Wikipedia:Requested articles/Biography/By profession
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- Morely Ayearst (Morley James Ayearst) NYU professor of government
- Oliver Boyd-Barrett, a professor emeritus of Bowling Green State University that advocates the theory of media imperialism [49]
- Ranjan Banerjee Dean and Professor of Marketing in BITS School of Management, Mumbai. Known for getting SPJIMR into FT rankings during his tenure as Dean. [50] [51]
- Joel Blecher - (born April, 1982) Associate Professor of History with tenure at The George Washington University and the author of Said the Prophet of God: Hadith Commentary Across a Millennium (University of California Press) (which was translated into Arabic); co-translator of Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani's Merits of the Plague (Penguin Classics) and numerous articles. His work has been supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities, the American Council of Learned Societies, the Kluge Center of the Library of Congress, the Institute for Advanced Studies at Princeton. Has appeared in the Atlantic and has contributed to public radio and numerous podcasts.
- Carlos O. Turner Cortez - New Chancellor of the San Diego Community College District. Started Position July 1, 2021. Previously President of the San Diego College of Continuing Education. Biography for Dr. Cortez on the San Diego Community College District website Carlos Cortez, idea-a-minute historian, gets a shot at energizing San Diego community colleges 99CeeCee (talk) 16:53, 27 July 2021 (UTC)
- Patrice Dutil - Full professor of political science at Toronto Metropolitan university and author of several books. See here: [52] and here: [53].
- Ekinhan Erişkin - (born December, 1989) is a full-time Professor at the Süleyman Demirel University[54] in the area of Transportation Engineering. Author of several international manuscripts[55][56] [57].
- Kaisha Esty - Assistant Professor of African American Studies at Wesleyan University. Her essay '“I Told Him to Let Me Alone, That He Hurt Me”: Black Women and Girls and the Battle over Labor and Sexual Consent in Union-Occupied Territory' won the the 2022 Letitia Woods Brown Article Prize for the best article in African American women’s history. [58] [59]
- Robert K. Faulkner - a member of the faculty of the Department of Political Science of the Boston College. He wrote The Case for Greatness: Honorable Ambition and Its Critics, etc. [60] [61]
- Sing-nan Fen - (Chinese: 樊星南; pinyin: Fán Xīng Nán) was a Chinese-American Philosopher of Education. Born 1916 in Suzhou, he was a mentee of John Dewey John Dewey and Daoist Thought, p. xi. He was hired for his first academic position by Alain Locke at Howard University John Dewey and Daoist Thought, p. xii. He was later a Professor of Education at Fisk University The Journal of Negro Education, ending his career at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln as a Professor of the History and Philosophy of Education Philosophy Forum: 1967 Volume 6 - Issue 1. His writings have appeared in The Journal of Philosophy and The Philosophical Review, among others Pacific Philosophy Forum: Volume 6, 1967 - Issue 1. He translated the The Spirit of Modern Philosophy by Josiah Royce [62] and some of Dewey's articles into Chinese John Dewey and Daoist Thought p. xi. He died in 2011 in Minneapolis, Minnesota [63].
- Eduard V. Galazhinsky (requested 6 September, 2018) Russian academic and rector of National Research University [64]—one of the oldest and highest ranking universities in Russia.
- Edwin Gerow - Sanskritist (requested 1 June 2017), Emeritus Professor of Religion and the Humanities at Reed College [65], formerly Frank L. Sulzberger Professor at the University of Chicago [66]. Was president of the American Oriental Society [67], as well as editor of the Journal of the American Oriental Society[68] (so passes WP:NACADEMIC). Author of A Glossary of Indian Figures of Speech and Indian Poetics. Received honorary doctorate from the Sorbonne. ([69], [70])
- Tao Leigh Goffe (Professor of Literary Theory and Cultural History, Hunter College, CUNY; Founder, Dark Laboratory; Artist-in-Residence, Columbia University) [71] [72] [73]
- Robert E. Gutsche, Jr., is a leading scholar in the field of journalism studies and a frequent media commentator for international television and radio news who speaks about U.S. politics and media ([74]). He has authored several books on critical journalism studies ([75]), is an associate editor of a leading journal of the field, Journalism Practice, and hosts the journal's podcast, The J Word ([76]). He is Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology at Lancaster University ([77]). Author of several books, he also worked as a journalist in the U.S., writing for The Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, and other news organizations. He co-founded The Iowa Center for Public Affairs Journalism ([78]) at the University of Iowa ([79]) and helped launch the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism at the University of Wisconsin in 2009. As a media expert, he has appeared on CNN, CNBC, Al Jazeera, Deutsche Welle in Germany, RT in Russia, France 24, TRT World in Turkey, and Australia's ABC ([80]).
- Michael Hames-García - professor of ethnic studies and director of the Center for the Study of Women in Society at the University of Oregon; see [81] and [82]; author of several books; winner of a Lambda literary award [83].
- Michael Hand (philosopher) - British philosopher of education, notable for his work on moral education; Professor of Philosophy of Education at the University of Birmingham; see [84]; author of A Theory of Moral Education [85], Patriotism in Schools [86] and Is Religious Education Possible? [87]; chair of the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain ([88]); editor of the Bloomsbury Philosophy of Education book series ([89]). Article requested 12-07-23.
- Tim Harte (Provost of Bryn Mawr College and professor of Russian. Has authored two books, Fast Forward and Faster Higher Stronger Comrades.) ([90]) ([91]) Article requested 2022-03-20
- Jonathan Hearn, notable for being president of the Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism since 2019.[92] Professor of Sociology at Edinburgh University since 2014. [93][94][95] His essay on the renaming of David Hume Tower was covered by The Scotsman.[96] [97][98][99]
- Yih-Chun Hu - researcher in network security and wireless networks with 30k citations[2]; Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at UIUC; lived in Lake City, Seattle before attending the University of Washington for his bachelor's studies[3]
- Charles L. Hughes - Director of the Lynne and Henry Turley Memphis Center at Rhodes College. Author of Country Soul: Making Music and Making Race in the American South (2015), Why Bushwick Bill Matters (2021). [100] [101]
- John Koivukangas is Finnish-American professor of neurosurgery, he has published a number of pioneering papers in the fields of intraoperative ultrasound, intraoperative MRI, image-guided surgery and surgical navigation. He authored together with his wife Pirjo the Finnish version of the Nottingham Health Profile (NHP) quality of life instrument ([102]), created together with Jarkko Oikarinen and Jyrki Alakuijala one of the earliest neurosurgical workstations ([103], [104]). A list of publications: [105]
- Leicester R. Longden - Leicester is a John Wesley Fellow and associate professor of evangelism and discipleship emeritus, at the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary. With such acknowledgments such as: helped create The Confessing Movement within The United Methodist Church, and being considered the most knowledgeable person on Albert Outler.[106] [107]
- Alex Jassen - Alexander Paul Jassen is the Ethel and Irvin Edelman Associate Professor of Hebrew and Judaic Studies and Chair of the Skirball Department of Hebrew and Judaic Studies at New York University [108]. He completed his Ph.D. at New York University in 2006, under the supervision of Lawrence Schiffman, his doctoral advisor. Jassen is a recognized expert on the Dead Sea Scrolls and has published several articles and monographs on the study of ancient Judaism. He was the winner of the 2009 John Templeton Award for Theological Promise and was a recipient of the McKnight Land-Grant Fellowship at the University of Minnesota. He is an active member of the Society of Biblical Literature and the Association for Jewish Studies, and is a member of the international editorial team responsible for the publication of the Dead Sea Scrolls. He has made several television and public appearances and lectures widely on his research. [109]
- N.R. Jenzen-Jones is an arms history researcher and the director of Armament Research Services - ARES. He has been described by the Curator of the Cody Firearms Museum as a "renowned firearms researcher, author, and publisher".[4]. He is mentioned more than 100 times on Wikipedia and has published about 150 articles, books, etc.[5]
- P J Johnson - pj johnson, Yukon poet laureate. First officially invested Yukon Poet Laureate. First officially invested poet laureate in Canada. Author, composer, producer, performance artist, public personality. [110] [111] [112] [113]
- Katherine S. Layton - American who wrote Chechens: Culture and Society, an ethnography [114]
- George Malaty - professor of math education of University of Joensuu who argues that math education in the Third World is a hope for the world math education development in the 21st century [115]
- Alaric Naudé Professor of Linguistics, Suwon Science College, University of Suwon in the Republic of Korea, Linguist and Social Scientist his work covers various aspects of sociolinguistics, neurolinguistics and Human Rights issues. [116] [117] [118]
- Abbas Poorhashemi - Dr. Abbas Poorhashemi is the President of the Canadian Institute for International Law Expertise (CIFILE). [119] He is an expert in International Law. [120] His teaching and research interests are in the areas of Public International Law, International Criminal Law and International Environmental Law. He has published many books and articles in each of these areas. [121] [122] He is also the Editor-in-Chief of the CIFILE Journal of International Law (CJIL), Canada. [123] He is known for his legal analyses about the four ways China could be sued for coronavirus COVID-19. [124] [125] [126] Dr. Poorhashemi holds a Ph.D. in International Law from the University of Strasbourg, School of Law, (France, 2005). [127] He was also a Postdoctoral Fellow in International Law & Globalization (CEDIM, UQAM University, Canada, 2013). [128] [129]
- Brian Rabern (philosopher, logician, and software developer, known for his contributions to the philosophy of language, formal semantics, and recreational logic) (Rabern’s PhD dissertation, ‘‘The Science of Meaning’’ volume at Oxford University Press, Associate Editor profile at Linguistics and Philosophy)
- Kamran Rastegar ([130]) (كامران رستگار) is an American scholar of comparative literature, specializing in Arabic and Persian literatures, and in film and visual studies of Iran and the Arab world.[131] Rastegar received his PhD from Columbia University, and he is a professor in the Department of International Literary and Cultural Studies at Tufts University.[132] He has authored the books Literary Modernity between the Middle East and Europe (2008) and Surviving Images: War, Cinema and Cultural Memory in the Middle East (2015). [133];[134] His translation of Mahmoud Dowlatabadi's novel, Missing Soluch (2008) was shortlisted for the Best Translated Book Award. [135] He served as director for the Center for the Humanities at Tufts between 2018-2022. [136] Rastegar is also a music composer and has scored the soundtracks to several films, and has released two albums of his music, Chehrenama (2003) and Burn the Bridges (2020). [137][138] Photo: [139]
- Jonathan Rosa (professor at Stanford, author, leader in the field of Raciolinguistics) (Stanford page, The Nation article cited in New York Times article)
- Chase Ross Prominent transgender rights activist, Canadian YouTuber, scholar. and [140] and [141]
- Camilla Mørk Røstvik Norwegian academic and art historian, author of research articles on menstruation [142] and [143] and founder of the Menstruation Research Network in the UK [144][145]
- Imam Baksh Sahbai - Urdu and Persian scholar and poet who lived in Delhi from 1802 to 1857. He wrote under the pen name Sahbai.[146]
- Jalal-Eddeen Saleh, Born on 18th March 1971, World Health Organization, Zonal Coordinator (ai) | National Professional Officer, Northwest Zone, Nigeria. [147], Published two books Concise Handbook of Epidemiology, 2021; Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus Elimination: a look at Nigeria, 2015. [148], Published at least 45 scholarly peer-reviewed papers in national and international journals. [149], Graduate of Walden University, Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A., 2015; London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, 2011; Imperial College London, 2004; University of Maiduguri, Nigeria, 1994. [150], Fellow of the Faculty of Public Health, U.K., Fellow of the American College of Physicians, Fellow of the American College of Epidemiology, Member International Society of Global Health, Fellow of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.
- Ramzi Salti - Lecturer in Arabic at Stanford University [151], author of The Native Informant: Six Tales of Defiance from the Arab World [152], Radio DJ at KZSU [153] [154], creator of Arabology Blog [155]
- Hiroko Shimizu (professor) - a policy analyst and fellow of the Property and Environment Research Center who argues against the current local food movement (Hiroko Shimizu refers to a bowler) [156] [157] [158]
- Steven Sim (researcher) - a Scottish researcher who once travelled to post-Soviet Nakhichevan to examine the condition of Armenian churches photographed earlier by Argam Ayvazyan (an Armenian historian) there. [159]
- Manvir Singh (anthropologist), a professor of anthropology at the University of California, Davis and popular writer who regularly contributes to several outlets, most notably The New Yorker [160]. He obtained his PhD in human evolutionary biology at Harvard and is known especially for his work on shamanism, music [161][162], and ancestral human social organization[163].
- Ralph E. Turner (1893-1964)(noted historian, professor, author, co-founder of United Nations' UNESCO)([164]; [165]; [166]; [167]; )
- Senroku Uehara (1899-1975) was a professor of history and president of what is now Hitotsubashi University.[168][169][170] [171][172][173][174]
- Richard H. Ullman - Professor of International Affairs at Princeton University. Author of Anglo-Soviet Relations and other works.[175]
- Fereydun Vahman - Iranian author, professor and linguist. Author of books such as Ardā Wirāz Nāmag: The Iranian 'Divina Commedia'.[176] [177] [178]
- Robert Viscusi (Professor of English at Brooklyn College; Italian-American author; Co-founded Italian American Writers Association (IAWA); [179] [180]
- Betsy Cook Weber (1952- ) - Professor of Music and Director of Choral Studies at the University of Houston. She is also the director of the Houston Symphony Chorus which provides the chorus exclusively to the Houston Symphony Orchestra. Under her direction, the University's premiere ensemble, the Concert Chorale, has been internationally acclaimed, most recently being named the Grand Prize winner of the International Bela Bartok Choir Competition in Debrecen, Hungary, in July 2018. In the past, Concert Chorale has won prizes in Wales, UK; Maktoberdorf, Germany; Magdeburg, Germany; and Tours, France. The Houston Symphony Chorus has also received critical reviews for their recent tour in Prague. [181] [182] [183]
- John George Weightman (29 November 1915 - 14 August 2004) French scholar, translator,Professor of French Language and Literature, Westfield College, London University 1963-81 (Emeritus). [184]. Date requested 27 November 2019.
- Akihiro Yamada (literary scholar) is a Japanese scholar specializing in English literature and bibliography. Japanese article at ja:山田昭廣.J-GLOBAL, WorldCat, ISNI, NDL, VIAF.
- Lawrence Ziring (1928–2015) was the Arnold E. Schneider Professor of Political Science at Western Michigan University. He authored or co-authored a dozen widely cited books about Pakistan and fifteen Encyclopædia Britannica articles on the subject.[185] [186] [187] [188] [189] [190] [191] [192]
- Bruno Monteiro Aiub or Monark (Podcaster) - Brazilian podcaster who co-created Flow Podcast; subsequently fired after advocating for Nazi Party in Brazil[193] [194]en:Monark (podcaster)
- Raphael Machado [195]
- Joeli Brearley MBE (Joeli Brearley is an activist, author and founder of UK campaign group Pregnant Then Screwed. Her work has been credited with changing laws whilst supporting hundreds of thousands of mothers with free advice and legal support.) [196] [197] [198] [199] [200] [201]
- Chris Gillette Biologist, photographer, and animal handler [202] [203] [204]
- Tim Bulla is the former Manager of Clinical & Mental Health Counseling at St. Francis House. He was nominated for the 2018 Ed O’Neil Award through Massachusetts Housing and Shelter Alliance. He won the Light of Dawnn Award for his long-term frontline work with the homeless population. The award was presented to him by David Shapiro, Chairman of the Massachusetts Nonprofit Network. The Tim Bulla Spirit of St. Francis award was created in 2018 in honor of 25 years of service from Bulla. It is an annual colleague-nominated award that is presented to a worker who “consistently treats others with respect and dignity, demonstrates intentional acts of compassion, serves with humility and has an unwavering commitment to social justice.” Bulla retired from St. Francis House in 2020. [205][206][207][208][209];
- Bianca Castro (activist) (Born March 28, 2001) actress and climate activist from Portugal, part of the Fridays for Future Movement and Greenpeace International.) Bianca has been featured in many news articles since 2019 for being one of the main climate justice organisers in Portugal and for her international work. She has also been featured in documentaries both in Portugal and Germany, and is now a political analyst podcaster for TSF radio. In the most recent presidential elections, she was chosen to question the candidates on the topic of climate change.[210] [211] [212] [213] [214] [215] [216][217][218][219])
- John DeBacker (Born July 2nd, 1993) American animal rights activist and licensed wildlife rehabber by the NYS DEC. John has been featured in many news articles over the years of his work as an avid animal rescuer. [220] [221] [222] [223] [224] [225] [226] [227] [228]
- Florence Brickhouse Bowser - Philanthropist & Education Activist ([229];[230]; [231]; [232]; [233])
- Ludo De Brabander - see Ludo_De_Brabander; spokesman for the Belgian Vrede peace movement ([234])
- Seika Brown A Japanese-American global mental health researcher and activist conducting cultural research on the definition of mental health across the world. She has won the Mental Health America mPower award in 2021, was recognized as an honoree for The ConversationaLIST in 2020 and was won a 100 Changemakers award from the Gates Foundation in 2019. She assisted in the passing of Washington State House Bill 1216 at the age of 17. She has worked alongside the United Nations, The Chopera Foundation and global mental health organization citiesRISE. Currently attends Cornell University. [235] [236] [237] [238] [239] [240]
- Dominic Buxton - Liberal Democrat political activist from the United Kingdom. He speaks at protests and political party conferences, and is also a film director. [241], [242], [243], [244], [245], [246]
- Kooper Caraway (2/12/2018, activist-Labor Leader, At 27 was the youngest elected AFL-CIO central labor council president in the nation.[247] [248] [249] [250] [251] [252] [253] [254] [255] [256] [257]
- Stephanie Gray Connors An American pro-life activist who has debated figures such as Malcolm Potts and Peter Singer on the morality of abortion, who has a website called Love Unleashes Life, who has given a talk at Google on abortion, and who also discusses assisted dying and in vitro fertilization. She is a Catholic. [258] [259] [260] [261] [262]
- Glenn Crawford (Ottawa) is a GLBT activist and businessperson, chair of Village Committee from 2006 to 2012, which lobbied successfully for a gay-friendly Village designation on Bank Street in Ottawa, Canada.[6][263] [264] [265]. Self-employed graphic designer/entrepreneur at Jack Of All Trades Design.[266]
- Rikki Dank - a Borroloola climate activist who was one of just four Torres Strait Islander delegates at the COP26 in Glasgow. [267] [268]
- Michael Doherty (civil rights campaigner) - Civil Liberties and Director of JusticeNOW. [269]; [270] ; [271];[272];[273];[274];[275]
- Sabrina Fernandes, Brazilian activist -- see pt:sabrina Fernandes[276] [277][278]
- Matt Finch, a British environmental activist who publicly criticizes politicians and business executives that use private jets to head for Glasgow to participate in the COP26 [279] [280]
- Foster Gamble Co-Founder of Clear Compass Media; Creator of THRIVE [281]
- Kimberly Carter Gamble Co-Founder of Clear Compass Media; Producer, Director, and Co-Write of THRIVE [282]
- Joel Geier - a man who has been active in the US socialist movement since the 1960s. Currently an associate editor of the International Socialist Review [283] [284]
- Shafeeq Gigyani - Education and Peace Activist / founder Poha Organization[7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17]
- James Heighington — (formerly James Halloran) American LGBTQ advocate for diversity, equity and inclusion in technology [18]. He is currently the Global Head of Diversity Insights & Reporting at Google where he leads corporate social responsibility reporting for underrepresented communities [19]. Mr. Heighington was selected to serve on President Obama’s White House LGBTQ Tech & Innovation Briefing as an advisor for the federal needs assessment of transgender Americans[20]. Previously, he served as Chief Digital Officer at GLAAD[21], working to reduce bias in artificial intelligence[22], and led LGBTQ inclusion at Twitter where he successfully petitioned the FDA to overturn discrimination in blood donations[23].
- Maranda Holmes - advocate for the poor and humanitarian activist in Charleston SC [285]
- Izsák Rita (Rita Izsak) - minority rights advocate, [286]
- Rosemary Jacobs - prominent activist against alternative medicine. As a child, Jacobs was treated for allergies with nose drops that contained colloidal silver, and developed argyria as a result.[24] Jacobs came to international attention after Paul Karason was on The Today Show in 2008.[25][26] From 2010 to 2013, Jacobs posted about topics in health fraud, particularly naturopathy, on her blog.[27]
- Mek Karpeles - Citizen of the World; Tech Lead on the Internet Archive's Open Library [287]
- Raphael Machado - Brazilian leader of New Resistance; pro-Russian disinformation anti-semitic activist [288]
- Jeremy Malcolm - Founder of Prostasia Foundation;[28] former analyst at Electronic Frontier Foundation[289]; lawyer; Internet governance researcher [290]
- Charles T. Munger Jr. is a son of Charlie Munger. Charles T. Munger Jr. is a frequent donor for election reform initiatives. References: [291], [292], [293]
- Momoko Nōjō (能條桃子) (born 1998) (Requested 29 July 2021) - student activist for youth politics; founder of No Youth No Japan [294] [295] [296]
- Corrine Nolan - Corrine earned her Bachelor's Degree at St. Joseph's College and her Master’s in Social Work at Boston University, prior to a long career in social work. With her husband, the late Dr. Edward Nolan, she cofounded one of Rhode Island's first community mental health clinics, in Woonsocket. She was a pioneer and advocate for local, accessible, community based mental health services. Corrine served on the boards of several non-profit organizations and as a volunteer with the League of Women Voters. At 90, she passed away peacefully on April 11, 2018 with her family by her side. She was the wife of the late Dr. Edward P. Nolan. Born in Providence she was the daughter of the late Ernesto and Angelina (Lepore) Zinno.[297][298];][299];
- Nzansu (Guerilla tribesman against King Leopold II's regime in the Congo Free State). See [300]
- Casey Olayos (American Businessman & Addiction Treatment Advocate) [301] [302] [303] [304]
Pati Navalta Poblete - Author of "My Filipino Grandparents in America" (Heyday Books, 2006) and "A Better Life: A Memoir of Peace in the Face of Tragedy" (Nothing But the Truth Publishing, 2018) and advocate for reducing gun violence and creating career pathways for at-risk populations through the Robby Poblete Foundation, which she founded after the shooting death of her son, Robby, on September 21, 2014 in Vallejo, CA [305].[306] [307] [308] [309] [310]
- Fay Jackson Robinson (1902-1988) African-American woman activist and lover of writer Alice Dunbar Nelson [311], [312]
- Ron Roloff (1940-1991) Biker's Rights Activist and Legislative Lobbyist. Cofounder of Modified Motorcycle Association ad National Coalition of Motorcyclists, namesake of Ron Roloff Lifetime Achievement Award [313] [314] [315]
- Nidal Sakr - American-born activist for human rights, organizer of the Egyptian Revolution; chairman of The March for Justice [316] [317]
- Mehsim Abid Samir - CE of D-Study Organization (working for the education of students both rural and urban using digital internet and sms means), Medical Student (at Allama Iqbal Medical College), Director Operations at StepUP Organization and a Biology Teacher. see [318] [319] [320] [321] [322] [323] [324]
- Harriet Shugarman Climate activist and author, chair of the Climate Reality NYC Metro Chapter, featured in Al Gore’s 2017 book, An Inconvenient Sequel, Truth to Power, and a recipient of the prestigious Climate Reality Green Ring Award. [325] [326]
- Robert L. Simonds/Robert Lee Simonds - an American who hated American Civil Liberties Union, National Education Association and People for the American Way and wrote How to Elect Christians to Public Office (Robert Simonds currently refers to a film producer and entrepreneur) [327] [328] [329]
- Vaishnavi Siripurapu - Indian-American Reproductive rights activist, scientific and clinical researcher, advocate for equity in healthcare with numerous research projects and presentations regarding healthcare equity, prolific intersectional feminist writer. Youngest ever awardee of the Innovation Next federal grant for Teen Pregnancy Prevention. Founder of the YouTube channel The Vagilantes, focusing on reproductive health education and gender equality activism. Began teaching gynecology seminars at the age of 14, founded a podcast with medically accurate information about the reproductive system. Heavily involved in scientific research and communication, writer for the American society for Cell Biology as well as a published researcher at the age of 17. Began activism at the age of 10 and has been heavily involved since. Has been featured in NowThis News, UNC-Endeavors, The Indian Woman Blog, Coulture Magazine [330] [331] [332] [333] [334] [335] [336] [337]
- Piyush Monga - Social activist in India. Travelling 50,000 km on bicycle.[338] World Record Holder - UmlingLa Pass. [339] Youth Against Rape founder. [340] [341] Actor, Menage the reality. (talk) 17:57, 1 January 2022 (UTC)
- Ayuel Monykuch David Ayuel Monykuch Arop (Arabic: ديفيد أيويل منكوج أروب) || also known professionally as Ayuel Monykuch, is a South Sudanese-German Public Figure, Public Personality, and Entrepreneur. He was (born December 15, 1997) in Khartoum, Sudan (now North Sudan) and raised in the Abyei area, currently lives in Germany. [342] [343] [344] [345]
- Arden Tewksbury - political activist for the American dairy farmer; lost his hand in a farming accident at age three; manager of Progressive Agriculture Organization [346]
- Foo Wan Thot (1935- ) — An education activist who initiated the “Revival Movement of the Chinese Independent High Schools” (unofficial translation of “华文独中复兴运动”) in Perak in 1973 with a number of other people. External link: An encyclopedic article in Chinese on Foo Wan Thot, from Baidu
- Daniel Toben, an environmental activist on littering/plastic pollution, who has filled 7500 trash bags with litter and received a proclamation for his work. He has also had several news/television features and viral social-media posts. [] [347][348][349][350]
- Grace Wick (1888-1958) Right-Wing political figure in Portland, Ore., candidate for U. S. Congress in 1934. Oregon Encyclopedia entry: [351] “Grace Wick: Portrait of a Right-Wing Extremist” [352] “Grace Wick, Crusader, Makes Headlines” (on Grace’s activities in Southern Oregon (The Table Rock Sentinel June 1981 p. 12-15) [353]
- Hulikal Nataraj (born 29 December 1962) Indian miracle buster. References: [354], [355], [356], [357], [358]. Official website:[359].
Adventurers, explorers and pioneers
- Henry Colden Antill - Australian pioneer. Antill, J. M. (1966). "Antill, Henry Colden (1779–1852)". Australian Dictionary of Biography. Vol. 1. Canberra: National Centre of Biography, Australian National University. ISBN 978-0-522-84459-7. ISSN 1833-7538. OCLC 70677943.
- "Jack" Stearns Gray (Edith Stearns) - Author of "Up: A True Story of Aviation." OCLC 3183388 Early aviation barnstormer, with boyfriend and later husband George A. Gray. [360][361][362][363][364][365][366][367][368][369][370][371][372][373]
- Daniel Herszberg (youngest Australian to visit every country in the world)[374] [375][376][377][378]
- Ben Horton ( National Geographic Explorer, Television Host, and Adventure Photographer) [379] [380] [381] [382] [383] [384]
- Miguelina Nunez(model and behavioral researcher who set out to prove that a doctoral degree does not confer expertise by publishing in high-impact, scientific journals without graduate credentials as a form of performance art) [385][386][387][388]
- Donald M. Street Jr. (Sailor) (Chartmaker) [389][390]
- Everett Eugene Edwards (Agricultural Historian; February 12, 1900 to May 1, 1952) (requested August 9, 2022) wikidata=Q55720581 [391][392][393][394][395][396][397][398][399][400][401][402][403][404][405][406][407][408][409][410]
- Marion E. Ensminger Born May 28, 1908, in Stover, Missouri, and died in 1998. A nationally-renowned expert in animal agriculture, who organized agricultural schools in 70 countries. Wrote definitive textbooks on animal agriculture. [411], [412]
Ambassadors and other diplomatic personnel
To distinguish the professions listed here from e.g. political figures read the article Diplomatic rank explaining their official status.
- Nasser Haji Al-Muzayen - Kuwaiti ambassador to Russia - Bio
- A. Gopinathan - Current permanent Indian representative to UN offices in Geneva. Elected to serve in United Nations Joint Inspection Unit from January 2013. [413]
- Nicholas J. Greanias - Former US diplomat, United Nations Political Officer, Army Officer, professor, and attorney. taught at the Foreign Service Institution in Arlington, VA, and served as the United Nations political officer. stationed in Canada, Romania, Ukraine, Greece, New Zealand, and also served in Turkey and the Samoan Islands, mostly serving as the Consul General [414] [415] [416]
- Maurice Odhiambo Makoloo -(Born 9 January, 1973) Kenyan Ambassador to Austria with Accreditation to Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Ukraine and other international Organizations in Austria. , Regional Director of the Ford Foundations to Eastern Africa, Founder and Director of Institute for Law and Environmental Governance, Secretary to the Public Complaints Committee and a Senior Partner at Enonda, Makoloo, Makori & Co. Advocates.[417][418][419][420][421][422][423][424]
- Dinah Lilia Mansour Mourise 9born October 18, 1980)philanthropistmedicinepolitics. In addition to her roles in public musicbusiness. Mourise is a descendant of the Egyptian Royal family, notably the Nazli’s coronation, familial ties to Egyptian Diplomat Adly MansourStrengthening Global Communities: Dinah Lilia Mansour Mourise T1D Odyssey: From North Africa Source Dr. Lilia Mourise's Struggle for Sense of Humanity What Does It Take to Be a Philanthropist: Dr. Dinah Lilila Mourise From Medic to Melodies: DUVII's Inspiring JourneyDUVII: Echoes of Resilience
- Hector S. R. F. Posset - Benin ambassador to the United States - [425]
- Noureddine Sefiani - Moroccan ambassador to Russia - Bio
- Yogeshwar Varma - High Commissioner of India to Nairobi, Kenya, concurrently Ambassador of India to the Federal Republic of Somalia [426] [427] [428]
- V Jordan Tanner - Cultural Attache, American Center Director, and a Branch Public Affairs Officer, serving in Korea, Indonesia, Pakistan, South Africa, Australia, elected to 5 terms in the Utah House of Representatives as a State Representative.[429] [430][431][432]
![]() | Please request articles about anthropologists at Wikipedia:Requested articles/Biographies/Anthropologists, not here. |
- Nikolaos Gialouris - archaeologist for the Greek Archaeological Society of Athens[29]
- Toshio Hayashi (林 俊雄) - Japanese archeologist, maybe the most famous Japanese archaeologist abroad, famous for his inner-Asian research; I translate his biography because maybe it is not available in English: Cahired professor at the Sōka University, born 03.03.1949, in 1972 graduated from the University of Tokyo and in 1979 did a PhD there - requested on December 9th 2016; see [433]
- Konstantinos Kourouniotis de:Konstantinos Kourouniotis - Greek archaeologist who discovered Palace of Nestor; Greek Archaeological Society of Athens [434]
- Konstantinos Romaios - archaeologist for the Greek Archaeological Society of Athens
- Ayssar Arida (born 1971) - architect, urbanist and author; [435]
- Mario Asnago (1896-1981) - Italian architect, painter and designer [436]
- Roberto Einaudi - American-Italian architect; [437]
- Dan Hogman - American architect and artist, known for his high-rise residential and commercial work in San Francisco and China, as well as architectural illustration and sketching; [438] [439] [440]
- Itai Palti (born 1983) - Israeli-British architect and urbanist. Founder of the Conscious Cities movement. Developer of Science-Informed Design and Conscious Design approaches in architecture and planning. [441] [442] [443]
- Norman Raab - bridge architect; [444]; [445]; possibly related to the Norman Raab Foundation (I think it would be an uncommon name, so probably(?)
