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Physicians Meteorological & Geoastrophysical Abstracts Compendex Biologia Neonatorum Etudes Néo-Natales Cambria (geographical magazine) SCImago Journal Rank American journal of business Journal of Borderlands Studies New Political Economy (journal) Review of International Political Economy American Journal of Business Sexologies: European Journal of Sexual Health (Revue Européenne de Santé Sexuelle) Acta Neurologica Scandinavica Template:Infobox bibliographic database Journal of the Transaction of The Victoria Institute Faith and Thought Trade, Law and Development Earth and Planetary Science Letters Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters Diabetic hypoglycemia journal Diabetic Hypoglycemia (journal) Imago Mundi African Philosophy (1533–1067) African Philosophy (journal) American Journal of Human Biology Thyroid (journal) Hyper Articles en Ligne Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology The Prostate Evolution & Development Revue Canadienne de Physiologie et Pharmacologie Can J Physiol Pharmacol Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Philippine E-Journals Philippine ejournals Zoologische Mededelingen Zoologische Mededeelingen Notes from the Leyden Museum Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle des Pays-Bas Nucleic Acids Res. Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde Contributions to Zoology PsychINFO British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology File:International Journal Of Biochemistry And Cell Biology Cover.gif File:MCP cover1709.jpg Current Index to Statistics Die Makromolekulare Chemie Macromolecular chemistry File:Small (journal) cover 516.jpg File:CVD cover09.jpg File:AM cover30 09.jpg File:Angewandte Chemie journal cover.gif Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. Zeitschrift für die Chemische Industrie Angew. Chem. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. Engl. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English Angewandte Chemie-International Edition in English Angewandte Chemie International Edition in English 1962 – 1997 Ang. Chem. Intl. Ed. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition Zeitschrift für Angewandte Chemie Die Chemie Chemische Apparatur Chemische Technik Zeitschrift für Chemie File:AEM cover709.jpg File:MTS Cover 0609.jpg Macromolecular Theory and Simulations File:MME Cover 0109.jpg File:MBS Cover 0809.jpg Macromolecular Materials and Engineering File:MRC cover1609.jpg File:MRE Cover5609.jpg File:AFM cover 15 09.jpg File:JAPS Cover09.jpg File:JPOLA Cover09.gif Journal für Makromolekulare Chemie Macromolecular Reaction Engineering Macromolecular Bioscience Journal of Applied Polymer Science Journal of Polymer Science Part A File:SciELOlogo.jpg Programming Language Design and Implementation European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming International Conference on Compiler Construction International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks International Conference on High Performance Computing International Conference on Software Engineering International Conference on Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods ABZ Conference USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ACM SIGCOMM Conference International Conference on Communications USENIX Security Symposium Eurocrypt Theory of Cryptography Conference PKC (conference) Asiacrypt Fast Software Encryption Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems ACM SIGMOD Conference International Conference on Very Large Data Bases ACM SIGIR Conference Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research International Conference on Information Systems European Conference on Information Systems AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence International Conference on Machine Learning ECML PKDD International Conference on Computer Vision Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics ACM International Conference on Design of Communication International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics International Joint Conferences on Bioinformatics, Systems Biology and Intelligent Computing Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education European Computer Science Summit British Scholar Bulletin de la Société Chimique de Paris File:British journal of anaesthesia cover.gif File:Anaesthesia journal cover.jpg File:Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica Cover.jpg File:European Journal of Organic Chemistry cover.gif International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations of Crystallography IEEE Explore Rangifer (journal) Climate Research (journal) File:CRcover.jpg File:Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 300x209.jpg Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology File:Climacteric Cover Image 300x211.jpg Climacteric (journal) Journal Henoch Henoch File:JLowTempPhys cover.jpg Faslname-ye Ketab File:Logo-Läkartidningen.png File:Copeia.jpg File:IEEE Xplore Logo.gif File:SocietyJournal.jpg File:Sexroles cover.jpg Journal of Jewish Studies File:HiPC-logo.gif File:IPDPS.gif International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine BYU Law Review Journal for General Philosophy of Science Cancer Epidemiology (journal) Journal of Epidemiology and Biostatistics Cytojournal British Journal of Urology International European Journal of Cancer File:AJTR cover.gif American Journal of Translational Research Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation File:Jcl print logo.gif The Journal of Corporation Law File:Journal of Crustacean Biology cover.jpg File:Journal of early christian studies.gif Japa (otheruses) Journal of the American Planning Association Japa (disambiguation) File:Carnets.png File:Carnivorous Plant Newsletter.jpg Agricola (database) Australian journal of experimental agriculture and animal husbandry Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture Australian journal of experimental agriculture Anim Prod Sci Animal production science Anim. Prod. Sci. Andover Review Journal of Iranian Research and Analysis The English Journal File:EESfrontcover148.jpg File:Ef cover.jpg Biomedical Imaging and Intervention Journal File:BIIJlogo.jpg Katharsis (journal) Cahiers européens de l'imaginaire File:Crt cover.jpg File:CJNR.jpg File:Ejhg.jpg African-American Archaeology Newsletter African-American archaeology newsletter File:Crsn journal.gif Fungal genetics and biology Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) The plant genome Neuroscience Letters File:CytoJournal- Info with Home Page.JPG Restoration Quarterly Guide to Receptors and Channels Guide to receptors and channels GRAC Neuropharmacology (journal) Experimental Mycology Social Scientist Category:Social science journals Portuguese Journal of Social Science Forum Qualitative Social Research File:JMS.gif Kelvingrove Review The Kelvingrove Review Ecquid Novi Itinerario The Journal of Ecclesiastical History British Journal for the History of Science Bulletin of the British Society for the History of Science European Review of Economic History Continuity and Change British Journal of Urology British journal of urology File:Jlr cover.gif File:Mcp cover.gif Category:English-language journals Category:Delayed open access journals Category:German-language journals File:The Burlington Magazine 1903.png File:Jbc cover.gif GIGA Journal Family Journal of Liposome Research File:Critical Reviews Biochemistry Molecular Biology Cover.jpg File:BTXC small.jpg File:Journal of Liposome Research.jpg Environment and Planning History of Intellectual Culture International Journal of Conflict and Violence Category:Mathematics conferences Category:Artificial intelligence conferences Category:Computer networking conferences Category:Cryptography conferences Category:Distributed computing conferences Category:Information systems conferences Category:Software engineering conferences Category:Theoretical computer science conferences Portuguese journal of social science Pjss Category:Scientific research methods journals Public Understanding of Science SLOVO Academic Journal File:Mllogo.gif Hegel Society of America Arthritis & Rheumatology International Journal of Clinical Chemistry Clinica Chimica Acta Edinburgh Student Law Review Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science Nucleonik File:Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Mathematica (front cover).png Structure and Dynamics eJournal of the Anthropological and Related Sciences Bioinformatics and Biology Insights Ceredigion (journal) File:Com cover.jpg File:ChemMedChem Cover.PNG File:Childrens literature.gif File:Circulation (journal) cover.gif File:Cinema journal.jpg Annual Review of Critical Psychology European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology European Federation of Psychologists' Associations List of educational psychology journals Society for Occupational Health Psychology Contemporary Herpetology Biomarker Insights Drug Target Insights Cancer Informatics File:Clin Breast Cancer Cover Shot.jpg File:CPcover.gif File:Clinical Genitourinary Cancer Cover Shot.jpg The Catholic Historical Review Clinical Prostate Cancer File:COC1n2cvr129pw.jpg File:Clinical Leukemia Cover Shot.jpg File:Clinical Lung Cancer Cover Shot.jpg Clinical Lymphoma CIG Media Group File:Clinical Toxicology.JPG Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa File:Complex Systems Journal.jpg File:International Journal of General Systems.jpg Columbia Journal of East European Law Philosophical Investigations (journal) File:MolecularVisionLogo.jpg File:Inssoc.gif American Journal of Audiology Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment, and Health American journal of audiology International Society of Intelligent Biological Medicine Society of Chemical Industry The Journal of Vaishnava Studies JVS Financial History Review Europhysics Letters EPL (journal) File:American jewish history.gif File:AJIL cover.gif Scientia Pharmaceutica File:Sci Pharm journal cover.jpg News from Nowhere: Journal of the Oxford English Faculty Opposition Category:BioMed Central academic journals Category:Business and management journals Category:English magazine editors Template:Infobox journal/doc Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy North Central Journal of Agricultural Economics File:Configurations.gif File:Computational Linguistics.jpg File:Sexologies cover.gif Sexologies Revue Européenne de Santé Sexuelle European Journal of Sexual Health Journal of sexual and marital therapy File:JSMT cover.gif File:Critical Reviews in Biotechnology cover.jpg File:Critical Reviews in Microbiology.jpg File:Advances in Therapy cover.gif File:BBFcover.png Organization Science: A Journal of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences Organization science File:Nano cover 2009.jpg File:New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies (cover).jpg File:American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly (three issues).jpg The New Scholasticism Journal of Accident and Emergency Medicine Archives of Emergency Medicine International Journal of Ecology & Development (IJED) Ars Mathematica Contemporanea Cognitive Systems Research (journal) Neurocomputing (Journal) Biophysical Reviews and Letters (Journal) Biophysical Reviews and Letters Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications (Journal) File:CEJcover.jpg COSMOS (Journal) Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research World Scientific File:WSPC-LOGO.jpg File:Advances in Adaptive Data Analysis (front cover).jpg Advances in Adaptive Data Analysis (Journal) Association for Politics and the Life Sciences Advances in Adaptive Data Analysis Advances in Complex Systems File:Asa-logo-green.png Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications European Behavioural and Neural Genetics Society International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications Khayaban Communications in Contemporary Mathematics Brain Research Coastal Engineering Journal Molecular Brain Research Soviet Physics Uspekhi Cellular Signalling Themelios File:Biochemistry cover (Dec 2008).jpg Brain Res. Mol. Brain Res. Brain Res. Stem Cell Reviews and Reports Stem Cell Reviews Hand Surgery (Journal) File:FNLcover.jpg File:IDAQPR.Amazon.jpg File:BST cover Aug 2007.gif Biologie Cellulaire Journal de Microscopie et de Spectroscopie Électroniques Journal de Microscopie et de Biologie Cellulaire Journal de Microscopie File:Biol Cell cover (Nov 2007).jpg Journal of Applied Biochemistry File:Biochemical Journal Front Cover.jpg Archive for Reformation History International Journal of Algebra and Computation File:IJAcover.jpg File:International Journal of Baudrillard Studies.jpg Critical Care (journal) Fluctuation and Noise Letters Fractals (Journal) Fractals (journal) Functional Materials Letters Hand Surgery (journal) The Hong Kong Journal of Social Work Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics International Game Theory Review Foundations and Trends in Communications and Information Theory China: An International Journal Cell. Mol. Life Sci. File:Journal of Fish Biology cover.jpg Chimica Therapeutica Chimie Therapeutique File:Aspasia-yearbook-cover-2007.gif Athenaeum (1991 journal) File:APJ cover.gif Developments in Chemical Engineering and Mineral Processing Developments in Chemical Engineering and Mineral Processing: The Australasian Research Journal Asia Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering File:Bmc cover new.gif Asia pacific journal of chemical engineering Tulane Environmental Law Journal Archives of natural history Journal of the Society for the Bibliography of Natural History Sports Lawyers Journal Tulane Journal of Law & Sexuality Tulane European and Civil Law Forum List of African studies journals M-Z Category:Environmental law journals Category:American law journals Contemporary psychoanalysis Contemporary Psychoanalysis Kritikos File:Cover of International Journal of Zizek Studies.jpg Category:Human–computer interaction journals Cancer Letters J. Pediatr. PASCAL (INIST database) FRANCIS PASCAL (database) DOGE (database) Diabetes Care Diabetes Care (journal) Politics and the Life Sciences BioOne Cell Metabolism (journal) International Society for General Relativity and Gravitation International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation Category:Philippine law journals Category:Cultural journals Category:Museology journals Category:Library science journals File:BTLJ Cover new.jpg High technology law journal Annual Review of Law and Technology Journal of Rational Mechanics and Analysis Indiana University Journal of Mathematics Journal of Mathematics and Mechanics Indiana university mathematics journal Journal of Rational Mechanics Category:Geology journals Californian Journal of Health Promotion Journal of General Internal Medicine The New England journal of medicine Eur. J. Cancer Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London Curr Med Res Opin J Agric Food Chem. ORCID Phytotherapy Research File:Jafib cover.jpg J Pharmacol Exp Ther. Am J Trop Med Hyg Mol. Membr. Biol. Scand. J. Gastroenterol. European Society of Endocrinology Clin. Chim. Acta Anticancer Res. Meth. Enzymol. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Cytogenet. Genome Res. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. J. Physiol. (Lond.) Eur. J. Neurosci. Eur. J. Pharmacol. Trends Cell Biol. Undersea Hyperb Med Int. J. Oncol. Genome Biol Br J Pharmacol. Biochem. Z. BMC Genet. Curr. Opin. Immunol. J Physiol Chem Res Toxicol Chem. Res. Toxicol. Microbiology (Reading, Engl.) Aust Fam Physician Nat. Rev. Cancer Physiol. Behav. Mol Cell Hum Mol Genet Nat. Prod. Rep. Ann. Oncol. Phytother Res Am J Med Genet. J Pharmacol Exp Ther Am. J. Med. Genet. Can Fam Physician Navy Exp. Diving Unit Res. Report Expert Opin Pharmacother The Journal of Hellenic Studies BJU Int. J. Neurosurg. Can. Fam. Physician Bioorg. Med. Chem. 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Nature genetics Southland Astronomical Society Journal of the Hydraulics Division Earth Surface Processes Earth surface processes and landforms Journal of Hydraulic Engineering Africa Research Bulletin : Economic, Financial and Technical Series File:Journal for the Study of the Old Testament (journal cover).gif File:Journal for the Study of the New Testament (journal cover).gif Africa Research Bulletin: Economic, Financial and Technical Series The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology Kidney International American Museum Novitates Nature Immunology Journal of contemporary African studies Journal of modern African studies Journal of Cellular Physiology Biological Chemistry (journal) Zeitschrift für Physiologische Chemie Zeitschrift für physiologische chemie Z. Physiol. Chem. Z Physiol Chem Biol Chem. Biol Chem Hoppe Seyler. Biol Chem Hoppe Seyler Biol. Chem. Hoppe. Seyler. Hoppe-Seylers Zeitschrift für Pysiologische Chemie Hoppe. Seylers. Z. Physiol. Chem. 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NRC Research Press Biochemistry and Cell Biology Life Sciences (journal) Frontiers in Bioscience Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer Molecular Cancer Research Cell Death & Differentiation Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry Molecular Immunology Biology of Reproduction Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology International Journal of Molecular Medicine Biochemical Pharmacology Human Immunology Molecular Genetics and Metabolism Kidney International Supplement Cuadernos de estudios africanos Category:Immunology journals Cell Growth & Differentiation Swiss Book International Journal of the Sociology of Language Cakalele (journal) Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales Cambridge Law Journal Current Biology NANO (journal) Neurocomputing (journal) Category:Cardiology journals File:Philotheos.JPG Journal of the American College of Surgeons Journal of Applied Biomedicine Growth Factors Journal Australian Journal of Primary Health File:Journal of Microencapsulation cover.jpg File:BISE LOGO NOV 2008 klein.jpg File:Bulletin of the history of medicine.gif Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE) International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos File:International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos Cover.jpg International Journal of Biomathematics International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications International Journal of Computational Methods International Journal of Computer Processing of Languages International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems International Journal of High Speed Electronics and Systems International Journal of Humanoid Robotics International Journal of Image and Graphics International Journal of Information Acquisition International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management W. de Gruyter 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Natural History File:Claremarketreview.gif Category:Horror journals Category:Science fiction and fantasy journals Pharmaceutical Research – Journal Structure (journal) Business & Information Systems Engineering (journal) Northumbria Press Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity European Physical Journal ST European Physical Journal AP European Physical Journal Web of Conferences File:Epja-03mar.jpg File:Epjd webcover.jpg File:EPJ E cover.jpg File:IOVSCoverfig.gif File:Radioelectronics and Communications Systems cover.jpg Hawaiian Entomological Society Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society Category:Entomology journals and magazines File:TheContemporaryPacificjournalcover.jpg File:PacSci.gif Language Documentation & Conservation ScholarSpace Lyonia (journal) American Journal of Physical Anthropology Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research South African Journal of Science International Catalogue of Scientific Literature European Neural Network Society Bulletin of the World Health Organization File:FindArticles logo.png Index Islamicus Proceedings from the Hawaiian Entomological Society Kurdish Times International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems Journal of Biological Systems Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers International Journal of Nanoscience International Journal of Neural Systems Journal of Algebra and Its Applications International Journal of Number Theory International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence International Journal of PIXE International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering International Journal of Quantum Information International Journal of Shape Modeling International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance 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Management Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines File:JPPcover.jpg File:JNOPMcover.jpg Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials File:JMRcover.jpg File:JMMBcover.jpg File:JMLcover.jpg File:JKTRcover.jpg File:JOINcover.jpg File:JINcover.jpg Journal of Information & Knowledge Management Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship Journal of Construction Research File:JCRcover.jpg File:AJPAcover.gif Newcomen Society of the United States The Singapore Economic Review Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies Reviews in Mathematical Physics New Mathematics and Natural Computation File:ACScover.jpg File:ACRJcover.jpg Asian Case Research Journal Analysis and Applications File:AAcover.jpg File:AJCMcover.jpg File:ACcover.jpg File:SRLcover.jpg File:Stochastics and Dynamics (journal cover).jpg File:SERcover.jpg File:RPBFMPcover.jpg File:JTCCcover.jpg File:M3AScover.jpg File:MPLAcover.jpg File:MPLBcover.jpg File:NMNCcover.jpg File:OSIDcover.jpg File:PPLcover.jpg File:RMPcover.jpg The American Journal of Chinese Medicine Algebra Colloquium Surface Review and Letters Stochastics and Dynamics Parallel Processing Letters Open Systems & Information Dynamics Modern Physics Letters B Modern Physics Letters A Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry SCImago Hippocampus (journal) Bibliographic index Category:Bibliographic indexes File:1838 v2 no1 BostonJournal NaturalHistory.png Memoirs Read Before the Boston Society of Natural History Contemporary Physics Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment File:Cgd cover.jpg Comparative Labor Law Journal International Society for Labor Law and Social Security File:CMP cover.jpg Cuban Journal of Tropical Medicine Cuban Journal of Surgery American Quarterly Category:American history journals The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine Journal of the American Board of Family Practice J Am Board Fam Med J. 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File:Bm cover.jpg File:EALRlogo.jpg Category:Comparative law journals Chinese Law & Policy Review Category:International relations journals Category:Biochemistry journals Category:Chemistry journals File:Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry cover.gif File:Nature Chemical Biology.gif File:Molecular BioSystems cover.gif File:Bio cover new.gif File:International Journal of Biological Sciences cover.jpg Ivyspring International Publisher African studies journals File:Water SA.jpg J Urol Journal of Urology File:Contemporary Physics Introducing Recent Developments in Physics.jpg The Linacre Quarterly Journal of Medical Ethics Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii. Radioelektronika Eastern Churches Review File:Smj cover.jpg Edinburgh Medical Journal Glasgow Medical Journal File:SIGNScover.jpg Meteoritics & Planetary Science File:Journal AMS.jpg File:InventMath.jpg Category:Earth and atmospheric sciences journals Category:Publications by frequency Category:Music theory journals Category:Contemporary classical music journals Category:Music journals Plos one Public Library of Science ONE PLoS One P L o S One File:PLoS ONE logo.png The Psychologist-Manager Journal The Review of English Studies Journal of Differential Geometry Harvard Review of Psychiatry Medical Teacher Society of Consulting Psychology Cancer Investigation Journal of Medical Engineering and Technology Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology Honorary authorship UCLA Law Review Category:Mathematical institutes and societies Category:Learned societies Category:Astronomy organizations Leukemia & Lymphoma Category:Social sciences organizations Journal of Interprofessional Care Category:Robotics journals Astrophysical Journal Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems Journal of Intelligent and Robotics System Category:World Scientific academic journals Hydrogeological Journal File:American Chemical Society logo.svg The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology Fresenius’ Journal of Analytical Chemistry File:Theoretical Chemistry Accounts.jpg Theoretica Chimica Acta Journal of Thermal Analysis Society of Psychologists in Management International Journal of Radiation Biology File:Migletlogo.jpg Iowa Law Review J Phys D J. 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D Journal of Physics D-applied physics Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics COPD: Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Experimental Lung Research Journal of Asthma International Journal of Hyperthermia Clinical and Experimental Hypertension International Journal of Neuroscience Platelets (journal) Chronobiology International Security Studies (journal) Prehospital Emergency Care European Review Pediatric Hematology-Oncology Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Orbit (Journal) Endocrine Research Autoimmunity (Journal) Autoimmunity (journal) Journal of Pain and Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy File:Journal of womens history.gif File:Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology.jpg File:Leukemia & Lymphoma.jpg Logica Universalis Category:Ophthalmology journals Seminars in Ophthalmology European review File:Current Eye Research.jpg Current eye research Current Eye Research File:Cancer Investigation.jpg File:Medical Teacher.jpg File:Journal of Interprofessional Care.jpg Ultrastructural Pathology International Reviews of Immunology Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine Orbit (journal) Category:Sociology journals Category:Geography journals Category:Anthropology journals File:PLoS Biology cover April 2009.svg Neuro-Ophthalmology (Journal) Neuro-Ophthalmology (journal) The Journal of Land & Public Utility Economics List of African studies journals Journal of Land & Public Utility Economics Historisk Tidsskrift (Norway) Word Structure Journal asiatique Société Asiatique Category:Norwegian-language journals Africa bibliography Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography African Journal of International and Comparative law African journal of international and comparative law Fire Technology Comparative Criticism New Comparison Category:Semiotics journals Magnetohydrodynamics (journal) Category:Swedish-language journals File:Magnetohydrodynamics-journal-cover-December-2009.jpg Magnitnaya Gidrodinamika MGHDAG Magnitnai?a? gidrodinamika Magnit. Gidrodinamika Category:Psychiatry journals Evidence Based Mental Health UCD Law review File:JChromA Cover.gif File:InsightJournalLogo.png Category:Computer science journals Category:Computational statistics journals Category:Cryptography journals Journal of Experimental Biology The British Journal of Experimental Biology Journal of Embryology and Experimental Morphology Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science File:QJMS cover.gif File:Allman fig (QJMS 1873).jpg Category:Political science journals File:Izv vuzov radioelektronika cover.jpg Category:Russian-language journals Immunogenetics (journal) Category:Neurology journals Movement Disorders (journal) Developmental Neurorehabilitation European Parkinson's Disease Association Evidence- Based Mental Health File:Developmental Neurorehabilitation.jpg File:2009 cover of the journal Acta Neuropathologica.jpg File:ACScover.gif Journal of Neurology and Psychopathology Template:Statistics journals Category:Econometrics journals Category:Economics journals Category:Engineering journals Morgannwg (magazine) File:Southern Literary Journal 1968 v1 1.jpg Category:Humanities journal stubs Category:Academic journal stubs Category:Social science journal stubs Category:Humanities journals Semiotica Category:Biology journal stubs Category:Chemistry journal stubs Category:Medical journal stubs International Association for Semiotic Studies File:International Journal of Hyperthermia 300x431.jpg File:Prehospital Emergency Care.jpg Canadian Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Canadian Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists File:Emily dickinson journal.gif Category:Ecology journals Category:Microbiology journals File:ZGW-Cover.png Category:Paleontology journals Category:Astronomy journals Asian-Pacific Law & Policy Journal Svenska Historiska Föreningen Historisk Tidsskrift (Oslo) Historisk Tidskrift Historisk Tidsskrift Historisk Tidsskrift (Denmark) Historisk Tidsskrift (Danemark) Historisk tidskrift Svenska historiska föreningen Svenska historiska foreningen Svenska Historiska Foreningen Svenska Historiska Foereningen Svenska historiska foereningen Category:History journals File:SpeculumJournal.gif Category:Evolutionary biology journals Annals of the American Thoracic Society IEEE style File:Irb cover.gif File:Seminars in Ophthalmology.jpg File:Peidatric Hematology and Oncology.jpg File:Orbit Journal.jpg File:Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine.jpg File:International Reviews of Immunology.jpg File:Endocrine Research.jpg File:Autoimmunity 300x431.jpg Category:Educational psychology journals Category:Education journals File:Icsid review.gif Category:Law journals Category:Australian law journals Category:British law journals Category:Canadian law journals Category:German law journals Category:Irish law journals Category:New Zealand law journals Category:Administrative law journals Category:Business law journals Category:South African law journals Category:Criminal law journals Category:European law journals Category:General law journals Category:International law journals Category:Labour law journals Category:Law and public policy journals Category:Technology law journals Category:Law journals by topic Electronic Magazine of Multicultural Education ICCA Journal International Computer Chess Association Communisme File:Platelets 300x431.jpg File:COPD- Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 300x431.jpg File:Experimental Lung Research 300x431.jpg File:Harvard Review of Psychiatry 300x431.jpg File:International Journal of Neuroscience.jpg File:International Journal of Radiation Biology.jpg File:Issues in Mental Health Nursing.jpg File:Journal of Asthma 300x431.jpg Issues in Mental Health Nursing Template:Cite arxiv IJME: International Journal of Multicultural Education Category:Oncology journals Journal of Competition Law & Economics Anglia (journal) Category:Nursing journals Category:Healthcare journals File:PsychoanalyticStudyChildCover2008.jpg File:Psyche.title.svg File:Proteomics cover.gif File:Progress in community health partnerships.gif American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology File:Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery.jpg Category:Pharmacology journals The Scandinavian Journal of Economics Ekonomisk Tidskrift Swedish Economic Journal The Dalhousie Journal of Legal Studies File:Court Studies logo.gif Category:Legal citators Category:Bibliometrics African Journals Online File:Journal of asian american studies.gif Probation Journal File:Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology.jpg Economic Theory (Journal) Economic Theory (journal) Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory Cancer Cytopathology Neuroscience (journal) Zhurnal Eksperimental'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki The International Journal of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy International Journal of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy File:Doaj seal.jpg The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography File:Biology Letters cover.gif Biol. Lett. 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Lightwave Tech The Journal of Lightwave Technology Psychiatric Quarterly Education Review Ingenta Korea Citation Index LANL Research Library Latin American Bibliography Information & Culture Scholarly communication Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters State Hospital Quarterly Psychiatr. Q. Psychiatr Q The Psychiatric Quarterly State Hospitals Bulletin The State Hospital Quarterly IEEE Microwave Theory and Wireless Component Letters IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters File:Journal of Natural History.jpg IEEE Microwave Theory and Wireless Components Letters Microscopy Society of America International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism Psychological Reports Psychol. Rep. Psychol Rep File:Yale Journal of International Affairs (front cover).png Int. J. Sport Nutr. Exerc. Metab. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab Psychosom. Med. Psychosom Med. 