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{{Muslims and controversies}}
{{Muslims and controversies}}
Some of these groups, such as Hamas and Hezbollah, have limited their acts to localized regions of the Middle East, while others, notably Al-Qaeda, have an international scope for their terrorist activities.{{fact}}
Some of these groups, such as Hamas and Hezbollah, have limited their acts to localized regions of the Middle East, while others, notably Al-Qaeda, have an international scope for their terrorist activities.

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===Kidnappings and executions===
===Kidnappings and executions===
Along with bombings and hijackings, Islamist terrorists have made extensive use of highly-publicised kidnappings and executions, often circulating videos of the acts for use as propaganda. Notable [[Foreign hostages in Iraq|foreign victims]] include [[Nick Berg]], [[Daniel Pearl]], [[Paul Marshall Johnson, Jr.]], [[Eugene Armstrong]], [[Jack Hensley]], [[Kim Sun-il]], [[Kenneth Bigley]], [[Shosei Koda]], [[Fabrizio Quattrocchi]], [[Margaret Hassan]]. One Iraqi victim was [[Seif Adnan Kanaan]]. The most frequent form of execution by these groups has been decapitations, often committed while shouting the Islamic chant, "[[Takbir|Allahu Akbar]]" (Arabic for God is greatest). While some targets are military, or seen as supporting the anti-Islamist forces, victims are also as varied as the Red Cross,<ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/6187357.stm BBC NEWS | World | Middle East | Plea to release Iraqi aid workers<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref> the Iraqi education ministry,<ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/6153316.stm BBC NEWS | World | Middle East | Iraq ministry hostages 'tortured'<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref> and diplomats.<ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/4724323.stm BBC NEWS | World | Middle East | Press fury at killing of Algerians<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref>
Along with bombings and hijackings, Islamist terrorists have made extensive use of highly-publicised kidnappings and executions, often circulating videos of the acts for use as propaganda. Notable [[Foreign hostages in Iraq|foreign victims]] include [[Nick Berg]], [[Daniel Pearl]], [[Paul Marshall Johnson, Jr.]], [[Eugene Armstrong]], [[Jack Hensley]], [[Kim Sun-il]], [[Kenneth Bigley]], [[Shosei Koda]], [[Fabrizio Quattrocchi]], [[Margaret Hassan]]. One Iraqi victim was [[Seif Adnan Kanaan]]. The most frequent form of execution by these groups has been decapitations, often committed while shouting the Islamic chant, "[[Takbir|Allahu Akbar]]" (Arabic for God is greatest). While some targets are military, or seen as supporting the anti-Islamist forces, victims are also as varied as the Red Cross,<ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/6187357.stm BBC NEWS | World | Middle East | Plea to release Iraqi aid workers<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref> the Iraqi education ministry,<ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/6153316.stm BBC NEWS | World | Middle East | Iraq ministry hostages 'tortured'<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref> and diplomats.<ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/4724323.stm BBC NEWS | World | Middle East | Press fury at killing of Algerians<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref>

===Facial mutilation===
Islamists have been accused of attacking or threating to attack the faces of women in an effort to intimidate them from wearing of makeup or allegedly immodest dress. According to Cheryl Benard of RAND, "every year hundreds of women in Pakistan and Afghanistan alone are killed, have acid thrown in their faces, or are otherwise maimed by male fanatics" for failure to wear [[hijab]].<ref>[http://canadiancoalition.com/forum/messages/20397.shtml "The Veil Controversy-Islamism and liberalism face off" by Olivier Guitta, 12/04/2006] </ref>
The [[al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya]] (Islamic Group of Egypt) before its denunciation of violence, "had a reputation in Egypt for acting as a kind of moral police force, often quite savagely — for instance, throwing acid in the face of a woman who was wearing makeup."<ref name="RebellionWright">[http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2008/06/02/080602fa_fact_wright?currentPage=all The Rebellion Within, An Al Qaeda mastermind questions terrorism. by Lawrence Wright. newyorker.com, June 2, 2008]</ref> In 2006 a group in [[Gaza]] calling itself "Just Swords of Islam" is reported to have claimed it threw acid at the face of a young woman who was dressed "immodestly," and warned other women in [[Gaza]] that they must wear hijab.<ref>[http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1164881802888&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull Dec 2, 2006 Gaza women warned of immodesty]</ref> Iranian journalist Amir Taheri tells of an 18-year-old college student at the [[American University in Beirut]] who on the eve of [[Day of Ashura|`Ashura]] in 1985 "was surrounded and attacked by a group of youths -- all members of [[Hezbollah|Hezb-Allah]], the Party of Allah. They objected to the `lax way` in which they thought she was dressed, and accused her of `insulting the blood of the martyrs` by not having her hair fully covered. Then one of the youths threw `a burning liquid` on her face." According to Taheri, "scores -- some say hundreds -- of women ... in Baalbek, in Beirut, in southern Lebanon and in many other Muslim cities from Tunis to Kuala Lumpur," were attacked in a similar manner from 1980 to 1986. <ref>Taheri, Amir, ''Holy Terror : the Inside Story of Islamic Terrorism'', Adler & Adler, 1987, p.12</ref>

==Motivation, ideology and theology==
==Motivation, ideology and theology==

Revision as of 16:01, 7 June 2008

Seconds after United Airlines Flight 175 crashes into the South Tower of the World Trade Center

Islamic terrorism (also known as Islamist terrorism or Jihadist terrorism) is religious terrorism by those whose motivations are rooted in their interpretations of Islam.[1]

Statistics gathered for 2006 by the National Counterterrorism Center of the United States indicated that "Islamic extremism" was responsible for approximately 25% of all terrorism fatalities worldwide,[2] and a majority of the fatalities for which responsibility could be conclusively determined.[2] Terrorist acts have included airline hijacking, beheading, kidnapping, assassination, roadside bombing, suicide bombing, and occasionally rape.[3][4][5][6]

Perhaps the most resonant incident of Islamic terrorism was the 9/11 attack on the United States. Other prominent attacks have occurred in Iraq, Afghanistan, India, Israel, Britain, Spain, France, Russia and China. These terrorist groups often describe their actions as Islamic jihad (struggle). Self-proclaimed sentences of punishment or death, issued publicly as threats, often come in the form of fatwas (Islamic legal judgments). Both Muslims and non-Muslims have been among the targets and victims, but threats against Muslims are often issued as takfir (a declaration that a person, group or institution that describes itself as Muslim has in fact left Islam and thus is a traitor). This is an implicit death threat as the punishment for apostasy in Islam is death under Sharia law.

