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Wikipedia:Good articles in other languages/English

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Wikipedia:Good articles in other languages/header

chiyaan Subash 2420

Article list

Article list of "Wikipedia:good articles" in English
# Articles in English instance of Articles in German Languages
1 Russia sovereign state Russland 391
2 English language natural language Englische Sprache 364
3 Switzerland country Schweiz 347
4 Azerbaijan sovereign state Aserbaidschan 339
5 Paris capital city Paris 332
6 Croatia country Kroatien 324
7 London city London 319
8 New Zealand country Neuseeland 309
9 Malaysia country Malaysia 307
10 Singapore city Singapur 303
11 Philippines country Philippinen 302
12 Language aptitude Sprache 291
13 England constituent country of the United Kingdom England 290
14 Albert Einstein human Albert Einstein 287
15 Adolf Hitler human Adolf Hitler 286
16 Biology science Biologie 285
17 Cat organisms known by a particular common name Hauskatze 285
18 Aristotle human Aristoteles 282
19 Jordan country Jordanien 282
20 Astronomy branch of science Astronomie 281
21 Karl Marx human Karl Marx 281
22 Leonardo da Vinci human Leonardo da Vinci 281
23 United Nations intergovernmental organization Vereinte Nationen 277
24 Isaac Newton human Isaac Newton 276
25 Animal taxon Tier 275
26 Hong Kong city Hongkong 274
27 Malawi country Malawi 269
28 George W. Bush human George W. Bush 268
29 Abraham Lincoln human Abraham Lincoln 267
30 Horse organisms known by a particular common name Hauspferd 258
31 Mahatma Gandhi human Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi 257
32 World War II world war Zweiter Weltkrieg 257
33 Socrates human Sokrates 247
34 Joseph Stalin human Josef Stalin 246
35 Human organisms known by a particular common name Mensch 243
36 Muhammad human Mohammed 243
37 Fish paraphyly Fische 241
38 Tree organisms known by a particular common name Baum 235
39 George Washington human George Washington 235
40 Alexander the Great human Alexander der Große 230
41 Wales country Wales 227
42 Iron chemical element Eisen 226
43 Copenhagen capital city Kopenhagen 224
44 Shanghai city Shanghai 224
45 Winston Churchill human Winston Churchill 223
46 Heart organ type Herz 222
47 Rain Regen 221
48 Agriculture industry Landwirtschaft 220
49 Euro currency Euro 218
50 Beer Bier 215
51 Massachusetts U.S. state Massachusetts 215
52 Silver chemical element Silber 214
53 Marie Curie human Marie Curie 213
54 Bill Gates human Bill Gates 211
55 Mumbai city Mumbai 211
56 Martin Luther King Jr. human Martin Luther King 210
57 Tennessee U.S. state Tennessee 210
58 Ecology academic discipline Ökologie 210
59 Franklin D. Roosevelt human Franklin D. Roosevelt 209
60 Bratislava city Bratislava 208
61 Copper chemical element Kupfer 208
62 Mammal taxon Säugetiere 208
63 Bear taxon Bären 207
64 Che Guevara human Che Guevara 207
65 Universe universe Universum 207
66 Carbon chemical element Kohlenstoff 206
67 Oscar Wilde human Oscar Wilde 206
68 Tiger taxon Tiger 206
69 Apple Tafelapfel 205
70 Cloud meteorological phenomenon Wolke 205
71 NATO intergovernmental organization NATO 202
72 Nobel Prize award Nobelpreis 202
73 Ear Ohr 201
74 Snow Schnee 201
75 Bill Clinton human Bill Clinton 200
76 Czech language language Tschechische Sprache 200
77 Nature phenomenon Natur 199
78 South Dakota U.S. state South Dakota 198
79 Insect taxon Insekten 197
80 Carl Linnaeus human Carl von Linné 195
81 Danish language language Dänische Sprache 194
82 The Carpenters musical duo Carpenters 193
83 Fidel Castro human Fidel Castro 193
84 Desert biome Wüste 193
85 Pythagoras human Pythagoras 192
86 Nikola Tesla human Nikola Tesla 191
87 Kuala Lumpur capital city Kuala Lumpur 190
88 Margaret Thatcher human Margaret Thatcher 189
89 HIV/AIDS pandemic AIDS 188
90 Manila highly urbanized city Manila 187
91 Marco Polo human Marco Polo 187
92 Sophocles human Sophokles 187
93 Nitrogen chemical element Stickstoff 187
94 Twitter microblogging Twitter 187
95 Albert Camus human Albert Camus 186
96 Aluminium chemical element Aluminium 186
97 Botany specialty Botanik 186
98 Brain organ type Gehirn 186
99 Catholic Church organization Römisch-katholische Kirche 186
100 Delhi megacity Delhi 185
101 Milky Way barred spiral galaxy Milchstraße 185
102 Gabriel García Márquez human Gabriel García Márquez 184
103 Matsuo Bashō human Matsuo Bashō 184
104 Spider taxon Webspinnen 184
105 Rembrandt human Rembrandt van Rijn 181
106 Skopje city Skopje 181
107 Onion taxon Zwiebel 181
108 Roman Empire empire Römische Kaiserzeit 180
109 Weather natural phenomenon Wetter 180
110 Electricity physical phenomenon Elektrizität 179
111 Yuri Gagarin human Juri Alexejewitsch Gagarin 179
112 Feminism reformism Feminismus 178
113 Montreal metropolis Montreal 178
114 Sociology academic major Soziologie 178
115 Vegetable Gemüse 177
116 Comet astronomical object type Komet 177
117 Amman city Amman 175
118 Kraków capital city Krakau 175
119 Agatha Christie human Agatha Christie 174
120 Lithium chemical element Lithium 174
121 Suicide manner of death Suizid 174
122 Black hole astronomical object type Schwarzes Loch 173
123 Train mode of transport Zug 173
124 Jane Austen human Jane Austen 172
125 Sugar excipient Zucker 172
126 Alfred Hitchcock human Alfred Hitchcock 171
127 Lung organ type Lunge 171
128 Mercury chemical element Quecksilber 171
129 Woodrow Wilson human Woodrow Wilson 171
130 Anatomy branch of biology Anatomie 170
131 Madonna human Madonna 170
132 Malaria endemic disease Malaria 170
133 Mikhail Gorbachev human Michail Sergejewitsch Gorbatschow 170
134 Lech Wałęsa human Lech Wałęsa 167
135 Lionel Messi human Lionel Messi 167
136 Muammar Gaddafi human Muammar al-Gaddafi 167
137 Freddie Mercury human Freddie Mercury 166
138 Alan Turing human Alan Turing 165
139 Sodium chemical element Natrium 165
140 Neon chemical element Neon 165
141 Beryllium chemical element Beryllium 164
142 Calcium chemical element Calcium 163
143 Jimmy Carter human Jimmy Carter 163
144 Renaissance architectural style Renaissance 163
145 Columbidae taxon Tauben 163
146 Tuberculosis notifiable disease Tuberkulose 162
147 Noam Chomsky human Noam Chomsky 161
148 Silicon chemical element Silicium 161
149 Salt mixture Speisesalz 161
150 Chlorine chemical element Chlor 160
151 Giuseppe Verdi human Giuseppe Verdi 160
152 Harry Potter heptalogy Harry Potter 160
153 John Maynard Keynes human John Maynard Keynes 160
154 Potassium chemical element Kalium 160
155 World Heritage Site conservation designation UNESCO-Welterbe 159
156 Boron chemical element Bor 158
157 Political party legal form Politische Partei 158
158 Akira Kurosawa human Akira Kurosawa 157
159 Climate Klima 157
160 Mogadishu capital city Mogadischu 157
161 Anarchism school of thought Anarchismus 156
162 Argon chemical element Argon 156
163 Glass material Glas 156
164 Force Kraft 156
165 Louvre art museum Louvre 156
166 Birmingham city Birmingham 155
167 Marcus Aurelius human Mark Aurel 155
168 PHP interpreted language PHP 155
169 Protein second-order class Protein 155
170 Taoism religion Daoismus 154
171 Iodine chemical element Iod 154
172 Palestine geographic region Palästina 154
173 Antananarivo capital city Antananarivo 153
174 Bob Marley human Bob Marley 152
175 Roger Federer human Roger Federer 152
176 Chromium chemical element Chrom 151
177 Platinum chemical element Platin 151
178 San Diego county seat San Diego 151
179 Cobalt chemical element Cobalt 150
180 Shark taxon Haie 150
181 James Madison human James Madison 150
182 Crusades conflict Kreuzzug 150
183 Nazi Germany historical country NS-Staat 150
184 Narendra Modi human Narendra Modi 150
185 Sun Tzu human Sunzi 150
186 September 11 attacks suicide attack Terroranschläge am 11. September 2001 150
187 Bangui city Bangui 149
188 Barium chemical element Barium 149
189 Manganese chemical element Mangan 149
190 Quantum mechanics theory Quantenmechanik 149
191 Bromine chemical element Brom 148
192 Franz Schubert human Franz Schubert 148
193 Max Weber human Max Weber 148
194 Radon chemical element Radon 148
195 Outer space physical location Weltraum 148
196 Agnez Mo human Agnes Monica 147
197 Anggun human Anggun 147
198 Krypton chemical element Krypton 147
199 Nickel chemical element Nickel 147
200 Bethlehem city Bethlehem 146
201 Pelé human Pelé 146
202 Selenium chemical element Selen 146
203 Tungsten chemical element Wolfram 146
204 Bismuth chemical element Bismut 145
205 Cadmium chemical element Cadmium 145
206 Red fox taxon Rotfuchs 145
207 Vagina anatomical structure Vagina 145
208 Antimony chemical element Antimon 144
209 Species taxonomic rank Art 144
210 Polonium chemical element Polonium 144
211 Rubidium chemical element Rubidium 144
212 Svalbard archipelago Spitzbergen 144
213 Strontium chemical element Strontium 144
214 Elon Musk human Elon Musk 143
215 Michael Schumacher human Michael Schumacher 143
216 Osmium chemical element Osmium 143
217 Comics literary genre Comic 142
218 Gallium chemical element Gallium 142
219 Kerala state of India Kerala 142
220 Nouakchott city Nouakchott 142
221 Python object-based language Python 142
222 Scandium chemical element Scandium 142
223 Steel Stahl 142
224 Zoroastrianism religion Zoroastrismus 142
225 Bee clade Bienen 141
226 Polar bear taxon Eisbär 141
227 James Clerk Maxwell human James Clerk Maxwell 141
228 Tellurium chemical element Tellur 141
229 Hafnium chemical element Hafnium 140
230 Jainism religion Jainismus 140
231 Molybdenum chemical element Molybdän 140
232 1346 year 1346 139
233 Indium chemical element Indium 139
234 Kilogram SI base unit Kilogramm 139
235 Yoga Yoga 139
236 Astrology superstition Astrologie 138
237 Prime number type of number Primzahl 138
238 Rhenium chemical element Rhenium 138
239 Rhodium chemical element Rhodium 138
240 Thallium chemical element Thallium 138
241 Zirconium chemical element Zirconium 138
242 Adriatic Sea sea Adriatisches Meer 137
243 International System of Units metric system Internationales Einheitensystem 137
244 Ruthenium chemical element Ruthenium 137
245 Sappho human Sappho 137
246 Tantalum chemical element Tantal 137
247 Actinium chemical element Actinium 136
248 Europium chemical element Europium 136
249 Constantine the Great human Konstantin der Große 136
250 Lanthanum chemical element Lanthan 136
251 Neptunium chemical element Neptunium 136
252 Rihanna human Rihanna 136
253 Walt Whitman human Walt Whitman 136
254 Zachary Taylor human Zachary Taylor 136
255 Ceres dwarf planet (1) Ceres 135
256 Allah God in Abrahamic religions Allah 135
257 Epicurus human Epikur 135
258 Real Madrid CF association football club Real Madrid 135
259 Stanley Kubrick human Stanley Kubrick 135
260 Butterfly organisms known by a particular common name Tagfalter 135
261 Lutetium chemical element Lutetium 134
262 Rutherfordium chemical element Rutherfordium 134
263 Cheetah taxon Gepard 133
264 Seaborgium chemical element Seaborgium 133
265 Americium chemical element Americium 132
266 Beyoncé human Beyoncé 132
267 Common cold infectious disease Erkältung 132
268 Game of Thrones television series Game of Thrones 132
269 House sparrow taxon Haussperling 132
270 Promethium chemical element Promethium 132
271 Protactinium chemical element Protactinium 132
272 University of Oxford higher education institution University of Oxford 132
273 Bohrium chemical element Bohrium 131
274 Curium chemical element Curium 131
275 Einsteinium chemical element Einsteinium 131
276 Leonardo DiCaprio human Leonardo DiCaprio 131
277 Lhasa city Lhasa 131
278 Pneumonia cause of death Lungenentzündung 131
279 Mongolian language language Mongolische Sprache 131
280 Musical instrument Musikinstrument 131
281 Nobelium chemical element Nobelium 131
282 Odyssey epic poem Odyssee 131
283 Praseodymium chemical element Praseodym 131
284 Samarium chemical element Samarium 131
285 Uttar Pradesh state of India Uttar Pradesh 131
286 Berkelium chemical element Berkelium 130
287 Eurovision Song Contest television series Eurovision Song Contest 130
288 Gospel of John Gospel Evangelium nach Johannes 130
289 Greta Thunberg human Greta Thunberg 130
290 Usain Bolt human Usain Bolt 130
291 Fermium chemical element Fermium 129
292 Nuclear power Kernenergie 129
293 Malala Yousafzai human Malala Yousafzai 129
294 Meitnerium chemical element Meitnerium 129
295 Robert Mugabe human Robert Mugabe 129
296 Ytterbium chemical element Ytterbium 129
297 Ahmedabad city Ahmedabad 128
298 Audrey Hepburn human Audrey Hepburn 128
299 Aztecs civilization Azteken 128
300 Dysprosium chemical element Dysprosium 128
301 Eleanor Roosevelt human Eleanor Roosevelt 128
302 Lawrencium chemical element Lawrencium 128
303 OPEC intergovernmental organization Organisation erdölexportierender Länder 128
304 Vitamin group of chemical entities Vitamin 128
305 Obesity health risk Fettleibigkeit 127
306 Mendelevium chemical element Mendelevium 127
307 Darmstadtium chemical element Darmstadtium 126
308 Edmonton city Edmonton 126
309 Arthropod taxon Gliederfüßer 126
310 Hajj pilgrimage Haddsch 126
311 Henryk Sienkiewicz human Henryk Sienkiewicz 126
312 Juventus F.C. association football club Juventus Turin 126
313 Roentgenium chemical element Roentgenium 126
314 Lepidoptera taxon Schmetterlinge 126
315 Woodpecker taxon Spechte 126
316 Smallpox infectious disease Pocken 125
317 Richard Dawkins human Richard Dawkins 125
318 Shiva God Shiva 125
319 Mallard taxon Stockente 125
320 Thulium chemical element Thulium 125
321 Swami Vivekananda human Vivekananda 125
322 Addition hyperoperation Addition 124
323 Albany, New York county seat Albany 124
324 Copernicium chemical element Copernicium 124
325 Radish taxon Garten-Rettich 124
326 Joseph Goebbels human Joseph Goebbels 124
327 Beetle taxon Käfer 124
328 Miley Cyrus human Miley Cyrus 124
329 SpongeBob SquarePants animated series SpongeBob Schwammkopf 124
330 The Rolling Stones rock band The Rolling Stones 124
331 The Lion King animated feature film Der König der Löwen 123
332 Edmund Hillary human Edmund Hillary 123
333 Flea taxon Flöhe 123
334 Haifa city Haifa 123
335 Leonid Brezhnev human Leonid Iljitsch Breschnew 123
336 Milton Friedman human Milton Friedman 123
337 Moscovium chemical element Moscovium 123
338 Nicole Kidman human Nicole Kidman 123
339 Robert De Niro human Robert De Niro 123
340 Uttarakhand state of India Uttarakhand 123
341 Al Gore human Al Gore 122
342 Anna Akhmatova human Anna Andrejewna Achmatowa 122
343 Clint Eastwood human Clint Eastwood 122
344 Gordon Brown human Gordon Brown 122
345 Hail natural phenomenon Hagel 122
346 Marrakesh city Marrakesch 122
347 Saint Paul, Minnesota county seat Saint Paul 122
348 Mollusca taxon Weichtiere 122
349 Frank Sinatra human Frank Sinatra 121
350 Herman Melville human Herman Melville 121
351 Meryl Streep human Meryl Streep 121
352 Varanasi city Varanasi 121
353 Al Pacino human Al Pacino 120
354 Antoni Gaudí human Antoni Gaudí 120
355 Averroes human Averroes 120
356 Caligula human Caligula 120
357 Flerovium chemical element Flerovium 120
358 Livermorium chemical element Livermorium 120
359 2008 Summer Olympics Summer Olympic Games Olympische Sommerspiele 2008 120
360 Selena human Selena Quintanilla-Pérez 120
361 Mount Vesuvius stratovolcano Vesuv 120
362 Jehovah's Witnesses Christian denomination Zeugen Jehovas 120
363 Adam Mickiewicz human Adam Mickiewicz 119
364 Andrew Garfield human Andrew Garfield 119
365 Demi Lovato human Demi Lovato 119
366 Francesco Totti human Francesco Totti 119
367 Canidae taxon Hunde 119
368 Manhattan borough of New York City Manhattan 119
369 Telecommunications industry Telekommunikation 119
370 Alcoholism Alkoholkrankheit 118
371 Auguste Rodin human Auguste Rodin 118
372 Quentin Tarantino human Quentin Tarantino 118
373 Pythagorean theorem theorem Satz des Pythagoras 118
374 Titanic film Titanic 118
375 Carrot food ingredient Wurzel der Karotte (d:Q81) 118
376 Aarhus big city Aarhus 117
377 The Godfather film Der Pate 117
378 Honiara city Honiara 117
379 Condom contraceptive Kondom 117
380 Lincoln, Nebraska county seat Lincoln 117
381 Michelle Obama human Michelle Obama 117
382 York city York 117
383 Asthma Asthma bronchiale 116
384 Led Zeppelin musical group Led Zeppelin 116
385 Least weasel taxon Mauswiesel 116
386 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs animated feature film Schneewittchen und die sieben Zwerge 116
387 Amy Winehouse human Amy Winehouse 115
388 Avatar 3D film Avatar – Aufbruch nach Pandora 115
389 FC Bayern Munich sports club FC Bayern München 115
390 Cactus taxon Kakteengewächse 115
391 Paleontology academic discipline Paläontologie 115
392 European robin taxon Rotkehlchen 115
393 Émile Durkheim human Émile Durkheim 115
394 Pancreas organ type Bauchspeicheldrüse 114
395 Cate Blanchett human Cate Blanchett 114
396 Forrest Gump film Forrest Gump 114
397 Hammurabi human Hammurapi I. 114
398 Myocardial infarction cause of death Herzinfarkt 114
399 Krishna Hindu deity Krishna 114
400 Omaha, Nebraska county seat Omaha 114
401 Taylor Lautner human Taylor Lautner 114
402 Wright brothers team Brüder Wright 113
403 Evo Morales human Evo Morales 113
404 F. Scott Fitzgerald human F. Scott Fitzgerald 113
405 Gene Gen 113
406 Morgan Freeman human Morgan Freeman 113
407 Penélope Cruz human Penélope Cruz 113
408 United States Declaration of Independence declaration of independence Unabhängigkeitserklärung der Vereinigten Staaten 113
409 Fly taxon Zweiflügler 113
410 Buffalo, New York border city Buffalo 112
411 Epilepsy Epilepsie 112
412 Microorganism Mikroorganismus 112
413 Neanderthal fossil taxon Neandertaler 112
414 Aphrodite goddess Aphrodite 111
415 Athena goddess Athene 111
416 Calais city Calais 111
417 Cristina Fernández de Kirchner human Cristina Fernández de Kirchner 111
418 Empire State Building skyscraper Empire State Building 111
419 RNA structural class of chemical entities Ribonukleinsäure 111
420 Consciousness Bewusstsein 110
421 Cluj-Napoca city Cluj-Napoca 110
422 Dragon Ball media franchise Dragon Ball 110
423 Halle Berry human Halle Berry 110
424 Keanu Reeves human Keanu Reeves 110
425 Khmer language language Khmer-Sprache 110
426 Sheffield city Sheffield 110
427 Termite taxon Termiten 110
428 Trajan human Trajan 110
429 Amino acid structural class of chemical entities Aminosäuren 109
430 Gamal Abdel Nasser human Gamal Abdel Nasser 109
431 Hannah Arendt human Hannah Arendt 109
432 Hezbollah political party Hisbollah 109
433 Ivo Andrić human Ivo Andrić 109
434 Auschwitz concentration camp museum KZ Auschwitz 109
435 Linkin Park rock band Linkin Park 109
436 Lipid imprecise class of chemical entities Lipide 109
437 South Park animated series South Park 109
438 Valentina Tereshkova human Walentina Wladimirowna Tereschkowa 109
439 Walrus taxon Walross 109
440 Cher human Cher 108
441 Daniel Radcliffe human Daniel Radcliffe 108
442 Fez, Morocco administrative territorial entity Fès 108
443 James Cameron human James Cameron 108
444 Max Born human Max Born 108
445 Odense big city Odense 108
446 Tiberius human Tiberius 108
447 Alkali metals Alkalimetalle 107
448 Bobby Fischer human Bobby Fischer 107
449 Burger King fast food restaurant chain Burger King 107
450 Christiaan Huygens human Christiaan Huygens 107
451 Heinrich Himmler human Heinrich Himmler 107
452 Henry VIII human Heinrich VIII. 107
453 John von Neumann human John von Neumann 107
454 Newark, New Jersey county seat Newark 107
455 American football type of sport American Football 106
456 Andromeda Galaxy spiral galaxy Andromedagalaxie 106
457 Ayn Rand human Ayn Rand 106
458 Desmond Tutu human Desmond Tutu 106
459 Grey heron taxon Graureiher 106
460 J. D. Salinger human J. D. Salinger 106
461 Justinian I human Justinian I. 106
462 S.S.C. Napoli association football club SSC Neapel 106
463 Spider-Man mutant Spider-Man 106
464 Entertainment Unterhaltung (d:Q173799) 106
465 White wagtail taxon Bachstelze 105
466 The Hobbit literary work Der Hobbit 105
467 H. P. Lovecraft human H. P. Lovecraft 105
468 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow human Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 105
469 Clitoris Klitoris 105
470 Matt Damon human Matt Damon 105
471 Mila Kunis human Mila Kunis 105
472 Plymouth city Plymouth 105
473 Birth control Empfängnisverhütung 104
474 Friends television series Friends 104
475 Magna Carta manuscript Magna Carta 104
476 Nobel Prize in Physics physics award Nobelpreis für Physik 104
477 Sponge taxon Schwämme 104
478 Esophagus organ type Speiseröhre 104
479 Syphilis infectious disease Syphilis 104
480 Debian wiki Debian 103
481 Frozen film Die Eiskönigin – Völlig unverfroren 103
482 Freemasonry human social group Freimaurerei 103
483 Great tit taxon Kohlmeise 103
484 Pichilemu city in Chile Pichilemu 103
485 Pleiades open cluster Plejaden 103
486 Srinivasa Ramanujan human Srinivasa Ramanujan 103
487 Star Trek media franchise Star Trek 103
488 Stephen Harper human Stephen Harper 103
489 Tutankhamun human Tutanchamun 103
490 Washington Irving human Washington Irving 103
491 Red panda taxon Westlicher Kleiner Panda 103
492 The Little Mermaid animated feature film Arielle, die Meerjungfrau 102
493 Bumblebee taxon Hummeln 102
494 Jane Fonda human Jane Fonda 102
495 Clarinet Klarinette 102
496 Satan devil Satan 102
497 Natural selection Selektion 102
498 World Trade Center building complex World Trade Center 102
499 Białystok city Białystok 101
500 Hermann Göring human Hermann Göring 101
501 Horatio Nelson, 1st Viscount Nelson human Horatio Nelson, 1. Viscount Nelson 101
502 Hypatia human Hypatia 101
503 Iron Maiden heavy metal band Iron Maiden 101
504 Julia Gillard human Julia Gillard 101
505 Michael Phelps human Michael Phelps 101
506 Novalis human Novalis 101
507 Portsmouth city Portsmouth 101
508 Robert Downey Jr. human Robert Downey Jr. 101
509 Taurus constellation Stier 101
510 Aalborg big city Aalborg 100
511 Aspirin chemical compound Acetylsalicylsäure 100
512 Al Capone human Al Capone 100
513 Mount Ararat mountain Ararat 100
514 Coldplay musical group Coldplay 100
515 Gene Wilder human Gene Wilder 100
516 HIV organisms known by a particular common name HIV 100
517 Hemorrhoid disease Hämorrhoiden 100
518 Idi Amin human Idi Amin 100
519 Dick Cheney human Dick Cheney 99
520 Greylag goose taxon Graugans 99
521 Jean Sibelius human Jean Sibelius 99
522 Joseph Smith human Joseph Smith 99
523 Coyote taxon Kojote 99
524 Massachusetts Institute of Technology university Massachusetts Institute of Technology 99
525 Hooded crow taxon Nebelkrähe 99
526 Eurasian sparrowhawk taxon Sperber 99
527 Suharto human Suharto 99
528 Sylvia Plath human Sylvia Plath 99
529 Animal husbandry economic activity Tierhaltung 99
530 Circumcision Zirkumzision 99
531 Hypertension disease Arterielle Hypertonie 98
532 Eva Perón human Eva Perón 98
533 Greeks human population Griechen 98
534 Hadrian human Hadrian 98
535 Homs tell Homs 98
536 Caracal taxon Karakal 98
537 Leif Erikson human Leif Eriksson 98
538 One Direction boy band One Direction 98
539 Allahabad city Prayagraj 98
540 Toy Story feature film Toy Story 98
541 Eurasian eagle-owl taxon Uhu 98
542 Vulva Vulva 98
543 C. V. Raman human C. V. Raman 97
544 Daniel Craig human Daniel Craig 97
545 Gianluigi Buffon human Gianluigi Buffon 97
546 Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone literary work Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen 97
547 Jacques Offenbach human Jacques Offenbach 97
548 James Bond media franchise James Bond (d:Q844) 97
549 John Chrysostom human Johannes Chrysostomos 97
550 Jellyfish organisms known by a particular common name Qualle 97
551 Rook taxon Saatkrähe 97
552 Virginia Beach, Virginia independent city Virginia Beach 97
553 Abdullah II of Jordan human Abdullah II. bin al-Hussein 96
554 Baháʼu'lláh human Bahāʾullāh 96
555 Gaza City city Gaza 96
556 Hayao Miyazaki human Hayao Miyazaki 96
557 Crustacean taxon Krebstiere 96
558 Mary Magdalene human biblical figure Maria Magdalena 96
559 Windows 10 operating system Microsoft Windows 10 96
560 Nicki Minaj human Nicki Minaj 96
561 Annelid taxon Ringelwürmer 96
562 Stoicism philosophical school Stoa 96
563 Actinide chemical series Actinoide 95
564 Airbus A380 aircraft family Airbus A380 95
565 Spirited Away anime film Chihiros Reise ins Zauberland 95
566 Daniel Day-Lewis human Daniel Day-Lewis 95
567 Dwayne Johnson human Dwayne Johnson 95
568 Aloe vera taxon Echte Aloe 95
569 Fort Lauderdale, Florida gay village Fort Lauderdale 95
570 Greenlandic language language Grönländische Sprache 95
571 Karim Benzema human Karim Benzema 95
572 Lewis Hamilton human Lewis Hamilton 95
573 Matrix Matrix 95
574 Missouri River river Missouri River 95
575 Mitochondrion organelle Mitochondrium 95
576 Aomori Prefecture prefecture of Japan Präfektur Aomori 95
577 Shetland archipelago Shetland 95
578 Spanish flu influenza Spanische Grippe 95
579 The Dark Knight film The Dark Knight 95
580 Thor thunder deity Thor 95
581 Louse taxon Tierläuse 95
582 Christopher Nolan human Christopher Nolan 94
583 Chuck Berry human Chuck Berry 94
584 Beauty and the Beast animated feature film Die Schöne und das Biest 94
585 Kochi city Kochi 94
586 Lucian human Lukian von Samosata 94
587 Maria Theresa human Maria Theresia 94
588 Mick Jagger human Mick Jagger 94
589 Windows XP operating system Microsoft Windows XP 94
590 Precipitation natural phenomenon Niederschlag 94
591 Winter Olympic Games recurring sporting event Olympische Winterspiele 94
592 Crime and Punishment literary work Schuld und Sühne 94
593 Sergey Brin human Sergey Brin 94
594 Thirty Seconds to Mars musical group Thirty Seconds to Mars 94
595 Tina Turner human Tina Turner 94
596 Upanishads literary work Upanishaden 94
597 Apollo program project Apollo-Programm 93
598 Canterbury city Canterbury 93
599 Gallbladder organ type Gallenblase 93
600 Geyser Geysir 93
601 Dragonfly taxon Großlibellen 93
602 Homeopathy quackery Homöopathie 93
603 Isaac prophet of Islam Isaak 93
604 Jeff Bezos human Jeff Bezos 93
605 LeBron James human LeBron James 93
606 Longyearbyen town Longyearbyen 93
607 Maria Goeppert Mayer human Maria Goeppert-Mayer 93
608 Stanisław Lem human Stanisław Lem 93
609 Whale organisms known by a particular common name Wal (d:Q1865281) 93
610 Back to the Future feature film Zurück in die Zukunft 93
611 .no country code top-level domain .no 92
612 Aladdin animated feature film Aladdin 92
613 Capybara taxon Capybara 92
614 Darius the Great human Dareios I. 92
615 Doraemon manga series Doraemon 92
616 Three Gorges Dam boat lift Drei-Schluchten-Talsperre 92
617 Dromedary taxon Dromedar 92
618 Gavrilo Princip human Gavrilo Princip 92
619 Conscience property Gewissen 92
620 Joan Crawford human Joan Crawford 92
621 Magnus Carlsen human Magnus Carlsen 92
622 Salamander taxon Schwanzlurche 92
623 Little owl taxon Steinkauz 92
624 Steven Gerrard human Steven Gerrard 92
625 Taxonomy academic discipline Taxonomie 92
626 Terry Pratchett human Terry Pratchett 92
627 Great white shark taxon Weißer Hai 92
628 Tick taxon Zecken 92
629 Al-Aqsa Mosque mosque Al-Aqsa-Moschee 91
630 Alexander Hamilton human Alexander Hamilton 91
631 Bruno Mars human Bruno Mars 91
632 Columbia University private university Columbia University 91
633 Mary I of England human Maria I. 91
634 Michelle Pfeiffer human Michelle Pfeiffer 91
635 Nebuchadnezzar II human Nabū-kudurrī-uṣur II. 91
636 Narcissus taxon Narzissen 91
637 Nonmetal academic discipline Nichtmetalle 91
638 Pixar animation studio Pixar 91
639 Ravi Shankar human Ravi Shankar 91
640 Roger Ebert human Roger Ebert 91
641 Weak interaction fundamental interaction Schwache Wechselwirkung 91
642 Serval taxon Serval 91
643 Shrek animated feature film Shrek – Der tollkühne Held 91
644 Tottenham Hotspur F.C. association football club Tottenham Hotspur 91
645 Tristan da Cunha administrative territorial entity Tristan da Cunha 91
646 Forbidden City palace Verbotene Stadt 91
647 Vitamin C chemical compound Vitamin C 91
648 Voyager 1 space probe Voyager 1 91
649 A. P. J. Abdul Kalam human A. P. J. Abdul Kalam 90
650 BTS boy band BTS 90
651 Faisalabad city Faisalabad 90
652 Green Day rock band Green Day 90
653 Bovidae taxon Hornträger 90
654 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Christian denomination Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen der Letzten Tage 90
655 Nancy Pelosi human Nancy Pelosi 90
656 Schutzstaffel military personnel Schutzstaffel 90
657 The Who rock band The Who 90
658 Wasp organisms known by a particular common name Wespen (d:Q9458574) 90
659 Western Roman Empire empire Weströmisches Reich 90
660 Cyclone Zyklon 90
661 Derivative unary operation Ableitung 89
662 Alfred North Whitehead human Alfred North Whitehead 89
663 Arjen Robben human Arjen Robben 89
664 Arsène Wenger human Arsène Wenger 89
665 Down syndrome disability Down-Syndrom 89
666 Flag of Italy national flag Flagge Italiens 89
667 Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone film Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen 89
668 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets literary work Harry Potter und die Kammer des Schreckens 89
669 Hudson River river Hudson River 89
670 IPad model series IPad 89
671 James Stewart human James Stewart 89
672 Lindsay Lohan human Lindsay Lohan 89
673 Pipe organ Orgel 89
674 Pierce Brosnan human Pierce Brosnan 89
675 Sperm whale taxon Pottwal 89
676 Thyroid organ type Schilddrüse 89
677 Sea urchin taxon Seeigel 89
678 Sitting Bull human Sitting Bull 89
679 Tesla, Inc. organization Tesla, Inc. 89
680 Tiger Woods human Tiger Woods 89
681 Vyacheslav Molotov human Wjatscheslaw Michailowitsch Molotow 89
682 4 Vesta asteroid (4) Vesta 88
683 2001: A Space Odyssey film 2001: Odyssee im Weltraum 88
684 Acne health problem Akne 88
685 Anne Boleyn human Anne Boleyn 88
686 Beowulf epic poem Beowulf 88
687 Fernando Torres human Fernando Torres 88
688 Thunderstorm atmospheric convection Gewitter 88
689 Inception film Inception 88
690 James Gandolfini human James Gandolfini 88
691 Squid taxon Kalmare 88
692 Kimigayo national anthem Kimi Ga Yo 88
693 Margaret Atwood human Margaret Atwood 88
694 Cnidaria taxon Nesseltiere 88
695 Okapi taxon Okapi 88
696 Battle of Waterloo battle Schlacht bei Waterloo 88
697 Theodosius I human Theodosius I. 88
698 Whale shark taxon Walhai 88
699 2012 film 2012 87
700 Badajoz city Badajoz 87
701 Cary Grant human Cary Grant 87
702 Chris Evans human Chris Evans 87
703 Escherichia coli taxon Escherichia coli 87
704 E real number Eulersche Zahl 87
705 Finding Nemo animated feature film Findet Nemo 87
706 Genetic engineering Gentechnik 87
707 Coma Berenices constellation Haar der Berenike 87
708 Coral organisms known by a particular common name Koralle 87
709 Nea Salamis Famagusta FC association football club Nea Salamis Famagusta 87
710 Pinocchio animated feature film Pinocchio 87
711 Flatworm taxon Plattwürmer 87
712 Prison Break television series Prison Break 87
713 Eurasian bittern taxon Rohrdommel 87
714 Egyptian vulture taxon Schmutzgeier 87
715 Septimius Severus human Septimius Severus 87
716 St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador big city St. John’s 87
717 Housefly taxon Stubenfliege 87
718 The Terminator film Terminator 87
719 Gone with the Wind film Vom Winde verweht 87
720 2 Pallas asteroid (2) Pallas 86
721 Third Epistle of John epistle 3. Brief des Johannes 86
722 Ashdod city Aschdod 86
723 Avogadro constant physical constant Avogadro-Konstante 86
724 The Jungle Book animated feature film Das Dschungelbuch 86
725 Eden Hazard human Eden Hazard 86
726 Edward Norton human Edward Norton 86
727 Adaptation Evolutionäre Anpassung 86
728 Hepatitis B infectious disease Hepatitis B 86
729 Johann Strauss II human Johann Strauss 86
730 Jurassic Park film Jurassic Park 86
731 Kali goddess Kali 86
732 Klaus Ebner human Klaus Ebner 86
733 Magnetic resonance imaging medical test Magnetresonanztomographie 86
734 Mermaid Meerjungfrau 86
735 Migraine disease Migräne 86
736 Naomi Watts human Naomi Watts 86
737 Newcastle United F.C. association football club Newcastle United 86
738 Orkney archipelago Orkney 86
739 Otto Hahn human Otto Hahn 86
740 Paul Pogba human Paul Pogba 86
741 Peter Dinklage human Peter Dinklage 86
742 Sabah state of Malaysia Sabah 86
743 Sputnik 1 artificial satellite Sputnik 1 86
744 Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace feature film Star Wars: Episode I – Die dunkle Bedrohung 86
745 Terminator 2: Judgment Day film Terminator 2 – Tag der Abrechnung 86
746 Operation Barbarossa military operation Unternehmen Barbarossa 86
747 V for Vendetta film V wie Vendetta 86
748 WALL-E animated feature film WALL·E – Der Letzte räumt die Erde auf 86
749 Black Sabbath heavy metal band Black Sabbath 85
750 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease disease Chronisch obstruktive Lungenerkrankung 85
751 Eugene Wigner human Eugene Paul Wigner 85
752 European Council institution of the European Union Europäischer Rat 85
753 Family Guy animated series Family Guy 85
754 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince hardback Harry Potter und der Halbblutprinz 85
755 John D. Rockefeller human John D. Rockefeller 85
756 Luis Buñuel human Luis Buñuel 85
757 Mohamed Salah human Mohamed Salah 85
758 Narwhal taxon Narwal 85
759 One Piece media franchise One Piece 85
760 Ocelot taxon Ozelot 85
761 Paralympic Games recurring sporting event Paralympische Spiele 85
762 Parasitism Parasitismus 85
763 Purple heron taxon Purpurreiher 85
764 Rachel McAdams human Rachel McAdams 85
765 Jungle cat taxon Rohrkatze 85
766 Sarawak federated state Sarawak 85
767 Blackcurrant taxon Schwarze Johannisbeere 85
768 Sirenia taxon Seekühe 85
769 W. H. Auden human W. H. Auden 85
770 Winona Ryder human Winona Ryder 85
771 The X-Files television series Akte X – Die unheimlichen Fälle des FBI 84
772 Andy Murray human Andy Murray 84
773 Asif Ali Zardari human Asif Ali Zardari 84
774 Flag of Poland national flag Flagge Polens 84
775 Franck Ribéry human Franck Ribéry 84
776 Gilgamesh literary character Gilgamesch 84
777 Wildebeest taxon Gnus 84
778 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire literary work Harry Potter und der Feuerkelch 84
779 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban literary work Harry Potter und der Gefangene von Askaban 84
780 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows literary work Harry Potter und die Heiligtümer des Todes 84
781 Kingston upon Hull city Kingston upon Hull 84
782 Madurai city Madurai 84
783 Mario Balotelli human Mario Balotelli 84
784 The Avengers film Marvel’s The Avengers 84
785 Milla Jovovich human Milla Jovovich 84
786 Schindler's List film Schindlers Liste 84
787 Thomas Müller human Thomas Müller 84
788 Atal Bihari Vajpayee human Atal Bihari Vajpayee 83
789 Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki aerial bombing of a city Atombombenabwürfe auf Hiroshima und Nagasaki 83
790 Bipolar disorder Bipolare Störung 83
791 Muskrat taxon Bisamratte 83
792 Dr. Dre human Dr. Dre 83
793 Meerkat taxon Erdmännchen 83
794 Ernest Lawrence human Ernest Lawrence 83
795 Esbjerg city Esbjerg 83
796 Eva Braun human Eva Braun 83
797 Hans Bethe human Hans Bethe 83
798 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix literary work Harry Potter und der Orden des Phönix 83
799 Ian McKellen human Ian McKellen 83
800 Interstellar film Interstellar 83
801 Klemens von Metternich human Klemens Wenzel Lothar von Metternich 83
802 Leni Riefenstahl human Leni Riefenstahl 83
803 Louis XVIII human Ludwig XVIII. 83
804 Michael J. Fox human Michael J. Fox 83
805 Reading, Berkshire county town Reading 83
806 Roberto Baggio human Roberto Baggio 83
807 Ruddy shelduck taxon Rostgans 83
808 Royal Society academy of sciences Royal Society 83
809 Rupert Grint human Rupert Grint 83
810 Sebastian Kurz human Sebastian Kurz 83
811 Little egret taxon Seidenreiher 83
812 Sergei Prokofiev human Sergei Sergejewitsch Prokofjew 83
813 Adi Shankara human Shankara 83
814 Stephen Hillenburg human Stephen Hillenburg 83
815 The Good, the Bad and the Ugly film Zwei glorreiche Halunken 83
816 Adolf Eichmann human Adolf Eichmann 82
817 Sri Aurobindo human Aurobindo Ghose 82
818 Bede human Beda Venerabilis 82
819 Caracalla human Caracalla 82
820 A Song of Ice and Fire novel series Das Lied von Eis und Feuer 82
821 Edward I of England human Eduard I. 82
822 Ecliptic great circle Ekliptik 82
823 Eva Green human Eva Green 82
824 Google Earth virtual globe Google Earth 82
825 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix film Harry Potter und der Orden des Phönix 82
826 Homo habilis fossil taxon Homo habilis 82
827 Leicester City F.C. association football club Leicester City 82
828 Lise Meitner human Lise Meitner 82
829 Louis Braille human Louis Braille 82
830 Mangalore city Mangaluru 82
831 Pallas's cat taxon Manul 82
832 Mobile, Alabama county seat Mobile 82
833 Prostate organ type Prostata 82
834 Valley of the Kings valley Tal der Könige 82
835 The Walking Dead television series The Walking Dead 82
836 Vector space Vektorraum 82
837 Xabi Alonso human Xabi Alonso 82
838 Antibody family of protein complexes Antikörper 81
839 Arthur Compton human Arthur Holly Compton 81
840 Coimbatore city Coimbatore 81
841 Concorde aircraft model Concorde 81
842 Cortina d'Ampezzo commune of Italy Cortina d’Ampezzo 81
843 Factorial function Fakultät 81
844 Genetically modified organism Gentechnisch veränderter Organismus 81
845 Georgian scripts alphabet Georgisches Alphabet 81
846 James Cagney human James Cagney 81
847 Liliaceae taxon Liliengewächse 81
848 O Canada national anthem O Canada 81
849 Up animated feature film Oben 81
850 Earwig taxon Ohrwürmer 81
851 Ratatouille film Ratatouille 81
852 Ron Paul human Ron Paul 81
853 Rudolf Hess human Rudolf Heß 81
854 Steve Irwin human Steve Irwin 81
855 Toki Pona constructed language Toki Pona 81
856 Alexander Alekhine human Alexander Alexandrowitsch Aljechin 80
857 Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic historical country Armenische Sozialistische Sowjetrepublik 80
858 Bastille castle Bastille 80
859 David Attenborough human David Attenborough 80
860 David Villa human David Villa 80
861 Didier Drogba human Didier Drogba 80
862 European polecat taxon Europäischer Iltis 80
863 Ewan McGregor human Ewan McGregor 80
864 Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl film Fluch der Karibik 80
865 Fort Wayne, Indiana county seat Fort Wayne 80
866 Chimpanzee taxon Gemeiner Schimpanse 80
867 Gout rare disease Gicht 80
868 Gisele Bündchen human Gisele Bündchen 80
869 James Franck human James Franck 80
870 Croatia national football team national association football team Kroatische Fußballnationalmannschaft 80
871 M. C. Escher human M. C. Escher 80
872 Mount Kenya IUCN category II: National Park Mount-Kenya-Massiv 80
873 Origen human Origenes 80
874 PlayStation 4 product model PlayStation 4 80
875 Ctenophora taxon Rippenquallen 80
876 Spencer Tracy human Spencer Tracy 80
877 Toy Story 2 3D film Toy Story 2 80
878 Toy Story 3 3D film Toy Story 3 80
879 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez human Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 79
880 Andrea Pirlo human Andrea Pirlo 79
881 Ben Stiller human Ben Stiller 79
882 Bikini Bikini 79
883 British Airways airline British Airways 79
884 Central Park urban park Central Park 79
885 Monsters, Inc. feature film Die Monster AG 79
886 2010 Haiti earthquake earthquake Erdbeben in Haiti 2010 79
887 Flagstaff, Arizona county seat Flagstaff 79
888 Gulf Stream ocean current Golfstrom 79
889 Heraclius human Herakleios 79
890 Iron Man film Iron Man 79
891 José de San Martín human José de San Martín 79
892 KFC food manufacturer Kentucky Fried Chicken 79
893 Kola Peninsula peninsula Kola 79
894 Laura Bush human Laura Bush 79
895 Mauricio Macri human Mauricio Macri 79
896 Nerva human Nerva 79
897 Norfolk, Virginia independent city Norfolk 79
898 Al-Masjid an-Nabawi mosque Prophetenmoschee 79
899 Rachel Weisz human Rachel Weisz 79
900 Richard von Weizsäcker human Richard von Weizsäcker 79
901 Sava river Save 79
902 Hemiptera taxon Schnabelkerfe 79
903 University of Edinburgh public university The University of Edinburgh 79
904 Wildfire Waldbrand 79
905 Avengers: Endgame film Avengers: Endgame 78
906 Avengers: Infinity War film Avengers: Infinity War 78
907 Library of Alexandria research library Bibliothek von Alexandria 78
908 Bournemouth town Bournemouth 78
909 Dayton, Ohio county seat Dayton 78
910 Saving Private Ryan film Der Soldat James Ryan 78
911 The Incredibles 3D film Die Unglaublichen – The Incredibles 78
912 Gastroenteritis Gastroenteritis 78
913 General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon aircraft family General Dynamics F-16 78
914 Jamestown, Saint Helena city Jamestown 78
915 Jean-François Champollion human Jean-François Champollion 78
916 Kesha human Kesha 78
917 Meghan, Duchess of Sussex human Meghan, Duchess of Sussex 78
918 Clouded leopard taxon Nebelparder 78
919 Orion Nebula H II region Orionnebel 78
920 Roskilde city Roskilde 78
921 Ryan Gosling human Ryan Gosling 78
922 Sand cat taxon Sandkatze 78
923 3 Juno asteroid (3) Juno 77
924 Aerosmith rock band Aerosmith 77
925 Alessandro Del Piero human Alessandro Del Piero 77
926 Inside Out feature film Alles steht Kopf 77
927 Benedict Cumberbatch human Benedict Cumberbatch 77
928 Brokeback Mountain film Brokeback Mountain 77
929 Brooklyn Bridge suspension bridge Brooklyn Bridge 77
930 Citizen Kane film Citizen Kane 77
931 Emanuel Lasker human Emanuel Lasker 77
932 Emilia Clarke human Emilia Clarke 77
933 First Crusade religious war Erster Kreuzzug 77
934 Flag of China national flag Flagge der Volksrepublik China 77
935 Gangnam Style song Gangnam Style 77
936 Harry Kane human Harry Kane 77
937 Kristen Bell human Kristen Bell 77
938 Dyslexia disease Lese- und Rechtschreibstörung 77
939 Mr. Bean television series Mr. Bean 77
940 Mulan animated feature film Mulan 77
941 Adrenal gland organ type Nebenniere 77
942 Norodom Sihanouk human Norodom Sihanouk 77
943 Olivia de Havilland human Olivia de Havilland 77
944 PewDiePie human PewDiePie 77
945 Ptolemy I Soter human Ptolemaios I. 77
946 Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones film Star Wars: Episode II – Angriff der Klonkrieger 77
947 University of Chicago private university University of Chicago 77
948 Poinsettia taxon Weihnachtsstern 77
949 Batman Begins film Batman Begins 76
950 Dugong taxon Dugong 76
951 Edward Said human Edward Said 76
952 Emma Thompson human Emma Thompson 76
953 Poultry organisms known by a particular common name Geflügel 76
954 Grey's Anatomy television series Grey’s Anatomy 76
955 Hebrides archipelago Hebriden 76
956 Hugh Grant human Hugh Grant 76
957 Skyfall film James Bond 007: Skyfall 76
958 Julius Nyerere human Julius Nyerere 76
959 Kate Beckinsale human Kate Beckinsale 76
960 Keith Richards human Keith Richards 76
961 Western Wall wall Klagemauer 76
962 Konstantin Stanislavski human Konstantin Sergejewitsch Stanislawski 76
963 Los Angeles Lakers basketball team Los Angeles Lakers 76
964 Romulus Augustulus human Romulus Augustulus 76
965 Battle of Thermopylae battle Schlacht bei den Thermopylen 76
966 Spokane, Washington county seat Spokane 76
967 University of Toronto collegiate university University of Toronto 76
968 Fieldfare taxon Wacholderdrossel 76
969 West Bromwich Albion F.C. association football club West Bromwich Albion 76
970 West Ham United F.C. association football club West Ham United 76
971 Philosophy of science subject heading Wissenschaftstheorie 76
972 COBOL programming language COBOL 75
973 Henry II of England human Heinrich II. 75
974 Hepatitis C infectious disease Hepatitis C 75
975 Inglourious Basterds film Inglourious Basterds 75
976 Dr. No film James Bond – 007 jagt Dr. No 75
977 Jennifer Connelly human Jennifer Connelly 75
978 Russo-Georgian War war Kaukasuskrieg 2008 75
979 Lena Meyer-Landrut human Lena Meyer-Landrut 75
980 Leslie Nielsen human Leslie Nielsen 75
981 Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor aircraft family Lockheed Martin F-22 75
982 London, Ontario city London 75
983 Mole cricket taxon Maulwurfsgrillen 75
984 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End feature film Pirates of the Caribbean – Am Ende der Welt 75
985 Spider-Man film Spider-Man 75
986 Tristan Tzara human Tristan Tzara 75
987 Burn Verbrennung 75
988 10 Hygiea asteroid (10) Hygiea 74
989 Anaphylaxis Anaphylaxie 74
990 Aram Khachaturian human Aram Chatschaturjan 74
991 Ben Nevis mountain Ben Nevis 74
992 Bharatiya Janata Party political party Bharatiya Janata Party 74
993 Botanical garden Botanischer Garten 74
994 Clara Schumann human Clara Schumann 74
995 CT scan medical test type Computertomographie 74
996 Emilio Segrè human Emilio Segrè 74
997 Falafel dish Falafel 74
998 Gloria Swanson human Gloria Swanson 74
999 Gravity film Gravity 74
1000 Hard rock music genre Hard Rock 74
1001 International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry learned society International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry 74
1002 James Franco human James Franco 74
1003 Colorado potato beetle taxon Kartoffelkäfer 74
1004 Katrina Kaif human Katrina Kaif 74
1005 Liv Tyler human Liv Tyler 74
1006 Macrinus human Macrinus 74
1007 Oliver Kahn human Oliver Kahn 74
1008 1988 Winter Olympics Winter Olympic Games Olympische Winterspiele 1988 74
1009 Penang state of Malaysia Penang 74
1010 Equus taxon Pferde 74
1011 Philippe Coutinho human Philippe Coutinho 74
1012 Punic Wars Punische Kriege 74
1013 Council of the European Union legislature Rat der Europäischen Union 74
1014 Riboflavin chemical compound Riboflavin 74
1015 Sherlock miniseries Sherlock 74
1016 Stephenie Meyer human Stephenie Meyer 74
1017 Themistocles human Themistokles 74
1018 Thymus anatomical structure Thymus 74
1019 Amanda Seyfried human Amanda Seyfried 73
1020 Cestoda taxon Bandwürmer 73
1021 Black Lives Matter social movement Black Lives Matter 73
1022 Aphid taxon Blattläuse 73
1023 Dopamine chemical compound Dopamin 73
1024 Folate chemical compound Folsäure 73
1025 Gharial taxon Gangesgavial 73
1026 Gerty Cori human Gerty Cori 73
1027 Gjirokastër city Gjirokastra 73
1028 Habitat Habitat 73
1029 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1 film Harry Potter und die Heiligtümer des Todes – Teil 1 73
1030 John Cockcroft human John Cockcroft 73
1031 Johor Bahru city of Malaysia Johor Bahru 73
1032 Johor state of Malaysia Johor 73
1033 Home Alone film Kevin – Allein zu Haus 73
1034 Cynicism philosophical movement Kynismus 73
1035 Tunicate taxon Manteltiere 73
1036 Metis moon of Jupiter Metis 73
1037 National Football League professional sports league National Football League 73
1038 Nina Simone human Nina Simone 73
1039 Parasite film Parasite 73
1040 Trade winds Passat 73
1041 Pikachu mascot character Pikachu 73
1042 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest film Pirates of the Caribbean – Fluch der Karibik 2 73
1043 Pussy Riot rock band Pussy Riot 73
1044 Safari web browser Safari 73
1045 Gallipoli campaign military campaign Schlacht von Gallipoli 73
1046 Psoriasis disease Schuppenflechte 73
1047 Alnus glutinosa taxon Schwarz-Erle 73
1048 Sea anemone taxon Seeanemonen 73
1049 Slipknot musical group Slipknot 73
1050 Trafalgar Square square Trafalgar Square 73
1051 Spotted hyena taxon Tüpfelhyäne 73
1052 12 Years a Slave film 12 Years a Slave 72
1053 Aage Bohr human Aage Niels Bohr 72
1054 Alan Shearer human Alan Shearer 72
1055 Aleister Crowley human Aleister Crowley 72
1056 Asexuality sexual orientation Asexualität 72
1057 Attack on Titan manga series Attack on Titan 72
1058 Aurochs synonym Auerochse 72
1059 Avengers: Age of Ultron film Avengers: Age of Ultron 72
1060 Ben-Hur film Ben Hur 72
1061 Claudia Cardinale human Claudia Cardinale 72
1062 Dracula literary work Dracula 72
1063 Evanescence rock band Evanescence 72
1064 Faisal of Saudi Arabia human Faisal ibn Abd al-Aziz 72
1065 Harold Urey human Harold C. Urey 72
1066 Ambulance vehicle Krankenkraftwagen 72
1067 Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 aviation accident Malaysia-Airlines-Flug 370 72
1068 Marine mammal organisms known by a particular common name Meeressäuger 72
1069 Nani human Nani 72
1070 Kidney stone disease Nierenstein 72
1071 Néstor Kirchner human Néstor Kirchner 72
1072 Parsnip taxon Pastinak 72
1073 Pertinax human Pertinax 72
1074 Rami Malek human Rami Malek 72
1075 Ramones musical group Ramones 72
1076 Battle of Marathon battle Schlacht bei Marathon 72
1077 Star Wars: The Force Awakens feature film Star Wars: Das Erwachen der Macht 72
1078 The King's Speech film The King’s Speech 72
1079 Tom Hiddleston human Tom Hiddleston 72
1080 Usher human Usher 72
1081 Valkyrie war deity Walküre 72
1082 Eurasian wryneck taxon Wendehals 72