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A Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering File:JJMIE.jpg Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Acta Informatica European Journal of Personality Afrique Contemporaine Afrique contemporaine Africanus (journal) L'Homme Revue d'Histoire Ecclésiastique Revue d'Histoire Ecclesiastique Journal of Automated Reasoning Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa File:Rhecover.JPG Moreana File:EJP Cover.gif Journal of Research in Personality File:Journal of research in personality cover.gif Category:Personality journals SCImago Institutions Rankings File:Acta Zool Acad Sci Hung.JPG File:Gutjournalcover.gif Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Organizations British Journal of Sociology Phytotaxa American Annals of the Deaf Nordic Journal of African Studies Adamantius (journal) Journal of Logic and Computation Florida Philosophical Association Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Florida Philosophical Review Nature Clinical Practice Urology British Journal for the Philosophy of Science Sociology (journal) Japan Society for Composite Materials JSCM Computational Materials Science Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology Journal of Electroceramics Academia.edu Rheumatology (journal) Materials (journal) Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology Psychopharmacology (journal) Pacific Insects Monograph Open peer review European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes Glycobiology (journal) Psychology and Aging Pli Planetary and Space Science British Journal of Dermatology Journal of Aging and Health Social Psychology and Personality Science Category:Abnormal psychology journals Servicio de Publicaciones (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) Studies in Comparative Religion Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology Advances in Space Research Mycotaxon Fungal Biology Transactions of the British Mycological Society Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings International Academy of Astronautics EDP Sciences Masson (publisher) File:Advances in Physics cover image.jpg Journal pagination Review of Educational Research Journal of the Entomological Research Society Methods in Molecular Biology Ceylon Journal of Science File:Applied Physics Letters cover image.jpg Przeglad Tomistyczny Indiana Health Law Review Cytotherapy (journal) Astronomy & Geophysics New Biotechnology Journal of Controlled Release Toxicology (journal) Toxicology Letters Gynecologic Oncology International Journal of Pharmaceutics Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society Quarterly Journal of the RAS File:Astronomy & Geophysics cover image 2000.jpg Ei Compendex Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Meteoritical Society University of Queensland Law Journal Indian Journal of Palliative Care Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Platinum Metals Review Acta Materialia Human Reproduction (journal) Science research citation Energy Citations Database Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics Ethical Theory and Moral Practice British Journal for the History of Philosophy Mechanical & Transportation Engineering Abstracts METADEX Metals Abstracts Compendex Abstracts Wiley Company Wiley Periodicals Ceramic Abstracts Engineered Materials Abstracts Energy Research Abstracts Cell Stem Cell Journal of Contemporary Religion VINITI Database RAS All-Union Institute for Scientific and Technical Information Materials Science Citation Index File:International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology (TASL).jpg Category:Materials science journals General Relativity and Gravitation Israel Law Review Environmental Archaeology Transportation Science Ultramicroscopy Energy Science and Technology Database Energy Technology Data Exchange Nuclear Science Abstracts Microscopy and Microanalysis Journal of Indian Philosophy VINITI Newcomen Society Pis'ma v Astronomicheskii Zhurnal Astronomy Reports Photonics and Nanostructures: Fundamentals and Applications Photonics and Nanostructures The Church Quarterly Review Phot. Nano. Fund. Appl. Phot Nano Fund Appl Physical Review E Physics today Physical review. E, Statistical physics, plasmas, fluids, and related interdisciplinary topics Wiley-VCH X-Ray Spectrometry journal Journal of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons Proceedings of the Physico-Mathematical Society of Japan Virology Journal ETDEWEB The Rhinoplasty Society Journal of Religion in Africa Society for social neuroscience Society for Social Neuroscience Communication Education International Journal of Philosophical Studies SPIN bibliographic database QUEST: An African Journal of Philosophy Journal of World-Systems Research South African Geographical Journal Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review Physical Review A Physical Review A: General Physics Apeiron (philosophy journal) California Agriculture Pharmacognosy Reviews Pharmacognosy Magazine Physical Review A : atomic, molecular and optical physics Oman Journal of Ophthalmology Bentham Science Publishers American Church Quarterly Review American Quarterly Church Review VirolJ Virol. J. Virol. J Virol J. The Church Review and Ecclesiastical Register American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Middle East African Journal of Ophthalmology Lung India Medknow Publications & Media Medknow Publications & Media Pvt. 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Kondratiev Foundation Studies in Intelligence Journal of the National Cancer Institute Journal of the National Cancer Institute Monographs Clinical Genetics (journal) Journal of Neurogenetics Category:Biotechnology journals Category:Cognitive science journals Category:Mathematics journals Cancer Treatment Reports Category:Parasitology journals Clinical Genetics Clin. Genet. Clin Genet Clin Genet. JNCI Journal of the National Cancer Institute J. Natl. Cancer. Inst. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. Monographs J.N.C.I. JNCI J. Natl. Cancer Inst. J. Natl Cancer Inst File:JNGcover.jpg Proceedings of the Royal Musical Association Cancer Chemotherapy Reports National Cancer Institute Monograph Cancer Chemotherapy Reports, Part 3 Cancer Chemotherapy Reports, Part 2 Cancer Chemotherapy Reports, Part 1 Cancer Treatment Symposia NCI Monographs Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 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Karger AG Neotropical Ichthyology Mechanisms of Development Cell Differentiation (journal) Cell Differentiation and Development Parasites & Vectors NANO (Journal) Gene Expression Patterns File:Nl cover.jpg File:Nano cover.jpg Placenta (journal) Neuropathology & Applied Neurobiology Journal of the American Ceramic Society Category:Classics journals Category:Classics publications Category:Oceanography journals Journal of African Law Anonymous peer review AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses AIDS Research AIDS Research (journal) Category:Mary Ann Liebert academic journals Guy's Hospital Reports Molecular Microbiology (journal) Cell Research (journal) The Springfielder Concordia Theological Quarterly File:Knowledge Management Research and Practice Cover.png CAB HEALTH CAB Health CABDirect CAB Direct CSA Biological Sciences Database CSA Environmental Sciences & Pollution Management Database CSA Microbiology Databases CSA Virology and AIDS Abstracts CAB Direct database Biobase (company) ISI Custom Information Services Cell Research Immunity (journal) Category:Cell Press academic journals Leukemia (journal) Stroke (journal) Epilepsia (journal) Africa Research Bulletin: Political, Social and Cultural Series Brain Research Reviews Arctic (journal) PsychInfo Category:Epilepsy journals CABS Herpes (journal) Animal behavior Category:Ethology journals Animal Behaviour (journal) Animal Behavior Society File:AnimBehavcover.gif The British Journal of Animal Behaviour British Journal of Animal Behaviour Anim Behav Anim. Behav. Biochemistry. Genes, brain, and behavior Autophagy (journal) Transportation (journal) Biochimie Journal of Infection Peptides (journal) Herpes: The Journal of the IHMF File:J Infect (Sept 2010).gif Leukemia Society of America File:Biochimie2010.gif Bulletin de la Société de Chimie Biologique System (journal) File:Social Evolution & History journal.jpg Carcinogenesis (journal) Drug Metabolism and Disposition Earthquake Engineering Abstracts Advanced Polymer Abstracts Pflügers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology Pflügers Archiv European Journal of Physiology Geophysical Journal International Experimental Physiology File:Drug Metab Dispos (July 2010).gif File:Pflugers Arch (2010).jpg File:Nature materials homecover image.gif File:Geophysical Journal International RAS cover.jpg File:Thin Solid Films cover image.gif Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry Bulletin of the Agricultural Chemical Society of Japan Subversive Proposal File:SIA new cover.gif AIAA Journal File:Cover aiaaj.jpg Journal of the Aeronautical Sciences Journal of the American Rocket Society American Rocket Society The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review North Louisiana History Journal of the North Louisiana Historical Association Journal of Health Economics File:EPJ H cover.jpg European Physical Journal H SAJRT File:SAJRT cover.gif Civil Engineering Abstracts Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research Economic and Environmental Studies Economic and Environmental Studies (journal) Children Youth and Environments Journal CYE Journal Environmental Design Research Association File:Abcover.gif Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada Category:Art history journals Category:Biography journals Category:Dentistry journals Category:Endocrinology journals Category:Epidemiology journals Category:Food studies journals Category:Human rights journals Category:Judaic studies journals Category:Public health journals Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte Royal Astronomical Society of Canada Selected Papers and Proceedings Royal Astronomical Society of Canada Transactions Journal de la Société royale d'astronomie du Canada Transactions of the Astronomical and Physical Society of Toronto Paragraph (journal) File:Shakespeare quarterly.gif Ohio History Urology (journal) Biotechnic & Histochemistry STN International International Bibliography of Periodical Literature Category:Architecture journals Fire Safety Journal Jordan Medical Journal File:MSM Cover.gif Ohio History (journal) Scripta Materialia File:Scripta materialia image cover.gif File:Acta Materialia cover image.gif File:Peptides cover image - elsevier.gif Proteins (journal) Transactions on Aspect Oriented Software Development Atherosclerosis (journal) Traffic (journal) Environmental Biology of Fishes Category:Molecular and cellular biology journals Current Opinion in Cell Biology Current Opinion in Biotechnology Current Opinion in Chemical Biology Current Opinion in Microbiology Current Opinion in Pharmacology Current Opinion in Plant Biology Current Opinion in Structural Biology Category:Audiology journals Category:Pediatrics journals Category:General medical journals Inquiry (health journal) International Society for Knowledge Organization File:Apb cover web.jpg File:Annales Henri Poincare displayimage.jpg File:Applied Spectroscopy Reviews cover.jpg File:Msmed cover.jpg Hot Topics in... Hiroshima Mathematical Journal Entomologische Berichten Das Argument (journal) Category:Obstetrics and gynaecology journals The Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics Clinical Experimental Hypertension Gynecological Endocrinology File:Globalization and Health logo.png German Journal for Evidence and Quality in Healthcare ZEFQ German Journal for Evidence and Quality in Healthcare Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons British Catholic History Studia Hibernica Ceylon Journal of Medical Science Open Medicine Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing Hypertension (journal) Information Services & Use Cahiers de l’Imaginaire Category:Computer science papers Category:Economics papers Category:Mathematics papers Mathematical Geosciences African Law Studies File:Gems & Gemology cover.jpg Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde American Psychiatric Nurses Association Category:Physiology journals African Safety Promotion : a Journal of Injury and Violence Prevention African Safety Promotion : A Journal of Injury and Violence Prevention International Journal of Psychoanalysis The International Journal of Psychoanalysis Journal of Sexuality Research and Social Policy Category:Multidisciplinary humanities journals Category:Multidisciplinary social science journals Category:Multidisciplinary scientific journals Category:Multidisciplinary academic journals File:Cover canadian journal of netherlandic studies.jpg Canadian Journal for Netherlandic Studies/Revue canadienne d'études néerlandaises Canadian Journal of Netherlandic Studies Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences Journal of Cell and Molecular Biology SDU Journal of Science SDU The Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Personal and Ubiquitous Computing Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine Category:Gastroenterology and hepatology journals Category:Alternative and traditional medicine journals Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery Journal of Cosmetic & Laser Therapy Category:Surgery journals International Journal of Green Pharmacy File:Jsm cover.jpg Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology File:Pob front cover.jpg File:Perspectives in biology and medicine.gif Physical & Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Category:Medical genetics journals Category:Addiction medicine journals Category:Urology journals Category:Hematology journals Category:Occupational safety and health journals American Journal of Occupational Therapy File:AVTcover (2007).jpg Indian Journal of Urology File:Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods.jpg File:Toxin reviews.jpg Category:Toxicology journals File:Drug and Chemical Toxicology.jpg File:Inhalation Toxicology.jpg Category:Anesthesiology and palliative medicine journals File:Journal of Receptors and Signal Transduction.jpg Category:Dermatology journals Journal of Dermatological Treatment File:BJD-journal-cover.jpg Category:Pulmonology journals File:Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology Cover.gif File:Annals of Internal Medicine-cover.jpg The Annals of Thoracic Surgery African Safety Promotion: A Journal of Injury and Violence Prevention American Journal of Medicine ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations OECC Mathematical Geology ESIAM Category:Academic journals by language Category:Academic journals by publication frequency ASA style Bulletin of Marine Science Constitutional Political Economy Category:Academic journal articles European Journal of Cell Biology TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin Nordic Journal of English Studies (NJES) Nordic Journal of English Studies Oceanic Linguistics Journal of International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict Disability and Rehabilitation Haematologica Radiology (journal) Enterprise & Society Confluence: The Journal of Graduate Liberal Studies Letters in Mathematical Physics Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum Acta Universitatis Szegediensis Electronic Journal of Sociology Menopause (New York, N.Y.) Manoa (journal) Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Academy of Management Learning and Education International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition National Security Agency academic publications International Relations of the Asia-Pacific Études Phénoménologiques Journal of International Relations of the Asia-Pacific Verhandlungen des naturforschenden Vereins Brünn Proceedings of the Natural History Society of Brunn Proceedings of the Natural History Society of Bruenn Verhandlungen des naturforschenden Vereins Brunn Verhandlungen des naturforschenden Vereins Bruenn Asian Theatre Journal Asian Journal of Public Affairs Archives of Asian Art Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen Journal of Hydrology Other Voices (open-access journal of cultural criticism) Animation: An Interdisciplinary Journal Chinese Journal of International Law North American Society of Adlerian Psychology Pediatrics International Confluence (academic journal) Journal of Graduate Liberal Studies Journal of Individual Differences Revue économique Haigazian Armenological Review L'Information Grammaticale International Journal of Wireless Information Networks File:Journal of modern greek studies.gif International Relations of the Asia-Pacific (journal) Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Publishing House "Technika" Social Science History File:REA vol 28 2007.jpg Public Relations Journal Harvard Project on Cold War Studies Wíčazo Ša Review File:Mclc.jpg The American Psychologist Order (journal) Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society MLN (disambiguation) Social science history Cliometrica North american society of adlerian psychology Science Software Quarterly Social Philosophy Today International Mountain Society Public Administration Review Overlay journal Mediterranean Historical Review Journal of Curriculum and Instruction Development Southern Africa The Classical Journal China Review International Manufacturing & Service Operations Management Éigse Soundings (journal) Journal of Technology Law & Policy University of Florida Journal of Technology Law and Policy File:Journal of Technology Law & Policy.png Palaios Florida Journal of International Law File:New FJIL Logo.jpg Oncology Reports File:Journal of Medical Economics JME.jpg Molecular Biology and Evolution (journal) NASW Press Index Copernicus NASW Press Journals The Journal of Media Economics Journal of South Texas Category:Legal magazine stubs Ayandeh: a Persian Journal of Iranian studies The Scottish Historical Review Pharmacologia Clinica Journal of the Forensic Science Society File:Mol Pharmacol August 2009 cover.png Revolutionary History Category:Rheumatology journals Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases Category:Orthopedics journals Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica Osteoarthritis and Cartilage SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications Pharmacotherapy (journal) Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials File:JMMM.gif RCN Publishing Societé Sciences Nat Bulletin de la Société Sciences Nat IEEE Transactions on Magnetics Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors Reviews of Geophysics European Business Law Review Frontiers of Physics in China Mississippi Law Journal Category:Geophysics journals Explorations in Economic History Sammlungen des geologischen Rijksmuseums in Leiden Leidsche Geologische Mededelingen Sammlungen des geologischen Reichsmuseums in Leiden Leidse Geologische Mededelingen Leidsche Geologische Mededeelingen Scripta Geologica World Ceramics Abstracts Aluminum Industry Abstracts World Aluminium Abstracts Pulmonary Pharmacology & Therapeutics Living Reviews West Branch (literary journal) File:Pog front cover.jpg File:Ard front cover.jpg Acta Radiologica Scientific Research Publishing Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics J Phys B J. Phys. B JOPB J Phys A Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical J. Phys. A File:Is-logo-2.png Kilkenny Archaeological Society Archive of Applied Mechanics File:Archive of Applied Mechanics.jpg Category:Physics papers Physica status solidi (b) Physica status solidi (a) Physica status solidi (c) Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society Old Kilkenny Review The Journal of Rheumatology Proceedings of The Orthodontic Technicians Association Annual Conference Orthodontic Technicians Association File:OTA logo.jpg The International MS Journal File:Topic W&J Review Cover.png File:West Branch Journal Cover.jpg Journal of Medicine GEOBASE (database) GEOBASE (Elsevier) File:Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews cover.gif Bacteriological Reviews Microbiological Reviews File:Microbiology cover (Oct 2007).gif The Journal of Antibiotics Medicina experimentalis Catholic University Journal of Contemporary Health Law and Policy Journal of Contemporary Health Law and Policy File:Theatre topics.gif The Far Eastern Quarterly The Journal of Asian Studies File:Technology and culture.gif J Antibiot J Med The Journal of the American Musicological Society Journal of Musicology Int MS J International MS Journal J Rheumatol Journal of Rheumatology International Journal for Parasitology The Information Society (journal) Southern Jewish History File:Nn journal.gif International Immunology Pharmacology & Therapeutics Asian Journal of Mathematics Annales d'Astrophysique Arkiv for Astronomi Bulletin of the Astronomical Institutes of the Netherlands Bulletin Astronomique Journal des Observateurs Zeitschrift für Astrophysik A&A Supplement Series Astronomy and Astrophysics Supp. Ser. 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Astronomy And Astrophysics Astronomy and Astrophysics Letters Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplements File:MaM2010cover.jpg Minds and Machines Georgetown Journal of Law and Policy in International Business Georgetown Journal of International Law The Lancet Student Brain Pathology Texas Journal on Civil Liberties & Civil Rights Chaos, Solitons & Fractals Texas Forum on Civil Liberties & Civil Rights File:Library trends.gif American Speech HSS Journal Category:Veterinary medicine journals Veterinary Parasitology (journal) Cadernos Pagu Hospitality Review Caucasian Review of International Affairs Category:Anatomy journals European Journal of Morphology Acta Neerlandica morphologiae normalis et pathologicae Asian Perspectives Revista Chilena de Historia Natural NJTIP Northwestern Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property File:Torture20 1 2010 cover.jpg TORTURE journal Torture (journal) The John Marshall Review of Intellectual Property Law John Marshall Review of Intellectual Property Law The Breast (journal) Oral Oncology Molecular Oncology (journal) Organon F Filozofia Molecular Ecology (journal) M. 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Sharpe Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining Silliman Journal Bryn Mawr Medieval Review The Medieval Review Journal of Holistic Nursing Australasian Radiology Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology Historical Social Research File:Cclogo.svg Carbon Balance and Management CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe The International Society of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization International Society for Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization Europa Medicophysica Millennium: Journal of International Studies Category:Rehabilitation medicine journals Family Practice (journal) File:Millennium vol 39 no 1.gif JMS Network Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network Lung Cancer (journal) Iran Shenasi Iran-Shenasi Iranshenasi Yale Law & Policy Review International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science File:The Cover of Materials Today in DEC 2003.JPG Nepal Physical Society File:Indiana Health Law Review Title Page.jpeg Journal of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists Journal of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists Asian Journal of Distance Education Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses Philosophy and Theology Thought: Fordham University Quarterly WSQ: Women's Studies Quarterly World Association of International Studies Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering Journal of the Learning Sciences Journal of Neuroscience Research California Folklore Quarterly Chemiker Zeitung Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology Category:Nutrition and dietetics journals MDPI The Journal of Economic History File:Explorations in Economic History.gif File:Enterprise and Society.gif File:Cliometrica.jpg File:Journal of Economic History.jpg Journal of Economic History Human Communication Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Victorian Studies New Journal of Botany Chemik Polski JournalReview.org PsycCRITIQUES Summon by Serial Solutions European Psychiatry Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences European Psychiatric Association European College of Neuropsychopharmacology Category:Space science journals File:Planetary and Space Science cover.gif Category:Ethics journals The Philosophers' Index Philosopher's Index The Philosopher's Index International Journal of Value-Based Management Teaching Business Ethics Professional Ethics (journal) Political Science (journal) European Union Politics Indiana Law Journal Call for papers File:Political Science vol 62 no 1.gif File:European Union Politics vol 10 no 3.gif International Journal of Transpersonal Studies Clinical and Translational Science International Angiology Geobase Social Epistemology (journal) Category:Emergency medicine journals File:Ohc front cover.jpg File:Advances in Physiotherapy.jpg File:NBM new cover.gif Network: Computation In Neural Systems Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric Berkeley Studies Acta Philosophica Fennica Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy Bioresource Technology Agricultural wastes Biological Wastes Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry Journal of Applied Chemistry International journal of sports marketing & sponsorship International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship Inquiry (philosophy journal) File:Johp.gif Clinical Proteomics Canadian Society of Forensic Science Journal of International Money and Finance List of American Medical Association journals AMA Manual of Style File:Linacrecover.jpg Category:Academic style guides Indian Association of Pathologists and Microbiologists Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing Physics journal Biology journal Nursing journal Medical journal Archives Journals Template:Nursing-journal-stub Category:Nursing journal stubs Category:Ambulatory care nursing journals Category:Cardiac nursing journals Category:Critical care nursing journals Category:General nursing journals Category:Obstetrical nursing journals Category:Oncology nursing journals Category:Pediatric nursing journals Category:Psychiatric, mental health, and addiction nursing journals File:Pediatric nursing cover.jpg File:JOGNN Cover.gif File:AAOHN Cover.gif File:Viewpointcover.jpg File:JHN cover.gif JAMA and Archives Journals Association of periOperative Registered Nurses File:AORN Journal Cover.gif AORN Journal The Journal for Nurse Practitioners File:JNP Cover.gif File:ModernTheologyJournalCover.jpg Journal for Nurse Practitioners Journal of Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing File:JPNN Cover.jpeg File:Green Journal.jpeg Cases Journal Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics File:NM cover.png File:Asr-cover2010.gif File:NR Cover.png File:EBN Cover.gif Journal of Logic and Analysis Orthopaedic Nursing File:Ortho Nursing Cover.jpeg File:NN Cover.jpg Neonatal Network: The Journal of Neonatal Nursing File:ANC Cover.jpeg Advances in Neonatal Care Bibliographical Society of America Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing Neonatal Network File:Journal of Orthopaedic Nursing cover.gif File:Accacs.gif ACS Catalysis Bell System Technical Journals Bell System Technical Journal Besoiro Texas Review of Entertainment & Sports Law IEEE Donald G. Fink Prize Paper Award Europäische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht Category:Psychotherapy journals List of psychotherapy journals Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews Category:Perioperative nursing journals International Journal of Nursing Knowledge File:IJNTC Cover.jpg Dionysius (journal) Nature Communications Category:Orthopedic nursing journals Epigraphia Indica Progress in Optics Journal of Internal Medicine Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences Neuropsychology Review Pediatric Clinics of North America International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience Saunders (imprint) The Canadian Journal of Neurological Science Canadian Journal of Neurological Science File:Arthroscopy Journal March 09 Cover.jpg Arthroscopy Journal File:Journal of the Insectivorous Plant Society.jpg Journal of the Insectivorous Plant Society Revue Économique Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology File:Revue Économique.png Alexander Street Press File:Journal of Individual Differences.cover.jpg Zeitschrift für Differentielle und Diagnostische Psychologie File:Cover-QJM.png Category:Medical associations based in the United States Evidence Based Nursing (journal) Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology (journal) Category:Wolters Kluwer academic journals File:Cover nature.jpg Coléoptères Lithic Studies Society Humanity (journal) Biblical Theology Bulletin File:CMPS vol 26 no 5.gif File:BTB vol 40 no 1.gif Magallania Philadelphia Journal of the Medical and Physical Sciences AJMS Am J Med Sci Am. 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Res. Circ Res Circ Res. Circulation research Circulation Research. Circulation Research, Journal of the American Heart Assciation Circulation Res. J. Clin. Gastroenterol. Journal of clinical gastroenterology. J Clin Gastroenterol The Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology. The Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology Circulation Research Journal Cardiol. Rev. J. Orthop. Trauma. J. Orthop. Trauma Circulation, American Heart Foundation Circulation, Journal of the American heart association Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association Cardiology in Review. Reviews of Geophysics and Space physics Reviews of geophysics CAB Abstracts Archive Dairy Science Abstracts File:Rev Geo cvr img.jpg Cosmic Research Design Issues The New England Quarterly Artificial Life (journal) Asian Economic Papers Biological Theory (journal) Evolutionary Computation (journal) Journal of the European Economic Association File:IJPM1999.jpg File:Artificallifelowres.jpg File:Journalofcoldwarstudieslowres.jpg File:Innovationslowres.jpg File:Perspectiveslowres.jpg International Journal of Learning and Media Crystal Growth and Design Crystal Growth & Design. Crystal Growth and Design. Cryst Growth Des Cryst. Growth Des. The Chaucer Review Comparative Literature Studies Eighteenth-Century Studies Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education Category:Arts journals Bookbird: A Journal of International Children's Literature File:American Imago Volume 67 cover.gif File:Bookbird.gif Addiction Biology American Journal of Clinical Oncology File:Criticalcover.gif File:Biologicaltheorylowres.jpg File:Asianeconomicpaperslowres.jpg File:Designissueslowres.jpg Annals of the Natal Government Museum Annals of the Natal Museum File:Tneqlowres.gif File:American journal of philology.gif File:American Art.jpg File:AsianTheatreJournal.gif File:Literature and medicine.gif File:Eighteenth-century studies.gif NWSA Journal File:Modern fiction studies.gif MLN File:Lespirit createur.gif Neuropsychologia Neuropsychobiology Neuromuscular Disorders Neuromuscul. Disord. 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File:Journal of Child Language cover.jpg File:Journal of Pragmatics cover.gif File:English Today cover.jpg File:Kwartalnik Historyczny.jpg File:International Immunology cover.gif Journal of Phonetics File:Journal of Phonetics cover.gif Journal of Sociolinguistics File:Journal of Sociolinguistics cover.gif File:Linguistics cover.gif File:Fungal Genetics and Biology cover.gif File:Experimental neurology cover.gif File:The Journal of Antibiotics.gif File:Journal of Investigative Dermatology .gif File:Leukemia cover.gif File:Cosmic Research.jpg File:Filozofia cover.gif File:Coverneurogenetics.jpg Neurogenetics (journal) File:BRBcover.gif Brain Research Bulletin The College of Family Physicians of Canada Applied Linguistics (journal) File:Applied Linguistics cover.gif Journal of the International Folk Music Council Yearbook for Traditional Music Vegetatio Plant Ecology Sociology--Abstracts Sociology Abstracts. Sociology Abstracts CSA Sociological Abstracts CSA Sociological Abstracts. 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Wiley Periodicals, Inc Wiley Periodicals, Inc., Asia-Oceania Federation of Organizations for Medical Physics John Wiley & Sons Inc John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Wiley InterScience Wiley-Interscience Wiley Interscience John Wiley and Sons Wiley Publishing Jossey-Bass Wiley & Sons Wiley Publishing, Inc. Wiley (publisher) Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA John Wiley & Sons, INC John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Wiley–VCH Wiley-Academy InterScience Interscience Howell Book House Wiley-IEEE Press Wiley–Interscience John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd Environmental Monitoring and Assessment DIALOG Journal of Sexual Medicine File:ELECover.gif File:The American Journal of Gastroenterology.jpg File:The American Journal of Medicine.gif File:European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry.gif File:Journal of Psychosomatic Research.gif File:Annals of Anatomy.gif File:Annals of Emergency Medicine.gif File:Fitoterapia.gif File:Fungal Biology.gif File:Neuromuscular Disorders.gif File:Philosophical Studies.jpg File:African Journal of Ecology.jpg File:Australian Journal of Politics and History.jpg File:Scandinavian Journal of Economics.jpg File:Studies in Applied Mathematics.jpg File:Journal of Avian Biology.gif File:Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion.jpg File:Journal of Money, Credit and Banking.jpg File:Journal of Ecology.gif File:British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology.gif European Journal of Comparative Economics File:Acta Ornithologica.jpg Environment Monitoring and Assessment Monitored environmental assessment Environ. Monit. Assess. