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List of cities with defensive walls

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The following cities have or historically had defensive walls.




See List of Egypt castles, forts, fortifications and city walls.





The Kasbah of Aït Benhaddou, High Atlas
The seaside walls of Essaouira, Morocco



  • Zinder, Niger was well known for its city wall, the remains of which can still be seen




Americas and the Caribbean


  • The Ramparts of Quebec City are the only fortified city walls in the Americas north of Mexico that still exist.
  • Montreal, Quebec – Remnants of Montreal's nearly demolished city wall remain surrounding the Old Port neighborhood.
Walls and canons of the old city of Cartagena




Dominican Republic



Old Quarter of Panama City (a portion of the Wall still exists)[3]


Puerto Rico

United States

  • Boston, Massachusetts, maintained a defensive city wall and gate across Boston Neck, the sole point where the city was connected with the mainland, from 1631 until the end of the 18th century.
  • Charleston, South Carolina was a walled city from the 1690s until the 1720s. A portion of the wall, called Half Moon Battery, is still visible in the Provost Dungeon of the Old Exchange Building.
  • St. Augustine, Florida, starting in 1704, the Spanish constructed the Cubo line - attached to the Castillo de San Marcos and enclosing the city. 18th century maps detail the walls enclosing all of St. Augustine[4]




Watch towers on the citywall in Xi'an, China


View onto the city of Bam in Iran


An 18th century wall, made by Hamengkubuwono the 1st from Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Kingdom to protect the inner capital city from the Dutch and other enemy during the Mataram Kingdom Period. Today, the wall still exist almost 96% and being one of many landmark in the city.

On 17 February 1745, the Surakarta Kingdom moved to a new opened forest named Sala Village and build their Royal Residential Palace and urban area with a 15 kilometers long of "Beteng Kraton" or Palace wall around it. The wall was 90% exist.

Well known as Banten Kingdom's capital. The wall was destroyed by the Dutch during its colonial period in the way to ended the Banten reign. The city wall that left is only about 10% from the real appearance.

Trowulan was the capital of the former Majapahit Empire. When its glory period, the capital being a first European systemized ancient city (with city canal system for transportation and also large aisle and road for major transportation)in Indonesia, because Trowulan was developed in Majapahit's glory period in 13th-15th century. The wall was protecting the inner "Kraton" or royal palace and some important places. Today the wall can't be seen as the original appearance.




  • Acre – 18th-century modern Ottoman fortification able to withstand cannon attack. The wall has been restored and now includes a rampart for tourists.
  • Jerusalem
  • Safed
  • Tiberias


  • Baalbek: sections of the Arab fortifications (built with stones from Roman structures) can still be seen around the Acropolis and the old town
  • Batroun: the town is known for its 225 m long Phoenician seawall. There was also a 9th-century BC citadel, parts of which are still visible
  • Beirut: sections of the Phoenician and Roman fortifications and Ottoman citadel have been unearthed in the city's central district. The famous walls erected by Emir Fakhruddin II have yet to be recovered.
  • Byblos: the old town is surrounded by medieval walls, with a castle standing at their Southern edge
  • Sidon: little remains today of the city's medieval fortifications, except the Castle of St. Louis.


  • Malacca - Built by the Portuguese after the city's occupation in 1511, it was torn down by the British in 1806. Known locally as the A Famosa.


Almost every old city in Pakistan had a defensive wall. Much of these walls were destroyed by the British in order to refortify the cites. Few cities which were fortified are:


The walled city of Intramuros in Manila

South Korea

Sri Lanka



Tapae Gate in the eastern wall surrounding the old city of Chiang Mai.



West Bank


Surrounded by a fortified wall, the 16th-century city of Shibam, Yemen





  • Baku, retains most of the city walls that separate the historic Inner City from the newer parts of the city developed after the 19th century. (According to the CIA, Azerbaijan is more accurately placed in Asia, not Europe.)