- Jack Self (born 1987) Architect and writer. Curator of the British Pavilion at the 2016 Venice Biennale with the show "Home Economics". Author of "Real Estates: Life Without Debt" (2014); "Home Economics" (2016); "Mies in London" (2018); Director of REAL foundation and Editor-in-Chief of contemporary culture magazine Real Review. Published widely, including The Guardian, BBC, 032c, Fantastic Man. Article requested 21 June 2018. [446] [447] [448] [449] [450] [451] [452] [453] [454] [455]
- Roy Stout (born 1928) Founding partner in the renowned Stout & Litchfield partnership, whose works include the listed Somerton Erleigh, Somerton. [456] & Shipton-under-Wychwood [457]
- Victor F. "Trey" Trahan III, FAIA (born 1960) New Orleans-based architect with an office in New York. Founder of Trahan Architects. Architect Magazine's #1 design firm in America in 2019. Trahan won the 2021 America Prize for Architecture from the Chicago Athenaeum. He was also named the Walton Critic at Catholic University. The firm is leading the renovation for Caesars Superdome. Trahan also did the Coca-Cola Stage at Alliance Theatre. [458] [459] [460] [461] [462] [463] [464] [465] [466]
- Jeremy Sturgess (born 1949) - Canadian architect; [467]
To demonstrate notability , indicate which museums hold their works in their permanent collections
- Rudolf Burda - Czech contemporary artist/sculptor (requested 2024.02.16); [468] [, [469]
- Amir Baradaran (requested 2019.06.24) -- Iranian-Canadian ARtificial artist, arts-based creative researcher, public speaker, and author based in New York. He is an Arts-Based Creative Research Associate and Instructor at Columbia University's School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, as well as a researcher at Columbia's Computer Graphics and User Interfaces Lab, where he teaches a graduate-level course on the future of story-telling using augmented reality (AR) and artificial intelligence (AI). Notable exhibits include [470] Man Na Manam: {AR}ticlulations of the Self!], Franchising the Mona Lisa, and Transient. He is also the founder of the 2019 An[0<nowiki> ther AI in ARt summit], held in New York City.
- Steve Baylis (requested 2017.09.18) is a painter and graphic designer from Vancouver,Canada.Used to co-own an advertising agency before pursuing art. His art hangs in public, private and corporate collections. He had also created a public art commission for the City of Port Coquitlam. [471] [472] [473] [474] [475] [476] [477] [478] [479] [480] [481]
- Carington Bowles – engraver, 1723–1794,; his works are at Yale Center for British Art, Musea Brugge, Australian National Maritime Museum; Twelve Illustrations of Robinson Crusoe; A View of His Majesty's Dock Yard at Woolwich; many engavings with famous sights of Rome as the subject [482]
- Ignasi Mallol Casanovas (born Tarragona,Spain 1892−1940 Bogota,Colombia) Artist, teacher, cultural activist and savior of cultural heritage during the Civil War.[483] [484] ca:Ignasi Mallol i Casanovas
- Ruji Chapnik (born Rebecca Chapnik on September 18, 1985, USA) - Author and multimedia artist living in Portland, Oregon. Most noted for her "Don Depresso" comics, which use dark humor to tackle controversial issues such as mental illness, drug addiction, and LGBT topics. She is also known for writing instructional articles on the Linux operating system for various blogs and magazines. Graduated with a BA in art from the University of California, Santa Cruz in 2007. She has published two comics anthologies and one novel. [485]; [486]; [487]; [488]; [489]; [490]; [491]
- Carl T Chew (born 1948) - Seattle based American mixed media, digital, fiber, Mailart artist, and retired public school teacher. Work in the collections of The Seattle Art Museum, The Brooklyn Museum, The Whatcom Museum, The Tacoma Art Museum, among others. [492]; [493]; [494]; [495];
- Luca Clabot (born 1966) - venetian conceptual artist [496]; [497]; [498]
- John Cole (painter) (1936−2007) - Born in London, Bellingham WA painter was noted for his NW landscapes [499]
- Lauren Tracy Curtis (born August 1967) - fine artist and illustrator from New Jersey noted for her eclectic style [500]; [501]; [502]; [503];
- Jimmy Dahlberg (born April 3, 1981, Östersund, Sweden) - Swedish artist; [504]; [505]; [506]; [507]; [508]
- Hollister J. David - Hop David - artist primarily known for his tessellations and other math art; [509]; [510]; [511]
- William Ekgren (born in Sweden, July 1918) Swedish beatnik painter and artist active in the US, South America, and Europe. Known for a distinct visual style and three rare psychedelic comic book covers painted in the 1950s ([512]), ([513]).
- Scott Erickson (artist) - American visual artist and theologian, author of book "Honest Advent". More can be found about him on [514]. See also and [].
- Tom Fong - American watercolor artist [515] [516] [517] [518] [519] [520]
- Ridge Gallagher Hollywood Makeup Artist and Performance Artist. Most popular makeup work with photographer Austin Young for Diamanda Galas, Margaret Cho, and Deven Green; Multiple episodes of Transformation with James St James, and Willam's "Paint Me Bitch" sources- [] [521]
- Anna Gensler (born April 1990 New York, NY) Multimedia artist best known as the creator of "Instagranniepants". This is an ongoing internet-based art project where she takes the harassing messages she gets on internet dating sights such as Tinder, draws naked cartoons of the men who sent them, then posts the results online. [522] [523] [524] [525] [526] [527] [528] [529] [530]
- John S. Gibb - renowned and award-winning British pencil artist; [531]; [532]
- John C. Gonzalez (born 1980, Providence, RI) is an American artist working in painting, sculpture, performance, and video. Gonzalez's work often takes the form of extended collaborative projects where he embeds himself within institutions and exchange relationships to explore systems of creativity and expression.[ [533] [534] [535] [536] [537] [538] [539] [540] [541]
- Adriaen Haelwegh (1637 - circa 1696. He was an engraver. His work is in numerous collections, including the National Gallery of Art in DC the Art Institute of Chicago and the National Portrait Gallery in London.)\
- Jody Harrow fine artist, textile designer, and rug designer. Studied in Japan under Serizawa Keisuke, and brought the ancient techniques learned back to the United States to create her line of textiles, Peka Prints, now housed in the private collection of the Cooper Hewitt museum. She is currently the founder of Groundplans, a custom carpet design firm, which she launched at the 1990 ICFF show. Uses trompe l'oeil imagery and embedding Swarovski crystals as well as fiber optic lights into the weaving. In 2015, she published her book, Groundswell by Jo, as digital blog chapters, Parsons School in New York teacher, Docent for the Japan Society of New York [542] [543] [544] [545] [546] [547] [548])
- Frank Macoy Harshberger (1900−1975) Born in Tacoma, Washington, Harshberger studied art in Paris in 1921, settled in New York in the '20s, where he taught for many years at the Pratt Institute. Though he worked in many styles and media in his career, some of his more striking images are his stylish black & white illustrations, sort of an American Art Deco equivalent to Aubrey Beardsley. (source: [549]) Other sources: ([550]) ([551])
- Sam Heydt (requested 2020.07.21) is an internationally acclaimed visual artist, published author, film-maker, and lifelong activist who has lived and worked in Paris, Amsterdam, Venice, Sydney, Miami, NYC, Udaipur, Auckland, Reykjavik, and Vienna. Esteemed as one of the pioneers of the Recycled Media movement, her work has been been the recipient of a number of awards and has been exhibited in prestigious private collections, galleries, art fairs and film festivals worldwide, as well as major art museums such as the State Hermitage Museum, Russia.)[552] [553] [554][555] [556] [557][558][559] [560][561][562][563][564][565] [566][567] [568][569][570][571][572] [573] [574][575] [576][577] [578][579] [580]
- Marc Ippon de Ronda (Born June 22nd, 1987) Born and raised in Paris, Marc Ippon de Ronda lives between France and Japan. He is the creative director of ATO Designs since 2014. He is a minimalist sculptor and uses light as the main medium. He finds inspiration in artists such as Jeppe Hein, Anne Veronica Janssens, Dan Flavin, Francois Morellet, and Richard Serra. His work has been featured in private collections, as well as galleries, and major art museums such as Centre Pompidou in Paris. [581] [582]
- Bob Jones (artist) (born September 24, 1975) - American artist; Contemporary painter and sculptor; born in Phoenix, Arizona. Studied at Illinois State University; Lives in Chicago; Minimalist influence [583]; [584]; [585]
- Yasumoto Kamehachi - Edo period artist famous for making Iki dolls whose work contributed to the emergence of an extreme sense of realism.[30]
- Krikor Khandjian (ru:Ханджян, Григор Сепухович, hy:Գրիգոր Խանջյան) - Soviet-Armenian artist known for historical and religious paintings, murals and etches. Holds highest soviet honors, e.g. Member of Academia of Sciences, and People's Artist of USSR. Alternative spellings for name: Grigor Khanjyan, Grigor Khadzhyan, and others. ([586]; [587]; [588])
- Ildar Khanov (artist) - sculptor, architect, public figure and healer living in Tatarstan who claimed that Jesus Christ bid him erect what is now called the Temple of All Religions ([589]; [590])
- Ramiz King Media Personality, Afghanistan's first Australian Afghan Reality-TV Star. Famous for shows like Afghan Big Brother, MTV LOVE SCHOOL 4 & Ace of Space 2 ([591]) Media Personality ([592]) ([593])
- Matsumoto Kisaburō - Edo period artist famous for making Iki dolls whose work contributed to the emergence of an extreme sense of realism.[30]
- Iris Alexandrov Klum - (Born March 12, 1981 in Sweden) Conceptual artist. Part of artist duo Alexandrov Klum together with husband photographer Mattias Klum. ([]; [594]; [595]; [596]; [597]; [598]; [599]; [600]) Bellagavelin (talk) 14:03, 28 May 2018 (UTC)
- Eriko Kobayashi, Japanese American glass artist. Official site. This one may be a bit premature, but had a residency at the Corning Museum of Glass in 2023. Here are several independent sources writing about her: [601], [602], [603] (television coverage).
- Kristi Kohut – American Artist ([604]; [605]; [606]; [607]; [608]; [609]; [610]; [611]; [612]; [613]; [614]; [615]; [616]; [617]; [618]; [619]; [620]; [621]; [622]; [623]; [624])
- Don Kimes (American Painter Born 1953) ([625]) ([626])([627]) ([628]) ([629]) ([630]) ([631]]) ([632])
- Dick Kramer (artist) - drawer and photographer who makes a lot of artworks about police, US military, UK military and firefighters (Outdoor Hub; Police One; Nova Business News; Firearms World)
- Justin Curtis Ermer Lacche - born 1974; American mixed-media artist. Gallery: [633] Public Art Archive [634] News article: [635] News article (see "fifth floor": [636] News article: [637] Artist in Residence: [638] Artist in Residence: [639]
- Dimitri Likissas (requested 2023.05.18) Belgian painter, born 1969, mentioned on Forbes online and some other magazines. creates works of art through the strategic placement of colored dots. He is listed on [640] [641] [642] [643] [644] [645] [646] [647] gallery representation in the USA: [648] [649] [650] [651] [652] [653] [654] [655] [656]
- Mallory Page (requested 2019.07.12) Mallory Page (Born: May 18, 1983, in Lafayette, Louisiana) is a New Orleans, Louisiana, based artist specializing in large-scale, thinly-layered abstract paintings. Notable exhibits include Longview Museum of Fine Arts [657] Notable publications include Cultured Magazine [658] Other Sources [659]
- Alexander Rose-Innes (1915 – 1996) - South African Artist [660];[661]
- Dmitry Samarov (born in Moscow, USSR in 1970) (Painter and writer, living in Chicago) ([662])(author of Hack: Stories from a Chicago Cab [663] and Music to My Eyes [664] and Soviet Stamps and ' 'All Hack' ' [665])(For Chicago cabbie, backseat is a trove of art [666]
- Alan B. Scarritt (Alan B. Scarritt (requested January 24, 2024) (August 14, 1945 - July 1, 2023) was an American conceptual artist whose sculpture, photography, sound and video installations, and works on paper have been displayed in and acquired by prominent institutions in the United States, Europe, and Australia such as the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA)[667]; the Denver Art Museum; the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art [668]; the Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive, University of California Berkeley; and the Sculpture Museum in Glaskasten, Germany. He lived in New York. His work has been covered by Art Forum [669] [670], Rhizome [671], The Village Voice [672], Bomb Magazine [673], The New York Times [674], New York Times death notice [675], Scarritt Studios [676]. He co-founded and operated an artist gallery space called Site/Cite/Sight in San Francisco.
- Dietmar Scherf (born in Graz, Austria, June 1961) Austrian-American contemporary artist ([677]), author, minister ([678]) and entrepreneur living in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. He works with mixed media and since 2013 primarily with art photography. He was born into a poverty-stricken family (Book, I Love Me: Avoiding & Overcoming Depression by Dietmar Scherf, ISBN 1887603034, Scherf Books, 1998, p. 213) has four children, Alexander, Deborah, Daniel, David (Book, I Love Me: Avoiding & Overcoming Depression; by Dietmar Scherf, ISBN 1887603034, Scherf Books, 1998, p. 5). As a novelist, he also uses the pen name Alec Donzi (The Consultant by Alec Donzi, ISBN 1887603042, Scherf Books, 2000,)
- Kemal Seyhan (born June, 1960, Kayseri, Turkey) artist; master in applied arts,University of applied arts Vienna, Austria ; works with oil on canvas, graphite on paper, mixed media, woodcuts and also sculptures [679]; [680]; [681]; [682]; [683]; [684]
- Bela Silva (born March 26, 1966, Lisbon, Portugal) artist; masters in the fine arts, School of the Art Institute of Chicago; worked with paint, sculpurs, titles and other art formats; [685]; [686]; [687]; [688] (Portuguese)
- Amarjit Singh (Vicky) - Born in Panipat, Haryana in 1971 Amarjit is an Indian artist renowned for his Oil on Canvas paintings, one of his paintings was sold for 429,272 USD [689]
- Victor Sonna (requested 15.03.2021) (b. 1977, Yaounde, Cameroon) is a visual artist and conceptual designer living and working in the Netherlands. [690] His practice spans painting, sculpture, and metal work. Notable exhibitions include Victor Sonna: 1525 (Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, 2021) [691]. Notable publications include Victor Sonna, 152 (ISBN: 9789082902938) [692]. Other sources: [693]; [694]; [695]; [696]; [697]; [698]; [699];[700]
- Joan Tuset Suau -- Spanish artist painter/sculptor (requested 2024.11.6); [701][702][703]
- Randy Walker (artist) (b. 1970 - American born public artist); [704]; [705]; [706]; [707]; [708]; [709]; [710]; [711]; [712]
- Carlo Zanni (born in 1975 in La Spezia, Italy - Italian contemporary artist and writer). Since the early 2000s Carlo Zanni's practice has explored the use of Internet data to create time-based works that combine a pronounced social consciousness and a focus on identity and the self. He researches alternative selling models for digital art and he is the author of the book “Art in the Age of the Cloud” [713]; [714]. In many ways Carlo Zanni's research finds its roots in Sol Lewitt's statement, “The idea becomes a machine that makes the art” Conceptual art, updated to a more contemporary version: “The idea becomes the code that renders the art” [715]; [716]. Carlo Zanni has been the recipient of a commission [717] and he has shown in galleries and museums worldwide including: National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taiwan [718]; Arts Santa Mònica, Barcelona [719]; Hammer Museum, Los Angeles [720]; Marsèlleria, Milan [721]; [722]; [723]; Tent, Rotterdam [724]; MAXXI, Rome [725]; P.S.1, New York [726]; PERFORMA 09, NY [727]; and ICA, London.
Comic artists
- Ricardo Caté (Artist living in Santo Domingo Pueblo, New Mexico. Has created a daily cartoon for the Santa Fe New Mexican since 2006, and published the book Without Reservations) (Personal website, The Center Fine Art Gallery, )
- Matteo Lolli - (born the 16 April 1975 in Bologna, Italy).[728] Requested on 29 May 2020. He's known for his Marvel works as a comic artist. In 2008 he was a selected finalist of the ChesterQuest, a worldwide comic book talent search for 12 new artists for Marvel Comics, by C.B.Celbulski [729]. From 2008 to 2012 he worked for Marvel Comics as a penciler on several Marvel Adventure titles, the “all ages” Marvel series.[730], creating new characters such as Sophia "Chat" Sanduval. From 2012 to 2018 he mainly drew Deadpool with writers such as Cullen Bunn, Gerry Duggan. [731]; [732][733]; [734]; [735]; [736]. In 2018-2019 he drew the new Asgardians of The Galaxy series, written by Cullen Bunn.[737]. In 2019 he created the new Marauders, written by Gerry Duggan. [738]. See Asgardians of the Galaxy, Marauders (comic book), and Sophia "Chat" Sanduval for projects they have worked on.
- Ziad Bakir - Graphic designer from Egypt. He was the graphic designer and the supervisor of the team of graphic designers of the Cairo Opera house. Martyr of the Egyptian revolution 2011. [739], [740], [741], [742]
- Sridhar Das - Light artist from Chandannagar, a small town 40 km away from Kolkata, has made dazzling illuminations for over 50 years used in both local and international festivals. [743], [744], [745], [746]
- Riccardo Giraldi - is one of the top UX and HCI experts in the world. Inventor, designer, creative leader. Now Creative Director at Microsoft working on HoloLens [747]. Focus on user Experience to inspire and enable desirable futures with the goal to invent and design innovative solutions that improve people's lives. Worked on several projects exploring the intersection between the physical and digital world. Award winner designer shaping the future of human-computer interaction. Invented Escape Flight [748], [749],[750],[751],[752], Mind-Controlled Scalextric (first mind-controlled race game) [753], [754],[755], Creative Director of Google Web Lab [756],[757],[758], Honda The Experiment, EELs [759], and numerous other award-winning projects [760],[761],[762]. Speaker at FITC [763], Digital Design Days [764], Cannes, Imagination Day, Kikk, Glugg[765] [766]. [767],[768],[769],[770],[771],[772]
- Lambertus Hardenberg (Dutch Painter, Draftsman, Lithographer, Etcher and Watercolorist) ([773] [774] [775])
- Hugo Martin (Computer game director, Doom Eternal among others) [776]
- Zoa Martinez - American graphic designer; creator of many logos for the television industry and others; recipient of numerous awards; [777]; GraphicDesign:USA 2005 People to Watch; American Latino TV 2008
- Brodie McAllister - chartered landscape architect; fellow and former vice president, Landscape Institute; member, Design SouthWest panel; external examiner, UEL; delegate, European Federation for Landscape Architecture; notable for his award-winning international projects, design of the Jo Yeates memorial garden in Hampshire and inclusion in books; [778]
- Taniya Nayak - American designer and television personality. [31]
- Harrison Pink - Game Designer at Telltale Games; Designer of The Walking Dead Game: Episode 3 - Long Road Ahead, the Walking Dead Game: 400 Days and Lead Designer and Co-Story Lead of the upcoming Tales from the Borderlands [779]
- Amrita Singh (designer) - Indian-American entrepreneur; jewelry and accessories designer, ; [780], [781], [782], [783], [784], [785], [786], [787], [788]
- Budd Steinhilber (1924-2021) American industrial designer and environmental activist. [789]
- Scott Stowell - proprietor of Open (a design studio in New York City); former art director, Colors; design director, Good; winner, 2008 National Design Award for communication design [790]; author, Design for People [791]
- Bilal Zahid - Pakistani textile and fashion designer; gold medalist in textile and fashion designing from the SDC Skills Development Council, ISD Pakistan and the Nimls Institute of Textile Sahiwal (Punjab Pakistan); [792]
Graphic artists
- Guedale Tenenbaum, Polish-born, Yiddish-speaking Argentine Jewish micrographer, known for his portraits of many prominent Yiddish-language writers. Illustrated article from Pakn Tregr (Yiddish Book Center), Spanish-language blog entry on the site of ICUF - Idisher Kultur Farband (Argentine Yiddishist group)
- Sara Andreasson - a Swedish illustrator based in London, United Kingdom [793] [794]
- Christina Connelly (born 8th December 1987) is an illustrator and designer from Glasgow , Scotland, currently living in Manchester , England. Christina is the Co-Founder and Director of Experience Design of Honey Badger, a Manchester-based agency that designs and delivers measurable change through culture and experience. She is most notable for being the illustrator for comedienne Janey Godley. Her illustration of First Minister Nicola Sturgeon Frank Get The Door, was printed onto cards, mugs, t-shirts and later used along with more illustrations for the Frank Get The Door book released in 2020. Christina and Janey donated a percentage of the profits of the sales of the Frank Get The Door merchandise to charities during the Covid 19 pandemic and raised over £30,000. In 2019 Christina was awarded as one of the TechWomen100. Christina worked as a designer for the BBC from 2012 to 2018, working on various games, apps and websites for CBeebies , CBBC and BBC Bitesize. [795] [796] [797] [798] [799] [800] [801] [802]
- Sam Taylor (illustrator) - a British illustrator based in London, United Kingdom [803] [804] [805]
- Jay Fosgitt - American comic book illustrator (b. 7 Oct 1974), currently working for Marvel, IDW, and Source Point. Known for his work on My Little Pony, Sesame Street, Betty and Veronica, Avengers, and Deadpool as well as his original creations Dead Duck and Zombie Chick, and Bodie Troll. [806], [807], [808], [809], [810], [811]
- Alana Dee Haynes - a mixed media artist from Brooklyn, usually working with illustrations on photographs, but dabbling with fashion, sculpture, photography, and murals.[812] [813]
- Mad Dog Jones - Contemporary digital artist. HPartnered with Phillips auction house for their first ever NFT sale with his Replicator piece. He also recently designed a custom made helmet for British race car driver Lewis Hamilton. [814][815] [816]
- Martin Justice (1869-1961) - An illustrator and painter active in the early Twentieth Century. Staffer at the Saturday Evening Post, including two covers. Settled in Los Angeles in 1925 and became associated with the movie industry as an artist and director. Numerous works remain available. Some recent appreciative references. [817] [818] [819] [820]
- Ola Liola (born 7 August 1979) birth name Olga Kushnir is a contemporary illustrator, artist, storyteller, designer. Olga was born in Ukraine, Poltava in 1996 moved to Israel with family. Current residence Berlin, Germany. Graduated from industrial design facility Shenkar College of Engineering and Design. The main motive in her creations is the animal world, which appears in vivid colours layered with dense patterns. Medium: watercolour, ink. [821] [822] [823]
- Abhijeet Bahadure(painter) (Watercolor Artist & Art Educator Based In Nagpur India) ([824][825][826] [827] [828][829][830][831] [832]
- Steven Alexander (painter) - American contemporary abstract painter; [833]; [834]; [835]; [836]; [837]
- Gilles Archambault (painter) (Requested August 6, 2024) Gilles Archambault (1947-2011) was born in Montréal in 1947. He made his first foray into the field of visual arts as an advertising photographer. This self-taught artist began painting in 1978 and devoted himself professionally to this activity the following year. While he first became known as a watercolour painter, he had worked in acrylics since the turn of the millennium. Gilles was one of the founding members of “The Canadian Watercolor Society” (C.W.S.). Being a skilled illustrator, he created the original Harfang des Neiges wine label and produced over 80 book covers, most of which were for Les Editions Libre Expression, in Montreal. [838], [839], [840], [841]
- Marion Boddy-Evans - contemporary South African-born Scottish painter and art teacher/writer; [842], [843]
- Bryce Brown (artist) (Requested June 09, 2015) New Zealand exhibiting artist, international, born March 1971. Painting since 1999 with many solo exhibitions, work in the John Deere International Art Collection. References; [844] [845]
- Johnna Bush Alabama Portrait, Wildlife and Landscape Artist. Currently resides in Grove Hill, Alabama. [846] [847]
- Jane Cartney (born 1951) - contemporary Scottish expressionist painter and musician; based in Weston-super-Mare, near Bristol, England; [848], [849]
- Claire Christerson (multimedia artist) - born in Manhattan in 1992, Christerson is a visual artist whose work includes painting, drawing, ceramics, and video. Christerson received a BFA in photography in 2015. Christerson has featured work in dozens of shows, including internationally. They identify as non-binary and use they/them pronouns. [850];[851];[852];[853]; [854];[855];[856];[857];[858]
- Matt Dangler (born 1984) - Painter and Illustrator; [859]; [860]; [861]; [862]; [863]
- Janavi Mahimtura Folmsbee -- Marine artist; Panelist at the Houston Arts Alliance. [864][865][866]
- Sarah Graham (photorealist artist) (Photorealist artist. Born 1977 in Hitchin, United Kingdom. Sarah is well known for painting the artwork for UK band Kaiser Chiefs' album Souvenir in 2012. Sarah's work is studied in schools across the world and was featured in a UK GCSE Art examination paper in 2015. Sarah is diagnosed as Bipolar and is a mental health advocate. In 2023 she ran a fundraising campaign "Samarivans" raising over £43'500 for the charity Samaritans, which brought praise from the Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in the form of a "Points of Light" award.)Artist's website Creative Boom article - Artist Sarah Graham on raising awareness for bipolar disorder and how art saved her life Prime Minister's Points of Light awards
- Adrián Gómez Guzmán (b. 1962, a Costa Rican artist who lives and works in San José, Costa Rica.) (Sensaciones del Caribe; An Afternoon With Afro Latino Travels Host Kim Haas (PBS Host and Producer); 5 questions for Costa Rican artist Adrián Gómez)
- Hong Sung-dam - Korean painter ([867]; [868]; [869];[870]; [871])
- Matt Kane (artist) - American born painter and generative artist. A leader in the Crypto art movement. ([872];[873];[874];[875];[876];[877];[878];[879];[880];[881];[882];[883];)
- Alan Lachman - American born painter. Contemporary Expressionist Artist. Born 1936 in New York City. Has been painting for 60 years. Alan Lachman studied at Syracuse University, the School of Visual Arts and the Art Students League in New York City. Parents: Irving Lachman & Molly Lachman (ne: Applebaum). Siblings: Diane Lachman Calmis & Andrea Lachman Wasser. Two children: April Lachman Vassaro (born 1961, now deceased) and Lawrence Lachman. ([884]; [885]; [886])
- Chau-Chin Lee - (born 1941) Kaohsiung-based abstract painter ([887])
- Winston Megoran - English artist of maritime and naval themes; noted for book-jacket illustrations of the Mariners Library series (1948–1963) ([888])
- Rithika Merchant - Indian artist (born 1986), Merchant has collaborated with Chloé, a French fashion house on multiple collections for which she was awarded the Vogue India Young Achiever of the Year Award at its Women of the Year Awards 2018. She was also named one of Vogue Magazine’s Vogue World 100 Creative Voices.; []; [889] [890][891][892] [893][894]
- Vincenzo Molaroni - (1859–1912) Italian pottery painter ([895]; [])
- John Pelham Napper - (1916–2001) English experimental artist; known for radiance of colour and precision; wide variety of styles ([896]; [897])
- Patrick Gorman Pettis - Italian-American Fine Arts Modern Impressionist from Saratoga NY ([898]; [899])
- Angelo Romano - Spanish painter; known for his angels, small protective talismans and for his murals that decorate many public spaces in Europe and the U.S. ([900])
- Carlos Lucien Romero - Afro/Hispanic/American Avant-garde digital painter ([901]; [902])
- Vitus Shell (born 20 November 1978) -- mixed-media collage painter in Monroe, Louisiana geared toward the black experience through images deconstructing, sampling, and remixing identity, civil rights, and contemporary black culture; in residence at the Bemis Center for the Contemporary Arts, Mass MoCA, Joan Mitchell Center, New Orleans, Skowhegan School of Art, Tougaloo Art Colony, Anderson Ranch Arts Center, Hermitage Artist Retreat, and Masur Museum of Art, Monroe, LA. Participating in exhibits at The McKenna Museum of African American Art, New Orleans, LA, Gallery Aferro, Newark, NJ, New Orleans Museum of Art, University of Louisiana at Monroe, LA, Philander Smith College, Little Rock, AR, Cue Art Foundation, NYC, Stephen F. Austin University, Nacogdoches, TX, University of Minnesota at Minneapolis, Tennessee Art Commission Gallery, Nashville, TN, Miami University, Oxford, OH ; painted murals for the National Civil Rights Museum’s NBA Pioneers exhibit, Indianola City Pool in Indianola, MS, Union Parish Elementary School in Farmerville, LA; and being commissioned to do public art by the Memphis UrbanArt Commission. Received Joan Mitchell MFA Award and Camille Hanks-Cosby Scholarship. [903] [904] [905]
- Kenneth Showell - (October 22, 1939 - May 10, 1997) An American abstract painter. His early work was associated with Lyrical Abstraction, Color field painting, and Abstract expressionism. He was represented by the David Whitney Gallery and his work is held by the Whitney Museum of American Art, the Museum of Modern Art, and the Art Institute of Chicago. An extensive oral history is available in the Archives of American Art at the Smithsonian.([906][907][908][909] [910][911] [912][913][Landfall Press: Twenty-Five Years of Printmaking Springfield Museum of Art, Springfield, OH, 1999 Milwaukee Art Museum, Milwaukee, WI, 1996][914])
- Gene Speck - American landscape painter. Born 1936 in South Dakota. ([915])
- Rudolf Wacker, Austrian artist, 1883-1939, associated with Neue Sachlichkeit. [916] [917]. A tiny bit more than a stub at de:Rudolf Wacker
- Seamus Wray - American artist; [918]; [919].