The controversies surrounding the subject include whether the terrorist act is self-defense or aggression, national self-determination or Islamic supremacy; the targeting of noncombatants; whether Islam ever could condone terrorism; whether some attacks described as Islamic terrorism are merely terrorist acts committed by Muslims or nationalists; how much support there is in the Muslim world for Islamic terrorism; whether the Arab-Israeli Conflict is the root of Islamic terrorism, or simply one cause.[7]

"Islamic" terrorism

"Islamic terrorism" is itself a controversial phrase, although its usage is widespread throughout the English-speaking world. Bernard Lewis believes that the phrase "Islamic terrorism" is apt, because although "Islam as a religion" is not "particularly conducive to terrorism or even tolerant of terrorism", Islam has had an

essentially political character ... from its very foundation ... to the present day. An intimate association between religion and politics, between power and cult, marks a principal distinction between Islam and other religions. ... In traditional Islam and therefore also in resurgent fundamentalist Islam, God is the sole source of sovereignty. God is the head of the state. The state is God's state. The army is God's army. The treasury is God's treasury, and the enemy, of course, is God's enemy. [8]

This argument is countered by Jamal Nassar and Karim H. Karim, who contend that, because there are over a billion adherents of the religion, the phenomenon is more precisely regarded as "Islamist terrorism"[1] or "militant Islamism",[9] because Islamism describes political ideologies rooted in interpretations of Islam.[1] In this vein, describing terrorism as "Islamic" may confirm "a prejudicial perspective of all things Islamic".[10]

Karen Armstrong contends that "fundamentalism is often a form of nationalism in religious disguise", and that using the phrase "Muslim terrorism" is dangerously counterproductive, as it suggests those in the west believe that such atrocities are caused by Islam, and hence reinforces the viewpoint of some in the Muslim world that the west is an implacable enemy.[11] Armstrong believes that the terrorists in no way represent mainstream Islam, and suggests the use of other terms such as "Wahhabi terrorism" and "Qutbian terrorism".[11]

Organizations and acts

Some prominent Islamic terror groups and incidents include the following:



Al-Qaeda is a worldwide pan-Islamic terrorist network headed by Osama bin Laden and is most famous for orchestrating the September 11, 2001 attacks against the United States. It now operates in more than 60 countries. Its stated aim is the use of jihad to defend Islam against Zionism, Christianity, the secular West, and Muslim governments such as Saudi Arabia, which it sees as insufficiently Islamic and too closely tied to America.[12][13][14][15]

Formed by bin Laden and Muhammad Atef in the aftermath of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in the late 1980s, Al Qaeda called for the use of violence against civilians and military of the United States and any countries that are allied with it.[16] Since its formation Al Qaeda has committed a number of terrorist acts in Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and Asia. Although once supported by the Taliban organization in Afghanistan, the U.S. and British governments never considered the Taliban to have been a terrorist organization.[17][18]


Major lethal attacks on civilians in Europe credited to Islamic terrorism include the March 11 2004 bombings of commuter trains in Madrid, where 191 people were killed and 2,050 wounded, and the 7 July 2005 London bombings, also of public transport, which killed 52 commuters and injured 700.


Politically-motivated attacks on civilians in Russia have been traced to separatist sentiment among Muslims in its Caucasus region, particularly Chechnya. Russia's two biggest terrorist attacks both came from Muslim groups. In the Nord-Ost incident at a theater in Moscow in October 2002, the Chechnyan separatist "Special Purpose Islamic Regiment" took an estimated 850 people hostage. An estimated 300 Russians died in an attempted rescue. Whether this attack would more properly be called a nationalist rather than an Islamist attack is in question.

In the September 2004 Beslan school hostage crisis 1,200 schoolchildren and adults were taken hostage after "School Number One" secondary school in Beslan, North Ossetia-Alania was overrun by the "Caucasus Caliphate Jihad" led by Shamil Basayev. As many as 500 died, including 186 children.[19] According to the only surviving attacker, Nur-Pashi Kulayev, the choice of a school and the targeting of mothers and young children by the attackers was done in hopes of generating a maximum of outrage and igniting a wider war in the Caucasus with the ultimate goal of establishing an Islamic Emirate across the whole of the North Caucasus.[20]


Hezbollah (Turkish)

Unrelated to the more famous Shia Hezbollah of Lebanon, this Sunni terrorist group has been credited with the assassination of Diyarbakir police chief Gaffar Okkan, and the November 2003 bombings of two synagogues, the British consulate in Istanbul and HSBC bank headquarters, killing 58 and wounding several hundred.[21]


The area that has seen some of the worst terror attacks in modern history has been Iraq as part of the Iraq War. In 2005, there were 400 incidents of one type of attack (suicide bombing), killing more than 2000 people - many if not most of them civilians.[22] In 2006, almost half of all reported terrorist attacks in the world (6600), and more than half of all terrorist fatalities (13,000), occurred in Iraq, according to the National Counterterrorism Center of the United States.[23] The insurgency in Iraq against the US and Iraqi government combines attacks on "Coalition troops" and the Iraqi security forces, with attacks on civilian contractors, aid workers, and infrastructure. Along with nationalist Ba'athist groups and criminal, non-political attacks, the insurgency includes Islamist insurgent groups, who favor suicide attacks far more than non-Islamist groups.

They include the Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's al-Qaeda affiliate; Al-Faruq Brigades, a militant wing of the Islamic Movement in Iraq (Al-Harakah al-Islamiyyah fi al-arak); Jamaat Ansar al-Sunna; the Mujahideen of the Victorious Sect (Mujahideen al ta’ifa al-Mansoura); the Mujahideen Battalions of the Salafi Group of Iraq (Kata’ib al mujahideen fi al-jama’ah al-salafiyah fi al-‘arak); the Jihad Brigades/Cell; "White Flags, Muslim Youth and Army of Mohammed" ; Ansar al-Islam, a Taliban-like, jihadist group with ties to Al Qaeda. At least some of the terrorism has a transnational character in that some foreign Islamic jihadists have joined the insurgency.[24]


Fatah al-Islam

Fatah al-Islam is an Islamist group operating out of the Nahr al-Bared refugee camp in northern Lebanon. It was formed in November 2006 by fighters who broke off from the pro-Syrian Fatah al-Intifada, itself a splinter group of Fatah, and is led by a Palestinian fugitive militant named Shaker al-Abssi.[25] The group's members have been described as militant jihadists,[26] and the group itself has been described as a terrorist movement that draws inspiration from al-Qaeda.[25][26][27] Its stated goal is to reform the Palestinian refugee camps under Islamic sharia law,[28] and its primary targets are Israel and the United States.[25] Lebanese authorities have accused the organization of being involved in the February 13, 2007 bombing of two minibuses that killed three people, and injured more than 20 others, in Ain Alaq, Lebanon,[27] and identified four of its members as having confessed to the bombing.[28]


File:Flag of Hezbollah.svg
Flag of Hezbollah

Hezbollah is a Shi'a militia, political party, and social services provider based in Lebanon. Six governments[29] consider it, or a part of it, to be a terrorist group[30][31] responsible for blowing up the American embassy[32] and later its annex, as well as the barracks of American and French peacekeeping troops and a dozens of kidnappings of foreigners in Beirut.[33][34] It is also accused of being the recipient of massive aid for its Persian Shia Neighbor Iran,[35] and of serving "Iranian foreign policy calculations and interests,"[36]or serving as a "subcontractor of Iranian initiatives"[37] Hezbollah denies any involvement or dependence on Iran.[38]

In the Arab and Muslim worlds, on the other hand, Hezbollah is regarded as a legitimate and successful resistance movement that drove both Western powers and Israel out of Lebanon.[39] In 2005, the Lebanese Prime Minister said of Hezbollah, it "is not a militia. It's a resistance."[40]

