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User:Pappubahry/Electoral system table

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This table deals with voting to select candidates for office, not for the passing of legislation.

Voting systems by country

Country Body System Seats per District Total seats Threshold
Afghanistan President Runoff
House of the People SNTV 249
Albania Assembly MMP: Largest remainder (Hare quota) 40 / 1 140 2.5% (parties), 4% (coalitions)
Algeria President Runoff 5%
People's National Assembly Party list 380
Andorra General Council Parallel: Party list / Bloc voting 14 / 2 28
Angola President FPTP
National Assembly D'Hondt method (closed lists) 5 per province, 130 across country, + 3 representatives from abroad 233
Antigua and Barbuda House of Representatives FPTP 17
Argentina President Runoff
Chamber of Deputies of the Nation D'Hondt method (closed lists) 257
Armenia President Runoff
National Assembly Parallel: Largest remainder (Hare quota) / FPTP 75 / 1 131 5%
Aruba Estates 21
Australia Senate STV 6 per state per election, 2 per territory 76
House of Representatives IRV 150
Austria President Runoff
Nationalrat D'Hondt method 183 4%
Azerbaijan President
National Assembly Parallel: Party list / constituencies 125
Bahamas House of Assembly FPTP 40
Bahrain Council of Representatives Runoff 40
Bangladesh Jatiyo Sangshad FPTP 300 + 30 seats reserved for women
Barbados House of Assembly FPTP 30
Belarus President
House of Representatives 110
Belgium Chamber of Representatives D'Hondt method 3–22 150 5%
Senate Direct election (40 members), appointment by regional legislatures (21 members), election by other senators (10 members); overall distribution between parties by D'Hondt method 41+29+1 71
Belize National Assembly FPTP 29
Benin President Runoff
National Assembly Largest remainder method 83
Bermuda House of Assembly FPTP 36
Bhutan Tshogdu FPTP 105 + 12 religious representatives + 37 appointed
Bolivia President First round by people, Runoff if necessary by Parliament
Chamber of Deputies MMP: D'Hondt method 130
Senate Winning party takes 2 seats, second party takes 1 in each constituency 3 27
Bosnia and Herzegovina Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina FPTP 1 3 (one each of the three major ethnicities)
House of Representatives Sainte-Laguë method 14, 28 42
Botswana National Assembly FPTP 57 + 4 co-opted + 2 ex officio
Brazil President Runoff
Chamber of Deputies D'Hondt method (open lists) 8–70 513
Senate SNTV for multi-member elections, FPTP otherwise 1, 2 (alternates each election) 81
Bulgaria President Runoff
National Assembly D'Hondt method (closed lists)[1] 4–14[1] 240 4%
Burkina Faso President Runoff
National Assembly of Burkina Faso Party list 111
Burundi President
National Assembly D'Hondt method 100 2%
Cambodia National Assembly D'Hondt method 123
Cameroon President Runoff
National Assembly FPTP in single-member constituencies; in multi-member constituencies: party with over 50% of vote gets all seats, otherwise highest party gets half, rest distributed by Largest remainder (Hare quota) 1–7 180 5%
Canada House of Commons FPTP 308
Cape Verde President Runoff
National Assembly D'Hondt method 72
Cayman Islands Legislative Assembly SNTV 2 15 + 3 ex officio
Central African Republic President
National Assembly 105
Chad President Runoff
National Assembly 155
Chile President Runoff
Chamber of Deputies SNTV 2 120
Senate SNTV 2 38
Colombia President Runoff
Chamber of Representatives D'Hondt method 2–18 162
Senate D'Hondt method 100 + 2 (indigenous) 102
Congo-Brazzaville President
National Assembly 153
Costa Rica President FPTP
Legislative Assembly D'Hondt method 57
Croatia President Runoff
Sabor D'Hondt method, plus some reserved for minorities and Croatians living abroad 12 100–160 5%
Cuba National Assembly of People's Power Endorsement of selected candidates 1 609
Cyprus President
House of Representatives Party list 3–21 80 (56 for Greek-Cypriots; 24 for Turkish-Cypriots (currently vacant)) and 3 observers from religious minorities 1.8%
Czech Republic Chamber of Deputies D'Hondt method 5–25 200 5% (parties), 8% (coalitions)
Senate Runoff 81
Democratic Republic of Congo President Runoff
National Assembly 500
Denmark Folketing Sainte-Laguë method 179 2%
Djibouti President Runoff
National Assembly Bloc voting 65
Dominica House of Assembly FPTP 21 + 9 appointed + Speaker + 1 ex officio
Dominican Republic President Runoff
Chamber of Deputies D'Hondt method 2–36 150
Senate FPTP 32
East Timor President Runoff
Parliament Parallel: Largest remainder (75 seats), FPTP (13 seats) 75 / 1 88
Ecuador President Runoff
National Congress D'Hondt method 2–18 100
Egypt President Runoff
People's Assembly Modified Runoff 2 444 + 10 appointed
Shura Council Runoff 174 + 88 appointed
El Salvador President Runoff
Legislative Assembly D'Hondt method 3–20 84
Equatorial Guinea President
Chamber of People's Representatives Party list 80
Estonia Riigikogu Party list 101 5%
Ethiopia House of People's Representatives FPTP 546