Place Province Accessible Condition Image Notes
Aarschot Flemish Brabant Yes One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates towers, etc.) remain. The most significant remain of the medieval fortifications which surrounded the town of Aarschot is a tower located on top of a hill just south of the old town, named the Aurelianustoren or Orleanstoren.
Ath Hainaut Yes One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. Ath was fortified several times during its history. Of the oldest fortifications, the old castle, including the Burbant Tower, still stands. The bendy course of some of the streets surrounding the old town are vestiges of the bastioned ramparts of the post-medieval era. Some remnants of these fortifications still remain to the north of the old town, near the Boulevard Alphonse Deneubourg.
Arlon Luxembourg Yes One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. A smallish citadel stands in the center of the old town, on the location of a destroyed Medieval castle.
Beaumont Hainaut Yes One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. A sizable stretch of the old city wall remains to the east of the old town. The most notable part is the old Tour Salamandre, an old keep tower.
Binche Hainaut Yes Sizable parts of the fortifications remain intact. The city of Binche sports the most intact set of city walls of Belgium. Built in 1230 AD, they are 2.1 kilometers long and sport about 30 towers. There were six gates, but these have been demolished in the 19th century.
Bouillon Luxembourg Yes One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. Apart from the impressive medieval castle, three small, tower-like bastions, as well as several small stretches of curtain wall, remain of the wall built around the town by the French military engineer Vauban in the 17th century.
Bruges Western Flanders Yes One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. Out of the nine gates in the 14th-century walls, four survive today. Several stretches of the earth fortification wall surrounding the city are still in place. Apart from a single tower, no trace remains of the stone wall that topped some parts of the earth ramparts. A single tower of the first city wall can be seen across the canal at the Pottenmakersstraat.
Brussels Brussels-Capital Region One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. Of the first city wall, built in the 13th century, a small stretch of curtain wall and several isolated towers still remain. Of the second wall, only the Halle gate remains. The inner ring road of Brussels now occupies the location of this second wall.
Chièvres Hainaut Yes One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. A large stretch of the medieval town walls still remains behind the church of Our Lady (Notre Dame) and the houses alongside the Rue Hoche. A wall tower, the Tour de Gavre, also remains next to the church.
Chimay Western Flanders One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. An isolated tower still remains at the Rue de Noailles
Damme West Flanders Yes One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. The location of the 16th-century, seven-sided ring of fortifications can still be seen as low hills in the fields and gardens surrounding the old town. A small portion of the inner and outer wall was reconstructed in 2001.
Dendermonde East Flanders Yes One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. Dendermonde received a new set of city walls in the 19th century, being an important part of the Wellington Barrier. Currently, various structures, including the arsenal, barracks, two gates, and several parts of the walls (transformed into a park) remain.
Diest Flemish Brabant Yes Sizable parts of the fortifications remain intact. To the north of the city centre, one can still find two polygonous fronts featuring a land gate; a water gate and a ravelin. An outer wall in front of this wall fragment sports two dilapidated casemated caponieres. To the east, the shape of several bastions have remained intact. An outer work, to the east of the fortifications, is incorporated in a swimming pool complex. The Citadel remains mostly intact, although the side facing the city was demolished to make room for barracks. There is a small fortress to the north of the city center.
Herentals Antwerpen One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. Two, much altered, gates of the Medieval fortifications of the town of Herentals can still be found at either end of the town center.
Huy Liège Sizable parts of the fortifications remain intact. Sizable portions of the medieval city wall can be found to the south and east of the old town. During the early 19th century, a large fortress was built by the Dutch on the location where a castle had stood several centuries before.
Kortrijk Western Flanders One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. The extensive fortifiactions of Courtrai have been demolished during the mid-18th century. The only remains are the Medieval Broel towers, standing on either side of the river Lys. A foundation of a defensive wall and a multi angular artillery tower, both situated adjacent to the church of Our Lady, form the last remnants of the first castle of Courtrai.
Leuven Flemish Brabant One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. Several dilapidated towers and fragments of the Romanesque 12th-century first wall of Leuven can be found throughout the city centre, although a sizeable portion collapsed due to negligence in February, 2011. Of the second wall, only the ground floor of a watchtower and the base of a watergate over the Dijle river still stand. The second wall was changed into a park in the 19th century, this park was largely destroyed and replaced by a ring road in the 20th century.
Liège Liège One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. Several towers and fragments of the medieval city wall remain on the slopes to the north of the old town. The south side of the citadel, featuring three bastions and two ravelins, remains intact. The rest of the citadel was demolished and now the site houses a large hospital. A ring of detached fortresses still encloses the city. In the 19th century, the Dutch constructed large fortress the Chartreuse heights to the east of the city. Although the eastern bastions have been demolished, most of this fortress still stands, be it in a ruinous state after having been neglected since the 1980s
Limbourg Liège Sizable parts of the fortifications remain intact. Although partially demolished, sizable remnants of the city wall can still be seen, surrounding the upper town of Limbourg. The best preserved stretches are located on the eastern side of the old town.
Lo-Reninge West Flanders One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. Only the Westpoort, built around 1250 CE, and consisting of two small towers connected by an arch, remains.
Middelburg West Flanders Vestiges of the fortifications are visible in the landscape. Nothing remains above ground of the earth bastions that surrounded this tiny village (which should not be confused with its nearby, much larger Dutch namesake), but the location and course of the defences can still be recognized from air.
Mechelen Antwerpen One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. Only the Brusselsepoort (Brussels Gate) remains of the old fortifications of Mechelen.
Menen West Flanders Yes One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. Several fragments of the bastioned trace, first built by the French in the 17th century, but extensively rebuilt by the Dutch, remain. Two bastions are still remaining near the Sluizenkaai and Zwemkomstraat, though heavily built by houses. The casemates of one of the bastions remain intact and can be visited.
Mons Hainaut One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. Several fragments of the first city wall of mons have been preserved. Of the later defences, only two bastion-like structures remain to the south of the city centre, but the location of the fortifications can still be seen in the zig-zagging street pattern on the east side of the city.
Namur Namur Yes One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. Of the defences of the city itself, the enormous arsenal building is the most notable remnant. Some remnants of the bastioned defences may be found in the Parc Louise Marie, as well as at the foot of the citadel. Only small fragments remain of the medieval city wall, most notably a strong round tower, now incorporated into the town hall as the city's belfry. The mighty citadel that grew out of the medieval count's castle, remains mostly intact and can be visited.
Ninove East Flanders One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. Only the Koepoort (Cow Gate) remains of the old walls of the town of Ninove.
Oostende West Flanders One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. A portion of the bastioned city wall remains to the south of the town center, transformed into a park. East of the harbor stands an old advanced fortification, known as the Halve Maan (Crescent Moon). A short distance further to the east stands the 19th-century Fort Napoleon, now a museum.
Philippeville Namur Yes Vestiges of the fortifications are visible in the landscape. Although the walls themselves were demolished in 1860, an extensive system of 17th-century underground passages remain. A portion of these fortifications is open to the public.
Thuin Hainaut One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. Several towers and fragments of wall remain around the old fortress town of Thuin, most notably to the south of the old town, above the Hanging Gardens.
Tongeren Limburg Yes One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. Important parts of the 13th-century wall, including several towers and a gate, remain. Outside the medieval town, one can still find remnants of the first Roman wall, which enclosed a much larger area than the medieval wall. Of the much smaller second Roman wall, no above-ground remnants remain.
Tournai Hainaut One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. Remnants of fortifications can be found scattered throughout the old town. Of the first fortifications, several towers and a gate remain. Of the second medieval wall, a sizable portion remains to the south-east of the old city, while the Pont des Trous, although severely altered, remains an impressive example of a medieval water gate. A large round tower is all that remains from the fortress built by English king Henry VIII. Of the citadel, only the interior buildings remain, as well as several underground passages which ran underneath the bastions of the fortress.
Veurne West Flanders Vestiges of the fortifications are visible in the landscape. The bendy route of the canal as well as the street plan around the city centre clearly indicate the location of the earthen bastions that used to surround the city.
Ypres West Flanders Yes Sizable parts of the fortifications remain intact. A wall with 3 unusually flat bastions defends the east side of the city. To the south a medieval gate and the lower portions of two medieval towers can be found. Both towers are defended by a ravelin. A park to the east of the city houses a number of underground passages belonging to outworks built by the Dutch.
Zandvliet Antwerp Vestiges of the fortifications are visible in the landscape. The "Conterscherp" road follows the route of the former 17th-century defences around the city, giving the town centre a star shaped appearance from the air.
Zichem Flemish Brabant One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. The Maagdentoren (Maiden Tower) is what remains of the medieval town walls. A ring road indicates the trace of the now demolished fortifications.
Zoutleeuw Flemish Brabant One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. Remnants of the first 12th-century city wall and a gate can be found incorporated in the old city hall and the adjacent house. Outside the city, a bridge over the river Gete incorporates a partial reconstruction of a 14th-century watergate belonging to the second wall. To the south of the city, several low hills in the landscape indicate the position of a Spanish-built citadel. To the east of the old town stands the “Heksenkot”, a tower of the old city wall.



