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A community of Hindu Kshatriya belong to Ahirwada (Jhansi) are known as Ahirwar / Aharwar Kshatriya. It is considered as a very progressive caste. Aharwar is also used as a surname (last name) by [[Rajput]] clan belonging to the chandravanshi kshatriya lineage.
A community of Hindu Kshatriya belong to Ahirwada (Jhansi) are known as Ahirwar / Aharwar Kshatriya. It is considered as a very progressive caste. Aharwar is also used as a surname (last name) by [[Rajput]] clan belonging to the chandravanshi kshatriya lineage.

Many Aharwar live in different regions of India including [[Delhi]], [[Mathura, Uttar Pradesh|Mathura]], [[Ahmedabad]], [[Murena]], [[Agra]], and [[Jhansi]]. The Aharwar was derived from Ahar. The Ahars are one of the most ancient martial tribes of India, who ruled over different parts of India and Nepal since ancient times.
Many Aharwar live in different regions of India including [[Delhi]], [[Mathura, Uttar Pradesh|Mathura]], [[Ahmedabad]], [[Murena]], [[Agra]], and [[Jhansi]]. The Aharwar was derived from Ahar. The Ahars are one of the most ancient martial tribes of India, who ruled over different parts of India and Nepal since ancient times. But present day Aharwar belong to Chamar (cobbler) caste.

== Pune under Yadav Dynasty ==
== Pune under Yadav Dynasty ==

Revision as of 15:36, 7 March 2011

Rao/ Aheer / Yadav (Àbhira in Ŝanskrit) (Άbiria in ɢrẽẽk[1])
ClassificationChandravanshi Kshatriya [2][3]
LanguagesHindi, Ahirwati, Haryanvi, Marathi, Gujarati, Bhojpuri[citation needed]
Populated statesIndia, Pakistan,[4] Nepal
SubdivisionsRao, Yadav, Dhangars, Gawli[citation needed]
Yaduvanshi Krishna (left) with Radha,

"Ahir" (Sanskrit Abhira अभीर "fearless").,[3][5][6][7] is a Hindu caste of Indo-Aryan origin which is subgroup of Yadav. Greek historians' reference of Abisares are thought to be of Abhira Chief.[8][9] Recent excavations in Nepal and Deccan has revealed that Gupta suffix was common among Abhira kings, and Historian D. R. Regmi, links Imperial Guptas with Abhira-Guptas of Nepal.[10] The Indian census of 1931 counted 14 million Ahirs.[11]

In the opinion of Dr. Budh Prakash,the name of the State of Haryana may have been derived from Abhirayana, its ancient inhabitants having been Ahirs.[12] Ahirs ruled the whole of Haryana under the Mogul rule and later were declared as independent kings. James Tod demonstrated that they were included into the list of 36 royal races of Rajasthan(Tod,1829,Vol1,p69 ii,p358).[13] Max Muller, Christian Lassen, Mrs. Manning and many others have identified Abhira to be Ophir of Bible, which is the name of a country and also the name of a tribe.[14] Thakur Deshraj famous historian has mentioned that "Ahirs along with other tribes made a great contribution in building the state of Rajasthan" and suffered great difficulties in protecting their culture and the land.[15] The Indian census of 1931 counted 14 million Ahirs.[11]


Nanda and Yashoda pushing baby Krishna on a swing.

Ahirs are divided into Three "groups", acknowledging no other connection than the name of Ahir, which is common to all also they do not intermarry. Yaduvanshi and Nandvanshi and Gwalavanshi together called Ahir.[16][17][18]

Ancient martial race

The British Rulers of India classified the Ahirs amongst the "martial races"[37] It was a designation created by officials of British India to describe "races" that were thought to be naturally warlike and aggressive in battle, and to possess qualities like courage,physical strength, fighting tenacity and military strategy. The Ahirs may be seen to have continued their warrior tradition by their extensive participation in the Indian Army and police forces.[38] Since ancient time, as per Mahabharata, Ahirs(Abhiras) have been warriors; some were agriculturists and farmers.They are a subcaste of Dhangar and are not only found in the Kaatch (Kutch) area of western Gujarat, but also in Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, Nepal.[39] In Maharashtra, Ahirs comprise a subgroup of the Dhangar caste system of India.Their role The Ahir community are present in large numbers in Terai, the plains that lie in the southern part of Nepal.[39]


Asirgarh Fort was made by King Asa Ahir in Madhya Pradesh

The origin of the Ahir is controversial, with various scholars claiming different origins. Sir William Wilson Hunter propounded the Scythic Origin view by directly deriving Ahir from Ahi, which means snake in Sanskrit, and saying that snake worship compounded by other cultural facts, suggests scythic origin. However, J. C. Nesfield refutes it by saying that snake worship is not peculiar to scythics but a common practice all over India, and he also argues that it is absurd to derive Ahir from ahi, a Sanskrit word, when the original name of the community is Abhira, and Ahir its Prakrit corruption. He is of the view that Ahirs have purely Aryan origin. One study in Deccan Ahirs have found out existence of Totemistic septs, which is regarded as a sure sign of being Non-Aryan, seconded by existence of a sect called Romabans, which is the regular corruption of word romak, frequently found in Sanskrit works on astronomy, and identified by Prof. Weber to be the town Alexandria in Egypt, from where the science of astronomy was cultivated and from whom people of India borrowed the concepts of astronomy. It is argued that foreign hordes from Romak might have settled in India, and incorporated into Ahirs.[40] Sanskrit scholars in India however, have demurred this suggestion. Bhagwan Singh Suryavansi, in his research, claims archaeological research in Deccan has revealed the presence of pastoral people of Neolithic era, who shares many attributes of Abhira. Hence, Abhira might have been present much earlier than what has been postulated so far. Finally he concludes, they spread from Indus to mathura, and migrated southward and eastward.[41] He also claims that similarity of culture and common belief that they are descendant of Lord Krishna, is the proof that they sprang from a common source. According to a theory advanced by A. P. Karmakar, Abhiras were a Proto Dravidian tribe, derived from Dravidian Ayir,[42] which means cowherd, he further argues, Aitareva Brahmin refers to Vasah, as the name of people, which in vedic literature means cow.

