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International reactions to the Israel–Hamas war

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Map of international reactions to the 2023 Israel–Hamas war
  Countries that have supported Israel or condemned Hamas
  Countries that have supported Hamas or condemned Israel
  Countries that maintained a neutral stance

On 7 October 2023 a large escalation of the Gaza–Israel conflict began with a coordinated offensive by multiple Palestinian militant groups against Israel. A number of countries, including many of Israel's Western allies, such as the United States and a number of European countries, condemned the attacks by Hamas, expressed solidarity for Israel and stated that Israel has a right to defend itself from armed attacks, while countries of the Muslim world have expressed support for the Palestinians, blaming the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories as being the root cause for the escalation of violence. Numerous countries called for a ceasefire and de-escalation. International organizations, students organizations, charities, ecumenical Christian organizations, and Jewish and Islamic groups commented on the situation.



  •  Algeria: The Foreign Ministry issued a statement heavily condemning the Israeli bombing of Gaza, urging international bodies to intervene in the conflict and declaring sympathy for the Palestinians fighting against "Israeli colonial settlement".[1]
  •  Angola: Angola called for restrain and dialogue by both parties.[2]
  •  Botswana: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs released a statement condemning violence against civilians by both sides and urged for an immediate cease of hostilities.[3]
  •  Democratic Republic of the Congo: The DRC condemned Hamas and backed Israel.[4]
  •  Djibouti: Djibouti stated its support for Palestine.[5]
  •  Egypt: Egypt urged both Israel and Palestine to exercise restraint.[6] It also said the international community should "urge Israel to stop the attacks and provocative actions against the Palestinian people and to adhere to the principles of international humanitarian law with regard to the responsibilities of an occupying state."[6] The Foreign Ministry warned of "severe dangers" and encouraged de-escalation.[7]
  •  Ghana: The Foreign Ministry released a statement saying that the country “unequivocally” condemned Hamas’ attacks and called on its "leadership to immediately cease the attacks and withdraw its militants from southern Israel."[8]
  •  Guinea-Bissau: President Umaro Sissoco Embalo condemned the actions by Israel when he called for "a cease-fire in the Gaza Strip, lamenting the escalation of violence and loss of human life."[9]
  •  Kenya: Korir Sing'Oei, the Principal Secretary in the State Department for Foreign Affairs, said that the country strongly condemned "the despicable terror attack against Israel and regrets the carnage and senseless loss of life", while repudiating "the planners, funders and implementers of this heinous attack." It acknowledged Israel's "right to retaliate," but urged "a peaceful path to resolving this unfortunate development."[10]
  •  Libya: The House of Representatives expressed support for Gaza.[11]
  •  Mauritania: The Foreign Ministry said in a statement that "What is happening is the inevitable result of provocations and continued violations of the rights of the Palestinian people as well as the sanctity of the holy Al-Aqsa Mosque by the authorities of Israeli occupation."[12]
  •  Morocco: The Foreign Ministry expressed "its deep concern at the deterioration of the situation and the outbreak of military action in the Gaza Strip," and condemned "attacks against civilians wherever they may be."[13]
  •  Namibia: The government condemned the escalation of violence, urged for diplomatic solutions and called on Israel to "cease its attacks and refrain from engaging in provocative acts against the Palestinian people."[14]
  •  Nigeria: Foreign Minister Yusuf Tuggar called for de-escalation, and asked both sides "to exercise restraint, prioritise the safety of civilians and give room for humanitarian considerations".[15]
  •  Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic: The Polisario Front expressed support for the Palestinian people.[16]
  •  South Africa: The Foreign Ministry issued a statement calling for de-escalation and blaming the conflagration on "the continued illegal occupation of Palestine land, continued settlement expansion, desecration of the Al Aqsa Mosque and Christian holy sites, and ongoing oppression of the Palestinian people". South Africa affirmed its support of a two-state solution.[17]
  •  Sudan: The Foreign Ministry said that Sudan supported "the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people to have their independent state", and called "for adherence to international resolutions and the protection of innocent civilians."[18][5]
  •  Tanzania: The Foreign Ministry condemned all violence and called for dialogue between both sides.[19]
  •  Tunisia: The country expressed support for the Palestinian cause.[20]
  •  Uganda: President Yoweri Museveni expressed concern for the situation and called for dialogue.[21]
  •  Zambia: Foreign Minister Stanley Kakubo backed Israel in a statement condemning Hamas’ attacks.[5]