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. Environ Monit Assess Environmental monitoring and Assessment. Environmental monitoring and Assessment Environmental monitoring and assessment. Environmental monitoring and assessment Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics Materials science and engineering R Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications Optik – International Journal for Light and Electron Optics Organic Research Database Organic research database. Organic research database Organic Research Database. Journal für Ornithologie Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain & Ireland Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society File:European Journal of Epidemiology.jpg File:Experiments in Fluids.jpg File:Human Rights Review.jpg File:Transgenic Research.jpg File:Theory and Decision.jpg File:Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization.jpg File:Journal of Intelligent and Robotics Systems.jpg File:Journal of Coatings Technology and Research.jpg File:Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.jpg File:Journal of Applied Electrochemistry.jpg File:Journal of Behavioral Medicine.jpg File:Journal of Ornithology.jpg File:Earth, Moon, and Planets.jpg File:Clinical Proteomics.jpg File:Colloid and Polymer Science.jpg File:Journal of Business Ethics.jpg File:International Journal of Primatology.jpg File:International Journal of Fracture.jpg File:Psychiatric Quarterly.jpg Respiratory Research File:Breast Cancer Research and Treatment.jpg File:Chromatographia.jpg File:Formal Aspects of Computing.jpg File:Frontiers of Law in China.jpg File:Journal of Molecular Evolution.jpg File:Journal of Nuclear Cardiology.jpg Journal of Religion & Health File:Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry.jpg File:Journal of Religion and Health.jpg File:RRlogo.gif File:Addiction Biology.jpg File:History and Anthropology.jpg File:Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism.jpg File:International Journal of Public Opinion Research.gif File:Rheumatology (journal).gif File:International Journal of Epidemiology.gif File:Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences.gif File:The Musical Quarterly.gif File:Annals of Oncology.gif File:Journal of African Economies.gif File:Canadian Medical Association Journal.gif Journal of the Canadian Society of Forensic Science File:Economics and Human Biology.gif File:Journal of Radiological Protection.gif File:Journal of Computational Biology.jpg File:Physics in Medicine and Biology.gif File:Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine.jpg File:In Practice.gif File:Transplantation Proceedings.gif File:Journal of Wildlife Management.jpg File:Neuropsychologia.gif File:Toxicon.gif Journal of the American Society of Questioned Document Examiners Canadian Journal of Physics Category:NRC Research Press academic journals Botany (journal) Canadian Geotechnical Journal Respiratory research (journal) Category:Polish Academy of Sciences academic journals Acta Arithmetica Fundamenta Mathematicae Category:Japan Society of Applied Physics academic journals Oyo Buturi Oyo Buturi International Kogaku Category:CSIRO Publishing academic journals File:Journal of Computational Physics.gif File:European Journal of Immunology.gif File:The American Statistician.gif File:Tellus A.gif File:Tellus B.gif File:Animal Genetics (journal).jpg File:Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology.jpg Canadian Young Scientist Journal Canadian Journal of Botany File:Botany (journal).jpg Journal of Second Language Writing File:Journal of Second Language Writing.gif Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Cornell International Affairs Review Fordham Journal of Corporate & Financial Law The George Washington Law Review Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy Fordham Environmental Law Review University of Memphis Law Review Nucleosides, Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids File:European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging.jpg File:Natural Language and Linguistic Theory.jpg File:Geometric and Functional Analysis (journal).jpg File:Immunogenetics (journal).jpg File:Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems.jpg File:The Journal of Supercomputing.jpg File:Journal of Thermal Spray Technology.jpg File:Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry.jpg File:Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society.jpg File:Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research.jpeg File:Catalysis Letters.jpg File:Biological Procedures Online.jpg File:Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering.jpg File:Mineralium Deposita.jpg File:Higher Education (journal).jpg File:Pharmaceutical Research (journal).jpg File:Machine Learning (journal).jpg File:Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy.jpg File:Estuaries and Coasts.jpg Carbonates and Evaporites File:European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology.jpg File:Astronomy Reports.jpg File:Flow, Turbulence and Combustion.jpg File:Molecular Imaging and Biology.jpg File:Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.jpg File:Naturwissenschaften.jpg File:Social Science and Medicine.gif Category:Walter de Gruyter academic journals Indogermanische Forschungen File:Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs.gif File:Indogermanische Forschungen.gif File:Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory (journal).gif File:Language Problems and Language Planning.png Indian Historical Review ISI Cambridge Scientific Abstracts Engineering Information Inc File:Early Childhood Education Journal.jpg File:Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering.jpg File:The Annals of Thoracic Surgery.gif File:American Journal of Emergency Medicine.jpg File:International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience.gif File:International Journal of Cardiology.gif File:Cancer Letters.gif File:Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution.gif File:Journal of Computer and System Sciences.gif File:Journal of International Economics.gif Category:Academic journals edited by students The Journal of Peasant Studies File:Molecular Microbiology (journal).jpg File:Atherosclerosis (journal).gif File:European Journal of Cell Biology.gif File:Haematologica.gif File:Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research.jpg File:European Journal of Political Research.jpg File:Adv mass spectrom.jpg File:Reports on Mathematical Physics.gif File:Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells.gif File:Rheumatic Diseases Clinics of North America.gif File:Water Research.gif File:Vaccine (journal).gif File:Veterinary Parasitology (journal).gif File:World Development (journal).gif File:Social Science Japan Journal.gif File:International Relations of the Asia-Pacific.gif File:Family Practice (journal).gif File:General Relativity and Gravitation.jpg File:Environmental Earth Sciences.jpg Environmental Earth Sciences File:Environmental Biology of Fishes.jpg File:Acta Odontologica Scandinavica.jpg File:Journal of Addictions Nursing.jpg File:English Literary Renaissance.jpg File:Bilingual Research Journal.jpg File:Ageing Research Reviews.gif File:European Journal of Combinatorics.gif File:NeuroImage.gif File:Urology (journal).gif File:Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma.jpeg File:Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology.jpeg File:The English Historical Review.gif File:ECEcover2010.gif Education for Chemical Engineers Análisis Filosófico Die Sprache Physics Abstracts Physics Abstracts. Physics Abstracts - Series A: Science Abstracts Physics Abstracts - Series A File:Stroke (journal).gif File:Drugs (journal).jpeg File:The Patient Patient-Centered Outcomes Research.jpeg File:Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia.gif File:Indian Journal of Anaesthesia.png File:Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology.jpg File:Indian Journal of Dermatology.jpg File:Indian Journal of Dental Research.jpg File:Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine.png File:Indian Journal of Community Medicine.png File:Indian Journal of Cancer.jpg File:Indian Journal of Human Genetics.gif File:Indian Journal of Medical and Paediatric Oncology.png Journal of Minimal Access Surgery Journal of Medical Physics Journal of Global Infectious Diseases File:Indian Journal of Pharmacology.jpg File:Pharmacognosy Magazine.png File:Pharmacognosy Reviews.png File:International Journal of Green Pharmacy.png File:Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences.gif File:Neurology India.gif File:Indian Journal of Palliative Care.jpg File:Middle East African Journal of Ophthalmology.png Journal of Emergencies, Trauma, and Shock File:American Communist History.jpg Languages in Contrast File:Languages in Contrast.png File:Acta Philosophica Fennica.jpg File:Biochemistry and Cell Biology.jpg File:Canadian Journal of Physics.jpg File:Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering.jpg File:Canadian Geotechnical Journal.jpg File:Brain Pathology.gif File:Brain Research.gif File:CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology.jpg Health Education & Behavior File:Carbonates and Evaporites.jpg File:Chinese Science Bulletin.jpg File:Cortex (journal).gif File:Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology.jpg File:European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry.gif File:Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.gif File:Expository Times.jpg File:Electronics Letters.gif File:Early Popular Visual Culture.jpg File:Ecography (journal).jpg File:Economic Theory (journal).jpg File:Histochemistry and Cell Biology.jpg File:Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery.gif Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine File:International Journal of Innovation Management.gif File:International Journal of Information Acquisition.gif File:International Journal of Image and Graphics.gif File:International Journal of Humanoid Robotics.gif File:Journal of the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association.jpg File:Journal of Library Administration.gif File:The Journal of Academic Librarianship.gif File:Library Review.gif File:Critical Reviews Clinical Laboratory Sciences Cover.jpg File:Análisis filosófico.jpg File:Eurasian Geography and Economics.jpg File:Bone Marrow Transplantation (journal).jpg File:Journal of Peasant Studies.gif File:Physics of Fluids.jpg File:Epidemiology and Infection.jpg File:Optik (journal).gif File:Heat and Mass Transfer.jpg File:International Journal of Oncology.jpg Hypertension in Pregnancy File:Coverjbi.gif File:International Journal for Parasitology.gif File:International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids.gif File:International Journal of Asian Studies.jpg File:The Journal of Geology.gif File:The Journal of Ethics.jpg File:Journal of Development Economics.gif File:Journal of Organometallic Chemistry.gif File:Journal of Korean Studies.jpg File:Journal of Internal Medicine.jpg File:Journal of Food Science.jpg Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics File:Japan and the World Economy.gif File:Journal of Approximation Theory.gif File:Journal of Applied Physics.jpg Journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology Journal of Conservative Dentistry File:The Journal of Musicology.gif File:Osteoarthritis and Cartilage.gif File:European Journal of Cancer.gif File:Contemporary Clinical Trials.gif Contemporary Clinical Trials File:Polyhedron (journal).gif Análisis filosófico File:Journal of Neuroscience.gif File:Artificial Intelligence (journal).gif File:Dataknowledgeengineering.gif File:Astroparticle Physics (journal).gif File:Fire Safety Journal.gif File:Acta Biomaterialia.gif File:Analytica Chimica Acta.gif File:Gastroenterology (journal).gif File:Infrared Physics and Technology.gif File:Information Processing Letters.gif File:International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.jpg File:Neuroscience Letters.gif File:International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.gif File:Placenta (journal).gif File:Developmental Biology (journal).gif File:Energy Economics (journal).gif File:Early Childhood Research Quarterly.gif File:Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors.gif File:Drug and Alcohol Dependence (journal).gif File:Journal of Luminescence.gif File:Performance Evaluation.gif File:Nordic Journal of English Studies.jpg File:Hypertension in Pregnancy.jpg File:Glycobiology (journal).gif File:Biophysical Journal.gif Category:American Institute of Physics academic journals Category:EDP Sciences academic journals Category:Royal Society of Chemistry academic journals The Analyst (chemistry journal) Category:Nauka academic journals Iranian Journal of Physics Research Annual Reports Section A Annual Reports Section B Annual Reports Section C Journals published by the University of California Press List of astronomy journals List of Slavic studies journals Physics abstracts series A Physics Abstracts Series A Physics Abstracts. Science Abstracts. Series A Pakistan Botanical Society Indian Journal of Sexually Transmitted Diseases File:Language (journal).jpg Linguistic Issues in Language Technology File:Journal of Semantics.gif File:International Journal of the Sociology of Language.gif File:American Journal of Human Biology.gif File:Ériu (journal).jpg File:British Journal of Aesthetics.gif File:Journal of Baltic Studies.gif File:Intercultural Pragmatics.gif File:The Historical Journal.jpg The Concord Review AAS 215th meeting A a. s. 215 meeting A.a.s. 215 meeting American Astron. Soc. Meeting American astron soc 215th meeting American Astron Soc 215th Meeting American Astron. Soc. 215th Meeting Mathematics and Computer Education Category:Serbian-language journals Photochem Photobiol Photochemistry and Photobiology American Society for Photobiology File:Biological Psychiatry.gif File:Epileptic Disorders (journal).gif File:British Journal of Clinical Psychology.jpg File:Computers in Biology and Medicine.gif File:Medical Anthropology Quarterly.gif Canadian Journal of Mathematics European Journal of Cancer and Clinical Oncology File:Art History (journal).jpg File:History (journal).jpg File:History and Technology (journal).jpg File:French History (journal).gif File:Iranian Studies Journal.jpg File:Central European History.gif File:Anglo-Saxon England (journal).jpg File:The Journal of Modern History.gif File:Contemporary European History.jpg File:The Russian Review.gif File:Architectural History.gif File:Agricultural History.gif File:The Catholic Historical Review.gif File:The American Historical Review.gif File:The Public Historian.gif File:Comparative Studies in Society and History.gif History Compass Journal of the Oxford University History Society File:Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era.gif Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era File:The Journal of Hellenic Studies.gif File:Journal of Contemporary History.jpg Journal of American History File:Journal of American History Cover, 1965.gif File:Past & Present.gif File:19th-Century Music.gif File:Acta Sociologica.jpg File:Acta Germanica.jpg File:African Archaeological Review.jpg File:Africa Today.jpg File:American Antiquity.jpg File:American Archivist.gif File:Analysis (journal).gif File:American Journal of Botany.gif File:American Journal of Archaeology.gif File:Photochemistry and Photobiology.jpg File:Journal of Regional Science.jpg File:Polar Research (journal).jpg File:South African Geographical Journal.gif File:Boreas – An International Journal of Quaternary Research.gif File:Journal of Gender Studies.jpg File:The Journal of Popular Culture.jpg File:Journal of Health and Social Behavior.JPG File:Fathering (journal).gif File:Qualitative Sociology.jpg File:British Journal of Sociology.gif File:English Journal.jpg Category:History of science journals List of academic journals in sexology List of scientific journals in biology List of scientific journals in physics List of scientific journals in earth and atmospheric sciences List of scientific journals in probability List of scientific journals in mathematics education List of scientific journals in statistics List of scholarly journals in economics List of scholarly journals in environmental economics List of scholarly journals in international business List of scholarly journals in international relations List of scientific journals in Slavic studies List of journals in sociology List of journals in systems science List of journals published by the American Medical Association List of journals published by the University of California Press List of theological journals Academic Search Academic Search Complete Academic Search Premier Category:Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute academic journals International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health International Journal of Molecular Sciences File:Journal of Cuneiform Studies.gif File:Japanese Language and Literature.gif File:Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism.gif Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism File:Monthly Weather Review cover.jpg List of scientific journals in mathematics File:Journal of Germanic Linguistics.jpg Journal of Germanic Linguistics Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society Financial, Securities & Tax Law Forum File:FordhamFinSecTaxLawForum.png File:FordhamJCorp&FinL.png Academic Search (EBSCO) List of scientific journals in chemistry File:Journal of Japanese Studies.gif File:Journal of Vietnamese Studies.gif File:Journal of Research in Music Education.gif File:Music Perception.jpg Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing The Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health File:JCVN Cover.jpeg Journal of Midwifery & Women's Health Category:Women's health nursing journals File:Midwifery Cover.jpg Clinical Nurse Specialist (journal) File:CNS Journal Cover.jpeg Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing File:JPAN Cover.gif PsychLIT Western Journal of Nursing Research File:WJN cover.gif MCN: The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing File:MCN Journal.jpeg JQS File:Coverimagejqs.gif Boreas – An International Journal of Quaternary Research The European Journal of International Affairs Acta Numerica Estonian Physical Society Time and Mind File:Gene (journal).gif File:Journal of Chromatography B.gif File:Carbon (journal).gif File:Oral Oncology.gif File:Chemico-biological Interactions.gif File:Journal of the American College of Cardiology.gif File:Earth and Planetary Science Letters.gif File:Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology.gif File:Journal of Molecular Biology.gif File:Medical Hypotheses cover.gif File:Neuroscience (journal).gif File:Cell Stem Cell (journal - front cover).gif Mathematical journal File:Optics Communications.gif File:Mind (journal).gif File:Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research.jpg File:Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing.jpg File:In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology – Plant.jpg File:Acta Biotheoretica.jpg File:Acta Mathematica.jpg File:Journal of Biomolecular NMR.jpg Topology and its Applications File:Acta Informatica.jpg File:Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute.jpg File:International Journal of Historical Archaeology.jpg File:Modern Asian Studies.gif File:Asian Survey.gif File:Canadian Journal of African Studies.gif File:Nordic Journal of African Studies.jpg File:Journal of Southeast Asian Studies.gif File:Topology and its Applications.gif File:Journal of Health Psychology.gif File:Computer Networks (journal).gif File:Computer Law and Security Report.gif File:Pulmonary Pharmacology & Therapeutics.gif File:Acta Oncologica.jpg File:Cytotherapy (journal).jpg File:International Journal of Pediatric Obesity.gif File:International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition.jpg File:Journal of Cardiac Surgery.gif File:Journal of the American Ceramic Society.jpg File:Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers.jpg File:Theoria – A Swedish Journal of Philosophy.jpg File:Centaurus (journal).jpg File:Canadian Journal of Economics.gif Template:Mathematics-journal-stub Category:Mathematics journal stubs Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts FARMS Review Journal of Mormon History Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology Advances in Mathematics File:Journal of Applied Psychology.gif File:Journal of Applied Philosophy.jpg European Science Editing File:Tolkienstudies2004.jpg File:Journal of the American Musicological Society.gif File:Proteins (journal).gif File:Hypertension (journal).gif File:Journal of Social Psychology.jpg File:Music Analysis (journal).jpg File:Music Theory Spectrum.jpg File:Acta Numerica.jpg File:Philosophical Magazine.jpg Mathematical Correspondent File:Developmental Psychology (journal).gif File:French Studies.gif File:French Historical Studies.gif File:Annals of Botany.gif Journal of Symbolic Logic Category:Association for Symbolic Logic academic journals File:Australian Journal of Linguistics.jpg Australian Journal of Linguistics File:Applied Psycholinguistics.jpg Applied Psycholinguistics Pascal database Photodermatology, Photoimmunology and Photomedicine File:Oxford German Studies.jpg File:German Studies Review.gif Chemistry Citation Index George Washington Law Review File:Advances in Mathematics.gif Journal of Cancer Proverbium (journal) File:Ethical Theory and Moral Practice.jpg Molecular Diversity Hydrobiologia Category:Lists of academic journals by publisher List of Johns Hopkins University Press journals List of MIT Press journals List of University of Texas Press journals List of Geoscience e-Journals List of periodicals published by Elsevier List of publications in humor research Lists of journals Current HIV Research Category:Bentham Science Publishers academic journals Acta Palaeontologica Polonica File:New Journal of Physics.gif File:Current Organic Chemistry.jpg File:Current HIV Research.jpg File:Optical Review.jpg Pakistan Journal of Botany Flora Neotropica Australian Economic History Review File:EJIA.jpg Journal of Photochemistry Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology Journal of Collective Negotiations in the Public Sector PhysMath Central MAbs (journal) Oxford Journal of Legal Studies File:Philosophy of Science (journal).gif Chemometrics and intelligent laboratory systems Public money Public Money and Management File:Jan2006AJSCover.jpg Astronomy & Geophysics: the Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society Category:Fluid dynamics journals Category:Annual Reviews academic journals File:Clinical Genetics (journal).jpg File:Governance (journal).jpg File:Midwest Studies in Philosophy.jpg File:Cluster Computing.jpg File:Computational Mechanics (journal).jpg File:Neuroinformatics (journal).jpg File:Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies.gif File:Electronic Markets.jpg File:International Journal of Middle East Studies.jpg File:Journal of Anthropological Archaeology.gif File:Journal of American Folklore.jpg Laboratory Investigation (journal) Category:Pathology journals Journal of Clinical Pathology Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery City University of Hong Kong Law Review Pathobiology in Focus Fortid (Journal) Lab. Invest. Lab Invest. Lab Invest Fortid International Journal for the Psychology of Religion File:Journal of Contemporary Asia.jpg Journal of Contemporary Asia Cornell Journal of Architecture Peer English Drug Research (journal) Physikalische Zeitschrift Journal of the Operational Research Society Cretaceous Research File:Cretaceous Research.gif File:Economics Letters.gif File:Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters.gif File:Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry.gif File:AOC new cover.gif J Am Math Soc J. Am. Math. Soc. Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India Astronomical Society of India Dacia (journal) File:Studia Islamica cover.jpg Journal of Applied Physiology Category:Japanese-language journals Questions: Philosophy for Young People List of eighteenth-century British periodicals List of eighteenth-century journals Molecular Membrane Biology Chiropractic & Osteopathy Australasian Chiropractic & Osteopathy File:CMMI new cover.gif File:JPEPSCI new cover.gif American Paleontologist File:Jat cover new.gif Planta Medica Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals Society for Industrial Archeology Biotechnology Letters Information Systems Journal EJP Applied Psychology (journal) Industrial Psychiatry Journal Journal of Media Psychology Journal of Transpersonal Psychology Springer publishing File:Cell cover (Nov 2008).gif File:Journal of Medical Ethics.gif Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg Acta Applicandae Mathematicae Acta Mathematica Hungarica Acta Mathematica Sinica Queueing Systems Paleontographica Americana The Modern Language Journal Health Psychology (journal) File:Acta Mathematica Sinica.jpg Archive for Mathematical Logic Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics Turkish Journal of Mathematics Applied science and technology full text Applied Science & Technology Abstracts Full Text Applied Science and Technology Abstracts Applied Science & Technology Abstracts Applied Science & Technology Index Feminist Economics (journal) Journal of Information Systems File:Letters.gif Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics Homology, Homotopy and Applications Israel Journal of Mathematics Category:European Mathematical Society academic journals Category:International Press academic journals Political Studies (journal) File:Journal of Materials Chemistry.gif Advances in Geometry Astérisque Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Series B Differential Equations (journal) Numerische Mathematik Operations Research (journal) SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics Journal of the European Mathematical Society Journal of Mathematical Biology The Journal of the Military History Society of Ireland Journal of the Military History Society of Ireland Irish Sword Problems of Post-Communism File:The Library Quarterly.gif File:Journal of Human Capital.gif LTWA ISO - 4 ISO4 ISO-4 ISO Four EMBiology International Journal of Tourism Sciences File:PALAIOS.gif File:Epilepsia (journal).gif Modern Language Journal Journal of Animal Ecology Analytical sciences digital library Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems Statistics in Medicine (journal) Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics Problems of Communism (journal) Problems of Post-Communism (journal) M.E. Sharpe Cambridge Historical Journal The Cambridge Historical Journal Journal of Applied Ecology Journal of Simulation File:Administrative Law Review.jpg Iran and the Cacasus (Journal) Iran and the Caucasus Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics Cultural Sociology (journal) Persica (journal) IEEE microwave and guided wave letters. Ieee microwave and guided wave letters Microwave and Guided Wave Letters, IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters Irish Political Studies Journals of Gerontology International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders File:Differential Equations (journal).jpg File:Operations Research (journal).gif File:Numerische Mathematik.jpg File:Advances in Geometry.gif File:Linguistic Typology.gif Advances in Difference Equations Adv. Difference Equ. Adv. Difference Equ Adv Difference Equ Advances in Difference Equations. Advances in difference equations Advanced difference equations Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics Theoria – A Swedish Journal of Philosophy PLoS Currents: Influenza AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis File:Phytotherapy Research.jpg File:CoverIssueDaltonTrans.jpg File:CoverIssueCatalysisST.jpg IANDS File:Joscover.gif File:CoverIssueCEC.jpg Journal of Religion and Theatre OR Insight File:Blt cover1-february11.jpg File:Jtip cover v9n1.png Indian Economic and Social History Review File:ETDEWEB subjects coverage.jpg Mental Health, Religion & Culture South African Medical Journal Scottish Affairs List of OSA awards List of IEEE societies List of IEEE awards IEEE Fellow File:Oricover2011.jpg Operational Research Society File:European Journal of Information Systems.jpg Operational Research Quarterly Operational Research Club International Abstracts in Operations Research Healthcare journal Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing REED Newsletter Archives of Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery Category:INFORMS academic journals File:IAORcover2011.gif List of public relations journals File:Ijtscover2.jpg List of tourism journals The Analyst (journal) Public Relations peer-reviewed publications Notes (Quarterly Journal of the Music Library Association) File:Jorscover2011.jpg File:SAMJ101-2.gif Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica Algebraic & Geometric Topology International Aerospace Abstracts File:Annals of Medicine.jpg Catalysis Science & Technology Reference and User Services Quarterly Theory of Probability and Its Applications Cerebellum (journal) The Cerebellum Teoriya Veroyatnostei i ee Primeneniya Journal of Mental Science Problems of Onomastics Archiv der Mathematik Arkiv för Matematik Monatshefte für Mathematik Probability Theory and Related Fields Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics Behavior genetics association Category:Mathematical Sciences Publishers academic journals International Mathematics Research Notices File:BGAlogo3.jpg Dobzhansky Award J. Appl. Physiol. Semigroup Forum Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association OASPA Open access book Hybrid open access publisher Open Access journal File:Canadian Journal of Psychiatry.gif File:CoverIssuePhlebology.jpg File:CoverIssueCardiology.jpg File:CoverIssueChemicalScience.jpg File:CoverIssuePPS.jpg File:CoverIssueJournalofHypertension.jpg File:Arethusa.gif File:American quarterly.gif Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science International Journal of Management Reviews Journal of Management Studies Applied Radiation and Isotopes File:KAS.jpg File:Kent.jpg Pjbr Paladyn Paladyn. Journal of Behavioral Robotics File:The hopkins review.gif File:Human rights quarterly.gif File:American Journal of Mathematics (front cover).jpg Chemical Science (journal) International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors File:Feminist formations.gif File:English literary history.gif File:Sewanee review.gif File:National Medical Association Logo.gif File:Evolution and development cover.gif University of San Francisco Maritime Law Journal USF Maritime Law Journal Sino-Platonic Papers Critical Reviews in Eukaryotic Gene Expression Begell House International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering Critical Reviews in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Critical Reviews in Immunology Category:Begell House academic journals Critical Reviews in Oncogenesis Journal for the Education of the Gifted File:CRI2010cover.jpg File:Jgp.gif The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science File:CanadianJournalofPoliticalScience.jpg Hellenic Society for Systemic Studies File:CoverIssueZoologicalScience.jpg File:CoverIssueConservationBiology.jpg Category:Electrochemistry journals File:CoverIssuePhysChemComm.jpg PhysChemComm Faraday Transactions File:DTA cover.gif Annals of Applied Probability Annales de la Société Entomologique de France American Journal of Clinical Nutrition Iran (journal) File:Annales de la Société Entomologique de France cover 46 (3-4).jpg Interfaces (operations research) File:Cover Interfaces.gif File:PhysSolidStateCover.jpg Physics of the Solid State File:CoverIssuePhysicsandChemistryofLiquids.jpg Physics and Chemistry of Liquids European Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management Quaternary International File:Annalen der Physik coverimage.gif File:Cladistics cover.gif File:TCScover2011.gif Theory, Culture & Society CrossCurrents File:CoverIssueMetallomics.jpg Metallomics (journal) Hispanic Review File:Jaas cover.gif Methods in Ecology and Evolution Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications File:Hispanic Review (journal cover).gif Category:Botany journals Category:Agricultural journals File:CoverIssueJElasticity.jpg Journal of Elasticity Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics Journal of Language Contact File:Michigan Law Review cover.jpg Academic publishing in China Journal of Rheology File:CoverIssueJournalofRheology.jpg File:CoverIssueAnalyst.jpg File:CoverIssueCERP.jpg Journal of Environmental Biology International Committee of Medical Journal Editors New Astronomy (journal) Journal of Hindu Studies Journal of Information Ethics File:Achem cover.jpg File:EpilepsyCurrents-Cover-Vol11-Issue1-175.jpg NASA Star and Exoplanet Database Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics Reformation (journal) College of Family Physicians Canada Category:Begell House File:SPP1.gif Journal of Global Drug Policy and Practice File:CoverIssueJExptNanoSci.jpg Journal of Experimental Nanoscience File:CoverIssueSoftMatter.jpg Delaware Journal of Corporate Law Journal of Chemical Crystallography File:CoverIssueJChemCrystallogr.jpg Sociedade Brasileira de Geologia File:CoverIssueJClusterSci.jpg Journal of Cluster Science File:CoverIssueCrystRev.jpg Crystallography Reviews File:IJALow.gif Journal of Structured Finance Journal of Investing Journal of Portfolio Management Journal of Wealth Management Journal of Fixed Income American Journal of Chinese Medicine South Australian Ornithologist Archives of Virology Telopea (journal) Aliso The Journal of Computer and Information Law File:Oprd cover.jpg File:AntiguoOrientecover.jpg European Journal of Anaesthesiology File:DialogueJournal.jpg World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology Translation and Literature Computer Science (journal) The European Legacy File:Logo lrsp.gif Southern Medical Journal File:European legacy.gif Human Resources for Health Human Resources Development Journal Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education Category:Deaf studies journals File:Public Archaeology cover.jpg Category:Maney Publishing academic journals Legenda (imprint) Digital Humanities Quarterly Journal of Injury and Violence Research User talk:Bioimp/Sandbox JEB File:Crellejournal.gif File:Computer Science Cover.png GLJ GMJ Glasgow Mathematical Journal Institute for Scientific Information highly cited researcher Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine Latin American Literary Review Press Academy of Management Review List of Deaf studies journals Journal of the International AIDS Society Queensland Review Society for Renaissance Studies Cinahl Matrix Biology (journal) Matrix Biol. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and Allied Disciplines J Child Psychol Psychiat J. Child. Psychol. Psychiat. Journal of Comparative Economics Cambridge Review of International Affairs Politics, Philosophy & Economics (journal) CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics File:POC new cover.gif File:Pat cover new.gif BMC Endocrine Disorders Human Relations (journal) Knowledge Management Research and Practice Pathological Society of London Brazilian Journal of Population Studies Revista Brasileira de Estudos de População Indo-Iranian Journal SAGE Publishers Musicae Scientiae ESCOM - European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music File:Psychological medicine cover.jpg Literary and Linguistic Computing CNS Drug Reviews File:Dljcover.gif Duke Bar Journal File:Journal of Aging and Health.jpg File:Twin Research and Human Genetics cover.jpg Twin Research (journal) Critical Reviews in Physical Rehabilitation Medicine File:Jad cover.jpg Violence & Victims Company of Biologists File:DEV 138 issue 8.jpg File:CoverIssueMedChemComm.jpg MedChemComm File:CoverIssueAnalMethods.jpg Analytical Methods (journal) Theoretical Inquiries in Law Category:Israeli law journals Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties Government and Opposition Fordham Urban Law Journal Fordham ULJ File:Inorganic chemistry cover.jpg Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory Jessica Kingsley Publishers Journal of Nursing Education File:Journal of Nursing Education cover.gif Birkhäuser Verlag File:Fordham Urban Law Journal First Cover.jpg File:Iran(journal) cover.jpg File:Indo-Iranian Journal Cover.jpg Food Quality and Preference Cahiers québécois de démographie File:Cambridge Archaeological Journal.jpg Category:Cognitive science organizations Cambridge Archaeological Journal Western Political Science Association ScientificWorldJournal TheScientificWorldJournal Cultures et Conflits The Nautilus (journal) Amerasia Journal File:Low resolution infection&immunity cover image.jpg Category:Asian history journals Structural Equation Modeling (journal) Osteoporosis International File:Osteoporosis-international-179x237.jpg File:Calcified-tissue-int-153x204.jpg Calcified Tissue International Wageningen Pers File:SEM cover.jpg Nature. Somatic Cell and Molecular Genetics Somatic Cell Genetics GeoRef database GeoRef bibliographic database La revue Africaine de la santé reproductive Journal of Religious History Roczniki Chemii File:PUCP espacio y desarrollo 21 portada.jpg Espacio y Desarrollo Utilitas World Mycotoxin Journal File:Cover Journal Persianate Studies.jpg Journal of Persianate Studies Third World Quarterly Evelyn Rutnam Institute for Inter-Cultural Studies Religion & Education Religion & Education article The Charleston Advisor File:Charleston Advisor.gif The Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Nepalese Journal of Ophthalmology Food Chemistry (journal) American Intelligence Journal Canadian Army Journal Emotion (journal) Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology Journal of the American Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology The Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology, and Police Science File:Nejm logo2011.PNG Diabetes (disambiguation) File:AJPcover.jpg Norwegian Archaeological Review File:Green Chemistry journal cover.gif Advance for Nurse Practitioners Studia neoaristotelica Studia Neoaristotelica The Medieval Translator. Traduire au Moyen Age Biochemical Club Iranian Studies (Journal) Ecography (journal) Annals of Functional Analysis File:Journal of Chemical Education cover.jpg Diabetes Bulletin International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries Journal of Finance Decisions sciences (journal) Decision Sciences Art Teatral Journal of Korean Studies The Biological Bulletin Contemporary accounting research Contemporary Accounting Research Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice Production and Operations Management New Zealand Intellectual Property Journal Fleet Street Reports: Cases on Intellectual Property Law Complexity (journal) Category:American Society for Engineering Education File:Meteorological Monographs cover.jpg File:Jascover.jpg File:Jhmcover.jpg Zoological Bulletin File:JAIDS cover (2007).gif Buddhist-Christian Studies Wageningen Academic Publishers Journal of Sociology File:Cambridge University Press logo.svg File:Complexity-journal-covers.jpg File:ECCA.gif Peer-reviewed scientific journal Beneficial Microbes Bioscience horizons WORD (journal) Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae File:Natprotcover.gif File:Journal of Drug Targeting cover.jpg File:Inqctcover.jpg File:Management Sciense May 2011 cover.gif File:Cover-JARCE.png File:JLR-cover.jpg Baileya (publication) Baileya (journal) IJL International Journal of Listening International Listening Association IJB File:IJB cover.jpg The Montana Mathematics Enthusiast The Mathematics Enthusiast Scientometry Journal of Agrarian Change Journal of the American Academy of Religion File:Profethcover.jpg File:Maledictacover.gif Health and Human Rights Journal Health and Human Rights Dublin Journal of Medical Science Dublin Quarterly Journal of Medical Science Dublin Journal of Medical & Chemical Science Dublin Journal of Medical and Chemical Science File:IJMScover.jpg List of Deaf education journals Koedoe - African Protected Area Conservation and Science Koedoe Antenna (journal) File:Archives-of-osteoporosis.jpg Archives of Osteoporosis Informal Logic (journal) Security Studies (Dartmouth College) International Peacekeeping Cultic Studies Review Theology (journal) Adaptive Behavior (journal) Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources File:Adaptive Behavior journal cover.jpg File:Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology - cover.jpg File:Cooperation and Conflict - cover.jpg Autism (journal) Cephalalgia (journal) St. Mary's Journal on Legal Malpractice & Ethics St. Mary's Journal on Legal Malpractice and Ethics St. Mary's Law Journal Body & Society Building Services Engineering Research and Technology Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences Journal of Pharmacy and bioallied Sciences File:Autism journal cover.jpg File:Building Services Engineering Research and Technology cover.jpg File:Body and Society cover.jpg Cultic Studies Journal File:Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry cover.gif Duke Journal of Constitutional Law & Public Policy Immediations Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation Zoologicheskii Zhurnal Mémoires de l'Académie des Sciences Memoires de l'Academie des Sciences Comptes rendus Academie des Sciences Paris Comptes Rendus C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Compt. Rend. Comptes Rendus Mathematique Les Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences Comptes Rendus Mathématique Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences de Paris Comptes Rendus des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences Comptes Rendus Comptes rendus de l'Academie des sciences Comptes rendus de l'Académie des Sciences de Paris Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des Sciences Les Comptes rendus de l'Academie des sciences File:AfricanInvertebratesCover2011 1.jpg Blyttia (journal) International Bone and Mineral Society Compositio Mathematica Religious Studies (journal) File:Jalc.jpg Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Cell Cycle (journal) Psychosis (journal) Physiology (journal) Review of International Studies British International Studies Association News in Physiological Sciences Physiology (Bethesda) Physiology (Bethesda, Md.) Cell Cycle Category:Hindawi Publishing academic journals Advances in High Energy Physics Adv. High Energy Phys. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture Nordisk tidskrift för bok- och biblioteksväsen SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology File:Journal of Biophotonics.gif American Journal of Ophthalmology Iqbal Review Committee on Publication Ethics American Studies Journal Template:Reed Elsevier File:Race & Class cover.jpg IEEE Magnetics Letters Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres File:Journal of American Studies.jpg British Association for American Studies Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of Multi-body Dynamics Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part N: Journal of Nanoengineering and Nanosystems Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy Culture and Psychology Concurrent Engineering (journal) Elsevier Biobase Journal of Cellular Plastics File:Proceedings of the IMechE - B - journal cover.jpg File:Proceedings of the IMechE - A - journal cover.jpg International Journal of Neuropharmacology Advances in Colloid and Interface Science African Zoology Australasian College of Health Informatics PRN Forum File:AfricanZoologycover.jpg File:Culture and Psychology cover.jpg File:Concurrent Engineering cover.jpg File:Journal of Cellular Plastics cover.jpg Current Awareness in Biological Sciences Category:Botanical societies Category:Academia Europaea Category:National academies Category:International Statistical Institute Category:Law-related learned societies Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming Wikipedia talk:List of missing journals/Queue Category:Missing encyclopedic articles (academic journals) Journal of Logic Programming File:Bilingual Review Press logo.png File:ESharp Logo.png File:KelvingroveReview colour stk.jpg Chesapeake Science File:ZNW-cover.gif File:Theology Today.jpg National Institute Economic Review Bulletin of the History of Archaeology Serial Item and Contribution Identifier Society for Animation Studies International Society of Renal Nutrition and Metabolism Philosophical Inquiry Journal of Renal Nutrition Council of Renal Dietitians Harrassowitz Verlag Cambridge and Dublin mathematical journal Messenger of mathematics The quarterly journal of pure and applied mathematics The Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Oxford, Cambridge and Dublin Messenger of Mathematics Perceptual and Motor Skills Optical Society of America Inderscience Publishers Council on Renal Nutrition Quarterly Journal of Mathematics World Competition ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems Contemporary Sociology-A Journal Of Reviews Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews Contemporary Sociology (journal) Contemporary Sociology: A Journal Of Reviews Volume! Quaternary Research List of law reviews in the United States International Journal of Obesity Portia Law Journal Fishery Bulletin Per Linguam BioControl File:Fishery Bulletin.jpg Experimental Hematology Mobilization (journal) Category:Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press academic journals Science Signaling Category:American Association for the Advancement of Science academic journals Proceedings of the AAAS Asia-Pacific Journal Of Public Health Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health African journal of criminology and justice studies, AJCJS File:Science Signaling journal cover.gif School Review File:American Journal of Education (front cover).gif REPEC Annales de la Fondation Fyssen MaComère File:Journal of Physical Chemistry B.jpg Physics of Life Reviews Physics of Plasmas Hybrid open access Briefings in Bioinformatics Nanotechnology (journal) Nano Research Nanoscale Research Letters File:ACSApplMaterInerCover.jpg File:Nature Cell Biology (cover).gif File:EmboCover.gif File:British Dental Journal (cover).gif File:MIS Quarterly low res cover.jpg File:CA low res cover.gif File:Nano Research (cover).jpg File:NanoscaleResLettCover.jpg File:NanotechnologyCover.gif File:PhysLifeReviewsCover.gif File:PhysPlasmasCover.jpg File:Central European Journal of Chemistry (front cover).jpg File:Materials Science and Engineering R (journal cover).gif File:Amia tagline 300w.png The Journal of Legislative Studies File:CRME Cover.gif Journal of Pakistan Medical Association Journal of Mathematical Psychology Journal of Business and Technical Communication American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics American Journal of Orthodontics American Journal of Orthodontics and Oral Surgery Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health International Political Sociology Geophysical Research Abstracts Scottish affairs Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies Ethics and International Affairs Cultures & Conflits Technical communication quarterly Technical Communication Quarterly American Journal of Play Category:Royal Society Category:National academies of sciences Category:German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina Category:Institution of Civil Engineers Category:Geographic societies Brycheiniog (magazine) International Journal of Computer Processing Of Languages Revista Colombiana de Estadistica Journal of Information Science Neurosurgery (journal) The Minor Planet Bulletin Minor Planet Bulletin Asian Journal of International Law File:AsianJIL cover.jpg Filosofický casopis Biological Psychology (journal) File:Journal of Healthcare Management.gif IAU Circular Category:Mass spectrometry journals Organic Mass Spectrometry File:Jms cover.gif Category:Czech-language journals Amatérské Pestování Masožravých Rostlin Journal of Chromatography Priamus (journal) List of arachnology journals File:Concover.jpg File:Astronomical Journal Cover.jpg File:Cover Annals of Improbable Research.gif File:Curtishowespringer-9-1930.jpg File:Diacoversmall.gif File:Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie cover.jpg File:HeredityCover.gif File:Blast1.jpg File:BlastFirst.jpg File:Tate-blast.jpg File:Heinz Lord, Louis Bauer 1961.jpg File:Journal of Recreational Mathematics.jpg File:International Organization cover.jpg File:PSQ cover.gif File:Biblical Archaeology Review.jpg File:Grenfell-hunt-1896.jpg File:Naturereviewcancer.jpg File:Library Journal Movers & Shakers 2007 cover.jpg File:Trends.gif File:CognitiveScienceSeptagram.png File:Journal of Zoology.gif File:Intelligence.gif File:Dialectic.jpg File:NRMCB low res cover.jpg File:AmericanFamilyPhysician-Cover.png File:Atropos cover.gif File:TUGboat journal cover Volume 24, Number 2, 2003.jpg File:Genome-Research-Cover-Sep-2006.gif File:Nature Reviews Immunology (cover).jpg File:Nature Reviews Microbiology.jpg File:Visual stimulus reconstruction using fMRI.png File:Qjoelowres.jpg File:Frank fetter-sig.jpg File:PASP-cover.jpg File:Journal of the ACM 2010 cover.jpg File:Molecules.gif File:Joaquin Mazdak Luttinger.jpg File:Cover291s.jpg File:Cover of the George Washington International Law Review circa 2009.jpeg File:Qrb cover.gif File:Journal.pbio.1000301.g001.tif File:Sean-eddy.jpg File:Bioessays cover 2007.gif File:PacificJMath.jpg File:Joc cover.jpg File:COINjournal.jpg File:Tetrahedron cover.gif File:IEEE Trans Antenn & Prop coverimage.gif File:JPCA cover.jpg File:Chemical Reviews cover.jpg File:Jmc cover.jpg File:JCombChem cover.jpg File:Organic Letters cover.jpg File:Elizabeth-harwood.jpg File:Charles-Sanford-Perry.png File:Elgar1scherzo-and-adagio.jpg File:Elgar1opening.jpg File:Elgar-Alice-c1891.jpg File:Schumann-brahms-rubinstein-wagner.jpg File:Luard-selby.jpg File:Eaton-faning.jpg File:Eaton-faning-youth.jpg File:Elgar-LSO-1911.jpg File:A-J-Jaeger.jpg File:Fuller-maitland.jpg File:Ravel-1913.jpg File:Delius-by-Krohg-1897.jpg File:Julius-buths.jpg File:Prout-Garcia.jpg File:Henry-wood-Histed-1906.jpg File:Ebenezer-prout.jpg File:Manuel Garcia by Sargent.jpg File:LSO-Queen's-Hall.jpg File:Bohemian-girl1.jpg File:Beecham-1910-crop.jpg File:Musick-hall-dublin.jpg File:Tetrahedron Letters cover.gif File:Acr cover.jpg File:Internationalsecuritylowres.jpg File:Book history.gif File:AJP July2006.jpg File:Psychological Science cover.jpg File:Faraday Discussions cover.jpg File:Farad Trans cover.jpg File:ChemSocRevCover.jpg File:BAMS cover.jpg File:JAMCcover.jpg File:Wfcover.jpg File:Jpocover.jpg File:JTECH cover.jpg File:Earth Interactions cover.jpg File:HSPS journal.png File:British Journal of Cancer (cover).jpg File:Talanta cover.gif File:Fluid Phase Equilibria cover.gif File:J Virol cover (Nov 2007).gif File:Carnivorous Plant Newsletter first issue.jpg File:Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan.gif File:HelvChimActa cover.gif File:Langmuir cover.jpg File:PAMS.jpg File:TMJmid4.gif File:Rcm cover.gif File:Jasms cover.gif File:Teaching Sociology journals cover.gif File:FrogchartX.png File:AIDS cover 2007.gif File:Geology journal.jpg File:Jcim cover.jpg File:CineasteCover.jpg File:Journal of cognitive neuroscience samplecover.jpg File:IJALcover.gif File:Bjsm cover.jpg File:Chemical & Engineering News cover.jpg File:Castle Bravo fish contamination map.png File:Evolution cover.jpg File:Mao-DXarray-schematic.gif File:Mao-DX-schematic.jpg Kew Bulletin File:Kew Bulletin cover.jpg File:Filosofický casopis.gif Reflexe Applied Psychological Measurement European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences Elsevier BIOBASE - Current Awareness in Biological Sciences BIOBASE New York University Journal of International Law and Politics File:Globalenvironmentalpolitics.jpg File:Geographical Review cover.jpg File:Reflexe, filosofický casopis.jpg Konsultativnaya Psikhologiya i Psikhoterapiya Clinical Pediatrics Zeitschrift für Physik A File:Konsultativnaya psikhologiya i psikhoterapiya.jpg Yale Journal of Law & Technology The Yale Journal of International Law Yonsei Med J. Youth and Society Zeitschrift für physiologische Chemie Zeitschrift fur anorganische und allgemeine chemie Z. anorg. allgem. Chem. Z. anorg. allg. Chem. Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem Z. anorg allgem Chemie Konsultativnaya psikhologiya i psikhoterapiya (Russian journal) Theoria (journal) Theoria: Historical Aspects of Music Theory Theoria (disambiguation) Template:Socialscience-journal-stub Acta Classica : Verhandelinge van die Klassieke Vereniging van Suid-Afrika Proceedings of the Classical Association of South Africa Acta Archæologica Paris Society of Medicine Société Royale de Médecine Société de Médecine de Paris File:Neuroquantology logo.png Atomindex File:Law and Human Behaviour journal cover.jpg File:Areajournalcover.jpg File:Antipode (geography journal).jpg Paleontological Journal Paleontol J Paleo J Paleo. J. Paleontol. J. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal Paleontologicheskii zhurnal Paleontologicheskij Zhurnal Paleontologicheskiy Zhurnal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Paleontology (journal) Paleontol Journal of the IEST Connaissance des Temps File:Bulletins of American Paleontology cover.jpg JOT: Journal of Object Technology Journal of Object Technology Category:Société Mathématique de France academic journals File:Infectioncover.jpg European Journal of Anesthesiology Infection (journal) Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry File:Labchip cover.jpg PACE (journal) Category:Gender studies journals IDEA: The Intellectual Property Law Review File:Bpej-cover.gif ABI/INFORM Internal Medicine (journal) Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology File:Sspaces image.jpg Warship (annual) Old English Newsletter Infection, Genetics and Evolution Biomedical material Biomedical Materials Biomedical Materials (journal) Pan American Journal of Public Health Journal of the British Astronomical Association Biofabrication Solicitors Journal Comparative Political Studies Ars Disputandi File:Journal of Educational Psychology cover.gif Journal of Educational Psychology Applied Spectroscopy (journal) Annals of Physics The Journal of Slavic Military Studies File:CPS cover.gif Northwestern law review Solicitors journal Category:Electronics journals Hardy–Ramanujan Journal American Studies International American Studies (journal) Revista Chungará Chungara (journal) Bioelectrochemistry (journal) Electrochimica Acta Journal of Power Sources Wikipedia talk:List of missing journals/DOAJ Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Academic Journals/List of missing journals/DOAJ Computer & Information Systems Abstracts European Transactions on Telecommunications Cell Biology International Tectonophysics (journal) Zoologischer Anzeiger Cell Biol. Int. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement Japanese Economic Review The Economic Studies Quarterly Cambridge Journal of Economics Scandinavian Journal of Economics Journal of economic behavior and organization Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization AIP Conference Proceedings Existenz (journal) Journal of Economic Issues File:Melbourne Journal of International Law logo.jpg Aboriginal History Baha'i Studies Review International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (AMCS) International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science European Economic Review Nezavisimiy Psikhiatricheskiy Zhurnal Existenz - An International Journal in Philosophy, Religion, Politics, and the Arts Econometrics Journal Journal of Banking and Finance Journal of Macroeconomics Review of Economic Design File:Journal of natural products cover.jpg Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism Konsultativnaya psikhologiya i psikhoterapiya Portland Press Voprosy Psikhologii Pediatric Radiology (journal) File:Voprosy Psikhologii.jpg File:AH jounalcover.jpg Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal Muelleria (journal) AMCS File:VoprosyIstorii.jpg International Journal of Insect Science File:ZooBiologyCover.jpg File:AmJPrimatolCover.jpg Research Publishing Services Category:Geophysics societies Journal of information science Journals of Insect Science British Neuroscience Association Category:Neuroscience organizations International Brain Research Organization Journal of Insect Science (Indian Society for the Advancement of Insect Science) Meditsinskaya Tekhnika Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology Annals of Otology, Rhinology, and Laryngology Berkeley Journal of International Law Category:Otolaryngology journals IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices Biokhimiya Current Alzheimer Research Current Alzheimer Research Journal Current Cancer Drug Targets Current Molecular Medicine File:Curr pharm des.gif Category:Medicinal chemistry journals The Open Clinical Chemistry Journal Current Gene Therapy Current Medicinal Chemistry Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry The Open Ecology Journal Open Hematology Journal Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM Society for Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy Amsterdam University Press Physmath Central File:Journal of Hindu Studies.gif Category:Springer Science+Business Media imprints File:Beqcover.gif Genesis (journal) Journal of Orthopaedic Research Evolutionary Anthropology (journal) Journal of Experimental Zoology Cytoskeleton (journal) The Journal of Orthopaedic Research File:Journal of Orthopaedic Research.gif Category:Developmental biology journals File:Genes Dev cover (Dec 2008).gif File:Genesis-cover.gif Cell motility and cytoskeleton Cell Motility & Cytoskeleton Cell Motil Cytoskel Cell Motil. Cytoskel. Journal of Orthopedic Research J Orthop Res J. Orthop. Res. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A Evol Anthr Evol. Anthr. Evolutionary Anthropology Dev Genet Dev. Genet. Developmental Genetics BMC Biophysics Chemistry Central Journal PMC Biophysics PMC Physics B PMC Physics A Open Biology Cybaris Apeiron (journal) Journal of Morphology Molecular Reproduction and Development CommLaw Conspectus CommLaw Conspectus: Journal of Communications Law and Policy Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina File:Pain Research & Management Journal.jpg File:Pulsus Group Corporate logo.jpg Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases & Medical Microbiology File:The Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases cover.jpg Category:Springer Science+Business Media Julius Springer Canadian Journal of Theology Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology Journal de Physique et le Radium Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry Developmental science Developmental Science Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology Veterinary Immunology & Immunopathology Animus (journal) JFB Topic- The Washington and Jefferson College Review Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B - Biological Sciences JGE Editors-in-chief Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery Canadian Respiratory Journal Paediatrics & Child Health Clinics in Dermatology Australian Archaeological Association Ingelfinger rule IEEE Transactions on Education IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Aging and Mental Health Dermatology (journal) Studies in Ethics, Law and Technology File:Aging Mental Health.cover.jpg International Association of Engineering Geology and the Environment File:JSTOR logo.png Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing Aging and mental health (journal) File:CRC Press.png File:Front cover of european journal of women's studies.jpg European Journal of Women's Studies Scientific Reports Analytical Biochemistry (journal) Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria File:Taylor & Francis logo.svg Experimental & Clinical Cardiology Medico-Chirurgical Transactions Journal of Meteorology Quodlibet (journal) University of Toronto Quarterly Journal of Grid Computing Postprint Journal of Visualized Experiments Journal of Optics (disambiguation) File:Jnl cover antropologyinaction.jpg Anthropology in Action Society for Psychotherapy Research Anthropology In Action (journal) Anthropological Journal of European Cultures Anthropology of the Middle East Anthropology of the Middle East (journal) File:Jnl cover antropacificworld.jpg Journal of Civil Engineering and Management Focaal File:Jnl cover eurojud.jpg File:Jnl cover durks.jpg Individual Psychologist Individual Psychology Bulletin Journal of Individual Psychology Journal of Celtic Linguistics Current Sociology File:Current Sociology journal front cover.jpg File:Critical Social Policy journal front cover.jpg Critical Social Policy Journal of Rehabilitation Sciences Tijdschrift voor Revalidatiewetenschappen Clinical Rehabilitation File:Clinical Rehabilitation journal front cover.jpg File:Critique of Anthropology front cover.jpg File:Childhood (journal) front cover.jpg Economic & Industrial Democracy File:Economic & Industrial Democracy journal front cover.jpg Christian Spirituality Bulletin Canadian Society of Respiratory Therapists Houston Journal of International Law The Modern Schoolman International Society for the History of Medicine ISHM Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete Journal of Ayn Rand Studies File:IJTP cover.jpg Dermatologica Dermatologische Zeitschrift Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation Journals American Economic Review Durkheimian Studies IEEE Trans Magn IEEE Trans. Magn. Phys Earth Planet Inter Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. File:Jgrbcover.jpeg Psychosis: Psychological, Social and Integrative Approaches (journal) Psychosis: Psychological, Social and Integrative Approaches JMMM J. G. R. Rev. Geophys. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. J Magn Magn Mater Terrestrial Magnetism Terrestrial Magnetism and Atmospheric Electricity J G R J Geophys Res. J. Geophys. Res. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH Volume! The French journal of popular music studies Berghahn Journals Earth Sci. Planet. Lett. Category:Developmental psychology journals Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry File:The Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.gif Materials Science Journals List of materials science journals Interface: a journal for and about social movements Mobilization: The International Quarterly Review of Social Movement Research Social Movement Studies Cell Motility and Cytoskeleton Thomson Reuters Citation Laureates French Politics, Culture & Society Category:Berghahn Books academic journals Astronomical Journal File:Rutgers Law Review Book Small.jpg Journal of the American Osteopathic Association File:PRcover2011.jpg Psychotherapy Research International Journal of IT Methods of Information in Medicine The International Journal of Social Quality Journal of Romance Studies Projections (journal) Learning and Teaching in the Social Sciences (journal) Nature and Culture Reflexions Historiques Historical Reflections Sartre Studies International Journeys (journal) Sartre Studies International (journal) Nomadic People (journal) Sibirica (journal) Social Analysis (journal) Theoria (social and political journal) Energies (journal) ERIC Database British Journal of Educational Technology Social Analysis Connaissance des tems Southwestern Entomologist Asian Journal of Environment and Disaster Management Management Science: A Journal of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences Library Review File:TheScientist cover Sept-2010.jpg Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming Astronomy, astrophysics File:Cover The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review.jpg Astronomy and Geophysics Communications & Strategies International Journal of Information Technology Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education Water Resources Update Pakistaniaat File:Pakistaniaat.jpg File:Health journal front cover.gif Health (journal) AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples Oral Tradition Journal Journal of Forensic Sciences Radiation Effects Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids China Information Systematic Entomology Inorganica Chimica Acta European Economic Association International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion File:China Information journal front cover image.jpg Asia Pacific Public Relations Journal PRism Public Relations Review Journal of Public Relations Research ERA Forum Archaeologia Archaeologia Cantiana Archaeologia (London) Archaeologia Scotica: Transactions of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland File:Politics, Philosophy & Economics journal front cover.jpg Politics, Philosophy and Economics (journal) Nonlinear Oscillations Journal of Biosciences Respiratory Care (journal) Tonan Ajia Kenkyu Indiana Magazine of History Childhood (journal) Aquaculture (journal) Utrecht Journal of International and European Law British Journal of Management Human & Experimental Toxicology File:Human & Experimental Toxicology (journal) front cover.jpg Body and Society Category:Visual art journals Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Abstracts Resilience Alliance American Geological Institute Praxis International File:J Forestry cover.jpg File:IJTPH cover.jpg International Review of the Red Cross Gorgias Press Eisenbrauns Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesselschaft Inhalation Therapy (journal) PAJ: The Journal of Performance and Art International Journal of Private Law (IJPL) File:Asia Journal of Theology.jpg Asia Journal of Theology Evangelical Quarterly Trinity Journal (theology) File:Review and Expositor cover.jpg Review & Expositor Social Psychology Quarterly Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Physical, Mathematical and Engineering Sciences Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences Psychology of Religion and Spirituality Psychology of Religion and Spirituality (journal) GeoArabia Journal of Tort Law File:Vigiliae Christianae cover.jpg File:J Biosci 2011 cover.jpg Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences (Section B) Tyndale Bulletin Pacifica (journal) File:Scanning, The Journal of Scanning Microscopies cover.jpg Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery File:Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery journal low res cover.jpeg Plast. Reconstr. Surg. AACN Clinical Issues: Advanced Practice in Acute & Critical Care File:AACN Advanced Clinical Care low res cover.jpeg AACN Advanced Critical Care AAPG Bulletin File:AAPG Bulletin low res cover.gif The American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin of the Southwestern Association of Petroleum Geologists AACN Advanced Critical Care (journal) AACN Clinical Issues: Advanced Practice in Acute and Critical Care AACN Clinical Issues in Critical Care Nursing Emerging Themes in Epidemiology Discourse & Society Ethnicities (journal) European History Quarterly European Journal of Communication European Journal of Industrial Relations European Physical Education Review File:Ethnicities (journal) front cover.jpg European Urban and Regional Studies Group Processes & Intergroup Relations High Performance Polymers History of the Human Sciences Indoor and Built Environment International Journal of Damage Mechanics International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications The International Journal of Robotics Research International Journal of Social Psychiatry International Political Science Review File:International Peacekeeping low res cover.jpg International Small Business Journal International Social Work International Sociology File:Journal of Beckett Studies.jpg File:Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law.jpg Discourse & Communication Sonus: a journal of investigations into global music possibilities Sonus (journal) File:Journal of African Law.jpg Developmental Genetics (journal) File:International Journal of Social Psychiatry front cover image.jpg File:European History Quarterly front cover.jpg File:European Journal of Communication front cover image.jpg File:International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications journal front cover.jpg Biblica (journal) Progress in Human Geography File:Progress in Human Geography.jpg Journal of Consumer Culture File:Journal of Consumer Culture.jpg International Society of Skin Pharmacology and Physiology Skin Pharmacology Skin Pharmacology and Applied Skin Physiology Skin Pharmacology and Physiology Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies Haifa Law Review Churchman (journal) The Churchman File:Churchman cover.jpg File:Journal of Structured Finance.jpg Columbia Journal of Transnational Law Journal of Workplace Rights File:Journal of Individual Employment Rights.jpg Kerux Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology Interpretation (journal) File:Interpretation cover.jpg British Journal of Anaesthesia Language Teaching Research Management Learning File:Management Leanring.jpg File:Language Teaching Research journal front cover image.jpg Planning Theory File:Planning Theory.jpg File:Social Studies of Science.jpg Social Studies of Science Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain Retraction Watch File:European Urban and Regional Studies journal front cover.gif Category:Emergency nursing journals International Journal of Robotics Research File:High Performance Polymers front cover image.jpg File:International Journal of Robotics Research front cover image.jpg File:Cross Currents cover.jpg Biotechnology Citation Index Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Journal of Membrane Science File:2011 WIRES Cognitive Sciences cover.gif Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science File:Labor History journal low res cover.jpg File:Labor journal low res cover.jpg File:NLH Cover.jpg File:KIEJ Cover.png File:Childrens literature association quarterly.gif File:Bulletin of the center for childrens books.gif File:Philosophy and literature.gif File:Studies in english literature.gif File:Shakespeare bulletin.gif File:Spiritus.gif File:Modernism modernity.gif File:Sijlcover.jpg File:World politics.gif File:TearsintheFence.jpg File:SwedishBookReview.jpg File:US Pharmacist magazine (Aug 2005).jpg File:Journal of health care for the poor and underserved.gif