Finally, he concludes from Padma Purana, where Vishnu informed Abhiras, "I shall be born among you, O Abhiras, at Mathura in my eighth birth". D. R. Bhandarkar, supports the non-aryan origin theory, by directly relating Krishna, to Rig Veda's "Krishna Drapsah", where he fights Aryan God Indra. Added to this Karmakar, shows Harivamsa says Yadu was born of Harynasva and Madhumati, who was the daughter of Madhu Rakshasa. Madhu says all the territory of Mathura belongs to Abhiras.[43] Further, Mahabharata describes Abhira as forming one of the seven republics, Samsaptak Gunas, and as a friend of Matsyas, a pre vedic tribe.[44]

Abiria Region

Abiria was a region in Sindh, Pakistan described by Classical authors, mainly Ptolemy. It covers the area east of the Indus River Delta and is apparently named for the Abhira peoples, presumably in residence of the region.Ptolemy's Abiria {Abhira} is included in Indo-Scythians [45][46] The 1st century CE Periplus of the Erythraean Sea describes Abiria as the territory east of the Indus delta and north of Surastrene (modern Saurashtra):

"Beyond the gulf of Baraca is that of Barygaza and the coast of the country of Ariaca, which is the beginning of the Kingdom of Nambanus and of all India. That part of it lying inland and adjoining Scythia is called Abiria, but the coast is called Syrastrene." Periplus, Chap. 41.[47]

Mentions in religious scriptures

Manushmriti (Ch.10, 15) talks about Abhiras as sons of Brahmin & Ambashta. Earliest inscription about them refers to them as Abhira Brahmin.[48]

The Sabha-parva and Bhisma-parva sections of the Mahabharata mention the province of Abhira, situated near what once was the Sarasvati River in ancient Sind. Suras and Abhira were together referred to as Surabhiras in scriptures. Later works did not discriminate between the two. Many scholars have sought a link between the Indian Abhira and Surabhir with the Biblical references to Ophir and Sofir.

Ptolemy wrote there was a country called Abhira at the mouth of the river Indus. Sreemad Bhagwatam gave a similar account and matched the location of Sind. Christian Lassen (1800–1876), author of Indische Alterthumskunde, vol I, thought “Ophir” was a seaport on the southwest coast of India. Mrs. Manning said it was situated on the western coast of India. Gesenius, Sir Emerson Tennent, and Max Müller appeared to agree with Christian Lassen. Because of this relative consensus, there is general belief that Abhira is the equivalent of Ophir,[49] mentioned in the Bible. In the Coptic language, Sofir, the name of India, refers to surabhir.

According to the Markandeya Purana, all the Haiheya aggressors (warrior caste) were killed in a massacre led by Parshuram. At that time, the Ahirs were either a sub-clan of the Hayheya or sided with the Hayheya. Only the Abhiras survived by escaping into the craters between mountains. The sage Markandeya remarked that "all Haiheya have been killed but Abhira have survived; they will surely rule the earth in Kaliyuga."[50] Vātsyāyana also mentions the Abhira kingdoms in the Kama Sutra.[51] References to Abhira being residents of the kingdom ruled by Yudhisthira are found in Bhagwatam.[52]

Shreemad Bhagwatam, which gives a detailed account of dynasties ruling after great war of Mahabharata, describes Abhira rulers in detail:

Krishna with Gopis (Ahirs), ca. 1790-1800

Then will follow seven kings of the Abhira race from the city of Avabhrti, and then ten Gardabhis. After them, sixteen kings of the Kankas will rule and will be known for their excessive greed. Eight Yavanas will then take power, followed by fourteen Turuskas, ten Gurundas and eleven kings of the Maula dynasty. These Abhiras, Gardabhis and Kankas will enjoy the earth for 1,099 years.