  •  Antigua and Barbuda: The government issued a statement condemning Hamas and conveying sympathies to the families of the victims of the attacks.[22]
  •  Argentina: President Alberto Fernández condemned the "brutal terrorist attacks" against Israel,[23] while the Foreign Ministry stated that it "deplores" the "terrorist actions of Hamas against Israeli territory", further expressing solidarity with the Israeli people and sending condolences to those affected.[24] Fernández later said on social media that he had made a phone call to Israeli president Isaac Herzog during which he expressed Argentina's "energic repudiation and condemnation of the atrocious terrorist attacks committed by Hamas."[25]
  •  Bahamas: Foreign Minister Fred Mitchell called for the "cessation of activities between Hamas and Israel."[26]
  •  Belize: Foreign Minister Eamon Courtenay called for de-escalation and urged for Palestinian statehood, with East Jerusalem as capital.[22]
  •  Bolivia: The government expressed "deep concern" at the situation and criticized the "inaction of the United Nations and the Security Council."[27]
  •  Brazil: The Foreign Ministry stated that as president of the United Nations Security Council, Brazil would call an emergency meeting of the body and seek to de-escalate the situation.[28] Brazil condemned the attacks on Israel and expressed condolences with the Israeli people.[29] Brazil also supported the two-state solution based on mutually agreed upon borders.[28]
  •  Canada: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said that "Canada strongly condemns the current terrorist attacks against Israel" and called the violence "completely unacceptable." He added that the country stood with Israel and fully supported "its right to defend itself."[30]
  •  Colombia: The Foreign Ministry issued a statement calling for an urgent resumption of "dialogue between Israel and Palestine to begin a peace process that leads to peaceful coexistence, within mutually agreed upon secure borders and internationally recognized, with full support for the territorial integrity of the parties."[31]
  •  Chile: The government of President Gabriel Boric expressed its "absolute condemnation" of the attacks "against a series of towns and cities in Israel", sending condolences to the victims' families and its solidarity with the people of Israel. It also called for an end to "unconducive" violence, and asked the international community for a "direct and good-faith negotiations" between Israel and Palestine, that could lead to a peace agreement that is "fair, full and definitive". It also supported a two-state solution, with safe frontiers agreed upon mutually and internationally recognized.[32]
  •  Costa Rica: The Foreign Ministry condemned the attacks as terrorism, and expressed its solidarity with Israel.[33]
  •  Cuba: The Foreign Ministry voiced its grave worry over the rising level of violence in the occupied Palestinian territory, emphasizing that this escalation was the outcome of 75 years of ongoing violations of the fundamental rights of the Palestinian people as well as "Israel's" aggressive and expansionist agenda.[34]
  •  Dominica: Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit condemned the conflict, calling it "abhorrent."[22]
  •  Ecuador: The government condemned the attacks on Israel, and reiterated that it was committed to a negotiated, definitive and fair solution for both Israel and Palestine.[35][better source needed]
  •  El Salvador: President Nayib Bukele, who is of Palestinian descent, described Hamas as "savage beasts" on X, stating that Hamas "[does] not represent the Palestinians" and compared the group to MS-13, a Salvadoran criminal gang. Bukele expressed his support for the Palestinian people and called on Palestinians to "get rid of those animals [Hamas] and let the good people thrive".[36]
  •  Guatemala: The Foreign Ministry strongly condemned the attacks. It conveyed its solidarity to the People and Government of Israel, and advocated for the prompt restoration of peace.[37]
  •  Honduras: The government issued a statement condemning Hamas for the attacks, expressed solidarity with the people of Israel and made a call for a ceasefire.[38]
  •  Jamaica: Prime Minister Andrew Holness condemned the attacks on Israel and conveyed his sympathies to its people.[22]
  •  Mexico: The Foreign Ministry condemned the attacks on Israel, and noted that Israel and Palestine had a right to coexist in peace.[39][40] President Andrés Manuel López Obrador reiterated such on 9 October, calling for a two-state solution.[41]
  •  Nicaragua: President Daniel Ortega condemned the "terrible aggravation" of the conflict and said that the country was always in "solidarity with the Palestinian cause."[42]
  •  Panama: President Laurentino Cortizo "firmly" condemned the attacks and expressed solidarity with the Israeli people.[27]
  •  Paraguay: President Santiago Peña condemned "these inhuman actions that threaten the peace of the world", while the Foreign Ministry condemned the attacks.[43]
  •  Peru: The Foreign Ministry strongly condemned the attacks by Hamas, and reaffirmed its commitment to the peace process between Israel and Palestine.[44]
  •  Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves called for de-escalation and peace.[45]
  •  Suriname: Suriname condemned the actions by Hamas and called for de-escalation.[46]
  •  United States: President Joe Biden issued a statement condemning the attacks and saying that he was ready to offer "all appropriate means of support to the Government and people of Israel".[47][48] Acting ambassador to Israel, Stephanie Hallett said she was "sickened by the images coming out of southern Israel of dead and wounded civilians at the hands of terrorists from Gaza".[49][better source needed] The White House issued a statement saying the United States "unequivocally condemns the unprovoked attacks by Hamas terrorists against Israeli civilians".[50] Immediately following the initial attacks on Israel, the US Office of Palestinian Affairs on 7 October urged "all sides" to refrain from "retaliatory attacks."[51] US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin ordered the deployment of a carrier strike group led by the aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford to the Eastern Mediterranean. The group also included the cruiser USS Normandy and the destroyers USS Thomas Hudner, USS Ramage, USS Carney, and USS Roosevelt.[52] On 9 October, the White House was lit up in the colors of the Israeli flag.[53] On October 10, President Biden announced that "Hamas has set a goal of killing Jews".[54][55]
    U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Israeli President Isaac Herzog in Tel Aviv, Israel, 12 October 2023
  •  Uruguay: President Luis Lacalle Pou said he strongly condemned the Hamas attacks and called for an "immediate cessation of violence against the Israeli people".[56][57] The Foreign Ministry issued a statement in which it expressed that the Government and the Uruguayan people "deplore with the greatest firmness the terrorist actions underway against Israel and its population," and stressed their rejection of terrorism and their commitment to the security of Israel.[58][59]
  •  Venezuela: The Foreign Ministry issued a statement expressing its "profound concern over the evolution of recent events in the Gaza Strip, while considering that the escalation is the result of the impossibility of the Palestinian people to find a space in multilateral international legality to assert their historical rights". The statement called for dialogue and the implementation of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334.[60]


