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Members of the 111th United States Congress: Difference between revisions

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Only five members of the U.S. Senate have been of Asian American or Pacific Islander backgrounds. Four of these politicians have been from Hawaii, with senators Hiram Fong, [[Spark Matsunaga]], and Daniel Akaka providing a continuous hold for this ethnic group on a Class I seat from that state since its inception. [[Daniel Inouye]] has held the state's other senate seat for all but four years of statehood. [[Samuel Hayakawa]] (in office 1977-83) of California is the only other Asian to have served in the upper house. Hayakawa is actually of [[Japanese Canadian]] decent, but worked as a college professor in the United States.
Only five members of the U.S. Senate have been of Asian American or Pacific Islander backgrounds. Four of these politicians have been from Hawaii, with senators Hiram Fong, [[Spark Matsunaga]], and Daniel Akaka providing a continuous hold for this ethnic group on a Class I seat from that state since its inception. [[Daniel Inouye]] has held the state's other senate seat for all but four years of statehood. [[Samuel Hayakawa]] (in office 1977-83) of California is the only other Asian to have served in the upper house. Hayakawa is actually of [[Japanese Canadian]] decent, but worked as a college professor in the United States.

Jewish Americans (29 members of the House and 13 members of Senate) have a level of political incorporation [**sources missing**] that is much greater than their voting population would suggest (2% of the population). [NO citations. Biased statement.]
Jewish Americans (29 members of the House and 13 members of Senate) have a level of political incorporation that is much greater than their voting population would suggest (2% of the population).

Compared with the primarily European American, African American, Latino, and Asian/Pacific American communities, [[Native Americans in the United States|American Indians]], comprising 1.5% of the population, are the most underrepresented group. [[Tom Cole]], a [[Chickasaw]], is the only registered American Indian currently in the House. Tracking Native American members of Congress is complex, since many people of mixed blood are not registered as part of the American Indian population. [[Charles Curtis]], who was three-quarters Native American and had ancestries from a variety of different tribes, was elected in 1892 as the first U.S. representative from this group. Curtis accomplished several other firsts during his political tenure. He became the first American Indian to serve in the US Senate (in office 1907-13 and 1915-29), to lead a major party (served as Republican [[Senate Majority Leader]] from 1925-29), and to obtain the office of [[Vice President]].
Compared with the primarily European American, African American, Latino, and Asian/Pacific American communities, [[Native Americans in the United States|American Indians]], comprising 1.5% of the population, are the most underrepresented group. [[Tom Cole]], a [[Chickasaw]], is the only registered American Indian currently in the House. Tracking Native American members of Congress is complex, since many people of mixed blood are not registered as part of the American Indian population. [[Charles Curtis]], who was three-quarters Native American and had ancestries from a variety of different tribes, was elected in 1892 as the first U.S. representative from this group. Curtis accomplished several other firsts during his political tenure. He became the first American Indian to serve in the US Senate (in office 1907-13 and 1915-29), to lead a major party (served as Republican [[Senate Majority Leader]] from 1925-29), and to obtain the office of [[Vice President]].

Revision as of 05:31, 2 October 2008

The 110th United States Congress consists of 540 elected officials from 50 states, four territories, and the District of Columbia. It is the federal legislature of the United States of America, continuing an unbroken chain dating back to the 1st Congress in 1789.

The lower house, the House of Representatives, has 435 members and five non-voting delegates, and its upper house, the Senate, has 100 members.


In the Senate, there are 16 women, the highest number in history (Barbara Boxer, D-CA; Maria Cantwell, D-WA; Hillary Clinton, D-NY; Susan Collins, R-ME; Elizabeth Dole, R-NC; Dianne Feinstein, D-CA; Kay Bailey Hutchinson, R-TX; Amy Klobuchar, D-MN; Mary Landrieu, D-LA; Blanche Lincoln, D-AR; Claire McCaskill, D-MO; Barbara Mikulski, D-MD; Lisa Murkowski, R-AK; Patty Murray, D-WA; Olympia Snowe, R-ME; Debbie Stabenow, D-MI). There are 13 Jews, three Hispanics (Mel Martinez, R-FL; Bob Menendez, D-NJ; Ken Salazar, D-CO) two Asian Americans (Daniel Akaka, D-HI; Daniel Inouye, D-HI), one Arab American (John Sununu, R-NH), and one African American (Barack Obama, D-IL). The average age of senators in 2007 is 62 years.[citation needed] The oldest senator in 2007 is President pro tempore Robert Byrd (90); the youngest is John Sununu (44).

The 110th Congress includes the most religiously-diverse House in history, including the first Muslims (Keith Ellison, D-MN and André Carson, D-IN), the first Buddhists (Mazie Hirono, D-HI and Hank Johnson, D-GA), and 30 Jews. There are 42 African Americans (including two non-voting delegates) and 74 female representatives. There are also 27 Hispanics, four Asian Americans (Mazie Hirono, D-HI; Michael Honda, D-CA; Doris Matsui, D-CA; and David Wu, D-OR), and one Native American (Tom Cole, R-OK).

Religious demographics

As of June 2008, the top five denominations in the Congress are Roman Catholic (29.3%), Baptist (11.1%), Methodist (10.2%), Jewish (7.8%), and Presbyterian (7.6%). Protestant denominations have held a large majority throughout congressional history, reflecting American's traditional demographics. 58.0% of seats are currently held by members of Protestant denominations. Catholics have also been in Congress from the beginning and have seen continuous representation since then. Charles Carroll was in the Continental Congress and was appointed to the Senate in 1789. Daniel Carroll of Maryland and Thomas Fitzsimons of Pennsylvania were Catholics in the first sesion of the House of Representatives. Gabriel Richard became the first Catholic priest in Congress in 1823. Quakers have also served in Congress since its inception, with Philemon Dickinson in the Senate and a pair of House members in Lambert Cadwalader and John Hathorn. Quaker representation has not been continuous, and only one member of the current Congress belongs to the group, Representative Rush Holt. In 1995 Congresswomen Sheila Jackson-Lee became the first Seventh-day Adventist to be elected to Congress. There has not been any other representation of the Adventist church since her election.

In 1844, Lewis Charles Levin became the first Jew to be elected to Congress. In 1845, David Levy Yulee was the chosen as the first Jewish member of the Senate, although he later became a convert to Christianity. Jews have been continuously represented in the House since the election of Isidor Rayner in 1887. Since the election of Herbert Lehman to the Senate in 1948, the upper house has also contained at least one Jewish member. A record 42 Jews currently serve in Congress.

Not until 1966 was a member of an Orthodox faith elected to Congress. Nick Galifianakis became the first member of this group to serve in the legislature. In 1977, Paul Sarbanes became the first US Senator of Orthodox beliefs. This group, despite having a relatively small number of adherents, has been continuously represented in both houses since the intitial elections. Senator Olympia Snowe, as well as Representatives John Sarbanes, Zack Space, Gus Bilirakis, and Niki Tsongas are current members of Congress that follow Greek Orthodoxy, while Representative Melissa Bean adheres to Serbian Orthodoxy.

Dalip Singh Saund, who elected in 1956 and served until 1963, was the first, and so far only, Sikh in Congress.[1] In 2007, Keith Ellison of Minnesota became the first practicing Muslim to become a member of the United States Congress; he was joined by André Carson of Indiana following a special election on 11 March 2008. Mazie Hirono of Hawai'i and Hank Johnson of Georgia became the first two Buddhists to be elected to the United States Congress on November 7 2006, although Mazie Hirono is not currently practicing her faith.

Members of the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) have been in Congress since Utah was established as a territory in 1851. Delegate John Milton Bernhisel became the first Mormon in Congress that same year. When Utah received statehood in 1895, Clarence Emir Allen became the first representative of a state that practiced the Mormon faith, and since then Mormons have had continuous representation in the lower House. Frank J. Cannon became the first Latter-day Saint member of the Senate, also in 1895. However, after he left office the next year, Mormons did not return to the Senate until 1905, when George Sutherland started a string of continuous representation for the group. Currently eleven representatives and five senators are part of this religious group.

As of a statement in March 2007, California Rep. Pete Stark became the publicly-stated atheist in the history of Congress. He was formerly of the Unitarian Universalist faith.[2] Numerous members of Congress throughout history have also declined to list an official religion, including 10 current representatives.


and Women in the United States House of Representatives

As of 2007, 83.7% of Congress is male and 16.3% is female.[3] The global average for female representation at the parliamentary level in 2007 was 17.0%.[4]

Jeannette Rankin was the first woman elected to Congress, in 1916. Women could not vote or be elected in most of the United States until the Nineteenth Amendment was ratified in 1920. Rebecca Felton was the first woman to become a Senator in 1922, serving for a brief two-day period when she was appointed to fill a vacancy left by Georgia Senator Thomas E. Watson. The first woman to win a race for Senate was Hattie Caraway, who won a special election in January 1932 to fulfill her late husband's Senate term of office. Caraway subsequently won the scheduled November 1932 election, eventually serving two more full terms.

In the early days following the legalization of national womens' suffrage, most women elected to Congress were chosen as replacements for deceased husbands. Prior to the 1960s, most female members of Congress were either involved in this process of "widow's succession" or were members of influential political families. Elected to the House in 1965, Patsy Mink became the first non-white woman to enter Congress (she is of Japanese American heritage). Until 1992, a year that saw the election of four new female senators, the US Senate had never had more than three women serving at a time. Nancy Pelosi became the first female leader of a major party when she took over the position of House Minority Leader in 2002, and she is currently (since 2007) the first woman to serve as Speaker of the House.

In the 109th United States Congress, there were 70 women serving the U.S. House and 14 in the U.S. Senate, which was the highest number of women to hold Congressional office in the United States up until that time.[5] Those numbers went up in the 110th Congress, with 74 women in the House[6] and 16 in the Senate.[7]

Sexual orientation

There have been five openly gay members in the history of Congress. Gerry Studds (elected in 1972) became the first openly gay man when he acknowledged his homosexuality in 1983. Barney Frank (elected in 1980) is currently the only openly gay male in Congress; he first spoke publicly about his sexual orientation in 1987. Steve Gunderson, elected in 1980 and outed in 1994, and Jim Kolbe, elected in 1984 and outed in 1996, are two other previous members of Congress that were openly gay. Current congresswoman Tammy Baldwin is the first and so far only open lesbian woman to win election to Congress. In 1998, she became the first ever gay person to win election to Congress as a non-incumbent. Former California representative Michael Huffington is bisexual, but did not come out until after his term had ended.

Occupational background

Senators come from a variety of occupational backgrounds. 215 members (159 in the House and 58 in the Senate) have worked in some aspect of law during their career, whether as an attorney, paralegal, policy analyst, or bureaucratic official, with 180 members of the House and 58 of the Senate holding Juris Doctor degrees. 189 members (162 in the House and 26 in the Senate) have worked in some segment of private sector business, with 18 members holding MBA degrees. 82 representatives and 14 senators have worked in education, whether as a teacher or school administrator. 109 Congress members have served as political aides at some level, including 10 working as congressional pages and 16 working as members of the White House staff.

24 members of Congress have worked in the medical field, including 12 M.D.s, 3 nurses, 2 dentists, 2 veterinarians, 1 psychologist, 1 psychiatrist, 1 optometrist, and 1 pharmacist. 15 members are former law enforcement specialists, including 5 sheriffs, 4 police officers, 2 state troopers, 2 probation officers, 1 FBI agent, and 1 border patrol agent. 9 scientists serve in Congress, including 4 chemists, 3 physicists, 1 biologist, and 1 biomedical engineer. 6 members of Congress are ordained ministers, while 5 are certified public accountants.

Several members of Congress were nationally famous prior to entering politics, namely Hall of Fame MLB pitcher Jim Bunning, and NFL quarterback Heath Shuler. Other congressmen have held a variety of jobs ranging from social worker to mortician to riverboat captain.


African Americans currently make up about 13% of the US population, but have historically been underrepresented in Congress. Currently 42 members (9.5%) of the House are black, while Barack Obama is the only African American member of the Senate. Until the emancipation of enslaved African Americans after the Civil War and the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1866, blacks were generally barred from voting. As a result of these new laws, Joseph Rainey and Jefferson F. Long won election to Congress in majority-black districts and Hiram Rhodes Revels was appointed as senator from Mississippi (then a majority-black state) in 1870. However, the end of Reconstruction in 1876 marked a weakening of black rights and by 1901, when George Henry White left the House after losing a reelection bid, there were no African Americans left in Congress.