- Liz Kelly Zook (Liz Kelly Zook is a Pop artist from Murfreesboro, TN who is known for her bold line and her fun subject matter. She has been featured in magazines and news articles in Middle Tennessee. She has been accredited as one of the strong female artists of the area who has inspired many of the college students to pursue their dreams as artists. Requested 4/24/2017) ([920] [921] [922])
- Please read the Notability Criteria for Photographers before submitting a request.
- Douglas Barkey - American-born photographer, raised in Argentina, multiple international exhibitions, originated intentional camera movement as mode of photographic expession; [923] [924] [925]
- Brian Bielmann - (born October 30, 1957, Buffalo, New York) American surf photographer based in Haleiwa, Hawaii since 1975. His photographs have appeared in magazines, newspapers, movies, and major ad campaigns. He has received photography awards from American Photo Magazine, Billabong XXL, Red Bull Illume, and Transworld. His photos have appeared on the cover of over 150 magazines. ([926]; [927]; [928]; [929]; [930])
- Jon Carmichael - (born July 6, 1986) American contemporary landscape and astrophotographer based in Las Vegas, known for his famous photograph of the 2017 Great American Solar Eclipse, considered "history's most amazing photo." [931][932][933]; he was invited to unveil this photograph by former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey. [934]; his work was first discovered by Sir Elton John and is featured in John's private collection. [935]; [936]
- Robert Carrithers - involved in underground music, art and club scenes in the early 1980s. He was a freelance photographer covering cultural events for various magazines and newspapers in New York, London and Paris. He photographed personalities in the club scene in New York and has had several gallery exhibits[937]
- River Clark - fashion photographer; in permanent photography collection at the Guggenheim; numerous books and publications including Vogue, Elle, Marie Claire, Sports Illustrated, Cosmopolitan, Bazaar, Playboy; [938]; [939]
- Charlie Clift - portrait photographer and mental health campaigner. Clift's work has been subject to group and solo exhibitions including "Tribute Ink at the The National Army Museum, London" (solo), "Let’s Talk, public outdoor solo exhibition in Guildhall Yard in association with Guildhall Gallery, London" (solo), "10 Years of Premier Skills, solo exhibition, House of Commons, Westminster Palace, London" (solo) as well as numerous group exhibitions. He has won the following awards: American Photography AP40, AP39, AP38; Communication Arts Photo Annual 2024, Association of Photographers 2022, Spotlight awards and many others. His official portrait of BAFTA TV and Film awards are part of the official BAFTA Archive documenting the history of the British television and film industry. His campaign 'Let's Talk' spotlighting the importance of conversations for mental health was widely exhibited across the UK and Clift continues to give public talks about the subject sharing his own story of depression. His other campaigning work includes portraits of foodbank volunteers during the Covid pandemic. References [940]; [941];[942];[943];[944];[945];[946];[947];[948];[949];[950];[951];[952]
- Shola Creative, - award-winning Nigerian Veteran photographer. Born and raised in Ekiti State, Notable for taking photos of Nigerian celebrities and turning ordinary people into celebrities since 1997 [[953]] his continuous effort in advancing photography in Nigeria got him recognition from the Lagos state government
- Richard K. Dean - American Photographer, world-traveled and most well known for his photography work in the Glens Falls and Lake George New York area. His photographs from the ground and air are the largest collection of photos of the Adirondack Mountains. ([954])
- Bryan Denton - photojournalist based in Beirut, Lebanon; notable for his extensive coverage of the Libyan Revolution for The New York Times; the first solo exhibition will be at New York University's Gulf and Western Gallery ([955]); [956]; [957]
- Benjamin Donaldson - American fine-art photographer; work has been exhibited nationally and internationally, including at Jen Bekman Gallery; [958]; work featured in The New Yorker, Details, Nylon and Sueddeutsche Zeitung magazines; photography lecturer, Yale School of Art; ([959])
- A.C. Duff (born 1893 New York City died March 7, 1920 Brooklyn, New York City) - American photographer Adrian Cornelius Duff/The Demon Photographer/The Camera Kid, aerial photographer and videographer of NYC in 1912, enlisted in World War I, and a well-known US newspaper photographer by 1914 [960] [961][962] [963] [964]
- Christopher Gillette wildlife biologist, photographer, and professional animal handler born who specializes in working up close and hands-on with crocodiles, alligators, sharks, and snakes, and is known to train and habituate large and wild gators and crocs; works on film projects for Discovery Channel, National Geographic, Animal Planet, History Channel, CNN, NBC, E!, Travel Channel, The Weather Channel, etc. [965][966]
- Erik Almas - Norwegian photographer and cinematographer. Usually known for his surrealistic and panoramic-styled photos that are whimsical and unusual. Won many awards throughout the years since he was around 22 and has created photos used in ads made by big brands like Toyota, Nike, Hyatt, Microsoft, etc. Also featured in "Luerzers Archive's 200 Best Advertising photographers Worldwide, 2007-2008, 2010-2011, 2012-2013, 2014-2015 & 2016-2017" [967][968]interview
- Trevor Godinho (born December 18, 1982) - Indian-born Canadian celebrity and fashion photographer; published in many international magazines including Maxim, Playboy (French and U.S. editions); Alfa Norway, Elle Canada, Zoo Weekly Australia, Che Belgium, UMM Canada; has photographed celebrities including Michael Douglas, Nicolas Cage, Edward North, Jeff Bridges, Clive Owen, et al.; interviewed for ROOM100 ([969]) interviewed for ([970]) interviewed for ([971])and Fashion One TV in Los Angeles; graduated from Sheridan College and University of Toronto (2008); [972]; works internationally out of New York City and other locations
- Rex Hazlewood - an Australian that collated the Rex Hazlewood Photo Collection containing photos Sydney and New South Wales 1909-1957 commons:Category:David ‘Rex’ Hazlewood d:Q112058787
- John Kippin - [973]; [974]
- Brooke Lark (Formerly Brooke McLay) Author of several published cookbooks, well-known food photographer, content creator, and teacher within the blogging and photography community. Contributor to Unsplash, a free stock photo website. [975] [976] [977] [978] [979]
- Troy Lilly - nature photographer; author of ForestWander Nature Photography; File:Elakala Waterfalls Swirling Pool Mossy Rocks.jpg; [980]; [981]; [982]; [983]; [984]; [985]
- Hollister Lowe - American photographer (portraitist) whose work has appeared in Allure, i-D, Vogue Italia, Vogue Nippon, and Sunday Times Magazine. Advertising clients include Ralph Lauren Tommy Hilfiger. Portraiture is in the permanent collection of The National Portrait Gallery London ([986])
- Marc McAndrews - American Photographer, most known for his book 'Nevada Rose' with large format photographs from 33 legal Nevada brothels ([]; [987]; [988])
- Bertil Nilsson (artist) (born 1981) - Swedish art photographer living in England [989]; Known for unique work with dance and circus; First monograph Undisclosed: Images of the Contemporary Circus Artist [990] published in 2011; exhibited internationally in both galleries and public institutions including museums; extensive coverage of work online and in international press [991]
- Kenneth Parker - American fine-art landscape photographer; represented in multiple galleries nationally including the Weston Gallery ([992]); assistant to Eliot Porter; praise by Paul Caponigro; [993]; [994]; [995]
- Stuart Pilkington - British photographer and curator. Street portrait photographer documenting the people of Cheshire, Lancashire, Merseyside, and Manchester. Photographed film directors such as Terry Gilliam, Alan Parker, and Peter Greenaway for the BFI, London. A member of Documenting Britain and Fèis, his work is to be exhibited at Street Level Photoworks, Glasgow, and French Institute for Scotland in 2015. Known as a curator in the photography community bringing together the unknown with the well-known. His projects have been featured by the BBC, Esquire, National Public Radio, PDN, Huck Magazine, Professional Photographer and many more; [996];[997];[998];[999];[1,000]
- Jeeva Rajgopaul - South African photographer (and physical science high school teacher) who used his photography to counter the propaganda of the South African apartheid government. He was the first South African to receive the Eli Weinberg Scholarship for Documentary Photography at the University of Cape-Town (UCT) in conjunction with Duke University, North Carolina, USA, which enabled him to study photography at the International Centre for Photography in New York, USA. His works have appeared in a number of books, magazines and newspapers and he has had exhibitions locally and abroad. ; [1,001] [1,002] [1,003]
- Jake Rajs (born 1952) - landscape and architectural photographer; published 16 coffee table books by Rizzoli, Monacelli Press and Random House ([1,004]; [1,005])
- Mike Rosenthal (photographer) - American director and photographer, has been featured on numerous seasons of America's Next Top Model as a photographer and guest judge (cycles 9, 11, 5, 7, 13, 8, 16, 12, 10, 17), and is the resident photographer and judge of Asia's Next Top Model [1,006] Asia's Next Top Model (cycle 2)
- Rukes (Drew Ressler) - Worldwide EDM photographer for artists such as Zedd, Deadmau5, Swedish House Mafia, Avicii, Martin Garrix and festivals around the world like Ultra Music Festival [1,007]; multiple exhibitions including W Hotel New York, covered by Wall Street Journal [1,008]; Named #1 in top 50 music photographers right now by Complex [1,009]
- Allen Russ - landscape and architectural photographer; [1,010]; [1,011]; [1,012]; [1,013]; publications/reviews: [1,014]; [1,015]; [1,016]
- Rainer W. Schlegelmilch (born 1941) - Formula 1, sports car and automobile photographer; 50 years of consistent motorsport archive since 1962; 42 editorial books published by 2012; international exhibitions; [1,017]; [1,018]; [1,019]; [1,020]; [1,021]
- Andrew Stuart (photographer) (Born in Los Angeles California January 22, 1978, an American professional photographer best known for his work with rock bands like Foo Fighters, Slayer, Fleetwood Mac's Mick Fleetwood. His professional career began in 2008 when he began documenting Slayer's, World Painted Blood album while working for the band's management. He went on to work with artists like Foo Fighters, Social Distortion, Mick Fleetwood, Fleetwood Mac, Kat Von D, Nine Inch Nails, Dave Grohl, ZZ Top, and Many More. Stuart's photographs have appeared in print and online publications including Billboard, Rolling Stone, Guitar player Magazine, Guitar World Magazine, Revolver Magazine, Metal Hammer, Premier Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Drumhead magazine. He has photographed commercial images for ESP guitars, Ernie Ball, Shure, Journeys, EMP pickups, Kat Von D Beauty. His photography has also been used for album artwork including Foo Fighters/ Sonic Highways, Dave Grohl/ PLAY, Fireball Ministry/ Remember the Story, Fu Manchu/ Gigantoid, ZZ Top/Live Greatest Hits from Around the World)(Photography website [1,022]; interview with Leica Camera: [1,023]; Allmusic album credits [1,024]; Foo Fighters Sonic Highways album photography credit
- George Tatakis (Γιώργος Τατάκης - Born in Athens, Greece October 6, 1981). Best known for his black-and-white work, inspired by the traditions in Greece. His professional photographic career started in 2015, when he quit his profession as an electrical engineer and started traveling across Greece. He was photographing snapshots during local peculiar customary events in Greece. This work formed the first project 'Ethos', which was presented in his exhibition at the Benaki Museum in downtown Athens. This work later moved to the Fragonard Museum in Grasse, Cannes, this time focusing in photographs portraying women wearing local traditional attires. One of his photographs represented Greece at the exhibition 'Another Europe' in London. It is there where he visited an exhibition by Alex Prager and he started thinking differently about directed and posed photography. These two events made him start his next project 'Caryatis'. A study of local traditional women's costumes across Greece. The main artistic difference from 'Ethos' was that Tatakis now directed the images and posed the models. This work gained recognition and received tens of international awards, including the second place in portraits at the Sony World Photography Awards. Sources: Website, Benaki Exhibition, Fragonard Exhibition, Another Europe, New York Times, Sony Awards
- Fedor Telkov - award-winning Russian photographer ([1,025]; [1,026])
- Salvatore Vitale (Artist) - Swiss-based photographer and publisher. [1,027] Official Website, [1,028] How To Secure a Country (Book), [1,029] Article Le Monde, [1,030], Interview Deutschlandfunkkultur, [1,031], Article British Journal of Photography, [1,032] Fotozentrum Winterthur, [1,033] Nearest Truth, [1,034] Swiss Design Awards.
- A.D. Wheeler, New York-based photographer and writer. Notable for photos of historically significant abandoned and non-abandoned sites, for example [1,035], Official Website, [1,036], PBS feature video, [1,037], Magazine article
- Alice Wheeler, Seattle-based photographer. Notable for photos of musicians, the countercultural scene, street protests, etc. See, for example Art Zone: Alice Wheeler, Seattle Channel
- Albert Witzel (1879–1929) – Active 1902 through early 1920s. Founder of Witzel Studios. Noted for publicity photographs of silent-era movie stars. A number of existing images in Wikipedia/Wikimedia are credited to Witzel. [1,038] [1,039]
- Franco Alessandrini (born 1944) Italian sculptor/painter. Born in Sansepolcro, Italy. Known for Monument to the Immigrant Woldenberg Park (New Orleans) and Order of Merit of the Italian Republic in the arts; [1,040], [1,041], [1,042], [1,043]
- Rudolf Burda - Notable Czech contemporary artist/sculptor; [1,044] [1,045], [1,046], [1,047]
- Andrew Kromelow - American (New York) sculptor; creator of "Poor Boy's Country Club" and "Casino" [1,048]; Knoll (verb); [1,049]
- Marina Lascaris (Greek/Mexican sculptor based in Mexico City, known for her work in Wood, Marble, and Bronze.) [1,050], [1,051]
- Helena Maguire (1860–1909, British artist known for genre painting and postcards) ([1,052], [1,053], [1,054], [1,055])
- Paul Mount - British (Newton Abbot); [1,056]
- Eric Nubbe (Artist and sculptor based in the southeastern United States, notable for his work with metal.) ([1,057], [1,058], [1,059], [1,060])
- Brad Oldham (Dallas-based sculptor most widely known for creating The Traveling Man and other placemaking sculpture) (creator of The Traveling Man], for Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders' belt buckle,for Buddy Holly Donor Wall,for Wayne Gretzky statue)
- Veijo Rönkkönen (1944–2010), Finnish sculptor. Outsider artist who created extensive sculpture park on his farm. Culture Trip Atlas Obscura
- Jacques Terzian (1921–2016) Armenian-American sculptor; founder of Hunters Point Artist Colony, San Francisco California); ([1,061], [1,062], [1,063], [1,064], [1,065], [1,066])
- Victor Teva (French sculptor born in 1971. Grew up on the island of Bora Bora in French Polynesia. Son of the explorer Paul-Emile VICTOR. His work can be seen in Public places like the "Assemblée Territoriale de Polynésie Française", or the "Grand Theatre de la Maison de la Culture") (References: [1,067] , [1,068] , [1,069] , [1,070] ) External links: [1,071], [1,072]
- Andrew Wielawski ( born 1955) American sculptor; [1,073], [1,074] [1,075], [1,076], [1,077] [1,078]
![]() | Please request articles about astronomers at Wikipedia:Requested articles/Natural sciences#Astronomers, not here. |
Fiction writers, dramatists and poets
![]() | Please request articles about poets, dramatists and fiction writers at Wikipedia:Requested articles/Arts and entertainment/Literature#Authors (poets, dramatists and fiction writers), not here. |
Non-fiction writers
- Abreu, Ja-ne de Brazilian-American author of the book "The Energy Inside Valsin's Choices", "Sassy Food", and "Chasing the Surge".[32]
- Ali R. Jaber Lebanese-American author and motivational speaker, author of the book "Public Speaking: Motivational Speeches In Depth".[1,079], [1,080]
- Mehmet Emin Aksaray (born March 18, 1998 in Istanbul, Turkey) Turkish poet, writer, designer and creative director. "Mehmet Emin Aksaray's biography" by Kidega (10 January 2018), is on Kidega website "Mehmet Emin Aksaray's biography" by Biyografya (07 May 2020), is on Biyografya website
- Jay Alani Indian Paranormal investigator and author [1,081], [1,082]
- Imtiyaz 'Ali Khan 'Arshi – Urdu scholar; commonly read when studying Urdu poet Ghalib; Works by or about Imtiyaz 'Ali Khan 'Arshi in libraries (WorldCat catalog)
- Mikhail Davidovich Baitalsky (1908–1978) - Trotskyist journalist, writer, and publisher in Samizdat, author of Notebooks for the Grandchildren - Recollections of a Trotskyist Who Survived the Stalin;Works by or about Mikhail Davidovich Baitalsky in libraries (WorldCat catalog)
- Kevin Barbieux - author of The Homeless Guy, a blog he began writing in 2002; chronically homeless; featured in media including USA Today, Associated Press, [1,083]; [1,084]
- Michael Gardiner Bayer - also known as Mike Bayer or Coach Mike, is author of New York Times Bestseller BEST SELF, Be You, Only Better published by HarperCollins in 2019. The book gives readers the opportunity to be coached without having a life coach. [1,085] [1,086]
- Raffi Berg - BBC News website Middle East editor and author [1,087]. Wrote Red Sea Spies: The True Story of Mossad's Fake Diving Resort (Icon Books, 2020) [1,088], praised by former Mossad chief Efraim Halevy as "a gifted and worthy author". Reported from Israel during 2006 war [1,089].
- James Curtis - Author of Cribl Stream Fundamentals, "Cribl Stream Fundamentals" by James Curtis is an essential guide for anyone looking to master Cribl Stream, a leading data observability platform. This comprehensive book provides a deep dive into the intricacies of Cribl Stream, offering readers a clear understanding of its architecture, functionalities, and best practices. [1,090] (request made 12-21-2023)
- J. M. Berger - Author of Jihad Joe: Americans Who Go to War in the Name of Islam (Potomac Books, 2011), the only definitive history of American involvement in jihadist movements, and co-author of ISIS: The State of Terror (Ecco, 2015), with Jessica Stern. J. M. Berger is a nonresident fellow in the Project on U.S. Relations with the Islamic World in the Center for Middle East Policy. With roots in newspaper journalism, Berger is an author and analyst studying extremism. [1,091] [1,092] (request made 08-25-2015)
- Kurt W. Beyer - author of best seller Grace Hopper and the Invention of the Information Age (MIT Press; 2009); Brigade Commander and distinguished graduate, United States Naval Academy ([1,093]
- Robert M. Blevins - Science fiction author and managing editor for Adventure Books of Seattle. ([1,094]) Author of The 13th Day of Christmas, Say Goodbye to the Sun, and The Corona Incident. Published the controversial book Into The Blast, which names Kenneth Christiansen and Bernard Geestman from Washington state as the men who pulled off the DB Cooper hijacking. He later appeared on the Christiansen episode of History Channel's Brad Meltzer's Decoded in January 2011 to defend his findings and to cooperate in the investigation by the show. He has edited over fifty books for other authors and is the secretary for the nonprofit Washington Literacy Organization. ([1,095] Born: March 17, 1954. Age: 61.
- Zoë Boccabella (Author) - Italian-Australian author of Mezza Italiana: An Enchanting Story About Love, Family, La Dolce Vita and Finding Your Place in the World and Joe's Fruit Shop & Milk Bar published by ABC Books/ HarperCollins; [1,096]; [1,097]; [1,098]; [1,099]; [1,100]; [1,101]; [1,102]; [1,103]
- Christopher Bonanos - winner of the 2018 National Book Critics Circle Award for Biography [1,104]
- Lee Brickley - Paranormal investigator and author of UFO's Werewolves & The Pig-Man; born in Staffordshire, England, and shot to fame after making headlines all over the world due to numerous sightings of black-eyed children on Cannock Chase in September and October 2014; has been interviewed on hundreds of radio stations and television shows including ITV's This Morning with Eamonn Holmes.[1,105]; [1,106]; (talk) 00:07, 23 October 2014 (UTC) [1,107]; [1,108]
- Robert Buccellato - Author, Historian; [1,109],[1,110], [1,111], [1,112], [1,113], [1,114]
- Henry Burton (clergyman) (1840–1930) - English Methodist clergyman and author; wrote poem "Pass It On" ([1,115]) as well as several books [1,116]. Short bio here.
- George Blondin (1923 - 2008) Canadian Dene Elder, Author and wilderness guide from the Northwest Territories[33] [34] [35] [36] [37] [38]
- Eran Boudjnah (born December 25, 1979 in Afula, Israel) - French and Israeli Author, "There is no I in IT: The human guide for working in IT", "Clean Architecture for Android", Co-author, "How to Build Android Apps with Kotlin", 1st Edition and 2nd Edition. [39], [40]
- Montgomery Carmichael (1856–1936), author of In Tuscany: Tuscan towns, Tuscan types and the Tuscan tongue (1902), The Life of John William Walshe, F. S.; translator, Rosmersholm: a play in four acts / by Henrik Ibsen (1890), Francia's masterpiece; an essay on the beginnings of the Immaculate conception in art (1909); editor and translator, The Lady Poverty: a XIII. century allegory (1901); co-author, Sketches on the old road through France to Florence (1905); [1,117]
- Dan Carrison - author of Semper Fi: Business Leadership the Marine Corps Way and From the Bureau to the Boardroom: 30 Management Lessons from the FBI; former member of the USMC [1,118] [1,119]
- Sheldon Charrett - author of several Paladin Press titles, including several in their New ID category ([1,120]) with titles going back all the way to 1997.
- Onur Cinar - Author of several books on application development on Android platform, such as Android Quick APIs Reference, Pro Android C++ with the NDK, Android Apps with Eclipse, Android Best Practices, by Apress. [1,121] Onur Cinar also works for Skype.
- Kenneth Cloke - Mediator, dialogue facilitator, conflict resolution systems designer, teacher, public speaker, author of numerous books and articles ([1,122]), and a pioneer and leader in the field of mediation and conflict resolution for the last 37 years.) ([1,123]) Co-Founder of Mediators Beyond Borders International. ([1,124]; [1,125]) Director of the Center for Dispute Resolution. Education: B.A. University of California, Berkeley 1963; J.D. U.C. Berkeley, Boalt Law School 1966; Ph.D. U.C.L.A. 1980; LLM U.C.L.A. Law School 1980; Post-doctoral work at Yale University School of Law 1980; Graduate, National Judicial College, Reno. Nevada 1981 ([1,126]) Member of SLATE. Other sources: ([1,127]) Editor NOTE: This article could be under the profession of mediator, but it doesn't exist. Requested by FractalFriend (contributions), who has made a public declaration indicating that they have a conflict of interest with regard to Kenneth Cloke.
- Elliot D. Cohen - philosopher and author ; co-founder, in 1992, of the Society for Philosophy, Counseling and Psychotherapy (ASPCP), the first association of philosophical counseling in the U.S. ([1,128]); inventor of logic-based therapy (LBT), a philosophical counseling variant of rational emotive behavior therapy ([1,129]); founder and editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Applied Philosophy; blogger for Psychology Today ([1,130]); ethics editor of Free Inquiry ([1,131]); contributing writer and freelance journalist for political news sites ([1,132]); inventor of artificial-intelligence technology for checking reasoning for fallacies ([1,133])
- Adryan Corcione - journalist; contributor to Teen Vogue ([1,134]), "Vice" ([1,135]) and "Mic" ([1,136]) ;
- Barbara Corcoran (writer) - Fiction Author, b. 1911, d. 2003 (not the "Shark Tank" celebrity / entrepreneur / author Barbara Corcoran). Barbara Corcoran was a prolific writer, most notable for the many young adult novels she authored. She was an alumnus of Wellesley College, began her career writing for Federal Writers Project during the Great Depression as a playwright, and shifted to young adult novels in the 1950s. (includes pen-names Gail Hamilton and Paige Dixon). Her books won a number of awards. This entry was added May 9, 2021. ([1,137]) ([1,138]); Kirkus Reviews for Stay Tuned, Wolf at the Door, Family Secrets. Publishers Weekly reviews for Family Secrets, I am the Universe, The Hideaway;
- Jessica Cording - an American dietician who is also an author [1,139] [1,140]
- Subhorup Dasgupta (req. 2014-11-30) - DOB: November 2, 1965. Hyderabad-based writer, educator and activist, social media evangelist, creator of SoCh, a platform for connecting local changemakers with needed support, part of several community based initiatives like Our Sacred Space, a cultural center in Secunderabad, Writers' Carnival, a bi-annual training workshop for writers, and the annual Hyderabad Bloggers' Meet, now in its fourth edition. Writes on simplicity, responsibility and frugality as the key components of preserving what is good about societal development. Tea and Jazz educator, conducts tea appreciation programs and jazz listening sessions. Heads Eight Winds, a business solution suite that aims to correct the imbalanced approach to consumption based economies. Personal philosophy appears to a mix of Buddhism and atheism. Popular blogger, among topranked Indian bloggers in several categories (Source: [].),; [1,141]; [1,142]; [1,143]; [1,144]; [1,145]; [1,146]
- Thomas Donaldson (biographer) (requested April 28, 2021) - Friend and biographer of Walt Whitman. The Last Words (Real and Traditional) of Distinguished Men and Women, Frederic Rowland Marvin, p. 181.
- Jorge Luis Diaz Granados Lugo - Colombian artist who has worked in several areas of art including, poet, voice actor who gave his voice to a character in a short film that won several international awards, writer, video game developer, painter, among other arts. [1,147] - Newspaper note where it is reported that he won first place in developing a video game According to a source where it is reported that he won the first place in developing a video game [1,148] - Google Knowledge Graph ID - Knowledge panel showing your date of birth, name, and movie where you participated as a voice actor: - [ Open Library ID - Amazon author ID - Identifier Id of the author verified in AutoresEditores - Artistic works, paintings, graphic designs, etc. - Movie or short film where I participate as a voice actor - National and international film awards where he participates as a voice actor: Proimagenes - Author ID
- Jon Ebel - Author, Historian, Politician; served as a naval intelligence officer from 1993-1997, and remained in the naval reserves until 2005; author of “Faith in the Fight: Religion and the American Soldier in the Great War” [1,149] and “G.I. Messiahs: Soldiering, War, and American Civil Religion” [1,150]; co-edited “From Jeremiad to Jihad: Religion, Violence, and America” [1,151]; writes a blog on the Huffington Post [1,152]; awarded a John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship, in 2017 [1,153]; currently running for United States Congress in the Illinois 13th District [1,154]; currently associate professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign in the Department of Religion [1,155].
- Beverley Driver Eddy - biographer, Professor Emerita of German at Dickinson College, in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. She has her doctorate from Indiana University, 57 citations [1,156][1,157][1,158][1,159][1,160][1,161][1,162] [1,163] [1,164][1,165] [1,166] [1,167][1,168] [1,169][1,170][1,171][1,172] [1,173] [1,174][1,175] [1,176]
- Zachary Jerome Elwood - Born 1977. American author, former professional poker player, and online fraud investigator. His work includes three well-reviewed [1,177] [1,178] [1,179] books on poker behavior, including Reading Poker Tells (2012), Verbal Poker Tells (2014), and Exploiting Poker Tells (2017),plus a video series on poker tells, and the podcast, People Who Read People, [1,180] a general study of psyche/human behavior. His online investigations outed dozens of social media imposters [1,181], including the high-profile fake news creator True Pundit, AKA “Thomas Paine” [1,182] [1,183].
- Sidney Theodore Felstead - British(?) author; wrote books on the topic of German spies such as "Germany and Her Spies" and "German Spies At Bay". Basic overview of his careers as an author: [1,184] German Spies At Bay: [1,185]
- Fred Ferretti (journalist, Herald Tribune, New York magazine, The New York Times, Gourmet magazine, author, born as Armand John Ferretti 3 March 1932) [1,186][1,187][1,188][1,189][1,190][1,191] [1,192]
- Barbara Fischkin - author of Muddy Cup: A Dominican Family Comes of Age in a New America, a book expanded from a Newsday series, which won the Livingston Award for International Reporting (1996) (Livingston Award); [1,193]; (search The New York Times, The New Yorker ("Letter from Mexico City"))
- Jamie Flook - Writer and journalist [1,194]; [1,195]; [1,196]; [1,197]; [1,198]
- Amy Johnson Frykholm - Born 1976. American author, Senior Editor at The Christian Century.[1,199] Author of Rapture Culture: Left Behind in Evangelical America, [1,200] among other works of nonfiction.
