics classes
Removed List of newspapers featuring Sudoku
Removed SUDO-Q
Added Bairstow's method
Added Bitruncated 5-cell
Added Eötvös effect
Added Eric Van
Added Kitāb al-jabr wa’l-muqābalah
Added List of first-order theories
Added Locality preserving hashing
Added Moment map
Added Pattern theory
Added Snub 24-cell
Added Tusi-couple

Jan 12

Removed + / -
Removed ±
Removed Cochran-Armitage Test for Trend
Added Cochran-Armitage test for trend
Added Final stellation of the icosahedron
Added Fraction
Added Hypostatic abstraction
Added Kynea number
Added List of first order theories
Added List of newspapers featuring Sudoku
Added Lucas number
Added Mathematical Challenges
Added Operator topology
Added Parastatistics
Added Particle statistics
Added Primality certificate
Added Prime sieve
Added Product of group subsets
Added Pseudo algebraically closed field
Added Rhombic icosahedron
Added SUDO-Q

Jan 11

Removed "Bios theory"
Removed Lucas-Lehmer test for Mersenne primes
Removed Optimization
Removed Set descriptions in colloquial English
Removed Steinhaus-Moser notation
Removed Torsion module
Added ±
Added Alligation
Added Altern base
Added Augmented matrix
Added Bios theory
Added Covariant classical field theory
Added Inverted pendulum
Added List of scientific journals in mathematics
Added Lucas-Lehmer test
Added Lucas-Lehmer test for Mersenne numbers
Added Procrustes analysis
Added Selberg zeta function
Added Split link
Added Splitting circle method
Added Steinhaus–Moser notation
Added Torsion (modules)
Added Truncated rhombic dodecahedron
Added Zerosumfree

Jan 10

Removed Courant–Friedrichs–Lévy condition
Removed Hille-Yosida theorem
Added + / -
Added Ageometresia
Added Akira Haraguchi
Added "Bios theory"
Added Bochner integral
Added Calcul des probabilités
Added Fano factor
Added Hille–Yosida theorem
Added Jacoby's method
Added Logical consequence
Added Markov logic network
Added Mathematical formalization of the statistical regression problem
Added Multivariate division algorithm
Added Nilmanifold
Added Random walk hypothesis
Added Screw axis
Added Similarity score
Added Uniform polychora

Jan 9

Removed Doubly periodic function
Added Canada/USA Mathcamp
Added Carathéodory-Jacobi-Lie theorem
Added Continuous symmetry
Added Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy condition
Added Doubly-periodic function
Added PARIS21
Added Rational mapping
Added Schönhage-Strassen algorithm

Jan 8

Removed Prime
Added Choquet theory
Added Compound of five tetrahedra
Added Courant–Friedrichs–Lévy condition
Added Cycle graph (algebra)
Added Doob-Meyer decomposition theorem
Added Eastern Arabic numerals
Added Eureka (magazine)
Added Explicit and implicit methods
Added Local symmetry
Added Quasi-isomorphism
Added Rankine's method
Added Safety in numbers
Added Three cards and a top hat
Added Too small
Added Volterra operator

Jan 7

Added Branch and cut
Added Chua's circuit
Added Doubly periodic function
Added False alarm
Added Prefactor
Added Probabilistic number theory
Added Slewing

Jan 6

Removed Bayes++
Removed Bayes plus plus
Removed Hopf Bifurcation
Added Atiyah–Bott fixed-point theorem
Added Constant curvature
Added Cubic group
Added Curve orientation
Added Hindu-Arabic numerals (system)
Added Hopf bifurcation
Added List of SIAM academic members
Added Saturated array
Added Stochastic rounding
Added Tsallis statistics

Jan 5

Removed A001622
Removed Banach-Tarski paradox
Removed Sprague-Grundy theorem
Added Banach–Tarski paradox
Added Bayes++
Added Beta normal form
Added Circular shift
Added Hopf Bifurcation
Added Kempe chain
Added Killer Sudoku
Added Sprague–Grundy theorem
Added Unit-weighted regression

Jan 4

Removed Generalized Additive Model
Added A001622
Added Containment hierarchy
Added Distribution ensemble
Added Euler zeta function
Added Generalized additive model
Added Hierarchy (mathematics)
Added Hilbert curve
Added Hjelmslev transformation
Added Seminormal subgroup
Added Set descriptions in colloquial English
Added Source coding theorem

Jan 3

Removed Banach–Tarski paradox
Removed Hyperfinite type II∞ factor
Removed Zero proof
Added Banach-Tarski paradox
Added Cue validity
Added Form constant
Added Generalized Additive Model
Added Gibbs measure
Added Herzog-Schönheim conjecture
Added Hyperfinite type II₁ factor
Added N-category
Added Nielsen theory
Added Reactive search

Jan 2

Added Abnormal subgroup
Added Baire function
Added Bayesian spam filtering
Added C normal subgroup
Added Concrete Mathematics
Added Conjugate permutable subgroup
Added Contranormal subgroup
Added Electric field integral equation
Added Essential supremum and essential infimum
Added Finite element method in structural mechanics
Added Fully invariant subgroup
Added Growth curve
Added H∞
Added Helmholtz theorem (classical mechanics)
Added Hyperfinite type II∞ factor
Added Independence (mathematical logic)
Added Isometries in physics
Added Malnormal subgroup
Added Modular subgroup
Added Motion control
Added Numerals invented by Hindus
Added OpenBUGS
Added Paranormal subgroup
Added Permutable subgroup
Added Pronormal subgroup
Added Quantum group
Added Rectified 5-cell
Added Rectified 600-cell
Added Scalar (mathematics)
Added Secondary Mathematics
Added Servomechanism
Added T group
Added Trecentillion
Added VisSim
Added Weak formulation

Jan 1

Removed OpenBUGS
Removed OpenMath
Removed Radial symmetry

Dec 31

Removed A linear functional which is not continuous
Removed A linear map which is not continuous
Removed Bilateral symmetry
Added -0
Added Adaptive Simulated Annealing
Added Bicupola (geometry)
Added Binary coding
Added Branching quantifier
Added Brillouin function
Added Discontinuous linear map
Added Helmholtz theorem
Added OpenBUGS
Added Socle (mathematics)
Added Symmetry (biology)
Added Tsallis entropy
Added Uniform theory of diffraction
Added Weyl tensor

Dec 30

Removed Home network
Removed How to solve the knight's tour
Removed Impact factor
Removed Morse-Kelley set theory
Removed Numerical Instability
Added Concave function
Added Cyclostationary
Added Evaluation-net
Added Fatilary calculus
Added Herbrand base
Added Hexapawn
Added Hinge theorem
Added Identity theorem
Added Morse–Kelley set theory
Added MTD-f
Added Numerical instability
Added Particle physics and representation theory
Added Periodic group
Added Rosenbrock function
Added Vector Autoregression