In 1929, Oscar Stanton de Priest became the first African American congressman in the modern era. He and his successor, Arthur W. Mitchell, spent their tenure as the only African Americans in Congress while representing a majority-black House district in Chicago. In 1970, a year that saw the election of four black freshman congressman, black membership in the House reached double-digits. Shirley Chisholm became the first African American female member of Congress when she won a 1968 election in New York, while Andrew Young of Georgia became the first modern African American congressman from the South after he won election in 1972.

Only five African Americans have served in the U.S. Senate. Hiram Revels and Blanche Bruce both served during Reconstruction in then majority-black Mississippi. In the modern era, Edward Brooke (served 1967-79), Carol Moseley Braun (served 1993-99 as the first black female senator), and Barack Obama (2005-present) are the only blacks to have served in the upper house.

Representation of Hispanics is somewhat complex, particularly because of the different ways to define membership in this group. Hispanics represent over 14% of the U.S. population, while the Senate is 3% Hispanic and the House is approximately 5% (25 members) Hispanic. Considering that Hispanics make up only 4% of American voters, Hispanic political incorporation has been relatively high compared with previous immigrant groups. The Congressional Hispanic Caucus [1] has 21 members. Joseph Marion Hernández, a Spanish American, was the first Hispanic in Congress. He was a Whig Party territorial representative for Florida in 1822. The first to represent a state was Romualdo Pacheco, who represented California in 1877. In 1929, Octaviano Ambrosio Larrazolo became the first Hispanic to be elected to the United States Senate. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, a Cuban American first elected in 1989, was the first Hispanic woman in Congress. While Hispanic women have served in House, none have been elected to the Senate.

Unlike black Americans, Hispanics never were legally barred from the polls and in New Mexico and California, Hispanics were a large and influential minority. Since the election of Dennis Chavez and Joachim O. Fernández to the House in 1931, Hispanics have continuously been represented in Congress. Most Hispanic members of Congress, including all elected prior to 1970, were of Mexican descent. Herman Badillo won election in 1970 to become the first Puerto Rican in Congress, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen was elected in 1989 as the first Cuban American congresswoman, and Richard Pombo won a seat in 1993 as the first Portuguese American member of congress.

Prior to 2005, only three Hispanics have won a term in the U.S. Senate. These members were Octaviano Larrazola (served 1928-29), Dennis Chavez (formerly of the House, and served 1935-62), and Joseph Montoya (also formerly a House member, serve 1964-77), all of Mexican descent. However, two Hispanics won Senate seats in 2004, Ken Salazar and Mel Martinez (the first Cuban American senator), and Bob Menendez was appointed in 2006.

Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders also have a high level of political incorporation in terms of their actual voting population. But, as a result this group's historically low voting rates, overall political incorporation of the general population is relatively low. Although the population of this group has increased in size by 600% in 30 years due to immigration, heavy naturalization and voter outreach efforts have provided this primarily foreign-born community with less than 1% of voters but 1.25% of congressional population. However, since they represent 4.4% of the total population in the United States, this 1.25% still represents less than one-third of the total Asian American and Pacific Islander population. There are six members of this group in the House and two in the Senate. Senator Daniel Inouye and Representatives Mike Honda, Doris Matsui, and Mazie Hirono are all Japanese Americans. Senator Daniel Akaka is a Native Hawaiian, while Delegate Eni Faleomavaega is a Samoan. Bobby Scott of Virginia, who is also half black, has Filipino American ancestry.

Robert William Wilcox, a Native Hawaiian who served as Hawaiian territorial delegate from 1900 to 1903, was the first Pacific Islander chosen to serve in Congress. Dalip Singh Saund (served 1957-63) was the first South Asian American in Congress and is one of only two Indian Americans to be elected to the legislature. Hiram Fong, who served three decades in the Senate from 1959 to 1977, remains the sole Chinese American member to have ever entered Congress. Daniel Inouye (serving since 1959) was the first Japanese American in the House and later the first in Senate. Patsy Mink (served 1965-77 and again from 1990-2002) was the first Asian American woman in Congress. Daniel Akaka (serving since 1977) is thus far the only native Hawaiian to serve in either the House or the Senate. Jay Kim, who was born in Seoul and served from 1993-99, remains as the only Korean American to have entered Congress, while current congressman David Wu became the first Taiwanese American representative in 1999. Bobby Scott, elected in 1993, is the only member of Congress to have Filipino ancestry.

Only five members of the U.S. Senate have been of Asian American or Pacific Islander backgrounds. Four of these politicians have been from Hawaii, with senators Hiram Fong, Spark Matsunaga, and Daniel Akaka providing a continuous hold for this ethnic group on a Class I seat from that state since its inception. Daniel Inouye has held the state's other senate seat for all but four years of statehood. Samuel Hayakawa (in office 1977-83) of California is the only other Asian to have served in the upper house. Hayakawa is actually of Japanese Canadian decent, but worked as a college professor in the United States.

Jewish Americans (29 members of the House and 13 members of Senate) have a level of political incorporation that is much greater than their voting population would suggest (2% of the population).

Compared with the primarily European American, African American, Latino, and Asian/Pacific American communities, American Indians, comprising 1.5% of the population, are the most underrepresented group. Tom Cole, a Chickasaw, is the only registered American Indian currently in the House. Tracking Native American members of Congress is complex, since many people of mixed blood are not registered as part of the American Indian population. Charles Curtis, who was three-quarters Native American and had ancestries from a variety of different tribes, was elected in 1892 as the first U.S. representative from this group. Curtis accomplished several other firsts during his political tenure. He became the first American Indian to serve in the US Senate (in office 1907-13 and 1915-29), to lead a major party (served as Republican Senate Majority Leader from 1925-29), and to obtain the office of Vice President.

Several of the nation's major tribes have been represented in Congress in limited number. Charles David Carter (served 1907-27) was the first Choctaw in Congress; William Wirt Hastings (served 1915-35) was the first Cherokee in the legislature; Ben Reifel (seved 1961-71) was the first Sioux to win election to the body. Other than Curtis, only a few members of the U.S. Senate have been American Indians. Robert Latham Owen (served 1907-25) and Ben Nighthorse Campbell (served 1993-2005 after several previous terms in the House and the first Cheyenne in Congress) are the others to have earned that distinction.

Middle Eastern Americans also have typically low levels of voting incorporation, except among a particular voting group. As a whole, Middle Eastern Americans are not measured by the U.S. Census, which, combined with differences in the definition of this group, makes measuring its percentage of the population difficult. Estimates place about 1.8% of the nation's population to be of the origin. However, nearly all Middle Eastern members of Congress have been from one group, Lebanese Americans. George Kasem became the first Lebanese congressman when he won his first and only term in 1958. Since Abraham Kazen took office in 1977 (served until 1985), Lebanese Americans have been consistently represented in Congress. Currently there are four Lebanese members of the House: Nick Rahall, Ray LaHood, Charles Boustany, and Darrell Issa.

Five members of the U.S. Senate have been of Middle Eastern decent, with all five coming from Arab American backgrounds and four holding Lebanese decent. James Abourezk, who served from 1973 to 1979, became the first Lebanese American member of the upper house. George Mitchell (served 1980-95), who is half Lebanese, became the first Middle Eastern American party leader, as he served as Senate Majority Leader from 1989 to 1995. James Abdnor (served 1981 to 1987) and Spencer Abraham (1995-2001) also were Lebanese American senators. John Sununu, a senator since 2003, is the first member of Congress of Palestinian American decent.

Currently there is one foreign-born U.S. Senator, Mel Martinez of Florida, who was born in Cuba. There are seven current representatives who were born overseas: Lincoln Diaz-Balart, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, and Albio Sires from Cuba; Ciro Rodriguez from Mexico; Mazie Hirono from Japan; David Wu from Taiwan; and Pete Hoekstra from the Netherlands, who in total comprise 1.6% of the House. This figure does not include three members who were born overseas to U.S. citizen parents.


Elections for all House seats and 33 Senate seats were held on November 7, 2006 across the country. Following 12 years under Republican control, the Democratic Party became the majority in both houses, regaining control of the House for the first time since 1994 and the Senate for the first time since 2002. Template:United States Senate election, 2006 Template:United States House election, 2006


Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic/rowTemplate:American politics/party colours/Republican/rowTemplate:American politics/party colours/Independent/rowTemplate:American politics/party colours/Independent/row
Affiliation Members Note
Democratic Party 49
Republican Party 49
Independent Democrat 1 Joe Lieberman caucuses with the Democrats.
Independent 1 Bernie Sanders caucuses with the Democrats.
Total 100
File:110th US Congress Senate3.PNG
Senators' party membership by state.


Majority leadership
Office Officer State Since
Senate Majority Leader
Democratic Conference Chairman
Harry Reid Nevada 2006
Senate Majority Whip Richard Durbin Illinois 2007
Democratic Policy Committee Chairman Byron Dorgan North Dakota 1999
Democratic Conference Secretary Patty Murray Washington 2007
Democratic Campaign Committee Chairman
and Vice-Chairman of the Democratic Conference
Chuck Schumer New York 2005
Minority leadership
Office Officer State Since
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell Kentucky 2007
Senate Minority Whip Jon Kyl Arizona 2007
Republican Conference Chairman Lamar Alexander Tennessee 2007
Republican Policy Committee Chairman Kay Bailey Hutchison Texas 2007
Republican Conference Secretary John Cornyn Texas 2007
Republican Campaign Committee Chairman John Ensign Nevada 2007