- Talia Garza Garza - Born 1985. Author and academic. Has written a book, reports, and academic articles. She currently teaches at Monterrey Institute of Technology-TEC de Monterrey, Mexico, in the School of Social Sciences and Government. She has studied at The University of Texas at Austin, Bath University, UK and Sheffield University, UK. [1,201] [1,202]
- Edmund Gordon - prolific literary critic, biographer of Angela Carter, and winner of Jerwood Award for non-fiction.[1,203] [1,204] [1,205] [1,206] [1,207] < [1,208] [1,209] [1,210]
- Robert Govers - author, speaker, scholar and advisor on the reputation of cities, regions and countries. Mentioned in Good Country Index and Place branding. [1,211] [1,212] [1,213] [1,214]
- Mary Grabar - the author of Debunking The 1619 Project: Exposing the Plan to divide America and Debunking Howard Zinn: Exposing the Fake History That Turned a Generation against America. She founded the Dissident Prof Education Project [1,215]
- Lois Griffith (Puerto Rican American poet, founding member of the Nuyorican Poets Cafe) ( Action (1997) Literary Hub article Interview with Teachers & Writers Magazine)
- Barbara Todd Hager (Métis Canadian author of two books: Honour Song and On Her Way: The Life and Music of Shania Twain. Produced, written and directed over 150 TV episodes and documentaries that have been broadcast on APTN, CBC, CTV and ZDF. Winner of the 2019 Indspire Award for Arts.) ([1,216] [1,217] [1,218] [1,219])
- Ryan Hampton (author) (Ryan Hampton is the author of “American Fix: Inside the American Opioid Addiction Crisis – and How to End It” published by St. Martin's Press.[1,220] He is also a national opioid addiction recovery activist.[1,221] Hampton was a White House assistant during the Clinton administration and became addicted to opioids shortly after leaving the White House in 2001. He was homeless and entered treatment for his addiction in 2015.[1,222] He works with the addiction advocacy group Facing Addiction. Hampton's rise to prominence is attributed to his social media presence and political views. He was a delegate to the 2016 Democratic National Convention.[1,223] Hampton identifies as a Democrat but has worked with Republicans like Jeb Bush and celebrities such as Dr. Mehmet Oz to urge action by Donald Trump on the opioid crisis.[1,224] Hampton is an outspoken critic of Donald Trump. He lives in Pasadena, California.[1,225] In 2017, Hampton was named a William J. Clinton distinguished lecturer at the University of Arkansas School of Public Policy for his work and activism on the opioid crisis. [1,226] [1,227]) ([1,228] [1,229] [1,230] [1,231] [1,232] [1,233] [1,234] [1,235] [1,236])
- Michael Harriot (black american writer) (The Grio articles, The Guardian article, inteview)
- Nancy Grass Hemmert - author of Public Speaking in American English, (Allyn & Bacon, 2008) and co-author of Relationships Inside Out (Kendell Hunt, 2014). Foremost expert in training non-native English speakers in the art of public speaking for American English speaking audiences. Also, an expert in intercultural communication training and education. Santa Monica College ([1,237]) Los Angeles County Academy ([]). Also known for her service work she conducts with students. ([1,238]) ([1,239])
- Daniel Hernandez, Daniel Michael Hernandez (1980- ) - Mexican-American author of Down & Delirious in Mexico City, (Scribner, 2011) and former correspondent for Vice News Tonight on HBO. Former bureau chief of Vice News in Mexico City. Current culture staff writer at Los Angeles Times, former staff writer at The New York Times. See official bio, 'Daniel Hernandez is transformed by Mexico City'. Known for appearances on local and national radio and television programs commenting on politics, culture, Latino identity. Also known for his food and drug-war videos from Mexico for the VICE network. Author of 'The Haunting of Girls Town' for Epic magazine. References: 1 [2][1,240] [1,241][1,242] 8
- Booton Herndon (1915–1995) - writer; wrote histories of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, the Junior Chamber of Commerce, the Ford empire, wrote biographies on Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pickford, Guy Lombardo, Fulton Lewis, Desmond Doss, Bergdorf Goodman, and a work on The Humor of JFK; [1,243]; [1,244]
- Alan G. Jamieson - is/was based in Alberta/Canada [[1,245]] and wrote plenty of books between 1960 and 2018. He is the author of books like Lords of the Sea: A History of the Barbary Corsairs, Faith and Sword: A Short History of Christian-Muslim Conflict (Globalities), Exploiting the Sea: Aspects of Britain's Maritime Economy since 1870, Ebb Tide in the British Maritime Industries: Change and Adaptation, 1918-1990 and A People of the sea : the maritime history of the Channel Islands which are widely used in the Wikipedia as references. He has already got some identifiers like VIAF and ISNI but perhaps already past away.[1,246], [1,247] Works by or about Alan G. Jamieson in libraries (WorldCat catalog); [1,248]
- Gregory Paul Johnson - author of Put Your Life on a Diet: Lessons Learned Living in 140 Square Feet ([1,249]), published by Gibbs-Smith ([1,250]); interviewed by numerous international media outlets; [1,251]
- A. C. Kermode (Alfred Cotterill Kermode) - books include Mechanics of Flight (1932) and Flight Without Formulae (1940); Works by or about Alfred Cotterill Kermode in libraries (WorldCat catalog)
- Simon Kingsnorth - (Requested October 2015) Author of Digital Marketing Strategy: An integrated approach to online marketing and contributing author to the books Understanding Digital Marketing and Understanding Social Media by Damian Ryan. Brother of award-winning author Paul Kingsnorth. Also a senior digital marketing businessman and speaker. [1,252]
- Sharon Lebell One of the first to popularize Stoicism for for a general audience with her bestselling 1995 translation of the work of Epictetus, The Art of Living, influential in the growth of modern Stoicism. Speaker at major Stoicism conferences. [1,253] [[1,254].
- Ralph D. Lorenz - Author of several books on Aerospace Engineering and Planetary Science e.g. Spinning Flight: Dynamics of Frisbees, Boomerangs, Samaras and Skipping Stones (Springer, 2006), Titan Unveiled (Princeton, 2010), Dune Worlds (Springer 2014), Cassini-Huygens Owners Workshop Manual (Haynes, 2017) [1,255]. He has made several TV appearances
- Frank Abbott Magruder author of American Government: A Consideration of the Problems of Democracy d:Q51093851 [1,256]
- Carlos Malvar - author of Not Quite Unreal; toured with a speechless project for the British Council Literature Department ([1,257]); Korea Literature Translation Institute's writer-in-residence (a one-week program);[1,258]; [1,259]; [1,260]
- Danine Manette - author of Ultimate Betrayal-Recognizing, Uncovering and Dealing with Infidelity; media pundit on HLN's Dr Drew On-Call; professional model; criminal investigator; [1,261]; [1,262]; [1,263]; [1,264]; [1,265]
- Drew Manning - American fitness and diet author. Wrote book titled Fit2Fat2Fit. Drew voluntarily decided to stop eating correctly and working out in an attempt to gain so that he may better understand the psyche of his overweight/obese clientele. Drew also has a website that tracked his journey of gaining and losing weight.[1,266] and [1,267] and [1,268]
- Steve Maraboli - American author, behavioral science academic. Wrote, Unapologetically You (ISBN 0979575087), Life, the Truth, and Being Free (ISBN 1496086244), The Power of One (ISBN 097957501X), La Vida, La Verdad, y Ser Libre (ISBN 0979575044) He is the creator of Psycho-Neuro-Actualization™; a counseling/coaching methodology. [1,269] [1,270]
- Ron Martinsen - (Requested August 19, 2015) Ronald Robert Martinsen (born May 6, 1970 Baton Rouge, Louisiana) co-author of Using Visual Basic 4, Special Edition (ISBN 1-56529-998-1), Using Visual Basic 5, Special Edition (ISBN 0-7897-0922-8) Printing 101 Notebook: An Introduction to Fine Art Photography Printing [1,271]. Ron is also an internationally renown photographer with images published in magazines around the world including GQ France, Robb Report Russia and more [1,272] and blogger [1,273]. Ron's also contributed articles on photography [1,274] and data protection [1,275] on Scott Kelby's blog Scott Kelby. Ron is also a featured photographer for NEC [1,276] and is a successful engineer / inventor at Microsoft for 21 years who has six patents issued by the US Finally Ron is mentioned in MSDE and referenced in Noiseware.
- D. J. MacLennan - Writer and cryonicist. Featured in New Scientist magazine, June 2016 - 'Why I signed up to have my head cryogenically frozen'. Author of cryonics book Frozen to Life: A Personal Mortality Experiment (Anatta Books, 2015). Contributor of chapters 'The Wonder of Indeterminacy' and 'Buddhism and Cryonics' to cryonics anthology The Prospect of Immortality - Fifty Years Later (Ria University Press, 2014).
- Harvey McKinnon - Canadian born author, filmmaker and one of Canada's top fundraising experts [1,277][1,278] [1,279]. Co-author of the best-selling "Power of Giving" [1,280], he has also published several books on fundraising including Hidden Gold [1,281], The 11 Questions Every Donor Asks [1,282], Tiny Essentials of Monthly Committed Giving, and How to Create Lifelong Donors Through Monthly Giving. He has also appeared in a variety of media outlets including the Globe and Mail [1,283], National Observer [1,284], the Georgia Straight[1,285] [1,286], The National Observer[1,287], The Chronicle of Philanthropy [1,288], and many others. He has also worked on numerous films, including producing The Nature of David Suzuki [1,289], Danube Blues[1,290], Jeff Gibbs: Life Voyages [1,291], Legacy of Jon Gates [1,292], Sangoma: Traditional Healers in Modern Society [1,293], Side By Side: Women Against AIDS in Zimbabwe [1,294], writing for At Home in the Universe: The Life and Times of William Shatner [1,295], and directing Black Sea, Voyage of Healing [1,296].
- Danielle McLaughlin (lawyer) - New Zealand born, U.S.-based lawyer [1,297] and author of The Federalist Society: How Conservatives Took The Law Back From Liberals (2013), with Michael Avery. Her published work has been reviewed by The New York Times [1,298], the Washington Independent Review of Books [1,299], the L.A. Review of Books [1,300], and The Daily Beast [1,301] among others, and examines the strategies employed by conservative and libertarian lawyers, academics, judges and policy makers, grounded in theories of constitutional originalism and small government, in various areas including international law and policy, privacy rights, and economic and property rights. Danielle has appeared as a guest on the Sean Hannity Show, discussing the IRS 501(c)(4) ideological profiling scandal [1,302], as well as various radio outlets including This Is Hell! with Chuck Merz [1,303], the Jim Bohannon Show and David Alpern's For Your Ears Only. Danielle has co-authored articles on the federal courts and marriage equality for the Chronicle of Higher Education [1,304] and Truthout [1,305] with Michael Avery. Danielle honed her writing skills early in her career as a public relations consultant and marketing manager in London, England and in Vail, Colorado. Prior to that, Danielle was a consulting engineer in her native New Zealand.
- Lex B. Meyer (Lex B. Meyer is a pastor, Bible teacher, and author. Lex is the founder of UNLEARN, a ministry that focuses on seeking the truth, and exposing the lies we have inherited. He has a degree in Theology, and has devoted most of his life to studying and teaching the Bible. ([1,306], [1,307], [1,308])
- Bryan Miller (food writer) (req. 2015-07-15) - former restaurant critic and food writer, The New York Times; magazine writer; Works by or about Bryan Miller in libraries (WorldCat catalog); [1,309]; [1,310]; [1,311]; [1,312]
- Robert Mole - author; British civil servant; twice Mentioned in Despatches; awarded a Burma Star; wrote The Temple Bells Are Calling, an autobiography of his posting in Burma incorporating the politics of Burma from 1824 to 1948 during the Japanese occupation of Burma; [1,313]; Works by or about Robert Mole in libraries (WorldCat catalog); [1,314]
- Amy Morin - author of the viral article turned book 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do. Her book is available in 34 languages. She is a psychotherapist, lecturer at Northeastern, and international bestselling author. Her other books include 13 Things Mentally Strong Parents Don't Do and 13 Things Mentally Strong Women Don't Do. Her TEDx talk is one of the most popular talks of all time with more than 9 million views. [1,315]; [1,316]; [1,317]
- Jon Negroni - Author of The Pixar Theory [1,318], a serial novel explaining the theory through original characters called The Pixar Detective [1,319], and Killerjoy. Blogs about theories and news about Pixar [1,320]
- Krista Neher - Author of 6 books on digital marketing, social media and personal branding. [1,321]. Krista's most recent book "Digital Marketing That Actually Works: The Ultimate Guide" has a companion workbook "Implementing Digital Marketing That Actually Works: The Ultimate Planner" with over 40 additional resources including templates, action planners, quick-start guides, tips and tricks to supplement the material covered in the book. She is also a contributing author to search engine journal and her author page can be found here: [1,322]. She was featured in an article on Medium, with more info: [1,323].
- Osita Nwanevu (writer living in Baltimore, USA) (The New Republic articles, The Guardian articles)
- The Office Hobo - Nom de plume of the contemporary writer whose experiment of living in his Los Angeles office for nearly two years got him noticed as a social agitator. The Office Hobo got his start on his blog [] and published subsequent articles in L.A. Weekly [1,324]; [1,325]. An interview with the anonymous writer appeared in the June 2014 issue of Germany's Business Punk Magazine [print version only]. In 2014, The Office Hobo moved out of his office and into his truck camper. Though the actual identity of the author is unknown, his blurred image has been on national television, featured on the Fusion TV channel in September 2014 [1,326]. The Office Hobo is reporting to be completing a memoir titled Home-Free: My Life as The Office Hoboon his time living in his office, though no report of its publication has been mentioned yet.
- Maxim Popenker - Russian programmer who is a firearm hobbyist, wrote seven books about guns (both in English and Russian) and has been working for several domestic and foreign gun magazines [1,327] [1,328]
- Philip Porter (author) - author and publisher, writer of several Jaguar titles and director of Porter Press International. Founder of Jaguar E-type Club and the International XK Club. [1,329] [1,330] [1,331] [1,332] [1,333]
- Crystal Renaud - author of Dirty Girls Come Clean (Moody Publishers, 2011). Founder of Dirty Girls Ministries assisting women addicted to pornography and sexual addiction ([1,334]; [1,335]; [1,336])
- Carey Roberts - American columnist, men's-rights activist and anti-feminist; conservative commentator on political correctness; [1,337]
- Martin Rosenbaum - freedom-of-information journalist; blogger for the BBC (since 2006); [1,338]; [1,339]; [1,340]
- Yalqun Rozi Uyghur author, editor of Uyghur textbooks, now jailed by China. [1,341][1,342] [1,343]
- Neil P. Ruzic - author of Where the Winds Sleep - Man's Future on the Moon, a Projected History (1970; Garden City, New York: Doubleday; OCLC 73907); innovator; part of Operation Paperclip (NASA's Von Braun group)
- Suzanne Samples - English professor and author of the memoir Frontal Matter: Glue Gone Wild (Running Wild Press, 2018) and its follow-up, Stargazing in Solitude (Running Wild Press, 2021). Both books provide raw insight into her diagnosis with terminal brain cancer at the age of 36. Frontal Matter: Glue Gone Wild was named a Best Indie Book of 2019 by Kirkus Reviews and was given to all 2019 Golden Globe nominees.[1,344][1,345][1,346][1,347][1,348][1,349][1,350] [1,351] [1,352] [1,353]
- Jared Sawyer Jr. - founder of National Youth Empowerment Initiative and author of three books; starred in BBC's Around the World in 80 Faiths; actor known for his roles in Tyler Perry's Boo 2: A Made Halloween, My Harvest Is Near, and The Best of Enemies; was a child prodigy first appearing on ABC Nightline [1,354] [1,355]
- Amit Singh - author, technical writer, columnist, etc., see [1,356]
- Judah Smith (author) - Judah Smith and his wife are the lead pastors of the City Church in Seattle, Washington. He has written several books including Jesus Is ____.: Find a New Way to Be Human and Life Is _____.: God's Illogical Love Will Change Your Existence. [
- Tineka Michelle Smith (African-American Author, Commentator and United Nations Consultant) [1,357] [1,358] [1,359] [1,360] [1,361] [1,362] [1,363] [1,364] [1,365] [1,366]
- Clarence Snyder - American author, sobriety activist, and evangelical leader. Born in Cleveland, OH (1902), died in Casselberry, FL (1984). He was an integral part of the founding of Alcoholics Anonymous and devised the sponsorship program. [1,367]
- Earl Swift - American author of seven books, including "Auto Biography," "The Big Roads" and the forthcoming "Chesapeake Requiem" (HarperCollins). (Sources: Forbes review [1,368] NPR interview [1,369] Chesapeake Requiem [1,370] author site [1,371])
- Unto Tähtinen - philosopher; author of Ahimsa - Non-Violence in Indian Tradition; Works by or about Unto Tähtinen in libraries (WorldCat catalog)
- Susanne Tedrick - Author of Women of Color of Tech: A Blueprint for Inspiring and Mentoring the Next Generation of Technology Innovators; co-author of "Innovating for Diversity, Lessons from Top Companies Achieving Business Success through Inclusivity"; technical trainer at Microsoft. [1,372] [1,373][1,374][1,375][1,376] [1,377][1,378][1,379][1,380][1,381][1,382]
- Jennifer Ashley Tepper - theater historian, Broadway producer; author of The Untold Stories of Broadway, consultant on tick...tick...BOOM!, creator of the Jonathan Larson Project, programming director for 54 Below ; {}
- Mary Anne Venning – 19th century woman writer on natural history and other subjects, principally for young adults, but with strong grounding in the sciences she writes about. She channeled her interest in the natural world into the "acceptable" field of writing, creating works of great depth. Her books include Rudiments of Conchology ..., A Botanical Catechism, A Geographical Present; Being Descriptions of the Principal Countries of the World and Rudiments of Mineralogy [1,383]
- Kai D. Wright, Author of "Follow the Feeling: Brand Building in a Noisy World" (Wiley), Lecturer at Columbia University, Businessman (currently Global Consulting Partner at Ogilvy), Public Speaker, Forbes 30 under 30 recipient.[1,384][1,385][1,386] [1,387][1,388]
- Raghda Zaid (blogger) (born 1991) - author of Baghdad Girl blog,Baghdad Girl blog: Part 2, [1,389] ; [1,390] ; [1,391] ; [1,392] ; [1,393] ; [1,394]
- David Zweig (journalist) (born 1974) - American journalist and fiction writer. Author of Invisibles: The Power of Anonymous Work in an Age of Relentless Self Promotion based on his widely read article for The Atlantic "What Do Fact-Checkers and Anesthesiologists Have in Common?" Invisibles has been translated into five languages and received coverage in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The New Republic, The Wall Street Journal, Slate, Salon, Wired, Fortune, Forbes, and the author was interviewed on numerous public radio programs and TV shows, including CBS This Morning, CNBC, MSNBC, FOX, and the CBC. Zweig is also a well known writer on technology, media and psychology for outlets such as The Atlantic and The New York Times. His 3,000 word takedown in Salon on errors in the David Brooks book "The Road to Character" was widely read and cited, including a citation in the Sunday New York Times itself, by Margaret Sullivan, the paper's Public Editor, where it was noted that Zweig's piece led to Brooks's publisher altering the text of the book for future editions and the Times making corrections on past Brooks columns. (The piece is also linked to in David Brooks (journalist)#Criticism.) Zweig's 2,000 word feature on the front page of The New York Times real estate section on his move from the city to the suburbs was widely read and cited as well, and also generated backlash on social media.
![]() | Please request articles about biologists at Wikipedia:Requested articles/Biography/Biologists, not here. |
Edith Van Allen Murphy (1879-1968) - California botanist who interviewed and befriended Native Americans, published a book about ethnobotany [1,395]
Business people
![]() | Please request articles about people in business at Wikipedia:Requested articles/Business and economics/People in business, not here. |
- Alessandro Calzoni (1807-1855 Italian industrialist of Bologna Italy who founded Calzoni in 1830.) ([1,396] [1,397] [1,398] [1,399] [1,400] [1,401] [1,402])
- Walter Lambert (chef) [1,403][1,404]
- Saba Nagiyani(2021.04.22 requested) is a famous Indian food stylist and photographer.She was born in Mumbai,India.She has a book. [1,405] [1,406] Her official cooking website is [1,407].
- Marc Matsumoto: Official Site is a Japanese-American celebrity chef and the host of NHK World television show Bento Expo. Born in Miyazaki-prefecture, Japan in 1977, and raised in Napa, California, he was an early employee of Netflix[41] before leaving the tech industry to start his food blog No Recipes. He currently resides in Tokyo, Japan where he develops recipes for his website and YouTube Channel. He is also the co-author of the book Ultimate Bento. He made an appearance on Chopped Season 7, Episode 9, Booze Traveller Season 1, Episode 8.
- Amy Myrdal Miller, dietician, researcher. Google, Amazon, Contributor profiles: [1,408][1,409][1,410][1,411][1,412][1,413][1,414], Featured: [1,415][1,416][1,417], Research
- Itamar Srulovich British-Israeli chef, restaurateur and food writer. Born Jerusalem, 1978. Married to chef Sarit Packer.[1,418]. Author of a weekly recipe column for FT Magazine.[1,419]
- Craig Wong(2021.10.28 requested): Official site. is a famous Jamaican-Chinese chef, restauranteur, and TV personality.[42] His cuisine incorporates his Jamaican-Chinese heritage along with the techniques and discipline he acquired from years working in Michelin starred restaurants such as, Alain Ducasse au Plaza Athénée in Paris, followed by Heston Blumental’s Fat Duck in England. [43] In 2014, he opened Patois Toronto. [44] In 2020, he opened Bar Mignonette [45]. He is currently the executive chef of Ting Irie, Dubai’s first Jamaican restaurant.[46] Craig is the co-host of the iconic television series Cook Like A Chef, broadcasting on CTV Life Channel in Canada and multiple platforms in the US, Singapore, and South America.[47] This fusion of flavours has garnered Chef Craig Wong rave reviews and features in International publications such as Eater, Food & Wine, Food Fanatics (Chicago), The Clever Quarterly (China) and home grown publications such as Toronto Life, Zagat Toronto, Globe & Mail, and Porter Magazine. [48] [49] [50] [51]
![]() | Please request articles about chemists at Wikipedia:Requested articles/Natural sciences/Chemistry#Chemists, not here. |
Computer scientists, engineers and programmers
- Ayham Issa - Software engineer and developer; Intern; Nationally ranked for Website Coding & Development. Specialist in Python, C++, C#, and website markup languages like HTML and CSS. Founder of Ayham's PC Repair[1,420], a company for hardware repair and technological support.
- Omkhar Arasaratnam - Omkhar Arasaratnam is the General Manager of the Open Source Security Foundation(OpenSSF). He is a Canadian-American computer scientist, technology executive, and investor. He specializes in cybersecurity, software engineering and cryptography. He has several patents and books [1,421] and is frequently mentioned in the news regarding open source software security [1,422] [1,423]. Arasaratnam is also well known at major conferences like RSA[1,424] and DefCon [1,425]
- Andrey Akinshin - Software developer and scientist; PhD; Microsoft .NET MVP; silver medalist of ACM ICPC; author of different books, papers, and blog posts. Senior developer at JetBrains, where he works on Rider (a cross-platform .NET IDE based on the IntelliJ platform and ReSharper); the project lead of BenchmarkDotNet (a powerful .NET library for benchmarking supported by the .NET Foundation); author of Pro .NET Benchmarking; frequent speaker at various events for developers; the program director of the DotNext conference. Previously, he worked as a postdoctoral research fellow in the Weizmann Institute of Science and as a research scientist in the Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS. Homepage: [1,426]
- Caroline Karason - Cosmetic Scientist, Teacher and now Musician (Red Charcoal)[1,427] Graduate of the London College of Fashion, University of the Arts London. In 2010, she invented of the first ever Veet™, Depilatory Gel (sensitive variant)[1,428] while working at Reckitt Benckiser but was never publicly credited for it or listed on the patents arising from it [1,429][1,430][1,431][1,432]
- Peter L. Bartlett - Australian researcher in machine learning, especially statistical learning; Professor of Computer Science and Statistics at the University of California, Berkeley; has 40,000 citations[52]
- Robin Christopherson (Robin Christopherson is a leading evangelist for digital inclusion and the importance of ensuring that websites, apps and services are accessible to all. A founding member of UK technology charity [AbilityNet] (1998), Christopherson received an MBE in the [2017 new year honours list] in recognition of his services as an ambassador for digital inclusion spanning two decades. His work also won Christopherson the 2016 Technology4Good '[special Award]' - previously bestowed on Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales and scientist Professor Stephen Hawking.) ([1,433] 2017 New Year Honours [1,434] [1,435])
- Shaun D'Souza is a computer scientist, researcher, author, inventor and innovator. He is author of the book A Retrospective on Enabling a Connected World: The Race for the Original Primordial Soup. His research interests are in artificial intelligence, machine learning, software and business. He completed his Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Cornell University with honors in 2003 and his Masters from the University of Michigan in 2005. He has published several papers on AI, ML and been granted patents for his research. He presented a Pie & AI: Navi Mumbai-Past and Future of AI talk hosted by SMLRA in association with He is a recipient of the Gates Millennium Scholarship from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in its first batch-millennium year 2000 - 2007. He was featured in the Cornell Alumni Yearbook, 2020. His AI book is available in his alma mater libraries. Bibliography - A Retrospective on Enabling a Connected World: The Race for the Original Primordial Soup, 2020. ISBN 979-8685292438
- Pouria Hadjibagheri MBE FBCS [1,436] is a British-Iranian software engineer, data scientist, and computational biologist [1,437]. He was the architect and technical lead of the UK COVID-19 Dashboard (aka. the Gov.UK Coronavirus Dashboard) at Public Health England (later UK Health Security Agency) between March 2020 and December 2022, and then the honorary technical lead between January 2023 and December 2023. Prior to that, Hadjibagheri was a Teaching Fellow at the Division of Biosciences at University College London [1,438] between 2016 and 2019. He received an MBE in the 2023 New Year Honours for "Services to Data Transparency during COVID-19". At its peak, the dashboard processed in excess of 70 million requests a day, making it one of the most-viewed government websites ever since Gov.UK was created in 2012 [1,439]. He was also responsible for releasing the codebase of the UK Coronavirus Dashboard as Open Source, making it available to all and inviting contributions from the public [1,440] [1,441]. Hadjibagheri used Twitter (now X) to communicate directly with members of the public to understand their needs and inform development plans, and help them understand and utilise the data [1,442] [1,443] [1,444] [1,445]. Office for Statistics Regulation called the API of the Coronavirus Dashboard - designed by Hadjibagheri and colleagues - as "[...] an exemplar for the provision of open data across government" [1,446]. Hadjibagheri's team won the Royal Statistical Society award in "Trustworthiness, Quality & Value" in 2022 [1,447] [1,448]. In an interview with the BBC Newsnight programme on 3 January 2023, he criticised the ineffective use of data at the NHS and proposed that facilitating access to existing data instead of looking to implement complex solutions could help improve efficiency at the health service [1,449]. He voiced his support for the people of Iran In 2023 following the Mahsa Amini protests [1,450]. He is an Open Data and transparency advocate and gives regular talks on the topic [1,451]. Hadjibagheri received his Bachelor of Science degree in Molecular Biology from University College London in 2016 [1,452] and his Master of Research degree in Bioinformatics with Systems Biology from Birkbeck, University of London in 2017. He is a frequent speaker at events that are relevant to Open Data [1,453] [1,454] [1,455] [1,456] [1,457]. Hadjibagheri is a supporter of remote working [1,458]. [1,459] [1,460] [1,461]
- Prem Devanbu (Computer Science Professor at UC Davis, ACM Fellow, Mentioned by [1,462], List of Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery)
- Mark Dowd - Australian computer security researcher; mentioned in Hakin9, W00w00, Criticism of Windows Vista, Defensive programming; author of The-Software-Security-Assessment-Vulnerabilities, judge of the Pwnie Awards [1,463], member of the Black Hat security conference review board [1,464], Black Hat Briefings, founder of Azimuth Security [1,465], and computer security bug finder [1,466], [1,467], [1,468],[1,469], [1,470], [1,471],[1,472], [1,473]
- John Duchi - researcher in optimization, statistics, and machine learning with 23k citations[53]; co-inventor of AdaGrad algorithm; Associate Professor of Statistics and Electrical Engineering at Stanford University; recipient of Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award (2019),[54] NSF CAREER Award (2016),[55] and Sloan Research Fellowship (2017).[56]
- Edward A. Guilbert (died 1993) - "Father of Electronic Data Interchange", the early form of business-to-business e-commerce that preceded the Web, Guilbert played a key role as head of the Transportation Data Coordinating Committee in helping create EDI standards that went into wide use by the late 70s and were required in supplier communications by many companies, including Wal-Mart, in the early 80s. Namesake of Edward A. Guilbert Lifetime Achievement Award [1,474][1,475][1,476]
Nicole Hamilton (currently a redirect) - Author of Hamilton C shell and of the ranker and query language for the first release of Microsoft's Bing search engine. A paper she coauthored at the time won the 10-year test of time award at the 2015 International Conference on Machine Learning. She has over 1300 citations and 9 issued patents. She is also a trans woman, having transitioned in the late 90s. She rarely talks about her experience but has done so on a panel in 2007 at Stanford (available on iTunes) and on a couple of web pages she wrote contemporaneously about her experiences with facial surgery and laser skin resurfacing. Currently, she is a lecturer in electrical engineering at University of Washington Bothell. Appears to satisfy both WP:CREATIVE and WP:ACADEMIC. Currently only a redirect, not a WP:BLP.
- Alex Hidalgo - Dutch American technologist, site reliability engineer, speaker, and author of "Implementing Service Level Objectives"([1,477]).
- David Holz is the founder of Midjourney, a generative artificial intelligence (AI)-powered platform that allows users to generate unique artwork such as characters, images and depictions through short text prompts. He also founded LeapMotion, now Ultraleap[1,478], the world’s most advanced hand-tracking technology. Forbes 30 under 30 2015.
- EliaOndacs (Amirreza HADIZADEH) (Programming career) - EliaOndacs is a Programmer and a Software Engineer. mostly publishing his work through Open Source. and his current active project being Spiner in [1,479].
- Jerry Jalava - Finnish programmer; lost finger in motorcycle accident and replaced it with USB drive; [1,480]
- Divyansh Kaushik - PhD student at Carnegie Mellon University advised by Zachary Lipton. He works on robustness of Natural Language Processing systems with humans in the loop [1,481]. His work has earned him awards including a Best Paper Award at EMNLP 2018 [1,482]. He is also a co-creator Dynabench [1,483] released by Facebook in 2020 [1,484] [1,485] [1,486]. He is also the Vice President of Carnegie Mellon University Graduate Student Assembly, where he focuses on higher education and science policy advocacy [1,487] [1,488] [1,489] [1,490] [1,491] [1,492] [1,493] [1,494] [1,495] [1,496], a role in which he has led national coalitions to advocate for student rights in the country, including filing an Amicus Brief on behalf of student governments across the country [1,497] in the lawsuit brought by MIT and Harvard against ICE [1,498]. In addition, he also serves on the advisory board of the Students Learn Students Vote Coalition, the largest nonprofit network in the United States devoted to increase student participation in elections [1,499]. Homepage.