Dec 29

Removed Impact Factor
Removed Moment
Added Convex cone
Added Corner solution
Added Impact factor
Added List of permutation topics
Added Minkowski functional
Added Prime signature
Added Rithmomachy
Added Weak solution

Dec 28

Removed Cp Index
Removed Cpk Index
Added Cp index
Added Cpk index
Added Gilbert-Johnson-Keerthi distance algorithm
Added Hirsch number
Added Home network
Added Kato's conjecture
Added Nyquist ISI criterion
Added Phragmén-Lindelöf principle
Added Pi hat

Dec 27

Removed Semilinear Set
Added A linear map which is not continuous
Added Binet-Cauchy identity
Added Essential suprema and infima
Added Gomory's theorem
Added Linear set
Added Semilinear set
Added Shanks' square forms factorization
Added Van der Corput sequence

Dec 26

Added A linear functional which is not continuous
Added Bernstein's theorem
Added Bouquet of circles
Added Maki-Nakagawa-Sakata matrix
Added Numerical Instability
Added Poisson integral formula
Added Pseudospectrum
Added Semilinear Set

Dec 25

Removed Lambert Quadrilateral
Added Bel decomposition
Added Bifrustum
Added Blau space
Added Carminati-McLenaghan invariants
Added Curvature invariant (general relativity)
Added Electrogravitic tensor
Added Elongated dipyramid
Added Elongated hexagonal dipyramid
Added Exhaustion by compact sets
Added Generalized coordinates
Added Gyroelongated dipyramid
Added Hexagonal bifrustum
Added Hexagonal truncated trapezohedron
Added Holditch's theorem
Added Khayyam-Saccheri quadrilateral
Added Lambert quadrilateral
Added Magnetogravitic tensor
Added Metric tensor (general relativity)
Added Pentagonal bifrustum
Added Petrov classification
Added Poly-Bernoulli number
Added Rencontres number
Added Riemann tensor (general relativity)
Added Square bifrustum
Added Square truncated trapezohedron
Added Superprime
Added Topogravitic tensor
Added Trapezoid-rhombic dodecahedron
Added Triangular bifrustum
Added Triangular function
Added Truncated trapezohedron

Dec 24

Removed Eigenvector Centrality measure
Removed List of mathematical topics (0-Z)
Removed Malthusian Growth Model
Removed Yaw Angle
Added Alternative hypothesis
Added Bankruptcy problem
Added Eigenvector centrality
Added Hungarian algorithm
Added Korean numerals
Added Lambert Quadrilateral
Added Logical theory
Added Malthusian growth model
Added Mathematician manqué
Added Multilateration
Added Rational normal curve
Added Rhombo-hexagonal dodecahedron
Added Ringed space
Added Yaw angle

Dec 23

Removed Cycle graph (old)
Removed Somo's quadratic recurrence constant
Added Alternating factorial
Added Centre de Recherches Mathématiques
Added Decagonal trapezohedron
Added Differential entropy
Added Eigenvector Centrality measure
Added Hexagonal trapezohedron
Added Inevitability theorem
Added Laplace expansion
Added Law (principle)
Added List of mathematical topics (0-Z)
Added List of mathematics articles
Added List of mathematics lists
Added Octagonal trapezohedron
Added Pentagonal trapezohedron
Added Random coil
Added Sequential analysis
Added Somos' quadratic recurrence constant
Added Tetragonal trapezohedron
Added Transylvania lottery
Added Trigonal trapezohedron
Added Upper convected time derivative
Added Wu's method
Added Yaw Angle
Added Zero proof

Dec 22

Removed Global Consciousness Project
Added 16APSK
Added Anderson-Darling test
Added Cauchy condensation test
Added Cycle graph (old)
Added Implementation of mathematics in set theory
Added Non-orthogonal analysis
Added Quartal

Dec 21

Added Global Consciousness Project
Added Googolquinqueplex
Added Loess curve
Added Lowess
Added Poly-Bernoulli numbers
Added Portal:Mathematics
Added Rhombohedron

Dec 20

Added Dihedral prime
Added Ethnocomputing
Added Noisy channel coding theorem
Added Rencontres numbers
Added Robust
Added Wiener–Khinchin theorem
Added Zarankiewicz problem
Added Zero element

Dec 19

Removed Trace
Added Banach bundle
Added Erdős-Graham conjecture
Added Existential proposition
Added Minitab
Added Residue class-wise affine groups
Added Stable homotopy category
Added Subderivative
Added Wandering salesman problem

Dec 18

Removed H-Cobordism
Added Dominance number
Added Gibbs' inequality
Added H-cobordism
Added Hyperplane section
Added Lefschetz hyperplane theorem
Added LF-space
Added Local coefficients
Added Mean Absolute Percentage Error
Added Partial equivalence relation
Added Schauder basis
Added Simson line

Dec 17

Added 2-category
Added Affine logic
Added Arabic numerals
Added Armstrong's axioms
Added Axiom S5
Added Bunched logic
Added Proof of weak Scholz conjecture
Added Squircle
Added Størmer's theorem
Added Structural rule
Added Wiener-Khintchine theorem

Dec 16

Removed 255
Removed Feigenbaum Function
Added Antiunitary
Added Belief propagation
Added Couttsian Growth Model
Added D-module
Added Exponentialist
Added Feigenbaum function
Added Malthusian Growth Model
Added McNemar's test
Added Osculating curve
Added Pencil (mathematics)
Added Pseudocircle
Added Push-relabel algorithm
Added Relabel-to-front algorithm
Added Somer pseudoprime
Added Standard normal table
Added STEM fields
Added Strict logic
Added TNB

Dec 15

Removed Algebra project
Removed Arabic numerals
Added 255
Added A derivation of the discrete Fourier transform
Added Adjugate matrix
Added Ado's theorem
Added Algebra Project
Added Carol number
Added Contravariant derivative
Added Feigenbaum Function
Added Generalised hyperbolic distribution
Added Hindu-Arabic numerals
Added Radial basis function
Added Ramanujan graph
Added Reduction of order
Added Tangle (mathematics)

Dec 14

Removed History of Indian and Arabic numerals
Removed Optimization glossary
Added Affine hull
Added Antilinear map
Added Calculatrivia
Added Canonicalization
Added Conformally flat
Added Cp Index
Added Cpk Index
Added Damerau-Levenshtein distance
Added Euler-Lagrange equation
Added History of the Hindu-Arabic numeral system
Added Intermediate logic
Added Kuhn-Tucker theorem
Added Molien series
Added Rng (algebra)
Added Statistical practice
Added Tietze transformations
Added Volume and surface elements in different co-ordinate systems