Class End of Term
1 2009
2 2011
3 2013
Class State Name Party Religion Prior Experience Education First took
2 Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Alabama Shelby, Richard Republican Methodist Alabama Senate; U.S. House (AL-7) Alabama 1987 1934
1 Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Alabama Sessions, Jeff Republican Methodist State Attorney General Huntingdon College, Alabama 1997 1946
1 Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Alaska Stevens, Ted[8] Republican Episcopalian military, attorney, State House of Representatives UCLA, Harvard[8] 1968 1923
2 Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Alaska Murkowski, Lisa[8] Republican Roman Catholic State House of Representatives Georgetown, Willamette 2002 1957
2 Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Arizona McCain, John[9] Republican Baptist[10] military, U.S. House (AZ-1) U.S. Naval Academy[9] 1987 1936
3 Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Arizona Kyl, Jon[9] Republican Presbyterian attorney, U.S. House (AZ-4) Arizona 1995 1942
2 Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Arkansas Lincoln, Blanche[11] Democratic Episcopalian U.S. House (AR-1) Randolph-Macon Women's College, Arkansas 1999 1960
1 Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Arkansas Pryor, Mark[11] Democratic Christian Arkansas House of Representatives, State Attorney General Arkansas 2003 1963
3 Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | California Feinstein, Dianne Democratic Jewish Mayor of San Francisco Stanford University 1992 1933
2 Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | California Boxer, Barbara Democratic Jewish Marin County Board of Supervisors, U.S. House (CA-6) Brooklyn College 1993 1940
1 Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Colorado Allard, Wayne Republican Protestant U.S. House (CO-4) Colorado State 1997 1943
2 Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Colorado Salazar, Ken Democratic Roman Catholic State Attorney General Colorado College, Michigan 2005 1955
2 Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Connecticut Dodd, Chris Democratic Roman Catholic U.S. House (CT-2) Providence, Louisville 1981 1944
3 Template:American politics/party colours/Independent | Connecticut Lieberman, Joe Independent Democratic Jewish State Attorney General Yale 1989 1942
1 Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Delaware Biden, Joe Democratic Roman Catholic New Castle County Council Delaware, Syracuse 1973 1942
3 Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Delaware Carper, Tom Democratic Presbyterian Governor; U.S. House (DE-At Large);Delaware State Treasurer Ohio State, Delaware 2001 1947
3 Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Florida Nelson, Bill Democratic Episcopalian State Treasurer Yale, Virginia 2001 1942
2 Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Florida Martinez, Mel Republican Roman Catholic U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Florida State 2005 1946
1 Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Georgia Chambliss, Saxby Republican Episcopalian U.S. House (GA-8) Georgia, Tennessee 2003 1943
2 Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Georgia Isakson, Johnny Republican Methodist U.S. House (GA-6) Georgia 2005 1944
2 Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Hawaii Inouye, Daniel Democratic Methodist U.S. House (HI-At Large) Hawaii, George Washington 1963 1924
3 Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Hawaii Akaka, Daniel Democratic Congregationalist U.S. House (HI-2) Hawaii 1991 1924
1 Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Idaho Craig, Larry Republican Methodist U.S. House (ID-1) Idaho 1991 1945
2 Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Idaho Crapo, Mike Republican LDS U.S. House (ID-2) Harvard 1999 1951
1 Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Illinois Durbin, Dick Democratic Roman Catholic U.S. House (IL-20) Georgetown 1997 1944
2 Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Illinois Obama, Barack Democratic United Church of Christ State Senate Columbia, Harvard 2005 1961
3 Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Indiana Lugar, Dick Republican Methodist Mayor of Indianapolis Denison, Oxford 1977 1932
2 Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Indiana Bayh, Evan Democratic Episcopalian Indiana Secretary of State, Governor Indiana University, Virginia 1999 1955
2 Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Iowa Grassley, Chuck Republican Baptist U.S. House (IA-3) Northern Iowa 1981 1933
1 Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Iowa Harkin, Tom Democratic Roman Catholic U.S. House (IA-5) Iowa State, Catholic 1985 1939
2 Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Kansas Brownback, Sam Republican Roman Catholic U.S. House (KS-2) Kansas State, Kansas 1996 1956
1 Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Kansas Roberts, Pat Republican Methodist U.S. House (KS-1) Kansas State 1997 1936
1 Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Kentucky McConnell, Mitch Republican Baptist Jefferson County Executive Louisville, Kentucky 1985 1942
2 Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Kentucky Bunning, Jim Republican Roman Catholic U.S. House (KY-4) Xavier 1999 1931
1 Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Louisiana Landrieu, Mary Democratic Roman Catholic State Treasurer Louisiana State 1997 1955
2 Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Louisiana Vitter, David Republican Roman Catholic U.S. House (LA-1) Harvard, Oxford, Tulane 2005 1961
3 Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Maine Snowe, Olympia Republican Eastern Orthodox Maine House of Representatives;Maine Senate; U.S. House (ME-2) Maine 1995 1947
1 Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Maine Collins, Susan Republican Roman Catholic Deputy State Treasurer St. Lawrence 1997 1952
2 Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Maryland Mikulski, Barbara Democratic Roman Catholic Baltimore City Council, U.S. House (MD-3) Mount Saint Agnes, Maryland 1987 1936
3 Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Maryland Cardin, Ben Democratic Jewish Maryland House of Delegates, U.S. House (MD-3) Pittsburgh, Maryland 2007 1943
3 Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Massachusetts Kennedy, Ted Democratic Roman Catholic lawyer Harvard, Virginia 1962 1932
1 Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Massachusetts Kerry, John Democratic Roman Catholic Lieutenant Governor Yale, Boston College 1985 1943
1 Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Michigan Levin, Carl Democratic Jewish Detroit City Council Swarthmore, Harvard 1979 1934
3 Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Michigan Stabenow, Debbie Democratic United Methodist Michigan Senate, U.S. House (MI-8) Michigan State 2001 1950
1 Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Minnesota Coleman, Norm Republican Jewish Mayor of St. Paul Hofstra, Iowa 2003 1949
3 Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Minnesota Klobuchar, Amy Democratic-Farmer-Labor Congregationalist Hennepin County Attorney Yale, Chicago 2007 1960
1 Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Mississippi Cochran, Thad Republican Baptist U.S. House (MS-4) Mississippi 1979 1937
3 Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Mississippi Wicker, Roger[H] Republican Southern Baptist U.S. House (MS-1) Mississippi 2007 1951
2 Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Missouri Bond, Kit Republican Presbyterian State Auditor, Governor Princeton, Virginia 1987 1939
3 Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Missouri McCaskill, Claire Democratic Roman Catholic State Auditor; Missouri House of Representatives;Jackson County Prosecutor University of Missouri 2007 1953
1 Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Montana Baucus, Max Democratic United Church of Christ U.S. House (MT-1) Stanford 1979 1941
3 Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Montana Tester, Jon Democratic Church of God Montana State Senate President Great Falls 2007 1956
1 Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Nebraska Hagel, Chuck Republican Episcopalian electronics executive, investment banker Nebraska-Omaha 1997 1946
3 Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Nebraska Nelson, Ben Democratic Methodist Governor University of Nebraska 2001 1941
2 Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Nevada Reid, Harry Democratic LDS U.S. House (NV-1) Southern Utah, Utah State, George Washington 1987 1939
3 Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Nevada Ensign, John Republican International Church of the Foursquare Gospel U.S. House (NV-1) UNLV, Oregon State, Colorado 2001 1958
2 Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | New Hampshire Gregg, Judd Republican Congregationalist Governor, US House (NH-2) Columbia, Boston University 1993 1947
1 Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | New Hampshire Sununu, John E. Republican Roman Catholic U.S. House (NH-1) MIT, Harvard 2003 1964
1 Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | New Jersey Lautenberg, Frank Democratic Jewish U.S. Senate, Class 1 Columbia 2003 1924
3 Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | New Jersey Menendez, Bob Democratic Roman Catholic Mayor of Union City, New Jersey General Assembly, New Jersey Senate, U.S. House (NJ-13) Saint Peter's College, Rutgers 2006 1954
1 Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | New Mexico Domenici, Pete Republican Roman Catholic Albuquerque City Commission Chairman New Mexico, Denver 1973 1932
3 Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | New Mexico Bingaman, Jeff Democratic Methodist State Attorney General Harvard, Stanford 1983 1943
2 Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | New York Schumer, Chuck Democratic Jewish New York State Assembly, U.S. House (NY-9) Harvard 1999 1950
3 Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | New York Clinton, Hillary Rodham Democratic Methodist First Lady, Lawyer Wellesley, Yale 2001 1947
1 Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | North Carolina Dole, Elizabeth Republican Methodist Secretary of Labor, President of the American Red Cross Duke, Harvard 2003 1936
2 Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | North Carolina Burr, Richard Republican Methodist U.S. House (NC-5) Wake Forest 2005 1955
3 Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | North Dakota Conrad, Kent Democratic Unitarian Universalist State Tax Commissioner Stanford, George Washington 1987 1948
2 Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | North Dakota Dorgan, Byron Democratic Lutheran U.S. House (ND-At Large) North Dakota, Denver 1993 1942
2 Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Ohio Voinovich, George Republican Roman Catholic Mayor of Cleveland; Governor Ohio, Ohio State 1999 1936
3 Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Ohio Brown, Sherrod Democratic Lutheran State Secretary of State, U.S. House (OH-13) Yale, Ohio State 2007 1952
1 Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Oklahoma Inhofe, Jim Republican Presbyterian Oklahoma House of Rep; Oklahoma Senate; Mayor of Tulsa; U.S. House (OK-1) Tulsa 1995 1934
2 Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Oklahoma Coburn, Tom Republican Baptist Physician, U.S. House (OK-2) Oklahoma State, Oklahoma 2005 1948
2 Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Oregon Wyden, Ron Democratic Jewish U.S. House (OR-3) Stanford, Oregon 1997 1949
1 Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Oregon Smith, Gordon Republican LDS State Senate President Brigham Young, Southwestern 1997 1952
2 Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Pennsylvania Specter, Arlen Republican Jewish Philadelphia District Attorney Pennsylvania, Yale 1981 1930
3 Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Pennsylvania Casey, Bob, Jr. Democratic Roman Catholic State Treasurer Holy Cross, Catholic 2007 1960
1 Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Rhode Island Reed, Jack Democratic Roman Catholic State Senate; U.S. House (RI-2) United States Military Academy, Harvard 1997 1949
3 Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Rhode Island Whitehouse, Sheldon Democratic Episcopalian State Attorney General Yale, Virginia 2007 1955
1 Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | South Carolina Graham, Lindsey Republican Southern Baptist U.S. House (SC-3) South Carolina 2003 1955
2 Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | South Carolina DeMint, Jim Republican Presbyterian U.S. House (SC-4) Tennessee, Clemson University 2005 1951
1 Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | South Dakota Johnson, Tim Democratic Lutheran U.S. House (SD-At Large) South Dakota 1997 1946
2 Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | South Dakota Thune, John Republican Evangelical Christian U.S. House (SD-At Large) Biola, South Dakota 2005 1961
1 Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Tennessee Alexander, Lamar Republican Presbyterian Governor; U.S. Secretary of Education Vanderbilt, New York University 2003 1940
3 Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Tennessee Corker, Bob Republican Presbyterian Mayor of Chattanooga Tennessee 2007 1952
3 Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Texas Hutchison, Kay Bailey Republican Episcopalian State Treasurer Texas 1993 1943
1 Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Texas Cornyn, John Republican Church of Christ State Attorney General Trinity University, St. Mary's University, Virginia 2003 1952
3 Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Utah Hatch, Orrin Republican LDS attorney Brigham Young, Pittsburgh 1977 1934
2 Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Utah Bennett, Robert Republican LDS businessman Utah 1993 1933
2 Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Vermont Leahy, Patrick Democratic Roman Catholic Chittenden County State's Attorney St. Michael's College, Georgetown 1975 1940
3 Template:American politics/party colours/Independent | Vermont Sanders, Bernie Independent Jewish US Rep (VT-At Large) Brooklyn, Chicago 2007 1941
1 Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Virginia Warner, John Republican Episcopalian U.S. Secretary of the Navy Washington and Lee, Virginia 1979 1927
3 Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Virginia Webb, Jim Democratic Protestant Secretary of the Navy U.S. Naval Academy, Southern California, Georgetown 2007 1946
2 Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Washington Murray, Patty Democratic Roman Catholic State Senate Washington State 1993 1950
3 Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Washington Cantwell, Maria Democratic Roman Catholic Washington State House of Representatives, U.S. House (WA-1) Miami University 2001 1958
3 Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | West Virginia Byrd, Robert Democratic Baptist U.S. House (WV-6) American 1959 1917
1 Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | West Virginia Rockefeller, Jay Democratic Presbyterian Governor Harvard 1985 1937
3 Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Wisconsin Kohl, Herb Democratic Jewish State Democratic Party chairman Wisconsin, Harvard 1989 1935
2 Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Wisconsin Feingold, Russ Democratic Jewish State Senate Wisconsin, Oxford, Harvard 1993 1953
1 Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Wyoming Enzi, Mike Republican Presbyterian Mayor of Gillette; Wyoming House of Representatives; State Senate George Washington (BS, Accounting), Denver (MBA) 1997 1944
3 Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Wyoming Barrasso, John[A] Republican Presbyterian State Senate Georgetown 2007 1952

House of Representatives


File:110th US Congress House of Reps Current.png
Percent of members of the House of Representatives from each party current to May 2008.
Region Democrats Republicans Total States as defined in the US Census
New England 21 1 22 CT, MA, ME, NH, RI, VT
Mid-Atlantic 47 23 70 DE, MD, NJ, NY, PA
Midwest 33 35 68 MI, IL, IN, OH, WI
Great Plains 16 15 31 IA, KS, MN, MO, ND, NE, SD
South Atlantic 29 42 71 FL, GA, NC, SC, VA, WV
South Central 32 41 73 AL, AR, KY, LA, MS, OK, TN, TX
Mountain 11 17 28 AZ, CO, ID, MT, NM, NV, UT, WY
Pacific 46 24 70 AK, CA, HI, OR, WA
Total 236 198 434
Partisan mix of the House by state
State ranked in partisan order Percentage
seat plurality
Massachusetts 100% 0% 10/0 10
Hawaii 100% 0% 2/0 2
Maine 100% 0% 2/0 2
New Hampshire 100% 0% 2/0 2
Rhode Island 100% 0% 2/0 2
North Dakota 100% 0% 1/0 1
South Dakota 100% 0% 1/0 1
Vermont 100% 0% 1/0 1
Connecticut 80% 20% 4/1 3
Oregon 80% 20% 4/1 3
New York 79% 21% 23/6 17
Maryland 75% 25% 6/2 4
Arkansas 75% 25% 3/1 2
Washington 67% 33% 6/3 3
West Virginia 67% 33% 2/1 1
California 64% 36% 34/19 15
Minnesota 63% 38% 5/3 2
Wisconsin 63% 38% 5/3 2
Iowa 60% 40% 3/2 1
Pennsylvania 58% 42% 11/8 3
Colorado 57% 43% 4/3 1
Indiana 56% 44% 5/4 1
Tennessee 56% 44% 5/4 1
New Jersey 54% 46% 7/6 1
North Carolina 54% 46% 7/6 1
United States 54% 46% 233/202 31
Illinois 53% 47% 10/9 1
Arizona 50% 50% 4/4 0
Kansas 50% 50% 2/2 0
Mississippi 50% 50% 2/2 0
Georgia 46% 54% 6/7 -1
Missouri 44% 56% 4/5 -1
Texas 41% 59% 13/19 -5
Michigan 40% 60% 6/9 -3
Ohio 39% 61% 7/11 -4
Florida 36% 64% 9/16 -7
Nevada 33% 67% 1/2 -1
New Mexico 33% 67% 1/2 -1
Utah 33% 67% 1/2 -1
Kentucky 33% 67% 2/4 -2
South Carolina 33% 67% 2/4 -2
Alabama 29% 71% 2/5 -3
Louisiana 29% 71% 2/5 -3
Virginia 27% 73% 3/8 -5
Oklahoma 20% 80% 1/4 -3
Alaska 0% 100% 0/1 -1
Delaware 0% 100% 0/1 -1
Montana 0% 100% 0/1 -1
Wyoming 0% 100% 0/1 -1
Idaho 0% 100% 0/2 -2
Nebraska 0% 100% 0/3 -3
State ranked in partisan order Percentage
seat plurality