Dubrovnik crop
Diocletian's Palace
  • Buje
  • Dubrovnik has well-preserved city fortifications including towers, gate, rampart walk and two citadels guarding the docks. Walls of Dubrovnik are among the finest and most complete in Europe.
  • Hvar
  • Korčula
  • Krk city walls which obtained their current appearance between the 12th and the 15th centuries but the town itself was fortified since Roman period.
  • Karlovac city walls, built in 1579 as a six-point star with bastions.
  • Motovun
  • Nin, Croatia
  • Novigrad
  • Grožnjan
  • Omišalj
  • Oprtalj
  • Pag
  • Poreč
  • Roč
  • Rovinj
  • Senj
  • Sibenik
  • Split – several remains of the defensive walls of Diocletian's Palace still survive to this day, including 3 gates and long stretches of the fortified Roman walls. Most of the towers are now demolished, apart from 3 square towers, each of them located at a corner of the palace. North of the town centre are the remains of a bastionned trace, which includes portions of the walls and a bastion located in a park.
  • Ston: Walls of Ston were built in 14th and 15th centuries, at the isthmus of the Pelješac peninsula, to the north of Dubrovnik; 890 meters long town wall and 5 km Great Wall outside the town Ston.
  • Trogir
  • Zadar retains about half of its wall


Place Condition Image Notes
Famagusta Intact Main article: Fortifications of Famagusta
The first major fortification in Famagusta was the Othello Tower, which was built by the Lusignans in the 14th century and was later modified by the Venetians. The latter also built city walls in the 15th and 16th centuries, and they remain intact today.
Nicosia Mostly intact Main article: Walls of Nicosia
The first fortifications in Nicosia were built in the 13th and 14th century. The Venetians demolished the medieval fortifications and replaced them with a circular bastioned enceinte in the late 1560s. The walls remain largely intact except for some breaches.

Czech Republic

Town Wallí (Beroun)


  • Fredericia, extensive renaissance ramparts to the north and west of the city and sea facing ramparts.
  • Copenhagen, extensive renaissance ramparts to the south and east, trace remains to the north and west, nice fort at the harbor mouth, three small island fortlets outside the harbor entrance.
  • Nyborg – the remains include three preserved bastions, and the old town is still mostly surrounded by a moat indicating the locations of the other (now demolished) bastions.


Part of Tallinn City Walls.


Hamina's arrow fortress
The sea fortress of Suomenlinna off the coast of Helsinki
  • Hamina Surrounded by about 4–5 km long star-shaped walled fortification
  • Suomenlinna An inhabited sea fortress off the coast of Helsinki


The walled city of Carcassonne in southern France


Mestia towers, Georgia.


Tower and wall in town of Braubach, Germany
The great bulwark in Büdingen
Towers in Cologne, Germany part of former city wall
Tower in Regensburg, Germany part of former city wall
Rothenburg city wall
Sömmerda city wall
Worms, Germany city walls



The walled medieval city of Monemvasia in southern Greece.
The seaside walls of Naupactus, Greece.

Many towns and cities still retain at least parts of their defensive walls, including:


  • Buda – the Castle Hill is surrounded by preserved medieval and early modern fortifications. Only a short section survived from the walls of the Víziváros neighbourhood.
  • Pest – segments of the 15th-century city walls are preserved inside the courtyards of later houses.
  • Sopron – medieval circle of walls partly built on ancient Roman foundations
  • Pécs – long sections of the medieval walls are preserved and freed to later intrusions.
  • Veszprém – walled old town on Castle Hill
  • Székesfehérvár – long sections of the medieval walls are preserved
  • Sárospatak
  • Vác – some segments and one tower preserved
  • Eger – some segments preserved, mostly demolished
  • Győr – the walls were demolished in the 19th century but segments are preserved
  • Mosonmagyaróvár – the walls were demolished in the 1820s


Place County Condition Image Notes
Ardee County Louth
Athenry County Galway
Athlone County Westmeath
Bandon County Cork
Carlingford County Louth
Cashel County Tipperary
Clonmel County Tipperary
Cork County Cork
Drogheda County Louth Saint Laurence Gate, Drogheda is an original barbican dating from the 13th century. The barbican is widely regarded as one of the finest of its kind in Europe.[5] Another town gate survives in Drogheda, the Buttergate. It is thought to have been used as a pedestrian entrance to the town as no road ran to or from it.
Fethard County Tipperary still retains over a kilometer of medieval town wall – 90% of the circuit. Some sections survive to a height of over 8 meters (26 feet)plus).
Dublin County Dublin
Galway County Galway
Kilkenny County Kilkenny
Limerick County Limerick
New Ross County Wexford
Rinn Dunn / Lecarrow County Roscommon The best preserved abandoned medieval town in Ireland
Trim County Meath
Waterford County Waterford
Wexford County Wexford
Youghal County Cork


Towers for city wall in Genoa.
Town wall in Jesi.