1083 .bv country code top-level domain .bv 71
1084 .sj country code top-level domain .sj 71
1085 Amarillo, Texas city in the United States Amarillo 71
1086 Captain America: The First Avenger film Captain America: The First Avenger 71
1087 Chadwick Boseman human Chadwick Boseman 71
1088 Clement of Alexandria human Clemens von Alexandria 71
1089 Crystal Palace F.C. association football club Crystal Palace 71
1090 Sandgrouse taxon Flughühner 71
1091 Forest Whitaker human Forest Whitaker 71
1092 Fred Rogers human Fred Rogers 71
1093 Frédéric Passy human Frédéric Passy 71
1094 Gerardus Mercator human Gerhard Mercator 71
1095 Grand Theft Auto IV video game Grand Theft Auto IV 71
1096 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 film Harry Potter und die Heiligtümer des Todes – Teil 2 71
1097 Kajol human Kajol 71
1098 Vipera berus taxon Kreuzotter 71
1099 Luis Walter Alvarez human Luis Walter Alvarez 71
1100 Sun bear taxon Malaienbär 71
1101 Martin Bormann human Martin Bormann 71
1102 Metric system Metrisches Einheitensystem 71
1103 Oskar Schindler human Oskar Schindler 71
1104 Prague Spring historical event Prager Frühling 71
1105 Psycho film Psycho 71
1106 Wreck-It Ralph animated film Ralph reichts 71
1107 Ruth Bader Ginsburg human Ruth Bader Ginsburg 71
1108 Porpoise taxon Schweinswale 71
1109 Thor film Thor 71
1110 Tina Fey human Tina Fey 71
1111 Twilight film Twilight – Biss zum Morgengrauen 71
1112 William Morris human William Morris 71
1113 Xbox One product model Xbox One 71
1114 Amalthea moon of Jupiter Amalthea 70
1115 Acer pseudoplatanus taxon Berg-Ahorn 70
1116 Anthozoa taxon Blumentiere 70
1117 Dennis Bergkamp human Dennis Bergkamp 70
1118 The Martian film Der Marsianer – Rettet Mark Watney 70
1119 The Hunger Games film Die Tribute von Panem – The Hunger Games 70
1120 Django Unchained film Django Unchained 70
1121 Dylan Thomas human Dylan Thomas 70
1122 East Riding of Yorkshire ceremonial county of England East Riding of Yorkshire 70
1123 Ted Kennedy human Edward Kennedy 70
1124 Emirates Stadium association football venue Emirates Stadium 70
1125 Medicinal plants Heilpflanze 70
1126 Jenson Button human Jenson Button 70
1127 Commutative property property Kommutativgesetz 70
1128 Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II aircraft family Lockheed Martin F-35 70
1129 Maroon 5 musical group Maroon 5 70
1130 Pope Miltiades human Miltiades 70
1131 One World Trade Center skyscraper One World Trade Center 70
1132 Greco-Persian Wars war Perserkriege 70
1133 Reinhard Heydrich human Reinhard Heydrich 70
1134 Procellariiformes taxon Röhrennasen 70
1135 Battle of Badr battle Schlacht von Badr 70
1136 Steam digital rights management Steam 70
1137 The Clash musical group The Clash 70
1138 Adam Levine human Adam Levine 69
1139 Adrastea moon of Jupiter Adrastea 69
1140 Alice in Wonderland feature film Alice im Wunderland 69
1141 Alternative rock music genre Alternative Rock 69
1142 Anonymous social movement Anonymous 69
1143 Ashley Tisdale human Ashley Tisdale 69
1144 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder disability Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörung 69
1145 Avatar: The Last Airbender animated series Avatar – Der Herr der Elemente 69
1146 Chrysler Building skyscraper Chrysler Building 69
1147 Colin Farrell human Colin Farrell 69
1148 Douglas Engelbart human Douglas C. Engelbart 69
1149 Elizabeth Olsen human Elizabeth Olsen 69
1150 Galveston, Texas county seat Galveston 69
1151 Gifu city Gifu 69
1152 Glee television series Glee 69
1153 Herpes simplex infectious disease Herpes simplex 69
1154 I Ching divination I Ging 69
1155 Icelanders nation Isländer 69
1156 Jaguarundi taxon Jaguarundi 69
1157 John Key human John Key 69
1158 Papal conclave Konklave 69
1159 Korn musical group Korn 69
1160 Krak des Chevaliers concentric castle Krak des Chevaliers 69
1161 Caddisfly taxon Köcherfliegen 69
1162 Leptospirosis infectious disease Leptospirose 69
1163 Mia Khalifa human Mia Khalifa 69
1164 Mycenaean Greece culture Mykenische Kultur 69
1165 Nico Rosberg human Nico Rosberg 69
1166 Niacin chemical compound Nicotinsäure 69
1167 1948 Winter Olympics Winter Olympic Games Olympische Winterspiele 1948 69
1168 PlayStation product model PlayStation 69
1169 The Prestige film Prestige – Die Meister der Magie 69
1170 Ragnarök battle Ragnarök 69
1171 Battle of Kursk battle Schlacht von Kursk (d:Q130861) 69
1172 Seth MacFarlane human Seth MacFarlane 69
1173 Samson biblical judge Simson 69
1174 Syd Barrett human Syd Barrett 69
1175 Thebe moon of Jupiter Thebe 69
1176 Wilhelm Steinitz human Wilhelm Steinitz 69
1177 Antlion taxon Ameisenjungfern 68
1178 Arctic Monkeys rock band Arctic Monkeys 68
1179 Brachiopod taxon Armfüßer 68
1180 Ashurbanipal human Aššur-bāni-apli 68
1181 Billboard periodical Billboard 68
1182 Black Swan film Black Swan 68
1183 Blink-182 musical group Blink-182 68
1184 Davenport, Iowa county seat Davenport 68
1185 Diego Costa human Diego Costa 68
1186 Dolph Lundgren human Dolph Lundgren 68
1187 European Coal and Steel Community regional organization Europäische Gemeinschaft für Kohle und Stahl 68
1188 Eurovision Song Contest 2012 Eurovision Song Contest edition Eurovision Song Contest 2012 68
1189 Fantasia anthology film Fantasia 68
1190 FreeBSD free operating system FreeBSD 68
1191 Geert Wilders human Geert Wilders 68
1192 Grand Theft Auto: Vice City video game Grand Theft Auto: Vice City 68
1193 Guardians of the Galaxy film Guardians of the Galaxy 68
1194 Hannah Montana television series Hannah Montana 68
1195 Hydra natural satellite Hydra 68
1196 Betula pendula taxon Hänge-Birke 68
1197 Iron Man 2 film Iron Man 2 68
1198 James Blunt human James Blunt 68
1199 Matt Groening human Matt Groening 68
1200 Mikkeli city Mikkeli 68
1201 Nablus city Nablus 68
1202 National Gallery art museum National Gallery 68
1203 New York City Subway rapid transit New York City Subway 68
1204 Nix natural satellite Nix 68
1205 Oasis rock band Oasis 68
1206 1960 Winter Olympics Winter Olympic Games Olympische Winterspiele 1960 68
1207 2009 swine flu pandemic influenza pandemic Pandemie H1N1 2009/10 68
1208 Patrice Evra human Patrice Evra 68
1209 Wet season Regenzeit 68
1210 Sean Bean human Sean Bean 68
1211 Sia human Sia 68
1212 Sirimavo Bandaranaike human Sirimavo Bandaranaike 68
1213 Drosera taxon Sonnentau 68
1214 Sturgeon taxon Störe 68
1215 The Revenant film The Revenant – Der Rückkehrer 68
1216 Pope Theodore II human Theodor II. 68
1217 Tikal archaeological site Tikal 68
1218 Lake Toba volcanic crater lake Tobasee 68
1219 Lake Vostok subglacial lake Wostoksee 68
1220 Augustin-Jean Fresnel human Augustin Fresnel 67
1221 Greater scaup taxon Bergente 67
1222 Bioluminescence biological process Biolumineszenz 67
1223 Brian Josephson human Brian David Josephson 67
1224 British Library national library British Library 67
1225 Bruce Dickinson human Bruce Dickinson 67
1226 Carlos Menem human Carlos Menem 67
1227 Cars 3D film Cars 67
1228 Vitamin B12 Cobalamine 67
1229 Daft Punk electronica duo Daft Punk 67
1230 Dan Castellaneta human Dan Castellaneta 67
1231 The Jungle Book short story collection Das Dschungelbuch 67
1232 Case Closed media franchise Detektiv Conan 67
1233 The Sopranos television series Die Sopranos 67
1234 Flag of Bhutan national flag Flagge Bhutans 67
1235 Pterosaur fossil taxon Flugsaurier 67
1236 George Town, Penang city George Town 67
1237 Gregory of Nyssa human Gregor von Nyssa 67
1238 Harry Styles human Harry Styles 67
1239 Money Heist television series Haus des Geldes 67
1240 Heinz Guderian human Heinz Guderian 67
1241 Blackbuck taxon Hirschziegenantilope 67
1242 Hussein of Jordan human Hussein I. 67
1243 Joker film Joker 67
1244 Jordan Henderson human Jordan Henderson 67
1245 Josef Mengele human Josef Mengele 67
1246 Kevin Durant human Kevin Durant 67
1247 Kota Kinabalu city Kota Kinabalu 67
1248 Larry David human Larry David 67
1249 Marchantiophyta taxon Lebermoose 67
1250 Lesbian Lesbisch 67
1251 Marvel Cinematic Universe film series Marvel Cinematic Universe 67
1252 Predation Prädation (d:Q170430) 67
1253 Reservoir Dogs film Reservoir Dogs – Wilde Hunde 67
1254 Satyr mythical humanoid race Satyr 67
1255 Black-footed cat taxon Schwarzfußkatze 67
1256 The Shape of Water film Shape of Water – Das Flüstern des Wassers 67
1257 South Bend, Indiana county seat South Bend 67
1258 Spider-Man: Homecoming film Spider-Man: Homecoming 67
1259 The Cure musical group The Cure 67
1260 Pre-Socratic philosophy philosophical school Vorsokratiker 67
1261 Second Punic War war Zweiter Punischer Krieg 67
1262 Human tooth menschlicher Zahn (d:Q561) 67
1263 24 television series 24 66
1264 Ahimsa religious concept Ahimsa 66
1265 Anne Rice human Anne Rice 66
1266 Basil II human Basileios II. 66
1267 Birmingham City F.C. association football club Birmingham City 66
1268 Bolton town Bolton 66
1269 Brownsville, Texas county seat Brownsville 66
1270 Chelsea Manning human Chelsea Manning 66
1271 Deadpool film Deadpool 66
1272 The Lord of the Rings film trilogy Der Herr der Ringe 66
1273 Eddy Merckx human Eddy Merckx 66
1274 Glenn T. Seaborg human Glenn T. Seaborg 66
1275 Grand Theft Auto III video game Grand Theft Auto III 66
1276 Hergé human Hergé 66
1277 Homo heidelbergensis fossil taxon Homo heidelbergensis 66
1278 Hybrid Hybride 66
1279 Ivan Aivazovsky human Iwan Konstantinowitsch Aiwasowski 66
1280 Quantum of Solace film James Bond 007: Ein Quantum Trost 66
1281 Spectre film James Bond 007: Spectre 66
1282 James McAvoy human James McAvoy 66
1283 Joseph McCarthy human Joseph McCarthy 66
1284 Life of Pi film Life of Pi: Schiffbruch mit Tiger 66
1285 Lord Howe Island island Lord-Howe-Insel 66
1286 Man of Steel film Man of Steel 66
1287 Matthias Corvinus human Matthias Corvinus 66
1288 The Sound of Music film Meine Lieder – meine Träume 66
1289 Metrology branch of science Metrologie 66
1290 Middle-earth fictional continent Mittelerde (d:Q79734) 66
1291 Naomi Osaka human Naomi Ōsaka 66
1292 Pharnavaz I of Iberia human Parnawas I. 66
1293 Prion group or class of proteins Prion 66
1294 Samuel Colt human Samuel Colt 66
1295 Battle of Grunwald battle Schlacht bei Tannenberg 66
1296 Sigismund III Vasa human Sigismund III. Wasa 66
1297 Spinosaurus fossil taxon Spinosaurus 66
1298 Super Mario Bros. video game Super Mario Bros. 66
1299 Taylor series Taylorreihe 66
1300 The Office television series The Office 66
1301 The Social Network film The Social Network 66
1302 Tokyo Tower transmitter mast Tokyo Tower 66
1303 Bird migration Vogelzug 66
1304 Valhalla Norse mythical location Walhall 66
1305 Wilhelm Keitel human Wilhelm Keitel 66
1306 Paris Agreement treaty Übereinkommen von Paris 66
1307 50000 Quaoar asteroid (50000) Quaoar 65
1308 Airbus A320 family aircraft family Airbus-A320-Familie 65
1309 Altair star Altair 65
1310 Ankh hieroglyph Anch 65
1311 Black Panther film Black Panther 65
1312 Boeing AH-64 Apache aircraft family Boeing AH-64 65
1313 Boeing B-52 Stratofortress aircraft family Boeing B-52 65
1314 Bolton Wanderers F.C. association football club Bolton Wanderers 65
1315 Khalid ibn al-Walid human Chālid ibn al-Walīd 65
1316 David Fincher human David Fincher 65
1317 The Tempest literary work Der Sturm 65
1318 Elf Norse mythical humanoid race Elfen 65
1319 Eurasian Economic Union international organization Eurasische Wirtschaftsunion 65
1320 Gandalf Maiar Gandalf 65
1321 Germanwings Flight 9525 mass murder Germanwings-Flug 9525 65
1322 G-spot anatomical point Gräfenberg-Zone 65
1323 Hank Williams human Hank Williams 65
1324 Joker comics character Joker 65
1325 Hot chocolate drink Kakao 65
1326 Chelicerata taxon Kieferklauenträger 65
1327 La La Land film La La Land 65
1328 Liliʻuokalani human Liliʻuokalani 65
1329 Methamphetamine chemical compound Methamphetamin 65
1330 Bryozoa taxon Moostierchen 65
1331 Parathyroid gland anatomical structure Nebenschilddrüse 65
1332 Neon Genesis Evangelion anime television series Neon Genesis Evangelion 65
1333 Ojos del Salado mountain Nevado Ojos del Salado 65
1334 Nilgai taxon Nilgauantilope 65
1335 Norman, Oklahoma county seat Norman 65
1336 Noh music genre 65
1337 Oscar Pistorius human Oscar Pistorius 65
1338 Paavo Nurmi human Paavo Nurmi 65
1339 Patti Smith human Patti Smith 65
1340 Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides feature film Pirates of the Caribbean – Fremde Gezeiten 65
1341 Poole town Poole 65
1342 Portland Trail Blazers basketball team Portland Trail Blazers 65
1343 Rage Against the Machine rock band Rage Against the Machine 65
1344 Shrewsbury civil parish Shrewsbury 65
1345 Ted Bundy human Ted Bundy 65
1346 The Dark Knight Rises film The Dark Knight Rises 65
1347 Thor: Ragnarok film Thor: Tag der Entscheidung 65
1348 Arabian horse horse breed Vollblutaraber 65
1349 Washington Monument obelisk Washington Monument 65
1350 Wilhelm Reich human Wilhelm Reich 65
1351 Alpine ibex taxon Alpensteinbock 64
1352 Area 51 air base Area 51 64
1353 Australian rules football type of sport Australian Football 64
1354 Himeji Castle Japanese castle Burg Himeji 64
1355 Cecil B. DeMille human Cecil B. DeMille 64
1356 Howl's Moving Castle anime film Das wandelnde Schloss 64
1357 The Truman Show film Die Truman Show 64
1358 Common loon taxon Eistaucher 64
1359 Ely, Cambridgeshire city Ely 64
1360 Earth's magnetic field planetary magnetic field Erdmagnetfeld 64
1361 Eurovision Song Contest 2013 Eurovision Song Contest edition Eurovision Song Contest 2013 64
1362 Eurovision Song Contest 2014 Eurovision Song Contest edition Eurovision Song Contest 2014 64
1363 Middlesbrough F.C. association football club FC Middlesbrough 64
1364 Fatwa Fatwa 64
1365 Golden Retriever dog breed Golden Retriever 64
1366 Great Salt Lake salt lake Großer Salzsee 64
1367 Guano Guano 64
1368 Half-Life video game Half-Life 64
1369 Houston Rockets basketball team Houston Rockets 64
1370 Independence Day film Independence Day 64
1371 GoldenEye film James Bond 007 – GoldenEye 64
1372 Damselfly taxon Kleinlibellen 64
1373 Kuching big city Kuching 64
1374 Limp Bizkit musical group Limp Bizkit 64
1375 Michael Carrick human Michael Carrick 64
1376 Sustainability industrial sector Nachhaltigkeit 64
1377 Philip III of France human Philipp III. 64
1378 Body piercing Piercing 64
1379 Puri big city Puri 64
1380 Simon & Garfunkel musical duo Simon & Garfunkel 64
1381 Spider-Man 2 film Spider-Man 2 64
1382 Styx natural satellite Styx 64
1383 Sum 41 musical group Sum 41 64
1384 Outer Hebrides archipelago Äußere Hebriden 64
1385 Airbus A330 aircraft family Airbus A330 63
1386 Axl Rose human Axl Rose 63
1387 Biotin chemical compound Biotin 63
1388 Catch Me If You Can film Catch Me If You Can 63
1389 Cumulus cloud cloud type Cumulus 63
1390 A Bug's Life feature film Das große Krabbeln 63
1391 Deborah Kerr human Deborah Kerr 63
1392 Annie Hall film Der Stadtneurotiker 63
1393 Monsters University 3D film Die Monster Uni 63
1394 Dorothy Parker human Dorothy Parker 63
1395 Common eland taxon Elenantilope 63
1396 Flag of Scotland national flag Flagge Schottlands 63
1397 Thrips taxon Fransenflügler 63
1398 Frederick Reines human Frederick Reines 63
1399 Cranial nerves localized structure class type Hirnnerv 63
1400 Hull City A.F.C. association football club Hull City 63
1401 Malacostraca taxon Höhere Krebse 63
1402 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom film Indiana Jones und der Tempel des Todes 63
1403 Iron Man 3 film Iron Man 3 63
1404 Jonah human biblical figure Jona 63
1405 Julius Nepos human Julius Nepos 63
1406 Kingdom of Sicily historical country Königreich Sizilien 63
1407 Field Körper 63
1408 McGill University university in Quebec McGill University 63
1409 Missoula, Montana county seat Missoula 63
1410 Pocahontas animated feature film Pocahontas 63
1411 Samir Nasri human Samir Nasri 63
1412 Cross-country skiing type of sport Skilanglauf 63
1413 Captain America: Civil War film The First Avenger: Civil War 63
1414 Thor: The Dark World film Thor – The Dark Kingdom 63
1415 Tulsidas human Tulsidas 63
1416 Vera Farmiga human Vera Farmiga 63
1417 Algol Algol variable Algol 62
1418 Ansel Adams human Ansel Adams 62
1419 Ant-Man film Ant-Man 62
1420 Arbus, Sardinia commune of Italy Arbus 62
1421 Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand casus belli Attentat von Sarajevo 62
1422 Ayyubid dynasty dynasty Ayyubiden 62
1423 Badshahi Mosque mosque Badshahi-Moschee 62
1424 Banteng taxon Banteng 62
1425 Batman film Batman 62
1426 Bill Shankly human Bill Shankly 62
1427 Tuatara taxon Brückenechse 62
1428 Dassault Rafale aircraft family Dassault Rafale 62
1429 The Usual Suspects film Die üblichen Verdächtigen 62
1430 Eastbourne seaside resort Eastbourne 62
1431 Emilia Plater human Emilia Plater 62
1432 Erich von Manstein human Erich von Manstein 62
1433 Flag of Ecuador national flag Flagge Ecuadors 62
1434 Galilean moons astronomical object Galileische Monde 62
1435 Genetic drift Gendrift 62
1436 Genetic code scientific law Genetischer Code 62
1437 Girls' Generation girl group Girls’ Generation 62
1438 Bonelli's eagle taxon Habichtsadler 62
1439 Hampi archaeological site Hampi 62
1440 I Am Legend film I Am Legend 62
1441 Jovian human Jovian 62
1442 Little Boy nuclear bomb Little Boy 62
1443 Memento film Memento 62
1444 Paco de Lucía human Paco de Lucía 62
1445 Progressive rock music genre Progressive Rock 62
1446 Roxette supergroup Roxette 62
1447 Slovenia national football team national association football team Slowenische Fußballnationalmannschaft 62
1448 Sogdia geographic region Sogdien 62
1449 Soundgarden rock band Soundgarden 62
1450 Spider-Man 3 film Spider-Man 3 62
1451 The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim video game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 62
1452 Captain America: The Winter Soldier film The Return of the First Avenger 62
1453 The Wolf of Wall Street film The Wolf of Wall Street 62
1454 Wilhelm Busch human Wilhelm Busch 62
1455 Abebe Bikila human Abebe Bikila 61
1456 Amy Poehler human Amy Poehler 61
1457 Anushka Sharma human Anushka Sharma 61
1458 Bartolomé de las Casas human Bartolomé de Las Casas 61
1459 Blur musical group Blur 61
1460 Carey Mulligan human Carey Mulligan 61
1461 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory film Charlie und die Schokoladenfabrik 61
1462 Galileo project space probe Galileo 61
1463 Genesis musical group Genesis 61
1464 Phasmatodea taxon Gespenstschrecken 61
1465 Gloria Steinem human Gloria Steinem 61
1466 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 film Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 61
1467 Ureter organ type Harnleiter 61
1468 Shingles infectious disease Herpes Zoster 61
1469 Jayne Mansfield human Jayne Mansfield 61
1470 Jill Biden human Jill Biden 61
1471 Junior Eurovision Song Contest television program Junior Eurovision Song Contest 61
1472 Callimachus human Kallimachos 61
1473 Kīlauea shield volcano Kīlauea 61
1474 Major League Baseball baseball league Major League Baseball 61
1475 Manuel Noriega human Manuel Noriega 61
1476 Marge Simpson fictional human Marge Simpson 61
1477 Mark Webber human Mark Webber 61
1478 Milton Keynes town Milton Keynes 61
1479 Crohn's disease rare disease Morbus Crohn 61
1480 Youth Olympic Games recurring sporting event Olympische Jugendspiele 61
1481 Pantothenic acid chemical compound Pantothensäure 61
1482 Peter I Island island Peter-I.-Insel 61
1483 Raúl Alfonsín human Raúl Alfonsín 61
1484 Rugby union sports discipline Rugby Union 61
1485 Saif Ali Khan human Saif Ali Khan 61
1486 Saw film Saw 61
1487 Crinoid taxon Seelilien und Haarsterne 61
1488 Simona Halep human Simona Halep 61
1489 Smallville television series Smallville 61
1490 Plains zebra taxon Steppenzebra 61
1491 Tautiška giesmė national anthem Tautiška giesmė 61
1492 Tomáš Rosický human Tomáš Rosický 61
1493 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Original Public Ivy University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 61
1494 Weather forecasting Wettervorhersage 61
1495 Wilt Chamberlain human Wilt Chamberlain 61
1496 X-Men film X-Men 61
1497 Geostationary orbit physical location geostationäre Umlaufbahn (d:Q192316) 61
1498 90482 Orcus asteroid (90482) Orcus 60
1499 Abbey Road album Abbey Road 60
1500 Air India airline Air India 60
1501 American Horror Story television series American Horror Story 60
1502 Kharijites Islamic denomination Charidschiten 60
1503 Columbia, Missouri county seat Columbia 60
1504 Cory Booker human Cory Booker 60
1505 Cultivar taxonomic rank Cultivar 60
1506 The Silmarillion literary work Das Silmarillion 60
1507 Doctor Strange film Doctor Strange 60
1508 Edwin McMillan human Edwin Mattison McMillan 60
1509 Elizabeth Warren human Elizabeth Warren 60
1510 Flag of Tunisia national flag Flagge Tunesiens 60
1511 Grévy's zebra taxon Grevyzebra 60
1512 Green iguana taxon Grüner Leguan 60
1513 Guy Ritchie human Guy Ritchie 60
1514 Homo ergaster fossil taxon Homo ergaster 60
1515 Huangshan mountain range Huang Shan 60
1516 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade film Indiana Jones und der letzte Kreuzzug 60
1517 From Russia with Love film James Bond 007 – Liebesgrüße aus Moskau 60
1518 Kashrut product certification Jüdische Speisegesetze 60
1519 Croatian War of Independence war Kroatienkrieg 60
1520 Leoš Janáček human Leoš Janáček 60
1521 Leo Szilard human Leó Szilárd 60
1522 Cerebrospinal fluid body fluid Liquor cerebrospinalis 60
1523 Louis Antoine de Saint-Just human Louis Antoine de Saint-Just 60
1524 Newport News, Virginia independent city Newport News 60
1525 Pavel Nedvěd human Pavel Nedvěd 60
1526 Pierre Boulez human Pierre Boulez 60
1527 Quenya constructed language Quenya 60
1528 Battle of Salamis naval battle Schlacht von Salamis 60
1529 Simon Wiesenthal human Simon Wiesenthal 60
1530 Stephen Jay Gould human Stephen Jay Gould 60
1531 The Penthouse: War in Life television series The Penthouse: War in Life 60
1532 Tiger shark taxon Tigerhai 60
1533 Timothée Chalamet human Timothée Chalamet 60
1534 The Hurt Locker film Tödliches Kommando – The Hurt Locker 60
1535 Val Logsdon Fitch human Val Fitch 60
1536 Willard Libby human Willard Libby 60
1537 X2 film X-Men 2 60
1538 Airbus A350 aircraft family Airbus A350 59
1539 Aliens film Aliens – Die Rückkehr 59
1540 American Sign Language sign language American Sign Language 59
1541 United States Bill of Rights bill of rights Bill of Rights 59
1542 Whinchat taxon Braunkehlchen 59
1543 Charles Barkley human Charles Barkley 59
1544 Cormac McCarthy human Cormac McCarthy 59
1545 Dennis Rodman human Dennis Rodman 59
1546 Diane Lane human Diane Lane 59
1547 The Bourne Identity film Die Bourne Identität 59
1548 Dirk Nowitzki human Dirk Nowitzki 59
1549 Elizabeth Cady Stanton human Elizabeth Cady Stanton 59
1550 Flying Spaghetti Monster God Fliegendes Spaghettimonster 59
1551 Germanicus human Germanicus 59
1552 HDMI communication protocol High Definition Multimedia Interface 59
1553 Hypothyroidism Hypothyreose 59
1554 IPhone 5 model series IPhone 5 59
1555 Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull film Indiana Jones und das Königreich des Kristallschädels 59
1556 Goldfinger film James Bond 007 – Goldfinger 59
1557 Die Another Day film James Bond 007 – Stirb an einem anderen Tag 59
1558 Kenzō Tange human Kenzō Tange 59
1559 Kerberos natural satellite Kerberos 59
1560 Atomic theory science fiction Liste der Atommodelle 59
1561 Major League Soccer business Major League Soccer 59
1562 Maurice human Maurikios 59
1563 Maximilian Kolbe human Maximilian Kolbe 59
1564 Addax taxon Mendesantilope 59
1565 Mike Shinoda human Mike Shinoda 59
1566 Mount Rainier mountain Mount Rainier 59
1567 Afternoon time of day Nachmittag 59
1568 The Twilight Saga: New Moon film New Moon – Biss zur Mittagsstunde 59
1569 Norman Foster Ramsey Jr. human Norman Ramsey 59
1570 National Rally political party Rassemblement National 59
1571 Star Trek film Star Trek 59
1572 South India geographic region Südindien 59
1573 The Fame album The Fame 59
1574 The White Stripes musical group The White Stripes 59
1575 Treblinka extermination camp extermination camp Vernichtungslager Treblinka 59
1576 Al-Ma'arri human Abū l-ʿAlāʾ al-Maʿarrī 58
1577 Alfred Döblin human Alfred Döblin 58
1578 American History X film American History X 58
1579 Among Us video game Among Us 58
1580 Ad hominem Latin phrase Argumentum ad hominem 58
1581 Black Mirror miniseries Black Mirror 58
1582 Cliff Burton human Cliff Burton 58
1583 Copa Libertadores association football competition Copa Libertadores 58
1584 Corpse Bride film Corpse Bride – Hochzeit mit einer Leiche 58
1585 Dunkirk film Dunkirk 58
1586 Flag of Grenada Flagge Grenadas 58
1587 Flag of Kosovo national flag Flagge des Kosovo 58
1588 Isosceles triangle Gleichschenkliges Dreieck 58
1589 Gliese 581c exoplanet Gliese 581 c 58
1590 HIM rock band HIM 58
1591 Jadwiga of Poland human Hedwig von Anjou 58
1592 Hyde Park, London park Hyde Park 58
1593 International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights treaty Internationaler Pakt über wirtschaftliche, soziale und kulturelle Rechte 58
1594 James Milner human James Milner 58
1595 Jan Matejko human Jan Matejko 58
1596 Japan Airlines airline Japan Airlines 58
1597 Jesse Eisenberg human Jesse Eisenberg 58
1598 John Deacon human John Deacon 58
1599 Juan Martín del Potro human Juan Martín del Potro 58
1600 Juliusz Słowacki human Juliusz Słowacki 58
1601 Joseph Rotblat human Józef Rotblat 58
1602 Kajaani city Kajaani 58
1603 Queen Maud Land territorial claims in Antarctica Königin-Maud-Land 58
1604 Lana Turner human Lana Turner 58
1605 American alligator taxon Mississippi-Alligator 58
1606 Pug dog breed Mops 58
1607 My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic animated series My Little Pony – Freundschaft ist Magie 58
1608 Noel Gallagher human Noel Gallagher 58
1609 Norepinephrine chemical compound Noradrenalin 58
1610 Once Upon a Time in Hollywood film Once Upon a Time in Hollywood 58
1611 Paul Reubens human Paul Reubens 58
1612 Petra Kvitová human Petra Kvitová 58
1613 Proxima Centauri b exoplanet Proxima Centauri b 58
1614 Puck moon of Uranus Puck 58
1615 Quantum electrodynamics branch of physics Quantenelektrodynamik 58
1616 Saab JAS 39 Gripen aircraft family Saab 39 58
1617 Spider-Man: Far From Home film Spider-Man: Far From Home 58
1618 Stanisław August Poniatowski human Stanislaus II. August Poniatowski 58
1619 Mugger crocodile taxon Sumpfkrokodil 58
1620 Tarja Turunen human Tarja Turunen 58
1621 Terminator Salvation film Terminator: Die Erlösung 58
1622 The Amazing Spider-Man film The Amazing Spider-Man 58
1623 The Big Lebowski film The Big Lebowski 58
1624 Invasive species invasive Art (d:Q183368) 58
1625 Aaron Eckhart human Aaron Eckhart 57
1626 Alexei Kosygin human Alexei Nikolajewitsch Kossygin 57
1627 Convergent evolution Analogie 57
1628 Anastas Mikoyan human Anastas Mikojan 57
1629 Anastasius I Dicorus human Anastasios I. 57
1630 Apollo 17 research expedition Apollo 17 57
1631 The Good Dinosaur film Arlo & Spot 57
1632 Arrival film Arrival 57
1633 Batavian Republic historical country Batavische Republik 57
1634 Bolesław Prus human Bolesław Prus 57
1635 British people nation Briten 57
1636 Treasure Planet animated feature film Der Schatzplanet 57
1637 Dwyane Wade human Dwyane Wade 57
1638 Western African Ebola virus epidemic epidemic Ebolafieber-Epidemie 2014 bis 2016 57
1639 First-person shooter video game genre Ego-Shooter 57
1640 Gene Cernan human Eugene Cernan 57
1641 Fat Man nuclear bomb Fat Man 57
1642 Gene Roddenberry human Gene Roddenberry 57
1643 Guillain–Barré syndrome rare disease Guillain-Barré-Syndrom 57
1644 Her film Her 57
1645 James I of Scotland human Jakob I. 57
1646 Tomorrow Never Dies film James Bond 007 – Der Morgen stirbt nie 57
1647 You Only Live Twice film James Bond 007 – Man lebt nur zweimal 57
1648 John Archibald Wheeler human John Archibald Wheeler 57
1649 John Wilkes Booth human John Wilkes Booth 57
1650 Karlheinz Stockhausen human Karlheinz Stockhausen 57
1651 Marc Bloch human Marc Bloch 57
1652 Milan Baroš human Milan Baroš 57
1653 Moore's law principle Mooresches Gesetz 57
1654 Willow ptarmigan taxon Moorschneehuhn 57
1655 Oleg of Novgorod human Oleg 57
1656 Operation Overlord military operation Operation Overlord 57
1657 Peking Man fossil taxon Peking-Mensch 57
1658 Plymouth, Massachusetts county seat Plymouth 57
1659 Ronnie O'Sullivan human Ronnie O’Sullivan 57
1660 Group 3 element group Scandiumgruppe 57
1661 Battle of Borodino battle Schlacht bei Borodino 57
1662 Stephen Colbert human Stephen Colbert 57
1663 Steven Pinker human Steven Pinker 57
1664 Sélestat commune of France Sélestat 57
1665 Willie Nelson human Willie Nelson 57
1666 X-Men: The Last Stand film X-Men: Der letzte Widerstand 57
1667 Twilight novel series (d:Q44523) 56
1668 Alamogordo, New Mexico city in the United States Alamogordo 56
1669 Batman Returns film Batmans Rückkehr 56
1670 Gastrotrich taxon Bauchhärlinge 56
1671 Blade Runner 2049 film Blade Runner 2049 56
1672 Brenda Song human Brenda Song 56
1673 Carole Lombard human Carole Lombard 56
1674 The Prince of Egypt animated feature film Der Prinz von Ägypten 56
1675 Elbridge Gerry human Elbridge Gerry 56
1676 Fast Five film Fast & Furious Five 56
1677 Fenrir warg Fenriswolf 56
1678 Frodo Baggins Hobbit Frodo Beutlin 56
1679 Gary Moore human Gary Moore 56
1680 Cervix organ Gebärmutterhals 56
1681 Gordon Banks human Gordon Banks 56
1682 House of Lancaster dynasty Haus Lancaster 56
1683 Hilbert space mathematical problem Hilbertraum 56
1684 Despicable Me 2 3D film Ich – Einfach unverbesserlich 2 56
1685 International Mathematical Olympiad annual event Internationale Mathematik-Olympiade 56
1686 Jacques Villeneuve human Jacques Villeneuve 56
1687 James Rainwater human James Rainwater 56
1688 Julie Kavner human Julie Kavner 56
1689 Justin I human Justin I. 56
1690 King's College London educational organization King’s College London 56
1691 Margot Fonteyn human Margot Fonteyn 56
1692 Maureen O'Hara human Maureen O’Hara 56
1693 Megan Rapinoe human Megan Rapinoe 56
1694 Mesa Verde National Park archaeological site Mesa-Verde-Nationalpark 56
1695 Betula pubescens taxon Moor-Birke 56
1696 Newt Gingrich human Newt Gingrich 56
1697 The Nightmare Before Christmas film Nightmare Before Christmas 56
1698 Northern storm petrel taxon Nördliche Sturmschwalben 56
1699 Pirates of the Caribbean film series Pirates of the Caribbean 56
1700 Requiem for a Dream film Requiem for a Dream 56
1701 Revolver album Revolver 56
1702 San Marino national football team national association football team San-marinesische Fußballnationalmannschaft 56
1703 Battle of Manzikert national day Schlacht bei Manzikert 56
1704 Battle of Gettysburg battle Schlacht von Gettysburg 56
1705 Mecoptera taxon Schnabelfliegen 56
1706 Nemertea taxon Schnurwürmer 56
1707 Slavonia administrative territorial entity Slawonien 56
1708 Saxifragales taxon Steinbrechartige 56
1709 Tamar of Georgia human Tamar 56
1710 Thanjavur city Thanjavur 56
1711 The Beatles album The Beatles 56
1712 Group 4 element group Titangruppe 56
1713 Triple H human Triple H 56
1714 Vietnam Airlines airline Vietnam Airlines 56
1715 Vitamin B6 group or class of chemical substances Vitamin B6 56
1716 Volcanic ash group or class of chemical substances Vulkanische Asche 56
1717 Locust organisms known by a particular common name Wanderheuschrecken 56
1718 Zinc oxide chemical compound Zinkoxid 56
1719 Book of the Dead religious text Ägyptisches Totenbuch 56
1720 10th millennium BC millennium 10. Jahrtausend v. Chr. 55
1721 Angela Lansbury human Angela Lansbury 55
1722 2008 Mumbai attacks terrorist attack Anschläge in Mumbai 2008 55
1723 Brown pelican taxon Braunpelikan 55
1724 Period 1 element period Chemische Elemente der ersten Periode 55
1725 Chinese alligator taxon China-Alligator 55
1726 Deep Blue supercomputer Deep Blue 55
1727 The Incredible Hulk film Der unglaubliche Hulk 55
1728 Dewey Decimal Classification decimal classification Dewey-Dezimalklassifikation 55
1729 Everett, Washington county seat Everett 55
1730 Fall Out Boy musical group Fall Out Boy 55
1731 Fargo film Fargo 55
1732 Florianus human Florianus 55
1733 Weather front interface Front 55
1734 Goodison Park association football venue Goodison Park 55
1735 Grameen Bank bank Grameen Bank 55
1736 Henry Morgan human Henry Morgan 55
1737 Hippocamp natural satellite Hippocamp 55
1738 The World Is Not Enough film James Bond 007 – Die Welt ist nicht genug 55
1739 Thunderball film James Bond 007 – Feuerball 55
1740 Auricularia auricula-judae taxon Judasohr 55
1741 Jules Bianchi human Jules Bianchi 55
1742 Kanchipuram human settlement Kanchipuram 55
1743 Mexico City Metropolitan Cathedral Catholic cathedral Kathedrale von Mexiko-Stadt 55
1744 Lexus division Lexus 55
1745 Liao dynasty Chinese dynasty Liao-Dynastie 55
1746 City Lights film Lichter der Großstadt 55
1747 Lisa Simpson fictional human Lisa Simpson 55
1748 Louis I of Hungary human Ludwig I. 55
1749 Middlesex historic county of England Middlesex 55
1750 Mimicry color in nature Mimikry 55
1751 New Age new religious movement New Age 55
1752 Pont du Gard aqueduct Pont du Gard 55
1753 Rajinikanth human Rajinikanth 55
1754 Ransomware Ransomware 55
1755 Robin Hood film Robin Hood 55
1756 Sauron Maiar Sauron 55
1757 Pest Schädling 55
1758 Star Alliance airline alliance Star Alliance 55
1759 Stephen Báthory human Stephan Báthory 55
1760 Stevie Ray Vaughan human Stevie Ray Vaughan 55
1761 Blue wildebeest taxon Streifengnu 55
1762 Supermarine Spitfire aircraft family Supermarine Spitfire 55
1763 Oribi taxon Südliches Oribi 55
1764 Camouflage color in nature Tarnung 55
1765 The Amazing Spider-Man 2 film The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Rise of Electro 55
1766 Thutmose I human Thutmosis I. 55
1767 Timbaland human Timbaland 55
1768 Tony Parker human Tony Parker 55
1769 Vera Rubin human Vera Rubin 55
1770 Nativity scene Weihnachtskrippe 55
1771 X-Men: Days of Future Past film X-Men: Zukunft ist Vergangenheit 55
1772 12 Monkeys film 12 Monkeys 54
1773 9th millennium BC millennium 9. Jahrtausend v. Chr. 54
1774 A.I. Artificial Intelligence film A.I. – Künstliche Intelligenz 54
1775 Ali Larter human Ali Larter 54
1776 Olive baboon taxon Anubispavian 54
1777 Cowpea taxon Augenbohne 54
1778 Batik culture of Indonesia Batik 54
1779 Bilbo Baggins Hobbit Bilbo Beutlin 54
1780 Bryce Dallas Howard human Bryce Dallas Howard 54
1781 Coeur d'Alene, Idaho county seat Coeur d’Alene 54
1782 Darren Aronofsky human Darren Aronofsky 54
1783 David Carradine human David Carradine 54
1784 Denisovan fossil taxon Denisova-Mensch 54
1785 Puss in Boots literary work Der gestiefelte Kater 54
1786 Despacito song Despacito 54
1787 Dorchester, Dorset civil parish Dorchester 54
1788 Dota 2 video game Dota 2 54
1789 Dreamcast product model Dreamcast 54
1790 Ed Miliband human Ed Miliband 54
1791 Edward Scissorhands film Edward mit den Scherenhänden 54
1792 Elephanta Caves cave Elephanta-Höhlen 54
1793 Who Framed Roger Rabbit feature film Falsches Spiel mit Roger Rabbit 54
1794 French cuisine national cuisine Französische Küche 54
1795 Freedom Party of Austria political party Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs 54
1796 Gallic Wars war Gallischer Krieg 54
1797 Geraldine Page human Geraldine Page 54
1798 Gila monster taxon Gila-Krustenechse 54
1799 Hampden Park association football venue Hampden Park 54
1800 Diamonds Are Forever film James Bond 007 – Diamantenfieber 54
1801 Live and Let Die film James Bond 007 – Leben und sterben lassen 54
1802 James Naismith human James Naismith 54
1803 Java Man fossil taxon Java-Mensch 54
1804 Jim Henson human Jim Henson 54
1805 John II Komnenos human Johannes II. 54
1806 Justice League film Justice League 54
1807 Kelly Rowland human Kelly Rowland 54
1808 King Kong film King Kong 54
1809 Lawton, Oklahoma city in the United States Lawton 54
1810 Mae Jemison human Mae Jemison 54
1811 Mari, Syria city-state Mari 54
1812 Mario Andretti human Mario Andretti 54
1813 Matt Smith human Matt Smith 54
1814 Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy controversy Mohammed-Karikaturen 54
1815 Moncton city Moncton 54
1816 Ne-Yo human Ne-Yo 54
1817 Pau Gasol human Pau Gasol 54
1818 Paul Gascoigne human Paul Gascoigne 54
1819 Pete Buttigieg human Pete Buttigieg 54
1820 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales feature film Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazars Rache 54
1821 Ryugyong Hotel skyscraper Ryugyŏng-Hotel 54
1822 Seth Rogen human Seth Rogen 54
1823 Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse animated film Spider-Man: A New Universe 54
1824 Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street film Sweeney Todd – Der teuflische Barbier aus der Fleet Street 54
1825 Svetlana Kuznetsova human Swetlana Alexandrowna Kusnezowa 54
1826 Transformers: Dark of the Moon film Transformers 3 54
1827 Venom film Venom 54
1828 Akira Toriyama human Akira Toriyama 53
1829 Croup infectious disease Akute obstruktive Laryngitis (d:Q836356) 53
1830 Anu sky father An 53
1831 Ant-Man and the Wasp film Ant-Man and the Wasp 53
1832 Australopithecus afarensis fossil taxon Australopithecus afarensis 53
1833 Beck human Beck 53
1834 Butte, Montana city in the United States Butte 53
1835 Call Me by Your Name film Call Me by Your Name 53
1836 Contact film Contact 53
1837 Dallas Buyers Club film Dallas Buyers Club 53
1838 Deftones rock band Deftones 53
1839 Diadumenian human Diadumenianus 53
1840 The Kite Runner written work Drachenläufer 53
1841 Dries Mertens human Dries Mertens 53
1842 Waterbuck taxon Ellipsen-Wasserbock 53
1843 Ellis Island island Ellis Island 53
1844 Emilie de Ravin human Emilie de Ravin 53
1845 FC Groningen association football club FC Groningen 53
1846 Félix Houphouët-Boigny human Félix Houphouët-Boigny 53
1847 Giacomo Meyerbeer human Giacomo Meyerbeer 53
1848 Urinary tract infection disease Harnwegsinfekt 53
1849 Henrietta Swan Leavitt human Henrietta Swan Leavitt 53
1850 Henry Taube human Henry Taube 53
1851 Henry Wilson human Henry Wilson 53
1852 Hostilian human Hostilian 53
1853 Hugo Award literary award Hugo Award 53
1854 IPhone 5S model series IPhone 5s 53
1855 Igbo people ethnic group Igbo 53
1856 Inna human Inna 53
1857 Inner Hebrides archipelago Innere Hebriden 53
1858 The Living Daylights film James Bond 007 – Der Hauch des Todes 53
1859 Jet stream Jetstream 53
1860 John B. Fenn human John B. Fenn 53
1861 Kanō Jigorō human Kanō Jigorō 53
1862 Charles XI of Sweden human Karl XI. 53
1863 Katie Melua human Katie Melua 53
1864 Condensed matter physics branch of physics Kondensierte Materie 53
1865 War of the Worlds film Krieg der Welten 53
1866 Black drongo taxon Königsdrongo 53
1867 Luna 2 lander Luna 2 53
1868 M.I.A. human M. I. A. 53
1869 Macbeth, King of Scotland human Macbeth 53
1870 Maggie Grace human Maggie Grace 53
1871 Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter space probe Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter 53
1872 Mathieu Valbuena human Mathieu Valbuena 53
1873 Nuremberg Laws law Nürnberger Gesetze 53
1874 Pete Best human Pete Best 53
1875 Plasmodium taxon Plasmodium 53
1876 Pong video game Pong 53
1877 Randy Orton human Randy Orton 53
1878 San Francisco Bay Area metropolitan statistical area San Francisco Bay Area 53
1879 Saturnalia religious and cultural festive day Saturnalien 53
1880 Black Stone stone Schwarzer Stein 53
1881 Scream film Scream – Schrei! 53
1882 Stanislaw Ulam human Stanisław Marcin Ulam 53
1883 Stanley Matthews human Stanley Matthews 53
1884 Steak type of food or dish Steak 53
1885 The Fame Monster album The Fame Monster 53
1886 Tony Bennett human Tony Bennett 53
1887 Ununennium chemical element Ununennium 53
1888 Wells, Somerset city Wells 53
1889 X-Men Origins: Wolverine film X-Men Origins: Wolverine 53
1890 Adam Lallana human Adam Lallana 52
1891 Apollo 1 space mission Apollo 1 52
1892 Clube Atlético Mineiro association football club Atlético Mineiro 52
1893 Bullet for My Valentine musical group Bullet for My Valentine 52
1894 Captain Marvel film Captain Marvel 52
1895 Chris Columbus human Chris Columbus 52
1896 Chrysippus human Chrysippos von Soloi 52
1897 Cueva de las Manos tourist attraction Cueva de las Manos 52
1898 Cytosol cellular component Cytosol 52
1899 Destiny's Child musical group Destiny’s Child 52
1900 Wizards of Waverly Place television series Die Zauberer vom Waverly Place 52
1901 Djibril Cissé human Djibril Cissé 52
1902 Keep Donjon 52
1903 Edward the Martyr human Eduard der Märtyrer 52
1904 Emile Heskey human Emile Heskey 52
1905 2008 Sichuan earthquake earthquake Erdbeben in Sichuan 2008 52
1906 Erving Goffman human Erving Goffman 52
1907 Aberdeen F.C. association football club FC Aberdeen 52
1908 Fantasia 2000 anthology film Fantasia 2000 52
1909 Liquid crystal non-classical state of matter Flüssigkristall 52
1910 Fringe television series Fringe – Grenzfälle des FBI 52
1911 Georgios Samaras human Giorgos Samaras 52
1912 Harald Hardrada human Harald III. 52
1913 Hel death deity Hel 52
1914 Low back pain Hexenschuss 52
1915 IPhone 4S model series IPhone 4s 52
1916 Isle of Arran island Isle of Arran 52
1917 A View to a Kill film James Bond 007 – Im Angesicht des Todes 52
1918 On Her Majesty's Secret Service film James Bond 007 – Im Geheimdienst Ihrer Majestät 52
1919 Octopussy film James Bond 007 – Octopussy 52
1920 Jurassic Park III film Jurassic Park III 52
1921 Kate Bosworth human Kate Bosworth 52
1922 Katherine Johnson human Katherine Johnson 52
1923 Entoprocta taxon Kelchwürmer 52
1924 National Diet bicameral legislature Kokkai 52
1925 Constantine V human Konstantin V. 52
1926 Magic: The Gathering collectible card game Magic: The Gathering 52
1927 McCarthyism prejudice McCarthy-Ära 52
1928 Millennium Stadium association football venue Millennium Stadium 52
1929 2010 Summer Youth Olympics Summer Youth Olympic Games Olympische Jugend-Sommerspiele 2010 52
1930 Normandy landings battle Operation Neptune 52
1931 Orc mythical humanoid race Ork 52
1932 Pembrokeshire principal area of Wales Pembrokeshire 52
1933 Petronius Maximus human Petronius Maximus 52
1934 Pneumothorax rare disease Pneumothorax 52
1935 Ranbir Kapoor human Ranbir Kapoor 52
1936 Rand Paul human Rand Paul 52
1937 Richard Wright human Richard Wright 52
1938 Salford city Salford 52
1939 Sarus crane taxon Saruskranich 52
1940 Scale insect taxon Schildläuse 52
1941 Battle of the Yarmuk battle Schlacht am Jarmuk 52
1942 Battle of Uhud battle Schlacht von Uhud 52
1943 Sean Combs human Sean Combs 52
1944 Sitatunga taxon Sitatunga 52
1945 Snake River river Snake River 52
1946 Solaris film Solaris 52
1947 Live Free or Die Hard film Stirb langsam 4.0 52
1948 Synth-pop music genre Synthiepop 52
1949 Animal migration Tierwanderung 52
1950 Type 2 diabetes Typ-2-Diabetes 52
1951 Four-horned antelope taxon Vierhornantilope 52
1952 Types of volcanic eruptions Vulkanausbruch 52
1953 Wagga Wagga city Wagga Wagga 52
1954 Wigan town Wigan 52
1955 Willa Cather human Willa Cather 52
1956 Władysław IV Vasa human Władysław IV. Wasa 52
1957 X-Men: First Class film X-Men: Erste Entscheidung 52
1958 Albigensian Crusade military campaign Albigenserkreuzzug 51
1959 Amenhotep I 18th dynasty pharaoh Amenophis I. 51
1960 Anna Wintour human Anna Wintour 51
1961 Aragorn Middle-earth man Aragorn 51
1962 Arena Corinthians association football venue Arena Corinthians 51
1963 Benzodiazepine pharmacological class of chemical compounds Benzodiazepine 51
1964 Chloë Sevigny human Chloë Sevigny 51
1965 Chris Paul human Chris Paul 51
1966 Crater Lake lake Crater Lake 51
1967 The Devil Wears Prada film Der Teufel trägt Prada 51
1968 The Birth of a Nation film Die Geburt einer Nation 51
1969 The Tales of Beedle the Bard collection of fairy tales Die Märchen von Beedle dem Barden 51
1970 Dundee United F.C. association football club Dundee United 51
1971 Eckhart Tolle human Eckhart Tolle 51
1972 Edinburgh Castle castle Edinburgh Castle 51
1973 Enlil god Enlil 51
1974 Eragon literary work Eragon - Das Vermächtnis der Drachenreiter (d:Q185449) 51
1975 Ethiopian Airlines airline Ethiopian Airlines 51
1976 Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II aircraft family Fairchild-Republic A-10 51
1977 Fisher taxon Fischermarder 51
1978 Flag of Solomon Islands national flag Flagge der Salomonen 51
1979 Gerlachovský štít mountain Gerlachovský štít 51
1980 Grigory Potemkin human Grigori Alexandrowitsch Potjomkin 51
1981 Gus Grissom human Gus Grissom 51
1982 Hatem Ben Arfa human Hatem Ben Arfa 51
1983 Phoronid taxon Hufeisenwürmer 51
1984 Ian Gillan human Ian Gillan 51
1985 Echiura taxon Igelwürmer 51
1986 Islay island Islay 51
1987 Jada Pinkett Smith human Jada Pinkett Smith 51
1988 Jama Masjid, Delhi mosque Jama Masjid 51
1989 Licence to Kill film James Bond 007 – Lizenz zum Töten 51
1990 Moonraker film James Bond 007 – Moonraker – Streng geheim 51
1991 Jean-Michel Basquiat human Jean-Michel Basquiat 51
1992 Juno film Juno 51
1993 Kim Possible animated series Kim Possible 51
1994 Constantine VIII human Konstantin VIII. 51
1995 Lapland War war Lapplandkrieg 51
1996 MacBook Pro model series MacBook Pro 51
1997 Maisie Williams human Maisie Williams 51
1998 Majulah Singapura national anthem Majulah Singapura 51
1999 Mayfair area of London Mayfair 51
2000 Medal of Honor medallion Medal of Honor 51
2001 Michael VIII Palaiologos human Michael VIII. 51
2002 Mindaugas human Mindaugas I. 51
2003 Wilson's disease rare disease Morbus Wilson 51
2004 Murray Rothbard human Murray Rothbard 51
2005 Mélanie Laurent human Mélanie Laurent 51
2006 Dunkirk evacuation military operation Operation Dynamo 51
2007 Otaku stock character Otaku 51
2008 Otis Redding human Otis Redding 51
2009 Coconut crab taxon Palmendieb 51
2010 Pete Conrad human Pete Conrad 51
2011 The Powerpuff Girls animated series Powerpuff Girls 51
2012 Psychedelic rock music genre Psychedelic Rock 51
2013 Reba McEntire human Reba McEntire 51
2014 Saw II film Saw II 51
2015 Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce human Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce 51
2016 Sipuncula taxon Spritzwürmer 51
2017 Steven Universe animated series Steven Universe 51
2018 The Wall album The Wall 51
2019 Trent Alexander-Arnold human Trent Alexander-Arnold 51
2020 Utica, New York county seat Utica 51
2021 Volusianus human Volusianus 51
2022 Wannsee Conference convention Wannseekonferenz 51
2023 Watchmen film Watchmen – Die Wächter 51
2024 The Wolverine film Wolverine: Weg des Kriegers 51
2025 Group 12 element group Zinkgruppe 51
2026 Zoë Porphyrogenita human Zoe 51
2027 486958 Arrokoth trans-Neptunian object (486958) Arrokoth 50
2028 Abou Diaby human Abou Diaby 50
2029 Alex Morgan human Alex Morgan 50
2030 Arcade Fire musical group Arcade Fire 50
2031 Big Fish film Big Fish 50
2032 The Blues Brothers film Blues Brothers 50
2033 British Army army British Army 50
2034 Brock Lesnar human Brock Lesnar 50
2035 Ralph Breaks the Internet animated film Chaos im Netz 50
2036 Chien-Shiung Wu human Chien-Shiung Wu 50
2037 Children of Men film Children of Men 50
2038 Constantius III human Constantius III. 50
2039 Contagion film Contagion 50
2040 Copán archaeological site Copán 50
2041 The Iron Giant film Der Gigant aus dem All 50
2042 Moneyball film Die Kunst zu gewinnen – Moneyball 50
2043 Dubstep music genre Dubstep 50
2044 Fabian Cancellara human Fabian Cancellara 50
2045 Flag of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines national flag Flagge von St. Vincent und den Grenadinen 50
2046 Flavian dynasty dynasty Flavier 50
2047 George Martin human George Martin 50
2048 Hakeem Olajuwon human Hakeem Olajuwon 50
2049 Hank Azaria human Hank Azaria 50
2050 Hard Candy album Hard Candy 50
2051 Hibernian F.C. association football club Hibernian Edinburgh 50
2052 Homo naledi fossil taxon Homo naledi 50
2053 Homology Homologie 50
2054 Howard Hawks human Howard Hawks 50
2055 IPhone 6 model series IPhone 6 50
2056 Jack Kirby human Jack Kirby 50
2057 Jamaica national football team national association football team Jamaikanische Fußballnationalmannschaft 50
2058 The Man with the Golden Gun film James Bond 007 – Der Mann mit dem goldenen Colt 50
2059 The Spy Who Loved Me film James Bond 007 – Der Spion, der mich liebte 50
2060 Jeddah Tower skyscraper Jeddah Tower 50
2061 Junko Tabei human Junko Tabei 50
2062 Snakefly taxon Kamelhalsfliegen 50
2063 Katyusha rocket launcher Katjuscha 50
2064 Frilled shark taxon Kragenhai 50
2065 Cyrus Cylinder archaeological artifact Kyros-Zylinder 50
2066 Maggie Simpson fictional human Maggie Simpson 50
2067 Matsya fish Matsya 50
2068 Mortal Kombat video game series Mortal Kombat (d:Q241163) 50
2069 NK Maribor association football club NK Maribor 50
2070 Nebula Award group of awards Nebula Award 50
2071 Netball type of sport Netball 50
2072 Nevermind album Nevermind 50
2073 New England Patriots American football team New England Patriots 50
