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→‎M: Guido de Montefeltro
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*[[Mongibello]]: [[Sicily|Sicialian]] name for [[Mount Etna]], though to be '''[[#Vulcan|Vulcan]]''''s furnace.
*[[Mongibello]]: [[Sicily|Sicialian]] name for [[Mount Etna]], though to be '''[[#Vulcan|Vulcan]]''''s furnace.
**"The sooty forge". '''Inf. XIV, 56'''.
**"The sooty forge". '''Inf. XIV, 56'''.
*[[Montefeltro|Guido de Montefeltro]] ([[1223]]–[[1298]]): Leader of the '''[[#Guelphs|Ghibellines]]''' of [[Romagna]] and advisor to '''[[#Biniface|Boniface VIII]].
*[[Montefeltro|Guido de Montefeltro]] ([[1223]]–[[1298]]): Leader of the '''[[#Guelphs|Ghibellines]]''' of [[Romagna]] and advisor to '''[[#Boniface|Boniface VIII]].
**Punished among the Evil Counsellors in '''Inf. XXVII'''.
**Punished among the Evil Counsellors in '''Inf. XXVII'''.
*[[Mosca de' Lamberti]]: '''[[#Guelphs|Ghibelline]]''' who in [[1215]] rekindled feuding with the '''[[#Guelphs|Guelphs]]''' by urging the killing of the Guelph [[Buondelmonte dei Buondelmonte]], for breaking a marriage engagement.
*[[Mosca de' Lamberti]]: '''[[#Guelphs|Ghibelline]]''' who in [[1215]] rekindled feuding with the '''[[#Guelphs|Guelphs]]''' by urging the killing of the Guelph [[Buondelmonte dei Buondelmonte]], for breaking a marriage engagement.

Revision as of 10:05, 22 December 2005

Dante, Andrea del Castagno, ca. 1450 (Uffizi Gallery)

The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri is a long allegorical poem in three parts or canticas (or "cantiche"), Inferno (Hell), Purgatorio (Purgatory), and Paradiso (Paradise), and 100 cantos, with the Inferno having 34, Purgatorio 33, and Paradiso 33 cantos. Set at Easter 1300, the poem describes the living poet's journey through hell and purgatory to paradise.

Throughout the poem, Dante refers to people and events from Classical and Biblical history and mythology, the history of Christianity, and the Europe of the Medieval period up to and including his own day. A knowledge of at least the most important of these references can aid in understanding the poem fully.

For ease of reference, the cantica names are abbreviated to Inf., Purg., and Par. Roman numerals are used to identify cantos and Arabic numerals to identify lines. This means that Inf. X, 123 refers to line 123 in Canto X (or 10) of the Inferno and Par. XXV, 27 refers to line 27 in Canto XXV (or 25) of the Paradiso. The line numbers refer to the original Italian text.

Boldface links indicate that the word or phrase has an entry in the list. Following that link will present that entry.

Contents: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZReferences


Aeneas flees burning Troy, Federico Barocci, 1598 Galleria Borghese, Rome
  • Abel: Biblical son of Adam.
  • Abraham the Patriarch: Important biblical figure.
  • Absalom: Biblical opponent of David to whom Ahitophel defected.
  • Acheron: The mythological Greek underworld river over which Charon ferried souls of the newly dead into Hades.
    • The "melancholy shore" encountered. Inf. III, 71–78.
    • Formed from the tears of the statue of the Old Man of Crete. Inf. XIV, 94–116.
  • Achilles: The greatest Greek hero in the Trojan War. Although Homer has him die in battle after killing Hector, another account well known in the Middle Ages has him killed by Paris after having been lured with the promise of Priam's daughter Polyxena.
    • Found amongst the sexual sinners. Inf. IV, 65.
    • Remembered by Virgil for having been educated by Chiron. Inf. XII, 71.
    • The trick by which he was forced to go to Troy and leave Deidamia is alluded to. Inf. XXVI, 61–62.
  • Adam: According to the Bible, the first man created by God.
    • His "evil seed". Inf. III, 115–117.
    • Our "first parent", raised by Jesus from Limbo into Paradise. Inf. IV, 55.
  • Aeneas: Hero of Virgil's epic poem Aeneid, his descent into hell is a primary source for Dante's own journey.
    • Son of Anchises, fled the fall of Troy. Inf. I, 74–75.
    • "Father of Sylvius", journey to Hades, founder of Rome. Inf. II, 13–27.
    • When Dante doubts he has the qualities for his great voyage, he remembers Virgil "io non Enëa, Io non Paulo sono" ("I am no Aeneas, no Paul"). Inf. II, 32
    • One of a group of figures associated with the history of Troy, Virgil's Aeneid, and the history of Rome encountered by Dante in Limbo. Inf. IV, 121–128.
    • His connection with Gaeta is mentioned. Inf. XXVI, 93.
  • Aesop: A semi-legenary Greek fabulist of whom little reliable is known. A famous corpus of fables is traditionally assigned to him.
    • His fable of the Frog and the mouse is mentioned. Inf. XXIII, 4–6.
  • Ahitophel: Biblical follower of David whom he deserted to follow Absalom.
  • Alberto da Casalodi: Guelph count of Brescia, he was Signore of Mantua during the feuding between Guelphs and Ghibellins. He was ousted in 1273 by his advisor Pinamonte dei Bonacolsi.
    • His foolishness ("la mattia da Casalodi") in trusting Pinamonte. Inf. XX, 95–96.
  • Tegghiaio Aldobrandi: Florentine son of the famous Aldobrando degli Adimari, he was podestà of Arezzo in 1256 and fought at the battle of Montaperti in 1260, where his warnings against attacking the Senese forces went unheeded, and the Florentines were annihilated.
    • One of a group of famous political Florentines, "who were so worthy … whose minds bent toward the good", asked about by Dante of Ciacco. Inf. VI, 77–81.
    • One of a group of three Florentine sodomites who approach Dante, and are much esteemed by him (see Jacopo Rusticucci). Inf. XVI, 1–90.
    • Cryptically described as he, "la cui voce nel mondo sù dovria esser gradita" ("whose voice the world above should have valued"), probably an allusion to his councils at Montaperti. Inf. XVI, 40–42.
  • Alecto: see Erinyes.
  • Alexander the Great: King of Macedon (336 BCE323 BCE) and the most successful military commander of ancient history
    • Probably the tyrant pointed out by Nessus. Inf. XI, 107.
    • Apocryphal story of his adventures in India provide a simile for the punishment of the violent against god in Inf. XIV, 31–36.
  • Amphiaraus: Mythical king of Argos and seer, who although he had foreseen his death, was persuaded to join the Seven against Thebes expedition. He was killed while fleeing from pursuers, when Zeus threw a thunderbolt, and the earth opened up and swallowed him.
    • The story of his death is told. Inf. XX, 31–39.
  • Pope Anastasius II: Pope who Dante perhaps mistakenly identified with the emperor Anastasius I and thus condemned to hell as a heretic. Anastasius I was a supporter of Monophysitism, a heresy which denied the dual divine/human nature of Jesus.
    • Dante and Virgil take shelter behind Anastasius' tomb and discuss maters of theology. Inf XI, 4–111.
St Thomas Aquinas