  • Riga – the best preserved part of the old town walls is the Powder Tower. Just north west of the Powder Tower remains a stretch of wall with a square tower. Foundations of the wall can be seen at Kalēju iela street, and there are fragments of a ruined wall at the site of a demolished building at Minsterejas iela street. The only remains of the earthen ramparts around the old town is a star shaped moat, now transformed into a park.
  • Cēsis (see Cēsis Castle)
  • Daugavpils Fortress (Not a true walled city, but a huge fortress with buildings)





Place Region Condition Image Notes
Birgu South Eastern Region Intact Main article: Fortifications of Birgu
An ancient Castrum Maris stood in Birgu since the 13th century. This was rebuilt as Fort St Angelo in the 16th and 17th centuries, when walls surrounding the entire city were built. Most of the fortifications are intact, except for a small part which was destroyed in a magazine explosion in 1806.
Cittadella Gozo Region Intact The area was first fortified in the Bronze Age, and was one of the earliest settlements on the Maltese islands. The town as it is today was fortified by the Aragonese and the Order of Saint John in the 15th to 17th centuries. Half of the town itself is in ruins, although the walls surrounding it are intact.
Cospicua South Eastern Region Mostly intact Main articles: Santa Margherita Lines and Cottonera Lines
The fortifications were built by the Order of Saint John in the 17th and 18th centuries. The city was heavily bombed in the Second World War, but its fortifications remain largely intact although they are in need of restoration.
Floriana South Eastern Region Mostly intact Main article: Floriana Lines
The area was fortified in the 17th century when the Floriana Lines were built. The walls remain largely intact, although in a rather dilapidated state.
Mdina Northern Region Intact Main article: Fortifications of Mdina
The town was first fortified by the Phoenicians, and the current fortifications are based on those built by the Arabs in the 9th to 11th centuries. The fortifications were extensively modified in the Middle Ages, and then by the Order of Saint John until the 18th century. The walls were recently restored, and they are some of the best preserved fortifications in Malta.
Senglea South Eastern Region Partly intact Main article: Fortifications of Senglea
The town was fortified in the 1550s by the Order of Saint John. Most of its fortifications including Fort Saint Michael were dismantled in the 19th and 20th centuries, and the walls sustained damage in World War II. However, some still survive to this day, including the impressive seaward bastions and part of the land front.
Valletta South Eastern Region Intact Main article: Fortifications of Valletta
The fortifications of Valletta were built by the Order of Saint John between 1566 and 1571, and continued to be modified several times in the following centuries. The City Gate was rebuilt five times, the latest one being completed in 2014. The fortifications of Valletta remain intact, except for a lunette that was demolished in the 19th century and some breaches in the walls.



Defensive walls of Kalaja, Ulcinj.


