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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Laleena (talk | contribs) at 23:44, 25 October 2007 (→‎Category:Marian dogmas: Got rid of Marian dogmas link). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

(5) - Acta Sanctorum; Cephalophore; Saint; Portal:Saints; Reliquary;

(24) - Adrian of Canterbury; Augustine of Hippo; Saint Aurelius; Benedict the Moor; Caesarius of Africa; Crispina; Cucuphas; Cyprian; Saint Denise; Eugenius of Carthage; Felix of Girona; Fulgentius of Ruspe; Marcellinus of Carthage; Pope Miltiades; Moses the Black; Perpetua and Felicity; Quodvultdeus; Severinus of Noricum; Simon of Cyrene; Saint Valentine; Valerian of Abbenza; Pope Victor I; Victor Maurus; Victorian, Frumentius and Companions;

Algerian saints

Egyptian saints

Ethiopian saints

Sudanese saints

Ugandan saints

(9) - Alypius of Thagaste; Augustine of Hippo; Pope Gelasius I; San Geronimo; Marcellus of Tangier; Monica of Hippo; Saint Optatus; Saint Possidius; Typasius;

(15) - Mother Cabrini; Katharine Drexel; Rose Philippine Duchesne; René Goupil; Herman of Alaska; Innocent of Alaska; Jacob of Alaska; Isaac Jogues; John of Shanghai and San Francisco; John Neumann; Peter the Aleut; Raphael of Brooklyn; Elizabeth Ann Seton; Tikhon of Moscow; Alexis Toth;

(74) - Abibus of Edessa; Abibus of Samosata; Abraham of Cyrrhus; Abraham of Kratia; Abudimus; Acacius of Amida; Acathius of Melitene; Adrian and Natalia of Nicomedia; Agathangelus of Rome; Agathius; Agathonicus and Companions; Alexander of Cappadocia and Jerusalem; Alexander of Comana; Andrew of Lampsacus; Andronicus, Probus, and Tarachus; Anthimus of Nicomedia; Antipas of Pergamum; Apollinaris Claudius; Auxentius of Bithynia; Auxentius of Mopsuestia; Saint Barbara; Basil of Caesarea; Caesarius of Nazianzus; Clement of Ancyra; Constantine VI; Saint Diomedes; Dorothea; Ecumenical Patriarch Kyros of Constantinople; Emelia; Epaphroditus; Firmilian; Gorgonius; Gregory Thaumaturgus; Gregory of Nazianzus; Gregory of Nazianzus the Elder; Gregory of Nyssa; Patriarch Ignatius of Constantinople; Julian of Antioch; Juliana of Nicomedia; Lorgius; Lucian of Antioch; Lydia of Thyatira; Macrina the Elder; Macrina the Younger; Mammes of Caesarea; Margaret the Virgin; Mark of Ephesus; Saint Mercurius; Michael Maleinos; Archbishop Nectarius of Constantinople; Ecumenical Patriarch Nikephoros I of Constantinople; Nicetas of Chalcedon; Nonna of Nazianzus; Onesimus; Pancras of Taormina; Saint Pantaleon; Paraskevi; Peter of Atroa; Peter of Sebaste; Philemon (New Testament person); Saint Phocas; Polycarp; Polyeuctus; Quintus of Phrygia; Saint Gorgonia; Seven Sleepers; Stachys the Apostle; Theodore of Amasea; Theodore of Tarsus; Theodotus of Ancyra; Theosebia; Saint Thyrsus; Timothy; Tryphon, Respicius, and Nympha;

Byzantine saints

(174) - Acius; Agathangelus of Rome; Saint Agnes; Agrippina of Mineo; Alban of Mainz; Alexius (saint); Ambrose; Pope Anacletus; Anastasia of Sirmium; Andronicus of Pannonia; Andronicus, Probus, and Tarachus; Anthimus of Rome; Antonia and Alexander; Artemius; Augustine of Canterbury; Austromoine; Balbina; Benedict of Nursia; Saint Bibiana; Pope Caius; Saint Candidus; Cantius, Cantianius, and Cantianella; Carpophorus, Exanthus, Cassius, Severinus, Secundus, and Licinius; Catervus; Cecilia (saint); Cessianus; Chromatius; Saints Chrysanthus and Daria; Saint Chrysogonus; Pope Clement I; Constantine I; Pope Cornelius; Cornelius the Centurion; Cyprian and Justina; Cyriacus; Saint Denise; Devota; Digna and Emerita; Erasmus of Formiae; Saint Eugenia; Eulalia of Barcelona; Eulalia of Mérida; Eusebius of Vercelli; Saint Eustace; Eustochium; Evasius; Expeditus; Faith, Hope and Charity; Faustinus and Jovita; Felicitas of Rome; Felix and Adauctus; Fermin; Firmus and Rusticus; Flavia Domitilla (saint); Forty Martyrs of Sebaste; Gaudentius of Brescia; Geminianus; Genesius of Rome; Saint George; Gervasius and Protasius; Gordianus and Epimachus; Pope Gregory I; Gregory of Spoleto; Saint Hermes; Hippolytus the soldier; Honorina; Honorius of Canterbury; Hyacinth and Protus; Januarius; John and Paul; Judas Cyriacus; Julia of Corsica; Julian and Basilissa; Julian of Antioch; Julian of Le Mans; Julius the Veteran; Junia; Justina of Padua; Justus; Juventinus; Juventius of Pavia; Laurence of Canterbury; Lawrence of Rome; Leontius, Hypatius and Theodulus; Liborius of Le Mans; Pope Linus; Longinus (hagiography); Marcella; Mark and Marcellian; Saint Martial; Martin of Tours; Martinian and Processus; Maxima of Rome; Maximilian (martyr); Maximus of Rome (martyr); Mercurialis of Forlì; Mocius; Mucian; Nabor and Felix; Narcissus, Argeus, and Marcellinus; Saint Nazarius; Nereus, Achilleus, Domitilla and Pancratius; Nine Saints; Saint Nino; Onesimus; Saint Pammachius; Saint Pancras; Pancras of Taormina; Paul of Narbonne; Saint Paula; Paulinus of Nola; Peter Chrysologus; Saint Petronilla; Saint Petronius; Philastrius; St. Philopater Mercurius; Pionius; Saint Placidus; Placidus (martyr); Polyeuctus; Pontius Pilate's wife; Saint Possidius; Praxedes; Primus and Felician; Saint Prisca; Priscilla (Christian); Saint Proculus; Proculus of Bologna; Proculus of Pozzuoli; Saint Pudens; Pudentiana; Quadratus (martyr); Quadratus of Athens; Quinctianus; Saint Quirinus; Rufina and Secunda; Rufinus of Assisi; Rufus and Carpophorus; Sabina (saint); Saint Sabinus; Aphian; Arsenius the Great; Novatus; Crispin; Saturnin; Savina of Milan; Saint Sebastian; Secundus of Asti; Saints Sergius and Bacchus; Silas; Saint Silvia; Simplicius, Faustinus and Beatrix; Saint Sosius; Symphorian and Timotheus; Symphorosa; Syrus of Pavia; Tarcisius; Telemachus (martyr); Theban Legion; Saints Tiburtius and Susanna; Trasilla and Emiliana; Trophimus of Arles; Ursicinus of Ravenna; Ursus of Solothurn; Saint Valentine; Valeria of Milan; Venantius of Camerino; Victor of Damascus; Victorian, Frumentius and Companions; Victorinus of Pettau; Viktor of Xanten; Saints Vitalis and Agricola; Vitus; Zenobius of Florence;

(14) - Abban the Hermit; Saint Alban; Amphibalus; Darerca of Ireland; Germanus of Auxerre; Joseph of Arimathea; Julius and Aaron; Pope Linus; Lucius of Britain; Saint Mel; Mochta; Saint Ninian; Saint Patrick;

(23) - Aaron the Illustrious; Abraham of Armenia; Saint Acacius; Saint Blaise; Cyrion and Candidus; Expeditus; Forty Martyrs of Sebaste; Gregory of Narek; Gregory the Illuminator; Holos the Healer; Isaac of Armenia; Leontine martyrs; Mamikonian; Meletius of Antioch; Saint Mesrob; Saint Nearchus; Nerses IV; Saint Narses; Peter of Sebaste; Patriarch Photios I of Constantinople; Polyeuctus; Saint Nishan; Tiridates III of Armenia;

Saints from Anatolia

(13) - Adalbero of Würzburg; Aurelia of Strasbourg; Joseph Freinademetz; Hemma of Gurk; Leopold III, Margrave of Austria; Maximilian of Lorch; Notburga; Romedius; Rupert of Salzburg; Coloman of Stockerau; Severinus of Noricum; Saint Sturm; Vergilius of Salzburg;

(3) - Euphrosyne of Polatsk; Josaphat Kuntsevych; Cyril of Turaw;

(56) - Abel of Reims; Saint Acarius; Albert of Liège; Alena (martyr); Amalberga of Maubeuge; Amalberga of Temse; Saint Amand; Arnulf of Soissons; Saint Ava; Saint Bavo; John Berchmans; Julie Billiart; Charles I, Count of Flanders; Christina the Astonishing; Saint Colette; Domitian of Huy; Saint Drogo; Emebert; Gertrude of Nivelles; Saint Ghislain; Godelina; Godwin of Stavelot; Gondulphus; Gudula; Gummarus; Guy of Anderlecht; Gérard of Brogne; Saint Hadelin; Helier; Himelin; Hubertus; Itta; John of Ruysbroeck; Juliana of Liège; Lambert of Maastricht; Landelin; Martin of Tongres; Saint Oda; Oda of Brabant; Pharailde; Pharaildis; Poppo of Deinze; Reineldis; Relindis of Maaseik; Remaclus; Rigobert, Bishop of Reims; Rimbert; Saint Piatus; Victor Scheppers; Saint Servatius; St. Gondolfus; Trudo; Vindicianus; Waltrude; Mutien-Marie Wiaux; Winnoc;

(2) - Katarina Kosača-Kotromanić; Basil of Ostrog;

(2) - De Viris Illustribus (Jerome); Jerome

(2) - Frei Galvão; Saint Paulina;

(4) - Boniface of Savoy, Archbishop of Canterbury; Briavel; St Budoc; Mellon (saint);

(132) - Acca of Hexham; Adalbert of Egmond; Adrian of Canterbury; Adulf; Aebbe the Elder; Aebbe the Younger; Ælfwald I of Northumbria; Aethelberht II of East Anglia; Aethelnoth; Aethelred of Kent; Æthelthryth; Æthelwold of Farne; Æthelwold of Lindisfarne; Æthelwold of Winchester; Aidan of Lindisfarne; Ailred of Rievaulx; Alburga; Alcmund of Derby; Alcmund of Hexham; Aldhelm, Bishop of Sherborne; Saint Aldwyn; Alfwold; Alkelda; Alnoth; Alphege; Alphege the Bald; Augustine of Canterbury; Baldred of Tyninghame; Balthild; Bede; Saint Bega; Benedict Biscop; Bertha of Kent; Bertwald; Bertwald of Ramsbury; Birinus; Boisil; Saint Boniface; Bregwin; Burchard of Würzburg; Cædmon; Cedd; Ceolfrid; Chad of Mercia; Colmán of Lindisfarne; Cuthbert of Lindisfarne; Cuthburga; Cuthman of Steyning; Saint David (Sweden); Deusdedit of Canterbury; Dunstan; Eadberht of Lindisfarne; Eadfrith of Lindisfarne; Eanfled of Deira; Easterwine; Eata of Hexham; Edburga of Bicester; Edburga of Winchester; Edith of Wilton; Edmund the Martyr; Edward the Confessor; Edward the Martyr; Egbert of Northumbria; Egwin; Engelmund of Vebsen; Eorpwald of East Anglia; Erkenwald; Ermenilda of Ely; Saint Eskil; Ethelburga of Faremoutier; Ethelwine of Lindsey; Everilda; Ewald (martyr); Felix of Burgundy; Finan of Lindisfarne; Frideswide; Saint Fursey; Saint Gobain; Godric of Finchale; Grimbald; Saint Guthlac; Hilda of Whitby; Honorius of Canterbury; Hybald; Ivo of Huntingdonshire; James the Deacon; John of Beverley; Justus; Kenelm; Laurence of Canterbury; Lebuinus; Leoba; Lullus; Saint Margaret of Scotland; Mellitus; Mildrith; Saint Neot; Nothelm; Oda the Severe; Oswald of Northumbria; Oswald of Worcester; Oswine of Deira; Osyth; Paulinus of York; Saint Rumbold; Rumwold; Saint Botolph; Seaxburh of Ely; Sebbi of Essex; Sidwell; Sigeberht of East Anglia; Sigfrid of Sweden; Saint Suitbert; Swithun; Theodore of Tarsus; Tuda of Lindisfarne; Saint Walpurga; Walstan; Waltheof; Werburgh; Wigbert; Wigstan of Mercia; Wilfrid; Willehad of Bremen; Willibald; Willibrord; Winibald; Saint Withburga; Witta of Büraburg; Saint Wulfric; Wulfstan, Bishop of Worcester; Æthelberht of Kent;

(28) - Aaron of Aleth; Saint Armel; Saint Baglan; Saint Brelade; Brioc; St Budoc; Saint Canna; Cenydd; Columba the Virgin; Corentin of Quimper; Théodore Guérin; Saint Hervé; Illtud; Ivo of Kermartin; Judicael ap Hoel; Juthwara; Saint Kea; Malo (saint); Melor; Meriasek; Oudoceus; Saint Patern; Paul Aurelian; Saint Ronan; Samson of Dol; Tudwal; Winnoc; Saint Winwaloe;

(4) - Albinus of Angers; Saint Brelade; Helier; Samson of Dol;

(33) - Austol; Breage; Saint Brelade; Brioc; Buriana; Carantoc; Columba the Virgin; Constantine of Cornwall; Cybi; Saint Erbin; Saint Erc; Felec of Cornwall; Geraint; Ia of Cornwall; Saint Kea; Saint Keyne; Lide; List of Cornish saints; Saint Mabena; Melor; Meriasek; Morwenna; Saint Neot; Paul Aurelian; Saint Petroc; Saint Piran; Saint Ronan; Salomon of Cornwall; Saint Ursula; Saint Veep; Saint Wenna; Saint Winwaloe; Wyllow;

English saints

(3) - Germanus of Auxerre; Maughold; Saint Sanctan;

(13) - Saint Asaph; Baldred of Strathclyde; Cynllo; Deiniol; Saint Dunod; Gildas; Saint Kea; Saint Mungo; Saint Ninian; Pabo Post Prydain; Saint Patrick; Saint Sanctan; Saint Serf;

Romano-British saints

Scottish saints

(13) - Brynach; St Budoc; Carantoc; Constantine of Cornwall; Gildas; Juthwara; Saint Kea; Saint Keyne; Saint Nectan; Saint Petroc; Saint Ronan; Sidwell; Urith;

Cornish saints

Welsh saints

(88) - Template:UK-saint-stub; Aaron of Aleth; Adalbert of Egmond; Adulf; Aebbe the Younger; Æthelwold of Farne; Æthelwold of Lindisfarne; Alburga; Alcmund of Derby; Alcmund of Hexham; Alfwold; Alkelda; Alnoth; Alphege the Bald; Edmund Arrowsmith; Baruc; Bertwald of Ramsbury; Beuno; Boisil; Briavel; Brioc; Buriana; Ceolfrid; Curetán; Cynllo; Decuman; Deusdedit of Canterbury; Dingad of Llandingat; Douai Martyrs; Drostan; Dubricius; Dwynwen; Eadberht of Lindisfarne; Eadfrith of Lindisfarne; Eanfled of Deira; Easterwine; Edburga of Bicester; Edburga of Winchester; Edmund Gennings; Egwin; Elen; Erkenwald; Ermenilda of Ely; Ethelburga of Faremoutier; Ethelwine of Lindsey; Everilda; Felec of Cornwall; Forty Martyrs of England and Wales; Frideswide; Grimbald; Henry Morse; John Boste; John of Beverley; Kessog; Lide; Milburga of Wenlock; Oudoceus; Paulinus of Wales; Pega; Polydore Plasden; John Plessington; Rumwold; Saint Baglan; Saint Blane; Saint Dunod; Saint Duthac; Saint Keyne; Saint Mabena; Saint Pyr; Saint Veep; Saint Walpurga; Saint Wenna; Saint Wulfric]]; Sidwell; Teilo; Ternan; Tewdrig; Theneva; Tudwal; John Wall; Henry Walpole; Augustine Webster; Eustace White; Robert Widmerpool; Winibald; Witta of Büraburg; Wolfeius; Ymar;