- Pravesh K Kothari - Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Princeton University [57] Received the Presburger [58] award[59] in 2024, Sloan Fellowship in 2022 [60], and an NSF Career Award in 2021. Included here to address the red links on multiple wikipedia articles (e.g., [61], [62], [63]). Homepage at Princeton University[64] Scholar profile at the Institute for Advanced Study [65]
- Tuoc Luong - CEO of Shanda Online and Shanda Innovations America; Ex-SVP of Yahoo Search Division; Vietnamese-American executive in high tech / Silicon Valley; [1,500]
- Leon M'laiel (Independent iOS Developer & Designer; known for Non-Jailbroken iOS Security Research; Most known for his iPhone Third-Party App Installation System "Zestia", Mentioned by [1,501] [1,502] [1,503])
- Onur Mutlu (Onur Mutlu is a computer engineer who is a Professor of Computer Science at ETH Zurich [1,504]. He is an ACM Fellow [1,505][1,506], IEEE Fellow [1,507][1,508], and a member of the Academy of Europe [1,509]. He previously held the Strecker Early Career Professorship [1,510] at Carnegie Mellon University. He received various honors for his research, including the IFIP Working Group 10.4 Jean-Claude Laprie Award in Dependable Computing in 2024 [1,511], IEEE High Performance Computer Architecture Test of Time Award in 2021 [1,512], Persistent Impact Prize of the Non-Volatile Memory Systems Workshop in 2022 [1,513], Intel Outstanding Researcher Award in 2021 [1,514], IEEE Computer Society Edward J. McCluskey Technical Achievement Award in 2020 [1,515][1,516], and ACM SIGARCH Maurice Wilkes Award in 2019 [1,517][1,518].)
- Juriaan Massenza - Software developer; Enochian-language scholar; [1,519]; [1,520]; [1,521]; Polydactyly
- Timothy Perdue Self employed and owned GForge and one of the four people at VA Linux that developed SourceForge. [1,522] [1,523]
- Ryan Pickren - independent security researcher and former Amazon Web Services (AWS) security engineer; best known for being arrested and indicted of a hacking felony during a college prank; While in college, Ryan also became the most successful researcher in the United Airlines bug bounty program, earning over $300,000 worth of airline miles over the course of a summer. He used this bounty to become the largest airline miles donor in Make-A-Wish history [1,524] as well as the largest undergraduate donor ever to Georgia Tech [1,525]. In 2020, Apple Inc. paid Ryan $75,000 for discovering a zero-day exploit chain to hack iOS and macOS cameras via Safari. [1,526] Ryan is also known for reverse engineering the Starbucks Mobile APIs to build a physical button to place orders [1,527]. [1,528]
- Marc W Rogers - British computer security researcher and white hat hacker better known by the handle cyberjunkie has been a prominent member of the hacking scene since the 80s.[1,529];co-founder of UK Hacking Group “Agents of a Hostile Power (AoHP) [1,530], [1,531], [1,532], [1,533]; mentioned in Hackers_in_Wonderland, Google_Glass, Sony_Pictures_hack, Vectra_AI, Automotive_hacking, Computer_Fraud_and_Abuse_Act, Mr._Robot; Head of Security for DEF_CON; Co-founder of Vectra_AI, Former Head of Security for Cloudflare, Currently VP of Cyber Security for Okta_(identity_management); Known for hacking Google Glass: [1,534],[1,535], [1,536], TouchID on the iPhone 5s: [1,537], and in the iPhone 6: [1,538], and the Tesla Model S: [1,539], [1,540], [1,541], Marc Rogers is also known as a vocal advocate for the Hacker Community and has been involved in several notable projects including fighting changes to the CFAA: [1,542], Computer_Fraud_and_Abuse_Act, testifying before the FTC on IOT security regulation [1,543], [1,544], working to build a anonymous bug submission platform to protect hackers [1,545], [1,546], as well as establishing an anonymous helpline during DEF CON, the DEF CON Transparency report and fighting to establish transparent rules to keep hotel room searches in check: [1,547], [1,548], most recently Marc Rogers co-founded the CTI-League, a volunteer group made up from 2000 security experts across 80 different countries who work to defend medical institutions and front-line medical staff from cyber-attacks during crises like the COVID-19 pandemic: [1,549], [1,550], [1,551], [1,552], [1,553], [1,554]; Marc Rogers was a technical advisor designing hacks for the BBC series The_Real_Hustle,[1,555], as well as technical advisor designing hacks for USA's Mr._Robot, [1,556], [1,557]
- Lui Sha, researcher in real-time computing with 29k citations[66]; Donald B. Gillies Professor in Computer Science at UIUC; IEEE fellow
- R. Srikant, researcher in communication networks and reinforcement learning with 27k citations[67], Frederic G. and Elizabeth H. Nearing Endowed Professor at UIUC, co-director of's Digital Transformation Institute, recipient of IEEE Koji Kobayashi Computers and Communications Award (2019) and fellow of IEEE (2006)
- Silas Warner (currently a redirect)/Silas S. Warner/Silas Sayers Warner - American video game programmer who designed Castle Wolfenstein. Now redirects to that game (Wikidata pl [1,558] (in Chinese))
- Jamal Hadi Salim - Computer Engineer, Linux kernel hacker and Inventor. Received the B.Sc. degree in computer engineering from the University of Toronto, in 1994. He has 20 years of experience in networking industry working on variety of areas including active networks, in open source and specifically in the Linux environment as both contributor and maintainer. He was Co-Chair of the ForCES Working Group and Technical Advisor to the IETF routing area. He has co-authored a number of RFCs and drafts in the IETF. He has co-authored Netlink, Generic Netlink, NAPI and Traffic Control. [1,559] [1,560] [1,561] [1,562]
Earth scientists
![]() | Please request articles about earth scientists at Wikipedia:Requested articles/Natural sciences#Earth scientists, not here. |
![]() | Please request articles about economists at Wikipedia:Requested articles/Business and economics#Economists, not here. |
- Christopher Lance Coleman - African-American nurse, behavioral scientist, author and consultant; Fagin Term Associate Professor, University of Pennsylvania; Chairman of the Board, Haven Youth Center Inc.; elected Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing; specializes in secondary prevention of HIV/AIDS; [1,563];[1,564];[1,565]
- John P. Foley, S.J. American educator and Catholic priest. Founder of the Cristo Rey Network, the largest network of high schools in the United States whose enrollment is limited to low-income youth. He was awarded the Presidential Citizens Medal in 2008 and has been featured on 60 Minutes and numerous other national and international outlets. Cristo Rey Network and ([1,566])
- Damon Ing American Educator; Doctorate of Education from the University of Texas at Rio Grande Valley, Professor of Criminal Justice Tarrant County College, law enforcement, Professor of education/criminal justice/law enforcement. [1,567];[1,568];[1,569];[1,570]
- Kent Murdock Lloyd (1931–1999) - Deputy Under Secretary of Education during the Reagan Administration 1981–1985, author of several books on educational management. [1,571] [1,572] [1,573]
- Wesley Parkinson Lloyd (1904–1977) Dean of Students at Brigham Young University, Director of Japanese Universities Counseling and Guidance, author of books and papers on educational philosophy [1,574]
- Loris Malaguzzi (1920–1994) Italian educator and philosopher responsible for the system of municipal preschools and infant and toddler centers in Reggio, Italy, widely accepted as the best schools in the world. [1,575]
- Mohammad El Medawar - Mohammad El Medawar is a Microsoft Certified Trainer, Microsoft Office Specialist Master, IC3 Certified, ICDL Certified, and PHP Certified. Mohammad El Medawar is holder of Bachelor and Masters degrees in Computer Science from the Lebanese American University. He is a researcher in the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning field, and he has a publication under the topic of Cuckoo Search for Portfolio Optimization. He made a notable achievement by getting ranked number 5 in the Top Computers & Gadgets Influencers in Lebanon in 2021. Furthermore, he made a notable invention by creating the first ever interactive learning simulator. It allows anyone to learn Microsoft Excel easily by following a step-by-step, interactive, bilingual, and guided tutorial. [68] [69] [70]
- Muska Mosston - Israeli-American educator; creator of The Spectrum of Teaching Styles and earlier, the Developmental Movement (1965). [1,576]
- Yuhara Motoichi (湯原元一) (1863–1931) (Requested 29 July 2021) - Japanese educator; principal of Tokyo Music School (東京音楽学校) and the first principal of Tokyo High School (1921) (東京高等学校) ja:湯原元一 [1,577] [1,578] [1,579]
- Jose R. Otaola (1945) - Basque-Spanish-American educator and biologist; UPRM, UIPR, a; [1,580]
- Scott D. Pearson - Executive Director, District of Columbia Public Charter School Board; [1,581]; [1,582]; [1,583]; [1,584]
- Martha T. Roth - Dean of Humanities, University of Chicago; Professor of Assyriology, Oriental Institute, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, Committee on Jewish Studies, and the College; Editor-in-Charge, Chicago Assyrian Dictionary; [1,585]
- George Van Santvoord - Principal of Hotchkiss School,[1,586]
- Kiran Bir Sethi- teacher, educator, social entrepreneur and thought leader who is the Founder/Director of the Riverside School, Ahmedabad, the founder of ‘aProCh’ ( A Protagonist in Every Child) – an initiative to make our cities more child friendly and she pioneered the global Design for Change movement. A former graphic and interior designer, Kiran graduated from the National Institute of Design (NID), Ahmedabad. She is the recipient of numerous awards and has been a global luminary in education and design thinking.) ([1,587], [1,588][1,589])
- Shailendra Sharma - Traditional Kriya Yoga Guru, Founder of Siddha Siddhanta Yoga Academy in Govardhan India, Author of nine independent books in 4 languages, 4 books are part of Library of Congress (LC)] link [1,590] Fifth Guru in the linage of great immortal guru Babaji. [1,591] [1,592] [1,593] [1,594]
- Rakesh Vohra George A. Weiss and Lydia Bravo Weiss University Professor at the [University of Pennsylvania]; [1,595]
- James W. Walters (1945-)Professor of Religion and Bioethics at Loma Linda University School of Religion; [1,596] Co-founder of Adventist Today Author of several publications including but not limited to: [Living is Loving: Relationships Matter Most (Washington DC: Review and Herald Publishing Assoc., 1985)] [Bioethics Today, A New Ethical Vision (Loma Linda University Press, 1988), editor. [War No More? Options in Nuclear Ethics (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1989), editor] [Facing Limits: Ethics and Health Care for the Elderly (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1993), edited with Gerald R. Winslow] [Choosing Who's to Live: Ethics and Aging (University of Illinois Press, 1996), editor] [What is a Person? An Ethical Exploration (University of Illinois Press, 1997)] [Martin Buber and Feminist Ethics, The Priority of the Personal (Syracuse University Press, 2003)] [The Predicament of Belief in Dialogue, Philip Clayton and Steven Knapp and 8 Discussants (in press), edited with Philip Clayton][1,597]
- Neil L. Waters - Professor of History; Kawashima Professor of Japanese Studies at Middlebury College in Vermont; noted for speaking out against Wikipedia as a citable reference. Required subject of study at DeVry University Online..... [1,598] and [1,599]
- Patricia Zander (1943–2008) - British-American pianist and instructor; ARCM, LRAM, Royal College of Music, London; studied with Cyril Smith; longtime faculty member of the New England Conservatory; students included Yo-Yo Ma, Judith Gordon, and Max Levinson; toured and recorded with Ma; [1,600]
- Jan Arps - Published a formula to predict how much crude a well will produce and when it will run dry. Used by almost every oil company in the world today.[1,601]Should be combined with an Arps equation article.
- Dan E. Arvizu Current Laboratory Director of NREL, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Arvizu became the eighth Director of the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) on January 15, 2005. Dr. Arvizu also is a Senior Vice President with Midwest Research Institute, which manages NREL on behalf of the DOE. Prior to joining NREL, Dr. Arvizu was Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer of the Federal and Industrial Client Groups with CH2M Hill Companies, Ltd. Before joining CH2M HILL, he was an executive with Sandia National Laboratories, where he directed Research Centers for Advanced Energy Technology, Material and Process Sciences, and Technology Commercialization [1,602] [1,603] [1,604]
- Fabian Bartos (Youngest 30 Under Thirty 2016, Leyden High School Student. 3D Printed Electric Violin and Electric Cello, etc. White House printed and presented at White House.) ([1,605])
- Allen Baum - principal engineer, Intel named on over 17 patents in the area of processor architectures;[1,606]
- Gary Boone - Fairly famous as the co-creator of the Texas Instruments TMS1000 microcontroller, sometimes described as the first single-chip microprocessor in history. Recognized by the Smithsonian, subject of stories in the New York Times, Washington Examiner and IEEE Spectrum, sole inventor of U.S. patent 3,757,306 and co-inventor of U.S. patent 4,074,351, and so on. Texas Instruments TMS1000 [1,607] [1,608] [1,609] [1,610] [1,611] [1,612] [1,613][1,614] [1,615] and the books "Computer Structures: Principles and Examples" by Daniel P. Siewiorek, "Microcontroller Programming and Interfacing with Texas Instruments" by Steven F. Barrett and Daniel J. Pack, and "Encyclopedia of World Scientists" by Elizabeth H. Oakes.
- George S. Dotson - mechanical engineer; graduated magna cum laude from MIT and with distinction from Harvard Business School; US Army Captain in Vietnam War; President, Helmerich and Payne Drilling; Chairman of the Board, Atwoon Oceanics; one of the wealthiest men in Oklahoma; inducted into the Tulsa Hall of Fame; [1,616]; [1,617]
- Chris Gronet or Christian M. Gronet - founder of Solyndra, the failed solar cell startup [1,618][1,619]
- Ernie Hall An aviation pioneer, born in 1890. Flew a custom airplane at Warren, Ohio in 1911. Met the Wright Brothers in 1912, and became a flying instructor in 1913. Trained more than 500 cadets by the end of the World War I, at least one of which became U.S. Air Force General, Jimmy Doolittle. Appointed as the State of Ohio Director of the Bureau of Aeronautics. An aviation museum has been erected in his honor, which is recognized by the Ohio History Connection. [1,620] [1,621]
- Frank Jackson (engineer) - Communist journalist for the Moscow News turned civil engineer, he was appointed MBE in 1991 for services to the civil engineering industry.He founded the Jackson Environment Institute at UCL in 1993,and the Jackson Foundation.([1,622]) ([1,623])
- Standish Lee - civil engineer officer of the court of mysore, many recognitions over a forty year career, recognized for Bangalore model city 1838–1911 Standish Lee Mysore [1,624]
- Arleo E. Magtibay - businessman and engineer; 1983 TOYM Awardee for Engineering, University of the Philippines; Gamma Sigma Pi fraternity founder; [1,625]
- Mikayel G. Melkumyan Armenian earthquake engineer who created the Melkumyan Model, a hysteresis model that models the shear behavior of rigid reinforced concrete structures. He has reconstructed multiple buildings in Armenia and his work put Armenia second in the world after Japan for most seismically isolated buildings per capita; distinguished professor with memberships in various scientific societies and associations.[1,626] [1,627] [1,628] [1,629] [1,630] [1,631] [1,632] [1,633] [1,634] [1,635]
- Roger Munk - Founder of Airship Industries and Hybrid Air Vehicles, and creator of the Hybrid Air Vehicles HAV 304/Airlander 10.[1,636] [1,637] [1,638]
- William Guy Redmond Jr., 1922–2014 - 60 years advanced engineering at Lockheed Martin, 20 patents, Technical innovation award from NASA for his ultra-simple electronic temperature controller [1,639]
- Alan S. Tetelman (1936–1978) - UCLA professor, co-founder of Failure Analysis Associates and "world renowned expert in the field of fracture mechanics and its application to the failure of materials in engineering applications" [1,640] who, in an tragically ironic incident, died as a passenger of PSA Flight 182
- Eugene Tu - Current (as of 11/6/2023) Center Director at NASA’s Ames Research Center[71]
- Graig Zethner Principal ASIC Design Engineer at Qualcomm. Holds patents on various aspects of microchip design including a low-power, distributed interface used extensively in modern modems and a method for synchronizing high-precision timers across multiple devices, a requirement for accurate GPS positioning. Holds an MBA in Finance from New York University Stern School of Business, a published author of multiple trivia books, and a former Jeopardy! contestant. [1,641]
- Harry Aspinwall is a Scottish and American actor, writer, and director. He's in Turn: Washington's Spies and The Wedding (2018 film), and is the creator of Orcs of New York. [1,642] [1,643] [1,644] [1,645] [1,646] [1,647] [1,648] [1,649] [1,650]
- Micheal Bemma - Canadian Actor / Director; Produced/Directed/Acted in several of his own movies; [1,651]
- Allius Barnes American Actor. Has had multiple guest spots on shows like Sam & Cat, PEN15 and Melissa & Joey He was a main cast member in the 2021 tv show Cruel Summer (TV series). [1,652] [1,653]
- Laura Brunkala - 06/24/2015 American actress. Best known for her appearances on Key & Peele, Video Game High School, and Sharon 1.2.3. Living in Los Angeles. Also known for her work as a director and producer on The Valley. She starred in The Birthing Field, an independent film that has won several awards including Best Drama, Best Thriller, and Best Director, at several film festivals including HRIFF, Motor City Nightmares, and IFFICA. [1,654]
- Aiden Call - Aiden Call is an American Emmy Award winning actor and director in film and television. He is most notably known for his role in "North Texas Treasure Hunters" as Caleb Riley, as well as his roles in "End of the Line" as #1, and his role in the YouTube web series "Origin" as John Kline. [1,655]
- Paul Castro Jr. - Paul Castro Jr is an American stage and film actor, known for his roles in the New York City, Off-Broadway revival of Love and Human Remains as Kane, The Skeleton Twins, [People, Places, Things], Good Ol' Boy, Buffalo Boys (2013 film) and Skook. [] [1,656]
- Allegra Clark - voice actress for Maki Zen'in in Jujutsu Kaisen, Mitsuru Kirijo in Persona 3 Reload, Josephine in Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dorothea Arnault in Fire Emblem: Three Houses, and other notable games and anime series. [1,657] [1,658] [1,659]
- Zachary Coffin is a prominent American actor in Indian cinema and television. He has appeared in over 40 films and TV shows, and is most known for his roles in Tiger Zinda Hai and Maha Kumbh: Ek Rahasaya, Ek Kahani.[72][73][74]
- Jakob Creighton - Canadian actor, singer, writer. He has a supporting role in an upcoming Canadian indie film set for release in 2020. He most recently appear in the first season of Sullivan's Crossing. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12,
- Max Croes Dutch actor and model. Graduated from University of Amsterdam before moving to London to pursue a career in acting. Made his debut in Dutch horror film 'Resonance' and is currently cast in Dexter Fletchers upcoming Elton John biopic Rocketman (2019);[75] [1,660] [1,661] [1,662];[1,663]; [1,664]; [1,665]; [1,666]); ([1,667]); [1,668]; [1,669]; [1,670]); [1,671]
- Jackie Dallas - American film and television actress with credits including Stranger Things, Criminal Minds, NCIS: New Orleans, Magnum P.I., 13 Reasons Why, Bold and the Beautiful, Young and the Restless, Leverage Redemption, Fear the Walking Dead, The Resident and more. Full credits seen at Professional Website Voyage LA Interview Altamero Management Jackie Dallas Steve Jobs Movie Review Pop Horror The Pining Movie Review Film Threat The Pining Movie Review
- Aakshath Das - Indian actor. Best known for his appearances on Mersaland Serious Men. Living in chennai,tamilnadu. [1,672][1,673][1,674][1,675][1,676][1,677][1,678][1,679]
- Scott Davies (actor) - best known for playing the title role in The Phantom of the Opera; 1
- Megan Davis (actress) - American Actress (Born Tulsa, Oklahoma). She is best known for her role as Maya in the feature film Animus and Hannah on 2 Broke Girls (TV series). She was also on Bones (TV series). [1,680] [1,681] [1,682]
- Frederick Du Rietz (actor) - Australian Actor. Known for his role as Robbie Lambert on Secret City (TV series) and Jeremy on Amazing Grace (Australian TV series). He is also known for his performance as Matt in the film Bilched (Australian film) where he was awarded Best Supporting Actor at the Chelsea Film Festival. He was also nominated for Best Male New Talent at the 9th AACTA Awards for his work on Secret City (TV series) [1,683] [1,684] [1,685] [1,686]
- Andrés Espinel - Argentinian musical theatre actor; starring Tick Tick... Boom and "(Disney Latino) El Jardin de Clarilu; [1,687] [1,688] [1,689] [1,690] Tick, Tick... Boom!
- Lola Flanery (born May 26, 2005 in Los Angeles, California, USA) is a Canadian-American actress and model best known for her role as Madi Griffin in The 100. She also appeared as the Seelie Queen in the first season of Shadowhunters, as Mary's daughter Cambie in Mary Kills People, and as Lila DeWitt in The Mist. In film she has starred in Lavender as the daughter of Abbie Cornish and Diego Klattenhoff's characters, and in Home Again as the daughter of Reese Witherspoon's character. Flanery is the daughter of American actor Sean Patrick Flanery and Canadian Sacha Grierson, and stepdaughter of Lauren Michelle Hill. Flanery was raised in Toronto from the age of 3 and began her career as a child model. She started acting in 2015, appearing in a TV movie called Last Chance for Christmas alongside Hilarie Burton, Gabriel Hogan, and Tim Matheson. [1,691][1,692][1,693][1,694][1,695]
- James Glyn - (28 January 2019) Welsh actor [1,696] [1,697] [1,698] [1,699]
- Mel Gorsha - American voice actress, video game writer, founder of Novella Gaming.[76]
- Natalie Grace - (September 5, 2020) Canadian actress from the film Evangeline (2013 film) and playwright. [1,700] [1,701] [1,702]
- Reatha Grey - African-American actress; stars on Betty White's Off Their Rockers; [1,703] [1,704]
- Diana Hopper - Actress from Goliath, Aftermath and Bit. [1,705] [1,706] [1,707]
- Jax Jackson - Transgender Actor; starred in two feature films including Hannah Free and Jamie and Jessie Are Not Together. Originated the role of Jaq in the world premiere of Teddy Ferrara, a play by Christopher Shinn, becoming the first open transgender actor on stage at The Goodman Theatre in Chicago. [1,708] [1,709]
- Brooke Lena Johnson American born Television and Movie actress and singer; appeared in theThe Strangers part one and part two as well as the Amazon Prime TV show, Cruel Intentions and You; LAMDA London graduate, born and raised in Long Beach California.[1,710][1,711][1,712][1,713]
- Stefan Johnson
DGV, member of Ray William Johnson's band Your Favorite Martian, and was featured in some of Ray's videos [1,714][1,715], and the subject of a news article. Nominated for multiple Grammys.
- Matthew Jure - British film and television actor; most notably played Young George Barlow in 'Waterloo', the final episode of flagship BBC coldcase series 'Waking The Dead' [1,716] [1,717] and Day V Lately Day V Lately#cite note-0 in Yell's 'Pulse & Thunder' television campaign. [1,718]
- Naama Kates - American film actress, composer, and producer. Roles in independent films Eden and Chloe as well as television show NCIS. [1,719] [1,720] [1,721] [1,722] [1,723] [1,724]
- Sarah Kaufmann - American actress and Model, born May 30th, 1997. Originally from Skippack, Pennsylvania. Recognized for her work in television series The Goldbergs on ABC as Sydney as well as television show Bull (TV series). [1,725] [1,726]
- CC King (requested August 6, 2019) - American actress, born August 14th, 2008. CC King began acting professionally at 4 years old. King's performance as Sofia in Lifetime's Delivering Christmas gained recognition, earning the Young Artist Award and Young Entertainer Award in 2018 for Best Leading Actress in a TV Movie. King has starred in numerous films, most recently Noah Baumbach's film Marriage Story and Daniel Farrands film The Murder of Nicole Brown Simpson. Managed by Hines and Hunt Entertainment ([1,727]) Represented by ([1,728] Additional notable references can be found on the following websites [1,729]] [1,730].)
- Katie Rose Law - American television and film actress; originally from Hudson, Wisconsin. Katie began acting at 8 years old being featured in numerous plays and television commercials. She went on to originate the role of Maria Goretti in the world premiere of Mercy Unrelenting, a play by Jeremy Stanbary at the Open Window Theater In Minneapolis, MN at age 15. ([1,731])([1,732]) She is best known for portraying the leading role of Melissa Dohme in ABC's 20/20: In an Instant "The Women Who Refused To Die". She has also appeared in the Nickelodeon series Game Shakers and the Fox Searchlight film Wilson(2017 film). ([1,733])([1,734])([1,735])([1,736])
- Serge Levin - is an award winning American film actor, writer and director. He is known for Stranger_Things (2016), Alterscape (2018), The_Americans (2013), and Welcome_to_Willits (2016). [1,737]; [1,738]
- Leana Lewis - American television and film actress and model; appeared in television series Get Shorty ([1,739]) ([1,740]) and Better Call Saul ([1,741]) ([1,742]) ([1,743]) ([1,744]) ([1,745]) Starred in featured film Bear Creek ([1,746]) and appeared films such as Journey from the Bogan ([1,747]) Our Souls At Night ([1,748]) Granite Mountain ([1,749]) Rage of the Mummy and many others ([1,750]) ([1,751]) ([1,752]) She is known worldwide ([1,753]) ([1,754]) ([1,755]) ([1,756]) and recognized by peers ([1,757]) ([1,758])
- Christopher Logan - Canadian television and film actor and writer; appearing in films Cold Pursuit ([1,759]) Tron Legacy ([1,760]) Connie and Carla (Connie and Carla)Saving Silverman (Saving Silverman)and television relaunch of The X-Files (Founder's Mutation)
- Holly Madison (Hefner) (born 1979) - model and television personality from Craig, Alaska; one of the stars of the E! channel's The Girls Next Door[77]
- Shaun Melady - American TV/Film actor and celebrity model; seen in Amazon Prime: The Disturbance Call; New York Fashion Week; The Grams; [1,761]; [1,762]; [1,763]; [1,764]; [1,765]; [1,766]; [1,767]; [1,768]
- Amanda Pennington - American actress and producer; film: Windcroft; TV: All My Children; producing: The Sea Is All I Know; [1,769]; [1,770]
- Jaya Prasad - American actress and model (born October 2, 1988); starred in the film Family Party (film) (2014), formerly available on Netflix, and Lucky Fifty (2019), available on iTunes and Amazon. Also starred in the hit song "Ab Laut Aa" by singer Sunidhi Chauhan. In 2014, was named Beauty of India by a renowned set of judges including Anurag Kashyap and Bai Ling. Has appeared in national and global ad campaigns for companies such as Apple, Fitbit, Salesforce, IBM, Top Golf, and more. [1,771] [1,772]
- Imani Pullum - American actress; film: Emancipation; TV: The Orville; Classified; [1,773]; [1,774]; [1,775]; [1,776]; [1,777]
- Wayne Pyle - American actor (born October 29, 1966); known for the films One Percent More Humid, Darcy, Mi America and others, he had a co-starring role on Gotham (TV series) and was a series regular on The Magic Door on WBBM-TV [1,778] [1,779]
- Jesse Ridgeway - American actor known for creating internet comedy series McJuggerNuggets [78]
- Jack Roth (actor) - English actor of film and television and the son of actor Tim Roth who has appeared as Girolamo Riario in Medici (TV series), The Great Train Robbery (2013 TV series) and in the British film Us and Them.[1,780].[1,781]
- Brett Ryback - American stage and television actor, and musical theatre writer and composer. He portrayed the character "Reed" from the web series LG15: The Resistance.[1,782])([1,783]] In 2013 he also originated the role of Marcus in the Off-Broadway musical Murder for Twoopposite Jeff Blumenkrantz.[1,784] He has made appearances on multiple Television shows including Modern Family, How I Met Your Mother, House, and Cupid. His one act play WEÏRD won the 2007 Tennessee Williams One-Act Play Competition.[1,785] In 2013, his musical The Tavern Keeper's Daughter was named "Best Theatre Production" by Pasadena Weekly.[1,786]
- Darsan Solomon (born Darsan Jordean Solomon January 5, 1993) is an American actor best known for his recurring role as Burf on Victorious. Also known for his recurring role as Dave on Community (TV series); [1,787]
- Frank Hoyt Taylor - Southwest Virginia actor; appeared in films Warm Springs, A Lesson Before Dying, Junebug & Dreamer; [1,788]
- Mariand Torres - Actress; most known for her roles in Madam Secretary (TV series) & Wicked (musical) ([1,789]), [1,790]
- Yusra Warsama - British actress, poet and playwright ([1,791]). Played Nadia Howlwadaag in Castle Rock Season 2, Lauren Dalby on The Last Days on Mars ([1,792]), and also has a credit as Nafula in Our Girl.
- Iabou Windimere - American actress known for playing two roles in, and assistant director, for the movie Psycho Killer [1,793]; [1,794]; [1,795] [1,796]); [1,797]
- Lisa Wilkinson - American actress and singer, known for playing Nancy Grant on the TV soap opera All My Children, first Black leading actress on the soap opera. [1,798] [1,799] [1,800]
- Boris Charmatz - French choreographer and dancer; a protagonist of the French new wave and the non-dance movement; [1,801] (fr:Boris Charmatz)
- Marven Payne - African-American choreographer, dancer and director; first non-Japanese artistic director of a major dance company in Japan, the Shiki Theatre Company; [1,802]
- Robert Scevers - American choreographer and dancer; Premiere Danseur with The Harkness Ballet; [1,803]
- Matthew Broussard - Rising stand-up comedian, actor, and creator of the popular "Monday Punday" website [1,804]. He frequently performs at New York's Comedy Cellar and recently appeared on "Conan" and "the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon." He has a half-hour Comedy Central stand-up special, as well acting appearances on popular shows such as "The Mindy Project" and "Roast Battle." [1,805]
- Sherman Edwards (comedian) - had a scene in war of the worlds but was eventually cut. voted 2012's best stand up comedian by the Chicago reader[1,806]. 2012 INNY award winner for 'Best in Stand Up' [1,807]
- Matt Golightly - stand-up comic; appeared on the The Bob & Tom Show (April 11, 2008) - American comedian; [1,808]- American comedian; [1,809] - Professional, Touring stand-up comic based out of Austin, Texas
- Danny 'Slim' Gray [1,810] - pioneer[1,811] of Black British comedy. Subject of the the documentary Black British and Funny[1,812] by Mo Gilligan for Black History Month on Channel 4. First Black British comedian to play the Comedy Store (LA).