Dec 13

Added Cochran-Armitage Test for Trend
Added Corresponding sides
Added CP-violation
Added Credible interval
Added Degree of anonymity
Added History of Indian and Arabic numerals
Added List of basic mathematical topics
Added List of basic statistical topics
Added Summa

Dec 12

Removed PiALOGUE
Added 2-bridge knot
Added Algebraic connectivity
Added Andreotti–Frankel theorem
Added Circle-valued Morse theory
Added Disk (mathematics)
Added Envelope theorem
Added Hindu-Arabic numeral system
Added Joukowsky transformation
Added Kitab al-Jam'a wal-Tafreeq bil Hisab al-Hindi
Added Minimum Viable Population
Added Otter theorem prover
Added Popcorn function
Added Shephard's lemma

Dec 11

Removed Jackson Network
Removed Kontorovich-Lebedev Transform
Added Alternative views on Arabic numerals
Added Andreotti and Frankel Theorem
Added Evacuation process simulation
Added Jackson network
Added Kontorovich-Lebedev transform
Added Nominal category
Added Trudinger's theorem

Dec 10

Added Bondy's theorem
Added Chien's search
Added Disjunction elimination
Added Jackson Network
Added Jackson's theory
Added Jordan measure
Added Kontorovich-Lebedev Transform
Added Positive and negative sets
Added Queueing model
Added Resolvent formalism
Added Stern prime

Dec 9

Removed XNOR
Added Bilaplacian
Added Improbability
Added Integration by substitution
Added Moore method
Added Process control
Added Re-entrant polygon

Dec 8

Removed Embedded Zerotree Wavelet
Removed Shape of the universe
Added APBRmetrics
Added Base 30
Added Deviance information criterion
Added Dual wavelet
Added Embedded zerotree wavelet
Added Gompertz curve
Added Grid graph
Added Kerala School
Added Levenshtein automaton
Added List of mathematics reference tables
Added Ostrowski's theorem
Added Point process
Added Pseudonoise sequence
Added Shape of the Universe
Added Spin group
Added Superdiffeomorphism
Added Tensor product of algebras
Added Tensor product of modules
Added Wavelet series

Dec 7

Removed Hahn–Jordan decomposition
Removed Integration by Substitution
Added Ceiling effect
Added Cyclic graph
Added Hahn decomposition theorem
Added Levenshtein automata
Added Positive and negative parts
Added Process capability
Added Subtended

Dec 6

Removed Addition of natural numbers/proofs
Removed Integration by substitution
Added 186 (number)
Added Barycentric coordinates (mathematics)
Added Biquinary
Added Diceware
Added Difference of Gaussians
Added Difference quotient
Added Euler's theorem in geometry
Added Integration by Substitution
Added Medial triangle
Added Perfect square factor
Added Representation of a Lie algebra
Added Representation of a Lie group

Dec 5

Added Addition of natural numbers/proofs
Added Bicentric polygon
Added Bulgarian solitaire
Added Duffing equation
Added Invariant basis number
Added Lambda abstraction
Added Loop transformation
Added Position vector
Added Spin(7)-manifold

Dec 4

Added Continuation map
Added Exponential factorial
Added Geometric graph theory
Added Idealised population
Added Jónsson cardinal
Added List of cohomology theories
Added Pythagorean means
Added Q-statistic
Added Rank correlation
Added Rowbottom cardinal
Added Sign test
Added Transversality
Added Unitary dilation

Dec 3

Added Intercept
Added Pyramid (geometry)
Added Quilliard
Added Robert C. Prim
Added Summation
Added Thébault's theorem
Added Toom3
Added Van Aubel's theorem

Dec 2

Removed Church-Turing thesis
Added 1-factorable
Added Church–Turing thesis
Added Computable function
Added Computably isomorphic
Added Cross-sectional analysis
Added Cross-sectional data
Added Many-one reduction
Added Morita equivalence
Added Myhill isomorphism theorem
Added Productive set
Added Relative computability
Added S-m-n theorem
Added Simple set
Added Turing equivalence (recursion theory)
Added Turing jump
Added Turing reduction
Added Undecimal
Added Utm theorem
Added Weighing matrix
Added Word problem (computability)
Added Xonillion

Dec 1

Added Algebraic bracket
Added Bimodal distribution
Added Continuous probability distribution
Added Decimal representation
Added Free tree
Added Frölicher-Nijenhuis bracket
Added Lie algebra-valued form
Added Loop group
Added Method of differences
Added Noncentral t-distribution
Added Pandigital number
Added Poker probability (Texas hold 'em)
Added Twelvefold way
Added Victor Isakov

Nov 30

Removed Carpenter's Rule Problem
Added A Course of Pure Mathematics
Added Abel's identity
Added Algebraic solution
Added Carpenter's rule problem
Added Closed-form expression
Added Composant
Added Discrete probability distribution
Added Kummer ring
Added Lagrange's theorem (group theory)
Added Lagrange's theorem (number theory)
Added Laser diode rate equations
Added Line-plane intersection
Added Line segment intersection
Added Mergelyan's theorem
Added Multinomial
Added Survivorship bias
Added Timoshenko Medal

Nov 29

Added Absolute Square
Added Beta prime distribution
Added Carpenter's Rule Problem
Added Complex Modulus
Added Double helix
Added Foreign Affiliate Trade Statistics
Added GJK
Added Line of action
Added Pepin's test
Added Pie chart
Added Pontryagin's maximum principle
Added Trade in Services Statistics

Nov 28

Added Cut-the-knot
Added Decomposable
Added Indecomposable continuum
Added Metrication in Jamacia
Added Multilevel models
Added Point-biserial correlation coefficient
Added Polyline
Added Pseudo-arc
Added Random variate
Added Two-element Boolean algebra

Nov 27

Removed Axioms of an equation
Removed Square
Added Binary independence condition
Added Birational isomorphism
Added De Arte Combinatoria
Added Hurwitz's theorem
Added Indeterminacy in computation
Added International Services Trade Information Agency
Added Jordan block
Added List of Cambridge mathematicians
Added Runge's theorem
Added Sleeping beauty paradox
Added Statistical literacy
Added Subtraction without borrowing

Nov 26

Removed /dev/random
Removed Divided difference
Added AB Calculus
Added American Institute of Mathematics
Added Effective descriptive set theory
Added Isometric dilation
Added Kaplan-Meier estimator
Added Mean squared prediction error
Added Models of Non-Euclidean geometry
Added Post's problem
Added Proof-theoretic semantics
Added Questorial
Added Recursion theory
Added Simpson Index
Added Stieltjes moment problem

