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{{Infobox Website
| name = Google Translate
Alfred Russel Wallace O.M., F.R.S. (lahir 8 Januari 1823 – meninggal 7 November 1913 pada umur 90 tahun) dikenal sebagai seorang naturalis, penjelajah, pengembara, ahli antropologi dan ahli biologi dari Britania Raya. Ia terkenal sebagai orang yang mengusulkan sebuah teori tentang seleksi alam, dimana kemudian hari malah membuat Charles Darwin lebih terkenal dari dia dengan teorinya sendiri. Ia banyak melakukan penelitian lapangan, dimana untuk pertama kalinya dilakukan di sungai Amazon di tahun 1846 saat ia masih berusia 23 tahun dan kemudian di Kepulauan Nusantara.
| logo = [[File:Googlelogo.png|200px]]
| screenshot = [[File:Google Translate.PNG|300px]]
| caption =
| url = {{URL|translate.google.com}}
| commercial =
| type = [[Machine translation]]
| registration = Optional
| owner = [[Google]]
| author = [[Google]]
| launch date =
| current status = Active
| revenue =

'''Google Translate''' is a [[Gratis|free]] [[Statistical machine translation|statistical]] [[machine translation]] service provided by [[Google|Google Inc.]] to translate a section of text, document or webpage, into another language.

The service was introduced in April 28, 2006, for the Arabic language.<ref>[http://googleresearch.blogspot.com/2006/04/statistical-machine-translation-live.html Statistical machine translation live], Franz Och, [[Google Research]] blog, April 28, 2006</ref> Prior to October 2007, for languages other than Arabic, Chinese and Russian, Google used a [[SYSTRAN]] based translator<ref>[http://googlesystem.blogspot.com/2007/10/google-translate-switches-to-googles.html Google Switches to Its Own Translation System], October 22, 2007</ref><ref>[http://searchengineland.com/google-translate-drops-systran-for-home-brewed-translation-12502 Google Translate Drops Systran For Home Brewed Translation] 23/12/2007, Barry Schwartz, ''searchengineland.com''</ref> which is used by other translation services such as [[Babel Fish (website)|Babel Fish]], [[AOL]], and [[Yahoo!|Yahoo]].
Dia ketika itu mengoleksi aneka serangga dari ekspedisi Amazon. Kemudian koleksinya dia bawa pulang ke Eropa yang gandrung terhadap temuan baru dari belahan dunia lain. Koleksi serangga itu laku dijual dan modal itu menjadi titik awal penjelajahan Wallace di Nusantara. Pada perjalanan antara tahun 1848 hingga tahun 1854, Ia tiba di Singapura. Selama delapan tahun kemudian (1854 - 1862)ia menjelajah berbagai wilayah di Nusantara. Dari penjelajahan itu, ia membukukannya ke dalam sebuah catatan yang berjudul The Malay Archipelago. Selama ekspedisinya di Nusantara, diperkirakan dia telah menempuh jarak tidak kurang dari 22.500 kilometer, melakukan 60 atau 70 kali perjalanan terpisah, dan mengumpulkan 125.660 spesimen fauna meliputi 8.050 spesimen burung, 7.500 spesimen kerangka dan tulang aneka satwa, 310 spesimen mamalia, serta 100 spesimen reptil. Selebihnya, mencapai 109.700 spesimen serangga, termasuk kupu-kupu yang paling disukainya.

On May 26, 2011, Google announced that the Google Translate [[API]] had been deprecated and that it would cease functioning on December 1, 2011, "due to the substantial economic burden caused by extensive abuse."<ref name="Feldman">{{cite web|url=http://googlecode.blogspot.com/2011/05/spring-cleaning-for-some-of-our-apis.html|title=Spring cleaning for some of our APIs|last=Feldman|first=Adam|date=May 26, 2011|publisher=Google Code|accessdate=28 May 2011}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=http://code.google.com/apis/language/translate/overview.html|title=Google Translate API (Deprecated)|year=2011|publisher=Google Code|accessdate=28 May 2011|archiveurl=http://www.webcitation.org/5z1B8xoUj|archivedate=2011-05-28}}</ref> The shutting down of the API, which is used by a number of websites, has led to criticism of Google and developers questioning the viability of using Google APIs in their products.<ref name="Wong">{{cite news|url=http://www.ubergizmo.com/2011/05/google-rid-translate-api/|title=Google gets rid of APIs for Translate and other services | Ubergizmo|last=Wong|first=George|date=2011-05-27|publisher=ubergizmo|accessdate=28 May 2011}}</ref><ref name="Burnette">{{cite news|url=http://www.zdnet.com/blog/burnette/google-pulls-the-rug-out-from-under-web-service-api-developers-nixes-google-translate-and-17-others/2284|title=Google pulls the rug out from under web service API developers, nixes Google Translate and 17 others | ZDNet|last=Burnette|first=Ed|date=May 27, 2011|publisher=ZDNet|accessdate=28 May 2011}}</ref>
Kebiasaannya mencatat perjalanan dan menyelamatkan catatan-catatan itu dengan cara mengirimkan ke Inggris melalui pos kapal-kapal dagang Eropa, termasuk ketika singgah di Pulau Ternate antara tanggal 8 Januari 1858 dan 25 Maret 1858, ketika ia terserang malaria memaksakan diri menulis surat dan mengirimkan kepada ilmuwan pujaannya, Charles Darwin di Inggris.