(11) - Abraham of Bulgaria; Boris I of Bulgaria; Clement of Ohrid; Enravota; John Kukuzelis; John of Rila; Julius the Veteran; Saint Naum; Paisius of Hilendar; Peter I of Bulgaria; Theodosius of Tarnovo;

(48) - Agathius; Alexander of Constantinople; Arthelais; Auxentius of Bithynia; Auxentius of Mopsuestia; Basil the Confessor; Basil of Caesarea; Nicholas Cabasilas; Caesarius of Nazianzus; Constantina; Constantine I; Constantine XI; Cyriacus the Anchorite; Saints Cyril and Methodius; Emelia; Gavino; Gregory of Nazianzus; Gregory of Nazianzus the Elder; Irene (empress); Isaac of Dalmatia; John of Damascus; Macrina the Younger; Marcian; Mark of Ephesus; Maximus the Confessor; Ecumenical Patriarch Mennas of Constantinople; Ecumenical Patriarch Methodios I of Constantinople; Saint Methodius; Michael Maleinos; Nicarete; Ecumenical Patriarch Nikephoros I of Constantinople; Saint Nicholas; Saint Nilus; Nonna of Nazianzus; Gregory Palamas; Peter of Sebaste; Patriarch Photios I of Constantinople; Proclus of Constantinople; Pulcheria; Sabbas the Sanctified; Saint Gorgonia; Patriarch Tarasios of Constantinople; Theodore of Tarsus; Theodore the Studite; Theodorus and Theophanes; Theophanes the Confessor; Theophilus of Adana; Three Holy Hierarchs;

(11) - Marguerite Bourgeoys; Jean de Brébeuf; Canadian Martyrs; Noël Chabanel; Antoine Daniel; Charles Garnier (missionary); René Goupil; Isaac Jogues; Jean de Lalande; Gabriel Lallemant; Marie-Marguerite d'Youville;

(2) - Alberto Hurtado; Teresa of the Andes;

(1) - Peter Claver

(9) - Anastasius the Fuller; Gaudentius of Ossero; Isaac of Dalmatia; Jerome; Marko Krizin; Leopold Mandić; Saint Marinus; Osanna of Cattaro; Pelagius of Constance;


(5) - Barnabas; Epiphanius of Salamis; John the Merciful; Seven Deacons; Saint Spyridon;

(8) - Adalbert of Prague; Agnes of Bohemia; Zdislava Berka; Eurosia; John of Nepomuk; Ludmila of Bohemia; John Sarkander; Wenceslaus I, Duke of Bohemia;

(4) - Ansgar; Canute IV of Denmark; Canute Lavard; William of Paris (saint);

(18) - Beatrice of Nazareth; Bernold, Bishop of Utrecht; Saint Boniface; Petrus Canisius; Engelmund of Vebsen; Saint Gerlach; Saint Hunger; Arnold Janssen; Lidwina; Ludger; Martyrs of Gorkum; Norbert of Xanten; Saint Oda; Nicholas Pieck; Radboud of Utrecht; Rimbert; Saint Servatius; Willibrord;

(1) - Miguel Febres Cordero

(120) - Coptic Saints; Ababius; Abakuh; Abanoub; Abassad; Abdel Messih El-Makari; Abhor and Mehraela; Abias; Abib and Apollo; Abraam, Bishop of Fayoum; Abraham (Copt); Abraham (husband); Abraham of Egypt; Abraham of Scetes; Abraham the Poor; Pope Abraham of Alexandria; Abratacus; Abulak; Abāmūn of Tarnūt; Abāmūn of Tukh; Achillas of Alexandria; Alexander of Alexandria; Ambrose of Alexandria; Saint Amun; Pope Andronicus of Alexandria; Anianus of Alexandria; Anthony the Great; Saint Apollonia; Apollos; Aprax; Artemius; Athanasius of Alexandria; Avilius of Alexandria; Mar Awgin; Barsanuphius of Palestine; Saint Bashnouna; Saint Candidus; Catherine of Alexandria; Celadion of Alexandria; Saints Chrysanthus and Daria; Saint Colluthus; Pope Cyril IV of Alexandria; Pope Cyril VI of Alexandria; Cyril of Alexandria; Cyrus and John; Damian of Alexandria; Dasya; Demetrius of Alexandria; Demiana; Didymus the Blind; Dioscorus of Alexandria; Dorothea; Elias and companions; Epimachus of Pelusium; Eugenius, Eugander, and Abilandius; Eulogius of Alexandria; Euphrosyne of Alexandria; Faustus, Abibus and Dionysius of Alexandria; Felix and Regula; Gallicanus; Gereon; Gregory of Sinai; Hilarion; Hor, Besoy, and Daydara; Hospitius; Hyacinth and Protus; Ibrahim El-Gohary; Isaac of Dafra; James of Manug; Patriarch John III (II) of Alexandria; John of Egypt; John of Senhout; John the Dwarf; John the Merciful; Macarius of Alexandria; Macarius of Egypt; Mary of Egypt; Master Malati; Pope Matthew of Alexandria; Saint Maurice; Saint Menas; Saint Mina; Dhul-Nun al-Misri; Moses the Black; Saint Nilus; Onuphrius; Saint Otimus; Pachomius; Pambo; Pantaenus; Paphnutius of Thebes; Paphnutius the Ascetic; Saint Paphnutius the Bishop; Parsoma; Paul of Tammah; Paul of Thebes; Paul the Simple; Peter of Alexandria; Philemon the actor; Saint Philotheos; Pijimi; Pishoy; Psote; Sabinus of Hermopolis; Samuel the Confessor; Saint Sarah; Secundus of Asti; Serapion, Bishop of Thmuis; Shenouda the Archimandrite; Sidhom Bishay; Simon the Tanner; Solutor; Theban Legion; Saint Theoclia; Theodora and Didymus; Theodore of Egypt; Ursus of Solothurn; Verena; Viktor of Xanten; Vitalis of Gaza;

(61) - Ailred of Rievaulx; John Almond; Saint John Almond; Anselm of Canterbury; Edmund Arrowsmith; Thomas Becket; Bosa of York; Edmund Campion; Thomas de Cantilupe; Charles I of England; Margaret Clitherow; Descendants of Charles I of England; Douai Martyrs; John Fisher; Edmund Gennings; Gerald of Mayo; Gilbert of Sempringham; Godric of Finchale; James Hannington; Stephen Harding; John Houghton (Martyr); Hugh of Lincoln; Laurence Humphreys; John of Bridlington; Julian of Norwich; Robert Lawrence (saint); Anne Line; Little Saint Hugh of Lincoln; Cuthbert Mayne; Milburga of Wenlock; Thomas More; Henry Morse; Saint Roger Niger; Oda the Severe; Saint Osmund; Nicholas Owen (martyr); John Payne (martyr); Pega; Polydore Plasden; John Plessington; Saint Richard Reynolds; Edmund Rich; Richard of Chichester; John Rigby (saint); Robert of Newminster; Saint Wilfred the Younger; John Schorne; Robert Southwell; Simon Stock; Henry Walpole; Waltheof; Margaret Ward; Augustine Webster; Swithun Wells; Eustace White; Robert Widmerpool; William of Norwich; William of Perth; William of York; Wolfeius; Ymar;

Anglo-Saxon saints

Cornish saints

(16) - Abeluzius; Ablak; Abnodius; Abraham (Ethiopian); Abraham, Ethnus, Acrates, James, and John; Absadi; Abuna Aregawi; Ezana of Axum; Frumentius; Gabra Manfas Qeddus; Moses the Black; Onesimos Nesib; Saizana; Samuel of Waldebba; Tekle Haymanot; Yared;

(2) - Lorenzo Ruiz; Image:St Lorenzo Ruiz.jpg;


(297) - Abbo II of Metz; Abbo of Auxerre; Abbo of Fleury; Abdalong of Marseilles; Saint Acarius; Acius; Adalard of Corbie; Adelaide of Italy; Adelin of Séez; Adelina; Saint Africus; Agobard; Agricola of Avignon; Aignan; Saint Aimé; Marguerite Marie Alacoque; Alberic of Citeaux; Alberta of Agen; Albinus of Angers; Aldegonde; Saint Aldric; Aleaunie; Amadeus IX, Duke of Savoy; Saint Amand; Amaro (saint); Saint Amator; Saint Ame; Angadrisma; Angilbert; Ansbert of Rouen; Ansegisus; Ansgar; Anthelm of Belley; Saint Apollinaris; Aredius; Arnold of Soissons; Arnulf of Metz; Aspasius of Auch; Saint Aubert; Saint Audomare; Aunarius; Austreberta; Austregisilus; Austromoine; Avitus of Vienne; Madeleine Sophie Barat; Saint Bavo; Begga; Benedict of Aniane; Benignus of Dijon; Bercharius; Bernard of Clairvaux; Bernard of Menthon; Siméon-François Berneux; Berno, Abbot of Cluny; Bertha of Artois; Bertha of Kent; Bertin; Saint Bertold; Saint Bertulf; Julie Billiart; Birinus; Marguerite Bourgeoys; Jean de Brébeuf; Bricius of Tours; St Budoc; Burgundofara; Bénézet; Caesarius of Arles; Caprasius; Castor of Apt; Noël Chabanel; Chainoaldus; Marcellin Champagnat; Peter Chanel; Chrodegang of Metz; Claude de la Colombière; Saint Colette; Colman of Mullingar; Columba of Sens; Cyprian of Toulon; Dagobert II; Antoine Daniel; Jeanne Delanoue; Denis; Deodatus of Nevers; Desideratus; Devota; Didier of Cahors; Saint Domitius; Saint Drogo; Saint Eligius; Elzéar of Sabran; Epipodius and Alexander; Erkembode; Eucherius of Lyon; Jean Eudes; Eufronius; Eugendus; Euspicius; Eustochius; Saint Eutropius; Exuperantia; Exuperius; Peter Julian Eymard; Saint Faro; Felix of Bourges; Felix of Burgundy; Saint Fergal; Ferréol of Uzès; William Firmatus; Peter Fourier; Fulbert of Chartres; Fulcran; Fulrad; Saint Fursey; Gallicanus; Gangulphus; Charles Garnier (missionary); Gatianus of Tours; Gaucherius (saint); Gaugericus; William of Gellone; Genevieve; Gerald of Aurillac; Gerald of Sauve-Majeure; Germain of Paris; Germaine Cousin; Germanus of Auxerre; Germerius; Gertrude of Nivelles; Saint Giles; Saint Gobain; Godeberta; Goeric of Metz; Gondulphus; René Goupil; Gregory of Tours; Guntram; Théodore Guérin; Helier; Saint Herbert; Hilary of Arles; Hilary of Poitiers; Honoratus of Amiens; Honoratus; Honorina; Hospitius; Hubertus; Hugh of Champagne; Hugh of Châteauneuf; Hugh of Cluny; Hunna; Irenaeus; Isabel of France; Itta; Ivo of Kermartin; Jane Frances de Chantal; Joan of Arc; Joan of France, Duchess of Berry; Isaac Jogues; John of Gorze; John of Matha; Julia of Corsica; Julian of Le Mans; Saint Junien; Justus of Beauvais; Jean-Baptiste de la Salle; Catherine Labouré; Benedict Joseph Labre; Jean de Lalande; Gabriel Lallemant; Landry, bishop of Sées; Laurent-Marie-Joseph Imbert; Leodegar; Leonard of Noblac; Leontius of Autun; Leontius of Fréjus; Jeanne de Lestonnac; Saint Lie; Lietbertus; Thérèse de Lisieux; Louis IX of France; Louis de Montfort; Louis of Toulouse; Lupus of Sens; Lucian of Beauvais; Lupicinus of Lyon; Magnus of Avignon; Majolus of Cluny; Mamertinus of Auxerre; Mamertus; Saint Marcouf; Marie-Eugénie de Jésus; Louise de Marillac; Marius Aventicensis; Saint Martial; Martin of Tours; Maura and Britta; Maximin of Trier; Charles-Joseph-Eugene de Mazenod; Medardus; Mesmin; Saint Nazarius; Nicasius of Dijon; Nicasius of Rheims; Nicasius, Quirinus, Scubiculus, and Pientia; Nicetius; Nicetius of Lyon; Odilo of Cluny; Odo of Cluny; Opportuna of Montreuil; Saint Osmund; Ouen; Palladius; Paternus; Patroclus of Bourges; Patroclus of Troyes; Paul of Narbonne; Saint Pedro Nolasco; Saint Perpetuus; Peter of Tarentaise; Philibert of Jumièges; Saint Porcarius; Saint Pothinus; Prosper of Aquitaine; Prætextatus; Saint Quentin; Quinidius; Quiteria; Radbertus; Raoul of Turenne; Raoul, founder of Vaucelles Abbey; Ratramnus; Regina (saint); John Francis Regis; Remigius of Rouen; Saint Remigius; Saint Renato; Richarius; Robert of Molesme; Roch; Bénilde Romançon; Rose Philippine Duchesne; Saint Roseline; Rusticus of Narbonne; Sabinian of Troyes; Sacerdos of Limoges; Sacerdos of Lyon; Saint Abra; Bertha of Val d'Or; Deicolus; Felix of Valois; Saint Flavitus; Saint Liberalis; Salaberga; Crispin; Salonius; Salvius (bishop); Saint Sarah; Saturnin; Savinian and Potentian; Augustin Schoeffer; Senoch; Severus of Avranches; Sigismund of Burgundy; Silvin of Auchy; Simon de Crépy; Solange; Bernadette Soubirous; St. Alice; Sulpitius the Pious; Syagrius of Autun; Symphorian and Timotheus; Tanca; Theobald of Marly; Theobald of Provins; Theodard; Theodulf of Orléans; Trophimus of Arles; Ulphia; Urban of Langres; Ursinus of Bourges; Ursus of Auxerre; Vedast; Jean Vianney; Victor of Marseilles; Victoricus, Fuscian, and Gentian; Vincent de Paul (saint); Vincent of Lérins; Vindicianus; Volusianus of Tours; Véran; Saint Waldebert; William of Paris (saint); William of York; Wulfram of Sens;

Breton saints

(22) - Alternative historical interpretations of Joan of Arc; Canonization of Joan of Arc; Cultural depictions of Joan of Arc; Fresh Verdicts on Joan of Arc; Joan of Arc; Joan of Arc (1948 film); Joan of Arc (Clone High); Joan of Arc (book by Marina Warner); Joan of Arc By Herself and Her Witnesses; Joan of Arc bibliography; Maid of Lorraine prophecies; The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc; Name of Joan of Arc; The Passion of Joan of Arc; Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc; Saint Joan (play); Saint Joan of Arc (biography by Vita Sackville-West); Sainte Jeanne d'Arc Church (Nice, France); St. Joan of Arc Chapel; Timeline of Joan of Arc; Trial of Joan of Arc; Voices of Light;

(66) - Template:France-saint-stub; Adalard of Corbie; Adelina; Aignan; Alberta of Agen; Aldegonde; Amadeus IX, Duke of Savoy; Angadrisma; Ansbert of Rouen; Ansegisus; Aredius; Arnold of Soissons; Aspasius of Auch; Augustin Schoeffer; Austreberta; Austregisilus; Bertha of Artois; Bertha of Val d'Or; Bricius of Tours; Castor of Apt; Charles-Joseph-Eugene de Mazenod; Erkembode; Euspicius; Eustochius; Felix of Bourges; Gaucherius (saint); Gerald of Aurillac; Hugh of Cluny; Hunna; Leontius of Autun; Lucian of Beauvais; Lupicinus of Lyon; Magnus of Avignon; Majolus of Cluny; Mamertinus of Auxerre; Maura and Britta; Mesmin; Nicasius of Dijon; Nicasius, Quirinus, Scubiculus, and Pientia; Nicetius of Lyon; Ouen; Quinidius; Remigius of Rouen; Bénilde Romançon; Sabinian of Troyes; Sacerdos of Limoges; Sacerdos of Lyon; Saint Africus; Saint Aimé; Saint Ame; Saint Domitius; Saint Herbert; Saint Liberalis; Saint Lie; Salaberga; Savinian and Potentian; Senoch; Silvin of Auchy; Sulpitius the Pious; Syagrius of Autun; Tanca; Trophimus of Arles; Ursinus of Bourges; Ursus of Auxerre; Volusianus of Tours; Véran;