Fiji House of Representatives IRV 71
Finland President Runoff
Eduskunta (and MEPs) D'Hondt method (open lists) 6–34 200
France President Runoff
National Assembly Runoff 577
French Senate Electoral college 331
Gabon President
National Assembly Runoff 111 + 9 appointed
Gambia President FPTP
National Assembly FPTP 48 + 5 appointed
Georgia President Runoff
Parliament Parallel: Quota / Runoff 235 7%
Germany Bundestag MMP: Largest remainder (Hare quota) / FPTP 299 / 1 598 + overhang seats 5% or 3 district seats
Ghana President FPTP
Parliament FPTP 230
Greece Hellenic Parliament Re-inforced proportionality 300 3%
Grenada House of Representatives FPTP 15
Guatemala President Runoff
Congress of the Republic Parallel: D'Hondt method / ? 29 / 1– 158
Guinea President
National Assembly Parallel: Party list / FPTP 76 / 1 114
Guyana National Assembly Largest remainder (Hare quota) 53 (+12 appointed by local councils)
Haiti President
Chamber of Deputies Runoff 99
Honduras President FPTP
National Congress Largest remainder (Hare quota) 128
Hong Kong Legislative Council Parallel: Largest remainder / Functional constituencies: FPTP, Bloc voting, IRV 4–8 60
Hungary National Assembly MMP: D'Hondt method / modified Runoff 386 5% (10% for coalitions)
Iceland President FPTP
Alþing D'Hondt method 9 63 5%
India House of the People FPTP 545
Indonesia President Runoff
People's Representative Council Hare quota (closed lists) 550
Iran President Runoff
Majlis of Iran Runoff 290
Assembly of Experts 86
Iraq Council of Representatives Party list 275
Ireland President IRV
Dáil Éireann STV 3–5 166[2]
Israel Knesset D'Hondt method 120 120 2%
Italy Chamber of Deputies MMP: Largest remainder 630 4%
Senate MMP: D'Hondt method 315
Ivory Coast President Runoff
National Assembly FPTP 225
Jamaica House of Representatives FPTP 60
Japan House of Representatives Parallel: D'Hondt method (180 seats) / FPTP (300 seats) 480
House of Councillors Parallel: D'Hondt method (48 seats) / SNTV (73 seats) 121 per election
Jordan Chamber of Deputies FPTP 104 + 6 women elected by electoral college
Kazakhstan President
Majilis Parallel: Proportional (10 seats) / Runoff (57 seats) 67
Kenya President FPTP
National Assembly of Kenya FPTP 210 + 12 appointed + 2 ex officio
Kiribati President FPTP
House of Assembly 40 + 1 delegate from Banaba Island and 1 ex officio
Kuwait National Assembly Bloc 2 50
Kyrgyzstan President
Legislative Assembly Parallel: Party list (15 seats) / Runoff (45) 60
Assembly of People's Representatives 45
Laos National Assembly Bloc voting 115
Latvia Saeima Sainte-Laguë method 14–28 100 5%
Lebanon Chamber of Deputies Bloc voting 128
Lesotho National Assembly MMP Party list (40 seats) / FPTP (80 seats) 120
Liberia President Runoff
House of Representatives FPTP 64
Senate SNTV 2 30
Liechtenstein Diet Party list 25
Lithuania President Runoff
Seimas Parallel: Largest remainder (70 seats) / Runoff (71 seats) 70 / 1 141 5% (parties), 7% (coalitions)
Luxembourg Chamber of Deputies D'Hondt method 60
Macau Legislative Council Party list / Functional constituencies / Appointed 12 29
Madagascar President Runoff
National Assembly 1–2 160
Senate 10 60 + 30 appointed
Malawi President FPTP
National Assembly FPTP 194
Malaysia Dewan Rakyat FPTP 219
Maldives President Elected by parliament and confirmed by popular referendum
Majlis Bloc voting 2 42 + 8 appointed
Mali President Runoff
National Assembly Runoff 160
Malta President
House of Representatives STV 5 65
Marshall Islands Legislature FPTP 33
Mauritania President Runoff
National Assembly Runoff 81
Mauritius National Assembly 2–3 62 + 8 appointed
Mexico President FPTP
Chamber of Deputies Parallel: Largest remainder (Hare quota) (200 seats) / FPTP (300 seats) 500
Senate Parallel: Largest remainder (Hare quota) / winner takes 2, second takes 1 32 / 3 128
Federated States of Micronesia Congress 14
Moldova Parliament of the Republic of Moldova D'Hondt method 101 101 6%
Monaco National Council 24
Mongolia President
State Great Khural FPTP 76
Montserrat Legislative Council 9 9
Morocco Assembly of Representatives Parallel: Largest remainder (295 seats) / list of women (30 seats) 325
Mozambique President Runoff
Assembly of the Republic D'Hondt method 250 250 5%
Namibia President Runoff
National Assembly Hare quota + 6 appointed 78
Nauru Parliament 18
Nepal House of Representatives FPTP 205
Netherlands States-General D'Hondt method 150 0.67%
New Zealand House of Representatives (Parliament) MMP: Sainte-Laguë method / FPTP 120 + overhang seats 5% or 1 district seat
Nicaragua President FPTP
National Assembly D'Hondt method 92
Niger President Runoff
National Assembly Party list (105 seats) + 8 from FPTP 113
Nigeria President Runoff
House of Representatives FPTP 360
Senate FPTP 109
Niue Assembly Bloc voting (6 seats) 1–6 6 + 14 representatives of the villages
North Korea Supreme People's Assembly Endorsement of candidate 687
Norway Storting MMP: Modified Sainte-Laguë method 4–17 169 4%
Pakistan National Assembly FPTP, with Party list for women 272 + 10 for religious minorities + 60 for women
Palau President