On June 3, 2011, Google announced that they were canceling its plan to terminate the Translate API due to public pressure. In the same announcement, Google said that it will release a paid version of the Translate API.<ref name="Feldman">{{cite web|url=http://googlecode.blogspot.com/2011/05/spring-cleaning-for-some-of-our-apis.html|title=Spring cleaning for some of our APIs|last=Feldman|first=Adam|date=June 3, 2011|publisher=Google Code|accessdate=3 June 2011}}</ref><ref name="GTS Blog">{{cite web | title=Google cancels plan to shutdown Translate API. To start charging for translations | url=http://blog.gts-translation.com/2011/06/04/google-cancels-plan-to-shutdown-translate-api-to-start-charging-for-translations/ | date=2011-06-04 | accessdate=2011-06-04}}</ref>
Dalam penjelajahannya di bumi Nusantara ia menemukan sebuah garis imajiner yang membagi flora dan fauna di Indonesia menjadi dua bagian besar. Garis ini dikemudian hari dikenal sebagai Garis Wallace, dimana di satu bagiannya, bentuk flora dan faunanya masih mempunya hubungan dengan flora dan fauna dari Australia dan memiliki ciri-ciri yang sangat mirip. Sedangkan di bagian yang lainnya sangat mirip dengan flora dan fauna dari Asia. Ia dianggap sebagai ahli terkemuka di abad ke-19 dalam bidang penyebaran spesied binatang dan terkadang dikenal sebagai Bapak dari Biogeografi Evolusi, sebuah kajian tentang spesies apa, tinggal dimana dan mengapa. Ia adalah salah seorang dari pemikir revolusioner pada abad ke-19 dan memberikan banyak masukan kepada pembangunan "teori evolusi" selain juga salah seorang penemu dari "teori seleksi alam". Termasuk didalamnya adalah konsep keanekaragaman warna dalam dunia fauna, dan juga "Efek Wallace", sebuah kesimpulan tentang bagaimana seleksi alam dapat memberikan kontribusi pada keanekaragaman fauna.

==Features and limitations==
Surat Wallace dari
The service limits the number of paragraphs, or range of technical terms, that will be translated. It is also possible to enter searches in a source language that are first translated to a destination language allowing you to browse and interpret results from the selected destination language in the source language.<ref>{{cite web
Ternate kepada Darwin itu kemudian dikenal sebagai Letter from Ternate. Surat itu menjadi terkenal karena disertai makalah yang diberi judul On the Tendency of Varieties to Depart Indefinitelty from the Original Type. Dari makalah itu, Wallace mengemukakan pemikirannya mengenai proses seleksi alam mempertahankan suatu spesies di dunia. Spesies yang mampu bertahan disebut Wallace sebagai hasil kelangsungan yang terbaik atau yang paling memiliki kemampuan bertahan tidak akan punah.
Itulah kerangka dasar pemahaman seleksi alam yang diletakkan Wallace saat itu. Akhirnya pemikiran itu menunjang teori evolusi yang dipopulerkan Darwin melalui bukunya The Origin of Species tahun 1859, satu tahun setelah penulisan makalah Wallace. Pada tanggal 1 Juli 1858, kawan-kawan Darwin, Charles Lyell dan Joseph Hooker, merekayasa pertemuan ilmiah di Linnean Society dan mendeklarasikan Darwin dan Wallace sebagai penemu dasar evolusi.
|title=Google Translate
}}</ref> For some languages, users are asked for alternate translations such as for technical terms, to be included for future updates to the translation process. Text in a foreign language can be typed, and if "Detect Language" is selected, it will not only detect the language but also translate it into English by default.

Google Translate, like other automatic translation tools, has its limitations. While it can help the reader to understand the general content of a foreign language text, it does not always deliver accurate translations. Some languages produce better results than others. As of 2010, French to English translation is very good;<ref name="tr1">{{Citation
Penghargaan, honours, dan memorial
| url = http://www.tcworld.info/index.php?id=175
* Beberapa penghargaan yang diterimanya antara lain adalah Order of Merit (1908), the Royal Society's Royal Medal (1868) dan Copley Medal (1908), the Royal Geographical Society's Founder's Medal (1892) dan juga Linnean Society's Gold Medal (1892) serta Darwin-Wallace Medal (1908).
| title = Comparison of online machine translation tools
| accessdate = December 15, 2011
| publisher = ''www.tcworld.info''
| year = 2010
| author = Ethan Shen
| archiveurl = http://web.archive.org/web/20110210034229/http://tcworld.info/index.php?id=175
| archivedate = February 10, 2011
}}</ref> however, rule-based machine translations perform better if the text to be translated is shorter; this effect is particularly evident in Chinese to English translations.<ref name="tr1"/>

Texts written in the [[Greek alphabet|Greek]], [[Devanagari]], [[Cyrillic]] and [[Arabic script|Arabic]] scripts can be transliterated automatically from phonetic equivalents written in the [[Latin alphabet]].
* Terpilih sebagai kepala divisi antropologi dari British Association di tahun 1866.
* Terpilih sebagai ketua dari Perkumpulan Entomological ("Entomological Society") berpusat di London pada tahun 1870.
* Terpilih sebagai ketua bagian biologi dari British Association pada tahun 1876.
* Mendapatkan penghargaan sebagai pensiunan sipil sebesar £200 per tahun, yang merupakan jasa dari Darwin dan Huxley kepada pemerintahan Britania Raya, yang diberikan pada tahun 1881.
* Terpilih sebagai anggota dari Royal Society di tahun 1893.
* Mendapatkan kepercayaan sebagai pemimpin dari the International Congress of Spiritualists (which was meeting in London) di tahun 1898.
* Tahun 1928, sebuah house di Richard Hale School (pada waktu itu dinamakan sebagai Hertford Grammar School) diberi nama Wallace. Ia adalah siswa di sekolah Richard Hale di tahun 1828 – 1836.
* Pada 1 November 1915, sebuah medali dengan namanya terpatri disana, ditempatkan di Westminster Abbey.
* Namanya juga diabadikan sebagai salah satu nama kawah di Mars dan di Bulan.* Sebuah pusat penelitian untuk biodiversity research di Sarawak dinamakan dengan namanya di tahun 2005.