(25) - Abiathar and Sidonia; Abibo Joseph; Abibus of Nekressi; Abo of Tiflis; Tbeli Abuserisdze; Patriarch Ambrose of Georgia; Anthim the Iberian; Ashot I Kuropalates; Ilia Chavchavadze; David IV of Georgia; Euthymius of Athos; Gregory of Khandzta; Grigol Peradze; Ketevan the Martyr; Patriarch Kyrion II of Georgia; Luarsab II of Kartli; Mirian III of Iberia; Saint Nino; Peter the Iberian; Rajden the First-Martyr; Saint Shushanik; Shalva of Akhaltsikhe; Tamar of Georgia; Tornikios; Vakhtang I Gorgasali;

(99) - Adalbert, Archbishop of Magdeburg; Adela and Irmina; Adelaide of Italy; Adelaide, Abbess of Vilich; Adolf of Osnabrück; Saint Afra; Agilulfus of Cologne; Agricius of Trier; Alban of Mainz; Albertus Magnus; Altmann of Passau; Alto of Altomünster; Amelbert; Anno II, Archbishop of Cologne; Ansgar; Aprunculus of Treves; Arbeo of Freising; Arn, Bishop of Würzburg; Benno; Bernward of Hildesheim; Bertha of Bingen; Saint Bertulf; Saint Boniface; Bregwin; Bruno I, Archbishop of Cologne; Bruno of Cologne; Bruno of Querfurt; Bruno, Bishop of Würzburg; Burchard of Würzburg; Conrad of Constance; Conrad of Parzham; Corbinian; Cunigunde of Luxembourg; Dominic of Prussia; Dorothea of Montau; Elizabeth of Reute; Emma of Ludger; Emmeram of Regensburg; Engelbert II of Berg; Saint Erhard; Eucharius; Saint Fergal; Saint Florian; Fridolin of Säckingen; Gangulphus; Gerard of Toul; Gereon; Gertrude the Great; Gotthard of Hildesheim; Gottschalk (Slavic prince); Gregory of Utrecht; Henry II, Holy Roman Emperor; Heribert of Cologne; Hildegard of Bingen; Ida of Herzfeld; Arnold Janssen; Jutta of Kulmsee; Pius Keller; Saint Kilian; Pope Leo IX; St. Leutwinus, Bishop of Treves; Ludger; Ludwig IV, Landgrave of Thuringia; Magnus of Füssen; Saint Marcellina; Maternus; Matilda of Ringelheim; Maximin of Trier; Mechtilde (saint); Modest, Bishop of Trier; Saint Modoald; Nivard; Norbert of Xanten; Odile; Otto of Bamberg; Pelagius of Constance; Saint Pirmin; Radegund; Richardis; Richeza of Lotharingia; Rimbert; Saint Erentrude; Saint Satyrus; Severin of Cologne; Simpert; Edith Stein; Saint Sturm; Trudpert; Ulrich of Augsburg; Ulrich of Zell; Valerius of Trèves; Vicelinus; Viktor of Xanten; Wendelin of Trier; Wilgefortis; Willibald; Willigis; Wolfgang of Regensburg; Wulfram of Sens;

(62) - Achillius of Larissa; Adrian of Canterbury; Agathonicus and Companions; Epipodius and Alexander; Andrew of Crete; Apollos; Arethas of Caesarea; Arsenius of Corfu; Athanasius the Athonite; Caprasius; Charalampus; Saints Chrysanthus and Daria; Constantine XI; Cosmas of Aetolia; Cyriacus the Anchorite; Saint Cyril; Saints Cyril and Methodius; Saints Cyril and Methodius Day; Saint Darius; Saint Demetrius of Thessaloniki; Saint Desiderius; Dionysius, Bishop of Corinth; Pope Eleuterus; Epaphroditus; Ephraim of Nea Makri; Eugenios of Trebizond; Euphemia; Euphrosyne of Alexandria; Gerasimus of Kefalonia; Helena of Constantinople; Irenaeus; Saint Irene; Irene (empress); John of Damascus; John the Silent; Joseph the Hymnographer; Leontius, Hypatius and Theodulus; Luke the Evangelist; Saint Methodius; Methodius of Olympus; Michael Maleinos; Mocius; Nectarios; Paul I of Constantinople; Philip of Agira; Philomena; Philothei; Polycarp; Prosdocimus; Quadratus (martyr); Quadratus of Athens; Reginos; Saint Regulus; Saint Eumenes; Seven Deacons; Saint Spyridon; Stylianos of Paphlagonia; Pope Telesphorus; Theophanes the Branded; Apostle Titus; Pope Zachary; Pope Zosimus;

Byzantine saints

Saints from Anatolia

(73) - Agabus; Agapius; Alexander of Cappadocia and Jerusalem; Alexander of Jerusalem; Saint Andrew; Angelus of Jerusalem; Saint Anne; Barsanuphius of Palestine; Bartholomew the Apostle; Saint Christopher; Cyril of Jerusalem; Saint Dismas; Elizabeth (Biblical person); Epiphanius of Salamis; Saint Eubulus; Euthymius the Great; Saint George; James, son of Alphaeus; James the Just; James, son of Zebedee; Saint Joanna; John the Apostle; John the Evangelist; Joseph of Arimathea; Saint Joseph; Jude the Apostle; Justin Martyr; Juvenal of Jerusalem; Lazarus; Lucius of Cyrene; Macarius of Jerusalem; Martha; Mary (mother of Jesus); Mary Magdalene; Mary Mother of James; Mary of Clopas; Mary, sister of Lazarus; Matthew the Evangelist; Saint Matthias; Melania the Elder; Names of John; Narcissus of Jerusalem; Nicodemus; Pamphilus of Caesarea; Paul the Apostle; Saint Peter; Peter Apselamus; Philip the Apostle; Philip the Evangelist; Pontius Pilate's wife; Porphyry of Gaza; Saint Reparata; Romanus of Caesarea; Sabbas the Sanctified; Saint Brocard; Saint Satyrus; Salome (disciple); Seven Deacons; Seventy Disciples; Silas; Simeon the Righteous; Simon the Leper; Simon the Zealot; Saint Stephen; Stephen the Sabaite; Susanna (disciple); Theodorus and Theophanes; Thomas the Apostle; Saint Veronica; Vitalis of Gaza; Zacchaeus; Zamudas of Jerusalem; Zechariah (priest);

(2) - John the Baptist; Nativity of St. John the Baptist;

(59) - Mary (mother of Jesus); Saint Anne; Blessed Virgin Mary; Carfin Grotto; Coatlalopeuh; HCPT; Hamat; Hortus conclusus; Hospitalité Notre Dame de Lourdes; Islamic view of Virgin Mary; Saint Joseph; Lourdes; Lourdes Medical Bureau; Madonnina; Maghdouché; Marian Star; Marian apparition; Mariology; Mary Untier of Knots; Mary's Well; May crowning; Notre Dame; The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Bechouat; Our Lady of Bekaa; Our Lady of Good Counsel; Our Lady of Lebanon; Our Lady of Lourdes; Our Lady of Mantara; Our Lady of Nourieh; Our Lady of Salambao; Our Lady of the Abandoned (OLA); Shrine of Our Lady of the Cedars; Our Lady of the Wind; Patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary; Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes; Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God; Theotokos; Virgin Birth; Image:A Rublev-Virgin of Vladimir.jpg; Image:Ac.byzantine1.jpg; Image:Assumption.jpg; Image:Bellini Jacopo Madonna.jpg; Image:Cimabue The Madonna in Majesty-Maesta 1285-86 265px.jpg; Image:Da vinci - the head of madonna.jpg; Image:Ducciomadonna.jpg; Image:Duknovic virgin and child.jpg; Image:Gaddi Agnolo Coronation.jpg; Image:Guardia-madonna.jpg; Image:Jorg Breu Jr Madonna.jpg; Image:KellsFol007vMadonnaChild.jpg; Image:Lippi Filippino Apparition.jpg; Image:MARYPP.JPG; Image:Mabuse St Luke.jpg; Image:Notre dame de la garde statue.jpg; Image:ParcAbbeyBibleFolio20rVirginChild.jpg; Image:St Mary Cathedral Calgary front statue.jpg; Image:The Virgin Mary by Robert Graham.jpg; Image:Virgen de quito statue.jpg; Image:Virginandchildwithstanne.JPG;

(39) - Assumption of the Virgin (Carracci); Assumption of the Virgin (Titian); Assumption of the Virgin Mary (Rubens); Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Art; Blachernitissa; Black Madonna; Black Madonna of Częstochowa; Death of the Virgin; Death of the Virgin (Caravaggio); Golden Madonna of Essen; Our Lady of Guadalupe; Huei tlamahuiçoltica; Immaculate Heart of Mary; Madonna (art); Madonna and Child; Maestà; Maestà (Duccio); Marian Star; Miasenskaya icon; Our Lady of Combermere; Our Lady of Kazan; Our Lady of Kursk; Our Lady of Meritxell; Our Lady of Rosario of Chiquinquirá; Our Lady of San Juan de los Lagos; Our Lady of Sorrows, Queen of Poland; Our Lady of the Abandoned (OLA); Our Lady of the Gate of Dawn; Our Lady of the Sign; Pietà; Pietà (Michelangelo); Seat of Wisdom; Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary; Stradanus engraving; Theotokos of St. Theodore; Theotokos of Vladimir; The Veiled Virgin (Giovanni Strazza); Virgin and Child from the Sainte-Chapelle; Virgin of Cuyo;

(19) - Black Madonna of Częstochowa; Death of the Virgin (Mantegna); Ghent Altarpiece; Madonna Litta; Madonna and Child (Duccio); Madonna and Child Enthroned (Fra Lippo Lippi); Madonna del Padiglione (Botticelli); Madonna del Parto; Madonna della Misericordia (painting); Madonna di Senigallia; The Benois Madonna; Madonnina; National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa; Our Lady of Calvary; Our Lady of Confidence; Our Lady of Sorrows, Queen of Poland; Our Lady of the Gate of Dawn; Trivulzio Madonna; The Virgin and Child with St. Anne;

(11) - Annunciation; Annunciation (Caravaggio); Annunciation (Leonardo); The Annunciation with two Kneeling Donors (Lippi); Annunciation (Lippi, Rome); Annunciation (Pontormo); Annunciation (Titian); Annunciation (van Eyck, Washington); Cestello Annunciation (Botticelli); Virgin Annunciate (Antonello da Messina, Munich); Virgin Annunciate (Antonello da Messina, Palermo);

(3) - Madonna del Padiglione (Botticelli); Madonna in Glory with Seraphim (Botticelli); Madonna of the Book (Botticelli);

(18) - Alba Madonna; Aldobrandini Madonna; Ansidei Madonna; La belle jardinière; Connestabile Madonna; Madonna Solly; Madonna and Child (Raphael); Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints (Raphael); Madonna del Granduca; Madonna del cardellino; Madonna dell'Impannata (Raphael); Madonna della seggiola; Madonna della tenda; Madonna of Foligno (Raphael); Madonna of Loreto (Raphael); Madonna of the Pinks; Sistine Madonna; Tempi Madonna (Raphael);

(25) - Marian devotions; Alma Redemptoris Mater; Angelus; Hail Mary; Immaculate Heart of Mary; Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary; Magnificat; Mary Untier of Knots; Mary, Mother of Grace; Memorare; O Sanctissima; The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Bechouat; Our Lady of Bekaa; Our Lady of Lebanon; Our Lady of Mantara; Our Lady of Nourieh; Our Lady of Salambao; Our Lady of the Abandoned (OLA); Shrine of Our Lady of the Cedars; Our Lady of the Wind; Regina Coeli; Salve Regina; Sub tuum praesidium; Telgte Pilgrimage; Tota pulchra es;

(11) - Rosary; Bead-roll; Ecumenical Miracle Rosary; Fatima Prayer; Franciscan Crown; Glory Be to the Father; Hail Mary; Irish penal rosary; Lord's Prayer; Our Lady of the Rosary; Secret of the Rosary;

(3) - Ascension; Assumption of Mary; Death and resurrection of Jesus;

(12) - Death and resurrection of Jesus; Resurrection appearances of Jesus; Ascension; Did Jesus Die?; Doubting Thomas; Empty tomb; Church of the Holy Sepulchre; The Three Marys; Myrrhbearers; Stolen body hypothesis; Swoon hypothesis; Vision hypothesis;

(6) - Annunciation; Finding in the Temple; Nativity of Jesus; Presentation of Jesus at the Temple; Simeon the Righteous; Visitation (Christian);

(5) - Baptism of Jesus; Kingdom of God; Last Supper; Marriage at Cana; Transfiguration of Jesus;

(5) - Agony in the Garden; Crown of Thorns; Crucifixion; Flagellation; Stations of the Cross;

(17) - America Needs Fatima; Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima; Consecration of Russia; Cova da Iria; Domus Pacis; Fátima, Portugal; Fatima Prayer; First Saturday Devotions; Nicholas Gruner; Jacinta and Francisco Marto; Lúcia Santos; The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima; Our Lady of Fatima; Pontevedra apparitions; Rianxo; Arturo Santos; Sol de Fatima;

(46) - Our Lady of Aparecida; Asyut; Beauraing; Black Madonna of Częstochowa; Our Lady of China; Clearwater, Florida; Ezquioga; Our Lady of Fatima; Our Lady of Guadalupe (Extremadura); Our Lady of Guadalupe; Our Lady of Hope; Our Lady, Queen of Ireland; Our Lady of Kazan; Kibeho; Knock, County Mayo; La Vang; Lourdes; Madonna del Ghisallo; Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore; Marian apparition; Marpingen; Međugorje; Miraculous Medal; The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Bechouat; Our Lady of Good Success; Our Lady of Lourdes; Our Lady of Meritxell; Our Lady of Mount Carmel; Our Lady of Sorrows, Queen of Poland; Our Lady of Walsingham; Our Lady of the Rosary; Our Lady of the Wind; Dominique Peyramale; Pilar; Pochayiv Lavra; La Salette; San Francisco de Cuapa; Our Lady of San Juan de los Lagos; San Sebastian de Garabandal; Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes; Svensky Monastery; Theotokos of St. Theodore; Vailankanni; Vicka Ivanković; Walsingham; Zeitoun apparitions;

(6) - Assumption of Mary; Co-Redemptrix; Immaculate Conception; Perpetual virginity of Mary; Theotokos;

(90) - Shrines to the Virgin Mary; Ain Ebel; Altötting; Arch of Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and International Shrine of the Holy Innocents; Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary; Basilica della Casa Santa, Loreto; Basilica of Our Lady of Zapopan; Basilica of the National Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima; Basilica of the Virgin Mary; Beauraing; Bechouat; Black Madonna Shrine, Missouri; Black Madonna of Częstochowa; Carfin Grotto; Chapel of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal; Church of Mary; Dickeyville Grotto; Egmanton; Fátima, Portugal; Gate of Dawn; Guadalajara Cathedral; Our Lady of Guadalupe (Extremadura); Harissa, Lebanon; Holy Hill National Shrine of Mary, Help of Christians; House of the Virgin Mary; Jasna Góra Monastery; Jezzine; Knock Shrine; Knock, County Mayo; La Salette; Lady chapel; Lourdes; Madonna del Ghisallo; Maria Taferl; Marian Days; Mariatrost Basilica; Mariazell Basilica; Marija Bistrica; Mary's Tomb; Mary, Queen of the Universe Shrine; Međugorje; Monasterio de La Rábida (La Rabida Monastery); Montserrat (mountain); National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows; Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception; Necedah Shrine; Old Basilica of Guadalupe, Monterrey; The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Bechouat; Our Lady of Bekaa; Our Lady of Cardigan; Our Lady of Combermere; Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe; Basilica of Guadalupe, Monterrey; Our Lady of Ipswich; Our Lady of Kazan; Our Lady of Kursk; Our Lady of Lebanon; Our Lady of Lourdes; Our Lady of Mantara; Our Lady of Nourieh; Our Lady of Peace Shrine; Our Lady of Salambao; Our Lady of Sorrows, Queen of Poland; Our Lady of Walsingham; Shrine of Our Lady of the Cedars; Our Lady of the Gate of Dawn; Our Lady of the Wind; Pidkamen; Pochayiv Lavra; Sanctuary of Our Lady of Licheń; Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes; Sanctuary of Our Lady of Mellieħa; Santa María de Guadalupe; Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help; Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe; Shrine of Our Lady of Yankalilla; Shrine of Our Lady, Bradstowe; St. Mary's Collegiate Church; Supraśl Orthodox Monastery; Svensky Monastery; Santwarju tal-Madonna ta' Pinu; Telgte; Theotokos of St. Theodore; Torreciudad; Vailankanni; Walsingham; Whitekirk and Tyninghame; Yazlovets; Zarvanytsia; Zeitoun;