  •  Afghanistan: The Foreign Ministry said that the country had "carefully monitored the recent events in the Gaza Strip" and considered "the occurrence of such events to be the result of Israeli Zionists trampling on the rights of the oppressed Palestinian people and repeated insults and disrespect to Muslim holy places, and any type of defense and the resistance of the Palestinian people for freedom."[61]
  •  Bahrain: The Foreign Ministry called for de-escalation, and affirmed its support of a two-state solution.[62] On 9 October it officially condemned Hamas' attacks and kidnappings.[63][64]
  •  Bangladesh: The Foreign Ministry issued a press statement calling for an immediate ceasefire and solving the conflict with dialogue and diplomacy. It condemned the armed conflict, expressed deep concern over the "tragic loss of civilian lives", and urged both sides to "exercise maximum refrainment".[65][66] It also denounced the "Israeli occupation and forced settlements on Palestinian Territories" and reaffirmed its support for the two-state solution.[67][68][69]
  •  Cambodia: The Foreign Ministry issued a statement condemning all form of violence and terrorist acts and called on all parties involved in the fighting in Israel to exercise the utmost restraint and seek avenues.[70]
  •  China: The Foreign Ministry expressed deep concern "over the current escalation of tensions and violence between Palestine and Israel" and urged relevant parties to "remain calm, exercise restraint and immediately end the hostilities to protect civilians and avoid further deterioration of the situation."[71][72] After a diplomat from the Israeli embassy criticized Beijing for not condemning Hamas, ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning renewed calls for a two-state solution and said as "a friend to both Israel and Palestine, what we hope to see is the two countries living together in peace."[73][74]
  •  India: Prime Minister Narendra Modi said the government condemned the "terrorist attacks on Israel", adding that "we stand in solidarity with Israel at this difficult hour".[75][76] The Ministry Of External Affairs added that while they condemned the actions of Hamas, they supported the establishment of Palestine.[77]
  •  Indonesia: The Foreign Ministry issued a statement expressing its deep concern "with the escalation of conflict between Palestine and Israel", and urged the immediate end of violence to avoid further human casualties. It also called for the occupation of Palestinian territories by Israel as the root of the conflict, to be resolved in accordance with the parameters agreed upon by the United Nations.[78] President Joko Widodo, in his address on 10 October, urged both sides to stop the conflict, deescalate the tensions, and ordered the foreign ministry to protect Indonesian nationals currently in Palestine and Israel.[79]
  •  Iran: Yahya Rahim Safavi, an adviser to the supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, congratulated the Palestinian fighters, and stated that Iran would "stand by the Palestinian fighters", until the "liberation of Palestine and Jerusalem". During a session of the Islamic Consultative Assembly, legislators rose from their seats and chanted "Down with Israel", "Down with America", and "Welcome Palestine".[80] After speaking by phone with Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh and Islamic Jihad leader Ziyad al-Nakhalah, President Ebrahim Raisi praised the "legitimate defense" of the Palestinian nation and said Israel and its supporters "must be held accountable."[81] Foreign Ministry spokesperson Nasser Kanaani said that Hamas' attack showed increased confidence by the Palestinians against Israel.[82] He also denied claims of Iranian involvement in Hamas' attack.[83]
  •  Iraq: The official government spokesperson said that military operations undertaken by the Palestinians were a natural result of decades of "systemic oppression" by the "Zionist Occupation authority".[82]
  •  Japan: A Foreign Ministry spokesperson said that the country "strongly condemns the rocket attacks and armed incursions against Israel" and expressed "its condolences to the bereaved families and its heartfelt sympathy to the injured."[84]
  •  Jordan: King Abdullah II warned that continued escalation of the conflict would create negative repercussions on the region and urged restraint, the protection of civilians and respect for international humanitarian law.[85] Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi warned of the "volatility" of the situation.[86]
  •  Kazakhstan: Aibek Smadiyarov, the press secretary of the Foreign Ministry, urged all parties not to resort to actions that could escalate the situation between the two states and the Middle East region.[87]
  •  Kuwait: Kuwait blamed Israel for what it called its "blatant attacks".[86]
  •  Kyrgyzstan: The Foreign Ministry called for dialogue and the cessation of hostilities.[88]
  •  Laos: The government called for de-escalation and urged for a two-state solution.[89]
  •  Malaysia: The Foreign Ministry issued a statement expressing its "concern over the latest escalation in the Middle East", blaming the root cause on "prolonged illegal occupation, blockade and sufferings, the desecration of Al-Aqsa, as well as the politics of dispossession at the hands of Israel as the occupier". It called for a return to the pre-1967 border and on the United Nations Security Council to "demand all parties stop the violence as well as respect and protect the lives of innocent civilians".[90]
  •  Maldives: The Foreign Ministry released a statement saying that the government considered "these deliberate acts of aggression against the innocent civilian population of Palestine a blatant disregard and violation of international humanitarian law, tantamount to a war crime,” the statement said."[91]
  •  Mongolia: The Foreign Ministry released a statement saying that the country condemned "the rocket and terror attacks from Gaza on Israel, which have resulted in deaths and injuries of many innocent civilians.” It also called “on all parties concerned to immediately end violence and to protect the safety and security of civilians at all cost."[92]
  •  Myanmar: The military junta condemned Israel’s attacks on Gaza and urged Israel to follow restraint.[93]
  •  Nepal: Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal condemned Hamas' offensive on Israel calling it a "terrorist attack".[94]
  •  North Korea: Rodong Sinmun, the official newspaper of the ruling Workers' Party of Korea, published an editorial blaming Israel for the conflict, stating that the "international community claims that this clash was the result of Israel's constant criminal acts against the Palestinian people, and that the fundamental way out is to build an independent Palestinian state".[95]
  •  Oman: The Foreign Ministry called on the international community to "intervene immediately to stop the ongoing escalation and resort to the rules of international law". It affirmed its support for a Two-state solution involving a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital.[96]
  •  Pakistan: The Foreign Office issued a statement urging an immediate ceasefire and a return to peaceful negotiations, stating that they were "closely monitoring the unfolding situation".[97] Pakistan reiterated its position that the solution to the conflict was a two-state solution, including the establishment of a viable, sovereign and contiguous State of Palestine with Jerusalem as its capital.[98]
  •  Philippines: The Office of President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. issued a statement conveying "its deepest sympathies and condolences to those who have lost their family members and loved ones in recent attacks." It also condemned the attack and said that "the Philippines understands the right of states to self-defense in the light of external aggression as recognized in the United Nations Charter."[99] The National Security Council proposed to officially designate Hamas as a terrorist organization.[100]
  •  Qatar: The Foreign Ministry issued a statement saying Israel was "solely responsible for the ongoing escalation due to its continuous violations of the rights of the Palestinian people, including the recent repeated incursions into the Al-Aqsa Mosque under the protection of the Israeli police."[101]
  •  Saudi Arabia: The Foreign Ministry released a statement calling for an "immediate halt" to the "escalation" in Israel and Gaza. It added they were "closely following developments in the unprecedented situation between a number of Palestinian factions and the Israeli occupation forces, which has resulted in a high level of violence taking place on a number of fronts there" and reiterated "its repeated warnings [to Israel] of the dangers of the explosion of the situation as a result of the continued occupation, and deprivation of the Palestinian people of their legitimate rights, and the repetition of systematic provocations against its sanctities".[102][103]
  •  Singapore: A spokesperson for the Foreign Ministry issued a statement saying that the country strongly condemned "the rocket and terror attacks from Gaza on Israel."[104]
  •  South Korea: The Foreign Ministry issued a statement saying that the government strongly condemned "the indiscriminate attacks on Israel from Gaza including rocket attacks", and called for "an immediate halt" to them.[105]
  •  Sri Lanka: The Foreign Ministry expressed concern about the loss of life in both Israel and Gaza.[106][107] President Ranil Wickremesinghe denounced Hamas' aggression, stating that criticism of Israel is not a valid justification for Hamas attacks.[108]
  •  Syria: The Foreign Ministry said an agreement to normalize relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel was now impossible.[109]
  •  Taiwan: The Foreign Ministry issued a statement saying that the country strongly condemned "the indiscriminate attacks against Israelis carried out by Hamas." It also said Taiwan stood "in solidarity with Israel" and denounced "all forms of terrorism", adding that their thoughts were "with the victims & families at this tragic juncture."[110][111]
  •  Thailand: Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin expressed his deepest condolences to the government and people of Israel, and condemned Hamas' attack.[112] He also put the Royal Thai Air Force on standby to evacuate its citizens if needed.[113]
  •  United Arab Emirates: The Foreign Ministry called for an immediate ceasefire.[114] Later it condemned Hamas for its "serious and grave escalation" and its hostage taking.[115]
  •  Vietnam: Foreign Ministry spokesperson Phạm Thu Hằng said that the country was "deeply concerned over the escalating violence between Hamas and Israel [that has led to massive civilian casualties]" and called on relevant parties "exercise restraint, refrain from taking actions that complicate the situation, promtply resume negotiations to settle disagreements through peaceful measures, on the basis of international law and related resolutions of the United Nations Security Council, and ensure safety and legitimate interests of civilians."[116]
  •  Yemen: The Foreign Ministry confirmed that the government was following the course of events and escalation taking place in the occupied Palestinian territories, and called for the protection of civilians and an end to the provocations of the Israeli occupation forces and their repeated attacks on the Palestinian people and their sanctities. It also affirmed the government's "firm" position to help achieve the aspirations of the Palestinian people for a decent life, and the establishment of their independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, in accordance with the Arab Peace Initiative and relevant international resolutions and legislation.[117][13]