2074 Pale Blue Dot photograph Pale Blue Dot 50
2075 Pteranodon fossil taxon Pteranodon 50
2076 Resident Evil film Resident Evil 50
2077 Ricardo Rodriguez human Ricardo Rodríguez 50
2078 Richard Madden human Richard Madden 50
2079 Robert II of Scotland human Robert II. 50
2080 Battle of Poitiers battle Schlacht von Poitiers 50
2081 Sisimiut city Sisimiut 50
2082 2012 Summer Paralympics Summer Paralympic Games Sommer-Paralympics 2012 50
2083 Steve Nash human Steve Nash 50
2084 Streptococcal pharyngitis infectious disease Streptokokkenangina 50
2085 Superman film Superman 50
2086 Tom Welling human Tom Welling 50
2087 Violeta Chamorro human Violeta Barrios de Chamorro 50
2088 Wilhelm Ritter von Leeb human Wilhelm Ritter von Leeb 50
2089 X Japan heavy metal band X Japan 50
2090 Pomeranian dog dog variety Zwergspitz (d:Q39579) 50
2091 Sargon II human Šarru-kīn II. 50
2092 Stephen the Great human Ștefan cel Mare 50
2093 Adolf Anderssen human Adolf Anderssen 49
2094 Ānanda human Ananda 49
2095 Andry Rajoelina human Andry Rajoelina 49
2096 Artaxerxes III human Artaxerxes III. 49
2097 Arthur, Prince of Wales human Arthur Tudor 49
2098 Asana Asana 49
2099 Beetlejuice film Beetlejuice 49
2100 Caenorhabditis elegans taxon Caenorhabditis elegans 49
2101 Caitlyn Jenner human Caitlyn Jenner 49
2102 Montreal Canadiens ice hockey team Canadiens de Montréal 49
2103 David Irving human David Irving 49
2104 The Thin Red Line film Der schmale Grat 49
2105 A Trip to the Moon short film Die Reise zum Mond 49
2106 Dimetrodon fossil taxon Dimetrodon 49
2107 Donald Glover human Donald Glover 49
2108 Ellen Pompeo human Ellen Pompeo 49
2109 Millwall F.C. association football club FC Millwall 49
2110 Fernando de la Rúa human Fernando de la Rúa 49
2111 2018 FIFA World Cup Final final of the FIFA World Cup Finale der Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2018 (d:Q31043671) 49
2112 George Washington Bridge suspension bridge George-Washington-Brücke 49
2113 Grindcore music genre Grindcore 49
2114 Hans-Ulrich Rudel human Hans-Ulrich Rudel 49
2115 Haymarket affair affair Haymarket Riot 49
2116 Heraclonas human Heraklonas 49
2117 Herm island Herm 49
2118 Homo antecessor fossil taxon Homo antecessor 49
2119 Hybrid Theory album Hybrid Theory 49
2120 Industrial metal music genre Industrial Metal (d:Q208494) 49
2121 Isaac I Komnenos human Isaak I. 49
2122 Jacqueline Fernandez human Jacqueline Fernandez 49
2123 Jojo Rabbit film Jojo Rabbit 49
2124 Junkers Ju 87 aircraft family Junkers Ju 87 49
2125 California sea lion taxon Kalifornischer Seelöwe 49
2126 False killer whale taxon Kleiner Schwertwal 49
2127 Coronation Krönung 49
2128 La Strada film La Strada – Das Lied der Straße 49
2129 Leo II human Leo II. 49
2130 Noctilucent cloud phenomenon Leuchtende Nachtwolke 49
2131 Llullaillaco volcano Llullaillaco 49
2132 Luis Muriel human Luis Muriel 49
2133 Maine Coon cat breed Maine-Coon-Katze 49
2134 Marc Overmars human Marc Overmars 49
2135 Marian Anderson human Marian Anderson 49
2136 Marilyn Manson rock band Marilyn Manson 49
2137 Marshmello human Marshmello 49
2138 MP 40 firearm model Maschinenpistole 40 49
2139 Methuselah human biblical figure Methusalem 49
2140 Windows Mobile operating system Microsoft Windows Mobile 49
2141 Njörðr Vanir Njörðr 49
2142 Nur Muhammad Taraki human Nur Muhammad Taraki 49
2143 Killing of Osama bin Laden military operation Operation Neptune Spear 49
2144 Paul Thomas Anderson human Paul Thomas Anderson 49
2145 Richard Mentor Johnson human Richard Mentor Johnson 49
2146 The Proposal film Selbst ist die Braut 49
2147 Shahid Kapoor human Shahid Kapoor 49
2148 Shaktism Hindu denomination Shaktismus 49
2149 Shreya Ghoshal human Shreya Ghoshal 49
2150 Sonia Sotomayor human Sonia Sotomayor 49
2151 Southeast Asia Treaty Organization intergovernmental organization Southeast Asia Treaty Organization 49
2152 Stu Sutcliffe human Stuart Sutcliffe 49
2153 Sukhoi Su-35 aircraft family Suchoi Su-35 49
2154 Superman Returns film Superman Returns 49
2155 Scimitar oryx taxon Säbelantilope 49
2156 Typhoon Taifun 49
2157 Tamaraw taxon Tamarau 49
2158 The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild video game The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 49
2159 Theodosius III human Theodosios III. 49
2160 Tirunelveli city Tirunelveli 49
2161 UBS bank UBS 49
2162 University of Bristol public university University of Bristol 49
2163 Van Morrison human Van Morrison 49
2164 Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge suspension bridge Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge 49
2165 Ville Valo human Ville Valo 49
2166 Vasil Levski human Wassil Lewski 49
2167 Wong Kar-wai human Wong Kar-Wai 49
2168 Yellow Submarine album Yellow Submarine 49
2169 Zyklon B poison Zyklon B 49
2170 253 Mathilde asteroid (253) Mathilde 48
2171 Alexander Berkman human Alexander Berkman 48
2172 Aluminium chloride chemical compound Aluminiumchlorid 48
2173 Ashleigh Barty human Ashleigh Barty 48
2174 Babrak Karmal human Babrak Karmal 48
2175 Batman & Robin film Batman & Robin 48
2176 Billie Jean musical work/composition Billie Jean 48
2177 Seminal vesicles anatomical structure Bläschendrüse 48
2178 Brian Epstein human Brian Epstein 48
2179 Béla IV of Hungary human Béla IV. 48
2180 Cabernet Sauvignon grape variety Cabernet Sauvignon 48
2181 Coral Springs, Florida city in the United States Coral Springs 48
2182 Crawley town Crawley 48
2183 The Fault in Our Stars film Das Schicksal ist ein mieser Verräter 48
2184 The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes short story collection Die Abenteuer des Sherlock Holmes 48
2185 The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian feature film Die Chroniken von Narnia: Prinz Kaspian von Narnia 48
2186 Domingo Faustino Sarmiento human Domingo Faustino Sarmiento 48
2187 Drew Carey human Drew Carey 48
2188 Edge of Tomorrow film Edge of Tomorrow 48
2189 Ice Hockey World Championships world championship Eishockey-Weltmeisterschaft 48
2190 European debt crisis economic crisis Eurokrise 48
2191 Eurostar railway company Eurostar International (d:Q156013) 48
2192 Ferruccio Busoni human Ferruccio Busoni 48
2193 2012 Formula One World Championship season Formel-1-Weltmeisterschaft 2012 48
2194 Forth Bridge truss bridge Forth Bridge 48
2195 War Horse film Gefährten 48
2196 Glass fiber carcinogen Glasfaser 48
2197 Glastonbury town Glastonbury 48
2198 Gollum Hobbit Gollum 48
2199 Graham Chapman human Graham Chapman 48
2200 Hafizullah Amin human Hafizullah Amin 48
2201 Eye of Horus symbol Horusauge 48
2202 Jacobo Árbenz human Jacobo Árbenz Guzmán 48
2203 For Your Eyes Only film James Bond 007 – In tödlicher Mission 48
2204 Bowfin taxon Kahlhecht 48
2205 Kazi Nazrul Islam human Kazi Nazrul Islam 48
2206 Kennewick, Washington city in the United States Kennewick 48
2207 Kirkcaldy town Kirkcaldy 48
2208 Cult film Kultfilm 48
2209 Lauryn Hill human Lauryn Hill 48
2210 Legolas Middle-earth elf Legolas 48
2211 Leo IV the Khazar human Leo IV. 48
2212 Leontios human Leontios 48
2213 Treaty of London treaty Londoner Vertrag 48
2214 Margaret, Maid of Norway human Margarete 48
2215 Marie Fredriksson human Marie Fredriksson 48
2216 Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna of Russia human Marija Nikolajewna Romanowa 48
2217 Mark Selby human Mark Selby 48
2218 Marquinhos human Marquinhos 48
2219 Delhi Metro rapid transit Metro Delhi 48
2220 Mia Hamm human Mia Hamm 48
2221 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-3 aircraft model Mikojan-Gurewitsch MiG-3 48
2222 Minority Report film Minority Report 48
2223 Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind anime film Nausicaä aus dem Tal der Winde 48
2224 Neelam Sanjiva Reddy human Neelam Sanjiva Reddy 48
2225 Valkyrie film Operation Walküre – Das Stauffenberg-Attentat 48
2226 Paranthropus fossil taxon Paranthropus 48
2227 Planet of the Apes film Planet der Affen 48
2228 Póvoa de Varzim municipality of Portugal Póvoa de Varzim 48
2229 RoboCop film RoboCop 48
2230 Rockwell B-1 Lancer aircraft model Rockwell B-1 48
2231 Romanos III Argyros human Romanos III. 48
2232 Saffir–Simpson scale measurement scale Saffir-Simpson-Hurrikan-Windskala 48
2233 Never Say Never Again film Sag niemals nie 48
2234 Sasuke Uchiha fictional character Sasuke Uchiha (d:Q1740) 48
2235 Battle of Karbala battle Schlacht von Kerbela 48
2236 Solo: A Star Wars Story film Solo: A Star Wars Story 48
2237 Sebaceous gland anatomical structure Talgdrüse 48
2238 Taunton county town Taunton 48
2239 The Expendables 2 film The Expendables 2 48
2240 The Irishman film The Irishman 48
2241 Headquarters of the United Nations building complex UNO-Hauptquartier 48
2242 Close Encounters of the Third Kind film Unheimliche Begegnung der dritten Art 48
2243 Treaty of Waitangi contract Vertrag von Waitangi 48
2244 Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos video game Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos 48
2245 Black wildebeest taxon Weißschwanzgnu 48
2246 Whitesnake rock band Whitesnake 48
2247 American Gangster film American Gangster 47
2248 Andrew II of Hungary human Andreas II. 47
2249 Ashland, Oregon city of Oregon Ashland 47
2250 Atlantic Wall architectural structure Atlantikwall 47
2251 Augustin Pyramus de Candolle human Augustin-Pyrame de Candolle 47
2252 Babylon 5 television series Babylon 5 47
2253 Bad Romance song Bad Romance 47
2254 Poison dart frog taxon Baumsteigerfrösche 47
2255 Bharat Ratna award Bharat Ratna 47
2256 Billy Elliot film Billy Elliot – I Will Dance 47
2257 Bradley Wiggins human Bradley Wiggins 47
2258 Chris Bosh human Chris Bosh 47
2259 Collateral film Collateral 47
2260 Dirac delta function derivative Delta-Distribution 47
2261 Eazy-E human Eazy-E 47
2262 Ebla historical country Ebla 47
2263 Eduardo Duhalde human Eduardo Duhalde 47
2264 Enugu city Enugu 47
2265 Far Cry 3 video game Far Cry 3 47
2266 Final Destination film Final Destination 47
2267 Folk metal music genre Folk Metal 47
2268 Human brain Gehirn des Menschen (d:Q492038) 47
2269 Georges Dumézil human Georges Dumézil 47
2270 Gilberto Gil human Gilberto Gil 47
2271 Glam metal music genre Glam Metal 47
2272 Günther von Kluge human Günther von Kluge 47
2273 When Harry Met Sally... film Harry und Sally 47
2274 Heinkel He 111 aircraft model Heinkel He 111 47
2275 Irene Papas human Irene Papas 47
2276 Jeff Hardy human Jeff Hardy 47
2277 Jet Airways airline Jet Airways 47
2278 Charles I of Hungary human Karl I. 47
2279 X-ray crystallography branch of physics Kristallstrukturanalyse 47
2280 Kronstadt rebellion rebellion Kronstädter Matrosenaufstand 47
2281 Kuch Kuch Hota Hai film Kuch Kuch Hota Hai – Und ganz plötzlich ist es Liebe 47
2282 Led Zeppelin album Led Zeppelin 47
2283 Livonian War war Livländischer Krieg 47
2284 Malin Åkerman human Malin Åkerman 47
2285 Meridian, Mississippi county seat Meridian 47
2286 Midazolam medication Midazolam 47
2287 Nyala taxon Nyala 47
2288 Palm Beach, Florida town in the United States Palm Beach 47
2289 Pterodactylus fossil taxon Pterodactylus 47
2290 Rameswaram town Rameswaram 47
2291 Battle of Plataea battle Schlacht von Plataiai 47
2292 Sea snake taxon Seeschlangen 47
2293 Shay Given human Shay Given 47
2294 Silicon carbide chemical compound Siliciumcarbid 47
2295 Sleipnir Norse mythical animal Sleipnir 47
2296 Soho area of London Soho 47
2297 Staurakios human Staurakios 47
2298 Sugar Ray Robinson human Sugar Ray Robinson 47
2299 Svalbard and Jan Mayen statistical territorial entity Svalbard und Jan Mayen (d:Q842829) 47
2300 Sword Art Online light novel series Sword Art Online 47
2301 The Italian Job film The Italian Job – Jagd auf Millionen 47
2302 Theodora Porphyrogenita human Theodora III. 47
2303 Tiberius III human Tiberios II. 47
2304 Tom Hooper human Tom Hooper 47
2305 Durham University higher education institution University of Durham 47
2306 Up in the Air film Up in the Air 47
2307 The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo film Verblendung 47
2308 Enchanted feature film Verwünscht 47
2309 Wall Street film Wall Street 47
2310 Walt Disney Animation Studios animation studio Walt Disney Animation Studios 47
2311 WandaVision television series WandaVision 47
2312 Christmas truce truce Weihnachtsfrieden 47
2313 Yoann Gourcuff human Yoann Gourcuff 47
2314 Árpád human Árpád 47
2315 Abd Allah ibn al-Zubayr human ʿAbdallāh ibn az-Zubair 47
2316 Alexios V Doukas human Alexios V. 46
2317 Alprazolam chemical compound Alprazolam 46
2318 Angelus Silesius human Angelus Silesius 46
2319 Aphthous stomatitis Aphthe 46
2320 Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey aircraft family Bell-Boeing V-22 46
2321 Blue Velvet film Blue Velvet 46
2322 Celtic Park association football venue Celtic Park 46
2323 Ceredigion county Ceredigion 46
2324 Craig Bellamy human Craig Bellamy 46
2325 Empire of the Sun film Das Reich der Sonne 46
2326 The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie live-action animated film Der SpongeBob Schwammkopf Film 46
2327 Ed White human Edward Higgins White 46
2328 Pteropus taxon Eigentliche Flughunde (d:Q1241332) 46
2329 An Inconvenient Truth film Eine unbequeme Wahrheit 46
2330 En passant rules of chess En passant 46
2331 Entertainment Software Rating Board nonprofit organization Entertainment Software Rating Board 46
2332 Homarus gammarus taxon Europäischer Hummer 46
2333 Evanna Lynch human Evanna Lynch 46
2334 Wings film Flügel aus Stahl 46
2335 Franz Halder human Franz Halder 46
2336 History of Scotland history of a country or state Geschichte Schottlands 46
2337 Gigantopithecus fossil taxon Gigantopithecus 46
2338 Gliese 581 red dwarf Gliese 581 46
2339 Glycerius human Glycerius 46
2340 Grand Central Terminal dead-end railway station Grand Central Terminal 46
2341 Hannibal film Hannibal 46
2342 Herto Man fossil taxon Homo sapiens idaltu 46
2343 Ike Turner human Ike Turner 46
2344 In God We Trust U.S. state motto In God we trust 46
2345 Inanna goddess Inanna 46
2346 Incel subculture Incel 46
2347 Institutions of the European Union Institution der Europäischen Union (d:Q748720) 46
2348 Joey Barton human Joey Barton 46
2349 Kim Jong-hyun human Jonghyun 46
2350 Kakha Kaladze human Kacha Kaladse 46
2351 Kirsten Gillibrand human Kirsten Gillibrand 46
2352 Klipspringer taxon Klippspringer 46
2353 Lewisville, Texas city in the United States Lewisville 46
2354 Malcolm III of Scotland human Malcolm III. 46
2355 Manu Ginóbili human Manu Ginóbili 46
2356 Marc Ravalomanana human Marc Ravalomanana 46
2357 Mark Cavendish human Mark Cavendish 46
2358 Mars Attacks! film Mars Attacks! 46
2359 Martin Ødegaard human Martin Ødegaard 46
2360 Mary Poppins Returns feature film Mary Poppins’ Rückkehr 46
2361 Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich of Russia human Michail Alexandrowitsch Romanow 46
2362 Nikephoros III Botaneiates human Nikephoros III. 46
2363 American bullfrog taxon Nordamerikanischer Ochsenfrosch 46
2364 Pachycephalosaurus fossil taxon Pachycephalosaurus 46
2365 Pacific Rim film Pacific Rim 46
2366 Panavia Tornado aircraft family Panavia Tornado 46
2367 Tiger II Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger II 46
2368 Ptolemy XII Auletes human Ptolemaios XII. 46
2369 Puff adder taxon Puffotter 46
2370 Salt March direct action Salzmarsch 46
2371 Battle of Chaeronea battle Schlacht von Chaironeia 46
2372 Kitti's hog-nosed bat taxon Schweinsnasenfledermaus 46
2373 Skagen town Skagen 46
2374 Sloane Stephens human Sloane Stephens 46
2375 Snowdon mountain Snowdon 46
2376 Stapes bone Steigbügel 46
2377 The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt video game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt 46
2378 Toronto Maple Leafs ice hockey team Toronto Maple Leafs 46
2379 Independence Day national day Unabhängigkeitstag 46
2380 American robin taxon Wanderdrossel 46
2381 Coat of arms of Singapore national coat of arms Wappen Singapurs 46
2382 Władysław Sikorski human Władysław Sikorski 46
2383 Zhu De human Zhu De 46
2384 Age of Empires video game Age of Empires 45
2385 Alma Mahler human Alma Mahler-Werfel 45
2386 Alphonse Areola human Alphonse Aréola 45
2387 Andrei Rublev film Andrej Rubljow 45
2388 Animals album Animals 45
2389 Art Tatum human Art Tatum 45
2390 London King's Cross railway station dead-end railway station Bahnhof King’s Cross 45
2391 Barbara Hershey human Barbara Hershey 45
2392 American kestrel taxon Buntfalke 45
2393 Calakmul archaeological site Calakmul 45
2394 Cassel, Nord commune of France Cassel 45
2395 Codex Sinaiticus codex Codex Sinaiticus 45
2396 D.C. United association football club D.C. United 45
2397 Dangerous album Dangerous 45
2398 David Morse human David Morse 45
2399 Dexter's Laboratory animated series Dexters Labor 45
2400 Winter white dwarf hamster taxon Dsungarischer Zwerghamster 45
2401 Mount Erciyes mountain Erciyes Dağı 45
2402 Eugene V. Debs human Eugene V. Debs 45
2403 Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer film Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer 45
2404 Continuation War war Fortsetzungskrieg 45
2405 History of agriculture aspect of history Geschichte der Landwirtschaft 45
2406 Greater adjutant taxon Großer Adjutant 45
2407 Hancock film Hancock 45
2408 Herennius Etruscus human Herennius Etruscus 45
2409 Homo rudolfensis fossil taxon Homo rudolfensis 45
2410 Dog Day Afternoon film Hundstage 45
2411 I Am... Sasha Fierce album I Am … Sasha Fierce 45
2412 Jerry West human Jerry West 45
2413 John VII Palaiologos human Johannes VII. 45
2414 Juniata County, Pennsylvania county of Pennsylvania Juniata County 45
2415 Kenya Airways airline Kenya Airways 45
2416 Kurt Angle human Kurt Angle 45
2417 Ladislaus I of Hungary human Ladislaus I. 45
2418 Lara Croft video game character Lara Croft 45
2419 Led Zeppelin IV album Led Zeppelin IV 45
2420 Lockheed F-104 Starfighter aircraft family Lockheed F-104 45
2421 Air mass Luftmasse 45
2422 Luka Dončić human Luka Dončić 45
2423 Mantled guereza taxon Mantelaffe 45
2424 Mary, Queen of Hungary human Maria 45
2425 Marie of Romania human Marie von Edinburgh 45
2426 Michael Sheen human Michael Sheen 45
2427 Mikhail Suslov human Michail Andrejewitsch Suslow 45
2428 Scaly-breasted munia taxon Muskatbronzemännchen 45
2429 My Love from the Star television series My Love from the Star 45
2430 Nikola Žigić human Nikola Žigić 45
2431 Nikolai Podgorny human Nikolai Wiktorowitsch Podgorny 45
2432 Sobekneferu Nofrusobek 45
2433 Norman Schwarzkopf Jr. human Norman Schwarzkopf junior 45
2434 PJ Harvey human PJ Harvey 45
2435 Queen Mary 2 cruise ship Queen Mary 2 45
2436 R. K. Narayan human R. K. Narayan 45
2437 Red Dead Redemption 2 video game Red Dead Redemption 2 45
2438 Rockefeller Center shopping center Rockefeller Center 45
2439 Ross Perot human Ross Perot 45
2440 Blacktip reef shark taxon Schwarzspitzen-Riffhai 45
2441 Scott Carpenter human Scott Carpenter 45
2442 Sebastian Giovinco human Sebastian Giovinco 45
2443 Shamrock Rovers F.C. association football club Shamrock Rovers 45
2444 Spyridon Louis human Spyridon Louis 45
2445 Stadium of Light stadium Stadium of Light 45
2446 Swift fox taxon Swiftfuchs 45
2447 The Evil Dead film Tanz der Teufel 45
2448 Embioptera taxon Tarsenspinner 45
2449 Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna of Russia human Tatjana Nikolajewna Romanowa 45
2450 The Interview film The Interview 45
2451 The Wild Bunch film The Wild Bunch – Sie kannten kein Gesetz 45
2452 Abyssal plain Tiefseeebene 45
2453 Tracy McGrady human Tracy McGrady 45
2454 Tron: Legacy feature film Tron: Legacy 45
2455 Tyson Gay human Tyson Gay 45
2456 Unbinilium chemical element Unbinilium 45
2457 Unbreakable film Unbreakable – Unzerbrechlich 45
2458 Undertale video game Undertale 45
2459 Winsor McCay human Winsor McCay 45
2460 Revolutionary Road film Zeiten des Aufruhrs 45
2461 Zita of Bourbon-Parma human Zita von Bourbon-Parma 45
2462 Ancient Greek literature altgriechische Literatur (d:Q657246) 45
2463 Gaboon viper taxon Östliche Gabunviper 45
2464 A Thousand Suns album A Thousand Suns 44
2465 Aldus Manutius human Aldus Manutius 44
2466 Alexandra Stan human Alexandra Stan 44
2467 Alien Resurrection film Alien – Die Wiedergeburt 44
2468 Andranik human Andranik Ozanian 44
2469 Arad, Israel city Arad 44
2470 Arwen half-elven Arwen 44
2471 Esarhaddon human Asarhaddon 44
2472 Bad album Bad 44
2473 Bahadur Shah I human Bahadur Shah I. 44
2474 Carol film Carol 44
2475 Carroll Baker human Carroll Baker 44
2476 Chandrayaan-2 spacecraft Chandrayaan-2 44
2477 Khachatur Abovian human Chatschatur Abowjan 44
2478 Drive film Drive 44
2479 Dromaeosauridae fossil taxon Dromaeosauridae 44
2480 Dyson sphere megastructure Dyson-Sphäre 44
2481 Déjà Vu film Déjà Vu – Wettlauf gegen die Zeit 44
2482 Edmonds, Washington city in the United States Edmonds 44
2483 Emily Ratajkowski human Emily Ratajkowski 44
2484 Erich Hartmann human Erich Hartmann 44
2485 FIFA World Cup Trophy award FIFA-WM-Pokal 44
2486 Fanny and Alexander film Fanny und Alexander 44
2487 2016 Formula One World Championship season Formel-1-Weltmeisterschaft 2016 44
2488 Führerbunker bunker Führerbunker 44
2489 Galadriel Middle-earth elf Galadriel 44
2490 Garage rock music genre Garage Rock 44
2491 Common thresher taxon Gemeiner Fuchshai 44
2492 George McGovern human George McGovern 44
2493 Scuba diving recreation Gerätetauchen 44
2494 Pilot whale taxon Grindwale 44
2495 Arsenal Stadium association football venue Highbury 44
2496 Hisar city Hisar 44
2497 Hulk film Hulk 44
2498 I Wanna Go song I Wanna Go 44
2499 Iðunn Norse deity Idun 44
2500 Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham... film In guten wie in schweren Tagen 44
2501 JFK film JFK – Tatort Dallas 44
2502 Jack Russell Terrier dog breed Jack Russell Terrier 44
2503 Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink human Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink 44
2504 John Turner human John Turner 44
2505 Kansas City Chiefs American football team Kansas City Chiefs 44
2506 Lamb of God musical group Lamb of God 44
2507 Lebanon national football team national association football team Libanesische Fußballnationalmannschaft 44
2508 Lynnwood, Washington city in the United States Lynnwood 44
2509 MacBook model series MacBook 44
2510 Manuel Belgrano human Manuel Belgrano 44
2511 Marysville, Washington city in the United States Marysville 44
2512 Metal Gear Solid video game Metal Gear Solid 44
2513 Metformin chemical compound Metformin 44
2514 Michael Chabon human Michael Chabon 44
2515 Michael IV the Paphlagonian human Michael IV. 44
2516 Windows 8.1 operating system Microsoft Windows 8.1 44
2517 Mr. Nobody film Mr. Nobody 44
2518 Nabopolassar human Nabopolassar 44
2519 Nightcrawler film Nightcrawler – Jede Nacht hat ihren Preis 44
2520 North American river otter taxon Nordamerikanischer Fischotter 44
2521 Oxford Street road Oxford Street 44
2522 Paris–Roubaix single-day road race Paris–Roubaix 44
2523 Impalement manner of death Pfählung 44
2524 Pokémon Red and Blue video game Pokémon Rote und Blaue Edition 44
2525 Polio vaccine essential medicine Polioimpfstoff 44
2526 Ranveer Singh human Ranveer Singh 44
2527 Ready Player One 3D film Ready Player One 44
2528 Resident Evil 4 video game Resident Evil 4 44
2529 Road to Perdition film Road to Perdition 44
2530 Ryan Lochte human Ryan Lochte 44
2531 Sakurajima stratovolcano Sakurajima 44
2532 Samsung Galaxy S III smartphone model Samsung Galaxy S III 44
2533 Battle of the Kalka River battle Schlacht an der Kalka 44
2534 Snowflake crystal Schneeflocke 44
2535 Alpha Andromedae star Sirrah 44
2536 Star Trek: Enterprise television series Star Trek: Enterprise 44
2537 Star of Bethlehem star Stern von Betlehem 44
2538 Tenacious D musical group Tenacious D 44
2539 The Piper at the Gates of Dawn album The Piper at the Gates of Dawn 44
2540 Seamount Tiefseeberg 44
2541 Toni Collette human Toni Collette 44
2542 Traffic film Traffic – Macht des Kartells 44
2543 Valerie Solanas human Valerie Solanas 44
2544 Varaha avatar Varaha 44
2545 Valeri Polyakov human Waleri Wladimirowitsch Poljakow 44
2546 Wanted film Wanted 44
2547 X-Men film series X-Men 44
2548 Toothache disease Zahnschmerzen 44
2549 225088 Gonggong trans-Neptunian object (225088) Gonggong 43
2550 28978 Ixion asteroid (28978) Ixion 43
2551 Al-Walid I human Al-Walid I. 43
2552 Alaska Airlines airline Alaska Airlines 43
2553 Ariel animated character Arielle 43
2554 Asiatic cheetah taxon Asiatischer Gepard (d:Q278912) 43
2555 Augusto Roa Bastos human Augusto Roa Bastos 43
2556 Australia Day national day Australia Day 43
2557 Australopithecus sediba fossil taxon Australopithecus sediba 43
2558 Blue duiker taxon Blauducker 43
2559 Brolga taxon Brolgakranich 43
2560 Béla III of Hungary human Béla III. 43
2561 Cape May County, New Jersey county of New Jersey Cape May County 43
2562 Carrauntoohil mountain Carrantuohill 43
2563 Coquitlam city Coquitlam 43
2564 Deadmau5 human Deadmau5 43
2565 Wings of Desire film Der Himmel über Berlin 43
2566 The Great Ziegfeld film Der große Ziegfeld 43
2567 The Legend of Korra animated series Die Legende von Korra 43
2568 Dundalk F.C. association football club Dundalk FC 43
2569 Edge human Edge 43
2570 1988 Armenian earthquake earthquake Erdbeben von Spitak 1988 43
2571 Black-tailed jackrabbit taxon Eselhase 43
2572 Fallout 3 video game Fallout 3 43
2573 Fritillaria taxon Fritillaria 43
2574 Concussion Gehirnerschütterung 43
2575 Geosynchronous orbit physical location Geosynchrone Umlaufbahn 43
2576 Gilles Villeneuve human Gilles Villeneuve 43
2577 Smooth hammerhead taxon Glatter Hammerhai 43
2578 Green Lantern film Green Lantern 43
2579 Harry Reid International Airport international airport Harry Reid International Airport 43
2580 Henri-Georges Clouzot human Henri-Georges Clouzot 43
2581 Huginn and Muninn unordered pair Hugin und Munin 43
2582 Into the Woods feature film Into the Woods 43
2583 Irene Dunne human Irene Dunne 43
2584 James L. Brooks human James L. Brooks 43
2585 Jesé human Jesé 43
2586 Jon Hamm human Jon Hamm 43
2587 Jonathan Pryce human Jonathan Pryce 43
2588 Etchmiadzin Cathedral cathedral Kathedrale von Etschmiadsin 43
2589 Epiglottis Kehldeckel 43
2590 Lesser kudu taxon Kleiner Kudu 43
2591 Carbon monoxide poisoning Kohlenstoffmonoxidintoxikation 43
2592 Kuala Terengganu city Kuala Terengganu 43
2593 Kubera Hindu deity Kubera 43
2594 Lamarckism evolutionary biology Lamarckismus 43
2595 Leander Paes human Leander Paes 43
2596 Led Zeppelin II album Led Zeppelin II 43
2597 Lipizzan horse breed Lipizzaner 43
2598 Léon Degrelle human Léon Degrelle 43
2599 Magdalena Neuner human Magdalena Neuner 43
2600 Marouane Chamakh human Marouane Chamakh 43
2601 Mordor fictional country Mordor 43
2602 Mount Hood stratovolcano Mount Hood 43
2603 My Hero Academia manga series My Hero Academia 43
2604 Natural History written work Naturalis historia 43
2605 Off the Wall album Off the Wall 43
2606 One-Punch Man media franchise One Punch Man 43
2607 Oneworld airline alliance Oneworld Alliance 43
2608 Oslo Metro rapid transit Oslo T-bane 43
2609 Paranthropus robustus fossil taxon Paranthropus robustus 43
2610 Portal 2 video game Portal 2 43
2611 Raphinae taxon Raphidae (d:Q551092) 43
2612 Robbie Fowler human Robbie Fowler 43
2613 Acer rubrum taxon Rot-Ahorn 43
2614 Northern cardinal taxon Rotkardinal 43
2615 San Marino in the Eurovision Song Contest San Marino beim Eurovision Song Contest 43
2616 Saruman Istari Saruman 43
2617 Shirley Chisholm human Shirley Chisholm 43
2618 Smaug dragons of Middle-earth Smaug 43
2619 Star Trek: Insurrection film Star Trek: Der Aufstand 43
2620 SpaceX Starship rocket family Starship 43
2621 Dibatag taxon Stelzengazelle 43
2622 Super Mario 64 video game Super Mario 64 43
2623 The Division Bell album The Division Bell 43
2624 The Favourite film The Favourite – Intrigen und Irrsinn 43
2625 The Joshua Tree album The Joshua Tree 43
2626 Theodore II Laskaris human Theodor II. 43
2627 Tove Lo human Tove Lo 43
2628 Victoria line rapid transit railway line Victoria Line 43
2629 Wally Schirra human Walter Schirra 43
2630 Arms of Canada national coat of arms Wappen Kanadas 43
2631 Warfarin chemical compound Warfarin 43
2632 Dental implant Zahnimplantat 43
2633 Oil tanker ship type Öltanker 43
2634 Agent Orange defoliant Agent Orange 42
2635 Alejandro Sanz human Alejandro Sanz 42
2636 Alexander Zverev human Alexander Zverev 42
2637 Amazon parrot taxon Amazonenpapageien 42
2638 American Graffiti film American Graffiti 42
2639 American Idiot album American Idiot 42
2640 Andorra in the Eurovision Song Contest Andorra beim Eurovision Song Contest 42
2641 Anunnaki Anunnaki 42
2642 Arab–Byzantine wars war Arabisch-Byzantinische Kriege (d:Q29100) 42
2643 Basingstoke town Basingstoke 42
2644 Amber Room room Bernsteinzimmer 42
2645 Bill Nye human Bill Nye 42
2646 Bleach album Bleach 42
2647 Lead poisoning Bleivergiftung 42
2648 Born This Way song Born This Way 42
2649 Cuvier's dwarf caiman taxon Brauen-Glattstirnkaiman 42
2650 Breaking Benjamin rock band Breaking Benjamin 42
2651 The Brothers Grimm film Brothers Grimm 42
2652 Angolan Civil War civil war Bürgerkrieg in Angola 42
2653 B'Day album B’Day 42
2654 Criss Angel human Criss Angel 42
2655 Decompression sickness disease Dekompressionskrankheit 42
2656 Dominic Thiem human Dominic Thiem 42
2657 Lipid bilayer Doppellipidschicht 42
2658 Iron(III) chloride chemical compound Eisen(III)-chlorid 42
2659 Elf Middle-earth race Elben 42
2660 Emi Koussi shield volcano Emi Koussi 42
2661 Evan Almighty film Evan Allmächtig 42
2662 2010 FIFA World Cup Final final of the FIFA World Cup Finale der Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2010 42
2663 Flag of Guernsey national flag Flagge Guernseys 42
2664 Gateway of India triumphal arch Gateway of India 42
2665 Mountain railways of India group of structures or buildings Gebirgseisenbahnen in Indien 42
2666 Phallus impudicus taxon Gemeine Stinkmorchel 42
2667 Genelia D'Souza human Genelia D’Souza 42
2668 Geoffroy's spider monkey taxon Geoffroy-Klammeraffe 42
2669 Battle of the Trench battle Grabenschlacht 42
2670 King of Kings noble title Großkönig 42
2671 2012 Delhi gang rape and murder gang rape Gruppenvergewaltigung in Delhi 2012 42
2672 Hawaii Five-0 television series Hawaii Five-0 42
2673 Hero of the Russian Federation Held der Russischen Föderation 42
2674 Hope Solo human Hope Solo 42
2675 International Finance Corporation organization Internationale Finanz-Corporation 42
2676 Ionian Revolt war Ionischer Aufstand 42
2677 Iveta Mukuchyan human Iveta Mukuchyan 42
2678 Jeremy Lin human Jeremy Lin 42
2679 John Bauer human John Bauer 42
2680 John Hancock human John Hancock 42
2681 Jon Snow fictional human Jon Schnee (d:Q3183235) 42
2682 Judas song Judas 42
2683 Kate Millett human Kate Millett 42
2684 Kavad I human Kavadh I. 42
2685 Keith Moon human Keith Moon 42
2686 Ken Livingstone human Ken Livingstone 42
2687 Coloman, King of Hungary human Koloman 42
2688 Lahore Fort fort Lahore Fort 42
2689 Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events film Lemony Snicket – Rätselhafte Ereignisse 42
2690 Cotton-top tamarin taxon Lisztaffe 42
2691 Louise of Mecklenburg-Strelitz human Luise von Mecklenburg-Strelitz 42
2692 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. television series Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 42
2693 Meddle album Meddle 42
2694 Sea level rise Meeresspiegelanstieg seit 1850 42
2695 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-1 fighter Mikojan-Gurewitsch MiG-1 42
2696 Mina human Mina 42
2697 Mithridates I of Parthia human Mithridates I. 42
2698 Monk seal taxon Mönchsrobben 42
2699 Nabonidus human Nabonid 42
2700 Pirin National Park national park Nationalpark Pirin 42
2701 American bittern taxon Nordamerikanische Rohrdommel 42
2702 Oscar Robertson human Oscar Robertson 42
2703 Ottawa Senators ice hockey team Ottawa Senators 42
2704 Paranthropus boisei fossil taxon Paranthropus boisei 42
2705 Sawfly taxon Pflanzenwespen 42
2706 Poker Face song Poker Face 42
2707 Precious film Precious – Das Leben ist kostbar 42
2708 Romblon province of the Philippines Provinz Romblon 42
2709 Randy Pausch human Randy Pausch 42
2710 Resident Evil: Extinction film Resident Evil: Extinction 42
2711 Red-tailed hawk taxon Rotschwanzbussard 42
2712 Röyksopp electronica duo Röyksopp 42
2713 Sakura Haruno fictional human Sakura Haruno (d:Q203240) 42
2714 Sarnia city Sarnia 42
2715 Battle of Lake Trasimene battle Schlacht am Trasimenischen See 42
2716 Self-harm symptom Selbstverletzendes Verhalten 42
2717 Shaman King manga Shaman King 42
2718 Skathi moon of Saturn Skathi 42
2719 Spanish fly taxon Spanische Fliege 42
2720 SpongeBob SquarePants animated character SpongeBob Schwammkopf 42
2721 Stephanie McMahon human Stephanie McMahon 42
2722 Sukhoi Su-33 aircraft model Suchoi Su-33 42
2723 Survival horror video game genre Survival Horror 42
2724 Tara Lipinski human Tara Lipinski 42
2725 Telephone song Telephone 42
2726 The Allman Brothers Band musical group The Allman Brothers Band 42
2727 The Miz human The Miz 42
2728 Tibesti Mountains mountain range Tibesti 42
2729 Tony Benn human Tony Benn 42
2730 True Detective television series True Detective 42
2731 Trump Tower skyscraper Trump Tower 42
2732 Whitehall street Whitehall 42
2733 Wow! signal signal Wow!-Signal 42
2734 Zebra shark taxon Zebrahai 42
2735 Amr ibn al-As human ʿAmr ibn al-ʿĀs 42
2736 ...Baby One More Time album … Baby One More Time 42
2737 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days film 4 Monate, 3 Wochen und 2 Tage 41
2738 Adaptation film Adaption – Der Orchideen-Dieb 41
2739 German cruiser Admiral Graf Spee heavy cruiser Admiral Graf Spee 41
2740 Adolf Galland human Adolf Galland 41
2741 Alou Diarra human Alou Diarra 41
2742 Amon of Judah human Amon 41
2743 Anthony Davis human Anthony Davis 41
2744 Arsaces I of Parthia human Arsakes I. 41
2745 Australopithecus bahrelghazali fossil taxon Australopithecus bahrelghazali 41
2746 Australopithecus garhi fossil taxon Australopithecus garhi 41
2747 Beat It musical work/composition Beat It 41
2748 Belinda Bencic human Belinda Bencic 41
2749 Quoll taxon Beutelmarder 41
2750 Bifröst Norse mythical object Bifröst 41
2751 Blackford County, Indiana county of Indiana Blackford County 41
2752 Bloc Party rock band Bloc Party 41
2753 Béla I of Hungary human Béla I. 41
2754 Call of Duty 2 video game Call of Duty 2 41
2755 Carmarthenshire principal area of Wales Carmarthenshire 41
2756 Khaba human Chaba 41
2757 Circus album Circus 41
2758 Corythosaurus fossil taxon Corythosaurus 41
2759 Rum and Coke IBA official cocktail Cuba Libre 41
2760 Dál Riata historical country Dalriada 41
2761 Dangerously in Love album Dangerously in Love 41
2762 Darren Bent human Darren Bent 41
2763 De Havilland Comet aircraft family De Havilland DH.106 Comet 41
2764 Body of Lies film Der Mann, der niemals lebte 41
2765 The Royal Tenenbaums film Die Royal Tenenbaums 41
2766 Catching Fire written work Die Tribute von Panem – Gefährliche Liebe 41
2767 Dolph Ziggler human Dolph Ziggler 41
2768 Dumbo film Dumbo 41
2769 Thumbelina literary work Däumelinchen 41
2770 Ed Wood film Ed Wood 41
2771 Edward Burne-Jones human Edward Burne-Jones 41
2772 Enola Gay Boeing B-29 Superfortress Enola Gay 41
2773 Fallout video game Fallout 41
2774 Florence Pugh human Florence Pugh 41
2775 Melbourne Airport international airport Flughafen Melbourne 41
2776 French Sudan colony Französisch-Sudan 41
2777 Friends with Benefits film Freunde mit gewissen Vorzügen 41
2778 Gavin Newsom human Gavin Newsom 41
2779 Born on the Fourth of July film Geboren am 4. Juli 41
2780 Common vampire bat taxon Gemeiner Vampir 41
2781 Georgia Tech institute of technology Georgia Institute of Technology 41
2782 Glastonbury Festival music festival Glastonbury Festival 41
2783 Gondor fictional kingdom Gondor 41
2784 Great spotted kiwi taxon Haastkiwi 41
2785 Hairspray film Hairspray 41
2786 Hammersmith & City line rapid transit railway line Hammersmith & City Line 41
2787 Harrison County, Indiana county of Indiana Harrison County 41
2788 Henry Rollins human Henry Rollins 41
2789 Historia Augusta literary work Historia Augusta 41
2790 Hold It Against Me song Hold It Against Me 41
2791 Homophony texture Homophonie 41
2792 Hormizd I human Hormizd I. 41
2793 Hotel California song Hotel California 41
2794 Intravenous therapy medical treatment Infusion 41
2795 Interferometry Interferometrie 41
2796 International Development Association specialized agency of the United Nations International Development Association 41
2797 Invincible album Invincible 41
2798 Jacques Rivette human Jacques Rivette 41
2799 Yakov Dzhugashvili human Jakow Iossifowitsch Dschugaschwili 41
2800 Japanese serow taxon Japanischer Serau 41
2801 Jimmy Greaves human Jimmy Greaves 41
2802 John Philip Sousa human John Philip Sousa 41
2803 Jon Moxley human Jon Moxley 41
2804 Joseph Merrick human Joseph Merrick 41
2805 Jumper film Jumper 41
2806 Nephrops norvegicus taxon Kaisergranat 41
2807 Kakashi Hatake fictional human Kakashi Hatake (d:Q1767) 41
2808 Kalimpong city Kalimpong 41
2809 Karađorđe human Karađorđe 41
2810 Kenyanthropus fossil taxon Kenyanthropus 41
2811 Kevin Nolan human Kevin Nolan 41
2812 Blacktip shark taxon Kleiner Schwarzspitzenhai 41
2813 Korean Air Lines Flight 007 aircraft shootdown Korean-Air-Lines-Flug 007 41
2814 War film film genre Kriegsfilm 41
2815 Kingdom of East Anglia kingdom Königreich East Anglia 41
2816 Led Zeppelin III album Led Zeppelin III 41
2817 Lotus position asana Lotossitz 41
2818 Mary of Hungary human Maria von Ungarn 41
2819 Mariner 1 space probe Mariner 1 41
2820 Bulk carrier ship type Massengutfrachter 41
2821 Match Point film Match Point 41
2822 Megalosaurus fossil taxon Megalosaurus 41
2823 Mojang Studios juridical person Mojang Studios 41
2824 Moons of Haumea astronomical object Mond des Haumea (d:Q848950) 41
2825 Monroe, Washington city in the United States Monroe 41
2826 Moses Malone human Moses Malone 41
2827 Nagapattinam city Nagapattinam 41
2828 New York Jets American football team New York Jets 41
2829 The New York Times Building skyscraper New York Times Tower 41
2830 Northern crested newt taxon Nördlicher Kammmolch 41
2831 Operation Dragoon conflict Operation Dragoon 41
2832 Eastern Province, Zambia province of Zambia Ostprovinz 41
2833 Paparazzi musical work/composition Paparazzi 41
2834 Paranthropus aethiopicus fossil taxon Paranthropus aethiopicus 41
2835 Parineeti Chopra human Parineeti Chopra 41
2836 Tessellation artistic technique Parkettierung 41
2837 Patsy Cline human Patsy Cline 41
2838 Paul Robinson human Paul Robinson 41
2839 Perry Como human Perry Como 41
2840 Persona film Persona 41
2841 Peter, King of Hungary human Peter Orseolo 41
2842 Philip Larkin human Philip Larkin 41
2843 Piccadilly line rapid transit railway line Piccadilly Line 41
2844 The Princess Diaries feature film Plötzlich Prinzessin 41
2845 Qal'at al-Bahrain cultural heritage Qalʿat al-Bahrain 41
2846 Rachel Nichols human Rachel Nichols 41
2847 Sai Baba of Shirdi human Sai Baba 41
2848 Shalmaneser V human Salmānu-ašarēd V. 41
2849 Sam Allardyce human Sam Allardyce 41
2850 Sauvignon blanc grape variety Sauvignon Blanc 41
2851 Saving Mr. Banks feature film Saving Mr. Banks 41
2852 The Quick and the Dead film Schneller als der Tod 41
2853 Scott Pilgrim vs. the World film Scott Pilgrim gegen den Rest der Welt 41
2854 Eurypterid taxon Seeskorpione 41
2855 Game Gear product model Sega Game Gear 41
2856 Shaun of the Dead film Shaun of the Dead 41
2857 Sidney Crosby human Sidney Crosby 41
2858 Silence film Silence 41
2859 Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz human Sophie Charlotte zu Mecklenburg-Strelitz 41
2860 Steve Jobs film Steve Jobs 41
2861 Syracuse University private university Syracuse University 41
2862 Tammy Abraham human Tammy Abraham 41
2863 The Byrds musical group The Byrds 41
2864 The Edge of Glory single The Edge of Glory 41
2865 Theodore I Laskaris human Theodor I. 41
2866 Thin Lizzy musical group Thin Lizzy 41
2867 Till the World Ends song Till the World Ends 41
2868 Toronto FC association football club Toronto FC 41
2869 Constitution of 3 May 1791 constitution Verfassung vom 3. Mai 1791 41
2870 Víðarr Norse deity Vidar 41
2871 West Highland White Terrier dog breed West Highland White Terrier 41
2872 Host Wirt 41
2873 Wolf 359 star Wolf 359 41
2874 Zaprešić town Zaprešić 41
2875 First World classification scheme (d:Q876830) 40
2876 Adolfo Rodríguez Saá human Adolfo Rodríguez Saá 40
2877 Agar.io video game Agar.io 40
2878 Agrippina the Elder human Agrippina die Ältere 40
2879 Alejandro song Alejandro 40
2880 Princess Alice of the United Kingdom human Alice von Großbritannien und Irland 40
2881 Amrullah Saleh human Amrullah Saleh 40
2882 Andrea Dworkin human Andrea Dworkin 40
2883 Andrew III of Hungary human Andreas III. 40
2884 Aphrodite album Aphrodite 40
2885 Armenian Revolutionary Federation political party Armenische Revolutionäre Föderation 40
2886 Avro Vulcan aircraft family Avro Vulcan 40
2887 London Paddington station dead-end railway station Bahnhof Paddington 40
2888 Bank of America Tower skyscraper Bank of America Tower 40
2889 Bianca Andreescu human Bianca Andreescu 40
2890 Billy Talent musical group Billy Talent 40
2891 Biological pest control Biologische Schädlingsbekämpfung 40
2892 Blackout album Blackout 40
2893 Bob Cousy human Bob Cousy 40
2894 Boeing E-3 Sentry aircraft family Boeing E-3 40
2895 Bridge to Terabithia feature film Brücke nach Terabithia 40
2896 Burebista human Burebista 40
2897 Cardcaptor Sakura manga series Card Captor Sakura 40
2898 Carli Lloyd human Carli Lloyd 40
2899 Casino Royale film Casino Royale 40
2900 Christina Milian human Christina Milian 40
2901 55 Cancri binary star Copernicus 40
2902 Dal Lake lake Dal-See 40
2903 Daredevil film Daredevil 40
2904 Girl with a Pearl Earring film Das Mädchen mit dem Perlenohrring 40
2905 Deportation of the Crimean Tatars deportation Deportation der Krimtataren (d:Q1775286) 40
2906 One Ring plot device Der Eine Ring 40
2907 Devdas film Devdas – Flamme unserer Liebe 40
2908 Uppsala Cathedral tourist attraction Dom zu Uppsala 40
2909 Dumuzid god Dumuzi 40
2910 Dwarka town Dwarka 40
2911 Einsatzgruppen death squad Einsatzgruppen der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD 40
2912 Falkirk Wheel boat lift Falkirk Wheel 40
2913 Fanny Mendelssohn human Fanny Hensel 40
2914 Far Cry 4 video game Far Cry 4 40
2915 Gaius Caesar human Gaius Caesar 40
2916 Northern mockingbird taxon Gartenspottdrossel 40
2917 A Goofy Movie animated feature film Goofy – Der Film 40
2918 Gregory of Narek human Gregor von Narek 40
2919 Hepatitis E notifiable disease Hepatitis E 40
2920 Bengal famine of 1943 famine Hungersnot in Bengalen 1943 40
2921 Ibrox Stadium association football venue Ibrox Stadium 40
2922 IndiGo airline IndiGo Airlines 40
2923 Jack Charlton human Jack Charlton 40
2924 Japanese idol profession Japanisches Idol 40
2925 Black September civil war Jordanischer Bürgerkrieg 40
2926 Just Dance song Just Dance 40
2927 Kaloyan of Bulgaria human Kalojan 40
2928 Kentrosaurus fossil taxon Kentrosaurus 40
2929 Russell's viper taxon Kettenviper 40
2930 Royal antelope taxon Kleinstböckchen 40
2931 Coevolution concept Koevolution 40
2932 Constantine III human Konstantin III. 40
2933 Lagaan film Lagaan – Es war einmal in Indien 40
2934 Lake Stevens, Washington city in the United States Lake Stevens 40
2935 Bringing Up Baby film Leoparden küßt man nicht 40
2936 Linfield F.C. association football club Linfield FC 40
2937 LoveGame song LoveGame 40
2938 Manal al-Sharif human Manal al-Sharif 40
2939 Manchester by the Sea film Manchester by the Sea 40
2940 Marina Diamandis human Marina 40
2941 Windows 3.0 operating system Microsoft Windows 3.0 40
2942 Michael the Brave human Mihai Viteazul 40
2943 Mississippi Burning film Mississippi Burning – Die Wurzel des Hasses 40
2944 Music of the Sun album Music of the Sun 40
2945 Nick Griffin human Nick Griffin 40
2946 Norwegian Forest cat cat breed Norwegische Waldkatze 40
2947 Okonomiyaki Okonomiyaki 40
2948 Parsifal dramatico-musical work Parsifal 40
2949 Peyton Manning human Peyton Manning 40
2950 Physical Graffiti album Physical Graffiti 40
2951 President of Belarus position Präsident von Belarus (d:Q1049659) 40
2952 Rahm Emanuel human Rahm Emanuel 40
2953 Red Dead Redemption video game Red Dead Redemption 40
2954 Resident Evil: Afterlife film Resident Evil: Afterlife 40
2955 Hippeastrum taxon Rittersterne 40
2956 Rocky Balboa film Rocky Balboa 40
2957 Samwise Gamgee Hobbit Samweis Gamdschie 40
2958 Śāriputra mythical character Sariputta 40
2959 The Satanic Bible religious text Satanische Bibel 40
2960 Saw 3D film Saw 3D – Vollendung 40
2961 Cries and Whispers film Schreie und Flüstern 40
2962 Sheamus human Sheamus 40
2963 Shinano River river Shinano 40
2964 South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut film South Park: Der Film – größer, länger, ungeschnitten 40
2965 Space Launch System vehicle model Space Launch System 40
2966 Special Air Service United Kingdom Special Forces Special Air Service 40
2967 Steve Davis human Steve Davis 40
2968 Buenos Aires Underground rapid transit Subterráneos de Buenos Aires 40
2969 The Legend of Zelda video game The Legend of Zelda 40
2970 Theodora human Theodora II. 40
2971 Death of Adolf Hitler suicide Tod von Adolf Hitler (d:Q1993476) 40
2972 Tomb Raider video game Tomb Raider 40
2973 Waterspout Wasserhose (d:Q1022922) 40
2974 Woolworth Building skyscraper Woolworth Building 40
2975 Wyatt Earp human Wyatt Earp 40
2976 X&Y album X&Y 40
2977 Yaoi anime and manga genre Yaoi 40
2978 You and I song Yoü and I 40
2979 Zygmunt Krasiński human Zygmunt Krasiński 40
2980 Thinis lost city (d:Q1153959) 39
2981 30 Rock television series 30 Rock 39
2982 A Saucerful of Secrets album A Saucerful of Secrets 39
2983 Tomorrowland feature film A World Beyond 39
2984 Adam Clayton human Adam Clayton 39
2985 American Cocker Spaniel dog breed Amerikanischer Cocker Spaniel 39
2986 Andean cock-of-the-rock taxon Andenfelsenhahn 39
2987 Andrew Fisher human Andrew Fisher 39
2988 Poor Folk literary work Arme Leute 39
2989 Atom Heart Mother album Atom Heart Mother 39
2990 Assassination of Abraham Lincoln political murder Attentat auf Abraham Lincoln 39
2991 Azure Window natural arch Azure Window 39
2992 Bahram I human Bahram I. 39
2993 Bahram II human Bahram II. 39
2994 Barnum effect cognitive bias Barnum-Effekt 39
2995 Batgirl comics character Batgirl 39
2996 Bessus human Bessos 39
2997 The Blair Witch Project film Blair Witch Project 39
2998 Boromir Middle-earth man Boromir 39
2999 Buddhaghosa human Buddhaghosa 39
3000 Burns, Oregon county seat Burns 39
3001 Béla II of Hungary human Béla II. 39
3002 Caernarfon Castle castle Caernarfon Castle 39
3003 Cirque du Soleil circus Cirque du Soleil 39
3004 Confessions on a Dance Floor album Confessions on a Dance Floor 39
3005 Credit Suisse bank Credit Suisse 39
3006 Deep Impact space probe Deep Impact 39
3007 The Day the Earth Stood Still film Der Tag, an dem die Erde stillstand 39
3008 Dreaming of You album Dreaming of You 39
3009 EVA Air airline EVA Air 39
3010 Earth Song song Earth Song 39
3011 Emeric, King of Hungary human Emmerich 39
3012 Eric Cartman animated character Eric Cartman 39
3013 Fever album Fever 39
3014 Brazil v Germany semi-final Fußball-WM-Halbfinale Brasilien – Deutschland 2014 39
3015 G.I. Joe: Retaliation film G.I. Joe – Die Abrechnung 39
3016 G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra film G.I. Joe – Geheimauftrag Cobra 39
3017 Carcinus maenas taxon Gemeine Strandkrabbe 39
3018 Gennady Yanayev human Gennadi Iwanowitsch Janajew 39
3019 Gin Tama manga series Gin Tama 39
3020 Godzilla film Godzilla 39
3021 Gothic War war Gotenkrieg 39
3022 Great hammerhead taxon Großer Hammerhai 39
3023 Great Zab river Großer Zab 39
3024 Goo Hara human Gu Hara 39
3025 Géza I of Hungary human Géza I. 39
3026 Géza II of Hungary human Géza II. 39
3027 HIStory: Past, Present and Future, Book I album HIStory – Past, Present and Future Book I 39
3028 HMS Dreadnought battleship HMS Dreadnought 39
3029 Hatha yoga Hatha Yoga 39
3030 Haakon IV of Norway human Håkon IV. 39
3031 Indonesian National Revolution war Indonesischer Unabhängigkeitskrieg 39
3032 Iran–Contra affair political scandal Iran-Contra-Affäre 39
3033 István Szabó human István Szabó 39
3034 John of Brienne human Johann von Brienne 39
3035 John Gotti human John Gotti 39
3036 John Wayne Gacy human John Wayne Gacy 39
3037 Julia Domna human Julia Domna 39
3038 The 40-Year-Old Virgin film Jungfrau (40), männlich, sucht … 39
3039 Cambodian Civil War civil war Kambodschanischer Bürgerkrieg 39
3040 Battle of Valmy battle Kanonade von Valmy 39
3041 Dwarf sperm whale taxon Kleiner Pottwal 39
3042 Klondike Gold Rush occurrence Klondike-Goldrausch 39
3043 Concept album recording industry term Konzeptalbum 39