=== Browser integration ===
A number of [[List of Firefox extensions#Google|Firefox extensions]] exist for Google services, and likewise for Google Translate, which allow right-click command access to the translation service.<ref>{{cite web
|title=Search Add-ons :: Add-ons for Firefox

An extension for Google's Chrome browser also exists;<ref>[https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/aapbdbdomjkkjkaonfhkkikfgjllcleb?hl=en Google Translate by chrome.translate.extension] ''chrome.google.com''</ref> in February 2010, Google translate was integrated into the standard Google Chrome browser for automatic webpage translation.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.ghacks.net/2010/02/07/google-translate-integrated-in-google-chrome-5/ |title=Google Translate Integrated In Google Chrome 5 |publisher=Ghacks.net |date=2010-02-14 |accessdate=2011-12-22}}</ref><ref>[http://stuff.techwhack.com/8388-google-chrome-5-translate Google Chrome 5 features an integrated Google Translate service] 15/2/2010 , ''stuff.techwhack.com''</ref>
referensi :

===Android version===
- http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_Russel_Wallace
Google Translate is available as a free downloadable application for [[Android (operating system)|Android OS]] users. The first version was launched in January 2010. It works simply like the browser version. Google translation for Android contains two main options: "SMS translation" and "History".

An early 2011 version supported Conversation Mode when translating between English and Spanish (in alpha testing). This new interface within Google Translate allows users to communicate fluidly with a nearby person in another language. In October it was expanded to 14 languages.<ref>[http://gigaom.com/2011/10/13/google-translate-conversation-mode-adds-14-languages/ Gigaom.com 2011 October 13] by By Ryan Kim. Google Translate conversation mode expands to 14 languages</ref>

The application supports 53 languages and voice input for 15 languages. It is available for devices running Android 2.1 and above and can be downloaded by searching for “Google Translate” in [[Android Market]]. It was first released in January 2010, with an improved version available on January 12, 2011.<ref>[http://googletranslate.blogspot.com/2011/01/new-look-for-google-translate-for.html A new look for Google Translate for Android], Awaneesh Verma, Google Translate blog, January 12, 2011</ref>

* Gedung Geografi dan Biologi dinamakan dengan namanya di Swansea University.
'''''Latest version:''''' 2.0.0 build 42

===iOS version===
[[File:Google Translate iOS logo.png|thumb|150px|Google Translate iOS icon]]
In August 2008, Google launched a Google Translate [[HTML5]] [[web application]] for [[iOS (Apple)|iOS]] for [[iPhone]] and [[iPod touch]] users. The official iOS app for Google Translate was released February 8, 2011. It accepts voice input for 15 languages and allows translation of a word or phrase into one of more than 50 languages. Translations can be spoken out loud in 23 different languages.<ref>[http://googletranslate.blogspot.com/2011/02/introducing-google-translate-app-for.html Introducing the Google Translate app for iPhone], Wenzhang Zhu, Google Translate blog, February 8, 2011</ref>

===Language options===
''(by chronological order of introduction)''
*1st stage <!-- date to be filled in -->
{| style="margin-left:1.3em"<!--indent all rows-->
*[[English language|English]] to [[French language|French]]
*English to [[German language|German]]
*English to [[Spanish language|Spanish]]
|&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;||<!--separator column-->
*French to English
*German to English
*Spanish to English
*2nd stage <!-- date to be filled in -->
{| style="margin-left:1.3em"
*English to [[Portuguese language|Portuguese]]
*English to [[Dutch language|Dutch]]
*Portuguese to English
*Dutch to English

*3rd stage <!-- date to be filled in -->
{| style="margin-left:1.3em"
*English to [[Italian language|Italian]]
*Italian to English

*4th stage <!-- date to be filled in -->
{| style="margin-left:1.3em"<!--indent all rows-->
*English to [[Chinese language|Chinese]] (Simplified)
*English to [[Japanese language|Japanese]]
*English to [[Korean language|Korean]]
|&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;||<!--separator column-->
*Chinese (Simplified) to English
*Japanese to English
*Korean to English
*5th stage (launched April<!-- 26--> 2006)<ref>[http://googleresearch.blogspot.com/2006/04/statistical-machine-translation-live.html Statistical machine translation live], Franz Josef Och, ''Google Research blog'', April 28, 2006''</ref>
{| style="margin-left:1.3em"
*English to [[Arabic language|Arabic]]
*Arabic to English
*6th stage (launched December<!-- 16--> 2006)
{| style="margin-left:1.3em"
*English to [[Russian language|Russian]]
*Russian to English
*7th stage (launched February<!-- 9--> 2007)
{| style="margin-left:1.3em"<!--indent all rows-->
*English to Chinese (Traditional)
*Chinese (Simplified to Traditional)
|&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;||<!--separator column-->
*Chinese (Traditional) to English
*Chinese (Traditional to Simplified)
*8th stage (launched October<!-- 22--> 2007)
** all 25 language pairs use Google's machine translation system