  •  Albania: Prime Minister Edi Rama and Foreign Minister Igli Hasani expressed strong condemnation of the attack and expressed solidarity with the victims, their families and all of Israel.[118][better source needed][119][better source needed]
  •  Andorra: Prime Minister Xavier Espot issued a statement condemning the "terrorist attacks perpetrated in various locations in Israel", expressing "solidarity with the Israeli authorities and civilian population", as well as a call to "stop the escalation of violence and respect international humanitarian law and deploy all diplomatic efforts to protect the civilian populations of both Israel and Palestine".[120]
  •  Armenia: The Foreign Ministry expressed its shock at the violence between Palestinians and Israelis and the targeting of civilians, saying that it was joining "the international community demanding an end to the violence."[121]
  •  Austria: Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg announced the suspension of the delivery of 19 million euros ($20 million) of aid to Palestinian areas on 9 October in response to Hamas' attack and said that it would review its existing projects in Palestine. He also said that he would summon the Iranian ambassador to address Iran's "abhorrent reactions" to the attack.[122]
  •  Azerbaijan: The Foreign Ministry condemned "violence against civilians in the Israel-Palestine conflict zone" and called "for an urgent de-escalation of the situation."[123]
  •  Belarus: The government called for restraint and dialogue by both parties.[124]
  •  Belgium: Foreign Minister Hadja Lahbib said on X that the country strongly condemned "the massive rocket attacks against Israeli civilians" and said that their "thoughts are with all those affected."[48]
  •  Bosnia and Herzegovina: Chairwoman of the Council of Ministers Borjana Krišto condemned the attacks as "unjust and brutal" and expressed support for Israel.[125][better source needed]
    •  Republika Srpska: President Milorad Dodik condemned the attacks and expressed his support to Israel. The Palace of President of the Republic was decorated with the Israeli flag on 8 October.[126]
    • Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina:
      • Croatian Republic of Herzeg-Bosnia Canton 10: The federal unit's government expressed shock and sadness at "the terrorist attack on the State of Israel", at the same time, the cantonal government issued a statement of support for Israel and "its efforts to establish peace for all its residents by all legitimate means".[127]
      •  Sarajevo: Mayor Benjamina Karić said it was "hypocritical to condemn Hamas' attack on Israel, and not to condemn all that happened before and after it".[128]
  •  Bulgaria: Prime Minister Nikolai Denkov expressed his country's solidarity with the Israeli people and condemned Hamas's attack.[129] The National Assembly building was lit up in the colors of the Israeli flag.[130]
  •  Croatia: Prime Minister Andrej Plenković condemned the attacks referring to them as "terrorist acts against civilians" and expressed solidarity with Israel.[131] Foreign Minister Gordan Grlić-Radman also condemned the attack and expressed solidarity with Israel.[132][better source needed] Following Israeli attacks on Gaza, president Zoran Milanović publicly stated that Israel had lost his sympathy due to its humanitarian crimes and "reprisal actions".[133]
  •  Cyprus: President Nikos Christodoulides and the Cypriot embassy in Israel condemned the attacks and stated that Cyprus stood with Israel.[134][135]
  •  Czech Republic: Prime Minister Petr Fiala condemned the attack, stating his thoughts were "with the innocent victims of the violence" and wishing "our friends in Israel the swiftest possible handling of the situation and the fulfilment of their ambitions to live in peace and security."[136][better source needed]
  •  Denmark: Foreign Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen strongly condemned the attack against Israel, adding that his thoughts were "with the victims, their families and all of Israel".[137]
  •  Estonia: Marko Mihkelson, the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Riigikogu, strongly condemned the attacks against Israel, saying he was "concerned about the expansion of terrorist activity in the region". He invited international organisations to "confront the attempts of terrorist regimes to create instability and chaos in the whole Middle East region."[138]
  •  Finland: Foreign Minister Elina Valtonen condemned in the strongest terms the "terrorist rocket attacks targeting Israel".[139]
  •  France: President Emmanuel Macron strongly condemned the attack and expressed his "full solidarity with the victims, their families and loved ones."[140][48] The French embassy in Israel condemned the attacks and described Hamas' actions as "inadmissible terrorist attacks".[141]
  •  Georgia: The Foreign Ministry strongly condemned the attack on Israel, and expressed solidarity with the Israeli government and people. The ministry also offered thoughts and condolences and wished a speedy recovery to the injured.[142][better source needed]
  •  Germany: Chancellor Olaf Scholz said he was deeply shocked by the "terrifying news" of "rocket fire from Gaza and the escalating violence". He also said that Germany condemned Hamas' attack and would stand by Israel."[143][48] Germany suspended €125 million ($131 million) of humanitarian aid to Palestine in response to Hamas' attack and said it would review other projects and aid given.[144]
  •  Greece: Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis strongly condemned the terrorist attack against Israel, that caused a high number of casualties among civilians. He also expressed his full support for the people of Israel and its right to self-defense.[145][better source needed] Migration minister Dimitris Keridis expressed his concerns of a resurgence in illegal immigrants to southern Europe, saying that the attack would "not ease illegal migration".[146]
  •  Hungary: Prime Minister Viktor Orbán strongly condemned the attack against Israel, and stated that he unequivocally supported Israel's right to self-defence. He also expressed his "sympathy and condolences" to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, adding that "our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Israel in these dark hours".[147][better source needed]
  •  Iceland: Foreign Minister Þórdís Kolbrún R. Gylfadóttir condemned the attack and said that Israel has the right to defend itself.[148]
  •  Italy: Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said the government condemned in the strongest terms the attacks on Israel; saying that "people's lives, the security of the region and the resumption of any political process are at risk." He also urged Hamas to "immediately stop this barbaric violence" and said that Italy supports "Israel's right to exist and defend itself".[149][better source needed] The Prime Minister's office released a statement saying that the government was "closely following the brutal attack taking place in Israel" and condemned "in the strongest terms the ongoing terror and violence against innocent civilians" It also said it supported "Israel's right to defend itself."[48]
  •  Ireland: Taoiseach Leo Varadkar strongly condemned Hamas' attacks against Israel, calling them "appalling" and expressed that Ireland unequivocally condemned attacks on civilians. Tánaiste, Foreign Minister and Defence Minister Micheál Martin further condemned Hamas' "unconscionable" attacks, expressing that "deliberate and systematic targeting of civilians can never be justified". They called for an immediate cessation of all hostilities.[150] President Michael D. Higgins subsequently issued a statement condemning the attacks as "deeply reprehensible" and expressed his support for Israel's right to defend itself.[151][152]
  •  Kosovo: President Vjosa Osmani denounced Hamas' assault, labeling it a "terrorist attack against the innocent people of Israel," and expressed unwavering solidarity with the State of Israel.[153][154] Likewise, Prime Minister Albin Kurti unequivocally condemned the "terrorist attacks against Israel", adding that Kosovo stood in solidarity with those affected.[155]
  •  Latvia: President Edgars Rinkēvičs expressed his country's "unwavering support to Israel's legitimate right to defend itself against terrorists".[156]
  •  Lithuania: President Gitanas Nausėda said that the country unequivocally condemned Hamas attacks against civilians in Israel and said the country fully supported "Israel in these terrible hours", and expressed "condolences to the families of the victims". He also said that "Israel has the right to defend itself."[157] The Seimas unanimously adopted a resolution condemning Hamas' attacks.[158]
  •  Luxembourg: Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn condemned Hamas's attack, and underlined the need for a renewed international commitment to a two-state solution.[159]
  •  Malta called on the United Nations Security Council to hold a meeting regarding the conflict.[160]
  •  Moldova: President Maia Sandu strongly condemned "Hamas' attack against Israeli innocent civilians".[161]
  •  Montenegro: President Jakov Milatović condemned "the attack carried out by Hamas against Israel" and expressed "his condolences for the Israeli lives lost in these attacks".[162][163]
  •  Netherlands: Prime Minister Mark Rutte said he spoke with Prime Minister Netanyahu about the attack by Hamas on Israel and "told him that the Netherlands unequivocally condemns this terrorist violence and fully supports Israel's right to defend itself".[164][48]
  •  North Macedonia: President Stevo Pendarovski condemned the "terrorist attacks launched against Israel and the killing of innocent civilians".[165][better source needed]
  •  Norway: Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre strongly condemned the attack against Israeli civilians, calling the situation "unprecedented". He said that "Israel has the right to defend itself against military attack" and that "it is important that the violence does not escalate".[166][better source needed]
  •  Poland: Foreign Minister Zbigniew Rau condemned "in the strongest terms the ongoing attacks by Hamas against Israel".[167][48]
  •  Portugal: President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa and Prime Minister António Costa condemned Hamas's attacks as "unacceptable" and deserving of "strong condemnation".[168]
  •  Romania: President Klaus Iohannis strongly condemned the attack against Israel, adding that the country stood "in full solidarity with Israel in these terrible moments."[169][better source needed]
  •  Russia issued a statement urging restraint, with Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov saying they were in contact with both sides.[170] President Vladimir Putin called the conflict "a clear example of the failure of U.S. policy in the Middle East", and accused the United States of bias towards Israel. Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said "most reliable" solution for peace in Israel was the creation of a Palestinian state.[171]
  •  San Marino: San Marino condemned the attacks on Israel.[174]
  •  Serbia: President Aleksandar Vučić expressed his support for Israel and condemned "the horrific attacks on Israel." He added that "the Jewish people have endured a history of suffering and Israel deserves to live in peace and security".[175]
  •  Slovakia: Defence Minister Martin Sklenár condemned the Hamas attacks in the "strongest terms" and supported Israel's right to self-defense.[176][better source needed]
  •  Slovenia: Prime Minister Robert Golob condemned the attacks against Israel.[177]
  •  Spain: Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez strongly condemned what he called terrorism and demanded the immediate cessation of indiscriminate violence against the civilian population, likewise affirming Spain's standing commitment to regional stability.[178][better source needed]
  •  Sweden: Foreign Minister Tobias Billström condemned the attack against Israel, and said the government stood in solidarity with all civilians hurt by the attackers.[179]
  •  Switzerland: The government condemned the attacks and asked for all parties to work toward a peaceful resolution. It also "underlined that de-escalation is the priority" and "called on those responsible to do everything possible to bring about a ceasefire and avoid a regional escalation."[180]
  •  Turkey: At a congress for his ruling AK Party in Ankara, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan called on Israelis and Palestinians to act with restraint and refrain from hostile acts that could exacerbate the situation.[181][48]
  •  Ukraine: The Foreign Ministry said Ukraine strongly condemned the "terrorist attacks" against Israel, including rocket attacks against the civilian population in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. It also expressed its "support for Israel in its right to defend itself and its people."[182][48] President Volodymyr Zelenskyy echoed these statements in a post on X, stating "Israel has the full right to defend itself against terror" and that "[t]oday's terrorist attack on Israel was well-planned, and the entire world knows which sponsors of terrorism could have endorsed and enabled its organisation".[48] On 9 October, Ukrainian military intelligence accused Russia of transferring Western-made weapons captured in Ukraine to Hamas to blame Ukraine for selling them.[183]
    British Foreign Secretary James Cleverly in Israel, 11 October 2023
  •  United Kingdom: Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said he was shocked by Hamas attacks against Israeli citizens. He added that "Israel has an absolute right to defend itself" and said UK officials were "in contact with Israeli authorities," and advised British nationals in Israel to "follow travel advice."[184] An illumination of the Israeli flag was projected onto the UK Prime Minister's residence at 10 Downing Street in London on 9 October.[185] A statement issued by Buckingham Palace said that King Charles III was "appalled" and condemned the "barbaric acts of terrorism in Israel" and that the King's "thoughts and prayers are with all of those suffering, particularly those who have lost loved ones, but also those actively involved as we speak".[186] On 11 October, Foreign Secretary James Cleverly arrived in Israel in a show in solidarity, during which he was seen running for cover following an air raid alert while he was visiting the town of Ofakim later in the day.[187]
    •  Scotland: First Minister Humza Yousaf condemned the attack by Hamas. Yousaf, whose wife is Palestinian, said that his parents-in-law were trapped in Gaza,[188] adding that they had contacted them over the phone.[189][better source needed] In an interview with Aljazeera, he called for a humanitarian corridor to be established in Gaza to allow vital supplies in and people to leave. He also said that while he understood Israel's reasons to protect himself, he did not believe that the price should be the “collective punishment of two million people”.[190]
    •  England
      • London: Mayor Sadiq Khan said he had asked the UK government to support calls for humanitarian access to and from Gaza[191]
  •  Vatican City: Pope Francis called for peace between Israel and Palestine.[192] Following the Angelus prayer on 8 October, he called for a halt to the fighting, and said that "terrorism and war do not lead to any solution, but only to the death and suffering of so many innocent people," adding that "war is always a defeat."[193] He later urged Hamas to release all its hostages, and voiced concern over Israel's imposition of a total siege on Gaza while saying that it was the "right of those who are attacked to defend themselves", referring to the Israeli military response.[194]