Hezbollah's simultaneous suicide attacks on US and French barracks in Beirut and the withdrawal of American peacekeeping troops shortly thereafter the bombings proompted is thought to have "made a profound impression on bin Laden."[41]

Israel & Palestinian Territories


Hamas, ("zeal" in Arabic and an acronym for Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiyya), began support for attacks on military and civilian targets in Israel at the beginning of the Intifada in 1987. As the Muslim Brotherhood organization for Palestine its leadership was made up of "intellectuals from the devout middle class,... respectable religious clerics, doctors, chemists, engineers, and teachers.[42]

The 1988 charter of Hamas calls for the destruction of Israel[43], and it still states its goal to be the elimination of Israel[44]. Its "military wing" has claimed responsibility for numerous attacks in Israel. Hamas has also been accused of sabotaging the Israeli-Palestine peace process by launching attacks on civilians during Israeli elections to anger Israeli voters and facilitate the election of harder-line Israeli candidates. For example, "a series of spectacular suicide attacks by Palestinians that killed 63 Israelis and led directly to the election victory of Benjamin Netanyahu and his Likud party on May 29, 1996."[45]

Hamas justifies these attacks as necessary in fighting the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory, and as responses to Israeli attacks on Palestinian targets. The wider movement also serves as a charity organization and provides services to Palestinians.[46]

Hamas has been designated as a terrorist group by the European Union, Canada, the United States, Israel, the United Nations Commission on Human Rights and Human Rights Watch. Opponents of this view claim that Israel is not a legitimate state because of the conditions of its establishment after World War II.

Islamic Jihad

Islamic Jihad is a militant Palestinian group Islamist group based in the Syrian capital, Damascus, and dedicated to waging jihad to eliminate the state of Israel. It was formed by Egyptian Fathi Shaqaqi in the Gaza Strip following the Iranian Revolution which inspired its members. From 1983 onward, it engaged in "a succession of violent, high-profile attacks" on Israeli targets. The intifada which "it eventually sparked" was quickly taken over by much larger the PLO and Hamas.[47] Beginning in September 2000, it started a campaign of suicide bombing attacks against Israelis. It is currently led by Sheikh Abdullah Sheikh Abdullah Ramadan.

The PIJ's armed wing, the Al-Quds brigades, has claimed responsibility for numerous militant attacks in Israel, including suicide bombings and the group has been designated as a terrorist group by the several countries in the West.

North Africa

Armed Islamic Group

The Armed Islamic Group, active in Algeria between 1992 and 1998, was one of the most violent Islamic terrorist groups, and is thought to have takfired the Muslim population of Algeria. Its campaign to overthrow the Algerian government included civilian massacres, which sometimes wiping out entire villages in its area of operation (see List of Algerian massacres of the 1990s; notably the Bentalha massacre and Rais massacre, among others.) It also targeted foreigners living in Algeria killing more than 100 expatriate men and women in the country. The group's favored technique was the kidnapping of victims and slitting their throats although it also used assassination by gun and bombings, including car bombs. Outside of Algeria, the GIA established a presence in France, Belgium, Britain, Italy and the United States. In recent years it has been eclipsed by a splinter group, The Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (GSPC), now called Al-Qaeda Organization in the Islamic Maghreb.

South Asia


Pakistan based Lashkar-e-Toiba is a militant group that seeks the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir's accession to Pakistan. It has committed mass militant actions against Indian troops and civilian Hindus.[48] The Lashkar leadership describes Indian and Israeli regimes as the main enemies of Islam, claiming India and Israel to be the main enemies of Pakistan.[49] Lashkar-e-Toiba, along with Jaish-e-Mohammed, another militant group active in Kashmir are on the United States’ foreign terrorist organizations list. They are also designated as terrorist groups by the United Kingdom,[50] India, Australia[51] and Pakistan.[52]


Jaish-e-Mohammed (often abbreviated as JEM) is a major Islamic militant organization in South Asia. Jaish-e-Mohammed was formed in 1994 and is based in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The group's primary objective is to separate Kashmir from India, and it has carried out a series of attacks all over India.[53][54]

The group was formed after the supporters of Maulana Masood Azhar split from another Islamic militant organization, Harkut-ul-Mujahideen. It is believed that the group gets considerable funding from Pakistani expatriates in the United Kingdom. The group is regarded as a terrorist organization by several countries including India, United States and United Kingdom.[1] Jaish-e-Mohammed is viewed by some as the "deadliest" and "the principal terrorist organization in Jammu and Kashmir".[55] The group was also implicated in the kidnapping and murder of American journalist Daniel Pearl.[55]


In Bangladesh the group Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh was formed sometime in 1998 and gained prominence on 20 May 2001 when 25 petrol bombs and documents detailing the activities of the organization were discovered and eight of its members were arrested in Parbatipur in Dinajpur district.[56] The organization was officially banned in February 2005 after attacks on NGOs, but struck back in August when 300 bombs were detonated almost simultaneously throughout Bangladesh. Dhaka international airport, government buildings and major hotels were targeted.[57][58]


In Afghanistan, Taliban and Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin forces, are reported to have "sharply escalated bombing and other attacks in 2006 and early 2007" against civilians. During 2006 "at least 669 Afghan civilians were killed in at least 350 armed attacks, most of which appear to have been intentionally launched at civilians or civilian objects. An additional 52 civilians were killed in insurgent attacks in the first two months of 2007."[59]

Southeast Asia

Abu Sayyaf Group

The Abu Sayyaf Group also known as al-Harakat al-Islamiyya is one of several militant Islamist separatist groups based in and around the southern islands of the Philippines, in Bangsamoro (Jolo, Basilan, and Mindanao) where for almost 30 years various Muslim groups have been engaged in an insurgency for a state, independent of the predominantly Christian Philippines. The name of the group is derived from the Arabic ابو, abu ("father of") and sayyaf ("Swordsmith").[60]

Since its inception in the early 1990s, the group has carried out bombings, assassinations, kidnappings, rapes, and extortion in their fight for an independent Islamic state in western Mindanao and the Sulu Archipelago with the stated goal of creating a pan-Islamic superstate across southeast Asia, spanning from east to west; the island of Mindanao, the Sulu Archipelago, the island of Borneo (Malaysia, Indonesia), the South China Sea, and the Malay Peninsula (Peninsular Malaysia, Thailand and Myanmar).[61]

The U.S. Department of State has branded the group a terrorist entity by adding it to the list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations.[61]


Template:Muslims and controversies Some of these groups, such as Hamas and Hezbollah, have limited their acts to localized regions of the Middle East, while others, notably Al-Qaeda, have an international scope for their terrorist activities.


An increasingly popular tactic used by terrorists is suicide bombing.[62] This tactic is used against civilians, soldiers, and government officials of the regimes the terrorists oppose. The use of suicide bombers is seen by many Muslims as contradictory to Islam's teachings; however, groups who support its use often refer to such attacks as "martyrdom operations" and the suicide-bombers who commit them as "martyrs" (Arabic: shuhada, plural of "shahid"). The bombers, and their sympathizers often believe that suicide bombers, as martyrs to the cause of jihad against the enemy, will receive the rewards of paradise for their actions.[63]


The hijacking of passenger vehicles such as cars, buses, and planes has also become a hallmark of Islamist terrorism,[64][citation needed] particularly as a result of the simultaneous hijacking of the four passenger jets utilized in the September 11th terrorist attacks as well as the hijacking of a Belgian airlines jet during the 1972 Munich Olympic Massacre.