Our Lady of Fatima

(10) - Juan Bernardino; Juan Diego; Saint Dominic; Eof; Jacinta and Francisco Marto; Catherine Labouré; Lúcia Santos; Veronica Lueken; Estela Ruiz; Bernadette Soubirous;

(46) - Black Madonna of Częstochowa; Blessed Virgin Mary; Immaculate Heart of Mary; Joy of all who Sorrow; Madonna Della Strada; Marian dogmas; Mary Untier of Knots; Nuestra Señora dela Soledad de Porta Vaga; The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Bechouat; Our Lady of Bekaa; Our Lady of Combermere; Our Lady of Confidence; Our Lady of Fatima; Our Lady of Good Counsel; Our Lady of Good Success; Our Lady of Guadalupe; Our Lady of Guadalupe (Extremadura); Our Lady of Hope; Our Lady of Lebanon; Our Lady of Lourdes; Our Lady of Mantara; Our Lady of Mount Carmel; Our Lady of Nourieh; Our Lady of Peace; Our Lady of Prompt Succor; Our Lady of Salambao; Our Lady of San Juan de los Lagos; Our Lady of Sorrows; Our Lady of Sorrows, Queen of Poland; Our Lady of the Abandoned (OLA); Shrine of Our Lady of the Cedars; Our Lady of the Gate of Dawn; Our Lady of the Rosary; Our Lady of the Wind; Our Lady, Queen of Ireland; Panagia; Pilar; Queen of Heaven; Regina Coeli; Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes; The Madonna; Theotokos; Virgen del Valle; Virgin of Azahar; Virgin of Montserrat; White Lily of The Trinity and Vermilon Rose of Heaven;

(13) - Marian apparition; Basilica of St. Pius X; Interior locution; Faustina Kowalska; Leo Dupont; Maria Pierina; Marian Movement of Priests; Marie of St Peter; Vassula Ryden; Stefano Gobbi; The Golden Arrow Holy Face Devotion (Prayer); Vicka Ivanković; Visions of Jesus and Mary;

(9) - Astrik; Saint Bertulf; Saint Emeric of Hungary; Kinga of Poland; Ladislaus I of Hungary; Saint Margaret of Hungary; Martin of Tours; Gerard Sagredo; Stephen I of Hungary;


(3) - Barlaam and Josaphat; Gonsalo Garcia; Thomas the Apostle;

(151) - Acta Sanctorum Hiberniae; Abban of New Ross; Abban of Ireland; Abban of Magheranoidhe; Abban the Hermit; Saint Brannock; Abel McAedh; Abran; Adomnán of Iona; Aedan of Ferns; Aedh of Kildare; Aengus the Culdee; Aidan of Lindisfarne; Ailbe; Ailbhe; Aileran; Andrew the Scot; Assicus; Attracta; Baithen; Saint Bega; Benignus of Armagh; Blathmac; Breage; Brendan; Brigid of Kildare; Saint Canice; Carthage the Elder; Catald; Saint Ceallach; Cenn Fáelad mac Aillila; Charles of Mount Argus; Ciarán; Ciarán of Clonmacnoise; Clement of Ireland; Colman MacDuagh; Colman of Cloyne; Colman of Templeshambo; Colmán of Lindisfarne; Columba; Columba of Terryglass; Columbanus; Comgall; Saint Conal; Conleth; Cormac mac Cuilennáin; Saint Cyra; Dabheog; Dallan Forgaill; Darerca of Ireland; Saint Davnet; Declan; Diarmaid the Just; Saint Dichu; Disibod; Donatus of Fiesole; Donnán of Eigg; Saint Dungal; Eimhin; Eithene; Elo Colman; Enda of Aran; Saint Erc; Ernan; Eugene (Eoghan); Saint Fachanan; Feidlimid mac Cremthanin; Saint Felim; Saint Fergal; Saint Fergus; Saint Fiacc; Fiacre; Fillan; Finan of Lindisfarne; Finbarr; Finnian of Clonard; Finnian of Moville; Saint Fintan; Saint Flannan; Foillan; Fridolin of Säckingen; Saint Fursey; Saint Gall; Gerald of Mayo; Gervadius; Saint Gobain; Gobnait; Grellan; Himelin; Ia of Cornwall; Saint Ita; Jarlath; Kevin of Glendalough; Saint Kilian; Saint Laserian; Saint Lelia; Lorcán Ua Tuathail; Saint Macartan; Saint Machar; Saint Malachy; Saint Mel; Saint Mirin; Mochta; Mochuda; Saint Modan; Molaise; Saint Moling; Saint Molua; Saint Moluag; Muiredach; Munchin; St. Murtagh; Máel Ruba; St Nahi; Saint Nathy; Olcan; Palladius; Saint Patrick; Saint Piran; Oliver Plunkett; Saint Ronan; Ruadhan; Saint Arbogast; Saint Berach; Colman of Dromore; Cronan Mochua; Cronan, Abbot; Deicolus; Saint Dymphna; Saint Fothad; Saint Ibar; Saint Kiara; MacCathbad Colman; Saint Moninne; Saint Otteran; Saint Sanctan; Seachnaill; Saint Senan; Sunniva; Tassac; Tola of Clonard; Saint Totnan; Tuda of Lindisfarne; Tuotilo; Twelve Apostles of Ireland; Ultan of Ardbraccan; Ultan; Ursicinus of Saint-Ursanne; Ursus of Aosta; Vergilius of Salzburg; Wyllow;

(47) - Template:Ireland-saint-stub; Abban of Magheranoidhe; Abban of New Ross; Ailbe; Ailbhe; Aileran; Assicus; Attracta; Blathmac; Carthage the Elder; Catald; Saint Ceallach; Ciarán of Clonmacnoise; Colman of Dromore; Colman of Templeshambo; Columba of Terryglass; Saint Conal; Cormac mac Cuilennáin; Cronan Mochua; Dabheog; Dallan Forgaill; Declan; Diarmaid the Just; Disibod; Eimhin; Eithene; Eugene (Eoghan); Finbarr; Finnian of Clonard; Finnian of Moville; MacCathbad Colman; Mochta; Muiredach; Munchin; St. Murtagh; Saint Davnet; Saint Fachanan; Saint Felim; Saint Fintan; Saint Flannan; Saint Fothad; Saint Ibar; Saint Kiara; Saint Macartan; Saint Nathy; Saint Totnan; Tola of Clonard;

(267) - Abundius; Abundius of Pietra Montecorvina; Adamo Abate; Pope Adrian III; Pope Agapetus I; Pope Agatho; Agnellus of Pisa; Agnes of Assisi; Agnes of Montepulciano; Agrippinus of Naples; Aldobrandesca; Pope Alexander I; Alexander Sauli; Alexander of Bergamo; Alfano I, Archbishop of Salerno; Alferius; Alphius (martyr); Ambrose; Ambrose the Camaldulian; Amico of San Pietro Avellana; Anastasius the Fuller; Andrew Corsini; Andrew the Scot; Angela of Foligno; Ansanus; Anselm of Canterbury; Anselm of Lucca; Anselm, Duke of Friuli; Ansovinus; Anthimus of Rome; Antoninus of Sorrento; Thomas Aquinas; Arialdo; Arsatius; Athanasius I, Bishop of Naples; Saint Attala; Autonomus; Josephine Bakhita; Barbatus of Benevento; Saint Bassianus; Saint Baudolino; Robert Bellarmine; Benedict of Nursia; Philip Benizi de Damiani; Berard of Carbio; Saint Berardo; Bernadino Realino; Bernard of Corleone; Bernardino of Siena; Saint Bertulf; Bertha de Bardi; Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius; Bona of Pisa; Bonaventure; Pope Boniface IV; Charles Borromeo; John Bosco; Virginia Centurione Bracelli; Bruno, Bishop of Segni; Joseph Cafasso; Saint Cajetan; Francis Caracciolo; Cassian of Imola; Gaetano Catanoso; Catellus of Castellammare; Catervus; Catherine of Bologna; Catherine of Ricci; Catherine of Siena; Pope Celestine V; Paola Elisabetta Cerioli; Charles of Sezze; Clare of Assisi; Clare of Montefalco; Clare of Rimini; Conrad of Piacenza; Constabilis; Constantius of Perugia; Giuseppe Benedetto Cottolengo; Crescentinus; Alberic Crescitelli; Dacius of Milan; Petrus Damiani; Daniel Comboni; Daniel and Companions; Maria De Mattias; Francis de Sales; Dominic Loricatus; Domninus of Fidenza; Gerolamo Emiliani; Epaphroditus; Erlembald; Pope Eugene I; Eusebius of Vercelli; Eustochia Smeraldo Calafato; Eustorgius I; Eustorgius II; Evasius; Alexis Falconieri; Juliana Falconieri; Faustinus of Brescia; Fazzio; Felix of Como; Felix of Nola; Fidelis of Como; Saint Fina; Firmus and Rusticus; Frances of Rome; Francis of Assisi; Francis of Girolama; Francis of Paola; Saint Fulk; Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows; Saint Galdino; Gemma Galgani; Galgano Guidotti; Gaudentius of Brescia; Gavino; Gerard Majella; Gerard of Villamagna; Gervasius and Protasius; Giovanni da Capistrano; Giovanni di Matera; Veronica Giuliani; Lorenzo Giustiniani; Aloysius Gonzaga; Maria Goretti; Gozzelino; Gratus of Aosta; Pope Gregory I; Pope Gregory VII; Gregory Barbarigo; Gregory of Spoleto; Hannibal Mary Di Francia; Herculanus of Perugia; Herculanus of Piegaro; Himerius of Bosto; Himerius of Cremona; Saint Homobonus; Saint Humility; James of the Marches; John Gualbert; John IV, Bishop of Naples; John Joseph of the Cross; Joseph Marello; Joseph Tommassi; Joseph of Cupertino; Joseph of Leonessa; Julius of Novara; Saint Juniper; Lawrence of Brindisi; Peregrine Laziosi; Camillus de Lellis; Alphonsus Liguori; Lucia Brocadelli of Narni; Saint Lucifer; Saint Lucy; Magdalen of Canossa; Magdalena de Pazzi; Magnus Felix Ennodius; Saint Marcellina; Marcian of Tortona; Hyacintha Mariscotti; Margaret of Cortona; Maria Bertilla Boscardin; Saint Marinus; Pope Mark; Mary Frances of the Five Wounds of Jesus; Saint Maurus; Maxima of Rome; Maximus of Aquila; Maximus of Turin; Mellitus; Mercurialis of Forlì; Ecumenical Patriarch Methodios I of Constantinople; Gianna Beretta Molla; Philip Neri; Pope Nicholas I; Nicholas of Tolentino; Nilus the Younger; Oliva of Brescia; Luigi Orione; Pietro I Orseolo; Pacificus of San Severino; Vincent Pallotti; Patricia of Naples; Paul the Deacon; Saint Paulinus II; Peter Chrysologus; Peter of Pappacarbone; Peter of Verona; Petronax of Monte Cassino; Saint Petronius; Philastrius; Philip of Agira; Pio of Pietrelcina; Saint Placidus; Placidus (martyr); Saint Proculus; Proculus of Bologna; Proculus of Pozzuoli; Prosdocimus; Prosper of Reggio; Quodvultdeus; Rainerius; Saint Renato; Riccardo Pampuri; Rita of Cascia; Romanus of Subiaco; Romuald; Romulus of Genoa; Rose of Viterbo; Saint Giovanni Battista de Rossi; Michael Rua; Saint Sabinus; Saint Abundantia; Antoninus of Florence; Saint Bernulf; Catherine of Genoa; Daniel of Padua; Saint Oronzo; Saint Piatus; Saint Quadragesimus; Salvator of Horta; Dominic Savio; Scholastica; Secundus of Asti; Seraphin of Montegranaro; Severinus of Noricum; Saint Silvia; Simplician; Pope Simplicius; Pope Sixtus I; Filippo Smaldone; Solutor; Saint Sosius; Pope Soter; Sylvester Gozzolini; Pope Symmachus; Syrus of Genoa; Syrus of Pavia; Saint Tatiana; Theodore of Pavia; Trasilla and Emiliana; Ubald; Ursicinus of Ravenna; Ursus of Aosta; Venantius Fortunatus; Venantius of Camerino; Rose Venerini; Venerius of Milan; Venerius the Hermit; Verdiana; Victor of Turin; Vitalis of Milan; Vitalis of Assisi; William of Montevergine; William of Volpiano; Anthony Maria Zaccaria; Zeno of Verona; Zenobius of Florence; Zita; Image:Piux X (Utopia).jpg; Image:Pope-pius-x-03.jpg; Image:SaintJosephCupertino.jpg; Image:St Alphonsus Liguori.jpg; Image:St Dominic Savio.jpg;

(21) - Agatha of Sicily; Agrippina of Mineo; Albert of Trapani; Andrew Avellino; Angelus of Jerusalem; Athanasius I, Bishop of Naples; Benedict the Moor; Saint Christina; Felice da Nicosia; Festival of Saint Agatha (Catania); Saint Lucy; Ecumenical Patriarch Methodios I of Constantinople; Nicasius of Sicily; Nicodemus of Palermo; Tryphon, Respicius, and Nympha; Saint Olivia; Pancras of Taormina; Pantaenus; Philip of Agira; Santa Rosalia; Vitus;

Ancient Roman saints

(83) - Template:Italy-saint-stub; Abundius; Adamo Abate; Agnellus of Pisa; Agrippinus of Naples; Aldobrandesca; Alexander Sauli; Alfano I, Archbishop of Salerno; Alphius (martyr); Amico of San Pietro Avellana; Amphibalus; Anastasia of Sirmium; Andronicus of Pannonia; Ansanus; Ansovinus; Antonia and Alexander; Arsatius; Athanasius I, Bishop of Naples; Autonomus; Balbina; Bartholomew of Grottaferrata; Bertha de Bardi; Bruno, Bishop of Segni; Cantius, Cantianius, and Cantianella; Bartholomea Capitanio; Carpophorus, Exanthus, Cassius, Severinus, Secundus, and Licinius; Catervus; Catherine of Bologna; Cessianus; Clare of Montefalco; Giuseppe Benedetto Cottolengo; Daniel of Padua; Digna and Emerita; Eustorgius II; Faustinus of Brescia; Fazzio; Filippo Smaldone; Geminianus; Gerard of Villamagna; Vincentia Gerosa; Giovanni di Matera; Gozzelino; Gregory Barbarigo; Gregory of Spoleto; Herculanus of Piegaro; John Gualbert; Joseph Cafasso; Juventius of Pavia; Liborius of Le Mans; Marcella; Maxima of Rome; Maximilian (martyr); Maximus of Aquila; Mercurialis of Forlì; Mucian; Nicodemus of Palermo; Novatus; Oliva of Brescia; Peregrine Laziosi; Placidus (martyr); Proculus of Bologna; Pudentiana; Riccardo Pampuri; Rufinus of Assisi; Rufus and Carpophorus; Sabina (saint); Saint Abundantia; Saint Fulk; Saint Giovanni Battista de Rossi; Saint Olivia; Saint Pancras; Saint Placidus; Saint Prisca; Saint Proculus; Savina of Milan; Simplician; Saint Sosius; Syrus of Genoa; Theodore of Pavia; Ursicinus of Ravenna; Valeria of Milan; Venerius of Milan; Victor of Turin;

(3) - Magdalene of Nagasaki; Martyrs of Japan; Cosme de Torrès;

(5) - Korean Martyrs; Andrew Kim Taegon; Siméon-François Berneux; Chong Yak-Jong; Laurent-Marie-Joseph Imbert;

(8) - Aquilina (martyr); Charbel; Dorotheus of Tyre; Frumentius; Nimattullah Kassab Al-Hardini; Marina the Monk; Saint Nohra; Rafqa Pietra Choboq Ar-Rayès;

(4) - Anthony, John, and Eustathios; Andrew Bobola; Saint Casimir; Jurgis Matulaitis-Matulevičius;

(2) - Cunigunde of Luxembourg; Willibrord;

(1) - Clement of Ohrid;

(2) - George Preca; Saint Publius;

(11) - Agustín Caloca Cortés; Coatlalopeuh; Saints of the Cristero War; Juan Diego; Our Lady of Guadalupe; Jenaro Sánchez Delgadillo; José María Robles Hurtado; Cristóbal Magallanes Jara; Rafael Guizar Valencia; Toribio Romo González; Juan Soldado;