  •  Australia: Foreign Minister Penny Wong said that "Australia unequivocally condemns the attacks on Israel by Hamas including indiscriminate rocket fire on cities and civilians."[195] Prime Minister Anthony Albanese also strongly condemned the attacks.[196]
  •  Fiji: Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka condemned the "terrorist attacks by Hamas which targeted innocent non-combatants" and reaffirmed Fiji's support for Israel's right to "defend itself and its people."[207]
  •  Nauru: The government condemned the attacks and the "taking of innocent civilians as hostages," further calling on the international community to "stand in solidarity and prayer with the State of Israel," while also supporting "Israel's right to defend itself."[208]
  •  New Zealand: Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta expressed deep concern at the outbreak of violence between Israel and Gaza. She called for the immediate halt to violence, the protection of all civilians, and the upholding of international humanitarian law.[209] Prime Minister Chris Hipkins subsequently stated that New Zealand unequivocally condemned Hamas' terror attacks, stating that the target of civilians and hostage taking violated fundamental international humanitarian principles. Hipkins also stated Israel had the right to defend itself.[210]
  •  Papua New Guinea: Prime Minister James Marape condemned the attacks in Israel. He also called on Hamas and other militant groups to resolve matters in relation to Israel through dialogue and called on Israel to consider its response to the attacks.[211]