Nov 25

Removed Good Turing estimator
Removed Serial number
Removed Squad number
Added Australian Bureau of Statistics
Added Bianchi group
Added Convex analysis
Added /dev/random
Added Domain of holomorphy
Added Good–Turing estimator
Added IBGE
Added Instituto Nacional de Estatística
Added National Statistical Office of Thailand
Added National Statistics Office (Philippines)
Added Pseudoconvexity
Added Subharmonic function

Nov 24

Removed Cylinder
Added 3.14 (number)
Added Annihilator method
Added Characteristic function (probability theory)
Added Fractional odds
Added Good Turing estimator
Added Lagrangian Grassmannian
Added Landau prime ideal theorem
Added Large set (Ramsey theory)
Added List of exceptional set concepts
Added Moneyline odds
Added Prime ideal theorem
Added Quasi-Lie algebra
Added Whitehead product

Nov 23

Removed 9814072356
Added Arithmetic lattice
Added Boy or Girl
Added Coadjoint representation
Added Convex conjugate
Added Proth number
Added Proth's theorem
Added Reflection principle
Added Stationary phase approximation
Added Sum of normally distributed random variables
Added Symmetrically continuous function

Nov 22

Removed 10,000 (number)
Removed 100,000 (number)
Removed 1,000,000 (number)
Added 10000 (number)
Added 100000 (number)
Added 1000000 (number)
Added Asymmetric relation
Added Dirac adjoint
Added Friedman test
Added Gamma matrices
Added Hamburger moment problem
Added Hausdorff moment problem
Added L (complexity)
Added NL (complexity)
Added Proportion
Added Sieve (category theory)
Added Squad number
Added Subfunctor
Added Symmetric derivative

Nov 21

Removed 100000 (number)
Removed Concurrent (mathematics)
Removed Mean value theorem (divided differences)
Removed Nine point circle
Added 100,000 (number)
Added Bounded complete poset
Added Concurrent lines
Added Convex set
Added Divided difference
Added List of coordinate charts
Added Local cohomology
Added Logarithmically convex function
Added Mihăilescu's theorem
Added MV-algebra
Added Nine-point circle
Added Schwarz reflection principle
Added Solid modelling

Nov 20

Removed 10000 (number)
Added 10,000 (number)
Added 790 (number)
Added Cyrillic thousands sign
Added Decahedron
Added F. and M. Riesz theorem
Added Fekete polynomial
Added Hill's model
Added Institute of Statisticians
Added Krein-Milman theorem
Added List of formulas taught in standard mathematics classes
Added Mathematical finance
Added Mean value theorem (divided differences)
Added Methoden der mathematischen Physik
Added Müntz–Szász theorem
Added Rock's law
Added Saddle-node bifurcation
Added Transcritical bifurcation
Added Whitehead group
Added Zero-eigenvalue bifurcation

Nov 19

Removed ==
Removed 1000000 (number)
Added 1,000,000 (number)
Added Chaotic attractor
Added Complexor
Added Convexity (mathematics)
Added Diffusion equation
Added Dimensional analysis
Added Ikeda map
Added List of uniform planar tilings
Added Maximally divisible number
Added Nondimensionalization
Added Overlapping interval topology
Added Parametric model
Added Pentahedron
Added School Mathematics Project
Added SI
Added SI base unit
Added Similitude (model)
Added Tetractys
Added Tipping point

Nov 18

Removed Buckingham Pi theorem
Added Anomalous scaling dimension
Added Bifurcation theory
Added Bring Radicals
Added Buckingham π theorem
Added Complex differential form
Added Concyclic points
Added Cross-sectional
Added Dolbeault cohomology
Added Elliptic complex
Added Montonen-Olive duality
Added S-duality
Added Seiberg duality
Added T-duality
Added Tubular neighborhood
Added U-duality
Added VC dimension
Added Weil conjecture
Added Z-Factor

Nov 17

Removed PSPACE-Hard
Added Analytic manifold
Added False positive
Added Indefinite logarithm
Added PSPACE-hard
Added Schröder-Bernstein Theorem
Added Sufficiently connected

Nov 16

Added Δ-hyperbolic space
Added Category of magmas
Added Category of medial magmas
Added Cauchy formula for repeated integration
Added Free Lie algebra
Added Ian G. Macdonald
Added Inductive dimension
Added Integral kernel
Added Join (topology)
Added Maxwell stress tensor
Added Philosophical objections to Cantor's Theory
Added Projective vector field
Added Series-parallel networks problem
Added Software for calculating π
Added Statistical noise

Nov 15

Removed Building Automation
Removed Spline
Removed Totally-positive matrix
Added Bishop-Cannings theorem
Added Building automation
Added Eilenberg-Steenrod axioms
Added Friedman number
Added Regular singular point
Added Reversible dynamics
Added Totally positive matrix
Added War of attrition (game)

Nov 14

Added Job-shop problem
Added Negative relationship
Added Small set (category theory)
Added Totally-positive matrix

Nov 13

Removed Dirichlet's Test
Added 195 (number)
Added Ancestral graph
Added Dirichlet's test
Added First principles
Added Frank-Wolfe algorithm
Added Hecke character
Added Intersection theory
Added Mathematical HTML
Added Nabla symbol
Added Polar area diagram
Added Schur polynomial
Added Small set (combinatorics)
Added Spring (math)
Added Tractrice

Nov 12

Removed Grothendieck-Katz p-curvature conjecture
Removed Thurston's classification theorem
Removed Thurston's conjecture
Added Belyi's theorem
Added Callendar-Van Dusen equation
Added Cluster sampling
Added Dirichlet's Test
Added Glossary of arithmetic and Diophantine geometry
Added Grothendieck–Katz p-curvature conjecture
Added Jacobi sum
Added Jet group
Added List of Sudoku terms and jargon
Added List of well known mathematical formulas
Added Multistage sampling
Added Nielsen-Thurston classification
Added Non-increasing sequence
Added Nonprobability sampling
Added Normal surface
Added Poulter's measure
Added Prime decomposition (3-manifold)
Added Still life (CA)
Added Symmetric product of an algebraic curve
Added Systematic sampling
Added Thin set (Serre)

Nov 11

Removed Planar Lamina
Added Bézout domain
Added Coframe
Added CR manifold
Added Detailed balance
Added Differential evolution
Added Fary-Milnor theorem
Added Grothendieck-Katz p-curvature conjecture
Added Hadwiger-Nelson problem
Added Holomorphic functional calculus
Added HOMFLY polynomial
Added Mordell curve
Added Nakai conjecture
Added Nearest integer function
Added Nielsen realization problem
Added Nuisance variable
Added Planar lamina
Added Principal ideal theorem
Added Still life (cellular automaton)
Added Theta-divisor
Added Vector bundles on algebraic curves
Added Zariski geometry
Added Zero set