The Gupta Dynasty's account corresponds to the Abhira Kings mentioned in the Bhagwatam. Many scholars believe both Guptas[39][53] and Mauryas were Abhir.[54]

The Ahirs were one of the more militant Hindu groups, including in the modern era. For example, in 1930, about 200 Ahirs marched towards the shrine of Trilochan and performed puja in response to Islamic tanzeem processions.[55]

The original cult of Lord Krishna, especially the aspect dealing with Krishna's boyhood in Vrindavan and his dalliances with the Gopis, has been attributed to the Ahir or Abhir tribe. The merging of this Lord Krishna with the hero of the Mahabharat did not occur until about 4th century C.E.[56][57]



ਰਾਮ ਜਾਤ ਕਾ ਰੰਗੜਾ, ਕ੍ਰਿਸ਼ਨ ਜਾਤ ਅਹੀਰ
ਬ੍ਰਹਮਾ ਜਾਤ ਘੁਮਾਰ ਹੈ, ਸ਼ਿਵ ਕੀ ਜਾਤ ਫ਼ਕੀਰ


राम जाति का रंगड़ा, कृश्न जाति अहीर
ब्रम्हा जाति किम्हार है, शिव जाति फ़कीर


Rama is a Rajput, Krishna is Ahir
Brahma is a Kumhar by caste and Shiva is faqir

Sura and Abhira were mentioned as two kingdoms where the river Saraswati existed only as a dried up river bed during the time of Kurukshetra War. They were sometimes referred to as Surabhira also, combining both Sura and Abhira kingdoms. After the fall of the Dwaraka federation, when Arjuna was taking the Yadav women of Dwaraka to Indraprastha, the Abhira tribes attacked him and took away the women and all the wealth.

Map of "Bharatvarsha" (Kingdom of India) during the time of Mahabharata and Ramayana. (Title and location names are in English.)

Nakula's military campaigning to the west

  • MBh 2.31

Nakula, lead his campaign from Indraprastha to the western regions, to collect tribute for Yudhisthira's Rajasuya sacrifice.

Nakula, the Pandava general, brought under subjection the mighty Gramaniya that dwelt on the shore of the sea, and the Suras and the Abhiras that dwelt on the banks of the Saraswati, and all those tribes that lived upon fisheries, and those also that dwelt on the mountains, and the whole of the country called after the five rivers, and the mountains called Amara, and the country called Uttarayotisha and the city of Divyakutta and the tribe called Dwarapala.

Markandeya's prediction of powerful tribes in the future

  • MBh 3.187

Sage Markandeya explains to Yudhisthira about the rise of western tribes, and their influence on Bharata Varsha or Ancient India

The Andhhas, the Sakas, the Pulindas, the Yavanas, the Kamvojas, the Valhikas and the Abhiras, then become (in Kali Yuga, which is future for Yudhisthira), possessed of bravery and the sovereignty of the earth.

Abhiras in the List of Kingdoms of Bharata Varsha

  • MBh 6.9

In Bhishama Parava, while narrating to Dhritarashtra the names of the Mountains, Rivers, Provinces etc of Bharata Varsha, Sanjaya includes the Abhiras in the list of its provinces and seems to locate them somewhere between the Mallas, Valhikas and the Aprantas (6,9).

i.e. ....the Valhikas , the Vatadhanas, the Abhiras, the Kalajoshakas; the Aparantas, the Parantas, the Pahnabhas, the Charmamandalas; the Atavisikharas, the Mahabhutas.....

In the same Parava, there is also reference to the Sura-Abhiras who are listed among the tribes of north such as the Yavanas, the Chinas, the Kambojas, the Darunas, and many Mleccha tribes, the Sukritvahas, the Kulatthas (Kulutas), the Hunas, and the Parasikas, the Ramanas, and the Dasamalikas, the Daradas, the Kasmiras, the Khasiras, the Bharadvajas, and the diverse tribes of Kiratas, the Tomaras, the Hansamargas, and the Karamanjakas etc (6.9).

Participation in the Kurukshetra War

  • MBh 7.20

Bhutasarman, and Kshemasarman, and the valiant Karakaksha, and the Kalingas, the Singhalas, the Easterners, the Suras, the Abhiras, the Daserakas, the Sakas, the Yavanas, the Kambojas, the Hangsapadas, the Surasenas, the Daradas, the Madras, and the Kalikeyas, with hundreds and thousands of elephants, steeds, cars, and foot-soldiers were stationed at its neck of the military formation formed by the Kaurava general Drona in Kurukshetra War.

Impact of Bhargava Rama on Abhira tribe

  • MBh 14.29

Dravidas and Abhiras and Pundras, together with the Savaras, became fallen to low status, though those men who had Kshatriya duties assigned to them in consequence of their birth, falling away from those duties due to fear of Bhargava Rama.

Balarama's pilgrimage along Saraswati River

  • MBh 9.37

Then Balarama proceeded to Vinasana where the Sarasvati River hath become invisible in consequence of her contempt for the Suras, the Abhiras. And since the Sarasvati, in consequence of such contempt, is lost at that spot, the Rishis, for that reason, always name the place as Vinasana. Having bathed in that tirtha of the Sarasvati, the mighty Bala Rama then proceeded to Subhumika, situated on the excellent bank of the same river.


Mandalika the Abhira Ruler of Somnath, was also among the confederate princes who pursued Mahmud's army. Tarikh i sorath states Mahmud could not stand his onslaught and rather fled to save his life.[59][60]

"Shah Mahmud took to his heels in dismay and saved his life, but many of his followers of both sexes were captured.... Turk, Afghan and Mughal female prisoners, if they happened to be virgins, were accepted as wives by the Indian soldiers.... The bowels of the others, however, were cleansed by means of emetics and purgatives, and thereafter the captives were married to men of similar rank.Low females were joined to low men. Respectable men were compelled to shave off their beards, and were enrolled among the Shekhawat and the Wadhel tribes of Rajputs; whilst the lower kinds were allotted to the castes of Kolis, Khantas, Babrias and Mers."