(6) - Eysteinn Erlendsson; Hallvard Vebjørnsson; Magnus Erlendsson, Earl of Orkney; Rognvald Kali Kolsson; Sunniva; Thorfinn of Hamar;

(2) - [Olaf II of Norway]]; Rex Perpetuus Norvegiae;

(1) - Roque González de Santa Cruz

(20) - Aba of Kaskhar; Abdas of Susa; Abdecalas; Abdon and Sennen; Abrosima; Acacius of Amida; Acepsimas of Hnaita; Anastasius of Persia; Saint Christina; Ivo of Huntingdonshire; James Intercisus; Mambeca; Mana of Bet-Parsaje; Saint Mari; Maris, Martha, Abachum and Audifax; Maruthas; Quiricus and Julietta; Sapor of Bet-Nicator; Simon of Bet-Titta; Zanitas and Lazarus of Persia;

(4) - Martin de Porres; Rose of Lima; Francis Solanus; Turibius of Mongrovejo;

(24) - Albert Chmielowski; Józef Bilczewski; Andrew Bobola; John Cantius; Saint Casimir; Ceslaus; Zygmunt Gorazdowski; Hedwig of Andechs; Clemens Maria Hofbauer; Saint Hyacinth; Jadwiga of Poland; Wincenty Kadłubek; Raphael Kalinowski; Kinga of Poland; Maximilian Kolbe; Stanislaus Kostka; Faustyna Kowalska; Josaphat Kuntsevych; Ursula Julia Ledochowska; Peter Mogila; Richeza of Lotharingia; John Sarkander; Stanislaus of Szczepanów; Szymon of Lipnica;

(15) - Anthony of Padua; Pope Damasus I; Elizabeth of Aragon; Felix the Hermit; Fernando, the Saint Prince; Fructuosus of Braga; Irene of Tomar; John de Brito; John of God; Martin of Braga; João Mendes de Silva; Saint Ovidius; Peter of Rates; Quiteria; Teresa of Portugal;

(10) - Anthim the Iberian; Constantin Brâncoveanu; Dosoftei; Dionysius Exiguus; Peter Mogila; Narcissus, Argeus, and Marcellinus; Nicetas of Remesiana; Sabbas the Goth; Sofronie of Cioara; Stephen III of Moldavia;

(81) - Abraham Galitzki; Abraham Paleostrowski; Abraham and Coprius of Griasowetzk; Abraham of Rostov; Abraham of Smolensk; Alexandra Fyodorovna (Alix of Hesse); Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich of Russia; Alexius, Metropolitan of Moscow; All Russian Saints; Ambrosius Gudko; Ambrosius of Optina; Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia; Anna of Kashin; Anthony of Kiev; Anthony, John, and Eustathios; Avraamy Mirozhsky; Basil Fool for Christ; Boris and Gleb; Cyprian, Metropolitan of Moscow; Daniel of Moscow; Daumantas of Pskov; Dimitry of Rostov; Tsarevich Dimitri; Dmitri Donskoi; Grand Duchess Elizabeth Fyodorovna; Ephraim of Pereyaslavl; Epiphanius the Wise; Eudoxia of Moscow; Filaret, Metropolitan of Moscow; Pavel Florensky; Herman of Alaska; Patriarch Hermogenes; Hermogenes, Bishop of Tobolsk and Siberia; Ignatius Brianchaninov; Innocent of Alaska; Patriarch Job of Moscow; Job of Pochayiv; John of Kronstadt; John of Shanghai and San Francisco; John of Tobolsk; Jonah Metropolitan of Moscow; Jonah of Manchuria; Konstantin of Murom; Leontius of Tsarevo; Macarius of Unzha; Macarius, Metropolitan of Moscow; Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna of Russia; Metropolitan German; Metropolitan Peter; Michael of Chernigov; Mikhail Yaroslavich; Mother Maria; Alexander Nevsky; Nicholas II of Russia; Nicholas of Japan; Andronic Nikolsky; Matryona Nikonova; Olga of Kiev; Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna of Russia; Paisius Velichkovsky; Pavel of Taganrog; Peter of Krutitsy; Philip II, Metropolitan of Moscow; Philip I, Metropolitan of Moscow; Andrei Rublev; Savvatiy; Seraphim of Sarov; Sergius of Radonezh; Stephen of Perm; Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna of Russia; Theodosius of Kiev; Theognostus; Theophan the Recluse; Tikhon of Moscow; Tikhon of Zadonsk; Fyodor Fyodorovich Ushakov; Vasily Gryaznov; Vladimir, Metropolitan of Moscow; Joseph Volotsky; Xenia of Saint Petersburg; Varvara Yakovleva;

(45) - Adomnán of Iona; Aebbe the Elder; Aidan of Lindisfarne; Baldred of Strathclyde; Baldred of Tyninghame; Saint Blane; Boisil; Columba; Curetán; Cuthbert of Lindisfarne; David I of Scotland; Donnán of Eigg; Drostan; Saint Duthac; Ernan; Saint Filan; Fillan; Finan of Lindisfarne; Gervadius; Gilbert de Moravia; Kessog; Saint Laserian; Saint Machar; Magnus Erlendsson, Earl of Orkney; Malo (saint); Saint Margaret of Scotland; Saint Mirin; Saint Modan; Molaise; Saint Moluag; Monan; Saint Mungo; Máel Ruba; Saint Ninian; Saint Oda; Saint John Ogilvie; Saint Regulus; Rognvald Kali Kolsson; Saint Ronan; Saint Otteran; Saint Serf; Ternan; Theneva; Wendelin of Trier; William of Perth;

(16) - Constantine I; Constantine XI; Saint Danilo II; Stefan Uroš III Dečanski of Serbia; Irenaeus of Sirmium; Jovan Vladimir; Lazar of Serbia; Stefan Nemanja; Saint Nikodim I; Petar I Petrović-Njegoš; Justin Popović; Saint Sava; Saint Sava II; Stephen of Piperi; Basil of Ostrog; Nikolaj Velimirović;

(1) - Bystrík;

(89) - Acisclus; Agathoclia; Aleaunie; Amaro (saint); Pedro de Arbués; Aurea of San Millán; Aurelius and Natalia; Paschal Baylon; Beatus of Liébana; Francis Borgia; Francis Ferdinand de Capillas; Joseph Calasanctius; Casilda of Toledo; Antonio María Claret y Clará; Peter Claver; Columba of Sens; Columba of Spain; Cucuphas; Didacus of Alcalá; Saint Dominic; Dominic of Silos; Emeterius and Celedonius; Emilianus; Ermengol; Domingo Ibáñez de Erquicia; Josemaría Escrivá; Eulalia of Barcelona; Eulalia of Mérida; Eulogius of Cordoba; Eurosia; Felix of Girona; Fermin; Vincent Ferrer; Saint Florentina; Fructuosus; Fulgentius of Écija; Antonio Gonzalez; Hermenegild; Ignatius of Loyola; Isidore of Seville; Isidore the Laborer; John of Avila; John of God; John of the Cross; John the Hermit; Joseph Pignatelli; Juana de Aza; Justa and Rufina; Justus and Pastor; Lawrence of Rome; Leander of Seville; Leocadia; Saint Leticia; Louis Bertrand (saint); Marcellus of Tangier; Maria Soledad; Marina of Aguas Santas; Martin of Leon; Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War; Joseph Oriol; St. Pascal Baylon; Saint Pedro Nolasco; Pedro Poveda Castroverde; Pelagius of Cordova; Perfectus; Peter of Alcantara; Peter of Saint Joseph Betancur; Quiteria; Raymond Nonnatus; Raymond of Peñafort; Peter de Regalado; Saint Roderick; Alphonsus Rodriguez; Sacerdos of Saguntum; Salvator of Horta; Michael de Sanctis; Saturius of Soria; Francis Solanus; Teresa of Ávila; Theodulf of Orléans; Thomas of Villanova; Turibius of Astorga; Cosme de Torrès; Turibius of Mongrovejo; Valerius of Saragossa; Victorian of Asan; Vincent of Saragossa; Francis Xavier; Saint Zoilus;

(1) - Josephine Bakhita

(10) - Ansgar; Saint Botvid; Bridget of Sweden; Catherine of Vadstena; Saint David (Sweden); Eric IX of Sweden; Saint Eskil; Helena of Skövde; Ragnhild; Sigfrid of Sweden;

(12) - Saint Audomare; Beatus of Lungern; Felix and Regula; Fidelis of Sigmaringen; Imerius of Immertal; Nicholas of Flüe; Randoald of Grandval; Salonius; Ursicinus of Saint-Ursanne; Ursus of Solothurn; Verena; Wiborada;

(65) - Abai (martyr); Abel (saint); Abhai (teacher); Abiatha, Hathes and Mamlacha; Abibion; Abraham of Arbela; Pope Abraham of Alexandria; Abraham the writer; Agabus; Alexius (saint); Andrew of Crete; Pope Anicetus; Aphrahat; Apollinare; Aquilina (martyr); Auxentius of Bithynia; Awtel; Babylas of Antioch; John Chrysostom; Saints Cosmas and Damian; Cosmas of Maiuma; Dorotheus of Tyre; Ephrem the Syrian; Eusebius of Samosata; Eustathius of Antioch; Evodius; Felix of Nola; Flavian II of Antioch; Frumentius; Galation; Pope Gregory III; Hippolyte of Antioch; Ignatius of Antioch; John Maron; John of Damascus; Julian of Antioch; Luke the Evangelist; Manahen; Mar Abraham; Mar Awgin; Margaret the Virgin; Saint Mari; Maron; Maruthas; Meletius of Antioch; Nine Saints; Saint Nonnus; Palladius of Antioch; Saint Pelagia; Philip of Agira; Raphael of Brooklyn; Romanos; Romanus of Caesarea; Romanus of Samosata; Saint Moura; Pope Sergius I; Saints Sergius and Bacchus; Seven Deacons; Simeon Stylites; Simeon Stylites III; Simeon Stylites the Younger; Thomas the Apostle; Symphorian and Timotheus; Victor and Corona; Victor of Damascus;

(7) - Achilleus Kewanuka; Kizito; Adolphus Ludigo-Mkasa; Carl Lwanga; Martyrs of Uganda; Matiya Mulumba; Joseph Mukasa;

(18) - Abraham and Onesimus of Kiev; Abraham the Laborious; Amphilochius of Pochayiv; Anna of Kashin; Anthony of Kiev; Boris and Gleb; Dimitry of Rostov; Ephraim of Pereyaslavl; Job of Pochayiv; Josaphat Kuntsevych; Michael of Chernigov; Peter Mogila; Olga of Kiev; Saint Job of Maniava; Saint Kuksha; Saint Kuksha of Odesa; Theodosius of Kiev; Vladimir I of Kiev;

(4) - Andrew Dung-Lac; Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm; Vicente Liem de la Paz; Vietnamese Martyrs;

(54) - Aaron of Aleth; Saint Armel; Saint Baglan; Baruc; Beuno; Brioc; Brychan; Brynach; Cadoc; Cadwaladr; Saint Canna; Carantoc; Saint Asaph; Cenydd; Cybi; Cynllo; Saint David; Decuman; Deiniol; Dingad of Llandingat; Douai Martyrs; Dubricius; Saint Dunod; Dwynwen; Elen; Saint Eluned; Gildas; Saint Richard Gwyn; Illtud; Saint John Jones; Julius and Aaron; Saint Keyne; David Lewis (martyr); Saint Mabena; Malo (saint); Morwenna; Saint Nectan; Saint Non; Oudoceus; Pabo Post Prydain; Paul Aurelian; Paulinus of Wales; Saint Peris; Saint Petroc; Saint Pyr; Saint John Roberts; Samson of Dol; Seiriol; Teilo; Tewdrig; Tudwal; Tydfil; Tysilio; Saint Veep;

(40) - Forty Martyrs of England and Wales; Saint John Almond; Edmund Arrowsmith; Ambrose Barlow; John Boste; Alexander Briant; Edmund Campion; Margaret Clitherow; Philip Evans and John Lloyd; Thomas Garnet; Edmund Gennings; Saint Richard Gwyn; John Houghton (Martyr); Philip Howard, 20th Earl of Arundel; Saint John Jones; John Kemble (martyr); Luke Kirby; Robert Lawrence (saint); David Lewis (martyr); Anne Line; Cuthbert Mayne; Henry Morse; Nicholas Owen (martyr); John Payne (martyr); Polydore Plasden; John Plessington; Saint Richard Reynolds; John Rigby (saint); Saint John Roberts; Alban Roe; Ralph Sherwin; Robert Southwell; John Southworth (martyr); Saint John Stone; John Wall; Henry Walpole; Margaret Ward; Augustine Webster; Swithun Wells; Eustace White;

(11) - List of saints; List of saints by name:A; List of canonizations; Flying Saints; Litany of the Saints; Patron saints of ailments, illness and dangers; Patron saints of occupations and activities; Patron saints of places; List of royal saints and martyrs; Saints in Anglicanism; Saint symbology;

(48) - Abadios; Abd-al-Masih; Abda and Sabas; Abdias of Babylon; Abercius (martyr); Abercius and Helena; Aberoh and Atom; Abgar V of Edessa; Abhai the general; Abraham of Clermont; Abraham of the High Mountain; Absalon of Caesarea; Abselema of Edessa; Abundantius; Agape, Chionia, and Irene; Andrew of Crete (martyr); Anesius; Archippus; Astina; Barba'shmin; Cain and Abel; Chusdazat; Communion of Saints; Concordius of Spoleto; Desan; Hegesippus (chronicler); Heliodorus of Bet Zabdai; Ice Saints; Joseph of Arimathea; Mar Abhai; Marie-Eugénie de Jésus; Martha; Mary Magdalene; Mary of Clopas; Mary, sister of Lazarus; Saint Mitre; Obadiah; Pancras of Taormina; Pelagia of Tarsus; Pusai; Saint Abercius; Saint Amadour; Saint Joanna; Saint Rubin; Seven Champions of Christendom; Simeon Barsabae; Susanna (disciple); Theodosius the Cenobiarch;

(52) - Saints in Anglicanism; Walter Hubert Baddeley; Amelia Bloomer; Catherine Booth; William Booth; James Lloyd Breck; Phillips Brooks; Wilson Carlile; Edith Cavell; Charles I of England; Philander Chase; Robert Henry Codrington; Jonathan Daniels; James DeKoven; William Porcher DuBose; Queen Emma of Hawaii; Enmegahbowh; Alexander Penrose Forbes; Patrick Forbes; Charles Elliot Fox; Elizabeth Fry; Thomas Gallaudet (1822-1902); John Henry Hobart; James Otis Sargent Huntington; William Reed Huntington; Eglantyne Jebb; Samuel Johnson; Absalom Jones; Julia Chester Emery; Kamehameha IV; Margery Kempe; Jackson Kemper; Robert Leighton (prelate); C. S. Lewis; Charles Fuge Lowder; Charles Mackenzie; Clement Marau; Henry Martyn; William Augustus Muhlenberg; Oxford Martyrs; John Coleridge Patteson; Samuel Isaac Joseph Schereschewsky; John Richardson Selwyn; Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury; John Skinner; St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral in Memphis; Elizabeth Cady Stanton; John Manwaring Steward; Thomas Traherne; Sojourner Truth; William White (Bishop of Pennsylvania); Cecil Wilson;

(3) - Angela Merici; Saint Nicomedes; Saint Rufus;

(8) - Dominguito del Val; Saint Guinefort; Holy Child of La Guardia; Pudentiana; Saint Sarah; Simon of Trent; Wilgefortis; William of Norwich;

(35) - Doctor of the Church; Albertus Magnus; Ambrose; Anselm of Canterbury; Anthony of Padua; Thomas Aquinas; Athanasius of Alexandria; Augustine of Hippo; Basil of Caesarea; Bede; Robert Bellarmine; Bernard of Clairvaux; Bonaventure; Petrus Canisius; Catherine of Siena; John Chrysostom; Cyril of Alexandria; Cyril of Jerusalem; Petrus Damiani; Francis de Sales; Ephrem the Syrian; Pope Gregory I; Gregory of Nazianzus; Hilary of Poitiers; Isidore of Seville; Jerome; John of Damascus; John of the Cross; Lawrence of Brindisi; Pope Leo I; Alphonsus Liguori; Thérèse de Lisieux; Peter Chrysologus; Teresa of Ávila; Three Holy Hierarchs;