The meeting of Dante and Beatrice, Henry Holiday
  • Bacchus: The Roman name of the Greek god Dionysus, protector of wine.
    • Born in the Thebes. Inf. XX, 59.
  • Barratry: The sin of selling or paying for offices or positions in the public service or officialdom (cf. simony).
    • One of the sins of ordinary fraud punished in the Eighth Circle of hell. Inf. XI, 60.
    • Found in the Fifth Pouch in a lake of boiling pitch. Inf. XXI–XXII.
  • Beatrice (12661290): Dante's idealised childhood love, Beatrice Portinari. In the poem, she awaits the poet in Paradise. She symbolised Heavenly Wisdom.
    • The "worthier spirit" who Virgil says will act as Dante's guide in Paradise. Inf. I, 121–123.
    • Asks Virgil to rescue Dante and bring him on his journey. Inf. II, 53–74.
    • Asked by Lucia to help Dante. Inf. II, 103–114.
    • When Dante appears upset by Farinata's prophesy on his future exile, Virgil intervenes and explains to him that Beatrice, "quella il cui bell' occhio tutto vede" ("one whose gracious eyes see everything"), will eventually clarify all. Inf. X, 130–132.
    • Virgil, speaking with Chiron, alludes to Beatrice as she who has entrusted Dante to him. Inf. XII, 88.
    • Speaking with Brunetto Latini Dante alludes to her as the woman who shall fully explain the sense of Brunetto's prophesy regarding his exile from Florence. Inf. XV, 90.
  • Mastro Benvenuto: Nicknamed Asdente, he was a 13th century shoemaker of Parma who became famous for his prophesies against Frederick II. Dante also mentions him with contempt in his Convivio, and so does Salimbene in his Cronica, but with a very different tone.
    • Placed among the soothsayers. Inf. XX, 118–120.
  • Gualdrada Berti: Daughter of Bellincione Berti dei Ravignani, from about 1180 wife to Guido the Elder of the great Guidi family, and grandmother of Guido Guerra. The 14th century Florentine chronicler Giovanni Villani remembers her as a model of ancient Florentine virtue.
    • "The good Gualdrada". Inf. XVI, 37.
  • Bertran de Born (c. 1140–c. 1215): French soldier and poet, who fomented trouble between Henry II of England and his sons.
    • Placed among the sowers of discord, where he carries his severed head (although his historical cause of death was natural). Inf. XXVIII, 118–142.
  • Guido Bonatti: A prominent 13th century astrologer, and a staunch Ghibelline, he is famous for having boasted of being responsible for the Senese victory at Montaperti in 1260.
    • Mentioned among the the soothsayers. Inf. XX, 118.
  • Bonaventure: Franciscan theologian.
  • Boniface VIII (c. 12351303): Pope, 12941303. He supported the Black Guelphs against Dante's party the White Guelphs (see Guelphs and Ghibellines).
    • "One who tacks his sails". Inf. VI, 68.
    • Referred to ironically using one of the official papal titles "servo de' servi" (Servant of His servants"). Inf. XV, 112
    • Accused of avarice, deceit and violating the "lovely Lady" (the church). Inf. XIX, 52–57.
    • Pope Nicholas III prophesies his eternal damnation among the Simoniacs. Inf. XIX, 76–77.
    • His feud with the Colonna family. Inf. XXVII, 85–111.
  • Guglielmo Borsiere, a pursemaker accused of sodomy (see Sodom), who made a joke that was the subject of the Decameron (i, 8).
    • A sodomite mentioned in Hell Circle VII Round 3 by Jacopo Rusticucci as having spoken to him and his companions of the moral decline of Florence, generating great anguish and inducing Rusticucci to ask Dante for corroboration. Inf. XVI 67–72.
  • Martin Bottario: A cooper of Lucca who held various positions in the governement of his city. He died in 1300, the year of Dante's travel.
    • Probably the "anzian di Santa Zita" who arrives among the Barrators. Inf. XXI, 35–54.
  • Agnello Brunelleschi: From the noble Florentine Brunelleschi family, known to have sided first with the White Guelphs and then with the Blacks. He was a reknowned thief.
    • Among the thieves, he merges with Cianfa Donati to form a bigger serpent. Inf. XXV, 68.
  • Brutus, Lucius Junius: Traditionally viewed as the founder of the Roman Republic on account of his role in overthrowing Tarquinius Superbus.
    • One of a group of figures associated with the history of Troy, Virgil's Aeneid, and the history of Rome encountered by Dante in Limbo. Inf. IV, 121–128.
  • Brutus, Marcus Junius (d. 43 BCE): One of the assasins of Julius Caesar, with whom he had close ties. His betrayal of Caesar was famous ("Et tu Brute") and along with Cassius and Judas, was one of the three betrayer/suicides who, for those sins, were eternally chewed by one of the three mouths of Satan. Inf. XXXIV, 53–67.
  • Bulicame: Spring near Viterbo renowned for its reddish colour and sulphurous water. Part of its water was reserved for the use of prostitutes. Inf. XIV, 79–83.