Ahir as an ethnic category

Ceramic goblet from Navdatoli, Malwa, 1300 BCE.

According to M.S.A. Rao (an eminent sociologist), Yadava is an ethnic category consisting of several allied castes, which together constitute about one-tenth of the total population of India. These castes are found in different parts of India, Burma, Nepal and Sri Lanka and are known as the "Ahir" in the Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and Rajasthan; the "Goalas" and "Sadgopa" or Gauda in Bengal and Orissa; Dhangar in Maharashtra; Yadava and Kurubas in Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka and Idayan and Konar in Tamil Nadu. There are also several sub-regional names such as Thetwar and Rawat in Madhya Pradesh, and Mahakul (Great Family) in Bihar.

M.S.A Rao further states that the Allahabad iron pillar inscription of Samudragupta (fourth century A.D) mentions the Abhiras as one of the tribal states of west and south west India, who paid homage to the emperor (churn, 1943:81). A fourth century (A.D) inscription found in Nashik speaks of an Abhira king, and there is proof that in the middle of the fourth century the Abhiras were settled in eastern Rajputana and Malwa. Similarly, when the Kathis arrived in Gujarat in the eighth century, they found the greater part of the country in the possession of the Ahirs. The Mirzapur district of the United Provinces has a tract known as Ahraura, named after the Ahir, and near Jhansi, another piece of country was called Ahirwar. The Ahirs were also kings of Nepal at the beginning of the Christian era. Khandesh and the Tapti valley were other regions where they were kings.

This indicates that the Abhiras, who rose to political prominence in the second century B.C., had a chequered political career until the fourteenth century A.D when their importance was over-shadowed by the Mughals, but even during the Mughal period the Ahir and Golla rajahs were a power to be reckoned with. The Gawlis rose to political power in Deogarh, on the Chhindwara Plateau in the central provinces. The Saugar traditions trace the Gawli supremacy to a much later date, as the tracts of Etawa and Khurai are held to have been governed by chieftains till the close of the seventeenth century (Russell, 1916:II, 20).

History of Ahir Kingdoms

Temple of Radha and Krishna in Barsana, Mathura. Yadavs/Ahirs go there for blessings.

Ahir kings ruled territory of the present-day India and beyond. At the beginning of the Christian era (CE), the invading Scythians and Kushans forced most of the Ahirs to lower Rajasthan in the Arbuda (Aravali region). In Marubhumi (Marwar), Saurashtra and Maharashtra areas, they served the local rulers and established their own rule. Ahirs laid the foundation of Ahir Batak town, which was called Ahrora and was located in Central provinces, and Ahirwar in Jhansi district in 108 CE. Rudramurti Ahir became the chief of the army and later on the King. Madhuriputra, Ishwarsen and Shivdutta were well-known kings of this lineage. Ishwarsena, a great Ahir general, became master of Western Deccan in place of the famous Satavahanas. He took the title of Rajan and an era was named after him. His descendants continued to rule for nine generations. This generation of Abhira kings ruled for 167 years till last of them was ousted by their Traikutaka feudatory in AD 415.[61] It is generally supposed that Traikutika were a different dynasty of Abhira,[62][63] and hence are sometimes called Abhira-Traikutika.[64] Indradutta, Dahrasena & Vyaghrasena were well known kings from this dynasty.[65] Traikutikas were known for their Vaishnava faith, who claimed to be Yadav of Haiheya branch[66] and Dahrasena performed Ashvamedha yajna too[67] Abhira Era started by Ishwarsena in AD 249, continued with them and was called Abhira-Traikutika era.[68] This era was later continued by Kalachuri Dynasty, calling it Kalachuri era, and later Kalachuri-Chedi era.[69] After the rule of five traikuta kings, they retired to central provinces and assumed the name Haiyhaya (Chedi) and Kalachuri.[70] Historians call this entire era as Abhira-Traikutika-Kalachuri-Chedi era[71]

In a cave inscription at Nashik, references were made to an Ahir prince named Ishwersena, son of Shivdutta. Another inscription, found at Gunda and dated 181 CE, in the reign of the Kshatrapa Rudrasinha, described his general Rudrabhuti, who was called Ahir. When the kathis arrived in Gujarat, they found the greater part of the country controlled by Ahirs. The old fort Asirgarh(short of Asa Ahir Garh), in Khandesh, retains the name of its founder Asa Ahir. For centuries the Ahirs were eclipsed as a political power in Haryana until the time of the Pratihara dynasty.

Ahirs ruled the whole of Haryana under the Mogul rule and later were declared as independent kings. Vātsyāyana also noted the Abhira kingdoms in the Kama Sutra.Ahirs also ruled beyond the geographical borders of present-day India, as kings of the hilly terrain of Nepal. Eight kings of the first Ahir dynasty ruled Nepal, the first being Bhuktaman and the last Yaksha Gupta. Owing to pastoral disputes, this dynasty was replaced by another Ahir dynasty. The second Ahir dynasty had a succession of three kings: Badasimha, Jaymati Simha, and Bhuban Simha. Their rule ended when the Kirati invaders defeated Bhuban Simha.