Kidnappings and executions

Along with bombings and hijackings, Islamist terrorists have made extensive use of highly-publicised kidnappings and executions, often circulating videos of the acts for use as propaganda. Notable foreign victims include Nick Berg, Daniel Pearl, Paul Marshall Johnson, Jr., Eugene Armstrong, Jack Hensley, Kim Sun-il, Kenneth Bigley, Shosei Koda, Fabrizio Quattrocchi, Margaret Hassan. One Iraqi victim was Seif Adnan Kanaan. The most frequent form of execution by these groups has been decapitations, often committed while shouting the Islamic chant, "Allahu Akbar" (Arabic for God is greatest). While some targets are military, or seen as supporting the anti-Islamist forces, victims are also as varied as the Red Cross,[65] the Iraqi education ministry,[66] and diplomats.[67]

Facial mutilation

Islamists have been accused of attacking or threating to attack the faces of women in an effort to intimidate them from wearing of makeup or allegedly immodest dress. According to Cheryl Benard of RAND, "every year hundreds of women in Pakistan and Afghanistan alone are killed, have acid thrown in their faces, or are otherwise maimed by male fanatics" for failure to wear hijab.[68] The al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya (Islamic Group of Egypt) before its denunciation of violence, "had a reputation in Egypt for acting as a kind of moral police force, often quite savagely — for instance, throwing acid in the face of a woman who was wearing makeup."[69] In 2006 a group in Gaza calling itself "Just Swords of Islam" is reported to have claimed it threw acid at the face of a young woman who was dressed "immodestly," and warned other women in Gaza that they must wear hijab.[70] Iranian journalist Amir Taheri tells of an 18-year-old college student at the American University in Beirut who on the eve of `Ashura in 1985 "was surrounded and attacked by a group of youths -- all members of Hezb-Allah, the Party of Allah. They objected to the `lax way` in which they thought she was dressed, and accused her of `insulting the blood of the martyrs` by not having her hair fully covered. Then one of the youths threw `a burning liquid` on her face." According to Taheri, "scores -- some say hundreds -- of women ... in Baalbek, in Beirut, in southern Lebanon and in many other Muslim cities from Tunis to Kuala Lumpur," were attacked in a similar manner from 1980 to 1986. [71]

Motivation, ideology and theology


To what extent Islamic terrorists are motivated by religious belief is disputed.

Robert Pape, has argued that at least terrorists utilizing suicide-homicide attacks -- a particularly effective[72] form of terrorist attack -- are driven not by Islamism but by "a clear strategic objective: to compel modern democracies to withdraw military forces from the territory that the terrorists view as their homeland."[73]

Critics of Pape's theory argue it does not account for the lack of suicide bombings in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank in Israel for nearly 30 years after the occupation began, for the targeting of native, non-combatant Shia by jihadi bombers in Iraq, the prominence of British-born Pakistanis in bombings in London, or of North Africans, and especially Moroccans, in the second wave of al-Qaeda attackers.[74]

In particular, scholar Scott Atran, points out that the massive increase in suicide bombing has meant most suicide bombings have occurred after Pape's study ended in 2003. "Roughly 600," suicide attacks occurred in just two years, 2004 and 2005, more "than in Pape's entire sample,"[75] - and the overwhelming majority of these bombers have been motivated by the ideology of Islamist martyrdom.

Some supporters of Palestinian political violence have claimed that citizens of Israel are legitimate military targets because Jewish adolescents are required by law to serve in the country's military.[citation needed]

Former CIA analyst Michael Scheuer's view is that Islamic terror attacks against America are motivated by the perception that U.S. foreign policy is a threat to Islam.[76] He has further condensed his argument down to the phrase "They hate us for what we do, not who we are." By this, Scheuer acknowledges that American culture and religion are offensive to many Muslims, but claims these factors have very little role as motivators of Islamic terrorism. Rather, he cites the following U.S. foreign policy actions as fueling Islamic terror:

Bergesen and Lizardo wrote "Crenshaw (2001:425) argues that 'terrorism should be seen as a strategic reaction to American power,' an idea associated with Johnson's (2000) 'blowback' thesis. In this view, the prescence of empires - both at the end of the last century and today - and the analogous unipolar military position of the United States today (Brooks and Wohlforth 2002) provoke resistance in the form of terrorism. Johnson (2000) notes that the Russian, Ottoman, and Habsburg Empires - which controlled multiple ethnic, religious, and national peoples - led to a backlash, or blowback, by Serb, Macedonian, and Bosnian terrorist organisations (the Black Hand, Young Bosnia, Narodnaya Volya). By analogy the powerful global position of the United States, particularly in its role of propping up repressive undemocratic regimes, constitutes something of a similar condition with Arab-Islamic terrorism as a result. The causal mechanism here is that the projection of military power plants seeds of later terrorist reactions, as 'retaliation for previous American imperial actions' (Johnson 2000:9)"[79]


Lawrence Wright and Olivier Roy have mentioned the characteristic of "displacement" of members of the most famous Islamic terrorist group, Al-Qaeda.

What the recruits tended to have in common - besides their urbanity, their cosmopolitan backgrounds, their education, their facility with languages, and their computer skills - was displacement. Most who joined the jihad did so in a country other than the one in which they were reared. They were Algerians living in expatriate enclaves in France, Moroccans in Spain, or Yemenis in Saudi Arabia. Despite their accomplishments, they had little standing in the host societies where they lived. ...."[80]

Another author, forensic psychiatrist and former foreign service officer Marc Sageman, made an "intensive study of biographical data on 172 participants in the jihad," in his book "Understanding Terror Networks".[81] He concluded "social networks", the "tight bonds of family and friendship" rather than behavioral disorders "poverty, trauma, madness, [or] ignorance" inspired alienated young Muslims to join the jihad" and kill.[82]

What may be an indication that this profile is changing comes from a 2007 study of 110 suicide bombers in Afghanistan, by an Afghan pathologist Dr. Yusef Yadgari. Yadgari found that "80%" of the attackers studied had some kind of physical or mental disability. The bombers were also "not celebrated like their counterparts in other Arab nations. Afghan bombers are not featured on posters or in videos as martyrs."[83]


Tenets of Islamic terrorism have been summarized by Dale C. Eikmeier as being:

  • A belief that Muslims have deviated from true Islam and must return to “pure Islam” as originally practiced during the time of the Prophet.
  • The path to “pure Islam” is only through a literal and strict interpretation of the Quran and Hadith, along with implementation of the Prophet’s commands.
  • Muslims should interpret the original sources individually without being bound to follow the interpretations of Islamic scholars.
  • That any interpretation of the Quran from a historical, contextual perspective is a corruption, and that the majority of Islamic history and the classical jurisprudential tradition is mere sophistry.[84]

Transnational Islamist ideology, specifically of the militant Islamists, assert a Western polities and society are actively anti-Islamic, or as it is sometimes described, waging a "war on Islam". Islamists often identify what they see as a historical struggle between Christianity and Islam, dating back as far as the Crusades, among other historical conflicts between practitioners of the two respective religions. Osama bin Laden, for example, almost invariably describes his enemy as aggressive and his call for action against them as defensive. Defensive jihad differs from offensive jihad in being "fard al-ayn," or a personal obligation of all Muslim, rather than "fard al-kifaya", a communal obligation, which if some Muslims perform it is not required from others. Hence, framing a fight as defensive has the advantage both of appearing to be a victim rather than aggressor, and of giving your struggle the very highest religious priority for all good Muslims.