File:Cavalcanti and dante.jpg
Guido Cavalcanti and Dante
  • Venedico and Ghisolabella Caccianemico: Venedico (c. 1228–c. 1302) was head of the Guelph faction in Bologna, he was exiled three times for his relationship with the marquis of Ferrara, Obizzo II d'Este.
    • Found among the panders, he confesses that he prostituted his sister Ghisolabella to Obizzo. Inf. XVIII, 40–66.
  • Cacus: A mythological monster son of Hephaestus, he was killed by Heracles for stealing part of the cattle the hero had taken from Geryon. Dante, like other medieval writers, erroneously believes him to be a Centaur.
    • As guardian of the thieves he punishes Vanni Fucci. Inf. XXV, 17–33.
  • Cadmus: Mythical son of the Phoenician king Agenor and brother of Europa, he is a key figure of the Theban cycle. In a version of his death he and his wife Harmonia are ultimately turned into snakes.
    • Ovid's tale of his mutation into a snake is alluded to. Inf. XXV, 97–99.
  • Cahors: Town in France that was notorious for the high level of usury that took place there and became a synonym for that sin.
    • Mentioned as being punished in the last circle. Inf. XI, 50.
  • Cain: The son of 'Adam and brother of Abel.
    • An allusion to a popular tradition that identified the Moon's spots with him. Inf. XX, 126.
  • Caiphas: The Jewish High Priest which according to the Gospels had an important role in Jesus' crucifixion.
    • Among the hypocrites, his punishment is to be crucified to the ground while the full rank of the sinners tramples him. Inf. XXIII, 110–120.
  • Calchas: mythical Greek seer at the time of the Trojan war, who as augur at Aulis, determined the most propitious time for the Greek fleet to depart for Troy.
    • With Eurypylus, he "set the time to cut the cables". Inf. XX, 110–111.
  • Camilla: Figure from Roman mythology and Virgil's Aeneid (VII, 803; XI), was the warrior-daughter of King Metabus of the Volsci, and ally of Turnus, king of the Rutuli, against Aeneas and the Trojans, and was killed in that war.
    • One of those who "died for Italy". Inf. I, 106–108.
    • One of a group of figures associated with the history of Troy, Virgil's Aeneid, and the history of Rome encountered by Dante in Limbo. Inf. IV, 121–128.
  • Cangrande della Scala (12901329): Ghibelline ruler of Verona and most probable figure behind the image of the "hound" ("il Veltro"). Inf. I, 101–111.
  • Capaneus: In Greek mythology, in the story of the Seven Against Thebes he defied Zeus who then killed him with a thunderbolt in punishment.
    • Found amongst the violent against God. Inf. XIV, 46–72.
    • His pride is compared with that of Vanni Fucci. Inf. XXV, 15.
  • Cassius: The most senior of Julius Caesar's assassins, Gaius Cassius Longinus was a Roman politician and soldier. Along with Brutus and Judas, he was one of the three betrayer/suicides who, for those sins, were eternally chewed by one of the three mouths of Satan. Inf. XXXIV, 53–67.
  • Castel Sant'Angelo: A Papal castle in Rome with bridge attached. Inf. XVIII, 28–33.
  • Catalano dei Malavolti (c. 12101285): From a powerful Guelph family of Bologna, he was podestà in several towns, including Florence, and governor of his city. He was commander of the infantry in the battle of Fossalta in 1249, when the Ghibellines suffered a crushing defeat. He later became a member of the Ordo militae beatae Mariae, founded by Loderingo degli Andalò.
    • Among the hypocrites. Inf. XXIII, 76–144.
  • Cato the Younger (95 BCE46 BCE) : Politician and statesman in the late Roman Republic, and a Stoic.
    • Crossing of the Libyan desert in 47 BCE provides a simile for the hot sands of the seventh circle in Inf. XIV, 14–15.
  • Cavalcante de' Cavalcanti: (died c. 1280) Father of Guido Cavalcanti, his shade appears to Dante, alongside the shade of Farinata degli Uberti. Inf. X 52–72.
  • Guido Cavalcanti (c. 12551300): First Florentine poet of Dolce Stil Novo, close friend of Dante and son of Cavalcante de' Cavalcanti. Inf. X, 56–63, Pur. XI, 97–98.
  • Cecina: See Maremma.
  • Pope Celestine V: Abdicated the Papacy in 1294, is perhaps the person whose shade Dante meets in the Ante-Inferno, where those who lived "sanza 'nfamia e sanza lodo" (without praise and blame) dwelt, and referred to as the one, "Che fece per viltate il gran rifiuto" (who made, through cowardice, the great refusal). Inf. III, 60.
  • Centaur: In Greek mythology, a race part Man and part horse, with a horse's body and a human head and torso.
    • Supervising the punishment of the violent. Their leader Chiron appoints one of their number, Nessus, to guide the poets. Inf. XII, 55–139.
    • The only one not with the violent is Cacus, who supervises the thieves. Inf. XXV, 28–30.
  • Cerberus: In Greek mythology, he was the three-headed dog who garded the gate to Hades. In the Aeneid, Virgil has the Sibyl throw a drugged honey cake into Cerberus' mouths, in the Inferno Dante has Virgil throw dirt instead.
    • Encountered In the Third Circle. Inf. VI, 13–33.
    • Example of divine punishment. Inf. IX, 98.
  • Charles I of Sicily (12271285): Son of Louis VIII of France, he was one of the most powerful rulers of his age and the undisputed head of the Guelph faction in Italy. His dream of building a Mediterranean Empire was wrecked by the Sicilian Vespers.
  • Charybdis: In Greek mythology, a sea monster who swallows huge amounts of water three times a day and then spouts it back out again, forming an enormous whirlpool. Mentioned frequently by classical writers.
    • Used in a simile to describe the punishment of the greedy and prodigal in the fourth circle of hell. Inf. VII, 22.
The Death of Cleopatra by Reginald Arthur