Roman Catholic saints

(2) - Jacques Fesch; Jeanne Chezard de Matel;

(212) - Beatification; Wikipedia:Catholic Encyclopedia cat Blessed; Olive (martyr); 108 Martyrs of World War Two; Aaron of Auxerre; Thomas Abel; John Adams (martyr); Aegidius of Assisi; Agnellus of Pisa; Agostino Novello; Alanus de Rupe; Giacomo Alberione; Alexandrina Maria da Costa; Alpaïs of Cudot; Ambrose of Siena; José de Anchieta; Giovenale Ancina; Robert Anderton; Andrea Cardinal Ferrari; Fra Angelico; Angelo Carletti di Chivasso; Anne Catherine Emmerich; Anne de Xainctonge; Vilmos Apor; Thomas Aufield; Augustine Fangi; Albert Avogadro; Margaret Ball; Baptista Mantuanus; Mark Barkworth; Bartholomew of Braga; Batthyány; László Batthyány-Strattmann; Arthur Bell; Bernardine of Feltre; Bernardo Tolomei; André Bessette; Titus Brandsma; Pedro Calungsod; Matthew Carrieri; Luisa Carvajal y Mendoza; William Joseph Chaminade; Charles I of Austria; Christina von Stommeln; Clare of Rimini; Conrad of Ascoli; Conrad of Offida; Marianne Cope; Thomas Cottam; Crispin of Viterbo; August Czartoryski; Jan Franciszek Czartoryski; Robert Dalby (martyr); Father Damien; Robert Dibdale; Dominic Barberi; Giovanni Dominici; Douai Martyrs; James Duckett; Edmund Duke (martyr); Duns Scotus; Elizabeth of the Trinity; Everald Hanse; William Exmew; Francesco Faà di Bruno; Peter Faber; Eurosia Fabris; John Felton (martyr); Leonid Feodorov; Fernando, the Saint Prince; Roger Filcock (Blessed); Władysław Findysz; Thomas Ford (martyr); Charles de Foucauld; Françoise d'Amboise; Stefan Wincenty Frelichowski; Clemens August Graf von Galen; Gamelbert of Michaelsbuch; Pedro de Gante; Nicholas Garlick; Archangela Girlani; Giselle of Bavaria; Mother Ascensión Nicol Goñi; Nikolaus Groß; Gunther of Bohemia; Blessed Hadewych; Henry of Segusio; Hermann of Reichenau; Elisabeth Hesselblad; Hildegard of Bingen; John Hogg (martyr); Richard Holiday; Pope Innocent V; Jacoba of Settesoli; Anne-Marie Javouhey; James of Viterbo; Joana, Princess of Portugal; Pope John XXIII; John of Fermo; John of Parma; John of Ruysbroeck; Robert Johnson (martyr); Jolenta of Poland; Blessed Edward Jones; Jordan of Saxony; Justin de Jacobis; Wincenty Kadłubek; Luke Kirby; Adolph Kolping; Kuriakose Elias Chavara; Imelda Lambertini; John Larke; Maria Theresa Ledochowska; Richard Leigh (martyr); Karl Leisner; Bernhard Lichtenberg; Eustaquio van Lieshout; Louis Aleman; John Lowe (martyr); Robert Ludlam; Ludovica Albertoni; Mary MacKillop; Mafalda of Portugal; Marco d'Aviano; Margaret Colona; Margaret of Castello; Mariano de la Mata; Marie of the Incarnation; Marija Petković; Jacinta and Francisco Marto; Rupert Mayer; Ivan Merz; Humphrey Middlemore; Alphonsa Muttathupadathu; Paul Joseph Nardini; John Nelson (martyr); Marie-Clémentine Anuarite Nengapeta; Sebastian Newdigate; Anthony Neyrot; George Nichols; Thomas Percy, 7th Earl of Northumberland; Notker of St Gall; Oda of Brabant; Dermot O'Hurley; Beatrix d'Ornacieux; Osanna of Cattaro; Osanna of Mantua; Frédéric Ozanam; Nuno Álvares Pereira; Peter Donders; Peter Gonzalez; Joachim Piccolomini; Blessed Thomas Pickering; Pier Giorgio Frassati; Pierre de Castelnau; Pierre de Luxembourg; William Pike; Pope Pius IX; Miguel Pro; Regina Protmann; Stephana de Quinzanis; Rabanus Maurus; Rosalie Rendu; Maria Restituta; Edmund Ignatius Rice; Simon Rinalducci; John Rochester (martyr); Carlos Manuel Rodríguez; Rosa Eluvathingal; Ludovico Sabbatini; Sára Salkaházi; Infanta Sancha, Lady of Alenquer; José Sánchez del Río; Januarius Maria Sarnelli; Zdenka Cecília Schelingová; Francis Xavier Seelos; Junípero Serra; John Shert; Thomas Sherwood; Simon of Cascia; Richard Simpson (martyr); Sisters of the Divine Savior; Anton Martin Slomšek; Luis Sotelo; Charles Spinola; Francesco Spoto; Kaspar Stanggassinger; Nicolas Steno; Aloysius Stepinac; John Story; Henry Suso; Cyprian Michael Iwene Tansi; Francis Taylor (martyr); Kateri Tekakwitha; Teresa of Portugal; Mother Teresa; Thaddeus McCarthy; Gerard Thom; Thomas Thwing; Thomas Woodhouse; James Thompson (martyr); Mariam Thresia; Thomas Tsugi; Pope Urban V; Joseph Vaz; Pope Victor III; Laura Vicuña; Jacobus de Voragine; Robert Wilcox (martyr); William Lacy; William Richardson (Catholicism); Peter Wright (martyr);

(28) - Servant of God; Frederic Baraga; Vincent Robert Capodanno; Walter Ciszek; Elia Dalla Costa; Teresa Demjanovich; Catherine Doherty; Dorothy Day; Frank Duff (religious worker); Prosper Guéranger; Isabella of Castile; Geevarghese Mar Ivanios; Joseph Jessing; Pope John Paul I; Pope John Paul II; Mathew Kavukattu; Mar Thomas Kurialachery; Pietro Cardinal La Fontaine; Elisabeth Leseur; Mary Elizabeth Lange; Michael J. McGivney; Rafael Merry del Val; Julius Nyerere; Alfred Pampalon; Pope Paul VI; Eduardo Cardinal Pironio; Óscar Romero; Fulton J. Sheen;

(30) - Venerable; Wikipedia:Catholic Encyclopedia cat Venerable; Henry Abbot; Thomas Belchiam; Benedetta Bianchi Porro; John Britton (martyr); Hildegard Burjan; Christopher Buxton; William Carter; Solanus Casey; Teresa Chikaba; William Gibson (martyr); John Hambley (martyr); John Ingram; William Ireland; Philipp Jeningen; William Knight (martyr); Princess Louise-Marie of France; Maria Luisa Josefa; Samuel Charles Mazzuchelli; Catherine McAuley; Basil Moreau; Ceferino Namuncurá; John Henry Cardinal Newman; Juan de Palafox y Mendoza; Pope Pius XII; Edel Quinn; Thomas Sprott; Matt Talbot; William Way;

(231) - Equal-to-apostles; Abippus; Abo of Tiflis; Abraham of Rostov; Abraham of Smolensk; Achaicus of Corinth; Addai; Pope Adeodatus I; Agabus; Alexander Hotovitzky; Alexandra Fyodorovna (Alix of Hesse); Alexis Toth; Amphilochius of Pochayiv; Ananias of Damascus; Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia; Anastasia the Patrician; Anastasius of Persia; Anatolia (martyr); Andrew of Crete; Anna (Bible); Anna of Kashin; Anthony of Kiev; Apollos; Archippus; Aristarchus of Thessalonica; Aristides the Athenian; Artemas of Lystra; Athanasius of Alexandria; Archbishop Atticus of Constantinople; Awtel; Barachiel; Saint Barbara; Barnabas; Bartholomew the Apostle; Basil of Ancyra; Basil of Caesarea; Brigid of Kildare; Nicholas Cabasilas; Cappadocian Fathers; Catherine of Alexandria; Charalampus; Charitina of Amisus; John Chrysostom; Chrysostomos of Smyrna; Constantine I; Constantine XI; Cornelius the Centurion; Cosmas of Aetolia; Cosmas of Maiuma; Crescens; Crispus of Chalcedon; Cyriacus; Cyriacus the Anchorite; Daniel; Dionysius of Alexandria; Dionysius the Areopagite; Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite; Dorotheus of Gaza; Dorotheus of Tyre; Eleazar; Epaphroditus; Epenetus of Carthage; Epiphanius of Salamis; Euphrosyne of Alexandria; Patriarch Eutychius of Constantinople; Archbishop Flavian of Constantinople; Gerasimus of Kefalonia; Gorazd (Pavlik) of Prague; Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna of Russia; Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna of Russia; Gregory Palamas; Ecumenical Patriarch Gregory V of Constantinople; Gregory of Nazianzus; Gregory of Nazianzus the Elder; Gregory of Nyssa; Hierotheos the Thesmothete; Pope Hilarius; Holy fathers slain at Sinai and Raithu; Pope Hormisdas; Pope Hyginus; Hypatius of Bithynia; Incorruptibility; Pope Innocent I; Irenaeus; Isaac of Nineveh; Jacob of Nisibis; James, son of Alphaeus; James, son of Zebedee; Jegudiel; John Cassian; John Climacus; Patriarch John IV of Constantinople; John Scholasticus; John of Damascus; John the Apostle; Joseph of Arimathea; Joseph the Hymnographer; Jude the Apostle; Junia; Justinian I; Justus of Alexandria; Quiricus and Julietta; Kyriaki (martyr); Leo I (emperor); Leontius of Caesarea; List of American Eastern Orthodox saints; Lucius of Cyrene; Luke the Evangelist; Macrina the Younger; Saint Mari; Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna of Russia; Mark of Ephesus; Martha; Martha, mother of Symeon Stylites the Younger; Mary Magdalene; Mary of Clopas; Mary of Egypt; Mary, sister of Lazarus; Matthew the Evangelist; Maximus the Confessor; Maximus the Greek; Melito of Sardis; Menaion; Ecumenical Patriarch Mennas of Constantinople; Ecumenical Patriarch Methodios I of Constantinople; Methodius of Olympus; Michael of Chernigov; Peter Mogila; Myrrhbearers; Nectarios; New-martyr; Ecumenical Patriarch Nikephoros I of Constantinople; Nicetas of Chalcedon; Saint Nicholas; Nicholas II of Russia; Nicholas Salos of Pskov; Nicodemus; Nicodemus the Hagiorite; Saint Nino; Olympas; Onesimus; Orthodox saint titles; Palladius of Antioch; Saint Pancras; Pancras of Taormina; Saint Pantaleon; Papias; Patriarch Cosmas III of Alexandria; Patriarch Germanus I of Constantinople; Saint Peter; Peter II of Alexandria; Philemon (New Testament person); Philip the Apostle; Philip the Evangelist; Philothei; Phinehas; Patriarch Photios I of Constantinople; Polycarp; Polycrates of Ephesus; Pope Demetrius II of Alexandria; Pope Dioscorus II of Alexandria; Pope Joseph of Alexandria; Pope Linus; Pope Timothy II of Alexandria; Saint Prisca; Priscilla and Aquila; Proterius of Alexandria; Pulcheria; Quadratus (martyr); Quadratus of Athens; Quintus of Phrygia; Raphael of Brooklyn; Romanos; Seraphim Rose; Sabbas the Goth; Sabbas the Sanctified; Saint Andrew; Saint Cyril; Saint Demetrius of Thessaloniki; Saint Joanna; Saint Job of Maniava; Saint Kuksha; Saint Kuksha of Odesa; Saint Matthias; Saint Mercurius; Saint Methodius; Saint Moura; Saint Pudens; Saints Sergius and Bacchus; Salome (disciple); Sampson the Hospitable; Scetes; Selaphiel; Seraphim of Sarov; Sergius of Radonezh; Seven Deacons; Seventy Disciples; Silas; Silvanus of the Seventy; Simeon of Jerusalem; Simon the Zealot; Sophronius; Sosthenes; Saint Spyridon; Stachys the Apostle; Stephen of Perm; Stylianos of Paphlagonia; Susanna (disciple); Symeon the New Theologian; Saint Tatiana; Thaddeus of Edessa; Theodore the Studite; Theodosius of Kiev; Theophan the Recluse; Theophanes the Branded; Theophanes the Confessor; Thomas the Apostle; Three Holy Hierarchs; Timothy; Apostle Titus; Trophimus; Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich of Russia; Pope Urban I; Varnava (Nastić); Vasily Gryaznov; Victor of Damascus; Viktor of Xanten; Pope Vitalian; Zacchaeus; Pope Zephyrinus; Zosimas of Palestine;

(56) - Blachernitissa; Black Madonna of Częstochowa; Icon of the Hodegetria; Iconostasis; Joy of all who Sorrow; Madonna and Child; Miasenskaya icon; National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa; Our Lady of Kazan; Our Lady of Kursk; Our Lady of the Gate of Dawn; Our Lady of the Sign; Panagia; Proskynetarion; Romanian Orthodox icons; Andrei Rublev; Russian icons; Seat of Wisdom; Theotokos; Theotokos of St. Theodore; Theotokos of Vladimir; Image:015230 paraskevotive.JPG; Image:A Rublev-Virgin of Vladimir.jpg; Image:Athanasios.jpg; Image:Avvakum.gif; Image:Boris & gleb.jpg; Image:Chirin.jpg; Image:Decani.jpg; Image:Fedorovskaya.jpg; Image:Ferapontov.jpg; Image:George Martyr.JPG; Image:George novgorod.jpg; Image:Georgeladoga.jpg; Image:Icon of theotokos pokrov naive.jpg; Image:Jesus Bethany.jpg; Image:Josephvolotsk.jpg; Image:Kazan moscow.jpg; Image:Last Judgment icon.jpg; Image:Lepota.jpg; Image:MARYPP.JPG; Image:Mamas lion 01.jpg; Image:Michael Chernigov.jpg; Image:Mikhailoftver.jpg; Image:OnuphriusByzantineIcon4thCentury.jpg; Image:Oranta.jpg; Image:Pochaevskaya.jpg; Image:Rublev's saviour.jpg; Image:SerBac.jpg; Image:Sergebac7thcentury.jpg; Image:Simon ushakov last supper 1685.jpg; Image:Smolenskaya.jpg; Image:St.CatherineofAlexandria.jpg; Image:StJohnClimacus.jpg; Image:Svenskaya.jpg; Image:Tikhon-of-Moscow.jpg; Image:Vladimirskaya.jpg;

(10) - Passion bearer; Alexandra Fyodorovna (Alix of Hesse); Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich of Russia; Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia; Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna of Russia; Nicholas II of Russia; Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna of Russia; Romanov sainthood; Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna of Russia; Tsarevich Dimitri;

(17) - Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia; Barlaam of Kiev; Gavriil Belostoksky; Herman of Alaska; Innocent of Alaska; Jacob of Alaska; John of Shanghai and San Francisco; Matryona Nikonova; Nil Sorsky; Peter the Aleut; Raphael of Brooklyn; Romanov sainthood; Saint Ambrose of Optina; Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna of Russia; Tikhon of Moscow; Vasily Gryaznov; Varvara Yakovleva;

(7) - Eugene Botkin; Anna Demidova; Anastasia Hendrikova; Ivan Kharitonov; New-martyr; Catherine Schneider; Alexei Trupp;

(4) - Basil Fool for Christ; Benedict Joseph Labre; Xenia of Saint Petersburg; Yurodivy;

(13) - Abercius of Hieropolis; Constantine I; Cosmas of Aetolia; Equal-to-apostles; Helena of Constantinople; Innocent of Alaska; Mary Magdalene; Nicholas of Japan; Saint Nino; Olga of Kiev; Saints Cyril and Methodius; Thecla; Vladimir I of Kiev;

(7) - Grobian; Irene of Tomar; Camber MacRorie (Gwynedd); Saint Cuthbert (Dungeons & Dragons); Saint Glinglin; Saint Éloigné des voies ferrées; The Passion of St. Tibulus;

(27) - Abraham; Adam; Baruch ben Neriah; Daniel; David; Elijah; Elisha; Eve (Bible); Book of Ezekiel; Fiery furnace; Gideon (Bible); Hannah (Bible); Isaac; Jacob; Jeremiah; Joel (prophet); Jonah; Joseph (Hebrew Bible); Joshua; Malachi; Book of Micah; Moses; Noah; Raphael (archangel); Book of Ruth; Sarah; Shemaiah (prophet);