Place Province Accessible Condition Image Notes
's-Hertogenbosch Noord Brabant Yes Sizable parts of the fortifications remain intact. Of the first city wall, built in the 13th century, one tower, belonging to one of the city gates, remains incorporated in a house on the Hinthamerstraat. Another remnant of the first city wall is formed by a gate over one of the arms of the Binnendieze River near the Korte Waterstraat. Sizable sections of the second, 13th-century city walls, and 17th- and 18th-century bastions remain intact as they serve as flood prevention measures. Of special note is the 17th-century pentagonal citadel.
Aardenburg Zeeland Vestiges of the fortifications are visible in the landscape. In 1625 AD, a new trace of earthen ramparts was built. These defenses were demolished between 1688 and 1701 AD. One city gate, the Westpoort, survives. Additionally, remnants of bastions, ravelins, and other outworks are clearly distinguishable in the fields surrounding the town. The foundations of a Roman gatehouse with 2 towers can be found at the Burchtstraat. The foundations of a Roman tower are now incorporated in the playground of a local school.
Amersfoort Utrecht Yes Sizable parts of the fortifications remain intact. Of the first 13th-century city wall, one tower and the barbican of one gate, the Kamperbinnenpoort, remain. After the enlargement of the city in 1450 AD, houses were built on the location of the first wall, and occasionally incorporating fragments of that wall in their structure. Of the 15th-century wall, several stretches remain to the north-east of the old town, while the foundations of the wall have been made visible on the south-eastern side. Two 15th-century gates remain as well; the koppelpoort, a combined land and water gate, and the Monnickendam, a water gate.
Amsterdam Noord Holland One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. Of the medieval walls, the Sint Antoniuspoort is the most important remnant. Other remnants of the same wall are the Schreierstoren and the lower part of one of the towers of the former Regulierspoort. Of the later Baroque defenses, only the Muiderpoort remains intact, while some of the bastions can still be recognizable in the bendy course of the outer moat that still surrounds the old town. The most recent defensive structure around the city is the Stelling van Amsterdam, a 135 km long ring of fortifications around Amsterdam, consisting of 42 forts and other works.
Arnhem Gelderland One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. Only the 14th-century Sabelspoort remains.
Asperen Gelderland One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. On the side of the Linge River, a stone wall, incorporating the bases of several towers, remains. The water gate, giving access to the old harbor, is partially reconstructed. On the land side, parts of earthen ramparts and moats remain.
Bergen op Zoom Noord Brabant Yes One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. Of the medieval fortifications, only the 14th-century Gevangenpoort remains. Of the extensive 17th-century fortifications, only one single ravelin remains.
Bolsward Friesland Yes One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. A moat still encloses the town center.
Bourtange Groningen Yes The fortifications were recently reconstructed. The original fortifications were demolished in the 19th century, but have been reconstructed from 1960 onwards, in a successful effort to revitalize the village.
Breda Noord Brabant One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. The only notable remnant of the city walls is the Spanjaardsgat gate; a water gate defended by two multiangular towers. It forms part of the defenses around Breda Castle, which in turn formed an integral part of the city walls.
Bredevoort Gelderland Yes One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. Part of the ramparts, located on the north-east of the town, have been reshaped into a park. To the south-west, a windmill stands on top of a remnant of one of the bastions.
Brielle Zuid Holland Yes The city wall remains intact. The old town is completely enclosed by earth ramparts, featuring nine bastions, as well as multiple outer works.
Brouwershaven Zeeland Yes One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. Part of the ramparts, located on the east and north of the town, remain intact.
Buren Gelderland Yes Sizable parts of the fortifications remain intact. On the east side of town, facing the river, an impressive wall remains. On the north-west side of the town, a city gate remains, flanked by a row of houses built against the old town wall.
Culemborg Gelderland One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. The old town, its medieval extensions, and the site of the old castle, are still surrounded by a moat. Of the oldest, the 14th-century city wall, one city gate remains, while several fragments of the city wall stand on the south and east sides of the old town.
Delft Zuid Holland One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. The old town is for the most part still surrounded by a moat. Along this moat stand two towers belonging to the medieval wall. On the eastern end of the old town stands the Oostpoort, a 15th-century combined land and water gate.
Doesburg Gelderland Yes Sizable parts of the fortifications remain intact. The fortifications around the old city have been demolished, but the advanced line of defenses to the east of the city remains intact as part of a nature reserve.
Dokkum Friesland Yes The city wall remains intact. The old city is completely enclosed by a line of earth ramparts, featuring five bastions.
Dordrecht Zuid Holland One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. The old city is completely enclosed by a moat, while the old harbor is guarded by the Groothoofdspoort, a late medieval city gate, later rebuilt in a Renaissance style.
Elburg Gelderland Yes Sizable parts of the fortifications remain intact. The old city is completely enclosed by a moat and a 16th-century rectangular earthen rempart with a bastion at each corner. The rampart was changed into a park in the 19th century, but the defenses are still easily recognizable. Several of the old gates were defended by a barbican, the lower parts of which have been excavated and the casemates of one of the barbicans can be visited. Several sections of the medieval city wall still stand behind the 16th-century rampart. One tower of the medieval wall had been changed into a gate in the 16th century. This structure forms the last remaining city gate of the old town.
Enkhuizen Noord Holland Yes Sizable parts of the fortifications remain intact. The landward side of the old town is still completely surrounded by an earthen rampart with five bastions. The last remaining gate facing the landward side of the city is the 17th-century Koepoort. The most impressive remnant of the fortifications is the 16th-century 'Drommedaris' gate, which stands near the harbor.
Franeker Friesland One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. The old city is completely enclosed by a moat. The locations of the old bastions and bulwarks are still recognizable in the shape of the moat.
Gennep Limburg Sizable parts of the fortifications remain intact. Lowered remnants of the old city walls surround the west and north sides of the old town.
Geertruidenberg Noord Brabant Yes Sizable parts of the fortifications remain intact. Most of the fortifications were demolished, but restored sections of the bastioned trace remains to the north and east sides of the old town.
Goes Zeeland One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. The old city is completely enclosed by a moat. The locations of the old bastions and bulwarks are still recognizable in the shape of the moat.
Gorinchem Zuid Holland Yes The city wall remains intact. The old city is completely enclosed by an intact city wall. To the west of the city, the bastioned trace was demolished in order to accommodate the construction of a canal. The defences on that side were subsequently replaced by a Caponier.
Gouda Zuid Holland One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. The old city is completely enclosed by a moat. The remains of a town gate are located near a street named Bogen, meaning 'Arcs', named after the arcs built in the medieval town wall which its trace once ran alongside the Turfsingel side of the street. A part of the town wall is located at the corner Oosthaven with Nieuwe Veerstal. This part of the walls itself once was a part of Gouda castle. Other remains of the castle include subterraneans, cellars and fundaments of walls and touwers arel ocated in the Houtmanplantsoen, behind the nearby windmill. The lower part of this windmill is a remnant of one of the castle's towers.
Grave Noord Brabant One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. Fragments of the double system of moats remain, as well as one city gate. The lower portions of several round medieval towers can be seen at the old harbor. The water gate, leading down to the Maas River, is a recent reconstruction.
Groenlo Gelderland Yes One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. The old town is partially surrounded by an old moat, which clearly shows the locations of the old bastions. Part of the bastionned trace has been reconstructed.
Groningen Groningen One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. The old town is surrounded by a moat.
Haarlem Noord Holland One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. The old city centre is still partially surrounded by a moat. To the north of the city, the moat clearly shows the locations of the old bastions, which have been changed into a park. One city gate remains; the 14th-century Amsterdamse Poort.\
Hardenberg Overijssel Vestiges. The only remnant of the medieval town walls is a small lowerd part of a wall at the western end of the Wilhelminaplein, next to an old water pump.
Harderwijk Gelderland One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. Several sections of the old medieval wall remains, the most sizable parts being located to the north of the old city, facing the former Zuiderzee. Two gates, the Vischpoort and the Smeepoort, stil remain. The Vischpoort has a lighthouse installed on the roof.
Harlingen Friesland One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. Several sections of the moat, indicating the presence of three of the old bastions, remain on the east side of the city.
Hasselt Overijssel One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. On the landside of the city, remnants of the ramparts, featuring four sizable bastions, remain incorporated in a park.
Hattem Gelderland One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. On the landside of the old town center some remnants of the city walls remain. On the side of the old town facing the IJssel River, the Dijkpoort can be found.
Hellevoetsluis Zuid Holland Yes The city wall remains intact. The old navy harbor is still entirely surrounded by a bastionned trace, which is outfitted with a brick revetment on the side of the walls facing the river.
Heukelum Gelderland One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. The town is still enclosed by a moat on the three sides facing away from the Linge River.
Heusden Noord Brabant The fortifications were recently reconstructed. The city walls had been slighted in the 19th century, but have been extensively reconstructed during the middle of the 20th century.
Hoorn Noord Holland One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. The old town is still surrounded by a moat. One city gate remains, the 16th-century Oosterpoort. The most notable remnant of the city defenses, however, is the Hoofdtoren, an impressive 16th-century tower, built to defend the harbor.
Hulst Zeeland Yes The city wall remains intact. The old town is still surrounded by a rempart and a moat. Several remnants of outer works, such as ravelins and an outer wall, remain.
IJzendijke Zeeland One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. Some fragments of the old moat remain. One ravelin belonging to the old fortifications has been restored
IJsselstein Utrecht One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. The old moat remains, while some remnants of the town wall remain on the south and east side of the old town.
Kampen Overijssel One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. The old moat remains, while the old earthen remparts remain incorporated in a park. Three medieval city gates remain, two of which have been rebuilt in a renaissance style. The largest gate, the Kroonmarktpoort, retained its medieval appearance.
Klundert Noord Brabant Yes One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. Several sections of the remparts and bastions remain intact to the north and south of the old town.
Leerdam Noord Brabant Yes One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. The city wall remains intact on the side of the town facing the Linge River.