St Dominic presiding over an auto de fe, Pedro Berruguete, 1475
  • Bonturo Dati (d. 1324): Head of the popular faction in Lucca, he expelled his enemies in 1308 assuming the government of the city, boasting he would put an end to barratry. He is famous for provoking with his jeers in 1313 a war with Pisa, that has been remembered in Faida di Comune by Giosuè Carducci.
    • Sarcastically and ironically said that all Luccans but he are guilty of barratry. Inf. XXI, 41.
  • King David: Biblical king of the Jews.
  • Deianira: Wife of Heracles, she was abducted by the centaur Nessus, but Heracles shot him with a poisoned arrow. She was tricked by the dying Nessus into believing that a love potion could be made from his blood, which she later gives to Herakles poisoning him. Inf. XII, 68.
  • Deidamia: Mythical daughter of Lycomedes, king of Scyros, she gave birth to Achilles' only son, Pyrrhus Neoptolemus.
    • Even now she misses her betrothed ("morta ... ancor si duol d'Achille"). Inf. XXVI, 61–62
  • Democritus (c. 460 BCE370 BCE): Pre-Socratic Greek philosopher.
    • Encountered by Dante in Limbo, "che 'l mondo a caso pone" ("who ascribes the world to chance"). Inf. IV, 136.
  • Dido: Queen of Carthage. In Virgil's Aeneid, she becomes the lover of Aeneas despite a vow of eternal fidelity to her dead husband Sichaeus. Consequently, as "colei, che s' ancise amorosa" (she who killed herself from love"), Dante places her amongst the sexual sinners. Inf. V, 61–62.
  • Diogenes of Sinope (c. 412 BCE323 BCE): Greek philosopher.
    • Encountered by Dante in Limbo. Inf. IV, 137.
  • Diomedes: Mythical king of Argus, he partecipated to the expedition against Troy, where his prowness is extolled in the Iliad. A great friend of Ulysses, he was his companion in many feats, first of all the theft of Troy's Palladium and the Trojan Horse.
    • Among the advisors of fraud, he is punished with Ulysses for the sins they both comitted. Inf. XXVI, 52–63.
  • Dionysius the Areopagite (fl. c. 50 CE): Athenian judge who was converted to Christianity and became a bishop of Athens.
    • Identified in the Heaven of the Sun by Thomas Aquinas. Par. X, 115–7.
  • Dionysius the Elder: Tyrant of Syracuse (405 BCE367 BCE.
    • Pointed out by Nessus. Inf. XI, 107–108.
  • Pedanius Dioscorides (c. 40–c. 90): Greek physician and author of a work on the medicinal properties of plants, hence Dante's description of him as "il buono accoglitor del quale"/"the good collector of the qualities".
    • Encountered by Dante in Limbo. Inf. IV, 139–140.
  • Dis: Another name for Pluto, the Roman god of the underworld, used by Dante as both the name of Satan and his realm.
    • First glimpse of the "crimson" city. Inf VIII, 67–75.
    • Dante refused entry. Inf VIII, 76–130.
    • The city dolente (of sorrowing). Inf IX, 32.
    • Entrance. Inf IX, 73–133.
    • Spoils taken from by Jesus. Inf. XII, 38—39.
    • Pointed out by Virgil. Inf. XXXIV, 20.
  • Saint Dominic: Founder of the Dominican Order.
  • Buoso Donati: Of the noble Florentine Black Guelph Donati family, he was one of those who accepted the peace between the factions proposed by Cardinal Latino in 1280 . He died around 1285.
    • Among the thieves, he turns into a serpent. Inf. XXV, 140–141
  • Cianfa Donati: Of the Donati family, he is known to have acted as advisor to the Capitano del popolo in 1281. In 1289 he is reported as already dead.
    • Among the thieves, he appears as a six-footed serpent. 'Inf. XXV, 43.