*9th stage <!--date to be determined-->
{| style="margin-left:1.3em"
*English to [[Hindi language|Hindi]]
*Hindi to English
*10th stage (as of this stage, translation can be done between any two languages, going through English, if needed{{clarification needed|date=January 2012}}<!-- does it mean that any language pair does not require more than 2 hops? -->) (launched May<!-- 8--> 2008)
{| style="margin-left:1.3em"<!--indent-->
*[[Bulgarian language|Bulgarian]]
*[[Croatian language|Croatian]]
*[[Czech language|Czech]]
*[[Danish language|Danish]]
|&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;||<!--separator column-->
*[[Finnish language|Finnish]]
*[[Greek language|Greek]]
*[[Norwegian language|Norwegian]]
*[[Polish language|Polish]]
|&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;||
*[[Romanian language|Romanian]]
*[[Swedish language|Swedish]]
*11th stage (launched September 25, 2008)
{| style="margin-left:1.3em"<!--indent-->
*[[Catalan language|Catalan]]
*[[Filipino language|Filipino]]
*[[Hebrew language|Hebrew]]
|&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;||<!--separator column-->
*[[Indonesian language|Indonesian]]
*[[Latvian language|Latvian]]
*[[Lithuanian language|Lithuanian]]
|&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;||
*[[Serbian language|Serbian]]
*[[Slovak language|Slovak]]
*[[Slovene language|Slovene]]
|&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;||
*[[Ukrainian language|Ukrainian]]
*[[Vietnamese language|Vietnamese]]
*12th stage (launched January 30, 2009)
{| style="margin-left:1.3em"<!--indent-->
*[[Albanian language|Albanian]]
*[[Estonian language|Estonian]]
*[[Galician language|Galician]]
|&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;||<!--wider spacing column-->
*[[Hungarian language|Hungarian]]
*[[Maltese language|Maltese]]
*[[Thai language|Thai]]
|&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;||<!--wider spacing column-->
*[[Turkish language|Turkish]]
*13th stage (launched June 19, 2009)
{| style="margin-left:1.3em"<!--indent-->
*[[Persian language|Persian]]
*14th stage (launched August 24, 2009)
{| style="margin-left:1.3em"<!--indent-->
*[[Afrikaans language|Afrikaans]]
*[[Belarusian language|Belarusian]]
*[[Icelandic language|Icelandic]]
|&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;||<!--wider spacing column-->
*[[Irish language|Irish]]
*[[Macedonian language|Macedonian]]
*[[Malay language|Malay]]
|&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;||<!--wider spacing column-->
*[[Swahili language|Swahili]]
*[[Welsh language|Welsh]]
*[[Yiddish language|Yiddish]]
|&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;||<!--wider spacing column-->
*15th stage (launched November 19, 2009)
**The Beta stage is finished. Users can now choose to have the [[romanization]] written for Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Greek, Hindi and Thai. For translations from Arabic, Persian and Hindi, the user can enter a Latin transliteration of the text and the text will be translated to the native script for these languages as the user is writing. The text can now be read by a [[text-to-speech]] program in English, Italian, French and German
*16th stage (launched January 30, 2010)
**[[Haitian Creole language|Haitian Creole]]
*17th stage (launched April 2010)
**Speech program launched in Hindi and Spanish
*18th stage (launched May 5, 2010)
**Speech program launched in Afrikaans, Albanian, Catalan, Chinese (Mandarin), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Greek, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Latvian, Macedonian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Swahili, Swedish, Turkish, Vietnamese and Welsh (based in [[eSpeak]]).<ref>{{cite web|last=Henderson |first=Fergus |url=http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2010/05/giving-voice-to-more-languages-on.html |title=Official Google Blog: Giving a voice to more languages on Google Translate |publisher=Googleblog.blogspot.com |date=2010-11-05 |accessdate=2011-12-22}}</ref>
*19th stage (launched May 13, 2010)<ref>{{cite web|url=http://googletranslate.blogspot.com/2010/05/five-more-languages-on.html |title=Five more languages on translate.google.com - Google Translate Blog |publisher=Googletranslate.blogspot.com |date=2010-05-13 |accessdate=2011-12-22}}</ref>
{| style="margin-left:1.3em"<!--indent-->
*[[Armenian language|Armenian]]
*[[Azerbaijani language|Azerbaijani]]
|&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;||<!--wider spacing column-->
*[[Basque language|Basque]]
*[[Georgian language|Georgian]]
|&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;||<!--wider spacing column-->
*[[Urdu language|Urdu]]
*20th stage (launched June 2010)
{| style="margin-left:1.3em"<!--indent-->
*Provides romanization for Arabic.
*21st stage (launched September 2010)
{| style="margin-left:1.3em"<!--indent-->
*Allows phonetic typing for Arabic, Greek, Hindi, Persian, Russian, Serbian and Urdu.
*[[Latin]]<ref>{{cite web|author=Jakob Uszkoreit, Ingeniarius Programmandi |url=http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2010/09/veni-vidi-verba-verti.html |title=Official Google Blog: Veni, Vidi, Verba Verti |publisher=Googleblog.blogspot.com |date=2010-09-30 |accessdate=2011-12-22}}</ref>
* 22nd stage (launched December 2010)
**Romanization of Arabic removed.
**Spell check added.
**Google replaced some languages' text-to-speech synthesizers from eSpeak's robot voice to native speaker's nature voice technologies made by [[SVOX]]<ref>[http://www.svox.com/News-Items-Google-picks-SVOX-for-Translate-and-Dictionary-services-.aspx ]{{dead link|date=December 2011}}</ref> (Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Greek, Hungarian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish, Turkish). Also the old versions of French, German, Italian and Spanish. Latin uses the same synthesizer as Italian.
**Speech program launched in Arabic, Japanese, and Korean.
* 23rd stage (Launched January 2011)
**Choice of different translations for a word.

* 24th stage (Launched June 2011)
**5 new Indian languages (in alpha) and a transliterated input method:<ref>[http://googletranslate.blogspot.com/2011/06/google-translate-welcomes-you-to-india.html Google Translate Blog: Google Translate welcomes you to the Indic web]{{dead link|date=December 2011}}</ref>
***[[Bengali language|Bengali]]
***[[Gujarati language|Gujarati]]
***[[Kannada language|Kannada]]
***[[Tamil language|Tamil]]
***[[Telugu language|Telugu]]

* 25th stage (Launched July 2011)
** Translation rating introduced.

* 26th stage (Launched January 2012)
** Dutch male voice synthesizer replaced with female.
** Elena by SVOX replaced the Slovak eSpeak voice.
** Transliteration of Yiddish added.

* 27th stage (Launched February 2012)
** Speech program launched in Thai.
** [[Esperanto]] added.