File:Journal of democracy.gif File:Journal of the history of philosophy.gif File:Henry james review.gif European Journal of Cultural Studies File:European Journal of cultural Studies.jpg International Journal of Behavioral Development File:International Journal of Behavioral Development.jpg Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology Indexing and abstracting service File:The Journal of Private Equity.jpg File:Sol-GelJournal cover.jpg File:International Small Business Journal front cover image.jpg File:Social Compass.jpg Social Compass European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation European Journal of Preventive Cardiology File:Social Science Information.jpg File:Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology journal low res cover.jpg Social Science Information File:MEPS journal low resolution cover.jpg Marine Ecology Progress Series Biography Index Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management File:PSS wiki.jpg Guide to information sources File:Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development.jpg File:Davidsonia journal low res cover.png File:International Sociology journal front cover image.jpg File:European Physical Education Review front civer.jpg File:European Journal of Industrial Relations front cover.jpg Journal of the Geological Society File:Journal of the geological society low resolution cover.gif Journal of the Calcutta Mathematical Society File:Public Understanding of Science.jpg File:Biography Index low res cover.png Applied Developmental Science (journal) File:Group Processes & Intergroup Relations front cover.jpg File:History of the Human Sciences journal front cover.jpg Terrae Incognitae (journal) File:Terrae Incognitae cover.jpg Nordic Journal of Human Rights Artibus Asiae Artibus asiae Knowledge Organization (journal) Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales Annales d'histoire économique et sociale Journal of Advertising Higher Education Review Quality & Quantity Society for Computers in Psychology Jahrbuch Medien und Geschichte Pharmacognosy Research Underwater Technology Society for Underwater Technology Template:WPJOURNAL Call for papers Sylwan Polish Sociological Review Sociological Research Online Studia Socjologiczne Bulletin of the Royal College of Surgeons of England Template:WPJOURNALS Revista de Estatistica Studia Etymologica Cracoviensia Category:Malacology journals File:Immunity journal cover.jpg File:Turkish J of Pediatrics.jpg Critical Care Clinics File:Critical Care Clinics cover.jpg File:J of Antimicrob Chemo cover.gif File:Seizure journal cover.jpg File:J Neurosci Methods cover.gif File:J Clin Neurophysiol cover.jpeg File:Clinical Neurophysiology cover.jpg File:Minerva Medica journal cover.jpg File:Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther cover.jpg File:Chest journal cover.png File:Clinical Medicine journal cover.jpg File:Annals of Intensive Care cover.jpg File:Annals NY Academy of Science cover.jpg File:Annals of Clinical & Laboratory Science cover.gif File:Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis cover.jpg File:Translational Research journal cover.jpg File:Journal of Clinical Microbiology cover.gif File:Pharmacotherapy journal cover.jpg File:Cancer journal cover.jpg File:Blood Cells Mol Dis journal cover.gif List of pharmacy journals List of Pharmacy Journals Yale Journal of Law and Feminism File:Manuscripta.jpg Mindfulness (journal) Universal Publishers (United States) IEEE Style Registry of Open Access Repositories ARIST Review of Economic Studies Chilean Journal of Statistics Journal of Religion and Health Alternatives: Turkish Journal of International Relations Information Research: An international electronic journal Information Research Electric Power System Research Journal Electric Power Systems Research File:American Journal of Psychology cover.jpg Annual Review of Information Science and Technology Journal of Contemporary China Reproductive Health Matters Critical Quarterly Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment Journal of Planning Education and Research Journal of Planning Literature North-Western Journal of Zoology Journal of Management Inquiry Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation File:Review of International Studies cover.jpg Mycoscience File:Journal of Classical Sociology journal Front Cover.jpg Journal of Classical Sociology Violence Against Women (journal) Journal of Family Issues Journal of Interpersonal Violence Trauma, Violence, & Abuse Contemporary Family Therapy Family Process Category:Family therapy journals Family Relations (journal) Intellectica File:Probation Journa Front Cover.jpg File:Journal of Family Issues.tif File:Violence Against Women.tif Annals of tropical medicine and parasitology Pathogens and Global Health Health Informatics Journal File:Concordia Theological Quarterly cover.jpg Animation (journal) File:Journal of Management Inquiry.tif Lychnos (journal) Mnemosyne (journal) File:Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment.tif Law, Culture and the Humanities File:Journal of Planning Literature.tif File:Journal of Planning Education and Research.tif Evidence Based Library and Information Practice (journal) File:James Joyce Quarterly Volume 46.1.jpg Journal of Language and Social Psychology File:Journal for the Education of the Gifted Journal Front Cover.jpg Ibsen Studies Irish Theological Quarterly Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Academic Journals/Journals cited by Wikipedia/Missing1 Stochastic Models Communications in Statistics, Stochastic Models Communications in Statistics. Stochastic Models Communications in Statistics: Stochastic Models Annals of Science America: History and Life File:Annals of Science 2011 cover.jpg Kritike File:Knowledge organization.jpg Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha Montgomeryshire collections ACS Synthetic Biology Feminist Theology (journal) IFLA Journal Münster Journal of Mathematics Schriftenreihe des Mathematischen Institutes Münster Studies in Christian Ethics The Journal of Environment & Development Geostandards Newsletter Geostandards Newsletter: The Journal of Geostandards and Geoanalysis Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research Willdenowia (journal) File:Willdenowia cover.jpg Notizblatt des Königlichen Botanischen Gartens und Museums zu Berlin Queueing Systems (journal) Journal of Lutheran Ethics Art and Documentation Perspectives on Politics Nucl. Inst. And Meth. B Nucl. Inst. and Meth. B Nuclear Instruments & Methods Nuclear Instruments & Methods B Nuclear Instruments and Methods A Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms Category:IOS Press academic journals File:IFLA Journal Front Cover.jpg Journal of Transhumanism File:Oxford Review of Economic Policy cover.gif Journal of Educational Media, Memory, and Society Daru-Journal of Faculty of Pharmacy File:PAID cover.gif Materials Evaluation Revue de Médecine Interne Narrative Matters American Society for Engineering Education Category:University presses of the United States Journal of the American Society of Naval Engineers Revista Colombiana de Química Open Engineering File:Electrophoresis Journal.jpg Psikiyatride Guncel Yaklasimlar-Current Approaches in Psychiatry Current Approaches in Psychiatry Preventive Medicine (journal) Journal of Archaeological Science File:Journal-of-archaeological-science-low-res-cover.gif Canadian Journal of Zoology American Academy of General Practice Archivaria Philosophy Pathways Scholar Indices and Impact Canadian journal of administrative sciences Business and society review Accounting Perspectives Business and Society Review Accounting perspectives Games and Culture Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses Economic Inquiry The International Journal of Lower Extremity Wounds JAIR File:JAIRcover.jpg Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants (JAAPA) Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants JAAPA Journal of Applied Corporate Finance Journal of Futures Markets Welsh Journals Online IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology ProQuest ABI/Inform Journal of consumer affairs Journal of business logistics Contemporary economic policy Journal of Personality Assessment Respiratory Care Clinics of North America World Journal for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery Written Communication (journal) Perspectives on Psychological Science Teaching of Psychology (journal) Perspectives in Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy Sports Health: A Multidisciplinary Approach State Politics & Policy Quarterly Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography Journal of Intensive Care Medicine Surgical Innovation Youth Justice (journal) Urban Affairs Review Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice Medical Care Research and Review Medical Decision Making (journal) Memory Studies Tourist Studies Qualitative Health Research Journal of Medical Marketing Nutrition in Clinical Practice Remedial and Special Education Review of Research in Education Journal of Infection Prevention Theory and Research in Education Tourism and Hospitality Research Journal of Hispanic Higher Education British Journal of Diabetes and Vascular Disease Topics in Early Childhood Special Education Trauma (journal) Journal of Early Childhood Literacy Research Studies in Music Education Journal of Research in International Education Urban Education Aesthetic Surgery Journal Education, Citizenship and Social Justice Educational Management Administration & Leadership Journal of Teacher Education Journalism: Theory, Practice & Criticism Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association Work and Occupations Toxicologic Pathology Veterinary Pathology (journal) Sociology of Education (journal) Political Research Quarterly Public Policy and Administration Political Theory (journal) Politics & Society Public Finance Review Journal of Vacation Marketing Journal of Transcultural Nursing American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine Journal of Sport & Social Issues Nursing Science Quarterly Sociological Methods & Research Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care Contemporary Economic Policy RELC Journal Evaluation (journal) Social Science Computer Review Feminist Criminology (journal) Transfer (journal) Foot and Ankle Specialist Science, Technology, & Human Values Management in Education File:AADA.jpg Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly First Language (journal) British Journalism Review NASN School Nurse Science Communication (journal) International Relations (journal) Transformation (journal) Trends in Amplification Arts and Humanities in Higher Education Men and Masculinities (journal) Ambix Small Group Research File:Trauma, Violence, & Abuse.jpg File:British Journalism Review Journal Front Cover.jpg Category:Works originally published in economics journals Category:Works originally published in Economica Category:Works originally published in the Journal of Law and Economics Category:Works originally published in law journals Category:Works originally published in the Harvard Law Review Reproductive Sciences North Korean Review Acta Botanica Brasilica LATINDEX File:ABB cover 25-3.jpg Neural Information Processing Systems File:Arts and Humanities in Higher Education Journal Front Cover Image.jpg Social Psychology (scientific journal) File:Small Group Research.tif Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society Business Information Review ALT-J – Research in Learning Technology Advances in Developing Human Resources Biodiversity Letters Diversity and Distributions Health Promotion Practice File:Reproductive Sciences.tif File:Business Information Review Journal Front Cover.jpg File:Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society Journal front Cover.jpg Asian Cardiovascular and Thoracic Annals Modern China (journal) Cartilage (journal) Philosophy & Social Criticism Global Ecology and Biogeography Traumatology (journal) Seminars in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia Management & Organizational History Management Communication Quarterly Global Social Policy Research on Social Work Practice Human Genomics and Proteomics Jeffrey M. Drazen French Forum Public Works Management & Policy Space and Culture State and Local Government Review The Owl of Minerva (disambiguation) Animation studies Animation Studies File:Cartilage (journal).jpg Chronic Respiratory Disease File:Management & Organizational History Journal Front Cover.jpg File:Modern China.tif File:Health Promotion Practice.jpg International Political Science Abstracts File:Seminars in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia.jpg International Criminal Justice Review Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance Journal of Asian and African Studies The Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation International Journal of Music Education ICAN: Infant, Child, & Adolescent Nutrition International Journal of Cross Cultural Management International Journal of Cultural Studies File:Chronic Respiratory Disease Journal Front Cover.jpg Human Genomics and Proteomics (journal) File:International Criminal Justice Review Journal Front Cover.jpg File:International Political Science Abstracts Journal Front Cover.jpg File:JDMS - The Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation- Applications, Methodology, Technology.jpg File:Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance Journal Front Cover.jpg File:Management Communication Quarterly.tif File:Public Works Management & Policy Journal Front Cover.jpg File:Research on Social Work Practice.jpg File:Logo society for animation studies.png File:Space and Culture.jpg File:State and Local Government Review.jpg Journal of Asthma & Allergy Educators International Communication Gazette Accountability in Research Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership Journal of Correctional Health Care Research Works Act Global Media and Communication File:ISJcover.gif Journal of Communication Inquiry Journal of Early Childhood Research File:International Communication Gazette Journal Front Cover.jpg File:International Journal of Cross Cultural Management Journal Front Cover .jpg File:International Journal of Cultural Studies Journal Front Cover.jpg File:International Journal of Music Education Journal Front Cover.jpg File:ICAN Infant Child and Adolescent Nutrition.jpg Journal of Generic Medicines Journal of Management Education Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies File:Journal of Asthma & Allergy Educators.jpg Journal of Marketing Education Journal of Music Teacher Education Journalism & Mass Communication Educator Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice Music Educators Journal Music and Medicine Journal of Research in Nursing Improving Schools Journal of Transformative Education Journal of Planning History Journal of Urban History List of linguistics journals Criminal Justice Policy Review Chronic Illness (journal) Canadian Journal of School Psychology Capital and Class (journal) South African Law Journal Organization & Environment (journal) Phonetica Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair Journal of Intellectual Disabilities Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly Philosophy of the Social Sciences (journal) The Pomegranate Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin Reviews of Human Factors and Ergonomics Journal of Pharmacy Practice Cardiac Cath Lab Director Template:Open navbox The Pomegranate: The International Journal of Pagan Studies File:Law, Culture and the Humanities journal front cover image.jpg Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice File:Studies in Christian Ethics journal front cover image.jpg File:Canadian Journal of School Psychology.jpg File:Capital and Class.jpg File:Cardiac Cath Lab Director.jpg File:Chronic Illness Journal Front Cover.jpg File:Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly.tif File:Organization & Environment.tif File:Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin.tif File:Reviews of Human Factors and Ergonomics Journal Front Cover.jpg File:Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair Journal Front Cover Image.tif File:Journal of Pharmacy Practice Journal Front Cover.jpg Cross Currents (journal) File:Pomegranate New Journal.jpg Creative Commons by Attribution Current Mathematical Publications Environmental Science and Pollution Management Research on Aging Journal of Tissue Engineering Human Resource Development Review Category:Cambridge University Press Category:Elsevier Category:Academic publishing companies File:Human Resource Development Review Journal Front Cover.jpg File:Research on Aging.tif File:Communication Disorders Quarterly Journal Front Cover.tif Journal of Social Archaeology Communication Disorders Quarterly File:Career Development for Exceptional Individuals Journal Front Cover.tif Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry File:Business Communication Quarterly Journal Front Cover.jpg Business and Professional Communication Quarterly Dementia (journal) Community College Review File:Community College Review.jpg File:Assessment for Effective Intervention Journal Front Cover.tif Assessment for Effective Intervention File:Contexts Journal Front Cover.jpg Clinical Nursing Research Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science Open access mandate Geriatric Orthopaedic Surgery & Rehabilitation Clinical Case Studies The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology ROARMAP Convergence (journal) Critical Sociology (journal) Compensation & Benefits Review Cultural Dynamics File:Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making.jpg Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making File:Ergonomics in Design.jpg Ergonomics in Design: The Quarterly of Human Factors Applications Ergonomics in Design File:Journal of Disability Policy Studies Journal Front Cover.jpg Journal of Disability Policy Studies File:Journal of Composite Materials Journal Front Cover.jpg Academic Complete Academic Onefile Journalism & Communication Monographs File:Social Marketing Quarterly Journal Front Cover.jpg Social Marketing Quarterly Cultural Studies, Critical Methodologies The Prison Journal The Family Journal Teacher Education and Special Education Word of Mouth (journal) Journal of Business Communication Psychological Science in the Public Interest Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting File:Journal of Applied Social Science Journal Front Cover Image.jpg Journal of Applied Social Science Human Factors and Ergonomics Society File:Psychological Science in the Public Interest Journal Front Cover.jpg Social Psychological and Personality Science Aries (journal) Welsh Bibliographical Society File:Public Policy and Administration Journal Front Cover.jpg General Music Today Information Visualization (journal) Category:Western esotericism studies journals File:Aries Journal.jpg File:Cover MRW.gif Magic, Ritual, and Witchcraft Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine Gifted Child Today Assessment (journal) Behavior Modification (journal) Simulation & Gaming Journal of Hymenoptera Research International Society of Hymenopterists File:General Music Today Journal Front Cover.tif File:Information Visualization Journal Front Cover.jpg File:Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine.jpg European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation International Journal of Forecasting File:Assessment Journal Front Cover Image.tif File:Behavior Modification Journal Front Cover.tif File:Simulation and Gaming.jpg File:Gifted Child Today.jpg Young Exceptional Children File:Young Exceptional Children Journal Front Cover.tif NASSP Bulletin File:NASSP Bulletin Journal Front Cover.tif File:Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership Journal Front Cover.jpg File:Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice.jpg File:NASN School Nurse.jpg Pakistan Physics Society File:Clinical Nursing Research.jpg UPDATE: Applications of Research in Music Education File:The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology.jpg Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition File:Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition.jpg File:Foot and Ankle Specialist.jpg File:American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine.jpg File:Journal of Communication Inquiry.jpg File:Criminal Justice Policy Review Journal Front Cover.jpg File:Compensation & Benefits Review.jpg Cornell Hospitality Quarterly Journal of Computational Geometry File:International Journal of Forecasting cover.gif EBSCO databases The International Journal of Press/Politics File:The International Journal of Press Politics Journal Front Cover.jpg Human Factors (journal) The journal of Commonwealth Literature International Review of Victimology File:Teaching public Administration Journal Front Cover.jpg File:Journal of European Studies Journal Front cover.jpg Journal of European Studies File:International Journal of Discrimination and the Law Journal Front Cover.jpg International Journal of Discrimination and the Law Journal of Dental Biomechanics Currents in Biblical Research File:Journal of Biomechanics.jpg Teaching Public Administration Nutrition and Health File:Nutrition and Health.jpg Category:Criminology journals File:Clinical Case Studies Journal Front Cover.jpg File:Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice Journal Front Cover.jpg File:Journal of Correctional Health Care Journal Front Cover.jpg Nature Reviews Endocrinology World Wide Web Conference Global Health Promotion American College of Medical Toxicology Journal of Medical Toxicology Promotion & Education File:Feminist Criminology.tif File:European Journal of Criminology.jpg European Journal of Criminology International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology File:International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology.tif File:Theoretical Criminology.jpg Theoretical Criminology Criminology & Criminal Justice File:Criminology & Criminal Justice.jpg File:Journal of Interpersonal Violence.tif International Journal of Communication File:Social & Legal Studies journal front cover image.jpg Social & Legal Studies Ann Sex Res File:ASQDE Journal.gif Criminal Justice And Behavior Washington International Law Journal The Journal of Media Law File:Enviroethics-cover.gif Referativni Zhurnal Serbian Astronomical Journal Georgia Historical Quarterly Review of Economics of the Household Biology Open Template:Academic publishing The Zoological Journal File:OceanicLinguistics.gif Journal of Anatomy File:Medical Care Research and Review.tif File:Journal of Social Archaeology front cover image.jpg The Kansas Historical Quarterly Journal of Structural Biology Journal of structural biology Tidsskrift for Retsvidenskab Category:Universitetsforlaget academic journals Tidsskrift for Rettsvitenskap The WIPO Journal File:Discourse and Society journal front cover.jpg Discourse Studies File:Discourse and Communication journal front cover.jpg File:Discourse Studies journal front cover image.jpg File:JHEP webcover.jpg File:Media War and Conflict.jpg Media, War & Conflict International Society for Music Education Homicide Studies File:Homicide Studies.jpg File:Crime, Media, Culture.jpg Crime, Media, Culture Psihijatrija danas Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News File:Criminal Justice and Behavior.tif Criminal Justice and Behavior File:The Medical Intelligencer (1823 edition - front cover).jpg Category:Landes Bioscience academic journals File:RNA Biology cover.jpg File:FrontCoverSGTP2-6.jpg File:Philtopcover2.gif File:Ipqcover2.gif File:Faithphilcover2.gif File:Philtheocover2.gif File:Gfpjcover2.gif Mosby (imprint) File:American Journal of Cardiology cover.gif IA, The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology Current opinion in Microbiology The Council of Editors of Learned Journals Asiatic: IIUM Journal of English Language and Literature File:Philinquirycover.gif File:Studneococover2.gif Council of Editors for Learned Journals Council of Editors of Learned Journals File:Envirophilcover2.gif Journal of Postcolonial Writing Japanese Journal of Religious Studies Archive for History of Exact Sciences JDMS - The Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation: Applications, Methodology, Technology Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie The Journal of Commonwealth Literature Journal of Laboratory Automation Mediations Journal Mediations (journal) Sinauer Associates Journal of Communication International Communication Association Category:Probability journals International Society for Music Education (ISME) Journal of Church and State Communication Research (journal) American Law Reports American Notes and Queries American Society for Neurochemistry List of Probability journals List of Mathematical Physics journals List of mathematical physics journals Polish Journal of Philosophy Philosophy in the Contemporary World JAOA - The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association The Association for Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine Communications of the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory File:Irish Theological Quarterly.jpg File:Pjphilcover.gif File:Asian Cardiovascular and Thoracic Annals Journal Front Cover.jpg Communication Theory (journal) Human Communication Research Theoretical Economics London Medical and Surgical Journal Communication Theory (Journal) File:Journal of Communication.GIF File:Communication Theory.GIF File:Human Communication Research.GIF Retfærd File:Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication.jpg File:Communication Culture Critique.GIF Communication, Culture & Critique File:Studies in Religion Journal Front Cover.jpg Studies in Religion / Sciences Religieuses File:Evaluation Journal Front Cover.jpg File:Convergence Journal Front Cover Image.jpg Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture DeepDyve Annals of Probability Central Asiatic Journal Project Euclid European Journal of Medical Research File:Journal of the Royal Society Interface, March 2012 cover.gif File:Proceedings of the Royal Society B, March 2012 cover.gif File:Proceedings of the Royal Society A, March 2012 cover.gif File:Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 2011 cover.gif File:Jcl front cover.jpg File:Mup front cover.jpg File:Gye front cover.jpg File:Idt front cover.jpg File:Disability & Rehabilitation.gif File:Audiological Medicine (SUAM).jpg File:International Journal of Audiology.jpg File:Expert Opinion on Drug Metabolism & Toxicology.jpg File:Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery.jpg File:Expert Opinion on Emerging Drugs.jpg File:Expert Opinion on Drug Safety.jpg File:Expert Opinion on Medical Diagnostics.jpg File:Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy.jpg File:Jdt front cover.jpg Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain International Journal of Audiology Disability & Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology Space Operations Communicator File:Schoolmancover.gif File:Henoch journal cover.jpg File:Acpaprocover.gif File:Etudphilcovernew.gif Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy Proverbium: Bulletin d'Information sur les Recherches Parémiologiques Disability & Rehabilitation Social Anthropology (journal) Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Social Voluntas (journal) Computational Statistics & Data Analysis Journal of Topology File:Journal of Topology cover.gif Journal of Human Values New Nietzsche Studies Academic journal publishing reform Academic journal reform Nauka Scholarly journal publishing reform File:MDPI-logo.png File:Molbank-logo.png File:Contemporary Sociology cover.gif Theological Studies/Teologiese Studies File:Nnstudiescover.gif File:Military Medicine cover.gif File:Cover of journal Proverbium, Yearbook of International Proverb Scholarship.png File:Journal of feline medicine and surgery front cover image.jpg Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery Category:Environmental social science journals File:Population and Environment Cover.jpg Annals of Philosophy Monthly Abstract Bulletin File:Journal of the International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care Journal Front Cover.jpg File:Cejiss special.jpg Journal of Physics (disambiguation) List of environmental social science journals PacRim Journal Pepperdine Law Review Category:National Research University – Higher School of Economics academic journals File:PhilosophyEast&West.gif File:Cover Page From 1894.png File:Journal of industrial Relations.jpg File:Jglmh cover.gif File:Ijerph-logo.png File:Soctpcover2.gif File:Psychosomatics.gif Rhinoplasty Society File:JNumberTh.jpg File:Idstudies.gif CINAHL Plus File:Aesthetic Surgery Journal Front Cover Image.jpg Systems Research (journal) Behavioral Science (journal) Theological studies File:IntJQuantChem cover.jpg File:Topology (Elsevier journal).gif Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research Chemical Engineering And Biotechnology Abstracts The Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy Journal of World History File:Journal of World History (Dec 2006) Cover.gif Template:Chem-journal-stub Template:Math-journal-stub Template:Nurse-journal-stub Template:Sci-journal-stub Template:Med-journal-stub Category:Engineering journal stubs Studia Patristica Category:University of California Press Pramana (journal) Template:PLOS The Leibniz Review Journal of Analytical Toxicology Zeitschrift für allgemeine Mikrobiologie Journal of Basic Microbiology Tulane Studies in Philosophy File:Psihijatrija Danas (magazine).jpg Biotropica File:Journals of Gerontology cover.gif Russian Science Citation Index Mathesis (journal) Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan Copernicus Publications Peckhamia (journal) Systematic Botany Systematic Botany Monographs Academic journals of insect science Augustinianum (journal) Monographs in Systematic Botany File:Agstmcover.jpg Journal of Ecclesiastical History File:Communication Research Journal Front Cover.jpg File:The Journal of Ecclesiastical History.jpg Thesis Eleven File:Leonardolowres.jpg Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law The Consultant Pharmacist The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology Scholar and Feminist Online File:Leibnizcover.gif Systematic botany Syst. Bot Syst. Bot. List of forestry journals Archaeological Journal The Archaeological Journal File:Front cover image for Journal of Research in Nursing.jpg Anthropological Papers of the University of Alaska Frontiers Media Biochemistry and Biophysics Citation Index Biochemistry & Biophysics Citation Index Journal Citation Report Developmental Dynamics Cultural Studies (journal) Category:Energy and fuel journals Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine Columbia Journal of Tax Law File:Journal of experimental social psychology cover.gif Category:Accounting journals File:Jae-logo.gif South Atlantic Modern Language Association South Atlantic Review Universal Publishers (USA) New Ireland Review PROQUEST Ulrich's File:Peckhamia Title Page 1993.png American Journal of Anatomy File:Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan logo.gif File:Viruses-logo.png File:Journal of Electroceramics displayimage.jpg ELife Academic Spring Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History Association for the Study of Australian Literature Media Source Inc. Orbis (foreign policy) File:OrbisCover.gif Critique (Journal of Socialist Theory) Critique: Journal of Marxist Theory and Soviet Studies Category:Aerospace engineering journals Aeronautical Engineering Review File:Molecular Pharmaceutics (journal cover).jpg Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies New Review of Film and Television Studies Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development (journal) Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development Museum (periodical) Worm Runner's Digest Critical Arts English Studies (journal) Public Affairs Quarterly File:Sen journal.gif File:Sociology.jpg File:Journal of Early Childhood Literacy front cover image.jpg Inter-Asia Cultural Studies File:APCGYearbook69.gif File:Management in Education Journal Front Cover.jpg File:Police Quarterly.tif Police Quarterly Acta Universitatis Sapientiae European Judaism (journal) Parallax (journal) Connecticut Journal of International Law OMICS Publishing Group Category:Evolutionary psychology journals Feminism & Psychology Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy File:School Psychology International.jpg School Psychology International Controlled Clinical Trials File:LifeSciencesJournalCover.gif Advance Drug Delivery Reviews File:Cover JCR.gif File:EthnopharmacologyCover.gif Pulmonary Pharmacology File:VascularPharmacologyFrontCover.gif Vascular Pharmacology File:Biochempharmcover.gif File:Cover IJP.gif Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews File:Sexuality Research and Social Policy.jpg File:Armed Forces and Society journal front cover image.tif File:Administration & Society journal front cover image.jpg File:Affilia-Journal Of Women And Social Work.tif Affilia-Journal of Women and Social Work Affilia File:American Politics Research.tif American Politics Research File:The American Review of Public Administration.tif American Review of Public Administration The American Review of Public Administration File:Economic Development Quarterly journal front cover image.tif Economic Development Quarterly File:Cultural Studies = Critical Methodologies.jpg File:American Journal of Evaluation.tif American Journal of Evaluation Journal of Political Ecology Bulletin of Peace Proposals Security Dialogue Cultural Studies = Critical Methodologies File:Journal of Peace Research.jpg Le Muséon Novel: A Forum on Fiction Category:Duke University Press academic journals Novel A Forum on Fiction Springer Publishing File:International Review of Victimology journal front cover image.jpg Textual practice File:Punishment & Society.jpg Punishment & Society Journal of Plantation Crops Mythos (Italian journal) Mythos (journal) Review of Income and Wealth Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung Chandos Publishing Mouton Publishers European Association of Social Psychology Invasive Species Compendium Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism File:Social Psychological and Personality Science Journal Front Cover.jpg Euphorion (journal) File:Journalism and Mass Communication Educator journal front cover image.png JAAMAS Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems The Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems Libraries & the Cultural Record Category:University of Texas Press academic journals Eastern Economic Journal File:Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly.jpg Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly File:Urban Affairs Review.jpg International Association of Scientific, Technical, and Medical Publishers Category:Pulsus Group academic journals Pulsus Group The Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology The Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery The Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases & Medical Microbiology File:Sociological Methods & Research journal front cover image.gif File:Qualitative Inquiry.jpg File:State Politics & Policy Quarterly.jpg Prescrire The American Journal of Psychoanalysis Arqueología mexicana Frontiers (Academic Publishing) Belgrade Law Review File:BLRCover.jpg Norwegian Scientific Index Applied Thermal Engineering File:A cover of the Applied Thermal Engineering.jpg File:New Testament Studies.jpg Revista padurilor Journal of Private Enterprise Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute File:PHASCI Front Cover.gif European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences File:EJPB Front Cover.gif European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics IEEE Sensors Journal Journal of Applied Communication Research Communication Monographs Category:Creative Commons Attribution-licensed journals Opportunity: A Journal of Negro Life China Economic Review (journal) Swets Bazmavep Delayed open access journal Bijutsu-shi Bijutsu Kenkyu Hozon Kagaku Category:Russian Academy of Sciences academic journals Journal of Policy Analysis and Management Journal of Mathematics and the Arts File:Nanotoxicology cover.jpg International Journal of Pediatric Obesity Statistics and Computing Yale Law and Policy Review International Universities Press Maal og Minne Journal of Intercultural Communication Research Lumen Veritatis Albany Law Journal of Science and Technology File:Journal of Food Quality cover image.gif Journal of Food Quality Journal of Food Processing and Preservation File:Journal of Food Processing and Preservation cover.gif Journal of Food Process Engineering File:Journal of Food Process Engineering cover image.gif File:Boundary 2 journal low resolution cover.jpg Journal of Food Biochemistry Critical Studies in Media Communication File:Journal of Texture Studies cover image.gif Journal of Texture Studies Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries Fishery Bulletin of the Fish and Wildlife Service World Psychiatry EUROSIS The European Multidisciplinary Society for Modelling and Simulation Technology International Journal of Developmental Biology The International Journal of Developmental Biology Russian Psychiatric Journal Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures File:JoMMS low resolution cover.png File:PNAS cover.gif Accident and Emergency Nursing International Emergency Nursing Bekhterev Review of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology Elepaio (journal) Sussex Academic Press Journal of Food Safety File:Journal of Food Safety cover image.gif File:Journal of Sensory Studies cover image.gif Journal of Sensory Studies Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses Coercive citation Category:Association for Computing Machinery academic journals Category:IEEE academic journals Category:Harvard University academic journals Journal of Biotechnology International Journal of Cultural Policy Abacus (journal) File:Nova Religio low res cover.jpg Asian Journal of Communication Biotechnology Advances File:Journal of Banking and Finance cover.gif Wirtschaftsdienst The Sociological Review Computational Statistics (journal) Journal of East Asian Economic Integration The Annals of Applied Statistics Annals of Applied Statistics Journal of East Asian Economic Integration (JEAI) Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe Quarterly Review of Film and Video Category:American Geophysical Union academic journals Journal of Multivariate Analysis International Association of Labour Law Journals Iranian South Medical Journal File:Cornell Hospitality Quarterly Journal Front Cover.tif File:1928 nejm.jpg File:IEEE T THZ cover.jpg East European Politics and Societies Parliamentary History Enzyme and Microbial Technology File:AnalyticalBiochemistry journalcover.gif File:ABB Front cover.gif File:CCAFrontcover.gif File:Biotech Advances.gif File:JBiotechnology.gif Category:PLoS academic journals File:East European Politics and Societies.tif Metabolic Engineering (journal) PeerJ Krisis (journal) Social Politics Category:European Geosciences Union academic journals The Journal of the Japan Art History Society Bijutsu Kenkyu Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics File:JAMS cover (new).jpg Clinical Ovarian Cancer & Other Gynecologic Malignancies File:EMTFrontcover.gif File:ELife logo.png File:Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources (journal cover).gif File:British Journal of Management cover.GIF File:International Journal of Management Reviews - cover.GIF The Bekhterev Review of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology Journal of the Korean Physical Society File:Front cover image of Journal of Biomolecular Screening.tif Journal of Biomolecular Screening J. Korean Phys. Soc. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves Der Islam International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy Advanced Science Letters International Aerospace Abstracts & Database Computer information & Technology Abstracts Technology Research Database The Holocene Mathematical social sciences Mathematical Social Sciences File:The Holocene journal front cover image.jpg British and Irish Archaeological Bibliography Albany Law Review Category:Globalization-related journals Microelectronics International Recent Advances in Manufacturing Database File:Harvard Law Review (June 2011 cover).jpg List of globalization-related journals Journal of Business Finance & Accounting Arctic Anthropology The Medical Letter, Inc. Policy Press Quantum Electronics (journal) Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education Osteopathic Family Physician (journal) Compare (journal) Forum of Mathematics Forum of Mathematics, Pi Forum of Mathematics, Sigma Physics Uspekhi Journal de Trévoux Current Contents Collections Journal de Littérature, des Sciences et des Arts Pacific Insects List of academic journals published in Serbia List of scientific journals in Serbia International Journal of Biological Macromolecules Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science Zygon: Journal of Religion & Science File:BIOMACcover.gif Acta entomologica Serbica Microsystem Technologies Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association File:IEEE-Sensors-Journal-cover-v12-n4.png Immediacy index Advanced Energy Materials Fuel Cells (journal) Pattern Recognition Letters Springer Publishing Company Medicinal Chemistry Communications ISIS Current Bibliography of the History of Science ISIS Current Bibliography Advances in Applied Mathematics Development and Psychopathology Royal Society for Chemistry File:APA cover.jpg Journal of the American Medical Directors Association Journal of Molecular Ecology Cell: Stem Cell Quantum electronics (journal) Journal of Contemporary Ethnography File:Journal of Contemporary Ethnography.jpg File:Science, Technology & Human Values.tif Montes (journal) Oncotarget Postgraduate Medical Journal File:AENGMcover 2 11.jpg Database (Journal) Database (journal) International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning Journal of Theological Interpretation File:Journal of Theological Interpretation.jpg Category:Eisenbrauns academic journals File:Transformation Journal Front Cover.jpg Journal of Informetrics File:Social Psychology Quarterly cover.gif Language Testing McGill Law Journal Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology Journal of Comparative Psychology Journal of World Systems Research File:Journal of Comparative Psychology.gif List of Journal Title Abbreviations Electromagnetics (journal) Emergency Medicine Australasia Textual Practice Journal of Formalized Reasoning Chiasmi International The World Economy (journal) In Session: Psychotherapy in Practice File:Journal of Finance cover.gif Journal of Service Research Journal of Social Work Current Genomics Geologica Acta Acta Geologica Hispanica Geologica acta Urban and Fischer Urban & Fischer International Journal of Medical Microbiology File:International Journal of Medical Microbiology logo.jpg Genes (Journal) Genes (journal) Cardiovascular Diabetology File:Emotion journal cover.gif File:Health Psychology journal cover.gif File:Psychological Bulletin journal cover.gif Category:Psychology of religion journals Category:Positive psychology journals Category:Applied psychology journals Category:Behavioural genetics journals Category:Behaviorism journals Category:Clinical psychology journals Category:Cultural psychology journals Category:Differential psychology journals Category:Health psychology journals Category:Mathematical and statistical psychology journals Category:Neuropsychology journals Category:Occupational psychology journals Category:Organizational psychology journals Category:Perception journals Category:Psychoanalysis journals Category:Psychology of creativity journals Category:Psychometrics journals Category:Social psychology journals Journal of Traumatic Stress Journal of Materials: Design and Applications Materials & Design File:Proceedings of the IMechE - L - journal cover.jpg File:Journal of Social Work.jpg File:Journal of Traumatic Stress cover.gif File:Economic Geography journal cover.gif File:Global Strategy Journal Cover.gif File:Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal Cover.gif File:Strategic Management Journal Cover.gif Anabiosis File:Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry.jpg Cambria (geographical journal) Category:British Ecological Society academic journals Novitates Zoologicae Pay-to-publish File:Solarphysics cover.jpg Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology Management Accounting Quarterly Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine Victorian Historical Journal Category:Nanomedicine journals Virginia Environmental Law Journal European Association of Cardiothoracic Surgery European Society for Trauma and Emergency Surgery Journal of Business and Psychology File:Cover Journal of Business and Psychology.jpg African Journal of Range & Forage Science Journal of Counseling & Development Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance File:Hcrcoversmall.gif File:Applied Psychological Measurement cover.gif Category:Psycholinguistics journals MELUS The Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States Career Development for Exceptional Individuals File:Remedial and Special Education.jpg File:Word of Mouth Journal Front Cover.tif Criminology (journal) File:Criminology cover.gif Health Services Research (journal) File:Health Sciences Research cover.gif International Journal of Materials in Engineering Applications Materials and Design Journal of Cheminformatics File:BMS.jpg File:Bulletin of Marine Science (cover).jpg Contemporary Literature (journal) SciVerse Quality & Safety in Health Care Nematology (journal) Fundamental and Applied Nematology Revue de Nématologie Nematologica Contributions to the History of Concepts File:International Relations Journal Front Cover.jpg File:Memory Studies Journal Front Cover.jpg Human Ecology (journal) Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research File:Nous journal cover.gif File:Transfer- European Review of Labour and Research Journal Front Cover.jpg PLoS ONE PLoS Pathogens PLoS Clinical Trials PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases PLoS Currents File:Journal of Research on Adolescence cover.gif Journal of Research on Adolescence Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging Journal of Carcinogenesis Language Learning: A Journal of Research in Language Studies Language Learning (journal) File:Language Learning cover.gif File:Monographs cover.gif Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development NUS Press File:Political Psychology cover.gif Political Psychology journal Political Psychology (journal) Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy File:JAAL cover.gif File:Journal of Sociology.jpg Wilson Applied Science and Technology Abstracts Queensland Agricultural Journal File:Journal of Management Education Journal Front Cover.jpg Reading Research Quarterly File:Reading Research Quarterly cover.gif File:The Reading Teacher cover.gif The Reading Teacher Environmental Engineering Abstracts Journal of Small Business Management File:Sptvolume27cover.gif Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education Risk Analysis: An International Journal Society for Risk Analysis Risk Analysis (journal) HASTAC Macarthur Law Review File:Child Development Perspectives cover.gif Child Development Perspectives Indoor Environment (journal) File:Indoor and Built Environment front cover image.jpg File:Medical Law International.jpg Materials Chemistry and Physics International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences List of academic journals by preprint policy BioSystems File:BioSystems FrontCover.gif Bulletin of Geosciences Public Books File:Journal of Robotic Surgery.JPG Category:Now Publishers academic journals American Journal of Preventive Medicine Journal of Geosciences Revue neurologique File:Revue neurologique logo.jpg Elsevier B.V. Journal of Product Innovation Management Camera Obscura (journal) File:Journal of Geosciences front cover, 2007.jpg File:Youth Justice front cover image.jpg File:BioMed Central.svg File:Methods frontCover.gif Methods (journal) Nitric Oxide (journal) File:Nitric Oxide FrontCover.gif List of planning journals File:Crustaceana cover.gif Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage Spunti e ricerche File:Hspcoversmall.jpg Journal of Marriage and Family File:Journal of Marriage and Family cover.gif Spunti e ricerche; rivista d'italianistica File:Logo for Spunti e ricerche; rivista d'italianistica.png File:MediterraneanHistoricalReview.gif Geobiology (journal) Fundaciôn Principe de Asturias Journal of Aboriginal Health IEEE Sensors Journal Best Paper Award IEEE Sensors Best Journal Paper Acta Physica Hungarica Czechoslovak Journal of Physics Portugaliae Physica Anales de Química Anales de la Real Sociedad Española de Química Reviews of Reproduction Environment and Behavior Toxicology and Industrial Health Biomedical Optics Express Journal of Economic Methodology File:Social Science Computer Review.tif File:AJP cover.jpg British Journal of Educational Studies Psychiatric Times Biology and Philosophy Category:Italian Physical Society academic journals Micron (journal) Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B Iranian Journal of Immunology Genetic epidemiology (journal) Journal of New Music Research IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing Academy of Management Perspectives File:Logos-swets.png Journal of the Royal Musical Association Russian Academy of Sciences Bibliographies Index to Social Science & Humanities Proceedings File:Joteealowres.gif Canadian Journal of Administrative Law and Practice Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland Gender & Society Journal for the Study of Antisemitism Journal of Business Cycle Measurement and Analysis Category:Waste management journals File:Toxicology and Industrial Health.jpg AStA Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistisches Archiv BJOG British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology File:Questionsnewcover.gif Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery Scripta Theologica File:American Journal of Public Health Sept 2012.jpg File:Pca cover.gif Journal of Applied Social Science Studies Schmollers Jahrbuch Historia (journal) Girlhood Studies File:JEM Sept 2010 cover.gif Historia (Chilean journal) The Israel Law Review File:The Journal of Indigenous Studies.jpg File:Journal of the American Medical Association (cover).jpg File:Hypatia Cover.gif Journal of the American Medical Association File:Israel Law Review (cover).jpg Category:LexisNexis academic journals World Development Applied Economics (journal) Wiley Open Access File:Political Studies (journal).jpg The Psychiatric Clinics of North America Psychiatric Clinics of North America File:Bekhterev Review of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology.jpg Canadian Psychology Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science File:Wulfeniacover.jpg Wulfenia (journal) Journal of Commonwealth Literature File:The Journal of Commonwealth Literature.jpg File:AmericanJournalofBusinessCover.jpg Category:Emerald Group Publishing academic journals Management and Business Administration. Central Europe (journal) Management and Business Administration. Central Europe Norma (journal) Category:Communication journals International Journal of Francophone Studies File:A cover of the Energy Procedia.jpg.gif Energy Procedia Chinese medical journal Chinese Medical Journal Revue des Études Juives File:Hecate (journal).jpg Foundations and Trends in Theoretical Computer Science File:Jpr-new.gif Journal of Engineering Education International Political Science Abstracts / Documentation Politique Internationale American Journal of Chinese Studies Category:Urban studies and planning journals File:Journal of Planning History.jpg International Journal of Greek Love Category:Latin American studies journals Confluenze Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change File:Greyroomlowres.jpg Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians File:American Behavioral Scientist Journal Front Cover.jpg Journal of Non-White Concerns in Personnel and Guidance Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development File:Harvard Theological Review 2012 cover.jpg Journal of Clinical Psychiatry Human Nature (journal) Journal of East Asian Studies ACP Journal Club Written Language and Literacy Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology Journal of Architectural Education File:Molecular Psychiatry (cover).gif British Journal of Industrial Medicine Journal of Business Logistics New Vico Studies African Development Perspectives Yearbook Conservation Science in Cultural Heritage File:Health Education & Behavior.jpg File:AmJM.jpg California Management Review Sexualities (journal) Local Economy (journal) File:Local Economy journal front cover image.jpg Jahrbuch für Forschungen zur Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung Journal of Marital & Family Therapy File:JLCR new cover.gif The Operational Research Society Shofar (journal) File:Shofarcover.jpg Society for Asian Music Ecological Economics (journal) Journal of E-Government Journal of e-Government File:Journal of early childhood research front cover image.jpg Kew Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information (Royal Gardens, Kew) Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information Studia Etymologica Cracoviensia Annals of Behavioral Medicine ISI Web of Knowledge Linguistic Bibliography/Bibliographie Linguistique Bibliographie linguistique/Linguistic Bibliography Category:Peeters Publishers academic journals File:Studiapatristica.gif File:ScriptaTheologicaCover.jpg Boston College Industrial & Commercial Law Review Boston College Industrial and Commercial Law Review Public Budgeting and Finance Public Budgeting & Finance Marine Biology (journal) Royal Entomological Society of London European Journal of Cancer Care Dynamis (journal) File:Journal-for-the-Study-of-Antisemitism.jpeg File:European Journal of Cancer Care.gif Birkhäuser Category:Women's studies journals Studia etymologica cracoviensia Ricerche di Pedagogia e Didattica Nature Arabic Edition City & Community Biblical Interpretation (journal) Medknow Publishing Nordic Foundation Oikos Europäisches Journal für Minderheitenfragen File:Journal of Urban History.tif File:Cultural Sociology journal front cover.jpg The Indian Forester Šumarski list Management and Organizational History Sylwan Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy SciTechnol Psychomusicology: Music, Mind and Brain File:Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography.jpg Category:Radiology and medical imaging journals Postprints English Text Construction File:Medical Decision Making.jpg Behavioral Ecology (journal) Behavioral Neuroscience (journal) Feminist Africa Journal of Family Psychology Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology History of Psychology (journal) File:Nature Arabic Edition.jpg File:Molecularplantpathology.gif Category:Corpus linguistics journals Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory (journal) Families, Systems and Health La monda lingvo-problemo ABI Technik Dreaming (journal) Systematic & Applied Acarology Agenda (feminist journal) Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology Clinical Ophthalmology (journal) OncoTargets and Therapy Category:Dove Medical Press academic journals Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment International Journal of Nanomedicine Journal of Parasitology File:Dove Medical Press.jpg File:Theology (journal) front cover image.jpg File:Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha front cover image.jpg Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management File:Journal of Marketing Education Journal Front Cover.tif Psychological Methods Rehabilitation Psychology (journal) Thomson Scientific Archivos de Medicina Veterinaria Academic Premier File:Music Educators Journal Front Cover Image.jpg File:Geoj.jpg Urban Studies (journal) Clinical Interventions in Aging Economic Letters Training and Education in Professional Psychology File:JStatPhys cover.jpg UK PubMed Central International Journal of Play Therapy Progress of Theoretical Physics Epigraphia Zeylanica Slovene Studies Leadership (journal) International Association of Genocide Scholars Slovene Studies Journal Social Issues and Policy Review Cancer Management and Research Category:Biomedical informatics journals Patient Preference and Adherence Drug Design, Development and Therapy Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy Journal of Social Issues Category:Feminist journals Category:Marxist journals Socialist Studies (2005) File:Plantpathologyjournal.gif Category:Proteomics journals Microscopy Research and Technique File:MicroscResTechCover.jpg File:Cimb.jpg File:Virology cover 2007.gif Clinical Epidemiology (journal) Biologics: Targets and Therapy Advances and Applications in Bioinformatics and Chemistry File:Agricultural and Forest Meteorology.gif File:Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies.jpg Child: Care, Health and Development Materials Sciences and Applications Natural science journal Journal of Quantum Information Science International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology Almagest (journal) Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology File:Cem cover new.gif IEEE Transactions on Multimedia Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences Clinical and Experimental Gastroenterology Clinical Pharmacology: Advances and Applications Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology ClinicoEconomics and Outcomes Research Core Evidence International Journal of Stress Management Psychology of Violence Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology Fiscal Studies Foreign Language Annals Journal of Philosophy of Education Algorithms (journal) Gender, Work and Organization SAGE Publications Category:Maritime history journals The Australian Journal of Anthropology File:Carcinogenesis (May 2010).gif Category:Sage academic journals National Association for Special Educational Needs Support for Learning File:Epigraphia Seylanica Vol I low res cover.png Critical Review (scholarly journal) Proceedings of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh File:Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (logo).png File:Logo of society for computers in psychology.jpg Category:Planetary science journals File:Advances in space research cover.gif Category:Astrobiology journals Zeitschrift für Naturforschung B Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A Zeitschrift für Naturforschung Luminescence: The Journal of Biological and Chemical Luminescence File:JMR cover new.gif Public Administration (journal) Z. Naturforsch Z. Naturforsch. Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung Z. Naturforsch. Teil A Z. Naturforsch Teil A Z. Naturforsch Teil B Z. Naturforsch B Z. Naturforsch A Z. Naturforsch. A Z. Naturforsch. A. Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung A Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews Australian Journal of Soil Research World Association of Psychoanalysis Hurly-Burly Review of Radical Political Economics Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C Natural Science (journal) Nasen File:Hurly-Burly.7.Cover.jpg Psychological Services International Journal of Nursing Terminologies and Classifications Development and Change Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition Bibliothèque universelle de Genève File:Cover of Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A.jpg File:Cover of Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C.jpg Journal of Marketing management firms. Marketing MBA. Marketing MBA Scilicet (journal) File:Cover of 2012 67(10) issue of Zeitschrift für Naturforschung B.jpg File:Diabetes-Journal-January-2012.gif Micron (Journal) File:Politics & Society.tif File:Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology cover.gif File:MRC new cover.gif Group Facilitation: A Research and Applications Journal Scilicet (Journal) Accident Analysis & Prevention Animal (journal) Animal Science (journal) Annals of Operations Research Antitrust Law Journal Anuario de Historia de la Iglesia Balcanica Biochemical Systematics and Ecology Biodegradation (journal) Biologicals Bonn zoological Bulletin British Journal of Medical Hypnotism British Journal of Nutrition British Society of Animal Science Brookings Papers on Economic Activity Calvin Theological Journal Canadian Mathematical Bulletin Cell Reports Chemistry of Natural Compounds Child Development (journal) Cybernetics and Systems Diarium Europaeum Didaskalia Economics Bulletin Electronic Communications in Probability Entomologisk tidskrift Ethnology (journal) Ex Auditu Frontiers in Psychology German Economic Review Indian Journal of Asian Affairs International Bulletin of Missionary Research International Consortium for the Advancement of Academic Publication International Journal of Nephrology and Renovascular Disease International Journal of Women's Health Issues in Science and Technology Jahrbuch für Romanische und Englische Literatur Journal of Biomedical Semantics Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied Journal of Experimental Psychology: General Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition Journal of Food Composition and Analysis Journal of French Language Studies Journal of Pain Research Journal of Personality Konturen Liverpool Classical Monthly Man in India Mathematical Notes Meteorologische Zeitschrift Molecular and Cellular Probes Monthly Prescribing Reference Natural Product Research Norte Grande Geography Journal Notes and Records Pacific Conservation Biology Pediatric Transplantation Perspectivia.net Petroleum Geoscience Plant Cell Reports Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences Protein Expression and Purification Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal Psychiatric Services Psychotherapy (journal) Real-world economics review Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwesen Studies in Iconography Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire The Psychoanalytic Quarterly Tropical Grasslands (journal) Vascular Health and Risk Management Vetus Testamentum Via?a Medicala Victorian Review Writers' Forum Category:Academic journals stub templates North American Journal of Psychology Journal of Anti-Aging Medicine Adis International PharmacoEconomics (Journal) PharmacoEconomics (journal) File:Logo stm.jpg File:Low resolution cover of the journal Group Facilitation - A Research and Applications Journal.jpg The Journal of Sex Research EMCARE Physiotherapy: Theory and Practice Molecular Brain File:MolBrainlogo.gif Category:Academic journal logos Sociological Methodology Social Networks (journal) Edited volume Template:PLoS International Journal of General Medicine File:Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy.jpg Clinical and Applied Thrombosis-Hemostasis File:Clinical and Applied Thrombosis-Hemostasis journal front cover image.jpg File:Journal of Intensive Care Medicine Journal Front Cover.jpg File:Perspectives in Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy.jpg Drug, Healthcare and Patient Safety (journal) Drug, Healthcare and Patient Safety HIV/AIDS – Research and Palliative Care Infection and Drug Resistance File:Logo,scientific research publishing.png Humana.Mente – Journal of Philosophical Studies Transactions of the Medical Society of the State of California California State Journal of Medicine California and Western Medicine Arizona Medicine California Medicine The Western Journal of Medicine WJM (journal) Western Journal Of Medicine Western Journal of Medicine Wjm (journal) Hurly-Burly (Journal) Integrated Blood Pressure Control JCDA Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle Applied Catalysis A: General Nature Clinical Practice Endocrinology & Metabolism Nature Clinical Practice Endocrinology and Metabolism ACTA MEDICA PORTUGUESA Acta Médica Portuguesa Acta Medica Portuguesa Polish Sociological Review The Polish Sociological Bulletin Polish Sociological Bulletin Kyklos (journal) Journal of Forecasting Anthropology Today Woozle effect Econometric Reviews International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Simiolus: Netherlands Quarterly for the History of Art Clinical Social Work Journal HIV/AIDS - Research and Palliative Care Biology of the Neonate Computational Biology and Chemistry File:Hindawi.svg File:Psychomusicology journal cover.gif Acta Geotechnica Acta Geotechnica Slovenica Parasite (journal) Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature Category:Intelligence journals Military Psychology (journal) Law and Social Inquiry G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics Yeast (journal) Legislative Studies Quarterly File:Dreaming journal cover.gif File:Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology journal cover.gif File:Rehabilitation Psychology journal cover.gif File:Psychotherapy journal cover.gif File:JEP-Learning, Memory and Cognition journal cover.gif Personality and Mental Health International Journal of Trichology Category:SAGE academic journals Families, Systems and Health Journal File:Families, Systems and Health journal cover.gif File:Canadian Psychology journal cover.gif File:Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science journal cover.gif Journal of Experimental Botany File:Psychology of Aesthetics Creativity and the Arts journal cover.gif File:History of Psychology journal cover.gif File:Psychological Methods journal cover.gif International Journal of Social Welfare International Social Security Review British Journal of Special Education Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute File:Review of Radical Political Economics Journal Front Cover.jpg File:Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology journal cover.gif File:Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology journal cover.gif Medicina Internacia Revuo File:ChemPhysChemCover.gif Indian Journal of Medical Research Journal of Mining Science EMBnet.journal File:Cjfr cover.jpg Organic Geochemistry Philobiblon -Transylvanian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Humanities Hermeneutica Bibliothecaria Internacia Medicina Revuo Philobiblon File:Cover of Organic Geochemistry Journal.gif File:Indian Journal of Medical Research cover.png International Multilingual Research Journal File:Pacifica journal front cover image.jpg File:Research Studies in Music Education journal front cover image.jpg File:Journal of Laboratory Automation journal front cover.jpg Feminist Theory (Journal) Feminist Theory (journal) Journal of Mining and Metallurgy, Section B: Metallurgy Journal of Mining and Metallurgy, Section B Category:Mining journals Notae de Historia Mathematica Questions of Onomastics File:AGRcover.JPG Dietary Supplements (database) File:Patma Banasirakan Cover.jpg Mathematical Notes of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR Mathematische Nachrichten File:Journal of catalysis journal cover.gif Engineering Geology (journal) Etyka Journal of Asthma and Allergy Journal of Inflammation Research Marine Resource Economics Open Journal of Fluid Dynamics Open Journal of Ecology Open Journal of Anesthesiology Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications Psychology (journal) Food and Nutrition Sciences Advances in Anthropology Journal of Modern Physics File:AVCC cover (issue 4 2007).jpg Journal of the Korean Astronomical Society File:Tyndale Bulletin cover.jpg Rad (journal) Category:Croatian-language journals Minnesota Journal of International Law Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook Kierkegaard Studies Monograph Series File:Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook.jpg File:Kierkegaard Studies Monograph Series.jpg Natural Resources Forum Category:Environmental studies journals International Regional Science Review File:Octoberlowres.jpg File:International Regional Science Review.tif International Journal of Art & Design Education International Journal of River Basin Management Regional Science Policy and Practice Papers in Regional Science Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Review of Policy Research Policy Studies Journal GPSA Journal Southeastern Political Review Politics & Policy File:Scilicet.6.7.jpg Psychology in Russia (journal) List of open access journals Preventing Chronic Disease File:Monistcover.gif File:Cpl cover.gif List of anthropology journals Anthropology journals File:IDEA IP Law Review.png File:Early Human Development.gif Early human development Early Human Development File:The