Francis of Assisi
  • Farinata degli Uberti (d.1264): Leader of the Florentine Ghibellines famous for his defeat of the Guelphs (Dante's faction), at the Battle of Montaperti in 1260, causing the Guelphs to be exiled from Florence, though he was able to argue successfully against the destruction of the city. Farinata was posthumously condemed as a heretic during the Franciscan inquisition of 1283. To make peace between the Black and White Guelphs, Cavalcante de' Cavalcanti, let his son Guido Cavalcanti, the future poet, marry Farinata's daughter.
    • One of a group of famous political Florentines, "who were so worthy … whose minds bent toward the good", asked about by Dante of Ciacco. Inf. VI, 77–81.
    • Found among the Epicurean heretics. Inf. X, 22–51, 73–123.
    • Predicts Dante's difficulty in returning to Florence after his exile. Inf. X, 79–81.
    • Explains that the damned can see the future but not the present. Inf. X, 97–108.
  • Fiumicello: Tributary of Phlegethon. Inf. XIV, 77.
  • Rampino Foresi: A citizen of Pistoia, he was arrested on the accuse of having taken part to the theft of holy vessels in the cathedral of Pistoia in 1293. He was aquitted after the guilt of Vanni Fucci and his accomplices was ascertained. Inf. XXIV, 139.
  • Fortuna: In Dante's cosmology, a power created by god to "guide the destinies of man on earth" (H. Oelsner, P.H. Wicksteed and T. Okey The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri, Vol I, p. 79). Inf. VII, 61–96, XV, 91–96.
  • Francesca da Rimini: See Paolo and Francesca.
  • Francesco d'Accorso: Eminent jurist of Bologna who taught law at the universities of Bologna and Oxford. Son of the great Florentine jurist Accorsio da Bagnolo, author of the Glossa Ordinaria on the Corpus Iuris Civilis.
  • Francesco de' Cavalcanti: Nicknamed Guercio (One-eyed), he was murdered for unknown reasons by the inhabitants of the village of Gaville, near Florence. An exposer of Dante reports that his death started a bloody feud between his family and the villagers.
    • Among the thieves. Inf. XXV, 151.
  • Saint Francis: Founder of the Franciscan Order.
  • Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor: Was renowned for his Epicurean lifestyle.
    • Found among the Epicurean heretics. Inf. X, 119.
    • Allusion to his alleged cruel treatment of traitors. Inf. XXIII, 66.
  • Vanni Fucci: Nicknamed Bestia for his brutality, he took open part in the vicious struggles that divided his city Pistoia, siding for the Black Guelphs. He repeatedly sacked the houses of his political enemies and even went so far as to rob in the duomo of Pistoia.
    • Among the thieves, he prophesies the triumph in Florence of the Black Guelphs over the Whites. Inf. XXIV, 97–151.
    • He swears against God while perforfimg an act of rare obscenity. Inf. XXV, 1–18.
  • Furies: see Erinyes.


  • Galen (131201): Ancient Greek physician.
    • Encountered by Dante in Limbo. Inf. IV, 143.
  • Geryon: In Greek mythology, son of Chrysaor and Callirhoe, was a winged giant. The tenth labour of Herakles was to steal his cattle. In Medieval times, he was viewed as an example of treacherous deception, which may explain Dante's choice of him as an emblem of fraud.
    • Guardian of the Eighth Circle, summoned by Virgil, he is encountered in close association with the usurers. Inf. XVI, 106–136.
    • "La fiera con la coda aguzza, che passa i monti, e rompe i muri e l'armi! ... colei che tutto 'l mondo appuzza!" ("The beast who bears the pointed tail, who crosses mountains, shatters weapons, walls! … the one whose stench fills all the worlds!"). Inf. XVII, 1–27.
    • Carries Virgil and Dante on his back. Inf. XVII, 79–136.
    • Sets down Virgil and Dante in the Eighth Circle. Inf. XVIII, 19–20.
  • Giovanni di Buiamonte dei Becchi: Florentine banker, he had held several important offices which earned him a knighthood.
  • Fra Gomita: Chancellor of Nino Visconti and Govenor of the giudicato of Gallura, in Sardinia — at the time a possion of Pisa. He accepted a bribe to let escape a group of Visconti's enemies who were in his custody. For this he was hanged.
    • Among the Barrators with Michel Zanche. Dante remarks their love of their country: "a dir di Sardigna le lingue lor non si sentono stanche". Inf. XXII, 81–90.
  • Guelphs and Ghibellines: Factions supporting, respectively, the Papacy and the Holy Roman Empire in Italy during the 12th and 13th centuries. After the Guelphs finally defeated the Ghibellines in 1289 at Campaldino and Caprona, (Dante fought for the Guelphs at both), they began to fight among themselves. By 1300 Dante's city Florence, was "divided" between the Black Guelphs who continued to support the Papacy and Dante's party the White Guelphs. That year the Whites defeated the Blacks and forced them out of Florence, however in 1302, the Blacks with the help of Pope Boniface VIII were victorious and the Whites including Dante were banished from Florence. Inf. VI, 60–72.
    • Florence the divided city. Inf. VI, 61.
    • White Guelphs, party of the woods. Inf. VI, 65.
    • Black Guelphs, prevail with help of Boniface. Inf. VI, 68–69.
    • Rivalry. Inf X.
    • Black and White Guelphs, one after the other, will "hunger" after Dante. Inf. XV, 71–72.
    • The expulsion of the White Guelphs from Florence is prophesied: "Fiorenza rinnova gente e modi". Inf. XXIV, 143–150.
  • Guido Guerra (c. 12201272): Member of one of the greatest Tuscan families, he was one of the leaders of the Guelph faction in Florence, under whose banners he fought the disastrous battle of Montaperti in 1260. Exiled following the triumph of the Ghibellines, he returned to Florence in 1267 when the Guelphs retook control of the city.
    • One of a group of three Florentine sodomites who approach Dante, and are much esteemed by him (see Jacopo Rusticucci). Inf. XVI, 1–90.
    • "In sua vita fece col senno assai e con la spada" ("In his life he did much with the senses and the sword"). Inf. XVI, 37–39.
  • Guy de Montfort: Son of Simon de Montfort, 6th Earl of Leicester (1208August 4, 1265) who was leader of the baronial opposition to king Henry III of England. Simon was killed at the battle of Evesham and Guy revenged his death by killing the king's nephew, another Henry, in a church in Viterbo.
    • Pointed out by Nessus. Inf. XII, 118–120.