==Translation methodology ==

Google Translate does not apply [[Grammar|grammatical]] rules, since its algorithms are based on statistical analysis rather than traditional rule-based analysis. Indeed, the system's original creator, [[Franz Josef Och]], has criticized the effectiveness of rule-based algorithms in favor of empirical approaches.<ref name="och_2005">{{citation | first = Franz Josef | last = Och | contribution = Statistical Machine Translation: Foundations and Recent Advances | title = The Tenth Machine Translation Summit | place = Phuket, Thailand | date = [[2005-09-12]] | id = | contribution-url = http://www.mt-archive.info/MTS-2005-Och.pdf | format = PDF | accessdate = 2010-12-19}}</ref> It is based on a method called [[statistical machine translation]], and more specifically, on research by Och who won the [[DARPA]] contest for speed machine translation in 2003. He is now the head of Google's machine translation group.<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.google.com/research/pubs/och.html | title = Franz Josef Och | accessdate = 2010-12-19 | publisher = [[Google]] | quote = "Franz Josef Och joined Google in 2004 as a research scientist, where he leads the machine translation group."}}</ref>

Understanding how Google Translate works helps achieving better translations.<br />
Google does not translate from one language to another (L1 → L2), it most often translates first to English and then to the target language (L1 → EN → L2).
<ref>[http://translate.google.com/#fr|ru|le%20mot%20'obvious'%20n'est%20pas%20français French to Russian translation translates the untranslated non-French word "obvious" from pivot (intermediate) English to Russian] ''le mot 'obvious' n'est pas français → «очевидными» слово не французское''</ref>
<ref>[http://translate.google.com/translate?&langpair=de|fr&u=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Translate We pretend that this English article is German when asking Google to translate it to French.] ''Google, because it does not find the English words in the German dictionary, leaves those words unchanged as one can show it with this spelllling misssstake. But it translates them to French nonetheless. That's because Google translates German → English → French and that the unchanged English words undergo the second translation. The word "außergewöhnlich" however will be translated twice.''</ref>

The following languages do not have a direct translation to or from English. These languages are translated to or from English using their direct translation language.
*Belarusian (be-ru-en)
*Catalan (ca-es-en)
*Galician (gl-pt-en)
*Haitian Creole (ht-fr-en)
*Macedonian (mk-bg-en)
*Ukrainian (uk-ru-en)
*Urdu (ur-hi-en)

<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www-clips.imag.fr/geta/herve.blanchon/Pdfs/NLP-KE-10.pdf |title=Google Translate performs two-step translation through English |format=PDF |date= |accessdate=2011-12-22}}</ref><ref>[http://groups.google.com/group/google-translate-general/msg/bde8be4a58eb74c0 Wrong translation to Ukrainian language because going through English]</ref>
This, of course, reduces down to about 70 a number of about 2500 dictionaries (70×70÷2).<br />
But English, like all human languages, is ambiguous and depends on context. This causes translation errors. For example, translating '''''vous''''' from French to Russian gives '''''vous → you → ты''''' OR '''''вы'''''.<ref>[http://translate.google.com/#fr|ru|Je%20vous%20aime.%20Tu%20es%20ici.%20You%20are%20here. Google Translation mixes up "tu" and plural or polite "vous"] ''Je vous aime. Tu es ici. You are here. → Я люблю тебя. Вы здесь. Вы здесь.</ref> If Google were using an unambiguous, artificial language as the intermediary, it would be '''''vous → you2 → вы''''' OR '''''tu → you1 → ты'''''. Such a suffixing of words disambiguates their different meanings.<br />
Hence, publishing in English, using non ambiguous words, providing context, using expressions such as "you all" often make a better one-step translation.

Overlooking the grammar of the language can cause mistakes. For example, consider the following sentence:<br />
'''Пишет''' (3rd person: it writes) '''вам''' (dative: to you (all)) '''письмо''' (letter) '''семья''' (family) '''Дарьи''' (genitive: of Daria).<br />
Based on the word order, Google translates: '''You wrote a letter to family Darya'''.<ref>[http://translate.google.com/#ru|en|Пишет%20вам%20письмо%20семья%20Дарьи The meaning of the English translation is the inverse of the Russian sentence ...] ''Пишет вам письмо семья Дарьи → You wrote a letter to family Darya''</ref><br />
Based on declensions (word functions), it means: [it's] '''Daria's family''' [that] '''writes you a letter''', exactly the opposite.<br />
Google took '''you''' for '''to you''', '''Daria''' for '''of Daria''' as well as '''to the family''' for '''the family'''.<br />
When translating back to Russian, however, Google says: '''Семья Дарьи пишет вам письмо'''.<ref>[http://translate.google.com/#en|ru|Daria%27s%20family%20writes%20you%20a%20letter ... but the English to Russian translation is correct] ''Daria's family writes you a letter → Семья Дарьи пишет вам письмо''</ref><br />
That's correct because Google understood the English words order.<br />
Respecting the same word order as in English or publishing in English as above may help.

According to Och, a solid base for developing a usable statistical machine translation system for a new pair of languages from scratch, would consist in having a bilingual [[text corpus]] (or [[parallel text|parallel collection]]) of more than a million words and two monolingual corpora of each more than a billion words.<ref name="och_2005" /> Statistical [[Mathematical model|models]] from this data are then used to translate between those languages.

To acquire this huge amount of linguistic data, Google used [[United Nations]] documents.<ref>[http://www.reuters.com/article/technologyNews/idUSN1921881520070328 Google seeks world of instant translations] ([[Reuters]])</ref> The UN typically publishes documents in all six [[Official languages of the United Nations|official UN languages]], which has produced a very large 6-language corpus.

Google representatives have been involved with domestic conferences in Japan where it has solicited bilingual data from researchers.<ref>Google was an official sponsor of the annual Computational Linguistics in Japan Conference ("[[Gengoshorigakkai]]") in 2007. Google also sent a delegate from its headquarters to the meeting of the members of the Computational Linguistic Society of Japan in March 2005, promising funding to researchers who would be willing to share text data.</ref>

Shortly after launching the translation service, Google won an international competition for English-Arabic and English-Chinese machine translation.<ref>{{cite book|last=Nielsen|first=Michael|title=Reinventing discovery : the new era of networked science|publisher=Princeton University Press|location=Princeton, N.J.|isbn=9780691148908|pages=125}}</ref>