- Joe Machi [1,813] - comedian based in New York City; recurring panelist on the satirical talk show Red Eye w/Greg Gutfeld as the "Frightened Correspondent"; finalist on the reality television talent show Last Comic Standing and winner of its first ever "Sudden Death Round". [1,814]
- LP (Comic) [1,815] Writer/Comedian/Videographer/on-stage performer based in San Diego, CA. Primarily known for his onstage performances in San Diego as well as his groundbreaking comedy concept recording "Black Reparations." [1,816] The track was released on February 28th, 2021. LP is rumored to currently be working on a comic book.
- Katy Olson (comedian), Comedian, Actress, met her long lost biological half sister in a class at Columbia University [1,817] Olson Is in the upcoming film, The Paper Store starring [Richard Kind]. She was also featured in the series Stand Up or Shut Up, which aired on the [Starz] Network in 2006. The story of her reunion with her sister received widespread media attention. [1,818], [1,819]
- Matt Saincome (satirist), Founder of popular music satire site The Hard Times [1,820] Co-author of The Hard Times book. [1,821] As a journalist he wrote for Rolling Stone, Vice, SF Weekly. He founded a tech start up OutVoice, which helps freelancers get paid easier. [1,822]. More info about Matt can be found on The Hard Times wikipedia page
- Brian Simpson (comedian) – (requested January 23 2025) American comedian, has a Netflix special. [1,823][1,824][1,825]
Place new filmmaker requests under the most-appropriate subcategory below.
- Geordie Brookman - Australian theatre and musicals director. From 2012 - 2019 was the Artistic Director of the State Theatre Company of South Australia and known for directing works including Things I Know to Be True, Metro Street, Betrayal (play) and The Kreutzer Sonata. ([1,826]) ([1,827]) ([1,828])([1,829])
- Abhijeet Choudhary - Indian young theatre playwright, screenwriter and director; [1,830]; [1,831]
- Blair Fukumura - director, writer and producer; [1,832]; [1,833];[1,834]; [1,835]; [1,836]
- Zara Hayes (British film director known for her documentaries Dian Fossey: SECRETS IN THE MIST, The Battle of the Sexes, and the upcoming dance comedy Poms (film) starring Diane Keaton [1,837]
- Brett Ingram - American documentary filmmaker; [1,838]
- Saud Jubaer- (born August 18, 1992) is a New York City-based, young Bengali filmmaker. His first short film Hands (2012) was Official Selection at Girls Impact The World Film Festival organized by Harvard University. His most recent work The God of Small Things (2017)[1,839] is a Neo-neorealist film shot in Bangladesh, was inspired by his childhood memories of religious rituals and its trauma.[1,840] <
- Jeffrey Morris (Jeffrey Keith Morris -- Born December 23, 1967) American writer, director, and production designer. Founder of FutureDude Entertainment. Known for graphic novels Slingshot, Venus: Daedalus One, Brainstorm, Parallel Man, and Oceanus. Science Fiction short films "Oceanus: Act One" (starring Sharif Atkins, Bruce Davison, Megan Dodds, and Malcolm McDowell) and "Parallel Man" (starring John Cho, Lance Reddick, and Ming-Na Wen) on streaming platform DUST. Documentary film "The Eagle Obsession" (Featuring Barbara Bain, Nick Tate, Charles Duke, Sian Proctor, and Michael Okuda) currently in production. Upcoming feature film "Persephone" (starring Brianna Hildebrand, Ming-Na Wen, and Esai Morales). Co-writer of the "Persephone" novelization with New York Times bestselling author Kevin J. Anderson. [1,841]), [1,842], [1,843], [1,844], [1,845], [1,846], [1,847], [1,848], [1,849], [1,850], [1,851]
Matt Norman (director) - Born 20th October 1971, Tallangatta, Victoria Australia, is an International award-winning filmmaker, actor, writer and author well known for his last film Salute about his uncle ``Peter Norman`` who was the 200m silver medalist at the 1968 Mexico City Olympics. Peter Norman was part of the ``Black Power Protest`` by wearing an OPHR (Olympic Project for human rights) badge. Matt Norman was the co-author of the book "A Race to remember - The Peter Norman story" Johnstone, Damian; Norman, Matt T. (2008). A Race to Remember: The Peter Norman Story (2008 ed.). JoJo Publishing. ISBN 9780980495027. - Total pages: 320. More information can be found at [1,852], [1,853], [1,854], [1,855] [1,856],
- Jason M. Murphy - (born July 7, 1975) - Jacksonville, FL / American Director, Producer, and Visual Effects Artist that started in the horror (Zombies!_Zombies!_Zombies!) and suspense genre, but has become more well known for his kids movies. Jason has Directed the likes of: Wallace_Shawn, Patrick_Muldoon, Olivia_d'Abo, Daniel_Baldwin, Warwick_Davis, Jonathan_Silverman, Mischa_Barton, Austin_St._John, and Tiffany_Shepis. [1,857]
- Kenim Obaigbena (also known as Kenim O.) - British-American film director and video journalist of Nigerian descent; [1,858]; [1,859]; [1,860]; [1,861] [1,862]; [1,863]; [1,864]; [1,865]
- MK Pak - previously known as Eddie Pak, a Malaysian film director, producer and scriptwriter, whose career spans more than 38 years, filled with awards and accomplishments.[1,866]
- Brith Phelan (born July 16, 1989) - Los Angeles, California. American-German Director and Photographer best known for her work with ADIDAS and White Claw, her career in the film industry started with films such as Seaside] with Oscar Winner Ariana DeBose which then lead to her directorial debut, the award-winning short Be Here to Love Me and then later on [[Looking for Love" , first feature-length film isFinding Dad [1,867][1,868], [1,869]
- Martin Rawlings-Fein - Jewish-American filmmaker and writer who directs, edits writes films that reflect the transgender experience in San Francisco, produced Perfect Fit, a Tranny Fest selection (2009); and Gillian, a Tranny Fest selection (2010) ([1,870]); prides himself on crafting 100% trans-made films; [1,871]
- Mohamed Roshdy (born May 22, 1986) - Egyptian Director/ Filmmaker, Screenwriter and producer of many TV Ads, and Short Movies. [1,872] [1,873] [1,874] [1,875] [1,876]
- Anthony Supreme (born August 20, 1984) - Monroe, NC / Filmmaker, Photographer (Billboard Complex, The Fader, YouTube)
- Robert Tutak - Professor of film at Brooklyn College of the City University of New York,[1,877] graduate of the Lodz Film School of Poland, and founder/director of the Manhattan Film Academy, Robert Tutak has written and directed sixteen short documentaries and short fiction films. His work has been exhibited internationally in Canada, China, Czech Republic, Germany, Finland, France, Israel, Italy, New Zealand, The Netherlands, Poland, Romania, and the UK, among other countries, as well as in the US including at the Museum of Modern Art in New York and the UCLA Film and Television Archive. United Nations Film Festival, International Documentary Film Festival of Amsterdam, The News, Poland 7thart, Timeout Dubai,Brooklyn College, Polish Film Institute, British Film Institute British Film Institute, Cinema Italiano, Tutak Films, Manhattan Film Academy. National Film School in Łódź, Alumni National Film School in Łódź
- Jamie Wolfe - (born January 29, 1988) American animation director and artist, best known for her independent animated shorts. - [1,878]; [1,879]; [1,880]; [1,881]; [1,882]; [1,883]; [1,884]; [1,885]; [1,886]; [1,887]; [1,888]; [1,889]; [1,890]; Added by User:Jamikwolfe on 18 August 2018.
Documentary filmmakers
- Guillaume Coudray, a French documentary director and producer fr [1,891] [1,892]
- Ian McAllister Ian McAllister [1,893] is the director of several environmental conservation films, including the recently released Great Bear Rainforest Film: Land of the Spirit Bear [1,894], shot in IMAX format and released worldwide. He is also a professional photographer and author of over a dozen books documenting the Great Bear Rainforest of British Columbia, and Executive Director of Pacific Wild [1,895], a British Columbia conservation organization.
- Kevin McMahon (Kevin McMahon is an award-winning Canadian director, writer and producer of feature documentaries and documentary TV series.) [1,896]; [1,897]; Canadian Made; National Parks Project; [1,898]; Waterlife; [1,899]; [1,900];
- Gunjan Menon Gunjan Menon is a conservation filmmaker and National Geographic Explorer from India known for her impact-driven wildlife and human interest stories. Her work has been broadcast on Animal Planet, Discovery India, BBC Earth, National Geographic among other Indian platforms. She has won multiple accolades with over 40 International awards and nominations across 14 countries so far for her work including her film, The Firefox Guardian being shortlisted for a student BAFTA award. [1,901]. She is a TEDx speaker [1,902], an advocate for shifting the limelight to lesser-known habitats and species. She was awarded the 'Rising Star' award in 2020 for her contributions to nature, conservation and science media and her outstanding achievements alongside extended impact. [1,903] She is the co-founder-CEO of ‘Beyond Premieres’, an organisation that supports filmmakers to create tangible impact through their art. [1,904] [1,905]
- Alan Raymond and Susan Raymond - documentary filmmakers; Academy Award winners; created PBS documentary An American Family (1973); [1,906]
- Diana Rodgers (award winning film director, producer, author, and a registered dietitian) directed the film Sacred Cow about the polarizing war between meat eatres and vegans, and how beef is a healthy food and can be raised in an environmentally beneficial and ethical way which won an award at the Nature Beyond Borders Film Festival ([1,907]). She is an international speaker [1,908] and is co-author of the best selling book, Sacred Cow along with longtime friend and collegue Robb Wolf. She is also the host of the Sustainable Dish Podcast [1,909] and has written Paleo Lunches and Breakfasts on the Go and The Homegrown Paleo Cookbook which is a homesteading guide and cookbook. Prior to her work as an author and dietitian, Diana worked for National Public Radio, in the natural foods industry and was also an accomplished painter and fine furniture maker.
- Dianne Whelan - (Born 1965) - Dianne Whelan is an award-winning Canadian filmmaker, photographer, author and multimedia artist. She is the first person on earth to traverse the Great Trail; She completed the trek in 2021 over a 5 year period of time traversing 16,000 miles [1,910]
- Barnaby Eaton-Jones - British audio and theatrical producer, director and actor, noted for producing 'Robin of Sherwood: The Knights Of The Apocalypse, co-writing the 2019 audio revival of Up Pompeii, adapting and directing the 2019 audio adaptation of the Passport to Oblivion by James Leasor and producing and starring in the theatrical and audio revivals of I'm Sorry, I'll Read That Again. { ([1,911]) ([1,912]) Requested May 6, 2020.
- CC Goldwater/C.C. Goldwater - a producer who is the granddaughter of Barry Goldwater. Now redirects to Barry Goldwater#Documentary [1,913] [1,914]
- Gloria Z. Greenfield An American activist and director/producer, focusing on Israel and the Jewish world. JWA 1 JWA 2 [
- Carla Kettner - Canadian-American television writer/producer known for her work on Bones (TV Series), Strong Medicine, Zoo (TV series), and The Blacklist (TV Series). In 2019 she signed a term deal with Sony Pictures Television through her production company, Danger Doll Productions. [1,915] Req. August 20, 2019.
- Robert Lamb (producer) - British film producer; BBC documentary about Free and Open Software ([1,916] by OnePlanet Pictures, London)
- Matthew Lush (American internet personality most known for his popular YouTube channels with around 2 million combined subscribers, as well as his LGBT and animal rights activism. First openly gay internet celebrity who at one point was #9 most subscribed on YouTube. Got his start on Myspace in 2005 and had over half a million friends at his peak. Had a feud with Lush Cosmetics in 2015 over them re-claiming his YouTube username, Lush. ) ([1,917] [] [1,918] [1,919])
- Neeraj Churi Indo-British LGBTQ producer with multiple notable award winning films. Some of his works include Sheer Qorma (film), Ek Jagah Apni, Mind Mera Mind, Sab Rab De Bande and many more. Sources here: [1,920], [1,921], [1,922], [1,923].
- Chigan Madu - Chigan Madu The Producer Of The Prank Movie : Human Parts Saga, The First Ever Prank Movie To Be Aired In The Cinemas In Nigeria ([1,924]) [1,925]
- Amir Malin - Amir Malin is the Managing Principal of Qualia Capital, a principal investment firm specializing in media and entertainment. Prior to forming Qualia Capital in 2005, Amir Malin served as CEO of Artisan Entertainment. Artisan’s distribution platform allowed it to profitably acquire and produce new content for both the theatrical and home video markets, including The Blair Witch Project, The Punisher (2004 film), Clifford the Big Red Dog (film), and the Barbie series of direct to video features.[79] He took the company from a struggling publicly held home-video distributor to the leading privately held independent filmed-entertainment company. Earlier in his career, Malin served as president of October Films, where he was involved in product acquisition, strategic initiatives and all facets of distribution.[80] Requested 1/6/2021.
- Todd Miro - an American indie filmmaker who is an alumnus of San Francisco State University and edited and produced the acclaimed horror/thriller The Commune [1,926] [1,927] [1,928] [1,929]
- Lisa Pellegrene (producer, writer, director, actress and animal advocate) [1,930] [1,931] [1,932] [1,933]
- Heidi Santelli - American Film and Television Producer best known for her work as Vice President of Music Video Production at Def Jam Records, Executive Producer at A Band Apart Music Videos and later as Producing Partner to Film Director Steve Carr making family comedy films Are We Done Yet? starring Ice Cube, Daddy Day Care starring Eddie Murphy, and Rebound starring Martin Lawrence, all of which she served as Executive Producer. Santelli is credited as Co-Producer on the 2001 movie sequel Dr. Dolittle 2 as well as the 2016 feature film Middle School. Heidi Santelli is credited as Producer on the film Mama's Boy starring Jon Heder and Academy Award Winning Actress Diane Keaton. Heidi Santelli is currently signed on as Producer for an untitled comedy film for Netflix, with Steve Carr set to Direct. ([81][82][83][84]) Req. June 7, 2020
- Mark Schulze (producer) - American video producer from San Diego, California, Director of Photography and videographer, noted for producing The Great Mountain Biking Video, Full Cycle: A World Odyssey and co-producing Massage for Relaxation. He was an early innovator of the helmet cam Helmet camera with some of the earliest known captured POV footage currently digitally accessible to the public [1,934]. Schulze is CEO of San Diego's oldest video production company Crystal Pyramid Productions [1,935] and originator of San Diego's first and largest stock footage library company, New & Unique Videos [1,936], Stock footage, In 2015 Schulze found himself in front of the video camera and not in his customary spot behind it after finding a lost Panasonic Lumix on the ocean floor off La Jolla. The story of how he and his wife reunited the camera with its family months after they had dropped it from their kayak appeared on Inside Edition and Local San Diego news stations [1,937], [1,938], [1,939]. In 1990 Schulze and his wife Patty Mooney traveled around the world to produce a mountain biking documentary Full Cycle: A World Odyssey. They brought mountain biking tourism to South Australia [1,940]. Schulze and Mooney were among the first documented underwater mountain bikers off the coast of Costa Rica in 1994. A clip appeared on Real TV [1,941]. A clip of Schulze riding a mountain bike underwater in the ocean was broadcast on a Pacman commercial [1,942] Patty Mooney (talk) 23:55, 20 February 2016 (UTC)
- Beth Stevenson - Canadian producer/executive producer with 32 credits. Noted for producing/executive producing Chop Socky Chooks,Radio Free Roscoe,My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, Julius Jr., and more. She has worked with several major networks including: CBC, Disney Jr., Nick Jr., Teletoon, Cartoon Network, MTV, HBO Family, PBS, and more. She was a former partner and executive at Decond Entertainment (now DHX Media) and she has since founded her own company Brain Power Studio and continues to produce/executive produce movies and television series. [1,943] [1,944] [1,945] [1,946] [1,947] [1,948] [1,949]
- Philip Waley (British born Film Producer and owner of Shaken Not Stirred Productions, based in Los Angeles), The Empty Man (film) ([1,950]) ([1,951]) ([1,952])
- Jacob Worth: YouTube video producer, Corporate journalist, Activist, Jewelry expert. Exposed the Brilliant Earth Diamond Scam. [1,953] [1,954] [1,955] [1,956]
- Adrienne Marie Coins - American screenwriter/producer of Pills (2017) and Ditch (2017); [1,957]
- Dave Holstein - American television writer and producer, creator of Showtime's Golden Globe nominated Kidding, writer on Weeds, Raising Hope, The Brink. Co-President of production company R&D Analytics with Roberto Benabib. [1,958]
Other filmmakers
(casting directors, cinematographers, special-effects people, et al.)
- Erick Geisler - producer, director, and visual effects supervisor. He has won two Emmys [1,959], given numerous lectures, and has over 100 titles to his credit, including Total Recall, The Day the Earth Stood Still, and Gangster Squad. He is direction Manny Pacquiao's Hollywood debut in Rob Schneider movie [1,960]
- Gillian Pachter - created the 2018 BBC Four documentary series The Ruth Ellis Files: A Very British Crime Story.[85]
- Wally Veevers - British special effects master. His career spanned from Things to Come (1936) to The Keep (1983) including Superman (1978), for which he shared the BAFTA Michael Balcon Award in 1979. He served as an effects supervisor on many films, including The Guns of Navarone (1961), Dr. Strangelove (1964), 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), and The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975).
Film editors
- S Chandran(magician)awarded Doctorate Degree on Magic from International Magicians Society and Merlin Award Winner in 2014.[1,961] He is one of the Guinness Record holder in Singapore.[1,962] [1,963]
- Eric Chien (magician) winner of Asia's Got Talent (season 3) [1,964] [1,965] [1,966] [1,967], Winner of FISM (2018) - close-up Grand Prix [1,968] [1,969] [1,970], Currently semi-finalist (28th August 2019) on America's Got Talent season 14. He is considered as one of the best magician in the world by many people including the judges of America's got talent and asia's got talent [1,971] [1,972] [1,973]
- Aidan McCann - young Irish child prodigy magician.][1,974]
- Samala Venu (magician) - Award-winning Illusionist, magician and hypnotist, National Award Winner and two-time Guinness Record holder [1,975] [1,976] [1,977] [1,978] [1,979] [1,980] [1,981] [1,982] [1,983] [1,984] [1,985] [1,986] [1,987] [1,988] [1,989] [1,990] [1,991]
![]() | Please request articles about musicians at Wikipedia:Requested articles/music, not here. |
Performance artists
- Mathilde de Cagny (French animal trainer with over thirty years of experience who's been living in the US since she was 20 years old. She first worked for the Universal Studios theme park and then for various TV shows and movies such as Frasier, Back To The Future Part II, Hugo Cabret or Marley & Me (film). She's trained many different types of animals over the years from goats to penguins but specializes in dog training. During her career she's had the chance to work with some of the greatest actors and directors such as Woody Allen or Martin Scorsese) ([1,992] [1,993] [1,994] [1,995] [1,996] [1,997] [1,998] [1,999] [2,000] [2,001])
- Michaela Cook (Micks) - Australian musician, writer, actress and social media star. She was the face of Tourism and Events Queensland's 2017 campaign with the single she wrote and performed, 'Everything Will Be Alright'. She is also engaged to NFL star Jesse Williams. Jesse Williams (American football) [2,002] [2,003] [2,004] [2,005] [2,006] [2,007] (requested 25 April 2019)
- Ivan Anatolievich Kozlov (born in 1982, ballet dancer, former premier of the Mariinsky Theater) ([2,008]) ([2,009]) ([2,010]).
- Ary Lobo , Brazilian musician and composer
- Branko Miliskovic (born 1982 in Belgrade) - Serbian artist; working in the performance-art field, long-term living installations, film and photography; living in Hamburg, Germany; working worldwide. [2,011] [2,012] [2,013] Trouble #6, Avril/Mai 2010, Bimestriel Halles de Schaerbeek, Brussels, p.23; Nederlands Film Festival 09, catalogue, Panorama Nieuwe Lichting, p. 242; Time Out Tel Aviv, interviewed by Eitan Buganim, November 26, 2009, Issue 369, p.76; [Alba Art Show] 2008, Associazione Culturale "Amici Dell'Arte" (catalogue) [2,014] [2,015] [2,016] [2,017] [2,018]
- Charlotte Triebus (*1988) - German performance artist [2,019]
- Benjy Wertheimer - Award-winning songwriter, vocalist, composer, and multi-instrumentalist, specialising in kirtan and New Age music. [2,020] (requested 4th Sept 2017)
- Sidney Lanier (producer) - cofounder of The American Place Theater [2,021] [2,022] [2,023]
Radio personalities
See also the list of requests for Wikipedia:Requested articles/Biography/By profession#Disc jockeys.
- Aaron Camaro - Decibel Geek co-host; Crossfire Wrestling Ring Announcer; on-air staff early 2000s for WIFC [2,024]
- Caroline Casey (radio host) - radio talk-show host, KPFA's Something's Happening; author, Making the Gods Work for You (Random House, 1998); [2,025]
- Gettysburg Ghost Gals - Gettysburg Ghost Gals "live" Radio Show hosts on; 2014 Gettysburg historical and paranormal worldwide radio show with celebrity guests and live from haunted locations throughout America. [2,026], [2,027]
- Kevin Hughes (radio host) British radio and TV personality. Presnetns heart south Wales drive time has done report and showbiz for British , Australian and Canadian TV and radio shows. [2,028] [2,029]
- Fred Palmer - WATH co-owner and NAB Broadcasting Hall of Fame inductee [2,030]
- Mark L. Plotkin - Former WTOP political analyst and radio show host and advocate for DC statehood [2,031]
- Christy Taylor - night-show host and music director, XETRA-FM (San Diego, CA); worked for WXRK, WZMR, WFLY, WWYL, WDRE (formerly WXXP) and WICB; [2,032]; WXRK; WZMR; WFLY; [2,033]
- Norman Wilson (radio host) - (full title is Dr. Norman G Wilson, not to be confused with Rev. Norman G Wilson) Host of the well known Christian radio show The Wesleyan Hour. Also an international evangelist, he had preached alongside and/or was personally acquainted with Billy Graham, James Dobson, Jerry Falwell, Cliff Barrows, and George Beverley Shay. He was also the author of many books such as Follow the Leader: A Daily Spiritual Journal, People Just Like Us, The Call to Contentment: Life Lessons by the Beatitudes (which he co-authored with Jerry Brecheisen), Journey into Holiness: Experiencing Gods Power for Holy Living, and many others. He has served for many years in the pastorate, taught in a Christian liberal arts college, and been part of a concert and recording ministry. His latest album is entitled "Thinkin' About Home." Norman G. Wilson and his wife, Nancy, are the parents of three grown children and the grandparents of eight. They live in Indianapolis, Indiana. He has been called "the most influential Wesleyan minister since John Wesley." by the General Superintendent of the Wesleyan Church at the time of his retirement, Jerry Pence. ([2,034]) ([2,035])
- Kenneth Wooddell - Requested 2023-10-10 - Kenneth Wooddell was born June 27, 1926, and worked as a sportscaster, predominantly in Coles County, Illinois. He died Sept. 15, 2023, in Mattoon, Illinois. Wooddell was World War II veteran who worked for WLBH radio in Mattoon, Illinois, and was the voice of the Eastern Illinois University panthers, broadcasting more than 1,800 games. He was inducted into the Illinois Basketball Coaches Association Hall of Fame in 1975 and the Eastern Illinois University hall of fame in 1995. He won the Illinois Broadcaster Pioneer award in 2013. Sept. 19, 2023, was named Kenneth L. Wooddell day in Mattoon, Illinois. Disclosure: I am Wooddell's grandson and, therefore, unable to create this article without conflict of interest. I can, however, provide source material to someone who wants to do so. Sources: [2,036] ; [2,037] (note incorrect death date) ; [2,038]
- Tim Lichfield (radio host) - Born as Timothy Charles Lichfield, in July 1981 in Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham, West Midlands, is a British radio, TV presenter and personality. He is also known as Tiger Tim. Lichfield started his career at Sandwell Hospital Radio in 1996, then quickly moved up in the industry. His past radio stations include London's Capital Radio, Capital Disney & BRMB. At BRMB, Tim was known as "Tiger Tim" for some time and presented various shifts, but most notably overnights from 2000-2004. Whilst working in Birmingham, Tim also presented 4-6am on Capital Gold and produced Tom Ross on the Breakfast Show, which he would cover when Tom was off. Tim also worked as an audio producer, creating the two station's on-air production-
Television personalities
- Ahmad al-Shugairi - Saudi Arabian television preacher, known as a "satellite sheik"; [2,039]
- Matt Blashaw - licensed contractor and television host for HGTV and DIY Network; [2,040]; [2,041]
- Daphne Brogdon - American television host, panelist, comic, and sometimes actress; [2,042]; [2,043]; [2,044]
- Barry Burbank - Boston meteorologist for WBZ-TV. [2,045] [2,046]
- Vincent Carter - Internet Personality and content creator. Creates family friendly content with his kids and wife. Published author and entrepreneur. Toy line based on original IP sold in Target and Walmart. [2,047]; [2,048]; [2,049]; [2,050]; [2,051]; [2,052]; [2,053]; [2,054]
- Jennifer Delgado - Co-host of America's Morning Headquarters on The Weather Channel, previously with CNN [2,055].
- Jennifer Eichler - Midwestern television and media personality who was known as "The Watson's Girl". [2,056] [2,057] [2,058] [2,059] [2,060] [2,061] [2,062] [2,063]
- Trent Fasnacht - General Contractor and Blogger who hosted American Rehab Charleston and Restoring Charleston on HGTV and DIY featuring three of his extreme home renovations. [2,064] [2,065] [2,066] [2,067] [2,068] [2,069] [2,070] [2,071] [2,072] [2,073]
Frank Fritz - co-founder of Antique Archeology is an American reality star and antique collector [2,074]; [2,075] (current wikilink is a redirect)
- Mary Hager - Executive Producer of Face the Nation; [2,076]
- Richard Hall (journalist) - British television host for the Travel Channel; journalist; [2,077]
- Missie Rennie - strategic media consultant and is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. She has spent 30 years in television news, for the most part at CBS as the executive producer [20 years!!!] of CBS News Sunday Morning [2,078] [2,079], [2,080], [2,081]
- Scarlett Rose - Indian model, TV personality, social media influencer and travel blogger. Known for winning MTV Splitsvilla 7. She has acted in various TV series namely, "Kaisi Yeh Yaariaan", "MTV Warrior High", "MTV Fanaah" and many more. [2,082]; [2,083]; [2,084]
- Hayley Smith-Rose (Reality TV and Radio Personality) Date added: 01/15/2024 Starred in season 1 of Netflix’s reality competition show Surviving Paradise. Currently on air on Hot Radio Maine (WHTP), host of podcast Fever Dream Diaries, and in-arena host for the Maine Mariners’ hockey team. [86] [87] Women to Watch: Hayley Smith-Rose [88] [89]
- Sonia Sunger (A Canadian born south asian actress and news anchor.) ([2,085]) ([2,086]) ([2,087])
- Josh Temple - host of House Crashers; was host of America's Toughest Jobs; some acting; [2,088]; [2,089]; [2,090]; [2,091]
- Saya Hiyama - One of several personalities for Weathernews LiVE. [2,092] [2,093], etc.
- Félix Pharand-Deschênes (Canadian environmentalist and founder of Globaïa, an organization dedicated to planetary awareness through science and art. Notable for his visualizations illustrating the Anthropocene, planetary boundaries, and ecological impacts.) [2,094][2,095]
- Sabrina Fernandes, Brazilian activist -- see pt:sabrina Fernandes[2,096] [2,097][2,098]
Espionage and intelligence
- Zwy Aldouby -- journalist, Nazi hunter, alleged spy,[2,099][2,100])
- Sante Bario - Italian-turned-American undercover agent for the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) who fell victim to the international drug trade under mysterious circumstances. He had also previously led anti-corruption investigations for New York City and Mexico City, as well as having worked undercover for the US Internal Revenue Service. He was vindicated in the courtroom twelve years after his death. [2,101] [2,102] [2,103] [2,104] [2,105] [2,106]
- Burton Gerber - Senior CIA officer and Soviet Bureau chief who helped to manage Adolf Tolkachev and was one of the supervisors of Aldrich Ames. Awarded the Distinguished Intelligence Medal, now a professor at Georgetown University and a contributor to intelligence circles in the United States. Mr. Gerber is now old but still living and working in an educational and civilian capacity at Georgetown University. [2,107] [2,108] [2,109]
- Pawel Monat Polish spy assigned to Polish Embassy in the United States in height of the Cold War, defected to west. paywalled Time article, on Amazon Spy-U-S-Pawel-Monat non-fiction book he wrote], scan on Google books of Life magazine article, appeared on television's To Tell the Truth but not much information there.