Bust of Homer in the British Museum


Icarus and Daedalus by Charles Paul Landon



  • Laertes: Mythical father of Ulysees, he was one of the Argonauts. In the Odyssey he takes part to the massacre of Penelope's suitors.
    • The thought of his old father ("la pieta del vecchio padre") was not strong enough to stop Ulysses. Inf. XXVI, 94–95.
  • Lancelot: Central figure of the Arthurian legend. Reading tales of his amorous adventures led Paulo and Francesca astray.
    • Inf. V, 128.
  • Lano: Notorious spendthrift from Siena. He may have fought in the battle of Pieve al Toppo in 1288.
    • One of two spendthrifts (the other being Jacomo da Sant' Andrea) whose punishment consists of being hunted by female hounds. Inf. XIII, 115–129,
  • Brunetto Latini: Famous Florentine Guelph politician and writer, friend and teacher of Dante till his death in 1294.
    • Encountered by Dante among the sodomites in the 7th Circle of Hell. The meeting between Dante and Brunetto is one of the most important in the Inferno, as Brunetto is given the key role of prophesying the future exile of Dante. Dante extols his encyclopaedia, Li Livres dou Tresor, of which Dante has Brunetto say: "Sieti raccomandato il mio Tesoro, nel qual io vivo ancora". Inf. XV, 22–124.
  • Latinus: The "Latian king" and one of a group of figures associated with the history of Troy, Virgil's Aeneid, and the history of Rome encountered by Dante in Limbo. Inf. IV, 121–128.
  • Lavinia: Daughter of Latinus and one of a group of figures associated with the history of Troy, Virgil's Aeneid, and the history of Rome encountered by Dante in Limbo. Inf. IV, 121–128.
  • Lethe: One of the rivers of Hades in Greek mythology. To drink its waters is to forget everything.
    • Its location is asked about and given. Inf. XIV, 130–138.
    • Probably the little stream. Inf. XXXIV 130–132.
    • Passage of. Pur. XXX, 142–145.
  • Limbo: The first circle of Dante's Hell and the scene of Inf. IV. It is a kind of antechamber in which the souls of the good who died before Jesus spend eternity with no punishment other than the lack of the divine presence. In Dante's version, figures from Classical antiquity significantly outnumber those from the Old Testament.
  • Linus: Mythical son of Apollo who taught music to Orpheus.
    • Encountered by Dante in Limbo. Inf. IV, 141.
  • Loderingo degli Andalò (c. 12101293): Of a prominent Ghibelline family, he holded many important positions. In 1260 he founded the Ordo militae beatae Mariae, a religious order recognized by Pope Clement IV. Its mission was to promote peace between warring municipal factions, but the order early corrupted itself. Loderingo is extolled for his fortitude in dying by his friend, the poet Guittone d'Arezzo.
    • Among the hypocrites. Inf. XXIII, 103–109.
  • Lucan (3965): Latin poet, whose Pharsalia, an epic poem on the civil war between Julius Caesar and Pompey, is an important source for Dante. Like Seneca he was forced to commit suicide by Nero for his participation in the Pisonian conspiracy.
    • He is one of a group of classical poets encountered by Dante in Limbo (see Homer). Inf. IV, 85–105.
    • Snakes in Malebolge inspired by his Pharsalia. Inf. XXIV, 85–90.
    • A passage of Pharsalia (IX, 761–804) is compared with what is happening under his eyes. Inf. XXV, 94–96.
  • Lucca: A Tuscan city of considerable importance in the Middle Ages; generally Guelph, it was traditionally an ally of Florence and an enemy of Pisa.
    • Dante, through the words of a devil, accuses its magistrates of being all corrupt: "torno ... a quella terra, che n'è ben fornita: ogn'uom v'è barattier, ... del no, per li denar, vi si fa ita" Inf. XXI, 39–42.
  • Lucia of Syracuse: 4th century martyr saint associated with light and those, like Dante, who suffered from poor eyesight. She symbolises Illuminating Grace in the poem.
    • Serves as an intermediary between the "gentle lady" (see Mary) and Beatrice. Inf. II, 97–108.
  • Lucretia: mythical figure in the history of the Roman Republic, whose rape by the son of Tarquinius Superbus was revenged by Brutus by the overthrowing of that king.
    • Encountered by Dante in Limbo. Inf. IV, 128.