Nov 10

Removed Grothendieck–Hirzebruch-Riemann–Roch theorem
Removed Lyusternik-Schnirelmann category
Added American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges
Added Azumaya algebra
Added Boolean expression
Added Colin de Verdière graph invariant
Added Coordinate vector
Added Diehard tests
Added Dragan conjecture
Added Fraysseix-Rosenstiehl's planarity criterion
Added Grothendieck–Hirzebruch–Riemann–Roch theorem
Added Lyusternik–Schnirelmann category
Added Operad theory
Added Order dimension
Added Peetre theorem
Added Planar Lamina
Added Plücker formula
Added Ptolemy's theorem
Added Random number generation
Added Rotation (mathematics)
Added Scheinerman's conjecture
Added Schnyder's theorem
Added Tate conjecture
Added Vector area
Added Weierstrass point

Nov 9

Added Adjunction formula (algebraic geometry)
Added Bockstein homomorphism
Added Combinatorial explosion
Added Complete intersection
Added Electromagnetic wave equation
Added Geometric genus
Added Grothendieck–Hirzebruch-Riemann–Roch theorem
Added Lagrange's formula
Added List of Sudoku jargon
Added Rotation system
Added Vector calculus identities

Nov 8

Added 9814072356 (number)
Added Alexander duality
Added Area compatibility factor
Added Degree of a continuous mapping
Added False negative
Added Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions
Added Klee's measure problem
Added Lehmer-Schur algorithm
Added Mandel notation
Added Parallelizable manifold
Added Petr Vopěnka
Added Rational surface
Added Reduced homology
Added Spanier-Whitehead duality
Added Stochastic differential equation
Added Stunted projective space

Nov 7

Added Cenuntillion
Added Coframe field
Added Cycle detection
Added DC coefficient
Added Diversity indices
Added Finite simple group
Added Gonality of an algebraic curve
Added Horrocks-Mumford bundle
Added Köthe conjecture
Added Large cardinal property
Added List of large cardinal properties
Added Novenonagintennecentupentamillimyrillion
Added Ore condition
Added Quasi-regular representation
Added Rotation around a fixed axis
Added Ruziewicz problem
Added Vector fields on spheres
Added Zariski surface

Nov 6

Added Acnode
Added Axiality and rhombicity
Added Castelnuovo-de Franchis theorem
Added Crunode
Added De Franchis theorem
Added Degree (continuous map)
Added Degree of a polynomial
Added Engel theorem
Added Enriques surface
Added Exclusive nor
Added Fano variety
Added Lambert conformal conic projection
Added List of algebraic surfaces
Added Noether's theorem on rationality for surfaces
Added Padé approximant
Added Proofs of quadratic reciprocity
Added Tate module

Nov 5

Removed Multivariate calculus
Added Approximation in algebraic groups
Added Categoricity
Added Double sigmoid
Added Erdős-Burr conjecture
Added Fujita conjecture
Added Inductive inference
Added Minkowski diagram
Added Multivariable calculus
Added O-minimality
Added Semi-differentiability
Added Serre spectral sequence
Added Seshadri constant

Nov 4

Added 363 (number)
Added 880 (number)
Added Elliptic surface
Added Expected value of perfect information
Added Feedback arc set
Added Jet (mathematics)

Nov 3

Added Control variate
Added Cylinder (algebra)
Added Enumerative geometry
Added Jarque-Bera test
Added List of names of 1 to 10 in different languages
Added Massey product
Added Orientation (rigid body)
Added Percent error
Added Ternary Golay code

Nov 2

Added Alexander polynomial
Added Atom (measure theory)
Added Cayley-Bacharach theorem
Added Characteristic sequence
Added Complex measure
Added Free Boolean algebra
Added J-homomorphism
Added Jones polynomial
Added Law of Truly Large Numbers
Added Schubert calculus
Added Three-dimensional space

Nov 1

Removed Nonblocking Minimal Spanning Switch
Removed Taubes's Gromov Invariant
Removed Ukrainian mathematicians
Added Algebraic set
Added Asian Pacific Mathematics Olympiad
Added Bateman Manuscript Project
Added Brauer's theorem on induced characters
Added Complex torus
Added Hodge theorem
Added Impredicative
Added List of Ukrainian mathematicians
Added Noetherian topological space
Added Nonblocking minimal spanning switch
Added Pre-algebra
Added Sports rating system
Added Taubes's Gromov invariant
Added Tidal tensor
Added Urban Institute
Added Weyl's theorem
Added Whittaker and Watson

Oct 31

Removed Gon
Removed Torsion
Added ACS Statistician of the Year
Added Coppersmith-Winograd algorithm
Added Fixed points of isometry groups in Euclidean space
Added Generic point
Added Geometric continuity
Added Gibbs algorithm
Added Gibbs state
Added Grad (angle)
Added Moduli scheme
Added Normalization (statistics)
Added Proof of Taylor Series for complex and real variables
Added Quadratic residuacity problem
Added Separatrix (dynamical systems)
Added Torsion (abstract algebra)
Added Torsion (differential geometry)
Added Torsion (mathematics)
Added Torsion (topology)

Oct 30

Removed Etale fundamental group
Added ==
Added 786 (number)
Added Building Automation
Added Étale fundamental group
Added Fuzzy sphere
Added Great icosahedron
Added Great stellated dodecahedron
Added Hilbert's fifth problem
Added List of special functions and eponyms
Added Novikov conjecture
Added Point groups in two dimensions
Added Separatrix (Math)
Added S.O.S. Mathematics
Added Weil conjecture on Tamagawa numbers

Oct 29

Added Boustrophedon transform
Added Centered decagonal number
Added Closed surface
Added Diagonal form
Added Direct image functor
Added Discriminant of an algebraic number field
Added Enriques-Kodaira classification
Added Etale fundamental group
Added Étale morphism
Added Euler integration
Added Generalized Jacobian
Added Hasse invariant of a quadratic form
Added Hasse-Witt matrix
Added Kretschmann scalar
Added Length function
Added Nikolay Bogolyubov
Added Non-equilibrium thermodynamics
Added Octagonal antiprism
Added Octagonal prism
Added Radon's lemma
Added Small stellated dodecahedron
Added SnapPea
Added Sulba Sutras
Added Trend line

Oct 28

Added Automated reasoning
Added Class number formula
Added Current (mathematics)
Added De Rham-Weil theorem
Added Dihedral symmetry in three dimensions
Added Dot book
Added Finite type invariant
Added Folk theorem
Added Formal moduli
Added Fractional Brownian motion
Added Gelfand pair
Added Grothendieck spectral sequence
Added Group C^*-algebra
Added Hilbert class field
Added K-homology
Added Kronecker symbol
Added Leray's theorem
Added Mautner's lemma
Added National Assessment & Testing
Added Primary ideal
Added Projective object
Added Séminaire Nicolas Bourbaki (1960-1969)
Added Spin-1/2
Added Statistical mechanics
Added Zeta function regularization