3044 Piper cubeba taxon Kubeben-Pfeffer 39
3045 Copper(I) chloride chemical compound Kupfer(I)-chlorid 39
3046 L.A. Woman album L. A. Woman 39
3047 Ladislaus III of Hungary human Ladislaus III. 39
3048 Little Women film Little Women 39
3049 Loud album Loud 39
3050 Madison Keys human Madison Keys 39
3051 Magnus Barefoot human Magnus III. 39
3052 Malcolm II of Scotland human Malcolm II. 39
3053 Marry the Night single Marry the Night 39
3054 Mass Effect video game Mass Effect 39
3055 Matt Hardy human Matt Hardy 39
3056 Max Steiner human Max Steiner 39
3057 Meet the Parents film Meine Braut, ihr Vater und ich 39
3058 Washington Metro rapid transit Metro Washington 39
3059 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-9 aircraft Mikojan-Gurewitsch MiG-9 39
3060 Miri big city Miri 39
3061 Moonrise Kingdom film Moonrise Kingdom 39
3062 Nairobi National Park national park Nairobi-Nationalpark 39
3063 New World Order conspiracy theory Neue Weltordnung 39
3064 New Guinea crocodile taxon Neuguinea-Krokodil 39
3065 Neuroblastoma Neuroblastom 39
3066 Osteogenesis imperfecta rare disease Osteogenesis imperfecta 39
3067 Parinacota volcano Parinacota 39
3068 Patrice Chéreau human Patrice Chéreau 39
3069 Seth-Peribsen human Peribsen 39
3070 Pied-Noir ethnic group Pied-noir 39
3071 Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire video game Pokémon Rubin- und Saphir-Edition 39
3072 Poutine dish Poutine 39
3073 Pudu taxon Pudus 39
3074 Chough taxon Pyrrhocorax (d:Q1971364) 39
3075 Riesling grape variety Riesling 39
3076 Rudolf Abel human Rudolf Iwanowitsch Abel 39
3077 Amami rabbit taxon Ryukyu-Kaninchen 39
3078 Croatian Parliament unicameral legislature Sabor 39
3079 Salt film Salt 39
3080 Battle of Antietam battle Schlacht am Antietam 39
3081 Battle of the Trebia battle Schlacht an der Trebia 39
3082 Siege of Yorktown battle Schlacht bei Yorktown 39
3083 German invasion of the Netherlands battle Schlacht um die Niederlande 39
3084 Highland cattle cattle breed Schottisches Hochlandrind 39
3085 Serdar Tasci human Serdar Taşçı 39
3086 Sif Norse mythical character Sif 39
3087 Skaði personification Skadi 39
3088 Sonic the Hedgehog video game Sonic the Hedgehog 39
3089 St. Patrick's Cathedral Catholic cathedral St. Patrick’s Cathedral 39
3090 Stanley Donen human Stanley Donen 39
3091 Stephen V of Hungary human Stephan V. 39
3092 Sun Yang human Sun Yang 39
3093 Super Mario Bros. 3 video game Super Mario Bros. 3 39
3094 A Thousand Splendid Suns literary work Tausend strahlende Sonnen 39
3095 Tet Offensive military campaign Tet-Offensive 39
3096 The Importance of Being Earnest literary work The Importance of Being Earnest 39
3097 The Soft Parade album The Soft Parade 39
3098 Walls of Constantinople defensive wall Theodosianische Mauer 39
3099 Low-pressure area pressure system Tiefdruckgebiet 39
3100 Thomas P. Stafford human Tom Stafford 39
3101 2011 Tour de France Tour de France Tour de France 2011 39
3102 2015 Tour de France Tour de France Tour de France 2015 39
3103 Tranmere Rovers F.C. association football club Tranmere Rovers 39
3104 Bottlenose dolphin taxon Tursiops 39
3105 2015 UEFA Champions League Final UEFA Champions League final UEFA-Champions-League-Finale 2015 39
3106 William Blackstone human William Blackstone 39
3107 Yeardley Smith human Yeardley Smith 39
3108 Central Province, Zambia province of Zambia Zentralprovinz 39
3109 Cookiecutter shark taxon Zigarrenhai 39
3110 Dwarf Middle-earth race Zwerg 39
3111 Urban heat island phenomenon städtische Wärmeinsel (d:Q215712) 39
3112 21st Century Breakdown album 21st Century Breakdown 38
3113 Al Franken human Al Franken 38
3114 All I Want for Christmas Is You musical work/composition All I Want for Christmas Is You 38
3115 Althea Gibson human Althea Gibson 38
3116 Andrew I of Hungary human Andreas I. 38
3117 Anne Hyde human Anne Hyde 38
3118 Aposematism biological process Aposematismus 38
3119 Archaeoastronomy archaeological sub-discipline Archäoastronomie 38
3120 The Shire fictional country Auenland (d:Q218728) 38
3121 London Victoria station dead-end railway station Bahnhof London Victoria 38
3122 London Waterloo station dead-end railway station Bahnhof London Waterloo 38
3123 St Pancras railway station railway station Bahnhof St Pancras 38
3124 Benedict Arnold human Benedict Arnold 38
3125 Benjamin Lee Whorf human Benjamin Lee Whorf 38
3126 Mountain nyala taxon Bergnyala 38
3127 Black Holes and Revelations album Black Holes and Revelations 38
3128 The Texas Chain Saw Massacre film Blutgericht in Texas 38
3129 Body Language album Body Language 38
3130 Brigham Young University private university Brigham Young University 38
3131 Britney album Britney 38
3132 Rivendell Middle-earth locality Bruchtal 38
3133 Burkhan Khaldun mountain Burchan Chaldun 38
3134 Castles and Town Walls of King Edward in Gwynedd group of structures or buildings Burgen und Stadtmauern von König Eduard in Gwynedd 38
3135 Chacma baboon taxon Bärenpavian 38
3136 Chennai Express film Chennai Express 38
3137 Clindamycin medication Clindamycin 38
3138 Codex Vaticanus manuscript Codex Vaticanus Graecus 1209 38
3139 Cubzac-les-Ponts commune of France Cubzac-les-Ponts 38
3140 Roman Dacia Roman province Dakien 38
3141 Ender's Game literary work Das große Spiel 38
3142 Cool Hand Luke film Der Unbeugsame 38
3143 Donny van de Beek human Donny van de Beek 38
3144 Eh, Eh song Eh, Eh 38
3145 Einherjar grouping of characters in Norse mythology Einherjer 38
3146 Near-Earth object Erdnahes Objekt 38
3147 Eva Cassidy human Eva Cassidy 38
3148 Coprinopsis atramentaria taxon Falten-Tintling 38
3149 Finnegans Wake literary work Finnegans Wake 38
3150 Flag of the Cayman Islands national flag Flagge der Cayman Islands 38
3151 Fraser Forster human Fraser Forster 38
3152 Geraldine Ferraro human Geraldine Ferraro 38
3153 Getty Center art museum Getty Center 38
3154 Global dimming atmospheric phenomenon Globale Verdunkelung 38
3155 God of War video game God of War 38
3156 Gojira musical group Gojira 38
3157 Gordon Cooper human Gordon Cooper 38
3158 Grey reef shark taxon Grauer Riffhai 38
3159 Western green mamba taxon Grüne Mamba 38
3160 Hilton Head Island, South Carolina town in the United States Hilton Head Island 38
3161 Hormizd II human Hormizd II. 38
3162 Horst Wessel human Horst Wessel 38
3163 Hugo Steinhaus human Hugo Steinhaus 38
3164 IPad 2 model series IPad 2 38
3165 Iga Świątek human Iga Świątek 38
3166 Industrial music music genre Industrial 38
3167 Philippe Leclerc de Hauteclocque human Jacques-Philippe Leclerc de Hauteclocque 38
3168 Jan Henryk Dąbrowski human Jan Henryk Dąbrowski 38
3169 Jeannette Rankin human Jeannette Rankin 38
3170 Jeff Hanneman human Jeff Hanneman 38
3171 Jonathan Groff human Jonathan Groff 38
3172 Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2014 Junior Eurovision Song Contest edition Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2014 38
3173 Jurassic Coast coast Jurassic Coast 38
3174 Kalākaua human Kalākaua 38
3175 Canadians nation Kanadier (d:Q1196645) 38
3176 Karen Carpenter human Karen Carpenter 38
3177 Klaus Fuchs human Klaus Fuchs 38
3178 Congo Crisis conflict Kongo-Krise 38
3179 Kylie album Kylie 38
3180 Lake Worth Beach, Florida city in the United States Lake Worth Beach 38
3181 Larry Mullen Jr. human Larry Mullen, Jr. 38
3182 Leicester Square square Leicester Square 38
3183 Life Is Strange video game Life Is Strange 38
3184 Mani Ratnam human Mani Ratnam 38
3185 Mary of Modena human Maria Beatrice d’Este 38
3186 Boston Massacre Massaker von Boston 38
3187 Mill Creek, Washington city in the United States Mill Creek 38
3188 Moria fictional location Moria 38
3189 National Coalition Party political party Nationale Sammlungspartei 38
3190 Legally Blonde film Natürlich blond 38
3191 Neurolinguistics interdisciplinary science Neurolinguistik 38
3192 Egyptian fruit bat taxon Nilflughund 38
3193 Panic Room film Panic Room 38
3194 Panzer 35(t) combat vehicle family Panzerkampfwagen 35(t) 38
3195 The Lightning Thief written work Percy Jackson – Diebe im Olymp 38
3196 Peroz I human Peroz I. 38
3197 Prester John mythical character Priesterkönig Johannes 38
3198 Priory of Sion fictional organization Prieuré de Sion 38
3199 Raynald of Châtillon human Renaud de Châtillon 38
3200 Richard Hamming human Richard Hamming 38
3201 Rise Against rock band Rise Against 38
3202 River Avon, Bristol river River Avon 38
3203 Saluki dog breed Saluki 38
3204 Saw VI film Saw VI 38
3205 Second Battle of Kharkov battle Schlacht bei Charkow 38
3206 Battle of Aachen battle Schlacht um Aachen 38
3207 Battlecruiser ship type Schlachtkreuzer 38
3208 Sofia Kenin human Sofia Kenin 38
3209 Stephen III of Hungary human Stephan III. 38
3210 Stephen Breyer human Stephen Breyer 38
3211 Steven Moffat human Steven Moffat 38
3212 Still Alice film Still Alice – Mein Leben ohne Gestern 38
3213 Modern synthesis theory of evolution Synthetische Evolutionstheorie 38
3214 Samuel Aba human Sámuel Aba 38
3215 Spanish American wars of independence war of national liberation Südamerikanische Unabhängigkeitskriege 38
3216 Cancer pagurus taxon Taschenkrebs 38
3217 The Number of the Beast album The Number of the Beast 38
3218 The Rocky Horror Picture Show film The Rocky Horror Picture Show 38
3219 Tomb Raider video game Tomb Raider 38
3220 2013 Tour de France Tour de France Tour de France 2013 38
3221 2014 Tour de France Tour de France Tour de France 2014 38
3222 2017 Tour de France Tour de France Tour de France 2017 38
3223 Toxicity album Toxicity 38
3224 Ummagumma album Ummagumma 38
3225 Vanadinite mineral species Vanadinit 38
3226 Weathering with You anime film Weathering With You – Das Mädchen, das die Sonne berührte 38
3227 Whitetip reef shark taxon Weißspitzen-Riffhai 38
3228 Mathematical economics academic discipline Wirtschaftsmathematik 38
3229 X album X 38
3230 Yazdegerd I human Yazdegerd I. 38
3231 Yuri anime and manga genre Yuri 38
3232 38628 Huya asteroid (38628) Huya 37
3233 2008 UEFA Champions League Final association football final (d:Q645861) 37
3234 40 Wall Street skyscraper 40 Wall Street 37
3235 A Perfect Circle musical group A Perfect Circle 37
3236 Abby Wambach human Abby Wambach 37
3237 Alesha Dixon human Alesha Dixon 37
3238 Religion in pre-Islamic Arabia mythology Altarabische Gottheiten 37
3239 Andreas Thorkildsen human Andreas Thorkildsen 37
3240 Anna Muzychuk human Anna Musytschuk 37
3241 Ask and Embla anthropogony Ask und Embla 37
3242 Bo Xilai human Bo Xilai 37
3243 Kyoto Animation arson attack arson Brandanschlag auf Kyōto Animation 37
3244 Brandenburg-Prussia personal union Brandenburg-Preußen 37
3245 Polygonia c-album taxon C-Falter 37
3246 Caldas da Rainha municipality of Portugal Caldas da Rainha 37
3247 Carl Michael Bellman human Carl Michael Bellman 37
3248 Carolina Marín human Carolina Marín 37
3249 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel dog breed Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 37
3250 Chyna human Chyna 37
3251 Clostridium tetani taxon Clostridium tetani 37
3252 Conwy Castle castle Conwy Castle 37
3253 Cú Chulainn legendary hero Cú Chulainn 37
3254 Danica Patrick human Danica Patrick 37
3255 David Archuleta human David Archuleta 37
3256 David Icke human David Icke 37
3257 Death Cab for Cutie musical group Death Cab for Cutie 37
3258 Deke Slayton human Deke Slayton 37
3259 The Blue Lotus comic book album Der Blaue Lotos 37
3260 The Murders in the Rue Morgue literary work Der Doppelmord in der Rue Morgue 37
3261 The Cat in the Hat written work Der Kater mit Hut (d:Q973053) 37
3262 Escape from New York film Die Klapperschlange 37
3263 The Last Airbender film Die Legende von Aang 37
3264 Doom 3 video game Doom 3 37
3265 Dornier Do 17 aircraft family Dornier Do 17 37
3266 Dylan and Cole Sprouse identical twins Dylan und Cole Sprouse (d:Q209511) 37
3267 Black Dahlia human Elizabeth Short 37
3268 FN P90 firearm model FN P90 37
3269 2006 FIFA World Cup Final final of the FIFA World Cup Finale der Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2006 (d:Q268567) 37
3270 Fleet Street street Fleet Street 37
3271 Fraizer Campbell human Fraizer Campbell 37
3272 Gary Johnson human Gary E. Johnson 37
3273 George Armitage Miller human George Armitage Miller 37
3274 History of Singapore aspect of history Geschichte Singapurs 37
3275 Ghost in the Shell anime film Ghost in the Shell 37
3276 Giant golden-crowned flying fox taxon Goldkronen-Flughund 37
3277 Greg LeMond human Greg LeMond 37
3278 Great Plague of London plague epidemic Große Pest von London 37
3279 Grand Palace royal palace Großer Palast 37
3280 HD 209458 b hot Jupiter HD 209458 b 37
3281 Harrisburg, Illinois county seat Harrisburg 37
3282 Hermann Fegelein human Hermann Fegelein 37
3283 Hina Rabbani Khar human Hina Rabbani Khar 37
3284 Hot Fuzz film Hot Fuzz – Zwei abgewichste Profis 37
3285 Houses of the Holy album Houses of the Holy 37
3286 Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters film Hänsel und Gretel: Hexenjäger 37
3287 Imran Khan human Imran Khan (d:Q312781) 37
3288 In the Zone album In the Zone 37
3289 Inside Man film Inside Man 37
3290 Jenna Haze human Jenna Haze 37
3291 Jessye Norman human Jessye Norman 37
3292 John Toshack human John Toshack 37
3293 Fighting game video game genre Kampfspiel 37
3294 Killswitch Engage musical group Killswitch Engage 37
3295 Kowloon Walled City human settlement Kowloon Walled City 37
3296 Kratos titan Kratos 37
3297 Kumbakonam human settlement Kumbakonam 37
3298 Laura Robson human Laura Robson 37
3299 Let Go album Let Go 37
3300 Lewis Holtby human Lewis Holtby 37
3301 Light Years album Light Years 37
3302 Lost Highway film Lost Highway 37
3303 Luapula Province province of Zambia Luapula 37
3304 Sejanus human Lucius Aelius Seianus 37
3305 Ludwig Augustinsson human Ludwig Augustinsson 37
3306 Lê Duẩn human Lê Duẩn 37
3307 Madagascar Plan plan Madagaskarplan 37
3308 Mary Jackson human Mary Jackson 37
3309 Maximilian von Spee human Maximilian von Spee 37
3310 Michel Aflaq human Michel Aflaq 37
3311 Motte-and-bailey castle Motte 37
3312 Mukilteo, Washington city in the United States Mukilteo (d:Q1507307) 37
3313 Huascarán National Park national park of Peru Nationalpark Huascarán 37
3314 Nazgûl fictional group of characters Nazgûl 37
3315 Hypoglossal nerve cranial nervi Nervus hypoglossus 37
3316 Nigella Lawson human Nigella Lawson 37
3317 Nimitz-class aircraft carrier ship class Nimitz-Klasse 37
3318 Omak, Washington city in the United States Omak 37
3319 Patrick Moore human Patrick Moore 37
3320 Patrik Berger human Patrik Berger 37
3321 Peng Dehuai human Peng Dehuai 37
3322 PlayStation organization PlayStation 37
3323 Pokémon Gold and Silver video game Pokémon Goldene und Silberne Edition 37
3324 Rohan fictional kingdom Riddermark 37
3325 Bohor reedbuck taxon Riedbock 37
3326 Royal Tunbridge Wells town Royal Tunbridge Wells 37
3327 SEPECAT Jaguar aircraft family SEPECAT Jaguar 37
3328 Satoshi Kon human Satoshi Kon 37
3329 Battle of Bunker Hill battle Schlacht von Bunker Hill 37
3330 Battle of Mycale battle Schlacht von Mykale 37
3331 Schlumbergera taxon Schlumbergera 37
3332 Dusky dolphin taxon Schwarzdelfin 37
3333 Pest control industry Schädlingsbekämpfung 37
3334 Scott Carson human Scott Carson 37
3335 Scott Kelly human Scott Joseph Kelly 37
3336 Shaun Murphy human Shaun Murphy 37
3337 Solomon Asch human Solomon Asch 37
3338 City of Angels film Stadt der Engel 37
3339 Stefanos Tsitsipas human Stefanos Tsitsipas 37
3340 Storm surge Sturmflut 37
3341 Sunda slow loris taxon Sunda-Plumplori 37
3342 Surtr eldjötnar Surt 37
3343 Taapsee Pannu human Taapsee Pannu (d:Q7672815) 37
3344 Paro Taktsang Buddhist temple Taktshang 37
3345 Tefillin Tefillin 37
3346 Tetricus I human Tetricus I. 37
3347 The Last of Us Part II video game The Last of Us Part II 37
3348 The Room film The Room 37
3349 2016 Tour de France Tour de France Tour de France 2016 37
3350 True Blue album True Blue 37
3351 Unbiunium chemical element Unbiunium 37
3352 Pelvic inflammatory disease Unterleibsentzündung 37
3353 Vanilla Ice human Vanilla Ice 37
3354 Warcraft: Orcs & Humans video game Warcraft: Orcs & Humans 37
3355 Cicuta taxon Wasserschierlinge 37
3356 Weston-super-Mare town Weston-super-Mare 37
3357 Whitby town Whitby 37
3358 Wilsonville, Oregon city of Oregon Wilsonville 37
3359 Yeovil town Yeovil 37
3360 Yuzuru Hanyu human Yuzuru Hanyū 37
3361 Second Northern War conflict Zweiter Nordischer Krieg 37
3362 Pygmy three-toed sloth taxon Zwergfaultier 37
3363 Miniature Schnauzer dog breed Zwergschnauzer 37
3364 International airport internationaler Flughafen (d:Q644371) 37
3365 Áo dài Áo dài 37
3366 Gladstone, Oregon city of Oregon (d:Q1778831) 36
3367 A Rush of Blood to the Head album A Rush of Blood to the Head 36
3368 Air India Express Flight 1344 aircraft crash Air-India-Express-Flug 1344 36
3369 Al-Azhar Mosque mosque Al-Azhar-Moschee 36
3370 Fustat human settlement Al-Fustat 36
3371 Alligator gar taxon Alligatorhecht 36
3372 Amphicoelias fossil taxon Amphicoelias 36
3373 Arab Christians ethnic group Arabische Christen 36
3374 2010 Asian Games multi-sport event Asienspiele 2010 36
3375 Beaumaris Castle castle Beaumaris Castle 36
3376 Belgian Shepherd dog breed Belgischer Schäferhund 36
3377 Bernadette Peters human Bernadette Peters 36
3378 Birbhum district district of India Birbhum 36
3379 Bruce Chatwin human Bruce Chatwin 36
3380 Buford, Georgia city in the United States Buford 36
3381 Nefertiti Bust sculpture Büste der Nofretete 36
3382 Chief Keef human Chief Keef 36
3383 Chris Wood human Chris Wood 36
3384 Codex Alexandrinus codex Codex Alexandrinus 36
3385 Crewe Alexandra F.C. association football club Crewe Alexandra 36
3386 Cunard Line business Cunard Line 36
3387 Cynthia Lennon human Cynthia Lennon 36
3388 DMC DeLorean automobile model DeLorean DMC-12 36
3389 The Mask of Zorro film Die Maske des Zorro 36
3390 American black duck taxon Dunkelente 36
3391 Elena Kagan human Elena Kagan 36
3392 Eldest literary work Eragon - Der Auftrag des Ältesten (d:Q308982) 36
3393 Erich Hoepner human Erich Hoepner 36
3394 Fallen album Fallen 36
3395 Farhan Akhtar human Farhan Akhtar 36
3396 Final Destination 2 film Final Destination 2 36
3397 Florida State University university Florida State University 36
3398 Forth programming language Forth 36
3399 Progress Party political party Fremskrittspartiet 36
3400 Deep frying food preparation technique Frittieren 36
3401 Gaara fictional human Gaara (d:Q221196) 36
3402 Yellow-bellied marmot taxon Gelbbauchmurmeltier 36
3403 Geography of Croatia geography of geographic location Geografie von Kroatien (d:Q215923) 36
3404 Common stingray taxon Gewöhnlicher Stechrochen 36
3405 Giselle ballet Giselle 36
3406 Gliese 581d visual artifact Gliese 581 d 36
3407 Go First airline Go First 36
3408 2008 Spanish Grand Prix Spanish Grand Prix Großer Preis von Spanien 2008 36
3409 Hammer-headed bat taxon Hammerkopf 36
3410 Hammond organ musical instrument model Hammondorgel 36
3411 Hawker Hunter aircraft family Hawker Hunter 36
3412 Henry Ward Beecher human Henry Ward Beecher 36
3413 Howard Staunton human Howard Staunton 36
3414 Indian flying fox taxon Indischer Riesenflughund 36
3415 Ip Man film Ip Man 36
3416 Ivan Asen I of Bulgaria human Iwan Assen I. 36
3417 John Sigismund Zápolya human Johann Sigismund Zápolya 36
3418 Jon Cryer human Jon Cryer 36
3419 Horrible Bosses film Kill the Boss 36
3420 King's Cross St Pancras tube station underground railway station King’s Cross St. Pancras 36
3421 Ladislaus IV of Hungary human Ladislaus IV. 36
3422 Lactifluus piperatus taxon Langstieliger Pfeffer-Milchling 36
3423 Lee Chong Wei human Lee Chong Wei 36
3424 Lucas Ocampos human Lucas Ocampos 36
3425 Lundy island Lundy 36
3426 Paddlefish taxon Löffelstöre 36
3427 MDNA album MDNA 36
3428 Machine Head musical group Machine Head 36
3429 Madonna album Madonna 36
3430 Mahadevi Varma human Mahadevi Varma 36
3431 Mark Bresciano human Mark Bresciano 36
3432 Squatina squatina taxon Meerengel 36
3433 Monica Geller fictional human Monica Geller 36
3434 Mount Baker mountain Mount Baker 36
3435 Accessory nerve cranial nervi Nervus accessorius 36
3436 Norman Finkelstein human Norman Finkelstein 36
3437 Númenor fictional country Númenor 36
3438 Obscured by Clouds album Obscured by Clouds 36
3439 Padma Bhushan award Padma Bhushan 36
3440 Parachutes album Parachutes 36
3441 Pippin Took Hobbit Peregrin Tuk 36
3442 Peter Prevc human Peter Prevc 36
3443 Peter Sarsgaard human Peter Sarsgaard 36
3444 Piccadilly road Piccadilly 36
3445 Pokémon Diamond and Pearl video game Pokémon Diamant- und Perl-Edition 36
3446 Power Rangers film Power Rangers 36
3447 Przemysł II human Przemysł II. 36
3448 President of Croatia position Präsident der Republik Kroatien 36
3449 Crinoline Reifrock (d:Q836084) 36
3450 Reinhard Scheer human Reinhard Scheer 36
3451 Resident Evil 3: Nemesis video game Resident Evil 3: Nemesis 36
3452 STS-125 human spaceflight STS-125 36
3453 Paige human Saraya-Jade Bevis 36
3454 Scarface film Scarface 36
3455 Shapur III human Schapur III. 36
3456 Shahid Khaqan Abbasi human Shahid Khaqan Abbasi 36
3457 Shriya Saran human Shriya Saran 36
3458 Mexican beaded lizard taxon Skorpion-Krustenechse 36
3459 South Jordan, Utah city in the United States South Jordan 36
3460 Speak Now album Speak Now 36
3461 Stephen II of Hungary human Stephan II. 36
3462 Sukhoi Su-37 aircraft model Suchoi Su-37 36
3463 Ink wash painting art movement Sumi-e 36
3464 Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area group of protected areas Tasmanische Wildnis 36
3465 The Hunting Party album The Hunting Party 36
3466 Masters Tournament organization The Masters Tournament 36
3467 Thurso town Thurso 36
3468 Tiktaalik fossil taxon Tiktaalik 36
3469 Trisomy X disorder of sex development Triple-X-Syndrom 36
3470 United Airlines Flight 175 aviation accident United-Airlines-Flug 175 36
3471 Up All Night album Up All Night (d:Q650284) 36
3472 Constitutional Convention constitutional convention Verfassungskonvent der Vereinigten Staaten 36
3473 Vlad II Dracul human Vlad II. Dracul 36
3474 Waka Waka song Waka Waka 36
3475 Wario fictional human Wario 36
3476 Watch Dogs video game Watch Dogs 36
3477 Waylon Jennings human Waylon Jennings 36
3478 Weather map type of map Wetterkarte 36
3479 Vladimir Bukovsky human Wladimir Konstantinowitsch Bukowski 36
3480 Álmos human Álmos 36
3481 70 Pine Street skyscraper 70 Pine Street 35
3482 Black-necked spitting cobra taxon Afrikanische Speikobra 35
3483 Mido human Ahmed Hossam 35
3484 Al-Khalid tank main battle tank Al-Khalid 35
3485 Amar pelos dois musical work/composition Amar pelos dois 35
3486 Amenemhat IV Amenemhet IV. 35
3487 Applause song Applause 35
3488 Armenian Quarter neighborhood of Jerusalem Armenisches Viertel von Jerusalem 35
3489 Asa Gray human Asa Gray 35
3490 Ben Amos human Ben Amos 35
3491 Biblical Hebrew language Bibelhebräisch (d:Q1982248) 35
3492 Colony collapse disorder bee disease Bienensterben 35
3493 Biman Bangladesh Airlines airline Biman Bangladesh Airlines 35
3494 Boran human Boran von Persien 35
3495 Bristol Rovers F.C. association football club Bristol Rovers 35
3496 Brugada syndrome rare disease Brugada-Syndrom 35
3497 Campbell's dwarf hamster taxon Campbell-Zwerghamster 35
3498 PAC/CAC JF-17 Thunder aircraft family Chengdu FC-1 35
3499 Christchurch, Dorset town Christchurch 35
3500 Christine Sinclair human Christine Sinclair 35
3501 Clydesdale horse horse breed Clydesdale 35
3502 Conservapedia MediaWiki wiki Conservapedia 35
3503 Jim Corbett National Park national park Corbett-Nationalpark 35
3504 Cowboys & Aliens film Cowboys & Aliens 35
3505 The Phantom of the Opera film Das Phantom der Oper 35
3506 Divergent written work Die Bestimmung 35
3507 Frozen Fever animated short film Die Eiskönigin – Party-Fieber 35
3508 The Color of Money film Die Farbe des Geldes 35
3509 Divine human Divine 35
3510 The Federalist Papers periodical Federalist Papers 35
3511 Ferris Bueller's Day Off film Ferris macht blau 35
3512 Final Destination 3 film Final Destination 3 35
3513 Final Fantasy video game Final Fantasy 35
3514 Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children anime film Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children 35
3515 Kempegowda International Airport international airport Flughafen Bengaluru 35
3516 Rajiv Gandhi International Airport international airport Flughafen Hyderabad 35
3517 Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose International Airport international airport Flughafen Kolkata 35
3518 Svalbard Airport, Longyear airport Flughafen Longyearbyen 35
3519 Fordham University university Fordham University 35
3520 Fox Terrier dog type Foxterrier 35
3521 Freaks film Freaks 35
3522 Friday the 13th film Freitag der 13. 35
3523 Gadsden Purchase geographic region Gadsden-Kauf 35
3524 George Mikan human George Mikan 35
3525 Gilbert and Sullivan duo Gilbert und Sullivan 35
3526 2008 Turkish Grand Prix Turkish Grand Prix Großer Preis der Türkei 2008 35
3527 2008 Australian Grand Prix Australian Grand Prix Großer Preis von Australien 2008 35
3528 Géza, Grand Prince of the Hungarians human Géza 35
3529 The Hustler film Haie der Großstadt 35
3530 Halo video game series Halo 35
3531 Hole rock band Hole 35
3532 Hormizd IV human Hormizd IV. 35
3533 Fallen angel biblical concept Höllensturz 35
3534 Inari Ōkami kami Inari 35
3535 Itanium brand Intel Itanium 35
3536 International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination treaty Internationales Übereinkommen zur Beseitigung jeder Form von Rassendiskriminierung 35
3537 Ion Creangă human Ion Creangă 35
3538 Jean de Lattre de Tassigny human Jean de Lattre de Tassigny 35
3539 John Morrison human John Morrison 35
3540 Jokhang temple Jokhang 35
3541 Cambodian–Vietnamese War war Kambodschanisch-Vietnamesischer Krieg 35
3542 Keeping Up with the Kardashians television program Keeping Up with the Kardashians 35
3543 Kenny McCormick animated character Kenny McCormick (d:Q47386) 35
3544 Kid A album Kid A 35
3545 Rhinanthus minor taxon Kleiner Klappertopf 35
3546 Koningsdag holiday Koningsdag 35
3547 Kyle Broflovski animated character Kyle Broflovski (d:Q47345) 35
3548 Cockroach organisms known by a particular common name Küchenschabe 35
3549 Drosera anglica taxon Langblättriger Sonnentau 35
3550 Longfin mako shark taxon Langflossen-Mako 35
3551 Licancabur stratovolcano Licancabur 35
3552 Like a Virgin album Like a Virgin 35
3553 List of counties in Delaware Wikimedia list article Liste der Countys in Delaware 35
3554 London Calling album London Calling 35
3555 Love Hina media franchise Love Hina 35
3556 Lothlórien fictional forest Lórien 35
3557 Mark Kelly human Mark Edward Kelly 35
3558 Mark Henry human Mark Henry 35
3559 St Mark's Campanile bell tower Markusturm 35
3560 Mary Dyer human Mary Dyer 35
3561 Mayawati human Mayawati 35
3562 McKinsey & Company consulting company McKinsey & Company 35
3563 McMaster University university in Ontario McMaster University 35
3564 MetLife Building skyscraper MetLife Building 35
3565 Mickie James human Mickie James 35
3566 Windows Server 2012 operating system Microsoft Windows Server 2012 35
3567 Mihail Kogălniceanu human Mihail Kogălniceanu 35
3568 Mireya Moscoso human Mireya Moscoso 35
3569 Mount Elbert mountain Mount Elbert 35
3570 National Register of Historic Places heritage register National Register of Historic Places 35
3571 Nikolai Tikhonov human Nikolai Alexandrowitsch Tichonow 35
3572 Nikolai Ryzhkov human Nikolai Iwanowitsch Ryschkow 35
3573 Orodes II human Orodes II. 35
3574 Orthodox Church in America Christian denomination Orthodoxe Kirche in Amerika 35
3575 Oxford United F.C. association football club Oxford United 35
3576 Padma Vibhushan award Padma Vibhushan 35
3577 Pelagianism Christian theological school Pelagianismus 35
3578 Phil Lynott human Phil Lynott 35
3579 P. G. T. Beauregard human Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard 35
3580 Pokémon Black and White video game Pokémon Schwarze und Weiße Edition 35
3581 Poliovirus taxon Poliovirus 35
3582 Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time video game Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time 35
3583 Project X film Project X 35
3584 Quantico television series Quantico 35
3585 Rachel Green fictional human Rachel Green (d:Q581353) 35
3586 Rated R album Rated R 35
3587 Raymond Leo Burke human Raymond Leo Burke 35
3588 Ronald Evans human Ronald Ellwin Evans 35
3589 Ronin film Ronin 35
3590 Rupi Kaur human Rupi Kaur 35
3591 Prince Rupert of the Rhine human Ruprecht von der Pfalz, Duke of Cumberland 35
3592 Solomon, King of Hungary human Salomon 35
3593 Sandakan city Sandakan 35
3594 Sangay mountain Sangay 35
3595 Sara Ramirez human Sara Ramírez 35
3596 Shahrbaraz human Schahrbaraz 35
3597 German battleship Scharnhorst battlecruiser Scharnhorst 35
3598 German invasion of Belgium battle Schlacht um Belgien 35
3599 Eriophorum angustifolium taxon Schmalblättriges Wollgras 35
3600 Forest cobra taxon Schwarzweiße Hutschlange 35
3601 Scottish Terrier dog breed Scottish Terrier 35
3602 Shannon Leto human Shannon Leto 35
3603 Sibu town Sibu 35
3604 Silvertip shark taxon Silberspitzenhai 35
3605 Snakes on a Plane film Snakes on a Plane 35
3606 Sól solar deity Sol 35
3607 Solange Knowles human Solange Knowles 35
3608 Apex predator Spitzenprädator 35
3609 St. Anger album St. Anger 35
3610 Steve Fossett human Steve Fossett 35
3611 The finger obscene gesture Stinkefinger 35
3612 Strand, London street Strand 35
3613 Super Smash Bros. video game series Super Smash Bros. 35
3614 Taylor Swift album Taylor Swift 35
3615 Tengu yōkai Tengu 35
3616 The 2nd Law album The 2nd Law 35
3617 The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past video game The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past 35
3618 The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess video game The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess 35
3619 Thelema religion Thelema 35
3620 Thorin Oakenshield Middle-earth dwarf Thorin Eichenschild (d:Q46285) 35
3621 Twyfelfontein archaeological site Twyfelfontein 35
3622 University of California, Santa Cruz university University of California, Santa Cruz 35
3623 Vratislav Lokvenc human Vratislav Lokvenc 35
3624 White-tailed ptarmigan taxon Weißschwanz-Schneehuhn 35
3625 Whippet dog breed Whippet 35
3626 Wind shear meteorological phenomenon Windscherung 35
3627 You Are Not Alone song You Are Not Alone 35
3628 YuYu Hakusho manga series Yū Yū Hakusho 35
3629 Cornish people ethnic group (d:Q222175) 34
3630 Baji Rao I human (d:Q2514706) 34
3631 First Amendment to the United States Constitution constitutional amendment 1. Zusatzartikel zur Verfassung der Vereinigten Staaten 34
3632 1999 UEFA Champions League Final association football final 1999 Champions league Finale (d:Q833096) 34
3633 2048 free and open-source video game 2048 34
3634 A. J. Lee human A. J. Lee 34
3635 Air Greenland airline Air Greenland 34
3636 Swaminarayan Akshardham temple Akshardham-Tempel (d:Q1849858) 34
3637 Al-Wathiq human Al-Wāthiq 34
3638 All the Money in the World film Alles Geld der Welt 34
3639 Lita human Amy Dumas 34
3640 Amel-Marduk human Amēl-Marduk 34
3641 Anatomical terms of location scientific terminology Anatomische Lage- und Richtungsbezeichnungen 34
3642 Aristarchus impact crater Aristarchus 34
3643 Aryna Sabalenka human Aryna Sabalenka 34
3644 Avidius Cassius human Avidius Cassius 34
3645 Back to Black album Back to Black 34
3646 Becky Lynch human Becky Lynch 34
3647 The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel film Best Exotic Marigold Hotel 34
3648 Bobby Orr human Bobby Orr 34
3649 Bomis web portal Bomis (d:Q935818) 34
3650 Boron nitride chemical compound Bornitrid 34
3651 Bound film Bound – Gefesselt 34
3652 Calgary International Airport international airport Calgary International Airport 34
3653 Cathay Dragon airline Cathay Dragon 34
3654 Chaim Topol human Chaim Topol 34
3655 Christian Cage human Christian Cage 34
3656 Christian metal music genre Christlicher Metal 34
3657 Cliff Williams human Cliff Williams 34
3658 Cody Rhodes human Cody Rhodes 34
3659 Crass musical group Crass 34
3660 Cryolophosaurus fossil taxon Cryolophosaurus 34
3661 DW Stadium association football venue DW Stadium 34
3662 Daenerys Targaryen fictional human Daenerys Targaryen (d:Q2708078) 34
3663 Daria Kasatkina human Darja Sergejewna Kassatkina 34
3664 Dead Space video game Dead Space 34
3665 Deus Ex video game Deus Ex 34
3666 The Bridge on the Drina written work Die Brücke über die Drina 34
3667 Mockingjay literary work Die Tribute von Panem – Flammender Zorn 34
3668 Elizabeth of Bosnia human Elisabeth von Bosnien 34
3669 Pointer dog breed English Pointer 34
3670 Everglades wetland Everglades (d:Q597281) 34
3671 Far Cry 2 video game Far Cry 2 34
3672 Faramir Middle-earth man Faramir 34
3673 Five Finger Death Punch musical group Five Finger Death Punch 34
3674 Pink-necked green pigeon taxon Frühlingstaube 34
3675 Five precepts religious concept Fünf Silas 34
3676 Battles of Lexington and Concord battle Gefechte von Lexington und Concord 34
3677 Becoming Jane film Geliebte Jane 34
3678 Gregg Allman human Gregg Allman 34
3679 Spectral bat taxon Große Spießblattnase 34
3680 2008 Bahrain Grand Prix Bahrain Grand Prix Großer Preis von Bahrain 2008 34
3681 2008 Chinese Grand Prix Chinese Grand Prix Großer Preis von China 2008 34
3682 2008 Italian Grand Prix Italian Grand Prix Großer Preis von Italien 2008 34
3683 Henrietta Lacks human Henrietta Lacks 34
3684 Herbert Chapman human Herbert Chapman 34
3685 Homo luzonensis fossil taxon Homo luzonensis 34
3686 Horizon Zero Dawn video game Horizon Zero Dawn 34
3687 Ichigo Kurosaki fictional human Ichigo Kurosaki (d:Q719114) 34
3688 If I Were a Boy single If I Were a Boy 34
3689 Isengard fictional castle Isengart (d:Q717079) 34
3690 Wizards group of fictional characters Istari 34
3691 Itachi Uchiha Tobirama Senju Itachi Uchiha (d:Q1043344) 34
3692 James Bond fictional character James Bond 34
3693 James Dunn human James Dunn 34
3694 55 Cancri e super-Earth Janssen 34
3695 Jessica Mauboy human Jessica Mauboy 34
3696 Eugene Kaspersky human Jewgeni Walentinowitsch Kasperski 34
3697 Jodrell Bank Observatory astronomical observatory Jodrell-Bank-Radioobservatorium 34
3698 The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc film Johanna von Orleans 34
3699 Jon Huntsman Jr. human Jon Huntsman junior 34
3700 Joseph Franklin Rutherford human Joseph Franklin Rutherford 34
3701 Kelly Kelly human Kelly Kelly 34
3702 Kingsley, Iowa city in the United States Kingsley 34
3703 Corinna human Korinna 34
3704 Kung Fu Hustle film Kung Fu Hustle 34
3705 Roystonea regia taxon Königspalme 34
3706 Ladislaus II of Hungary human Ladislaus II. 34
3707 Long and short scale binary opposition Lange und kurze Skala 34
3708 Lhasa de Sela human Lhasa de Sela 34
3709 London Symphony Orchestra nonprofit organization London Symphony Orchestra 34
3710 Mac Pro model series Mac Pro 34
3711 Malmö Arena arena Malmö Arena 34
3712 Mario Kart DS video game Mario Kart DS 34
3713 Mass Effect 3 video game Mass Effect 3 34
3714 Mellotron electromechanical instruments Mellotron 34
3715 Mercyful Fate heavy metal band Mercyful Fate 34
3716 Merry Brandybuck Hobbit Meriadoc Brandybock 34
3717 Metroid video game series Metroid 34
3718 Mike Gravel human Mike Gravel 34
3719 Maudgalyayana mythical character Moggalana 34
3720 More album More 34
3721 Mount & Blade video game Mount & Blade 34
3722 Nadezhda Alliluyeva human Nadeschda Sergejewna Allilujewa 34
3723 Neil Peart human Neil Peart 34
3724 Neutral Milk Hotel musical group Neutral Milk Hotel 34
3725 Ninurta god Ninurta 34
3726 North American XB-70 Valkyrie aircraft model North American XB-70 34
3727 Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument National Monument of the United States Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument 34
3728 Varanus salvadorii taxon Papuawaran 34
3729 Parasitoid Parasitoid 34
3730 Partick Thistle F.C. association football club Partick Thistle 34
3731 Phraates III human Phraates III. 34
3732 Pokémon Sun and Moon video game Pokémon Sonne und Mond 34
3733 Price elasticity of demand Preiselastizität 34
3734 Psychodrama medical treatment Psychodrama 34
3735 Puella Magi Madoka Magica media franchise Puella Magi Madoka Magica 34
3736 Queen's University at Kingston open-access publisher Queen’s University 34
3737 R. Madhavan human R. Madhavan 34
3738 Rāhula human Rahula 34
3739 Rang De Basanti film Rang De Basanti – Die Farbe Safran 34
3740 Ray of Light album Ray of Light 34
3741 Regent Street street Regent Street 34
3742 Resident Evil 7: Biohazard video game Resident Evil 7: Biohazard 34
3743 Reuleaux triangle Reuleaux-Dreieck 34
3744 Robert Dudley, 1st Earl of Leicester human Robert Dudley, 1. Earl of Leicester 34
3745 Crested auklet taxon Schopfalk 34
3746 Six-banded armadillo taxon Sechsbinden-Gürteltier 34
3747 Sigyn goddess Sigyn 34
3748 Skyfall musical work/composition Skyfall 34
3749 Slender Man video game character Slender Man 34
3750 Stan Marsh animated character Stan Marsh (d:Q47255) 34
3751 Scleractinia taxon Steinkorallen 34
3752 Strawberry Fields Forever musical work/composition Strawberry Fields Forever 34
3753 Susanna Clarke human Susanna Clarke 34
3754 Vervet monkey taxon Südliche Grünmeerkatze 34
3755 TMNT animated feature film TMNT – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 34
3756 Temple of Garni temple Tempel von Garni 34
3757 The Fountain film The Fountain 34
3758 Thriller musical work/composition Thriller 34
3759 Animal testing Tierversuch 34
3760 Tiruvannamalai human settlement Tiruvannamalai 34
3761 Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege video game Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege 34
3762 Trézéguet human Trezeguet 34
3763 Tyrannosauridae fossil taxon Tyrannosauridae 34
3764 Unbibium chemical element Unbibium 34
3765 Vaporwave music genre Vaporwave 34
3766 Atmosphere of Venus atmosphere Venusatmosphäre (d:Q1941) 34
3767 Veronica Mars television series Veronica Mars 34
3768 Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty treaty Vertrag über das Verbot von Kernwaffenversuchen in der Atmosphäre, im Weltraum und unter Wasser 34
3769 Vologases V human Vologaeses V. 34
3770 Vulcanoid Vulkanoiden 34
3771 Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps film Wall Street: Geld schläft nicht 34
3772 Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne expansion pack Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne 34
3773 Watson supercomputer Watson 34
3774 William Peter Blatty human William Peter Blatty 34
3775 Yazdegerd II human Yazdegerd II. 34
3776 Central Atlas Tamazight dialect Zentralatlas-Tamazight 34
3777 Éowyn Middle-earth man Éowyn 34
3778 2008 French Grand Prix French Grand Prix (d:Q179390) 33
3779 2008 German Grand Prix German Grand Prix (d:Q179403) 33
3780 2006 UEFA Champions League Final association football final (d:Q478526) 33
3781 2009 UEFA Champions League Final association football final (d:Q509024) 33
3782 Science in the medieval Islamic world (d:Q785426) 33
3783 432 Park Avenue skyscraper 432 Park Avenue 33
3784 61 Cygni multiple star 61 Cygni 33
3785 Abel Azcona human Abel Azcona 33
3786 Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I painting Adele Bloch-Bauer I 33
3787 Amnesiac album Amnesiac 33
3788 Angel Heart film Angel Heart 33
3789 Angry Birds video game Angry Birds (d:Q4558721) 33
3790 Codling moth taxon Apfelwickler 33
3791 Appalachian Trail long-distance trail Appalachian Trail 33
3792 Assassin's Creed Origins video game Assassin’s Creed Origins 33
3793 Liverpool Street station dead-end railway station Bahnhof Liverpool Street 33
3794 Bahram IV human Bahram IV. 33
3795 Balrog Middle-earth race Balrog 33
3796 Barry Bonds human Barry Bonds 33
3797 Bridget Moynahan human Bridget Moynahan 33
3798 Britannicus human Britannicus 33
3799 Chen Guangcheng human Chen Guangcheng 33
3800 Pyrenean Mountain Dog dog breed Chien de Montagne des Pyrénées 33
3801 Chris Carter human Chris Carter 33
3802 Christian Science religious denomination Christian Science 33
3803 Crash Bandicoot video game Crash Bandicoot (d:Q719176) 33
3804 2019 Cricket World Cup season Cricket World Cup 2019 33
3805 César Cielo human César Cielo 33
3806 The Gold-Bug literary work Der Goldkäfer 33
3807 Jaws 2 film Der weiße Hai 2 33
3808 The Princess and the Pea fairy tale Die Prinzessin auf der Erbse 33
3809 The Rules of the Game film Die Spielregel 33
3810 Ornithogalum umbellatum taxon Dolden-Milchstern 33
3811 Doxorubicin chemical compound Doxorubicin 33
3812 Dunstan human Dunstan von Canterbury 33
3813 Elsa fictional human Elsa (d:Q15620419) 33
3814 English cuisine cuisine Englische Küche 33
3815 English Reformation schism Englische Reformation (d:Q1645505) 33
3816 Brisingr literary work Eragon - Die Weisheit des Feuers (d:Q718289) 33
3817 Bury F.C. association football club FC Bury 33
3818 Final Fantasy IV video game Final Fantasy IV 33
3819 Five Nights at Freddy's video game Five Nights at Freddy’s 33
3820 Flushing Meadows–Corona Park urban park Flushing-Meadows-Park 33
3821 Frances Oldham Kelsey human Frances Oldham Kelsey 33
3822 Glenrothes town Glenrothes 33
3823 GNOME Web web browser Gnome Web 33
3824 Greater yellow-headed vulture taxon Großer Gelbkopfgeier 33
3825 2012 Spanish Grand Prix Spanish Grand Prix Großer Preis von Spanien 2012 33
3826 Halfbeak taxon Halbschnäbler 33
3827 Hard Target film Harte Ziele 33
3828 Heavy Rain video game Heavy Rain 33
3829 Blyth's kingfisher taxon Herkules-Eisvogel 33
3830 Hillel Slovak human Hillel Slovak 33
3831 Horn shark taxon Hornhai 33
3832 Hurricane Patricia Category 5 hurricane Hurrikan Patricia 33
3833 IPad model series IPad 33
3834 Imperial War Museum military museum Imperial War Museum 33
3835 Jeff Hendrick human Jeff Hendrick 33
3836 Jerry Fodor human Jerry Fodor 33
3837 Joshua King human Joshua King 33
3838 Jungle Cruise film project Jungle Cruise 33
3839 Battle of Westerplatte battle Kampf um die Westerplatte 33
3840 Caribbean reef shark taxon Karibischer Riffhai 33
3841 Kenwyne Jones human Kenwyne Jones 33
3842 Chef film Kiss the Cook – So schmeckt das Leben! 33
3843 Lesser yellow-headed vulture taxon Kleiner Gelbkopfgeier 33
3844 Small heath taxon Kleines Wiesenvögelchen 33
3845 Lauren Jackson human Lauren Jackson 33
3846 Like a Prayer album Like a Prayer 33
3847 Lolicon stock character Lolicon 33
3848 Lucy Stone human Lucy Stone 33
3849 Lupe Fiasco human Lupe Fiasco 33
3850 Mac Mini computer model Mac mini 33
3851 Agent Carter television series Marvel’s Agent Carter 33
3852 Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Tower skyscraper Metropolitan Life Tower 33
3853 Windows RT operating system Microsoft Windows RT 33
3854 Milford Haven town Milford Haven 33
3855 Mediterranean cuisine intangible cultural heritage Mittelmeerküche 33
3856 Mount Redoubt mountain Mount Redoubt 33
3857 My Bloody Valentine musical group My Bloody Valentine 33
3858 Natalya Neidhart human Natalya 33
3859 Yellow-lipped sea krait taxon Nattern-Plattschwanz 33
3860 Ontological argument Ontologischer Gottesbeweis (d:Q373152) 33
3861 Operation Storm battle Operation Oluja 33
3862 Orfeo ed Euridice dramatico-musical work Orfeo ed Euridice 33
3863 Phraates I human Phraates I. 33
3864 Phraates IV human Phraates IV. 33
3865 Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen video game Pokémon Feuerrote und Blattgrüne Edition 33
3866 Child prostitution activity Prostitution Minderjähriger 33
3867 Recopa Sudamericana sports competition Recopa Sudamericana 33
3868 Republic F-105 Thunderchief aircraft family Republic F-105 33
3869 Richard Neville, 16th Earl of Warwick human Richard Neville, 16. Earl of Warwick 33
3870 Rocket League video game Rocket League 33
3871 Rudolf Peierls human Rudolf Peierls 33
3872 Rùm island Rùm 33
3873 Saurolophus fossil taxon Saurolophus 33
3874 Scelidosaurus fossil taxon Scelidosaurus 33
3875 Battle of Arsuf battle Schlacht von Arsuf 33
3876 Battles of Saratoga battle Schlacht von Saratoga 33
3877 Keystone species Schlüsselart 33
3878 Dusky shark taxon Schwarzhai 33
3879 Bay duiker taxon Schwarzrückenducker 33
3880 Sword-billed hummingbird taxon Schwertschnabelkolibri 33
3881 Scott Brown human Scott Brown 33
3882 Spotted sandgrouse taxon Senegal-Flughuhn 33
3883 Sense8 web series Sense8 33
3884 Species film Species 33
3885 Staffordshire Bull Terrier dog breed Staffordshire Bullterrier 33
3886 Stanwood, Washington city in the United States Stanwood 33
3887 Steins;Gate video game Steins;Gate 33
3888 Stripped album Stripped 33
3889 Stuart Bingham human Stuart Bingham 33
3890 Su Song human Su Song 33
3891 Subwoofer loudspeaker Subwoofer 33
3892 Teaneck, New Jersey township of New Jersey Teaneck 33
3893 Teddy Riner human Teddy Riner 33
3894 The Oval association football venue The Oval 33
3895 The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars album The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars 33
3896 The Slim Shady LP album The Slim Shady LP 33
3897 They Don't Care About Us single They Don’t Care About Us 33
3898 2018 Tour de France Tour de France Tour de France 2018 33
3899 2019 Tour de France Tour de France Tour de France 2019 33
3900 Production–possibility frontier Transformationskurve 33
3901 Krüper's nuthatch taxon Türkenkleiber 33
3902 Velvet Revolver musical group Velvet Revolver 33
3903 The Young Victoria film Victoria, die junge Königin 33
3904 Valentin Pavlov human Walentin Sergejewitsch Pawlow 33
3905 Willow film Willow 33
3906 Economy of Iran national economy Wirtschaft des Iran 33
3907 World Heavyweight Championship professional wrestling championship World Heavyweight Championship 33
3908 Eystein I of Norway human Øystein I. 33
3909 ...Baby One More Time song … Baby One More Time 33
3910 (What's the Story) Morning Glory? album (What’s the Story) Morning Glory? 32
3911 Seung-Hui Cho human (d:Q494431) 32
3912 2007 UEFA Champions League Final association football final (d:Q521119) 32
3913 2005 UEFA Champions League Final UEFA Champions League final (d:Q757107) 32
3914 Murder of John Lennon murder (d:Q2341090) 32
3915 Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution constitutional amendment 13. Zusatzartikel zur Verfassung der Vereinigten Staaten 32
3916 A Nightmare on Elm Street film A Nightmare on Elm Street 32
3917 Ahed Tamimi human Ahed Tamimi 32
3918 Airbus A318 aircraft family Airbus A318 (d:Q1784324) 32
3919 Alan Wake video game Alan Wake 32
3920 Ambrose Burnside human Ambrose Burnside 32
3921 American Life album American Life 32
3922 Andrea Corr human Andrea Corr 32
3923 Aneurin Bevan human Aneurin Bevan 32
3924 Archelon monotypic fossil taxon Archelon 32
3925 Ashes and Diamonds film Asche und Diamant 32
3926 Hyacinthoides non-scripta taxon Atlantisches Hasenglöckchen 32
3927 Flag of convenience Ausflaggung 32
3928 Azumanga Daioh manga series Azumanga Daioh 32
3929 Ashur-uballit II human Aššur-uballiṭ II. 32
3930 Barbarella film Barbarella 32
3931 Baroque pop music genre Baroque Pop 32
3932 Bedlington Terrier dog breed Bedlington Terrier 32
3933 Bellaire, Texas city in the United States Bellaire 32
3934 Belle Delphine human Belle Delphine 32
3935 Beyond: Two Souls video game Beyond: Two Souls 32
3936 Billy Bremner human Billy Bremner 32
3937 Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park National Park of the United States Black-Canyon-of-the-Gunnison-Nationalpark 32
3938 Brandon Roy human Brandon Roy 32
3939 Bridgwater town Bridgwater 32
3940 Caché film Caché 32
3941 Can't Be Tamed album Can’t Be Tamed 32
3942 Cheek to Cheek album Cheek to Cheek 32
3943 Vikram human Chiyaan Vikram 32
3944 Chromatica album Chromatica 32
3945 Crazy Rich Asians film Crazy Rich 32
3946 The Castle of Cagliostro anime film Das Schloss des Cagliostro 32
3947 Deep Purple in Rock album Deep Purple in Rock 32
3948 The Invisible Man film Der Unsichtbare 32
3949 Deutschland-class cruiser ship class Deutschland-Klasse 32
3950 Labyrinth film Die Reise ins Labyrinth 32
3951 The Other Woman film Die Schadenfreundinnen 32
3952 Ding Junhui human Ding Junhui 32
3953 Druk Air airline Drukair 32
3954 Edward Everett human Edward Everett 32
3955 Edwin Flack human Edwin Flack 32
3956 Erotica album Erotica 32
3957 Euclidean distance metric function Euklidischer Abstand 32
3958 1998 FIFA World Cup Final final of the FIFA World Cup Finale der Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 1998 (d:Q585295) 32
3959 Finn Bálor human Finn Bálor 32
3960 Winghead shark taxon Flügelkopf-Hammerhai 32
3961 Australia 31–0 American Samoa international association football match Fußballländerspiel Australien – Amerikanisch-Samoa 2001 32
3962 Galapagos shark taxon Galapagoshai 32
3963 Battle of Ticinus battle Gefecht am Ticinus 32
3964 Gefjon Norse deity Gefion 32
3965 Spotted eagle ray taxon Gefleckter Adlerrochen 32