  • Malebolge: The eight and final circle of Dante's hell.
    • Its structure as a funnel consisting of concentric and progressively lower ditches is described at Inf. XXIV, 34–40.
Guido Reni's archangel Michael (in the Capuchin church of Sta. Maria della Concezione, Rome) trampling Satan
  • Manto: Mythical daughter of Tiresias, from her father she inherited the power of prophesy.
    • Seen among the seers. Inf. XX, 52–57.
    • Virgil tells how Manto travelled till she arrived in the spot that was to be called after her Mantua. Inf. XX, 58–93.
  • Mantua: An important and ancient city in Lombardy. It's name is probably of Etruscan origin.
    • Birthplace of Virgil. Inf. I, 69.
    • Virgil tells Dante of the origin of the name of Mantua and about its foundation. Inf. XX, 58–99.
  • Marcia: Wife of Cato the younger.
    • Encountered by Dante in Limbo. Inf. IV, 128.
  • Maremma: Area consisting of part of southern Tuscany (and partly coincident with province of Grosseto area) and some part of northern Latium (a bordering region of the province of Viterbo). In Dante's time it was quite desolate.
  • Mars: In Roman mythology, the god of war.
    • As ei per questo//sempre con l'arte sua la farà trista (he who with this art always will make it [Florence] sad) he is identified as the patron of Florence before John the Baptist. Inf. XIII, 143–144.
  • Mary: The mother of Jesus.
    • Probably the "gentle lady", who takes pity on Dante and calls on Lucia to ask Beatrice to help him. Inf. II, 94–99.
  • Saint Matthias: After Judas' betrayal and suicide, he took his place as one of the twelve apostles (Acts of the Apostles I:23–26). Late legends state he was either crucified in Colchis or stoned by the Jews.
    • How he became an apostle is contrasted with the Simoniacs. Inf. XIX, 94–96. *Medea: Mythical daughter of Aeetes, king of Colchis, she helped Jason get the Golden Fleece, but was abandoned by him. She took revenge by killing their two children.
    • For her also is Jason punished. Inf. XVIII, 96.
  • Medusa (also known as the Gorgon): In Greek mythology, a female monster whose gaze could turn people to stone. See Erinyes.
  • Megaera: See Erinyes.
  • Michael: Archangel who defeated Satan. Inf. VII 11–12.
  • Minos: A semi-legendary king of Crete, son of Zeus and Europa. In The Divine Comedy, he sits at the entrance to the second circle in the Inferno, which is the beginning of Hell proper. Here, he judges the sins of each dead soul and assigns it to its rightful punishment by indicating the circle to which it must descend. He does this by circling his tail around his body the appropriate number of times.
    • Encountered by Dante. Inf. V, 4–24.
    • Sends suicides to their apointed punishments. Inf. XIII, 96.
    • Amphiaraus falls down to him. Inf. XX, 35–36.
    • He can also speak, to clarify the soul's location within the circle indicated by the wrapping of his tail. Inf. XXVII, 124–127.
  • Minotaur: In Greek mythology, a creature that was half man and half bull. It dwelt in the Labyrinth, which was an elaborate maze constructed by King Minos of Crete and was eventually killed by Theseus.
    • Guards the Seventh Circle of hell. Inf. XII, 11–27.
  • Mongibello: Sicialian name for Mount Etna, though to be Vulcan's furnace.
    • "The sooty forge". Inf. XIV, 56.
  • Guido de Montefeltro (12231298): Leader of the Ghibellines of Romagna and advisor to Boniface VIII.
    • Punished among the Evil Counsellors in Inf. XXVII.
  • Mosca de' Lamberti: Ghibelline who in 1215 rekindled feuding with the Guelphs by urging the killing of the Guelph Buondelmonte dei Buondelmonte, for breaking a marriage engagement.
    • One of a group of famous political Florentines, "who were so worthy … whose minds bent toward the good", asked about by Dante of Ciacco. Inf. VI, 77–81.
    • Found among the Sowers of Scandal and Schism in the Eighth Circle, Ninth Pouch. He was a "seed of evil for the Tuscans". Inf. XXVIII, 106–109.
  • Moses
  • Muses: In Greek and Roman mythology, the inspiring goddesses of song, poetry and art. Inf. II, 7–9




File:Stpeter statue.jpg
Saint Peter is usually depicted in art holding the keys to the gates of heaven.


  • Rachel: The biblical second wife of Jacob and mother of Joseph and Benjamin. She symbolises the contemplative life in the poem.
  • Rhea: See Cronus.
  • Rinier da Corneto and Rinier Pazzo: Highwaymen who lived in Dante's day. Pazzo was excommunicated by Pope Clement IV, in 1268
    • Pointed out by Nessus. Inf. XII, 137.
  • Ruggiere degli Ubaldini: See Ugolino della Gherardesca.
  • Jacopo Rusticucci: Florentine Guelph of Guido Cavalcanti's guild, active in politics and diplomacy.
    • One of a group of famous political Florentines, "who were so worthy … whose minds bent toward the good", asked about by Dante of Ciacco. Inf. VI, 77–81.
    • One of a group of three Florentine sodomites who approach Dante, and are much esteemed by him. Inf. XVI, 1–90.
    • Blames his wife for his sin: '"e certo fu la fiera moglie più ch'altro mi nuoce". Inf. XVI, 43–45.
    • Questions Dante about Borsiere's reports of the moral decay of Florence, which have caused great anguish for him and his companions. Inf. XVI, 66–72.
    • Represents (with the other two sodomites) past civic virtue, providing an opportunity for Dante to rail against "La gente nuova e i sùbiti guadagni" ("newcomers and quick gains"), as the cause of Florentine decadence. Inf. XVI, 73–75.