House of Delegates FPTP 16
Senate FPTP 9
Panama President FPTP
National Assembly Single-member constituencies: FPTP; multi-member: Saripolo or Sartori method (Largest remainder, but remainders only for those with no seats) 1– 78
Papua New Guinea National Parliament FPTP 109
Paraguay President FPTP
Chamber of Deputies D'Hondt method 80
Senate D'Hondt method 45
Peru President Runoff
Congress of the Republic Largest remainder 120
Philippines President FPTP
House of Representatives Parallel: Party list (quota) / FPTP (212 districts) > 212 2%
Senate Bloc voting 12 24
Poland President Runoff
Sejm D'Hondt method 7–19 460 5% (8% for coalitions, 0% for national minorities)
Senate Bloc voting 2–4 100
Portugal President Runoff
Assembly of the Republic D'Hondt method 2–48 230
Taiwan Legislative Yuan Parallel: Party list (41 seats) / SNTV (168 seats) / 16 others 225 5%
Macedonia President Runoff
Assembly D'Hondt method 20 120
Romania President Runoff
Chamber of Deputies D'Hondt method 329 5% (parties), 9% (coalitions)
Senate D'Hondt method 137 5% (parties), 9% (coalitions)
Russia President Two-round system
State Duma Parallel: Largest remainder (225 seats) / FPTP (225 seats) 450
Rwanda President
Chamber of Deputies 53 + 24 elected by provincial councils + 3 appointed
Saint Kitts and Nevis National Assembly FPTP 11 + 3 appointed + 1 ex officio
Saint Lucia House of Assembly FPTP 17
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines House of Assembly FPTP 15 + 6 appointed
Samoa Fono FPTP / Bloc voting 1–2 47
San Marino Grand and General Council Party list 60
São Tomé and Príncipe President Runoff
National Assembly Party list 55
Senegal President Runoff
National Assembly Bloc voting 120
Serbia President Runoff
National Assembly D'Hondt method 250 5% (0.4% for minorities)
Seychelles President FPTP
National Assembly Parallel: Hare quota (9 seats) / FPTP (25 seats) 9 / 1 34
Sierra Leone Parliament Largest remainder 112 112 + 12 Paramount chiefs 12.5%
Singapore President
Parliament Bloc voting / FPTP 1 or 5 or 6 (depending on constituency) 84
Slovakia President Runoff
National Council of the Slovak Republic Hagenbach-Bischoff (semi-open lists) 150 5%
Slovenia President Runoff
National Assembly D'Hondt method (88 seats) + 2 seats by Borda Count 90 4%
Solomon Islands National Parliament FPTP 50
South Africa National Assembly Droop quota 400
South Korea President FPTP
National Assembly Parallel: Party list (56 seats) / FPTP (243 seats) 299
Spain Congress of Deputies D'Hondt method 2– 350
Senate Partial bloc voting (208 members), appointment by regional legislatures (51 members) 2–4 259
Sri Lanka President Sri Lankan contingent vote
Parliament of Sri Lanka Largest remainder (Hare quota) 225
Suriname National Assembly of Suriname Party list 51
Sweden Riksdag Modified Sainte-Laguë (Open list) 349 4% (or 12% in a constituency)
Switzerland National Council D'Hondt method (open lists) 1–-34 200
Council of States Varies with canton 1–2 46
Syria President Endorsement of candidate
People's Council 250, of which 167 are guaranteed for the National Patriotic Front
Tajikistan President
Supreme Assembly of Tajikistan Parallel: Party list (22 seats) / Runoff single-member constituencies (41 seats) 63
Tanzania President FPTP
National Assembly FPTP 324
Thailand House of Representatives Parallel: Party list (100 seats) / FPTP or SNTV (400 seats) 500
Senate FPTP or SNTV 200
Togo President Runoff
National Assembly of Togo Runoff 81
Tonga Legislative Assembly Runoff 9 + 9 elected by nobles + 10 members of Privy Council + 2 governors
Trinidad and Tobago House of Representatives FPTP 41
Tunisia President FPTP
Chamber of Deputies Parallel: Highest average for parties not winning an electorate (37 seats) / FPTP (152 seats) 34 / 1 189
Turkey Grand National Assembly D'Hondt method 550 10%
Turkmenistan President
Assembly Runoff 50
Tuvalu Parliament FPTP or SNTV 1–2 15
Uganda President FPTP
National Assembly FPTP 214 + 78 from various groups
Ukraine President Runoff
Verkhovna Rada Parallel: Party list (225 seats) / single-member constituencies (225 seats) 450 4%
United Kingdom House of Commons FPTP 646
Scottish Parliament Additional Member System: D'Hondt method / FPTP 7 129
National Assembly for Wales Additional Member System: D'Hondt method / FPTP 4 60
Northern Ireland Assembly STV 6 18
United States President Electoral college (electors generally chosen using [[FPTP]] on per state basis)
House of Representatives FPTP with primaries 435[3]
Senate FPTP with primaries 1 per election 100[3]
Uruguay President Runoff
Chamber of Deputies D'Hondt method 99
Chamber of Senators D'Hondt method 30 + vice-president
Uzbekistan President Runoff
Vanuatu Parliament SNTV 52
Venezuela President FPTP
National Assembly MMP: D'Hondt method / SNTV 167
Vietnam National Assembly 498
Yemen President Runoff
Assembly of Representatives FPTP 301
Zambia President FPTP
National Assembly FPTP 150
Zimbabwe House of Assembly FPTP 120 + 20 appointed by the President + 10 chiefs
Senate FPTP 50 + 6 appointed by the President + 10 chiefs