Voting members by state

District Name Party Religion Prior Experience Education Assumed Office Born In
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Alabama 1 Bonner, Jo Republican Episcopalian congressional aide Alabama 2003 1959
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Alabama 2 Everett, Terry Republican Baptist journalist, newspaper publisher Enterprise State Junior College (attended) 1993 1937
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Alabama 3 Rogers, Mike Republican Baptist Calhoun County Commissioner, State House of Representatives Jacksonville State, Birmingham School of Law 2003 1958
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Alabama 4 Aderholt, Robert Republican Congregationalist Haleyville Municipal Judge Birmingham-Southern, Samford, Cumberland School of Law 1997 1965
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Alabama 5 Cramer, Bud Democratic Methodist Madison County District Attorney Alabama 1991 1947
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Alabama 6 Bachus, Spencer Republican Baptist state Republican Party chairman Auburn, Alabama 1993 1947
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Alabama 7 Davis, Artur Democratic Lutheran Assistant U.S. Attorney Harvard 2003 1967
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Alaska At Large Young, Don Republican Episcopalian State Senate, ship captain, mayor of Fort Yukon California State University, Chico 1973* 1933
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Arizona 1 Renzi, Rick Republican Roman Catholic insurance executive Northern Arizona, Catholic 2003 1958
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Arizona 2 Franks, Trent Republican Baptist non-profit program manager, policy consultant Ottawa (attended) 2003 1957
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Arizona 3 Shadegg, John Republican Episcopalian lawyer Arizona 1995 1949
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Arizona 4 Pastor, Ed Democratic Roman Catholic Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, Teacher Arizona State, Arizona 1991* 1943
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Arizona 5 Mitchell, Harry Democratic Roman Catholic Mayor of Tempe, State Senate Arizona State 2007 1947
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Arizona 6 Flake, Jeff Republican LDS non-profit program manager Brigham Young 2001 1962
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Arizona 7 Grijalva, Raúl Democratic Roman Catholic Pima County Board of Supervisors Arizona 2003 1948
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Arizona 8 Giffords, Gabrielle Democratic Jewish State Senate Scripps, Cornell 2007 1970
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Arkansas 1 Berry, Marion Democratic Methodist pharmacist, farmer Arkansas 1997 1942
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Arkansas 2 Snyder, Vic Democratic Methodist physician, State Senate Willamette, Oregon, Arkansas 1997 1947
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Arkansas 3 Boozman, John Republican Baptist optometrist Southern College of Optometry, Arkansas 2001 1950
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Arkansas 4 Ross, Mike Democratic Methodist financial executive, State Senate Arkansas 2001 1961
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | California 1 Thompson, Mike Democratic Roman Catholic military, State Senate Chico State 1999 1951
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | California 2 Herger, Wally Republican LDS State Assembly California State University, Sacramento (attended) 1987 1945
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | California 3 Lungren, Dan Republican Roman Catholic State Attorney General Notre Dame, Georgetown 2005 1946
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | California 4 Doolittle, John Republican LDS State Senate University of California at Santa Cruz, McGeorge School of Law 1991 1950
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | California 5 Matsui, Doris Democratic Methodist law firm director University of California, Berkeley 2005* 1944
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | California 6 Woolsey, Lynn Democratic Presbyterian Petaluma City Council member,Teacher University of Washington, University of San Francisco 1993 1937
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | California 7 Miller, George Democratic Roman Catholic State Senate San Francisco State University, University of California, Davis 1975 1945
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | California 8 Pelosi, Nancy Democratic Roman Catholic San Francisco Board of Supervisors Trinity Washington University 1987 1940
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | California 9 Lee, Barbara Democratic Baptist State Senate Mills College, University of California, Berkeley 1998* 1946
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | California 10 Tauscher, Ellen Democratic Roman Catholic investment banker Seton Hall University 1997 1951
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | California 11 McNerney, Jerry Democratic Roman Catholic engineering executive University of New Mexico 2007 1951
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | California 12 Jackie Speier[K] Democratic Roman Catholic California State Senator UC Davis, UC Law 2008 1950
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | California 13 Stark, Pete Democratic Atheist Banking executive Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of California, Berkeley 1973 1931
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | California 14 Eshoo, Anna Democratic Roman Catholic San Mateo County Board of Supervisors Cañada College, Menlo College 1993 1942
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | California 15 Honda, Mike Democratic Protestant Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors, State Assembly San Jose State University 2001 1941
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | California 16 Lofgren, Zoe Democratic Christian Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors Stanford University, Santa Clara University 1995 1947
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | California 17 Farr, Sam Democratic Episcopalian State Assembly Willamette University, Santa Clara University, Monterey Institute of International Studies 1993 1941
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | California 18 Cardoza, Dennis Democratic Roman Catholic State Assembly University of Maryland, College Park 2003 1959
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | California 19 Radanovich, George Republican Roman Catholic Mariposa County Board of Supervisors California Polytechnic State University 1995 1955
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | California 20 Costa, Jim Democratic Roman Catholic State Assembly Fresno State University 2005 1952
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | California 21 Nunes, Devin Republican Roman Catholic Director of Rural Development with the United States Department of Agriculture College of the Sequoias, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo 2003 1973
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | California 22 McCarthy, Kevin Republican Baptist State Assembly California State University, Bakersfield 2007 1965
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | California 23 Capps, Lois Democratic Lutheran nurse, teacher Pacific Lutheran University, Yale University, University of California, Santa Barbara 1998* 1938
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | California 24 Gallegly, Elton Republican Protestant Simi Valley City Council Member Huntington Park High School 1987 1944
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | California 25 McKeon, Howard Republican LDS Santa Clarita City Council Member Brigham Young University 1993 1938
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | California 26 Dreier, David Republican Christian Scientist director of corporate relations Claremont McKenna College, Claremont Graduate School 1981 1952
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | California 27 Sherman, Brad Democratic Jewish lawyer, accountant University of California, Los Angeles, Harvard Law School 1997 1954
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | California 28 Berman, Howard Democratic Jewish State Assembly University of California, Los Angeles 1983 1941
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | California 29 Schiff, Adam Democratic Jewish State Senate Stanford University, Harvard University 2001 1960
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | California 30 Waxman, Henry Democratic Jewish State Assembly University of California, Los Angeles 1975 1939
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | California 31 Becerra, Xavier Democratic Roman Catholic State Assembly Stanford University 1993 1958
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | California 32 Solis, Hilda Democratic Roman Catholic State Senate California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, University of Southern California 2001 1957
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | California 33 Watson, Diane Democratic Roman Catholic U.S. Ambassador to Micronesia University of California, Los Angeles 2001 1933
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | California 34 Roybal-Allard, Lucille Democratic Roman Catholic public relations executive California State University, Los Angeles 1993 1941
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | California 35 Waters, Maxine Democratic Christian State Assembly California State University, Los Angeles 1991 1938
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | California 36 Harman, Jane Democratic Jewish professor of public policy Smith College, Harvard Law School 2001 1945
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | California 37 Richardson, Laura[B] Democratic Methodist Long Beach City Council and assistant speaker pro tempore of the California State Assembly University of California, Los Angeles 2007 1962
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | California 38 Napolitano, Grace Democratic Roman Catholic State Assembly Texas Southmost College 1999 1936
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | California 39 Sanchez, Linda Democratic Roman Catholic attorney University of California, Berkeley, University of California, Los Angeles 2003 1969
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | California 40 Royce, Ed Republican Roman Catholic State Senate California State University, Fullerton 1993 1951
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | California 41 Lewis, Jerry Republican Presbyterian State Assembly University of California, Los Angeles 1979 1934
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | California 42 Miller, Gary Republican Protestant State Assembly Mount San Antonio College 1999 1948
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | California 43 Baca, Joe Democratic Roman Catholic State Senate University of California, Los Angeles 1999 1947
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | California 44 Calvert, Ken Republican Protestant real estate executive Chaffey College, San Diego State University 1993 1953
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | California 45 Bono Mack, Mary Republican Protestant congressional aide University of Southern California 1998 1961
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | California 46 Rohrabacher, Dana Republican Baptist special assistant to Ronald Reagan California State University, Long Beach, University of Southern California 1989 1947
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | California 47 Sanchez, Loretta Democratic Roman Catholic financial analyst Chapman University, American University 1997 1960
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | California 48 Campbell, John Republican Presbyterian State Assembly University of California, Los Angeles, University of Southern California 2005 1955
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | California 49 Issa, Darrell Republican Protestant electronics executive Kent State University Stark, Siena Heights College 2001 1953
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | California 50 Bilbray, Brian Republican Roman Catholic U.S. House, lobbyist Southwestern College 2006 1951
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | California 51 Filner, Bob Democratic Jewish congressional aide San Diego State University 1993 1942
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | California 52 Hunter, Duncan Republican Baptist attorney Western State University College of Law 1981 1946
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | California 53 Davis, Susan Democratic Jewish State Assembly University of California, Berkeley, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2001 1944
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Colorado 1 DeGette, Diana Democratic Presbyterian State House of Representatives Colorado College 1997 1957
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Colorado 2 Udall, Mark Democratic Unspecified State House of Representatives Williams College 1999 1950
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Colorado 3 Salazar, John Democratic Roman Catholic State House of Representatives U.S. Military Academy 2005 1953
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Colorado 4 Musgrave, Marilyn Republican Assembly of God State House of Representatives Colorado State University 2003 1949
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Colorado 5 Lamborn, Doug Republican Christian State Senate University of Kansas 2007 1954
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Colorado 6 Tancredo, Thomas Republican Presbyterian State House of Representatives University of Northern Colorado 1999 1945
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Colorado 7 Perlmutter, Ed Democratic Protestant State Senate University of Colorado 2007 1953
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Connecticut 1 Larson, John Democratic Roman Catholic State Senate Central Connecticut State University 1999 1948
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Connecticut 2 Courtney, Joe Democratic Roman Catholic State House of Representatives Tufts University 2007 1953
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Connecticut 3 DeLauro, Rosa Democratic Roman Catholic EMILY's List director Marymount College 1991 1943
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Connecticut 4 Shays, Chris Republican Christian Scientist State House of Representatives New York University 1987 1945
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Connecticut 5 Murphy, Chris Democratic Protestant State Senate Williams College 2007 1973
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Delaware At Large Castle, Michael Republican Roman Catholic Governor Hamilton College, Georgetown 1993 1939
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Florida 1 Miller, Jeff Republican Methodist real estate broker, deputy sheriff University of Florida 2001 1959
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Florida 2 Boyd, Allen Democratic Methodist State House of Representatives Florida State University 1997 1945
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Florida 3 Brown, Corrine Democratic Baptist State House of Representatives Florida A&M University 1993 1946
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Florida 4 Crenshaw, Ander Republican Episcopalian Florida House of Representatives, State Senate University of Georgia, University of Florida 2001 1944
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Florida 5 Brown-Waite, Ginny Republican Roman Catholic Hernando County Commissoner, President Pro Tem of the Florida State Senate State University of New York at Albany 2003 1943
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Florida 6 Stearns, Cliff Republican Presbyterian military George Washington University, University of California at Los Angeles 1989 1941
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Florida 7 Mica, John Republican Episcopalian State House of Representatives University of Florida 1993 1943
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Florida 8 Keller, Ric Republican Methodist attorney Vanderbilt University 2001 1964
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Florida 9 Bilirakis, Gus Republican Eastern Orthodox lawyer, State House of Representatives University of Florida 2007 1963
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Florida 10 Young, Bill Republican Methodist State Senate Army National Guard 1971 1930
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Florida 11 Castor, Kathy Democratic Presbyterian Assistant General Counsel to the Florida Department of Community Affairs, President of the Florida Association of Women Lawyers, Hillsborough County Board of Commissioners Emory University 2007 1966
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Florida 12 Putnam, Adam Republican Episcopalian State House of Representatives University of Florida 2001 1974
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Florida 13 Buchanan, Vern Republican Baptist auto dealer Cleary University 2007 1951
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Florida 14 Mack, Connie Republican Roman Catholic State House of Representatives University of Florida 2005 1967
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Florida 15 Weldon, Dave Republican Christian military State University of New York 1995 1953
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Florida 16 Mahoney, Tim Democratic Methodist COO of assest management company West Virginia University, George Washington University 2007 1956
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Florida 17 Meek, Kendrick Democratic Baptist State Senate Florida A&M University 2003 1966
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Florida 18 Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana Republican Episcopalian Florida House of Representatives, State Senate Florida International University, University of Miami 1989 1952
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Florida 19 Wexler, Robert Democratic Jewish Florida House of Representatives; State Senate University of Florida 1997 1961
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Florida 20 Wasserman Schultz, Debbie Democratic Jewish State Senate University of Florida 2005 1966
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Florida 21 Diaz-Balart, Lincoln Republican Roman Catholic lawyer New College of Florida 1993 1954
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Florida 22 Klein, Ron Democratic Jewish lawyer, State House of Representatives Ohio State, Case Western Law 2007 1957
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Florida 23 Hastings, Alcee Democratic AME lawyer, District Court judge Fisk University 1993 1936
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Florida 24 Feeney, Tom Republican Presbyterian lawyer; State House of Representatives Penn State; Pitt Law 2003 1958