International organizations

  •  African Union: African Union Commission Chairperson Moussa Faki expressed his "utmost concern" at the situation and called for an immediate cessation of hostilities, additionally, he recalled that denial of the fundamental rights of the Palestinian people, particularly that of an independent and sovereign State, was the "main cause of the permanent Israeli-Palestinian tension."[212]
  •  Arab League: The League said "Israel's continued implementation of violent and extremist policies is a time bomb depriving the region of any serious opportunity for stability in the foreseeable future."[86]
    Gathering in support to Israel in front of the European Parliament in Brussels in presence of Roberta Metsola, Ursula von der Leyen, Charles Michel and members of the Parliament, 11 October 2023
  •  European Union: President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen said she "unequivocally" condemned "the attack carried out by Hamas terrorists against Israel", calling it "terrorism in its most despicable form" and saying "Israel has the right to defend itself against such heinous attacks".[213][48] EU ambassador to Israel Dimiter Tzantchev condemned the attack.[214] Israeli flags were raised outside the headquarters of the European Commission and the European Parliament in Brussels, while the latter's president Roberta Metsola led a vigil in the chamber on 11 October to commemorate the Israeli victims of the attack which also featured a minute's silence and a rendition of the Israeli national anthem. On 9 October, ahead of the EU council meeting convened to define a common EU position, EU Enlargement Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi announced on X (formerly known as Twitter) that the European Commission would be suspending immediately all payments due in developmental aid to Palestine.[215] The consensus emanating from the 9 October ministers meeting was a resolution condemning attacks by Hamas but also calling "for the protection of civilians and restraint, the release of hostages, for allowing access to food, water and medicines to Gaza in line with international humanitarian law".[216] The announcement by Varhelyi was criticized by the foreign ministers of several EU members state such as Spain, Ireland, Belgium and Luxembourg who insisted that only individual countries could make such decisions. The bloc corrected Varhelyi's announcement and said that it would review payments instead to prevent misuse.[130]
  •  NATO: Spokesperson Dylan White said that the bloc condemned "terrorist attacks by Hamas against NATO partner Israel" and that "Israel has the right to defend itself".[217]
  •  United Nations: The United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Tor Wennesland condemned the attack, stating that the "events have resulted in horrific scenes of violence and many Israeli fatalities and injuries, with many believed to be kidnapped inside the Strip". He also urged that the "heinous attacks targeting civilians must stop immediately".[218] The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon said it was enhancing its presence near the border with Israel, including "counter rocket-launching operations".[82] UN human rights chief Volker Türk criticized Israel's imposition of a total siege on Gaza, saying that such a move was "prohibited under international law".[219]

Political internationals and transnational political alliances

  • Liberal International: The bureau of the network of liberal parties worldwide said it stood "in solidarity with the people of Israel" and condemned the "attacks against civilians in the south of the country and recognises Israel's right to defend itself". It also said the Hamas's attacks "do not serve the interest of the Palestinian people."[220]
    • Renew Europe said it was "horrified by the senseless terrorist attacks against the people of Israel and stand with them at this difficult time. There is no justification for barbaric attacks against innocent civilians."[221]
    • The Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe said it was asserting its "firm and unyielding support for Israel in these critical moments. Israel, a pivotal democratic ally, not only possesses the right but is also obligated under international law to safeguard its citizens against such acts of terror."[222]
  • The Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats said it was "horrified by the terrorist attacks Hamas has committed against innocent Israelis" and called for Hamas to end its violence and immediately release all those it kidnapped.[223]
    • The Party of European Socialists announced its "solidarity to all Israelis" and condemned "this large-scale, indiscriminate, assault on citizens and communities," while calling on "Hamas to stop the attacks immediately. Terrorism is never the answer."[224]
  • The Greens–European Free Alliance condemned "the violent terrorist attacks by Hamas in the strongest terms," and called "for an immediate stop to this violence" and renewed "efforts towards deescalation and peace."[225]
  • Centrist Democrat International expressed "its resounding rejection of terrorism as a means of political action" and condemned "the cruel attack by Hamas against the people of Israel".[226][227]
    • The European People's Party strongly condemned the "atrocious attack against Israel" and said "the country has a right to defend itself & its citizens from violent terrorist actions which achieve nothing but devastating loss of life, division & destruction."[228]
  • The International Democracy Union expressed "full solidarity with the State of Israel and its people" and said "Israel has the right to defend itself against these terrorist attacks and has our full support."[229]
    • The European Conservatives and Reformists strongly condemned "the unprecedented terror attacks on Israel coming out of Gaza, including the execution-style killings and kidnappings of Israeli civilians and soldiers" and said "the violence perpetrated by Hamas shows that one cannot negotiate with terrorists."[230]
  • Green Party of the United States: The party announced its condemnation of attacks on civilians and demanded an immediate ceasefire.[231]

Islamist groups

  • Islamic State Al-Shabaab: The group congratulated the Palestinian militants, saluting "all the brave heroes, the brave commandos, and all those stationed in the Holy Land". It also called on Muslims to wage Jihad against "Jews and their allies".[232][233]
  • Hezbollah: The group congratulated Hamas and praised the attack as a response to "Israeli crimes", adding that the militants had "divine backing". It also said its leadership in Lebanon was in contact with Hamas about the operation.[234] On 11 October, the group said that "sending aircraft carriers to the region will not frighten the resistance factions ready for confrontation until victory is achieved", referring to the deployment of a US carrier strike fleet to the eastern Mediterranean.[235]
  • Houthi movement: The group's Ansarullah Political Bureau stated that "Operation Al-Aqsa Flood revealed the weakness, fragility, and impotence of the temporary Zionist entity while showing the strength and effectiveness of the resistance in Palestine and its ability to strike the Israeli depth".[236] It also said that the Yemenis stood with the Palestinians and resistance movements explaining that they were ready to participate in the battle to defend Palestine and the nation's sanctities against the "usurping" Zionist entity.[236] Houthi leader Abdul-Malik al-Houthi warned that any intervention in Gaza by the United States would result in a Houthi intervention.[237]
  • Kata'ib Hezbollah: The group congratulated the Palestinian people for "breaking the will of the Zionist entity" and stressed the "necessity of continuing resistance and unity of confrontation against the enemy."[238]
  • Pakistani Taliban: The group urged Muslims worldwide to aid Palestinians and called Hamas' attack on Israel was "an extremely joyous and encouraging news about the oppressed Muslim Ummah".[239]
  • File:Flag of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham.svg Tahrir al-Sham: The group’s clerics held prayers for a Palestinian victory and said it celebrated Hamas' jihad while condemning its ties with Shiite-led Iran.[240]