Many of the violent terrorist groups use the name of Jihad to fight against Christians and Jews. An example is Bin Laden's Al-Qaeda, which is also known as 'International Islamic Front for Jihad Against the Jews and Crusaders'. Most militant Islamists oppose Israel's policies, and often its existence.

The historic rivalry between Hindus and Muslims in the Indian subcontinent has also often been the primary motive behind some of the most deadly terrorist attacks in India. According to a US State Department report, India topped the list of countries worst affected by Islamic terrorism.

In addition, Islamist Jihadis, scholars, and leaders opposed Western society for what they see as immoral secularism. Islamists have claimed that such unrestricted free speech has led to the proliferation of pornography, immorality, secularism, homosexuality, feminism, and many other ideas that Islamists often oppose. Although bin Laden almost always emphasized the alleged oppression of Muslims by America and Jews when talking about them in his messages, in his "Letter to America" he answered the question, "What are we calling you to, and what do we want from you?," with

We call you to be a people of manners, principles, honour, and purity; to reject the immoral acts of fornication, homosexuality, intoxicants, gambling's, and trading with interest ... You separate religion from your policies, ... You are the nation that permits Usury, which has been forbidden by all the religions ... You are a nation that permits the production, trading and usage of intoxicants ... You are a nation that permits acts of immorality ... You are a nation that permits gambling in its all forms. ... You use women to serve passengers, visitors, and strangers to increase your profit margins. You then rant that you support the liberation of women. ...[85]

Accusations of apostasy

Justification for terrorism against other Muslims by militant Islamists, in particular against Muslim regimes they consider non-Islamic, is often based on the contention that the targets are apostates.[86] Osama Bin Laden, for example, maintains that any Muslim who helps "infidels over Muslims" is no longer a Muslim,

... the believer ... should boycott the goods of America and her allies, and he should be very wary that he does not support falsehood, for helping the infidels over Muslims -- even with a single word is clear unbelief, as the religious scholars have decreed.[87]

and that Taliban-ruled Afghanistan (deposed in 2001) "is the only Islamic country" in the world.[88] Islamic law traditionally designates death as the penalty for apostasy (converting) from Islam.

Opinions within the Muslim community vary as to the grounds on which an individual may be declared to have apostatized. The most common view among Muslim scholars is that a declaration of takfir (designation of a Muslim as an apostate) can only be made by an established religious authority. Mainstream Muslim scholars usually oppose recourse to takfir, except in rare instances. Takfir was used as justification for the assassination of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat.

Interpretations of the Qur'an

The role played by the Qur'an, Islam's sacred text, in opposing or in encouraging attacks on civilians is hotly disputed.

Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar, an Iranian-born American citizen awaiting trial for nine counts of attempted murder, cited a number of verses from the Qur'an in justifying his attempt to kill civilians, including:[89]

Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not. [Quran 2:216]

The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter; [Quran 5:33]

But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practise regular charity, then open the way for them: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. [Quran 9:5]

Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. The Jews call 'Uzair a son of Allah, and the Christians call Christ the son of Allah. That is a saying from their mouth; (in this) they but imitate what the unbelievers of old used to say. Allah's curse be on them: how they are deluded away from the Truth! [Quran 9:29-30]

Marmaduke Pickthall, a Western convert to Islam and Islamic scholar commented on verse 2:216, references verse 2:251, and interpreted these particular verses to mean that fighting is not optional when done in defense of the oppressed and the weak.[90]

Pickthall goes on to say that “Nowhere does the Qur’an approve a spirit of revenge” [91] and situates verse 2:194 in the context of a defensive war. Ibn Kathir stated that the Quran clearly commands believers to prefer forgiveness over retaliation wherever possible.[92]

Michael Sells and Jane I. Smith (a Professor of Islamic Studies) write that barring some extremists like Al-Qaeda, most Muslims do not interpret Qura’nic verses as promoting warfare; and that the phenomenon of radical interpretation of scripture by extremist groups is not unique to Islam."[93].[94] According to Sells, "[Most Muslims] no more expect to apply [the verses at issue] to their contemporary non-Muslim friends and neighbors than most Christians and Jews consider themselves commanded by God, like the Biblical Joshua, to exterminate the infidels."[93]

Criticism of Islamic terrorist ideology

Although "Islamic" Terrorism is commonly associated with the Salafis or "Wahhabis", the scholars of the group have constantly attributed this association to ignorance, misunderstanding and sometimes insincere research and deliberate misleading by rival groups.[95]. Following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in New York, Pennsylvania (and Arlington), Shaikh Abdul-Azeez Aal ash-Shaikh (the Grand Mufti of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia President of the Committee of Major Scholars and centre for Knowledge based research and verdicts) made an official statement that "the Islamic Sharee'ah (legislation) does not sanction" such actions.[96] A Salafi or "Wahhabi" "Committee of Major Scholars" in Saudi Arabia has declared that "Islamic" terrorism, such as the May 2003 bombing in Riyadh, are in violation of Sharia law and aiding the enemies of Islam. [97].

Criticism of Islamic terrorism on Islamic grounds has also been made by anti-terrorist Muslims such as Abdal-Hakim Murad:

Certainly, neither bin Laden nor his principal associate, Ayman al-Zawahiri, are graduates of Islamic universities. And so their proclamations ignore 14 centuries of Muslim scholarship, and instead take the form of lists of anti-American grievances and of Koranic quotations referring to early Muslim wars against Arab idolaters. These are followed by the conclusion that all Americans, civilian and military, are to be wiped off the face of the Earth. All this amounts to an odd and extreme violation of the normal methods of Islamic scholarship. Had the authors of such fatwas followed the norms of their religion, they would have had to acknowledge that no school of mainstream Islam allows the targeting of civilians. An insurrectionist who kills non-combatants is guilty of baghy, “armed aggression,” a capital offense in Islamic law.[98]

One counter-terrorism scholar, Dale C. Eikmeier, points out the "questionable religious credentials" of many Islamist theorists, or "Qutbists," which can be a "means to discredit them and their message":

With the exception of Abul Ala Maududi and Abdullah Azzam, none of Qutbism’s main theoreticians trained at Islam’s recognized centers of learning. Although a devout Muslim, Hassan al Banna was a teacher and community activist. Sayyid Qutb was a literary critic. Muhammad Abd al-Salam Faraj was an electrician. Ayman al-Zawahiri is a physician. Osama bin Laden trained to be a businessman.[99]

Yemeni Judge Hamoud Al-Hitar has also attacked the Islamic intellectual basis of terrorism using hujjat or proof "in theological dialogues that challenge and then correct the wayward beliefs" of terrorists or would-be terrorists.[100]

Iranian Ayatollah Ozma Seyyed Yousef Sanei issued a fatwa (ruling) that suicide attacks against civilians are legitimate only in the context of war.[101] The ruling did not say whether other types of attacks against civilians are justified outside of the context of war, nor whether Jihad is included in Sanei's definition of war.