(12) - Abel of Tacla Haimonot; Addai; Awtel; Saint Barbara; Catherine of Alexandria; Gregorios Geevarghese; John of Damascus; Palladius of Antioch; Saint Pantaleon; Pontius Pilate; Saint Moura; Severus of Antioch;

(82) - Aaron (Copt); Ababius; Abadir and Iraja; Abadiu of Antinoe; Abaidas; Abdel Messih El-Makari; Abraam, Bishop of Fayoum; Abāmūn of Tarnūt; Abāmūn of Tukh; Achillas of Alexandria; Saint Amun; Andronicus of Pannonia; Arsenius the Great; Athanasius of Alexandria; Saint Bashnouna; Celadion of Alexandria; Saint Colluthus; Pope Cyril IV of Alexandria; Pope Damian of Alexandria; Epimachus of Pelusium; Epiphanius of Salamis; Habakkuk; Helena of Constantinople; Heraclas of Alexandria; Hor and Susia; Ibrahim El-Gohary; Isaac of Dafra; Jacob of Nisibis; Saint Jason; Jeremiah; Job (Bible); Patriarch John III (II) of Alexandria; John of Senhout; Julian of Alexandria; Junia; Kedron of Alexandria; Lazarus; Leontius, Hypatius and Theodulus; Macarius of Alexandria; Marina the Monk; Mark the Evangelist; Markianos of Alexandria; Mary (mother of Jesus); Mary of Egypt; Master Malati; Maximus of Alexandria; Saint Mercurius; Saint Otimus; Pachomius; Saint Paphnutius the Bishop; Patriarch Cosmas II of Alexandria; Patriarch Cyril II of Alexandria; Patriarch John IV of Alexandria; Patriarch Mark III of Alexandria; Patriarch Michael I of Alexandria; Patriarch Michael II of Alexandria; Patriarch Peter IV of Alexandria; Patriarch Theodosius I of Alexandria; Saint Philotheos; Pope Athanasius II of Alexandria; Pope Benjamin of Alexandria; Pope Cosmas of Alexandria; Pope Gabriel II of Alexandria; Pope Isaac of Alexandria; Pope Macarius II of Alexandria; Pope Macarius of Alexandria; Pope Matthew II of Alexandria; Pope Michael IV of Alexandria; Pope Michael V of Alexandria; Pope Mina of Alexandria; Pope Shenouda of Alexandria; Pope Zacharias of Alexandria; Severus of Antioch; Shadrach, Meshack, and Abednego; Simeon Stylites; Simon the Zealot; Suriel; Saint Theoclia; Theodore of Egypt; Theophilus of Alexandria; Thomas the Apostle; Timothy of Alexandria;

(3) - Iyasus Mo'a; Nine Saints; Samuel of Dabra Wagag;

(67) - Mikael Agricola; Anselm of Canterbury; Johann Sebastian Bach; Benedict the Moor; Dietrich Bonhoeffer; Katharina von Bora; Johannes Bugenhagen; John Calvin; Martin Chemnitz; Lucas Cranach the Elder; Thomas Cranmer; John Donne; Dorcas; Albrecht Dürer; Jonathan Edwards; Esther; Leonhard Euler; Justus Falckner; Elizabeth Fedde; Paul Gerhardt; Matthias Grünewald; Dag Hammarskjöld; George Frideric Handel; Hans Nielsen Hauge; Johann Heermann; Bishop Henry; George Herbert; John Christian Frederick Heyer; Jan Hus; Rasmus Jensen; Job (Bible); Pope John XXIII; Jehu Jones; Massie L. Kennard; Martin Luther King, Jr.; Bartolomé de Las Casas; Johann Konrad Wilhelm Löhe; Martin Luther; Mary Mother of James; Henry Muhlenberg; Kaj Munk; John Mason Neale; Philipp Nicolai; Ludwig Ingwer Nommensen; Olaf II of Norway; Onesimos Nesib; William Passavant; Laurentius Petri; Olaus Petri; Phoebe (Christian woman); Óscar Romero; Salome (disciple); Heinrich Schütz; Chief Seattle; Nathan Söderblom; Johann von Staupitz; Jiří Třanovský; Nelson Wesley Trout; Harriet Tubman; William Tyndale; Johann Walter; C. F. W. Walther; Isaac Watts; Charles Wesley; John Wesley; Catherine Winkworth; F. C. D. Wyneken;

(26) - Renewers of the Church; Aidan of Lindisfarne; Anthony the Great; Jan de Bakker; Bede; Katharina von Bora; Guido de Bres; Bridget of Sweden; John Calvin; Clare of Assisi; Columba; Francis of Assisi; Nikolaj Frederik Severin Grundtvig; Hans Nielsen Hauge; John of the Cross; Julian of Norwich; Massie L. Kennard; Johann Konrad Wilhelm Löhe; Martin Luther; Philipp Melanchthon; Pachomius; Gunnar Rosendal; Teresa of Ávila; Charles Wesley; John Wesley; Nicolaus Ludwig Zinzendorf;

(109) - Roman Catholic calendar of saints; List of saints canonised by Pope John Paul II; Abban of Magheranoidhe; Abrahamite monks; Adalgott; Addai; Pope Adeodatus I; Adjutor; Saint Afra; Anselm of Canterbury; Anthony of Padua; Anthony the Great; Apollonius the Apologist; Arnulf of Soissons; Saint Barbara; Barnabas; Basil of Caesarea; Thomas Becket; Bede; Benedict the Moor; Saint Boniface; Caesarius of Africa; Caspar del Bufalo; Catherine McAuley; Catherine of Alexandria; Saint Christina; Saint Christopher; John Chrysostom; Constantine XI; Saint Constantine of Strathclyde; Cunibert, Bishop of Cologne; Cyriacus; Epiphanius of Salamis; Saint Erbin; Saint Estelle; Euphrosyne of Alexandria; Saint Fabiola; Saint Feichin; Ferdinand III of Castile; Floribert of Liège; Andrew Fournet; Gerard Majella; Antonio Gonzalez; Gérard of Brogne; Nimattullah Kassab Al-Hardini; Pope Hilarius; Pope Hormisdas; Alberto Hurtado; Pope Hyginus; Pope Innocent I; Jacobo Kyushei Tomonaga; Jean Eudes; Joan of Arc; John Cassian; John of Damascus; Julian the Hospitaller; Saint Lea; Leonard of Port Maurice; Macrina the Elder; Marcellinus and Peter; Saint Margaret of Hungary; Martyrs of Thailand; Mary Euphrasia Pelletier; Mary Magdalene; Maximianus of Ravenna; Melito of Sardis; Metrophanes of Byzantium; Saint Nazarius; Saint Nestor; Nicodemus; Olaf II of Norway; Saint Pancras; Saint Pantaleon; Papias; Saint Pausilypus; Peter of Tarentaise; Pharailde; Philomena; Pope Pius V; Pope Pius X; Plechelm; Praxedes; Pulcheria; Rose of Lima; Sabbas the Goth; Sabbas the Sanctified; Saint Congar; Saint Gaetano Catanoso; Saint Othmar; Saint Sithney; Saint Thorlak; Saints Sergius and Bacchus; Sergius of Cappadocia; Saint Spyridon; Saint Tatiana; Thomas of Cori; Pope Urban I; Urpasian; Saint Veronica; Vicelinus; Vietnamese Martyrs; Viktor of Xanten; Vincent Strambi; Pope Vitalian; Walric, abbot of Leuconay; Wikipedia:Catholic Encyclopedia cat Saints; Wilfretrudis; William of Maleval; Pope Zephyrinus;

(85) - Addai; Alexandra Fyodorovna (Alix of Hesse); Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia; Anastasius of Persia; Andrew of Crete; Anna of Kashin; Anthony the Great; Awtel; Saint Barbara; Barnabas; Basil of Caesarea; Cappadocian Fathers; Catherine of Alexandria; Charbel; John Chrysostom; Constantine XI; Cyriacus; Cyriacus the Anchorite; Ecumenical Patriarch Mennas of Constantinople; Ephraim of Pereyaslavl; Ephrem the Syrian; Epiphanius of Salamis; Euphrosyne of Alexandria; Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna of Russia; Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna of Russia; Gregory Palamas; Gregory of Nazianzus; Gregory of Nazianzus the Elder; Gregory of Nyssa; Hierotheos the Thesmothete; Basil Hopko; Ignatius of Antioch; Job of Pochayiv; John Climacus; John Maron; John of Damascus; Josyf Slipyj; Leonid Feodorov; Macrina the Elder; Macrina the Younger; Saint Mari; Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna of Russia; Mark of Ephesus; Mary of Egypt; Maximus the Confessor; Melito of Sardis; Saint Mercurius; Metrophanes of Byzantium; Michael of Chernigov; Moses the Black; Grand Duchess Elizabeth Fyodorovna; Nicholas II of Russia; Palladius of Antioch; Saint Pancras; Saint Pantaleon; Papias; Saint Phocas; Patriarch Photios I of Constantinople; Praxedes; Pulcheria; Theodore Romzha; Sabbas the Goth; Sabbas the Sanctified; Saint Cyril; Saint Demetrius of Thessaloniki; Saint Methodius; Saint Moura; Saint Nestor; Saint Nicholas; Saint Pausilypus; Saints Sergius and Bacchus; Sampson the Hospitable; Seraphim of Sarov; Sergius of Radonezh; Severus of Antioch; Clement Sheptytsky; Simeon Stylites; Saint Spyridon; Stephen of Perm; Saint Tatiana; Theodore the Studite; Theodosius of Kiev; Three Holy Hierarchs; Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich of Russia; Zosimas of Palestine;

(16) - Fourteen Holy Helpers; Template:Fourteen Holy Helpers; Agathius; Saint Barbara; Saint Blaise; Catherine of Alexandria; Saint Christopher; Cyriacus; Denis; Erasmus of Formiae; Saint Eustace; Saint George; Saint Giles; Margaret the Virgin; Saint Pantaleon; Vitus;

Virgin Mary

(66) - List of canonised popes; Pope Adeodatus I; Pope Adeodatus II; Pope Adrian III; Pope Adrian VI; Pope Agapetus I; Pope Agatho; Pope Alexander I; Pope Anacletus; Pope Anastasius I; Pope Anterus; Pope Benedict II; Pope Boniface I; Pope Boniface IV; Pope Caius; Pope Callixtus I; Pope Celestine V; Pope Celestine I; Pope Clement I; Pope Dionysius; Pope Eusebius; Pope Eutychian; Pope Evaristus; Pope Fabian; Pope Felix III; Pope Felix IV; Pope Gelasius I; Pope Gregory II; Pope Gregory VII; Pope Hilarius; Pope Hormisdas; Pope Hyginus; Pope Innocent I; Pope John I; Pope Julius I; Pope Leo II; Pope Leo III; Pope Leo IV; Pope Leo I; Pope Lucius I; Pope Marcellinus; Pope Marcellus I; Pope Mark; Pope Martin I; Pope Miltiades; Pope Nicholas I; Pope Paschal I; Pope Paul I; Saint Peter; Pope Pius I; Pope Pius V; Pope Pius X; Pope Pontian; Pope Silverius; Pope Simplicius; Pope Siricius; Pope Sixtus I; Pope Sixtus III; Pope Stephen I; Pope Sylvester I; Pope Telesphorus; Pope Urban II; Pope Urban I; Pope Victor I; Pope Vitalian; Pope Zephyrinus;

(56) - Calendar of saints; All Saints; Beatification; Bollandist; Calendar of saints (Anglican Church of Australia); Calendar of saints (Church of England); Canonization; Canonization of Joan of Arc; Chronological list of saints and blesseds; Chronological list of saints and blesseds: 10; Chronological list of saints and blesseds: 11; Chronological list of saints and blesseds: 12; Chronological list of saints and blesseds: 13; Chronological list of saints and blesseds: 14; Chronological list of saints and blesseds: 15; Chronological list of saints and blesseds: 16; Chronological list of saints and blesseds: 17; Chronological list of saints and blesseds: 18; Chronological list of saints and blesseds: 19; Chronological list of saints and blesseds: 20; Chronological list of saints and blesseds: 5; Chronological list of saints and blesseds: 6; Chronological list of saints and blesseds: 7; Chronological list of saints and blesseds: 8; Chronological list of saints and blesseds: 9; Confessor; Congregation for the Causes of Saints; Cynocephaly; Hippolyte Delehaye; Devil's advocate; Equipollent canonization; Ex indumentis; Ex-voto; God's advocate; Hagiography; Historical process of beatification and canonization; Incorruptibility; Intercession of saints; Litany of the Saints; Michaelmas; Odour of Sanctity; Optional memorial; Passion bearer; Patron saint; Patron saints of ailments, illness and dangers; Patron saints of places; Patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary; Pattern (devotional); Relic; Saints in Anglicanism; Servant of God; Stylites; Thaumaturgy; Venerable; Veneration; Yurodivy;

(17) - List of Anglican Church Calendars; Calendar of saints (Anglican Church of Canada); Calendar of Saints (Armenian Apostolic Church); Calendar of saints; Calendar of saints (Anglican Church of Australia); Calendar of saints (Church of the Province of Melanesia); Calendar of saints (Scottish Episcopal Church); Roman Catholic calendar of saints; Calendar of saints (Church of England); Coptic calendar; Eastern Orthodox liturgical calendar; Calendar of saints (Episcopal Church in the United States of America); Feast of Saints Peter and Paul; Calendar of Saints (Lutheran); Liturgical calendar (Lutheran); Template:Calendar of Saints; Traditional Catholic Calendar;

(27) - Hagiography; Acta Sanctorum; Acta Sanctorum Hiberniae; Acta sanctorum in Selio; Acts of the Martyrs; Adamo Abate; Addai; Doctrine of Addai; Bridle of Constantine; Crucifixion; Golden Legend; Katherine Group; Longinus (hagiography); Martyrdom of the Holy Queen Shushanik; Martyrologium Hieronymianum; Martyrology; Martyrology of Usuard; Patericon; Philomena; Rictius Varus; Saint Mari; Samuel of Dabra Wagag; Sequence of Saint Eulalia; South English Legendary; Synaxarium; Telemachus (martyr); Vita Ansgari;

(21) - Ælfric of Eynsham; Ardo Smaragdus; François Baert; Jean Bolland; Bollandist; Alban Butler; Caesar of Heisterbach; Hippolyte Delehaye; Faustinus of Brescia; Godfrey Henschen; Luigi Lippomano; Odo of Glanfeuil; Osbern; Daniel Papebroch; Petrus de Natalibus; Reginald of Durham; Pedro de Ribadeneira; Charles De Smedt; Sulpicius Severus; Laurentius Surius; Symeon Metaphrastes;

(8) - Abda of Dair-Koni; Abda of Edessa; Abda of Hira; Abraham of Nephtaer; Abraham of Nethpra; Abraham the Great of Kaskhar; Mar Abba; Saint Mari;

(3) - Abhai (saint); Abhai of Hach; Bar-Hebraeus;

(15) - All Saints; St. Andrew's Day; Saint Casimir's Day; Saint Crispin's Day; Saints Cyril and Methodius Day; Saint David's Day; St George's Day; Saint Joseph's Day; St. Knut's Day; Saint Lucy's Day; St. Martin's Day; Saint Patrick's Day; St Piran's Day; St. Stephen's Day; Valentine's Day;

(16) - Wikipedia:WikiProject Saints/Images; Harbaville Triptych; Image:Beccafumilucy.jpg; Image:Byzantinischer Mosaizist um 1000 002.jpg; Image:Clareofassisi.jpg; Image:Francesca Cabrini.JPG; Image:Francesco del Cossa 017.jpg; Image:Isidor von Sevilla.jpeg; Image:Martyrs of Gorkum.jpg; Image:Michelangelo Caravaggio 060.jpg; Image:Raphael Baptism Constantine.jpg; Image:SVH06 2.jpg; Image:Saint Margaret of Corona.jpg; Image:Stpatrick.jpg; Image:Tikhon-of-Moscow.jpg; Image:SaintOswin.jpg;

(5) - David's Tomb; Joseph's Tomb; Cave of the Patriarchs; Ramathaim-Zophim; Tomb of Samuel;

(1) - Daniel's Tomb;

(5) - Hieromartyr; Military saint; Phallic saints; Secular saint; Yurodivy;

(13) - Companions of Saint Nicholas; Difunta Correa; Dominguito del Val; Gauchito Gil; Saint Guinefort; Henry of Cocket; Jesús Malverde; Maximón; Peter the Venerable; Santa Claus; Santa Muerte; Juan Soldado; Wilgefortis;