- Radun Bakić - fashion influencer from Podgorica, Montenegro. Studying fashion at high school, some of his creations were noticed by Olivier Rousteing and Jelena Karleuša. [2,110] [2,111] [2,112] [2,113] [2,114] [2,115] [2,116]
- Emanuele Bertoli - (born July 3 1967) owner of BerBrand, a company that makes mother-of-pearl buttons for clothing designers like Giorgio Armani and Stefano Ricci ([2,117]) ([2,118])([2,119])
- Meeghan Dunleavy – Beauty pageant titleholder; Ms Kansas United States 2015, Ms Kansas United States 2014, Top 10 at Ms United States 2014 and Top 15 at Ms United States 2015 for the Miss United States Organization; Fashion model with Models and Images; Fitness Model; National Physique Committee bikini competitor; Wichita Thunder Lightning Girl; reality TV cast member for The Fashion Hero [2,120]
- Angelina Glass - beauty-pageant winner; Miss Germany Universe 2007, Miss Deutschland 2005, Miss Berlin 2005; [2,121]; [2,122]
- Davina Hull (Davina Hull was the very first Miss Africa Idaho and Miss Black Idaho, she did an amazing amount for her community and world in her time as a pageant queen even though she face no community support and some discrimination) ( Miss Africa Idaho site, Idaho State Journal: [2,123] [2,124], Human Library, and other)
- Tristin Huntamer - American Glamour, Nude, Pin-Up, Art, and Alternative Fashion model and internet featured model, Ice hockey blogger for Rink Rocket, Libertarian and Austrian Economics activist, Modeled in America and Italy,; [2,125] [2,126] [2,127] [2,128] [2,129] [2,130] [2,131] [2,132]
- Sanjana Jon (New York based Fashion designer, sister of Anand Jon) ([2,133])
- Christophe Lemaire - French fashion designer. Former creative director for Lacoste and successor of Jean Paul Gaultier at Hermès, now director of his own label and head of the U line at Uniqlo. Also see fr:Christophe Lemaire (styliste). [2,134] [2,135]
- Carmiezinas Nicolosi - Italian model; Mutya Ng Pilipinas 2005 winner; [2,136]; MOD
- Hayley Paige - A fashion designer and creator specializing in bridal and bridesmaid collections. She is based out of New York City and has been featured on TLC’s Say Yes to the Dress [2,137] [2,138], celebrity red carpet scenes [2,139], an engagement ring collection [2,140], and more. [2,141] [2,142] [2,143][2,144]
- Luanna Perez-Garreaud - Peruvian-American fashion blogger, owner of fashion blog and Shop LeHappy brand. She's also written for Teen Vouge magazine. ([2,145])
- Ann Person - Founder of Stretch and Sew an international business built around knit fabrics, one of Oregon's first female entrepreneurs ;[2,146]; [2,147]; [2,148]
- Nick Snider (born August 31, 1988) - American fashion model; Prada VMan magazine, L'Uomo Vogue and i-D, Forbes top-10 male supermodel; [2,149]
- Elliott Sailors - American model, actress, activist, entrepreneur and frequent public speaker. Active since 2001 [2,150] [2,151] identifies as genderfluid [2,152]. Sailors married Adam Santos-Coy on July 10, 2011 but they were later divorced [2,153]. Sailors has been with partner Olimpia Valli Fassi since May 2, 2014 [2,154] which began during the previous open marriage. Sailors has walked the runway for many such as Diesel, Rick Owens, Milly, Chromat and Vivienne Westwood menswear [2,155]. Sailors went on to be featured in the Milly Equality For All Campaign Fall of 2017 as seen in Vogue September issue [2,156] and Gucci in 2018 [2,157]. In 2013 Sailors was interviewed on Today (American TV program) by Al Roker and on The View (talk show) by Barbara Walters discussing Sailors modeling menswear. [2,158].
- Amber ZhaoYang Wang - A high fashion model and leader who has been featured on the cover of publications including Glamour, Harper’s Bazaar, L’Official and in Vanity Teen, Vogue, and GQ. She started as a young CEO in China and then became a high fashion model featured in over 40 fashion magazines with experience at New York Fashion Week. [2,159] [2,160] [2,161]
- Neels Visser (American male model, DJ, and YouTube celebrity; Birthday September 26th, 1998) ([2,162] , [2,163])
- Nastya Zhidkova - Russian model; noted for being an albino. Has worn designs from BCBG Max Azria.[2,164]
- Nabil Zaidi (American fashion designer. He is the founding partner of streetwear label, Profound. He is also a speaker for leadership and entrepreneurship. His brand has been worn by celeberties such as Rihanna, Young Thug, Chris Brown. [2,165] [2,166] [2,167]
Feminist figures
- Anna Coote, British co-author of various feminist books, writer and advocate on social policy Guardian profile
- Jane Flax, Feminist philosopher from Harvard University and scholar of postmodernism, gender relations, and psychoanalysis. Author of Thinking Fragments and the article "Postmodernism and gender relations in feminist theory" which both have over 2000 Google Scholar citations.
- Alice Gilbert, judge, a founding member of the Michigan chapter of NOW. [2,168]
Film Directors
- Vitaly Zhemchuzhny - Russian film director [90]
- McKinley Benson - American film director [91] [92]
- Henry Marvin Belden (American folklorist of the Orzarks) ([2,169]). Should be wikilinked from the see also section of Max Hunter once created.
- Samuel Whittemore Boggs (1889–1954) - American political geographer and cartographer; developed the Boggs eumorphic projection, author of International boundaries: a study of boundary functions and problems (1940); Samuel Whittemore Boggs: An Appreciation
- John R. Borchert (1918–2001) - American geographer, who contributed to several aspects of the practical application of geographical concepts [2,170]
- Ulf Büntgen (born 1976) - German physical geographer, climate scientist, Professor of Environmental Systems Analysis at the Department of Geography, University of Cambridge; discovered and established the Late Antique Little Ice Age (LALIA), known for his interdisciplinary approach to link climate variability and human history. Highly cited and prominent in the fields of paleoclimatology and dendrochronology.Link to Google Scholar
- Ian Burton (born 1935) - co-author of the influential book The Environment as Hazard; Works by or about Ian Burton in libraries (WorldCat catalog) [2,171]
- Alexey Butakov (1816–1869) - Russian admiral and explorer; first to navigate the Aral Sea [2,172][2,173][2,174]
- Philip N. Cooke (Philip Cooke (planner)) (born 1946) - British regional planner and geographer; a chief proponent of the concept of regional innovation systems; earlier in his career, conductor of the Economic and Social Research Council "locality studies" research programme (officially called "The Changing Urban and Regional System in the United Kingdom") [2,175]
- Pierre Desrochers - an Associate Professor of Geography at the University of Toronto Mississauga who attacks the localvore movement (Pierre Desrochers refers to a Montreal politician) [2,176]
- Timothy R. Oke (T. R. Oke) (born 1941) - British-born Canadian geographer; "the world's leading expert on urban microclimates", according to the Royal Canadian Geographical Society; gscholar
- James J. Parsons (1915–1997) - American geographer, member of the Berkeley School of Latin Americanist Geography; memorial
- Harold Rose (geographer) (Harold M. Rose) (1930–2016) – First and, as of 2016, only Afro-American president of the Association of American Geographers; also one of the first geographers to do research on urban segregation, crime and violence; obituary
- David Sibley (geographer) (born 1940) - British geographer, primarily known for his book Geographies of exclusion; a biography can be found in the book Key Thinkers on Space and Place; an article would probably need to include information about his conviction for possession of several images of child pornography
- LeRoy M. Tolman, globe-maker and cartographer (died 2015-09-12, aged 84). Worked for Replogle Globes. O'Donnell, Maureen, "Globe-maker's chief cartographer", Chicago Sun-Times, September 17, 2015, (all of) p. 25. Requested 2015-09-17.[2,177]
- Derwent Whittlesey (1890–1956) - American geographer and historian; one of the few professors of geography at Harvard; wrote, among other topics, on political and agricultural geography [2,178] [2,179]
- Gary Clayton Anderson - American historian of the University of Oklahoma; published Sitting Bull and the Paradox of Lakota Nationhood (2010), a revisionist examination of the Lakota medicine man.[2,180]
- Heloísa Starling pt:Heloisa Murgel Starling, academic of economic history of Brazil.[93]
- William Eleazar Barton (1861-1930) - historian and author, mentioned or cited in many Wikipedia articles about the relatives of U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, also known for being the first to publish Were You There and for starting the collection of Lincolniana (research material related to Abraham Lincoln), now at the University of Chicago Library[2,181]
- Jonathan J. Bean - a historian who authored Beyond the Broker State: Federal Policies Toward Small Business, 1936-1961 and Big Government and Affirmative Action: The Scandalous History of the Small Business Administration and compiled an anthology called Race and Liberty in America: The Essential Reader [2,182] [2,183] (Jonathan Bean currently refers to an English cricketer)
- Peter B. Brown - historian; specializes in Russian history and author of 'How Muscovy Governed: Seventeenth-Century Russian Central Administration'.[2,184]
- Giancarlo Casale - the man who wrote The Ottoman Age of Exploration.[2,185][2,186][2,187]
- Vincent L. Clark - a historian who was awarded THE PAUL R. COPPOCK ANNUAL AWARD by the West Tennessee Historical Society [2,188]
- Frank Cogliano - Professor of American History at the University of Edinburgh. [2,189]
- Jane Hampton Cook - author and historian; wrote American Phoenix: John Quincy and Louisa Adams, the War of 1812, and the Exile that Saved American Independence[94]
- Ralph C. Croizier - a Canadian historian who researched Koxinga and contributes to the Encyclopædia Britannica [2,190] [2,191]
- Rodrigo Patto de Sá Motta: pt:Rodrigo Patto Sá Motta Scholar of economy of Military dictatorship in Brazil in 1964. [2,192] [2,193]
- Emmanuel Dabney - historian and interpretive park ranger at the Petersburg National Battlefield [2,194]
- Keith A. Erekson - Texan historian who who serves as the director of the Church History Library of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. [2,195] [2,196]
- Christian Essellen (1823–1859) - German historian and author; wrote dramatic poem "Babylon (German Life and Civilization)"
- Donald S. Frazier - author and historian; Professor of History; author of Blood and Treasure, Cottonclads, Fire in the Cane Field, Thunder Across the Swamp, and Blood on the Bayou. Editor of The U.S. and Mexico at War and Love and War. Leading scholar of the Trans-Mississippi Theater in the American Civil War. Education entrepreneur who created the McWhiney History Education Group.
- Maurice Freedman (historian) (1920-1975) British scholar, Chinese anthropology expert. britannica entry
- Stefanos Geroulanos - Historian at New York University, director of the Remarque Institute, and editor of the Journal of the History of Ideas. He writes on French intellectual history and the history of prehistory historiography. [2,197]
- Igor Gusev (historian) - a Riga-based historian who studies The Holocaust in Latvia and argues that the Latvian government distorts 20th-century Latvian history [2,198] [2,199]
- Ian Hancock (historian) - Australian historian. From [2,200]: "...written extensively on the political history of Uganda and Southern Rhodesia/Rhodesia/Zimbabwe; he has also lectured in imperial, colonial and African history at Monash University and in African, Australian and British history at the Australian National University. Now Ian is considered to be the pre-eminent historian of the Liberal Party in Australia. He has written many entries on Liberal Party figures for the Australian Dictionary of Biography, including the acclaimed article on former Prime Minister Harold Holt and, in 2002, published a full-scale biography of the former prime minister, Sir John Gorton. His last book, Nick Greiner: A Political Biography, was published in 2013..."
- Alex Handy - Videogame historian, founder of the Museum of Art and Digital Entertainment. "Gertrude Stein of video games" [2,201]
- Benjamin Carter Hett - leading U.S. historian of 20th century central European history, especially including the Weimar and Nazi periods in Germany. "Hitler's Enablers" [2,202]
- Adam Laats - an American who taught middle and high school for ten years in Milwaukee. He earned his PhD in U.S. History at the University of Wisconsin—Madison in 2007. He studies the history of American education. He is now a professor of education at Binghamton University. He wrote The Other School Reformers: Conservative Activism in American Education [2,203] [2,204] [2,205] [2,206] [2,207]
- Visvaldis Lacis - a historian in Latvia who once joined the Waffen-SS[2,208]
- Calvin Luther Martin - former professor of history at Rutgers University; books include Keepers of the Game (University of California Press), In the Spirit of the Earth (Johns Hopkins University Press), The Way of the Human Being (Yale University Press); Works by or about Calvin Martin in libraries (WorldCat catalog)
- Rodrigo Patto de Sá Motta: pt:Rodrigo Patto Sá Motta Scholar of economy of Military dictatorship in Brazil in 1964. [2,209] [2,210]
- Hoffman Nickerson 1/15/2013 - author of Warfare in the Roman Empire; the Dark and Middle Ages, to 1494 A.D., 1925 and Democracy and Massacre referenced here Criticism of democracy with a link to [2,211] ; Saratoga campaign and The Turning Point of the Revolution referenced in the bibliography.
- Valter Pomar pt:Valter Pomar - Brazilian historian[2,212][2,213]
- Emil Pocock - a Professor of History and American Studies at Eastern Connecticut State University who studies history of malls- [2,214]
- Henry Reichman - former vice president of the American Association of University Professors and longtime chair of its committee on academic freedom and tenure; professor emeritus of history at California State University at East Bay; author of Railwaymen and Revolution: Russia, 1905, Censorship and Selection: Issues and Answers for Schools, The Future of Academic Freedom and Understanding Academic Freedom. Not to be confused with Henry Reichman Jr. [2,215] [2,216] [2,217]
- Jane Rendall – historian; Honorary Fellow at the University of York, UK; author of The Origins of Modern Feminism: Women in Britain, France, and the United States, 1780‒1860, and Women in an Industrializing Society: England 1780‒1880; recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Eighteenth Century Scottish Studies Society in 2012 [2,218]
- Daniel M. Roberts Jr. - historian; Professor of Liberal Arts at the University of Richmond; host of A Moment In Time history radio program, which is heard by more than four million listeners daily on over 146 radio stations nationwide. [2,219] [2,220] [2,221]
- Edmund Russell/Edmund P. Russell, David M. Roderick Professor of Technology and Social Change at Carnegie Mellon University; developed the approach of "evolutionary history" as a means to synthesize research on environmental history and history of technology; faculty profile, gscholar profile
- John Springhall - Professor Emeritus at the University of Ulster. He is the author of the book Youth, Popular Culture, and Moral Panics [2,222] [2,223]
- Heloísa Starling pt:Heloisa Murgel Starling, academic of economic history of Brazil.
- Jamie Stormonth-Darling (1918 -- 2000) - chief executive of the National Trust for Scotland [2,224]
- Alexandre Strokanov Ph.D. - Professor of History at Lyndon State College. [2,225] [2,226] [2,227] [2,228] [2,229] [2,230] [2,231] [2,232] [2,233]
- Talin Suciyan - an associate professor (Privatdozentin) at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich [2,234]
- J. Golden Taylor - Professor of history at Utah State University and Colorado State University; prominent anthologizer of the literature of the western United States. Has an award named after him. Related to several significant Latter-day Saint leaders. Dead.
- Henry Tribe, in full Henry Franklin Tribe ([2,235]), historian and biographical writer([2,236])
- Consuelo Varela Bueno /Consuelo Varela - Spanish historian [2,237]
- Alexandre Vautravers - Associate Professor of History and International Relations, Webster University, University of Geneva. [2,238]. Founder of the SECURITY FORUM in 2007. Editor in chief of the Revue militaire suisse (RMS+) [2,239].
- James Graham Wilson - Historian at the United States Department of State. [2,240]. Author of The Triumph of Improvisation: Gorbachev's Adaptation, Reagan's Engagement, and the End of the Cold War. [2,241]
Alan Cocconi (link is current a redirect to AC Propulsion) - engineer, inventor, and developer of technology needed for modern electric cars and airplanes; founder of AC Propulsion; has registered several patents [2,242] [2,243] [2,244]. A few refs: [2,245]; [2,246]; [2,247]; [2,248]; [2,249]; [2,250]; [2,251]
- Ariel R. Davis - inventor of the first slider multiple tap autotransformer dimmer and numerous other patents relating to stage lighting. Davis filed for the transformer patent (USRE23409 E)[2,252]in 1941. He also created the first slider cross connect panel for connecting lighting circuits to individual dimmers. founded the Ariel Davis Mfg. Co. [2,253]
- Nachiket Deval - Indian entrepreneur, designer, and mechanical engineer; founder of Coeo Labs; inventor of VAPCare, intelligent secretion management and oral hygiene system that reduces the risk of ventilator-associated infections for patients in critical care and 'Saans, a low-cost, portable breathing support device for babies with respiratory problems; His invention has received the Commonwealth Secretary-General's Innovation for Sustainable Development Award in London in 2019. [2,254][2,255], [2,256][2,257][2,258][2,259][2,260][2,261][2,262]
- Normand Dubé French-Canadian genius ultralight airplane developer and convicted criminal [2,263]
- Riccardo Giraldi - Italian Inventor, Designer and Creative Director. Explores new technologies focusing on user experience and designed experiences that connect physical and digital. Award winner designer shaping the future of human computer interaction. Now Creative Director at Microsoft working on HoloLens [2,264]. Invented Escape Flight [2,265],[2,266],[2,267],[2,268],[2,269], Mind Controlled Scalextric (first mind controlled race game) [2,270],[2,271],[2,272], Creative Director of Google Web Lab[2,273],[2,274],[2,275], Honda The Experiment, EELs [2,276], and numerous other award-winning projects [2,277],[2,278],[2,279]. Speaker at FITC [2,280], Cannes, Imagination Day, Kikk [2,281], Glugg[2,282] [2,283]. [2,284],[2,285],[2,286], [2,287],[2,288],[2,289],[2,290]
- Johnathan Goodwin - co-founder of SAE Energy; [2,291]; [2,292]
- Stephen M. Key - award-winning inventor and patent holder of the SpinLabel Rotating Label Technology.[2,293] Licensed over 30 products in the past 30 years. Co-Founder of inventRight - Helping people bring ideas to market for over 10 years. Author of the One Simple Idea book series. [2,294];[2,295]
- Franco Kraiselburd - Scientist, Entrepreneur & Inventor. Recognized as 2024 MIT Innovator Under 35 LATAM & MIT IU35 Pioneer of the Year (2024) [2,296], La Nacion (Argentina)'s 24 people of 2024 [2,297] and 2024 Crain's Cleveland 20 in their 20s [2,298]. Franco is a 22-year old (02/12/2002) Biomedical Engineer from Case Western Reserve University who worked in the lab of Arnold Caplan [2,299], the creator of the world's first cell therapy [2,300]; co-created Artemis, a scalable scaffold for regenerative medicine applications [2,301], the Technological Institute of Monterrey (Mexico), and SXSW [2,302]
- Jan Vinzenz Krause - German businessman; director, Institute for Condom Consultancy; invented a spray-on condom; [2,303];[2,304]
- Emanuel E. Landsman - Inventor, MIT professor, IEEE awardee, and founder of the electronics company APC. [2,305]
- William R. Pape - Co-Founder of Verifone, EVP and Co-Founder of TraceGains, Inc. Holder of multiple patents, professor, rancher, author, blogger, co-designer of the first commercial spell checker system for computers. [2,306]
- Frank J. Richtig Blacksmith; regarded for much of the 20th century as among the greatest custom knife-makers in the United States.[2,307] Perhaps best known for inventing a steel heat-treatment process that achieved exceptional results[2,308]
- David Rodgers: If, as asserted at [2,309] he "is credited with revolutionizing the shipbuilding industry" when he worked at Skinner & Eddy then clearly he deserves an article. Currently just mentioned in passing in the Skinner & Eddy article. Here's a finding aid to a collection about him. Also, a pretty solid essay on HistoryLink. We have a Commons category about him.
- Stephen L. Rush - inventor of organic hydrolysis and combination ethanol / bio-diesel plant [2,310], "Systems and Processes for Cellulosic Ethanol Production" application Ser. No. 12/014,090, filed January 14, 2008; [2,311]
- David Schurig - EE professor, inventing invisibility cloak; [2,312]
- Charlie Sobcov - Ottawa student who invented window decals transparent to humans, but not to birds; [2,313]
- Allan Thieme - Inventor of the Amigo in 1968, the world's first power operated vehicle, more commonly known as a mobility scooter. Thieme's company Amigo Mobility is still operating in Michigan. In 1977, the Social Security Administration added power operated vehicles (Amigos) to coverage under Medicare [2,314]. In 1982, Amigo Mobility was #212 on Inc.'s Fastest Growing Companies list [2,315] and Allan Thieme was named the US Small Businessman of the Year. In 2012, Allan Thieme of Amigo Mobility was named the Michigan Manufacturer of the Year [2,316].
See also the list of requests for Documentary Filmmakers.
- Lion Gani Miah Babul - Lion Gani Miah Babul is a bangladeshi journalist] [2,317][2,318][2,319][2,320][2,321] , Columnist [2,322][2,323][2,324] & Social worker [2,325][2,326] [2,327][2,328][2,329]
- Cleo Abram, video journalist and producer. (Cleo Abram [2,330]) [2,331][2,332][2,333][2,334][2,335]
- Ahmad Al-Bazz, Award-winning Palestinian journalist and filmmaker from Nablus, the recipient of a Deutsche Welle Fellowship to cover the Global Media Forum 2015, a member of Activestills photography collective, recipient of an Aljazeera Short Film Award 2015, graduate of Deutsche Welle Akademie [2,336], [2,337], [2,338], [2,339], [2,340], [2,341] (Requested 12 October 2020)
- Zwy Aldouby -- journalist, Nazi hunter, alleged spy, international man of mystery ([2,342], [2,343])
- Maximillian Alvarez - Columnist at The Baffler magazine [2,344], outspoken critic of the corporatization of higher education in articles for The Baffler and the Chronicle Review and advocate for graduate student rights, currently serving as graduate student representative for the American Comparative Literature Association [2,345], dual-PhD candidate in Comparative Literature & History at the University of Michigan [2,346], BA in Slavic Languages & Literatures from the University of Chicago, widely cited.
- Jeremy Balan - Founder of, a non-profit online publication covering high school sports in San Francisco. [2,347] [2,348]
- Angela Barnes (journalist) - TV correspondent & presenter on Euronews NBC. Formerly Sky News & Sky Sports.[2,349] [2,350]
- Tori Bedford - Emmy-winning reporter at @gbhnews covering homelessness, labor and other issues in Dorchester, Roxbury, Mattapan and beyond for Boston's local @NPR. She’s also a youth mentor at ZUMIX. Previous experience includes television reporting on 'Greater Boston,' music, arts and culture coverage for GBH Music/Front Row Boston, producing 'Boston Public Radio' and the 'All Rev’d Up' podcast, and contributing as a radio host to 'Curiosity Live,' a weekly radio program from the GBH Curiosity Desk. She is most known for covering the homeless community at Mass and Cass and Boston workers’ struggle for labor rights. In 2022, Bedford married Max Green, fellow reporter & podcast producer at Gimlet Media, previously at Frontline PBS and WBEZ Chicago.[2,351][2,352][2,353][2,354][2,355][2,356][2,357][2,358][2,359][2,360][2,361]
- Bernie Beglane, sports journalist, founder of the Athletic Administration program at St. John's.[2,362])
- DeNeen L. Brown - Washington Post Philip Merrill College of Journalism [2,363][2,364][2,365]
- Albert Gallatin Browne Jr. - Influential figure within the history of American journalism as a war correspondent both before and during the U.S. Civil War and later as "editor of several New York papers, including the New York Herald" (subsequently becoming a Boston "banker, clubman, and leader of his Harvard class").[2,366]
- David Byler - Data Journalist for the Weekly Standard, previously at RealClearPolitics, graduated from Princton. [2,367];[2,368]
- Mike Chinoy (Chinese name: 齐迈可), American journalist and author specializing in China
- David Corvo: named Senior Executive Producer, Primetime News of NBC News, overseeing Dateline NBC and the new primetime newsmagazine broadcast with Brian Williams, in June 2011. Formerly the Executive Producer of Dateline, Corvo also oversees other primetime news programming. Corvo began his broadcast journalism career in 1975 as a news writer and producer at KNXT (now KCBS-TV) [2,369]
- Jean-Pascal Couraud (fr:Jean-Pascal Couraud) - murdered French Polynesian journalist.[2,370] [2,371]
- Jordon Cox (TV's Coupon King) - Money saving journalist, well known for deals and tricks to cut your costs. Worked at, weekly presenter on Steph's Packed Lunch and is now a weekly presenter on This Morning [2,372] [2,373] [2,374]
- Marcia Coyle - Chief Washington Correspondent for The National Law Journal; [2,375] [2,376]
- Laurence Eyton, a journalist who is a correspondent in Taiwan for The Economist and once had a column in Taiwan Daily and authored the book Break the myth
- Liam Fitzpatrick (journalist): TIME senior editor, former TIME senior writer, former daily Hong Kong-newspaper columnist, Hong Kong dance-party pioneer, iPhone photographer, Hong Kong Eurasian poet. [2,377] [2,378] [2,379] [2,380] [2,381]
- Corinna da Fonseca-Wollheim - reporter and music critic for the New York Times. Formerly with The Classical Review, a mini-biography [2,382] Has written about her grandfather, who perished in the Buchenwald concentration camp, and her grandmother.[2,383] Other sources include Tablet [2,384]
- Ali Fortescue - Political Correspondent at Sky News. Covering Uk politics, based in Westminster, England. [2,385]
- Susannah Frame - Chief Investigative Reporter at KING 5 Media Group, the largest media company in the Pacific Northwest, which is based in Seattle, WA. [2,386] [2,387] [2,388] [2,389] [2,390]
- Donna Francavilla - freelance CBS Radio News contributor covering Alabama, Agence France Press writer, President/Founder of Frankly Speaking Communications LLC, [2,391] [2,392] [2,393] [2,394]
- Patrice Gaines - journalist, author and NPR commentator; [2,395]
- Clinton W. Gilbert - 20 years writing and editing New York papers, moved to Washington in 1918, as Philadelphia Public Ledger correspondent. Wrote Mirrors of Washington and Behind the Mirrors of Washington [2,396]
- Andy Gill (journalist) - Andy Gill: Former chief music critic of The Independent whose wit earned fans and rocked bands [2,397] [2,398]
- Giovanni Giovannini (1920-2008) - Journalist, Recipient of Italian Order of Merit and Knighthood it:Giovanni Giovannini
- Jefferson Graham Los Angeles based writer-photographer and host of the streaming TV series Photowalks with Jefferson Graham on Tubi. Graham was a tech columnist for USA TODAY from 2000-2021 and is the author or co-author of 9 books, including Video Nation: A DIY Guide to Planning, Shooting and Sharing Great Video
- Rome Hartman - Hartman most recently served as Executive Producer at BBC News, where he developed, launched and produced U.S.-targeted newscast BBC World News America. Before that, Hartman spent 24 years at CBS, including serving as the executive producer of The CBS Evening News, where he oversaw the launch of CBS Evening News With Katie Couric. He also produced more than 100 reports for 60 Minutes and served as the senior producer on 60 Minutes II. [2,399]
- Astead Herndon (political reporter for The New York Times) (NYT articles, Forbes 30 under 30 PBS appearances)
- John Hudson (American journalist) - National security reporter at the Washington Post; Finalist of the Pulitzer Prize in Public Service; alumnus of East-West Center's Senior Journalists Seminar Fellowship; former contributor to Foreign Policy and BuzzFeed News, [2,400], [2,401], [2,402], (Requested 12 October 2020)
- Neil Irwin - The Washington Post journalist and author of The Alchemists: Three Central Bankers and a World on Fire. [2,403]
- Rich Jaroslovsky - Online News Association founder and first president of the Online News Association; founding Managing Editor of The Wall Street Journal Online; former WSJ White House correspondent and national political editor; personal-technology columnist for Bloomberg News. [2,404]
- Richard Johnson (journalist) - Long time gossip columnist for the New York Post. [2,405] [2,406]
- Lewis Kamb - (American journalist) Watchdog reporter for The Seattle Times. Winner of the Pulitzer Prize for National Reporting in 2020 with Dominic Gates, Steve Miletich and Mike Baker for “groundbreaking stories that exposed design flaws in the Boeing 737 MAX that led to two deadly crashes and revealed failures in government oversight.”[2,407][2,408] (Requested November 15, 2020)
- Sputnik Kilambi (1958-2013) - war reporter, Radio France Internationale; known for her 2002 exposure of sexual trafficking in the Balkans perpetrated by international peacekeepers, as well as for her media activism and mentorship of young journalists [2,409]
- Panthi Kishor - New York based Journalist. TV Host. Founder and editor in chief of Khasokhas Weekly, a Nepali newspaper published in New York. Host of ‘Talk of the Town USA’. Official Website.
- Joe Lauria - the second (and current) editor-in-chief of Consortiumnews who wrote How I Lost By Hillary Clinton [2,410] [2,411] [2,412] [2,413] [2,414] [2,415] [2,416]
- Kim Lawton - Award-winning journalist and correspondent specializing in religion and faith issues; managing editor and correspondent for the national public television program Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly. She has worked on assignments in nearly 30 countries through her 20-year career. She is an East-West Center's Senior Journalists Seminar Fellow. Her writings have appeared on The Washington Post, The Huffington Post and The Los Angeles Times [2,417], [2,418], [2,419], [2,420] (Requested 20 October 2020)
- Katherine Mangu-Ward: Editor-in-Chief of Reason magazine.[2,421] [2,422][2,423] [2,424] [2,425]
- Lachlan Markay Author of "Sinking in the Swamp: How Trump's Minions and Misfits Poisoned Washington," with Asawin Suebsaeng, and politics reporter at The Daily Beast. [2,426] [2,427] [2,428]
- Troy Masters: Pioneering LGBT journalist and publisher in New York City Gay City News, LGNY, QW Magazine, OutWeek Magazine since 1989. [2,429] [2,430] [2,431] [2,432]
- J.J. McCullough - Official website. YouTuber: [2,433] with about 900k subscribers, contributor on WaPo, National Review: [2,434], [2,435]. Appeared on a few random podcasts here and here.
- Ahmad Salkida - Nigerian Journalist - Reports extensively on Boko Haram, he was arrested and tortured by a state government, and subsequently declared wanted by Nigeria's Army in 2016. [2,436]
- Riyaad Minty - media innovator, speaker, shaping the future of media: Engagement Lead Project AJ+, Head of Social Media at Al Jazeera [2,437] [2,438] [2,439] [2,440] [2,441] [2,442] [2,443] [2,444]
- Victor Neufeld - senior executive producer of ABC News prime-time magazines [2,445]
- Mike Nizza - American journalist, New York Times reporter, including writing its The Lede blog; [2,446]
- Andrew Nynka - Ukrainian-American journalist, editor-in-chief of The Ukrainian Weekly and Svoboda since December 1, 2020, [2,447] both weekly newspapers published by the Ukrainian National Association. [2,448] Nynka was also previously executive director of the Society for Features Journalism. He earned a doctoral degree in journalism from the Philip Merrill College of Journalism at the University of Maryland, a Master of Arts degree in journalism from New York University, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science and economics from Muhlenberg College. Nynka also won a Fulbright Fellowship to Ukraine in 2012-2013. [2,449] [2,450] In 2003 he broke the national story that the Pulitzer Prize board was considering taking the unprecedented step of revoking the 1932 award given to Walter Duranty of The New York Times. [2,451]
- Bill Owens (journalist): executive editor of 60 Minutes since June 2008. Owens was CBS News' White House producer (1996-00), working with Pelley, Bill Plante and Rita Braver, and covering, among many other stories, the impeachment of President Bill Clinton. Prior to that, he was a producer for the CBS Evening News in Washington, D.C. (1994−96). Owens was the anchor producer for Paula Zahn and Harry Smith (1993−94) and the coordinating producer for CBS This Morning (1991−93) in New York. He also served as a national desk assignment editor and field producer (1990−91), as well as a desk assistant for CBS News and for WCBS-TV, the CBS Owned station in New York (1988−90). [2,452]
- Gino Palumbo (1921-1987) - it:Gino Palumbo Italian sports journalist
- Celina Pompeani - Sports journalist and television host; host of Penguins TV for the Pittsburgh Penguins of the NHL. [2,453] [2,454]
- Isaiah J. Poole – Journalist, editor and political activist; currently (March 2017) communications director for People's Action; previously editor of the Campaign for America's Future website (2006-2016); previously worked at several news organizations. [2,455] [ttps://]
- Donovan X. Ramsey – (born 1987) is an American journalist, author, and cultural critic. Ramsey’s work focuses primarily on racial identity, racism politics, and patterns of power in the United States. He is the author of When Crack Was King, which was one of ten books named to the 2023 Longlist for the National Book Award for Nonfiction.[2,456][2,457][2,458][2,459][2,460][2,461][2,462]
- Emily Rogers (journalist) - A well-known journalist within the video game industry. She is well known for creating rumors about many unannounced products or details about products. She has been mentioned in several sources, including (recently) in TechnoBuffalo, Inquisitr, and more.