===Translation mistakes and oddities===
Because Google Translate uses statistical matching to translate rather than a dictionary/grammar rules approach, translated text can often include apparently nonsensical and obvious errors,<ref>[http://www.forbes.com/forbes/2010/0809/technology-computer-learning-google-translate.html Google Translate Tangles With Computer Learning] Lee Gomes , Forbes Magazine , 9/8/2010</ref> often swapping common terms for similar but nonequivalent common terms in the other language,<ref>[http://google.blognewschannel.com/archives/2007/09/10/google-translates-ivan-the-terrible-as-abraham-lincoln/ Google Translates Ivan the Terrible as “Abraham Lincoln”] ''google.blognewschannel.com''</ref> as well as inverting sentence meaning.<ref>[http://www.mn.ru/news/20100128/55406807.html Google Lost in Translation] 28/01/2010 , Alyona Topolyanskaya , ''www.mn.ru'' {{dead link|date=January 2012}}</ref>{{citation needed|date=January 2012}}

==See also==
* [[Asia Online]]
* [[Babel Fish (website)]]
* [[Bing Translator]]
* [[Comparison of machine translation applications]]
* [[Google Dictionary]]
* [[Jollo]]
* [[List of Google services and tools]]
* [[Rosetta Stone (software)|Rosetta Stone]]


==External links==
* {{official website|http://translate.google.com}}
* [http://www.google.com/language_tools Google Language Tools]
* [http://googletranslate.blogspot.com/ Google Translate blog]
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GdSC1Z1Kzs Inside Google Translate] on Google's official channel at [[YouTube]]
* [http://googleresearch.blogspot.com/2006/04/statistical-machine-translation-live.html Statistical machine translation live], [[Franz Josef Och]], [[Google Research]] blog, April 28, 2006
{{Google Inc.}}

[[Category:Google services|Translate]]
[[Category:Machine translation]]
[[Category:Natural language processing software]]

[[af:Google Translate]]
[[ar:ترجمة جوجل]]
[[be-x-old:Google Translate]]
[[ca:Google Translate]]
[[cy:Google Translate]]
[[da:Google Translate]]
[[de:Google Übersetzer]]
[[es:Google Translate]]
[[fa:ترجمه‌گر گوگل]]
[[fr:Google Traduction]]
[[gl:Google Translate]]
[[gu:ગૂગલ અનુવાદ]]
[[ko:구글 번역]]
[[hi:गूगल अनुवाद]]
[[id:Google Terjemahan]]
[[it:Google Translate]]
[[he:גוגל תרגם]]
[[ka:Google თარჯიმანი]]
[[lv:Google Translate]]
[[hu:Google Fordító]]
[[ml:ഗൂഗിൾ ട്രാൻസ്‌ലേറ്റ്]]
[[ms:Google Translate]]
[[nl:Google Translate]]
[[no:Google Oversetter]]
[[pl:Tłumacz Google]]
[[pt:Google Translate]]
[[ro:Google Traducere]]
[[ru:Google Переводчик]]
[[sq:Google translate]]
[[sl:Google Translate]]
[[sr:Google преводилац]]
[[sv:Google översätt]]
[[ta:கூகுள் மொழிபெயர்ப்பு]]
[[th:กูเกิล ทรานสเลต]]
[[tr:Google Çeviri]]
[[uk:Google Перекладач]]
[[ur:گوگل ترجمہ]]
[[vi:Google Dịch]]
[[zh-yue:Google 翻譯]]
[[diq:Google Translate]]

Revision as of 09:07, 19 March 2012

Google Translate
File:Google Translate.PNG
Type of site
Machine translation
Created byGoogle

Google Translate is a free statistical machine translation service provided by Google Inc. to translate a section of text, document or webpage, into another language.

The service was introduced in April 28, 2006, for the Arabic language.[1] Prior to October 2007, for languages other than Arabic, Chinese and Russian, Google used a SYSTRAN based translator[2][3] which is used by other translation services such as Babel Fish, AOL, and Yahoo.

On May 26, 2011, Google announced that the Google Translate API had been deprecated and that it would cease functioning on December 1, 2011, "due to the substantial economic burden caused by extensive abuse."[4][5] The shutting down of the API, which is used by a number of websites, has led to criticism of Google and developers questioning the viability of using Google APIs in their products.[6][7]

On June 3, 2011, Google announced that they were canceling its plan to terminate the Translate API due to public pressure. In the same announcement, Google said that it will release a paid version of the Translate API.[4][8]

Features and limitations

The service limits the number of paragraphs, or range of technical terms, that will be translated. It is also possible to enter searches in a source language that are first translated to a destination language allowing you to browse and interpret results from the selected destination language in the source language.[9] For some languages, users are asked for alternate translations such as for technical terms, to be included for future updates to the translation process. Text in a foreign language can be typed, and if "Detect Language" is selected, it will not only detect the language but also translate it into English by default.

Google Translate, like other automatic translation tools, has its limitations. While it can help the reader to understand the general content of a foreign language text, it does not always deliver accurate translations. Some languages produce better results than others. As of 2010, French to English translation is very good;[10] however, rule-based machine translations perform better if the text to be translated is shorter; this effect is particularly evident in Chinese to English translations.[10]

Texts written in the Greek, Devanagari, Cyrillic and Arabic scripts can be transliterated automatically from phonetic equivalents written in the Latin alphabet.

Browser integration

A number of Firefox extensions exist for Google services, and likewise for Google Translate, which allow right-click command access to the translation service.[11]

An extension for Google's Chrome browser also exists;[12] in February 2010, Google translate was integrated into the standard Google Chrome browser for automatic webpage translation.[13][14]

Android version

Google Translate is available as a free downloadable application for Android OS users. The first version was launched in January 2010. It works simply like the browser version. Google translation for Android contains two main options: "SMS translation" and "History".