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Florida 25 Diaz-Balart, Mario Republican Roman Catholic aide to Miami Mayor Xavier Suarez; State House of Representatives South Florida 2003 1961
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Georgia 1 Kingston, Jack Republican Episcopalian agribusiness, insurance executive University of Georgia 1993 1955
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Georgia 2 Bishop, Sanford Democratic Baptist State Senate Morehouse College 1993 1947
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Georgia 3 Westmoreland, Lynn Republican Baptist State House of Representatives Georgia State University (attended) 2003 1950
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Georgia 4 Johnson, Hank Democratic Buddhist lawyer, DeKalb County Commission Clark Atlanta University 2007 1954
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Georgia 5 Lewis, John Democratic Baptist Atlanta City Council American Baptist Theological Seminary 1987 1940
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Georgia 6 Price, Tom Republican Presbyterian State Senate University of Michigan 2005 1954
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Georgia 7 Linder, John Republican Presbyterian State House of Representatives University of Minnesota 1993 1942
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Georgia 8 Marshall, Jim Democratic Roman Catholic Mayor of Macon Princeton University, Boston University 2005 1948
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Georgia 9 Deal, Nathan Republican Baptist State Senate Mercer University 1993 1942
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Georgia 10 Broun, Paul[C] Republican Baptist physician University of Georgia, Medical College of Georgia 2007 1946
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Georgia 11 Gingrey, Phil Republican Roman Catholic State Senate Medical College of Georgia 2003 1942
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Georgia 12 Barrow, John Democratic Baptist Athens-Clarke County city/county commissioner University of Georgia 2005 1955
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Georgia 13 Scott, David Democratic Baptist State Senate Florida A&M University 2003 1946
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Hawaii 1 Abercrombie, Neil Democratic Non-Affiliated Honolulu City Council; State Senate Union College, University of Hawaii 1991 1938
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Hawaii 2 Hirono, Mazie Democratic Buddhist Hawaii House of Representatives, Lieutenant Governor University of Hawaii, Georgetown 2007 1947
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Idaho 1 Sali, Bill Republican Evangelical State House of Representatives University of Idaho 2007 1954
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Idaho 2 Simpson, Mike Republican LDS dentist, Blackfoot City Council, Speaker of the Idaho House of Representatives Utah State University 1999 1950
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Illinois 1 Rush, Bobby Democratic Protestant Chicago City Council, insurance agent Roosevelt University, University of Illinois, McCormick Theological Seminary 1993 1946
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Illinois 2 Jackson Jr., Jesse Democratic Baptist community organizer North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State, Chicago Theological Seminary, University of Illinois 1995 1965
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Illinois 3 Lipinski, Dan Democratic Roman Catholic college professor Northwestern, Stanford, Duke 2005 1966
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Illinois 4 Gutierrez, Luis Democratic Roman Catholic Chicago City Council, teacher, social worker Northeastern Illinois University 1993 1953
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Illinois 5 Emanuel, Rahm Democratic Jewish investment banker Sarah Lawrence College, Northwestern 2003 1959
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Illinois 6 Roskam, Peter Republican Anglican State Senate University of Illinois, Chicago Kent College of Law 2007 1961
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Illinois 7 Davis, Danny Democratic Baptist Chicago City Council, Cook County Board of Commissioners Arkansas AM & N, Chicago State, Union Institute and University 1997 1941
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Illinois 8 Bean, Melissa Democratic Eastern Orthodox consulting firm director Roosevelt University 2005 1962
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Illinois 9 Schakowsky, Jan Democratic Jewish State House of Representatives University of Illinois 1999 1944
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Illinois 10 Kirk, Mark Republican Congregationalist Counsel to House International Relations Committee Cornell University, London School of Economics, Georgetown, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (attended) 2001 1959
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Illinois 11 Weller, Jerry Republican Christian State House of Representatives University of Illinois 1995 1957
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Illinois 12 Costello, Jerry Democratic Roman Catholic chief investigator, Illinois State Attorney's office Maryville College of the Sacred Heart 1988* 1949
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Illinois 13 Biggert, Judy Republican Episcopalian State House of Representatives Stanford, Northwestern 1999 1937
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Illinois 14 Foster, Bill Democratic Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory University of Wisconsin-Madison, Harvard University 2008 1955
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Illinois 15 Johnson, Tim Republican Assembly of God Urbana City Council, Illinois House of Representatives attorney West Point, Illinois, University of Illinois College of Law 2001 1946
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Illinois 16 Manzullo, Donald Republican Baptist attorney American University, Marquette 1993 1944
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Illinois 17 Hare, Phil Democratic Roman Catholic congressional aide, union leader Alleman High School 2007 1949
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Illinois 18 LaHood, Ray Republican Roman Catholic State House of Representatives Bradley University 1995 1945
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Illinois 19 Shimkus, John Republican Lutheran Madison County treasurer U.S. Military Academy, Southern Illinois University 1997 1958
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Indiana 1 Visclosky, Pete Democratic Roman Catholic attorney, congressional staff member Indiana University Northwest, Notre Dame Law School, Georgetown 1985 1949
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Indiana 2 Donnelly, Joe Democratic Roman Catholic lawyer, printing executive Notre Dame 2007 1955
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Indiana 3 Souder, Mark Republican Evangelical U.S. Senate staff member IPFW, Notre Dame 1995 1950
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Indiana 4 Buyer, Steve Republican Methodist legal counsel, military The Citadel, Valparaiso University School of Law 1993 1958
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Indiana 5 Burton, Dan Republican Christian Indiana House of Representatives; State Senate Indiana, Cincinnati Bible Seminary 1983 1938
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Indiana 6 Pence, Mike Republican Christian attorney, radio talk show host Hanover College, Indiana University School of Law - Indianapolis 2001 1959
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Indiana 7 Carson, André[F] Democratic Muslim Indianapolis City-County Council member Concordia University Wisconsin, Indiana Wesleyan University 2008 1974
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Indiana 8 Ellsworth, Brad Democratic Roman Catholic Sheriff of Vanderburgh County Indiana State University 2007 1958
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Indiana 9 Hill, Baron Democratic Church of Christ State House of Representatives, U.S. House Furman University 2007 1953
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Iowa 1 Braley, Bruce Democratic Presbyterian lawyer Iowa State University, University of Iowa 2007 1957
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Iowa 2 Loebsack, David Democratic Methodist political science professor at Cornell College Iowa State University 2007 1952
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Iowa 3 Boswell, Leonard Democratic Community of Christ State Senate Graceland University 1997 1934
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Iowa 4 Latham, Tom Republican Lutheran agribusiness Iowa State University 1995 1948
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Iowa 5 King, Steve Republican Roman Catholic State Senate Northwest Missouri State University (attended) 2003 1949
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Kansas 1 Moran, Jerry Republican Methodist State Senate Majority Leader University of Kansas, Fort Hays State University (attended) 1997 1954
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Kansas 2 Boyda, Nancy Democratic Methodist analytical chemist William Jewell College 2007 1955
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Kansas 3 Moore, Dennis Democratic Protestant attorney University of Kansas, Washburn University 1999 1945
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Kansas 4 Tiahrt, Todd Republican Assembly of God Kansas State Senate Evangel College, Southwest Missouri State University 1995 1951
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Kentucky 1 Whitfield, Ed Republican Methodist Kentucky House of Representatives,attorney University of Kentucky, Wesley Theological Seminary 1995 1943
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Kentucky 2 Lewis, Ron Republican Baptist State House of Representatives, minister Kentucky, Morehead State University, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary 1994* 1946
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Kentucky 3 Yarmuth, John Democratic Jewish newspaper publisher Yale University 2007 1947
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Kentucky 4 Davis, Geoff Republican Baptist manufacturing consultant U.S. Military Academy 2005 1958
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Kentucky 5 Rogers, Hal Republican Baptist attorney University of Kentucky 1981 1937
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Kentucky 6 Chandler, Ben Democratic Presbyterian State Auditor, Kentucky Attorney General University of Kentucky 2004* 1959
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Louisiana 1 Scalise, Steve[I] Republican Roman Catholic Louisiana State Legislature Louisiana State University 2008 1965
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Louisiana 2 Jefferson, William Democratic Baptist State Senate Southern University, Harvard University 1991 1947
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Louisiana 3 Melancon, Charlie Democratic Roman Catholic industry association president University of Southwestern Louisiana 2005 1947
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Louisiana 4 McCrery, Jim Republican Methodist corporate attorney Louisiana Tech 1988* 1949
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Louisiana 5 Alexander, Rodney Republican Baptist State House of Representatives Louisiana Tech 2003 1946
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Louisiana 6 Cazayoux, Don[J] Democratic Roman Catholic Louisiana State Legislature Louisiana State University 2008 1964
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Louisiana 7 Boustany, Charles Republican Episcopalian general surgeon University of Southwestern Louisiana, Louisiana State 2005 1956
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Maine 1 Allen, Tom Democratic Protestant Mayor of Portland Bowdoin College, Wadham College, Harvard University 1997 1945
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Maine 2 Michaud, Mike Democratic Roman Catholic Maine State Legislature Unity College 2001 1955
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Maryland 1 Gilchrest, Wayne Republican Methodist teacher Delaware State College 1991 1946
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Maryland 2 Ruppersberger, Dutch Democratic Methodist Baltimore County Executive University of Maryland, University of Baltimore 2003 1946
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Maryland 3 Sarbanes, John Democratic Eastern Orthodox lawyer Princeton University, Harvard Law School 2007 1962
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Maryland 4 Edwards, Donna Democratic   community activist Wake Forest University, Franklin Pierce Law Center 2008 1958
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Maryland 5 Hoyer, Steny Democratic Baptist State Senate President Maryland, Georgetown 1981 1939
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Maryland 6 Bartlett, Roscoe Republican Adventist education, private sector Columbia Union, Maryland 1993 1926
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Maryland 7 Cummings, Elijah Democratic Baptist State House of Delegates Howard, Maryland 1996 1951
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Maryland 8 Van Hollen, Chris Democratic Episcopalian Maryland House of Delegates, Maryland State Senate Swarthmore, Harvard University, Georgetown University 2003 1959
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Massachusetts 1 Olver, John Democratic Non-Affiliated Massachusetts State Legislature college professor Rensselaer, Tufts, MIT 1991* 1936
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Massachusetts 2 Neal, Richard Democratic Roman Catholic Mayor of Springfield American International College, University of Hartford 1989 1949
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Massachusetts 3 McGovern, Jim Democratic Roman Catholic congressional staff member American University 1997 1959
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Massachusetts 4 Frank, Barney Democratic Jewish Massachusetts House of Representatives Harvard 1981 1940
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Massachusetts 5 Tsongas, Niki[E] Democratic Eastern Orthodox Dean of External Affairs at Middlesex Community College Smith College, Boston University 2007 1946
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Massachusetts 6 Tierney, John Democratic Non-Affiliated attorney Salem State College, Suffolk University 1997 1951
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Massachusetts 7 Markey, Ed Democratic Roman Catholic State House of Representatives Boston College, Boston College Law School 1976 1946
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Massachusetts 8 Capuano, Mike Democratic Roman Catholic Mayor of Somerville Dartmouth College, Boston College Law School 1999 1952
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Massachusetts 9 Lynch, Stephen Democratic Roman Catholic Massachusetts State Legislature Wentworth Institute of Technology, Boston College Law School 2001* 1955
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Massachusetts 10 Delahunt, Bill Democratic Roman Catholic Norfolk County District Attorney Middlebury College, Boston College Law School 1997 1941
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Michigan 1 Stupak, Bart Democratic Roman Catholic attorney, State House of Representatives Northwestern Michigan College, Saginaw Valley State College, Thomas M. Cooley Law School 1993 1952
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Michigan 2 Hoekstra, Pete Republican Christian Reformed manufacturing executive Hope College, Ross School of Business 1993 1953
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Michigan 3 Ehlers, Vern Republican Christian Reformed Kent County board of commissioners, Michigan State Legislature Berkeley, Calvin College (attended) 1993 1934
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Michigan 4 Camp, Dave Republican Roman Catholic State House of Representatives Albion College, University of San Diego School of Law, University of Sussex (attended) 1991 1953
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Michigan 5 Kildee, Dale Democratic Roman Catholic State House of Representatives, State Senate Sacred Heart Seminary, University of Detroit, University of Peshawar (attended) 1977 1929
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Michigan 6 Upton, Fred Republican Protestant U.S. government administrator Michigan 1987 1953
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Michigan 7 Walberg, Tim Republican Protestant State House of Representatives Fort Wayne Bible College 2007 1951
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Michigan 8 Rogers, Mike Republican Methodist State Senate Adrian College 2001 1963
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Michigan 9 Knollenberg, Joe Republican Roman Catholic insurance agent Eastern Illinois University 1993 1933
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Michigan 10 Miller, Candice Republican Presbyterian Harrison Township Supervisor, Macomb County Treasurer, State Secretary of State Macomb County Community College, Northwood Institute 2003 1954
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Michigan 11 McCotter, Thaddeus Republican Roman Catholic Wayne County Commission, State Senate University of Detroit 2003 1965
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Michigan 12 Levin, Sander Democratic Jewish U.S. Government administrator University of Chicago, Columbia, Harvard Law School 1983 1931
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Michigan 13 Kilpatrick, Carolyn Cheeks Democratic Baptist high school teacher, State House of Representatives Western Michigan University, Michigan, Ferris State University (attended) 1997 1945
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Michigan 14 Conyers, John Democratic Baptist congressional aide Wayne State University 1965 1929
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Michigan 15 Dingell, John Democratic Roman Catholic asst. prosecutor, Wayne County Georgetown 1955* 1926
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Minnesota 1 Walz, Tim Democratic-Farmer-Labor Lutheran Command Sergeant Major in the National Guard, teacher Chadron State College 2007 1964
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Minnesota 2 Kline, John Republican Methodist U.S. Marine Corps colonel Rice University, Shippensburg University 2003 1947
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Minnesota 3 Ramstad, Jim Republican Protestant State Senate University of Minnesota, George Washington University Law School 1991 1946
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Minnesota 4 McCollum, Betty Democratic-Farmer-Labor Roman Catholic North St. Paul City Council, State House of Representatives College of St. Catherine 2001 1954
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Minnesota 5 Ellison, Keith Democratic-Farmer-Labor Muslim State House of Representatives Wayne State University, University of Minnesota Law School 2007 1963