(658) - Template:Saint-stub; Aaron (Copt); Aaron (Saint); Aaron of Auxerre; Aaron the Illustrious; Aba of Kaskhar; Ababius; Abadios; Abadir and Iraja; Abadiu of Antinoe; Abai (martyr); Abaidas; Abakuh; Abassad; Abban of Ireland; Abban the Hermit; Abbo II of Metz; Abbo of Auxerre; Abd-al-Masih; Abda and Abdjesus; Abda and Sabas; Abda of Dair-Koni; Abda of Edessa; Abda of Hira; Abdalong of Marseilles; Abdas of Susa; Abdecalas; Abdisho; Abdon and Sennen; Abel (saint); Abel McAedh; Abel of Reims; Abel of Tacla Haimonot; Abeluzius; Abercius (martyr); Abercius and Helena; Abercius of Hieropolis; Aberoh and Atom; Abhai (saint); Abhai (teacher); Abhai of Hach; Abhai the general; Abhor and Mehraela; Abias; Abiatha, Hathes and Mamlacha; Abiathar and Sidonia; Abib and Apollo; Abibion; Abibo Joseph; Abibon; Abibus of Edessa; Abibus of Nekressi; Abibus of Samosata; Abippus; Ablak; Abnodius; Abraham (Ethiopian); Abraham (husband); Abraham Galitzki; Abraham Paleostrowski; Abraham and Coprius of Griasowetzk; Abraham and Onesimus of Kiev; Abraham of Arbela; Abraham of Armenia; Abraham of Bulgaria; Abraham of Clermont; Abraham of Cyrrhus; Abraham of Egypt; Abraham of Kratia; Abraham of Nephtaer; Abraham of Nethpra; Abraham of Rostov; Abraham of Scetes; Abraham of Smolensk; Abraham of the High Mountain; Abraham the Great of Kidunja; Abraham the Laborious; Abraham the Poor; Abraham the Writer; Abraham, Ethnus, Acrates, James, and John; Abrahamite monks; Abran; Abratacus; Abrosima; Absadah; Absadi; Absalon of Caesarea; Abselema of Edessa; Abudimus; Abulak; Abuna Aregawi; Abundantius; Abundius of Pietra Montecorvina; Abundius the Sacristan; Acacius of Amida; Acathius of Melitene; Acepsimas of Hnaita; Achillas of Alexandria; Achilleus Kewanuka; Acius; Adalgott; Adela and Irmina; Adelin of Séez; Adjutor; Adolf of Osnabrück; Adrian of Batanea; Agabus; Agape, Chionia, and Irene; Agapius; Agathangelus of Rome; Agathonicus and Companions; Agilulfus of Cologne; Agricius of Trier; Agrippinus of Carthage; Agustín Caloca Cortés; Ajabel; Alba Madonna; Alban of Mainz; Albert of Liège; Aldobrandini Madonna; Alena (martyr); Alexander of Bergamo; Alexander of Cappadocia and Jerusalem; Alexander of Comana; Alexander of Constantinople; Alexis Toth; Alma Redemptoris Mater; Alto of Altomünster; Alypius of Thagaste; Amalberga of Maubeuge; Amalberga of Temse; Amarinus of Clermont; Ambrose of Alexandria; Ambrosius Gudko; Amelbert; Ananias of Damascus; Anastasius of Persia; Anastasius the Fuller; Anatolia (martyr); Andrew Dung-Lac; Andrew Kim Taegon; Andrew of Crete (martyr); Andrew of Lampsacus; Andrew the Scot; Anesius; Anianus of Alexandria; Anna (Bible); Anne de Xainctonge; Annunciation (Caravaggio); Annunciation (Leonardo); Annunciation (Pontormo); Annunciation (Titian); Ansidei Madonna; Anstrudis; Anthimus of Nicomedia; Anthony, John, and Eustathios; Antipas of Pergamum; Anton Martin Slomšek; Apollinaris Claudius; Aprax; Aprunculus of Treves; Arbeo of Freising; Archangela Girlani; Aretas (martyr); Arethas of Caesarea; Aristarchus of Thessalonica; Arnold Janssen; Arnulf of Eynesbury; Arnulf of Soissons; Arsenius of Corfu; Artemas of Lystra; Artemius; Arthelais; Assumption of the Virgin (Carracci); Assumption of the Virgin Mary (Rubens); Astina; Astrik; Aurelia of Strasbourg; Aurelius and Natalia; Austol; Auxentius of Bithynia; Auxentius of Mopsuestia; Saint Ava; Avilius of Alexandria; Albert Avogadro; Avraamy Mirozhsky; Barachiel; Barba'shmin; Bari Imam; Barlaam of Kiev; Saint Bashnouna; Basil Fool for Christ; Basil Ogier; Basil of Ostrog; Basil the Confessor; Basilica of the Virgin Mary; Bathusus and Bercus; Batthyány; Beatrix d'Este; Beatrix d'Ornacieux; Beauraing; Berhadbesciaba; Berlinda of Meerbeke; Bernadino Realino; Bernard of Vienne; Berno, Abbot of Cluny; Bernold, Bishop of Utrecht; Bertha of Bingen; Bertha of Kent; Birinus; Blachernitissa; Blessed Hadewych; Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima; Boniface of Brussels; Mary Brant; Braulio of Zaragoza; Breage; Bregwin; Bridle of Constantine; Bruno of Augsburg; Bruno, Bishop of Würzburg; Burchard of Würzburg; Christopher Buxton; Caesarius of Africa; Francis Ferdinand de Capillas; Caprasius; Carl Lwanga; Caspar del Bufalo; Cephalophore; Charles of Sezze; Chinese Martyrs; Christ the Redeemer (icon); Christina von Stommeln; Chusdazat; Clement of Ancyra; Saint Colluthus; Colmán of Lindisfarne; Columba of Sens; Columba of Spain; Concordius of Spoleto; Confessor; Connestabile Madonna; Conrad of Constance; Consecration of Russia; Constantius of Perugia; Corentin of Quimper; Pope Cornelius; Cova da Iria; Cyril of Constantinople; Cyril of Turaw; Cyrion and Candidus; Dacius of Milan; Damian of Alexandria; Daniel the Stylite; Dasya; Dausa (bishop); Death of the Virgin; Desan; Diarmaid of Armagh; Saint Diomedes; Doctrine of Addai; Dominic of Prussia; Domitian of Huy; Domus Pacis; Dorotheus of Tyre; Duje; Edmund Duke (martyr); Dúnchad mac Cinn Fáelad; Ecumenical Patriarch Kyros of Constantinople; Ecumenical Patriarch Mennas of Constantinople; Edburga of Minster-in-Thanet; Edsige; Elias and companions; Elizabeth of Reute; Elo Colman; Elpidius the Cappadocian; Emebert; Emelia; Emerentiana; Emma of Ludger; Engelmund of Vebsen; Ephrem of Crimea; Epiphanius the Wise; Equal-to-apostles; Ermengol; Eucherius of Orléans; Eugenia Smet; Eugenios of Trebizond; Eugenius, Eugander, and Abilandius; Euphemia; Euphrosyne of Polatsk; Eustochia Smeralda Calafato; Eustochia Smeraldo Calafato; Euthymius of Athos; Evermode of Ratzeburg; Evodius; Ex indumentis; Ex-voto; Exuperantia; Eysteinn Erlendsson; Faustus, Abibus and Dionysius of Alexandria; Feast of Saints Peter and Paul; Felix of Burgundy; Felix of Cantalica; Felix of Como; Felix of Girona; Saint Fergus; Fernando, the Saint Prince; Fidelis of Como; Finan of Lindisfarne; Finding in the Temple; Firmus and Rusticus; Flavian II of Antioch; Francis J. Parater; Francis of Girolama; Françoise d'Amboise; Fructuosus of Braga; Fulgentius of Ruspe; Fulk of Pavia; Gabin of Rome; Galation; Gamelbert of Michaelsbuch; Gate of Dawn; Gavino; Genesius of Clermont; Georgia of Clermont; Gerald of Mayo; Gerard of Toul; Gervadius; Giovenale Ancina; Giselle of Bavaria; Gnostic saint; God's advocate; Godwin of Stavelot; Goeric of Metz; Gordianus and Epimachus; Gorgonius; Gotthard of Hildesheim; René Goupil; Gregory of Narek; Gregory of Sinai; Gummarus; Hallvard Vebjørnsson; Harbaville Triptych; Helena of Skövde; Heliodorus of Bet Zabdai; Henry of Cocket; Heraclas of Alexandria; Herlindis of Maaseik; Hermann of Reichenau; Elisabeth Hesselblad; Hierotheos the Thesmothete; Himelin; Hippolyte of Antioch; Holy fathers slain at Sinai and Raithu; Honorius of Canterbury; Hor and Susia; Hor, Besoy, and Daydara; Hunfrid of Prüm; Saint Hyacinth; Hypatius of Bithynia; Ia of Cornwall; Ice Saints; Idus of Leinster; Ildephonsus of Toledo; Imerius of Immertal; Immensa Aeterni Dei; Pope Innocent V; Irenaeus of Sirmium; Isaac of Dalmatia; Isidore of Pelusium; Itta; Ivo of Huntingdonshire; Jacob of Nisibis; Jacoba of Settesoli; Jacobo Kyushei Tomonaga; James Intercisus; James of Manug; James, Azadanus and Abdicius; Jegudiel; Jenaro Sánchez Delgadillo; Jeremy of Cicilia; John Righi; John of Senhout; John the Hermit; John the Silent; Jolenta of Poland; Blessed Edward Jones; Jordan of Saxony; José María Rubio; Julian of Alexandria; Julius the Veteran; Justina of Padua; Justus of Alexandria; Juvenal of Jerusalem; Juventinus; Kedron of Alexandria; Kinga of Poland; Kirdjun; Kizito; Kyriaki (martyr); Landelin; Landry of Paris; Laurence of Canterbury; Lazarus Zographos; Leonard of Blakemore; Leontine martyrs; Leontius of Caesarea; Leontius of Tsarevo; Libert of Saint-Trond; Lietbertus; Loman of Trim; Lorgius; John Lowe (martyr); Adolphus Ludigo-Mkasa; Ludovica Albertoni; Lydia of Thyatira; Mac Nissi; Macarius of Alexandria; Macrina the Elder; Macrina the Younger; Magdalena de la Cruz; Magdalene of Nagasaki; Mambeca; Mana of Bet-Parsaje; Mar Abba; Mar Abhai; Mar Abraham; Marcellinus of Carthage; Maria Luisa Josefa; Markianos of Alexandria; Martin of Braga; Martin of Tongres; Martina of Rome; Martyrs of Uganda; Mary Mother of James; Maternus; Matiya Mulumba; Maximilian of Lorch; Maximus of Alexandria; Meingold of Huy; Melania the Younger; Ivan Merz; Metrophanes of Byzantium; Michael Maleinos; Michael de Sanctis; Mochonna; Mocius; Modest, Bishop of Trier; Modomnoc; Molaise; Mother Maria; Mutien-Marie Wiaux; Narcissus of Jerusalem; National Shrine of Saint John Neumann; Saint Nearchus; Nicarete; Nicetas of Remesiana; Nicholas Salos of Pskov; Nicodemus the Hagiorite; Nine Saints; Nivard; Oda of Brabant; Oda the Severe; Olive (martyr); Our Lady of Meritxell; Our Lady of the Gate of Dawn; Paisius of Hilendar; Pambo; Paphnutius the Ascetic; Paraskevi; Patriarch Cosmas II of Alexandria; Patriarch Germanus I of Constantinople; Patriarch John IV of Alexandria; Patriarch Mark III of Alexandria; Patriarch Michael I of Alexandria; Patriarch Michael II of Alexandria; Patriarch Peter IV of Alexandria; Patriarch Theodosius I of Alexandria; Pelagia of Tarsus; Pelagius of Constance; Peregrine (martyr); Peter Apselamus; Peter of Sebaste; Peter the Aleut; Pharaildis; Philemon the actor; Pius Keller; Plechelm; Pope Adeodatus II; Pope Andronicus of Alexandria; Pope Benjamin of Alexandria; Pope Caius; Pope Cosmas of Alexandria; Pope Damian of Alexandria; Pope Gabriel II of Alexandria; Pope Isaac of Alexandria; Pope Macarius of Alexandria; Pope Michael V of Alexandria; Pope Shenouda of Alexandria; Pope Victor I; Pope Zacharias of Alexandria; Poppo of Deinze; Procopius of Sazaba; Proterius of Alexandria; Psote; Pusai; Quadratus (martyr); Edel Quinn; Quintus of Phrygia; Quodvultdeus; Radboud of Utrecht; Randoald of Grandval; Raphael of Brooklyn; Reginos; Relindis of Maaseik; Renewers of society; Renewers of the Church; Rex Perpetuus Norvegiae; Rigobert, Bishop of Reims; Rimbert; Robert Lawrence (saint); Romanus of Samosata; Toribio Romo González; Romulus of Genoa; Rose Venerini; Sabinus of Hermopolis; Sacerdos of Saguntum; Gerard Sagredo; Saint Abercius; Saint Abra; Saint Acacius; Saint Acarius; Saint Amadour; Saint Aubert; Saint Aurelius; Saint Bertulf; Saint Botvid; Saint Brocard; Saint Congar; Saint Darius; Saint David (Sweden); Saint Desiderius; Saint Emeric of Hungary; Saint Emmanuel; Saint Erc; Saint Estelle; Saint Eugenia; Saint Eumenes; Saint Faith; Saint Faro; Saint Filan; Saint Gaetano Catanoso; Saint Gobain; Saint Hadelin; Saint Hunger; Saint Jason; Saint Larissa; Saint Laserian; Saint Mansuy; Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys; Saint Mari; Saint Marinus; Saint Mel; Saint Menas; Saint Mitre; Saint Modan; Saint Nestor; Saint Nishan; Saint Nona; Saint Nonnus; Saint Othmar; Saint Otimus; Saint Otteran; Saint Paphnutius the Bishop; Saint Pedro Nolasco; Saint Philotheos; Saint Piatus; Saint Regulus; Saint Roderick; Saint Ronan; Saint Rubin; Saint Sanctan; Saint Saturninus; Saint Sithney; Saint Theoclia; Saint Thyrsus; Saint Trifon; Saizana; Salvator of Horta; Salvius (bishop); Sampson the Hospitable; San Geronimo; Sapor of Bet-Nicator; Secundus of Asti; Sergius of Cappadocia; Sigfrid of Sweden; Silas; Simeon Barsabae; Simon of Bet-Titta; Socrates and Stephen; Sophia of Rome; Sophia the Martyr; St. Adolphus; Stachys the Apostle; Vincent Strambi; Suriel; Szymon of Lipnica; Saint Tatiana; Tawakkal Mastan Vali; Francis Taylor (martyr); Theobald of Marly; Theobald of Provins; Theodore of Egypt; Theodosius of Kiev; Theodosius the Cenobiarch; Theophilus, bishop of Caesarea; Theophylaktos, Bishop of Nicomedea; Thomas of Cori; Thomas of Dover; Thorfinn of Hamar; Three Holy Hierarchs; Cosme de Torrès; Tuda of Lindisfarne; Ultan; Urpasian; Ursicinus of Saint-Ursanne; Ursus of Aosta; Ursus of Solothurn; Valentinus Paquay; Valerian of Abbenza; Valerius of Saragossa; Vasilissa, Martyr; Pope Victor III; Victor Maurus; Victor Scheppers; Victor of Damascus; Victorian of Asan; Victorian, Frumentius and Companions; Viktor of Xanten; Vincent Madelgarus; Virgen del Pino; Vita Ansgari; Vitalis of Gaza; Vitalis of Savigny; Walric, abbot of Leuconay; Waltrude; Robert Wilcox (martyr); William of Maleval; Willibald; Wyllow; Xenia of Saint Petersburg; Yared; Zamudas of Jerusalem; Zanitas and Lazarus of Persia;

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(22) - Abibus; Anthony and Theodosius; Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Art; Benignus; Chrysogonus; Category:Disambig-Class saints articles; Finnian; Martha (disambiguation); Notre Dame; Placidus; Saint Adrian; Saint Aidan; Saint Alexander; Saint Claudius; Saint Colman; Saint Marina; Saint Richard (disambiguation); Saint Saturninus; Saint Ursicinus; Satyrus; Serapion; Venerius; ===Category:Redirect-Class saints articles (1) - Adelbert;

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