3966 Gian Gastone de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany human Gian Gastone de’ Medici 32
3967 Pholcus phalangioides taxon Große Zitterspinne 32
3968 Great Hurricane of 1780 North Atlantic tropical cyclone Großer Hurrikan von 1780 32
3969 2012 Brazilian Grand Prix Brazilian Grand Prix Großer Preis von Brasilien 2012 32
3970 2011 Canadian Grand Prix Canadian Grand Prix Großer Preis von Kanada 2011 32
3971 Nursehound taxon Großgefleckter Katzenhai 32
3972 Bignose shark taxon Großnasenhai 32
3973 Goosebumps book series Gänsehaut 32
3974 Hachijō-jima volcanic island Hachijō-jima 32
3975 Hail to the Thief album Hail to the Thief 32
3976 Hawker Siddeley Harrier aircraft family Hawker Siddeley Harrier 32
3977 Crest Helmkleinod 32
3978 Persecution of homosexuals in Nazi Germany aspect of history Homosexualität in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus 32
3979 Hormizd III human Hormizd III. 32
3980 The Hudsucker Proxy film Hudsucker – Der große Sprung 32
3981 IPad model series IPad 32
3982 Animal House film Ich glaub’, mich tritt ein Pferd 32
3983 Jake Hager human Jack Swagger 32
3984 James McDivitt human James McDivitt 32
3985 Jennifer's Body film Jennifer’s Body – Jungs nach ihrem Geschmack 32
3986 Johann Peter Hebel human Johann Peter Hebel 32
3987 John Barrowman human John Barrowman 32
3988 John W. Campbell human John W. Campbell 32
3989 Algerian nuthatch taxon Kabylenkleiber 32
3990 Kepler-10b super-Earth Kepler-10b 32
3991 Kepler-11 star Kepler-11 32
3992 Boletus pinophilus taxon Kiefern-Steinpilz 32
3993 Kind of Blue album Kind of Blue 32
3994 Kirk Cameron human Kirk Cameron 32
3995 Krrish film Krrish 32
3996 Kylie Minogue album Kylie Minogue 32
3997 Live action role-playing game Live Action Role Playing 32
3998 MKM Stadium association football venue MKM Stadium 32
3999 Máni lunar deity Mani 32
4000 Mario Bros. video game Mario Bros. 32
4001 Mary Seacole human Mary Seacole 32
4002 Maryse Mizanin human Maryse Ouellet 32
4003 Max Mosley human Max Mosley 32
4004 Merian C. Cooper human Merian C. Cooper 32
4005 Minoan eruption phreatomagmatic eruption Minoische Eruption 32
4006 Transitional fossil Mosaikform 32
4007 Mu Arae star My Arae 32
4008 Nadia Ali human Nadia Ali 32
4009 New York Cosmos association football club New York Cosmos 32
4010 Northern Expedition military campaign Nordfeldzug 32
4011 Nótt Norse mythical character Nótt 32
4012 Refugee Olympic Team at the 2016 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2016/Teilnehmer 32
4013 Peter II of Bulgaria human Peter IV. 32
4014 Phosphatase group or class of enzymes Phosphatasen 32
4015 Cimicidae taxon Plattwanzen 32
4016 Pony Express mail Pony-Express 32
4017 Port Vale F.C. association football club Port Vale 32
4018 Poznań protests of 1956 demonstration Posener Aufstand 32
4019 German cruiser Prinz Eugen heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen 32
4020 Raëlism organization Raelismus 32
4021 Ralph Bakshi human Ralph Bakshi 32
4022 Riot Games video game developer Riot Games 32
4023 Roman Dmowski human Roman Dmowski 32
4024 Rosika Schwimmer human Rosika Schwimmer 32
4025 Rugby union at the Summer Olympics recurring sporting event Rugby bei den Olympischen Spielen 32
4026 Rhina ancylostoma taxon Rundkopf-Geigenrochen 32
4027 Rules of chess Schachregeln (d:Q3392263) 32
4028 Traumatic brain injury Schädel-Hirn-Trauma 32
4029 Serpico film Serpico 32
4030 Shallow single Shallow 32
4031 Shire horse horse breed Shire Horse 32
4032 Silent Hill 2 video game Silent Hill 2 32
4033 Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow film Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow 32
4034 Smashburger fast casual restaurant Smashburger (d:Q17061332) 32
4035 Sol Bamba human Souleymane Bamba 32
4036 SpiceJet airline SpiceJet 32
4037 Spyro the Dragon video game Spyro the Dragon 32
4038 Staffa island Staffa 32
4039 Symeon the New Theologian human Symeon der Neue Theologe 32
4040 Tawau city Tawau 32
4041 Tennis for Two video game Tennis for Two 32
4042 Thomas S. Monson human Thomas S. Monson 32
4043 Deep vein thrombosis disease Tiefe Venenthrombose (d:Q1762339) 32
4044 Guianan cock-of-the-rock taxon Tiefland-Felsenhahn 32
4045 Venom Tiergift 32
4046 Tinkoff UCI WorldTeam Tinkoff 32
4047 Tyrion Lannister fictional human Tyrion Lannister (d:Q2076759) 32
4048 Uganda–Tanzania War war Uganda-Tansania-Krieg 32
4049 Unbihexium chemical element Unbihexium 32
4050 Uncharted 4: A Thief's End video game Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End 32
4051 Utah Beach beach Utah Beach 32
4052 Many-banded krait taxon Vielgebänderter Krait 32
4053 Vijender Singh human Vijender Kumar 32
4054 Royal arms of England Wappen Englands 32
4055 Warning album Warning 32
4056 Watch Dogs 2 video game Watch Dogs 2 32
4057 Don't Look Now film Wenn die Gondeln Trauer tragen 32
4058 Westerlies wind Westwindzone 32
4059 2007 Canadian Grand Prix Canadian Grand Prix (d:Q66053) 31
4060 Cooper, Texas city in the United States (d:Q974249) 31
4061 Cave Junction, Oregon city of Oregon (d:Q1928791) 31
4062 3 song 3 31
4063 Abelisauridae fossil taxon Abelisauridae 31
4064 German cruiser Admiral Hipper heavy cruiser Admiral Hipper 31
4065 Alice literary character Alice (d:Q1269082) 31
4066 Allied film Allied – Vertraute Fremde 31
4067 Annika Sörenstam human Annika Sörenstam 31
4068 Receptor antagonist ChEBI Ontology term Antagonist 31
4069 Aquaporin protein family Aquaporine 31
4070 Ardhanarishvara form of Parvati Ardhanarishvara 31
4071 Artabanus I of Parthia human Artabanos I. 31
4072 Ashford, Kent town Ashford 31
4073 Azotobacter taxon Azotobacter 31
4074 Bad musical work/composition Bad 31
4075 Barfi! film Barfi – Liebe braucht keine Worte 31
4076 Bedtime Stories album Bedtime Stories 31
4077 Berengaria of Castile human Berenguela von Kastilien 31
4078 BioShock 2 video game BioShock 2 31
4079 Bootleg recording musical term Bootleg 31
4080 Copper shark taxon Bronzehai 31
4081 Bruno Pontecorvo human Bruno Pontecorvo 31
4082 CD Projekt public company CD Projekt 31
4083 Cake musical group Cake 31
4084 Carlito human Carlito 31
4085 Chambersburg, Pennsylvania county seat Chambersburg 31
4086 Chinese Democracy album Chinese Democracy 31
4087 Chiswick area of London Chiswick 31
4088 Citigroup Center skyscraper Citigroup Center 31
4089 City of Salford metropolitan borough City of Salford 31
4090 Clannad video game Clannad 31
4091 Cosimo III de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany human Cosimo III. de’ Medici 31
4092 Crazy in Love song Crazy in Love 31
4093 MF Doom human Daniel Dumile 31
4094 Daron Acemoglu human Daron Acemoğlu 31
4095 Devika Rani human Devika Rani 31
4096 Dhoom 2 film Dhoom 2 – Back in Action 31
4097 Dick Tracy film Dick Tracy 31
4098 Do What U Want single Do What U Want 31
4099 Doom video game Doom 31
4100 Doro human Doro Pesch 31
4101 Dragon Age: Origins video game Dragon Age: Origins 31
4102 DragonFly BSD operating system distribution DragonFly BSD 31
4103 Ducie Island atoll Ducie 31
4104 Emirate of Crete Emirate Emirat von Kreta 31
4105 Emmett Till human Emmett Till 31
4106 Bicycle kick association football kick Fallrückzieher 31
4107 Ferdinandea Island mountain Ferdinandea 31
4108 Final Fantasy III video game Final Fantasy III 31
4109 Final Fantasy XV video game Final Fantasy XV 31
4110 4 Times Square skyscraper Four Times Square 31
4111 Frome town Frome (d:Q1242441) 31
4112 Fujiwara no Teika human Fujiwara no Sadaie 31
4113 FutureSex/LoveSounds album FutureSex/LoveSounds 31
4114 Galaga video game Galaga 31
4115 Geri and Freki group of creatures in Norse mythology Geri und Freki 31
4116 Confessions of a Dangerous Mind film Geständnisse – Confessions of a Dangerous Mind 31
4117 German battleship Gneisenau battleship Gneisenau 31
4118 German aircraft carrier Graf Zeppelin aircraft carrier Graf Zeppelin 31
4119 2010 Turkish Grand Prix Turkish Grand Prix Großer Preis der Türkei 2010 31
4120 2008 Belgian Grand Prix Belgian Grand Prix Großer Preis von Belgien 2008 (d:Q20997) 31
4121 2010 Brazilian Grand Prix Brazilian Grand Prix Großer Preis von Brasilien 2010 31
4122 2010 German Grand Prix German Grand Prix Großer Preis von Deutschland 2010 31
4123 2008 British Grand Prix British Grand Prix Großer Preis von Großbritannien 2008 (d:Q179354) 31
4124 2007 Malaysian Grand Prix Malaysian Grand Prix Großer Preis von Malaysia 2007 31
4125 2013 Malaysian Grand Prix Malaysian Grand Prix Großer Preis von Malaysia 2013 31
4126 HMS Prince of Wales battleship HMS Prince of Wales 31
4127 Haim musical group Haim 31
4128 Half-Life 2: Episode Two video game Half-Life 2: Episode Two 31
4129 Half-Life: Blue Shift video game Half-Life: Blue Shift 31
4130 Han van Meegeren human Han van Meegeren 31
4131 Handley Page Victor aircraft family Handley Page Victor 31
4132 Hans-Joachim Marseille human Hans-Joachim Marseille 31
4133 Hastati military profession Hastati 31
4134 Over the Garden Wall animated series Hinter der Gartenmauer 31
4135 Hot n Cold song Hot n Cold 31
4136 Humpty Dumpty comics character Humpty Dumpty 31
4137 Jackie Evancho human Jackie Evancho 31
4138 Jan Zamoyski human Jan Zamoyski 31
4139 Joe Davis human Joe Davis 31
4140 Kakinomoto no Hitomaro human Kakinomoto no Hitomaro 31
4141 Kanak people ethnic group Kanak 31
4142 Kurt Meyer human Kurt Meyer 31
4143 Lance Bass human Lance Bass 31
4144 Landkreuzer P. 1000 Ratte super-heavy tank Landkreuzer P. 1000 Ratte (d:Q722285) 31
4145 Leopard shark taxon Leopardenhai 31
4146 Lerkendal Stadion association football venue Lerkendal-Stadion 31
4147 Lone Survivor film Lone Survivor 31
4148 Loose album Loose 31
4149 Machine Head album Machine Head 31
4150 Magnus II of Norway human Magnus II. 31
4151 Mantled howler taxon Mantelbrüllaffe 31
4152 Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne video game Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne 31
4153 Metro 2033 video game Metro 2033 31
4154 Metro: Last Light video game Metro: Last Light 31
4155 Mirror's Edge video game Mirror’s Edge 31
4156 Montel Vontavious Porter human Montel Vontavious Porter 31
4157 Man Middle-earth race Männer in Tolkiens Welt (d:Q1621322) 31
4158 Zarqa River river Nahr ez-Zarqa 31
4159 Ned Flanders video game character Ned Flanders 31
4160 Need for Speed: ProStreet video game Need for Speed: ProStreet 31
4161 Nicky Jam human Nicky Jam 31
4162 Obsidian Entertainment business Obsidian Entertainment 31
4163 Tuvalu at the Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Geschichte Tuvalus 31
4164 Marshall Islands at the Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Geschichte der Marshallinseln 31
4165 Orochimaru fictional human Orochimaru (d:Q1744341) 31
4166 Oxford Circus tube station underground railway station Oxford Circus 31
4167 Pacorus II human Pakoros 31
4168 Patrick Star animated character Patrick Star (d:Q1077456) 31
4169 Paul Hunter human Paul Hunter 31
4170 Peak District national park Peak District 31
4171 Philomela mythological Greek character Philomela 31
4172 Phraates V human Phraates V. 31
4173 Pierson, Iowa city in the United States Pierson (d:Q1918002) 31
4174 Pokémon X and Y video game Pokémon X und Y 31
4175 Ra.One film RA.One – Superheld mit Herz 31
4176 Radagast Istari Radagast 31
4177 Rebecca Soni human Rebecca Soni 31
4178 Rebel Heart album Rebel Heart 31
4179 Richmond Park park Richmond Park 31
4180 STS-8 human spaceflight STS-8 31
4181 Salade niçoise salad Salade niçoise 31
4182 Sam Simon human Sam Simon 31
4183 Battle of Artemisium naval battle Schlacht bei Artemision 31
4184 Battle of Long Island battle Schlacht von Long Island 31
4185 Seagram Building skyscraper Seagram Building 31
4186 Serotonin syndrome Serotoninsyndrom 31
4187 Shades of Deep Purple album Shades of Deep Purple 31
4188 Shareef Abdur-Rahim human Shareef Abdur-Rahim 31
4189 Your Lie in April manga series Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso – Sekunden in Moll 31
4190 Shoot 'Em Up film Shoot ’Em Up 31
4191 Qualcomm Snapdragon brand Snapdragon 31
4192 Speed Racer film Speed Racer 31
4193 St Andrew's stadium St. Andrew’s Stadium 31
4194 Stockport County F.C. association football club Stockport County 31
4195 Sunidhi Chauhan human Sunidhi Chauhan 31
4196 Brønsted–Lowry acid–base theory acid–base theory Säure-Base-Definition nach Brönsted und Lowry (d:Q556036) 31
4197 TAM Airlines Flight 3054 aviation accident TAM-Linhas-Aéreas-Flug 3054 31
4198 Taksony of Hungary human Taksony 31
4199 Ted DiBiase Jr. human Ted DiBiase junior 31
4200 Teemu Selänne human Teemu Selänne 31
4201 Telenor Arena gymnasium Telenor Arena 31
4202 The Call film The Call – Leg nicht auf! 31
4203 The Girl Is Mine musical work/composition The Girl Is Mine 31
4204 The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword video game The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword 31
4205 The Monster Ball Tour concert tour The Monster Ball Tour 31
4206 The Velvet Underground & Nico album The Velvet Underground & Nico 31
4207 Théoden Middle-earth man Théoden 31
4208 Tomo Miličević human Tomislav Miličević 31
4209 1903 Tour de France Tour de France Tour de France 1903 31
4210 Toxic song Toxic 31
4211 Truth in Numbers? film Truth in Numbers? 31
4212 Tvrtko I of Bosnia human Tvrtko I. 31
4213 Tyrannosauroidea fossil taxon Tyrannosauroidea 31
4214 Uncharted: Drake's Fortune video game Uncharted: Drakes Schicksal 31
4215 Unreal Tournament video game Unreal Tournament 31
4216 Kin selection Verwandtenselektion 31
4217 Princess Victoria Melita of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha human Victoria Melita von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha 31
4218 Wood thrush taxon Walddrossel 31
4219 Waldorf Astoria New York hotel Waldorf Astoria New York (d:Q1123997) 31
4220 Vazgen Sargsyan human Wasken Sarkissjan 31
4221 Agkistrodon piscivorus taxon Wassermokassinotter 31
4222 Weh Island island Weh 31
4223 Wicked dramatico-musical work Wicked – Die Hexen von Oz 31
4224 William Howe, 5th Viscount Howe human William Howe, 5. Viscount Howe 31
4225 William Jackson Hooker human William Jackson Hooker 31
4226 A Hard Day's Night film Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! 31
4227 Yours Truly album Yours Truly 31
4228 Yunnan hare taxon Yunnan-Hase 31
4229 Future of Earth future Zukunft der Erde (d:Q2003654) 31
4230 Zuo Zhuan literary work Zuozhuan 31
4231 Giant Schnauzer dog breed (d:Q38688) 30
4232 2007 French Grand Prix French Grand Prix (d:Q221646) 30
4233 Zhuangzi written work (d:Q1074987) 30
4234 CS gas chemical compound 2-Chlorbenzylidenmalonsäuredinitril 30
4235 Franklin Center architectural structure AT&T Corporate Center 30
4236 Aaron Peirsol human Aaron Peirsol 30
4237 German cruiser Admiral Scheer heavy cruiser Admiral Scheer 30
4238 Adrian Frutiger human Adrian Frutiger 30
4239 Aletta Jacobs human Aletta Jacobs 30
4240 Alicia Fox human Alicia Fox 30
4241 Never Let Me Go film Alles, was wir geben mussten 30
4242 Amon Göth human Amon Göth 30
4243 Anania Shirakatsi human Anania Schirakatsi 30
4244 Andrianampoinimerina human Andrianampoinimerina 30
4245 Angel Beats! anime television series Angel Beats! 30
4246 Arlen Specter human Arlen Specter 30
4247 Arrested Development television series Arrested Development 30
4248 Ashur-nirari V human Aššur-nirari V. 30
4249 Charing Cross railway station dead-end railway station Bahnhof London Charing Cross 30
4250 Banjarbaru big city Banjarbaru 30
4251 Basarab I of Wallachia human Basarab I. 30
4252 Siege of Szigetvár battle Belagerung von Szigetvár 30
4253 Belemnitida fossil taxon Belemnitida (d:Q378085) 30
4254 Bill Bradley human Bill Bradley 30
4255 Black film Black 30
4256 Atlantic blue marlin taxon Blauer Marlin 30
4257 Boruto: Naruto Next Generations media franchise Boruto: Naruto Next Generations 30
4258 Breakout album Breakout 30
4259 Bungie video game developer Bungie 30
4260 Chak De! India film Chak De! India – Ein unschlagbares Team 30
4261 Midway International Airport international airport Chicago Midway Airport 30
4262 Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus manuscript Codex Ephraemi 30
4263 Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back video game Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back (d:Q569822) 30
4264 Crash Bandicoot: Warped video game Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped 30
4265 Crash Team Racing video game Crash Team Racing (d:Q834872) 30
4266 Cyprien Ntaryamira human Cyprien Ntaryamira 30
4267 D.Gray-man manga series D.Gray-man 30
4268 DOSBox free software DOSBox 30
4269 Deepwater Horizon shipwreck Deepwater Horizon 30
4270 Delilah human biblical figure Delila 30
4271 Dellingr Norse deity Delling 30
4272 Derwent Valley Mills industrial zone Derwent Valley Mills 30
4273 German cruiser Deutschland heavy cruiser Deutschland 30
4274 Hour of the Wolf film Die Stunde des Wolfs 30
4275 Cigars of the Pharaoh comic book album Die Zigarren des Pharaos 30
4276 Dirty Diana musical work/composition Dirty Diana 30
4277 Divya Bharti human Divya Bharti 30
4278 Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough musical work/composition Don’t Stop ’Til You Get Enough 30
4279 Die casting Druckguss 30
4280 E.T. single E.T. 30
4281 Editors musical group Editors 30
4282 Edmund Kemper human Edmund Kemper 30
4283 Euclid Tsakalotos human Efklidis Tsakalotos 30
4284 Emilie Autumn human Emilie Autumn 30
4285 Eric McCormack human Eric McCormack 30
4286 First Macedonian War war Erster Makedonisch-Römischer Krieg 30
4287 Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire television series episode Es weihnachtet schwer 30
4288 Ester Peony human Ester Peony 30
4289 Black-and-yellow broadbill taxon Eurylaimus ochromalus (d:Q1060483) 30
4290 Fallout: New Vegas video game Fallout: New Vegas 30
4291 Lactarius deterrimus taxon Fichten-Reizker 30
4292 Final Fantasy II video game Final Fantasy II 30
4293 Fire Emblem video game series Fire Emblem 30
4294 Flag of Ohio flag of a country subdivision Flagge Ohios 30
4295 Folklore album Folklore 30
4296 Fulla Norse deity Fulla 30
4297 Gary Gygax human Gary Gygax 30
4298 Nonviolent Communication register Gewaltfreie Kommunikation 30
4299 Gilbert Stuart human Gilbert Stuart 30
4300 Glacier National Park national park of Canada Glacier-Nationalpark 30
4301 Grandma Moses human Grandma Moses 30
4302 Greatest Hits: My Prerogative album Greatest Hits: My Prerogative 30
4303 Bigeye thresher taxon Großaugen-Fuchshai 30
4304 2014 Bahrain Grand Prix Bahrain Grand Prix Großer Preis von Bahrain 2014 30
4305 2010 Belgian Grand Prix Belgian Grand Prix Großer Preis von Belgien 2010 30
4306 2010 Chinese Grand Prix Chinese Grand Prix Großer Preis von China 2010 30
4307 2010 European Grand Prix European Grand Prix Großer Preis von Europa 2010 30
4308 2014 Canadian Grand Prix Canadian Grand Prix Großer Preis von Kanada 2014 30
4309 2010 Korean Grand Prix Korean Grand Prix Großer Preis von Korea 2010 30
4310 2014 Spanish Grand Prix Spanish Grand Prix Großer Preis von Spanien 2014 30
4311 2016 Spanish Grand Prix Spanish Grand Prix Großer Preis von Spanien 2016 30
4312 HMS Belfast museum ship HMS Belfast 30
4313 Hair dramatico-musical work Hair 30
4314 Half-Life: Opposing Force video game Half-Life: Opposing Force 30
4315 Halloween film Halloween 30
4316 Halloween film Halloween 30
4317 Halloween II film Halloween II 30
4318 Harlech Castle castle Harlech Castle 30
4319 Harvey Elliott human Harvey Elliott 30
4320 Hepatic encephalopathy syndrome Hepatische Enzephalopathie 30
4321 Holland Tunnel road tunnel Holland Tunnel 30
4322 Horace Silver human Horace Silver 30
4323 Huma Qureshi human Huma Qureshi 30
4324 Hussein, Crown Prince of Jordan human Hussein bin Abdullah 30
4325 Top Hat film Ich tanz’ mich in dein Herz hinein 30
4326 Indigo bunting taxon Indigofink 30
4327 Interstate 90 road Interstate 90 30
4328 Intramuscular injection route of administration Intramuskuläre Injektion 30
4329 Iowa-class battleship ship class Iowa-Klasse 30
4330 Jesuit Missions of Chiquitos mission station Jesuitenreduktionen der Chiquitos 30
4331 Julia Maesa human Julia Maesa 30
4332 Justified album Justified 30
4333 Ken Anderson human Ken Anderson 30
4334 Keturah human biblical figure Ketura 30
4335 Convex hull algebraic construction Konvexe Hülle 30
4336 Crocodile shark taxon Krokodilshai 30
4337 L.A. Noire video game L.A. Noire 30
4338 La Masia school La Masia 30
4339 Lassen Peak plug dome volcano Lassen Peak 30
4340 Lavochkin La-7 aircraft family Lawotschkin La-7 30
4341 LiSA human LiSA 30
4342 Liberum veto legal norm Liberum Veto 30
4343 Limousin cattle French cattle breed Limousin 30
4344 M2 light tank light tank M2 Light Tank 30
4345 Madness ska band Madness 30
4346 Mahākāśyapa human Mahakashyapa 30
4347 Manoj Bajpayee human Manoj Bajpai 30
4348 Marcelo Gallardo human Marcelo Gallardo 30
4349 Markéta Vondroušová human Markéta Vondroušová 30
4350 Marbled electric ray taxon Marmor-Zitterrochen 30
4351 The Defenders television series Marvel’s The Defenders 30
4352 Matt Jarvis human Matt Jarvis 30
4353 Me Against the World album Me Against the World 30
4354 Kolkata Metro rapid transit Metro Kolkata 30
4355 Mi Reflejo album Mi reflejo 30
4356 Michael Jackson's This Is It film Michael Jackson’s This Is It 30
4357 Michael Myers fictional human Michael Myers (d:Q1426891) 30
4358 Milo of Croton human Milon 30
4359 Mohini avatar Mohini 30
4360 Morpeth, Northumberland town Morpeth 30
4361 My Kind of Christmas album My Kind of Christmas 30
4362 Myxomatosis rabbit disease Myxomatose 30
4363 KRI Nanggala submarine Nanggala 30
4364 Neferhotep I human Neferhotep I. 30
4365 Nepenthes rajah taxon Nepenthes rajah 30
4366 Neriglissar human Nergal-šarra-uṣur 30
4367 Nexus 7 product model Nexus 7 30
4368 Nimrod album Nimrod 30
4369 Nobuo Uematsu human Nobuo Uematsu 30
4370 Norman Whiteside human Norman Whiteside 30
4371 Crossroads film Not a Girl 30
4372 Triathlon at the 2012 Summer Olympics Olympic sports discipline event Olympische Sommerspiele 2012/Triathlon 30
4373 Opabinia fossil taxon Opabinia 30
4374 Orodes I of Parthia human Orodes I. 30
4375 Oswald of Northumbria human Oswald 30
4376 Pablo Ibáñez human Pablo Ibáñez 30
4377 Philip III of Navarre human Philipp III. 30
4378 Piece of Me song Piece of Me 30
4379 Prism album Prism 30
4380 Prospect Park urban park Prospect Park 30
4381 Quantic Dream video game developer Quantic Dream 30
4382 Random Access Memories album Random Access Memories 30
4383 Red Auerbach human Red Auerbach 30
4384 Robert Benchley human Robert Benchley 30
4385 Roxen human Roxen 30
4386 Rushmore film Rushmore 30
4387 Rust in Peace album Rust in Peace 30
4388 SG-1000 product model SG-1000 30
4389 Saido Berahino human Saido Berahino 30
4390 Gunfight at the O.K. Corral shootout Schießerei am O. K. Corral 30
4391 Battle of the Plains of Abraham battle Schlacht auf der Abraham-Ebene 30
4392 Battle of Bouvines battle Schlacht bei Bouvines 30
4393 Battle of Fontenoy battle Schlacht bei Fontenoy 30
4394 Battle of Magnesia battle Schlacht bei Magnesia 30
4395 Battle of Trenton battle Schlacht von Trenton 30
4396 Kitefin shark taxon Schokoladenhai 30
4397 Silkie chicken breed Seidenhuhn 30
4398 Silent Hill video game Silent Hill (d:Q753164) 30
4399 Sinhala script abugida Singhalesische Schrift 30
4400 Sinosauropteryx fossil taxon Sinosauropteryx 30
4401 Blue nuthatch taxon Sitta azurea (d:Q73459) 30
4402 Sleeping Dogs video game Sleeping Dogs 30
4403 Injection moulding process Spritzgießen 30
4404 StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty video game StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty (d:Q239288) 30
4405 Stargate: Continuum film Stargate: Continuum 30
4406 Stephen IV of Hungary human Stephan IV. 30
4407 Koi... Mil Gaya film Sternenkind – Koi Mil Gaya 30
4408 Strange Days film Strange Days 30
4409 Sultan, Washington city in the United States Sultan 30
4410 Super Mario Kart video game Super Mario Kart 30
4411 Super Mario Land video game Super Mario Land 30
4412 Super Smash Bros. video game Super Smash Bros. 30
4413 Ten album Ten 30
4414 Squidward Tentacles animated character Thaddäus Tentakel 30
4415 The Battery urban park The Battery 30
4416 The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker video game The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker 30
4417 The Open Door album The Open Door 30
4418 The Quarrymen musical group The Quarrymen 30
4419 The Way You Make Me Feel musical work/composition The Way You Make Me Feel 30
4420 Upsilon Andromedae binary star Titawin 30
4421 Tommy album Tommy 30
4422 Trish Stratus human Trish Stratus 30
4423 US-Bangla Airlines Flight 211 emergency landing US-Bangla-Airlines-Flug 211 30
4424 Ulrich Mühe human Ulrich Mühe 30
4425 University of Miami university University of Miami 30
4426 Watership Down literary work Unten am Fluss 30
4427 Until Dawn video game Until Dawn 30
4428 Disappearance of Madeleine McCann unexplained disappearance Vermisstenfall Madeleine McCann 30
4429 Jingle All the Way film Versprochen ist versprochen 30
4430 Misumena vatia taxon Veränderliche Krabbenspinne 30
4431 Virgin America airline Virgin America 30
4432 Vologases III of Parthia human Vologaeses III. 30
4433 Vologases IV human Vologaeses IV. 30
4434 Wood turtle taxon Waldbachschildkröte 30
4435 Honduran white bat taxon Weiße Fledermaus 30
4436 Who's Next album Who’s Next 30
4437 Womanizer single Womanizer 30
4438 Zelda II: The Adventure of Link video game Zelda II: The Adventure of Link 30
4439 Zooropa album Zooropa 30
4440 Onion dome roof shape Zwiebelturm 30
4441 Éomer Middle-earth man Éomer 30
4442 Devil May Cry 4 video game (d:Q751936) 29
4443 Psychedelic music music genre (d:Q846119) 29
4444 On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog political cartoon (d:Q1275790) 29
4445 Byzantine–Sasanian War of 602–628 war (d:Q2326099) 29
4446 Women's health (d:Q8031191) 29
4447 A Day in the Life Tetas A Day in the Life 29
4448 Aang comics character Aang (d:Q1640011) 29
4449 Stresemann's bushcrow taxon Akazienhäher 29
4450 Al-Mu'tamid human Al-Muʿtamid 29
4451 Alioramus fossil taxon Alioramus 29
4452 Antonov An-70 aircraft type Antonow An-70 29
4453 Ardipithecus ramidus fossil taxon Ardipithecus ramidus 29
4454 Asteroids video game Asteroids 29
4455 Tower Heist film Aushilfsgangster 29
4456 Azarmidokht human Azarmidocht 29
4457 Baby song Baby (d:Q1647391) 29
4458 Back to Basics album Back to Basics 29
4459 Bad Guy single Bad Guy 29
4460 Euston railway station dead-end railway station Bahnhof Euston 29
4461 Balaur bondoc fossil taxon Balaur 29
4462 Bangerz album Bangerz 29
4463 Bengal slow loris taxon Bengalischer Plumplori 29
4464 Bernard Lee human Bernard Lee 29
4465 Beyoncé album Beyoncé 29
4466 Bluespotted ribbontail ray taxon Blaupunktrochen 29
4467 Bobbi Kristina Brown human Bobbi Kristina Brown 29
4468 Bouldering sports discipline Bouldern 29
4469 Brachytherapy Brachytherapie 29
4470 Bramble Cay melomys extinct taxon Bramble-Cay-Mosaikschwanzratte 29
4471 Château de Chinon château Burg Chinon 29
4472 Begin Again film Can a Song Save Your Life? 29
4473 Chamba, Himachal Pradesh human settlement Chamba 29
4474 Circus song Circus 29
4475 Coatbridge town Coatbridge 29
4476 Cordyline australis taxon Cordyline australis (d:Q2379130) 29
4477 Darrington, Washington town in the United States Darrington 29
4478 The Orphanage film Das Waisenhaus 29
4479 Deep Blue Sea film Deep Blue Sea 29
4480 Sweet Smell of Success film Dein Schicksal in meiner Hand 29
4481 Detroit: Become Human video game Detroit: Become Human 29
4482 Deus Ex: Human Revolution video game Deus Ex: Human Revolution 29
4483 The Crab with the Golden Claws comics Die Krabbe mit den goldenen Scheren 29
4484 Drusus Julius Caesar human Drusus der Jüngere 29
4485 Ellen van Dijk human Ellen van Dijk 29
4486 Embankment tube station underground railway station Embankment 29
4487 Enter Sandman single Enter Sandman 29
4488 Epsom town Epsom 29
4489 2012 Summer Olympics opening ceremony opening ceremony Eröffnungsfeier der Olympischen Sommerspiele 2012 29
4490 Darlington F.C. association football club FC Darlington 29
4491 FN Five-seven weapon model FN Five-Seven 29
4492 Palmate newt taxon Fadenmolch 29
4493 Final Fantasy V video game Final Fantasy V 29
4494 Flag of Indiana flag of a country subdivision Flagge Indianas 29
4495 Florida International University public university Florida International University 29
4496 Franklin's lost expedition research expedition Franklin-Expedition 29
4497 Gimme More song Gimme More 29
4498 Glastonbury Tor hill Glastonbury Tor 29
4499 Brown-tail moth taxon Goldafter 29
4500 GoldenEye 007 video game GoldenEye 007 29
4501 Tremella mesenterica taxon Goldgelber Zitterling 29
4502 2014 United States Grand Prix United States Grand Prix Großer Preis der USA 2014 29
4503 2015 Australian Grand Prix Australian Grand Prix Großer Preis von Australien 2015 29
4504 2016 Australian Grand Prix Australian Grand Prix Großer Preis von Australien 2016 29
4505 2013 British Grand Prix British Grand Prix Großer Preis von Großbritannien 2013 29
4506 2010 Japanese Grand Prix Japanese Grand Prix Großer Preis von Japan 2010 29
4507 2014 Monaco Grand Prix Monaco Grand Prix Großer Preis von Monaco 2014 29
4508 2010 Singapore Grand Prix Singapore Grand Prix Großer Preis von Singapur 2010 29
4509 Trade route Handelsstraße 29
4510 Hard Candy film Hard Candy 29
4511 Harry Shearer human Harry Shearer 29
4512 Hidden Markov model Hidden Markov Model 29
4513 High Line urban park High Line 29
4514 Hung Up song Hung Up (d:Q1407276) 29
4515 J. J. Barea human J. J. Barea 29
4516 Yakovlev Yak-15 aircraft model Jakowlew Jak-15 29
4517 Jean Batten human Jean Batten 29
4518 John Stossel human John Stossel 29
4519 Juno Beach code name Juno Beach 29
4520 Just the Way You Are musical work/composition Just the Way You Are 29
4521 Kevin Clash human Kevin Clash 29
4522 Killing Is My Business... and Business Is Good! album Killing Is My Business… And Business Is Good! 29
4523 Cretan War war Krieg um Kreta 29
4524 Let Me In film Let Me In 29
4525 Lily Cole human Lily Cole 29
4526 Djibouti at the Olympics Olympic delegation Liste der olympischen Medaillengewinner aus Dschibuti 29
4527 Love Story song Love Story 29
4528 Lucius Caesar human Lucius Caesar 29
4529 Manasa Devi Manasa 29
4530 Marcus Calpurnius Bibulus human Marcus Calpurnius Bibulus 29
4531 Chestnut sparrow taxon Maronensperling 29
4532 Mephedrone racemate Mephedron 29
4533 Milk shark taxon Milchhai 29
4534 Mirza Shafi Vazeh human Mirza Schaffy Wazeh 29
4535 Mormons religious identity Mormonen 29
4536 Mount Adams mountain Mount Adams 29
4537 Mount Washington mountain Mount Washington 29
4538 My World extended play My World 29
4539 Myxogastria taxon Myxogastria 29
4540 Místico human Místico 29
4541 Amanita gemmata taxon Narzissengelber Wulstling 29
4542 Norwegian Wood musical work/composition Norwegian Wood 29
4543 Eastern mole taxon Ostamerikanischer Maulwurf 29
4544 Pattie Boyd human Pattie Boyd 29
4545 The Sea of Monsters written work Percy Jackson – Im Bann des Zyklopen 29
4546 Petar Kočić human Petar Kočić 29
4547 Prague uprising rebellion Prager Aufstand 29
4548 Henoch–Schönlein purpura Purpura Schönlein-Henoch 29
4549 Pelvicachromis pulcher taxon Purpurprachtbarsch 29
4550 Rabeprazole group of stereoisomers Rabeprazol 29
4551 Re:Zero − Starting Life in Another World light novel series Re:Zero – Starting Life in Another World 29
4552 Red Blooded Woman single Red Blooded Woman (d:Q285623) 29
4553 Rise of the Tomb Raider video game Rise of the Tomb Raider 29
4554 Robert Rossen human Robert Rossen 29
4555 Rochus Misch human Rochus Misch 29
4556 Sauropelta fossil taxon Sauropelta 29
4557 Battle of Kleidion battle Schlacht von Kleidion 29
4558 Blacknose shark taxon Schwarznasenhai 29
4559 Banded archerfish taxon Schützenfisch 29
4560 Simba animated character Simba (d:Q1649583) 29
4561 Chinese nuthatch taxon Sitta villosa (d:Q961152) 29
4562 Slow song Slow 29
4563 So Far, So Good... So What! album So Far, So Good… So What! 29
4564 Something to Remember album Something to Remember 29
4565 Sonic the Hedgehog 2 video game Sonic the Hedgehog 2 29
4566 Speed 2: Cruise Control film Speed 2 – Cruise Control 29
4567 Stealth game video game genre Stealth-Computerspiel 29
4568 Stefan Dragutin human Stefan Dragutin 29
4569 Stephen Bocskai human Stephan Bocskai 29
4570 Stephen Maguire human Stephen Maguire 29
4571 Striptease film Striptease 29
4572 Super Mario 3D Land video game Super Mario 3D Land 29
4573 Swaminarayan human Swaminarayan 29
4574 Sinsharishkun human Sîn-šarru-iškun 29
4575 Take Me Home album Take Me Home (d:Q391503) 29
4576 Tell Brak tell Tell Brak 29
4577 The Frighteners film The Frighteners 29
4578 The Iron Bridge road bridge The Iron Bridge 29
4579 The King of Limbs album The King of Limbs 29
4580 The Secret of Monkey Island video game The Secret of Monkey Island 29
4581 Tom Bombadil character from Tolkien's legendarium Tom Bombadil 29
4582 Torrie Wilson human Torrie Wilson 29
4583 Triarii military profession Triarier 29
4584 Unbiquadium chemical element Unbiquadium 29
4585 Van der Graaf Generator rock band Van der Graaf Generator 29
4586 Velites military unit Velites 29
4587 Vivianne Miedema human Vivianne Miedema 29
4588 Vladimír Remek human Vladimír Remek 29
4589 Westminster tube station underground railway station Westminster 29
4590 Solomon Islands skink taxon Wickelskink 29
4591 Willie Mays human Willie Mays 29
4592 Yarkand hare taxon Yarkand-Hase 29
4593 Zersenay Tadese human Zersenay Tadese 29
4594 Citadel of Erbil citadel Zitadelle von Erbil 29
4595 Forensic anthropology field of work forensische Anthropologie (d:Q28065) 29
4596 Ethiopian highland hare taxon Äthiopischer Hochlandhase 29
4597 The Fame Ball Tour concert tour (d:Q428476) 28
4598 Diabetic ketoacidosis disease (d:Q877827) 28
4599 Spider-Man in film film series (d:Q2307877) 28
4600 AgustaWestland AW101 aircraft family AgustaWestland AW101 28
4601 Air India Express Flight 812 aircraft crash Air-India-Express-Flug 812 28
4602 Alan Dale human Alan Dale 28
4603 Albert Pujols human Albert Pujols 28
4604 Alien: Isolation video game Alien: Isolation 28
4605 All Hope Is Gone album All Hope Is Gone 28
4606 Epsilon Aurigae Algol variable Almaaz 28
4607 Alpine pika taxon Altai-Pfeifhase 28
4608 Aimery of Cyprus human Amalrich I. 28
4609 American Airlines Flight 191 aviation accident American-Airlines-Flug 191 28
4610 Anna Maria Luisa de' Medici human Anna Maria Luisa de’ Medici 28
4611 Ancient Macedonians ethnic group Antike Makedonen 28
4612 Archer animated series Archer 28
4613 Art Spiegelman human Art Spiegelman 28
4614 Asian house martin taxon Asiatische Mehlschwalbe 28
4615 Aston Martin DB9 automobile model Aston Martin DB9 28
4616 Eyes Without a Face film Augen ohne Gesicht 28
4617 Ashur-etil-ilani human Aššur-etil-ilani 28
4618 B in the Mix: The Remixes album B in the Mix: The Remixes 28
4619 London Bridge station dead-end railway station Bahnhof London Bridge 28
4620 Bajirao Mastani film Bajirao & Mastani – Eine unsterbliche Liebe 28
4621 Batman: Arkham Knight video game Batman: Arkham Knight 28
4622 Wetting Benetzung 28
4623 Berkyaruq human Berk-Yaruq 28
4624 Berkhamsted civil parish Berkhamsted 28
4625 Bernard Gui human Bernard Gui 28
4626 Biblical criticism Biblische Exegese 28
4627 Blackstar album Blackstar 28
4628 Blood on the Dance Floor musical work/composition Blood on the Dance Floor 28
4629 Boeing–Sikorsky RAH-66 Comanche aircraft model Boeing-Sikorsky RAH-66 28
4630 Bohemond II of Antioch human Bohemund II. 28
4631 Boril of Bulgaria human Boril 28
4632 Brioni Agreement peace treaty Brioni-Abkommen 28
4633 Buena Vista Social Club musical group Buena Vista Social Club 28
4634 Calliphora vomitoria taxon Calliphora vomitoria (d:Q1141108) 28
4635 Centennial Light incandescent light bulb Centennial Light 28
4636 Cheddar, Somerset village Cheddar 28
4637 Chicago Spire proposed building or structure Chicago Spire 28
4638 Dresden Codex manuscript Codex Dresdensis 28
4639 Crex taxon Crex (d:Q289873) 28
4640 Dagr Norse deity Dag 28
4641 Dara Torres human Dara Torres 28
4642 Denethor Middle-earth man Denethor II. (d:Q718380) 28
4643 Mohabbatein film Denn meine Liebe ist unsterblich 28
4644 The Lighthouse film Der Leuchtturm 28
4645 Hud film Der Wildeste unter Tausend 28
4646 Olaf's Frozen Adventure short film Die Eiskönigin – Olaf taut auf 28
4647 Loves of a Blonde film Die Liebe einer Blondine 28
4648 The Rose of Versailles media franchise Die Rosen von Versailles 28
4649 The Last Castle film Die letzte Festung 28
4650 Doki Doki Literature Club! video game Doki Doki Literature Club! 28
4651 Don Revie human Don Revie 28
4652 Dorking unparished area Dorking 28
4653 Droste effect phenomenon Droste-Effekt (d:Q1766263) 28
4654 Dryopithecus fossil taxon Dryopithecus 28
4655 Edwin of Northumbria human Edwin 28
4656 Einstein–Szilárd letter letter Einstein-Szilárd-Brief 28
4657 German cruiser Emden light cruiser Emden 28
4658 Erinna human Erinna 28
4659 Ernest II, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha human Ernst II. 28
4660 First Partition of Poland aspect of history Erste Teilung Polens 28
4661 Evan Lysacek human Evan Lysacek 28
4662 Eve Torres human Eve Torres 28
4663 Flag of Washington flag of a country subdivision Flagge Washingtons 28
4664 Insect wing anatomical structure Flügel 28
4665 Franz von Hipper human Franz von Hipper 28
4666 Friday the 13th film series Freitag der 13. 28
4667 Bare-tailed woolly opossum taxon Gelbe Wollbeutelratte 28
4668 Gerðr Norse deity Gerda 28
4669 2011 Giro d'Italia Giro d'Italia Giro d’Italia 2011 28
4670 Give Me All Your Luvin' song Give Me All Your Luvin’ 28
4671 Gliese 876 star Gliese 876 28
4672 Charizard mascot character Glurak (d:Q844940) 28
4673 Goldilocks and the Three Bears fairy tale Goldlöckchen und die drei Bären 28
4674 Aliger gigas taxon Große Fechterschnecke 28
4675 2014 Belgian Grand Prix Belgian Grand Prix Großer Preis von Belgien 2014 28
4676 2014 Brazilian Grand Prix Brazilian Grand Prix Großer Preis von Brasilien 2014 28
4677 2016 European Grand Prix European Grand Prix Großer Preis von Europa 2016 28
4678 2016 British Grand Prix British Grand Prix Großer Preis von Großbritannien 2016 28
4679 2014 Italian Grand Prix Italian Grand Prix Großer Preis von Italien 2014 28
4680 2015 Malaysian Grand Prix Malaysian Grand Prix Großer Preis von Malaysia 2015 28
4681 2016 Monaco Grand Prix Monaco Grand Prix Großer Preis von Monaco 2016 28
4682 2015 Spanish Grand Prix Spanish Grand Prix Großer Preis von Spanien 2015 28
4683 2015 Hungarian Grand Prix Hungarian Grand Prix Großer Preis von Ungarn 2015 28
4684 2016 Austrian Grand Prix Austrian Grand Prix Großer Preis von Österreich 2016 28
4685 Spinner shark taxon Großer Schwarzspitzenhai 28
4686 Guttorm of Norway human Guttorm Sigurdsson 28
4687 Halo 4 video game Halo 4 28
4688 Collared brown lemur taxon Halsbandmaki 28
4689 Heterodontosauridae fossil taxon Heterodontosauridae 28
4690 Hypacrosaurus fossil taxon Hypacrosaurus 28
4691 Hôtel Ritz Paris hotel Hôtel Ritz 28
4692 IOS 10 operating system IOS 10 28
4693 Ifrit jinn Ifrit 28
4694 Ivan Shishman of Bulgaria human Iwan Schischman 28
4695 Ivan Sratsimir of Bulgaria human Iwan Strazimir 28
4696 Jack Kemp human Jack Kemp 28
4697 Jailhouse Rock film Jailhouse Rock – Rhythmus hinter Gittern 28
4698 James Whale human James Whale 28
4699 Jason Beghe human Jason Beghe 28
4700 Iazyges historical ethnic group Jazygen 28
4701 Jean de Florette film Jean Florette 28
4702 Jeopardy! television series Jeopardy! 28
4703 Jevons paradox logical paradox Jevons-Paradoxon 28
4704 John Dudley, 1st Duke of Northumberland human John Dudley, 1. Duke of Northumberland 28
4705 Jud Süß film Jud Süß 28
4706 Justin Wilson human Justin Wilson 28
4707 Israeli cuisine national cuisine Jüdische Küche 28
4708 The Little Shop of Horrors film Kleiner Laden voller Schrecken 28
4709 Velvet belly lanternshark taxon Kleiner Schwarzer Dornhai 28
4710 Composite bow Kompositbogen 28
4711 Japanese battleship Kongō battlecruiser Kongō 28
4712 Milk allergy Kuhmilchallergie 28
4713 Laura Harrier human Laura Harrier 28
4714 Layla El human Layla El 28
4715 Let's Get to It album Let’s Get to It 28
4716 Lebanese cuisine national cuisine Libanesische Küche 28
4717 Lincoln Tunnel road tunnel Lincoln Tunnel 28
4718 Lockheed Martin RQ-170 Sentinel aircraft model Lockheed Martin RQ-170 28
4719 Losing My Religion song Losing My Religion 28
4720 Louvre Abu Dhabi art museum Louvre Abu Dhabi 28
4721 Lupin the Third media franchise Lupin III 28
4722 Lynn Anderson human Lynn Anderson 28
4723 MacGillycuddy's Reeks mountain range Macgillycuddy’s Reeks 28
4724 Mandodari mythical character Mandodari 28
4725 My Gym Partner's a Monkey television series Mein Schulfreund ist ein Affe 28
4726 Mew psychic-type Pokémon Mew (d:Q12342580) 28
4727 Michael Shishman of Bulgaria human Michael III. 28
4728 Million Reasons single Million Reasons 28
4729 Mitsubishi i-MiEV automobile model Mitsubishi i-MiEV 28
4730 Mont Blanc massif mountain range Mont-Blanc-Gruppe 28
4731 Musa of Parthia human Musa 28
4732 Myrmecia taxon Myrmecia 28
4733 Neighbours television series Nachbarn 28
4734 Bramble shark taxon Nagelhai 28
4735 Nastia Liukin human Nastia Liukin 28
4736 Matsalu National Park protected area Nationalpark Matsalu 28
4737 Neo soul music genre Neo-Soul 28
4738 Northallerton town Northallerton 28
4739 Odsonne Édouard human Odsonne Édouard 28
4740 Water polo at the 1900 Summer Olympics Olympic sports discipline event Olympische Sommerspiele 1900/Wasserball 28
4741 Only Girl musical work/composition Only Girl 28
4742 Perfect Illusion musical work/composition Perfect Illusion 28
4743 Pe̍h-ōe-jī writing system Pe̍h-ōe-jī 28
4744 Phil Ochs human Phil Ochs 28
4745 Plantar fasciitis Plantarfasziitis 28
4746 Women's March on Versailles occurrence Poissarden 28
4747 Pon de Replay song Pon de Replay 28
4748 Psycho-Pass anime television series Psycho-Pass 28
4749 Punctuated equilibrium Punktualismus 28
4750 Rajasaurus fossil taxon Rajasaurus 28
4751 Ratatoskr Norse mythical animal Ratatöskr 28
4752 Rebbie Jackson human Rebbie Jackson 28
4753 Red Dwarf television series Red Dwarf 28
4754 Regalianus human Regalianus 28
4755 Remember the Time musical work/composition Remember the Time 28
4756 Renault Samsung Motors automobile manufacturer Renault Samsung Motors 28
4757 Riya Sen human Riya Sen (d:Q748926) 28
4758 Robert M. La Follette human Robert M. La Follette senior 28
4759 Roza Shanina human Rosa Jegorowna Schanina 28
4760 Smith's red rock hare taxon Rotkaninchen 28
4761 Runcorn town Runcorn 28
4762 SOS musical work/composition SOS 28
4763 Shalmaneser IV human Salmānu-ašarēd IV. 28
4764 Sammy Ameobi human Sammy Ameobi 28
4765 The Sandman comic book series Sandman 28
4766 Zanzibar red colobus taxon Sansibar-Stummelaffe 28
4767 Satyavati fictional human Satyavati 28
4768 Smalltooth sand tiger taxon Schildzahnhai 28
4769 Battle of Hampton Roads battle Schlacht von Hampton Roads 28
4770 Beautiful nuthatch taxon Schmuckkleiber 28
4771 Crested shelduck taxon Schopfkasarka 28
4772 Shukri al-Quwatli human Schukri al-Quwatli 28
4773 Scott Brown human Scott Brown 28
4774 Shakugan no Shana light novel series Shakugan no Shana 28
4775 Shikamaru Nara fictional human Shikamaru Nara (d:Q30334) 28
4776 ZX81 computer model Sinclair ZX81 28
4777 Space Oddity song Space Oddity 28
4778 Stanisław Żółkiewski human Stanisław Żółkiewski 28
4779 Stig Inge Bjørnebye human Stig Inge Bjørnebye 28
4780 Stranger in Moscow single Stranger in Moscow 28
4781 Type Ia supernova Supernova vom Typ Ia 28
4782 Temnospondyli fossil taxon Temnospondyli 28
4783 Teuta human Teuta 28
4784 The Boy Next Door film The Boy Next Door 28
4785 The Day the Music Died aviation accident The Day the Music Died 28
4786 The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap video game The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap 28
4787 Plaza Hotel skyscraper The Plaza 28
4788 The Uplift Mofo Party Plan album The Uplift Mofo Party Plan 28
4789 Tik Tok song Tik Tok 28
4790 Tomb Raider III video game Tomb Raider III – Adventures of Lara Croft 28
4791 Tomb Raider: Legend video game Tomb Raider: Legend 28
4792 Chiprovtsi municipality seat Tschiprowzi 28
4793 Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle manga series Tsubasa – Reservoir Chronicle 28
4794 Toucan barbet taxon Tukan-Bartvogel 28
4795 Tux Racer free and open-source video game Tux Racer 28
4796 German submarine U-47 U-boat U 47 28
4797 USS Monitor monitor USS Monitor 28
4798 Ullevaal Stadion association football venue Ullevaal-Stadion 28
4799 Umbrella single Umbrella 28
4800 University of Surrey higher education institution University of Surrey 28
4801 Uptown Funk song Uptown Funk 28
4802 Vandalic War war Vandalenkrieg 28
4803 Walter Dix human Walter Dix 28
4804 Wanda Jackson human Wanda Jackson 28
4805 Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' musical work/composition Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’ 28
4806 Wellingborough civil parish Wellingborough 28
4807 List of World Heritage Sites in Georgia Wikimedia list article Welterbe in Georgien 28
4808 Who Is It musical work/composition Who Is It 28
4809 William B. Davis human William Bruce Davis 28
4810 William H. Prescott human William Hickling Prescott 28
4811 Wolfenstein: The New Order video game Wolfenstein: The New Order 28
4812 Yellow single Yellow (d:Q529026) 28
4813 You Rock My World song You Rock My World 28
4814 Convict cichlid taxon Zebrabuntbarsch 28
4815 Zion Williamson human Zion Williamson 28
4816 Pygmy slow loris taxon Zwerglori 28
4817 Álvaro Domínguez human Álvaro Domínguez 28
4818 (You Drive Me) Crazy song (You Drive Me) Crazy 27
4819 Palantír class of fictional entities (d:Q724417) 27
4820 1960 European Nations' Cup Final UEFA Euro Final (d:Q1066679) 27
4821 Tito–Stalin split conflict (d:Q1196099) 27
4822 808s & Heartbreak album 808s & Heartbreak 27
4823 A Moon Shaped Pool album A Moon Shaped Pool 27
4824 Aashiqui 2 film Aashiqui 2 (d:Q4662712) 27
4825 Ace Attorney video game series Ace Attorney 27
4826 Adem Jashari human Adem Jashari 27
4827 RS-25 engine model Aerojet Rocketdyne RS-25 27
4828 Ahmad ibn Tulun human Ahmad ibn Tulun 27
4829 The X-Files film Akte X – Der Film 27
4830 Alexander Shulgin human Alexander Shulgin 27
4831 American Civil Liberties Union non-governmental organization American Civil Liberties Union 27
4832 American Pie Presents: Beta House film American Pie präsentiert: Die College-Clique 27
4833 Andronikos V Palaiologos human Andronikos V. 27
4834 Animal Crossing: New Horizons video game Animal Crossing: New Horizons 27
4835 Antichrist Superstar album Antichrist Superstar 27
4836 Antofalla volcano Antofalla 27
4837 Apolo Ohno human Apolo Anton Ohno 27
4838 Arbroath town Arbroath 27
4839 Ariarathes I of Cappadocia human Ariarathes I. 27
4840 Art Farmer human Art Farmer 27
4841 Atlantic Ocean Road road Atlantikstraße 27
4842 Avro Canada CF-105 Arrow aircraft family Avro Canada CF-105 27
4843 Bad Blood song Bad Blood 27
4844 Moorgate station London Underground station Bahnhof Moorgate 27
4845 Bambi, a Life in the Woods literary work Bambi. Eine Lebensgeschichte aus dem Walde 27
4846 Barney Frank human Barney Frank 27
4847 Batman: Mask of the Phantasm film Batman und das Phantom 27
4848 Batman: Arkham Origins video game Batman: Arkham Origins 27
4849 Beatty, Nevada census-designated place in the United States Beatty 27
4850 Berenice human Berenike 27
4851 Beth Phoenix human Beth Phoenix 27
4852 Billy Meredith human Billy Meredith 27
4853 Birdy film Birdy 27
4854 Black Ice album Black Ice 27
4855 German cruiser Blücher shipwreck Blücher 27
4856 Borderlands 2 video game Borderlands 2 27
4857 Crown Jewels of the United Kingdom regalia Britische Kronjuwelen 27
4858 Brown v. Board of Education legal case Brown v. Board of Education 27
4859 Bugun liocichla taxon Bugunbunthäherling 27
4860 Celebration album Celebration 27
4861 Chandelier song Chandelier 27
4862 Charlie Baker human Charlie Baker 27
4863 Ascending cholangitis Cholangitis 27
4864 Clevedon town Clevedon 27
4865 Cocker Spaniel dog type Cocker Spaniel 27
4866 Command & Conquer video game Command & Conquer: Der Tiberiumkonflikt 27
4867 Countdown to Extinction album Countdown to Extinction 27
4868 Criminal song Criminal 27
4869 Crysis 3 video game Crysis 3 27
4870 Dayana Yastremska human Dajana Jastremska 27
4871 Dance in the Dark song Dance in the Dark 27
4872 Dandie Dinmont Terrier dog breed Dandie Dinmont Terrier 27
4873 Danny Higginbotham human Danny Higginbotham 27
4874 David Bowie album David Bowie 27
4875 David Morrissey human David Morrissey 27
4876 Sistine Chapel ceiling cycle of frescoes Decke der Sixtinischen Kapelle (d:Q844675) 27
4877 Deep Purple album Deep Purple 27
4878 Dennis Johnson human Dennis Johnson 27
4879 The Broken Ear comic book album Der Arumbaya-Fetisch 27
4880 Jaws 3-D film Der weiße Hai 3-D 27