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Minnesota 6 Bachmann, Michele Republican Evangelical Lutheran Education adviser for Minnesota Family Institute, State Senate Winona State University, Oral Roberts University, Marshall-Wythe School of Law 2007 1956
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Minnesota 7 Peterson, Collin Democratic-Farmer-Labor Lutheran Certified Public Accountant, Minnesota State Senate Moorhead State University 1991 1944
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Minnesota 8 Oberstar, Jim Democratic-Farmer-Labor Roman Catholic U.S. Marine Corps, chief staff assistant to Representative John Blatnik College of St. Thomas, College of Europe, Laval University, Georgetown University 1975 1934
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Mississippi 1 Childers, Travis[H] Democratic Baptist Prentiss County Chancery Court Clerk University of Mississippi 2008 1958
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Mississippi 2 Thompson, Bennie Democratic Methodist alderman, mayor of Bolton, Hinds County Board of Supervisors Tougaloo College, Jackson State University 1993* 1948
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Mississippi 3 Pickering, Chip Republican Baptist congressional aide Ole Miss, Baylor University 1997 1963
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Mississippi 4 Taylor, Gene Democratic Roman Catholic U.S. Coast Guard, Bay St. Louis City Council, State Senate Tulane, University of Southern Mississippi, Gulf Park 1989* 1953
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Missouri 1 Clay Jr., William Lacy Democratic Roman Catholic Missouri State Legislature University of Maryland, Harvard 2001 1956
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Missouri 2 Akin, Todd Republican Christian Missouri National Guard, State House of Representatives Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2001 1947
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Missouri 3 Carnahan, Russ Democratic Methodist State House of Representatives University of Missouri 2005 1958
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Missouri 4 Skelton, Ike Democratic Disciples of Christ State Senate University of Missouri, University of Edinburgh (attended) 1977 1931
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Missouri 5 Cleaver, Emanuel Democratic Methodist Mayor of Kansas City, pastor, radio show host Prairie View A&M, St. Paul School of Divinity 2005 1944
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Missouri 6 Graves, Sam Republican Baptist State Senate University of Missouri 2001 1963
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Missouri 7 Blunt, Roy Republican Baptist State Secretary of State Southwest Baptist University 1997 1950
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Missouri 8 Emerson, Jo Ann Republican Presbyterian professional advocate Ohio Wesleyan University 1996* 1950
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Missouri 9 Hulshof, Kenny Republican Roman Catholic Assistant State Attorney General University of Missouri, University of Mississippi Law School 1997 1958
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Montana At Large Rehberg, Denny Republican Episcopalian Montana House of Representatives, Lieutenant Governor, rancher Montana State University, Washington State University 2001 1955
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Nebraska 1 Fortenberry, Jeff Republican Roman Catholic Lincoln city council, businessman Louisiana State University, Georgetown, Franciscan University of Steubenville 2005 1960
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Nebraska 2 Terry, Lee Republican Methodist Omaha City Council, attorney Nebraska, Creighton University 1999 1962
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Nebraska 3 Smith, Adrian Republican Christian Gering City Council, State Legislator University of Nebraska 2007 1970
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Nevada 1 Berkley, Shelley Democratic Jewish State Assembly; attorney UNLV, San Diego 1999 1951
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Nevada 2 Heller, Dean Republican LDS Nevada Assembly, State Secretary of State University of Southern California 2007 1960
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Nevada 3 Porter, Jon Republican Roman Catholic Nevada Senate; insurance executive Briar Cliff 2003 1955
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | New Hampshire 1 Shea-Porter, Carol Democratic Roman Catholic social worker, Rochester City Council University of New Hampshire 2007 1955
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | New Hampshire 2 Hodes, Paul Democratic Jewish lawyer Dartmouth College, Boston College 2007 1951
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | New Jersey 1 Andrews, Rob Democratic Episcopalian Camden County Board of Chosen Freeholders Bucknell, Cornell 1990 1957
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | New Jersey 2 LoBiondo, Frank Republican Roman Catholic New Jersey General Assembly St. Joseph's University 2003 1946
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | New Jersey 3 Saxton, Jim Republican Methodist New Jersey Senate East Stroudsburg University, Temple University 1984 1943
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | New Jersey 4 Smith, Chris Republican Roman Catholic retail executive Trenton State College 1980 1953
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | New Jersey 5 Garrett, Scott Republican Protestant New Jersey General Assembly Montclair State, Rutgers University 2003 1959
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | New Jersey 6 Pallone, Frank Democratic Roman Catholic Long Branch city council, New Jersey Senate Middlebury, Tufts, Rutgers 1989 1951
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | New Jersey 7 Ferguson, Mike Republican Roman Catholic teacher Notre Dame, Georgetown 2001 1970
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | New Jersey 8 Pascrell, Bill Democratic Roman Catholic New Jersey General Assembly, Mayor of Paterson Fordham University 1989 1937
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | New Jersey 9 Rothman, Steve Democratic Jewish Mayor of Englewood, Bergen County Surrogate Court judge Syracuse, Washington University 1997 1952
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | New Jersey 10 Payne, Donald Democratic Baptist Newark City Council Seton Hall, Springfield College 1989 1934
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | New Jersey 11 Frelinghuysen, Rodney Republican Episcopalian New Jersey General Assembly Hobart College 1995 1946
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | New Jersey 12 Holt Jr., Rush Democratic Quaker physicist Carleton College, NYU 1999 1948
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | New Jersey 13 Sires, Albio Democratic Roman Catholic Mayor of West New York , Speaker of the New Jersey General Assembly Saint Peter's, Middlebury 2006* 1951
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | New Mexico 1 Wilson, Heather Republican Methodist business development planner United States Air Force Academy 1999 1960
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | New Mexico 2 Pearce, Steve Republican Baptist State House of Representatives New Mexico State University 2003 1947
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | New Mexico 3 Udall, Tom Democratic LDS State Attorney General Prescott College, Cambridge University, University of New Mexico 1999 1948
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | New York 1 Bishop, Tim Democratic Roman Catholic Provost of Southampton College Holy Cross, LIU 2003 1950
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | New York 2 Israel, Steve Democratic Jewish Huntington Town Board Nassau Community College, George Washington 2001 1958
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | New York 3 King, Peter Republican Roman Catholic Hempstead Town Council, Nassau County Comptroller St. Francis, Notre Dame Law 1993 1944
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | New York 4 McCarthy, Carolyn Democratic Roman Catholic Practical Nurse Glen Cove Nursing School 1997 1944
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | New York 5 Ackerman, Gary Democratic Jewish New York State Senator; newspaper publisher Queens College 1983 1942
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | New York 6 Meeks, Gregory Democratic Baptist New York Assemblyman Adelphi University, Howard University 1999 1953
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | New York 7 Crowley, Joseph Democratic Roman Catholic New York Assemblyman Queens College 1999 1962
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | New York 8 Nadler, Jerrold Democratic Jewish New York Assemblyman Columbia University, Fordham Law 1993 1947
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | New York 9 Weiner, Anthony Democratic Jewish New York City Councilman , SUNY Plattsburgh 1999 1964
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | New York 10 Towns, Ed Democratic Baptist Brooklyn Deputy Borough President North Carlina A&T, Adelphi 1983 1934
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | New York 11 Clarke, Yvette Democratic AME New York City Councilwoman Murrow High Schoolattended several colleges, but never graduated 2007 1964
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | New York 12 Velázquez, Nydia Democratic Roman Catholic Director, Dept. of Puerto Rican Community Affairs UPR, NYU 1993 1953
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | New York 13 Fossella, Vito Republican Roman Catholic New York City Councilman Wharton, Fordham Law 1997 1965
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | New York 14 Maloney, Carolyn Democratic Presbyterian New York City Councilwoman Greensboro College 1993 1948
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | New York 15 Rangel, Charles Democratic Roman Catholic United States Army Sergeant, attorney, New York Assemblyman NYU, St. John's 1971 1930
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | New York 16 Serrano, José Democratic Roman Catholic New York Assemblyman Lehman College 1990 1943
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | New York 17 Engel, Eliot Democratic Jewish high school teacher, New York Assemblyman Lehman College, New York Law School 1989 1947
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | New York 18 Lowey, Nita Democratic Jewish New York Assistant Secretary of State Mount Holyoke 1989 1937
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | New York 19 Hall, John Democratic Christian musician Ulster County Legislature; Saugerties School Board Notre Dame never graduated 2007 1948
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | New York 20 Gillibrand, Kirsten Democratic Roman Catholic lawyer Dartmouth College 2007 1966
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | New York 21 McNulty, Michael Democratic Roman Catholic NY Assemblyman; Mayor of Green Island Holy Cross 1989 1945
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | New York 22 Hinchey, Maurice Democratic Roman Catholic New York Assemblyman SUNY New Paltz 1993 1938
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | New York 23 McHugh, John Republican Roman Catholic New York State Senator Utica College, Albany 1993 1948
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | New York 24 Arcuri, Michael Democratic Roman Catholic Oneida County District Attorney SUNY Albany 2007 1959
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | New York 25 Walsh, Jim Republican Roman Catholic Syracuse Common Council St. Bonaventure 1989 1947
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | New York 26 Reynolds, Tom Republican Presbyterian New York Assemblyman Kent State 1999 1950
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | New York 27 Higgins, Brian Democratic Roman Catholic Buffalo Common Council,New York State Assemblyman Buffalo State, Harvard 2005 1959
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | New York 28 Slaughter, Louise Democratic Episcopalian New York Assemblywoman Kentucky 1987 1929
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | New York 29 Kuhl, Randy Republican Episcopalian New York State Assembly, New York State Senator Union College, Syracuse Law 2005 1943
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | North Carolina 1 Butterfield, G. K. Democratic Baptist North Carolina Supreme Court Justice North Carolina Central University 2004* 1947
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | North Carolina 2 Etheridge, Bob Democratic Presbyterian Harnett County commissioner,North Carolina House of Representatives, Public Schools Administrator, North Carolina Campbell University 1997 1941
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | North Carolina 3 Jones, Walter Republican Roman Catholic North Carolina House of Representatives Atlantic Christian College 1995 1943
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | North Carolina 4 Price, David Democratic Baptist college professor Mars Hill College, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Yale 1997 1940
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | North Carolina 5 Foxx, Virginia Republican Roman Catholic North Carolina State Senate UNC-Chapel Hill, UNC-Greensboro 2005 1943
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | North Carolina 6 Coble, Howard Republican Presbyterian NC Secretary of Revenue,
state representative
Guilford College, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 1985 1931
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | North Carolina 7 McIntyre, Mike Democratic Presbyterian attorney University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 1997 1956
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | North Carolina 8 Hayes, Robin Republican Presbyterian North Carolina House of Representatives Duke 1999 1945
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | North Carolina 9 Myrick, Sue Republican Evangelical Methodist Business owner, mayor of Charlotte Heidelberg College 1995 1941
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | North Carolina 10 McHenry, Patrick Republican Roman Catholic North Carolina House of Representatives NC State, Belmont Abbey College 2005 1975
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | North Carolina 11 Shuler, Heath Democratic Baptist National Football League quarterback, real estate developer University of Tennessee 2007 1971
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | North Carolina 12 Watt, Mel Democratic Presbyterian attorney, State Senate University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Yale Law School 1993 1945
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | North Carolina 13 Miller, Brad Democratic Episcopalian North Carolina House of Representatives, State Senate University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, London School of Economics, Columbia 2003 1953
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | North Dakota At Large Pomeroy, Earl Democratic Presbyterian North Dakota House of Representatives, State Insurance Commissioner UND, University of Durham 1993 1952
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Ohio 1 Chabot, Steve Republican Roman Catholic Cincinnati City Council, Hamilton County Commissioner William and Mary, Northern Kentucky 1995 1953
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Ohio 2 Schmidt, Jean Republican Roman Catholic Miami Township trustee, State Senate Cincinnati 2005* 1951
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Ohio 3 Turner, Mike Republican Protestant Mayor of Dayton Ohio Northern, Case Western, Dayton 2003 1960
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Ohio 4 Jordan, Jim Republican Christian State General Assembly, Ohio State Senate Graham High School 2007 1964
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Ohio 5 Latta, Bob G Republican Christian Wood County Commissioner, Ohio House of Representatives, Ohio State Senator Bowling Green State University, University of Toledo 2007 1956
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Ohio 6 Wilson, Charlie Democratic Roman Catholic mortician, Ohio House of Representatives Ohio University 2007 1943
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Ohio 7 Hobson, Dave Republican Methodist Ohio State Senator Ohio Wesleyan, Ohio State 1991 1936
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Ohio 8 Boehner, John Republican Roman Catholic State House of Representatives Xavier 1991 1949
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Ohio 9 Kaptur, Marcy Democratic Roman Catholic Domestic Policy Advisor, Carter Adm. Wisconsin, Michigan, MIT 1983 1946
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Ohio 10 Kucinich, Dennis Democratic Roman Catholic Mayor of Cleveland Case Western 1997 1946
Ohio 11 Vacant[L]
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Ohio 12 Tiberi, Pat Republican Roman Catholic Ohio House of Representatives Ohio State, Capital 2001 1962
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Ohio 13 Sutton, Betty Democratic Methodist Ohio House of Representatives Kent State 2007 1963
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Ohio 14 LaTourette, Steve Republican Methodist Lake County Prosecutor Michigan 2003 1954
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Ohio 15 Pryce, Deborah Republican Presbyterian Franklin County Judge Ohio State, Capital 1993 1951
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Ohio 16 Regula, Ralph Republican Episcopalian U.S. Navy veteran, State Legislator Mount Union, McKinley Law 1973 1924
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Ohio 17 Ryan, Tim Democratic Roman Catholic Ohio State Senator Bowling Green 2003 1973
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Ohio 18 Space, Zack Democratic Eastern Orthodox attorney Kenyon College, Ohio State 2007 1961
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Oklahoma 1 Sullivan, John Republican Roman Catholic State House of Representatives Northeastern State University 2003 1965
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Oklahoma 2 Boren, Dan Democratic Methodist State House of Representatives Texas Christian University, Oklahoma 2005 1973
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Oklahoma 3 Lucas, Frank Republican Baptist State House of Representatives Oklahoma State 2003 1960
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Oklahoma 4 Cole, Tom Republican Methodist Oklahoma Senate, Oklahoma Secretary of State, college professor Grinell College, Yale, Oklahoma 2003 1949
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Oklahoma 5 Fallin, Mary Republican Christian State Representative, Lieutenant Governor Oklahoma State 2007 1954
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Oregon 1 Wu, David Democratic Presbyterian attorney Stanford, Yale Law School, Harvard Medical School (attended) 1999 1955
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Oregon 2 Walden, Greg Republican Episcopalian Oregon House of Representatives, State Senate University of Oregon 1999 1957