Charities and NGOs

  • Indonesian NGO Medical Emergency Rescue Committee (MER-C) condemned Israel after reporting that Israel had targeted its hospital in Gaza and killed one of its personnel.[241]
  • Following the Israeli airstrike on the Indonesian Hospital, Doctors Without Borders urged "all parties to respect health infrastructures".[242]
  • Mercy Malaysia, in solidarity with Palestine, confirmed it was monitoring the situation in Gaza and was exploring opportunities to provide aid in the form of health assistance, psychosocial support, and medical supplies.[243]
  • The Egyptian Red Crescent sent more than two tons of medical supplies to the Gaza Strip.[244]
  • The World Uyghur Congress released a statement condemning "horrific attacks by Hamas against Israeli civilians".[245]


  • Adani Ports stated that it was still operating its port in Haifa but would "monitor the situation".[246]
  • Amazon CEO Andy Jassy contacted families of employees in Israel and will provide relief.[247]
  • Bank of America closed its Tel Aviv office.[246]
  • Carnival Cruises stated that it would not stop at Israeli ports and would adjust accordingly.[246]
  • Eli Lilly and Co stated it would monitor the situation and would continue to provide medical care for its patients in Israel.[246]
  • FedEx initially suspended services to Israel but later relaunched service on 12 October.[246]
  • Goldman Sachs asked its employees in Tel Aviv to work from home until the security situation cleared.[246]
  • Google CEO Sundar Pichai stated that it had made contact with its over 2,000 employees in the area and was working to support them as well as humanitarian and relief organizations on the ground.[247]
  • H&M closed all stores in Israel temporarily.[246]
  • InterContinental Hotels Group stated that they would add security to their hotels in Israel that remained open, while closing the Six Senses Shaharut and the Hotel Indigo Tel Aviv.[246]
  • JPMorgan Chase asked its employees in Israel to work for home until the security situation cleared. CEO Jamie Dimon provided his support for Israel.[246][247]
  • Morgan Stanley asked its employees in Israel to work from home until the security situation cleared.[246]
  • Norwegian Cruise Lines announced it would make redirect ships away from Israeli ports of call in October.[246]
  • Nvidia cancelled an AI summit in Tel Aviv that would have featured CEO Jensen Huang.[246]
  • Oracle Corporation condemned the attacks against Israel by Hamas. It also pledged to support to the Government of Israel and defense establishments.[248]
  • Royal Caribbean announced it would make adjustments to replace Israeli ports of call.[246]
  • Sesame Workshop released a statement stating "Our hearts are with Israeli and Palestinian children and families affected by the crisis in the region. All children deserve a safe childhood free from violence and terror."[249]
  • Tesla announced that all 17 superchargers in Israel would be free until further notice.[247]
  • UBS told its Israeli staff to work from home and banned employees from travelling to the Middle East.[250]
  • UPS suspended service to Israel.[246]
  • The Walt Disney Company states that it will provide humanitarian support to Israelis.[251]
  • Zara closed all stores in Israel temporarily.[246]

Flight cancellations


  • Gal Gadot, who is Israeli, condemned the attack on her home country.[254]
  • Gigi Hadid, who is of Palestinian descent, wrote on Instagram: "While I have hopes and dreams for Palestinians, none of them include the harm of a Jewish person. The terrorizing of innocent people is not in alignment with & does not do any good for the 'Free Palestine' movement. The idea that it does has fueled a painful, decades-long cycle of back&forth retaliation."[255]
  • U2 changed the lyrics to "Pride (In the Name of Love)" to honor those that had been murdered in the Supernova Sukkot Gathering in Re'im.[256][257]

Religious organizations



  • The Al-Azhar Al-Sharif mosque in Cairo, regarded as Sunni Islam's foremost seat of religious learning, issued a statement saying that it stood "fast with full support to the free people of Palestine, who have come to revive our self-confidence, lifeline, and a long-lost sense of aliveness". It also criticised the international community's "double standards when it comes to the Palestinian cause".[262]

Student organizations

A candlelight vigil for Israel at Columbia University on October 9
  • A coalition of 34 student organizations from Harvard University issued a statement stating the conflict "did not occur in a vacuum," and that Israel's "apartheid regime is the only one to blame. Israeli violence has structured every aspect of Palestinian existence for 75 years."[263] The statement was signed by Palestinian and Muslim support groups as well as others including the African American Resistance Organization and the Harvard Jews for Liberation.[264] However several of the organisations such as Amnesty International at Harvard, Harvard College Act on a Dream, the Harvard Undergraduate Nepali Student Association, the Harvard Islamic Society and the Harvard Undergraduate Ghungroo withdrew their support for the statement and condemned the massacres of civilians by Hamas.[265]
  • The Oxford Palestine Society said in an Instagram post that “the offensive launched from Gaza can only be understood in the context of Israel’s ongoing, decades long, military occupation and colonisation of Palestinian land and imposition of a system of oppression that meets the legal definition of apartheid.” They also urged students to support the “movement for a free Palestine” and join a scheduled protest on 12 October. In contrast, the Oxford Israel Society said it “unequivocally condemns” the recent conflict and “the massacre and hostage taking committed by Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists" and called on Oxford University and other colleges to condemn the Palestinian attacks.[266]
  • Islami Jamiat Talaba, Pakistan's largest student organization, organized a rally at Karachi University in support of Palestine that was attended by hundreds of students on 10 October, during which a 200-foot Palestinian flag was unfurled by the protesters.[267]

Sports organizations

On 8 October 2023, UEFA cancelled all of its scheduled football matches in Israel for the next two weeks, including a qualifier for the Euro 2024 tournament between Israel and Switzerland on 12 October. It also canceled the 2025 UEFA European Under-21 Championship qualification games between Israel and Estonia on 12 October and between Israel and Germany on 17 October, as well as the 2024 UEFA European Under-17 Championship mini tournament on 11–17 October involving Israel, Belgium, Gibraltar and Wales.[268]

EuroLeague Basketball also suspended all home games for Israeli clubs, including Hapoel Tel Aviv B.C. and Maccabi Playtika Tel Aviv, with the teams sending its players to Cyprus and Greece to possibly resume the season there. All EuroLeague and EuroCup matches held a moment of silence for the victims of the attack.[269][270]

The NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, MLS, WNBA, NWSL, PLL, and PGA Tour all released statements condemning the terrorist attacks on Israeli civilians by Hamas while urging for peace for civilians in the region. Many teams in their respective leagues also released their own statements with the same message. However, there was criticism towards all the leagues and teams for not releasing statements for the Palestinian civilians that had also been killed in the conflict.[271][272][273][274][275] All NFL teams during Week 6 held a moment of silence for the Israeli and American victims as well as those affected by the conflict, starting with a Thursday Night game between the Denver Broncos and Kansas City Chiefs.[276]

In the United Kingdom, there has been growing pressure for the English FA and the Premier League to release statements and honour the victims of the attacks by Hamas, with some noting that other tragedies, disasters, and social movements had been honoured much more quickly.[277][278] Eventually the English FA announced they would honour both the Israeli and Palestinian victims at a friendly with Australia. However, they did not light up Wembley Stadium in the colours of the Israeli flag, believed to be due to one of Australia's 2026 FIFA World Cup qualifer opponents being Palestine.[279][280] The Premier League also stated that they would honour the victims following the international break.[281]

Political figures

  •  Argentina: During the second presidential debate for the 2023 presidential election which took place the day after the start of the conflict on 8 October, candidates Javier Milei, Patricia Bullrich, Sergio Massa and Juan Schiaretti all voiced support for Israel; the only exception was left-wing candidate Myriam Bregman (who is Jewish), who made an anti-Zionist speech.[282] Massa promised in the debate that, if elected president, he would put Hamas on the list of terrorist organizations in Argentina.[283] Both Bullrich and Buenos Aires mayor Horacio Rodríguez Larreta later participated in a pro-Israel rally in the capital a day later.[284]
  •  Bolivia: Former president Evo Morales supported the Palestinian militant groups and criticized the Bolivian government's response.[285]
  •  Canada: Leader of the Opposition Pierre Poilievre condemned the invasion of Israel as "terrorism and sadistic violence", and stated that Israel had the right to defend itself against these attacks.[30] Former Prime Minister Stephen Harper expressed his solidarity with Israel.[286]
  •  France: Leader of the left-wing La France Insoumise and former presidential candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon criticized the Conseil Représentatif des Institutions juives de France for enforcing the agenda of Israel's "far-right" government after the latter held rallies supporting Israel.[287] Prior to that, his party referred to Hamas' attack as "an armed offensive of Palestinian forces".[288]
  •  United Kingdom: Leader of the Opposition and Leader of the Labour Party, Keir Starmer, condemned the attacks and said that "Israel has a right to defend herself".[289][290] He later announced his support for Israel's "right" to totally cut power and water supplies to Gaza in an interview with LBC, prompting the Labour Muslim Network to describe his comments as endorsing "collective punishment" and demand an apology from him.[291] Starmer's predecessor Jeremy Corbyn described Hamas' attack as "alarming," urging an immediate ceasefire and calling for Israel to end the occupation of Palestine as "the only means of achieving a just and lasting peace."[292]
  •  United States: Former presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama condemned the attacks,[293] while former president Donald Trump accused the Iranian government of supporting Hamas' attack and suggested that the Biden administration's agreement to unfreeze $6 billion in Iranian funds in exchange for the release of prisoners in September 2023 could have contributed to the attack.[294] Former President George W. Bush warned that Israel's ground offense in Gaza was "going to be ugly for a while."[295]
  •  Uruguay: Former president Julio María Sanguinetti condemned Hamas's aggression and declared that it “must be repudiated,” and that Israel has “the right to self-defense.”[296] On the other hand, former President José Mujica called the conflict a “disgrace” for both the Israeli and Palestinian people and said that the scale of violence is a “failure of humanity and the policies of the United Nations.”[297]


A pro-Palestinian protest in Istanbul
Pro-Israeli protest in Berlin
Pro-Palestinian protest in London
The White House lit up in the colours of the Israeli flag

Demonstrations took place in many Middle Eastern countries, such as Yemen, Jordan,[298] Lebanon, Kuwait, Turkey, Qatar,[299] Bahrain, Syria, Egypt,[300] Baghdad[301] in Iraq[302] and Iran in solidarity with the Palestinian groups.[303][304] There were reports that many Iranians avoided these demonstrations and condemned the attacks online.[305][306] Pro-Palestinian rallies were also held in Berlin and Stuttgart[307] in Germany;[308] London[309][310], Manchester[311], Newcastle, Preston, Cardiff and Nottingham[312] in the UK; Sydney,[313] Melbourne,[314] Brisbane,[315] Perth[316] and Adelaide[317] in Australia; Paris[318] and Lyon[319] in France; Spain,[320] South Africa,[303] Pakistan,[267] Morocco, Bangladesh, India Sri Lanka,[318] Canada[302][321], Greece[322], Chile, Belgium, Italy, the Philippines, South Korea and Ireland.[323]

Rallies in support of either Israel or the Palestinians were held across the United States.[324][325]

On 9 October, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier said that he would not tolerate public celebrations of the Hamas attacks. The German Green Party asked for restrictions on organizations which openly support Hamas. The liberal conservative Christian Democratic Union of Germany asked for those who supported Hamas to have their German citizenship revoked. The Central Council of Jews in Germany and the Israeli ambassador both asked for actions to be taken.[326] Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced plans to ban the pro-Palestinian group Samidoun after it was pictured handing out sweets in Berlin to celebrate Hamas' attack on 7 October.[288] Police subsequently banned pro-Palestine demonstrations in Berlin, while French police arrested ten people in rallies in Lille and in Paris' Place de la République after the government issued a similar ban.[327]

In the United Kingdom, Foreign Secretary James Cleverly urged Palestine supporters to stay home, saying that their protests were causing concern in the Jewish community.[328] Authorities arrested a woman in Brighton for making a speech in support of Hamas, which is classified by the UK government as a terrorist group, at a protest, citing laws prohibiting forbidding explicit support for banned organisations.[329]

Several landmarks, such as the Sydney Opera House,[313] the Brandenburg Gate, the White House, and the Eiffel Tower, were lit up in the colors of the Israeli flag.[130]

Evacuations of foreign nationals

On 8 October, the Brazilian government announced a rescue operation of Brazilian nationals using a Airbus A330 of the Brazilian Air Force, accompanied by doctors and psychologists.[330] Thai Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin put the Royal Thai Air Force on standby to evacuate its citizens if needed.[113] Polish Defence Minister Mariusz Błaszczak announced that two C-130 transport planes would be deployed to evacuate 200 of its nationals from Israel.[331]

Hungary evacuated 215 of its nationals from Israel using two aircraft on 9 October, while Romania evacuated 245 of its citizens, including two pilgrimage groups, on two TAROM planes and two private aircraft on the same day.[332] Australia also announced repatriation flights.[333] 300 Nigerian pilgrims in Israel fled to Jordan before being airlifted home.[334]

On 12 October, the United Kingdom arranged flights for its citizens in Israel; the first plane departed Ben Gurion Airport that day. The government had said before that there wouldn't be evacuating its nationals due to available commercial flights. However, the flights were commercial.[335]

See also


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