Gustave Dore's depiction of Satan from John Milton's Paradise Lost
  • Sabellus and Nasidius: Two characters of Lucan's poem Pharsalia. They represent two soldiers of Cato's army who are bit by snakes while marching in the Libyan Desert.
    • Their cruel fate is compared to that of the thieves. Inf. XXV, 94–95.
  • Saladin: 12th century Muslim leader renowned for his military prowess, generosity, and merciful attitude to his opponents during the Crusades.
    • Encountered by Dante in Limbo. Inf. IV, 129.
  • Satan: Biblical angel who embodies evil and is the greatest foe of God and mankind. He is the ruler of Hell. Inf. XXXIV, 28–67
  • Michael Scot (c. 11751234): Scottish mathematician, philosopher, alchemist and astrologer, honoured by popes and emperors, especially Frederick II, he developed a popular reputaion as a magician and seer.
    • Damned among the soothsayers. Of him it is said "che veramente de le magiche frode seppe 'l gioco". Inf. XX, 115–117.
  • Semiramis: Legendary figure who was, in Dante's day, believed to have been sexually licentious after the death of her husband Ninus.
    • Found amongst the sexual sinners. Inf. V, 52–60.
  • Seneca, Lucius Annaeus (C. 4 BCE65 CE): Roman philosopher, statesman and dramatist, forced to commit suicide by Nero for his participation in the Pisonian conspiracy, called "morale" (moral), by Dante.
    • Encountered by Dante in Limbo. Inf. IV, 141.
  • Sextus Pompeius: Son of Pompey the Great and opponent of Julius Caesar, portrayed by Lucan as a cruel pirate (Pharsalia VI, 420–422).
    • Pointed out by Nessus. Inf. XII, 135.
  • Sichaeus: First husband of Dido and ruler of Tyre, he was murdered by Dido's brother.
    • It is remembered that Dido "ruppe fede al cener di Sicheo". Inf. V, 62.
  • Sicilian bull: A brazen figure of a bull used as an instrument of torture by burning victims inside it. It was created by Perillus for the tyrant Phalaris. Its inventor was also its first victim. Inf. XXVII, 7–12.
  • Simon Magus: The magician (or proto-Gnostic) of Samaria. In the Acts of the Apostles (8:9–24) he is rejected by the apostle Peter for trying to buy the ability to confer the Holy Spirit. From his name is derived the word Simony.
    • His followers "fornicate for gold and silver". Inf. XIX, 1–4.
  • Simony: Sin of selling or paying for offices or positions in the church hierarchy (cf. barratry).
    • One of the sins of ordinary fraud punished in the Eighth Circle of hell. Inf. XI, 59.
    • Dante arrives in the 3rd Bolgia of the 8th Circle where the Simoniacs are set upside-down in rock pits, with their exposed feet in flames. Inf. XIX, 1–117.
  • Socrates: Greek philosopher.
    • Encountered by Dante in Limbo. Inf. IV, 134.
  • Reginaldo Scrovegni: One of the richest Paduan bankers. In expiation of his father's sin his son Enrico commissioned in 1300 the Cappella degli Scrovegni, that was frescoed by Giotto.
    • Among the usurers. Inf. XVII, 64–75.
  • Sodom: Biblical city, which during the Middle Ages, became associated in Christian thinking with the "sin" of homosexuality. Sodomy, like usury, was viewed as a sin against nature.
    • Used to locate the sodomites as being punished in the last ring of the Seventh Circle. Inf. XI, 50.
  • Strophades: See Harpies.
  • Styx: One of the rivers encircling Hades in the Aeneid (VI, 187, 425).
    • Encountered and described. Inf. VII, 100–129.
    • Formed from the tears of the statue of the Old Man of Crete. Inf. XIV, 94–116.



  • Ugolino della Gherardesca: Leader of one of two competing Guelph factions in Pisa. In 1288 he conspired with the Archbishop Ruggiere degli Ubaldini to oust the leader of the other faction, his grandson Nino de' Visconti. Ugolino was, in turn, betrayed by Ruggiere and imprisoned with several of his sons and grandsons. They all died of starvation in prison.
    • Found with Ruggiere amongst those damned for treason. Inf. XXXII, 124–XXXIII 90.
  • Usury: The practice of charging a fee for the use of money; viewed by the medieval church as a sin because it went contrary to the idea that wealth is based on natural increase, which was believed to be a gift from god.
    • Explained by Virgil to Dante. Inf. XI, 97–111.
    • The usurers are punished in the Seventh Circle Inf. XVII, 34–75.
  • Ottaviano degli Ubaldini (c1210–1250): Cardinal and prominent Ghibelline who was the only supporter of their cause at the Papal Court at the time of the Battle of Montaperti (see Farinata).


Virgil, probably from 1st century CE.
  • Virgil (Publius Vergilius Maro) (October 15, 7019 BCE): Latin poet. He serves as Dante's guide through the Inferno and Purgatorio. In the absence of texts of Homer, the Middle Ages considered Virgil to be the great epic poet of the Classical world. He had also, rightly or wrongly, become to be viewed as having predicted the arrival of Christianity in the following lines from his Eclogue IV "at the boy's birth in whom/the iron shall cease, the golden race arise" (trans John Dryden). This made him doubly suited to his role as guide. He also symbolises Reason. Inf. I, 61–Purg. XXXIII.
    • Sudden appearance. Inf. I, 61–63
    • The "light and honor of all other poets" (Mandelbaum). Inf. I, 82
    • Dante's inspiration. Inf. I, 85–87
    • Offers to be Dante's guide. Inf. I, 112–114
  • Vitaliano del Dente: Paduan banker, he was podestà of Vicenza in 1304 and of Padua in 1307.
  • Vulcan: In Classical mythology, blacksmith of the gods and, with the help of the Cyclops, maker of thunderbolts for Jove.
    • From whom Jove "took in wrath the keen-edged thunderbolt". Inf. XIV, 52;ndash;57.



  • Dante
    • The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri, Inferno, translated by Allen Mandelbaum, (Bantam Classics 1982) ISBN 0553213393
    • The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri, bilingual edition with commentaries and notes, translations by H. Oelsner, P.H. Wicksteed and T. Okey (Temple Classics, 3 vols. 1899–1901).
    • The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri, translated by Henry F. Cary. The Harvard Classics. Vol. XX. (New York: P.F. Collier & Son, 1909–14).
  • Fay, Edward Allen. Concordance of the Divina Commedia, (Cambridge, MA: Dante Society, 1888)
  • Jacoff, Rachel (ed.). The Cambridge Companion to Dante (Cambridge: University, 1993) ISBN 0521427428
  • Ryan, Christopher. 'The Theology of Dante' in Jacoff (1993) pp. 136-152.
  • Toynbee, Paget. Concise Dictionary of Proper Names and Notable Matters in the Works of Dante (Oxford: University, 1914)