Seats per district
Most elections are split into a number of districts (for example, a constituency). In some elections, there is one person elected per district. In others, there are many people elected per district.
Total number of seats
the number of representatives elected to the body in total.
Election threshold
see Election threshold
Using the system of FPTP voting to pick a single winner per district
Party list
One of many Party-list proportional representation systems. Where possible, this has been replaced by the allocation system used within the party-list (e.g. D'Hondt method)
Parallel voting
This means that two simultaneous systems are used to elect representatives to the same body. If there is interchange between the two systems (e.g. the number elected in one system affects the number elected in the other) then this is called the additional member system.
  1. ^ a b Determined for the 2005 parliamentary elections based on the 2001 census data. Independent candidates need to gather votes equal to the total number of votes cast in the constituency divided by the number of local seats. The remaining seats are distributed among parties by the D'Hondt method applied to the total number of votes for each. Party lists are one per constituency, the seats each party wins are forther distributed among its local lists again by D'Hondt applied to local numbers of votes for the party, and a mechanism of shifting seats from one local Party list to another, to adjust the total seats for all parties for each constituency to the allocated local number of seats (minus the number of successful local independent candidates).
  2. ^ The Ceann Comhairle or Speaker of Dáil Éireann is returned automatically for whichever constituency s/he was elected if they wish to seek re-election, reducing the number of seats contested in that constituency by one. (In that case, should the Ceann Comhairle be from a three-seater, only two seats are contested in the general election from there.) As a result, if the Ceann Comhairle wishes to be in the next Dáil, only 165 seats are actually contested in a general election.
  3. ^ a b The state of Louisiana uses Runoff voting for all House and Senate seats. All candidates (regardless of party affiliation) run on a single ballot in the general election in what is referred to as an "open primary" (thus, all Democrat candidates compete against all Republican candidates and whoever else may be running). If a candidate receives a majority of the vote, he or she is automatically elected. Otherwise, the top two finishers (again, regardless of party affiliation) go to a Runoff election, held approximately a month later, with the winner in the Runoff earning the seat. It is possible for both candidates to be from the same party, but in practice a Runoff usually features one Democrat and one Republican.

See also




Much of the data on Bulgaria from Central electoral committee - "Methods for determining the number of mandates in constituencies and the results of the vote" (in Bulgarian)

Much of the data regarding which voting system is used is drawn from this 2002 report from the International Insititute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA)

Much of the data regarding the size of the parliaments comes from this 1997 report from the same Institute.

Some of the data has been updated since then.