Ahir Kings

File:Rao tila ram.jpg
King Rao Tula Ram of Rewari[72]
Painting of Jahal, sonbai and Devat Bodar who is killing his own son Uga to save RaNavghan
  • Ishwarsena (Western Deccan)
  • Shivdutta [76]
  • Indranigupta (a.k.a Sudraka)
  • Bhuktaman (Nepal)[77]
  • Jaya Gupta (Nepal)[78]
  • Param Gupta (Nepal)
  • Harsha Gupta (Nepal)
  • Bhim Gupta (Nepal)
  • Vishnu Gupta (Nepal)
  • Jaya Gupta II (Nepal)
  • Yaksha Gupta (Nepal)[77]
  • Vishva Gupta (Nepal)
  • Bhumi Gupta (Nepal)
  • Jishnu Gupta (Nepal, His inscription reads Kshatriya of the Lunar Dynasty, Somavansa Bhushana)[79]
  • Badasimha
  • Jaymati Simha
  • Virsen (Jalgaon)[80][81]
  • Bhuban Simha [73]
  • Ra Mandalika (Ruler of Somnath)

Ahir Raj in Moughal Era

Ahirs ruled the whole of Haryana under the Mogul rule and later were declared as independent kings. A majority of Ahirs occupy the Rewari Thesil of Gurgaon district. When Shershah Suri fought against the Mughal chief Humayun, the Ahir ‘Khap’ helped Humayun under the leadership of Rao Rura Singh. When Humayun occupied the throne of Delhi again, he made Rao Rura Singh the Chief of a Pargana. The Head Quarters of the Pargana was named Rewari. During the reign of Mughals, the Ahir State continued as an ally, and Rao Tej Singh made a name with them. In 1803 Lord Lake reduced the power and position of the Mughals and captured the Ahir State, then ruled by Puran Singh.King Rao Tula Ram was born in 1825. He took over at age 13 after Rao Puran Singh died. Rao Tula Ram was ambitious, increasing his power and territory. Raja Nahar Singh of Ballabhgarh was the administrator and defender of Delhi during the mutiny of 1857. Rao Raja Tula Ram was active in the areas of Rewari and Narnaul, where he roundly defeated the British.

When the forces of Jaipur, Patiala, Jind and Kapurthala arrived to help the British, Rao Tula Ram had to leave Rewari, Kanund, and Narnaul. He made an alliance with Scindia and Tatiya Tope to continue fighting. A conference of the revolutionaries was called and Rao Raja Tula Ram was appointed to seek help from foreign countries. Rao Tula Ram reached the shore in disguise. He went to Basra by sea, where he met with the Russian envoy and Khedive, and went on to Iran. Although the government gave him a royal reception, they did not commit forces to his aid. After that, Rao Tula Ram wen to Kabul and struggled for six years. He raised a united army of Pathans and Indian revolutionaries. He died before returning to India. The Emir of Kabul sent his ashes to Rewari with two Sardars.[82]

In 1150, Vighararaja IV, a Chauhan from Rajasthan, forced the people to become his feudal vassals. In 1181 they were defeated by Prithviraj Chauhan, but only after they had put up a tough resistance.

Some scholars seek ethnic connections between the Yadav and Jews. According to Stephen Knapp, the Greeks referred to the Jews as Judeos, or Jah deos or Yadavas, meaning people of Ya or descendants of Yadu, one of the sons of Yayati. In his book The Holy Kabbalah, Arthur Edward Waite linked the mystical work with the Vedas. That Yadavas were possessors of great mystical knowledge was described in the Bhagvad Gita. It said the same knowledge was given to Manu (first man on earth), Surya and Ikshavaku (ancestor of Lord Rama) in ancient times. The Abhira were believed to be a link between eastern and western religions. There are compelling proofs of both Mauryan and Guptas being Abhirs.[83][84]

The Kshatriya religion was propounded by Krishna,[85][86][87] and no reference was found before him.[88] We only find Rajnya as the term alternatively used for it (Bhagwad Gita is a reduced form of hidden knowledge— Gope —which has its root in Shiva). Later on, many Kshatriyas were founded on the philosophy of yadavanshis, as revealed in the Bhagavad Gita.[87] [89]

Ahirs of Delhi NCR

Swami Ramdev (Ramkishen Yadav) born in Mahendragarh Haryana

For centuries the Ahirs were eclipsed as a political power in Haryana until the time of the Pratihara dynasty. In time they became independent rulers of Southwest Haryana. Although the Ahirs and Yadavas form one group, the former are an important community of Haryana, but numerically they constitute less than 10% of the total population. Most of them live in the region around Behror, Alwar, Rewari, Narnaul, Mahendragarh and Gurgaon which is therefore known as Ahirwal or the abode of Ahirs.Ahirs synonyms are Yadav and Rao Sahab. Rao Sahab is only used in Ahirwal region consisting of territories of few villages of Delhi, Southern Haryana & Behrod area of Alwar district (Rajasthan). Ahir's of this region are mainly in armed forces. Yadav dominated areas in National Capital Region(NCR) includes Gurgaon, Noida,[90]Manesar, Behror,[91] Neemrana,[92]Bawal, Dharuhera, Pataudi, Bhiwadi, Badshahpur, Kosli, Alwar and Rewari.