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Oregon 3 Blumenauer, Earl Democratic Non-Affiliated Oregon state representative, Multnomah County Commissioner, Portland City Commissioner Lewis & Clark College 1996* 1948
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Oregon 4 DeFazio, Peter Democratic Roman Catholic Lane County Commissioner, Chair Tufts, University of Oregon, Notre Dame 1987 1947
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Oregon 5 Hooley, Darlene Democratic Lutheran Clackamas County Commissioner Oregon State University 1997 1939
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Pennsylvania 1 Brady, Bob Democratic Roman Catholic congressional aide; Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission St. Thomas More High School 1998* 1945
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Pennsylvania 2 Fattah, Chaka Democratic Baptist Pennsylvania General Assembly Community College of Philadelphia, Wharton School, Fels Institute of Government (attended) 1995 1956
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Pennsylvania 3 English, Phil Republican Roman Catholic Erie City Controller, Chief of Staff, State Senate Pennsylvania 1995 1956
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Pennsylvania 4 Altmire, Jason Democratic Roman Catholic hospital executive Florida State 2007 1968
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Pennsylvania 5 Peterson, John Republican Methodist State Senator, Pennsylvania Penn State 1997 1938
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Pennsylvania 6 Gerlach, Jim Republican Protestant Pennsylvania General Assembly Dickinson College, Dickinson School of Law 2003 1955
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Pennsylvania 7 Sestak, Joe Democratic Roman Catholic Vice Admiral, U.S. Navy US Naval Academy, Harvard 2007 1951
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Pennsylvania 8 Murphy, Patrick Democratic Roman Catholic Captain, U.S. Army Widener University 2007 1973
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Pennsylvania 9 Shuster, Bill Republican Lutheran businessman Dickinson College, American University 2001* 1961
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Pennsylvania 10 Carney, Chris Democratic Roman Catholic Associate Professor of political science at Penn State Worthington Scranton, army officer Cornell College, University of Wyoming 2007 1959
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Pennsylvania 11 Kanjorski, Paul Democratic Roman Catholic community solicitor, judge Temple, Dickinson School of Law 1985 1937
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Pennsylvania 12 Murtha, John Democratic Roman Catholic United States Army, State Representative Pitt, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Washington and Jefferson College 1974* 1932
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Pennsylvania 13 Schwartz, Allyson Democratic Jewish State Senator Simmons, Bryn Mawr College 2005 1948
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Pennsylvania 14 Doyle, Mike Democratic Roman Catholic State Senator Chief of Staff Penn State 1995 1953
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Pennsylvania 15 Dent, Charlie Republican Presbyterian State Senate Penn State, Lehigh 2005 1960
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Pennsylvania 16 Pitts, Joe Republican Protestant State Representative, Pennsylvania Asbury College 1997 1939
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Pennsylvania 17 Holden, Tim Democratic Roman Catholic Schuylkill County Sheriff Bloomsburg University 1993 1957
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Pennsylvania 18 Murphy, Tim Republican Roman Catholic State Senator, Pennsylvania Wheeling Jesuit University, Cleveland State University, University of Pittsburgh 2003 1952
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Pennsylvania 19 Platts, Todd Republican Episcopalian State Representative, Pennsylvania Shippensburg University, Pepperdine University School of Law 2001 1962
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Rhode Island 1 Kennedy, Patrick Democratic Roman Catholic State Legislature Providence College 1995 1967
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Rhode Island 2 Langevin, Jim Democratic Roman Catholic Rhode Island State Assembly, Rhode Island Secretary of State Rhode Island College, Kennedy School of Government 2001 1964
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | South Carolina 1 Brown, Henry Republican Baptist Hanahan city council, South Carolina House of Representative The Citadel, Baptist College 2001 1935
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | South Carolina 2 Wilson, Joe Republican Presbyterian South Carolina State Senate Washington and Lee University, University of South Carolina School of Law 2001 1947
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | South Carolina 3 Barrett, Gresham Republican Baptist State Representative, South Carolina The Citadel 2003 1961
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | South Carolina 4 Inglis, Bob Republican Presbyterian attorney Duke, University of Virginia School of Law 2005 1959
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | South Carolina 5 Spratt, John Democratic Presbyterian attorney Davidson, Oxford, Yale Law School 1983 1942
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | South Carolina 6 Clyburn, Jim Democratic AME state government; teacher South Carolina State 1993 1940
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | South Dakota At Large Herseth Sandlin, Stephanie Democratic Lutheran attorney Georgetown University 2004 1970
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Tennessee 1 Davis, David Republican Baptist State Representative East Tennessee State 2007 1959
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Tennessee 2 Duncan, Jimmy Republican Presbyterian state court judge Tennessee, George Washington University 1988* 1947
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Tennessee 3 Wamp, Zach Republican Baptist Business owner, real estate broker attended University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, attended Tennessee 1995 1957
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Tennessee 4 Davis, Lincoln Democratic Baptist Tennessee State Legislature Tennessee Tech 2003 1943
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Tennessee 5 Cooper, Jim Democratic Episcopalian college professor University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Oriel College, Harvard University Law School 2003 1954
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Tennessee 6 Gordon, Bart Democratic Methodist Tennessee Democratic Party State Chair Middle Tennessee State, Tennessee 1985 1949
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Tennessee 7 Blackburn, Marsha Republican Presbyterian Tennessee State Senate Mississippi State 2003 1952
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Tennessee 8 Tanner, John Democratic Disciples of Christ Tennessee House of Representatives Tennessee 1989 1944
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Tennessee 9 Cohen, Steve Democratic Jewish Tennessee State Senate, Attorney Vanderbilt, University of Memphis 2007 1949
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Texas 1 Gohmert, Louie Republican Baptist Texas appeals court judge Texas A&M, Baylor University 2005 1953
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Texas 2 Poe, Ted Republican Church of Christ federal court judge Abilene Christian University, University of Houston Law Center 2005 1948
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Texas 3 Johnson, Sam Republican Methodist Texas state legislator SMU 1991 1930
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Texas 4 Hall, Ralph Republican Methodist Texas State Senate, attorney; financial executive SMU, attended Texas Christian, attended Texas 1981 1923
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Texas 5 Hensarling, Jeb Republican Episcopalian energy executive Texas A&M, University of Texas, Austin 2003 1957
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Texas 6 Barton, Joe Republican Methodist oil industry consultant Texas A&M, Purdue 1985 1949
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Texas 7 Culberson, John Republican Methodist Texas House of Representatives SMU, South Texas College of Law 2001 1956
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Texas 8 Brady, Kevin Republican Roman Catholic Beaumont, Texas Chamber of Commerce executive University of South Dakota 1997 1955
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Texas 9 Green, Al Democratic Christian Harris County Justice of the Peace, Houston NAACP president Florida A&M, Tuskeegee Institute, Texas Southern 2005 1947
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Texas 10 McCaul, Michael Republican Roman Catholic attorney, federal prosecutor Trinity University, St. Mary's University, attended Harvard University 2005 1962
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Texas 11 Conaway, Mike Republican Baptist oil exploration executive East Texas State 2005 1948
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Texas 12 Granger, Kay Republican Methodist Mayor of Fort Worth Texas Wesleyan University 1999 1943
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Texas 13 Thornberry, Mac Republican Presbyterian rancher, attorney Texas Tech, University of Texas Law School 1995 1958
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Texas 14 Paul, Ron Republican Protestant physician Gettysburg College, Duke University School of Medicine 1997 1935
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Texas 15 Hinojosa, Rubén Democratic Roman Catholic food processing executive, Texas State Board of Education University of Texas, Austin, University of Texas-Pan American 1997 1940
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Texas 16 Reyes, Silvestre Democratic Roman Catholic U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service administrator El Paso Community College, attended University of Texas, El Paso 1997 1944
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Texas 17 Edwards, Chet Democratic Methodist Texas State Senator Texas A&M, Harvard Business School 1991 1951
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Texas 18 Jackson-Lee, Sheila Democratic Adventist Houston City Council Yale, University of Virginia Law School 1995 1950
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Texas 19 Neugebauer, Randy Republican Baptist Lubbock City Council, real estate developer Texas Tech 2003 1949
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Texas 20 Gonzalez, Charlie Democratic Roman Catholic district court judge University of Texas, Austin, St. Mary's University 1999 1945
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Texas 21 Smith, Lamar Republican Christian Scientist Bexar County, Texas commissioner Yale, Southern Methodist University School of Law 1987 1947
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Texas 22 Lampson, Nick Democratic Roman Catholic US Congressman, Texas 9th district Lamar University 1997 1945
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Texas 23 Rodriguez, Ciro Democratic Roman Catholic Texas State Representative, US Congressman, Texas 28th district University of Texas at Austin 1993 1946
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Texas 24 Marchant, Kenny Republican Nazarene mayor of Carrolton, State Representative, Texas Southern Nazarene University 2005 1951
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Texas 25 Doggett, Lloyd Democratic Methodist Texas State Senate, Texas state supreme court justice, college professor University of Texas at Austin 1995 1946
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Texas 26 Burgess, Michael Republican Reformed Episcopalian physician North Texas State, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston 2003 1950
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Texas 27 Ortiz, Solomon Democratic Methodist County Commissioners Court of Nueces County, Nueces County Sheriff attended Del Mar College 1983 1937
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Texas 28 Cuellar, Henry Democratic Roman Catholic Texas House of Representatives, Texas Secretary of State Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, University of Texas 2005 1955
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Texas 29 Green, Gene Democratic Methodist State Representative, State Senator, Texas University of Houston 1993 1947
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Texas 30 Johnson, Eddie Bernice Democratic Baptist State Senator, Texas, nurse St. Mary's College, Texas Christian, SMU 1991 1935
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Texas 31 Carter, John Republican Lutheran district judge Texas Tech, University of Texas at Austin 2003 1941
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Texas 32 Sessions, Pete Republican Methodist marketing executive Southwestern University 1997 1955
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Utah 1 Bishop, Rob Republican LDS Utah State Representative, Chairman of the Utah Republican Party University of Utah 2003 1951
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Utah 2 Matheson, Jim Democratic LDS Business owner Harvard, UCLA 2001 1960
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Utah 3 Cannon, Chris Republican LDS attorney; ventural capitalist BYU 1997 1950
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Vermont At Large Welch, Peter Democratic Roman Catholic Vermont Senate President Pro Tempore Holy Cross, University of California-Berkeley 2007 1947
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Virginia 1 Wittman, Rob Republican Episcopalian Mayor of Montross, Westmoreland County Board of Supervisors, Virginia State House Virginia Polytechnic, Chapel Hill, VCU 2007 1959
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Virginia 2 Drake, Thelma Republican UCC Virginia State House Old Dominion University 2005 1949
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Virginia 3 Scott, Robert Democratic Episcopalian Virginia State Legislature Harvard University, Boston College Law School 1993 1947
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Virginia 4 Forbes, Randy Republican Baptist Virginia State Senate Randolph-Macon College, University of Virginia School of Law 2001 1952
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Virginia 5 Goode, Virgil Republican Baptist Virginia State Senate University of Richmond, University of Virginia School of Law 1997 1946
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Virginia 6 Goodlatte, Bob Republican Christian Scientist Private legal practice Bates College, Washington and Lee University 1993 1952
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Virginia 7 Cantor, Eric Republican Jewish Virginia State House George Washington University, College of William and Mary, Columbia University 2001 1963
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Virginia 8 Moran, Jim Democratic Roman Catholic Mayor of Alexandria College of the Holy Cross, University of Pittsburgh 1991 1945
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Virginia 9 Boucher, Rick Democratic Methodist Virginia State Senate Roanoke College, University of Virginia School of Law 1983 1946
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Virginia 10 Wolf, Frank Republican Presbyterian Assistant to the Secretary of the Interior Pennsylvania State University, Georgetown University 1981 1939
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Virginia 11 Davis, Tom Republican Christian Scientist chief elected official in Fairfax county Old Dominion University 1995 1949
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Washington 1 Inslee, Jay Democratic Protestant Attorney Washington, Willamette 1999 1951
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Washington 2 Larsen, Rick Democratic Methodist Snohomish County Council Pacific Lutheran, Minnesota 2001 1965
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Washington 3 Baird, Brian Democratic Protestant Psychologist Utah, Wyoming 1999 1956
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Washington 4 Hastings, Doc Republican Roman Catholic Washington State House Columbia Basin, Central Washington 1995 1941
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Washington 5 McMorris Rodgers, Cathy Republican Christian Washington State House Pensacola Christian, Washington 2005 1969
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Washington 6 Dicks, Norm Democratic Lutheran Legislative Assistant Washington 1977 1940
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Washington 7 McDermott, Jim Democratic Episcopalian Psychiatrist, Washington State Senate Wheaton, Illinois 1989 1936
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Washington 8 Reichert, Dave Republican Lutheran King County Sheriff Concordia Lutheran 2005 1950
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Washington 9 Smith, Adam Democratic Christian Washington State Senate Fordham, Washington 1997 1965
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | West Virginia 1 Mollohan, Alan Democratic Baptist attorney William & Mary, WVU 1983 1943
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | West Virginia 2 Capito, Shelley Moore Republican Presbyterian West Virginia House of Delegates Duke, University of Virginia 2001 1953
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | West Virginia 3 Rahall, Nick Democratic Presbyterian Senate Staff Member; media executive Duke, George Washington 1977 1949
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Wisconsin 1 Ryan, Paul Republican Roman Catholic Legislative Director Miami University 1999 1970
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Wisconsin 2 Baldwin, Tammy Democratic Non-Affiliated Wisconsin State Assembly Smith, Wisconsin 1999 1962
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Wisconsin 3 Kind, Ron Democratic Lutheran County Prosecutor London School of Economics, Minnesota 1997 1963
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Wisconsin 4 Moore, Gwen Democratic Baptist Wisconsin State Senate Marquette, Harvard 2005 1951
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Wisconsin 5 Sensenbrenner, Jim Republican Episcopalian Wisconsin State Senate Stanford, Wisconsin 1979 1943
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Wisconsin 6 Petri, Tom Republican Lutheran Wisconsin State Senate Harvard 1979 1940
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Wisconsin 7 Obey, Dave Democratic Roman Catholic Wisconsin State Assembly Wisconsin 1969 1938
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Wisconsin 8 Kagen, Steve Democratic Jewish allergist University of Wisconsin-Madison, Medical College of Wisconsin 2007 1949
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Wyoming At Large Cubin, Barbara Republican Episcopalian Wyoming State Senate; Wyoming State House Creighton 1995 1946