Leeuwarden Friesland One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. The old town is still entirely surrounded by a moat. Several bastions to the north of the old town have been changed into a park.
Leiden Zuid Holland One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. The old city is still surrounded by a moat. Of the city defenses, two city gates remain and one medieval tower stand to the south of the old town. Part of a bastion on the east side of the city has been reconstructed.
Maastricht Limburg Yes Sizable parts of the fortifications remain intact. Important parts of all major fortification systems remain intact. Of the first city wall, the Helpoort gate remains, as well as several important sections of the oldest 13th-century city wall. Important parts of the second medieval city wall remain on the east side of the old town, while extensive remnants of the complicated system of baroque fortifications can be found to the north. Additionally, a large network of underground communication tunnels, casemates, and countermines remain underneath the present outskirts of the city, which were built on top of the old city walls.
Megen Noord Brabant One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. Only a single 14th-century tower, known as the Gevangenpoort, remains.
Middelburg Zeeland Yes One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. The bastioned trace of the city wall has been changed into a park and is still surrounded by a moat. Only one city gate remains, the 18th-century Koepoort.
Montfoort Utrecht One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. One of the medieval city gates has been incorporated into the town hall. Another remaining portion of the town wall remains to the south west of the old town.
Muiden Noord Holland Yes Sizable parts of the fortifications remain intact. The 16th-century town walls were greatly adapted in the 19th century, when the town became part of the advanced defenses of Amsterdam. The city walls located to the west of the Vecht River remain intact, as do the walls around the Muiderslot castle.
Naarden Noord Holland Yes The city wall remains intact. Naarden is one of the best preserved fortified cities in Europe, featuring a double system of moats and walls, built in the 17th century. The inner wall features numerous underground tunnels, casemates, and barracks.
Nieuweschans Groningen Vestiges of the fortifications are visible in the landscape. The walls of the tiny fortified village have been partially demolished, although a small section remains.
Nieuwpoort, South Holland Zuid Holland Yes The city wall remains intact. The tiny town is entirely surrounded by an earth rampart featuring six bastions and a false bray in front of the curtain walls. The town hall is built over a canal running through the center of town and defends a system of locks with which the land surrounding the fortress could be inundated.
Nijmegen Gelderland Sizable parts of the fortifications remain intact. Sizable parts of the medieval city walls remain to the west and east of the old city. The most notable remnant is the wall, and three towers, located in the Kronenburger park. Of the three towers, the Kronenburger tower is arguable one of the most impressive medieval towers in the Netherlands.
Ootmarsum Overijssel Vestiges. The old town is still fully enclosed bij two ringroads, called the Westwal (Western wall0 and the Oostwal (Eastern wall), indicating the trace of the medieval walls.
Oudeschans Groningen Yes Sizable parts of the fortifications remain intact. The walls of the tiny fortified village have been partially demolished, but remain very recognizable. Part of the city walls have subsequently been reconstructed in the 20th century.
Oudewater Utrecht One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. The old city is enclosed by a moat. The locations of some of the old bastions and bulwarks are still recognizable in the shape of the moat.
Philippine Zeeland Vestiges of the fortifications are visible in the landscape. Remnants of bastions, ravelins, and other outworks are clearly distinguishable in the fields surrounding the town.
Ravenstein Noord Brabant One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. A moat surrounds much of the old town, clearly showing the location of bastions and ravelins. The remnants of two hornworks are visible to the north and south of the old town. The side of the town facing the Maas River features the remnants of two bastions, excavated from the body of the dyke, as well as the single remaining city gate.
Retranchement Zeeland Yes The city wall remains intact. Retranchement was built in 1604 AD as an entrenched camp, consisting of two small, square forts, connected by a wall with three bastions. The northern fort no longer exists as it was destroyed in a flood in 1682 AD.
Rhenen Utrecht One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. Lowered fragments of the 14th-century city wall can be found to the south of the old town. To the north, a windmill stands on top of a remnant of the wall. On the eastern entrance of the old town, the remnants of a sizable barracane can be found.
Roermond Limburg One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. Several fragments of the medieval city wall remain. The most notable and best preserved remnant is the Rattentoren, a 14th-century round tower standing on the north side of the old town.
Sas van Gent Zeeland One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. Of the once powerful and strategic fortress, very little remains. Most of the fortifications were demolished in 1930. What remains are the remnants of one bastion, upon which the base of an old windmill stands, and the remnants of an old late 17th-century tidal mill, which was built into the fortifications.
Schiedam Zuid-Holland One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. Parts of the moat remain, including the northern and western part. The famous Schiedam windmills are built on top of the bases of wall towers.
Schoonhoven Zuid Holland Yes One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. Only a fragment of the old moat remains on the landward side of the town. On the riverside stands the Waterpoort, the last remaining city gate, with some adjacent stretches of the old town walls.
Sittard Limburg Yes Sizable parts of the fortifications remain intact. The powerful fortress town was destroyed by French forces in 1677 AD. Sizable remnants of the medieval city wall remain, buried underneath a later earthen rampart which still surrounds most of the old town.
Sluis Zeeland Yes The city wall remains intact. The old town of Sluis was completely destroyed in the second world war, but he extensive fortification system remained intact and can still be visited today.
Sloten Zeeland Yes Sizable parts of the fortifications remain intact. The tiny fortress town of Sloten is still mostly surrounded by its ramparts, while the moat still completely encircles the town. Two water gates remain intact at the places where an old canal dissects the town.
Steenbergen Noord Brabant Vestiges of the fortifications are visible in the landscape. Some fragments of the old moat remain. The locations of the old bastions can be recognized by the course of the moat and the street pattern. Remnants of the outer works are distinguishable in the surrounding landscape.
Steenwijk Overijssel Yes Sizable parts of the fortifications remain intact. Sizable parts of the moats and ramparts remain.
Stevensweert Limburg Vestiges of the fortifications are visible in the landscape. Although the walls themselves have been demolished, the town was built as an ideal fortress, and features the characteristic spider web street pattern that many such towns were built with. Part of the city walls have been reconstructed from 2007 AD onwards.
Tholen Zeeland Yes One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. The ramparts were changed into a park, but the moat is still present and four bastions are still recognizable.
Tiel Zeeland One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. Fragments of the moat remain, as well as one city gate.
Utrecht Utrecht Yes One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. The medieval city wall has been completely demolished. Remnants of three of the 16th-century Italian style bastions remain. The most complete bastion is Sonnenborgh. Most of the old city fortifications were changed into an English style landscape park in the 19th century. The Dutch Water Line forms a double ring of fortresses where it passes east of the city.
Valkenburg aan de Geul Limburg One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. Two city gates remain at the foot of the ruined castle. Part of the city wall remains to the west side of the old town. The small Den Halder castle was built around an old tower of the city wall.
Veere Zeeland Yes Sizable parts of the fortifications remain intact. The Campveerse toren is a large medieval tower that still guards the entrance to the old harbor today. The later earth ramparts remain mostly intact, especially the enlargements built by order of Napoleon
Venlo Limburg One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. Nearly nothing remains of the once extensive fortifications of Venlo. The most extensive remnant being a stretch of 14th-century wall known as the "Luif"
Vianen Utrecht One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. The Lekpoort is the last remaining city gate of the little town of Vianen. Apart from the gate, a large part of the town is still enclosed by a moat, while a sizable length of (lowered) city wall still stands on the south side of the town.
Vlissingen Zeeland Yes One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. Several remnants of bastions, curtain walls and a tower of a medieval city gate, still stand on the waterside. The landward facing defenses have all been demolished.
Wageningen Gelderland One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. The foundations of a small stretch of the medieval city wall have been unearthed and restored. Of the later remparts, the moat remains, its trace clearly showing the locations of the old bastions.
Weesp Noord Holland Yes The city wall remains intact. Only four of the planned eight bastions were constructed. All four remain intact and surrounded by a moat. In the 19th century, a circular fort was constructed on an island in the Vecht River.
Willemstad Noord Brabant Yes The city wall remains intact. In 1583 AD, prince William of Orange orders the construction of a fortified city on the location of the village of Ruigenhil. The city, called Willemstad, is still entirely surrounded by its seven sided city wall.
Wijk bij Duurstede Utrecht One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. A portion of the moat remains, as do several fragments of the city wall facing the riverside. One city gate still stands as a windmill has been built on top of it. The ramparts that surround the ruins of Duurstede castle have been reshaped into a landscape style park.
Woerden Utrecht Yes One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. Sizable sections of the inner and outer moats still remain and several of the bastions are still recognizable as such. The medieval castle still stands on the south eastern side of the old town.
Woudrichem Noord Brabant Yes The city wall remains intact. The city received a set of strong remparts with seven bastions in 1580 AD. Only one of the gates, the Gevangenpoort, now remains
Zaltbommel Noord Brabant Yes Sizable parts of the fortifications remain intact. The earthen remparts and its bastions were made into an English landscape park in the 19th century, but the structures remain intact up to a significant height and are easily recognizable. The outer moat still encloses the landward side of the city. Behind the earthen remparts stand several sizable fragments of the medieval city wall.
Zierikzee Zeeland Yes One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. A moat still surrounds the old town. While the walls have been demolished, three medieval gates remain. Of these gates, the ensemble of the Noordhavenpoort and Zuidhavenpoort, which guard the entrance to the old harbor, form one of the most impressive remaining medieval defensive structures in the Netherlands
Zutphen Gelderland One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. Remnants of moats from the medieval and post-medieval fortifications are still visible around the old town. The remnants of the medieval fortifications include several towers, the impressive Drogenapstoren gate, the Bourgonjetoren bastion, a water gate named Berkel gate, and a sizable stretch of the old city wall to the south of the old town.
Zwolle Overijssel One or more individual structures (Bastions, gates, towers, etc.) remain. The moat, still clearly showing the remnants of the old bastions, still encloses the old town. The Sassenpoort is the sole remaining city gate, but is one of the largest and most impressive gates of the Netherlands. A number of fragments of the medieval city wall, including two strong towers, still stand along the waterside of the Thorbeckegracht