On the other hand, Fethullah Gülen, a prominent Turkish Islamic scholar, has claimed that "a real Muslim," who understood Islam in every aspect, could not be a terrorist.[102][103] There are many other people with similar points of view such as Karen Armstrong,[104] Prof. Ahmet Akgunduz,[105] and Harun Yahya[106]

Muslim attitudes toward terrorism

Muslim popular opinion on the subject of attacks on civilians by Islamist groups varies. While most Muslims living in the West denounce the September 11th attacks on the US, Hezbollah's rocket attacks against Israeli civilian targets are widely supported in the Muslim world and regarded as defensive Jihad by a legitimate resistance movement rather than terrorism.[107][108]

A Sunday Times survey taken in UK shortly after the 9/11 attack "revealed that 40% of British Muslims believe Usama bin Laden was right to attack the United States. About the same proportion think that British Muslims have a right to fight alongside the Taliban. A radio station serving London's Pakistani community conducted a poll which 98% of London Muslims under 45 said they would not fight for Britain, while 48% said they would fight for bin Laden." [109]

A 2005 Pew Research study that involved 17,000 people in 17 countries showed support for terrorism was declining in the Muslim world along with a growing belief that Islamic extremism represents a threat to those countries.[110] A Daily Telegraph survey[111] showed that 6% of British Muslims fully supported the July 2005 bombings in the London Underground.

A 2004 Pew survey revealed that Osama bin Laden is viewed favorably by large percentages in Pakistan (65%), Jordan (55%) and Morocco (45%). In Turkey as many as 31% say that suicide attacks against Americans and other Westerners in Iraq are justifiable.[112][113]

The Free Muslims Coalition[114] rallied against terror, stating that they wanted to send "a message to radical Muslims and supporters of terrorism that we reject them and that we will defeat them."

Abdel Rahman al-Rashed, a Muslim and the general manager of Arab news channel, Al-Arabiya has said: "It is a certain fact that not all Muslims are terrorists, but it is equally certain, and exceptionally painful, that almost all terrorists are Muslims." Statistics compiled by the United States government's Counterterrorism Center present a more complicated picture: of known and specified terrorist incidents from the beginning of 2004 through the first quarter of 2005, slightly more than half of the fatalities were attributed to Islamic extremists but a majority of over-all incidents were considered of either "unknown/unspecified" or a secular political nature. The vast majority of the "unknown/unspecified" terrorism fatalities did however happen in Islamic regions such as Iraq and Afghanistan, or in regions where Islam is otherwise involved in conflicts such as the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, southern Thailand and Kashmir.The methodology employed by the Center is sometimes disputed and the center has been accused of responding to political pressure from the Bush administration to show a decline in terrorism.[115]

Following the 7 July 2005 London bombings, emergency services surround the wreckage of the number 30 bus in Tavistock Square.

In 2006, Palestine voters gave the group Hamas - which is designated as a terrorist organization in Israel, United States, Canada, and the European Union - a majority of the seats in its parliament.[116] though there is question as to whether whether the election results represent support for the organization's militia tactics, support for the organization's social programs, or dissatisfaction with the previous government which was widely seen as corrupt and incompetent. [117]

Fred Halliday, a British academic specialist on the Middle East, argues that most Muslims consider these acts to be egregious violations of Islam's laws.[118]

Daniel Chirot said "Not many people in the world, either in Islamic countries, or Christian ones, or Hindu, or Buddhist, or anything else, really want to live a life of extreme puritanism, endless hate, and suicidal wars. Extremist leaders can take power, and for a time, be backed by much of their population hoping to redress past grievances and trying to find a new utopia. But as with the most extreme Christian warriors during the European wars of religion, or with the Nazis, or the most committed communist revolutionaries, it eventually turned out that few of their people were willing to go all the way in their struggles if that meant permanent violence, suffering, and death. So it will be with Islamic extremism."[119]: 14 

Examples of attacks

The outer skin of World Trade Center Tower Two that remained standing after an Islamist terrorist attack orchestrated by Al-Qaeda.

U.S. State Department list

See also

Further reading

  • Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam by Gilles Kepel
  • The War for Muslim Minds by Gilles Kepel
  • Esposito, John L. (2003). Unholy War: Terror in the Name of Islam. Oxford University Press, USA. ISBN 0-19-516886-0.
  • Esposito, John L. (1995). The Islamic Threat: Myth or Reality?. Oxford University Press, USA. ISBN 0-19-510298-3.
  • Falk, Avner. (2008) Islamic terror : conscious and unconscious motives. Westport, Connecticut, Praeger Security International, ISBN 9780313357640
  • Halliday, Fred (2003). Islam and the Myth of Confrontation: Religion and Politics of the Middle East. I.B. Tauris, New York. ISBN 1860648681.