District Name Party Religion Former Experience Schooling Assumed Office Born In
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | American Samoa Eni Fa'aua'a Hunkin Faleomavaega, Jr. Democratic LDS Lieutenant Governor of American Samoa Brigham Young University, University of Houston, University of California, Berkeley 1989 1943
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | District of Columbia Eleanor Holmes Norton Democratic Episcopalian Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Antioch College, Yale University, Yale Law School 1991 1937
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | Guam Madeleine Bordallo Democratic Roman Catholic Lieutenant Governor of Guam Saint Mary's College, College of St. Catherine 2003 1933
Template:American politics/party colours/Republican | Puerto Rico Luis Fortuño New Progressive Party
and Republican
Roman Catholic National Committeeman Georgetown University, University of Virginia School of Law 2005 1960
Template:American politics/party colours/Democratic | United States Virgin Islands Donna Christian-Christensen Democratic Moravian Commissioner of Health Saint Mary's College, George Washington University 1997 1945


A John Barrasso was appointed by Wyoming Governor Dave Freudenthal on June 25, 2007 after Craig L. Thomas died on June 4, 2007.
B Laura Richardson replaced Juanita Millender-McDonald, who died on April 22, 2007, on August 21, 2007 after a special election.
C Paul Broun replaced Charlie Norwood, who died on February 3, 2007, on July 25, 2007 after a special election.
D Dennis Hastert resigned November 26, 2007 and was replaced by a special election by Bill Foster.
E Niki Tsongas replaced Marty Meehan who resigned on July 7, 2007, on October 18, 2007 after a special election.
F Julia Carson died on December 15, 2007, and was replaced by a special election by André Carson.
G Bob Latta replaced Paul Gillmor, who died on September 5, 2007, on December 13, 2007, after a special election.
H Trent Lott resigned from his Senete seat on December 18, 2007. Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour appointed Congressman Roger Wicker on December 31, 2007 to replace him. Wicker was replaced by Travis Childers after a special election.
I Bobby Jindal resigned January 14, 2008 and was replaced by Steve Scalise after a special election.
J Richard Baker resigned on February 2, 2008 and was replaced by Don Cazayoux after a special election.
K Tom Lantos died on February 11, 2008 and was replaced by Jackie Speier after a special election.
L Stephanie Tubbs Jones died on August 10, 2008.


  1. ^ "Roots in the Sand - Dalip Saund". PBS. 2000-07-28. Retrieved 2008-05-05. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  2. ^ [/ "Rep. Stark applauded for atheist outlook"]. msnbc. 2007-03-13. Retrieved 2008-05-05. {{cite news}}: Check |url= value (help); Check date values in: |date= (help)
  3. ^ "Women in Parliaments: World Classification". Inter-Parliamentary Union. Retrieved 2007-04-06.
  4. ^ "Women in Parliaments: World Average". Inter-Parliamentary Union. Retrieved 2007-04-06.
  5. ^ "Women in the United States Congress: 1917-2006" (PDF). Clerk of the United States House of Representatives. Retrieved 2007-04-06.
  6. ^ "Member FAQs: How many women are currently serving in Congress?". Clerk of the United States House of Representatives. Retrieved 2007-04-06.
  7. ^ "Women in the Senate". Secretary of the United States Senate. Retrieved 2007-04-06.
  8. ^ a b c http://www.govnotes.com/Directories/_Alaska_Congressional_Directory.htm
  9. ^ a b c http://www.govnotes.com/Directories/_Arizona_Congressional_Directory.htm
  10. ^ "McCain Identifies Himself as a Baptist". Associated Press for Fox News. 2007-09-16. Retrieved 2007-12-19. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  11. ^ a b http://www.govnotes.com/Directories/_Arkansas_Congressional_Directory.htm