4881 Deutsche Bank Center twin towers Deutsche Bank Center 27
4882 Diamond Dogs album Diamond Dogs 27
4883 Big Bertha howitzer Dicke Bertha 27
4884 The Black Island comic book album Die schwarze Insel 27
4885 Disturbia song Disturbia 27
4886 Don film Don – Das Spiel beginnt 27
4887 Don't Cry for Me Argentina song Don’t Cry for Me Argentina 27
4888 Doomsday film Doomsday – Tag der Rache 27
4889 Dunnottar Castle promontory fort Dunnottar Castle 27
4890 Eärendil and Elwing half-elven Earendil 27
4891 Stadion, Malmö stadium Eleda Stadion 27
4892 Emotions album Emotions 27
4893 Empire: Total War video game Empire: Total War 27
4894 Tracheal intubation route of administration Endotracheale Intubation 27
4895 Enjoy Yourself album Enjoy Yourself 27
4896 History of life aspect of history Evolutionsgeschichte 27
4897 F.C. United of Manchester association football club FC United of Manchester 27
4898 Fahrenheit video game Fahrenheit 27
4899 F.E.A.R. video game Fear 27
4900 Rhodes piano musical instrument model Fender Rhodes 27
4901 Field Spaniel dog breed Field Spaniel 27
4902 Fólkvangr Norse mythical location Folkwang 27
4903 Follow the Leader album Follow the Leader 27
4904 Forrest's pika taxon Forrest-Pfeifhase 27
4905 G.U.Y. song G.U.Y. 27
4906 Gears of War 2 video game Gears of War 2 27
4907 Prayer of Saint Francis Christian prayer Gebet des heiligen Franziskus 27
4908 Geoffroy's tamarin taxon Geoffroy-Perückenaffe 27
4909 2015 Giro d'Italia Giro d'Italia Giro d’Italia 2015 27
4910 Gliese 876 d super-Earth Gliese 876 d 27
4911 Gone Too Soon musical work/composition Gone Too Soon 27
4912 Virgin of Vladimir panel painting Gottesmutter von Wladimir 27
4913 Greyhound Lines business Greyhound Lines 27
4914 Grindhouse double feature Grindhouse 27
4915 2015 Bahrain Grand Prix Bahrain Grand Prix Großer Preis von Bahrain 2015 27
4916 2016 Bahrain Grand Prix Bahrain Grand Prix Großer Preis von Bahrain 2016 27
4917 2015 Brazilian Grand Prix Brazilian Grand Prix Großer Preis von Brasilien 2015 27
4918 2015 Chinese Grand Prix Chinese Grand Prix Großer Preis von China 2015 27
4919 2014 British Grand Prix British Grand Prix Großer Preis von Großbritannien 2014 27
4920 2000 Italian Grand Prix Italian Grand Prix Großer Preis von Italien 2000 27
4921 2000 Monaco Grand Prix Monaco Grand Prix Großer Preis von Monaco 2000 27
4922 2015 Monaco Grand Prix Monaco Grand Prix Großer Preis von Monaco 2015 27
4923 2014 Russian Grand Prix Russian Grand Prix Großer Preis von Russland 2014 27
4924 2016 Russian Grand Prix Russian Grand Prix Großer Preis von Russland 2016 27
4925 2014 Singapore Grand Prix Singapore Grand Prix Großer Preis von Singapur 2014 27
4926 2000 Spanish Grand Prix Spanish Grand Prix Großer Preis von Spanien 2000 27
4927 Gríma Wormtongue Middle-earth man Gríma Schlangenzunge 27
4928 Guido von List human Guido von List 27
4929 Guillermo Endara human Guillermo Endara Galimany 27
4930 HTC One smartphone model HTC One 27
4931 Hamdallah Mustawfi human Hamdallah Mustaufi 27
4932 Hamilton Fish human Hamilton Fish 27
4933 Harrison Afful human Harrison Afful 27
4934 Epaulette shark taxon Hemiscyllium ocellatum (d:Q29243) 27
4935 Henri Cochet human Henri Cochet 27
4936 Henry Allingham human Henry Allingham 27
4937 High Seas Fleet fleet Hochseeflotte 27
4938 Holborn tube station underground railway station Holborn 27
4939 Hostel: Part II film Hostel 2 27
4940 Human Nature musical work/composition Human Nature 27
4941 Expedition 1 expedition to the International Space Station ISS-Expedition 1 27
4942 If U Seek Amy single If U Seek Amy 27
4943 Impossible Princess album Impossible Princess 27
4944 Tawny nurse shark taxon Indopazifischer Ammenhai 27
4945 Insomniac Games video game developer Insomniac Games 27
4946 Jacob's Ladder film Jacob’s Ladder – In der Gewalt des Jenseits 27
4947 Jaguar XJ220 automobile model Jaguar XJ220 27
4948 Jannik Sinner human Jannik Sinner 27
4949 Jean Bartik human Jean Bartik 27
4950 Jeepers Creepers film Jeepers Creepers – Es ist angerichtet 27
4951 Jesper Blomqvist human Jesper Blomqvist 27
4952 Jon Corzine human Jon Corzine 27
4953 Jonathan Lethem human Jonathan Lethem 27
4954 Julius Schreck human Julius Schreck 27
4955 KMFDM rock band KMFDM 27
4956 Flossenbürg concentration camp Nazi concentration camp KZ Flossenbürg 27
4957 Iago sparrow taxon Kapverdensperling 27
4958 Kate DiCamillo human Kate DiCamillo 27
4959 Kato Svanidze human Ketewan Swanidse 27
4960 Khris Middleton human Khris Middleton 27
4961 Marsileaceae taxon Kleefarngewächse 27
4962 King Ottokar's Sceptre comic book album König Ottokars Zepter 27
4963 Royal Game of Ur board game Königliches Spiel von Ur 27
4964 LG G2 smartphone model LG G2 27
4965 Laundry Service album Laundry Service 27
4966 Lauren Conrad human Lauren Conrad 27
4967 Leave Me Alone musical work/composition Leave Me Alone 27
4968 Leprechaun film Leprechaun – Der Killerkobold 27
4969 Like a Prayer song Like a Prayer 27
4970 Like a Virgin song Like a Virgin 27
4971 Indigenous peoples in Canada ethnic group Liste der in Kanada anerkannten Indianerstämme 27
4972 London Philharmonic Orchestra orchestra London Philharmonic Orchestra 27
4973 Lonzo Ball human Lonzo Ball 27
4974 Loveless film Loveless 27
4975 Labashi-Marduk human Lābāši-Marduk 27
4976 M22 Locust light tank M22 Locust 27
4977 M25 motorway motorway ring road M25 motorway 27
4978 Madras Presidency presidency of British India Madras 27
4979 Manny Ramirez human Manny Ramirez 27
4980 Maria Kanellis human Maria Kanellis (d:Q1611054) 27
4981 Mariah Carey album Mariah Carey 27
4982 Marjorie Taylor Greene human Marjorie Taylor Greene 27
4983 Michelle McCool human Michelle McCool 27
4984 Mikoyan-Gurevich DIS fighter Mikojan-Gurewitsch DIS 27
4985 Minehead town Minehead 27
4986 Central American squirrel monkey taxon Mittelamerikanischer Totenkopfaffe 27
4987 Moda Center arena Moda Center 27
4988 Moupin pika taxon Moupin-Pfeifhase 27
4989 Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency intergovernmental organization Multilaterale Investitions-Garantie-Agentur 27
4990 Little brown bat taxon Myotis lucifugus (d:Q746127) 27
4991 Natal red rock hare taxon Natal-Wollschwanzhase 27
4992 Réunion National Park protected area Nationalpark Réunion 27
4993 Negros fruit dove taxon Negros-Fruchttaube 27
4994 Neville Southall human Neville Southall 27
4995 New Super Mario Bros. Wii video game New Super Mario Bros. Wii 27
4996 No Game No Life light novel series No Game No Life 27
4997 Old Tjikko remarkable tree Old Tjikko 27
4998 Afghanistan at the 2016 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2016/Teilnehmer 27
4999 One57 skyscraper One57 27
5000 Oops!... I Did It Again musical work/composition Oops! … I Did It Again 27
5001 Oskar Gröning human Oskar Gröning 27
5002 P.Y.T. musical work/composition P.Y.T. 27
5003 Pall Mall, London street Pall Mall 27
5004 Paper Mario video game Paper Mario 27
5005 Peace Sells... but Who's Buying? album Peace Sells… But Who’s Buying? 27
5006 Pell's equation Diophantine equation Pellsche Gleichung 27
5007 Jungle bush quail taxon Perdicula asiatica (d:Q1263482) 27
5008 Epidural administration Periduralanästhesie 27
5009 Pine processionary taxon Pinien-Prozessionsspinner 27
5010 Plan 9 from Bell Labs free and open-source software Plan 9 27
5011 Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver video game Pokémon HeartGold und SoulSilver (d:Q611189) 27
5012 Polish Underground State organization Polnischer Untergrundstaat 27
5013 Zinfandel grape variety Primitivo 27
5014 Ralph Abernathy human Ralph Abernathy 27
5015 Rambhadracharya human Rambhadracharya 27
5016 Randeep Hooda human Randeep Hooda (d:Q4141279) 27
5017 Ray Reardon human Ray Reardon 27
5018 Rhythm of Love album Rhythm of Love 27
5019 Giant nuthatch taxon Riesenkleiber 27
5020 Rings of Power group of fictional objects Ringe der Macht (d:Q1406822) 27
5021 Roar single Roar 27
5022 Rock Lee fictional human Rock Lee (d:Q52852) 27
5023 Rock of Ages film Rock of Ages 27
5024 Turkestan red pika taxon Roter Pfeifhase 27
5025 Brown thrasher taxon Rotspottdrossel 27
5026 Royal Philharmonic Orchestra orchestra Royal Philharmonic Orchestra 27
5027 Rude Boy song Rude Boy 27
5028 Rædwald of East Anglia human Rædwald 27
5029 Salyut 6 space station Saljut 6 27
5030 Pick's theorem theorem Satz von Pick 27
5031 Savanna Samson human Savanna Samson 27
5032 42nd Chess Olympiad Chess Olympiad Schacholympiade 2016 27
5033 43rd Chess Olympiad Chess Olympiad Schacholympiade 2018 27
5034 Battle of Arnhem conflict Schlacht um Arnheim 27
5035 Siege of Vicksburg battle Schlacht um Vicksburg 27
5036 Genesis Nomad product model Sega Nomad 27
5037 Seneca Falls Convention convention Seneca Falls Convention 27
5038 Shoot 'em up video game genre Shoot ’em up 27
5039 Sicklefin lemon shark taxon Sichelflossen-Zitronenhai 27
5040 Silicon nitride chemical compound Siliciumnitrid 27
5041 Slipknot album Slipknot 27
5042 Zoltán of Hungary human Solt 27
5043 Station to Station album Station to Station 27
5044 Steve Beshear human Steve Beshear 27
5045 Super Mario Galaxy 2 video game Super Mario Galaxy 2 27
5046 Super Mario Sunshine video game Super Mario Sunshine 27
5047 Swissair Flight 111 flight Swissair-Flug 111 27
5048 Tear down this wall! oration Tear down this wall! 27
5049 Terminus Roman deity Terminus 27
5050 The Black Parade album The Black Parade 27
5051 The Book of Taliesyn album The Book of Taliesyn 27
5052 The Chronic album The Chronic 27
5053 The Garden of Words anime film The Garden of Words 27
5054 The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass video game The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass 27
5055 The Place Beyond the Pines film The Place Beyond the Pines 27
5056 The Sarah Jane Adventures television series The Sarah Jane Adventures 27
5057 The Singles Collection album The Singles Collection 27
5058 Thick as a Brick album Thick as a Brick 27
5059 Thomas Palaiologos human Thomas Palaiologos 27
5060 Operation Bodenplatte battle Unternehmen Bodenplatte 27
5061 Usama ibn Munqidh human Usama ibn Munqidh 27
5062 Uxbridge area of London Uxbridge 27
5063 Vardanes I human Vardanes 27
5064 Witch of Agnesi curve Versiera der Agnesi 27
5065 Walter Nowotny human Walter Nowotny 27
5066 Wanderers F.C. association football club Wanderers FC 27
5067 Welsh Corgi dog type Welsh Corgi (d:Q858459) 27
5068 Whopper trademark Whopper 27
5069 Volvariella bombycina taxon Wolliger Scheidling 27
5070 WonderSwan product model WonderSwan 27
5071 Yi Jianlian human Yi Jianlian 27
5072 You Can Dance album You Can Dance 27
5073 Ethiopian hare taxon Äthiopischer Hase 27
5074 UEFA Euro 2000 Final UEFA Euro Final (d:Q63865) 26
5075 Teleological argument (d:Q729193) 26
5076 Government of Japan government (d:Q1190574) 26
5077 Demographics of Croatia demographics of country or region (d:Q2047394) 26
5078 Vicky Kaushal human (d:Q21063646) 26
5079 1000 Forms of Fear album 1000 Forms of Fear (d:Q16736266) 26
5080 Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution law 14. Zusatzartikel zur Verfassung der Vereinigten Staaten 26
5081 Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution constitutional amendment 19. Zusatzartikel zur Verfassung der Vereinigten Staaten 26
5082 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin chemical compound 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlordibenzodioxin 26
5083 2001 album 2001 26
5084 Twenty-fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution constitutional amendment 25. Zusatzartikel zur Verfassung der Vereinigten Staaten 26
5085 28 Liberty Street skyscraper 28 Liberty Street 26
5086 Acton Town tube station underground railway station Acton Town 26
5087 Aerodramus taxon Aerodramus 26
5088 Agrippa Postumus human Agrippa Postumus 26
5089 Al-Muktafi human Al-Muktafi 26
5090 Al-Mu'tazz human Al-Muʿtazz 26
5091 Alam Ara film Alam Ara 26
5092 Alexander Novikov human Alexander Alexandrowitsch Nowikow 26
5093 All We Know Is Falling album All We Know Is Falling (d:Q615323) 26
5094 All the Lovers song All the Lovers 26
5095 American Horror Story: Murder House television series season American Horror Story: Murder House 26
5096 American Water Spaniel dog breed American Water Spaniel 26
5097 American Airlines Flight 587 aviation accident American-Airlines-Flug 587 26
5098 Animal album Animal 26
5099 Another World video game Another World 26
5100 Army of the Dead film Army of the Dead 26
5101 ArtRave: The Artpop Ball concert tour ArtRave: The Artpop Ball 26
5102 Arthur Nebe human Arthur Nebe 26
5103 Ashley Massaro human Ashley Massaro 26
5104 Jazz Richards human Ashley Richards 26
5105 Astrid Kirchherr human Astrid Kirchherr 26
5106 Audition film Audition 26
5107 Ave Imperator, morituri te salutant invocation Ave Caesar, morituri te salutant 26
5108 Back to December musical work/composition Back to December 26
5109 Cannon Street station dead-end railway station Bahnhof Cannon Street 26
5110 Old Street station railway station Bahnhof Old Street 26
5111 Bart the Genius television series episode Bart wird ein Genie 26
5112 Beat 'em up video game genre Beat ’em up 26
5113 Becky Sauerbrunn human Becky Sauerbrunn 26
5114 Siege of Jerusalem siege Belagerung von Jerusalem 26
5115 Bell P-59 Airacomet aircraft model Bell P-59 26
5116 BitLocker disk encryption software BitLocker 26
5117 The Blackstone Group public company Blackstone Group 26
5118 Black-throated blue warbler taxon Blaurücken-Waldsänger 26
5119 Blind Faith musical group Blind Faith 26
5120 Bohemond III of Antioch human Bohemund III. 26
5121 Born to Make You Happy song Born to Make You Happy 26
5122 Borneo shark taxon Borneohai 26
5123 Breakaway album Breakaway 26
5124 Budapest Gambit chess opening Budapester Gambit 26
5125 Caerphilly Castle castle Caerphilly Castle 26
5126 Caloris Planitia impact crater Caloris Planitia 26
5127 Candice Michelle human Candice Michelle 26
5128 Cardiff Castle castle Cardiff Castle 26
5129 Layer Pyramid archaeological site Chaba-Pyramide 26
5130 Chamois Niortais F.C. association football club Chamois Niort 26
5131 Chamunda Devi Chamunda 26
5132 Princess Charlotte of Prussia human Charlotte von Preußen 26
5133 Oriental fire-bellied toad taxon Chinesische Rotbauchunke 26
5134 CitySpire skyscraper CitySpire Center 26
5135 Clumber Spaniel dog breed Clumber Spaniel 26
5136 Clwyd preserved county of Wales Clwyd 26
5137 Commelina communis taxon Commelina communis (d:Q159111) 26
5138 Confessions Tour concert tour Confessions Tour 26
5139 Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII video game Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII 26
5140 Cy Young human Cy Young 26
5141 Deir al-Balah city Dair al-Balah 26
5142 Dolphinarium Delfinarium 26
5143 The Planets musical work/composition Die Planeten 26
5144 The Edukators film Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei 26
5145 Childhood's End literary work Die letzte Generation 26
5146 Doge Internet meme Doge 26
5147 Lund Cathedral Lutheran cathedral Dom zu Lund 26
5148 Dr. Mario video game Dr. Mario 26
5149 New York City draft riots riot Draft Riots 26
5150 Dragon Quest video game series Dragon Quest 26
5151 Dwain Chambers human Dwain Chambers 26
5152 Mirkwood fictional forest Düsterwald (d:Q46289) 26
5153 E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial video game E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial 26
5154 Earl Scruggs human Earl Scruggs 26
5155 Edmund the Martyr human Edmund von Ostanglien 26
5156 Enema of the State album Enema of the State 26
5157 English Defence League political organization English Defence League 26
5158 Evan Turner human Evan Turner 26
5159 Evolutionary developmental biology Evolutionäre Entwicklungsbiologie 26
5160 Ezio Auditore da Firenze video game character Ezio Auditore da Firenze (d:Q994344) 26
5161 Fame film Fame – Der Weg zum Ruhm 26
5162 Flag of Manitoba flag of a country subdivision Flagge von Manitoba 26
5163 Florian Znaniecki human Florian Znaniecki 26
5164 Sde Dov Airport airport Flughafen Sde-Dov 26
5165 Trondheim Airport, Værnes international airport Flughafen Trondheim 26
5166 Foo Fighters album Foo Fighters 26
5167 Ford Pinto automobile model Ford Pinto 26
5168 Forti Formula One team Forti Corse 26
5169 Gail Kim human Gail Kim 26
5170 55 Cancri b exoplanet Galileo 26
5171 Game of Thrones television series season Game of Thrones/Staffel 6 26
5172 Ghazanchetsots Cathedral cathedral Ghasantschezoz-Kathedrale 26
5173 Girl Gone Wild song Girl Gone Wild 26
5174 Good Vibrations song Good Vibrations 26
5175 Grenade single Grenade 26
5176 Big brown bat taxon Große Braune Fledermaus 26
5177 2015 United States Grand Prix United States Grand Prix Großer Preis der USA 2015 26
5178 2015 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix Abu Dhabi Grand Prix Großer Preis von Abu Dhabi 2015 26
5179 2001 Australian Grand Prix Australian Grand Prix Großer Preis von Australien 2001 26
5180 2015 Belgian Grand Prix Belgian Grand Prix Großer Preis von Belgien 2015 26
5181 2000 Brazilian Grand Prix Brazilian Grand Prix Großer Preis von Brasilien 2000 26
5182 2001 Italian Grand Prix Italian Grand Prix Großer Preis von Italien 2001 26
5183 2015 Italian Grand Prix Italian Grand Prix Großer Preis von Italien 2015 26
5184 2000 Japanese Grand Prix Japanese Grand Prix Großer Preis von Japan 2000 26
5185 2015 Japanese Grand Prix Japanese Grand Prix Großer Preis von Japan 2015 26
5186 2015 Canadian Grand Prix Canadian Grand Prix Großer Preis von Kanada 2015 26
5187 2015 Mexican Grand Prix Mexican Grand Prix Großer Preis von Mexiko 2015 26
5188 2015 Russian Grand Prix Russian Grand Prix Großer Preis von Russland 2015 26
5189 2015 Singapore Grand Prix Singapore Grand Prix Großer Preis von Singapur 2015 26
5190 2002 Austrian Grand Prix Austrian Grand Prix Großer Preis von Österreich 2002 26
5191 Gryposaurus fossil taxon Gryposaurus 26
5192 HMS Repulse battlecruiser HMS Repulse 26
5193 HTC Dream mobile phone HTC Dream 26
5194 Hardcore Holly human Hardcore Holly 26
5195 55 Cancri f exoplanet Harriot 26
5196 Harry Arter human Harry Arter 26
5197 Hardnose shark taxon Hartnasenhai 26
5198 Hearst Tower skyscraper Hearst Tower 26
5199 Heinz Field stadium Heinz Field 26
5200 Here We Go Again album Here We Go Again 26
5201 Hlín Norse deity Hlín 26
5202 The Holocaust in Lithuania the Holocaust in one country Holocaust in Litauen 26
5203 Hyacinth Graf Strachwitz human Hyazinth Graf Strachwitz 26
5204 Hemothorax Hämatothorax 26
5205 Ida Tarbell human Ida Tarbell 26
5206 Idries Shah human Idries Shah 26
5207 Illmatic album Illmatic 26
5208 Iowa album Iowa 26
5209 The Itchy & Scratchy Show television program Itchy & Scratchy 26
5210 Ivan Vladislav of Bulgaria human Iwan Wladislaw 26
5211 James Jones human James Jones 26
5212 Jan Karol Chodkiewicz human Jan Karol Chodkiewicz 26
5213 Jean-Mathieu-Philibert Sérurier human Jean Mathieu Philibert Sérurier 26
5214 Jiraiya fictional human Jiraiya (d:Q912184) 26
5215 Prince John of the United Kingdom human John Charles Francis von Großbritannien und Irland 26
5216 John Winthrop human John Winthrop 26
5217 Jump single Jump (d:Q746665) 26
5218 Juniper Networks public company Juniper Networks 26
5219 Casimir Pulaski human Kazimierz Pułaski 26
5220 Constance of Antioch human Konstanze 26
5221 DJ Kool Herc human Kool DJ Herc 26
5222 Kootenay River river Kootenay River 26
5223 Korn album KoЯn 26
5224 LaMelo Ball human LaMelo Ball 26
5225 Laureus World Sports Awards yearly prize Laureus World Sports Awards 26
5226 Li He human Li He (d:Q856223) 26
5227 Lebanon in the Eurovision Song Contest nation at competition Libanon beim Eurovision Song Contest 26
5228 Liviu Librescu human Liviu Librescu 26
5229 Louisa Cadamuro human Louisa Nécib 26
5230 Lucky song Lucky 26
5231 Ludlow Castle castle Ludlow Castle 26
5232 Made in Japan album Made in Japan 26
5233 Malvern, Worcestershire town Malvern 26
5234 Marco Fu human Marco Fu 26
5235 Mario Kart: Double Dash video game Mario Kart: Double Dash!! 26
5236 Prince Marko human Marko Kraljević 26
5237 Iwane Matsui human Matsui Iwane 26
5238 Medieval: Total War video game Medieval: Total War 26
5239 Sea surface temperature Meeresoberflächentemperatur 26
5240 Mewtwo fictional clone Mewtu (d:Q2141803) 26
5241 Miles Away song Miles Away 26
5242 Mitch Daniels human Mitch Daniels 26
5243 Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor video game Mittelerde: Mordors Schatten 26
5244 Mount Cleveland volcano Mount Cleveland 26
5245 Nakalipithecus taxon Nakalipithecus 26
5246 National Hurricane Center branch National Hurricane Center 26
5247 Gran Paradiso National Park national park Nationalpark Gran Paradiso 26
5248 Nepal house martin taxon Nepalschwalbe 26
5249 North Yemen Civil War civil war Nordjemenitischer Bürgerkrieg (d:Q521199) 26
5250 OXO video game OXO 26
5251 Octavarium album Octavarium 26
5252 Saint Kitts and Nevis at the Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Geschichte von St. Kitts und Nevis 26
5253 Cricket at the 1900 Summer Olympics Olympic sports discipline event Olympische Sommerspiele 1900/Cricket 26
5254 Archery at the 2004 Summer Olympics Olympic sports discipline event Olympische Sommerspiele 2004/Bogenschießen 26
5255 Bhutan at the 2012 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2012/Teilnehmer 26
5256 Morocco at the 2014 Winter Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Winterspiele 2014/Teilnehmer 26
5257 Orthogenesis hypothesis Orthogenese 26
5258 PSR B1620−26 b circumbinary planet PSR B1620-26 b 26
5259 Pacorus I human Pakoros I. 26
5260 Patrick Allen human Patrick Allen 26
5261 Pax Mongolica phrase Pax Mongolica 26
5262 Penrose tiling Penrose-Parkettierung 26
5263 Piers Gaveston, 1st Earl of Cornwall human Piers Gaveston, 1. Earl of Cornwall 26
5264 PATH rapid transit Port Authority Trans-Hudson 26
5265 Principes position Principes 26
5266 Radama II human Radama II. 26
5267 Radar song Radar 26
5268 Radio City Music Hall theatre building Radio City Music Hall 26
5269 Radu Lupu human Radu Lupu 26
5270 Raymond III, Count of Tripoli human Raimund III. 26
5271 Raja Harishchandra film Raja Harishchandra 26
5272 Ray Kennedy human Ray Kennedy 26
5273 Real Irish Republican Army organization Real Irish Republican Army 26
5274 Regine Velasquez human Regine Velasquez 26
5275 Resident Evil 3 video game Resident Evil 3 26
5276 Resident Evil 6 video game Resident Evil 6 26
5277 Resident Evil – Code: Veronica video game Resident Evil Code: Veronica 26
5278 Australian ringneck taxon Ringsittich 26
5279 Rishabhanatha Tirthankara Rishabha 26
5280 The Rocketeer feature film Rocketeer 26
5281 Ronald Graham human Ronald Graham 26
5282 Ryszard Siwiec human Ryszard Siwiec 26
5283 Sad Wings of Destiny album Sad Wings of Destiny 26
5284 Sally Hemings human Sally Hemings 26
5285 Zarina Diyas human Sarina Dijas 26
5286 Battle of Amiens battle Schlacht bei Amiens 26
5287 Battle of Princeton battle Schlacht von Princeton 26
5288 Swabian War war Schwabenkrieg 26
5289 Battle of the Chesapeake naval battle Seeschlacht vor der Chesapeake Bay 26
5290 Selling England by the Pound album Selling England by the Pound 26
5291 Show No Mercy album Show No Mercy 26
5292 Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri video game Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri 26
5293 Sigismund Báthory human Sigismund Báthory 26
5294 Sivakasi town Sivakasi (d:Q2061870) 26
5295 Sky Ferreira human Sky Ferreira 26
5296 Slide guitar Slide-Gitarre 26
5297 Smedley Butler human Smedley D. Butler 26
5298 Let the Right One In film So finster die Nacht 26
5299 Jab Tak Hai Jaan film Solang ich lebe – Jab Tak Hai Jaan 26
5300 Somebody That I Used to Know single Somebody That I Used to Know 26
5301 Somerton, Somerset town Somerton 26
5302 Sonic Forces video game Sonic Forces 26
5303 Sonic Generations video game Sonic Generations 26
5304 Sonic the Hedgehog 3 video game Sonic the Hedgehog 3 26
5305 Sun Salutation sequence Sonnengruß 26
5306 Sourav Ganguly human Sourav Ganguly 26
5307 South Kensington tube station London Underground station South Kensington 26
5308 Star Wars: The Force Unleashed video game Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 26
5309 Stefan Czarniecki human Stefan Czarniecki 26
5310 Stefan Vladislav human Stefan Vladislav 26
5311 Stephen Tomašević of Bosnia human Stjepan Tomašević 26
5312 Super Metroid video game Super Metroid 26
5313 Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U video game Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / for Wii U 26
5314 Susan Peters human Susan Peters 26
5315 Suspiria film Suspiria 26
5316 Tabqa Dam embankment dam Tabqa-Talsperre 26
5317 Taftan volcano Taftan 26
5318 Taiwan High Speed Rail high-speed rail Taiwan High Speed Rail 26
5319 Military camouflage Tarnkleidung 26
5320 The Beyoncé Experience Live video album The Beyoncé Experience: Live (d:Q148763) 26
5321 The Circus Starring Britney Spears concert tour The Circus Starring: Britney Spears 26
5322 The High End of Low album The High End of Low 26
5323 The Orange Box video game compilation The Orange Box 26
5324 The Remix album The Remix 26
5325 Michael Jackson's This Is It album This Is It 26
5326 Tiberius Gemellus human Tiberius Gemellus 26
5327 Nitrogen narcosis medical finding Tiefenrausch 26
5328 Tijani Babangida human Tijani Babangida 26
5329 Tintin in America comic book album Tim in Amerika 26
5330 Thiruvarur human settlement Tiruvarur 26
5331 Toyota Center arena Toyota Center 26
5332 Troilus mythological Greek character Troilos 26
5333 Unfaithful song Unfaithful 26
5334 Unisphere globe Unisphere 26
5335 University of Houston university University of Houston 26
5336 Urðarbrunnr Norse mythical entity Urdbrunnen 26
5337 Vickers Valiant aircraft family Vickers Valiant 26
5338 Vietnam mouse-deer taxon Vietnam-Kantschil 26
5339 What Makes You Beautiful single What Makes You Beautiful (d:Q27979) 26
5340 Yoani Sánchez human Yoani Sánchez 26
5341 You Belong with Me song You Belong with Me 26
5342 Youthanasia album Youthanasia 26
5343 Yuanmou Man fossil taxon Yuanmou-Mensch 26
5344 Seventh generation of video game consoles video game console generation siebte Konsolengeneration (d:Q129581) 26
5345 Shamash-shum-ukin human Šamaš-šuma-ukin 26
5346 British Aerospace Sea Harrier aircraft family (d:Q210384) 25
5347 1967 European Cup Final association football final (d:Q279726) 25
5348 2001 UEFA Super Cup season (d:Q597316) 25
5349 UEFA Euro 1996 Final UEFA Euro Final (d:Q1067311) 25
5350 1981 European Cup Final association football final (d:Q1068925) 25
5351 UEFA Euro 1992 Final UEFA Euro Final (d:Q1080070) 25
5352 UEFA Euro 1968 Final UEFA Euro Final (d:Q1192906) 25
5353 UEFA Euro 1980 Final UEFA Euro Final (d:Q1192934) 25
5354 Param Vir Chakra military decoration (d:Q1650629) 25
5355 Ilaiyaraaja human (d:Q2720141) 25
5356 Third Amendment to the United States Constitution constitutional amendment 3. Zusatzartikel zur Verfassung der Vereinigten Staaten 25
5357 30 Seconds to Mars album 30 Seconds to Mars 25
5358 Colossal Cave Adventure free and open-source video game Adventure 25
5359 Aeroflot Flight 593 aviation accident Aeroflot-Flug 593 25
5360 Al-Muti human Al-Mutīʿ 25
5361 Alban Lafont human Alban Lafont 25
5362 Papuan mountain pigeon taxon Albertistaube 25
5363 ATK association football club Amar Tomar Kolkata 25
5364 Amon Tobin human Amon Tobin 25
5365 Ampato mountain Ampato 25
5366 Angel tube station underground railway station Angel 25
5367 Anti-Fascist Council for the National Liberation of Yugoslavia transitional government Antifaschistischer Rat der Nationalen Befreiung Jugoslawiens 25
5368 Anurag Kashyap human Anurag Kashyap 25
5369 Armenian Americans ethnic group Armenische Amerikaner 25
5370 Ashot Nadanian human Aschot Nadanjan 25
5371 Atlantic torpedo taxon Atlantischer Zitterrochen 25
5372 Attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan murder Attentat auf Ronald Reagan 25
5373 Band of Gypsys album Band of Gypsys 25
5374 Banjo-Kazooie video game Banjo-Kazooie 25
5375 Batman: The Killing Joke graphic novel Batman: Lächeln, bitte! 25
5376 Battersea Power Station coal-fired power station Battersea Power Station 25
5377 Treebeard Ent Baumbart (d:Q754477) 25
5378 Because of You musical work/composition Because of You 25
5379 Beta Pictoris star Beta Pictoris 25
5380 Binary logarithm logarithm Binärer Logarithmus 25
5381 Bismarck-class battleship ship class Bismarck-Klasse 25
5382 Black Mirror: Bandersnatch film Black Mirror: Bandersnatch 25
5383 Bohemond IV of Antioch human Bohemund IV. 25
5384 Bolshoy Ice Dome stadium Bolschoi-Eispalast 25
5385 Bonin white-eye taxon Boninbrillenvogel 25
5386 55 Cancri c exoplanet Brahe 25
5387 Break the Ice single Break the Ice (d:Q845925) 25
5388 Grey-necked rockfowl taxon Buntkopf-Felshüpfer 25
5389 Caesars Palace hotel Caesars Palace 25
5390 Carl Gustav Rehnskiöld human Carl Gustaf Rehnskiöld 25
5391 Castorocauda fossil taxon Castorocauda 25
5392 Cavalera Conspiracy supergroup Cavalera Conspiracy 25
5393 47 Ursae Majoris star Chalawan 25
5394 The Cincinnati Kid film Cincinnati Kid 25
5395 Cindy McCain human Cindy Hensley McCain 25
5396 Clocks song Clocks 25
5397 Revolt of the Comuneros war Comuneros-Aufstand 25
5398 Cry song Cry 25
5399 Dabangg film Dabangg 25
5400 Dan Wheldon human Dan Wheldon 25
5401 David Mitchell human David Mitchell 25
5402 Daydream album Daydream 25
5403 Decapitated musical group Decapitated 25
5404 Corfu Declaration agreement Deklaration von Korfu 25
5405 The Calculus Affair comic book album Der Fall Bienlein 25
5406 Jaws: The Revenge film Der weiße Hai – Die Abrechnung 25
5407 Doggystyle album Doggystyle 25
5408 Don't Let Me Be the Last to Know song Don’t Let Me Be the Last to Know 25
5409 Periyar human E. V. Ramasami 25
5410 E=MC² album E=MC² 25
5411 Edita Gruberová human Edita Gruberová 25
5412 2010 Pichilemu earthquakes earthquake Erdbeben in Pichilemu 2010 25
5413 Euston tube station London Underground station Euston 25
5414 Evita album Evita 25
5415 Express Yourself song Express Yourself 25
5416 Fizeau experiment physics experiment Fizeau-Experiment 25
5417 Flag of West Virginia flag of a country subdivision Flagge West Virginias 25
5418 Blackmouth catshark taxon Fleckhai 25
5419 Eilat Airport airport Flughafen J. Hozman 25
5420 Forever television series Forever 25
5421 Frozen musical work/composition Frozen 25
5422 GHV2 album GHV2 25
5423 Borjomi commercial organization Georgian Glass and Mineral Water 25
5424 Gheorghe Tătărescu human Gheorghe Tătărescu 25
5425 Glastonbury Abbey abbey Glastonbury Abbey 25
5426 Gloucester Road tube station underground railway station Gloucester Road 25
5427 Good Kid, M.A.A.D City album Good Kid, M.A.A.D City 25
5428 United Armenia ideology Großarmenien (d:Q1423867) 25
5429 White-bellied imperial pigeon taxon Große Celebes-Fruchttaube 25
5430 2002 Australian Grand Prix Australian Grand Prix Großer Preis von Australien 2002 25
5431 2001 Belgian Grand Prix Belgian Grand Prix Großer Preis von Belgien 2001 25
5432 2015 British Grand Prix British Grand Prix Großer Preis von Großbritannien 2015 25
5433 2000 Hungarian Grand Prix Hungarian Grand Prix Großer Preis von Ungarn 2000 25
5434 2000 Austrian Grand Prix Austrian Grand Prix Großer Preis von Österreich 2000 25
5435 2015 Austrian Grand Prix Austrian Grand Prix Großer Preis von Österreich 2015 25
5436 Hannah Montana 2: Meet Miley Cyrus album Hannah Montana 2: Meet Miley Cyrus 25
5437 Harad fictional country Harad (d:Q661818) 25
5438 The Hardy Boyz tag team Hardy Boyz 25
5439 Hatzegopteryx fossil taxon Hatzegopteryx 25
5440 Gospel of the Hebrews Biblical apocrypha Hebräerevangelium 25
5441 Hell Awaits album Hell Awaits 25
5442 Hilda Solis human Hilda Solis 25
5443 If I Never See Your Face Again single If I Never See Your Face Again 25
5444 In Flanders Fields poem In Flanders Fields 25
5445 I-35W Mississippi River bridge truss bridge Interstate-35W-Mississippi-River-Brücke 25
5446 2008–2011 Icelandic financial crisis financial crisis Islands Finanzkrise 2008–2011 25
5447 I'm Breathless album I’m Breathless 25
5448 Ja Morant human Ja Morant 25
5449 Jaco Van Dormael human Jaco Van Dormael 25
5450 Yamhad historical country Jamchad 25
5451 Jasmine fictional human Jasmin (d:Q951483) 25
5452 Jay Park human Jay Park (d:Q429046) 25
5453 Jeremy Soule human Jeremy Soule 25
5454 Jessica Hardy human Jessica Hardy 25
5455 Kahraba human Kahraba 25
5456 Carom billiards sports discipline Karambolage 25
5457 Keeps Gettin' Better: A Decade of Hits album Keeps Gettin’ Better – A Decade of Hits 25
5458 Kepler-10c exoplanet Kepler-10c 25
5459 Keke Geladze human Ketewan Geladse 25
5460 Awesome Kong human Kharma 25
5461 Kimmie Meissner human Kimmie Meissner 25
5462 King Charles Spaniel dog breed King Charles Spaniel 25
5463 Climate sensitivity Klimasensitivität 25
5464 Kritosaurus fossil taxon Kritosaurus 25
5465 Krusty the Clown fictional human Krusty 25
5466 Kingdom of the Isles kingdom Königreich der Inseln 25
5467 Lantian Man fossil taxon Lantian-Mensch 25
5468 Leo Ryan human Leo J. Ryan 25
5469 Let's Dance album Let’s Dance 25
5470 Chadian–Libyan conflict war Libysch-Tschadischer Grenzkrieg 25
5471 Life Is Peachy album Life Is Peachy 25
5472 Life Is Strange: Before the Storm video game Life Is Strange: Before the Storm 25
5473 Lihou tidal island Lihou 25
5474 Like Crazy film Like Crazy 25
5475 Lincolnshire, Illinois village in the United States Lincolnshire 25
5476 Lucky Star single Lucky Star 25
5477 M list of James Bond characters M 25
5478 Magia album Magia (d:Q829329) 25
5479 Iskandar of Johor human Mahmud Iskandar Al-Haj 25
5480 Malmö Stadion stadium Malmö Stadion 25
5481 Purple-crowned fairywren taxon Malurus coronatus (d:Q1584142) 25
5482 Martin St. Louis human Martin St. Louis 25
5483 Vukovar massacre massacre Massaker von Vukovar 25
5484 Me Against the Music single Me Against the Music 25
5485 Melina Perez human Melina Perez 25
5486 Melioidosis infectious disease Melioidose 25
5487 Merced River river Merced River 25
5488 Metagenomics academic discipline Metagenomik 25
5489 Metroid video game Metroid (d:Q2530723) 25
5490 Michael I Komnenos Doukas human Michael I. Komnenos Dukas Angelos 25
5491 Mikhail Borodin human Michail Markowitsch Borodin 25
5492 Mikayel Nalbandian human Mikael Nalbandian 25
5493 Music Box album Music Box 25
5494 My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy album My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy 25
5495 Mykola Leontovych human Mykola Leontowytsch 25
5496 Kuhl's maskray taxon Neotrygon kuhlii (d:Q950415) 25
5497 Northrop F-20 Tigershark prototype aircraft model Northrop F-20 25
5498 Tug of war at the 1900 Summer Olympics Olympic sports discipline event Olympische Sommerspiele 1900/Tauziehen 25
5499 Nauru at the 2012 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2012/Teilnehmer 25
5500 Israel at the 2016 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2016/Teilnehmer 25
5501 Nauru at the 2016 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2016/Teilnehmer 25
5502 On the Floor single On the Floor 25
5503 St Nazaire Raid military operation Operation Chariot 25
5504 Oroville Dam embankment dam Oroville Dam 25
5505 Out of the Woods song Out of the Woods 25
5506 Papa Don't Preach single Papa Don’t Preach 25
5507 Parental Advisory warning label Parental Advisory 25
5508 Parson Russell Terrier dog breed Parson Russell Terrier 25
5509 Paul Butterfield human Paul Butterfield 25
5510 Pelagic thresher taxon Pazifischer Fuchshai 25
5511 Petlyakov Pe-8 aircraft family Petljakow Pe-8 25
5512 Pink Floyd: Live at Pompeii film Pink Floyd: Live at Pompeii 25
5513 Pin Ups album Pinups 25
5514 Piotr Skarga human Piotr Skarga 25
5515 Pizzagate conspiracy theory conspiracy theory Pizzagate 25
5516 Pleione variable star Pleione 25
5517 Portrait of an American Family album Portrait of an American Family 25
5518 Prosaurolophus fossil taxon Prosaurolophus 25
5519 Pterygotus fossil taxon Pterygotus 25
5520 Purple Haze musical work/composition Purple Haze 25
5521 Queen Anne's War conflict Queen Anne’s War 25
5522 Raasay island Raasay 25
5523 Rare video game developer Rare 25
5524 Ready to Die album Ready to Die 25
5525 United Nations Security Council Resolution 82 United Nations Security Council resolution Resolution 82 des UN-Sicherheitsrates 25
5526 Robert Stroud human Robert Stroud 25
5527 Romaine Brooks human Romaine Brooks 25
5528 Red rain in Kerala Roter Regen in Kerala 25
5529 Rukia Kuchiki Shinigami Rukia Kuchiki (d:Q728718) 25
5530 Broaching manufacturing process Räumen 25
5531 S Club 7 musical group S Club 7 25
5532 SCP Foundation wiki SCP Foundation 25
5533 Tomb of Safdar Jang mausoleum Safdarjung-Mausoleum 25
5534 Saints Row: The Third video game Saints Row: The Third 25
5535 Samus Aran video game character Samus Aran 25
5536 Sandra Cisneros human Sandra Cisneros 25
5537 Scarborough, Toronto city district Scarborough 25
5538 Intercrural sex non-penetrative sex Schenkelverkehr 25
5539 Battle of Kolubara battle Schlacht an der Kolubara 25
5540 Battle of Cer battle Schlacht von Cer 25
5541 Battle of Lade battle Schlacht von Lade 25
5542 Owlfly taxon Schmetterlingshafte 25
5543 Black bean aphid taxon Schwarze Bohnenlaus 25
5544 Black coral taxon Schwarze Korallen 25
5545 Seasons in the Abyss album Seasons in the Abyss 25
5546 Sestina forme fixe Sestine 25
5547 She Wolf album She Wolf 25
5548 Silent Hill 3 video game Silent Hill 3 25
5549 White-browed nuthatch taxon Sitta victoriae (d:Q534380) 25
5550 Slither.io website Slither.io 25
5551 Sojourner Mars rover Sojourner 25
5552 Someday song Someday 25
5553 Somewhere film Somewhere 25
5554 Sonic Adventure 2 video game Sonic Adventure 2 25
5555 Sonic Heroes video game Sonic Heroes 25
5556 Sonic Mania video game Sonic Mania 25
5557 Pholiota squarrosa taxon Sparriger Schüppling 25
5558 StarCraft: Brood War expansion pack StarCraft: Brood War 25
5559 Stellar rotation Sternrotation 25
5560 Stronger song Stronger 25
5561 Superunknown album Superunknown 25
5562 South Kasai historical country Süd-Kasai 25
5563 Tameside metropolitan borough Tameside 25
5564 Devils Hole pupfish taxon Teufelskärpfling 25
5565 The Binding of Isaac video game The Binding of Isaac 25
5566 The Golden Age of Grotesque album The Golden Age of Grotesque 25
5567 The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket literary work The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket 25
5568 The Scientist single The Scientist 25
5569 The System Has Failed album The System Has Failed 25
5570 The Time of Our Lives extended play The Time of Our Lives 25
5571 The Truth About Love album The Truth About Love 25
5572 The Watch film The Watch – Nachbarn der 3. Art 25
5573 The World Needs a Hero album The World Needs a Hero 25
5574 Thomas Bewick human Thomas Bewick 25
5575 Thomas Pennant human Thomas Pennant 25
5576 Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness video game Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness 25
5577 Tomb Raider: Underworld video game Tomb Raider: Underworld 25
5578 Toniná archaeological site Toniná 25
5579 Trisha Yearwood human Trisha Yearwood 25
5580 Tubas city Tubas 25
5581 2020 US Open US Open US Open 2020 25
5582 USS Hornet aircraft carrier USS Hornet 25
5583 Operation Winter Storm military operation Unternehmen Wintergewitter 25
5584 Upāli mythical character Upali 25
5585 Forgotten Realms fictional universe Vergessene Reiche 25
5586 Violin Concerto musical work/composition Violinkonzert e-Moll 25
5587 Vision of Love song Vision of Love 25
5588 Vulcanodon fossil taxon Vulcanodon 25
5589 WASP-17b exoplanet WASP-17 b 25
5590 Æsir–Vanir War mythical war Wanenkrieg 25
5591 Wannabe song Wannabe 25
5592 Wasting Light album Wasting Light 25
5593 White-eared titi taxon Weißohr-Springaffe 25
5594 Whiskey Rebellion rebellion Whiskey-Rebellion 25
5595 Who's That Girl album Who’s That Girl 25
5596 Vígríðr Norse mythical location Wigrid 25
5597 Wii Play video game Wii Play 25
5598 William H. Keeler human William Henry Keeler 25
5599 World Fantasy Award literary award World Fantasy Award 25
5600 Wrecking Ball song Wrecking Ball 25
5601 You Must Love Me single You Must Love Me 25
5602 Young Americans album Young Americans 25
5603 Yoko Shimomura human Yōko Shimomura 25
5604 Zara Yaqob human Zara Yaqob 25
5605 Second Partition of Poland aspect of history Zweite Teilung Polens 25
5606 First generation of video game consoles aspect of history erste Konsolengeneration (d:Q129781) 25
5607 Shammuramat human Šammuramat 25
5608 Ana Lucia Cortez fictional human (d:Q51277) 24
5609 1977 European Cup Final UEFA Champions League final (d:Q225224) 24
5610 1968 European Cup Final association football final (d:Q588540) 24
5611 Autonomous Republic of Northern Epirus historical country (d:Q730163) 24
5612 UEFA Euro 1988 Final UEFA Euro Final (d:Q944139) 24
5613 UEFA Euro 1972 Final UEFA Euro Final (d:Q973618) 24
5614 1978 European Cup Final UEFA Champions League final (d:Q1068890) 24
5615 Mohanlal human (d:Q2050534) 24
5616 Rati Devi (d:Q2364772) 24
5617 Ionic compound structural class of chemical entities (d:Q2366155) 24
5618 16 Cygni multiple star 16 Cygni 24
5619 Aegidius human Aegidius 24
5620 Air Hong Kong airline Air Hong Kong 24
5621 AirAsia India airline AirAsia India 24
5622 Aladdin Sane album Aladdin Sane 24
5623 Alright, Still album Alright, Still 24
5624 Kauhajoki school shooting school shooting Amoklauf von Kauhajoki 24
5625 Amor Prohibido album Amor Prohibido 24
5626 Ann Dunham human Ann Dunham 24
5627 Anthony Wilding human Anthony Wilding 24
5628 The Resident television series Atlanta Medical 24
5629 2011 Tucson shooting mass shooting Attentat von Tucson 24
5630 Presumed Innocent film Aus Mangel an Beweisen 24
5631 A1 road Autocesta A1 24
5632 Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn video game Baldur’s Gate II: Schatten von Amn 24
5633 Barney Gumble fictional human Barney Gumble 24
5634 Bean Station, Tennessee town in the United States Bean Station 24
5635 Siege of Constantinople war Belagerung von Konstantinopel 24
5636 Bintulu town Bintulu (d:Q594209) 24
5637 Black Hawk War war Black-Hawk-Krieg 24
5638 Bockscar Boeing B-29 Superfortress Bockscar 24
5639 Brad Mehldau human Brad Mehldau 24
5640 Brett Hull human Brett Hull 24
5641 Bristol Britannia aircraft family Bristol Britannia 24
5642 National Front political party British National Front 24
5643 Butterfly album Butterfly 24
5644 C-SPAN legislature broadcaster C-SPAN 24
5645 William Beebe human Charles William Beebe 24
5646 Chicago Marathon recurring sporting event Chicago-Marathon 24
5647 Chhinnamasta Devi Chinnamasta 24
5648 Christopher Lekapenos human Christophoros Lakapenos 24
5649 Closing Time album Closing Time (d:Q1753003) 24
5650 Comcast Center skyscraper Comcast Center 24
5651 Conker's Bad Fur Day video game Conker’s Bad Fur Day 24
5652 Crash Twinsanity video game Crash Twinsanity (d:Q1257775) 24
5653 Crawl film Crawl 24
5654 1975 Cricket World Cup season Cricket World Cup 1975 24
5655 Cryptic Writings album Cryptic Writings 24
5656 Crystal Gayle human Crystal Gayle 24
5657 Darren O'Dea human Darren O’Dea 24
5658 The Secret of the Unicorn comic book album Das Geheimnis der „Einhorn“ 24
5659 Day of the Tentacle video game Day of the Tentacle 24
5660 Dean Whitehead human Dean Whitehead 24
5661 Debut album Debut 24
5662 Dennis Taylor human Dennis Taylor 24
5663 Deptford area of London Deptford 24
5664 The Shooting Star comic book album Der geheimnisvolle Stern 24
5665 Deus Ex: Mankind Divided video game Deus Ex: Mankind Divided 24
5666 1939 German ultimatum to Lithuania ultimatum Deutsches Ultimatum an Litauen 24
5667 The Seven Crystal Balls comic book album Die sieben Kristallkugeln 24
5668 Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII video game Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII 24
5669 Divine Intervention album Divine Intervention 24
5670 Don't Start Now single Don’t Start Now 24
5671 Doo-Wops & Hooligans album Doo-Wops & Hooligans 24
5672 Dragonlance fictional universe Drachenlanze 24
5673 Earl's Court tube station London Underground station Earl’s Court 24
5674 Edward Coke human Edward Coke 24
5675 Eir Norse deity Eir 24
5676 Enter the Void film Enter the Void 24
5677 Ottoman–Venetian War war Eroberung Zyperns durch die Osmanen 1570/71 24
5678 Everybody musical work/composition Everybody (d:Q1920231) 24
5679 FLCL anime FLCL 24
5680 FUNCINPEC political party FUNCINPEC 24
5681 Death of Elisa Lam death Fall Elisa Lam 24
5682 Faversham town Faversham 24
5683 FernGully: The Last Rainforest animated feature film FernGully – Christa und Zaks Abenteuer im Regenwald 24
5684 Victor human Flavius Victor 24
5685 Flight 19 aviation accident Flight 19 24
5686 Son of Frankenstein film Frankensteins Sohn 24
5687 Free as a Bird musical work/composition Free as a Bird 24
5688 Variable-frequency drive Frequenzumrichter 24
5689 Friedreich's ataxia Friedreich-Ataxie 24
5690 From the Bottom of My Broken Heart song From the Bottom of My Broken Heart 24
5691 Deathwatch beetle taxon Gescheckter Nagekäfer 24
5692 Get Lucky single Get Lucky 24
5693 Gigha island Gigha 24
5694 Georgi Kinkladze human Giorgi Kinkladse 24
5695 2008 Giro d'Italia Giro d'Italia Giro d’Italia 2008 24
5696 Glover's pika taxon Glover-Pfeifhase 24
5697 Godzilla Raids Again film Godzilla kehrt zurück 24
5698 Gold Beach code name Gold Beach 24
5699 Greysia Polii human Greysia Polii 24
5700 2000 Belgian Grand Prix Belgian Grand Prix Großer Preis von Belgien 2000 24
5701 2000 German Grand Prix German Grand Prix Großer Preis von Deutschland 2000 24
5702 2001 German Grand Prix German Grand Prix Großer Preis von Deutschland 2001 24
5703 1997 European Grand Prix European Grand Prix Großer Preis von Europa 1997 24
5704 2000 European Grand Prix European Grand Prix Großer Preis von Europa 2000 24
5705 2000 French Grand Prix French Grand Prix Großer Preis von Frankreich 2000 24
5706 2000 Canadian Grand Prix Canadian Grand Prix Großer Preis von Kanada 2000 24
5707 2001 Malaysian Grand Prix Malaysian Grand Prix Großer Preis von Malaysia 2001 24
5708 2001 Monaco Grand Prix Monaco Grand Prix Großer Preis von Monaco 2001 24
5709 2001 Hungarian Grand Prix Hungarian Grand Prix Großer Preis von Ungarn 2001 24
5710 2001 Austrian Grand Prix Austrian Grand Prix Großer Preis von Österreich 2001 24
5711 Group selection scientific hypothesis Gruppenselektion 24
5712 Guallatiri volcano Guallatiri 24
5713 Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock video game Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock 24
5714 Mobile Suit Gundam SEED anime television series Gundam Seed 24
5715 HMS Birkenhead frigate HMS Birkenhead 24
5716 HMS King George V battleship HMS King George V 24
5717 HMS Rodney battleship HMS Rodney 24
5718 Hair song Hair 24
5719 Haruka Tomatsu human Haruka Tomatsu 24
5720 Hauran mountain range Hauran 24
5721 Hermann Graf human Hermann Graf 24
5722 Japanese battleship Hiei battlecruiser Hiei 24
5723 Hinata Hyuga fictional human Hinata Hyuuga (d:Q718965) 24
5724 The Ritz Hotel, London hotel Hotel Ritz 24
5725 Hugo Black human Hugo Black 24
5726 Hypopituitarism rare disease Hypophyseninsuffizienz 24
5727 Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis video game Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis 24
5728 Injustice: Gods Among Us video game Injustice: Götter unter uns (d:Q619427) 24
5729 I'm Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman song I’m Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman 24
5730 Get Carter film Jack rechnet ab 24
5731 Joe Bennett human Joe Bennett 24
5732 Joseph Berchtold human Joseph Berchtold 24
5733 Julia Alvarez human Julia Alvarez 24
5734 Julius Schaub human Julius Schaub 24
5735 Katy Hudson album Katy Hudson 24
5736 Cat People film Katzenmenschen 24
5737 Kepler-10 star Kepler-10 24
5738 King of Pop album King of Pop (d:Q848961) 24
5739 Kingda Ka launched roller coaster Kingda Ka 24
5740 Klamath River river Klamath River 24
5741 Santa's Little Helper animated character Knecht Ruprecht (d:Q1425114) 24
5742 The Red Sea Sharks comic book album Kohle an Bord 24
5743 Gyroporus cyanescens taxon Kornblumen-Röhrling 24
5744 Amanita regalis taxon Königs-Fliegenpilz 24
5745 German cruiser Königsberg light cruiser Königsberg 24
5746 Honeyland film Land des Honigs 24
5747 Leona Woods human Leona Woods 24
5748 Levantine Arabic language family Levantinisches Arabisch 24
5749 Lexus LS automobile model Lexus LS 24
5750 Life Is Strange 2 video game Life Is Strange 2 24
5751 Live to Tell single Live to Tell 24
5752 Louise Nevelson human Louise Nevelson 24
5753 Mad Season supergroup Mad Season 24
5754 Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara film Man lebt nur einmal – Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara 24
5755 Manchester Metrolink light rail system Manchester Metrolink 24
5756 Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga video game Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga 24