Oct 27

Removed Bauer-Fike Theorem
Added Bauer-Fike theorem
Added Biharmonic equation
Added Calculus on Manifolds
Added Deligne-Mumford moduli space of curves
Added Disjunctive sum
Added H-Cobordism
Added Map-coloring games
Added Mapping torus
Added Mathematical Intelligencer
Added Mathematics Subject Classification
Added Model structure
Added Polish School of Mathematics
Added Riemann-Roch theorem for smooth manifolds
Added Robinson arithmetic
Added Snowball sampling
Added Stern-Brocot tree
Added Taubes's Gromov Invariant
Added Upper and lower probabilities
Added Zero-sum problem

Oct 26

Removed 4104
Removed Enneper-Weierstrass Parameterization
Added 4104 (number)
Added Asymptotic distribution
Added Bauer-Fike Theorem
Added Branched covering
Added Bruhat-Tits building
Added Center (group theory)
Added Disequality
Added Enneper-Weierstrass parameterization
Added Finite set
Added Injective sheaf
Added Noether normalization lemma
Added Torelli theorem
Added Transitive class

Oct 25

Removed Floquet Theory
Added Γ-convergence
Added 251 (number)
Added 257 (number)
Added 263 (number)
Added 269 (number)
Added 4104
Added Absolute Galois group
Added Application of tensor theory in engineering
Added Application of tensor theory in physics
Added Boltzmann distribution
Added Bred vectors
Added Building (mathematics)
Added Cassini and Catalan identities
Added Church encoding
Added Contortion tensor
Added Diffusion tensor imaging
Added Enneper-Weierstrass Parameterization
Added Floquet theory
Added Fractint
Added Kloosterman sum
Added Kuiper's theorem
Added Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics
Added Noid (mathematics)
Added Potential isomorphism
Added Serre conjecture
Added Stress-energy tensor
Added Tensor product of modules over a ring
Added Trivial (mathematics)
Added Vesica piscis
Added Zolotarev's lemma

Oct 24

Added Artin's conjecture on primitive roots
Added Buildings
Added Character sum
Added Floquet Theory
Added Full reptend prime
Added Jordan decomposition
Added Kodaira embedding theorem
Added Kodaira vanishing theorem
Added Matrix population models
Added Metaplectic group
Added Multiple testing
Added Penrose graphical notation
Added Product measure
Added Ramanujan-Skolem's theorem
Added Signed measure
Added Square-free integer

Oct 23

Removed Compactly supported homology
Added Basic Calculus Equations and Formulas
Added Categorical duality
Added Clifford's theorem
Added Compactly-supported homology
Added Concurrent validity
Added Conjugation of isometries in Euclidean space
Added Construct validity
Added Content validity
Added Criterion validity
Added Cylinder set
Added Dependence relation
Added Distribution (differential geometry)
Added Engel expansion
Added Equivariant cohomology
Added Harnack's inequality
Added Hartogs' lemma
Added Hartogs number
Added Hartogs' theorem
Added Injective dimension
Added Killer Su Doku
Added Kolmogorov's inequality
Added Levi's theorem
Added Lie's theorem
Added Minkowski-Hlawka theorem
Added N-skeleton
Added Nilpotent cone
Added Pair of spaces
Added Predictive validity
Added Special divisor
Added Trust region
Added Van Deemter's equation
Added Verma module
Added Yang-Mills existence and mass gap

Oct 22

Added 228 (number)
Added 241 (number)
Added Abouabdillah's theorem
Added Cobordism theorem
Added Computer representation of surfaces
Added Cyclic Multiverse Theory
Added Direct Simulation Monte Carlo
Added Dynamical outer billiards
Added Engel expansions
Added Freeform surface
Added Freeform surface modelling
Added Hahn-Kolmogorov theorem
Added Hamiltonian vector field
Added Khovanov homology
Added List of Wenninger polyhedron models
Added Mark and recapture
Added Markov number
Added Metropolis light transport
Added Monte Carlo methods in finance
Added Morse homology
Added Quantum Monte Carlo
Added Second stellation of icosahedron
Added Seventeenth stellation of icosahedron
Added Strobogrammatic number
Added Weil reciprocity law
Added Whitney disk

Oct 21

Added 233 (number)
Added Antecedent variable
Added Artin-Schreier theory
Added Blattner's conjecture
Added Cairo pentagonal tiling
Added Common cause and special cause
Added Floret pentagonal tiling
Added Prismatic pentagonal tiling
Added Rubik's Cube group
Added Ukrainian mathematicians
Added Unique factorization

Oct 20

Removed Kuramoto Model
Removed Markov chain Monte Carlo
Removed Napoleon's Problem
Added 229 (number)
Added Cramér-Wold theorem
Added Differentiable manifold
Added Filtered algebra
Added Kuramoto model
Added Law of Three
Added Markov Chain Monte Carlo
Added Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences
Added Napoleon's problem
Added Topological manifold
Added Topological tensor product
Added Wedge (geometry)
Added Wythoff construction

Oct 19

Removed Fubini's theorem/Examples
Removed Galerkin Method
Removed Manifold/old
Added Bach language
Added Examples of Fubini's theorem
Added Galerkin method
Added Hemicontinuity
Added Kuramoto Model
Added Lefschetz zeta function
Added Local search (optimization)
Added Napoleon's Problem
Added Nuclear space
Added Olami-Feder-Christensen model
Added Square root of a matrix
Added Stable homotopy theory

Oct 18

Removed 10061092961
Removed 10173
Removed 146,361,946,186,458,562,560,000
Removed 179424673 (number)
Removed 363 (number)
Added Bak-Sneppen model
Added Chevalley-Warning theorem
Added Circles of Apollonius
Added Counterinduction
Added Elementary divisor
Added Euler class
Added Fubini's theorem/Examples
Added GCD domain
Added Hash mark
Added Infinite set
Added Klein quadratic
Added Logarithm of a matrix
Added Manifold/old
Added Obelus
Added Plane partition
Added Quantum calculus
Added Quasi-algebraic closure
Added Rhombicity

Oct 17

Added 159 (number)
Added Axiality
Added Cabri Geometry
Added Construction of splitting fields
Added Cyclic symmetries
Added Dihedral symmetry
Added Evolutionarily stable state
Added Interprime
Added Inversion (geometry)
Added List of numerical computational geometry topics
Added LTI system
Added Ptolemaios's theorem
Added Self-organization

Oct 16

Added Crystal system
Added Dissection (geometry)
Added Fall Startup Event
Added Gray graph
Added List of combinatorial computational geometry topics
Added List of planar symmetry groups
Added List of spherical symmetry groups
Added Problem domain
Added Self-organized criticality
Added Tautological bundle
Added The museum problem
Added Uncorrelated asymmetry