  1. ^ a b c Nassar, Jamal R. Globalization and Terrorism: The Migration of Dreams and Nightmares. 2005, page 87.
  2. ^ a b Report on Terrorist Incidents 2006 US National Counterterrorism center, page 20, 'Fatalities by Perpetrator Category / Islamic Extremist (Sunni) - 19% / Secular 16% / Islamic Extremist (Shia) - 2% / Other - 4% / Unknown - 59%.' Thus in 41% of all terrorist fatalities "a perpetrator could be specified" and in 56% of these (23% of all attacks) the terrorist "could be specified" as a Sunni or Shia "Islamic extremist."
  3. ^ Captured Iraqi Terrorist Ramzi Hashem Abed: Zarqawi Participated in the Plot to Assassinate Baqer Al-Hakim. We Bombed Jalal Talabani's Headquarters, the Turkish Embassy, and the Red Cross, Took Drugs, Raped University Students Who "Collaborated with the Americans"
  4. ^ Human Rights Watch - Afghanistan - ABDUCTIONS OF AND ASSAULTS ON WOMEN
  5. ^ Algeria to Permit Abortions for Rape Victims
  6. ^ "Abu Sayyaf members sometimes rape female hostages or force them into temporary marriages for sex." from "Big target pinned on small rebel group" by Paul Wiseman, USA Today, 02/21/2002
  7. ^ "Speech to the Los Angeles World Affairs Council",http://www.number10.gov.uk/output/Page9948.asp
  8. ^ "Islamic Terrorism?" by Bernard Lewis, in Terrorism: How The West Can Win. edited by Netanyahu, Benjamin, Farrar Straus Giroux, 1987, p.66.
  9. ^ Karim, Karim H. Islamic Peril: Media and Global Violence. 2003, page 10.
  10. ^ Pratt, Douglas. The Challenge Of Islam: Encounters In Interfaith Dialogue. 2005, page 173.
  11. ^ a b Karen Armstrong (2005-07-11). "The label of Catholic terror was never used about the IRA". The Guardian.
  12. ^ [net/NR/exeres/79C6AF22-98FB-4A1C-B21F-2BC36E87F61F.htm Complete English translation text of 2004 Osama bin Laden videotape on Al-Jazeera.
  13. ^ Michael, Maggie. Bin Laden, in statement to U.S. people, says he ordered Sept. 11 attacks. The Associated Press. October 29, 2004.
  14. ^ Excerpts from the BBC. October 29, 2004.
  15. ^ Langhorne, R. (2006), "The Essentials of Global Politics", Hodder Arnold
  16. ^ "Al Qaeda", http://www.answers.com/topic/al-qaeda
  17. ^ Regan, Tom (2006). "US does not consider Taliban terrorists". Christian Science Monitor. Christian Science Monitor. Retrieved 2001-01-15.
  18. ^ Kaplan, Eben (2006). "Terrorism's Dubious 'A' List". Council on Foreign Relations. Retrieved 2001-01-15.
  19. ^ Foreign Affairs, January/February 2008, p.74, "The Myth of the Authoritarian Model"
  20. ^ Shermatova, Sanobar (15 October 2004). "Basayev knew there to hit". Moskovskiye Novosti N39. Retrieved 2007-09-11. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)Template:Ru icon
  21. ^ Terrorized Turkey by Evan Kohlmann
  22. ^ The Moral Logic and Growth of Suicide Terrorism p.131
  23. ^ Report on Terrorist Incidents - 2006 6600 out of 14000
  24. ^ Iraqi Insurgency Groups the London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies estimates roughly 1,000 foreign Islamic jihadists
  25. ^ a b c International Herald Tribune (March 15, 2007). "A new face of Al Qaeda emerges in Lebanon". Retrieved May 20, 207.
  26. ^ a b Le Figaro (April 16, 2007). "Fatah Al-Islam: the new terrorist threat hanging over Lebanon". Retrieved May 20, 2007.
  27. ^ a b Reuters (May 19, 2007). "Lebanese army battles militants at Palestinian camp". Retrieved May 20, 2007.
  28. ^ a b Reuters (May 20, 2007). "Facts about militant group Fatah al-Islam". Retrieved May 20, 2007.
  29. ^ The United States, Canada, Israel and the Netherlands regard Hezbollah as a "terrorist" organization, while the United Kingdom and Australia consider only Hezbollah's external security organization to be a terrorist organization.
  30. ^ Roy, Olivier, The Failure of Political Islam, Harvard University Press, (1994), p.115
  31. ^ Pape, Robert, Dying to Win, Random House, 2005, p.129
  32. ^ Ranstorp, Magnus, Hizb'allah in Lebanon, St. Martins Press, 1997 p.89-90
  33. ^ Ranstorp, Magnus, Hizb'allah in Lebanon, St. Martins Press, 1997, p.54
  34. ^ Kepel, Gilles, Jihad, (2002), p.129
  35. ^ Ranstorp, Magnus, Hizb'allah in Lebanon, St. Martins Press, 1997, p.127
  36. ^ Ranstorp, Magnus, Hizb'allah in Lebanon, St. Martins Press, 1997, p.54
  37. ^ Kepel, Gilles, Jihad, (2002), p.129
  38. ^ Ranstorp, Magnus, Hizb'allah in Lebanon : The Politics of the Western Hostage Crisis, p.60
  39. ^ Asia Times Online :: Middle East News - Hezbollah's transformation
  40. ^ "Hezbollah disarmament unclear". CNN. May 7, 2005. Retrieved 2006-08-05.
  41. ^ Wright, Lawrence, Looming Tower: Al Qaeda and the Road to 9/11, Knopf, 2006 p.174
  42. ^ p.154, Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam by Gilles Kepel (2002)
  43. ^ The Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas)
  44. ^ Hamas says still seeks Israel's destruction | International | Reuters
  45. ^ Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam by Gilles Kepel, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, (2002), p.331
  46. ^ Humphreys, R. (2005), "Between Memory and Desire: The Middle East in a Troubled Age", University of California Press
  47. ^ p.122, Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam by Gilles Kepel)
  48. ^ "Lashkar-e-Toiba". South Asia. dictionary.com. Retrieved 2006-08-27.
  49. ^ Mir, Amir (2005). "The jihad lives on". South Asia. Asia Times Online Ltd. Retrieved 2006-06-24.
  50. ^ "Speech by the Prime Minister the Rt Hon Tony Blair MP to the Confederation of Indian Industry Bangalore, India [[5 January]] [[2002]]". Indo-UK Relations. britishhighcommission.gov. Retrieved 2006-06-24. {{cite web}}: URL–wikilink conflict (help)
  51. ^ Thompson, Geoff (2004). "Is Lashkar-e-Toiba still operating in Pakistan?". PM. Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Retrieved 2006-06-25.
  52. ^ "current situation". wars and armed conflicts. Peace Pledge Union. 2002. Retrieved 2006-06-25.
  53. ^ BBC News | SOUTH ASIA | Jaish-e-Mohammad: A profile
  54. ^ Attack May Spoil Kashmir Summit
  55. ^ a b "Foreign Terrorist Organizations" (PDF). fas.org. Retrieved 2008-02-06.
  56. ^ Jama'atul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB), from South Asia Terrorism Portal
  57. ^ The Rising Tide of Islamism in Bangladesh By Maneeza Hossain, Hudson Institute: Current Trends in Islamist Ideology vol. 3, February 16, 2006
  58. ^ The Columbia World Dictionary of Islamism, Columbia University Press (2007), p.69-70
  59. ^ The Consequences of Insurgent Attacks in Afghanistan April 2007 Volume 19, No. 6(C)
  60. ^ FBI Updates Most Wanted Terrorists and Seeking Information – War on Terrorism Lists, FBI national Press Release, February 24, 2006
  61. ^ a b "Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG)". MIPT Terrorism Knowledge Base. {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |lastaccessmonthday= ignored (help); Unknown parameter |lastaccessyear= ignored (help)
  62. ^ "The_MIPT_Terrorism_Annual" (PDF). tkb.org. Retrieved 2008-02-06.
  63. ^ http://cns.miis.edu/pubs/week/031121.htm "Shi'i theology glorifies the act of "self martyrdom" against overwhelming odds, claiming to provide the `martyr` with a direct path to heaven. What is more, the shuhada' (martyrs) see themselves as continuing Husayn's tradition of "self martyrdom." The following Hizb`allah fighter echoes these sentiments."