City walls in Warsaw
City walls in Kraków
City walls in Paczków
City walls in Olkusz
City walls in Szydłów
City walls in Stargard Szczeciński




The Sassanian fortress in Derbent.
Smolensk City Wall in 1912.



A part of the remaining defensive walls of Bratislava
Town castle in Kremnica


  • Kranj evidence of 1st-century fortifications with parts of medieval fortifications with four of the original eight towers preserved
  • Ljubljana
  • Piran 7th-century fortification expanded between 1470 and 1533
  • Vipavski Križ



  • City wall of Visby
  • Gothenburg has a part of the western city wall left, the bastion Carolus Rex at Esperanto platsen (Esperanto square) and most of the city moat is still left.
  • Halmstad had reinassance ramparts. To the north of the old town a bastion with adjacent town gate remains, the Norre Port. To the south of the old town a bastion with a remnant of the moat remains.
  • Kalmar substantial remains of the walls. Sizable stretches of walls and a bastion remain to the south of the old town. To the east remain two bastions. To the north remain portions of wall near Fiskaregatan. To the west the shape of two bastions is clearly recognizable, with a ravelin in front of the remaining town gate Westport (Westgate). Two other town gates still remain, an unnamded gate of later date at the Skeppsbrogatan, and a gate at Skeppsbron.
  • Stockholm has a small remainder of the medieval city wall preserved.
  • Bohus Fortress


Plan of Geneva and environs in 1841. The colossal fortifications, among the most important in Europe, were demolished ten years later.