Journal of Environment & Development.jpg Literacy (journal) File:PharmacologyandTherapueticsFrontCover.gif Category:Environmental humanities journals Family Process (journal) Journal of the Iowa Academy of Science Iowa Science Teachers Journal Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging File:Cultural Geographies (journal) front cover.jpg Acta Neuropsychiatrica Nuclear Medicine and Biology Neurochemistry International The International Journal of Social Psychiatry International Journal of Gynecological Cancer File:Psychoneuroendocrinology.gif Psychoneuroendocrinology (journal) Category:Duke University Press Category:Rutgers University Press Category:University of Toronto Press books Superconductor Science and Technology Revista Universum File:Journal cover of Psychiatry Research Neuroimaging.gif Sociological Inquiry The International Lawyer Annual Review of Biophysics The Ceylon Journal of Medical Science Sankhya (journal) Australian Literary Studies File:The American Economic Review (cover).jpg TESOL Quarterly Faultline Journal of Arts and Sciences International Studies Journal File:Arch Virol Jan 2013 cover.jpg Archiv für die gesamte Virusforschung Academic Questions Ubiquity Press Journal of the History of Biology Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions Politics, Religion & Ideology Journal Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung Proceedings of the IRE Category:Scientific works Jpn World Econ File:Jafc cover.jpg Revista Montes (Forestry Review) University of Denver Transportation Law Journal Gebruder Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung Elsevier Geo Abstracts File:Meteorologische Zeitschrift cover.gif Category:E. Schweizerbart academic journals Global Health Action File:LogoJCommuniNumericAnalys.png Journal of Communications in Numerical Analysis Communications in Numerical Analysis Ecology Law Quarterly Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law International Journal of Japanese Sociology File:McFarland & Company logo.JPG International Journal of Aquatic Science C.V. Mosby Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery California Agriculture (journal) American Bankruptcy Law Journal Nanoscale (journal) File:JournalOfNuclearMedicine.gif Journal of Nuclear Medicine The Journal of Nuclear Medicine Nanoscale Journal File:Nanoscale Frontcover.jpg File:Marquette Law Review Masthead 2012.png Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy Brittonia File:Journal of Psychiatric Research.gif Journal of Psychiatric Research Human Brain Mapping Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology NeuroImage Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering Journal of Urban Affairs International Migration Review File:Harvard Journal of Law and Technology Cover.png File:Sports Health.jpg IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications File:Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry journal cover image.jpg Horizon Scientific Press JTE Multimedia Zhejiang University Press Studia Leibnitiana JAOA – The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association JAOA SAGE Publishing Stance (journal) Fashion Theory The Journal of Dress, Body & Culture Fashion Theory Cultural Geographies Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy Journal of Pineal Research File:British Journal of Psychiatry Cover Image.gif Toxicological Sciences Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice Journal of Neuroscience Journal of Law and Economics File:DevPsychBio.gif File:Studphaencocover.gif Przeglad Elektrotechniczny Journal and Proceedings of the Mueller Botanic Society of Western Australia Journal of the West Australian Natural History Society Journal of the Natural History and Science Society of Western Australia File:JRS new cover.gif X Ray Spectrom. X Ray Spectrom Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications ChemPlusChem Chemické Listy File:Composito Mathematica.jpg The Journal of African History American Educational Research Journal Template:WPAJ File:The Journal of African History.jpg Journal of African History Journal of Molecular Diversity File:AERJ 300ppiCMYK 100%.tif Journal of the Siam Society Biosensors and Bioelectronics File:Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice.tif Category:University presses of the Netherlands Category:University presses of Poland Category:University presses of Peru Category:University presses of Lithuania Category:University presses of Japan Category:University presses of Italy Category:University presses of Iran Category:University presses of Hungary Category:University presses of Hong Kong Category:University presses of France Category:University presses of Estonia Category:University presses of Egypt Category:University presses of Denmark Category:University presses of the Czech Republic Category:University presses of China Category:University presses of Colombia Category:University presses of Argentina Category:University presses of Singapore Category:University presses of the Philippines Category:University presses of New Zealand Category:University presses of Australia Category:University presses of Switzerland Category:University presses of Belgium File:Heart Rhythm Volume 6 Issue 7.gif Category:University presses of Spain File:Katharsis November 2008.JPG TESOL Journal Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry Wireless Personal Communications Journal of Ultrastructure and Molecular Structure Research Journal of Ultrastructure Research Caucasian Journal of European Affairs Template:Linguistics-journal-stub Germanistik in Ireland International Journal of Yoga File:JCR cover.gif File:Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience cover.gif Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Category:Linguistics journal stubs File:JPS-PolymerPhysics-newcover.gif File:Economics History Review.jpg File:J biochem cover.gif File:Nat Struct Mol Biol cover.gif Journal of Adolescent Health Open Access Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Category:Systematics journals File:Molecular Biology of the Cell (Journal).gif File:Molecular endocrinology cover.gif File:Biosensors-and-bioelectronics-cover.gif International Journal of Hindu Studies Fundamental Applied Toxicology Fund. Appl. Toxicol. Fundamental and Applied Toxicology Toxicological sciences Toxicol Lett Toxicology letters J Antimicrob Chemother Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy J. Antimicrob. Chemother. The Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites Category:Scholarly communication Category:Academic journals published by learned societies Category:Academic journals published by university presses The Asclepiad Cornell Policy Review RSC Advances Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle Inner Mongolia University Press Copyright policies of scientific publishers Copyright policies of academic publishers File:Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites.jpg LSU Journal of Energy Law and Resources File:RELC journal cover image.jpg File:Acta Crystollagraphica A low res cover.gif File:Cover-JEA.png File:Cornell Policy Review Cover, Volume 2.tif Category:University presses of the United Kingdom Bioscience Horizons CNS Drugs Chinese physics b Tropical Grassland Society of Australia Tropical Grassland Society Tropical Grasslands European Journal of Entomology Category:Optical Society Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice File:Dementia The International Journal of Social Research and Practice Journal Front Cover.jpg Hérodote File:European Journal of Entomology April 2013 cover.jpg Acta Societatis Entomologicae Bohemiae Toxicol. Sci. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice Food and Chemical Toxicology Mormon Studies Review Teksty z Ulicy IRAN (journal) Molecular and Chemical Neuropathology Neurochemical Pathology NetEc Economic Modelling Public Productivity Review Public Performance & Management Review Category:M. E. Sharpe academic journals Food Chem Toxicol Journal of Pediatric Primary Care Revista Pediatría de Atención Primaria Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal Journal of Family Therapy Food and chemical toxicology Sociological Research Online Review of Books on the Book of Mormon FARMS Review of Books File:Herodote (Journal) logo.jpg International Bulletin of Bacteriological Nomenclature and Taxonomy International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology File:Quality Engineering cover.jpg Nordic Journal of Botany Estudios filológicos Arzneimittelforschung Category:Intellectual property law journals Category:Academic journals produced by university presses Bulletin of Economic Research Acta Physica Sinica (Overseas Edition) Chinese Physics B Category:Review journals Sociologia Ruralis Philosophia Christi Food and Cosmetics Toxicology Dartmouth Undergraduate Journal of Science Category:Journals File:Slavic Review Sum 2011 cover.JPG Category:Development studies journals Journal of Social Development in Africa Development Policy Review Review of Development Economics Disasters (journal) IDS Bulletin Archives of Neurology Archives of General Psychiatry International Labour Review Toxicol Sci Food Chem. Toxicol. Differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies Differences: a journal of feminist cultural studies Category:American Medical Association academic journals Differences: A Journal of Cultural Feminist Studies Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology Bayesian Analysis (journal) SpringerOpen Nature Methods Nat Chem Biol Berliner Indologische Studien Quarterly Journal of Science Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature and the Arts The Quarterly Journal of Science Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature, and the Arts File:Cover ecomont journal.jpg Eco.mont Eco.mont – Journal on Protected Mountain Areas Research and Management Trusts & Trustees Trust and Trustees File:Health Informatics Journal.jpg Category:Organ transplantation journals Health Services Research journal Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Differences (journal) Category:Civil engineering journals Proceedings of the American Thoracic Society Iranian Journal of Fuzzy System Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems The Review of Economic Statistics Review of Economic Statistics File:Troeaslowres.gif Regul Toxicol Pharmacol Regul. Toxicol. Pharmacol. Linacre Quarterly File:European Science Editing journal cover.jpg Whitehead Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations Astronomy and Computing Template:Open access statistics journals Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being File:Fcaacover.png Journal of Consumer Affairs Health Technology Assessment Heidegger Studies (journal) Journal of Herbal Medicine File:Antiviral Res cover (2007).gif Journal of Hindu-Christian Studies Hindu-Christian Studies Bulletin Category:Institute of Physics Miscellanea Malacologica Michigan Historical Review File:Heideggerstudcover.gif Growth and Change File:Cover misc malacol.jpg File:Pharmaceutical Biology cover.jpg Progress in Osteoporosis Porn Studies History and Theory Predatory open access publishing Regional Studies Association Journal of South American Earth Sciences Revista de la Asociacion Geologica de Argentina File:QAJcover.gif Social Justice (journal) Experimental Brain Research File:Family Process journal cover.jpg Psychophysiology (journal) Population and Development Review Philosophy and Public Affairs Journal of Environmental Monitoring Appalachian Natural Resources Law Journal Journal of Interpretation Research File:Clinical Science Journal Cover - April 2013.jpg File:Evangelical Quarterly.jpg Category:Non-profit academic publishers Mathematical Sciences Publishers International Journal of Geographical Information Science CompuMath Citation Index NJL Archives of Internal Medicine Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine Renascence (journal) Harvard Asia Pacific Review Journal of the Burma Research Society Applied Geography Demeter Press College Publications File:Journal cover April 2013.jpg Business Ethics: A European Review Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering Mannin (journal) Rubber Chemistry and Technology Acta geographica Slovenica Geografski zbornik Geografski Zbornik International Journal of Civil Engineering OGEL Journal of Population Economics The Colorado Lawyer Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems Colo. Law. Colo. Lawyer European Symposium on Programming European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software Tools and Algorithms for Construction and Analysis of Systems Leukemia Research (journal) File:Leukemia Research journal cover.gif San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment Category:History of mathematics journals Journal of the British Society for the History of Mathematics Studien zu Fundmünzen der Antike Israel Studies Review The Eugenics Review Category:Human-computer interaction journals International Society of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization Al-Raida Imago (journal) Strategic Management Society Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy File:Nature Geoscience cover.gif File:KSSTA 2013 journal cover.jpg Asian Journal QSAR & Combinatorial Science Template:Pharmacology journals Template:Biochemistry journals Current Chemical Reactions Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C - A Journal of Biosciences ChemMedChem Zeitschrift für Naturforschung B - A Journal of Chemical Sciences Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Accounting History File:Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery.jpg Brunswick Books File:Pcwcover2.gif Journal of Narrative Theory File:MormonStudiesReview.jpg Category:Literary journals Revue d'Histoire littéraire de la France Sri Lanka Science Index National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka Digital Repository Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology TOC Premier Cultura (journal) Vestoj Sino-NK The British Journal of Politics and International Relations File:Biblica cover.jpg Journal of Oil Palm Research The Review of Austrian Economics Toronto Journal of Theology Bioline International CSA Mechanical & Transportation Engineering Abstracts CSA Technology Research Database JLIS.it File:Journal of Infection Prevention Journal Front Cover.jpg Arkiv för nordisk filologi Journal of Family Theory and Review International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting Monographiae Biologicae European Management Review International Bibliography of Periodical Literature on the Humanities and Social Science Management and Organization Review African Journal Indian Journal South African Journal Chinese Journal Japanese Journal Canadian Journal of Law and Society Philobiblon (journal) Australian Journal The Australian Journal The South African Journal The Indian Journal The African Journal File:JKAS journal cover.jpg Global Society (journal) Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution: Research and Practice Optical Engineering (journal) File:Gmd cover.jpg Category:SPIE academic journals Stereoscopic Displays and Applications Journal of Electronic Imaging File:Sensors-2013.png File:Entropy-logo3.png File:Energies-logo-2013.png File:IJMS-logo-2013.png File:Marine Drugs 2013.png File:Materials-2013.png File:Molecules-2013.png File:Nutrients-2013.png Nutrients (journal) Education and Urban Society Diplomatic History (journal) File:Diplomatic History.jpg Open-access mandate Journal of Peasant Studies Journal of Narrative Technique Cambridge Digital Library The Heythrop Journal The International Journal of Aviation Psychology File:Cover of v23(3) of Int J Aviat Psychol.jpg International Journal of Aviation Psychology Int. J. Aviat. Psychol. Electronic Markets Category:Malacology journals ATLA Catholic Periodical & Literature Index POIESIS Category:Herpetology journals Category:Ichthyology journals Category:Mammalogy journals International Society for the History and Bibliography of Herpetology Newsletter and Bulletin Category:Carcinology journals Category:Primatology journals Category:Malacological societies Category:Conchological societies Mathematics and Computer Education Journal FIU Hospitality Review Psychology in Russia: State of the Art Category:Acarology journals Category:Arachnology journals Category:Nematology journals Medical Veritas Hybrid open-access journal Disputatio EBSCOHOST Biotechnology & Bioengineering Abstracts Biotechnology and Bioengineering Abstracts Biotechnology Journal Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education File:Cover - issue 7(2) - IntJSciMathEduc.jpg Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology File:Cover EAS.gif File:Couple and Family Psychology-Research and Practice cover.gif Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice Couple and Family Psychology File:Military Psychology cover.gif International Bibliography of Periodical Literature on the Humanities and Social Sciences Environmental Sciences and Pollution Management Drug Information Journal Therapeutic Innovation and Regulatory Science EMBIOLOGY Abstracts on Hygiene and Communicable Diseases File:Human Genomics and Proteomics Journal Front Cover Image.jpg Annals of Eugenics Systems and Synthetic Biology File:Ejtplogo2003.jpg Journal of the International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care Annals of Mathematics, 2nd series File:Utilitas journal cover.jpg Journal of Affective Disorders Union Seminary Quarterly Review Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia Journal of affective disorders File:Jadcover.gif File:Health Education Journal front cover image.gif Health Education Journal File:Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research cover.jpg J. Affect. Disord. J Affect Disord Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Academic Journals/Journals cited by Wikipedia/Missing2 Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Academic Journals/Journals cited by Wikipedia/Missing3 Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Academic Journals/Journals cited by Wikipedia/Missing5 BIT Numerical Mathematics File:Diffcover2013.jpg File:BIT Numerical Mathematics.jpg Acta Ophthalmologica File:Adoption and Fostering Journal Front Cover Image.jpg File:Clinical Risk journal front cover image.jpg File:Labor Studies Journal Front Cover Image.jpg Adoption & Fostering File:Rejuvenation Research.jpg File:Acta Ophthalmologica Cover.gif Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica Foundation Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica Acta Ophthalmol. Acta Ophthalmol Acta Ophthalmol Scand Acta Ophthalmol. Scand. Eplasty The Journal of Humanistic Counseling European Journal of International Law Celestial Mechanics (journal) Journal of biochemistry The Journal of Biochemistry Phys Rev D Phys Rev C Prog Theo Phys Prog Theor Phys Zhurnal Eksperimental'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki, Pisma J. Cardiovasc. Transl. Res. J Cardiovasc Transl Res File:European Journal of International Relations.jpg Australian Journal of Earth Sciences Journal of Geographical Systems Physics Essays Digest of Middle East Studies Society of Biology File:Society of Biology.svg Hebrew Union College Annual Ornis Hungarica ASME Fellow Mosby (publisher) Saunders (publisher) Progress In Electromagnetics Research Journal of Mining and Metallurgy / B Turkish Journal of Biology TÜBITAK ETAPS Hungarian Ornithological and Nature Conservation Society File:Turkish Journal of Biology cover.jpg The Journal of Conflict Resolution File:Journal of Conflict Resolution.tif Altmetrics File:RELIGION journal cover.gif Interpreter (journal) Nuclear Science and Techniques Template:Ling-journal-stub File:BYUStudies.jpg Visual Communication (journal) Representation (journal) The Policy Press Crime Media Culture Bach (journal) Electronic Journal of Probability Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America Seismological Society of America, Bulletin Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. Earth-Science Reviews Journal of Robotic Surgery Journal of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, and the Arts Journal of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry and the Arts Cahiers Européens de l'Imaginaire American Journal of Sports Medicine Journal of Solid State Chemistry Biological Theory Scientriffic Climatic Change Journal of Graphics Tools Journal of Transport Geography Progress in Physical Geography File:JoHEcover.jpg File:Film International Cover.jpg Film international Film International FLUIDEX MAIK Nauka Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences CJES File:Journal of Church & State.gif Der Internist International Purchasing & Supply Education & Research Association File:Gesta cover.png Gesta (journal) Pain (journal) European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience Archiv für Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankheiten Zeitschrift für die gesamte Neurologie und Psychiatrie European Archives of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences European archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience Pain (medical journal) Combustion and Flame Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves Girlhood Studies (journal) Bridging Eastern and Western Psychiatry File:Journal-asiatique-tome1.jpg File:Journal-asiatique-2005.gif Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B PubMed Dietary Supplement Subset Theoretical Population Biology Philotheos: International Journal for Philosophy and Theology Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture Oxford Journal of Archaeology Annual Reviews Inc. Category:Mormon Studies Review Category:Mormon studies journals File:Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B cover nonfree.jpg Law & Sexuality Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A File:2012coverTKAS.jpg International Journal of Mormon Studies European Journal of International Relations Category:Journals about philosophers Category:Journals about ideologies Purinergic Signalling (journal) Bulletin of Materials Science Kansas History: A Journal of the Central Plains Nauka Publishing Nauka/Interperiodica MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica MAIK Fizika Goreniya i Vzryva Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior File:2012coverPBB.gif Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior Pharmacol Biochem Behav Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. Journal of Chemical Sciences Policy & Internet Policy and Internet File:Scopus logo.png File:Scopus type logo.jpg Southern Appalachian Botanical Society Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences – Mathematical Sciences Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Mathematical Sciences Proceedings - Mathematical Sciences Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought Dialogue: a Journal of Mormon Thought Template:Sex-journal-stub Template:Psych-journal-stub Category:Psychology journal stubs Template:History-journal-stub Category:History journal stubs Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health File:JTEH cover.jpg Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford Journal of Chemical Ecology European Neuropsychopharmacology Journal of chemical ecology Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift Correspondenz-Blatt für Schweizer Aerzte Swiss Medical Weekly File:Maine law review cover vol 65.jpg Cell Calcium Journal of Earth System Science Children & Libraries The Chesterton Review File:Tcrvolume37cover.gif File:European Geosciences Union (logo).png Combustion and Flame (journal) Castanea (journal) Child and Adolescent Mental Health Cultural Anthropology (journal) File:Currents in Biblical Research.gif Diversity & Distributions Journal of Theoretical Politics File:Journal of Theoretical Politics front cover image.jpg Critique of Anthropology International Studies Perspectives Mershon International Studies Review International Studies Review Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política Foro Interno File:IAPSS Logo.png ACM Transactions on Information Systems Chemico-biological Interactions Geographical Analysis (journal) File:MNRAS cover.gif Experimental Aging Research (journal) Revue General d’Optique et de Mechanique de Precision Revue Générale d’Optique et de Mechanique de Précision Revue d'Optique Nouvelle Revue d'Optique Appliquée Supply Chain Management: an International Journal Island Arc (journal) Natural Language Semantics File:Inquiry journal cover.jpg Journal of Agricultural Economics Journal of Economic Geography File:Compare journal cover.jpg Pakistaniaat: A Journal of Pakistan Studies File:Zambezia journal cover.jpg File:PhysUspCover.gif Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk Neuronus IBRO & IRUN Neuroscience Forum File:Journal of Transcultural Nursing.jpg Journal of Contemporary Water Resources and Education Nouvelles de l'estampe International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry Hormones and Cancer File:Vetus Testamentum.jpg Novum Testamentum File:Novum Testamentum journal cover.jpg File:1823 intell.JPG File:Textual Practice journal cover.jpg File:South African Law Journal.jpg File:Social Politics journal cover.gif File:Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance.jpg Television and New Media Social Legal Studies Social and Legal Studies Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society Journal of Materials Engineering & Performance Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening File:Journal of Pain and Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy.gif SCMS Journal of Indian Management Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation Madroño (journal) Clinical Nurse Specialist: The Journal for Advanced Nursing Practice Category:Advanced practice nursing journals File:SCMS Journal of Indian Management logo.png Crossings: Electronic Journal of Art and Technology Crossings (journal) Archives of Toxicology Psychology of Men and Masculinity File:Psychology of Men and Masculinity journal cover.jpg File:Madroño cover.jpg Foundation – The International Review of Science Fiction Neurosciences Abstracts CSA Neurosciences Abstracts Philosophy & Theory in Biology Annals of Clinical Biochemistry Experimental Biology and Medicine Historical-Philological Journal Open-access journal File:International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry.jpg Association for Clinical Biochemistry Association for Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine The Association of Clinical Biochemists Association of Clinical Biochemists The Association for Clinical Biochemistry The Sciences Po Law Review Revue des Juristes de Sciences Po Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology File:The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.gif Journal of Steroid Biochemistry AIDS Education and Prevention Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine Journal of Arid Environments Assessing Writing File:Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine cover.jpg File:IJMS cover.jpg File:J Mil Hist.png The Journal of Military History File:Cardiovascular Diabetology Journal Logo.png Brain, Behavior, and Immunity File:Contemporary Family Therapy.jpg Cold War Studies at Harvard University American Journal of Ancient History Queen's Quarterly (journal) Zeitschrift für deutsches Altertum Zeitschrift für deutsches Alterthum Zeitschrift für deutsches Altertum und deutsche Literatur File:AmJAncHistcover.gif File:W&Scover2013.jpg ZfdA Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes Category:Germanic studies journals The German Quarterly Studia Socjologiczne File:Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung.jpg Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts Applied Social Sciences Index & Abstracts File:Cover of the journal Health Policy and Technology.gif Health Policy and Technology ATLASerials Online Behavior Brain Research Behavioural and Brain Sciences JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association JAMA, The Journal of the American Medical Association JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association JAMA: the journal of the American Medical Association NeuroToxicology (journal) Sammlung von Vergiftungsfällen Archiv für Toxikologie Journal of Medical Case Reports Journal of Communication Management File:Cover of Clinical Therapeutics.gif Clinical Therapeutics File:Iu press logo.png File:Cover of European Journal of Internal Medicine.gif European Journal of Internal Medicine Hudební nástroje National Medical Journal of India AAOHN J ABA J ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS) Nat Methods Nat Meth Nat. Medicine Nat Med. Nat. Med N Eng J Med N Eng J Med. Neural Computation Neural Plast Neural Plast. Neural Plasticity (journal) Neural Plasticity Neurobiol Dis Neurobiol Dis. Neurobiol. Dis. Neurobiology of disease Neurochemistry international Neurobiology of Disease File:2013 cover of Neurobiology of Disease.gif Neurorehabilitation & Neural Repair Neurorehabil Neural Repair Neurorehabil Neural Repair. Neurorehabilitation and neural repair Neurosci. Biobehav. Rev. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. Neuroscience and Biobehavioural Reviews Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews Neuroscience Biobehavioral Review Neuroscience Biobehavioral Reviews Neurosci. Lett Neurotoxicology and Teratology Statistica (journal) Historic Environment Local Environment Studies in Political Economy City (journal) Doklady Physics The Australian Journal of Physiotherapy Australian Journal of Physiotherapy File:Journal of Psychopharmacology monthly issue cover.jpg Neurobehavioral Toxicology Neurobehavioral Toxicology and Teratology Neurotoxicol. Teratol. Neurotoxicol Teratol File:2013 cover Neurotoxicol Teratol.gif Neurotoxicol Teratol. Neuroscience and biobehavioural reviews Neural Comput Neurobehavioral toxicology and teratology Who's Afraid of Peer Review? Studies in Language Testing Canadian Journal of Psychiatry Beiträge zur Kenntniss des Russischen Reiches und der angränzenden Länder Asiens File:2013 cover of Neural Plasticity.svg Houston Journal of Health Law & Policy User talk:AmHistorian/Scottish Parliamentary Review File:The Journal of Wealth Management.jpg Progress in Neurobiology Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards File:Progr Neurobiol 2013 cover.gif File:2013 cover Sleep Med rev.gif Sleep Medicine Reviews File:JHumGenetCover.jpg Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology Progress in neurobiology Prog Neurobiol Prog Neurobiol. Prog. Neurobiol. Prog Neurobiology File:2013 cover Front Neuroendocrinol.gif Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology Front. Neuroendocrinol. Front Neuroendocrinol. Frontiers in neuroendocrinology Machine Vision and Applications International Journal of Urban and Regional Research Canadian Aeronautics and Space Journal Brain Structure and Function Brain Struct Func Brain Struct. Func. Anatomische Hefte Zeitschrift für Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte Anatomy and Embryology Brain Structure & Function File:2013 cover Brain Struct Func.jpg Theory & Society File:Journal of Greco-Roman Christianity and Judaism.jpg Journal of Greco-Roman Christianity and Judaism British Politics (Journal) British Politics (journal) Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience File:JPsyNeuro logo.jpg J Psychiatry Neurosci Psychiatric Journal of the University of Ottawa J. Psychiatry Neurosci. Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience Neurotherapeutics File:2013 cover Neurotherapeutics.jpg BOSQUE The Artefact (journal) Australian Archaeology (journal) Dilbilim Arastirmalari Category:Association for Information Systems academic journals Category:Information systems journals Association for Information Systems Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction Spectrochimica Acta Translational Psychiatry Journal of Conchology File:Journal of Conchology Cover.jpg File:Spectrochim. Acta A 2012.gif File:Dilbilim Arastirmalari 1990.jpg Molecular Neurobiology File:2013 cover Mol Neurobiol.jpg Current Opinion in Neurology Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders Current opinion in neurology and neurosurgery Current Opinion in Neurology and Neurosurgery Curr Opin Neurol Curr. Opin. Neurol. File:2013 cover Curr Opin Neurol.jpg File:2013 cover Optom Vis Sci.jpg Optometry and Vision Science Category:Journals with a Creative Commons Attribution License Hipertext.net Medicine (journal) Journal of Child Neurology File:Journal of Child Neurology.tif Journal of Pediatric Neurosciences Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology File:2013 Sleep cover.gif Sleep (journal) Psychological Medicine Electronics and Communications Abstracts Electronics & Communications Abstracts Applied Artificial Intelligence Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology File:Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine - Logo.gif File:Glia cover.gif Glia (journal) Classica et Mediaevalia Sleep journal File:Scottish Journal of Theology.jpg Journal of Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health File:Kansas History journal cover.jpg Folia Primatologica Merkourios Turkic Languages (journal) File:Bipolar Disord 2013 cover.jpg Bipolar Disorders (journal) File:Cover, Annals of the American Thoracic Society, vol. 10, no. 5.gif Journal of Medical Virology American Midland Naturalist Nutritional Neuroscience (journal) Mexican Law Review Library publishing Widener Law Symposium Journal Phronesis (journal) Inquiry (journal) Inquiry (disambiguation) Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia Spixiana Metaphilosophy (journal) Krisis (Dutch journal) Time & Society File:Time & Society.jpg Toxicology in Vitro Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology Conference on College Composition and Communication Journal of Insectivorous Plant Society File:PAZ 53(31) Cover.jpg Open Access Button Smithsonian Contributions and Studies Series Journal of Neuroimmunology Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (journal) Aging Cell Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research Open Library of Humanities Nova Publishers File:Front page of Kairos, A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy.png Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy. Annales de parasitologie humaine et comparée Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry Nutrition Reports International Plastic and reconstructive surgery Category:Palgrave Macmillan journals Category:Public Library of Science The High School Journal Obesity Reviews Acta Physica File:Biy-b.jpg Article processing charge File:Steroids journal cover.gif Economics & Sociology File:American-Journal-of-Human-Genetics-2013-11-07-cover.gif International Trends Category:University presses by country Journal of Economics & Management Strategy File:2013 J Econ Manag Strategcover.gif International Trends (Mezhdunarodnye Protsessy) Communication Quarterly Hormone Research (journal) J. Dent. Res. Journal of Dental Research File:2013 HRP cover.jpg File:International Affairs 87(5).jpg File:Mol Autism logo.gif Molecular Autism Revue Medicale de Bruxelles Rev Med Brux Rev. Med. Brux. File:2013 cover Rev Med Brux.jpg Revue Médicale de Bruxelles Nonlinear Dynamics (journal) PAIS International VINITY International Journal of Computer Vision Neurochemical Research Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders File:Spixiana cover.jpg Brain Stimulation (journal) Neuromolecular Medicine File:Nature chemistry home page cover image.gif File:Brain Stim 2013 cover.gif File:Neuromol Med 2013 cover.jpg Clinical and Experimental Immunology Category:Virology journals Developmental neurobiology Journal of Neurobiology File:Dev Neurobiol 2013 cover.gif Developmental Neurobiology Category:Norwegian journal editors Demography (journal) Kufa Review The Whitehead Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations Experimental Mechanics Journal of Colloid and Interface Science Food Structure Food Structure Journal 1982-1993 Food Structure Journal Food Microstructure The Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations File:Journal of Colloid and Interface Science cover.gif International Journal of STD & AIDS File:Music and Medicine.jpg File:Environment and Behavior.tif File:Journal of Personality and Social Psychology cover.gif VLDB AJET Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy Peer-review Peer-reviewed Greenbranch Publishing Nova Law Review Annual Review of Environment and Resources Journal of Technology Law and Policy Epistemological Letters Physical Review B Animal Welfare (journal) Archives of Surgery ARQ (journal) Curator: The Museum Journal European Review of History: Revue europeenne d'histoire Journal of Human Evolution Legal and Criminological Psychology Publius (journal) Real Analysis Exchange School Librarian Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy Textile History The Journal of Architecture The Mathematical Gazette Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses JAMA Surg. Arch. Dermatol. Developmental Brain Research Dev. Brain Res. Surg. Edosc. Br. J. Surg. Arch. Surg. Template:R from ISO 4 Revista Austral de Ciencias Sociales Epidemiologic Reviews L'Intermédiaire des Mathématiciens Category:Gerontology journals Journal of Petrology Cloud Cuckoo Land (journal) J19: The Journal of Nineteenth-Century Americanists Category:Music education journals Archives of Dermatology Archives of Ophthalmology Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners The Nurse Practitioner: The American Journal of Primary Healthcare Advance for NPs & PAs Geriatric Nursing (journal) File:Cover of Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners.gif File:The Nurse Practitioner Journal Cover.jpg File:ADVANCE for NPs & Pas cover.jpg File:Geriatric Nursing cover.jpg ADVANCE for NPs & PAs File:Cover of Tectonophysics (journal).gif Annals of the Association of American Geographers File:Association of American Geographers (logo).jpg File:Progeog.jpg European Journal of Neurosciences Siberian Mathematical Journal Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal Accounting, Organizations and Society File:Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal cover.jpg The Journal of Space Operations & Communicator Article Processing Charge Animal Production JoVE Mind, Brain, and Education Journal of Phycology Botanical Society of the British Isles File:Journal of Phycology cover.jpg Category:Expert Opinion journals Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology Alzheimer's Research & Therapy File:Alzheimers Research & Therapy (logo).gif Alzheimer Res. Ther. Alzheimer Res Ther Alzheimers Research and Therapy Physiological Reports Archives of Oral Biology The Independent Review The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics Contraception (journal) Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Academic Journals/Journals cited by Wikipedia/Popular1 Accounting, Organisations and Society Journal of formalized reasoning Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy World Medical & Health Policy Poverty & Public Policy Reproductive Toxicology Liebig's Annalen Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas Great Lakes Review The Great Lakes Review List of accounting journals EconPapers List of academic journals in Serbia Journal of Neuropathology & Experimental Neurology File:2014 cover JNEN.jpg Journal of Neuroinflammation Depression and Anxiety Journal of Human Lactation File:Journal of Human Lactation Cover Image.tif File:Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing.tif Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing Depression and Anxiety (journal) Depress. Anxiety Depression (journal) Anxiety (journal) Depress Anxiety Category:Birkhäuser books Nature Climate Change Category:Meteorology journals Explorations in Entrepreneurial History Journal of Neurotrauma File:2013 cover J Neurotrauma.jpg J. Neurotrauma J Neurotrauma. J Neurotrauma J. Neurotrauma. J of Neurotrauma Brain Research (journal) Acta Neuropath., Berl. File:Functional Ecology Vol 28 issue 1 cover.jpg File:Nursing Science Quarterly.jpg Predatory open-access publisher File:Computational Biology and Chemistry cover.gif File:Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology cover.jpg File:Bioinformatics journal cover.gif File:Briefings in Bioinformatics cover.gif File:Journal of Theoretical Biology cover.gif File:Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology cover.gif Category:Springer Science+Business Media books File:Siam-logo.png Homeopathy (journal) Journal of the British Homoeopathic Society British Homoeopathic Review British Homoeopathic Journal File:Acc Rev cover.gif File:Cover of academic Journal PRAXIS, The Fletcher Journal of Human Security.png PRAXIS: The Fletcher Journal of Human Security Category:Semimonthly journals Chemical Engineering Science Category:Environmental health journals Zeitschrift für Philosophie und philosophische Kritik N.paradoxa Category:Springer Publishing academic journals Biologia, Pakistan Biologia Zeitschrift für Philosophie und spekulative Theologie Z. Philos. philos. Krit. Ztschr f Philos u philos Kritik Zeitschrift für Philosophie und speculative Theologie File:N.paradoxa cover.jpg Ultrasonics (journal) Category:SIAM academic journals Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints Journal of Autoimmunity Global Security Studies Review Chicago Policy Review Le Practicien en Anesthésie Réanimation Royal Society for Asian Affairs Cytogenetics and Genome Research Journal of Intelligent and Robotics Systems Elsevier Masson File:Praticien en anesthésie réanimation Cover.gif File:JICLT Logo Small.jpg Journal of Molecular Endocrinology Prose Studies Structural Health Monitoring The Eighteenth Century (journal) Canadian Journal for Netherlandic Studies Journal of Biomaterials Applications Innate Immunity (journal) J Neurodev Disord J. Neurodev. Disord. American Association of University Instructors of Accounting International Political Science Abstracts/Documentation Politique Internationale Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics Biological Research For Nursing Progress in Brain Research File:PBR cover vol 196.gif OMICS Group Progr. Brain Res. Progr Brain Res File:MserCover.gif File:BdjCover.gif Annales. 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Revue Congolaise—Congoleesch Tijdschrift Journal of Belgian History Australasian Proteomics Society Oxford Development Studies Urbani izziv (journal) Scandinavian Journal of Surgery Stochastic Processes and their Applications Science, Technology & Human Values Category:Science and technology studies journals Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry Pattern Recognition in Physics IZA Journal of Migration Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics File:Cover of the BJUI Journal January 2014.jpg Atlantic Geology File:Atlantic Geology journal cover.jpg INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATIC AND EVOLUTIONARY MICROBIOLOGY Category:Expert Review journals Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research Expert Review of Gastroenterology & Hepatology Expert Review of Dermatology Fennia (journal) List of MDPI journals Feminist Media Studies Journal Article Tag Suite Rev. méd. suisse Revue médicale suisse Environmental Health (journal) Expert Review of Anti-infective Therapy Expert Review of Cardiovascular Therapy Regional Studies Regional Studies (Journal) F1000Research Journal of Pain APS Journal Pain Forum J. Pain J Pain The Journal of Pain Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology PhytoKeys International Journal of Sensor Networks File:Human Relations front cover image.jpg SocINDEX Acta Koreana File:2014 cover IJSN.jpg Cities (journal) Resource and Energy Economics Physical Review Applied File:Polar Geography journal front cover, 2013.png Polar Geography Polar Record File:PRIP journal cover.png File:New Heart cover.tif Res Publica (journal) Worldwide Political Science Abstracts File:ARD cover image.gif Category:American Meteorological Society academic journals Journal of Intellectual Property Rights Silva Iaponicarum File:Eur J Neurol 2014 cover.gif European Journal of Neurology Global and Planetary Change Simon Stevin (journal) Research in Economics New Blackfriars Linear Algebra and its Applications Business Process Management Journal Business Process Re-engineering & Management Journal Business Process Re-engineering and Management Journal Benchmarking: An International Journal Benchmarking (journal) Benchmarking for Quality Management and Technology Benchmarking for Quality Management & Technology Measuring Business Excellence International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management Latin American Literary Review/Press Investigative Radiology Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis Social Currents American Heart Journal CNS Drugs (Journal) Journal of Biomedical Science Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 Creative Commons Attribution License EmBiology Expert Review of Medical Devices Expert review of anticancer therapy Expert Review of Anticancer Therapy File:Qualitative Health Research Journal Cover, QHR 200ppiRGB 150x195.tiff Evaluation & the Health Professions ACM/IEEE Virtual Reality International Conference Pacific Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology Grazer Philosophische Studien Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference Environ. Sci. Technol. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences File:ARTlogo.gif Article Processing Charges Avian Diseases Clinical peer review Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Xue Bao Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine Journal of Integrative Medicine Article-level metrics IZA Journal of Labor Economics Acadiensis Category:African history journals Category:Byzantine studies journals Article-Level Metrics Category:European history journals Revista Complutense de Historia de América Planta (journal) Adoption & Fostering (journal) AIP Advances Adoption and Fostering Adopt. Foster. Category:Economic history journals Category:Religion history journals Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology (journal) Journal of Roman Archaeology Hungarian Studies (journal) Medieval Archaeology (journal) Category:European studies journals Annales Zoologici File:Sss33.1.jpg Article processing charges Giornale degli economisti e annali di economia APL Materials Giornale degli economisti Giornale degli economisti e Rivista di statistica Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft Translation & Interpreting Applied Physics Reviews Chaos (Journal) BioMetals (journal) Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur Low Temperature Physics (Journal) Low Temperature Physics (journal) E-JEL Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data Biology of Metals File:European Journal of Social Theory.jpg File:Evaluation & the Health Professions.tif Chaos (journal) Biomicrofluidics Category:Inorganic chemistry journals Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry Contemporary Theatre Review Humangenetik Category:Copernicus Publications academic journals File:Acta Neuropsychiatrica.jpg American Journal of Orthopsychiatry Malacologica Bohemoslovaca Drug Testing and Analysis (journal) Manson Publishing Amicus Journal Journal of Field Ornithology Nautilus (journal) Wetlands (journal) Estuaries & Coasts Lewis Publishers Auerbach Publishing St. Lucie Press A.A.Balkema Publishers A.A.Balkema Colonial Waterbirds Florida Field Naturalist File:Annales zoologici cover 63(4).jpg File:Geophysical Research Letters.jpeg Category:Climatology journals File:Sonus 2014 cover.jpg Theor Appl Climatol Archives for Meteorology, Geophysics and Bioclimatology, Series B Theor. Appl. Climatol. Theoretical and Applied Climatology AIBS Bulletin International Journal of Climatology The Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors File:JBcover.gif Biomaterials (journal) Nanostructured Materials Acta Metallurgica Acta Metallurgica et Materialia Acta Mater. File:Cover page of the scientific journal AIP Advances.jpg Delayed open access journals Copyright Society of the U.S.A. CBE- Life Sciences Education American Diplomacy File:InternationalJournalofQuantumInformationCover.jpg Cardozo Arts & Entertainment Law Journal The Cochrane database of systematic reviews Am J Bot Academic Emergency Medicine Journal of Human Development and Capabilities File:CSFS Journal logo.png The Journal of Agricultural Science History of Science (Journal) History of Science (journal) Anatolian Journal of Cardiology Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin Conservation Physiology Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Sociology of Health and Illness (journal) Families, Relationships and Societies Learning and Memory File:Learn Mem 2014 cover.gif Learn Mem Learn. Mem. Learning & Memory National Security Law Journal Template:Philo-journal-stub Template:Ethics-journal-stub Template:Translation-journal-stub Category:Philosophy journal stubs Business Communication Quarterly (journal) Category:Academic Press academic journals Biochemical and biophysical research communications File:BBRC cover (Jan 2009).gif File:Mol Neurodeg logo.gif Molecular Neurodegeneration Journal of Applied Crystallography SCISEARCH SciSearch Category:History of medicine journals Template:Religion-journal-stub Template:Reli-journal-stub Category:Religious studies journal stubs Template:Neuroscience-journal-stub Template:Archaeology-journal-stub Template:Gender-journal-stub Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra NeuroRehabilitation Research and Humanities in Medical Education Template:Biochem-journal-stub Category:Economics journal stubs Template:Econ-journal-stub Template:Econometrics-journal-stub Template:Poli-journal-stub Category:Political science journal stubs Template:Philosophy-journal-stub AJOB Template:Area-journal-stub Template:Compu-journal-stub Template:Edu-journal-stub Template:Zoo-journal-stub Category:Zoology journal stubs Category:Computer science journal stubs Category:Biochemistry journal stubs Template:Zoology-journal-stub Category:Japanese studies journals Category:Islamic studies journals Category:Indology journals Category:American studies journals Category:Area studies journal stubs Template:Biochemistry-journal-stub Category:Distance education journals Category:Chemical education journals Template:Education-journal-stub Category:Education journal stubs Category:Mathematics education journals Category:Language education journals File:NeuroRehabilitation - An Interdisciplinary Journal cover.jpg European Journal of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry Template:Nursing-book-stub Horizons: The Journal of the College Theology Society Australian Feminist Studies (Journal) Australian Feminist Studies File:Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics.tif File:Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis.tif Educational Evaluation And Policy Analysis Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis Category:Human resource management journals Category:Marketing journals Template:Marketing-journal-stub Template:Accounting-journal-stub Template:Business-journal-stub Template:Management-journal-stub Template:Logistics-stub Category:Business journal stubs Category:Business journals Template:Finance-journal-stub Regional Studies, Regional Science Spatial Economic Analysis Territory, Politics, Governance Molecular Biotechnology Template:Law-journal-stub Psychological Injury and Law Psychological Injury and Law (Journal) Hatomim File:Molecular Biotechnology Journal cover.jpg File:Educational Researcher Cover Image.png File:Review of Educational Research Cover.gif Educational Researcher File:Review of Research in Education Cover.png File:AJRCCM April 15 cover image.jpg File:AJRCMB April 2014 Cover.jpg File:Horizons Journal Cover June 2013.jpg Academical journal Beta. Scandinavian Journal of Business Research Remote Sensing (journal) International Society for Extracellular Vesicles File:CYSJlogo.JPG Template:Informa Maldivian Medical Association Journal of Synchrotron Radiation File:Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research.tif File:International Journal of Stress Management journal cover.gif Supportive Care in Cancer Surgical Neurology World Neurosurgery File:World Neurosurgery March-April 2014 journal cover, World Neurosurgery.jpg Carbohydrate Research The Cryosphere Emerald Management Reviews Environmental Sciences Europe Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal University press Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society The Review of Black Political Economy Political Studies Review (journal) Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis Sociologus The Falkland Islands Journal IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing Life (Journal) Life (journal) BMJ Open File:Cover of the AIPLA Quarterly Journal circa 2014.png AIPLA Quarterly Journal Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship Palimpsest (journal) Surgical Neurology International File:Surgical Neurology International journal cover, SNI cover.jpg History in Africa Mande Studies File:Cover picture of Oxford Development Studies.jpg Computación y Sistemas Lingvisticae Investigationes File:Cover-of-Lingvisticae-Investigationes.png Psyche (journal) Template:Psychiatry-journal-stub Data paper Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics Postgraduate Medicine Zaïre. Revue Congolaise-Congoleesch Tijdschrift BTNG-RBHC BTNG—RBHC The Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance Citing Medicine Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History Africa Theological Journal The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience File:CABN 2014 cover.jpg Psychobiology (journal) Virginia Journal of Law and Technology McGill Journal of Law and Health File:JSNT.gif File:JSOT.gif File:2014 CJON cover.jpg Category:LGBT-related journals Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing McGill International Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy Ringgold identifier Indian Antiquary The Society of Neurological Surgeons File:Cover of Ibis.jpg Society of Neurological Surgeons The McGill International Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy Harvey Cushing Society The International Journal of Inclusive Democracy Journal of Geometry and Physics File:Ringgold logo.gif International Association for Pharmaceutical Technology File:ORCID logo.png Problems of Oriental Philosophy (journal) Journal of Women, Politics & Policy Journal of Biomedical Optics International Society for Autonomic Neuroscience Journal of Applied Remote Sensing The Canadian Army Journal File:ISAN Autonomic Neuroscience logo.png Autonomic Neuroscience: Basic and Clinical American Autonomic Society Przeglad Socjologiczny Exceptional Children Teaching Exceptional Children Nordic Journal for Masculinity Studies TEACHING Exceptional Children Category:Philology journals Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy File:Journal of Animal Ecology cover, Volume 83, Issue 3.jpg Template:Pharma-journal-stub Template:Pharmacy-journal-stub Template:Pharmacology-journal-stub Psychonomic Bulletin & Review Volume! la revue des musiques populaires Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology Clinical Neurophysiology (journal) File:HR cover.gif J Geoscience Education J Geol Ed Systematic Reviews (journal) PSYNDEX Swiss Journal of Psychology Scandinavian Journal of Psychology Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine Journal of Dermatology Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata Journal of Power and Energy Journal of Librarianship and Information Science Transactions of The Microscopical Society & Journal File:2014 cover Annali di Matematica.jpg Cybernetics and Human Knowing File:Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy journal cover.jpg Spring (journal) Hijacked journal Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica. Section B. Soil and Plant Science Hormones and Behavior File:Cover for the journal Hormones and Behavior.gif Hormones and Behavior (journal) Horm Behav Horm. Behav. File:Cybernetics and Human Knowing Journal.png File:The Journal of Physiology.gif Category:Inderscience Publishers academic journals Journal of the Copyright Society of the USA Template:Anthropology-journal-stub Category:Ethnology journals Template:Ethno-journal-stub Category:Anthropology journal stubs Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Teaching Rivista italiana di economia demografia e statistica (RIEDS) Template:Paleo-journal-stub Template:Geo-journal-stub Agriculture and Environment Agro-Ecosystems Agric Ecosyst Environ Agric. Ecosyst. Environ. Revista Lecciones y Ensayos Lecciones y Ensayos Urban Studies Journal Ltd Journal of Business Forecasting Australian Journal of Political Science Nanotechnology Law & Business Biology (journal) File:Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports 2014 cover.jpg Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports Medical Care (journal) File:Current top med chem cover.jpg Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry Peregrine (journal) Immunology (journal) Journal of Group Theory North-Holland Publishing Company File:DM-cover.gif Journal of Industrial Ecology Adam Matthew Digital File:ScienceDirect logo.svg Category:Chilean law journals Revista Chilena de Historia del Derecho Revista chilena de historia del Derecho Acta Physiologica Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience Shock: Injury, Inflammation, and Sepsis: Laboratory and Clinical Approaches Shock Journal British Journal of General Practice International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets Teaching Mathematics and Its Applications Category:Law journal stubs Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology NeuroRehabilitation: An Interdisciplinary Journal Theatre Annual: A Journal of Performance Studies Dental Nursing The Zoist Acarologia Parenting: Science and Practice Creative Commons-BY-NC-ND CC-BY-NC-ND File:Experimental and Applied Acarology cover.jpg Experimental and Applied Acarology Journal of Vibration and Control File:Journal of Vibration and Control.jpg Rivista italiana di economia demografia e statistica Italian review of economics demography and statistics Italian society of economics demography and statistics Public Understanding of Science (journal) Journal of Financial Studies City and Community Nouvelles Annales de Mathématiques Clinical Ethics Psychology of Music (journal) Annales de psychiatrie Musicae Scientiae (journal) File:Psychology of Music.jpg Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics Hazard Prevention Hazard Prevention (journal) Journal of System Safety The Annual Register Annals of Surgical Oncology Chest journal File:Annals of Surgical Oncology cover.jpg File:Musicae Scientiae.jpg Ann. Surg. Oncol. Ann Surg Oncol Ann Surg. Ann Surg Oncol. Ann. Surg. Onc. File:Journal of Financial Studies cover 2014.jpg Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery Archives of Otolaryngology—Head & Neck Surgery Journal of Common Market Studies File:2014 JCMS cover.gif File:Ijapcover3.gif File:Cancer Informatics Cover.jpg Molecular Pain File:Mol pain logo.gif Mol Pain Mol. Pain Journal of Child and Family Studies Earth, Planets and Space Lunar and Planetary Science Conference Journal of experimental and theoretical artificial intelligence Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence Renewable Energy (journal) Renewable Energy (Journal) Energy Policy (journal) The CLR James Journal Category:Walter de Gruyter File:Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities.jpg Electronic Journal of Statistics Journal of Translational Medicine Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science Appetite (journal) Journal of Membrane Biology File:Pdclogo2.jpg American Journal of the Medical Sciences Template:Architecture-journal-stub Onychium (entomological journal) BioMed Research International American Journal of Cancer Research Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases File:OJRD logo.gif Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics Immunobiology (journal) File:Oncotarget April Cover.gif Journal of Advances in Information Fusion International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology Category:Royal Society academic journals Predatory open-access publishing The Australian Feminist Law Journal Journal of International Management Fremontia (journal) Fremontia, the Journal of the California Native Plant Society File:2014 cover Math Biosci.gif Mathematical Biosciences File:2014 cover Educ Psychol.jpg Educational Psychologist (journal) File:Astrophysics Journal Cover 10511.jpg Astrophysics (journal) File:APSS journal cover.JPG Antarctic Science File:Jeb 23 5 oc small.jpg Atmosphere (journal) Classical World (journal) Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association Fafnir (journal) Perpetual access Teaching Mathematics and its Applications Bird Study Results in Mathematics International Journal of Environmental Research Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research Frontiers (publisher) Chinese Historical Review Journal of Cultural Heritage Current Issues in Criminal Justice Business History (journal) European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology Solid State Ionics (journal) Humanity & Society File:Solid State Ionics cover.png Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly Johnsonia Chinese Physics Chinese Physics Letters Physics (journal) Category:Chinese Physical Society academic journals Category:American Physical Society academic journals Physical Review C Physical Review D Physical Review X Physical Review Special Topics: Accelerators and Beams Physical Review Special Topics: Physics Education Research Acta Physica Sinica Chinese Physics C Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics Precambrian Research Chinese Physical Society Physics (Chinese Physical Society journal) Category:Hungarian-language journals File:Polar Record journal, 2014, Vol 50, front cover.png File:The Polar Record journal 1931 Vol 1 Issue 1-Front Cover.png Advances in Chemical Physics PhiloSOPHIA Category:SUNY Press academic journals Philosophia (journal) File:Chinese Physics Letters cover.jpg File:Chinese Physics C cover.gif File:Chinese Physics B cover.gif Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface Neuromodulation (journal) Current Opinion in Anaesthesiology Pain Practice Neurosurgical Focus The British Journal of General Practice Central European Journal of Mathematics Blyttia NYU Journal of Law & Business Women's Studies in Communication The International Journal of the Platonic Tradition International Journal of the Platonic Tradition File:2014 IJPT cover.jpg File:Journal of Plastic Film and Sheeting.jpg File:Journal of Building Physics.jpg Journal of Building Physics Action Research (journal) File:The Economic and Labour Relations Review Journal cover small.gif.jpg Economic and Labour Relations Review File:Australian Journal of Management - cover.gif Journal of the American Pharmacists Association The Scholarly Kitchen SAGE Open Sage Open File:Journal cover SAGE Open.jpg Predatory journals Predatory journal Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition Global Public Health (journal) Journal of the Operations Research Society of China Mega journal Acta Philosophica Social Choice and Welfare File:Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control.jpg Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control File:Proceedings of the IMechE - C - journal cover.jpg Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene File:Journal of Child Health Care.jpg Journal of Child Health Care American Theological Library Association Religion Database File:2014 cover Numen.jpg Faculty Dental Journal Journal of Plastic Film and Sheeting Journal of Composite Materials File:Journal of Composite Materials.jpg Textile Research Journal File:Textile Research Journal.jpg Journal of Elastomers and Plastics File:Journal of Elastomers and Plastics.jpg Journal of Industrial Textiles File:Journal of Industrial Textiles.jpg Journal of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers File:Journal of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers.jpg File:Front cover of Tourist Studies journal.jpg Strategic Organization (Journal) Strategic Organization (journal) File:Strategic Organization.jpg Iheringia ECS Electrochemistry Letters Elementa ECS Solid State Letters File:EELJournalCover.gif File:Cover of scientific journal Rubber Chemistry and Technology.jpg File:Lighting Research & Technology.jpg Lighting Research & Technology File:Proceedings of the IMechE - D - journal cover.jpg File:Proceedings of the IMechE - N - journal cover.jpg File:Journal of Fire Sciences.jpg Journal of Fire Sciences File:International Journal of Damage Mechanics front cover image.jpg File:Journal of Vacation Marketing Journal Front Cover.jpg Waste Management & Research Organization (journal) Organization (Journal) File:Organization (Journal).jpg File:Organization Studies.jpg Organization Studies (journal) File:Theory and Research in Education cover 2014.jpg File:Journal of Research in International Education cover.jpg File:Sexualities.jpg File:Educational Management Administration & Leadership Journal Front Cover.jpg File:Education, Citizenship and Social Justice Journal Front Cover.jpg File:Marketing Theory.jpg Marketing Theory File:Qualitative Research.jpg Translational Neurodegeneration Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Energy-Safety and Energy-Economy Poetics Today File:Poetics Today.jpg Biological Journal of the Linnean Society Contemporary Educational Psychology Quarterly Review of Film Studies File:Quarterly Review of Film and Video cover.jpg Atmospheric Environment Atmospheric Environment, Part A: General Topics Atmospheric Environment, Part B: Urban Atmosphere Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis Acta Biologiae Experimentalis Acta neurobiologiae experimentalis Acta Neurobiol Exp (Wars). Acta Neurobiol Exp (Wars) Acta Neurobiol Exp Acta Neurobiol. Exp. Acta Neurobiol Exp. File:2014 cover acta neurobiol exp.jpg File:JSS Journal Cover.gif ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology File:Planning Perspectives cover image.jpg Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology Planning Perspectives Anthropology In Action File:2014 cover J Diff Geom.jpg File:2014 cover learn behav.jpg Learning & Behavior Animal Learning and Behavior Learn. Behav. Learning and Behavior Animal Learning & Behavior Focus on Alternative and Complementary Therapies Paediatric Nursing (journal) Abstracts on Hygiene & Communicable Diseases Horticultural Science Abstracts JWHA Journal Predatory open access publishers Journal of Emergency Nursing Black Music Research Journal Predatory open access journals File:2014 cover Black Music Res J.jpg Malaria Journal Willdenowia Cuban Journal of Physics Revista Cubana de Fisica Revista Cubana de Física Statistics and its Interface Category:Academic journals by country of publication Category:Academic journals published in the United States Category:Academic journals published in the United Kingdom Journal of Policy History File:TAMS.jpg Category:Spandidos Publications academic journals Spandidos Publications Reviews on Environmental Health Notes and Records of the Royal Society Notes and Records: the Royal Society journal of the history of science File:Notes and Records of the Royal Society, March 2012 cover.gif Arts Education Policy Review Category:Works originally published in Science (journal) Hudební nástroje (journal) Competition and Change (journal) Competition and Change Competition & Change Acta Neurologica Belgica File:2014 cover Acta Neurol Belg.jpg Scholarly Kitchen Learned Publishing Tobacco Control (journal) Royal Society Open Science Exemplaria Chemotherapia Chemotherapy (journal) Journal of Quality Assurance Category:HIV/AIDS journals Journal of Neuro-Oncology Actas Espanolas de Psiquiatria Actas Españolas de Psiquiatría File:2014 cover AEdP.jpg File:Journal of Personality.cover.jpg Category:Internal medicine journals J Neurooncol J. Neurooncol. File:Geophysics-cover.gif Geophysics (journal) Journal of Modern Literature ECONLIT The Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics ESC Heart Failure Journal of Quantitative Criminology J. Quant. Criminol. Italian Studies in Southern Africa Social Science Research Proceedings of the Natural Institute of Science Proceedings of The Natural Institute of Science Studi d’Italianistica nell’Africa Australe File:Open Biology journal cover.jpg File:2014 cover AETR.jpg Acupuncture & Electro-Therapeutics Research Acupuncture and Electro-Therapeutics Research Acupunct. Electrother. Res. 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