5757 Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time video game Mario & Luigi: Zusammen durch die Zeit 24
5758 Material Girl song Material Girl 24
5759 Mega Man video game Mega Man (d:Q6586317) 24
5760 Merry Christmas album Merry Christmas (d:Q913561) 24
5761 Thessaloniki Metro rapid transit Metro Thessaloniki 24
5762 Michèle Mouton human Michèle Mouton 24
5763 Miguel Cotto human Miguel Cotto 24
5764 Demining field of work Minenräumung 24
5765 Modern Life Is Rubbish album Modern Life Is Rubbish 24
5766 Morgan horse horse breed Morgan 24
5767 Mortal Kombat II video game Mortal Kombat II 24
5768 Mr. Krabs animated character Mr. Krabs (d:Q1193472) 24
5769 My Immortal single My Immortal (d:Q1981958) 24
5770 Naomi human Naomi 24
5771 Pindus National Park national park Nationalpark Pindos (d:Q1989158) 24
5772 Neil Etheridge human Neil Etheridge 24
5773 New Rules single New Rules 24
5774 Nokian Tyres public company Nokian Renkaat 24
5775 Obsessed film Obsessed 24
5776 Aruba at the 2008 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2008/Teilnehmer 24
5777 Kiribati at the 2016 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2016/Teilnehmer 24
5778 South Sudan at the 2016 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2016/Teilnehmer 24
5779 Tuvalu at the 2016 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2016/Teilnehmer 24
5780 Algeria at the 2010 Winter Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Winterspiele 2010/Teilnehmer 24
5781 Tonga at the 2014 Winter Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Winterspiele 2014/Teilnehmer 24
5782 Singapore at the 2018 Winter Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Winterspiele 2018/Teilnehmer 24
5783 Open Your Heart song Open Your Heart 24
5784 Borneo campaign military campaign Operation Oboe 24
5785 Osorkon IV human Osorkon IV. 24
5786 Oswald Boelcke human Oswald Boelcke 24
5787 PIAT rocket-propelled grenade PIAT 24
5788 Party in the U.S.A. song Party in the U.S.A. 24
5789 Pavel Bure human Pawel Wladimirowitsch Bure 24
5790 The Titan's Curse written work Percy Jackson – Der Fluch des Titanen 24
5791 Philharmonia Orchestra orchestra Philharmonia Orchestra 24
5792 Abu Lu'lu'a Firuz human Piruz Nahavandi 24
5793 Planned Parenthood nonprofit organization Planned Parenthood 24
5794 PlatinumGames video game developer Platinum Games 24
5795 Portishead, Somerset town Portishead 24
5796 Qutayba ibn Muslim human Qutaiba ibn Muslim 24
5797 Rainbow album Rainbow 24
5798 Ramones album Ramones 24
5799 Remedy Entertainment video game developer Remedy Entertainment 24
5800 Remixed & Revisited album Remixed & Revisited 24
5801 Resident Evil Zero video game Resident Evil Zero 24
5802 Amanita ceciliae taxon Riesen-Scheidenstreifling 24
5803 Chinese Rites controversy controversy Ritenstreit 24
5804 Robert Ridgway human Robert Ridgway 24
5805 Rohit Sharma human Rohit Sharma (d:Q3520045) 24
5806 Rozen Maiden manga series Rozen Maiden 24
5807 Rust video game Rust 24
5808 Dusky woodswallow taxon Rußschwalbenstar 24
5809 Spinal cord injury disease Rückenmarksverletzung 24
5810 STS-74 human spaceflight STS-74 24
5811 Scary Monsters album Scary Monsters 24
5812 World Chess Championship 1972 season Schachweltmeisterschaft 1972 24
5813 Battle of Messines battle Schlacht bei Messines 24
5814 Battle of Fort Eben-Emael battle Schlacht von Fort Eben-Emael 24
5815 Scotiabank Saddledome arena Scotiabank Saddledome 24
5816 Scream & Shout single Scream & Shout 24
5817 Sealyham Terrier dog breed Sealyham Terrier 24
5818 German cruiser Seydlitz heavy cruiser Seydlitz 24
5819 Shackleton impact crater Shackleton 24
5820 Shadow the Hedgehog video game character Shadow the Hedgehog 24
5821 Shut Up and Drive musical work/composition Shut Up and Drive 24
5822 Singapura cat cat breed Singapura 24
5823 Sometimes song Sometimes 24
5824 Sonic & Knuckles video game Sonic & Knuckles 24
5825 Special Boat Service special forces Special Boat Service 24
5826 Stacy Keibler human Stacy Keibler 24
5827 Western rosella taxon Stanleysittich 24
5828 Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy video game Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy 24
5829 Staten Island Ferry ferry route Staten Island Ferry 24
5830 Sticky & Sweet Tour concert tour Sticky & Sweet Tour 24
5831 Stuart McCall human Stuart McCall 24
5832 Summer Wars anime film Summer Wars 24
5833 Yoshi's Island video game Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Island 24
5834 Sin-shumu-lishir human Sîn-šumu-līšir 24
5835 Take Off Your Pants and Jacket album Take Off Your Pants and Jacket 24
5836 Take On Me musical work/composition Take On Me 24
5837 Te Amo song Te amo 24
5838 Temple of the Dog musical group Temple of the Dog 24
5839 Brian Kendrick human The Brian Kendrick 24
5840 The Cure single The Cure 24
5841 The Man Who Sold the World album The Man Who Sold the World 24
5842 The Yes Album album The Yes Album 24
5843 Theme Hospital video game Theme Hospital 24
5844 This Love single This Love (d:Q1982114) 24
5845 Thomas Gage human Thomas Gage 24
5846 Tim McGraw single Tim McGraw (d:Q2076570) 24
5847 Titanfall video game Titanfall 24
5848 Tobin Heath human Tobin Heath 24
5849 Tomb Raider: Anniversary video game Tomb Raider: Anniversary 24
5850 Tommy Flanagan human Tommy Flanagan 24
5851 1904 Tour de France Tour de France Tour de France 1904 24
5852 Trans-Europe Express album Trans Europa Express 24
5853 Nevado Tres Cruces mountain Tres Cruces 24
5854 Trespass album Trespass 24
5855 Hungarian conquest of the Carpathian Basin conquest Ungarische Landnahmezeit (d:Q4218) 24
5856 United Abominations album United Abominations 24
5857 United Airlines Flight 232 aviation accident United-Airlines-Flug 232 24
5858 University of Central Florida university University of Central Florida 24
5859 University of Mississippi university University of Mississippi 24
5860 Urquhart Castle castle Urquhart Castle 24
5861 The Perks of Being a Wallflower literary work Vielleicht lieber morgen 24
5862 Vs. album Vs. 24
5863 Walter Bedell Smith human Walter Bedell Smith 24
5864 Waylon Smithers fictional human Waylon Smithers 24
5865 White-crowned forktail taxon Weißscheitel-Scherenschwanz 24
5866 White Lies musical group White Lies 24
5867 White Light/White Heat album White Light/White Heat 24
5868 Widnes town Widnes 24
5869 Wilma Mankiller human Wilma Mankiller 24
5870 Winter Paralympic Games recurring sporting event Winter-Paralympics (d:Q3317976) 24
5871 Wizards of the Coast video game publisher Wizards of the Coast 24
5872 World Painted Blood album World Painted Blood 24
5873 XYZ Affair scandal XYZ-Affäre 24
5874 Operation Iskra battle Zweite Ladoga-Schlacht 24
5875 Zytglogge astronomical clock Zytglogge 24
5876 Homologous recombination biological process homologe Rekombination (d:Q22280388) 24
5877 Skull Tower tower Ćele Kula 24
5878 WrestleMania XXIV WrestleMania (d:Q50985) 23
5879 Boone Carlyle fictional human (d:Q51282) 23
5880 The Beyoncé Experience concert tour (d:Q146579) 23
5881 2000 Malaysian Grand Prix Malaysian Grand Prix (d:Q363676) 23
5882 Tupolev Tu-142 maritime patrol aircraft (d:Q616426) 23
5883 Watchet town (d:Q641921) 23
5884 2005 UEFA Super Cup season (d:Q748083) 23
5885 Silent Hill: Origins video game (d:Q840699) 23
5886 1991 European Super Cup season (d:Q1088622) 23
5887 Second Persian invasion of Greece war (d:Q1122337) 23
5888 Indrani Devi (d:Q2578801) 23
5889 Dying Light video game (d:Q13415292) 23
5890 2014 FA Community Shield season (d:Q16862607) 23
5891 2015 FA Community Shield season (d:Q20018429) 23
5892 Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution constitutional amendment 15. Zusatzartikel zur Verfassung der Vereinigten Staaten 23
5893 20 Exchange Place skyscraper 20 Exchange Place 23
5894 2channel website 2channel 23
5895 Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution constitutional amendment 4. Zusatzartikel zur Verfassung der Vereinigten Staaten 23
5896 Bath Abbey parish church Abteikirche Bath 23
5897 Luna moth taxon Actias luna 23
5898 Kind Hearts and Coronets film Adel verpflichtet 23
5899 'Adud al-Dawla human Adud ad-Daula 23
5900 Alexander Pechersky human Alexander Aronowitsch Petscherski 23
5901 All Things Must Pass album All Things Must Pass 23
5902 Ampelosaurus fossil taxon Ampelosaurus 23
5903 Annie human Annie 23
5904 Anthony Parker human Anthony Parker 23
5905 Antonín Kinský human Antonín Kinský 23
5906 Anže Kopitar human Anže Kopitar 23
5907 Workhouse Arbeitshaus 23
5908 Ariwara no Narihira human Ariwara no Narihira 23
5909 We Are the World 25 for Haiti song Artists for Haiti 23
5910 Asashōryū Akinori human Asashōryū Akinori 23
5911 Autobahn album Autobahn 23
5912 A3 road Autocesta A3 23
5913 Aya Hirano human Aya Hirano 23
5914 Badmotorfinger album Badmotorfinger 23
5915 Blackfriars station dead-end railway station Bahnhof Blackfriars 23
5916 Elephant & Castle tube station last station Bahnhof Elephant & Castle 23
5917 Marylebone station dead-end railway station Bahnhof Marylebone 23
5918 Vauxhall station railway station Bahnhof Vauxhall 23
5919 Bat Out of Hell album Bat Out of Hell 23
5920 Beautiful Liar single Beautiful Liar 23
5921 Siege of Carthage battle Belagerung von Karthago 23
5922 The Lives of a Bengal Lancer film Bengali 23
5923 Ben Linus fictional human Benjamin Linus (d:Q51281) 23
5924 Binaural album Binaural 23
5925 Blind Willie Johnson human Blind Willie Johnson 23
5926 Blink-182 album Blink-182 23
5927 Borderline song Borderline 23
5928 Born This Way: The Remix album Born This Way – The Remix 23
5929 Borromean rings Borromäische Ringe 23
5930 Brownie Brownie 23
5931 Bullfrog Productions video game developer Bullfrog Productions 23
5932 Butterflies single Butterflies 23
5933 Banded iron formation Bändererz 23
5934 Carl Størmer human Carl Størmer 23
5935 Carnegie Hall Tower skyscraper Carnegie Hall Tower 23
5936 Caroline Flack human Caroline Flack 23
5937 Casino Royale television film Casino Royale 23
5938 Cathedral of St. John the Divine Anglican or Episcopal cathedral Cathedral of Saint John the Divine 23
5939 Cedar Point amusement park Cedar Point 23
5940 Chapter 27 film Chapter 27 – Die Ermordung des John Lennon 23
5941 Chard, Somerset town Chard 23
5942 Charlie Haas human Charlie Haas 23
5943 Charlotte anime television series Charlotte 23
5944 Cheshire Cat album Cheshire Cat 23
5945 Chevelle musical group Chevelle 23
5946 Château Gaillard castle Château Gaillard 23
5947 Cicada taxon Cicadoidea (d:Q1947892) 23
5948 Coelurus monotypic fossil taxon Coelurus 23
5949 Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time video game Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time (d:Q96574138) 23
5950 Crazy for You musical work/composition Crazy for You 23
5951 Azure-hooded jay taxon Cyanolyca cucullata (d:Q549139) 23
5952 Cynthia Lummis human Cynthia Lummis 23
5953 Dalhousie University public research university Dalhousie University 23
5954 Day of Defeat: Source video game Day of Defeat: Source 23
5955 Days Gone video game Days Gone 23
5956 Apt Pupil film Der Musterschüler 23
5957 Prisoners of the Sun comic book album Der Sonnentempel 23
5958 Detached object Detached Object 23
5959 Diolkos archaeological site Diolkos 23
5960 Dishonored 2 video game Dishonored 2: Das Vermächtnis der Maske 23
5961 Do Somethin' song Do Somethin’ 23
5962 Donkey Kong Country video game Donkey Kong Country 23
5963 Third Anglo-Maratha War war Dritter Marathenkrieg 23
5964 Easter Road association football venue Easter Road 23
5965 Prickly shark taxon Echinorhinus cookei 23
5966 Echoes musical work/composition Echoes 23
5967 A Simple Plan film Ein einfacher Plan 23
5968 Elliot See human Elliot See 23
5969 Empire State of Mind single Empire State of Mind 23
5970 End of Watch film End of Watch 23
5971 Ethan Allen human Ethan Allen 23
5972 Evanescence album Evanescence 23
5973 Evangelos Zappas human Evangelos Zappas 23
5974 Everything Has Changed song Everything Has Changed (d:Q5418004) 23
5975 Everytime song Everytime 23
5976 Fancy rat taxon Farbratte 23
5977 Feeder musical group Feeder 23
5978 Firewatch video game Firewatch 23
5979 2016 Tour of Flanders Tour of Flanders Flandern-Rundfahrt 2016 23
5980 Flannan Isles island group Flannan Isles 23
5981 Alta Airport airport Flughafen Alta 23
5982 Frances Tiafoe human Frances Tiafoe 23
5983 Frederick Russell Burnham human Frederick Russell Burnham 23
5984 1900 Galveston hurricane North Atlantic tropical cyclone Galveston-Hurrikan 23
5985 Gary Hooper human Gary Hooper 23
5986 Ammophila sabulosa taxon Gemeine Sandwespe 23
5987 George Boyd human George Boyd 23
5988 George Pickett human George Edward Pickett 23
5989 Giffnock town Giffnock (d:Q1016935) 23
5990 Gill Sans sans-serif Gill Sans 23
5991 Girlschool rock band Girlschool 23
5992 2010 Giro d'Italia Giro d'Italia Giro d’Italia 2010 23
5993 Give It 2 Me single Give It 2 Me (d:Q1635691) 23
5994 Gliese 876 b exoplanet Gliese 876 b 23
5995 SS Great Britain maritime museum Great Britain 23
5996 Gregory Helms human Gregory Helms 23
5997 Whaling in the Faroe Islands whaling Grindadráp 23
5998 HD 40307 star HD 40307 23
5999 Hate That I Love You single Hate That I Love You 23
6000 Heartbreak Hotel musical work/composition Heartbreak Hotel 23
6001 Hello, Goodbye musical work/composition Hello, Goodbye 23
6002 Henry of Grosmont, 1st Duke of Lancaster human Henry of Grosmont, 1. Duke of Lancaster 23
6003 Hero musical work/composition Hero (d:Q933978) 23
6004 Hitman video game Hitman 23
6005 Holiday single Holiday 23
6006 Honda HA-420 HondaJet aircraft model Honda HA-420 23
6007 Honda Super Cub motorcycle model Honda Super Cub 23
6008 Hounslow West tube station underground railway station Hounslow West 23
6009 Hubert Pierlot human Hubert Pierlot 23
6010 Hugh III of Cyprus human Hugo III. 23
6011 Hum Aapke Hain Koun..! film Hum Aapke Hain Koun…! 23
6012 Hurva Synagogue synagogue Hurva-Synagoge 23
6013 Hélio Castroneves human Hélio Castroneves 23
6014 I Knew You Were Trouble song I Knew You Were Trouble 23
6015 Iloilo International Airport international airport Iloilo International Airport 23
6016 Impact World Championship sports competition Impact World Championship 23
6017 Reticulate whipray taxon Indo-Australischer Tüpfelrochen 23
6018 Into the Groove single Into the Groove 23
6019 Ireland cricket team national sports team Irische Cricket-Nationalmannschaft 23
6020 Irreemplazable extended play Irreemplazable (d:Q1317272) 23
6021 Ivor Allchurch human Ivor Allchurch 23
6022 Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan painting Iwan der Schreckliche und sein Sohn Iwan, 16. November 1581 (d:Q4195595) 23
6023 Jackalope mythical animal Jackalope 23
6024 Jahlil Okafor human Jahlil Okafor 23
6025 James Meredith human James Meredith 23
6026 Jean-Claude Mézières human Jean-Claude Mézières 23
6027 Elena Rybakina human Jelena Rybakina 23
6028 Jillian Hall human Jillian Hall 23
6029 Joe Simon human Joe Simon 23
6030 Just Cause 2 video game Just Cause 2 23
6031 Sajmište concentration camp concentration camp KZ Sajmište 23
6032 Kandalanu human Kandalanu 23
6033 Shelob literary character Kankra 23
6034 Kanon video game Kanon 23
6035 German cruiser Karlsruhe light cruiser Karlsruhe 23
6036 Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep video game Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep (d:Q281110) 23
6037 Smalleye hammerhead taxon Kleinaugen-Hammerhai 23
6038 Cleomenes II human Kleomenes II. 23
6039 Korean mythology Koreanische Mythologie 23
6040 German cruiser Köln light cruiser Köln 23
6041 La Isla Bonita song La Isla Bonita 23
6042 Buru mountain pigeon taxon Langschwanz-Bergtaube 23
6043 Lemmings video game Lemmings (d:Q864177) 23
6044 Liam Miller human Liam Miller 23
6045 Light in August written work Licht im August 23
6046 55 Cancri d exoplanet Lipperhey 23
6047 Living for Love song Living for Love (d:Q18658521) 23
6048 Lotus album Lotus (d:Q25935) 23
6049 Luigi's Mansion video game Luigi’s Mansion 23
6050 Lysenkoism school of thought Lyssenkoismus 23
6051 German cruiser Lützow heavy cruiser Lützow 23
6052 M2M musical group M2M 23
6053 MCMXC a.D. album MCMXC a.D. 23
6054 Manhunt video game Manhunt 23
6055 Matt Bevin human Matt Bevin 23
6056 Mercury-Atlas 8 human spaceflight Mercury-Atlas 8 23
6057 Japanese battleship Mikasa museum ship Mikasa 23
6058 Mine song Mine 23
6059 2009 Mediterranean Games multi-sport event Mittelmeerspiele 2009 23
6060 Mo Tae-bum human Mo Tae-bum 23
6061 Moonlight television series Moonlight 23
6062 Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia rare disease Morbus Osler 23
6063 Larabanga Mosque mosque Moschee von Larabanga 23
6064 My Prerogative song My Prerogative 23
6065 Nate Parker human Nate Parker 23
6066 Melampitta taxon Neuguineaflöter 23
6067 New York World Building skyscraper New York World Building 23
6068 North Potomac, Maryland census-designated place in the United States North Potomac (d:Q518064) 23
6069 Nursery Cryme album Nursery Cryme 23
6070 Markham's storm petrel taxon Oceanodroma markhami (d:Q939222) 23
6071 Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee video game Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee 23
6072 Antigua and Barbuda at the 2008 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2008/Teilnehmer 23
6073 Bhutan at the 2016 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2016/Teilnehmer 23
6074 Guam at the 2016 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2016/Teilnehmer 23
6075 Albania at the 2010 Winter Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Winterspiele 2010/Teilnehmer 23
6076 Azerbaijan at the 2010 Winter Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Winterspiele 2010/Teilnehmer 23
6077 British Virgin Islands at the 2014 Winter Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Winterspiele 2014/Teilnehmer 23
6078 Armenia at the 2018 Winter Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Winterspiele 2018/Teilnehmer 23
6079 Ons Jabeur human Ons Jabeur 23
6080 Papa Stour island Papa Stour 23
6081 Part of Me song Part of Me 23
6082 Patagosaurus fossil taxon Patagosaurus 23
6083 Paul London human Paul London 23
6084 Persona 4 video game Persona 4 23
6085 Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney video game Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 23
6086 Pies Descalzos album Pies descalzos (d:Q836123) 23
6087 Pokémon Colosseum video game Pokémon Colosseum 23
6088 Polyadenylation post-transcriptional modification Polyadenylierung 23
6089 Polygon business Polygon 23
6090 Pondicherry shark taxon Pondicherryhai 23
6091 Purple-throated cotinga taxon Porphyrolaema porphyrolaema (d:Q908803) 23
6092 Prime Minister of Vietnam public office Premierminister Vietnams 23
6093 Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carrier ship class Queen-Elizabeth-Klasse 23
6094 Fakhr al-Mulk Ridwan human Radwan 23
6095 Rajkummar Rao human Raj Yadav (d:Q7285367) 23
6096 Ravi Zacharias human Ravi Zacharias 23
6097 Gunfighter occupation Revolverheld 23
6098 Richie McCaw human Richie McCaw 23
6099 Risk album Risk 23
6100 Roy Cohn human Roy Cohn 23
6101 Run the World song Run the World 23
6102 Russkiy Toy dog breed Russkiy Toy 23
6103 SMS Viribus Unitis battleship SMS Viribus Unitis 23
6104 Sarah Lancashire human Sarah Lancashire 23
6105 Battle of the Wilderness battle Schlacht in der Wilderness 23
6106 Battle of Jerusalem battle Schlacht um Jerusalem 23
6107 Battle of Marston Moor battle Schlacht von Marston Moor 23
6108 Congo serpent eagle taxon Schlangenbussard 23
6109 Bam Bam Bigelow human Scott Bigelow 23
6110 Scott Niedermayer human Scott Niedermayer 23
6111 Shays' Rebellion rebellion Shays’ Rebellion 23
6112 Silver-throated tanager taxon Silberkehltangare 23
6113 Silent Hill: Shattered Memories video game Silent Hill: Shattered Memories 23
6114 Sinoceratops fossil taxon Sinoceratops 23
6115 Chestnut-vented nuthatch taxon Sitta nagaensis (d:Q902434) 23
6116 Sleaford town Sleaford 23
6117 Sonic CD video game Sonic the Hedgehog CD 23
6118 Pacific angelshark taxon Squatina californica (d:Q29150) 23
6119 Stanisław Staszic human Stanisław Staszic 23
6120 Stargate songwriting team Stargate 23
6121 Stephen Mallory human Stephen Russell Mallory senior 23
6122 Steve Smith human Steve Smith (d:Q7613970) 23
6123 Rück's blue flycatcher taxon Sumatra-Blauschnäpper 23
6124 Summer of '69 song Summer of ’69 23
6125 Super Bowl XLI Super Bowl Super Bowl XLI 23
6126 Super Collider album Super Collider 23
6127 Super Mario 64 DS video game Super Mario 64 DS 23
6128 Super Mario RPG video game Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars 23
6129 Take a Bow single Take a Bow 23
6130 Taken by a Stranger song Taken by a Stranger 23
6131 Tata Sabaya mountain Tata Sabaya 23
6132 Sulu bleeding-heart taxon Tawitawitaube 23
6133 The College Dropout album The College Dropout 23
6134 The Emancipation of Mimi album The Emancipation of Mimi 23
6135 The Shirelles musical group The Shirelles 23
6136 The Stanley Parable video game The Stanley Parable 23
6137 The Wiz film The Wiz – Das zauberhafte Land 23
6138 Thirteen album Thirteen 23
6139 This Is It single This Is It 23
6140 Thrombophilia rare disease Thrombophilie 23
6141 Thuy Trang human Thuy Trang 23
6142 Black cuckoo-dove taxon Timortaube 23
6143 Tipu's Tiger pipe organ Tipus Tiger 23
6144 Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist video game Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell: Blacklist 23
6145 Tomorrow Never Knows musical work/composition Tomorrow Never Knows 23
6146 Doni Tondo tondo Tondo Doni 23
6147 1906 Tour de France Tour de France Tour de France 1906 23
6148 1998 Tour de France Tour de France Tour de France 1998 23
6149 Troll Middle-earth race Trolle 23
6150 The Twilight Saga film series Twilight Saga (d:Q652599) 23
6151 United States Special Operations Command unified combatant command United States Special Operations Command 23
6152 Pyramid of Userkaf tomb Userkaf-Pyramide 23
6153 VVVVVV video game VVVVVV 23
6154 Ventnor town Ventnor 23
6155 Video Phone song Video Phone 23
6156 We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story animated feature film Vier Dinos in New York 23
6157 Vitalogy album Vitalogy 23
6158 2016 Fort McMurray wildfire wildfire Waldbrand um Fort McMurray (d:Q24004490) 23
6159 Walter White fictional human Walter White (d:Q23554) 23
6160 Welsh Springer Spaniel dog breed Welsh Springer Spaniel 23
6161 Wet market Wet market 23
6162 When You Believe single When You Believe 23
6163 Wildest Dreams single Wildest Dreams 23
6164 Wynton Kelly human Wynton Kelly 23
6165 Xenoblade Chronicles video game Xenoblade Chronicles 23
6166 Yeezus album Yeezus 23
6167 Yield album Yield 23
6168 Independence Day holiday Yom-e-Istiqlal 23
6169 Yunnan nuthatch taxon Yunnankleiber 23
6170 Yuri on Ice anime television series Yūri!!! On Ice 23
6171 Feminist economics feministische Ökonomie (d:Q3302930) 23
6172 IPad model series iPad (d:Q59802) 23
6173 Second generation of video game consoles video game console generation zweite Konsolengeneration (d:Q129787) 23
6174 UEFA Euro 1984 Final UEFA Euro Final (d:Q64179) 22
6175 Ratchet & Clank video game (d:Q170003) 22
6176 Green marketing (d:Q384793) 22
6177 1994 European Super Cup season (d:Q549089) 22
6178 Charter Oath constitution (d:Q702056) 22
6179 Negative resistance (d:Q925339) 22
6180 1985 European Cup Final UEFA Champions League final (d:Q1068861) 22
6181 1978 European Super Cup season (d:Q1078174) 22
6182 1977 European Super Cup season (d:Q1080034) 22
6183 1984 European Cup Final UEFA Champions League final (d:Q1080050) 22
6184 1984 European Super Cup season (d:Q1080103) 22
6185 Play-Doh toy (d:Q1346099) 22
6186 Post-punk revival music genre (d:Q1899347) 22
6187 IAU definition of planet definition (d:Q2361306) 22
6188 Battle Royale literary work (d:Q3761739) 22
6189 200 euro note 200-Euro-Banknote 22
6190 FN 5.7×28mm cartridge family 5,7 × 28 mm 22
6191 9.0: Live album 9.0: Live 22
6192 A Dramatic Turn of Events album A Dramatic Turn of Events 22
6193 Admiral Hipper-class cruiser ship class Admiral-Hipper-Klasse 22
6194 Ahmed Hassan human Ahmed Hassan 22
6195 Al-Mustakfi human Al-Mustakfī 22
6196 Al-Talaba SC association football club Al-Talaba SC 22
6197 Aliens: Colonial Marines video game Aliens: Colonial Marines 22
6198 Andrade El Idolo human Andrade Almas 22
6199 André Schembri human André Schembri 22
6200 Anjem Choudary human Anjem Choudary 22
6201 Anky van Grunsven human Anky van Grunsven 22
6202 Anna fictional human Anna (d:Q15614636) 22
6203 Aqualung album Aqualung 22
6204 Arnos Grove tube station London Underground station Arnos Grove 22
6205 Emerald ash borer taxon Asiatischer Eschenprachtkäfer 22
6206 Night shark taxon Atlantischer Nachthai 22
6207 Australia women's national basketball team national sports team Australische Basketballnationalmannschaft der Damen 22
6208 Australian blacktip shark taxon Australischer Schwarzspitzenhai 22
6209 BBC Symphony Orchestra orchestra BBC Symphony Orchestra 22
6210 Bacliff, Texas census-designated place in the United States Bacliff (d:Q980386) 22
6211 Banton, Romblon municipality of the Philippines Banton 22
6212 Barbara Gordon comics character Barbara Gordon (d:Q194705) 22
6213 Bardas human Bardas 22
6214 Beeston Castle hilltop castle Beeston Castle 22
6215 Siege of Damascus battle Belagerung von Damaskus 22
6216 Siege of Dubrovnik siege Belagerung von Dubrovnik 22
6217 Belle fictional human Belle (d:Q2502489) 22
6218 Bert Jansch human Bert Jansch 22
6219 Better than Today single Better Than Today (d:Q590416) 22
6220 Bhimsen Thapa human Bhimsen Thapa 22
6221 Bianca Ryan human Bianca Ryan 22
6222 Bjarke Ingels human Bjarke Ingels 22
6223 Pale mountain pigeon taxon Blasse Bergtaube 22
6224 Blur album Blur 22
6225 Body Count musical group Body Count 22
6226 Boy Scouts of America nonprofit organization Boy Scouts of America 22
6227 Boys song Boys 22
6228 Break It Off single Break It Off 22
6229 Bruno Rossi human Bruno Rossi 22
6230 Bucentaur barge Bucintoro 22
6231 Bulletstorm video game Bulletstorm 22
6232 California King Bed musical work/composition California King Bed 22
6233 Carménère grape variety Carménère 22
6234 Carolina wren taxon Carolinazaunkönig 22
6235 Charles Boycott human Charles Cunningham Boycott 22
6236 Che film series Che (d:Q28039175) 22
6237 Cherish single Cherish 22
6238 Christianization of Poland baptism Christianisierung Polens 22
6239 Cem river Cijevna 22
6240 Clifton Suspension Bridge suspension bridge Clifton Suspension Bridge 22
6241 Clotted cream Clotted Cream 22
6242 Tone cluster Cluster 22
6243 Cool World live-action animated film Cool World 22
6244 Pasty Cornish Pasty 22
6245 Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex video game Crash Bandicoot: Der Zorn des Cortex (d:Q869511) 22
6246 Crewkerne town Crewkerne 22
6247 Darnestown, Maryland census-designated place in the United States Darnestown (d:Q753634) 22
6248 Splitting of the Moon miracle Das Spalten des Mondes in zwei getrennte Hälften (d:Q4115053) 22
6249 Dave Arneson human Dave Arneson 22
6250 Flammulated flycatcher taxon Deltarhynchus flammulatus (d:Q1082110) 22
6251 Dennō Senshi Porygon television series episode Dennō Senshi Porigon 22
6252 Red Rackham's Treasure comic book album Der Schatz Rackhams des Roten 22
6253 Homer's Odyssey television series episode Der Versager 22
6254 Diabolus in Musica album Diabolus in Musica 22
6255 The Commitments film Die Commitments 22
6256 The Fabulous Baker Boys film Die fabelhaften Baker Boys 22
6257 Danube crested newt taxon Donau-Kammmolch 22
6258 Dontnod Entertainment video game developer Dontnod Entertainment 22
6259 Down on the Upside album Down on the Upside 22
6260 Dragon Age II video game Dragon Age 2 22
6261 Drew Doughty human Drew Doughty 22
6262 Drusus Caesar human Drusus Caesar 22
6263 Dónde Están los Ladrones? album Dónde están los ladrones? (d:Q656012) 22
6264 Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace album Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace 22
6265 Ecnomiohyla rabborum taxon Ecnomiohyla rabborum 22
6266 Eday island Eday 22
6267 Rail transport in Vatican City rail transport by country or region Eisenbahn im Vatikanstaat 22
6268 Endgame album Endgame 22
6269 Slaty-backed forktail taxon Enicurus schistaceus (d:Q1589059) 22
6270 Fajsz human Fajsz 22
6271 Finetooth shark taxon Feinzahnhai 22
6272 Golubac Fortress castle Festung Golubac 22
6273 Final Fantasy XIV video game Final Fantasy XIV 22
6274 Flight 714 to Sydney comic book album Flug 714 nach Sydney 22
6275 Fort Saskatchewan city in Alberta Fort Saskatchewan 22
6276 Foxtrot album Foxtrot 22
6277 Tasselled wobbegong taxon Fransenteppichhai 22
6278 Frederik Magle human Frederik Magle 22
6279 Directed acyclic graph Gerichteter azyklischer Graph 22
6280 Gibanica Gibanica 22
6281 2007 Giro d'Italia Giro d'Italia Giro d’Italia 2007 22
6282 Glitter album Glitter (d:Q846334) 22
6283 Bigeye sand tiger taxon Großaugen-Sandtigerhai 22
6284 Great Mosque of Gaza mosque Große Moschee von Gaza 22
6285 HMS Renown battlecruiser HMS Renown 22
6286 Khanjar Handschar 22
6287 Hanky Panky single Hanky Panky 22
6288 Harisu human Harisu (d:Q482786) 22
6289 Handkea utriformis taxon Hasen-Stäubling 22
6290 Haslemere town Haslemere 22
6291 Heather Mills human Heather Mills 22
6292 Heraclius the Elder human Herakleios der Ältere 22
6293 Hitman 2 video game Hitman 2 22
6294 Holden Commodore automobile model Holden Commodore 22
6295 Hollaback Girl song Hollaback Girl 22
6296 Homogenic album Homogenic 22
6297 Hot album Hot 22
6298 McMahon–Hussein Correspondence correspondence Hussein-McMahon-Korrespondenz 22
6299 The Hills Have Eyes film Hügel der blutigen Augen 22
6300 If It's Lovin' that You Want song If It’s Lovin’ That You Want 22
6301 Implicature Implikatur 22
6302 In da Club song In da Club 22
6303 In the Aeroplane Over the Sea album In the Aeroplane Over the Sea 22
6304 Infinity on High album Infinity on High 22
6305 Inon Zur human Inon Zur 22
6306 Iris television series Iris (d:Q496296) 22
6307 Jack Hobbs human Jack Hobbs 22
6308 James Wilson fictional human James Wilson (d:Q496902) 22
6309 Jane Withers human Jane Withers 22
6310 Jeita Grotto show cave Jeita-Grotte 22
6311 Jeremi Wiśniowiecki human Jeremi Wiśniowiecki 22
6312 Evgeni Berzin human Jewgeni Walentinowitsch Bersin 22
6313 Jimmy Chamberlin human Jimmy Chamberlin 22
6314 Joanne single Joanne (d:Q27765745) 22
6315 John Glenn Columbus International Airport international airport John Glenn Columbus International Airport 22
6316 Julie Ertz human Julie Ertz 22
6317 Karen McDougal human Karen McDougal 22
6318 Kennington tube station underground railway station Kennington 22
6319 Knights of Columbus organization Kolumbusritter 22
6320 Constantine Doukas human Konstantin Dukas Porphyrogennetos 22
6321 Krusty Krab fictional restaurant Krosse Krabbe (d:Q859531) 22
6322 Kwik-E-Mart fictional location Kwik-E-Mart (d:Q1978842) 22
6323 Queen angelfish taxon Königin-Engelfisch 22
6324 Late Registration album Late Registration 22
6325 Lawrence Taylor human Lawrence Taylor 22
6326 Leatherhead town Leatherhead 22
6327 Leigh, Greater Manchester town Leigh 22
6328 Leo Frank human Leo Frank 22
6329 Council of Lithuania Lietuvos Taryba 22
6330 Linda Sarsour human Linda Sarsour 22
6331 Littorio-class battleship ship class Littorio-Klasse 22
6332 Live at Wembley video album Live at Wembley (d:Q1616110) 22
6333 Llantwit Major town Llantwit Major 22
6334 Lurgan human settlement Lurgan 22
6335 Lascar stratovolcano Láscar 22
6336 The MDNA Tour concert tour MDNA Tour 22
6337 Machinima film style Machinima 22
6338 Madge Syers human Madge Syers 22
6339 Magadheera film Magadheera (d:Q1134677) 22
6340 Malcolm Sargent human Malcolm Sargent 22
6341 Marbury v. Madison United States Supreme Court decision Marbury v. Madison 22
6342 Marguerite Louise d'Orléans human Marguerite Louise d’Orléans 22
6343 Mass Effect: Andromeda video game Mass Effect: Andromeda 22
6344 Matrikas Devi Matrikas 22
6345 Mega Man 2 video game Mega Man 2 (d:Q2014882) 22
6346 Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness album Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness 22
6347 Methoxyflurane chemical compound Methoxyfluran 22
6348 Mite organisms known by a particular common name Milbe (d:Q2441993) 22
6349 Miles Dempsey human Miles Dempsey 22
6350 Misty Copeland human Misty Copeland 22
6351 Music musical work/composition Music (d:Q1921383) 22
6352 Nao Hibino human Nao Hibino 22
6353 Nashville International Airport international airport Nashville International Airport 22
6354 National Museum of African Art art museum National Museum of African Art 22
6355 Neerja film Neerja (d:Q20002294) 22
6356 Neighborhoods album Neighborhoods 22
6357 Neil Aspinall human Neil Aspinall 22
6358 Nero Julius Caesar human Nero Caesar 22
6359 Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease Nichtalkoholische Fettleber (d:Q1546498) 22
6360 No Code album No Code 22
6361 Old film Old 22
6362 Ollagüe mountain Ollagüe 22
6363 American Samoa at the 2008 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2008/Teilnehmer 22
6364 Great Britain at the 2008 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2008/Teilnehmer 22
6365 Nauru at the 2008 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2008/Teilnehmer 22
6366 Tuvalu at the 2012 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2012/Teilnehmer 22
6367 Egypt at the 2012 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2012/Teilnehmer 22
6368 The Gambia at the 2016 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2016/Teilnehmer 22
6369 Liechtenstein at the 2016 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2016/Teilnehmer 22
6370 Ghana at the 2010 Winter Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Winterspiele 2010/Teilnehmer 22
6371 Cayman Islands at the 2014 Winter Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Winterspiele 2014/Teilnehmer 22
6372 Bermuda at the 2018 Winter Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Winterspiele 2018/Teilnehmer 22
6373 Nigeria at the 2018 Winter Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Winterspiele 2018/Teilnehmer 22
6374 Outrageous song Outrageous 22
6375 Overprotected song Overprotected 22
6376 Paranoid Park film Paranoid Park 22
6377 2016 Paris–Roubaix Paris–Roubaix Paris–Roubaix 2016 22
6378 Park Row Building skyscraper Park Row Building 22
6379 Paul Kariya human Paul Kariya 22
6380 Pearl and Hermes Atoll atoll Pearl-und-Hermes-Atoll 22
6381 Pelagic stingray taxon Pelagischer Stechrochen 22
6382 Persona 3 video game Persona 3 22
6383 Petition of Right Act of the Parliament of England Petition of Right 22
6384 Pieces of a Woman film Pieces of a Woman 22
6385 Striped honeyeater taxon Plectorhyncha lanceolata (d:Q1093917) 22
6386 Politics of Croatia Politisches System Kroatiens 22
6387 Pons, Count of Tripoli human Pons von Tripolis 22
6388 Port Authority of New York and New Jersey government agency Port Authority of New York and New Jersey 22
6389 Primer film Primer 22
6390 Protein C protein Protein C 22
6391 White-headed fruit dove taxon Ptilinopus eugeniae (d:Q1267243) 22
6392 Dusky crag martin taxon Ptyonoprogne concolor (d:Q2672660) 22
6393 Paul Oscar human Páll Óskar Hjálmtýsson 22
6394 Quadrophenia album Quadrophenia 22
6395 Rebeca Andrade human Rebeca Andrade 22
6396 Richard Montgomery human Richard Montgomery 22
6397 Rin Tin Tin dog Rin Tin Tin 22
6398 Riot Act album Riot Act 22
6399 Roberto Orci human Roberto Orci 22
6400 Russian Roulette song Russian Roulette 22
6401 Smolensk War conflict Russisch-Polnischer Krieg 1632–1634 22
6402 Ryan Getzlaf human Ryan Getzlaf 22
6403 Rhythm game video game genre Rythmusspiel (d:Q2632782) 22
6404 SAS statistical package SAS (d:Q2003932) 22
6405 Sam Kerr human Sam Kerr 22
6406 Sam Manekshaw human Sam Manekshaw 22
6407 Samia Yusuf Omar human Samia Yusuf Omar 22
6408 Battle of the Eurymedon battle Schlacht am Eurymedon 22
6409 Battle of Akroinon battle Schlacht bei Akroinon 22
6410 Battle of Thermopylae battle Schlacht bei den Thermopylen 22
6411 Battle of Huế battle Schlacht um Huế 22
6412 Battle of Evesham battle Schlacht von Evesham 22
6413 Battle of Maysalun battle Schlacht von Maysalun 22
6414 Mysida taxon Schwebegarnelen 22
6415 Sea of Thieves video game Sea of Thieves 22
6416 Sixgill stingray taxon Sechskiemen-Stachelrochen 22
6417 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band musical work/composition Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band 22
6418 Shea Weber human Shea Weber 22
6419 Shepton Mallet town Shepton Mallet 22
6420 Emerald tanager taxon Smaragdtangare 22
6421 Smederevo Fortress castle Smederevo Festung (d:Q2588696) 22
6422 Solow Building skyscraper Solow Building 22
6423 Songs of Innocence album Songs of Innocence 22
6424 Sonic Team video game developer Sonic Team 22
6425 You Are the One television series Sos mi vida (d:Q898971) 22
6426 Speed of Sound single Speed of Sound 22
6427 Sri Lankan Tamils ethnic group Sri-Lanka-Tamilen 22
6428 Walls of Dubrovnik defensive wall Stadtmauer von Dubrovnik 22
6429 Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords 22
6430 Sussex Spaniel dog breed Sussex Spaniel 22
6431 Sweet Dreams single Sweet Dreams 22
6432 Sydney Leroux human Sydney Leroux 22
6433 Systematic Chaos album Systematic Chaos 22
6434 Tales of Symphonia video game Tales of Symphonia 22
6435 Bughouse chess chess variant Tandemschach 22
6436 Vistara airline Tata Sia Airlines 22
6437 Teardrops on My Guitar single Teardrops on My Guitar (d:Q2076553) 22
6438 The Colour and the Shape album The Colour and the Shape 22
6439 The Confessions Tour album The Confessions Tour 22
6440 The Kingston Trio musical group The Kingston Trio 22
6441 The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds video game The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds 22
6442 The Life of Pablo album The Life of Pablo 22
6443 The Madcap Laughs album The Madcap Laughs 22
6444 The Nice musical group The Nice 22
6445 The Strangers film The Strangers 22
6446 White Zombie film The White Zombie 22
6447 Social identity theory sociological theory Theorie der sozialen Identität 22
6448 Thomas Traherne human Thomas Traherne 22
6449 Grand Admiral Thrawn extraterrestrials in fiction Thrawn 22
6450 Titan supercomputer Titan 22
6451 Titan Quest video game Titan Quest 22
6452 Titanfall 2 video game Titanfall 2 22
6453 A Certain Magical Index light novel series To Aru Majutsu no Index 22
6454 Tonight album Tonight 22
6455 Tory Burch human Tory Burch 22
6456 1905 Tour de France Tour de France Tour de France 1905 22
6457 1907 Tour de France Tour de France Tour de France 1907 22
6458 1986 Tour de France Tour de France Tour de France 1986 22
6459 Curve-billed thrasher taxon Toxostoma curvirostre (d:Q931391) 22
6460 Trevor Pinnock human Trevor Pinnock 22
6461 USS West Virginia battleship USS West Virginia 22
6462 United States Numbered Highway System highway system United States Numbered Highway System 22
6463 University of North Dakota public university University of North Dakota 22
6464 Unorthodox Jukebox album Unorthodox Jukebox (d:Q716353) 22
6465 Augmentative and alternative communication Unterstützte Kommunikation 22
6466 Behavioural genetics Verhaltensgenetik 22
6467 Creek whaler taxon Walbuchthai 22
6468 Watch the Throne album Watch the Throne 22
6469 Lactarius sanguifluus taxon Weinroter Kiefern-Reizker 22
6470 What Goes Around... Comes Around single What Goes Around... Comes Around (d:Q29394) 22
6471 Essjay controversy Wikipedia controversy Wikipedia:Enzyklopädie/Fall Essjay 22
6472 Hygrophorus agathosmus taxon Wohlriechender Schneckling 22
6473 Wolfgang Clement human Wolfgang Clement 22
6474 Wolfgang Lüth human Wolfgang Lüth 22
6475 World Trade Center station metro station World Trade Center 22
6476 Vorontsov Palace palace Woronzow-Palast 22
6477 X manga series X 22
6478 Xenogears video game Xenogears 22
6479 Yelp public company Yelp, Inc. 22
6480 Hip hop dance type of dance hip hop tanz (d:Q2071053) 22
6481 Tricolored bat taxon Östliche Amerikanische Zwergfledermaus 22
6482 Shannon Rutherford fictional human (d:Q51336) 21
6483 Socompa volcano (d:Q422765) 21
6484 Chris Redfield video game character (d:Q587387) 21
6485 Avery–MacLeod–McCarty experiment experiment (d:Q782907) 21
6486 Welsh cuisine aspect in a geographic region (d:Q1066586) 21
6487 Romford town (d:Q1339305) 21
6488 The Taylor Swift Holiday Collection extended play (d:Q1948523) 21
6489 Oxford Circus square (d:Q1996213) 21
6490 Kripa character in the Mahabharata (d:Q2044671) 21
6491 Kamadhenu goddess (d:Q2361729) 21
6492 Fashion film (d:Q2665454) 21
6493 Politics of the Philippines (d:Q3242625) 21
6494 Pitru Paksha religious and cultural festive day (d:Q5756599) 21
6495 Mad Max video game (d:Q14126363) 21
6496 Kamala Khan fictional character (d:Q15208946) 21
6497 Melodrama album (d:Q28864303) 21
6498 2017 FA Community Shield season (d:Q30110459) 21
6499 2019 AFC Asian Cup Final association football final (d:Q52655465) 21
6500 10 euro note 10-Euro-Banknote (d:Q2419695) 21
6501 100 euro note 100-Euro-Banknote (d:Q2903520) 21
6502 20 euro note 20-Euro-Banknote (d:Q2741966) 21
6503 5 euro note banknote 5-Euro-Banknote (d:Q2406691) 21
6504 550 Madison Avenue skyscraper 550 Madison Avenue 21
6505 Nine-ball type of sport 9-Ball 21
6506 Admiral Ackbar character from Star Wars Admiral Ackbar 21
6507 Aetosaur fossil taxon Aetosauria 21
6508 Age of Empires III: The Asian Dynasties expansion pack Age of Empires III: The Asian Dynasties 21
6509 Aki Toyosaki human Aki Toyosaki 21
6510 Al Ahed FC association football club Al Ahed 21
6511 Alan Hale human Alan Hale 21
6512 Alan Keyes human Alan Keyes 21
6513 Aleksandra Goryachkina human Alexandra Jurjewna Gorjatschkina 21
6514 Amanda Award group of awards Amanda 21
6515 American Life musical work/composition American Life (d:Q1921394) 21
6516 Among the Living album Among the Living 21
6517 Tufted tit-tyrant taxon Anairetes parulus (d:Q698551) 21
6518 Andrei Kirilenko human Andrei Pawlowitsch Kirilenko 21
6519 Angel song Angel 21
6520 Anna Anachoutlou human Anna Anachutlu Komnene 21
6521 Another Green World album Another Green World (d:Q771427) 21
6522 Anticipating single Anticipating (d:Q1059681) 21
6523 Antoine, Duke of Lorraine human Anton II. 21
6524 Aria manga series Aqua 21
6525 Ardennais horse breed Ardenner 21
6526 Arina Tanemura human Arina Tanemura 21
6527 Arise album Arise 21
6528 Arrow surface-to-air missile Arrow 21
6529 Ars Technica website Ars Technica 21
6530 Artemis Fowl written work Artemis Fowl 21
6531 Arthur Wing Pinero human Arthur Wing Pinero 21
6532 Smalltail shark taxon Atlantischer Zwerghai 21
6533 Aucanquilcha volcano Aucanquilcha 21
6534 BLT BLT-Sandwich 21
6535 Broken Sword video game series Baphomets Fluch 21
6536 Batesian mimicry Bates’sche Mimikry (d:Q2111075) 21
6537 Beautiful song Beautiful 21
6538 Bergen Line railway line Bergensbanen 21
6539 Besarion Jughashvili human Bessarion Dschugaschwili 21
6540 Birthday song Birthday (d:Q15408014) 21
6541 The Haunting film Bis das Blut gefriert 21
6542 Black Christmas film Black Christmas 21
6543 Blond Ambition World Tour concert tour Blond Ambition Tour 21
6544 Bohemia Interactive video game developer Bohemia Interactive 21
6545 Bond Street street Bond Street 21
6546 Bookends album Bookends 21
6547 Born Villain album Born Villain 21
6548 Boston Manor tube station London Underground station Boston Manor 21
6549 Braid video game Braid 21
6550 Breakaway song Breakaway (d:Q666168) 21
6551 Bristol Cathedral Anglican or Episcopal cathedral Bristol Cathedral 21
6552 Bruce Bowen human Bruce Bowen 21
6553 Cannibal album Cannibal 21
6554 Celebration musical work/composition Celebration (d:Q1764320) 21
6555 Central Park Tower supertall building Central Park Tower 21
6556 Cerne Abbas Giant archaeological site Cerne Abbas Giant 21
6557 Charles Bassett human Charles Bassett 21
6558 Chatteris town Chatteris 21
6559 Chester Cathedral Anglican or Episcopal cathedral Chester Cathedral 21
6560 Mountain blackeye taxon Chlorocharis emiliae (d:Q863185) 21
6561 Citroën C3 Picasso automobile model Citroën C3 Picasso 21
6562 Clavinet musical instrument model Clavinet 21
6563 Cliff Thorburn human Cliff Thorburn 21
6564 Country Joe and the Fish rock band Country Joe and the Fish 21
6565 Crash Bandicoot video game character Crash Bandicoot (d:Q1063506) 21
6566 Crystal Palace, London residential area Crystal Palace 21
6567 Dan Hamhuis human Dan Hamhuis 21
6568 Thief: The Dark Project video game Dark Project: Der Meisterdieb 21
6569 The Sweet Hereafter film Das süße Jenseits 21
6570 David III of Tao human Dawit III. (d:Q1363706) 21
6571 The Mountain Eagle film Der Bergadler 21
6572 Bart Gets an "F" television series episode Der Musterschüler 21
6573 The Long, Hot Summer film Der lange heiße Sommer 21
6574 Dick Butkus human Dick Butkus 21
6575 Scrooged film Die Geister, die ich rief … 21
6576 The Castafiore Emerald comic book album Die Juwelen der Sängerin 21
6577 Black Sunday film Die Stunde, wenn Dracula kommt 21
6578 Dignity album Dignity (d:Q834856) 21
6579 Disease X code name Disease X 21
6580 Don't Smile at Me extended play Don’t Smile at Me 21
6581 Dude Ranch album Dude Ranch 21
6582 EarthBound video game EarthBound (d:Q2529000) 21
6583 Earthling album Earthling (d:Q583658) 21
6584 Elyesa Bazna human Elyesa Bazna 21
6585 Endomembrane system cellular component Endomembransystem 21
6586 Eolambia fossil taxon Eolambia 21
6587 Erhard Heiden human Erhard Heiden 21
6588 Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold duo Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold (d:Q2268542) 21
6589 Ernesto Pérez Balladares human Ernesto Pérez Balladares 21
6590 Ernie Banks human Ernie Banks 21
6591 Trinidad euphonia taxon Euphonia trinitatis (d:Q1302618) 21
6592 Euthanasia Coaster conceptual art Euthanasia Coaster 21
6593 Exmoor pony horse breed Exmoor-Pony 21
6594 Expo 67 world's fair Expo 67 21
6595 False catshark taxon Falscher Marderhai 21
6596 Feng Tianwei human Feng Tianwei 21
6597 Kamianets-Podilskyi Castle castle Festung Kamjanez-Podilska (d:Q2375603) 21
6598 Fifteen song Fifteen 21
6599 Kirkenes Airport, Høybuktmoen airport Flughafen Kirkenes 21
6600 Foguang Temple Buddhist temple Foguang-Tempel 21
6601 Fresh Off the Boat television series Fresh Off the Boat 21
6602 Friday single Friday (d:Q1770461) 21
6603 Frutiger sans-serif Frutiger 21
6604 Funmilayo Ransome-Kuti human Funmilayo Ransome-Kuti 21
6605 Félicette house cat Félicette 21
6606 Gaius Antonius Hybrida human Gaius Antonius Hybrida 21
6607 Common torpedo taxon Gefleckter Zitterrochen 21
6608 Genome-wide association study Genomweite Assoziationsstudie 21
6609 History of artificial intelligence aspect of history Geschichte der künstlichen Intelligenz 21
6610 Give It Away single Give It Away 21
6611 Great Western Railway railway company Great Western Railway 21
6612 Grogu fictional humanoid Grogu (d:Q77001957) 21
6613 Lord Guildford Dudley human Guildford Dudley 21
6614 Guitar Hero media franchise Guitar Hero 21
6615 HD 28185 b exoplanet HD 28185 b 21
6616 HMS Duke of York battleship HMS Duke of York 21
6617 HMS Exeter heavy cruiser HMS Exeter 21
6618 Half-Life: Decay video game Half-Life: Decay 21
6619 Hard single Hard 21
6620 Heart-Shaped Box single Heart-Shaped Box 21
6621 Heidi Montag human Heidi Montag 21
6622 Heinz-Wolfgang Schnaufer human Heinz-Wolfgang Schnaufer 21
6623 The Son of Neptune written work Helden des Olymp – Der Sohn des Neptun 21
6624 Henri Toivonen human Henri Toivonen 21
6625 History of Animals written work Historia animalium 21
6626 Russian submarine Nerpa submarine INS Chakra 21
6627 ISO 3166-2:SJ ISO standard ISO 3166-2:SJ 21
6628 Ikata municipality of Japan Ikata (d:Q1206399) 21
6629 In Bloom musical work/composition In Bloom 21
6630 Indianapolis Museum of Art art museum Indianapolis Museum of Art 21
6631 Isaac Komnenos human Isaak Komnenos 21
6632 Isaac Komnenos human Isaak Komnenos 21
6633 Istro-Romanians ethnic group Istrorumänen 21
6634 Jabari Parker human Jabari Parker 21
6635 Japanese angelshark taxon Japanischer Engelhai 21
6636 Jesus College, Oxford college of the University of Oxford Jesus College 21
6637 Joe's Garage album Joe’s Garage 21
6638 John Peckham human Johannes Peckham 21
6639 John Pope human John Pope 21
6640 John Tavares human John Tavares 21
6641 IJustine human Justine Ezarik (d:Q2372674) 21
6642 Kartik Aaryan human Kartik Tiwari (d:Q6373552) 21
6643 Kid Icarus: Uprising video game Kid Icarus: Uprising 21
6644 Kilburn tube station London Underground station Kilburn 21
6645 Kirby's Adventure video game Kirby's Adventure (d:Q1154059) 21
6646 Japanese battleship Kirishima battlecruiser Kirishima 21
6647 Buxbaumia taxon Koboldmoose 21
6648 The Concert for Bangladesh benefit concert Konzert für Bangladesch 21
6649 Coral catshark taxon Korallen-Katzenhai 21