This area starts from South of Delhi to South west of Haryana and east of Rajasthan areas include Gurgaon till Alwar in Rajasthan.The modern day Gurgaon city has more than 40 Yadav villages where they are also nicknamed as Rao or Rao Sahab.Thousands of Yadav villagers from Gurgaon and Manesar are millionaires today after selling their agricultural land to private builders and HUDA and many have become property dealers [93][94] and Southern Haryana is dominated by Ahirs.[95]Rao Birender Singh Yadav was the second chief minister of Haryana and Chaudhary Brahm Prakash Yadav was the first chief minister of Delhi.

Some of the villages in Ahirwal with Yadav prominence are:-

In Marubhumi (Marwar), Saurashtra and Maharashtra they served the local rulers and established their own rule. Ishwarsena, a great Ahir general, became master of Western Deccan in place of the famous Satava-hanas. He took the title of Rajan and an era was named after him. His descendants continued to rule for nine generations.

Pran Sukh Yadav (1802–1888) was an extraordinary military commander of his time. He was a close friend of Hari Singh Nalwa and famous Punjab ruler Maharaja Ranjit Singh.In his early career he trained Sikh Khalsa army. After the death of Maharaja Ranjit Singh he fought in both the First and Second Anglo-Sikh Wars, due to his extreme hatred towards Britishers after the defeat of Sikhs he started giving military training to the farmers of Narnaul and Mahendragarh region.

King Rao Tula Ram of Rewari was born on 9 December 1825 in a Royal Rao Bhadur Nirpur Yadav family which belonged to "Rao Bhadur Ghari-Bolni" in village Rampura (Rewari). His father was Puran Singh and his mother's name was Gyan Kaur who was daughter of Great Jat ruler Maharaja Ranjit Singh.[114][115] In 1857, Rao Tula Ram led the rebellion in Haryana along with his brother Rao Bhadur Tula Ram of Ghari Bolni and Rao Gopal Dev of Nirpur.For centuries the Ahirs were eclipsed as a political power in Haryana until the time of the Pratihara dynasty. In time they became independent rulers of Southwest Haryana.[116] Although the Ahirs and Yadavas form one group, the former are an important community of Haryana, but numerically they constitute less than 10% of the total population.[116][117] Most of them live in the region around Rewari, Narnaul, Mahendragarh and Gurgaon which is therefore known as Ahirwal or the abode of Ahirs.[116][118]

Ahirs of Gujarat

Kachchh (Kutch) District, State of Gujarat

There is a great concentration of Ahirs in Kutch: of the 18 million Ahirs in India about 300,000 live in Kutch.[119] There are five main castes of Ahirs in Kutch: Pancholi, Prantharia, Mochhaya, Boricha, and Sorathia. These communities are mainly of farmers who once sold milk and ghee but who now have diversified their businesses because of the irregularity of rain. Their mother tongue is Gujrati.[120]


The Aharwar are a Hindu caste found in North India. They are said to was descend from Ahir tribe. The Ahars are one of the most ancient martial tribes of India, who ruled over different parts of India and Nepal since ancient times. In appearance, they proclaim their Aryan descent. They are tall and wiry, have dark eyes, long noses, black hair and their complexion varies from wheatish to dark brown.

A community of Hindu Kshatriya belong to Ahirwada (Jhansi) are known as Ahirwar / Aharwar Kshatriya. It is considered as a very progressive caste. Aharwar is also used as a surname (last name) by Rajput clan belonging to the chandravanshi kshatriya lineage.

Many Aharwar live in different regions of India including Delhi, Mathura, Ahmedabad, Murena, Agra, and Jhansi. The Aharwar was derived from Ahar. The Ahars are one of the most ancient martial tribes of India, who ruled over different parts of India and Nepal since ancient times. But present day Aharwar belong to Chamar (cobbler) caste.

Pune under Yadav Dynasty

With the downfall of the Rashtrakutas which ruled Pune from the 8th century AD to the middle of the 10th century.It went under the control of the Yadavs.The Yadavs ruled Maharashtra from 10th century AD to the end of the 13th century. Singhania, the Yadav ruler was a lover of literature and art. Sant Dnyaneshwar, a Bhakti saint lived during this period. The Yadav rule came to an end with the coming of Ala-ud-din Khilji.

Society and regions

Khatushyamji in Sikar Rajastan Ahirs of north India visit this temple.

Ahir community is known to produce best of the military jawans, wrestlers and agriculturists. The Ahir’s preserve their associations with the country lying between the Sutlej and the Yamuna. In many Western Uttar Pradesh districts like Badaun, Etah, Mainpuri, Southern Haryana, northern Madhya Pradesh and eastern Rajasthan, the Ahir’s are still in a majority. Ahir’s also form a majority in various districts of Eastern Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, including Azamgarh and Madhepura.

In medieval times the Ahir community gave up their arms and took to agriculture especially in areas like Azamgarh. In early British settlement reports they are spoken of highly as farmers. They stand on an equal footing with the Rajputs and Jats in the caste hierarchy, but though they eat with them, they do not intermarry. In appearance, they proclaim their Aryan descent. They are tall and wiry, have dark eyes, long noses, black hair and their complexion varies from wheatish to dark brown. Though mostly agriculturists, they also make good soldiers.

Ahir’s have been serving the Indian military right from the British period and won the highest of gallantry awards like Victoria Cross and the Param Veer Chakra. In the annals of Indian military history there is sufficient proof of Ahir bravery that is immortalized in the ballads of Alah and Udal of Bundelkhand.