An early 2011 version supported Conversation Mode when translating between English and Spanish (in alpha testing). This new interface within Google Translate allows users to communicate fluidly with a nearby person in another language. In October it was expanded to 14 languages.[15]

The application supports 53 languages and voice input for 15 languages. It is available for devices running Android 2.1 and above and can be downloaded by searching for “Google Translate” in Android Market. It was first released in January 2010, with an improved version available on January 12, 2011.[16]

Latest version: 2.0.0 build 42

iOS version

File:Google Translate iOS logo.png
Google Translate iOS icon

In August 2008, Google launched a Google Translate HTML5 web application for iOS for iPhone and iPod touch users. The official iOS app for Google Translate was released February 8, 2011. It accepts voice input for 15 languages and allows translation of a word or phrase into one of more than 50 languages. Translations can be spoken out loud in 23 different languages.[17]

Language options

(by chronological order of introduction)

  • 1st stage
  • French to English
  • German to English
  • Spanish to English
  • 2nd stage
  • Portuguese to English
  • Dutch to English
  • 3rd stage
  • Italian to English
  • 4th stage
  • Chinese (Simplified) to English
  • Japanese to English
  • Korean to English
  • 5th stage (launched April 2006)[18]
  • Arabic to English
  • 6th stage (launched December 2006)
  • Russian to English
  • 7th stage (launched February 2007)
  • English to Chinese (Traditional)
  • Chinese (Simplified to Traditional)
  • Chinese (Traditional) to English
  • Chinese (Traditional to Simplified)
  • 8th stage (launched October 2007)
    • all 25 language pairs use Google's machine translation system
  • 9th stage
  • Hindi to English
  • 10th stage (as of this stage, translation can be done between any two languages, going through English, if needed[clarification needed]) (launched May 2008)
  • 11th stage (launched September 25, 2008)
  • 12th stage (launched January 30, 2009)
  • 13th stage (launched June 19, 2009)
  • 14th stage (launched August 24, 2009)
  • 15th stage (launched November 19, 2009)
    • The Beta stage is finished. Users can now choose to have the romanization written for Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Greek, Hindi and Thai. For translations from Arabic, Persian and Hindi, the user can enter a Latin transliteration of the text and the text will be translated to the native script for these languages as the user is writing. The text can now be read by a text-to-speech program in English, Italian, French and German
  • 16th stage (launched January 30, 2010)
  • 17th stage (launched April 2010)
    • Speech program launched in Hindi and Spanish
  • 18th stage (launched May 5, 2010)
    • Speech program launched in Afrikaans, Albanian, Catalan, Chinese (Mandarin), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Greek, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Latvian, Macedonian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Swahili, Swedish, Turkish, Vietnamese and Welsh (based in eSpeak).[19]
  • 19th stage (launched May 13, 2010)[20]
  • 20th stage (launched June 2010)
  • Provides romanization for Arabic.
  • 21st stage (launched September 2010)
  • Allows phonetic typing for Arabic, Greek, Hindi, Persian, Russian, Serbian and Urdu.
  • Latin[21]
  • 22nd stage (launched December 2010)
    • Romanization of Arabic removed.
    • Spell check added.
    • Google replaced some languages' text-to-speech synthesizers from eSpeak's robot voice to native speaker's nature voice technologies made by SVOX[22] (Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Greek, Hungarian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish, Turkish). Also the old versions of French, German, Italian and Spanish. Latin uses the same synthesizer as Italian.
    • Speech program launched in Arabic, Japanese, and Korean.
  • 23rd stage (Launched January 2011)
    • Choice of different translations for a word.
  • 25th stage (Launched July 2011)
    • Translation rating introduced.
  • 26th stage (Launched January 2012)
    • Dutch male voice synthesizer replaced with female.
    • Elena by SVOX replaced the Slovak eSpeak voice.
    • Transliteration of Yiddish added.
  • 27th stage (Launched February 2012)
    • Speech program launched in Thai.
    • Esperanto added.

Translation methodology

Google Translate does not apply grammatical rules, since its algorithms are based on statistical analysis rather than traditional rule-based analysis. Indeed, the system's original creator, Franz Josef Och, has criticized the effectiveness of rule-based algorithms in favor of empirical approaches.[24] It is based on a method called statistical machine translation, and more specifically, on research by Och who won the DARPA contest for speed machine translation in 2003. He is now the head of Google's machine translation group.[25]

Understanding how Google Translate works helps achieving better translations.
Google does not translate from one language to another (L1 → L2), it most often translates first to English and then to the target language (L1 → EN → L2). [26] [27]

The following languages do not have a direct translation to or from English. These languages are translated to or from English using their direct translation language.

  • Belarusian (be-ru-en)
  • Catalan (ca-es-en)
  • Galician (gl-pt-en)
  • Haitian Creole (ht-fr-en)
  • Macedonian (mk-bg-en)
  • Ukrainian (uk-ru-en)
  • Urdu (ur-hi-en)

[28][29] This, of course, reduces down to about 70 a number of about 2500 dictionaries (70×70÷2).
But English, like all human languages, is ambiguous and depends on context. This causes translation errors. For example, translating vous from French to Russian gives vous → you → ты OR вы.[30] If Google were using an unambiguous, artificial language as the intermediary, it would be vous → you2 → вы OR tu → you1 → ты. Such a suffixing of words disambiguates their different meanings.
Hence, publishing in English, using non ambiguous words, providing context, using expressions such as "you all" often make a better one-step translation.

Overlooking the grammar of the language can cause mistakes. For example, consider the following sentence:
Пишет (3rd person: it writes) вам (dative: to you (all)) письмо (letter) семья (family) Дарьи (genitive: of Daria).
Based on the word order, Google translates: You wrote a letter to family Darya.[31]
Based on declensions (word functions), it means: [it's] Daria's family [that] writes you a letter, exactly the opposite.
Google took you for to you, Daria for of Daria as well as to the family for the family.
When translating back to Russian, however, Google says: Семья Дарьи пишет вам письмо.[32]
That's correct because Google understood the English words order.
Respecting the same word order as in English or publishing in English as above may help.

According to Och, a solid base for developing a usable statistical machine translation system for a new pair of languages from scratch, would consist in having a bilingual text corpus (or parallel collection) of more than a million words and two monolingual corpora of each more than a billion words.[24] Statistical models from this data are then used to translate between those languages.

To acquire this huge amount of linguistic data, Google used United Nations documents.[33] The UN typically publishes documents in all six official UN languages, which has produced a very large 6-language corpus.