6650 Gregorio Pietro Agagianian human Krikor Bedros XV. Agagianian 21
6651 Kyren Wilson human Kyren Wilson 21
6652 Long-billed thrasher taxon Langschnabel-Spottdrossel 21
6653 Long-term potentiation Langzeitpotenzierung 21
6654 Track and field Leichtathletik (d:Q3312129) 21
6655 Lest We Forget: The Best Of album Lest We Forget: The Best Of 21
6656 Egyptian–Libyan War war Libysch-Ägyptischer Grenzkrieg 21
6657 Pim Fortuyn List political party Lijst Pim Fortuyn 21
6658 Listen song Listen 21
6659 Lithium musical work/composition Lithium 21
6660 Lobaria pulmonaria taxon Lobaria pulmonaria 21
6661 LocoRoco video game LocoRoco 21
6662 Lodger album Lodger 21
6663 London Bridge Is Falling Down musical work/composition London Bridge is Falling Down 21
6664 Love Metal album Love Metal 21
6665 Transient lunar phenomenon Lunar Transient Phenomena 21
6666 Lusitano horse breed Lusitano 21
6667 Maggie Roswell human Maggie Roswell 21
6668 The Irregular at Magic High School light novel series Mahōka Kōkō no Rettōsei 21
6669 2018 Milan–San Remo Milan - San Remo Mailand-San Remo 2018 (d:Q47008032) 21
6670 Marc Pugh human Marc Pugh (d:Q6755802) 21
6671 Mariano Moreno human Mariano Moreno 21
6672 Markelle Fultz human Markelle Fultz 21
6673 Markus Näslund human Markus Näslund 21
6674 Maslama ibn Abd al-Malik human Maslama 21
6675 Maurício Gugelmin human Maurício Gugelmin 21
6676 McDonnell Douglas A-12 Avenger II attack aircraft McDonnell Douglas/General Dynamics A-12 21
6677 Me, Myself and I song Me, Myself and I 21
6678 King Creole film Mein Leben ist der Rhythmus 21
6679 Black catbird taxon Melanoptila glabrirostris (d:Q1586833) 21
6680 Melissa Rosenberg human Melissa Rosenberg (d:Q248719) 21
6681 Michael Chopra human Michael Chopra 21
6682 Monmouth Rebellion rebellion Monmouth Rebellion 21
6683 Monolith Soft video game developer Monolith Soft 21
6684 Monte Testaccio mountain Monte Testaccio 21
6685 Morden tube station last station Morden 21
6686 Mother video game series Mother 21
6687 Mount Brandon mountain Mount Brandon 21
6688 Mycena inclinata taxon Mycena inclinata (d:Q2181869) 21
6689 The Nightmare painting Nachtmahr (d:Q2317837) 21
6690 Nathaniel P. Banks human Nathaniel Prentiss Banks 21
6691 National Museum of Beirut archaeological museum Nationalmuseum Beirut 21
6692 2019 redefinition of the SI base units change Neudefinition der SI-Einheiten 2019 (d:Q3076763) 21
6693 Neverwinter Nights 2 video game Neverwinter Nights 2 21
6694 Nik Stauskas human Nik Stauskas 21
6695 North South MRT line rapid transit railway line North South Line 21
6696 Not Afraid single Not Afraid 21
6697 Ocean Eyes song Ocean Eyes 21
6698 Oh Father single Oh Father 21
6699 Old Man of Hoy rock formation Old Man of Hoy 21
6700 Bhutan at the 2008 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2008/Teilnehmer 21
6701 Dominica at the 2008 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2008/Teilnehmer 21
6702 Tonga at the 2008 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2008/Teilnehmer 21
6703 Tuvalu at the 2008 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2008/Teilnehmer 21
6704 Vanuatu at the 2008 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2008/Teilnehmer 21
6705 British Virgin Islands at the 2012 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2012/Teilnehmer 21
6706 Dominica at the 2012 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2012/Teilnehmer 21
6707 The Gambia at the 2012 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2012/Teilnehmer 21
6708 Somalia at the 2012 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2012/Teilnehmer 21
6709 Tonga at the 2012 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2012/Teilnehmer 21
6710 Dominica at the 2016 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2016/Teilnehmer 21
6711 Maldives at the 2016 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2016/Teilnehmer 21
6712 Marshall Islands at the 2016 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2016/Teilnehmer 21
6713 Oman at the 2016 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2016/Teilnehmer 21
6714 Somalia at the 2016 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2016/Teilnehmer 21
6715 Albania at the 2006 Winter Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Winterspiele 2006/Teilnehmer 21
6716 Azerbaijan at the 2006 Winter Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Winterspiele 2006/Teilnehmer 21
6717 Ethiopia at the 2010 Winter Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Winterspiele 2010/Teilnehmer 21
6718 Virgin Islands at the 2014 Winter Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Winterspiele 2014/Teilnehmer 21
6719 Bermuda at the 2014 Winter Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Winterspiele 2014/Teilnehmer 21
6720 Malta at the 2018 Winter Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Winterspiele 2018/Teilnehmer 21
6721 Pakistan at the 2018 Winter Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Winterspiele 2018/Teilnehmer 21
6722 One Less Lonely Girl single One Less Lonely Girl (d:Q1928584) 21
6723 One Sweet Day single One Sweet Day 21
6724 One Time single One Time (d:Q1999703) 21
6725 One by One album One by One 21
6726 World War Z literary work Operation Zombie: Wer länger lebt, ist später tot 21
6727 Otelo Saraiva de Carvalho human Otelo Saraiva de Carvalho 21
6728 2015 Pan American Games Pan American Games Panamerikanische Spiele 2015 21
6729 Trenck's Pandurs Pandur 21
6730 Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door video game Paper Mario: Die Legende vom Äonentor 21
6731 Parasitoid wasp grade Parasitica (d:Q18398438) 21
6732 Pavel Schilling human Paul Ludwig Schilling von Cannstatt 21
6733 Pearl Jam album Pearl Jam 21
6734 Penny Pritzker human Penny Pritzker 21
6735 Polikarpov I-5 aircraft model Polikarpow I-5 21
6736 Crag martin taxon Ptyonoprogne (d:Q1192748) 21
6737 Puertasaurus fossil taxon Puertasaurus 21
6738 Pure Heroine album Pure Heroine (d:Q15042463) 21
6739 Ray of Light single Ray of Light (d:Q764769) 21
6740 Red song Red 21
6741 Reform Act 1832 election act Reform Act 1832 21
6742 Rei Ayanami fictional human Rei Ayanami 21
6743 Destination Moon comic book album Reiseziel Mond 21
6744 Resident Evil: Revelations video game Resident Evil: Revelations 21
6745 Revolver musical work/composition Revolver (d:Q849054) 21
6746 Janet Jackson's Rhythm Nation 1814 album Rhythm Nation 1814 21
6747 Richard Neal human Richard Neal 21
6748 Rockstar 101 single Rockstar 101 21
6749 Roguelike video game genre Rogue-like 21
6750 Mycena galericulata taxon Rosablättriger Helmling 21
6751 Sex hardback SEX 21
6752 SMS Breslau ship SMS Breslau 21
6753 SMS Szent István ship SMS Szent István 21
6754 Sally Jewell human Sally Jewell 21
6755 Savile Row street Savile Row 21
6756 Battle of Brunanburh battle Schlacht bei Brunanburh 21
6757 Battle of Nanking battle Schlacht um Nanking 21
6758 Explorers on the Moon comic book album Schritte auf dem Mond 21
6759 Secret song Secret (d:Q2069388) 21
6760 SexyBack single SexyBack (d:Q928089) 21
6761 She: A History of Adventure literary work Sie 21
6762 Silent Hill: Homecoming video game Silent Hill: Homecoming 21
6763 Since U Been Gone single Since U Been Gone 21
6764 Skagen Painters art colony Skagen-Maler 21
6765 Dwarf Fortress video game Slaves to Armok II: Dwarf Fortress 21
6766 Soyuz TM-30 human spaceflight Sojus TM-30 21
6767 Sonic Advance video game Sonic Advance 21
6768 Sonic Unleashed video game Sonic Unleashed 21
6769 Spec Ops: The Line video game Spec Ops: The Line 21
6770 Thomas of Bosnia human Stjepan Tomaš 21
6771 Stupendemys fossil taxon Stupendemys 21
6772 Suus song Suus 21
6773 Lactarius subdulcis taxon Süßlicher Buchen-Milchling 21
6774 TIE fighter class of fictional entities TIE-Jäger (d:Q19884) 21
6775 Tatiana Calderón human Tatiana Calderón 21
6776 The Eraser album The Eraser 21
6777 The International film The International 21
6778 The Lazy Song song The Lazy Song 21
6779 The Onyx Hotel Tour concert tour The Onyx Hotel Tour 21
6780 The Serpentine lake The Serpentine 21
6781 The Sweet Escape album The Sweet Escape (d:Q598195) 21
6782 Toronto Argonauts Canadian football club Toronto Argonauts 21
6783 1990 Tour de France Tour de France Tour de France 1990 21
6784 And the Mountains Echoed literary work Traumsammler 21
6785 True Blue single True Blue 21
6786 USS California battleship USS California 21
6787 USS Tennessee battleship USS Tennessee 21
6788 Ulpia Severina human Ulpia Severina 21
6789 1991 Croatian independence referendum independence referendum Unabhängigkeitsreferendum in Kroatien 1991 21
6790 Ctenosaura bakeri taxon Utila-Leguan 21
6791 Uzumaki manga series Uzumaki – Spiral Into Horror 21
6792 Valiant Hearts: The Great War video game Valiant Hearts: The Great War 21
6793 Vampyr film Vampyr – Der Traum des Allan Gray 21
6794 Via della Conciliazione thoroughfare Via della Conciliazione 21
6795 Great Sejm Confederated sejm Vierjähriger Sejm 21
6796 Vinicius and Tom Olympic mascot Vinicius und Tom 21
6797 Italian battleship Vittorio Veneto battleship Vittorio Veneto 21
6798 Washington Heights, Manhattan neighborhood Washington Heights 21
6799 We Belong Together song We Belong Together 21
6800 Weezer album Weezer 21
6801 Wellington, Somerset town Wellington 21
6802 Welsh Pony and Cob horse breed Welsh-Pony 21
6803 What's My Name? single What’s My Name? 21
6804 Bill Haywood human William Dudley Haywood 21
6805 Zombi 2 film Woodoo – Die Schreckensinsel der Zombies 21
6806 WrestleMania I WrestleMania WrestleMania I (d:Q50805) 21
6807 Digital forensics digitale Forensik (d:Q3246940) 21
6808 Number 1's album #1's (d:Q221435) 20
6809 Asia Bibi blasphemy case criminal case (d:Q82306) 20
6810 MTV Unplugged extended play (d:Q240245) 20
6811 1995 British Grand Prix British Grand Prix (d:Q307003) 20
6812 Zond 5 Soyuz 7K-L1 (d:Q372945) 20
6813 Irruputuncu volcano (d:Q375398) 20
6814 Battle of Dobro Pole battle (d:Q506916) 20
6815 Susan Mayer fictional human (d:Q617179) 20
6816 Toyota War war (d:Q644589) 20
6817 Lviv pogroms pogrom (d:Q667890) 20
6818 Sivaji: The Boss film (d:Q763144) 20
6819 Beautiful, Dirty, Rich song (d:Q791678) 20
6820 Armenian Monastic Ensembles of Iran group of structures or buildings (d:Q841896) 20
6821 Beautiful Eyes extended play (d:Q1996395) 20
6822 Vedaranyam human settlement (d:Q2541264) 20
6823 Enron scandal fraud (d:Q2723024) 20
6824 Byzantine Greeks nationality (d:Q3441232) 20
6825 WrestleMania XXX WrestleMania (d:Q4879177) 20
6826 Bitch I'm Madonna song (d:Q20046281) 20
6827 Say So single (d:Q83634294) 20
6828 Outside album 1. Outside 20
6829 24: Redemption television film 24: Redemption 20
6830 50 euro note 50-Euro-Banknote (d:Q2903535) 20
6831 500 euro note 500-Euro-Banknote (d:Q2503713) 20
6832 A Trick of the Tail album A Trick of the Tail 20
6833 Adderall medication Adderall 20
6834 Alaska Airlines Flight 261 aviation accident Alaska-Airlines-Flug 261 20
6835 Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary museum Alcatraz Bundesgefängnis (d:Q1142661) 20
6836 Alex Raymond human Alex Raymond 20
6837 Alicia Sacramone human Alicia Sacramone 20
6838 Alton B. Parker human Alton B. Parker 20
6839 Alvin M. Weinberg human Alvin M. Weinberg 20
6840 Amelia Bence human Amelia Bence (d:Q4083859) 20
6841 Andrew Simpson human Andrew Simpson 20
6842 Anthony Edwards human Anthony Edwards 20
6843 Antonio Berni human Antonio Berni 20
6844 Anuel AA human Anuel AA 20
6845 Attalea taxon Attalea 20
6846 Atul Gawande human Atul Gawande 20
6847 A2 road Autocesta A2 20
6848 Avianca Flight 52 aviation accident Avianca-Flug 052 20
6849 Baccano! light novel Baccano! 20
6850 Bahubali God Bahubali 20
6851 Barrett album Barrett (d:Q302370) 20
6852 Beautiful Stranger single Beautiful Stranger (d:Q2288909) 20
6853 Ben Daniels human Ben Daniels 20
6854 Benjamin Harrison V human Benjamin Harrison V 20
6855 Bernt Michael Holmboe human Bernt Michael Holmboe 20
6856 Beyond Good & Evil video game Beyond Good & Evil 20
6857 Haapsalu Castle castle Bischofsburg Haapsalu 20
6858 Black Cat manga series Black Cat 20
6859 Blood culture medical test type Blutkultur 20
6860 Bobby Timmons human Bobby Timmons 20
6861 Brad Stevens human Brad Stevens 20
6862 Brumby horse breed Brumby 20
6863 Bryant Park urban park Bryant Park 20
6864 Burning Up single Burning Up (d:Q2034649) 20
6865 B'Day Anthology Video Album video album B’Day Anthology Video Album 20
6866 Cal Ripken Jr. human Cal Ripken Jr. 20
6867 Can't Be Tamed single Can't Be Tamed (d:Q858078) 20
6868 Carmel Busuttil human Carmel Busuttil 20
6869 Causing a Commotion single Causing a Commotion 20
6870 Central Park Zoo zoo Central Park Zoo 20
6871 Chakotay human from Star Trek Chakotay 20
6872 Charlie Chan fictional human Charlie Chan 20
6873 Charmbracelet album Charmbracelet 20
6874 Chen Qiushi human Chen Qiushi 20
6875 Chillin single Chillin 20
6876 Christian Ehrhoff human Christian Ehrhoff 20
6877 Codex Boreelianus manuscript Codex Boreelianus 20
6878 Cornelia Sorabji human Cornelia Sorabji 20
6879 Cry Macho film Cry Macho 20
6880 Crystal Dunn human Crystal Dunn 20
6881 Darius Garland human Darius Garland 20
6882 Darker than Black media franchise Darker than Black 20
6883 The Testament of Dr. Mabuse film Das Testament des Dr. Mabuse 20
6884 Dear Jessie single Dear Jessie 20
6885 Decade of Aggression album Decade of Aggression 20
6886 Demetrios Palaiologos human Demetrios Palaiologos 20
6887 Demon core material Demon Core 20
6888 The Man with the Golden Gun written work Der Mann mit dem goldenen Colt 20
6889 Winter Is Coming television series episode Der Winter naht (d:Q2614622) 20
6890 Dhumavati Devi Dhumavati 20
6891 Die Another Day musical work/composition Die Another Day (d:Q611419) 20
6892 The Colour Out of Space literary work Die Farbe aus dem All 20
6893 The Tale of Peter Rabbit written work Die Geschichte von Peter Hase 20
6894 Dil Chahta Hai film Dil Chahta Hai 20
6895 Discovery album Discovery 20
6896 Dolphin application Dolphin 20
6897 Don't Tell Me single Don't Tell Me (d:Q1987158) 20
6898 Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest video game Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy’s Kong Quest 20
6899 Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble! video game Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong’s Double Trouble! 20
6900 Dope song Dope 20
6901 Dostana film Dostana 20
6902 Dracula's Daughter film Draculas Tochter 20
6903 Dress You Up song Dress You Up 20
6904 Calais Jungle refugee camp Dschungel von Calais 20
6905 You Only Live Twice written work Du lebst nur zweimal 20
6906 Dua Lipa album Dua Lipa 20
6907 Duke album Duke 20
6908 Christmas imperial pigeon taxon Dunkle Fruchttaube 20
6909 Kivu Ebola epidemic epidemic Ebolafieber-Epidemie 2018 bis 2020 20
6910 Edward Condon human Edward Condon 20
6911 There's No Disgrace Like Home television series episode Eine ganz normale Familie 20
6912 Hygrophorus eburneus taxon Elfenbein-Schneckling 20
6913 End Game song End Game 20
6914 Black-backed forktail taxon Enicurus immaculatus (d:Q3314677) 20
6915 Catalogue of Women poem Eoien 20
6916 Picardy Spaniel dog breed Epagneul Picard 20
6917 2011 Virginia earthquake earthquake Erdbeben in Virginia 2011 20
6918 Erin McLeod human Erin McLeod 20
6919 Esther Lederberg human Esther Lederberg 20
6920 Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone anime film Evangelion: 1.11 – You Are (Not) Alone. 20
6921 Evolution of cetaceans Evolution der Wale (d:Q464493) 20
6922 2016–17 Formula E Championship season FIA-Formel-E-Meisterschaft 2016/17 20
6923 Fallout Shelter video game Fallout Shelter 20
6924 Femme Fatale Tour concert tour Femme Fatale Tour 20
6925 Flag of New Brunswick flag of a country subdivision Flagge von New Brunswick 20
6926 Forza Motorsport 4 video game Forza Motorsport 4 20
6927 Fred VanVleet human Fred VanVleet 20
6928 Gants Hill tube station underground railway station Gants Hill 20
6929 Gargi Vachaknavi human Gargi Vachaknavi (d:Q2731767) 20
6930 Saffron-crowned tanager taxon Gelbkopftangare 20
6931 Gerp's mouse lemur taxon Gerps Mausmaki 20
6932 Giacomo dalla Torre del Tempio di Sanguinetto human Giacomo Dalla Torre del Tempio di Sanguinetto 20
6933 1909 Giro d'Italia Giro d'Italia Giro d’Italia 1909 20
6934 Glacier Peak mountain Glacier Peak 20
6935 Smoothtooth blacktip shark taxon Glattzahn-Schwarzspitzenhai 20
6936 Gliese 876 c exoplanet Gliese 876 c 20
6937 Wheel of Fortune television series Glücksrad 20
6938 Goat Simulator video game Goat Simulator 20
6939 Godflesh musical group Godflesh 20
6940 Governors Island island Governors Island 20
6941 Graduation album Graduation 20
6942 Lactarius blennius taxon Graugrüner Milchling 20
6943 Greatest Lovesongs Vol. 666 album Greatest Lovesongs Vol. 666 20
6944 Greg Gianforte human Greg Gianforte 20
6945 2011 Bahrain Grand Prix Bahrain Grand Prix Großer Preis von Bahrain 2011 20
6946 1995 Brazilian Grand Prix Brazilian Grand Prix Großer Preis von Brasilien 1995 (d:Q54417) 20
6947 Volvopluteus gloiocephalus taxon Großer Scheidling 20
6948 Nelicourvi weaver taxon Grünweber 20
6949 Gulf Oil oil company Gulf Oil 20
6950 Göttingen Seven group of humans Göttinger Sieben 20
6951 HMS Barham battleship HMS Barham 20
6952 HMS Iron Duke battleship HMS Iron Duke 20
6953 HMS Nelson battleship HMS Nelson 20
6954 Halloween film series Halloween 20
6955 Harder to Breathe single Harder to Breathe (d:Q946678) 20
6956 Heartless single Heartless (d:Q2075331) 20
6957 High Speed 1 high-speed railway line High Speed 1 20
6958 Highgate tube station underground railway station Highgate 20
6959 Holliday junction Holliday-Struktur 20
6960 Hualālai shield volcano Hualālai 20
6961 Human Nature single Human Nature 20
6962 Idiopathic intracranial hypertension Idiopathische intrakranielle Hypertension 20
6963 Porcupine ray taxon Igelrochen 20
6964 Land of Black Gold comic book album Im Reiche des Schwarzen Goldes 20
6965 In Your Honor album In Your Honor 20
6966 Injustice 2 video game Injustice 2 (d:Q24717189) 20
6967 Meat ant taxon Iridomyrmex purpureus (d:Q69608) 20
6968 Izz ad-Din al-Qassam human Izz ad-Din al-Qassam 20
6969 Janet album Janet. 20
6970 Jeff "Swampy" Marsh human Jeff Marsh 20
6971 John I Doukas of Thessaly human Johannes I. Dukas Komnenos 20
6972 John Basilone human John Basilone 20
6973 Yugoslav coup d'état coup d'état Jugoslawischer Staatsstreich 1941 20
6974 Catherine of Bosnia human Katarina Kosača-Kotromanić 20
6975 Katsura Hoshino human Katsura Hoshino 20
6976 Key video game developer Key 20
6977 Keynsham town Keynsham 20
6978 Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days video game Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days 20
6979 Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance video game Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance (d:Q2301369) 20
6980 Kirby's Dream Land video game Kirby's Dream Land (d:Q1154044) 20
6981 Kongō-class battlecruiser ship class Kongō-Klasse 20
6982 Constantine Lekapenos human Konstantin Lakapenos 20
6983 Kony 2012 short film Kony 2012 20
6984 Kratos video game character Kratos (d:Q2291154) 20
6985 Lada Slavic deity Lada 20
6986 Lady Macbeth fictional human Lady Macbeth (d:Q2454065) 20
6987 Lānaʻi hookbill fossil taxon Lanai-Hakenschnabel 20
6988 Larisa Iordache human Larisa Iordache 20
6989 Laurence Fox human Laurence Fox 20
6990 Lee Peltier human Lee Peltier 20
6991 Levi Lincoln Sr. human Levi Lincoln 20
6992 Lexington-class aircraft carrier ship class Lexington-Klasse 20
6993 Li Jiawei human Li Jia Wei 20
6994 Brown honeyeater taxon Lichmera indistincta (d:Q790624) 20
6995 Life on Mars musical work/composition Life on Mars? 20
6996 Chestnut-capped piha taxon Lipaugus weberi (d:Q1317030) 20
6997 Littlest Pet Shop animated series Littlest Pet Shop – Tierisch gute Freunde 20
6998 Loca single Loca 20
6999 Lost! single Lost! 20
7000 Lurdusaurus fossil taxon Lurdusaurus (d:Q548399) 20
7001 MTV Unplugged live extended play MTV Unplugged (d:Q940212) 20
7002 Murray cod taxon Maccullochella peelii 20
7003 Madison Rayne human Madison Rayne 20
7004 2021 Milan–San Remo Milan - San Remo Mailand–Sanremo 2021 20
7005 Mary McLeod Bethune human Mary McLeod Bethune 20
7006 Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat. album Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat. 20
7007 May'n human May Nakabayashi 20
7008 Mediterranean tropical-like cyclone Medicane 20
7009 Mega Man 3 video game Mega Man 3 (d:Q2014874) 20
7010 Middlewich town Middlewich (d:Q2736117) 20
7011 Miesha Tate human Miesha Tate 20
7012 Mikael Samuelsson human Mikael Samuelsson 20
7013 Milk chocolate Milchschokolade 20
7014 Mini Metro video game Mini Metro 20
7015 Molniya orbit physical location Molnija-Orbit 20
7016 Mona Simpson fictional human Mona Simpson (d:Q1641818) 20
7017 Monster album Monster 20
7018 Leccinum holopus taxon Moor-Birkenpilz 20
7019 Mother video game Mother (d:Q2323709) 20
7020 Mount Jefferson mountain Mount Jefferson 20
7021 Mr. Eko fictional human Mr. Eko (d:Q51320) 20
7022 Ohlone ethnic group Muwekma Ohlone 20
7023 Neon Bible album Neon Bible 20
7024 Nervous shark taxon Nervöser Hai 20
7025 Ninth Doctor television character Neunter Doktor (d:Q2662867) 20
7026 Never Let Me Down album Never Let Me Down (d:Q670351) 20
7027 FIS Nordic World Ski Championships 2009 season Nordische Skiweltmeisterschaften 2009 20
7028 North American XF-108 Rapier aircraft North American XF-108 20
7029 Northern Isles island group Northern Isles (d:Q1058774) 20
7030 Afghanistan at the 2004 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2004/Teilnehmer 20
7031 Benin at the 2008 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2008/Teilnehmer 20
7032 Palau at the 2008 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2008/Teilnehmer 20
7033 Trinidad and Tobago at the 2008 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2008/Teilnehmer 20
7034 Djibouti at the 2012 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2012/Teilnehmer 20
7035 Qatar at the 2012 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2012/Teilnehmer 20
7036 Kiribati at the 2012 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2012/Teilnehmer 20
7037 Comoros at the 2012 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2012/Teilnehmer 20
7038 Malta at the 2012 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2012/Teilnehmer 20
7039 Mauritania at the 2012 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2012/Teilnehmer 20
7040 San Marino at the 2012 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2012/Teilnehmer 20
7041 Belize at the 2016 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2016/Teilnehmer 20
7042 Brunei at the 2016 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2016/Teilnehmer 20
7043 Djibouti at the 2016 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2016/Teilnehmer 20
7044 Saint Kitts and Nevis at the 2016 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2016/Teilnehmer 20
7045 São Tomé and Príncipe at the 2016 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2016/Teilnehmer 20
7046 Tanzania at the 2016 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2016/Teilnehmer 20
7047 Chad at the 2016 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2016/Teilnehmer 20
7048 Ski jumping at the 1928 Winter Olympics Olympic sports discipline event Olympische Winterspiele 1928/Skispringen 20
7049 Great Britain at the 2010 Winter Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Winterspiele 2010/Teilnehmer 20
7050 On a Night Like This single On a Night Like This (d:Q927941) 20
7051 Operation Frequent Wind evacuation Operation Frequent Wind 20
7052 Oswaldo Payá human Oswaldo Payá 20
7053 2016 Paris–Nice Paris–Nice Paris–Nizza 2016 20
7054 2011 Finnish parliamentary election Finnish parliamentary election Parlamentswahl in Finnland 2011 20
7055 Pedra Branca, Singapore island Pedra Branca 20
7056 Peter Taylor human Peter Taylor 20
7057 Phish jam band Phish 20
7058 Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Justice for All video game Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Justice for All 20
7059 Picture to Burn single Picture to Burn (d:Q2073347) 20
7060 Post album Post 20
7061 Princess Fiona fictional human Prinzessin Fiona (d:Q52405) 20
7062 Professor Frink fictional human Prof. Frink (d:Q1458159) 20
7063 Progressive Field baseball venue Progressive Field 20
7064 Q*bert video game Q*bert 20
7065 Quantum Break video game Quantum Break 20
7066 Rachel Berry fictional human Rachel Berry (d:Q1990104) 20
7067 Raymond II, Count of Tripoli human Raimund II. 20
7068 Roughtail stingray taxon Rauschwanz-Stechrochen 20
7069 Razorblade Romance album Razorblade Romance 20
7070 Reasonable Doubt album Reasonable Doubt 20
7071 Reflection musical work/composition Reflection (d:Q2019676) 20
7072 Repentless album Repentless 20
7073 Resolute desk partners desk Resolute Desk 20
7074 Revolution musical work/composition Revolution 20
7075 Rififi film Rififi 20
7076 River Irwell river River Irwell 20
7077 Riverside Church church building Riverside Church 20
7078 Ronnie Barker human Ronnie Barker 20
7079 Rose Tyler fictional human Rose Tyler 20
7080 Flame-faced tanager taxon Rotstirntangare 20
7081 Royals single Royals 20
7082 SAS Institute business SAS Institute 20
7083 SC Veendam association football club SC Veendam 20
7084 SRI International nonprofit organization SRI International 20
7085 Sale el Sol album Sale el sol 20
7086 Say It Right song Say It Right 20
7087 Scharnhorst-class battleship ship class Scharnhorst-Klasse 20
7088 Battle of the Pelennor Fields fictional battle Schlacht auf dem Pelennor 20
7089 Battle of Neerwinden battle Schlacht bei Neerwinden 20
7090 Battle of Sedan battle Schlacht bei Sedan 20
7091 Battle of Salamis battle Schlacht von Salamis 20
7092 Gay bathhouse Schwulensauna 20
7093 See You Again single See You Again (d:Q1050413) 20
7094 Scuttling of the German fleet at Scapa Flow naval battle Selbstversenkung der Kaiserlichen Hochseeflotte in Scapa Flow 20
7095 Sera Monastery Buddhist temple Sera 20
7096 Sergio Pellissier human Sergio Pellissier 20
7097 Black-throated gray warbler taxon Setophaga nigrescens (d:Q3176524) 20
7098 Shadows Fall rock band Shadows Fall 20
7099 She Wolf single She Wolf (d:Q1775611) 20
7100 Japanese aircraft carrier Shōhō light aircraft carrier Shōhō 20
7101 Parliament of Singapore parliament Singapurisches Parlament 20
7102 Sophia Parnok human Sofija Jakowlewna Parnok 20
7103 Someday song Someday 20
7104 Sonic 3D Blast video game Sonic 3D: Flickies’ Island 20
7105 Solar eclipse of May 20, 2012 solar eclipse Sonnenfinsternis vom 20. Mai 2012 20
7106 Sophia Duleep Singh human Sophia Duleep Singh 20
7107 Princess Sophia of the United Kingdom human Sophia von Großbritannien, Irland und Hannover 20
7108 Marsh shrew taxon Sorex bendirii (d:Q1763143) 20
7109 South Park: The Fractured but Whole video game South Park: Die rektakuläre Zerreißprobe 20
7110 SpongeBob SquarePants television series season SpongeBob Schwammkopf/Staffel 1 (d:Q864687) 20
7111 StarCraft video game series Starcraft (d:Q290106) 20
7112 Stephen Lekapenos human Stephanos Lakapenos 20
7113 Stephen Strasburg human Stephen Strasburg (d:Q1192310) 20
7114 Steve Morison human Steve Morison 20
7115 Stronger song Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You) (d:Q2003125) 20
7116 Sunday Bloody Sunday single Sunday Bloody Sunday 20
7117 Sweet but Psycho single Sweet but Psycho 20
7118 Tacora volcano Tacora 20
7119 Tajik alphabet writing system Tadschikisches Alphabet 20
7120 Round ribbontail ray taxon Taeniura meyeni (d:Q1151884) 20
7121 Talbot Samba automobile model Talbot Samba 20
7122 Tenjho Tenge original video animation Tenjo Tenge 20
7123 The Climb single The Climb 20
7124 Theodosius human Theodosios 20
7125 This Used to Be My Playground song This Used to Be My Playground 20
7126 Tiberius Julius Alexander human Tiberius Iulius Alexander 20
7127 Tim Hardaway Jr. human Tim Hardaway Jr. 20
7128 Titanium single Titanium 20
7129 Trey Burke human Trey Burke 20
7130 Trouble single Trouble (d:Q1752735) 20
7131 Tupungatito volcano Tupungatito 20
7132 USS Boxer aircraft carrier USS Boxer (d:Q2342422) 20
7133 USS Maryland battleship USS Maryland 20
7134 USS North Carolina battleship USS North Carolina 20
7135 USS Oklahoma battleship USS Oklahoma 20
7136 USS Washington fast battleship USS Washington 20
7137 Vampyr video game Vampyr 20
7138 Venus song Venus 20
7139 Vespertine album Vespertine 20
7140 Violante Beatrice of Bavaria human Violante Beatrix von Bayern 20
7141 Vivah film Vivah 20
7142 Voices of a Distant Star anime film Voices of a Distant Star 20
7143 Juniper berry cone Wacholderbeere (d:Q3251025) 20
7144 Djibouti spurfowl taxon Wacholderfrankolin 20
7145 Valeri Bure human Waleri Wladimirowitsch Bure 20
7146 Waw an Namus mountain Waw an-Namus 20
7147 We Ride single We Ride 20
7148 White Horse single White Horse 20
7149 Who's That Girl single Who’s That Girl 20
7150 WinFS file system WinFS 20
7151 WrestleMania 2 WrestleMania WrestleMania 2 20
7152 Currency war Währungskrieg 20
7153 Y Gododdin literary work Y Gododdin 20
7154 Yotsuba&! manga series Yotsuba&! 20
7155 You da One song You da One 20
7156 Your Love Is My Drug song Your Love Is My Drug 20
7157 Zaculeu archaeological site Zaculeu 20
7158 Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis Zerebrale Venen- und Sinusthrombose 20
7159 Øvre Pasvik National Park national park Øvre-Pasvik-Nationalpark 20
7160 The Beyond film Über dem Jenseits 20
7161 Hours album 'Hours...' (d:Q1755616) 19
7162 Libby fictional human (d:Q51272) 19
7163 1995 European Grand Prix European Grand Prix (d:Q220981) 19
7164 Aṅgulimāla human (d:Q263512) 19
7165 William Herschel Telescope reflecting telescope (d:Q541505) 19
7166 Claire Redfield video game character (d:Q615565) 19
7167 Resident Evil video game (d:Q622336) 19
7168 Beit Al Quran library (d:Q630922) 19
7169 Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe video game (d:Q631367) 19
7170 AgustaWestland Apache aircraft model (d:Q927610) 19
7171 Leon S. Kennedy video game character (d:Q1138965) 19
7172 Texas annexation annexation (d:Q1187072) 19
7173 Dominance hierarchy (d:Q1438403) 19
7174 Chinese Indonesians community (d:Q1945786) 19
7175 Thunderball written work (d:Q1952957) 19
7176 Mortal Kombat video game (d:Q2074880) 19
7177 Siege of Fort William Henry battle (d:Q2080325) 19
7178 Royal Crescent crescent (d:Q2289728) 19
7179 Battle of the Gates of Trajan battle (d:Q2292026) 19
7180 Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal video game (d:Q2292483) 19
7181 First Persian invasion of Greece war (d:Q2362482) 19
7182 Boiling frog metaphor (d:Q2363109) 19
7183 Jasraj human (d:Q2426558) 19
7184 Pulteney Bridge road bridge (d:Q2450190) 19
7185 1926 Lithuanian coup d'état coup d'état (d:Q2570156) 19
7186 New York and New Jersey campaign conflict (d:Q2630469) 19
7187 Lion and Sun emblem (d:Q3182327) 19
7188 Dangerous Woman single (d:Q23034430) 19
7189 111 West 57th Street skyscraper 111 West 57th Street 19
7190 Seventeenth Amendment to the United States Constitution constitutional amendment 17. Zusatzartikel zur Verfassung der Vereinigten Staaten 19
7191 24: The Game video game 24: The Game 19
7192 500 Fifth Avenue skyscraper 500 Fifth Avenue 19
7193 Axa Equitable Center skyscraper AXA Center 19
7194 Aberdaron village Aberdaron 19
7195 Adam Philippe, Comte de Custine human Adam-Philippe de Custine 19
7196 Agneepath film Agneepath 19
7197 Ain't No Other Man single Ain't No Other Man (d:Q1775897) 19
7198 Air video game Air 19
7199 Aker Stadion association football venue Aker-Stadion 19
7200 Aldermaston village Aldermaston 19
7201 Alice of Champagne human Alice 19
7202 Always Be My Baby song Always Be My Baby 19
7203 Angel Sanctuary original video animation Angel Sanctuary 19
7204 Antonio Luna human Antonio Luna 19
7205 Archaeoraptor counterfeiting Archaeoraptor 19
7206 Storm Area 51 raid Area 51 stürmen (d:Q65598167) 19
7207 Astral Weeks album Astral Weeks 19
7208 Atari video game burial landfill Atari Video Game Burial 19
7209 Eyespot phenotype Augenfleck 19
7210 Bates method alternative medicine Augentraining nach Bates 19
7211 Australopithecus deyiremeda taxon Australopithecus deyiremeda 19
7212 A4 road Autocesta A4 19
7213 A5 road Autocesta A5 19
7214 Backspacer album Backspacer 19
7215 Badrinath Temple Hindu temple Badrinath-Tempel 19
7216 Kensington (Olympia) station railway station Bahnhof Kensington 19
7217 Banat Bulgarians ethnic group Banater Bulgaren 19
7218 Barbara La Marr human Barbara La Marr 19
7219 Bart the General television series episode Bart schlägt eine Schlacht 19
7220 Basin, Montana census-designated place in the United States Basin (d:Q967057) 19
7221 Battletoads video game Battletoads 19
7222 Beautiful Trauma album Beautiful Trauma 19
7223 Siege of Boston siege Belagerung von Boston 19
7224 Betsimisaraka people ethnic group Betsimisaraka 19
7225 Hjúki and Bil grouping of characters in Norse mythology Bil und Hiuki (d:Q860237) 19
7226 Gyromitra infula taxon Bischofsmütze 19
7227 Blow song Blow 19
7228 Bobby Heenan human Bobby Heenan 19
7229 Bowling Green State University university Bowling Green State University 19
7230 Break My Heart single Break My Heart 19
7231 Brian Urlacher human Brian Urlacher 19
7232 Buso Renkin manga series Buso Renkin 19
7233 Great Comet of 1882 sungrazing comet C/1882 R1 19
7234 Call Me When You're Sober single Call Me When You're Sober (d:Q635429) 19
7235 Candyman single Candyman (d:Q1986072) 19
7236 Jack Harkness list of Torchwood characters Captain Jack Harkness 19
7237 Castlevania: Lords of Shadow video game Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 19
7238 Cecilia Suárez human Cecilia Suárez (d:Q1057307) 19
7239 Black dogfish taxon Centroscyllium fabricii (d:Q2380356) 19
7240 Chachani mountain Chachani 19
7241 Charles Rangel human Charles B. Rangel 19
7242 Ched Evans human Ched Evans 19
7243 Cheddar Gorge valley Cheddar Gorge 19
7244 Cheers song Cheers 19
7245 Chocolate single Chocolate (d:Q861001) 19
7246 Christopher Báthory human Christoph Báthory 19
7247 Chuck E. Cheese public company Chuck E. Cheese’s 19
7248 Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations organization Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations 19
7249 Commander Keen video game series Commander Keen 19
7250 Cullompton town Cullompton (d:Q668275) 19
7251 Cologne Central Mosque mosque DITIB-Zentralmoschee Köln 19
7252 Dan Gilroy human Dan Gilroy 19
7253 Dangerously in Love Tour concert tour Dangerously in Love Tour 19
7254 Danielle Rousseau fictional human Danielle Rousseau (d:Q51381) 19
7255 The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane film Das Mädchen am Ende der Straße 19
7256 Dean Smith human Dean Smith 19
7257 Deep Shadows and Brilliant Highlights album Deep Shadows and Brilliant Highlights 19
7258 Delphine LaLaurie human Delphine LaLaurie 19
7259 Some Enchanted Evening television series episode Der Babysitter ist los 19
7260 The Tribute Money fresco Der Zinsgroschen 19
7261 Life on the Fast Lane television series episode Der schöne Jacques 19
7262 Jaws literary work Der weiße Hai 19
7263 White Dog film Der weiße Hund von Beverly Hills 19
7264 Diddy Kong Racing video game Diddy Kong Racing 19
7265 Die Forelle musical work/composition Die Forelle 19
7266 The French Lieutenant's Woman novel Die Geliebte des französischen Leutnants 19
7267 The Incredible Shrinking Man film Die unglaubliche Geschichte des Mister C. 19
7268 Dinheirosaurus fossil taxon Dinheirosaurus lourinhanensis (d:Q888114) 19
7269 Dino Crisis video game Dino Crisis 19
7270 Dion Fortune human Dion Fortune 19
7271 Discipline album Discipline (d:Q906096) 19
7272 Diva single Diva (d:Q149172) 19
7273 Visby Cathedral architectural ensemble Dom zu Visby 19
7274 Växjö Cathedral architectural ensemble Dom zu Växjö 19
7275 Donkey Kong Country Returns video game Donkey Kong Country Returns 19
7276 Dragon Quest VIII video game Dragon Quest VIII 19
7277 Dream Within a Dream Tour concert tour Dream Within a Dream Tour 19
7278 Dystopia album Dystopia 19
7279 Phallus hadriani taxon Dünen-Stinkmorchel 19
7280 D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson human D’Arcy Wentworth Thompson 19
7281 East Finchley tube station London Underground station East Finchley 19
7282 Edward Colston human Edward Colston 19
7283 Eighth Grade film Eighth Grade 19
7284 Either/Or written work Entweder – Oder 19
7285 Siege of Damascus battle Eroberung von Damaskus 19
7286 Chimes at Midnight film Falstaff 19
7287 Fannie Lou Hamer human Fannie Lou Hamer 19
7288 Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon video game Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon 19
7289 Finchley Central tube station London Underground station Finchley Central 19
7290 Flag of Nova Scotia flag of a country subdivision Flagge von Nova Scotia 19
7291 Meat dress of Lady Gaga dress Fleischkleid 19
7292 Fortinet public company Fortinet 19
7293 Frank Buckles human Frank Buckles 19
7294 Frederick Browning human Frederick Browning 19
7295 Fu literary genre Fu 19
7296 Japanese battleship Fuji pre-dreadnought battleship Fuji 19
7297 Félix Trinidad human Félix Trinidad 19
7298 Gabriel Báthory human Gabriel Báthory 19
7299 Gambler musical work/composition Gambler 19
7300 Garamond serif typeface Garamond 19
7301 Baptism with the Holy Spirit Geistestaufe 19
7302 Enough Said film Genug gesagt 19
7303 Geoffrey A. Landis human Geoffrey A. Landis 19
7304 Cyathus striatus taxon Gestreifter Teuerling 19
7305 2005 Giro d'Italia Giro d'Italia Giro d’Italia 2005 19
7306 Gordon Gollob human Gordon M. Gollob 19
7307 Got Live If You Want It! album Got Live If You Want It! (d:Q1753032) 19
7308 Gott ist mein König, BWV 71 musical work/composition Gott ist mein König 19
7309 Leotia lubrica taxon Grüngelbes Gallertkäppchen 19
7310 Guitar Hero II video game Guitar Hero II 19
7311 Guitar Hero World Tour video game Guitar Hero: World Tour 19
7312 HMS Anson battleship HMS Anson 19
7313 HMS Glorious aircraft carrier HMS Glorious 19
7314 HMS Invincible battlecruiser HMS Invincible 19
7315 Hard Boiled film Hard Boiled 19
7316 Hellcats television series Hellcats 19
7317 Harry Crerar human Henry Crerar 19
7318 Mangrove whipray taxon Himantura granulata (d:Q1748423) 19
7319 Hitmixes extended play Hitmixes 19
7320 Hollywood single Hollywood (d:Q2292939) 19
7321 Hugo von Pohl human Hugo von Pohl 19
7322 Hynerpeton monotypic fossil taxon Hynerpeton 19
7323 Ilyushin Il-20 aircraft model Iljuschin Il-20 19
7324 Ilyushin Il-40 aircraft model Iljuschin Il-40 19
7325 In My Place single In My Place (d:Q1772944) 19
7326 Iridomyrmex taxon Iridomyrmex 19
7327 Iximche human settlement Iximché 19
7328 Jet Set Radio video game Jet Set Radio 19
7329 Job for a Cowboy musical group Job for a Cowboy 19
7330 Joey Mercury human Joey Mercury 19
7331 John Gardner human John Edmund Gardner 19
7332 John Pulman human John Pulman 19
7333 Jordan Eberle human Jordan Eberle 19
7334 Joseph's Tomb funerary structure Josefs Grab 19
7335 Thirty pieces of silver bounty Judaslohn 19
7336 Guanche mummies mummy Kanarische Mumien 19
7337 Kandariya Mahadeva Temple Hindu temple Kandariya-Mahadeva-Tempel 19
7338 Cathedral of Ani cathedral Kathedrale von Ani 19
7339 Kenneth Bainbridge human Kenneth Bainbridge 19
7340 Kenneth MacMillan human Kenneth MacMillan 19
7341 Kenny McLean human Kenny McLean 19
7342 Kepler-4b exoplanet Kepler-4b 19
7343 Kerala Blasters FC association football club Kerala Blasters FC 19
7344 Kevin Martin human Kevin Martin 19
7345 Kim Little human Kim Little 19
7346 Kimberella fossil taxon Kimberella 19
7347 Piano Sonata No. 2 musical work/composition Klaviersonate Nr. 2 19
7348 Lawrence Kohlberg's stages of moral development psychological theory Kohlbergs Theorie der Moralentwicklung 19
7349 Sarcosphaera taxon Kronenbecherling 19
7350 Ktheju tokës single Ktheju tokës 19
7351 Kusumoto Ine human Kusumoto Ine 19
7352 Jaffna Kingdom historical country Königreich Jaffna 19
7353 Japanese ironclad Kōtetsu ironclad warship Kōtetsu 19
7354 Larry O'Brien Championship Trophy sports award Larry O’Brien Championship Trophy 19
7355 Last Exile anime television series Last Exile 19
7356 Last Night film Last Night 19
7357 Leave Home album Leave Home 19
7358 German cruiser Leipzig light cruiser Leipzig 19
7359 Lek mating mating system Lek 19
7360 Lennie Tristano human Lennie Tristano 19
7361 Levels single Levels 19
7362 Lev Chernyi human Lew Tschorny 19
7363 Lightning Bolt album Lightning Bolt 19
7364 Lights human Lights 19
7365 Lisa Hannigan human Lisa Hannigan 19
7366 Lisa Marie Varon human Lisa Marie Varon 19
7367 Moaning Lisa television series episode Lisa bläst Trübsal 19
7368 Lismore, Scotland island Lismore 19
7369 Liu Kang video game character Liu Kang (d:Q2266023) 19
7370 Live Forever song Live Forever 19
7371 Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral Catholic cathedral Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral 19
7372 A Canticle for Leibowitz literary work Lobgesang auf Leibowitz 19
7373 Lodewijk van den Berg human Lodewijk van den Berg 19
7374 Long Range Desert Group military unit Long Range Desert Group 19
7375 2015 Liège–Bastogne–Liège Liège–Bastogne–Liège Lüttich–Bastogne–Lüttich 2015 19
7376 Magnus Stenbock human Magnus Stenbock 19
7377 2016 Milan–San Remo Milan - San Remo Mailand–Sanremo 2016 19
7378 Man Down song Man Down 19
7379 Maneater song Maneater 19
7380 Maria Radner human Maria Radner 19
7381 Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games video game Mario & Sonic bei den Olympischen Spielen London 2012 19
7382 Mario Party 4 video game Mario Party 4 19
7383 Maryana Marrash human Marjana Marrasch 19
7384 Marvel One-Shots film series Marvel One-Shots 19
7385 Simele massacre massacre Massaker von Semile 19
7386 Matangi Devi Matangi (d:Q17634885) 19
7387 Matteo I Visconti human Matteo I. Visconti 19
7388 Lulworth skipper taxon Mattscheckiger Braun-Dickkopffalter 19
7389 MediEvil video game MediEvil 19
7390 Mega Man 4 video game Mega Man 4 (d:Q1837699) 19
7391 Megami Tensei video game series Megami Tensei 19
7392 Merry Christmas II You album Merry Christmas II You (d:Q941336) 19
7393 Metrorail rapid transit Miami-Dade Metrorail 19
7394 Michel Roux human Michel Roux 19
7395 Miles Morales mutate Miles Morales (d:Q59826) 19
7396 1963 Syrian coup d'état coup d'état Militärputsch des 8. März 19
7397 Companion planting Mischkultur 19
7398 Missy Higgins human Missy Higgins 19
7399 Monsters film Monsters 19
7400 Mr. Saxobeat single Mr. Saxobeat 19
7401 Mr. Tambourine Man musical work/composition Mr. Tambourine Man 19
7402 Mudumalai National Park national park Mudumalai-Nationalpark 19
7403 Myrrha mythological Greek character Myrrha 19
7404 National Treasure heritage designation Nationalschätze Japans 19
7405 Naturally song Naturally 19
7406 Naughty Girl single Naughty Girl 19
7407 Ned Lamont human Ned Lamont 19
7408 Nier video game Nier 19
7409 Nina Davuluri human Nina Davuluri 19
7410 No Me Ames single No Me Ames (d:Q1067069) 19
7411 Not Myself Tonight single Not Myself Tonight (d:Q645756) 19
7412 OK gesture gesture OK (d:Q2205649) 19
7413 Bahamas at the 2008 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2008/Teilnehmer 19
7414 Belize at the 2008 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2008/Teilnehmer 19
7415 Kiribati at the 2008 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2008/Teilnehmer 19
7416 Belize at the 2012 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2012/Teilnehmer 19
7417 Brunei at the 2012 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2012/Teilnehmer 19
7418 Guam at the 2012 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2012/Teilnehmer 19
7419 Cape Verde at the 2012 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2012/Teilnehmer 19
7420 Sierra Leone at the 2012 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2012/Teilnehmer 19
7421 Chad at the 2012 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2012/Teilnehmer 19
7422 Equatorial Guinea at the 2012 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2012/Teilnehmer 19
7423 Swaziland at the 2016 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2016/Teilnehmer 19
7424 Equatorial Guinea at the 2016 Summer Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Sommerspiele 2016/Teilnehmer 19
7425 Algeria at the 2006 Winter Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Winterspiele 2006/Teilnehmer 19
7426 Hong Kong at the 2010 Winter Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Winterspiele 2010/Teilnehmer 19
7427 Morocco at the 2010 Winter Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Winterspiele 2010/Teilnehmer 19
7428 Pakistan at the 2014 Winter Olympics Olympic delegation Olympische Winterspiele 2014/Teilnehmer 19
7429 One Thing single One Thing (d:Q923109) 19
7430 Our Song single Our Song (d:Q2262482) 19
7431 2012 Paris–Nice Paris–Nice Paris–Nizza 2012 19
7432 Parliament Hill building complex Parliament Hill 19
7433 Paul Goodman human Paul Goodman 19
7434 Physical single Physical 19
7435 Pieces of April film Pieces of April – Ein Tag mit April Burns 19
7436 Pillars of Eternity video game Pillars of Eternity 19
7437 Portuguese dogfish taxon Portugiesendornhai 19
7438 River martin taxon Pseudochelidon (d:Q14680) 19
7439 Square pyramidal number Quadratische Pyramidalzahl 19
7440 Rain single Rain 19
7441 Symphyotrichum novae-angliae taxon Raublatt-Aster 19
7442 Re-Invention World Tour concert tour Re-Invention World Tour 19
7443 Reckless album Reckless 19
7444 Remember Me video game Remember Me 19
7445 Rescue Me musical work/composition Rescue Me 19
7446 Robert Hunter human Robert Hunter 19
7447 Robert R. Wilson human Robert R. Wilson 19
7448 Italian battleship Roma battleship Roma 19
7449 Maria-sama ga Miteru light novel series Rosen unter Marias Obhut 19
7450 Polish–Russian War of 1792 war Russisch-Polnischer Krieg 19
7451 Roman–Parthian War of 58–63 war Römisch-Parthischer Krieg 19
7452 Indo-Roman trade relations Römisch-indische Beziehungen 19
7453 SMS Prinz Eugen battleship SMS Prinz Eugen 19
7454 Saints Row IV video game Saints Row IV 19
7455 Sami Salo human Sami Salo 19
7456 San Pedro volcano San Pedro 19
7457 Sarcófago musical group Sarcófago 19
7458 Satellaview product model Satellaview 19
7459 Battle of Vaslui battle Schlacht bei Vaslui 19
7460 Battle of the Lipari Islands naval battle Schlacht bei den Liparischen Inseln 19
7461 Battle of Karameh battle Schlacht von Karame 19
7462 School Days video game School Days 19
7463 Black Hebrew Israelites religious denomination Schwarze Hebräer 19
7464 Cloudy catshark taxon Scyliorhinus torazame (d:Q2420891) 19
7465 Sd.Kfz. 10 vehicle family Sd.Kfz. 10 19
7466 Sd.Kfz. 9 vehicle family Sd.Kfz. 9 19
7467 Shinji Ikari fictional human Shinji Ikari (d:Q1143582) 19
7468 Shiver single Shiver (d:Q796554) 19
7469 Slash's Snakepit musical group Slash’s Snakepit 19
7470 Sonnet 18 sonnet Sonett 18 19
7471 Sonic Colors video game Sonic Colours 19
7472 Sonic R video game Sonic R 19
7473 Sonic the Hedgehog video game Sonic the Hedgehog 19
7474 Sonic the Hedgehog 2 video game Sonic the Hedgehog 2 19
7475 Sony Music Publishing music publishing company Sony Music Publishing 19
7476 Socialist Party USA political party Sozialistische Partei der USA 19
7477 Stanisław Poniatowski human Stanisław Poniatowski 19
7478 Staten Island Railway railway line Staten Island Railway 19
7479 Stuckism art movement Stuckisten 19
7480 Sukhoi Su-9 prototype aircraft model Suchoi Su-9 19
7481 Type II supernova astronomical object type Supernova vom Typ II (d:Q1049029) 19
7482 Tajuddin Ahmad human Tajuddin Ahmad 19
7483 Take It Off song Take It Off 19
7484 Talk single Talk (d:Q76163433) 19
7485 Tekken Tag Tournament 2 video game Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (d:Q672049) 19
7486 Terry Griffiths human Terry Griffiths 19
7487 The Cherrytree Sessions extended play The Cherrytree Sessions 19
7488 The Downward Spiral album The Downward Spiral 19
7489 The Hardest Part single The Hardest Part (d:Q661282) 19
7490 The Hills television series The Hills 19
7491 The Holy Bible album The Holy Bible 19
7492 The Killer film The Killer 19
7493 The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures video game The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures 19
7494 The Look of Love single The Look of Love 19
7495 The View television series The View 19
7496 Til It Happens to You musical work/composition Til It Happens to You 19
7497 Times Square Ball time ball Times Square Ball 19
7498 Tokyo Babylon anime Tokyo Babylon 19
7499 Touch My Body song Touch My Body 19
7500 Tracy Caulkins human Tracy Caulkins 19
Average ✓ With German: de/en (English) = 13446/35794 (37.6%) 14.2
Sum ✗ No article or article with the same title: 9480
No label: 12868
  • Only shows 7500/35794 items.
  • Please refer to /undefined.

See also