  64. ^ Islamic extremists key in hijackings - SMR Online 5 April 2007. Retrieved 10 May, 2007.
  65. ^ BBC NEWS | World | Middle East | Plea to release Iraqi aid workers
  66. ^ BBC NEWS | World | Middle East | Iraq ministry hostages 'tortured'
  67. ^ BBC NEWS | World | Middle East | Press fury at killing of Algerians
  68. ^ "The Veil Controversy-Islamism and liberalism face off" by Olivier Guitta, 12/04/2006
  69. ^ The Rebellion Within, An Al Qaeda mastermind questions terrorism. by Lawrence Wright. newyorker.com, June 2, 2008
  70. ^ Dec 2, 2006 Gaza women warned of immodesty
  71. ^ Taheri, Amir, Holy Terror : the Inside Story of Islamic Terrorism, Adler & Adler, 1987, p.12
  72. ^ For example, according to Pape, from 1980 to 2003 suicide attacks amounted to only 3% of all terrorist attacks, but accounted for 48% of total deaths due to terrorism - this excluding 9/11 attacks, from Pape, Dying to Win, (2005), p.28
  73. ^ McConnell, Scott (2005). "The Logic of Suicide Terrorism". The American Conservative magazine. The American Conservative. Retrieved 2006-06-25.
  74. ^ Suicide Terrorism in the Middle East: Origins and Response
  75. ^ The Moral Logic and Growth of Suicide Terrorism p.131, 133
  76. ^ Scheuer, Michael (2004). Imperial Hubris. Dulles, Virginia: Brassey's, Inc. p. 9. ISBN 0-965-51394-7. The focused and lethal threat posed to U.S. national security arises not from Muslims being offended by what America is, but rather from their plausible perception that the things they most love and value--God, Islam, their brethren, and Muslim lands--are being attacked by America. {{cite book}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  77. ^ "Frontline: Al Qaeda's New Front: Interviews: Michael Scheuer". Retrieved 2008-03-08. Bin Laden has had success because he's focused on a limited number of U.S. foreign policies in the Muslim world, policies that are visible and are experienced by Muslims on a daily basis: our unqualified support for Israel; our ability to keep oil prices at a level that is more or less acceptable to Western consumers. Probably the most damaging of all is our 30-year support for police states across the Islamic world: the Al Sauds and the Egyptians under [Hosni] Mubarak and his predecessors; the Algerians; the Moroccans; the Kuwaitis. They're all police states.
  78. ^ Scheuer, Michael (2004). Imperial Hubris. Dulles, Virginia: Brassey's, Inc. pp. 11–13. ISBN 0-965-51394-7. {{cite book}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  79. ^ Albert J. Bergesen and Omar Lizardo (2004). "Theories of Terrorism: A Symposium". Sociological Theory. 22 (1): 38-52. {{cite journal}}: Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help)
  80. ^ Wright, Loming Tower (2006), p.304
  81. ^ http://books.google.com/books?id=SAQ8Oa6zWF4C&printsec=frontcover
  82. ^ Understanding Terror Networks, Marc Sageman.
  83. ^ Disabled Often Carry Out Afghan Suicide Missions
  84. ^ [http://www.carlisle.army.mil/usawc/Parameters/07spring/eikmeier.htm Qutbism, An Ideology of Islamic-Fascism by Dale C. Eikmeier] accessed July 17, 2007
  85. ^ Full text: bin Laden's 'letter to America' accessed may 24, 2007
  86. ^ Abu Hamza Al-Muhajir: Al-Zarqawi's Death Will Not End the Jihad, MEMRI, Special Dispatch Series - No. 1188, June 20, 2006
  87. ^ Message to the World p.202, from 53-minute audiotape that "was circulated on various websites." dated Feb. 14, 2003. "Among a Band of Knights." ]
  88. ^ Messages to the World, Verso, 2006, p.143, from Interview published in Al-Quds Al-Arabi in London November 12, 2001 (originally published in Pakistani daily, Ausaf, November 7), shortly before the Northern Alliance entry into Kabul.
  89. ^ the Daily tar Heel- Mohammad Reza Teheri-azar letter Meditation II and III
  90. ^ Pickthall, Muhammad Marmaduke: “War and Religion” page 17-18. The Woking Muslim Mission and Literary Trust, Surrey, England
  91. ^ Pickthall, Muhammad Marmaduke: “War and Religion” page 22. The Woking Muslim Mission and Literary Trust, Surrey, England
  92. ^ “Forgiving or exacting Revenge on Wrongdoers” Ibn Kathir’s commentary on verse 42:40
  93. ^ a b Michael Sells (08-08-2002). "Understanding, Not Indoctrination". The Washington Post. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  94. ^ Jane I. Smith (2005). "Islam and Christianity". Encyclopedia of Christianity. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-522393-4.
  95. ^ ""The Book, "Is Salafiyyah a cause of Terrorism""
  96. ^ ""The Mufti of Saudi Arabia on the New York Attacks"
  97. ^ ""The Major Scholars on the Salafi Position Towards the Suicide Bombings by the Khawaarij in Riyadh"
  98. ^ Abdal-Hakim Murad, Bin Laden’s Violence is a Heresy Against Islam
  99. ^ [http://www.carlisle.army.mil/usawc/Parameters/07spring/eikmeier.htm Qutbism: An Ideology of Islamic-Fascism DALE C. EIKMEIER] From Parameters, Spring 2007, pp. 85-98.
  100. ^ http://www.yementimes.com/article.shtml?i=799&p=community&a=2 Peter Willems, “The Dialogue Committee is Known Internationally,” Yemen Times, 16 December 2004 to 19 December 2004
  101. ^ "Iran: Ayatollah Issues Fatwa Against Suicide Attacks". adn kronos international. adn kronos international. 2006. Retrieved 2006-06-25.
  102. ^ "The terrorist attacks in London". Rumi Forum. 2005. Retrieved 2006-08-01.
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  104. ^ "The True, Peaceful Face Of Islam". Time. Time Inc. 2001. Retrieved 2006-08-01.
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  106. ^ "Islam Denounces Terrorism". Harun Yahya's Website. 2006. Retrieved 2006-08-01.
  107. ^ Statement of purpose
  108. ^ Hizbullah: Views and Concepts
  109. ^ The Age of Sacred Terror, by Daniel Benjamin and Steven Simon, New York : Random House, c2002, p.213. (Source: Nicolas Le Quesne, `Islam in Europe: A Changing Faith` Time Europe, 24 December 2001, 44
  110. ^ "Islamic Extremism: Common Concern for Muslim and Western Publics". Pew Global Attitudes Project. Pew Research Center. 2005. Retrieved 2006-06-25.
  111. ^ King, Anthony (2005). "One in four Muslims sympathises with motives of terrorists". News. Telegraph Group Limited. Retrieved 2006-06-25.
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  113. ^ "Bin Laden more popular with Nigerian Muslims than Bush". News. Daily Times of Pakistan. 2003. Retrieved 2006-06-25.
  114. ^ Free Muslims Coalition
  115. ^ Glasser, Susan B. (2005). "Global Terrorism Statistics Debated". World news. The Washington Post Company. Retrieved 2006-06-25.
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  118. ^ Halliday, Fred: Islam and the Myth of Confrontation: Religion and Politics in the Middle East (New York: I.B. Tauris, 2003), 107
  119. ^ Daniel Chirot. Why Some Wars Become Genocidal and Others Don't (PDF). Jackson School of International Studies, University of Washington.
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  125. ^ Bbc News
  126. ^ Delhi blasts toll is 59, 200 injured- rediff.com
  127. ^ Deadly Bombings Hit Jordan - TheStreet.com, November 9, 2005
  128. ^ Jordan bombings kill 57, wound 300 - Aljazeera, November 9, 2005
  129. ^ Bomber's wife arrested in Jordan - BBC, November 13, 2005
  130. ^ Hindustan Times - Terror strikes Varanasi; 28 killed, no claim yet