Oct 15

Removed Alexey's Fallacy
Added 10061092961
Added 10173
Added Behrens-Fisher problem
Added Cadaeic Cadenza
Added Closed model category
Added Daniell integral
Added Ergodic sequence
Added Great dirhombicosidodecahedron
Added Klein geometry
Added Mathematics of Sudoku
Added Milnor conjecture
Added Model category
Added Séminaire Nicolas Bourbaki
Added Séminaire Nicolas Bourbaki (1950-1959)
Added Topological K-theory
Added Trisectrix

Oct 14

Removed Portal:Math
Added 384 (number)
Added Analytical engine
Added Barometric formula
Added Bartlett's test
Added Beer-Lambert law
Added Benjamin Finkel
Added Bisectrix
Added Kurosh problem
Added Nearest Neighbor Interpolation
Added Octahedral symmetry
Added Pathline
Added Statistical ensemble (mathematical physics)
Added Tetrahedral symmetry

Oct 13

Oct 13

Removed Rabbit Sequence
Added Alexander's Star
Added Fluent (artificial intelligence)
Added Fluent (mathematics)
Added Hirzebruch-Riemann-Roch theorem
Added Pascal's calculator
Added Portal:Math
Added Rabbit sequence
Added Statistical process control
Added Stepped Reckoner
Added Tomita-Takesaki theory

Oct 12

Added 360 (number)
Added 9814072356
Added Bi-directional delay line
Added Celeritas
Added Emma's Dilemma
Added Hexakis triangular tiling
Added Icosahedral symmetry
Added Median filter
Added Robust statistics
Added Tetrakis square tiling
Added Triakis triangular tiling
Added Upper half-space

Oct 11

Added Antiisomorphic
Added Fraction (disambiguation)
Added List of probability distributions
Added Martingale central limit theorem
Added Numerical quadrature
Added Pendent
Added Quadratrix
Added William of Sherwood

Oct 10

Removed 360 (number)
Removed 364 (number)
Removed 365 (number)
Removed 365(number)
Removed 384 (number)
Removed 427 (number)
Removed 451 (number)
Removed Affine involutions in Euclidean space
Removed Attila Aşkar
Removed Equidistributed
Removed Siegel upper half plane
Removed Standard Algorithms
Added Affine involution
Added Complete Boolean algebra (computer science)
Added Complexors
Added Developable surface
Added Equidistributed sequence
Added Interleave sequence
Added List of uniform polyhedra
Added Oblique reflection
Added Siegel upper half-plane
Added Stolz-Cesàro theorem
Added Zero-dimensional space

Oct 9

Removed Edge of the wedge theorem
Removed Mnenta
Added 10000000 (number)
Added 100000000 (number)
Added 1000000000 (number)
Added 146,361,946,186,458,562,560,000
Added 216 (number)
Added 363 (number)
Added 384 (number)
Added 427 (number)
Added Attila Aşkar
Added Deltoidal trihexagonal tiling
Added Dissipation
Added Dissipation factor
Added Edge-of-the-wedge theorem
Added Inverse (mathematics)
Added Isometry group
Added Majorization
Added Noncommutative logic
Added Prismatic trisquare tiling
Added Quasiregular rhombic tiling
Added Sample (statistics)
Added Snub hexagonal tiling
Added Snub square tiling
Added Tiling by regular polygons
Added Wandering set

Oct 8

Added Affine involutions in Euclidean space
Added Ambient space
Added Art gallery theorem
Added Cartesian product of graphs
Added Fifth dimension
Added Geometry and Topology
Added Great dodecahedron
Added Great rhombitrihexagonal tiling
Added Hexagonal antiprism
Added Hexagonal prism
Added Hexagonal tiling
Added Inner product
Added Mix
Added Mixing (physics)
Added Noncentral chi distribution
Added Pentagonal antiprism
Added Pentagonal prism
Added Pentagrammic prism
Added Small rhombitrihexagonal tiling
Added Square antiprism
Added Square tiling
Added Tensor product of graphs
Added Triangular prism
Added Triangular tiling
Added Trihexagonal tiling
Added Truncated hexagonal tiling
Added Truncated square tiling
Added Zenzizenzizenzic

Oct 7

Removed Eigenvalue, eigenvector, and eigenspace
Removed Hexagram (6-pointed star)
Removed Iman Ng
Removed IPOPT
Added Eigenvalue, eigenvector and eigenspace
Added Ethernet flow control
Added Fifth dimension (geometry)
Added Leray cover
Added Motzkin prime
Added Robust regression
Added Standard Algorithms
Added Tetrahemihexahedron
Added Wald test
Added WalkSAT

Oct 6

Added Alexander's Trick
Added Alexey's Fallacy
Added Boole summation formula
Added Buchowski paradox
Added Chern-Weil theory
Added Computer-assisted proof
Added Direct stiffness method
Added Greatest fixed point
Added Hexagram (6-pointed star)
Added Holomorph (mathematics)
Added Horse paradox
Added Iman Ng
Added Input selection
Added Isotonic regression
Added Reflection symmetry
Added Spin structure
Added Structural analysis
Added ZetaGrid