As Jhansi was known for a long time as Ahirwada (land of Ahir’s). People from Ahirwada also known as Ahirwar/Aharwar, Ahirwar are living in different regions of India from Jhansi to Mathura, Delhi, Ahmedabada, Agra region.

Some of the major groups derived from the principal professions they follow or the crafts they practice, for example, the cattle-breeding group takes the significant name of Gawli, derived from a Sanskrit word for cow. The names of the shepherd castes seem to be derived from words meaning sheep. Such is at least the case with Gadaria from 'gadar', on old Hindi word for sheep. Many others of these major groups called castes bear merely tribal or ethic names. Such are for example: Arora, Gujjar, Lohana, Bhatia, Nayar, Maratha etc.[121] The computed genetic distance matrix shows diversity of Ahirs with the Gujjars.This shows that Gujjars are different from other communities such as Yadavs(Ahirs).[122]


Although the Abhiras constituted a distinct ethnic group, they spoke diverse regional dialects. The language of the Ahirs was known as Ahirani in Khandesh, resembling Marathi. While the Ahirs of Kathiawad and Kachh have a dialect which resembles Gujarathi (Bhandarkar, 1911:17). Abhira bhasha is in fact considered to be Apabhransha. In the ninth century B.C., it had become the language of the people, and was spoken from Saurashtra, and Shastri (1967) proves that poetry was composed in the language around the sixth century B.C. Suryavamsi (1962:14-15) mentions the following two dialects in addition to the ones above--Gaddi, which is currently the dialect spoken in Gadderan, on the outskirts of the Chamba and Kangra hills, and Gandi, spoken in some parts of Madhya Pradesh. Abhiri as a dialect has been recorded by Sanskrit poets such as Bharata and Dandin. Yadav (1916:15), notes that the dialect the people of Ahirwal in Haryana speak, has a resemblance to Rajasthani, and Grierson (1916:9) considers Ahirwati a branch of eastern Rajasthani and western Hindi.

Ahirwati is a Indo-Aryan language, classified as a Rajasthani language,[123] and is spoken in the Mahendragarh and Rewari districts of Haryana. According to famous historian Robert Vane Russell Ahirwati is language of Yaduvanshi Ahirs and spoken in Rohtak and Gurgaon Districts of Punjab (now Haryana) and Delhi. This is akin to Mewati, one of the forms of Rajasthani or the language of Rajputana.[124]

Political Progress

Through numerous political parties such as the Samajwadi Party, Rashtriya Janata Dal, Janata Dal (Republic), Janata Dal the Yadavs have considerable political influence, especially in the North Indian states of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.[125] Laloo Yadav became the chief minister of Bihar and Mulayam Singh in UP and in Madhya Pradesh Subhash Yadav became the Deputy chief minister for two terms. Arun Subhash Yadav became the Centre Minister of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises. Siddaramaiah became the Deputy chief minister for two terms. Rao Birender Singh became the chief minister of Haryana and his son Rao Inderjit Singh became Minister of State of External Affairs and Defence. Chaudhary Brahm Prakash was the first chief minister of Delhi.Ram Baran Yadav became President of Nepal.Yoga Guru Baba Ramdev started a political party called Swabhiman.[126]

Ahirs in military

Naik Gulab Singh Yadav got Vir Chakra
File:Param veer chakra.gif
Yogendra Singh Yadav got Param Veer Chakra
File:Victoria Cross Medal Ribbon & Bar.jpg
Umrao Singh got The prestigious Victoria Cross, awarded for exceptional valour "in the face of the enemy".

The Ahir/Yadav community has served the Indian armed and defense forces and laid down their lives to safeguard India. Some prominent battles fought by Ahir soldiers are the Indo-China war, the kargil war,[127][128] Akshardham,[129][130] and Parliament attacks.[131]

During the Burma Campaign of the Second World war, Havaldar Umrao Singh,[132][133] a gunner, won the Victoria Cross; which is a world–wide symbol of the recognition of the highest form of bravery in the face of the enemy; in hand to hand combat with the Japanese infantry, when its do or die squads raided his gun position, in the Kaladan Valley. He killed ten of them with his bare hands armed only with the gun bearer (a heavy metallic tool) they found him exhausted and bleeding in the morning but still alive amidst a pile of Japanese corpses littered around the gun, which, remarkably, was found to be still fit for immediate firing.

In the Indo-China War of 1962, the Ahirs (almost all of them from the Ahirwal region of Southern Haryana) of 13 Kumaon Regiment set an unparallel example in the military history of Aryavart by defending their position at Rezang La in Ladakh district of Jammu and Kashmir. The battle of Rezang La, a ridge overlooking the strategic Chushul plains in Ladakh, to defend the highest air strip in the world located at 16,000 feet — just across the Chinese claim line — is a chapter in the history of the Indian army which has been compared by some Indian military historians with the famed Battle of Thermopylae.[134] In the final phase of the Indo-China War of 1962, where Indian units typically offered little resistance while being routed by attacking PLA forces, the Ahir Charlie Company from 13 Kumaon Regiment, set a rare example of raw courage, bravery and dedication by literally fighting to the last man. Of the 120 defenders, only four survived, all seriously wounded. The dead bodies of those who died were discovered after the winter, frozen, mostly holding their weapons but with no ammunition. According to some accounts, several jawans, having run out of ammunition, came out of the pickets and charged the enemy with bare hands. Lance Naik Ram Singh killed several Chinese soldiers after lifting and hitting them against the rocks. It is also believed that these jawans inflicted heavy casualties on the attackers. Of the 120 soldiers, 114 were Yadavas from Ahirwal region of Haryana, Rajasthan and Delhi.