Google representatives have been involved with domestic conferences in Japan where it has solicited bilingual data from researchers.[34]


Shortly after launching the translation service, Google won an international competition for English-Arabic and English-Chinese machine translation.[35]

Translation mistakes and oddities

Because Google Translate uses statistical matching to translate rather than a dictionary/grammar rules approach, translated text can often include apparently nonsensical and obvious errors,[36] often swapping common terms for similar but nonequivalent common terms in the other language,[37] as well as inverting sentence meaning.[38][citation needed]

See also


  1. ^ Statistical machine translation live, Franz Och, Google Research blog, April 28, 2006
  2. ^ Google Switches to Its Own Translation System, October 22, 2007
  3. ^ Google Translate Drops Systran For Home Brewed Translation 23/12/2007, Barry Schwartz, searchengineland.com
  4. ^ a b Feldman, Adam (May 26, 2011). "Spring cleaning for some of our APIs". Google Code. Retrieved 28 May 2011. Cite error: The named reference "Feldman" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  5. ^ "Google Translate API (Deprecated)". Google Code. 2011. Archived from the original on 2011-05-28. Retrieved 28 May 2011.
  6. ^ Wong, George (2011-05-27). "Google gets rid of APIs for Translate and other services". ubergizmo. Retrieved 28 May 2011. {{cite news}}: Text "Ubergizmo" ignored (help)
  7. ^ Burnette, Ed (May 27, 2011). "Google pulls the rug out from under web service API developers, nixes Google Translate and 17 others". ZDNet. Retrieved 28 May 2011. {{cite news}}: Text "ZDNet" ignored (help)
  8. ^ "Google cancels plan to shutdown Translate API. To start charging for translations". 2011-06-04. Retrieved 2011-06-04.
  9. ^ "Google Translate". Google. Retrieved 2009-01-24.
  10. ^ a b Ethan Shen (2010), Comparison of online machine translation tools, www.tcworld.info, archived from the original on February 10, 2011, retrieved December 15, 2011 {{citation}}: Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  11. ^ "Search Add-ons :: Add-ons for Firefox". Mozilla. Retrieved 2009-08-07.
  12. ^ Google Translate by chrome.translate.extension chrome.google.com
  13. ^ "Google Translate Integrated In Google Chrome 5". Ghacks.net. 2010-02-14. Retrieved 2011-12-22.
  14. ^ Google Chrome 5 features an integrated Google Translate service 15/2/2010 , stuff.techwhack.com
  15. ^ Gigaom.com 2011 October 13 by By Ryan Kim. Google Translate conversation mode expands to 14 languages
  16. ^ A new look for Google Translate for Android, Awaneesh Verma, Google Translate blog, January 12, 2011
  17. ^ Introducing the Google Translate app for iPhone, Wenzhang Zhu, Google Translate blog, February 8, 2011
  18. ^ Statistical machine translation live, Franz Josef Och, Google Research blog, April 28, 2006
  19. ^ Henderson, Fergus (2010-11-05). "Official Google Blog: Giving a voice to more languages on Google Translate". Googleblog.blogspot.com. Retrieved 2011-12-22.
  20. ^ "Five more languages on translate.google.com - Google Translate Blog". Googletranslate.blogspot.com. 2010-05-13. Retrieved 2011-12-22.
  21. ^ Jakob Uszkoreit, Ingeniarius Programmandi (2010-09-30). "Official Google Blog: Veni, Vidi, Verba Verti". Googleblog.blogspot.com. Retrieved 2011-12-22.
  22. ^ [1][dead link]
  23. ^ Google Translate Blog: Google Translate welcomes you to the Indic web[dead link]
  24. ^ a b Och, Franz Josef (2005-09-12), "Statistical Machine Translation: Foundations and Recent Advances" (PDF), The Tenth Machine Translation Summit, Phuket, Thailand, retrieved 2010-12-19 {{citation}}: |format= requires |url= (help); Check date values in: |date= (help)
  25. ^ "Franz Josef Och". Google. Retrieved 2010-12-19. Franz Josef Och joined Google in 2004 as a research scientist, where he leads the machine translation group.
  26. ^ French to Russian translation translates the untranslated non-French word "obvious" from pivot (intermediate) English to Russian le mot 'obvious' n'est pas français → «очевидными» слово не французское
  27. ^ We pretend that this English article is German when asking Google to translate it to French. Google, because it does not find the English words in the German dictionary, leaves those words unchanged as one can show it with this spelllling misssstake. But it translates them to French nonetheless. That's because Google translates German → English → French and that the unchanged English words undergo the second translation. The word "außergewöhnlich" however will be translated twice.
  28. ^ "Google Translate performs two-step translation through English" (PDF). Retrieved 2011-12-22.
  29. ^ Wrong translation to Ukrainian language because going through English
  30. ^ Google Translation mixes up "tu" and plural or polite "vous" Je vous aime. Tu es ici. You are here. → Я люблю тебя. Вы здесь. Вы здесь.
  31. ^ The meaning of the English translation is the inverse of the Russian sentence ... Пишет вам письмо семья Дарьи → You wrote a letter to family Darya
  32. ^ ... but the English to Russian translation is correct Daria's family writes you a letter → Семья Дарьи пишет вам письмо
  33. ^ Google seeks world of instant translations (Reuters)
  34. ^ Google was an official sponsor of the annual Computational Linguistics in Japan Conference ("Gengoshorigakkai") in 2007. Google also sent a delegate from its headquarters to the meeting of the members of the Computational Linguistic Society of Japan in March 2005, promising funding to researchers who would be willing to share text data.
  35. ^ Nielsen, Michael. Reinventing discovery : the new era of networked science. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. p. 125. ISBN 9780691148908.
  36. ^ Google Translate Tangles With Computer Learning Lee Gomes , Forbes Magazine , 9/8/2010
  37. ^ Google Translates Ivan the Terrible as “Abraham Lincoln” google.blognewschannel.com
  38. ^ Google Lost in Translation 28/01/2010 , Alyona Topolyanskaya , www.mn.ru [dead link]