Oct 5

Removed Banach-Tarski paradox
Removed Berry-Esséen theorem
Removed Bishop-Gromov inequality
Removed Bohr-Mollerup theorem
Removed Bolyai-Gerwien theorem
Removed Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem
Removed Borel-Bott-Weil theorem
Removed Borel-Carathéodory theorem
Removed Borsuk-Ulam theorem
Removed Bruck-Chowla-Ryser theorem
Removed Cantor-Bernstein-Schroeder theorem
Removed Cartan-Kähler theorem
Removed Cayley-Hamilton theorem
Removed Chaitin-Kolmogorov randomness
Removed Chowla-Mordell theorem
Removed Church-Rosser theorem
Removed Erdős-Ko-Rado theorem
Removed Feit-Thompson theorem
Removed Gauss-Bonnet theorem
Removed Gauss-Markov
Removed Gauss-Markov process
Removed Gauss-Markov theorem
Removed Gelfand-Naimark theorem
Removed Gelfond-Schneider constant
Removed Gelfond-Schneider theorem
Removed Gibbard-Satterthwaite theorem
Removed Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch theorem
Removed Hahn-Banach theorem
Removed Hahn-Jordan decomposition
Removed Hales-Jewett theorem
Removed Hasse-Minkowski theorem
Removed Heine-Borel theorem
Removed Heine-Cantor theorem
Removed Hellinger-Toeplitz theorem
Removed Helly-Bray theorem
Removed Herbrand-Ribet theorem
Removed Hopf-Rinow theorem
Removed Jordan-Schönflies theorem
Removed Knaster-Tarski theorem
Removed Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser theorem
Removed Kronecker-Weber theorem
Removed Kruskal-Katona theorem
Removed Lasker-Noether theorem
Removed Lehmann-Scheffé theorem
Removed Lickorish-Wallace theorem
Removed Lie-Kolchin theorem
Removed Lindemann-Weierstrass theorem
Removed Löwenheim-Skolem theorem
Removed Mohr-Mascheroni theorem
Removed Mordell-Weil theorem
Removed Myhill-Nerode theorem
Removed Nagata-Smirnov metrization theorem
Removed Nagell-Lutz theorem
Removed Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem
Removed Paley-Wiener theorem
Removed Perron-Frobenius theorem
Removed Peter-Weyl theorem
Removed Picard-Lindelöf theorem
Removed Poincaré-Bendixson theorem
Removed Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt theorem
Removed Poincaré-Hopf theorem
Removed Quillen-Suslin theorem
Removed Radon-Nikodym theorem
Removed Rao-Blackwell theorem
Removed Reeh-Schlieder theorem
Removed Riemann-Roch theorem
Removed Riesz-Fischer theorem
Removed Robertson-Seymour theorem
Removed Routh-Hurwitz theorem
Removed Upper half plane
Removed Vietoris-Begle mapping theorem
Removed Vitali-Hahn-Saks theorem
Removed Von Staudt-Clausen theorem
Removed Weierstrass-Casorati theorem
Added 111,111,111 (number)
Added Calculus of constructions
Added Chevalley scheme
Added Function field (scheme theory)
Added Generalized extreme value distribution
Added Khayyam-Pascal's triangle
Added Lambda lifting
Added Lefschetz pencil
Added Morse-Kelley set theory
Added Normalization property (lambda-calculus)
Added Self prime
Added Shatter
Added Simply typed lambda calculus
Added Typed lambda calculus
Added Upper half-plane

Oct 4

Added 179424673 (number)
Added Data dredging
Added Femtillion
Added Highly cototient prime
Added Liber Abaci
Added Platonic sequence
Added Projection pursuit
Added Rabbit Sequence

Oct 3

Removed Set theory
Added 1984 (number)
Added Areal velocity
Added Classifying space for U(n)
Added Euler's equations
Added Flight dynamics
Added Gimbal lock
Added HNN extension
Added Mathematical logic glossary
Added Nichols plot
Added Plateau's laws
Added Quad paper
Added Rigid body dynamics
Added Θ (set theory)
Added Virtually fibered conjecture
Added Wrong Triangle

Oct 2

Added AD plus
Added Algebra i Logika
Added Algebra project
Added Analytic element method
Added Asaṃkhyeya
Added Base 36
Added Circle bundle
Added Class
Added Compact
Added Crore
Added Ducentillion
Added Genus (disambiguation)
Added Larmor formula
Added Midrange
Added Myrillion
Added Names of numbers in English
Added Pair of pants
Added Reduction
Added Seemingly unrelated regression
Added Stabilizer
Added Star prime
Added T-symmetry
Added Tetrastigm

Oct 1

Added 367 (number)
Added Abel–Ruffini theorem
Added Artin–Wedderburn theorem
Added Atiyah–Singer index theorem
Added Balkan Mathematical Olympiad
Added Banach–Tarski paradox
Added Berry–Esséen theorem
Added Bishop–Gromov inequality
Added Bohr–Mollerup theorem
Added Bolyai–Gerwien theorem
Added Bolzano–Weierstrass theorem
Added Borel–Bott–Weil theorem
Added Borel–Carathéodory theorem
Added Borsuk–Ulam theorem
Added Bruck–Chowla–Ryser theorem
Added Cantor–Bernstein–Schroeder theorem
Added Cartan–Kähler theorem
Added Cayley–Hamilton theorem
Added Chowla–Mordell theorem
Added Church–Rosser theorem
Added Erdős–Ko–Rado theorem
Added Feit–Thompson theorem
Added Gauss–Bonnet theorem
Added Gauss–Markov
Added Gauss–Markov process
Added Gauss–Markov theorem
Added Gelfand–Naimark theorem
Added Gelfond–Schneider constant
Added Gelfond–Schneider theorem
Added Gibbard–Satterthwaite theorem
Added Grothendieck–Riemann–Roch theorem
Added Hahn–Banach theorem
Added Hahn–Jordan decomposition
Added Hales–Jewett theorem
Added Hasse–Minkowski theorem
Added Heine–Borel theorem
Added Heine–Cantor theorem
Added Hellinger–Toeplitz theorem
Added Helly–Bray theorem
Added Herbrand–Ribet theorem
Added Hopf–Rinow theorem
Added Jordan–Schönflies theorem
Added Junior Balkan Mathematical Olympiad
Added Knaster–Tarski theorem
Added Kolmogorov–Arnold–Moser theorem
Added Kronecker–Weber theorem
Added Kruskal–Katona theorem
Added Lasker–Noether theorem
Added Lehmann–Scheffé theorem
Added Lickorish–Wallace theorem
Added Lie–Kolchin theorem
Added Lindemann–Weierstrass theorem
Added Löwenheim–Skolem theorem
Added Mohr–Mascheroni theorem
Added Mordell–Weil theorem
Added Myhill–Nerode theorem
Added Nagata–Smirnov metrization theorem
Added Nagell–Lutz theorem
Added Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem
Added Paley–Wiener theorem
Added Perron–Frobenius theorem
Added Peter–Weyl theorem
Added Picard–Lindelöf theorem
Added Poincaré–Bendixson theorem
Added Poincaré–Birkhoff–Witt theorem
Added Poincaré–Hopf theorem
Added Quaternionic projective space
Added Quillen–Suslin theorem
Added Radon–Nikodym theorem
Added Rao–Blackwell theorem
Added Reeh–Schlieder theorem
Added Riemann–Roch theorem
Added Riesz–Fischer theorem
Added Robertson–Seymour theorem
Added Routh–Hurwitz theorem
Added Schwarz–Ahlfors–Pick theorem
Added Seifert–van Kampen theorem
Added Shannon–Hartley theorem
Added Silverman–Toeplitz theorem
Added Skolem–Noether theorem
Added Stone–von Neumann theorem
Added Stone–Weierstrass theorem
Added Sylvester–Gallai theorem
Added Szemerédi–Trotter theorem
Added Taniyama–Shimura theorem
Added Taylor–Proudman theorem
Added Temperley-Lieb algebra
Added Thue–Siegel–Roth theorem
Added Uniform-cost search
Added Vietoris–Begle mapping theorem
Added Vitali–Hahn–Saks theorem
Added Von Staudt–Clausen theorem
Added Weierstrass–Casorati theorem