A surviving section of the stone base of the walls of Troy, Turkey
  • Troy. The ancient city of Troy was famous for its defensive walls. There is archaeological evidence that Troy VII, generally identified as the stage of the legendary Trojan War of Homer's Iliad, usually dated between 1194 BC – 1184 BC, had walls with a carefully built stone base over four meters thick and some nine meters high in places, which was surmounted by a larger superstructure with towers in mudbrick. The walls in Homer's epic are so mighty that the siege of Troy by Achaeans lasts more than nine years, and only could be finished with the trickery of the Trojan Horse. Sections of the stone base of Trojan walls still survive on the archaeological site in present-day Hisarlık, in Çanakkale province.
  • Istanbul. The system of walls around (as it was then known) Constantinople built in 412 by the Roman emperor Theodosius II was a complex stone barrier that stretched 6.5 kilometers and is often called the Wall of Theodosius. This barrier stood impregnable for ten centuries and resisted several violent sieges until 1453 when the Ottomans succeeded in breaching the walls. There was a new element in the battlefield: the Ottoman army had powder cannon and the walls offered limited resistance to them.
Roman walls of Diyarbakır, Turkey


United Kingdom


  • Alnwick Grade 1 listed Bondgate (Hotspur Gateway) and section of wall remain of mediaeval defences, Pottergate Tower is C18 rebuild of medieval gate and may incorporate some medieval fabric.[6]
  • Bath – Several fragments of the medieval wall still survive. The East Gate is the only remaining gateway. The length of wall opposite the Mineral Water Hospital is largely a reconstruction of the medieval wall. By far the best length, over 160 ft, could until 1963 be seen on the site cleared by an air-raid in 1940. This was the SE corner of the medieval city. The remains of this wall now lie buried below the floor of the new Woolworths store.[7]
  • Berwick-upon-Tweed – the Elizabethan ramparts with their bastions, gateways and earthworks survive. Spades Mire is an earthwork linear ditches, possibly forming an outer line of defence for medieval Berwick. Situated on the south side of the ditch are traces of an accompanying rampart, now much spread and up to 13m wide. The Lord's Mount is a massive curved stone bulwark which was built in the 1540s to protect the town walls at their weakest point.[8]
  • Bridgnorth – the North Gate is still present, the site of the former Postern Gate still very visible; and parts of the wall now form garden walls in various parts of the town.
  • Bristol traces and one fine city gate remain
  • Canterbury
  • Carlisle
  • Chester – the city walls are one of the city's biggest tourist attractions. They were originally built by the Romans and continue to form a complete ring around much of the present-day city centre.
  • Chichester
Colchester Town Walls
  • Colchester – the town was surrounded by a wall built by the Romans after Boudica had sacked the town. Approximately half of the walls remain.
  • Coventry – the walls were demolished in 1662. Two gates survive, connected by a section of wall that runs through Lady Herbert's garden. Other small fragments dotted around the city centre, mainly hidden by modern buildings, include the remains of a bastion near Upper Well Street. Several fragments have been incorporated into newer buildings.
  • Durham – The Castle formed the largest part of Durham's defences, with the neighbouring "Backgate", demolished in the 1760s, which sat across Sadler Street. This was accompanied by a Gaol, which survived until the 1840s, remains of which are present in an alley off Sadler Street. Other walls surrounding the centre of Durham survive between the River Wear, and the houses lining a number of thoroughfares: Sadler Street, North Bailey, South Bailey, and Palace Green. The street names North Bailey and South Bailey are testament to this fact. It is debatable just how defensive these walls were, and some parts have since become garden walls. The archway of a Water Gate survives where South Bailey meets Prebends' Bridge.
  • Exeter
  • Great Yarmouth – about two-thirds of the wall remains. Of the original eighteen towers, eleven survive.
  • Hartlepool
  • Hereford
  • Kingston upon Hull
  • Leicester
  • Lincoln – fragmentary remains
  • London – fragments of London Wall, the wall that once surrounded the Roman town of Londinium, are still visible just outside the Museum of London and at Tower Hill in the City of London.
  • Ludlow – good lengths of the wall remain and a number of the gates too
Newcastle town wall

Northern Ireland



See also


  1. ^ "12 Impressive Walled Cities in the World". Retrieved 9 December 2012.
  2. ^ "Baluarte de Santiago". Fodor's. Retrieved 30 October 2009.
  3. ^ Castillero, Alfredo (2004). UNESCO Guides: Panamá la Vieja and Casco Viejo. UNESCO Publishing. ISBN 92-3-103923-7. {{cite book}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help)
  4. ^ http://www.nps.gov/nr/travel/American_Latino_Heritage/St_Augustine_Town_Plan_Historic_District.html
  5. ^ http://www.discoverireland.ie/Arts-Culture-Heritage/st-laurence-s-gate-drogheda-walls/74684
  6. ^ "Alnwick Town Wall". Gatehouse. Retrieved 18 September 2011.
  7. ^ "BATH CITY WALL". Gatehouse. http://www.gatehouse-gazetteer.info/English%20sites/12.html. {{cite web}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help); External link in |publisher= (help); Missing or empty |url= (help)
  8. ^ Berwick Town Wall. "Gate". Gtehouse. Retrieved 18 September 2011.
  9. ^ "WINCHESTER CITY WALL". Gatehouse: A comprehensive gazetteer and bibliography of the medieval castles, fortifications and palaces of England, Wales and the Islands. Retrieved 18 September 2011.