On this horrific battle, Major-General Ian Cardozo, in his book Param Vir, Our Heroes In Battle writes, “When Rezang La was later revisited dead jawans were found in the trenches still holding on to their weapons... every single man of this company was found dead in his trench with several bullet or splinter wounds. The 2-inch mortar man died with a bomb still in his hand. The medical orderly had a syringe and bandage in his hands when the Chinese bullet hit him... Of the thousand mortar bombs with the defenders all but seven had been fired and the rest were ready to be fired when the (mortar) section was overrun.”

General T.N. Raina said, "You rarely come across such example in the annals of world military history when braving such heavy odds, the men fought till the last bullet and the last man. Certainly the Battle of Rezang La is such a shining example."

General K S Thimayya remarked, "I had said many years ago that the Army must have a Ahir Regiment. The supreme sacrifice of the Charlie Company has fulfilled my expectations. I hope a suitable memorial will be built in Ahirwal in their memory so that the generations to come may seek inspiration from the immense courage and valour of their forefathers." On the runway of Chusool (Ladakh) the words “Vir Ahir” are inscribed on the gate. Many stories have been published of the sacrifice of these soldiers in every corner of the Ahirwal region, the land of soldiers.[135] One Victoria Cross, six George Crosses, one Param Vir Chakra, three Mahavir Chakras, 22 Vir Chakras and numerous other medals have been awarded to the brave soldiers of Ahirwal.[135] The heroes who were awarded the Vir Chakra in 1962 defending Rezang La were Jamadar Surja, Jamadar Hari Ram, Naik Hukum Chand (posthumous), Naik Gulab Singh Yadav, Lance-Naik Singh Ram (posthumous), Subedar Ram Kumar and Subedar Ram Chander. All were from the Ahirwal region. [89][132][136]

A small memorial for the dead soldiers in Rezang La reads:

How can a man die better,
Than facing fearful odds,
For the ashes of his fathers,
And temples of his gods.
To the sacred memory of the Heroes of Rezang La,
114 Martyrs of 13 Kumaon who fought to the Last Man,
Last Round, Against Hordes of Chinese on 18 November 1962.
-- Built by All Ranks 13th Battalion, The Kumaon Regiment.

All-India Yadav (Ahir) Mahasabha

The emergence of an English-educated elite among the Yadavs led to the formation of the All-India Yadava Mahasabha in 1923 in Allahabad. The AIYM immediately engaged itself in two issues. It appealed to its castemen in all regions to add “Yadav” to their names and at the same time launched on a major programme of social reform. The regional organisation of the Gollas of Hyderabad, the Hyderabad Rashtra Yadav Mahajana Samajam, for example, appealed to the Census Commission that their caste names of Golla, Gowli, Gollawar and Ahir be changed to Yadava.[137]

All India Yadav Mahasabha is also pressing Indian government for the formation of Yadav regiment in Indian Army after they showed their bravery in the 1965 Indo-China war. In 1966 the AIYM held its annual conference in Etawa, with Mulayam Singh Yadav as chairman of the reception committee and Rao Birender Singh the scion of the Rewari dynasty as president.[138] [139] [140] After Independence, the Yadavs have emerged as the leaders of the other backward classes. Prof. Rao’s study of the Yadava elite in the various states (based on the members and supporters of the All India Yadav Sabha and not on those of the rival All India Yadav Mahasabha) reveals the growth of varied business and professional groups within the caste category. Heading the list are businessmen who comprise roughly 21 per cent of the elite. They include dairy owners, contractors, tobacco and timber merchants, wholesale grass dealers, owners of engineering firms and other industries as well as restaurant owners. They are followed by the large farmers who comprise around 21 per cent of the Yadav elite. Politicians (MPs, MLAs, ministers, municipal councillors, district board members, office-bearers of political parties) constitute 17 percent of the elite and school and college teachers, doctors, lawyers and engineers together another 20 percent.[141]

See also

Template:Kshatriya Communities


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  129. ^ "Ahirs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia". En.wikipedia.org. Retrieved 2010-07-26.
  130. ^ "Excelsior... Nation". Dailyexcelsior.com. Retrieved 2010-07-26.
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  134. ^ History's Greatest War - Google Books. Books.google.com. Retrieved 2010-07-26.
  135. ^ a b "The Tribune, Chandigarh, India - Haryana". Tribuneindia.com. Retrieved 2010-07-26.
  136. ^ "Ahirs in 1962 war". Haryana-online.com. Retrieved 2010-07-26.
  137. ^ [3][dead link]
  138. ^ Caste in question: identity or ... - Google Books. Books.google.co.in. Retrieved 2010-07-26.
  139. ^ Caste and race in India - Google Books. Books.google.co.in. Retrieved 2010-07-26.
  140. ^ India's silent revolution: the rise ... - Google Books. Books.google.co.in. Retrieved 2010-07-26.
  141. ^ "Yadav Mahasabha USA - Home". Yadavmahasabha.org. Retrieved 2010-07-26.

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