- Michael Rosen (journalist): named executive producer of The Saturday Early Show in June 2008. He also served as Northeast Bureau Chief (1996–2000) and assignment editor in the Northeast bureau (1991−96) for ABC News, where he supervised coverage of major news stories, including the crash of TWA Flight 800, the 1996 Republican and Democratic National Conventions, and the 1999 war in Serbia. [2,463]
- Alfio Russo - it:Alfio Russo
- Rikki Schlott - the journalist that teamed up with Greg Lukianoff to co-write The Canceling of the American Mind [2,464] [2,465].
- Ethan J. Skolnick - American sports columnist, South Florida Sun-Sentinel;([2,466]); writes Season Ticket blog;([2,467]) WFTL-Fox Sports 640AM "First Team" ([2,468]) with Lesley Visser
- Sabina Slonková: award-winning investigative journalist. Investigated official hired hitman for $1mio. to try to have her killed. cs: Sabina Slonková [2,469] [2,470] [2,471] [2,472]
- Leslie Gray Streeter - Journalist with the Baltimore Banner and previously with Palm Beach Post. Author of "Black Widow" and another book scheduled for release in 2025. There are many articles on Wikipedia which cite articles which she has written but there is no article about her. Her website: [2,473]
- Asawin Suebsaeng Politics reporter for The Daily Beast and co-author of the 2020 book "Sinking in the Swamp: How Trump's Minions and Misfits Poisoned Washington," with Lachlan Markay. [2,474] [2,475] [2,476]
- Aisha Sultan - nationally syndicated journalist and features writer, parenting advice columnist Aisha Sultan of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch; alumnus of East-West Center's Senior Journalists Seminar Fellowship; Knight-Wallace Fellowship alumnus at the University of Michigan; Excellence in Print national writing award winner by the Asian American Journalists Association; featured in The Guardian, USA Today and The Washington Post, [2,477], [2,478], [2,479], [2,480], [2,481], [2,482], [2,483], (Requested 12 October 2020)
- Heidi Stevens (req. Oct 19 2018) - columnist at the Chicago Tribune, where her Balancing Act column covers parenting, relationships, gender bias and body image, and explores the ways they intersect with current events. Awards from American Society of News Editors and The Association of LGBTQ Journalists.[citation needed]
- Ugo Stille - it:Ugo Stille
- Tess van Straaten - award-winning Canadian television journalist; weekend anchor at CHEK-TV, Victoria; previously an anchor and reporter at A-Channel Winnipeg, CFCN Calgary, etc.; [2,484]
- Marcos Stupenengo - Fox International Channels Senior International Correspondent; CNN former International Correspondent, ESPN former news reporter. ([2,485]) ([2,486]) ([2,487]) ([2,488])
- John Troan - Editor for The Pittsburgh Press who most notably covered Jonas Salk's team when they developed a polio vaccine; obituary
- JR Valrey (also known as The Minister of Information) - American journalist; host and founder of Block Report Radio on KPFA ([2,489]) radio in Berkeley, California, and throughout the Pacifica network; guest and fill-in host on The Morning Mix ([2,490]) and Friday Night Vibe ([2,491]) and Flashpoints on KPFA and the Pacifica network; subject of video documentary Block Reportin 101: The Street Level Journalism of JR Valrey and Operation Small Axe; editor and contributing journalist for The San Francisco Bayview [2,492]; involved in the Oscar Grant protests, opposed by the Chauncey Bailey Project ([2,493]); journalist for Youth Outlook in Oakland, California
- Varryx - Italian car journalist, photographer/videomaker and Youtuber, largely know as the "SUpercar Stalker" after his numerous contributions to the automotive community around the world. More that 1200 articles were made thanks to his content and they can easily be found on Google News. He first spotted several cars weeks of even months before the official presentations, evidence of this can be found on the news and on the social pages, notorious examples are the Ferrari SF90 Stradale Here, Here, Here and Here , the upcoming Ferrari Purosangue: Here,Here,Here,Here and Here and many moreFerraris, Lamborghinis and Paganis.
- Huberta von Voss/Huberta von Voss-Wittig - journalist and author; wife of Peter Wittig. Editor of Portraits of Hope: Armenians in the Contemporary World. See [2,494], [2,495] and [2,496]
- Alex Wallace (producer) - oversees Today, and Rock Center; will now oversee NBC Nightly News, where she was once EP. [2,497] [2,498]
- Ingrid Wickelgren (journalist) - Life Sciences Writer; Scientific American Writer, Editor;[2,499]; [2,500];
- Kourosh Ziabari - Iranian journalist and reporter; alumnus of Chevening Scholarships awarded by the UK's Foreign Office; recipient of Gabriel Garcia Marquez Fellowship in Cultural Journalism from the FNPI Foundation and the Colombian Ministry of Culture; American Middle Eastern Network for Dialogue at Stanford (AMENDS) Global Fellow; contributor to openDemocracy, The Huffington Post, Fair Observer, Middle East Eye, Responsible Statecraft and Al-Monitor; Asia Times correspondent, Journalist of the Month (February 2018) selected by the International Journalists Network; elected individual member of Chatham House, [2,501], [2,502], [2,503], [2,504], [2,505], [2,506], [2,507], [2,508], [2,509], [2,510] (Requested 12 October 2020)
- Muhammad Zulqarnain Zulfi - Correspondent, Bureaucracy Today Governance magazine (2014-). Former Sub-Editor of The Indian Express: Politics, Technology, Business
- John Berkery - Philadelphia mobster and leader of the Irish K&A Gang (My City Paper, Philly, Find Case Law)
- Doyle Arthur Cannon - American criminal; former Green Beret; escaped amd captured 1991[2,511][2,512]
- Pasquale "Patsy" Fuca - Italian-American mafia member involved with the French Connection. The man who Salvatore "Sal" Boca was based on in the 1971 film, The French Connection (film). Nephew to mafia boss Angelo "Little Angie" Tuminaro. Member of the Lucchese crime family. ([2,513], [2,514], [2,515], [2,516], [2,517], [2,518])
- Hunter Hanson- North Dakota grain trader who operated an $11 million ponzi scheme (AG Week, Valley News Live)
- Bernard Holstein (real name Bernard Brougham) - Australian literary hoaxer; author of fake Holocaust memoir Stolen SoulFPP[2,519]
- Mohamad Jamal Khweis - Arab Muslim American ISIS terrorist from Fairfax County, Virginia. He surrendered on March 14, 2016 to Kurdish defense forces in Iraq NY Times[2,520]
- Francesco Lanza - San Franciscan mob boss in the 1930s (Fortune City Members) - see San Francisco crime family
- Gary Wayne Lefkowitz – white-collar criminal from California; charged in 1994; convicted and sentenced to 24 years in federal prison in 1995, a record sentence for white-collar crime (LA Times Articles)
- Guy Anthony Ray-Hills - Scottish pedophile who sexually abused British film director Don Boyd at the Loretto School[2,521]Guardian
- Angelo "Little Angie" Tuminaro - Italian-American mafia boss involved with the French Connection. Uncle to Pasquale "Patsy" Fuca, the man who Salvatore "Sal" Boca was based on in the 1971 film, The French Connection (film). Ranked 49th on Fortune's "50 Biggest Mafia Bosses" list in 1986. Member of the Lucchese crime family. ([2,522], [2,523], [2,524])
Detectives and police
- Mohammed Tanzil Ahmed (Decorated NIA DSP, instrumental in many cases pertaining to curbing terrorism, face currency, terrorists including Yasin Bhatkal, Danish Riyaz. [2,525]
- John Apter (police officer) -Police federation of England and Wales; Chairman of the Police Federation of England and Wales and the first chairman to be voted for by members of the federation.[2,526]
- Darren Bradshaw (police officer) - A gay RUC police officer killed while off-duty in the Parliament Bar in Belfast by the INLA. Recently discussed in the 'Blood on the Dance Floor' programme by BBC 5 Live [2,527]
- Caroline Edwards (police officer) -United State Capitol Police; United States Capitol Police officer who confronted rioters during the January 6 United States Capitol attack, and subsequently testified during the January 6th Hearings.[2,528]
- Sheriff Ralph Froehlich - Longest running sheriff in the state of New Jersey. Born 1930. Elected 1978, sheriff for 13 terms. died 2014. [2,529]
- Alok Kumar (police officer) -Indian police service; Led police team against gangsters; Supervised team that worked out 32 cases of bomb blasts that took place in Delhi; Awarded Police Medal for Meritorious Services (2002) and President's Police Medal for Gallantry (2007)[2,530] [2,531]; President's Police Medal (2010) [2,532] [2,533] [2,534] [2,535] [2,536] [2,537] [2,538]
- Anthony Monheim - Homicide Detective Sergeant with Miami Dade Police Department in Miami, Florida whose career spanned 30 years (1974-2004). [2,539] He was involved in many notable investigations including the 1986 F.B.I. Shooting in Miami, which is still considered the bloodiest day in the history of the F.B.I. 1986 FBI Miami shootout [2,540] In 2001, he received the United States Attorney's prestigious Director's Award which was presented by then Attorney General John Ashcroft [2,541] for his role in the Boobie Boys investigation.[2,542][2,543][2,544]This case successfully dismantled two warring drug gangs in South Florida who were responsible for over 40 murders, including that of a five-year-old boy.
- Alex Abdo (Alexander Abdo), ACLU attorney. Source: "Alex Abdo". American Civil Liberties Union. Retrieved 9 October 2016. Source: Coleman, Libby (8 October 2016). "The Lawyer Finishing What Snowden Started". OZY. Retrieved 9 October 2016.
- V. Mary Abraham Lawyer and consultant based out of New York. Writer for the American Bar Association's Law Technology Today, faculty for the School of Professional Studies at Columbia University where she teaches in the Information and Knowledge Strategy degree program. Author of a blog, Above and Beyond KM, and the report "Optimizing Law Firm Support Functions". [2,545] [2,546] [2,547] [2,548]
- Aileen Catherine Adams a public interest lawyer who served as Director of the Office for Victims of Crime at the U.S. Department of Justice under Bill Clinton. Secretary of State and Consumer Services Agency of California under Governor Davis. In 2017, she won the Crystal Eagle Award, CORO Southern California. [2,549] [2,550] [2,551] [2,552] [2,553]
- Benjamin Charles Bachrach - Chicago attorney born 1874 Elgin, Illinois, second public defender in the United States (first in Illinois), counsel for the defense in the Loeb-Leopold Murder Case (Chicago) for which renowned advocate Clarence Darrow presented the defense plea [2,554] [2,555], defended Chicago Alderman Thomas J O'Malley (acquitted of murder) [2,556]
- James J. Brosnahan – Jim Brosnahan has 58 years of expertise in both civil and criminal trial work and has tried 150 cases to verdict and won all but 13. The Morrison & Foerster partner has defended “American Taliban” John Walker Lindh, [2,557] alleged IRA member Kevin Artt, [2,558]. He has argued twice in the United States Supreme Court. [2,559] [2,560] In 2012 Mr. Brosnahan received a Lifetime Achievement Award from The American Lawyer magazine [2,561]
- Judge J. Jay Caraway - Louisiana Second Circuit Court of Appeal judge [2,562] [2,563] [2,564]
- Michael A. Carvin - Former Deputy Assistant to the United States Attorney General; lead attorney for the National Federation of Independent Business in National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius Former lead attorney representing George W. Bush in the Bush v. Gore dispute for the American presidency in 2000. Sources: [2,565] and [2,566]
- Matthew Collins (lawyer) – author of the highly regarded Oxford University Press books The Law of Defamation and the Internet (2001, 2005, 2010)[2,567] and Collins on Defamation (2014),[2,568] media law barrister at the Victorian Bar,[2,569] and senior fellow at the University of Melbourne [2,570]
- Lee Parsons Davis (or Lee Davis (lawyer)) - lawyer; Westchester Bar; cited in The Art of Cross-Examination (about the Kip Rhinelander miscegenation case)
- Ramon Fernandez (Supreme Court of the Philippines Associate Justice) [2,571]
- Alice Gilbert, judge. [2,572]
- Kevin Glasheen - Personal Injury Lawyer who successfully lobbied for legislation increasing state payments to exonerees, from $50,000 to $80,000 for every year served in prison. In his first civil jury trial, Kevin won a million dollar verdict against Ethicon in San Angelo, Texas - a record for Tom Green County. He was lead counsel in the two largest railroad crossing accident cases in Texas, one resulting in a 65 million dollar verdict and one resulting in a 46 million dollar verdict. [2,573] [2,574] [2,575] [2,576]
- John Lorimer Graham (1797–1876) - New York City lawyer; innovative NYC postmaster, summoned to DC as adviser to Abraham Lincoln, Army Colonel, associate of an introducer of baseball to the West Coast; [2,577]
- Dermot Groome and Attorney Peter McCloskey - lead prosecutors for the International Criminal Tribunal for the Formal Yugoslavia in their case against Ratko Mladić. [2,578]
- Philip Holloway (attorney) (Criminal Justice Attorney; CNN Legal Analyst; 11Alive Legal Analyst. Philip Holloway has also represented many high profile clients whose cases drew national news attention.) ([2,579];[]; [2,580]; ([2,581]); ([2,582]); ([2,583])
- Rebecca Kavanagh criminal defense and civil rights attorney, writer and legal analyst for black news channel Source: named one of top 10 thought leaders in nation on criminal legal issues by vera institute of justice source: ([2,584]) named one of lading criminal reform advocates in nation by Gravel institute leading legal expert source: { made front page news when was assaulted by court officers when she tried to speak to her client while ICE arrested him in court source ([2,585])
- Michael Lennon (judge) (1891-1966) -- Dublin District Judge [2,586] In 1940 following a verdict by Lennon, ships in Irish ports choose to remain. When Peter Kolts, a crewman of an Estonian ship at Dublin south quays, hoisted the hammer and sickle and prevented Captain Joseph Juriska from removing it and was arrested. Lennon sentenced the sailor to a week in jail.</ref>Forde, Frank (1981). The Long Watch. Dublin: New Island Books (published 2000). ISBN 1-902602-42-0. During the 1916 rising he was with Éamon de Valera in Bolands Éamon de Valera.[2,587]. Lennon wrote an attack on James Joyce published in America which so upset Joyce that he never returned to Ireland. It focused on his treatment of Nora Barnacle. He was appointed District Court Judge in 1920. In 1958 he dismissed charges against two IRA members. Oscar Traynor, the minister of justice gave him a week to resign or be impeached. Tim Pat Coogan in his book The IRA described this as "stern treatment of an eccentric but humane judge".[95]
- Sanford Litvack (Former General Counsel of The Walt Disney Company and former Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Walt Disney Company.) [2,588] (Litvack also served as the Assistant Attorney General in charge of the Antitrust Division at the Department of Justice). [2,589]
- Kathleen Moriarty, involved with the creation of exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Bloomberg,, SWFI
- Jonathan B. Nelson Esq. (Jonathan B. Nelson, Esq. is a Westchester County, NY-based attorney who serves as the Litigation Department Chair at Dorf & Nelson LLP. He has extensive criminal trial experience on high-profile cases that have received media coverage and has been a repeat guest on CNN.)[2,590][2,591][2,592][2,593][2,594][2,595][2,596][2,597][2,598][2,599][2,600][2,601][2,602]
- Nina Półtorak, Judge at the General Court of the European Union from 2016. [2,603]. Professor of European Law at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow Europa Curia UJ Law.
- Bruce Reinhart, United States federal judge for the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida Reinhart was instrumental in the FBI search of Mar-a-lago, as he was responsible for both approving the search warrant initially as well as unsealing the warrant after the search had taken place. Previously a lawyer and initially appointed to the court in 2018, Reinhart also was the subject of false claims alleging he was a defense attorney for Jeffery Epstein, though according to USAToday, while he did represent some of Epstein's employees, he never represented Epstein himself. Outside of former president Trump's legal scandals, Reinhart also made rulings of varying notability on cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin, some sentencings, and halving the attorneys fees of Wells Fargo's lawyers. Sources: [2,604], [2,605], [2,606], [2,607], [2,608], [2,609], [2,610] InvadingInvader (userpage, talk) 20:31, 14 November 2022 (UTC)
- John T. Rodgers [2,611], appointed U.S. Magistrate Judge of U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Washington (announced 8/22/2013). Formerly private practice attorney, and Public Defender (heading the Office of the Public Defender) in Spokane County, WA. Also Adjunct Professor at Gonzaga Law School.
- David Sanford (lawyer) (David Sanford is an employment attorney known for representing female attorneys against their own law firms in gender discrimination claims.) [2,612] [2,613] [2,614]
- Willie Santana is a Puerto Rican criminal defense lawyer, civil rights leader, and community organizer from Morristown, Tennessee. He is known for his leadership in the response to the 2018 Southeastern Provisions raid [2,615], co-founding HOLA Lakeway [2,616], [2,617], [2,618] and for his activism for criminal justice reform [[2,619]], [[2,620]], [[2,621]]. He is also a legal scholar publishing articles on Puerto Rican Statehood [2,622], criminal law [2,623], judicial reform [2,624] [2,625], and leadership [2,626]. Mr. Santana is also a republican operative. [2,627] [2,628] In 2021, he was awarded the Tennessee Bar Association's Claudia Jack Award [2,629] [2,630]
- Shamoil T. Shipchandler (Regional Director for the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, Fort Worth Regional Office; former Deputy Criminal Chief and Assistant United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Texas; prosecuted 40 defendants in the largest mortgage fraud scheme in Texas — for which he received the Department of Justice's Director's Award; prosecuted defendants in a $400 million Provident Royalties scheme in 2012; prosecuted the former mayor of Melissa, Texas for public corruption in 2013; and negotiated the largest corporate immigration fraud settlement in history in 2013 — for which he was awarded the DHS Secretary's Silver Medal.) ([2,631]; [2,632]; [2,633]; [2,634]; [2,635]; [2,636]; [2,637])
- Austin C. Smith - New York lawyer who wrote first scholarly work on the dischargeability of certain private student loans [2,638] [2,639] [2,640] and went on to litigate the first successful lawsuits discharging private student loans and established multiple precedents in law allowing discharge of certain private student loans. Has received extensive coverage in multiple media outlets for his work, including the Wall Street Journal, ABC News, Marketwatch, NPR, Fox News, Law360, the National Law Journal, and more: [2,641] [2,642] [2,643] [2,644] [2,645] [2,646] [2,647] [2,648]
- Law Professor Emeritus Bryon Warnken Retired law professor and practitioner. Expert in criminal law. Many appellate court cases including before the U.S. Supreme Court. Numerous media presentations as a legal expert. [2,649] [2,650] [2,651] [2,652] [2,653] [2,654]
- Harry T. Wilks - Hamilton, Ohio attorney and philanthropist, Miami University trustee, developer of Pyramid Hills Sculpture Park. Harry T. Wilks, Hamilton philanthropist, dies at 89.
- Baris Erkan Celebi Lawyer and consultant based out of Antalya. His is registered with the Turkish Bar Association. Author of the book Defect in Yacht Construction Contracts, Istanbul University faculty graduate. Antalya Bar Association, Admitted to Practice Law in 2016, Law License number 6134. [2,655] [2,656] [2,657] [2,658]
LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer) figures
- Daniel Borrillo - Lawyer, professor, scholar of LGBT rights
- Roger Brigham - "believed to be the first out gay sports editor at a metro daily" and part of the National Gay and Lesbian Sports Hall of Fame [2,659] [2,660]
- Jeremy Bradley-Silverio Donato (also known as Jeremy C Bradley) - Writer, LGBTQ activist, educator, legal scholar; [2,661]; [2,662]; [2,663]; [2,664]
- Gene Dermody - president of Federation of Gay Games, wrestler and part of the National Gay and Lesbian Sports Hall of Fame [2,665]
- Chuck Dima - "grandfather of gay softball" and part of the National Gay and Lesbian Sports Hall of Fame [2,666] [2,667]
- Ferd Eggan activist, author, journalist; [2,668]; [2,669]; fiction work featured in the American National Corpus
- Ortésia Cabrera Fuster - Catalan politician, artist and LGBT activist
- Vincent-Natasha Gay - (NV Gay) - American trans photographer, artist and activist. Creator of the This is Trans exhibition. [2,670] [2,671][2,672]
- Michael A. Gilbert - Professor of Philosophy, York University (working at argumentation theory and transgender problems); fiction writer; businessman; committed cross-dresser; [2,673]
- Nikki Hearts, alt lesbian pornstar.[2,674]
- Payal Kumar - a goth South Asian multidisciplinary artist, LGBTQ+ health equity worker, and community organizer based in Boston, MA.
- LZ Love - songwriter, singer, performer, and recording artist [2,675][2,676][2,677][2,678][2,679][2,680]
- Alberto Mira - Writer, professor, film scholar
- Alan Cienki - American linguist; professor at VU University, Amsterdam; work on Slavic linguistics, metaphor and gesture studies; [2,681]
- Aldo Gabrielli it:Aldo Gabrielli
- Łukasz Sicinski - Polish linguist; lecturer at Indiana University; works on Slavic linguistics as well as Slavic cinema; [2,682]
- Corey Shepherd - a linguist who travelled to Russia, learned Russian and came to appreciate the cultures of the North Caucasus. In spring 2021, he established a website called ‘East of Elbrus’ [2,683]
- Łukasz Sicinski - Polish linguist; lecturer at Indiana University; works on Slavic linguistics as well as Slavic cinema; [2,684]
- Karen Sullivan - Senior Lecturer in the School of Languages and Cultures, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Queensland. [2,685]
- Wolfgang Wolck - Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus SUNY at Buffalo; internationally renowned sociolinguist; Quechua expert & enthusiast; created the concept of "ethnolects"; Ethnolect [2,686]
![]() | Please request articles about mathematicians at Wikipedia:Requested articles/Mathematics#Mathematicians, not here. |
Medical people
![]() | Please request articles about people in medicine at Wikipedia:Requested articles/Biographies/People in medicine, not here. |
Military figures
- Muniruddin Ahmed - Pakistani Cold War era F-86 Sabre fighter pilot who received the Sitara-e-Jurrat for his actions and sacrifice during the 1965 war.[96][97]
- Col. Keith W. Balts (requested August 5, 2021) - Former Director of Space Forces of the United States Air Forces Central Command, Commander, 30th Space Wing and Western Range, Air Force Space Command, Vandenberg Air Force Base, CA, Recipient of Master Space Command Badge. I have included three links to information about him, but there is even more for those who care to look. [2,687] [2,688] [2,689]
- Peter Kemmis Betty MC (1916-2016) - Gurkha officer (Lieutenant Colonel). The Times obituary October 5 2016 and Telegraph obituary 5 October 2016.
- Donald Weldon Brann Major General; Deputy Chief of Staff, 15th Army. Died falling from cliff in Austria while hunting, less than 8 days after death of General Patton; Born September 26, 1895 to December 29, 1945; [2,690], [2,691]
- Oliver Brown (Royal Naval Officer) (Requested 13 January 2023), Royal Naval Officer and HIV Advocate. Joined the Royal Navy as an officer in 2011 as a Warfare Officer[2,692] [2,693] [2,694] [2,695]. In 2019 he was diagnosed with HIV after a bicycle accident leading to attending a central London accident and emergency department and being diagnosed as a result of an opt-out testing trial [2,696] [2,697]. Following diagnoses he then lead the challenge of Ministry of Defence policy working with the Terrence Higgins Trust [2,698] leading to the overturn of policy with a Government announcement [2,699] [2,700] seeing members of the UK Armed Forces living with HIV being able to serve without restriction, people living with HIV being able to join the UK Armed Forces and all restrictions around the use of PReP lifted[2,701] [2,702] [2,703] . His advocacy in this area was recognised in the Kings New Year's Honours List 2023 being appointed MBE [2,704] [2,705] [2,706] [2,707] [2,708] [2,709].
- Norman Crockatt, first head of MI9. A bio in article format can be found here: "Escape Master of WWII – Brigadier Norman Crockatt", but this text is protected by copyright and cites no sources. Citable sources can be found in books about MI9, such as MI9: A History of the Secret Service for Escape and Evasion in World War Two and [2,710] Pioneers of Irregular Warfare: Secrets of the Military Intelligence Research Department of the Second World War.
- Emilio Delgado (general) (died 18 October 1886) (requested 18 April 2021) - Honduran revolutionary, executed by firing squad in Comayagua. Delgado is a red link even in the Spanish Wikipedia (see es:Luis Bográn#Intento de golpe de estado). The Last Words (Real and Traditional) of Distinguished Men and Women, Frederic Rowland Marvin, pp. 42-43.
- Georgios Dritsakos (Requested December 27, 2023) - Retired Lieutenant General of the Hellenic Air Force. Adjutant to the President of the Hellenic Republic Konstantinos Stephanopoulos and Karolos Papoulias July 2002 – August 2005. Governor of the Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority since 2020[2,711]
- Felix Gedney - Major General in British Army, has also been involved in the above operation [2,712]
- Goitom Ghebrezghi (died 2009) - chief of the Eritrean Police Force; [2,713]
- CPL. Hayden Harris - [2,714] [2,715]
- Webb Hayes II or Webb Cook Hayes II (1890-1957) -- American rear admiral, served in the United States Navy during World War I, retired from the service in 1928, was called back to service in 1942 to serve as the Navy's director of recruiting and induction, had his request for active service granted in 1944 when he was given command of the troop transport liner USS West Point, retired again in 1946, and was promoted to Rear Admiral in 1955. He is a recipient of Portugal's highest military honor, the Military Order of Aviz. best source is his collection at his grandfather's presidental library, which could be an issue per WP:PRIMARY.
- William Hotman (died September 6, 1781) (requested April 26, 2021) - American Revolutionary War soldier, credited on his gravestone with using his blood to prevent the British from igniting a line of powder to destroy Fort Griswold at the Battle of Groton Heights. The Last Words (Real and Traditional) of Distinguished Men and Women, Frederic Rowland Marvin, pp. 82-83.
- Karl H. Houghton; American Colonel and Physician in the US Army in World War II. Captured by Japan. Wrote memoir about Bataan Death March and POW experiences. Worked in aerospace medicine at NASA and received the annual Louis H. Bauers Award from Aerospace Medical Association in 1973. [2,716], Image , Project Mercury, [2,717]
- Nauman Ali Khan - Pakistani F-16 pilot who shot down an Abhinandan Varthaman's Mig-21 during Operation Swift Retort in 2019.[98][99]
- Liti Kidanka (Requested 27th September 2024) – woman from Singida who led a fight against the German invasion of what is now Tanzania in 1908–1910.[2,718] [100]
- Bryce Knox (1916-2003) British Colonel - Mounted Cavalry & Royal Artillery in WWII, Awarded Military Cross with Bar, Lord-Lieutenant of Ayrshire 1974-1991. [2,719][2,720]
- Ronald John Lamont or Ronald John David Lamont. New Zealand Pilot, previously a Royal New Zealand Air Force, acrobatic and commercial pilot. Has flown in every Warbirds Over Wānaka airshow since its inception in 1988. Currently a volunteer flight instructor for the New Zealand Warbirds Association, board member for the New Zealand Airshow Association and leads incident management for the Wanaka Search and Rescue service. He was awarded a Queens Service Medal for services to aviation in the Queens birthday honours list in 2020. [2,721] [2,722]
- Salim Baig Mirza (Requested 27 October 2022) - A Pakistani Cold war era F-86F Sabre fighter pilot who participated in the 1965 War & 1971 War and shot down Indian warplanes.[101]
Sergei Rudskoi or Sergei Rudskoy or Sergey Rudskoi/Sergey Rudskoy - Russian colonel general, chief of the Russian General Staff's Main Operations Directorate - [2,723] [2,724] [2,725]
- Sotiris Skanzikas - World War 2 Pilot Officer of the Greek RAF who was captured, and imprisoned in Stalag Luft III. He was apart of "The Great Escape" but was recaptured, and along with 49 other men, executed by the Gestapo. He was the only Greek officer to be apart of The Great Escape. List of Allied airmen from the Great Escape Stalag Luft III murders [2,726] [2,727]
- Mian Raza Shah (Requested May 9 2022) - Pakistani Soldier and war hero from the city of Charsadda who received the Sitara-e-Jurrat gallantry medal for his actions during Operation Grand Slam in 1965. He was the first Pakistani military casualty during the 1965 war.[102][103]
- Alexei Tsygankov or Alexey Tsygankov - Russian major general, the head of the Center for Refugee Reception, Distribution and Accommodation. UCast's real name is also Alexei Tsygankov. Due the fact that use Bing to search for "Alexei Tsygankov" or "Alexey Tsygankov" and some results of the first page show that mentions of the names refer to the major general rather than the trance musician, it's better not to make these two pages redirects to UCast; [2,728] [2,729] [2,730] [2,731]
- Georgy Zakrevsky - founder and leader of the Paladin PMC militia, called for the Russian army to oust Vladimir Putin.[104][105][106][107][108]
American Medal of Honor recipients
- Medal of Honor recipients needing articles - Per Roger Davies, rather than add a thousand articles for creation this link represents all Medal of Honor recipients still needing articles.